HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07988_Well Construction - GW1_20211122 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For rraenmi UscONLY: This fannctm be used to single ar mania*dells 1.Wdl'Contractor Information: 14 ti'A'1Blt"rO. ,.r. Brian Ewiag FROM I TO Des Rlr ON U141 ContractorNar+>c 4240 B NC Arell Commor Ceti if=tion Number S,i1[ii1' ft+7 (tariftutri tTRtdNY.it g " ttatb FROM I TO K4W Ttt1C'KNM MAnIUAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 37 fL 2.25° M. NA STEEL CoRr u "tYsme 76 G"Qlt MING tgwtktaaad� t FROM TO L DGIMETER TrnCKNE94 MAMR1AL 2,Well construction Permit# R G. List all appfitvsbddr,emit pe-Wis fir.Cauntr,state:Vadowe,1*Xdar1 rtr.) ft. h ear 3.Writ Use(check wellnsc), ti SCRT�fi Water Supply WdL FROM TO ArAJMVTRR 5t 07 stir ttittycrrrssI MAtPRtAl. OAgrivm haral CSMnnicipavmlic 37 R. 41 ft. 1.25° la 004 NA STEEL DGeothemtat(HeatingiCooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) ti ter in t tnilltitriat/Gontnrerc ai 01tesideriftl Water Supply,(spitted) FROM FROM I To � stATeatnr. RMr1.AcEsrFXr Murree 6 wMouvr ❑irri tion ft. (4 Non-Water Supply Well: � ft. mmonitorhts 131tecawry ill on Well: [Aguilar Recharge OGroundwatc►i cutediation 19:5" ox L r FrOM TO MATF.R41m: RM1*mcA CyTYNF7tIt4t! DAtluiter Storage and Rcw%vTy ❑Salinity Sarricr ft, 0. ❑Agpifcr Test DStomm-ater Dminngo ft. it. Dt xpctimcnint Technology DSrtbsid=c Control 2tl.�D attscti�dallflanWiet++retsifti�eccesa DGeothemmai(Closed Loop) Mraeet FROM To DF,5CR1Vr1ON ire ta.t DGeotherrnat(Reati bole Return) DOther(eqftifivnder#21 Remarks) 0 R. 25 h. FILL SILT AND SAND 25 ft. 41 (L SILT WET P➢RR 4.Date**Vep(s)Completed- 9-21-21 WdlID#Glr-10A Sa.Well location: n ry Former Charlotte Army Missile Plant n tt. � FacililyAXk,rerNow Facility IV#(if Wplicabte) R. etc 1824 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28206 ft. ft. Pk-Aml Address.ON.and Zip 2t.R" ARtGS Mecklenburg WATER SAMPLE N/SP-22 MVP KUliON Cat My Paled ldemiri Hots No,(PIN) Sh.LAtitadc and l onkritode in deg=0minutcslsecrmds or decimal degrem. 22.Certification: (ninth&M,aft 1rl,70rrg it s+durkre) N W 8-dan EY i g.1- 10/13/2021 Sigrestax ofCeollied Well Coturact'i DW 6.1s(are)the%vehi(s): EVermaneirt or ZTemporary 4 svgnkx mils frrrnr:I hrmby can t6 rhar the srl4sl was f*m)ermrtnwied in acsnrrtanre with 13.i NCAC 02 ,010h or 15.4 hrCAC V.1�.02M tvru Coresrrrtrdon Standards and rlini o 7.Is this a repair to in existing well: Mes or M Copy a thdr errand 1:rts dr err prtmrdrd to rder nvlt mere. Ijrhds Js o rrpair,ja11 imstsurisva cull(•arurrrrrrrftrn knfan.arkviaW cg4oiir do,aortae of the repair under#d 1 remarks serfion nr an the beset aj`thds form. 23.Site diagram or additional well detaiha: You may use time bw,of this page to pro%ide additional well site details or well S.Number of veils constructed. 1 construction detain, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For mafrif*MjecrMn or ormi-4,mere sappkr sells ONLY wi4i the sane ronafnwtdwr,Vt*can xUbaft4mfow S R t't'TA[ MMOUMS 9.Total well depth below land surface 41 (it.) 24a. For All Weiis Submit this forth within 30 duffs of completion of nett For matlrdplr sells 1liroll deprh.y ffdorrrrr(rsua fr-it 2aRm'mrtd 2k%_/ _ i etmstnrCti4n to the fol loving; 10.Static water level below tap of casitmg: ((k,) Division of Water Resources,tnformat Ion.Processing UnIL 1f reerirr kf ej h SkWe rrdfn.Nr sue"4' 1617 NUH Scsviec Center.Ratelgh.?WC 276"-1617 11.Botrhemb duweeter:2.25° 010 24b.For iliklUar Wells ONLY: tit addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abm e. also submit a copy of this form within 30 dams of completion of well 12.Well constructlon method: DPT construction to time lbiiouing, fix,sax.rater..c dbiq direct push etc-) Dilftlon of Water Resaaires,Underground Injection Control Ptmgntn. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 M&H Service Center.Raters.NC 276"4636 24c.For Water Supj tj&Injection�ctls: iJx Yield(j�tm) Method of test: Also submit one coff of thus form'riithin 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection h1w. Amount: xcll construction to the ctnmty health department of the courtly,where constructed. Ferro GtY-i Nonb Carolina Rc%1W At06t2013 F