HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080900 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20140121(h-op Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration 2013 Final Monitoring Report Monitoring Year Two Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 92351 Submitted to: NCDENR- Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Project Designed by: EcoEngineering — A Division of the John R. McAdams Co. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 Construction Complete: February 2011 AN 9 1 264 Submitted: November 11, 2013 f, B aiTtem nt PROGRAM RECEIVED NOV 2 o 2013 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration 2013 Final Monitoring Report Monitoring Year Two Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project Number 92351 1 Prepared by: URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Project Manager: Charlie Benton charles.benton(2urs.com 919- 461 -1435 Submitted: November 11, 2013 Table of Contents 10 Executive Summary/Project Abstract 20 Methodology 30 References List of Tables Table la Project Restoration Components Table lb Project Restoration Components — Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Baseline Information and Attributes Table 5 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Table 6 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 7 CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Table 8 CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Table 9 Stem Count Total by Random Transect Plot Table 10 Verification of Bankfull Events Table 11 Wetland Hydrology Criteria Attainment List of Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map and Directions Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Figure 2a Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Figure 2b Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Figure 3 USGS Proximal Gauge Lumber River at Lumberton, NC Figure 4 Meadowbranch Swamp Canal 3O -70 Percentile Graph for Rainfall in 2012, Lumberton, NC Figure 5 Monitoring Gauge 1 Figure 6 Monitoring Gauge 2 Figure 7 Monitoring Gauge 3 Figure 8 Monitoring Gauge 4 Figure 9 Monitoring Gauge 5 Figure 10 Monitoring Gauge 6 Figure 11 Monitoring Gauge 7 Figure 12 Monitoring Gauge 8 Figure 13 Monitoring Gauge 9 Figure 14 Monitoring Gauge 10 — Reference Gauge Figure 15 Monitoring Gauge 11 Figure 16 Monitoring Gauge 12 Figure 17 Monitoring Gauge 13 List of Appendices Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Appendix D Hydrologic Data 0 1 3 5 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 23 24 25 27 39 8 15 16 17 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 7 14 21 26 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/PROJECT ABSTRACT The goal of this project was to restore, enhance, and preserve the project area The project created low areas in an access road adjacent to the Meadowbranch Canal based on flood elevations, removed a former logging road, and planted native wetland vegetation in select areas According to the Restoration Plan (The John R McAdams Company, Inc, 2007) and the Baseline Monitoring Report (EcoEngineering, 2011), the intent of this project was to return the site to a more natural hydrologic state to accomplish the following objectives: • Store and treat runoff from 1.8 square miles of developed land, nearly half of Lumberton, which drains to the project site • Allow for retention and treatment of sediment, nutrients, and toxins to improve water quality of the Lumber River, which is listed as impaired approximately six miles downstream of the project site • Support the goals outlined in the 2003 Lumber, River Basinwide Water Quality Plan by implementing a project within a watershed that has been identified by the NC Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) as having the greatest need. • Assist in the improvement of water quality; the Basinwide Water Quality Plan indicates 406 miles of waters within Subbasin 03 -07 -51 are impaired • Provide a more natural flood regime and flood storage for waters in Meadowbranch Swamp • Connect to surrounding wetland areas and enhance the wildlife habitat present in the wetland The project site is approximately one -half mile west - northwest of Lumberton, in Robeson County, North Carolina The site consists of a wooded parcel owned by the Lumber River Conservancy which encompasses approximately 55 4 acres The site is located along Carthage Road which bounds the site to the south. Located immediately adjacent to the west of the site is a channelized water feature known as Meadowbranch Swamp Canal. There is an access road, which is maintained by the City of Lumberton, along Meadowbranch Swamp Canal which extends north from Carthage Road to NC 211 In addition, there was a former logging road located within the interior of the site which began approximately 100 feet from Meadowbranch Swamp Canal. The former logging road began at Carthage Road and extended north, roughly paralleling Meadowbranch Swamp Canal for a distance of approximately 2,000 feet Along the eastern edge of the former logging road was a ditch feature The site is located in the Inner Coastal Plain Physiographic Region of North Carolina and lies within US Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code 03040203 080010 (NCDENR, 2003), which falls within the Lumber River Basin The NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) River Subbasm for the project area is listed as the Lumber 03 -07 -51 (NCDENR, 2003). The current state classification (NCDENR, 2012) for Meadowbranch Swamp (Stream Index # 14 -12) from its source to the Lumber River, is C, Sw (swamp waters). Class C waters support aquatic life, wildlife, and they can also be used for secondary recreation and agriculture. The Sw classification is intended for waters which have low velocities and other natural characteristics different from adjacent streams 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 The project site is almost entirely forested primarily with young hardwoods and some areas of young pine This is due to the fact that the site was logged approximately 15 years ago Due to the timing of the logging, the site is currently at a stage of succession where the vegetation is very dense Currently, there are a few small areas near the access road along Meadowbranch Swamp that still have stands of relatively older growth bald cypress (Tazodium distichum) and would be designated as Cypress -Gum Swamp Other larger areas have some young bald cypress, but the areas are more dominated by red maple (Acer rubrum) and river birch (Betula nigra). Aside from the few areas of Cypress -Gum Swamp on the site, the remainder of the area could best be described as a disturbed site undergoing succession to a Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood (based on reference wetland conditions) In general, the majority of the site appears to have characteristics of a Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood forest. However, some portions of the site contained large concentrations of Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) which have been removed and treated These areas have been replanted with native vegetation Monitoring Year 2 (MY2) field investigations took place on September 17, 2013 All vegetation plots were found to be in fair condition and all are meeting vegetative success criteria. However, vegetation plot 2 is beginning to show signs of distress There was very little vegetative cover (including herbaceous weed growth) in the plot overall, bare ground was visible throughout, and there were many planted stems marked `missing.' Two random transects were inventoried within the Chinese privet removal areas Both transects contained large amounts of Chinese privet and very little else It was difficult to distinguish between naturally regenerating native stems and planted native stems, however, the dominant shrub stratum in both transects was Chinese privet. There are some larger native canopy trees in the area, but native species were observed in very small numbers in the shrub and sapling stratum There was a notable increase in the density of the shrub stratum since Monitoring Year 1 (MY 1) measurements. The percentage of Chinese privet in the two random transects was 81 percent and 76 percent, respectively These results are presented in Table 9 of Appendix C. Overall, the site is in good condition, with the exception of the presence of Chinese privet. Chinese privet was observed scattered along the entirety of the canal road. During Year 1 monitoring, the presence of Chinese privet appeared to be most problematic within the transect areas leading to the groundwater gauges. These areas continue to be problematic, and appear to be expanding beyond the limits noted during MY1 This is likely due to the clearing that took place in the transect areas. The northern portions of the site continue to support the largest populations The Chinese privet is particularly abundant between berm cuts 8 and 9 and along the canal road and removal areas Very large specimens (20 -30 feet) were observed in these areas The growing season is 213 days, and has been set from April 1 to October 30. Criteria established for the site state that groundwater levels must be at or above 12 inches of the ground surface for 10 percent of the growing season, or 21 days All of the 13 groundwater gauges installed on -site met the hydrologic success criteria described above between April 1 and September 16 of 2013 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 A rain gauge was installed on the site in October of 2006 During MY1, it was discovered that the gauge was not functioning properly Data were downloaded on November 16, 2012 and resulted in readings for two days only A replacement gauge was installed on the site on April 24, 2013. A data download was attempted during MY2 (on September 17, 2013) and the device could not be read due to an empty battery. The device will be re- installed on the site at the beginning of the 2014 growing season The NC Climate Retrieval and Observations Network of the Southeast (NC CRONOS) database was used to generate rainfall data for the site (NC - CRONOS, 2013) Station 315177 — Lumberton was used This station is less than two miles southeast (downstream) of the site Normal annual precipitation for the station is 47.9 inches Rainfall over the past 12 months totaled 52 4 inches, indicating that the past year has been slightly above normal. On -site stream gauge data and USGS stream gauge data indicate two bankfull events over the course of the past 12 months (September 2012 to September 2013). Evidence of the bankfull events is present on -site and observed during MY2 There are drainage patterns from the canal into the wetlands on the back side of the access road and vegetation has been matted down in these areas Erosion was noted behind the matting at Roadway Cuts 1 and 2 during MY1 The erosion in these areas has not changed since MY1 More recent erosion was noted along the banks of Meadowbranch Canal in the vicinity of Roadway Cuts 3 and 4, and erosion is evident behind the matting at both of these areas Photographs have been included with electronic files, but these areas were not identified as a problem at this time The roadway cuts and bank condition will be monitored for changes during future monitoring events. Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly Restoration Plan) documents available on EEP's website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request. 2.0 METHODOLOGY Three vegetation plots have been established along the former logging road within the project site These plots were established according to CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al, v42, 2008) and are 20 meters by five meters in size During MY1, the corners of each plot were marked with three -foot PVC piping and flagged The southwest corner of each plot, or plot origin, was flagged with orange and the remaining three corners were flagged with blue Planted stems were flagged with white Version 4 2 of the CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation was used to inventory these plots (Level 1 -2). Natural regeneration stems were recorded but not flagged A reference photograph was taken from the origin of each plot, facing across the plot. 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp —MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Additionally, two random transects, 50 meters by two meters in size were established within the Chinese privet areas and inventoried for stems greater than one meter high Stem counts included planted stems, volunteers, and invasive species (Chinese privet) Stem species and count were recorded No stems were flagged within the transects Ten automated groundwater gauges, a stream gauge, and a rainfall gauge were installed at the site in October 2006 These gauges were installed in order to monitor the water table at the site during the initial project investigation and design One of the 10 gauges was placed on the west side of Meadowbranch Swamp Canal in the reference wetland area in order to monitor reference wetland hydrology Following the completion of construction, three additional automated groundwater gauges (gauges 11 through 13) were placed within the limits of the restored area of the former logging road to measure the groundwater table All 13 gauges were located and marked with blue and white striped flagging All 13 gauges are Ecotone brand water level monitors that were downloaded using a handheld Meazura MEZ1000 data logger For the gauges where transects were used to locate them away from the former logging road or maintenance road, pink flagging was used to mark transect lines The stream gauge and rainfall gauge are also Ecotone brand monitors and were downloaded using the same equipment stated above. 4 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 3.0 REFERENCES EcoEngmeermg 2011. Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Baseline Monitoring Report SCO# 06- 06731 -01, EEP ID# 92351, Robeson County EcoEngmeermg, A division of the John R McAdams Company, Inc Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program November 14, 2011 EEP 2011 Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports Version 14 (11/07/11) NCDENR, NCEEP 46pp Lee, Michael T, Peek, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R 2008 CVS -EEP - Protocol for Recording Vegetation. All Levels of Plot Sampling. Version 4 2 ( http:// cvs .bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs -eep- protocol- v4.2 -lev 1- 5.pdf). NC CRONOS 2013. NC Climate Retrieval and Observations Network of the Southeast. State Climate Office of North Carolina Station 315177 — Lumberton. http: / /www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu/cronos - NCDENR 2012 Surface Water Classifications http: / /portal ncdenr.org/web/wg/ps/csu/classifications NCDENR 2003 2003 Lumber River Basinwide Water Quality Plan Division of Water Quality The John R. McAdams Company, Inc 2007 Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Restoration Plan USGS RUC 03040203, Robeson County, North Carolina Prepared for NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. June 18, 2007 USGS 2013 Lumber River at Lumberton, NC streamflow gauge USGS Real -Time Water _ Data Gauge 02134170. b=- / /waterdata.usgs.gov 5 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Appendices for Project Background, Condition and Performance Data 6 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14,11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Appendix A: Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables 7 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 I� i .I fi �j Directions to the Site: From 1 -95 South, take exit 19 for Carthage Road. Turn right onto West Carthage Road. Just before the guardrail, there is a pull off on the right side of the road with a metal gate. The gate opens onto the access road for the site. Lumber River Basin Sanderson Road a T m Um S1 � Canha9e R ad 34.639130, - 79.029236 The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees/contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with EEP 1/ Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Sure 40g Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919-061 -1100 Prepared For: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program Project: Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Robeson County NC , CU 03040203 "send =Project Area — Former Logging Road — stream, = Interstate Figure 1 Vicinity Map and Directions Fax. 919-461 -1415 F1` ;j; Project Number: 92351 Date: October 2013 US H" —NC Hwy Local Road Municipal Boundary 0 0.25 0.5 1 Mlles II Table 1a: Protect Restoration Comnonents Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Protect Number 92351 Project Existing Restoration Approach Acreage Mitigation Stationing Mitigation BMP Comments Component Acres Level Ratio Units Elements Former 288 RI Grading of Road, Removal of 288 50+00— 1 1 288 Logging Road Ditch Feature, & Replanting 72 +50 Enhancement Improved Hydrologic of Wetlands 395 E Connections from Berm Cuts 395 21 197 (Hydrological) & Road Crossings Enhancement Improved Hydrologic of Wetlands Connections from Berm Cuts (Hydrological 493 E & Road Crossings, Privet 4 93 21 247 & Vegetative) Removal, Herbicide Treatment, & Replanting Enhancement Privet Removal, Herbicide of Wetlands 035 E Treatment, & Replanting 035 21 0 18 (Vegetative) Preservation 0 87 P Preservation of Existing 0 87 5 1 0 17 (Wetlands) Wetlands i = tsK = moretention t;e11, 5r = Cana riper, bW = stormwater Wetlana, WUF = Wet Detention Fond, DDF = Dry Detention Fond, FS = Filter Strip, S = Grassed Swale, LS = Level Spreader, NI — Natural Infiltration Area, O = Other CF = Cattle Fencing, WS = Watering System, CH = Livestock Housing, Not Applicable = —® 9 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Table l h: Proiect Restoration Comnonents Not Applicable = —t- 10 92351– Meadowbranch Swamp – MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Restoration Stream Non - Riparian Wetland (Ac) Upland Buffer BMP Level (if) (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) Rivenne Non- Riverme Restoration 288 Enhancement 395 (Hydrological) Enhancement (Hydrological 493 & Vegetative) Enhancement 035 (Vegetative) Presery ation 087 (Wetlands) 0 48 53 4853 0 0 0 0 Totals (Acres) MU Totals 0 2545 0 0 0 0 Not Applicable = —t- 10 92351– Meadowbranch Swamp – MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 Table 2: Project Activity and Reporting History Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete: 2 yr 9 months Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete: 2 yr 2 months Number of Reporting Years: 2 Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Apr -07 Jun -07 Final Design — Construction Plans Oct -10 Dec -10 Construction N/A Feb -11 Containerized, bare root and B &B plantings for reach/segments 1 &2 N/A Feb -11 Mitigation Plan/As -Built (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) Sep -11 Oct -11 Year 1 Monitoring Nov -12 Jan -13 Year 2 Monitoring Sep -13 Nov -13 Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring 11 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Table 3: Proiect Contacts Table Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Designer EcoEngmeenng — A Division of The John R McAdams Co 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 Primary project design POC George Buchholz 919- 287 -4262 Construction Contractor EQR, LLC 1405 Benson Court, Suite C Arbutus, MD 21227 Construction contractor POC James Walker 443 - 304 -3314 Survey Contractor Turner Land Surveying PO Box 41023 Raleigh, NC 27629 Survey contractor POC David Turner 919 - 623 -5095 Planting Contractor Natives, Inc 550 East Westinghouse Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28273 Planting contractor POC Gregg Antemann 866 -527 -1177 Seeding Contractor EQR, LLC 1405 Benson Court, Suite C Arbutus, MD 21227 Seeding contractor POC James Walker 443 - 304 -3314 Seed Mix Sources ERNST Seeds 9066 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 800 - 873 -3321 Nursery Stock Suppliers NC Division of Forest Resources 1616 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 919- 733 -2162 Monitoring Performers — Year 0 EcoEngmeenng — A Division of The John R McAdams Co 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 Monitoring POC George Buchholz 919- 287 -4262 Monitoring Performers — Year 1 URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Monitoring POC Kathleen McKeithan 919 - 461 -1597 Monitoring Performers — Year 2 URS Corporation — North Carolina 201 N Front Street, Suite 509 Wilmington, NC 28401 Monitoring POC Susan Westberry 910 - 343 -5994 12 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Table 4: Proiect Baseline Information and Attributes Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Project County Robeson Physiographic Region Inner Coastal Plain Ecoregion Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terrace Project River Basin Lumber USGS HUC for Protect (14 digit) 03040203 080010 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project 03 -07 -51 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? N/A WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) Warm % of project easement fenced or demarcated 100 %, by canal & by EEP markers Beaver activity observed during design phase? Yes Restoration Component Attribute Table PROJECT SITE Meadowbranch Canal Drainage Area 34 4 ac Stream order 3`d Restored length N/A Perennial or Intermittent N/A Watershed type (rural, urban, developing, etc) Developing Watershed LULC Distribution N/A Watershed impervious cover N/A NCDWQ AU/Index number 14 -12 NCDWQ classification C, Sw 303(d) listed? No* Upstream of a 303(d) listed segment? No* Reasons for 303(d) listing or stressor N/A Total acreage of easement 554 Total vegetated acreage within the easement (wetland & privet areas) 5061 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration (former logging road & privet areas) 8 16 Dominant soil series and characteristics Series Bibb Depth N/A Clay % N/A K N/A T N/A * The Lumber River is not listed as impaired on the 2012 Draft 303(d) list, but was listed at the time of the protect inception and construction 13 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Appendix B: Visual Assessment Data 14 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — W2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919 -461 -1100 Fax: 919 -461 -1415 Tim Prepared For: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program c� lis jai �tem�t Project: Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Robeson County, NC CU 03040203 Monitoring Year: 2 (2013) Project Number: 92351 Date: October 2013 E 2012 Aerial Orthophotography (Source: ESRI Basemap) Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View Project Overview Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919 -461 -1100 Fax: 919 -461 -1415 Tim Prepared For: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program r~ 1,,�otemnt Project: Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Robeson County, NC CU 03040203 Monitoring Year: 2 (2013) Project Number: 92351 Date: October 2013 2012 Aerial Orthophotography (Source: ESRI Basemap) Figure 2a Current Condition Plan View Prepared By URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919 -461 -1100 Fax: 919 -461 -1415 0 Prepared For: NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program c~ ,� hc1s� stem �.'.l ]aI '('.IIIC'Ilt �OGWM Project: Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Robeson County, NC CU 03040203 Monitoring Year: 2 (2013) Project Number: 92351 Date: October 2013 2012 Aerial Orthophotography (Source: ESRI Basemap) Figure 2b Current Condition Plan View Table 5: Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Planted Acreage 8.16 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Vegetation Category Definitions Planted Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous 0 1 acres N/A 0 0 0 material 2. Low Stem Density Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based 0 1 acres N/A 0 0 0 Areas on 3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria TCota11 �O 0 3. Areas of Poor Tobviously s with woody stems of a size class that are 0 25 acres N/A 0 0 0 Growth Rates or Vigor small even the monitoring year C *nmulatlWe Tiotal �O �O 0 Easement Acreage 55.4 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Planted Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Areas of presence and/or re- growth of Chinese privet Yellow dot Concern — High Density with high density 1000 SF pattern 4 7 14 129 5. Invasive Areas of Areas of presence and/or re- growth of Chinese privet Purple dot Concern — Low Dense with low density, or spotty growth 1000 SF pattern 5 9 79 17 7 6. Easement Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at N/A 0 0 0 Encroachment Areas map scale none 18 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 19 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Photos taken September 17, 2013 VP1 VP3 20 VP2 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Appendix C: Vegetation Plot Data 21 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Table 6: Vegetation Plot MitiEation Success Summary Table Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Tract Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met. Meadowbranch VP 1 Yes VP2 Yes V P3 Yes 22 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Tahle 7: CVS Vevetation Metadata Tahle Report Prepared By Susan Westberry Date Prepared 9/23/2013 16 33 database name Meadowbranch Swamp Canal 92351 MY2 2013 mdb database location Z \Share \SW\Meadowbranch Momtorm \cvs -ee -ent tool -v2 3 1 computer name 1612LP- W70005 file size 59768832 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT ------- - - - -- Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of ro ect s and project data Pro", planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Pro l, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc Vigor Frequencv distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor b Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by e for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by e for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY---------------- - - - - -- --------------- Project Code 92351 project Name Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration Description restore surface flow and groundwater elevations within the site area by removing the former logging road and modifying the canal access road River Basin Lumber length(ft) 4788 stream-to-edge width ft 7 areas m 622685 Required Plots calculated 3 Sampled Plots 3 23 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 "l Table 8: CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10°/6"4 Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% 24 92351- Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Current Plot Data MY2 2013 Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type E92351 -01 -0001 E92351 -01 -0002 E92351 -01 -0003 MY2 2013 M 2012 M 2011 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P- all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 4 4 6 Betula ni ra river birch Tree 7 7 34 4 4 25 5 1 5 32 16 16 91 15 15 16 16 16 16 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 7 7 7 5 5 5 7 7 7 Li uidambar styraciflua sweet um Tree 8 7 15 Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub 4 4 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 5 5 1 Quercus oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 l 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Quercus 1 rata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 4 6 6 6 Quercus ni ra water oak Tree 3 3 3 Quercus pagoda the bark oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree l 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 8 8 8 12 12 12 15 15 15 Salix ni ra black willow I Tree 3 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 1 l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 13 13 48 10 10 31 15 15 65 38 38 144 42 42 51 56 56 56 1 1 1 3 3 3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.07 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 4 9 7 7 12 7 7 9 "1755.4 9 9 526.1 1942 404.7 1255 607 2630 512.6 1942 566.6 688 755.4 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10°/6"4 Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% 24 92351- Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Table 9: Stem Count Total by Random Transect Plot 25 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Current Plot Data (MW2 2013 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Random Transect 1 Random Transect 2 Total Total Acer rubrum red maple Tree 5 12 Li ustrum smense Chinese privet Shrub/Tree 71 76 Liriodendron tuli i era tulip tree Tree 4 N ssa s lvatica black gum Tree 3 Ox dendrum arboreum sourwood Tree 4 Sambucus canadensis elderberry Shrub 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 4 uercus alcata Southern red oak Tree 1 Morella ceri era wax myrtle Shrub /Tree 1 Total stem count 88 100 Invasive stem count 71 76 Native stem count 17 24 size ares 1 size ACRES 002 Species count 7 5 Native stems per acre 850 1,200 Percent of total stems invasive 807 760 25 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Appendix D: Hydrologic Data 26 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1 4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Table 10: Verification of Bankfull Events Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Date of Data Date of Occurrence Method Photo # (if available) Collection 7/2/13 7/2/13 Site photographs (canal over 990,992 bankful, overtopping banks, logging road submerged) 8/30/13 Unknown Site photographs (flow patterns 276 from canal into wetlands on back side of access road) 9/17/13 6/13/13 to 6/15/13, On -site data logger (Ecotone water 7/11/13 to 7/15/13 level gauge) 9/17/13 Unknown Site photographs (sediment within 37,38 reference wetland indicating water above bankfull) 9/17/13 Unknown Site photographs (sediment at berm 7,13 cuts indicating water above bankfull) 9/27/13 Two between 9/16/12 Proximal USGS gauge resource and 9/16/13 (supports findings of on -site data logger) The data logger on -site recorded two bankfull events between September 16, 2012 and September 16, 2013 Proximal USGS gauge data support this finding Potential bankfull occurrence for the entire year (September 16, 2012 to September 16, 2013) was extrapolated based on USGS stream gauge discharge data for the Lumber River at Lumberton, NC. The USGS gauge plot is shown below (Figure 3) The gauge is located less than two miles downstream from the project site and has a drainage area of 708 square miles An estimate of the number of bankfull events between September 16, 2012 and September 16, 2013 was made by comparing the stream discharges from the USGS data in cubic feet per second (cfs) against the bankfull discharge estimated from the drainage area on the Coastal Plain Regional Curve. According to the regional curve, a bankfull event occurs on a stream with a 708 - square mile drainage area when the discharge is about 2,000 cfs. This discharge was exceeded twice during the past year, and verifies the results from the on -site data logger. On June 11, 2013, the USGS gauge reached 2,210 cfs, it peaked during this event at 3,390 cfs on June 13, 2013 and receded below 2,000 cfs on June 18, 2013. On July 2, 2013, the USGS gauge reached 2,760 cfs, it peaked during this event at 3,830 cfs on July 6, 2013 and receded below 2,000 cfs on July 18, 2013 Rainfall data are presented in Figure 4 27 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Photo 990. Canal above bankful at culvert on West Carthage Road Photo 992. Old logging road submerged 28 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4,11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Photo 276. Drainage patterns from canal into wetland on backside of access road Photo 37. Sediment in reference wetland 29 Photo 38. Sediment in reference wetland 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Photo 7. Sediment at berm cut 30 Photo 13. Sediment at berm cut 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4,11/07/11) URS — November 2013 -S 48ee O U 3890 N 2999 a 4+ 0 c� 1080 v a v d ao qL .0 0 N O J lee 0 re 3: USUS Proximal Gauge: Lumber River at Lum USGS 02134170 LUMBER RIVER AT LUMBERTON, NC Nov Jan Mar 2012 2813 2813 — Daily naxinun discharge Daily nininun discharge Daily nean discharge Wo May Jul Sep 2813 2813 2013 Period of approved data Period of provisional data Figure 4: Meadowbranch Swamp Canal 30 -70 Percentile Graph f r 12 —fall in 71111 1 ..mhartnn N(' 14 12 10 c c g 0 a 6 Precipitation (in) U 30th Percentile L d 4 70th Percentile 2 0 115 ti� ti� titi by NY tit N NY tiV N N N N �o� Ord �a� o'ac PQ "'aJ "oo -J" VO 4 Date 31 92351- Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Figure 5: Monitoring Gauge 1 Monitoring Gauge 1- 13D4C497 16 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 53 days 12 12 = Longest Consecutive above 12" =17 da s 8 8 Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 52 days 4 4 above 12" 25 days 0 0 � m 3 a o 0 3 0 0 -4 s Q 8 A is �� Vl N tL N c -4 N o C -8 o -12 Q) -16 to -16 o m -24 -20 -28 -24 -32 -28 -36 -32 -36 -40 -40 oti� oti� oti� oti�' oti� oti3 oti� oti� \ti C5may yo \N Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 ---- *Consecutive Days -2nd Consecutive Water Depth (in) -12 0 --- -Consecutive Days - 2nd Consecutive Figure 6: Monitoring Gauge 2 Monitoring Gauge 2 - 13D4A9C7 16 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 53 days 12 = above 12" =17 da s 8 4 0 0 � m 3 a o 0 3 0 � -4 s Q 8 A is �� Vl N tL N Figure 6: Monitoring Gauge 2 Monitoring Gauge 2 - 13D4A9C7 16 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 53 days 12 Second Longest Consecutive above 12" =17 da s 8 4 0 0 a 3 0 � -4 s Q 8 A is �� Vl N tL N -12 N o Q) -16 to M -20 3 o -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 'Lh0, Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 ---- *Consecutive Days -2nd Consecutive 32 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 53 days Second Longest Consecutive above 12" =17 da s 0 a 3 0 (D o �� Vl N tL N N 32 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Figure 7: Monitoring Gauge 3 Monitoring Gauge 3 - 13D49AC7 12 Longest Consecutive above 12" =132 days 8 4 0 v o t_ � C H _ -4 Y t -8 Q o -12 v -16 -20 3 -24 -28 -32 -36 ti`' \�o1� ti`' \�oy� ti`' ti`' \�o�3 ti`' \�oy3 ti`'0, 3\ p\ 4j\ ro\ 1\ g\ off\ ,yp\ Date Water Depth (in) x-12 —0 •— •Consecutive Days Figure 8: Monitoring Gauge 4 Monitoring Gauge 4 - 13D4911E to Longest Consecutive above 12" 50 days LMI 12 8 4 0 c -4 -8 v -12 -16 -20 � -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� h \�h \'L � \�h \'L A\�h � \may \'L �O \�h \'L Date Water Depth (m) ­12 0 e­ +Consecutive Days 33 92351 – Meadowbranch Swamp –MY2 Final Report (Vernon 1 4, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 Longest Consecutive above 12" =132 days m� v v o t_ � C H 4 Monitoring Gauge 4 - 13D4911E to Longest Consecutive above 12" 50 days LMI 12 8 4 0 c -4 -8 v -12 -16 -20 � -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� h \�h \'L � \�h \'L A\�h � \may \'L �O \�h \'L Date Water Depth (m) ­12 0 e­ +Consecutive Days 33 92351 – Meadowbranch Swamp –MY2 Final Report (Vernon 1 4, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 33 92351 – Meadowbranch Swamp –MY2 Final Report (Vernon 1 4, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 Figure 9: Monitoring Gauge 5 Monitoring Gauge 5 - 13D4911B 12 16 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12 = 52 days 8 above 12" = 42 days 4 8 0 0 c c v F 4 0 Longest Consecutive 5 m c 0 o c -a o C; � M -r- v v Y -8 Q o -12 -4 c)- -16 a) -8 -12 -20 °1 -24 -28 -16 -20 -32 -24 -36 -28 32 ^h \'L -36 \'L h \ ro \Yh 1 \� lb\'h � \�h\� 10\Nh Date oti� Water Depth (in) -12 0 *Consecutive Days 2nd Consecutive Figure 10: Monitoring Gauge 6 Monitoring Gauge 6 - 13D49A42 16 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12 = 52 days above 12" = 42 days 8 0 c c v 0 Longest Consecutive 5 m c 0 o c -a o C; � M v Figure 10: Monitoring Gauge 6 Monitoring Gauge 6 - 13D49A42 34 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 16 Second longest Consecutive 12 8 0 4 Longest Consecutive 5 m c 0 o c M c �+ v -4 c)- a) -8 -12 °1 -16 -20 -24 -28 32 -36 cc oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� oti� \�h\'L \���'L h \���'L \�h�'L \�h�'L \�h�'L ,Kh yO \�h\'L Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 *Consecutive Days - 2nd Consecutive 34 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Second longest Consecutive above 12' = 41 days 0 `— — Longest Consecutive 5 m o ¢ above 12" = 53 days o c M c �+ v 34 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 Figure 11: Monitoring Gauge 7 Monitoring Gauge 7 - B651720 (Previously 13D4BC95) 12 Longest Consecutive above 12 =105 days Second Longest Consecutive Longest Consecutive above 12" = 32 days Second Longest Consecutive 8 above 1 = 41 days 4 0 12 � _ o m o a ` Q c ai w c 0 0 -4 l7 O w N � c 'D O -8 w v Elf — 3 - Q -12 UO � o 0 0 C o o -16 N � c N IU -20 -4 o -24 -28 C CL Q) -32 -36 -12 -40 -44 -16 3 py� 'Lh \�py� 'Lh \�py� 'Lh \�py� 'Lh \�py� 'Lh \�p�� 'Lh \�py� 'Lh \�py� o5\ yp\ -24 Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 *----*Consecutive Days 2nd Consecutive *Note: Gauge was installed on April 24, 2013. Previously installed gauge was not functioning properly. Figure 12: Monitoring Gauge 8 Monitoring Gauge 8 - 13NA5C3 Longest Consecutive above 12 =105 days Second Longest Consecutive Longest Consecutive above 12" = 32 days Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 51 days above 1 = 41 days 12 � _ o m o a ` Q c ai w c 0 0 l7 O w N � c 'D O 4 w v Elf — 3 - *Note: Gauge was installed on April 24, 2013. Previously installed gauge was not functioning properly. Figure 12: Monitoring Gauge 8 Monitoring Gauge 8 - 13NA5C3 35 92351 - Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 16 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 51 days above 1 = 41 days 12 8 4 �o c v Elf — 3 - 0 UO � o 0 0 C o � o A N � c N -4 C CL Q) -8 -12 -16 3 -20 -24 -28 Ui -32 -36 'L�\T 'L) \T 'Lh \T 'Lh \�py� o5\ yp\ Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 - Consecutive Days - 2nd Consecutive 35 92351 - Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 51 days above 1 = 41 days �o c v Elf — 3 - o o � o 0 0 C o � o A N � N 35 92351 - Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Figure 13: Monitoring Gauge 9 Monitoring Gauge 9 - 13D4BBFB 16 12 Longest Consecutive 12 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 30 days 8 Secind Longest Consecutive above 12" 46 days above 12" 15 days A*— 4 0 -4 -8 Y aa) -12 ■ -16 0 a; Mal -20 f0 24 _- -4 -28 t -8 a -32 -36 o -12 -40 ° -16 o -44 mL -20 3 _ 3 3 ° -24 A �\'L yO\�h�'L Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 ­—Consecutive Days 2nd Consecutive 92351 - Meadowbranch Swamp - MY2 Final Report Figure 14: Monitoring Gauge 10 - Reference Gauge Monitoring Gauge 10 - 13D4B65C 16 12 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 30 days 8 4 ■ Figure 14: Monitoring Gauge 10 - Reference Gauge Monitoring Gauge 10 - 13D4B65C 16 12 Longest Consecutive above 12" = 30 days 8 4 0 _- -4 t -8 a o -12 ° -16 o m� mL -20 3 _ 3 3 ° -24 �' cD o -28 �� �g -32 v w -36 V) -40 1��h\'L ���y\'L ���y\'L 1O\�4 Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 -Consecutive Days 36 (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS - November 2013 Figure 15: Monitoring Gauge 11 Monitoring Gauge 11 - 13D4BCC0 16 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 49 days above 12" = 24 days Lon est Consecutive above 12" 12 8 8 4 0 0 m m� = 4 �a – -4 coo 0 0 .111 VI 0 � � M 8 o -12 C W � lot c -4 a`, -16 o -20 3 � -8 -24 -28 A A -32 -36 -40 m 00 'Lh \�py� -20 'lh0, Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 ­—Consecutive Days -2nd Consecutive Figure 16: Monitoring Gauge 12 Monitoring Gauge 12 - 13D4C964 12 Longest Consecutive Second Longest Consecutive above 12" = 49 days above 12" = 24 days Lon est Consecutive above 12" = 27 days 8 0 — m m� = 4 �a coo 0 0 0 � � C W � Figure 16: Monitoring Gauge 12 Monitoring Gauge 12 - 13D4C964 12 Lon est Consecutive above 12" = 27 days 8 4 0 c -4 � -8 CL -12 NII A A -16 m 00 -20 � -24 `a ' 00 -28 Oo 32 — 1 N m -36 -40 'Lh \�py� 'Lh0, Ib\ Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 —Consecutive Days 37 92351 – Meadowbranch Swamp – MY2 Final Report (Version 1.4, 11/07/11) URS – November 2013 Figure 17: Monitoring Gauge 13 Monitoring Gauge 13 - 13D4910D 12 8 Longest Consecutive above 12" 126 days 4 0 m� — c o � Q l7 O c -4 �v s -8 ,c -12 -16 -20 3 -24 -28 -32 -36 -40 \�h\�pti3 \�h\�pti3 �y\�pti3 0� yp� Date Water Depth (in) -12 0 *---*Consecutive Days { 38 92351 — Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 3 = m� — c o � Q l7 O �v 11/07/11) URS — November 2013 3 Table 11: Wetland Hvdrologv Criteria Attainment Meadowbranch Swamp Wetland Restoration EEP Project Number 92351 Success Criteria Achieved/Max Consecutive Days During Growing Season (Percentage)* Gauge Year 0 (2011) Year 1 (2012) Year 2 (2013) Year 3 (2014) Year 4 (2015) Year 5 (2016) 1 No /0 No /13 Yes /52 (0 0/0) (61%) (244%) 2 Yes 150 No /11 Yes /53 (235%) (52%) (249%) 3 No /0 Yes /75 Yes /132 z (0 %) (352%) (620%) 4 No /8 No /0 Yes /50 (38%) (0 0/.) (235%) r 5 Yes /55 No /17 Yes /52 (258%) (8 0/.) (244%) 6 Yes /73 No /13 Yes /53 * * (343%) (61%) (249%) xt " 7 Yes /83 No /3 Yes /105 (39 0/.) (140/.) (493%) 8 No /13 No /16 Yes /51 (61%) (75%) (239%) - 9 Yes /50 No /5 Yes /46 ; (235%) (23%) (216%) 10 - Ref Yes /21 No /7 Yes /30 ** (99%) (33%) (14 1 0/.) 11 N/A No /4 Yes /49 (19%) (2300/.) 12 N/A No /12 Yes /27 (56%) (127%) 13 N/A No /15 Yes /126 (7 0/.) (592%) r * Growing season is 213 days Ten percent of growing season is equal to 21 days or more of consecutive readings above 12 inches "Gauges 6 and 10 were both protruding from the ground The elevations were adjusted to compensate for the distance between the calibration level and the ground surface Gauge 6 was 7 inches above the ground, and gauge 10 was 5 2 inches above the ground 39 92351— Meadowbranch Swamp — MY2 Final Report (Version 14, 11/07/11) URS — November 2013