HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07991_Well Construction - GW1_20211122 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ltternnt Usa ONLY: Tads farmcan be used for Mngk or tmdligk avils 1.Weil Contractor Information: t.r.V►'ATIIR'TX1Pl Brian Swing FROM TO I 00SCRIP'n05 Well Copt rapt Narm A. ft. 4240 B ft. fL NC Well Commoor Certification Nmmbei 15.011TP.RCAS .G orPPwuftkvsrdbTeEi tx0mmankablei FROM TO DIAMETER 7hic- RI5.S htATERIAI. SASDACCO Inc 0 fL 31 fL 2.25" is. NA STEEL Cam aly Name 16.IRMCASINO OR TUBING itettl"al dared 1 FROM I TO DfAri15HR THICKNESS MAITPJ" 2.Weir Construction Permit list allapplirnblr well prnrits 0-r.C'wrntc,Stmr:Variaxr,llfeC69n elr.) 3.Weil Use(check well use): Water Supply Well: vR at To nw.terFit ,STOTSIZIF. Trtrdl<mtzbs MATFRIM, 31 A. 35 M 1.25" ta. .004 NA STEEL C1Agr�ulnita[ I�MtmicipalfFteblic OGeothermal(HeatingACOOling Suppty) OResidential Water Suppf),(single) A' IL is olndmastrial/Cornmercial DResidental WaterSnpph,(shared) I&GROar" . FROM ITO MATERIAL EMPt.ACKMEVT 111E MOD A AMOUNT O tni n A. rL Non-Water Stipply Well: � (L ®Monhori E3R=(nvry In j on Well: (L rt 13AquiferRecharge OGroundtratcrRemcdiation 1g.SANb (:PACKstplitfohlo rROM MATPRIAl. KMPLA . Mc.TMy n n OAquifer Storage and Rccavrty OSalinih•Harrier A. A. OAquifcr Tcst OStornm-ter Dmira p ft. ft. OEq rimental Technology 115rtbsiderrce Control 2A DRBAANG•LOG•Itaelr zdditla m dsk-els4r OGeoibennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION w»r.Martnea tuirnmeli r+ rta OGeothetmal(Heati > li Remm) 00dter 4explain under#21 Remarim 0 IL 25 A- FILL SILT AND SAND 25 tL 35 ft. SILT WET PAIR 4.Date Wet1(%)Completed: 9-24-21 Well IDgGtf-05A A. (L Sa.Well Location: A. fL Former Charlotte Army Missile Plant ft. rt. P, =a, Faclit))OUuner None Facitith 110(if appliwblc) d�L L A. A. 1824 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28206 {t, fL Pln k d Address City.and Zip 2t.It t WATER SAMPLE W/SP-22 en C i' l Mecklenburg t,rY i. (;enoh Parcel idesalfkation No.ON) lab.l.,atitudc and Longitude in dcgrrea/minateslsmrols or decimal ddgrcer. 2L Ccrtil•rcation: (lf sell fad,some 1100fis 1r xrdricieta) W Bria.n- Ew_.,i ng, .. 10/13/2021 Sigruanee ofet;4cd Weil Conowtor Dak 6.is(are)the we11(9): JPermauent Or ZTemporary By signing Chit four,thereby cerfi6-that Me nr/lfs)+Fax(wire)twnrrracted in areordimrr ndrh 1SA NCAC OX.0100 ar 1 SA NCAC,02C.0200 Well Consiruedm Steinddris mul that a 7.Is this a repair to as existing well: Oyes or ENo rape rrrrhk nvonf has'Nern proeldnd ro Ar nr1l awrrr. If this it a rMdr.Jill revs kmmn writ.roemnA rim,hifruwwrimi am/replan the mmre of rhr repait aradtr g21 mmarks.tewvian or an the bark o/this forth. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You nmay use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You may also aliach additional pages if necessary. For nwh1fdo iR(teAM(W NtNi-sivrer UIW&wells ONLY sthh rho somt Mnsftwdon'yaw edn sabmU one frmn. SUBMITTAL INSI TIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface:. 35 (g1•) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form%(thin 30 days of completion of%tell Form hlple wells list all deptkt constmction to the followinG: 10.Statie water Inel below top of easing: (gt,) Division of Water Resoureex,Information Processing Unit, If wham let-el is.rbtiue waling,cyst,"+ 1617 Mail Scnvim Center,Raleigh.NC 2 7699-1 6 17 11.Borehole diameter z.25" (ia) 24b.Eor(p Won Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to tie address in 24a above also submit a cM'of this form within 30 days of completion of%tell 12.Well construction method: DPT construction to the following'. (is.sager.tatar}.cable ditedpash cec.) Division of Water Resources.Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen ice Center.Raleigh,NI C 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24e.for Water Sappy&inj xe'thm Wells: Also submit one copy of this form;%ithin 30 days of completion of 13b.Dishrfection type. Amount: well construction to the cmmty beatth department of the counh•where consmicled. Form GA'-1 Montt Carolina Daparfmem of Em-iraimma aid Nanoal Resources-Di idoo of Nrater Re toutes Ro isedAi 2013