HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08147_Well Construction - GW1_20211109 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For latemal Use ONLY: Thu fors can be used for siogle or.multiple wells i L Well Contmetor Information: Ronald E: Keeter Jr. 14L WATERZONER R FROM TO DESCRIPTION Well CoaIIactor Neon R R. 29saA rc R I NC Well Condactar Cerdfieation Number 1S OUTER CASQtG amk egad web DLIIUM- ORL11rII+R FROM 70 T8ICX1vL46 MATNER AL Southeastern Pump &Well Service Inc. � +� ,e. Cacopany Name `s Its.IIoom CA�7('OR TOB pR` 2.With Construction Permit AFT.— , f�: TO DUbMTEir TMC3M= MATPB_MA L List aft applicable we0 ovnsbvction pmnits(is. R [t Cosanq,Soar,Varionee,ereJ R R 3.Well Use(cheek well me): iZ SCttEEDi Water Sappy well: FROM TO I DUMPTIM SLOT gdL 1TTffCt�BS MATaRIwL ❑Agricultural blic5�4�'121 'm ,_• ❑Geothermal(14catieg/Cooling Supply) identi.1 water Supply(sing].) ft. ter to. ❑laduabdal/Commerniai Mcsidmtial water Supply(shored) 1a GROUT FROM TO ?EBIAi. EMFIAOH6lENT MlCTHOD AMOUNT ° .® R R Noll-water Sappy well: DMcoitaring DRe.overy R R Injecting well. R R MgoiferRecharge CGrcandwaterR®ediation 191LSANDAMAVF.LPAML FROM TO MATERIAL EMPI.ACIIYIEItTbllrfflOD OAgaifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Bonier DAquiferTest OStormwaterDrainage C IL R 41XI'kDExperimental Technology OSubsidemx Control R R _i OGeotherms((Cloned Loop) DTraeer 20.DBIISING LOG .trues■idboe d seats tr FROM TO MaCKUMON mbr - solFtaea - sY arc, DGeotitelmal 9 ' Rearm) DOfhcr( lam coder#21 Rmarks) tt R (,� 11 • h a R R 4.Date weil(s)Completed: _ S.Well L R R R R Facility/OwnerN a Facility (ifapplieahb) R R R R M Address,City,and Zip 2L RFMAHSB��� Panel ldar"IcationNo.(PIN) •...„; SL Latitude and Longitude in dep Ma/minutes/seconds or dedmal degrees: 22.CertificadoD: if weU Field,am let/loog is eimx) � � �- t G N ' Signahae of Certified Wou camractor ti h(are)the ww-(} ___t or OTemporary By sighting drirf-M I hereby xrtiO Hut the weA(s)was(were)ceosbrm*i in acrnrdmrce with 1 SA hCAC 02C.01W or 13A NCAC 02C.0200 Ne0 Combvemn Stardardr and that a 7.h this a repair to an existing well• OYes or o copy of this reeved hat bren prwldrd to tee weg owner. If tlrtr it a repac,fill out lrrawa.well carrsbsreffore informama and espladr the rraarre of de repair harder d21 remarks sactim or m else bark afAirform 23.Site diagram or addltbgal well details: `` You may use the back of tins page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wails constructed: 1 construction details. You may also ausr h additional pages if neoaswy. Formsrlorple ngedim or sm►watarsupply walls ONLYweh sire Move earerbradan,Yw can submit mrr form 24.Submittal Inst acdom: 9.Total well depth below land surface: (fL) 24e. For AD Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For nu&j a wefts list aft depths ff dICerew(a:="pls-3 t@21100'and 2Ud 1W) conatluttion to the follovag: 10.Static water level below top of c=hC: 'l d (M) Division of water QaaHty,.Infornattioo Processing Unit, ff wooer lanel is above casurg use" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. (ia) 24L For Inieetion Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this f6rm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction asethod: construction to the following-. (!a.auger:rotary.cab*direct push,etc.) Division of Water Qoailty,Underground Injection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2769SL1636 i 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test 24c.For Water Sanely&Ceother 3d WdM: m addition to sending the form to the addrsaa(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: A noaat: completion of well construction to tlie county health department of the county Where constructed r Fomr GW-1 Narth Camtim Depasenem of Fsvuonmem and Natural Ramms—Divisimof water Qrnlity Revised len.2013