HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08031_Well Construction - GW1_20211122 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lnttemal Use ONLY. This torn can be owd"for single or multiple arils 1.Well Contractor Information: t4.♦tWMAZONES , Brian owing PROM TO OKS tvrtON, NeilContruamNam n. ft. 4240 B A. R NC Well CoturaraorCenificationNumbn 1S 0 ING ffer�tvtMbeaaMfir9.tldt;tom T( 8cabk FROM To PIA-V. R Tn1CKNM MATERiAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 21 (L 2.25° In. NA STEEL i Compto),Nam 1d 1 GORMIN`G `ilkli t6tisedfoo PROM TO DIA:tiIF.TER TnH71UN A MA7T:RIAL 2.Well Construction Pcrmtt 0: (L 0. hL lift aft rrppb'lrfbtr reef!prrmitf Pi r.Colrnry,sAwe,Variance.IfiWfitn e1r.) R, h. Ies, 3.WrAlL3se(check well use).- I f.-S RttBN Water Supply Weil: PROM TO 101ANF7XR t 6rATbIFX: Ttn(WNTS$ I MATFRIAL OAgtictlttulal l�tV m cipal1publiC 21 R. 25 ft. 1.25. In 004 NA STEEL CGeothermal(Hea6ngAGooling Supph) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) tt. ti trti CSlndusttial/Conimerciat tJResidential Water Supply(shared) I&AMO13T > FROM TO MATERIAL Er PLACE MW M£iHOD R AMOL'\T ❑ini ion Non:Water Supply Well: mMonitori OReco�c Injection ett: n- ❑AquifcrRceharge ❑GroundwPicrRcmcdiation 19.SAND it 1:PACK te,ible ❑Adquiter Storugc and Recotirly ❑$alinity Harrier PRAM TOI MAT1ratAr, aMPI arnse r METH n tt. ft, ❑AgaifcrTcsl ❑StormwRterDtttinage ❑E. crfinenm1Tcchnology ❑Subsid=cCorrtml 30.DRILU qG arfitcF additional sheels ff♦teens'' ❑Geotltenrml(closed Loop? ❑Tr4r2'd FROM TO 91MCRtPrto;• ealsr.Aardfim.w i,*k o Ne: oGeothemtal(ILeati ooUt Return) ❑()thet(explain wider#21 RempW 0 Ir. 10 fL FILL SILT SAND 10 ft. 15 (L SILTY SAND 4.Date WCU(s)Completed: 10-29-21 WdiIDASSW-GW-15 15 (L 25 (1, MOIST TO WET SILTY SAND Sa.We11 Location: Former Charlotte Army Missile Plant fl, fL FacilityiQu oer Nance Facilih,ID#(ir applicable) 1824 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28206 (L (L P1nskal Addmss.City.and Zip 2LAntAIM Mecklenburg SP-22 WATER SAMPLE. Conmy Pameltdentiric:nion No.(PIN) • sr:: a .n :/}/.C4�,(��' ;,.a; Sb,l nitade and longitude in dcgrecs/mlmites/kcandsor decimal degrtxs (it'mett field,one Islort is saftickwj 22 Certfiecatinn: N W ,Bria.,n.Ewin 11,2,2021 Sigmtew of CeniGcd Wdl Carumctor btu „ 6.I9(are)the w'ell(s): oPermanent or MTemporary fh•signing this joem.1 hrre4q,rrrfiA that the ratilf(rl mvx(wrreJ c>r utmeted in aetvy4anee n4rh I SA NCAC 01C.,010►ear!SA NCAC MC.0200 tYed Carrxrntx;r&m Standards attd that a 7.Is this a repair to.anexi.�well: O es or MNo cap),ofrhiserrordhaasN-mpmr�idetttothr',%W1fwnrr. If this is a repair,fill oor Anomn well eorwrtfaimn ht onwdaa and rwfain the norNre of the relwir wderb21 rmnorkv frrnnn or an the hock of Mix form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You niay use the back of this page to pro%de additional cvt11 site details or well R.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You way also attach additional pages if neeessan=_ For ma#♦late iitWd»r or am-none stgrpft kyflr ONLY»irh the mutt ewatsivtrrtiart.}ua awn xarhmifone,form. SU�AL 111MU QW 9.Total well depth behm land surfaor. 25 (R.) 24a. For A Wells: Submit this fomr within 30 days of completion of well For mohiple,wells tin afl rlrrulix(fdiffrtenr(exaanple-3@200'and 10 llKKj') constmi'tion t0 the following: 10.Static water lend below top of casing {it.) Division of Water Rcsourlat,Information Processing UnlL H°wter level is obrnr casing,use"a" 1617 Mail Sonic Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.t3otThok diameter 2.25^ (icy) 24b.For inWifflgn Welly ONLY: inkaddition to sending the form to the address;in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well IL Weil oo►Mtrnetion mahod: DPT construction to the following: (i.c.auger,.totmy,cabin dirad pests cm.) Dhision of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATERSVPPLY WEL.IS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Cemer,Raleigh,NI C 27699.1636 13s,Yidd(gpm) Micthod of teat: 2�e For Water 5R 1 &to octhm Wetiv: Also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of completion of 13b.Dtsinfoctinn tvltc Amount: constructed department of the coamt�where tisctl conStaXlion to the County health Form GW-1 Nona Carolina Dqartnnom of Ewimnmra and Natrral Resources-Dhision of Rrater Resdirots Rer,rsed Atoa 2013