HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4210704_Plansheet - Cover Sheet_20211210CU 0 cv LO do 0 0 U N M L LL_ TD aU 4� 0 d 3 Q LLI CD i U CD 0 i rn 0 cv a7 U- M v o U 4� .� BEFORE YOU DIGI CALL 811 N.G. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAVA FLOOD CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies to the best of his knowledge and belief the location of the subject property has been checked against area HUD/FIA maps and information provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and finds that: t j The subject property Is located in a SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA as determined by HUD/FIA flood map. The subject property is not located in a SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA as determined by HUD/FIA flood mop. ( The subject property is located in an area which has not been mapped as to flood areas by HUD/FIA. LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 66°-24'-37" E 23.14' L2 N 39•-34'-44" E 59.42' L3 N 34•-00'-33" W 111.59' CURVE TABLE CURVE ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA C1 216.56' 152.72' 81-14-43 SITE NOTES (APPLIES TO ALL SHEETS): 1. ALL WORK PERFORMED WITHIN THE BIESECKER RD., WEBB RD. & W. CENTER ST. EXT. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT STANDARDS. 2. ALL SUB -GRADES SHALL BE APPROVED BY GEO-TECHNICAL PERSONNEL, AND PROOF ROLLED PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF STONE BASE MATERIAL. SURFACE COARSE SHALL OVERLAP EXISTING PAVEMENT AT TIES TO PROVIDE FOR SMOOTH TRANSITION. (SEE PAVING REQUIREMENTS) 3. FINISHED ASPHALT PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE SHOULD BE COMPLETED SO THAT NO PONDING OCCURS. IF PONDING DOES OCCUR, THE OWNER HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING APPLICABLE UTILITY LOCATION COMPANIES TO PROVIDE UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 5. BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN TAKEN FROM WORK BY OTHERS. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. 6. NO ATTEMPT WAS MADE TO LOCATE ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 7. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL PERMITS FOR ANY IMPACTS TO JURISDICTIONAL STREAM FEATURES OR WETLANDS. 8. THIS PLAN IS NOT A SURVEY. THIS PLAN SHALL NOT BE USED FOR RECORDATION, SALES OR CONVEYANCES. 9. ALL FILL MATERIAL WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE ROADWAY WILL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEO-TECH ENGINEER RECOMMENDATIONS TO A MINIMUM 95% STANDARD PROCTOR MAX. DENSITY. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CABC BASE COURSE, A PROOF ROLL WILL BE PROVIDED AND COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE OWNER'S GEO-TECH ENGINEER. MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED/REPLACED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER'S GEO-TECH ENGINEER. 10. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND 11. TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN WITHIN IS A COMBINATION OF LIDAR AND FIELD SURVEY. NCDOT NOTES: (APPLIES TO ALL SHEETS) 1. NEW ROAD WILL BE CONSTRUCTED TO N.C.D.O.T. STANDARDS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND PIPE, AND WILL BE A PUBLIC DEDICATED ROAD. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DRIVEWAY PERMIT AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AND COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS THERE -IN. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE ESTABLISHED CONTRACT UNIT PRICE OF THE APPLICABLE TIE-IN AND CROSSING. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH CURRENT N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS. THE METHOD OF TRAFFIC CONTROL WILL BE REVIEWED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE RIGHTS -OF -WAY. ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE ESTABLISHED CONTRACT UNIT PRICE OF THE APPLICABLE TIE-IN AND CROSSING. 4. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, A MEETING WITH MR. KEVIN HEDRICK, COUNTY MAINTENANCE ENGINEER (336-224-3200) SHALL BE HELD. FAILURE TO CONTACT MR. HEDRICK PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION AND AFTER COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION SHALL MAKE THE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT NULL AND VOID. 5. ALL RCP PIPE WITHIN NCDOT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE CLASS III RATED. 6. ALL DITCHES MUST BE STABLE PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE ONTO THE STATE SYSTEM. 7. THE 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENTS (D.E.) SHALL BE PRIVATE AND MAINTAINED BY HOA AND WILL NOT BE MAINTAINED BY N.C.D.O.T. CITY OF LEXINGTON UTILITY NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT N.C. 811 FOR LOCATES AND NOTIFY CITY OF LEXINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. AT 336-248-3930 A MINIMUM OF 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO SUBSURFACE EXCAVATIONS FOR PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER. 2. CONTRACTOR AND ALL PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL ATTEND A MANDATORY PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING WITH THE CITY OF LEXINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. PRIOR TO ANY WATER AND SEWER WORK. 3. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE APPROVED BY L;EXINGTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. PRIOR TO SCHEDULING THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 4. CONTACT ROGER JONES, P.E., AT 336-248-3930 REGARDING MATERIALS SUBMITTALS AND FOR SCHEDULING THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 5. TIE-INS TO PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER AND WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE CITY OF LEXINGTON PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR. UNSCHEDULED/UNINSPECTED PUBLIC UTILITIES INSTALLATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL AT THE CITY'S DISCRETION. 6. ALL RESTRAINT PIPE FITTINGS INSTALLATION SHALL FOLLOW DIPRA RESTRAINT PROGRAM. 7. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF EX. 12" W.L. IS APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE EXISTING W.L. PRIOR TO W.L. INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW TERMS OF APPROVED N.C.D.O.T. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WHEN WORKING WITHIN R/W LIMITS. SELF -INSPECTION CHECKLIST INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SIGNATURE DATE CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF EXISTING GROUND COVER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING OF SLOPES OR FILLS SIGNATURE DATE INSTALLATION OF STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT OWNER/DEVELOPER: \� ' •\\ RESTRAIN ALL FITTINGS AND STRAIGHT NEW VENTURES LAND DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. / \ I PIPE BOTH SIDES PER DIPRA P.O. BOX 36 WALLBURG, N.C. 27373 336-970-7935 r� / 1 _ \ 77 COMMON �3 r ! AREA ' 78 / / \ PARCEL #1132800000061 A / ALLIED CAPITAL PARTNERSHIP DB. 2150,/PG. 1241 COMMO ( ` 1`" J 71 J DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE -„ AREA 80 / AND ACCESS EASEMENT 70 ��l \ / \ 7 81 `� 31 SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 PLAN/PROFILE DOLCETTO AVE. STA 1+00 - 8+00 3 PLAN/PROFILE DOLCETTO AVE. STA 8+00 - 17+00 4 PLAN/PROFILE DOLCETTO AVE STA 17+00 - END 5 PLAN/PROFILE DOLCETTO COURT 6 PLAN/PROFILE OVADA AVE. STA 1+00 - 7+00 7 PLAN/PROFILE OVADA AVE. STA 7+00 - 15+00 8 PLAN/PROFILE OVADA AVE. STA 15+00 - END 9 SEWER OUTFALL 10 SEWER OUTFALL 11 INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE 1 12 INITIAL EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE 2 13 FINAL GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PHASE 1 13A DRAINAGE DELINEATION MAP PHASE 1 14 FINAL GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PHASE 2 14A DRAINAGE DELINEATION MAP PHASE 2 15 EROSION CONTROL DATA AND CALCULATIONS 16 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 17 ROAD WIDENING DETAILS 18 WATER LINE DETAILS 19 DRY DETENTION POND DETAILS NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS PARCEL #1133100000021B \ 92 / / ' \ ti / % 69 ~ / RUSSELL CL YTON SCOTT \ / \ ~ DB. 2238, PG. 2195 ` 93 2 / / / \ / / \ DRAINA MAINTENCE/ ND ACC S EASEMENT\ 83 90 \ / / 1. 33 tin \ E 28 E 1 Ss \ Q / � � PARCEL #1133200000036 \ / % ss \ 1 PARCEL #1133100000021 A 86 / / 95 \ % / \ / \ E \ , N/F R. N/F �\ C \ GH 88 \ \ �E 35 ! / 1 1 DBR 12A3. G. 929 jACODS DB. 2282, PG. 1063 E 87 ( 25 y"9 9tfF � 98 /' \ ''J 62 \ 38 99 58 PARCEL #1133100000049 56 BRANDONN M� POWELL DB. 2242, PG. 158 44 18 � 5 16 15 / O 52 PARCEL #1133100000052 N/F / COMMON KEITH L YOKELEY 106 51 AREA / / \ 13 TERESA S YOKELEY ! �-•' DB. 862, PG. 1500 - / / / / \ 12 \ r fsd�� 0" 1 \ SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING: MX-R PROP. LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY TOTAL No. LOTS PROPOSED: 119 TOTAL SITE AREA: 77.73 AC. L.F. STREETS: 4710 L.F. SEWER: CITY OF LEXINGTON WATER: CITY OF LEXINGTON SOIL TYPE: CeD2, CcB, PaE, SfB, ChA, PaD, EnD AVERAGE SLOPE: 8% f DISTANCE TO FLOODWAY. 50 LF DISTURBED AREA: 44.3 AC. PHASE 1: 21.0 Ac.t PHASE 2: 23.3 Ac.f PARCEL ID: 67216-01-36-0231 DEED REF: 1584-1466 RIVER BASIN: YADKIN/PEE-DEE LAT/LONG: 35.8466 /- 80.2766 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: ROADS: 2.44 AC.f LOTS: 10.93 AC.t TOTAL: 13.37 AC.t (17.3%) OPEN SPACE: 39.2 Ac.f (507.) EST. START DATE: JUNE, 2020 EST. END DATE: DECEMBER, 2022 tTa . / \ i 1 % 10 % GENERAL NOTES (APPLIES TO ALL SHEETS) wv s.4 50 / \ 10 �n / 1. It shall be the General Contractor's responsibility to establish cut and fill quantities necessary to provide the final grades indicated on these plans. Fill material not available at the site shall be provided by the General Contractor at no additional cost to the owner. Furthermore, the General Contractor, by way of establishing a contract price for site grading, has acknowledged that he is aware of the \ s limited subsurface information and available fill material necessary to complete the work, and that his established contract price is sufficient to ensure the proper completion of the project and conditions which may affect the work, including but not silo son restricted to those bearing upon transportation disposal, handling and storage of materials; water tables or similar conditions at the site; �r,Sn A LIMITS OF DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS EASEMENT SIGNATURE DATE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT GROUND COVER SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION SIGNATURE DATE \ 109 111 COMMON AREA ` ,5• '� 116 \ \ 113 COMMON AREA 119 GPg ,/'�GPS i COMMON PARCEL #1133100000020B availability of labor, water, electric power, roads, and uncertainties of weather; and the character of equipment and facilities needed AREA / N/F preliminary to and during proceedings of the Work. Any failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with these facts will not relieve him RM DAVIDSON NC LLC from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. The Owner assumes no responsibility M/r %// % RM CHARTER HOLDINGS LLC for any conclusions or interpretations made by the Contractor on the basis of the information, if any, made available by the Owner. P.B.71, PG. 47 DB. 2388, PG. 2359 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to gas or water pipes, public or private sewers, drains or culverts, railroad or traffic signal cables, telephone or power conduits, or other structures. When utility .lines that are to be removed are encountered within the area of operations, the Contractor shall notify the Owner's representative in ample time for the necessary measures to be taken to prevent interruption of the services. Reasonable care has been exercised in showing the location of existing utilities on the plans. The exact son/ ten/ location of such utilities is not known in all cases. The Contractor shall explore the area ahead of the grading operation by observations, i electronic devices, and by personal contacts with utility companies, and locate such utilities in advance of the trenching or grading operations, and shall conduct his work so as to eliminate or minimize damage to the existing structures or utilities. s / 3. Vertical and horizontal reference points provided on these plans are intended to establish base lines for locating the principal components / of the Work. From this information the Contractors shall develop and make all detailed surveys needed for construction of all types. s Costs associated with the provision of construction lay -out shall be included in the contract price for the related work. In no case shall information provided on the plans relieve the Contractor from his responsibility of providing building locations and dimensions as indicated on the architectural plans. The Contractor shall carefully preserve bench marks, reference points and stakes and, in case of willful or careless destruction, shall be charged with the resulting expense and shall be responsible for any mistake that may be caused by their / unnecessary loss or disturbance. Q 4. The General Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and routine maintenance of erosion control devices, either indicated or required by Division of Land Resources Personnel, necessary to comply with the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 and amendments thereto. Any fines resulting from the improper provision or maintenance of required devices shall be burdened by the General Contractor. 5. The General Contractor shall be responsible for conformance with all current local, state, and OSHA safety codes during all phases of the / work. Contract prices established for the work shall include costs associated with the provision of safety equipment, and personnel necessary to complete the work, including but not limited to, trench bracing, and personnel licensed by OSHA as competent for evaluating soil stability. v 6. No sub -surface investigations have been performed at the site. The General Contractor is encouraged to - -y perform additional sub -surface investigations prior to establishing his contract price for site grading. It shall be the T / General Contractor's responsibility to establish cut and fill quantities necessary to provide the final grades indicated / on these plans. Fill material not available at the site shall be provided by the General Contractor, or excess material L'1 shall be removed/disposed of by the contractor, at no additional cost to the owner. Furthermore, the General ---- - - - - - _ Contractor, by way of establishing a contract price for site grading, has acknowledged that he is aware of the _ limited subsurface information and available fill material or excess material necessary to complete the work, and that - - his established contract price is sufficient to ensure the proper completion of the project and conditions which may ❑ - & _ ` � affect the work, including but not restricted to those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of BIESECI�R ROAD_ f materials; water tables similar conditions at the site; availability of labor, water, electric power, roads, and SR #140 100' 50' 0 100' 200' uncertainties of weather, and the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during prosecution o �� of the work. Any failure by the Contractor to acquaint himself with these facts will not relieve him �i - from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. The Owner S~ �� SCALE' 1 r> 100' assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the Contractor on the basis of the �.-- information, if any, made available by the Owner.All fill material shall be placed in conformance with the Geo-Tech Engineers recommendation, and compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor density. U C J L �D (� W 00 L0 000 Z " u7 LLJ LLJ N cfj 1- DO w w zxz�� Z �mzo 3: ca '-' Z ZE_„ o0 (1) W a f! 0 W a�D I- LLJ _C r Q cL 0 E O CJ LLJ CL >- o z cn w Q co J U F-- o � J z lz Of m z G7 t�- ov a tW CL ry L.Li CD d � Q 0 CJ N CJ O 0 Q QQ WC-4M W Z 0 H in Z Z O /�H d t�1 0 F- LLI Z V) � I IY LIJ - C O 0 Z W r � V) V 5 Q 0 SHEET NO. M 0 <� M LJ Oj L N U01