HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07911_Well Construction - GW1_20211102 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � Far leaerml Use ONLY: r 'iltis f%`Henn beescd W sitig)c of nnrltiple wct s--. 1.Well Contractor:htformAtion: Robert Miller rfOM 101 tirsckimlolx NretN. oiltudm Minw A. ft. 2675 IJC Well Cotitiacterl`cniftionNrin>bcf tS.OUTER CAS FIN G- irnvHtiasitil'�ttRg"ORt,I[ Rfifa 17caE�k FRt1M TO DiANPETEtt TTTiCKN M MAWRTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL, 5 IL 4" la. SCH-40 PVC Cetotpcur�Nathte It..NNER" NG'Q1t 77lBIN'G" '' 1Eeh ial tldhed466 FROM TO DIJ NETER. THWKNESs MAWRIAL 2.Wt l Construction Permit*: Mxi 011rr ilreiblr.srd1 fhWtr fix-.Cmrnrv.SMde,-tdr,ririrwe,Trl'a'dcn em::) R, ft, iAl, 3.W'44 63 (t"i Fell us f 5(tt11 N , Al" : . ,�_. _.. . Witter r Sul►,Itl°well: FRONT- TO_ ptANKITER STAT 507 "'IC't;rn AmTC tA1.- OilgTieatltit_rtl �fl unitipaliF ii1c 5 ft,. 25 ft. 4" Ire .026 SCH-40 PVC OCbotbanw.1(Heitinoboling Sapply) OResidential Water Supply(since) ft ft t 13 Mdustiriif UlCommercial OResideotial WiterSYipply(shamd) ,FROM "Tti MATERIAL FNTKACVdKW MSRIOD t4 MIQUW 01ni tion 2 ft. 3 fL Portland pour Nor-Water Supply Well: Injeellon Well: Q 4t)teifcr ltechargc itcnuetliation SAN'VR Nt IA`_R aat. tip 4s astir t n ❑Ayltrlrcr Stortgc and lrccQvM- Ms'llinitr'l3artict 4 fly 25 ft, Silica Sand 6/20 ❑Atlnbfci"feel l*IStc►tmtn;ttcr tSt;uig49 ft. ft. ❑I xprternental TcImology OSabsidmec C,oleml 20;-riR11 i\Cr}1iUG7a� iliicb'fidiflfiiariii'tdliceisafiiccc�snri: ... ❑C,OotktftW(Closed Loop) ❑3iaeet :FROM= T" DfiSCRTPTIA3�eabr.Ih dnea+n.R'mckh �irbt'de. ❑Cftfitertual tit Gaon. a Mum) ®Old Lver aill Under#2.1 Remads) 0 iL 25 ft Tan Silt <—7% 4.Date Welt(s)Contpleled., 9-27-2021 WeD ID#SVE-12 u "� Sa.Well 1.1)Catglni rr ft t\1(1. T. 7-Eleven #36069 Faci ity 1wmen Nnm FacOhy iDN(if appl.icnblc) , 2375 Lewisville Clemmons Rd., Clemmons, NC, 27012 it. Plgsacol AiblreS Oily-MA Zip 2t REM tiCS:'.; Forsyth One foot bentonite seal from 3'to 4' Cstetttty Pafi:0 Middfli-Won 14a,(MI) 5h,1,46tude and!Longitude�in tic nse minuteslsccrinds or decimal dgpws: 22.Ccrtification: (It Ms It f`tq,°t�rte I;iU1p0919 RMMG�fi 1 W 9/28/2021 SiE®tnt`of Daft SIIP4'Fiiian@nt or oTemporary By signing sig.;ng ma pm t hereby rer4j of the nwfi 5)was teem)ewntrtmeted iur m-confanex i4drli 12M NCAC 02C.01(V oi,l JA Meow 03C.Os'M 11ea CexmtKictfmt SraattaWt a nd omrr a 7.LctltixareliArt6ankAsUngweth OWs fir MNq ��irt�tJiitmrrarcJland»enNtf+'1'rJGaftiatirairttrumrr, if th(.`Jx a repair,fdf owe kpv4tn ysril corwntcrfmu beAgrr Won mut explahrthe oirreare of rite reMiroji frriOl rema&.Y&fian dr.aa thr brwk oft is forvi. 23.Site dingrim'or additional well details: You back of this page to pruN7de additional well site details'or tt'ell 8.Number of wells c anklrurted: 1 Consttuetiottdetoik You.rtiay also attach addltienat pag6s if necessary. Fur,irdfi#e Jnftcrhrn or nmi-imfer iRW,r hr(fs ONLY ndrA tJli:14tANf Cd1rSilrMlJlNr )x�ll can svhmit aue fare.,. St7BNf1TTAL 1N£TEICTIONS 9.Total*ell depth bed land surfacAn 25 (�,)' 24a.For Ali Willy, Suhntit dds':f inu within 30 days of CoMplction of Well For rnt/f+}PIII KTff$Mtr athft)ft tf d i-erne(ea-fMok-J@2tV'straf 7@ IM) con44i icti0i to the follRsxingi 10.Static eater level below top of casing^ N/A t ) Divishlin of Witter Re'source�,fnfi►rmation.Proreesing Unit, J/tt+arrr 1617 Malt Seniec titifer.ltalro8 ANC 27609=1617 IL Borehole distract r.10.625" (in.) 14h.1Filr In oTn Welly ONLY., addition to sending the form to tine address in 24a above..also submit a coo, 6f this fort within 30 days-of completion of aeil. 12:Well"aottstruction nittbod: 6.625" HSA Coitstntcttoirttro"Elie follolifine_ (i:e.s„Ecr>olnry.cabN.diterA pasta etc:} Dh islon of Water Resource' :y.Underground[ujeciit►n Control Prag�attt, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' if136'Nfig Service Venter.Raleigh,XC'276"-1636 13,%Yield(gpin) Method of test* 24c.For Watcr,Supply&In•ectbon Wells: Also submit one copy'of this filial within 30 days of eontplet.ion of 13b.DiAufb tram typc Atnaunt rve11 conshuctio l to the Counh, heakh deptir ment of the CcRuth`4Chm constntctcd. Feria GW-1 NoAh Camlim Dque nanE of Eminma ettt aid Nun"Reseums-Dhision of neater ltesom)25 Reeked Avmt Zol a