HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07869_Well Construction - GW1_20211102 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lIftrMl Use OAY: 'Mb rvrm coin W asodAby sink or mallipic wetis 1.Well ContractotInformitlon: ,la;_lVAAU1C ZONMS Robert Miller FROM UJI IPF$CftIPrft),N 2675 ft. fL NC Well Comm6tor CcrIjF=tI6tiNIunbcT 15.OUTER CAS -'(Idr4m.'HI4i4ed*vrks)�il,,-, ,Kablel, FROM TO DIAMFTER Tli-Y=ISIItATER TAI, SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 48 ft, 121, fin, I SCH-40 PVC Company Name JOANINM i ASIN0,03f 7MBING"di tiit eflakid4MO) FROM '70 I)LOWTER, TMCKWESS AtIOr"4L 2.rWejj_C(i"5 IjV 4,11'rRiiirable wed PM. Mtr,oa..Coirmy.'stwo.;-Varfame.If#kdan ncj 3.VMI-Ose(cbcdc I wd I I Oscl. Water sapply WeIll.. vm%l_ 48 ff� 50 A, 21, 016 SCH-40 PVC ONIumcipaMiblic 0(iocithenw.1(Hicitingtooting Supply) dResidendal Water Suppb,(single) Olactustrial/Cornniercill Olkesiftifial Water:Su" -(sba red) J, FROM To 'MATERML MPIACENIEW AMMOD&AMOUNT oh-figgtiOn 0 R. 44 (L Portland trimi Non-Mlater Supply Welt: k k Injection Welt: M (L OAqykkr kccfiam�e 0(jFMjAdVOajCF RCIRCdiqI6QTI IA'll OA4 fcr- Oragc tif' $t ­fin4kCca'" r l__MAT4R I , i ' 0 l3arric' 47 rt, 50 ft, ISili6a Sand 120/30 OAqnrier"Tcst liTairfinz It. It. Mvcrimcnsal MxAnotogy O$Idwdcncc coniml i1c,willental(closed Loop) OTracet FROM: 'T,0 EIGoothernial{FfnfiBa2- ofiN Recruit} ®tither{v ain under#21 R=adw 0 (L 50 (L SANDY CLAY ft., 4.Date Will(s)Completed: 9-29-2021 Wdl ID#AS-11 IL IL S&MIL411 LAicathin ZVI 7-Eleven #36069 FactftyAO wncrNarw Facait,wo(irappitasic) _3;,G 2375 Lewisville Clemmons Rd., Clemmons, NC, 27012 Pkiicifll M ir,skid end Zip _TL_WCMAUKS' Forsyth I Three feet bentonite Seal from 4411to 471 catilk Nteo JaLv"..64wan Na,(PINI ) 56,1,iM6dc anal Ln'nkitudcindegrccOninutcsIscco*ndso-rdecifnIA' c Idc- , fIfm 0411P44;om 60otig gres: 22.Cettil'ication: _N —W 9/28/2021 Sign of Ii&w, Date 6.Is(att)the well(g)- oPerinanent or OTemporary Hy signing.this fiArw,I hereby creftfy ihaf the mwIlf.q mvx f werr)evins-inwied hrl4tvaidmee ivhl RM NCAC 02C.0100 dy JJA KeAC 02C;0209 Well Cojmrierlair SraaddnU and 4jal a 7.is this a re Pair to an.tAviing welk OVes' fir KNo ierHfA_VjirrI if 16(sIP 0 mdexplabi the owrore of Me f&b"l-"pu'prm, 23,Site di*am,or additional will demitc You'May-use the back of this page to'llrokiide addilioiMl,%Tfl site details or well 8.Number of wells construrted: 1 Lxxtisituctiondetiaks. You.MAY also attach.addiffi6hat page's if amess I a ty. For otwldpre Ir Wrkm or noj-mjrarxaVtplyttylfs ONLY 0A rhr xrme *Ps&Mlw,YON can RAkfit star fnmr. SUBN=AL'MIUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface.. 50 24% For All Welk Submit this Ibnh milhin 10 d;syt of obtapkii6n of well For olnif0ple leeffs'Ust ofleepths f1differens tex0i00-MM'Ond 2@ 1 M) constniction to Ilk foitoning; 10.Static water level below top ofrasiug: A) Division of Water Ittionreti,Infitrakationprocelsing,Unit, Ifleater MV04&Ob6pe cddkg,&V 1611 Mait Service 6nteri Ralco,Me,21609-1 617 11.Borehole dianickv.8.25" (iM) 241b.For Iniaft We is 15 ONLY: 1ln addition to sending the form to like address in 243 abdii also submit a copy of Ns forni within 30 dm,g of conipletion of well WelleopstrPcOon method,- 4.25" HSA COJISIM60H to tlkt iOIIOA*iIIJ2_: Division of Water Resource'.Underground Injeciloll Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 1636 Mail Service tenler.Raleiali.N. C'274%0436 13a.Yield(gpn) MONO-of test 14c.For%Vmtcr Supply air InjectIoff Welh- i , Also subthit one copy of this f6r[III within 30,daysot.conipletionof 13b.Dkinfectliju t)-pe. Amount: vmil constniction to the cainay llicalth d*rIn3cM of the county where constmctcd. ParmGW4 Nodh Orolina D*rtmemi io[Emrimnmat and Nnniml Resources-Dikklon of Walcji�ltmwcm RcOised AuguA 20 1.1