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HomeMy WebLinkAbout295 Grand Stand Lane� 0 NC®ENR Nor 4 Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, ~Division of'Water 'Res ource_s Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory ThoMals A. Reeder John E Skvarla, III Governor Di'rec'tor Secretary January 14, 2013 - Geoff rey F,legel '295, Grand'Stand)Lane Angier, NC 27501 - r b Subject:,,Surface Water Determination Letter; NBRRO# 14=16 Johnston, County Determination Type:` Buffer; Call Isolated'or EIP Call ®,Neuse, (15A NCAC 2B: 0233), Start @, ❑'Tar= Pamlico ('1�5A�NCAC 2B :0259) Z Ep hemeral /Intermittent%Perennial, Determination USES' To p6 ❑ ` Isolated,Wetland;Determi'nation ❑Jordan `(1'SANCAC- 26. 0267) x ,Project Name- Location/,Directions: 295• Grand Stand Lane, Angier Subject,property, is a private, devel'oped,tract'atproject address;; Subject Stream: UT to 'Camp Branch S* - Determination-Date: Jinu4q 1,4;,2013 - Staff: Sara Kni'es,, Fea_'ture, E/1/P* Not Subject_' j Subject, I T_ Start @, , 'top *� I . Soil Survey USES' To p6 A I x - X DWQ Flag Throughout X B. E - - - -X - - ;T bl11'r = ,bpnemeraulntermittentiverenniat .Explanation: The,feature(s) listed:above has or have been locatedon the Soil °Survey'of Johnston County,'Nofth Carolina or the�most recent copy of iheUSGS Topographic map qVa 1:24,000 scale. Each 'feature thatis.checked "Not �Subject "',has beenf determined not, to be a stream or is riot presenton'the'property, features thataare checked ", Subject ' "have,been�locat'ed'on,the property" and'possewchai-acterigtics'that, qualify,it,to be, a;strearn. There4ijWY be-- other streams located,on your propel fy'that do riot,show up on the maps,referenced above�but, still may _be considered jurisdictional;dccordirrg t9 -the US'' Army Corpsdof Engineers aihiV,6 -to the Division of Water Resources (DWR) Thi's on -site determination, shaMexpire.frve (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowpers or affected parties that dispute a determination made,by theDWR or Delegated' Local-Authority may request,a;deter;mina'�t,,eon by'the, Pro, Carolina Nawidlly North 'Carolina Division,of Water Resources' 1'628 MailaService,Center iRaleigh; NC 276994628 Ph666,(919) 791 44200 Internet .www ricwaterguality org Location 3800 Barrett Drive' Raleigh,,,NC 27609° ' Fax (919) - 788-7-159 An;Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Acton �Employer —',50% 9ecyc1ed /10 %,Post Consumer, Paper 295 Grand Stand Lane, Angier Johnston County January. 14, 2013 Page 2 of 2, party (includ_ing4ownstream and%or adjacent owners)•is ,,no'tified ofthis letier: A request for a,deter=mination.`by,the Director shall lie. referred to the,,Director'in writing,c /o `Karen,Higgins; DW,R, WeBSCaPvUnit; 1650 Mail,Service Center; Raleigti, NC 27699., - This,determinatiodis,fnaVa_nd binding unless,,as�detailed. above, yoq�ask,,for aIearing�or appeal withiwsixty (60) days: The owner /future o__Wners should notify the Division of Water, Resources (including any,,other Local,, Statejaand .Federal Agencies) of this:decision, concerning,any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). 'Thisaprojecf uiay`reguire,a Section,404/401 Permit,, for the proposed; activity, Any inquiries should be directed to;the'Division.of Watet Resources (Ce- utfal,Office) at,(919)= 80.7 -6300, and the,US Army Corp of Engineers; (Raleigh Regulatory,Field Office) at;(919)- 554 - 4884: If'you have questions regdrding,,this deteririinatiori,-please feel free,to contact _Sara3'ICn` es ata(919,) 791,4200. ' ctfiillyw Danny "Sm Regional,Supe ,vUor M, RRO/SWP File-Copy ACME Mapper 2.1 - 11.7 lcm NE of Coats NC 1 of 1 http: / / 1.1L•14 SDK 200 m -.M,- -+r 1/15/2014 4:14 PM • )10.)%t wK, 2 120 000 FEE I Ge °{ GeB GeB' No B A A rc3 StA GeD' GeB; �' �` 4`: Ge@ °' ; ,i►,.. 1 J NkB o " E nt2 x t 4 NOB ,X ,, WaB ` GeB AaA GeD X 7, 'tiA. ! q'� � ek •. a 1i 4 f •! . To NoB v AaA' NoB GeE �', "� •� �f . per, Nog,'- sA UcB � d GeD._ GeB - AaA As ^ Uc6 Ge UcB .., GeB ,; •. ,�,. .. "� �`.�. , ,.h� GO GeD ' cC y v; 'GeB-' ,, NoA Ta J c .. WaB rte a W a B NoB ` V _ Lt Ta . ,• is GeD' UcC NnE Yk a h Crossroa GeB GeD GeB GoA�: - Wt .. 6 GeB ce0 Pr` *`` N s �aA B UcB GeD t . Ge8• -,e b Bb NB NoB 1 u1a ter - - 0 1303 ' GeB GeD: "GeD 8b ; , '; ,., .. Qe s , �x Gets t Ge8. WaB GeB GoR GeB �,UCR: Bb GeD GeD u GeD