HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020427_Performance Annual Report July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001_20010731311 East Franklin Street • Rockingham, N.C. 28379 • Telephone Fax: (910) 997-6617 CITY OF ROCIQNGHAM. 910) L'a48 R- @ 'itkinghaF` AUG 2 0 2001 DV O i WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT CITY OF ROCKINGHAM WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM MONTY R. CRUMP, CITY MANAGER LARRY D. COBLER, WWTP OPERATIONS DIRECTOR RICHARD HAUGEN, SUPT. WATER AND SEWER MAINTENANCE NPDES PERMIT # NC0020427 On July 20, 1999 the North Carolina General Assembly signed into law House Bill 1160, the Clean Water Act of 1999. This legislation has placed significant, new reporting requirements on those entities that own or operate wastewater treatment and collection systems. The owner, operators must provide an annual report to its users or customers and to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources that summarizes the treatment works or collectlon systems performance over a twelve- month period. The report shall also state the extent to which any terms of its permit, federal laws, or any State laws, regulations or rules related to the protection of water quality have been violated. The following is an Annual Performance Report for the aty of Rockingham's Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewer Collection System for the period July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. The City of Rockingham operates a 9-MGD (million gallons per day) wastewater treatment plant and composting facility located on Byrd Drive in Roddngham. Sewage is transported to the treatment plant from both households and industries through a collection system that consist of approximately 90 miles of pipes and 25 sewage pumping stations. The wastewater treatment plant is an extended aeration system that removes substances from the sewer water primarily through biological treatment and discharges the deaned water into the Pee Dee River. Substances removed from the sewer water are then converted into compost and distributed to the public free of charge to be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PERFORMANCE The City's wastewater treatment plant operates under limits established by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. It is required by the State that the Gty meet an 85% removal -rate on both BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), and TSS (total suspended solids) which are the primary substances in sewage. For this reporting period, the Gty exceeded these requirements with a 98.2% removal rate on BOD and a 94.2% removal rate on TSS. The lowest percent removal rate for BOD for the twelve-month period was 97.7% and the lowest percent removal rate for TSS for the twelve-month period was 90.6%. During this reporting period the Gty treated approximately 1.642 billion gallons of sewage with no limits, reporting, monitoring, or permit violations. The City of Rockingham is committed to producing the highest quality treated water that is attainable at the wastewater treatment plant to insure the protection of our natural environment ea 19 1� wey6uppoZl Jo AID r 'dw ..r -a A3uoj 'Alll!getl PI Jo Pallilou uaaq aney - ' • 43 3e43 pue wagsAs paweu a43 Jo s1aw03sno Jo slam a43 04 atgeilene apew uaaq Se4 3Jodau s!43 3e43•Ajprao lawn; n; I '96palMoum Aw j 3saq a43 03 el nnooe pue maldwoo s! 310di s!43 3e43 MeI Jo A31euad spun AJgia3 I '88t'Z-S68 3e u96neH PJeLPRI Jo t,£b6-s68 3e Jalgor ALrl 3oaauoo '31oda1 sl43 6ulpiebai uopsanb e sey au0Aue JI *pied ale sing slem a43 amp II2H AID Jo )IsaP 3u0u a43 3e o!Ignd _a43 a3 aigal!2+e a q Him saldoo pue .idedsMau ICI a43 ul Pags!Ignd aq II!M 3JodaJ sp.]. Pa3oa4ap ale Aa43 se uoas se susigad asap ssauppe lauuosiad A pue lo.quoo s,auoAue puoAaq aie leap saouelsu! BUMS aie a1aql 'uanaMou 'MOO sui qwd alojaq Rods aignoi3 Aue wool dla4 03 3J0jja ue ul AIJeaA amp no; saw! 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Agpuow a s! 6u!MolloJ ay,l •saliddns JegeM olignd o3 Jo 43teay ollgnd o3 Ja6uep ou .pasneo 3! :JanaMoy pound buplodaJ s!43 6uunp Mopiano ue Jo BOUIEISUI auo Apo uaaq se4 as41 'Alllenb la3eM Jo uoiswa a43 Aq paunbal se Jaded !soot a43 W pa3lodeu ale Aa43'sMoLJsno 3ueo0!u6is ale Amp Jl pue a3e3S a43 al pewodaJ ale swam asa4J_ •suopels 6uldwnd abeMas a43 Jo suopounJiew J0 wa3shs uoponoo a43 ul sadld ay3 u! wax! 'sadld ay3 ul suopxWsgo 04 anp Jn:oo a6eMaS Jo sMoIJJ3AM 'uolsemo uO Combined Invoice / Statement & Certified "Affidavit CITY OF ROCKINGHAM RICHMOND COUNT PASTEWATER TREATMENT LANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM 105 E. Washington S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Rockingharr City of Rockingham PHONE (910) 997-3111 Wastewater Treatment Plant Federal ID No And Sewage Collection System CITY OF ROCKINGHAM 311 E FRANKLIN ST ROCKINGHAM NC 28379 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF RICHMOND Amount of Bill $ 167.50 I, Michael Leonard, Publisher of the RICHMOND COUNTY DAILY JOURNAL a newspaper published in Richmond County, NC certify that the annexed advertisment of ANNUAL REPORT was duly published in the aforesaid newspaper 1 time(s) for consecutive weeks beginning with issue dated Aug 2 2001 (Signer{��c,�� Richmond County Daily Journal Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public, this day of Aug 2 2001 (Signed),,Oa.,Cl,� My Commission expires '? -- 2, 2 ---v= f Date AUg 2 2001 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT $ 167.50 Terms: Net Due receipt of this Invoice For proper credit, please enclose duplicate invoice with rei IMPORTANT: Please retain this affidavit for your record Monty R. Crump City Manager Larry D. Cobler WWTP Operations Director Richard Haugen Supt. Water & Sewer Maintenance NPDES Permit #NC0020427 On July 20, 1999 the North Caro- lina General Assembly signed into law House Bill 1160, the Clean Water Act of 1999. This legislation has placed significant, new reporting require- ments on those entities that own or operate wastewater treatment and collection systems, The owner, opera- tors must provide an annual report to its users or customers and to the De- partment of Environment and Natural Resources that summarizes the treat- ment works or collection systems per- formance over a twelve-month period. The report shall also state the extent to which any terms of its permit, feder- al laws, or any State laws, regulations or rules related to the protection of water quality have been violated, The following is an annual Per- formance Report for the City of Rock- ingham's Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewer Collection System for the .period July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2001. The City of Rockingham oper- ates a 9-MGD (million gallons per day) wastewater treatment plant and composting facility -`located on Byrd Drive in Rockingham. (Sewage is transported to the treatment plant from both households and industries through a collection system that con- sist of approximately 90 miles of pipes and 25 sewage pumping stations. The wastewater treatment plant is an ex- tended aeration system that removes substances from the sewer water pri- marily through biological treatment and discharges the cleared water into the Pee Dee River. Substances re- moved from the sewer water are then converted into compost and distribut- ed to the public free of charge to be used for agricultural and horticulture purposes. Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance The City's wastewater treatment plant operates under limits establish- ed by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. It is required by the State that the City meet an 85% re- moval rate on both BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), and TSS (total sus- pended solids) which are the primary substances in sewage. For this report- ing period, the City exceeded these requirements with a 98.2% removal rate on BOD and 94.2% removal rate on TSS. The lowest percent removal rate for BOD for the twelve=month pe- riod was 97.7% and the (lowest per - twelve -month period was 90.6%. Dur- ing this reporting period the City treat- ed approximately.1.642 billion gallons of sewage with no limits, reporting, monitoring, or permit violations. The City of Rockingham is com- mitted to producing the highest quality treated water that is attainable at the wastewater treatment plant to insure the protection of our natural environ- ment. Collection System Performance On occasion, overflows of sew- age occur due to obstructions in the pipes, breaks in the pipes in the col- lection system or malfunctions of the sewage pumping stations. These events are reported to the State and it they are significant overflows, they are reported in the local paper as re- quired by the Division of Water Quali- ty. There has been only one instance of an overflow during this reporting period however; it is caused no dan- ger to public health or to public water supplies. The following is a monthly list of all overflows that have occurred dur- ing this reporting period including the location and volume of the overflow, corrective actions taken, and any en- vironmental Impact caused by the overflow: July 2000: None Reported August 2000: None Reported September 2000: None Reported October 2000: None Reported November 2000: None Reported December 2000: None Reported January 2001: None Reported February 2001: None Reported March 2001: On March 24, 2001 approximately 1500 gallons of sewage overflowed from a man hole at the end of Williamsburg Drive onto the ground. The over flow was caused by a blockage due to roots in the sewer line. The roots were removed from the line and the soil around the manhole was removed and treat ed with lime as requested by the property owner. April 2001: None Reported May 2001: None Reported June 2001: None Reported The City of Rockingham inspects its sewer outfall lines four times yearly in an effort to help locate any trouble spots before problems occur however, there are some instances that are be- yond anyone's control and City per- sonnel address these problems as soon as they are detected. This report will be published in the local newspaper and copies will be available to the public at the front desk of City Hall where the water bills are paid. If anyone has a question re- garding this report, contact Larry Co- bler at 895-9434 or Richard Haugen at 895-2488. I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its avails• bility. Monty R. Crump, City Manager City of Rockingham Aug2,2001 f Quick 617 East Broad Avenue ROCKINGHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 28379 (910) 997-2295 Customer's Order No Date t L. `+s' a00I Name e;- Address SOLD BY CASH C. O. D.CHARGE ON ACCT. MDSE. RETD. PAID OUT a& OUAN. , DESCRIPTION W Lilo -1- et- iii PRICE - AMOUNT ia4 TAX % i4(a TOTAL !'c3'�j I';r.:a. 0060518 Rec'dby All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. GS-201-3 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 0714,