HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080586 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20140117[**" �� -us8L South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring Report McDowell Countv, North Carolina NCEEP Project Number — 737 Project Info: Monitoring Year: 2 of 5 Year of Data Collection: 2013 Year of Completed Construction: 2011 NCEEP Project Manager: Paul Wiesner Submission Date: December 201', 2013 Submitted To: NCDENR - Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1625 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 NCDENR Contract 1D No. 004522 3 9�p Os St'([enl 1 PROC NAM D JAN 77 2014 I South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring Report McDowell Countv, North Carolina Report Prepared and Submitted by Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. NC Professional Engineering License # F -1048 Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Road Suite 201 Asheville, North Carolina 28806 Phone: 828.350.1408 Fax: 828.350.1409 Matthew Reid Micky Cle lmons Project Manager- Office Principal Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. ..............................1 2.0 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... ..............................3 21 Stream Assessment 3 2 1 1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability 3 212 Hydrology 4 2 13 Photographic Documentation of Site 4 2 14 Visual Stream Morphological Stability Assessment 5 22 Vegetation Assessment 5 3.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. ..............................6 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 I SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 Appendices Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1 Vicinity Map and Directions Table 1 Project Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Technical Memorandum — Site Assessment Report for Monitoring Year 1 d Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Table 5a Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table i� Table 5b Stream Problem Areas (SPAS) Table 6a Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Table 6b Vegetation Problem Areas (VPAs) Stream Station Photos Stream Problem Area Photos Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Problem Area Photos Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Table 9 CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Appendix D Stream Survey Data Figure 3 Year 2 Cross - sections with Annual Overlays MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 I SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 Figure 4 Figure 5 Table 10 Table 11 a Table 11 b Appendix E Hydrologic L Table 12 Appendices Year 2 Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution with Annual Overlays Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables Cross - section Morphology Data Table Stream Reach Morphology Data Table rata Verification of Bankfull Events MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 II SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The South Muddy Creek Restoration Project (Project) was restored by Michael Baker Engineering, Inc (Baker) through an on -call design and construction services contract with the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) This report documents and presents Year 2 monitoring data as required during the five -year monitoring period The specific goals for the South Muddy Creek Restoration Project were as follows • Create geomorphically stable conditions on the Project site, • Improve and restore hydrologic connections between the streams and their floodplains, • Improve water quality in the South Muddy Creek watershed, and • Improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat along the Project corridor To accomplish these goals the following objectives were implemented • Excavate a wide floodplain bench and construct a new channel with stable dimension and pattern, • Restore channel access the floodplam during bankfull or larger storm events to increase hydrologic connections and alleviate erosive shear stresses, • Incorporate bedform diversity with vaned in- stream structures to provide a variety of aquatic habitats, • Treat the floodplam for invasive species vegetation, and • Reestablish a riparian buffer with native vegetation to improve terrestrial habitat and eliminate excessive sedimentation from erosion The Project site is located approximately nine miles southeast of Marion in McDowell County, North Carolina, as shown in Figure 1 in Appendix A The Project is situated in the Catawba River Basin, within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) sub -basin 03 -08 -30 and United States Geologic Survey (USGS) hydrologic unit 03050101040 -020 Directions to the Project site can be found in Figure 1 of Appendix A South Muddy Creek lies within the Piedmont physiographic province Its watershed is predominately forested, supporting some isolated rural residential housing, chicken farms, agricultural lands, nurseries, and several small rural residential developments In the early 1960's the McDowell County Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) constructed a flood control structure within South Muddy Creek approximately three miles upstream from the Project area This structure controls flows from approximately 12 4 square miles of the watershed and is located on privately -owned land that is maintained by the NRCS The land surrounding the Project site has been used predominantly for crop cultivation and the stream channel has been impacted from past channelization, the channel became disconnected from its floodplam by channel incision over time and excessive shear stress forces on the bed and banks had caused erosion The Project involved the restoration of 2,787 linear feet (LF) of stream along South Muddy Creek at Sam Road using a Rosgen Priority 2 restoration approach The Priority 2 channel design approach entailed the excavation of bankfull benches to alleviate shear stress on stream banks, re- establishment of channel pattern to dissipate flow velocities in meander bends while creating in- stream habitat with raffle -pool sequences and the strategic placement of in- stream structures Approximately 14 1 acres of associated riparian buffer were restored or enhanced throughout the Project area and a conservation easement consisting of 17 1 acres will protect and preserve all stream reaches and riparian buffers in perpetuity Table 6a in Appendix B summarizes the vegetation condition of the Project site The planted acreage performance categories were functioning at 100% with no bare areas or low stem density areas to report MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013. MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 Invasive areas of concern were observed and documented accordingly in Table 6a and as vegetation problem areas (VPAs) in Figure 2 and Table 6b (Appendix B) Eighteen discrete areas of invasive species were - documented throughout the site and totaled approximately 126 acres, or 7 4 percent of the total easement acreage A more detailed summary of the results for the vegetation condition assessment can be found in Appendix B which includes a technical memorandum, current condition plan view (CCPV) figures, supporting data tables, and photo logs, the contents of Appendix B was submitted to NCEEP in May 2013 I and served as the interim visual site assessment report - A NCEEP licensed contractor conducted exotic invasive plant control on the project site during the 2013 growing season In addition, exotic invasive plant species will also be treated on the project site during the 2014 growing season The success criteria or survival threshold for all 12 vegetation monitoring plots were attained and are summarized in Tables 7 and 9 of Appendix C The average density of total planted stems or tract mean (including volunteers), based on data collected from the 12 monitoring plots during Year 2 monitoring, is 651 stems per acre, this further indicates that the Project site is on track for meeting the minimum success interim criteria of 320 trees per acre by the end of Year 3 and the final success criteria of 260 trees per acre by the end of Year 5 It should be noted that most vegetation plots exhibiting a lower planted stem density count are offset by the presence of thriving volunteer species, thereby boosting or increasing the stem density for a given plot and the tract in general upon inclusion of volunteers for total stems per acre Table 5a in Appendix B, indicates the South Muddy Creek site is geomorphically stable overall and —' performing at 100% for the majority of parameters evaluated within the lateral/vertical stability and in- stream structure performance categories The six sub - categories receiving scores of less than 100% correspond to the five stream problem areas (SPAS) documented and summarized in Table 5b (Appendix B) The five SPAS I were characterized by localized areas of bank scour and were all located upstream of the Sam Road bridge A more detailed summary of the results for the visual stream stability assessment can be found in Appendix B which includes a technical memorandum, CCPV figures, supporting data tables, and photo logs The four permanent cross - sections in Appendix D show that there has been little adjustment to stream dimension within the Project reach since construction In general, riffles appeared to have narrowed in width slightly while pools show little to no change in (maximum) depth The longitudinal profile indicates that the bed features are generally stable and that grade control structures (constructed riffles and j- hooks) continue to help maintain the overall profile desired Pool lengths and depths appear to have been maintained with minor localized adjustments The Aggradation noted in the Year 1 Monitoring Report within the downstream limits of the Project reach profile along the meander bend beginning at station 36 +00 has begun to scour and return to a more stable maximum depth Scour within the aggraded meander bend, from larger, subsequent storm flows, should continue to flush the aggraded material downstream and help to re- establish a deeper pool over j time The site was found to have had at least one bankfull event based on crest gauge readings Information - on bankfull events is provided in Table 12 of Appendix E Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment, and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly Restoration Plan) documents available on EEP's website It should be noted that the Baseline Monitoring Report and Mitigation Plan for this Project includes the summary of constructed design approaches for South Fork Hoppers Creek (EEP Project No 92251), a nearby project site that was designed and constructed in conjunction with the South Muddy Creek project as part of the same EEP on -call design and construction services contract All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 2.0 METHODOLOGY The five -year monitoring plan for the Project site includes criteria to evaluate the success of the vegetation and stream components of the project The methodology and report template used to evaluate these two components adheres to the EEP monitoring guidance document dated November 7, 2011, which will continue to serve as the template for subsequent monitoring years The specific locations of monitoring features, such as vegetation plots, permanent cross - sections, reference photo stations and crest gauges, are shown on the CCPV sheets found in Figure 2 of Appendix B The majority of Year 2 monitoring data was collected in May 2013 and September 2013 All visual site assessment data contained in Appendix B was collected on May I" except for the vegetation plot data and corresponding plot photos which were collected on September 19th All stream survey (channel dimension and profile) and sediment data were collected on August 15'h Stream survey data was collected using a Topcon GRS -1 network Rover GPS unit which collects point data with an accuracy of less than one tenth of a foot 2.1 Stream Assessment Geomorphic monitoring of restored stream reaches is being conducted for five years to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration practices installed Monitored stream parameters include channel dimension (cross- sections), profile (longitudinal survey), bed composition, bank and channel stability, bankfull flows, and reference sites documented by photographs A crest gauge, as well as high flow marks, will be used to document the occurrence of bankfull events The methods used and any related success criteria are described below for each parameter For monitoring stream success criteria, 4 permanent cross - sections, 1 crest gauge, and 20 photo identification points were installed 2.1.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability Dimension Four permanent cross - sections were installed throughout the entire project area Cross - sections selected for monitoring were located in representative riffle and pool facets and each cross - section was marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transect used The two pairs of nffle and pool cross - sections are all located upstream of the Sam Road bridge crossing A common benchmark will be used for cross - sections and consistently referenced to facilitate comparison of year -to -year data The cross - sectional surveys will include points measured at mayor breaks in slope, including top of bank, bankfull, inner berm, edge of water, and thalweg, if the features are present Riffle cross - sections were classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification System ( Rosgen, 1994), and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type There should be little change in as-built cross - sections If changes do take place, they will be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e g, down - cutting or erosion) or a movement toward increased stability (e g , settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio) Cross - sectional data is presented in Figure 3 of Appendix D ' Longitudinal Profile One longitudinal profile was surveyed for the entire project length of the Project reach and is provided in Figure 4 of Appendix D Longitudinal profiles will be replicated annually during the five year monitoring period MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC , EEP PROJECT NO - 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 Measurements taken during longitudinal profiles Include thalweg, water surface, and the top of low bank All measurements were taken at the head of each feature (e g, riffle, run, pool, glide) and the maximum pool depth Elevations of grade control structures were also Included in the longitudinal profiles surveyed Surveys were tied to a permanent benchmark The pools should remain relatively deep with flat water surface slopes, and the riffles should remain steeper and shallower than the pools Bed form observations should be consistent with those observed for channels of the design stream type as well as other design Information Substrate and Sediment Transport Bed load material analysis consists of a pebble count taken in the same constructed riffle (at cross - section X4) during annual geomorphic surveys of the Project site This sample, combined with evidence provided by changes in cross - section and profile data will reveal changes in sediment gradation that occur over time as the stream adjusts to upstream sediment loads Significant changes in sediment gradation will be evaluated with respect to stream stability and watershed changes Bed material distribution data Is located in Figure 5 of Appendix D 2.1.2 Hydrology Streams The occurrence of bankfull events within the monitoring period will be documented by the use of crest gauges and photographs One crest gauge was Installed on the floodplain at the bankfull elevation along the left top of bank at station 22 +00 The bottom of the crest gauge coincides with the top of bank (bankfull) elevation The crest gauges record the highest watermark between site I visits, and are checked at each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred Photographs are used to document the occurrence of debris lines and sediment deposition on the floodplain during monitoring site visits Two bankfull flow events must be documented at the crest gauge within the 5 -year monitoring period The two bankfull events must occur In separate years, otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented in separate years or until the monitoring period ends If two bankfull events have not been documented at the end of 5 years the Interagency Review Team (IRT) will have to decide on an appropriate course of action 2.1.3 Photographic Documentation of Site Photographs will be used to document restoration success visually Reference stations were photographed during the as -built survey, this will be repeated for at least five years following construction Reference photos are taken once a year, from a height of approximately five to six feet Permanent markers will ensure that the same locations (and view directions) are utilized during each monitoring period Selected site photographs are shown in Appendix B Lateral Reference Photos Reference photo transects were taken of the right and left banks at each permanent cross - section A survey tape was captured in most photographs which represents the cross - section line located perpendicular to the channel flow The water line was located in the lower edge of the frame in order to document bank and riparian conditions Photographers will make an effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time Structure Photos MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 4 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 i �_I Photographs of primary grade control structures (i a vanes and weirs), along the restored streams are included within the photographs taken at reference photo stations Photographers will make every effort to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time Lateral and structure photographs are used to evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, structure function, and stability, and effectiveness of erosion control measures subjectively Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or degradation of the banks A series of photos over time should indicate successive maturation of riparian vegetation and consistent structure function 2.1.4 Visual Stream Morphological Stability Assessment The visual stream morphological stability assessment Involves the qualitative evaluation of lateral and vertical channel stability, and the Integrity and overall performance of in- stream structures throughout the Project reach as a whole Habitat parameters, such as riffle embeddedness and pool depth maintenance, are also measured and scored The entire project reach was walked, noting geomorphic conditions of the stream bed profile (riffle /pool facets), both stream banks, and engineered in- stream structures Photos were taken at every stream photo reference station as discussed in the previous section, and in locations of potential SPAS which were documented in the field for subsequent mapping on the CCPV figures A more detailed summary of the methodology and results for the visual stream stability assessment can be found in Appendix B which includes a technical memorandum, supporting data tables, and SPA photos 2.2 Vegetation Assessment Successful restoration of the vegetation on a mitigation site is dependent upon hydrologic restoration, active planting of preferred canopy species, and volunteer regeneration of the native plant community In order to determine if the criteria are achieved, twelve vegetation monitoring quadrants were installed across the project site The total number of quadrants was calculated using the CVS -NCEEP Entry Tool Database version 2 2 7 (CVS - NCEEP, 2007) The size of individual quadrants varies from 100 - square meters for tree species to 1- square meter for herbaceous vegetation Level 1 CVS vegetation monitoring will occur in spring, after leaf - out has occurred, or in the fall prior to leaf fall At the end of the first growing season during baseline surveys, species composition, density, and survival were evaluated Individual quadrant data provided during subsequent monitoring events will include diameter, height, density, and coverage quantities Relative values will be calculated, and importance values will be determined Individual trees will be marked to ensure that they can be found in succeeding monitoring years Mortality will be determined from the difference between the previous year's living, planted trees and the current year's living, planted trees The interim measure of vegetative success for the site is the survival of at least 320, 3 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period The final vegetative success criteria is the survival of 260, 5 -year old, planted trees per acre at the end of the Year 5 monitoring period Photographs are used to visually document vegetation success in sample plots Reference photos of tree and herbaceous condition within plots are taken at least once per year As part of the visual site assessment conducted on May 1, 2013, the vegetation condition of planted vegetation along stream banks, floodplains, and terraces were qualitatively evaluated for performance, this also included the documentation of invasive species and potential WAS which were recorded in the field for subsequent mapping on the CCPV figures A more detailed summary of the methodology and results for the vegetation condition assessment can be found in Appendix B which includes a technical memorandum, supporting data tables, and photo logs MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 3.0 REFERENCES Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) and NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 2007 CVS -NCEEP Data Entry Tool v 2 2 7. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC Lee, M , Peet R , Roberts, S , Wentworth, T 2007 CVS -NCEEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 41 Rosgen, D L 1994 A Classification of Natural Rivers Catena 22 169 -199 MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC, EEP PROJECT NO - 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT YEAR 2 MONITORING REPORT DECEMBER 2013, MONITORING YEAR 2 OF 5 6 APPENDIX A PROJECT VICINITY MAP AND BACKGROUND TABLES IVJ The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal agencies or their designees /contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site visitation or activity by any person outside of these previously sanctioned roles and activities requires prior coordination with EEP. r Directions to the South Muddy Creek Site: 1 - From I -40, take State Route 226 South (I40 exit 86). Cr e f - Continue approximately 10 miles south. / t • Turn left onto Trinity Church Loop. • Turn left onto Dysartville Road. Continue approximately 1 mile. % - ` ° - • Turn left onto Sain Road. Continue approximately 0.5 mile to the bridge at South Muddy Creek. yam` A F � B A ANE 4 03- REN D 1 04 -0 4 88 t FRENCH BR AD 04-03 - Montrea� r �1 Figure 1. Vicinity Map South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project ' ^ McDowell County, NC NCEEP Project No.: 737 November 2013 McDowell County, NC lsllV en FAIL-. t J c cATAi�v \ eaA , ..a, 3 03 -0830 CATAWB r� 03 -08- L South Muddy Creek HUC 0305010 a LEGEND: A Project Area A i" ; NCDWQ Sub -basin USGS Hydrologic Unit ® Counties 0 2.5 5 Miles Table l Project Components South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan EEP Project No 737 Project Segment or Reach ID Existing Feet /Acres „ Mitigation Type Approach Linear Footage or Acreage* Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Units Stationing Comment South Muddy Creek 2,593 R P2 2,787 1 1 2,787 10+00 - 38 +77 ** Installed in- stream structures to protect the stream bank from erosion and to provide aquatic habitat Priority 2 was implemented to connect the channel to a newly evacated floodplam bench * Existing reach breaks and design reach breaks vaned based on initial geomorphic differences and design requirements ** Stationing includes 20 R of farm crossing above Sam Rd and 70 ft of Sam Rd bridge crossing, but is not reflected in the reach length Component Stream (LF) 2,787 2,787 2,787 Summations Riparian Non -Ripar Upland Wetland (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) Rrvenne Non- Rrvenne AWIMM &LI e M M Aw"WI "M - Restoration Level Restoration Enhancement Enhancement [ Enhancement 11 Creation Preservation HQ Preservation Totals Total Project Mitigation Units Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan: EEP Project No.737 Elapsed Time Since Grading/Planting Complete: 2 year 6 Months Number of Reporting Years: 2 Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Prepared N/A N/A Jul -07 Restoration Plan Amended N/A N/A Jan -08 Restoration Plan Approved N/A N/A Aug -08 Final Design — (at least 90% complete) N/A N/A Jun -09 Construction Begins Jun -10 N/A Jun -10 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area N/A N/A N/A Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area Nov -10 N/A Jan-11 Planting of live stakes Mar -11 N/A Mar -11 Planting of bare root trees Mar -11 N/A Mar -11 End of Construction Mar -11 N/A Jun -11 Survey of As -built conditions (Year 0 Monitoring - baseline) Nov -10 N/A Jun -11 Year I Monitoring Dec -12 Sep-12 Nov -12 Invasive Treatment NA NA Aug -13 Year 2 Monitoring Dec -13 Sep -13 Nov -13 Year 3 Monitoring Dec -14 N/A N/A Year 4 Monitoring Dec -15 N/A N/A Year 5 Monitoring Dec -16 N/A N/A Table 3. Project Contacts Table South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan: EEP Project No. 737 Designer Michael Baker Engineering, Inc 5550 Seventy -Seven Center Dr, Ste 320 Charlotte, NC 28217 Contact Scott Hunt, Tel 919 - 459 -9003 Construction Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc 150 Pine Ridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Contact Joanne Cheatham, Tel 336 - 320 -3849 Planting Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc 150 Pine Ridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 Contact Joanne Cheatham, Tel 336 - 320 -3849 Seeding Contractor Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc 150 Pine Ridge Road Mount Airy, NC 27030 12/11/2012 Contact Joanne Cheatham, Tel 336 - 320 -3849 Seed Mix Sources Green Resources, Tel 336 - 855 -6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers Foggy Mountain Nursery, Tel 336 - 384 -5323 Profession Land Surveyor Turner Land Survey, PLLC 3201 Glenndge Drive Raleigh, NC 27604 Contact Profession Land Surveyor David Turner, Tel 919- 875 -1378 As -Built Plan Set Production Lissa Turner, Tel 919- 875 -1378 Monitoring Performers Michael Baker Engineering, Inc 797 Haywood Road, Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 Contact Stream Monitoring Point of Contact Matthew Reid, Tel 828- 350 -1408 Vegetation Monitoring Point of Contact Matthew Reid, Tel 828 - 350 -1408 Wetland Monitoring Point of Contact Matthew Reid, Tel 828 - 350 -1408 Table 4 Project Attribute Table South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan EEP Project No 737 Project County McDowell County, NC Ph sio ra hrc Region Piedmont Ecoregion Inner Piedmont Belt Project River Basin Catawba USGS HUC for Project and Reference sites Project 03050101040020, References 03040103050 -090 (Spencer Creek), -080 (Barnes Creek), 03030002060 -070 (Morgan Creek), 03020201080 -020 (Sal's Branch) NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference Project 03- 08 -30, References 03 -07 -09 (Spencer Creek and Barnes Creek), 03 -06 -06 (Morgan Creek), 03 -04 -02 (Sal's Branch) Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan 9 Muddy Creek Local Watershed Plan (LWP), 2003 WRC Class Warm, Cool, Cold Warm of project easement fenced or demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design phase 91NOne e z� i , ate' Restoration Component Attribute Table South Muddy Drainage area (sq mr 188 Stream order 4th Restored length 2,787 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Watershed type Rural, Urban, Developing etc Rural Watershed LULC Distribution e Developed Low - Medium Intensity 37 A -Cultivated Crops 06 A -Pasture/Hay Ag-PasturetHay 105 Forested 774 Other (Open water, Grassland, Etc 78 Watershed impervious cover (%) U NCDWQ AU /Index number 03 -08 -30 NCDWQ classification C 303d listed 9 No Upstream of a 303d listed segment9 No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Total acreage of easment 171 Total planted arcea a as part of the restoration 141 Ros en classification of pre-existing G4c Ros en classification of As -built C4 Valley tVDe Alluvial Valley sloe 0 0017 ft/ft Valley side slope ranee g 2-3%) U Valley toe slope ranee g 2 -3 %) U Cowardrn classification Rrvenne, Upper Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom, Cobble - Gravel Trout waters designation No Species of concern, endangered etc 9 (Y9N ) No Dominant sod series and characteristics Series IoA Depth 10 Clay % 18 K 0 15 T 5 I ` I APPENDIX B VISUAL ASSESSMENT DATA Site Assessment Report — Monitoring Year 2 South Muddy Creek (Randolph/Duncan Properties) Stream Restoration Project McDowell County, North Carolina May 2013 Submitted To: NCDENR - Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1625 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 NCDENR Contract ID No. 004522 Submitted By: Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 797 Haywood Avenue, Suite 201 Asheville, NC 28806 License: F -1084, Baker Project No. 128221 Waker tell], PROGRAM Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. May 31, 2013 Page 1 of 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This report summarizes overall stream and vegetation conditions as part of an interim site assessment conducted in conjunction with the Year 2 monitoring services for the South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project site located in McDowell County, NC This site assessment will be included as part of a more comprehensive annual monitoring report to be completed and submitted later this year (fall 2013) The report describes project objectives, discusses the assessment methodology, summarizes assessment results, and documents potential stream and vegetation problem areas (SPAS and VPAs respectively) 1.2 Objectives The objectives of the site assessment were to • provide a general overview of stream morphological stability, • provide a general overview of vegetation conditions, • identify and document potential SPAs and VPAs 1.3 Supporting Data Supporting data and information are provided following the narrative portion of this report and include • current condition plan view (CCPV) figures (Figure 2, sheets 1 and 2), • visual stream morphology stability assessment table (Table 5a), • SPA inventory table (Table 5b), • vegetation condition assessment table (Table 6a), • VPA inventory table (Table 6b), • stream station photos, • SPA photos, • VPA photos 2 Methodology The methodology used for assessing overall stream and vegetation conditions at the South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project site adhered to the most recent NCEEP monitoring guidance documents (dated November 7, 2011) The site assessment was comprised of two components, a visual stream morphology stability assessment and a vegetation condition assessment, both of which are described in more detail in the following sections of this report The assessment was strictly qualitative Vegetation monitoring plot counts were excluded from this assessment but will be conducted after July 2013, this data will be Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc May 31, 2013 Page 2 of 6 summarized in Appendix C and the CCPV figure of the Year 2 annual monitoring report to be submitted in late November of this year The South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project site was evaluated as one project reach for each of the two components (SPA and VPA) This was done since the stream and riparian corridor are contained within one contiguous section along the mainstem of South Muddy Creek, site conditions appeared uniform allowing for an assessment as one reach and the project was assessed as one reach for the Final Baseline Monitoring Document/As -Built Report Baker performed the visual site assessment on May 1", 2013 2.1 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment The visual stream morphology stability assessment involved the evaluation of lateral and vertical channel stability, and the integrity and overall performance of in- stream structures throughout the project reach as a whole Habitat parameters, such as riffle embeddedness and pool depth maintenance, were also measured and scored The entire 2,7871mear foot reach was walked, noting geomorphic conditions of the stream bed profile (riffle /pool facets), both stream banks, and engineered in- stream structures Photos were taken at every existing stream photo point station (from the as- built) and in locations of potential SPAS which were recorded in the field for subsequent mapping on the CCPV figures 2.2 Vegetation Condition Assessment The vegetation condition assessment involved the evaluation of vegetation within the 17 1 acre conservation easement and included assessing the performance of planted vegetation along stream banks, floodplains, and terraces as well as the documentation of invasive species The assessment of planted vegetation was confined to the 14 1 acres of riparian buffer planting zones within the easement boundary as part of the restoration design whereas invasive vegetation and encroachment areas of invasive species were evaluated for the entire 17 1 acre easement boundary Photos were recorded in locations of potential VPAs throughout the easement, such as areas exhibiting sparse or slow growth/vigor, low stem density, and areas of invasive vegetation concern 2.3 Post - processing of Field Data The post - processing of field data consisted of the download and organization of photos into respective photo logs (stream and vegetation), creating the CCPV figures in GIS and AutoCAD using the field- mapped SPAS and VPAs, populating the SPA and VPA tables, and finally scoring the performance of the reach in terms of stream morphology stability and vegetation condition using assessment forms provided by NCEEP Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc May 31, 2013 Page 3 of 6 3 Summary of Results 3.1 Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table 5a summarizes the performance of the South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project reach in terms of lateral (stream bank) and vertical (channel bed) stability while evaluating the functionality and integrity of in- stream structures Engineered in- stream structures evaluated for the assessment of this project reach consisted of constructed riffles, rock/log j- ' hooks, log vanes, root wads, geolifts, and brush mattresses Constructed riffles were justified for inclusion in the evaluation of structures since they are the predominant grade control structure used throughout the site, however, they were only assessed for the `overall integrity' and `grade control' parameter categories in Table 5a As Table 5a indicates, the South Muddy Creek site was geomorphically stable overall and performing at 100 percent as the design intended for the majority of parameters evaluated within the lateral /vertical stability and m- stream structure performance categories The five sub- categories receiving scores of less than 100 percent corresponded to the five SPAS that i were documented and summarized in Table 5b All 5 SPAs were characterized by localized areas of bank scour and were all located upstream of the Sam Road bridge Two of the five SPAs documented in Table 5b, SPA1 -1 and SPA1 -2, were SPAs persisting from the Year 1 monitoring assessment (and are referenced as such by the first number in the SPA naming convention) SPA 1 -1 consists of a portion of undermined brush mattress along the right bank in an outer meander bend that has resulted in bank erosion The length of undercut and eroded bank along SPA1 -1 has increased from 10 linear feet (LF) to 80 LF, migrating 70 LF downstream in approximately one year or since this SPA was first documented in the Year 1 visual assessment The structural integrity of this brush mattress has become compromised Lateral instability along this outer meander bend is likely to continue migrating downstream if left unchecked over - time SPA 1-2 was still unstable laterally, but remained unchanged in length or severity of bank - erosion since it was first reported a year ago It appears that some aggraded riffle material at the head of riffle was splitting and directing flow toward the left bank (SPA1 -2) causing the bank to erode Regrading and uniformly distributing the aggraded riffle material throughout the riffle may prevent the diversion of flow toward the left bank thereby alleviating scour along this bank SPA1 -3 is no longer deemed an SPA due to a combination of vegetation growth holding the bank and erosional and depositional processes that have reduced the bank angle thereby improving bank stability in this area within the past year SPA2 -1 is an area of localized scour and bank erosion along both banks located within the upstream project reach limits between station 12 +30 and 12 +60 Bank instability was caused by high near bank stress from the diversion of flow around a recently removed beaver dam Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc May 31, 2013 Page 4 of 6 Erosion along the right bank is larger in magnitude and severity than the left bank since that portion of the right bank coincides with the transition between the outer meander bend and a riffle where higher velocities tend to be concentrated and near bank stress tends to be greater SPA2 -2 consists of a 60 LF length of brush mattress compromised by an undercut bank t between station 16 +70 and 17 +30, it is located along the right bank at the beginning of a meander bend The brush mattress (and a portion of the staked and matted bank) appears to be separating from the right bank and overhanging from a combination of poor soil compaction and scour along the toe of bank Some of the brush originally installed behind the matting to armor the bank has washed away leaving the bank exposed and vulnerable to subsequent erosion The bank protection provided by the remaining length of brush mattress along the right bank may become compromised and less effective over time if SPA2 -2 is not stabilized and the scour (and instability) is allowed to continue to migrate further downstream by undermining the brush - SPA2 -3 consists of an area of localized scour along the right bank located downstream of an outer meander bend between station 12 +30 and 12 +60 Bank scour could potentially be a result of the lack of centering of the thalweg immediately downstream of the upstream meander bend (and was noted accordingly in Table 5a) As a result, some velocity vectors within the riffle have been redirected toward the right bank instead of being centered in the riffle, thereby increasing near bank stress and causing the bank to erode The bank is vertical, exposed, devoid of vegetation and matted protection, and is mild to moderately eroded 3.2 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table 6a summarizes the vegetation condition of the South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration site The planted acreage performance categories were functioning at 100 percent with no bare areas, low stem density areas, or areas of poor growth rates /vigor to report Invasive areas of concern were observed and documented accordingly in Table 6a and as VPAs in Figure 2 and Table 6b There were a total of 15 VPAs, 8 of which were identified last year during the Year 1 visual assessment and 7 that were newly identified during this current assessment VPAs documented last year were included in this assessment since there has been no treatment implemented to date (although treatment is scheduled sometime this year) As with the SPAS, the first number in the VPA naming convention references the monitoring year in which the VPA was identified during the visual assessment Because the VPAs reported from last year's assessment remained unchanged in size and species composition when observed during this assessment, they will not be discussed in this memorandum, but all are included in the scoring of easement acreage performance categories in Table 6a, and are also summarized in Table 6b, Figure 2 (CCPV), and the VPA photolog Eighteen discrete areas of invasive species were documented throughout the site and totaled approximately 126 acres, or 7 4 percent of the total easement acreage (Table 6a) This resulted in 15 VPAs since three adjacent pairs of mapped polygons, exhibiting uniform Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc May 31, 2013 Page 5 of 6 invasive species compositions conditions, were combined into three individual VPAs Invasive species comprised approximately 0 29 acres more of the easement acreage area during this current visual assessment compared to last year's, or an increase of 1 7 percent in easement acreage area VPAs newly identified during this assessment (VPA2 -1 through VPA2 -7) were either composed of multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), privet (Ligustrum smense), or Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicerajaponica), or a combination of those invasive species Multiflora rose and Japanese honeysuckle were the most prevalent invasive species observed within the VPAs and were found within six of the seven newly identified VPAs The 4 largest VPAs documented were VPA2 -2, VPA2 -6, VPA2 -1, and VPA2 -3 (in decreasing order by area) which are all located in the left terrace near the periphery of the easement boundary, these areas are susceptible to the encroachment of mvasives from outside the easement These 4 VPAs make up approximately 90 percent of the newly identified VPA acreage within the easement, VPA2 -4 is also located in the left terrace along the periphery of the easement boundary near the downstream side of the Sam Road bridge The persistence of invasive vegetation from within existing tree stands after prior treatment appears to be the other primary cause for the proliferation of invasive vegetation, and is the potential cause for VPA2 -5 and VPA2 -7 located in the left terrace downstream of the Sam Road bridge An existing tree stand is not apparent for VPA2 -5 on the CCPV in Figure 2, but it is situated around a power pole that was protected during construction and thus is surrounded by an undisturbed soil matrix likely containing intact roots and seeds of multiflora rose and Japanese honeysuckle As an update to additional areas of concern reported in the Year 1 Monitoring Report, there were no signs of kudzu in the left or right floodplains upstream of the Sam Road bridge, however, kudzu was observed outside the easement in those areas between the easement boundary and Sam Road Year 2 Site Assessment Report — South Muddy Creek North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program Michael Baker Engineering, Inc May 31, 2013 Page 6 of 6 ----- cE--------- CE - - - -- — - — • — • — • — • — • — • — CONSERVATION EASEMENT ASBUILT CENTERLINE VEGETATION PROBLEM AREA (VPA) INVASIVE SPECIES PRESENT ■ STREAM PROBLEM AREA (SPA) UNDERCUT BANKS TB re — — ASBUILT TOP OF BANK ASBUILT CHANNEL VEGETATION PLOT MEETING CRITERIA F] STREAM PROBLEM AREA (SPA) BANKS WITH EVIDENT SCOUR /EROSION Y FENCE (ALL PLOTS CURRENTLY MEETING CRITERIA) 486/728 5 Y X —# CROSS SECTION Y 688/486 STREAM PROBLEM AREA ( O PHOTO ID POINT ■ VEGETATION PLOT NOT MEETING CRITERIA ■ //SPA) ING /CSLUMPING/CALVING/COLLAPSE QNO AREAS EXHIBITING PIP VEGETATION PLOT � t■ ■t SOUTH MUDDY CREEK CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW YEAR 2 MONITORING STA. 10 +00 -25 +00 VEG PLOT CRITERIA ATTAINMENT VEG PLOT ID SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET? TOTAL /PLANTED STEM COUNT 1 Y 526/486 2 Y 1619/809 3 Y 850/809 4 Y 486/728 5 Y 728/688 6 Y 688/486 IMAGE SOURCE: INC STATEWIDE ORTHOIMAGERY, 2010 a C N $ LLB - A= °m' � Zm� mm� C W = t `C° '! Zr ali ON a z F- J 00 W � -� Q U Ui -1 w d af Z U p of O 0 F- Z D � O w O � � U J Q W Lu F- O U) O U �r IL T6 ro &W RIP W 737 a ar rolec o_ 128221 >et: 5/28/2013 DESIGNED: - -- DRAWN: MDR 1 of 2 ---- -CE --------- CE - - - -- CONSERVATION EASEMENT VEGETATION PROBLEM AREA (VPA) ■ STREAM PROBLEM AREA (SPA) g-s UNDERCUT BANKS = °Nm — •— •— •— •— • —• —•— ASBUILT CENTERLINE INVASIVE SPECIES PRESENT :LLrm TB TB ASBUILT TOP OF BANK c- Q$ ASBUILT CHANNEL ■ ❑ STREAM PROBLEM AREA (SPA) W 3 VEGETATION PLOT MEETING CRITERIA -� BANKS WITH EVIDENT SCOUR /EROSION q FENCE (ALL PLOTS CURRENTLY MEETING CRITERIA) zwo = m�C6 X -# m m —..N W C � j mdp CROSS SECTION ■ STREAM PROBLEM AREA (SPA) .0'.0g r+r VEGETATION PLOT NOT MEETING CRITERIA BANK SLUMPING /CALVING /COLLAPSE f z aLL O PHOTO ID POINT (NO AREAS EXHIBITING PROBLEM) VP VEGETATION PLOT D y _ ` (ZF VPA2 -6 i•, ill 3'. a. 1 U CD VPA2— LLJ VPA2 7 -\ - - 9 +76.59 W Q' VPA1 -4 f VPA2 -5 _ - - -FM� Al 3 0 AS - ©UiLT W d = "� _ _LONGITUDINAL PROFILE .a 0 2 H 5 3pyg5 �-- \ i _ 4- - -111 RFFFLE.49— ,�. ENC / ' _ U) � PID1 PIDt / / 0 2 J U) w W f— 0 PID1 �� J _ -- _ — -� - -- FENCE - - -- GATE CE -3 i - GATE PL a �Va U Cq IMAGE S'TJRCF: NC STATEWIDE ORTHOIMAGERY, 2010 W Ef otect 737 SOUTH MUDDY CREEK Baker roe o. 128221 CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW Date: 5/28/2013 YEAR 2 MONITORING DESIGNED: --- DRAWN: MDR APPROVED: 50 0 50 100 STA. 25 +00 -38 +77 Monftoring Year. 2 of 5 P s sneer. 2 of 2 VEG PLOT CRITERIA ATTAINMENT VEG PLOT ID SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET? TOTAL /PLANTED STEM COUNT 7 Y 607/526 8 Y 486/688 9 Y 405/445 10 Y 567/688 11 Y 364/445 12 Y 445/728 Table 5a Visual Stream Momholoav Stability Assessment Reach ID South Muddy Creek esncu .n9... J—r Major Channel Channel Sub. Number Stable, Total Number of moun of Stable, Numberwi oo age w use or Category Category Performing Number Unstable Unstable Performing as Stabilizing Stabilizing Stabilizing Metric as Intended per As -Bulk Se ments Footage Intended Woody Veq Wood Ve Wood Ve 1 Bed 1 Vertical Stability 1 Aggradation 0 0 100% 2 Degradation 0 0 100% 2 Riffle Condition 1 Texture/Substrate 11 11 100% 3-Meander Pool 1 Depth 12 12 100% Condition 2 Length 12 12 100% 4 Thalweg position 1 Thalweg centering at upstream of meander bend Run 12 12 100% 2 Thalwe centerm at downstream of meander Glide' 10 11 91 °h 2 Bank 1 Scoured /Eroding Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or scour and erosion 3 105 98% 0 0 98% 2 Undercut Banks undercut/overhanging to the extent that mass wasting appears likely 2 140 97% 0 0 97% 3 Mass Wasting Bank slumping, calving or collapse 0 0 100% 0 0 100% Totals 5 245 96% 0 0 96% 3 Engineering 1 Overall Integrity Structures Structures h srcell mlacl with no dislod ed boulders or logs 36 38 95% 2 Grade Control ra a con structures ex i 'ting maintenance of grade across the sill 11 11 100% 2a Piping Structures lacking an y substantial flow underneath sills or arms 9 9 100% 3 Bank Protection Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not exceed 15 % 25 27 93 % 4 Habitat o0 miming s ruc ures main aining - ax oo ep 9 9 100% Table 5b Stream Problem Areas South Muddy Creek Restoration Project Project No 737 South Muddy Creek (2,787 LF) Feature Issue Station No Suspected Cause Photo Number* Right bank (including brush mattress and matting) separating and beginning to slump at beginning of outer meander bend from a 21 +20 to 22 +00 combination of poor compaction and scour along the toe of bank Bank scour appears to SPA1 -1 have migrated further downstream along the outer meander bend, eroding an additional 70 linear feet within the past year of monitoring Localized scour along left bank resulting in 27 +90 to 28 +10 raw, vertical bank, devoid of vegetation and matted protection Cause appears to be SPA 1-2 localized eddying within the riffle Localized scour and bank erosion along right bank and a small portion of the left bank across 12 +30 to 12 +60 the channel Caused by high near bank stress SPA2 -1 Bank Scour from the diversion of flow around a recently removed beaverdam Right bank (including brush mattress and matting) separating and beginning to slump at 16 +70 to 17 +30 beginning of outer meander bend from a SPA2 -2 combination of poor compaction and scour along the toe of bank Localized scour along the right bank of a nf11e resulting in raw, vertical bank, devoid of vegetation and matted protection Appears to be caused by high near bank stress as the 17 +95 to 18 +50 thalweg appears to have migrated toward the SPA2 -3 near bank third of the channel within the nffle (lack of centering of thalweg downstream of meander bend) Vegetation and rootmass along that portion of bank is sparse 'Note The first digit in the Photo Number column references the monitoring year and the second digit references the problem area or photo (which would be identical to a prior years problem area/photo number when persisting from a previous monitoring year) , i -i s I � C I I J Table 6a Vegetation Condition Assessment Reach ID South Muddy Creek rsameo Acreage 141 Mapping Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 1 Bare Areas Very limited cover of both wil and herbaceous material 0 1 acres NA 0 000 0% 2 Low Stem Density Areas woody stem densities clearly e ow target levels based on MY3, 4, or isee fi ure 18 126 74% 5 stem count criteria 0 1 acres NA 0 000 0% Q. 5 Easement Encroachment 3 Areas of Poor Growth Rates reas wifn woody stems ot a size class Trial are o vious y small given Areas or Vi or the monitoring year 0 25 acres NA 0 000 0% Casement Acreage 11 1 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined % of Easement Ve etation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4 Invasive Areas of Concern Areas or Roints if too small to render as Roluons at ma scale) 1000 SF isee fi ure 18 126 74% 5 Easement Encroachment Areas Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale) none NA 0 000 00% Table 6b Vegetation Problem Areas South Muddy Creek Restoration Project Project No 737 South Muddy Creek Feature Issue Station No Suspected Cause Photo Number* 17 +25 (right terrace) Rosa multi flora persisting after treatment VPA 1 -1 18 +00 to 21 +00 (right flood bench) Campsis radicans persisting after treatment VPAI -2 20 +50 to 23 +00 (left flood bench) Rosa multi flora and Lrgustrum srnense 21 +75 to 23 +75 (left terrace slope) persisting after treatment within existing tree VPA1 -3 stand Rosa multrJlora, Lrgustrum srnense and 25 +50 to 28 +50 (left terrace slope) Lonicerajaponica persisting after treatment VPAl -4 within existing tree stand Rosa multi fora and Lrgustrum srnense 35 +00 to 36 +50 (right terrace) persisting after treatment within existing tree VPAi -5 stand Pueraria lohata persisting after treatment 35 +00 to 37 +25 (right terrace) within existing tree stand, terrace, and terrace VPAi -6 slope 38 +75 (downstream project limits Rosa multi flora and Lrgustrum srnense along right bank/terrace) persisting after treatment within existing tree VPAI -7 Invasive/Exotic Populations stand 38 +75 (downstream project limits Lonicerajaponica persisting after treatment along left bank/terrace) within existing tree stand/potential VPAl -8 encroachment from outside See Plan View Figure Rosa multiflora and Lonrcerajaponica VPA2 1 potential encroachment from outside See Plan View Figure Rosa multifora potential encroachment from VPA2 2 outside See Plan View Figure Rosa multiflora and Lomcerajaponica VPA2 3 potential encroachment from outside See Plan View Figure Lonicerajaponica potential encroachment VPA2 4 from outside See Plan View Figure Rosa multiflora and Lonicera/aponica VpA2 5 persisting after treatment Multi flora rose, Chinese privet, and Lonrcera See Plan View Figure Japonica persisting after treatment within VPA2 -6 existing tree stand/potential encroachment from outside Multiora rose, Chinese privet, and Lonrcera See Plan View Figure japonica persisting after treatment within VPA2 -7 existing tree stand -ivore i ne rirst Digit in me rnoto rvumoer coiumn reierences me monitoring year anD me secona Digit reierences me prooiem area or pnoto twmcn wows oe iaenncai to a prior years problem area/photo number when persisting from a previous monitoring year) South Muddy Creek Stream Station Photos South Muddy Creek PID I — J -Hook near upstream end South Muddy Creek PID 2 — Constructed Riffle, South Muddy Creek PID 5 — Log Vane in Meander South Muddy Creek PID 6 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 7 — J -Hook in Meander South Muddy Creek PID 8 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 9 — Log Vane in Meander South Muddy Creek PID 10 — Stream Crossing South Muddy Creek PID 11 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 12 — Log Vane and Root Wad in Meander South Muddy Creek PID 13 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 14 — Immediately upstream of South Muddy Creek PID 15 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 16 South Muddy Creek PID 17 — Log Vane in Meander South Muddy Creek PID 18 — Constructed Riffle South Muddy Creek PID 19 South Muddy Creek PID 20 — J -Hook near downstream end of project South Muddy Creek Stream Problem Area (SPA) Photos SPA 1 -1— Right bank/brush mattress separating from poor compaction and scour along toe of bank (looking downstream from left bank to right bank) SPA 1 -2 — Localized scour along left bank from eddying within the riffle (looking downstream) SPA2 -1 — Localized scour along right bank from flow diversion around a recently removed beaverdam SPA2 -3 — Localized scour along right bank within a riffle from the lack of thalweg centering downstream of a meander bend (looking downstream from left to right bank) SPA2 -2 — Right bank/brush mattress separating from poor compaction and scour along toe of bank (looking downstream from left bank to right bank) SOUTH MUDDY CREEK VEGETATION PLOT PHOTOS South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring - Vegetation Plot Photo Log Notes: 1. Herbaceous plot located in foreground of each photo. 9/19/2013 - Photo 1: Veg Plot 1 9/19/2013 - Photo 2: Veg Plot 1: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo 3: Veg Plot 2 9/19/2013 - Photo 4: Veg Plot 2: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo 5: Veg Plot 3 9/19/2013 - Photo 6: Veg Plot 3: Herbaceous Plot South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring - Vegetation Plot Photo Log 9/19/2013 - Photo 7: Veg Plot 4 9/19/2013 - Photo 8: Veg Plot 4: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo 9: Veg Plot 5 9/19/2013 - Photo 10: Veg Plot 5: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 11: Veg Plot 6 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 12: Veg Plot 6: Herbaceous Plot South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring - Vegetation Plot Photo Log 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 13: Veg Plot 7 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 14: Veg Plot 7: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 15: Veg Plot 8 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 16: Veg Plot 8: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 17: Veg Plot 9 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 18: Veg Plot 9: Herbaceous Plot South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project Year 2 Monitoring - Vegetation Plot Photo Log 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 19: Veg Plot 10 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 20: Veg Plot 10: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 21: Veg Plot 11 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 22: Veg Plot 11: Herbaceous Plot 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 23: Veg Plot 12 9/19/2013 - Photo Point 24: Veg Plot 12: Herbaceous Plot I J1 South Muddy Creek Vegetation Problem Area (VPA) Photos VPA 1 -1 — Multiflora Rose VPA1 -2 — Trumpet vine persisting after treatment VPA1 -3 — Multiflora Rose and Chinese Privet VPA1 -4 — Multiflora Rose, Chinese Privet, Japanese Honeysuckle VPA1 -5 - Multiflora Rose and Chinese Privet VPA1 -6 — Kudzu persisting after treatment (photo from MY 1) VPA1 -7 - Multiflora Rose and Chinese Privet VPAl -8 — Japanese Honeysuckle VPA2 -1 - Multiflora Rose and Japanese Honeysuckle VPA2 -2 — Multiflora Rose VPA2 -3 - Multiflora Rose and Japanese Honeysuckle VPA2 -4 — Japanese I- loneysuckle VPA2 -5 - Multiflora Rose and Japanese Honeysuckle VPA2 -7 - Multiflora Rose, Chinese Privet, Japanese Honeysuckle VPA2 -6 — Multiflora Rose, Chinese Privet, Japanese Honeysuckle APPENDIX C VEGETATION PLOT DATA Table 7. Vegetation Plot Criteria Attainment South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan: EEP Project No. 737 Vegetation Plot ID Vegetation Survival Threshold Met. Total/Plan ted Stem Count* Tract Mean 1 Y 526/486 651 2 Y 1619/809 3 Y 850/809 4 Y 486/728 5 Y 728/688 6 Y 688/486 7 Y 647/526 8 Y 486/688 9 Y 405/445 10 Y 567/688 11 Y 364/445 12 Y 445/728 Note *TotaUPlanted Stem Count reflects the changes in stem density based on the density of stems at the time of the As -Built Survey (Planted) and the current total density of planted stems including volunteers (Total) Table 8. CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan: EEP Project No. 737 Report Prepared By Matthew Reid Date Prepared 9/30/2013 12 16 Database name cvs- eep- entrytool -v2 3 1 South Muddy_Hoppers mdb Database location L \Momtormg \Momtormg Guidance \Vegetation \CVS EEP Entrytool V2 3 1 Computer name JASHEWMDREID2 File size 128475392 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT "{ 'J Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc ) Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECVSUMMARY '�", Project Code 92251 Project Name South Muddy Cr Stream Restoration Description This mitigation project consists of 7,389 LF of stream restoration and preservation efforts on South Muddy Creek and South Fork Hoppers (including 1 unnamed tributary) at the Melton Farm River Basin Catawba Length(ft) 7389 Stream -to -edge width (ft) 120 Area (sq m) 164733 86 Required Plots (calculated) 24 Sampled Plots 112 Table9 CVS Stem Count Tufd md Muted b) Plot andSiumie. 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Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution with Annual Overlays Cummulative Channel materials (mm) Dre = 26.0 DI= 54.7 D. = 73.9 D& = 144.9 Des = 287.3 Drop = 512 -1024 BAKER PROJECT NO. 128221 SITE OR PROJECT: South Muddy Creek Stream Restoration Project REACH/LOCATION: South Muddy Creek - Cross-section 4 (Riffle) DATE COLLECTED: 8/16/2013 FIELD COLLECTION BY: MDR DATA ENTRY BY: MDR Cummulative Channel materials (mm) Dre = 26.0 DI= 54.7 D. = 73.9 D& = 144.9 Des = 287.3 Drop = 512 -1024 PARTICLE CLASS COUNT Summary MATERIAL PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Riffle Class SILT /CLAY Silt /Clay <.063 2 2% 2% SAND Very Fine .063-125 30% U 2% Fine .125 -.25 1111MEN 2% Medium .25 -.50 111111■■1111111VEIRlllll■ 0% p�� p11y p� p7 1:5 lip 'Y' Particle Size Class (mm) 2% Coarse .50 -1.0 2% ■1111111 Very Coarse 1.0 -2.0 4 4% 6% GRAVEL Very Fine 2.0-2.8 ■ ■11111`I�/ 6% Very Fine 2.8-4.0 6% Fine 1 6% Fine 5.6 -8.0 ■1111111■ 6% Medium 8.0 -11.0 S 5% 11% Medium 11.0 -16.0 ■1111111■ 11% coarse 16.0 -22.6 3 3% 14% Coarse 22.6 -32 5 5% 19% Very Coarse 32-45 11 11% 30% Very Coarse 45-64 9 9% 39% COBBLE Small 64 -90 26 26% 65% Smell 90-128 15 15% 80% Large 128-180 ) I 11% 91% Large 180 -256 3% 94% BOULDER Small 256 -362 3 3% 1 97% Small 362 -512 2 2% 99% Medium 512 -1024 1 1% 100% Large -Very Large 1024-2048 BEDROCK Bedrock > 2048 Total 100 100% 100% Cummulative Channel materials (mm) Dre = 26.0 DI= 54.7 D. = 73.9 D& = 144.9 Des = 287.3 Drop = 512 -1024 South Muddy Creek Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 1 nTr2i i ■ AB (2010) I1 .MY 1 (2012) III MY2 2013 60 u 50 V y 40 m 30% U r_...,,,,,■ 1111MEN 10% 111111■■1111111VEIRlllll■ 0% p�� p11y p� p7 1:5 lip 'Y' Particle Size Class (mm) ■1111111 1■ 1111111■ ■1111111 ■ ■11111`I�/ ■1111111■ ■1111111 1 .,,, 1 L__....e,..J ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ■111111 I ■1111111■ ■1111111 ' ■■ 1111111 ■■ 1111111 ■■ 1111111■ ■1111 ►1:� ■1111111■ ■1111111 '' ■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 ■■ 1111111 ■ ■Ill�lil■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 = ■■ 1111111 ■■ 1111111■ ■1111111 ■�:�II�II■ ■111111■ ■1111111 ., ■■ 1111111 ■ ■1111111■�::�u�l■ ■11%;111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 ' ■■ 1111111 ■��IIIIII ■■ 1111111 ■ ■ /11111■ ■1111111■ ■111111 ' ■ ■Illllllr ■1111111■ ■1111111 ■,��111111■ ■1111111■ ■1111111 ■1111111 ■ ■111�i11 ■ ■�Illnl■:Iii�i1�;W ■1111111■ ■1111111■ ,. 1 I 1 1 11 111 1111 South Muddy Creek Riffle Pebble Count Size Class Distribution 100 90% ao% 70% ■ AB (2010) .MY 1 (2012) III MY2 2013 60 u 50 V y 40 m 30% U 20 10% 0% p�� p11y p� p7 1:5 lip 'Y' Particle Size Class (mm) 136414 me3 AfHp. LIHIp SUOm Sammy) som Al crm4 Wa n.n KU P.el.n II W 1Cmrr l.r.m Pm[r431q GwdlWe eCrmY ReMmce Rem6(nI HYU Wenn Craet 0.rlp MwRwlq WrYn (ArhaWl em4n rnd 6ahunu NI- LLIWw UL111m� GI 36 I1u SG Alm A4w b4J FW o AW Auw AId YMx SU m Akm Afd Ylm SU AW Alew I.4J 1.4x SU BF WWO IB — 231 Wu a 0 it J l — 51_ — 5 — — JJS — W> — — — 1 Flmdlnarc WdOlB Z,.1. — 2i) 3 HF Afmv — .3 39 — — 3 — — — 2 — — JY — — — — — — — — I HF MU Il ." 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'�.^�"` we.:..... c-�"Y��°: «w�,- ,`.'�i.�...n m. .'ww'i «w.wsF'F+ NiDk try (R Rwk SWP IN33 ed 61 UW4 UW6 4WS 0411 DUW 3 Ill 346103 4W OW, OW, U449 UUW� 11 1.,— IM 17J1 -13 4W3 DW6 UWS UUW DWl J rcm(0 PouISPCVyW 161 'i_ ri1 Jas sl 3 2U9 31 )33 xW 41 3 19 S, 262 t, J 1Mn ikgh n 'W!w :4�1. wdT.mpen �wAY',` =aim J16 /J)5 /JSUIdIUJ)5 415x5 /5 /135 /190 335163 Y1Y)113, 9/^N1 64 /SA 1A139/lu9/J]3 r — Sueam UlrN')UM mom "RVyenClssnf - dF\elouryllP — 3U — — — — — 30 — — — — — — — — — V�leSienb '31. — — — — 31 CAwsIlmtN(I3 — — — — U.eeSUfre 64ye (Ctanrll(N- BF• INfl — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — APPENDIX E HYDROLOGIC DATA Table 12 Verification of Bankfull or Greater than Bankfull Events South Muddy Creek Mitigation Plan EEP Protect No 737 Gauge Watermark Height Date of Data Collection Date of Event Method of Data Collection (feet above bankfull) May 1, 2013 December 31, 2012 - May 1, 2013* Gauge measurement 007 December 31, 2012 August 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012* Gauge measurement 006 August 1, 2012 May 18, 2012 - August 1, 2012* Gauge measurement 017 May 18, 2012 September 2010 (crest gauge installation for Gauge measurement 008 asbuilt) - May 18, 2012 * Date of event(s) occurred sometime between the date range specified