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HomeMy WebLinkAbout226 Church StreetAia NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment?and,Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Water Quality Programs Fat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder John E. Skvarla, III Governor - Director Secretary January "21',, 2014 Corey Darnell 9001 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC27617 Subject: Buffer Determination° Letter NBRRO, #14 =011 Wake•County Determination Type: Buffer Call ;Isolated or EIP °Call ® Neuse (1:5A NCAC 213 -0233) Start @. Tar- Parrilico (15A NCAC 213 025% ❑. Ephemeral /Intermitterit/Perennial Determination ,❑ ❑ Isolated' Wetland Determinatioh ❑ Joedan,(15A,NCAC,2B .0267) Subject Project Name: 226 Church Street` Location/Directions:- Property'is alocated at'226 Church Street Morrisvi116, NC. Subject Stream: C_'rabtree Creek_ Determination, Date January 21, 2014 .Staff: James Graham-* eature/Flag 'E/1/P* Not " Subject Start @. ,Stop@ Soil USES Subject Sur-ve� 'T,o o A I X throughout Tlirou bout X *E /UP =-Epliein&al /Intermittent /Perennial Explanation: The�feature(s) listed above has or',have been Ibcated,on,the,Soil Survey of, Wake County; North Carolina or the most'recentrcopy of ihe,,USGS' Topographic map at a 1 -.24,000,scale. Eachfeatute that is checked "Not 90ject "7has been detenniiied,not'to be a,streamtor'is not present`on theiproperty., Features that are checked "Subject" have,been located on the - property and! possess, characteristics "that,qualify it to be,a stream. There maybe Other, streams lbcated,on,your property that; do not show up'on.the maps referenced,above but,,,still may be consi'deredJurisdictional according to the US Army'Corps of Engineers and/orto ,the Divi_s'ion of WaterResources (D WR). This on -site determination,shall,expire:five (5).yearsnfrom the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties, that dispute:a determination made by the DWR,or Delegated Local Authority may,: request,a determination ,by the Director.,An appeal request must be made withiin sixty '(60) days of date -of this,lefterbr °from the date the affected party (including downstream and /or adjacent owners) is notified of•this letter. A eeques "t for a determination by'the No�rthCarolina Nawra!!ry North Carolina Division of,Water Resources 1628 Mak arvice,Center -Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 Phone,(919) 791 -4200 Inte- rnet -.www nc atergualit-i org Location 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh,vNC 27609 Fax (919) 788 =71'59 An Equar6pportunity /Affrrnabve,Action;Employer '50 %!Recycled110% Post Consuine(#apef 226,Church Street,, W,ake•County J4nuary'21 „2014 Page 2,of 2 DirectoVstiali be _referred,to the writing c7,o Karen Higgins,•DWR WeBSCaPe,Unit, - T650'.1VIai1 Service Center, Raleigh, NC' 27699. This determination i& final and bind ing•unless,,as detailed,above, you „ask for a hear-mg;or appeatwithin sixty (60) days. 'The owner %future,owuers” ".should notify ttie Division of Water Resources (including any other,Local,Siaie, and 'Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any1future�correspond'ences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project,may require .a Section 404/401 Permit foe thetproposed activity..Any inguirie`s should, be directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Offi_ce);at (91-9) =807 -6300, and the US°Army Corp of Engineer,§ (RaleigbRegulatory Field Office)�at (919) -554= 4884., If you have questions regarding this determinat' 'ion „please`feel, free to,cbntact Sara,Knies at (9.19) 791 -4200. es , ctfully, Danny S _ ih,,Sdpervisor Water Quality Section_ Raleigh -Regional, Office, cc: RRO /SWP-.File Copy, s� WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - SH EE ��R2� C C CrB21 s�, 11 54 Au Wh MCI? CtB Au _ 'V Cm M s lox- > ' CfB2 orrisvil e 4n cq �AfA cm My AfA Au Cp GrC2 MyB2 .. up I� Cm Wn Cr62 . AfA Wn C�+ � f Wn My82 CrB2 Wy Cm ^ti Myp cm', Au Au Cm MyB2 Wn -� r W q� cm My6� rn Wn A s My© MyB2 WtB t C AfA f Au E WsE f Au E lyc 11 ( /4.p ..r rN • op - --. -"/ At Ted - ��' �''� ' ` ,r - •.�' - _ CeM • - �/ SOURCE: FIGURE 1 (- -� United States Geological Survey SITE LOCATION MAP 7.5 - Minute Series Topographic Map - Town of Morrisville Site Cary, NC Quadrangle 226 & 228 Church Street Dated: 1999 338 Page Street Contour Interval = 10 feet Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina , -- -- -- -- Scale: 1" = 2,000' � ECS Project #: 06:21221 -A ( /4.p ..r