HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140055 Ver 1_Application_20140115PAT McCRORY GOVERNOR N.C. Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, NC 27] 07 Atte��tion: Ms. Sue Homewood : � f�Z` � 't ,-. �� I ��-qE �� [j•'? �, STATE OF NOR'CH CAROLMA DEPAR"I'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION Januaiy I5, 2014 ANOTHOAYJ,TATA SECRETARY Subject: Notification for the replacement of 13ridge #144 over Rock Creek m� SR 2361 (Russell McPhersm� Road) ii� Alamance County. WBS # 17BP.7.R.62 Dear Ms. Homewood, The North Caroliva Departmevt of Trausportatiou is scheduled to replace Bridge #144 with a neti� bridge at tlie same location. I have included the Attachments G& L with a project descriptioi� antl a set of tl�e project plans. A storm�vater mauagement plan is also attached. Please review this project for compliance by yow• Division. We plan to begin construction as soon as possible. If fiu-ther information is required, please contact 7erry Parker at (336) 256-2063. Your eai9y revie�v and consideration �vill be appreciated. Sincerely, %'Y�/ ,s�r�%K/ J. . Mills, P.E. ivision Engineer, Division 7 �nclosures cc: Andy Williams , US Army Corps of Eugineers Tim Po�vers, NCDOT Bany Harrington, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT Jeremy Warreu, NCDOT Clmck Edwards, District 1 Engineer, NCDOT P. O. Boa 14996, Gxaenseoxo, NC 27415-4996 PHONe(336)334-3192 Pnx (336)334-3637 ��� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory Tom Reeder John Skvaria, III Governor . Director Secretary Attachment L: Low Impact Bridge Replacement Process Low Impact Bridge Project No.: B-N/A County Alamance Bridge No. 000144 over Rock Creek WBS Element Number 17BP.7.R.62 This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval procedures under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: January 8, 2014 Applicant Name: NCDOT Applicant Address: 1584 Yanceyville Street Greensboro. NC 27415 Primary Contact for Project: Jerrv A. Parker Phone No.: 336-256-2063 Is this an after-the-fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Cape FearlJordan Lake Watershed Stream Classification:16-19-8-3• WS-V: NSW Regulatory Authorization Options for this Activity Federal: USACE Nationwide General Permit 3— Maintenance State: Generai Water Quality Certification #3687 and/or Buffer Authorization Local: None Project Description — The project consists of replacing Bridge #144 over Rock Creek on SR 2361 (Russell McPherson Road) and improving roadway approaches. The existing 36' L X 20' W timber deck on timber joists bridge is structurally deficient and will be replaced with a new 60' L X 27' W, cored slab bridge at the same location. An off-site detour will be utilized during construction. The project involves no wetland impacts (there are no wetlands on the project site), 31 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (bank stabilization) and 14 linear feet of temporary stream impacts that are necessary in order to construct the bridge to NCDOT standards. The project drainage system consists of deck drains that will discharge onto dissipator pads in non-buffer areas and pipe outfalls that wili discharge outside the riparian area at non-erosive velocities. Proposed Riparian Buffer impacts include 1,363 square feet in Zone 1 and 609 square feet in Zone 2 to accommodate the wider span bridge and the necessary fill Transporfation Permiiting Unft � t�� �tte1, 1650 Maii Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699d650 ivOI�11CaI'011111 Location:512 N Salisbury St., Raleigh; Norlh Carolina �irtura!!r� Phone: 919-707-8784 \ FAX: 919-733-1290 Internek httpi%podal.ncdencorghvebfwq � An Equal Opportuniry lAtfirmative Action Emp;oyet slopes. A review was conducted for the presence of threatened and endangered species; there are no listed species within Afamance County that have federal status. The Bald Eagle is protected in every county in North Carolina under the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act; however, no suitable feeding/water source is located within one mile of the project study area to support Bald Eagle habitat. Signature: Print Na � � Title: _����GG PAT McCRORY GOVERNOR N.C. Division of Water Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughtown St. Winston-Salem, NC 27] 07 Atte��tion: Ms. Sue Homewood : � f�Z` � 't ,-. �� I ��-qE �� [j•'? �, STATE OF NOR'CH CAROLMA DEPAR"I'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION Januaiy I5, 2014 ANOTHOAYJ,TATA SECRETARY Subject: Notification for the replacement of 13ridge #144 over Rock Creek m� SR 2361 (Russell McPhersm� Road) ii� Alamance County. WBS # 17BP.7.R.62 Dear Ms. Homewood, The North Caroliva Departmevt of Trausportatiou is scheduled to replace Bridge #144 with a neti� bridge at tlie same location. I have included the Attachments G& L with a project descriptioi� antl a set of tl�e project plans. A storm�vater mauagement plan is also attached. Please review this project for compliance by yow• Division. We plan to begin construction as soon as possible. If fiu-ther information is required, please contact 7erry Parker at (336) 256-2063. Your eai9y revie�v and consideration �vill be appreciated. Sincerely, %'Y�/ ,s�r�%K/ J. . Mills, P.E. ivision Engineer, Division 7 �nclosures cc: Andy Williams , US Army Corps of Eugineers Tim Po�vers, NCDOT Bany Harrington, Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT Jeremy Warreu, NCDOT Clmck Edwards, District 1 Engineer, NCDOT P. O. Boa 14996, Gxaenseoxo, NC 27415-4996 PHONe(336)334-3192 Pnx (336)334-3637 ��� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory Tom Reeder John Skvaria, III Governor . Director Secretary Attachment L: Low Impact Bridge Replacement Process Low Impact Bridge Project No.: B-N/A County Alamance Bridge No. 000144 over Rock Creek WBS Element Number 17BP.7.R.62 This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval procedures under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: January 8, 2014 Applicant Name: NCDOT Applicant Address: 1584 Yanceyville Street Greensboro. NC 27415 Primary Contact for Project: Jerrv A. Parker Phone No.: 336-256-2063 Is this an after-the-fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Cape FearlJordan Lake Watershed Stream Classification:16-19-8-3• WS-V: NSW Regulatory Authorization Options for this Activity Federal: USACE Nationwide General Permit 3— Maintenance State: Generai Water Quality Certification #3687 and/or Buffer Authorization Local: None Project Description — The project consists of replacing Bridge #144 over Rock Creek on SR 2361 (Russell McPherson Road) and improving roadway approaches. The existing 36' L X 20' W timber deck on timber joists bridge is structurally deficient and will be replaced with a new 60' L X 27' W, cored slab bridge at the same location. An off-site detour will be utilized during construction. The project involves no wetland impacts (there are no wetlands on the project site), 31 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (bank stabilization) and 14 linear feet of temporary stream impacts that are necessary in order to construct the bridge to NCDOT standards. The project drainage system consists of deck drains that will discharge onto dissipator pads in non-buffer areas and pipe outfalls that wili discharge outside the riparian area at non-erosive velocities. Proposed Riparian Buffer impacts include 1,363 square feet in Zone 1 and 609 square feet in Zone 2 to accommodate the wider span bridge and the necessary fill Transporfation Permiiting Unft � t�� �tte1, 1650 Maii Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699d650 ivOI�11CaI'011111 Location:512 N Salisbury St., Raleigh; Norlh Carolina �irtura!!r� Phone: 919-707-8784 \ FAX: 919-733-1290 Internek httpi%podal.ncdencorghvebfwq � An Equal Opportuniry lAtfirmative Action Emp;oyet slopes. A review was conducted for the presence of threatened and endangered species; there are no listed species within Afamance County that have federal status. The Bald Eagle is protected in every county in North Carolina under the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act; however, no suitable feeding/water source is located within one mile of the project study area to support Bald Eagle habitat. Signature: Print Na � � Title: _����GG Pat McCrory Govemor Q�A NCDENR Norlh Carolina Deparlment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waler Resources Tam Reeder Direcfor Attachment L: Low Impact Bridge Replacement Process Low Impact Bridge Project No.: B-N/A County Alamance Bridge No. 000144 over Rock Creek WBS Element Number 17BP.7.R.62 John Skvarla, III Secrelary This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval procedures under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: Januarv S. 2014 Applicant Name: NCDOT Applicant Address: 1584 Yanceyville Street Greensboro. NC 27415 Primary Contact for Project: Jerry A. Parker Phone No.: 336-256-2063 Is this an after-the-fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Cape Fear/Jordan Lake Watershed Stream Classification:16-19-8-3; WS-V: NSW Regulatory Authorization Options for this Activity Federal: USACE Nationwide General Permit 3— Maintenance State: General Water Quality Certification #3687 and/or Buffer Authorization Local: None Project Description — The project consists of replacing Bridge #144 over Rock Creek on SR 2361 (Russell McPherson Road) and improving roadway approaches. The existing 36' L X 20' W timber deck on timber joists bridge is structurally deficient and will be replaced with a new 60' L X 27' W, cored slab bridge at the same location. An off-site detour will be utilized during construction. The project involves no wetland impacts (there are no wetlands on the project site), 31 linear feet of permanent stream impacts (bank stabilization) and 14 linear feet of temporary stream impacts that are necessary in order to construct the bridge to NCDOT standards. The project drainage system consists of deck drains that will discharge onto dissipator pads in non-buffer areas and pipe outfalls that will discharge outside the riparian area at non-erosive velocities. Proposed Riparian Buffer impacts include 1,363 square feet in Zone 1 and 609 square feet in Zone 2 to accommodate the wider span bridge and the necessary fill TranspoAaGOn PermilGng Unit 7650 Mail Service Cenler, Ralegh, NoAh Carolina 276994650 Locatbn: 512 N Salisbury SI., Ralegh, Nodh Carolina Phone:979�707-87841FAX:919-733-1290 InlemeC hllp:l/poAal.ncdencorgAveblwq An Equal Oppotlunity \ Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarolina �aturallr� Attachment G: Low/Minimal Impact Brid e Pro'ect Data Sheet � TIP NO N/A B- B- B- 2 WBS Element No. 77BP.7.R.62 3 Count Alamance 4 9rid B Number 144 Descdpllon Replace Bddge p744 on SR 2381 over � r� Rock Creek 6 Basln Ca e Fear! Jordan Lake Walershed 7 Clessiflcallon WS-V;NSW B Stream SIN ' 18-19-83 9 Tyya Inland 10 Slze ' 16' 11 T e 2-S an 7Y ExlstlngStructure Size 1@1B'-4°,t@18'-2" � 1J SuH. Ratln 47.5 14 T e � Cored Slab Bdd e 15 Proposed Slruclura Slze 82'-3' Lon 27' out lo oul 16 USACE LF �1 �� Stream NCDW�Im acls LF 31 18 USACE Im acfs AC� 0 . 19 Wetlands Non 4041m acts AC 0 20 CAMAIm acls SF 0 2� Nc bW� 6uf(e�s im Ac�s� SF �9n.3 22 Buffer Ilcalon Re ulred YIN YES � 23 State Stormwater Permlt Re uired YIN NO 24 Ha6ltat . . NIA ..... 25 T8E S aeles Presen! N!A 26 Blo Concluslon WA � �� � � Z� Moratorium T B NIA .� _ 28 Dates � � NIA 29 NallvalHatche No . . 30 Trout S ecles Present NO 37 Trout Waters Trout Condlllons YINL NO 32 WRC Revlewer N!A 33 CAMA AECs NO 34 Essentlal Flsh Habilal NO 35 Nav.O enin NO 36 USCG Permil NIA 37 HlstorlC Pro erties NO 38 Archaeolo Ical Resource5 SURVEYED 39 Trlbal Lands NO 40 4 � Resources NO 41 8 LWCF ReSOUrCBS NO 42 Wlltl and Scenlc Rivor NO 43 Federal Lands NO 44 7VA Area NO 45 fEMA Bu oul NO 48 FEMA Flvod Slud YES 47 USTs Haz Mats NO 48 Relocalees 0 49 � LAT 35.95576 Localion-.-_ ......--.--- — . . _..�.—__...___ 50 LONG -79.48089 57 ProJect Commenls Completed by: (� (QiCG� � Date: I q I Lead Englneer „ Date: � � F� DI sion nvironmental0 lee� `� ° S ..�} �(', 7 x.i, • � �4��� �n ;e ff s t ' � {` ��< } _i s �i ' :Sn ,�� � t �� ��. 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RIVER BASIN: Ca e Fear Water Qualitv Checklist* Are any streams on Ihe proJect classlfied as Hlgh Quality Water (HQW) or Cdtical Area (CA)7 No � (NOM Carolina Waler Quality Gassification ol HQW, ORW, WS-I, WS-II, SA, PNA or CA) Are there any Trout streams on the proJect7 HO �� (Troul Walers are DWQ designalion of Tr, or idenlified by NCWRC as Trout) Are there streamslrlvers wlth Rfparlan BuHer Rutes on the proJecl7� rE5 � (Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Calawba (Main Slem), Randleman or Jordan Lake Watersheds) Are Impacted streams on the 2012 Final 303(d) list for Tur6ldlty fmpalrmenl7 HO � See 2012 F�nal North Carofna 303(dl Lis[ Are Ihere endangered specles senslllve to sedlment presenl7 NO � i (Dwarf Wedgemussel, Carolina Heelspliller, Cape Fear Shiner, elc.) - '- For "YES'rasponses to any of lhese 5 questions, all jurisdiclional sireams on [he project will need a 50-ff. Environmenlalty Sensilivelvea (ESA) halched on both sides of sUeam to ROW or Easemenl. Eroslon Control Desian Checklist Perlmeter protecllon provided behvean Ihe Stream and Approach Fill9 �� Fbe+Wattk earrkr . Temporary Rock Silt Check Type A placed at ouUet of each ditch (ezisNng and proposed)? �� vE5 � Polyacrylamlde (PAM) devlces utllized in dltches (existing and proposed) with 50 fl. spacing? N/A J Type A Sllt Check with Matting and PAM uNlized in ditches with greater Ihan 2.5% gretle7 x/A ��� Type of Drelnage Breaks In Silt Fence9 �� sp. 5ea. Co„trd Ferce Type of Wattle with PAM used In ditches with 2.5% grode or less7 N/a . Selecl same type of Wattle (Excelsioror Coir Fiber) for use Ihroughoul projed. Valocity cantrol provided at beglnning and end of project in exlsting dltchlfnesT x/q � Clean Water Diversion (CWD) utllized to dlvert oHsite �unoff around proJect area9 N/a � j If CWD is ulilizetl, place delail on plan sheet and place Temp. Rock Sill Check Typa A al oullel wilh Temp. Rock Sill Checks Type B every 2 ft. of alevation change. Rlparlan Buffer Eroslon Control Deslgn applled to projecl? YES Proposed tlitches thal ilow lhrough buffer to slream, place PAM device (Waltle or Type A Sill Check) oulside of Buf(erZOne 2 and piace Type A Silt Check at oullel of tlilch. Eroslon Control Plan Sheet Checklist Clea�ing 8 Grubbing Erosian Control design includedl �S �� Contour Llnes included on Eroslon Conlrol Plan Sheet(s)? rES � Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) applled to slreams and �ivars7 re5 � (ESA is a 50-f1. halched area on bofh sides of slream lo ROW or Easemenf) Cu1veNPipelConspan Canslructian Phasing Included7 N// �� Note to Utilize Special Stllling Basin(s) for Ddlletl Piers Includetl7 � N/A � � Erosion Control Notes Checklist Is Ihere an Eroslon Control Title Sheet? �5 � Notes needed for Eroslon Control Title Sheet: -Clearing 8 Grubbing Nole -Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds Note -Environmenlally Sensitive Area(s) Nofe Engineer's name with Level IIIA Certlllcalion No. on Eroslon Control Title Sheet or Plan Sheet? vE5 ] Erosion Control Details and Summarv Checklist Details' needed wlth Eroslon Conirol Plans: '- Include as Separa[e Plan Sheels -Coir Fiber WaWe Barrier -Reforesfalion Defail inGuded as sheel RF-1 afler plan sheels Summarv Sheets needed wilh Eroslon Control Plans: Slabllization Guidellnes Sheet Included as separate sheet before first plan sheetT YES �� Optlon 1- Ditchline MatfinglPermanenl Soll Reinforcement Mat (PSRM) Summary Sheet Inctuded7 x1A � OpGon 2- Ditchllne MattinglPSRM Note on Plan Sheel wilh lowtlon and Station Numbers Included7 N/A � Erosion Control Spreadsheets and Speclal Provisions Checklist Type of Eroslon Conlrol Plan Submlttal9 Paper (FUIp Hlgh �uality Water Worksheel Included wilh Submittal? YES � See Erosion ConVOI Quan!'t'es Soreatlsheet on Soii & Waler Enoineenno Downloads Pa4e Ditchline Spreadsheet Included wilh Submlltal? xlA � See Mattina Delermination Soreadsheet on Soil 8 Water Enaineenna Downloads Paae Eroslon CoNrol Plan Design antl Submlttal Checkllsl Included with Submitlal7 YES � � Completed Erosion Conirol QuanNlies Spreadshaet induded with Submiltal7 YES � j See Erosion Control Quanlilies Soreadsheel on Soil 8 Water Enqineerinq Downloads Paae Appropriate Erosion Control Special Provislons included with Submittal7' YES �'. See Roadside Environmenfal UniC Soil & Waler Section - Special Provisions Addltional Documents Submiltal Checklist Roadway Plans and Profile inctudad with Submittal7 YE� 5 � Roadway Cross SecQons (HalfSize) included with Submittal7 YE� Permlt Drawings included with Submlital7 �YES � Generel Simclure Drawing included with Submittal � 7 � Prepared by: Elani Riggs, PE Date: 9l18/2013 Roadside Environmental Unit Surface Waters Present Worksheet Alamance Division 7 000144 17BP.7.R.62 County Division WBS # TIP Cape Fear River Basin(s) Name(s) of stream(s) ar lake(s) with DWQ index number and classification (Go to DWQ web site: httn://nortal ncdenr org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications) ❑✓ No High Quality Water (HQW), Trout Water, or 303(d) Streams for Sediment or Turbidity ❑ 303(d) Streams with Construction-related Impairments (For 303(d) Stream List (2010): htto�//portal ncdenr or�/web/wq/ws/su/conshuction) ❑ Trout Water and/or ❑ Inland County HQW and/or ❑ 303(d) Stream(s) Exist Loca[ion of zone within 1 mile and draining to TrW: From Sta. to HQW: From Sta. to 303(d): From Sta. ❑ Coastal County High Quality Water Exists to Sta. to Sta. to Sta. Location ofzone wi[hin 600' to HQW: From Sta. to Sta. • Coastal Counties: Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Cuni[uck, Dare, Gates, Herlford, Hyde, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Washington For projects in the following river basins, Riparian Buffer Zones need to be identified: ❑ Neuse River Basin ❑ Catawba River (Main Stem) ❑ Tar-Pamlico River Basin ❑ Randleman Lake Watershed Mark project limits on USGS topographic map(s). Topo map names(s) Snow Camp �✓ Jordan Lake Watershed Mark project limits on USDA County Soil Survey map(s), if available. (See North Carolina Online Soil Survey Manuscripls, NRCS Soils: htto�//soils usda qov/survey/online surveys/nor[h_carolina� Soil map sheet number(s) Filed by: Date Stream Classifications Continued WS-V, NSW 2012 Enalish Standards & �uantitv Estimates Name:AlexisStys Daie� 09117l13 Prqact Engineer: Eleni Ripgs CONTRACTN17BP7.R.62 COUN7Y.��� � DIV. 7 RDY,PSorDOC7.� � TIP t! SF-000144 LETTING 6/1@013 MILEAGE 0.09 milas STANDARDSNEEDED• DETAILS NEEDED: SUMMARYSHEETSNEEOED� 1805.01 (TSP) 1806.07 (SSCF) 1632.03 (RIST-C) iB07.01 (GCE) 1633.01 (SC-A) 16Y2.01 (TSUN) 1631.01 (MATT) N OF YEARS FOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCEFACTOR CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES #OFENTRANCES: FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REOUIRED CLASS A STONE REOUIRED SPECIAL STILLING BASINS NO.OF DRILLED PIERS It OF SPECIAL STILLING BASINS FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REOU SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE N OF SILT CHECKS NPE A with MATTING 8 PAM MATTING FOR EftOSION CONTROL REOUIRED POLYACRriAMIDE(PAM)REqUIRED i OF TEMPORARV STREAM CROSSINGS FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE REQUIRED TEMPOFiARY PIPE FOR STREAM CROSSING SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE EROSION CONTROL STONE, CLASS B R OF CSX RAILROAD BRIDGE CROSSINGS TEMPORARY SILT FENCE REQUIRED FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE ftE�UIRED -Coir Fiber WatOa Barriar 0.33 YRS 1.165 7 75 SY 25 TONS 0 0 EA 0 SY OTON 0 0 SY 0 LB 0 0 SY 0 LF 0 TON 0 TON 0 0 LF 0 SY ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION RIPARIAN BUFFERS (50 FT.) ON PROJECT yE5 �J HIGH �UALIN WATER (HQW) ON PROJECT qp � OESIGN STANDARDS IN SENSITIVE WATERSHEDS (DSSW) YES �� 303(d) STREAM FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED TURBIDIN � No � BORROW EXCAVATION QUANTIN 0 CY CRIMPING SP NEEDED ON PROJECT: ryp CCPCUA PERMIT AND SP REQUIRED : SPECIAL PROVISIONS NEEDED: 1. SEEOMIXNPE: Easl 3. JORDAN LAKE NUTRIENT TRAININC� (add above Tamp. Seetling) 4. NA71VE SEEDING 8 MULCHING (adtl above 7emp. Seeding): 7. REFORESTATION 12. RESPONSE 14. ESA 76. MINIMIZE 17. STOCKPILEMAUL ROAD -Stabilizatbn Guidelines REFORESTATION SHEETS: RF-1 Relofesla0on N OF WATTLES WITHOUT PAM p fl OF COIR FIBER WATTLES WITHOUT PAM p NO 18. WASTE/BORROW Wesl 22. SAFEN FENCE PROJECT IN FALLS LAKE WATERSHED Np PROJECT IN JORDAN LAKE WATERSHED yES WA7TLES IN OITCHLINE WITHOUT PAM Np 34. COIR FIBER WATTLE BA(iRIER 90. COIR FIBER MqT � Proiect Quantities SECTION M 270 1005 876 876 876 876 SP W6 1605 1610 1610 1610 1615 1620 1620 1622 SP 1630 1631 SP SP 1632 SP SP SP SP SP 7636 SP 7638 1639 SP SP SP SP SP 1640 SP SP SP SP SP SP t660 t660 1661 1667 1662 7663 1665 SP 1667 1675 SP SP 1670 SP SP SP SP SP SP TRNS-PORT ITEM DESCRIPTION GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION N57 STONE RIP RAP, CLASS I RIP RAP, CLASS II RIP RAP, CLASS A RIP RAP, CLASS B BOULDERS GEOTE%TILE FOR ORAINAGE TEMPORARY SILT FENCE EROSION CONTROL STONE, CIASS A EROSION CONTROL STONE, CIASS B SEOIMENT CONTROL STONE TEMPORARY MULCHING SEEDFORTEMPORARYSEEDING FERTILIZER FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING TEMPORARY SLOPE ORAINS SAFEN FENCE SILT EXCAVATION MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL: 5825 SYtDITCH COIR FIBER MAT PERMANENTSOILREINFORCEMENTMAT OSY 7/4' HARDWARE CLOTH LOW PERMEABILITY GEOTE%TILE "' TEMPORARY PIPE - (75') "' TEMPORARY PIPE - (18°) "' TEMPORARY PIPE - (24°) "' TEMPORARY PIPE - (36') TEMPORARY PIPE FOR STREAM CROSSING FLOATING TURBIOIlY CURTAIN STILLINC� BASINS SPECIAL STILLING BASINS WATTLE COIR FIBER WATTLE WATTLE BARRIER COIR FIBER WATTLE BARRIER POLYACRYLAMIDE(PAM) COIR FIBER BAFFLE "' SKIMMER - (7-1/2') "' SKIMMER - (2') "' SKIMMER - (2-7/2') "' SKIMMER - (3') "' SKIMMER - (4') "' SKIMMER - (5') SEEDING AND MULCHING MOWING SEED FOR REPAIR SEEDING FERTILIZER FOR REPAIR SEEOING SEED FOR SUPPLEMENTAL SEEDING WATER FERTILIZER TOPORESSING IMPERVIOUS DIKE SPECIALIZED HAND MOWING RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL ROOTNADS CULVERT DIVERSION CHANNEL REFORESTATION STREAMBANKREFORESTATION WETLANDREFORESTATION GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - DISKING GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - RIPPING GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM - WETLAND GRASS PLANTING GENERIC EROSION CONTROL ITEM -COMPOST BLANKET SY 0 SY UUANTITY UNIT 0 SY OTON OTON OTON 0 TON OTON 0 TON 90 SY 880 LF 30 TON 30 TON 45 TON 0.50 ACR 50.00 LB 025 TON 200 LF 100 LF 40 CY 5825 SY 46 SY 0 SY 190 LF 0 SY 0 LF 0 LF 0 LF 0 LF 0 LF 0 SY 0 CY 0 EA 0 LF 0 LF 0 LF 81 LF 0 lB 0 LF 0 EA 0 EA 0 EA 0 EA 0 EA 0 EA 0.50 ACR 0.50 ACR 50.00 LB 0.25 TON 50.00 LB 0.0 M!G 025 TON 0 LF 10 MHR 9 EA 0 EA 0 CY 0.10 ACR 0.00 ACR 0 ACR 0 ACR 0 ACR 0 ACR 0 ACR Proiect Checklist TIP DATE CHECKEDBY ROADWAYIPS/ODL SKIMMERlTIERED SKIMMER BASIN DETAIL(S) INCLUOED EARTHEN DAM WITH SKIMMER DETAIL INCLUDED INFILTRATION BASIN DETAIL INCLUDED BORROW PIT OEWATERING BASIN DETAIL INCLUDED WATTLE/COIR FIBER WATTLE OETAIL(S) INCLUDED SILT CHECK TYPE A WITH MATTING AND PAM OETAIL INCLUDED MATTING SUMMARY SHEET(S) AND STABILIZATION GUIDELINES INCLUDED ENV. SENS. AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN SHEETS (TROUT/HQW/CA/303(d)/DSSW/STREAM RELOCATION) NEUSElfAR-PAM/JORDAN LAKE/RANDLEMAN/CATAWBA RIVER BASIN (ESA) SHEET INCLUOED (qPPROPRIATE WORDING IN SP) STREAMBANWWETLANDlBUFFERREFORESTATIONSHEETSINCLUDED STREAMBANK REFORESTATION SHOWN ON PLANS (MATTING ON SLOPE NOTE) STILLING BASIN NOTE (BRIDGES OVER WATER) EARTH BERMS/CLEAN WATER DIVERSION WITH DETAIL ON PLANS CULVERT PHASING ON PLANS/�UANTITIES INCLUDED TEMPORARY PIPE(S) OUANTIN (CULVERTS 8 STREAM CROSSING) SKIMMER BASIN QUANTITIES INCLUDED RISER BASIN QUANTITIES INCLUOED GRAVEL CONST. ENT. QUANTITIES INCLUDED STREAM RELOCATION QUANTITIES 8 SP'S INCLUDED SAFE7Y FENCE QUANTITY INCLU�ED PLAN DESIGNED TO HQWlSENSITIVE WATERSHED STANDARDS QUANTITIES MATCH SPECIAL PROVISIONS MATCH � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � TITLE SHEET CORRECTTIPPROJECTNUMBER � NOTES (HQW/ESA/303(A�SENS WATER STO/C 8 G) � CORRECTSTANDAROS � BEGIN & ENOING PROJ. TIP NUMBER � SPEqAL PROVISIONS (POF) PUT M CONTRACTS FOLDER � LATE - EMAILED TO: DATE: BV: COMMENTS 8 NOTES: PROJECT SF-000144 ALAMANCE COUNTY EROSION CONTROL PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 7A BRIDGE REPLACEMENT SEPTEMBER 2013 RK � PREPARED BY: Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP 900 Ridgefield Dr., Suite 350 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919)878-9560 North Carolina License No. F-0112 PROJECT SF-000144 ALAMANCE COUNTY SPECIAL PROVISIONS INCLUDED Coir Fiber Mat Coir Fiber Wattle Barrier Environmentally Sensitive Areas Jordan Lake Nutrient Training Minimize Removal of Vegetation Reforestation Response for Erosion Control Safety Fence and Jurisdictional Flagging Seeding and Mulching- East Seeding and Mulching Native Grass- East Seed Mix Table Seed Quality Stockpile Area and Haul Roads Waste Area and Borrow Sources COIR FIBER MAT: Description Furnish material, install and maintain coir fiber mat in locations shown on the plans or in locations as directed. Work includes providing all materials, excavating and backfilling, and placing and securing coir fiber mat with stakes, steel reinforcement bars or staples as directed. Materials Item Coir Fiber Mat Anchors: Stakes, reinforcement bars, or staples shall be used as anchors. Wooden Stakes: Section 1060-14 Provide hardwood stakes 12"- 24" long with a 2" x 2" nominal square cross section. One end of the stake must be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving through the con• fiber mat and down into the underlying soil. The other end of the stake needs to have a 1"- 2" long head at the top with a 1"- 2" notch following to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Steel Reinforcement Bars: Provide uncoated #10 steel reinforcement bars 24" nominal length. The bars shall have a 4" diameter bend at one end with a 4" straight section at the tip to catch and secure the coir fiber mat. Staples: Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a u shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Construction Methods Place the coir fiber mat immediately upon fmal grading. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris that will prevent the contact of the mat with the soil. Unroll the mat and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. For s[ream relocation applications, take care to preserve the required line, grade, and cross section of the area covered. Bury the top slope end of each piece of mat in a narrow trench at least 6 in. deep and tamp fu•mly. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, overlap the end of the upper roll over the buried end of the second roll so there is a 6 in. overlap. Construct check trenches at least 12 in. deep every 50 ft. longitudinally along the edges of the mat or as directed. Fold over and bury mat to the full depth of the trench, close and tamp firmly. Overlap mat at least 6 in. where 2 or more widths of mat are installed side by side. Place anchors across the mat at the ends approximately 1 ft. apart. Place anchors along the outer edges and down the center of the mat 3 ft. apart. Adjustments in the trenching or anchoring requirements to fit individual site conditions may be required. Measurement and Payment Coir Fiber Mat will be measured and paid for as the actual number of square yards measured along the surface of the ground over which coir fiber mat is installed and accepted. No measurement will be made for anchor items. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Coir Fiber Mat Square Yard COIR FIBER WATTLE BARRIER: (5-20-13) 1670 Description Coir fiber wattle bairiers are tubular products consisting of coir fibers (coconut fibers) encased in coir fiber or synthetic netting and used at the toe of fills or on slopes to intercept runoff. Coir fiber wattle ban•iers are to be placed at locations shown on the plans or as directed. Installation shall follow the detail provided in the plans and as directed. Work includes fumishing materials, installation, maintenance and removing coir fiber wattle barriers. Materials Coir fiber wattle shall meet the following specifications: Stakes shall be used as anchors. Provide hardwood stakes a minimum of 2-ft long with a 2" x 2" nominal square cross section. One end of the stake shall be sharpened or beveled to facilitate driving down into the underlying soil. Provide staples made of 0.125" diameter new steel wire formed into a U-shape not less than 12" in length with a throat of 1" in width. Construction Methods Align coir fiber wattle barriers in an overlapping and altemating pattern. Excavate a trench the entire length of each wattle with a depth of 2" to 3" for the wattle to be placed. Secure coir fiber wattle barriers to the soil by wire staples approximately every linear foot and at the end of each wattle. Install at least 4 stakes on the downslope side of the wattle with a maximum spacing of 2 linear feet and according to the detail. Install at least 2 stakes on the upslope side of the coir fiber wattle barriers according to the detail provided in the plans. Drive stakes into the ground at least 10" with no more than 2" projecting from the top of the wattle. Drive stakes at an angle according to the detail provided in the plans. For coir fiber wattle barriers used to reduce runoff velocity for large slopes, use a maximum spacing of 20 ft.- for the bairier measured along the slope. Maintain the coir fiber wattle barriers until the project is accepted or until the coir fiber wattle barriers are removed, and remove and dispose of silt accumulations at the coir fiber wattle baniers when so directed in acwrdance with Section 1630 of the 2012 Siandard Specifications. Measurement and Payment Coir• Fiber Waltle Barrier will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of coir fiber wattle barrier installed and accepted. Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this provision, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to install the coir fiber wattle barrier. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Coir Fiber Wattle Barrier Linear Foot ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: Description This project is located in an Environmentally Sensitive Area. This designation reyuires special procedures to be used for clearing and grubbing, temporary stream crossings, and grading operations within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas identified on the plans and as designated by the Engineer. This also requires special procedures to be used for seeding and mulching and staged seeding within the project. The Environmentally Sensitive Area shall be defined as a 50-foot buffer zone on both sides of the stream or depression measured from top of streambank or center of depression. Construction Methods (A) Clearing and Grubbing In areas identified as Environmentally Sensitive Areas, the Contractor may perform clearing operations, but not grubbing operations until immediately prior to beginning grading operations as described in Article 200-1 of the Standard Specifications. Only clearing operations (not giubbing) shall be allowed in this buffer zone until unmediately prior to beginning grading operations. Erosion control devices shall be installed immediately following the clearing operation. (B) Grading Once grading operations begin in identified Environmentally Sensitive Areas, work shall progress in a continuous manner until complete. All construction within these areas shall progress in a continuous manner such that each phase is complete and areas are permanently stabilized prior to beginning of next phase. Failure on the part of the Contractor to complete any phase of construction in a continuous manner in Environmentally Sensitive Areas will be just cause for the Engineer to direct the suspension of work in accordance with Article 108-7 of the Standard Specif cations. (C) Temporary Stream Crossings Any crossing of streams within the limits of this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of Subarticle 107-13(B) of the Standard Specificalions. (D) Seeding and Mulching Seeding and mulching shall be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction immediately following final grade establishment. No appreciable time shall lapse into the contract time without stabilization of slopes, ditches and other areas within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas. (E) Stage Seeding The work covered by this section shall consist of the establishment of a vegetative cover on cut and fill slopes as grading progresses. Seeding and mulching shall be done in stages on cut and fill slopes that are greater than 20 feet in height measured along the slope, or greater than 2 acres in area. Each stage shall not exceed the limits stated above. Additional payments will not be made for the requirements of this section, as the cost for this work shall be included in the contract unit prices for the wark involved. JORDAN LAKE WATERSHED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT TRAINING REOUIREMENTS: The person(s) responsible for applying fertilizer or person(s) conducting the application of fertilizer on this project within the Jordan Lake Watershed shall complete the following web- based training prior to performing this work: http://portaLncdenr.ore/web/jordanlake/fertilizer-mana ement The cost of the training is $10.00 and the training shall be paid for and completed at the expense of the Contractor and no direct payment will be made in this contract. A certificate of completion must be presented by the person(s) responsible for fertilizer application or person(s) conducting the application of fertilizer prior to performing fertilizer application on the project within the limits of the Jordan Lake Watershed. MINIMIZE REMOVAL OF VEGETATION: The Contractor shall minimize removal of vegetation at stream banks and disturbed areas within the project limits as directed. REFORESTATION: � - Description Reforestation will be planted within interchanges and along the outside borders of the road, and in other areas as directed. Reforestation is not shown on the plan sheets. See the Reforestation Detail Sheet. All non-maintained riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary fill or clearing activities shall be restored to the preconstruction contours and revegetated with native woody species. The entire Reforestation operation shall comply with the requirements of Section 1670 of the Standard Specifications. Materials Reforestation shall be bare root seedlings 12"-18" tall. Construction Methads Reforestation shall be shall be planted as soon as practical following permanent Seeding and Mulching. The seedlings shall be planted in a 16-foot wide swath adjacent to mowing pattern line, or as directed. Root dip: The roots of reforestation seedlings shall be coated with a slurry of water, and either a fine clay (kaolin) or a superabsorbent that is designated as a bare root dip. The type, mixture ratio, method of application, and the time of application shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. With the approval of the Engineer, seedlings may be coated before delivery to the job or at the time of planting, but at no time shall the roots of the seedlings be allowed to dry out. The roots shall be moistened immediately prior to planting. Seasonal Limitations: Reforestation shall be planted fiom November 15 through March 15. Measurement and Payment Reforeslalion will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1670-17 of the Standard Specifzcations. RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL: Description Furnish the labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to move personnel, equipment, and supplies to the project necessary for the pursuit of any or all of the following work as shown herein, by an approved subcontractor. Section Erosion Control Item Unit 1605 Temporary Silt Fence LF SP Special Sediment Control Fence LF/TON 1615 Temporary Mulching ACR 162o Seed - Temporary Seeding LB 1620 Fertilizer - Temporary Seeding TN 1631 Matting for Erosion Control SY SP Coir Fiber Mat Sy SP Coir Fiber Baffles LF SP Permanent Soil Reinforcement Mat SY t660 Seeding and Mulching ACR 1661 Seed - Repair Seeding LB t661 Fertilizer - Repair Seeding ToN 1662 Seed - Supplemental Seeding LB 1665 Fertilizer Topdressing TON SP Safety/Highly Visible Fencing LF SP Response for Erosion Control EA Construction Methods Provide an approved subcontractor who performs an erosion control action as described in Form 1675. Each erosion control action may include one or more of the above work items. Measurement and Payment Response for Erosion Control will be measured and paid for by counting the actual number of times the subcontractor moves onto the project, including borrow and waste sites, and satisfactorily completes an erosion control action described in Form 1675. The provisions of Article 104-5 of the Standard Specifications will not apply to this item of work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Response for Erosion Control Each SAFETY FENCE AND JURISDICTIONAL FLAGGING: Description Safely Fence shall consist of furnishing materials, installing and maintaining polyethylene or polypropylene fence along the outside riparian buffer, wetland, or water boundary, or other boundaries located within the construction corridor to mark the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland, endangered vegetation, culturally sensitive areas or water. The fence shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Interior boundaries forjurisdictional areas noted above shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. Jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits, whether considered outside or interior boundaries shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. Materials (A) Safety Fencing Polyethylene or polypropylene fence shall be a highly visible preconstructed safety fence approved by the Engineer. The fence material shall have an ultraviolet coating. Either wood posts or steel posts may be used. Wood posts shall be hardwood with a wedge or pencil tip at one end, and shall be at least 5 ft. in length with a minimum nominal2" x 2" cross section. Steel posts shall be at least 5 ft. in length, and have a minimum weight of 0.85 lb/ft of length. (B) Boundary Flagging Wooden stakes shall be 4 feet in length with a minimum nominal 3/4" x 1-3/4" cross section. The flagging shall be at least 1" in width. The flagging material shall be vinyl and shall be orange in color and highly visible. Construction Methods No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence. The fence shall be erected to conform to the general contour of the ground. (A) Safety Fencing Posts shall be set at a maximum spacing of 10 ft., maintained in a vertical position and hand set or set with a post driver. If hand set, all backfill material shall be thoroughly tamped. Wood posts may be sharpened to a dull point ifpower driven. Posts damaged by power driving shall be removed and replaced prior to fmal acceptance. The tops of all wood posts shall be cut at a 30- degree angle. The wood posts may, at the option of the Contractor, be cut at this angle either before or after the posts are erected. The fence geotextile shall be attached to the wood posts with one 2" galvanized wire staple across each cable or to the steel posts with wire or other acceptable means. Place construction stakes to establish the location of the safety fence in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for the staking of the safety fence. All stakeouts for safety fence shall be considered incidental to the work being paid for as "Construction Surveying", except that where there is no pay item for construction surveying, all safety fence stakeout will be performed by state forces. The Contractor shall be requu•ed to maintain the safety fence in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. (B) Boundary Flagging Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet maximum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of 6" into the ground. Interior boundaries may be staked on a tangent that runs parallel to buffer but must not encroach on the buffer at any location. Interiar boundaries of hand clearing shall be identified with a different colored flagging to distinguish it from mechanized clearing. Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries will be placed in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for delineation of the interior boundaries. This delineation will be considered incidental to the work being paid for as Constnrction Surveying, except that where there is no pay item or construction surveying the cost of boundary flagging delineation shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. Installation for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet maximum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of 6" into the ground. Additional flagging may be placed on overhanging vegetation to enhance visibility but does not substitute for installation of stakes. Installation of boundary flagging for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall be performed in accordance with Subarticle 230-4(B)(3)(d) or Subarticle 802-2(F) of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for this delineation, as the cost of same shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. The Contractor shall be required to maintain alternative stakes and highly visible flagging in a satisfactory condition far the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. Measurement and Payment , S'afety Fence will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of polyethylene or polypropylene fence installed in place and accepted. Such payment will be full compensation including but not limited to furnishing and installing fence geotextile with necessary posts and post bracing, staples, tie wires, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete this work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Pay Unit Safety Fence Linear Foot STABILIZATION REOUIREMENTS: Stabilization for this project shall comply with the time frame guidelines as specified by the NCG-010000 general construction permit effective August 3, 2011 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Temporary or permanent ground cover stabilization shall occur within 7 calendar days from the last land- disturbing activity, with the following exceptions in which temporary or permanent ground cover shall be provided in 14 calendar days from the last land-disturbing activiry: • Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1, with a slope length of 10 8. ar less • Slopes 3:1 or flatter, with a slope of length of 50 ft. or less • Slopes 4:1 or flatter The stabilization timeframe for High Quality Water (HQV� Zones shall be 7 calendar days with no exceptions for slope grades or lengths. High Quality Water Zones (HQV� Zones are defined by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 04A.0105 (25). Temporary and permanent ground cover stabilization shall be achieved in accordance with the provisions in this contract and as directed. SEEDING AND MULCHING: (East) The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. All Roadway Areas March 1- August 31 50# Tall Fescue 10# Centipede 25# Bermudagrass (hulled) 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone September 1 - February 28 50# Tall Fescue 10# Centipede 35# Bermudagrass (unhulled) 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone Waste and Borrow Locations March 1— August 31 75# Tall Fescue 25# Bermudagrass (hulled) 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone September 1 - February 28 75# Tall Fescue 35# Bermudagrass (unhulled) 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone Note: 50# of Bahiagrass may be substituted for either Centipede or Bermudagrass only upon Engineer's request. Approved Tall Fescue Cultivars 2"a Millennium Avenger Barlexas Barlexas II Ban�era Banington Biltmore Bingo Bravo Cayenne Chapel Hill Chesapeake Constitution Chipper Coronado Coyote Davinci Dynasty Dominion Duster Endeavor Escalade Falcon II, III, IV & V Fidelity Finesse II Firebn•d Focus Grande II Greenkeeper Greystone Inferno Justice Jaguar 3 Kalahari Kentucky 31 Kitty Hawk Kitty Hawk 2000 Lexington Magellan Masterpiece Matador Matador GT Millennium Montauk Mustang 3 Olympic Gold Padre Paraiso Picasso Piedmont Pure Gold Prospect Quest RebelExeda Rebel Sentry Regiment II Rembrandt Rendition Swrpion Shelby Signia Silverstar Southern Choice II Stetson Tarheel Titan Ltd Titanium Tomahawk Tacer Trooper Turbo Ultimate Watchdog Wolfpack On cut and fill slopes 2:1 or steeper Centipede shall be applied at the rate of 5 pounds per acre and add 20# of Sericea Lespedeza from January 1- December 31. Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. TEMPORARY SEEDING: Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seeding and Mulching and applied at the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of 50 pounds per acre. Sweet Sudan Grass, German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and Rye Grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. Fertilizer used for topdressing on all roadway areas except slopes 2:1 and steeper shall be 10-20- 20 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount ofplant food as 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Fertilizer used for topdressing on slopes 2:1 and steeper and waste and boirow areas shall be 16- 8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8-8 analysis and as directed. SUPPLEMENTAL SEEDING: The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for Seeding and Mulching, with the exception that no centipede seed will be used in the seed mix for supplemental seeding. The rate of application for supplemental seeding may vary from 25# to 75# per acre. The actual rate per acre will be determined prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sod seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. MOWING: The minimum mowing height on this project shall be 4 inches. STABILIZATION REOUIREMENTS: Stabilization for this project shall comply with the time.frame guidelines as specified by the NCG-010000 general construction permit effective August 3, 2011 issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality. Temporary or permanent ground cover stabilization shall occur within 7 calendar days from the last land- disturbing activity, with the following exceptions in which temporary or permanent ground cover shall be provided in 14 calendar days from the last land-disturbing activity: • Slopes between 2:1 and 3:1, with a slope length of 10 ft. or less • Slopes 3:1 or flatter, with a slope of length of 50 ft. or less • Slopes 4:1 or flatter The stabilization timeframe for High Quality Water (HQ� Zones shall be 7 calendar days with no exceptions for slope grades or lengths. High Quality Water Zones (HQV� Zones are defined by North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 04AA105 (25). Temporary and permanent ground cover stabilization shall be achieved in accordance with the provisions in this contract and as directed. NATIVE GRASS 5EEDING AND MULCHING: (East) Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be performed on the disturbed areas of wetlands and riparian areas, and adjacent to Stream Relocation construction within a 50 foot zone on both sides of the stream or depression, measured from top of stream bank or center of depression. The stream bank of the stream relocation shall be seeded by a method that does not alter the typical cross section of the stream bank. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall also be performed in the permanent soil reinforcement mat section of preformed scour holes, and in other areas as directed. The kinds of seed and fertilizer, and the rates of application of seed, fertilizer, and limestone, shall be as stated below. During periods of overlapping dates, the kind of seed to be used shall be determined. All rates are in pounds per acre. March 1- August 31 18# Creeping Red Fescue 6# Indiangrass 8# Little Bluestem 4# Switchgrass 25# Browntop Millet 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone September 1 - February 28 18# Creeping Red Fescue 6# Indiangrass 8# Little Bluestem 4# Switchgrass 35# Rye Grain 500# Fertilizer 4000# Limestone Approved Creeping Red Fescue Cultivars: Aberdeen Boreal Epic Cindy Lou Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate ofapplication adjusted to provide the same amount ofplant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. Native Grass Seeding and Mulching shall be perforrned in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specif:cations and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Temporary Seeding Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seeding and Mulching and applied at the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of 50 pounds per acre. German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and rye grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. Fertilizer Topdressing Fertilizer used for toptL•essing shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A diFferent analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8- 8 analysis and as directed. Supplemental Seeding The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for Seeding and Mulching, and the rate of application may vary from 25# to 75# per acre. The actual rate per acre will be determined prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sod seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. Mowing The minimum mowing height shall be 4 inches. Measurement and Payment Native Grass Seeding and Mulching will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1660-8 of the Standard Spec f cations. Form ESC-11 Form ESC-11 NCDOT GENERAL SEED SPECIFICATION FOR SEED OUALITY Seed shall be sampled and tested by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Seed Testing Laboratory. When said samples are collected;-the vendor shall supply an independent laboratory report for each lot to be tested. Results from seed so sampled shall be fmal. Seed not meeting the specifications shall be rejected by the Department of Transportation and shall not be delivered to North Carolina Department of Transportation warehouses. If seed has been delivered it shall be available for pickup and replacement at the supplier's expense. Any re-labeling required by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Seed Testing Laboratory, that would cause the label to reflect as otherwise specified herein shall be rejected by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Seed shall be free from seeds of the noxious weeds Johnsongrass, Balloonvine, Jimsonweed, Witchweed, Itchgrass, Serrated Tussock, Showy Crotalaria, Smooth Crotalaria, Sicklepod, Sandbur, Wild Onion, and Wild Garlic. Seed shall not be labeled with the above weed species on the seed analysis labeL Tolerances as applied by the Association of Official Seed Analysts will NOT be allowed for the above noxious weeds except for Wild Onion and Wild Garlic. Tolerances established by the Association of Official Seed Analysts will generally be recognized. However, for the purpose of figuring pure live seed, the found pure seed and found germination percentages as reported by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Seed Testing Laboratory will be used. Allowances, as established by the NCDOT, will be recognized for minimum pure live seed as listed on the following pages. The specifications for restricted noxious weed seed refers to the number per pound as follows: Restricted Noxious Limitations per Weed Lb. Of Seed Blessed Thistle 4 seeds Cocklebur 4 seeds Spurred Anoda 4 seeds Velvetleaf 4 seeds Morning-glory 8 seeds Corn Cockle 10 seeds Wild Radish 12 seeds Purple Nutsedge 27 seeds Yellow Nutsedge 27 seeds Canada Thistle 27 seeds Field Bindweed 27 seeds Hedge Bindweed 27 seeds Restricted Noxious Weed Cornflower (Ragged Robin) Texas Panicum Bracted Plantain Buckhorn Plantain Broadleaf Dock Curly Dock Dodder Giant Foxtail Horsenettle Quackgrass Wild Mustard Limitations per Lb. of Seed 27 seeds 27 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds 54 seeds Seed of Pensacola Bahiagrass shall not contain more than 7% inert matter, Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipede and Fine or Hard Fescue shall not contain more than 5% inert matter whereas a maximum of 2% inert matter will be allowed on all other kinds of seed. In addition, all seed shall not contain more than 2% other crop seed nor more than 1% total weed seed. The germination rate as tested by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture shall not fall below 70%, which includes both dormant and hard seed. Seed shall be labeled with not more than 7%, 5% or 2% inert matter (according to above specifications), 2% other crop seed and 1% total weed seed. Exceptions may be made for minimum pure live seed allowances when cases of seed variety shortages are verified. Pure live seed percentages will be applied in a verified shortage situation. Those purchase orders of deficient seed lots will be credited with the percentage that the seed is deficient. FURTHER SPECIFICATIONS FOR EACH SEED GROUP ARE GIVE BELOW: Minimum 85% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop seed; maximum 144 restricted noxious weed seed per pound. Seed less than 83% pure live seed will not be approved. Sericea Lespedeza Oats (seeds) Minimum 80% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop; maximum 144 restricted noxious weed seed per pound. Seed less than 78% pure live seed will not be approved. Tall Fescue (all approved varieties) Bermudagrass Kobe Lespedeza Browntop Millet Korean Lespedeza German Millet - Strain R Weeping Lovegrass Clover - Red/White/Crimson Carpetgrass Minimum 78% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop seed; maximum 144 restricted noxious weed seed per pound. Seed less than 76% pure live seed will not be approved. Common or Sweet Sundangrass Minimum 76% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop seed; maximum 144 resh�icted noxious weed seed per pound. Seed less than 74% pure live seed will not be approved. Rye (grain; all varieties) Kentucky Bluegrass (all approved varieties) Hard Fescue (all approved varieties) Shrub (bicolor) Lespedeza Minimum 70% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop seed; maximum 144 restricted noxious weed seed per pound. Seed less than 70% pure live seed will not be approved. Centipedegrass Japanese Millet Crownvetch Reed Canary Grass Pensacola Bahiagrass Zoysia Creeping Red Fescue Minimum 70% pure live seed; maximum 1% total weed seed; maximum 2% total other crop seed; maximum 5% inert matter;maximum 144 restricted noxious weed seed per pound. Barnyard Grass Big Bluestem Little Bluestem Bristly Locust Birdsfoot Trefoil Indiangrass Orchardgrass Switchgrass Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover STOCKPILE AREAS: The Contractor shall install and maintain erosion control devices sufficient to contain sediment around any erodible material stockpile areas as directed. ACCESS AND HAUL ROADS: At the end of each warking day, the Contractor shall install or re-establish temporary diversions or earth berms across access/haul roads to direct runoff into sediment devices. Silt fence sections that are temporarily removed shall be reinstalled across access/haul roads at the end of each working day. WASTE AND BORROW SOURCES: Payment for temporary erosion control measures, except those made necessaiy by the Contractor's own negligence or for his own convenience, will be paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the devices or measures utilized in boirow sources and waste areas. No additional payment will be made for erosion control devices or permanent seeding and mulching in any commercial borrow or waste pit. All erosion and sediment control practices that may be required on a commercial boirow or waste site will be done at the Contractor's expense. All offsite Staging Areas, Borrow and Waste sites shall be in accordance with "Bonow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" located at: http://www.ncdokgov/doh/operations/dp chief en�/roadside/fieldopsldownloads/Files/Contracte dReclamationProcedures. pdf All forms and documents referenced in the "Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" shall be included with the reclamation plans for offsite staging areas, and borrow and waste sites.