HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140001 Ver 1_Application_20140103� ��"�„ ,. . . ;� ,. " �,�` f' � _ �,t��� �r� � r,:�,s" .� ,. . �.� tE � w ,, �t�� �:_ � r �. ,.�! 1 � � r ' � i � � � �` � � ' � ,, .�. . � :+� 1 '.•� � � � . . �, . *. . � • • ; � . *. I�e�c+ernb�r � 1, 2U 1 � �!�r. And�'t�ill�aa:�� LT. �. .��r�.n� t�or�� afEn��ne+�rs �.aleigh �.,+�gula�t�►r�r Fi�1cl t���+c� � 3 31 :��rita�+� Tra�� Driv�, �uite 1� 5 �t��,�� Fcare�t� Nt� 2'7�8'7 Subje�t: 1'�a,�ic�nwi�+e Pea�mi� �14 R+��la�e ��:dge ��212 on �R 1119 vc�ith ��PA. .�le�hany t�c�unt�� :�T�rth. �arc��ina� �'rt�ject �umb+�r: 1'll�P�11.:R��S �'�'� �'ermit �'+�e: �24+�� I�ea,r i��Ir. �iilliam�. Th+� l��rth +�ar+�li�.a� �e�artm:ent �f Tr�.�spc�rt�.t�a�n is ���.ed�l�d �� r��►l�,ce �rid,�+� �� 1.'� ��th �. cc��r�.�a.t�d st+��l pip�e arch a.�t �the ���n+� l�►ca�tic�� �di�`eren� sl�+��vv�. l��iti,�ati�a�. v��ill �►+� pr+avi�.ed thrc�u�h �EP �72'�, 1`�c� +a�.-site detc�ur is pr�op�s�d. S�rearr� �m.�ac�s ,�re �t�.bula.��d b+elc��. �tre�m Impac�ts: � I�►u� tc� the chan�e �►f the �rossi�.� s�ev�� '��' +�f �he c�ld. �c�i�.nn�l �i�� ��e pip��. c�r fill�d in, Th� tempc�r�,ry d�e�ateri�� ��,l�s u�ithir� the �pr�.p► i:�m.��,�ts sc� it �v�.s n+�� ������ �t�u�.�.+�d �,s �n in�pa+�t in m� �ummary ta.�1e. Th� r+�placement t��' t�.� e�istin� bridg�e v�ith t�+� prt�p�sed. n+�v� +��.��+�rt �.11 r��quir+e t�mp+�rar� devvate�ring. A.n im.p�r��.c�u� san�.i�a� di�� �r�l� �►� ���st�-uc�e+� a���rca��r�.�.t�l�r ��► �`�e+�t �ps�r+�arn. c�f the e�a.stin,g structur� �a cr�eat+� a s�nall po�rl. t�l�e�.n v�at�r �►n11 t��.��ar�r�ly be �ump+��. �.rou�:� ��r 1'. +O. Bc�����, �T. �Vrr�..:�,ss�►�.�, NC 28f�9 :P�v�� �33�� �t57-�1 I1 �`� ����� ��6i'-�549 :l�Ir. And� Willia.�ns F3r�idge #212 c�n SR 1119, Ai1e�;han.y P�.ge � I�ec+e�rnbe�r 31, �� 13 pip�d thrau��r the c����ructi�n area and �i�l b�e dischar��� �ov�n��tr�am. A��r dir��y ��,�er lc���,�+ed 1.11.51+�.� til� C�I�S��`l.iC�lt�11 �'�'� �Vl��. �'i+� �?1�11'l��t�. 1�1�C) �. �1�� �►�,.� 1� �:�C+�SS�G1 �". t�n�e �h� n+ew ��ru��tur� 1s ��. place, t�e irn�e�vi�u� di�e �vill be r�em�v�c� �.nd prec+���t:ru.c�i�n st�re�,m�ed ���v�.tic�ns �wi.l1 b� rest+�red. In a+�di�titar� ta th� abc��e �.t�t�d str+�am impa�ts, �� anti�cipa�� a�ma11 �,mou�.t c��' w����a�d �I� �.��,r th� culv+�rt inl�t as ta.bula�ed �elca�. �etl�.nd im�acts area tabul�,t�d belc�vc�: 11+SC} lt. I �'�11 I t�.�+�2 Im�r�.ct Ta►tal 1 �.�1(�� �Ct�nstr�.ction �of this prc�j�ct vvi11 r��quire imp�.+cts tca ��.t�r� c�f th� T,�ni�.�d �t�t�s in the Nev� River Basi�.. Th� e�istin� br�+d�ge crt�ss�� ��[JT tc� �`r��de C�reek +���a�s: C�, Trout�. Thi.� pr�ject �wa� revie�wed for th� pres+ence t�f thr�atened �.n� �er�da�r���red. sp�+�ci�s by our T�Tatura� Envirt�n�m:+�nt �ectic�n. Bc�g t�.�tl+�s are p�resent in th� c�ou��t� but n�r�e vc�ere c�bs��erve�. at th� pr��+��t lacati�o�.. T�.� subj+�ct praject v��ll hav� r�o e�'�ct +�r� a�� fe�.�e�°,�lly listed en+dar�g�r��. plant c��r animal sp��i��. �u�ltural r���►urce �c�mp�iar��e �v�r� ��.s b��� �c+�nz.p�eted.. 1�T+� arch�,��►1c�,gi��.l sur�ey�s w�re required. �rid.g� #�21 � di�. �ic►ld ��m�e his��oric�.� ����.i�.�a�:ce du� t�r ��gi�.+�+�rir�,�. A l��It�.A has b+��n si,�ned bet�v+�er� th+� 1�+��', �t�rps and �I��'� �,�.+�r�ssi�.� the is��� �a.�tt�.�hed�. Th+� prc�ject impact� a�e n�� sigr�i�ic��nt i� nat�.��e �.n�. s��.c�uld �.o� remt�ve or d�,grad� ��i.�tin,g �vater quality us+es. Stor�n��t�r v�i11 �ae r�aut�d tl�r�►�u��. ,�r�.�s o�r ro+�k lin�c� �.itc���, ��p�endin� c�n the ditch lin� �lc�pe. T�t�1 la��.�. d�isturb�.nc� v�.�� �b+� less ��ia� 1 acr�. Pip� si,zes us�d will be �h� minimum n+�c�s�ary tc► cr+�a�t� a�afe rt�ad.v�r�.�. �y utili�in�; th� er+��i�n con�rol measure� t�utli�.�ed i� the att�.ch�m.�nts ta t�s applicatio�, dca������e�� �v�,ter qu�.li��r �tandard� �ill b� �r�►tect+�d.. .A�l appro�riat+� Bl��TFs v�vi�� be used durin� c+an�tru+�tic�n�. �y cop� c��' �his ���+�tror�i� l�tter, it is r�que�t�e�d t�:�,t �1r1r�. �1�arla ��a��.b��r� ��it� th� Nt�r�h �a,ral�na W�ldli�'� R�esa��rc�� �t��nmi��ion camm�ent �.i��e�t��r tt� �c�u cc�nc��r�.�.� the ��� I'�Tati+onwit�+� 1'er���t applicati+�n vcjith a c�apy ��nt tc� me. Plea�e �� �.+��i��d �hat a trc�ut b�.�'er va�.ance w�l� b� ne�de+d. By copy t�f thi� elecir�ni� 1�tt+�r, it is r�q�.es�te�. �hat the I�i�isit�n ��' �t��:t+�r t�u�.l�t�, �(� 1I'W�tla.nds Unit, issue �he a��r���i�,t� p+��mit fc�r c�a�.�t�u�t�vn o�' t�is ��-�j��t. It is r��qu���ted th�,i ��.y con��m.ents r+�lat�ed to th+e �C} 1 c�rti�.cation �+� f�rrwa,rded �.ir�+�t�� ��► rra:� �vith a��►�� s�nt tc� the T�TS �!�r�rny �c�:r�s c�f E�gi����-�. �e wc�uld 1�:�+� to 1���%n ct��.stru+cti�►n �.s st�c��. ,�s ��assibl�e. r�' :fi�.�rt�+�r in�`t�r��aiit�n is rec�uir�d, pl�ease l�t me kncrvv. Y�ou�r �a�r�� r+��%ew and c�+n�lderati�an u�i11 be ap�rreci�.t+�� , 1VIr. And.y "Ui��llia.ms ��.�.�e �#212 �►n �R.111.9, A1leghany Page 3 I�ecem�r 31, 2� 13 �in��r�1�, �P � A: �Y , ��' m� . �� ¢ �i �ie�.th �l�.ugh��r I�ivisic�� En�irc�n:�rn+�ntal t�f��i���r En�la►sur�� +�c: Andy Will�arr�s, LT� A�ny ��r�� o�'En,���.�+�r� ��Ia�Ia �haa�nbers,l�T+�'�V�.� �!►m�r �hapman, �►i�risic�n of �V�at�r C,�ual�ty Su� :�c�me�t�c�d� I�iv��ic�n o�' ��`�.t��r t�uality ��.ke I'ett�rjcahn, PE, Divisi�n Engin�er �a�i.�. VV"ayr�e, PE, �ridge 11�ai�t�nan�c� En�ine�r J�ar��. tiuynn, Il�i�isic�n �3ridg� Prt�gr�.m I��I�.n�g+er :�eath �lar��ht�r� �i�is���. Envi�rc�n�m�n�al ���i�er �Teil Trivette, Rc�ads�d� Er��:rc��+�nt�.l �'iel�. C3perati+�n� :�ngir��er � r ,q �., � �► � � �� . ��''x �. , � t�ffic�e Use t�r�ly: ��►rps a�tic�n 1 D► nc�. DW� pr+aject no. Fc�rm Versi�n 1. � Dec 10 2��8 �`r�e-�onstr��tia� 1'�a►t�fi��.�.�►n Pt�I�T F�rrm .A�. A� li�eant �nfc�rn�a�tio�n 1. Prc�cr�s�ir�g � a. Type��� of appr+�val sought frc�m the ��,ection �4�4 P'er�i� Q S�c�or� � f� Permit +Cc�r�s: 1 b. �pe�i�'y Nationwid� Perrr�it ��JIV'�'P� numb+�r: 14 or Genera� ��rmit {�P} numk�er: �+�. Ha� the N1NP or GP number been v�rified b� the Cc�rps'? Q Yes �I �Ic� 1 d, Type{s} of apprc�va! �ought f�rom th� D'U'V'� {���+ck �II that ap�lY): � ��►1 1Nater Qu�lity �+�rkificatic�n -- Regul�r ❑ �J�r�-�404 Jurisdictian�l �ener�a�l P�rmit Q��� V�I�ier C,�u�lity C�rtification -- Expr+��s Cj �ipari�n Buff�r A�thori�ativ►n 1 e. Is thi� notificati+on s��a�ely far th+e recc�rd Fc�r the r+ecc�rd c�nly fc�r D1lVC� 4fl1 For th+� recard only fvr �arp� F'ermit: because writt�n apprc�val i� not require+d'� �ertificatic�r�: � Y�s � tUa p Ye� � �Ic� 1 f. Is payment in#a a mitigatian b�nk ar in-li�� f�� progr�m pr�p�►��d f�r mit��ation � Y+es ��o c�f imp�cts"� If �o, att�rch tl�e accept�nce I+�ti�er frc�m mitig�tic�n bar�k or in-lieu f�e program. 1�. Is the project lac�ted in ar�y a►f N�'� �tw+�nt� �oa�tal cc�untie�. If y�s, a�nsw+�r 1 h � 1�'+�� ���" beic�w. 1 h. Is the ro'ect I�cat+�d within a t�C C?Cl�ll Are� c�f Envirv►r�mer�tal �c�n+�err� �AE��? � Ye� � No � ! �. Proje�t Infc�rmatic�n 2a. I��me of prc�je+�t: Bridge #�'� � a�n �R 11 '! � 2b. Caunty: r�ll�egh�ny �+c. I��eare�t municipality J t��rrm: �lade Va�ley 2+d. �u�di�isic�n n�m+�: 2e. I�J'CDt�T c�r'11�, i.�.i�. �r state 1`i'�iP.11,�R.� '�'J prc�j��cfi no: 3. C�wner lnfi�►rma�i+�n �a. Name{sj a►n R+�corded Deed: N�a+t�i �b. C}eed Book and Page N�o. 3c. Re�p�n�ible P�rty (fior LL� if �pplicable}: 3d. �treet address: 8�►� �t�tesville F�c�ad 3��, City, state, �ip: hlarth �ii�'ilk�sk��vrc�, 1'+�I+� �8�5�� 3f. Telephone no.: 3��-9�D3-9��2 3g. Fax no.: 3�6-��7-4549 3h. Email �ddr�ess: hsl�u��ter��r�cdc�t,c��v P��� 1 c�# � �D i-�C�i �'�arm -�'Ver�iar� 1.3 C�ec�r�nber 1 �, '' �t�� �/�rsian �. Appli�cant Inf+arma�ia►n �if dif�+eren�t fr�rn �►v�n�r} �a, Appl�cant is: � Agent Q C3�er, speci�y: �4�. Name: ��. Bu�iness name {if appli�c�bl��: ��l. �treet addres�: 4e. �ity, stat�, zip: �4f. Tel�pha►n� nQ.: �4�. Fax no.: 4�h. Email addre�s�: �►. Agentl��►n�ul�r��t Ir�fc►rm�tior� �if appli+cabl�} �a. t"�I�rne; �b. Busine�s narne {if �pp�licabl��. 5c. "' treet �d+dre�s: �+�. +�ity, �tate, �ip. 5+�. Telephone nQ.: ��. Fax no.: �gr Ei1'lali �C�CiC�,'siS. P��e 2 of 1 � 1���1 �orm -- Ver�ion � .3 C����mber � �� ��t�� 1l�r�ic�n B. Project Inform�tic�n arard ���►r Pr�j�ct Ni�tory 1, Pr+�per#,y Ideinti�ir��ti�on � a. Praper�y identification no. (tax P��i �r p�rce! iD): , , l.�titude. 3�.4�'4�'3 Lc�ng�itude: - �� .�7'��� 1 b. �ite c�ard�nate� �ir� dec�m�l �e�r+e+esj: �DC�.C�DDD�D� �-DQ.DGIDL7DD} 1�. Property siz�: 0�� a�r�es �. Surfa�+� Waters 2a. �1ame of nearest body +�f w�ter �s�ream, ri�r+er, �etc.� to 11T #� �I��e +�r+e�k prop��ed prc�j+�ct: 2b. Water Quality +�las�ificati�n +�f n�arest recei�rir�g w►ater. t�; fir�►ut �c. f�iver basin: IVernr 3. Rroj�+�t D+�s�ript�c�n ��. D�scrib� the �existin� +c�►nc�iti�ns �►n �h� si#� and the c��eneral ��nd �u�e ir� the vicinity +�f th+e prc�je+�t �fi the �im+� c�f this appticati�n: �ubstandard bridge t� be repl�ced in a rur�l area '�b. �ist the tc�tal estimated acrea�+� c�f all exi�ting wetlands c�n #�a� pr�ap►er�ty: � 0,'I a�res �c. l.is�t the total estimat�ed lir��a� feet �af a1! e�ci�tir�g strearns {interrnitt�nt �nd per�r�r�i�l� c�n the p►r�p►erty: � 2�� lir�+e�r feet 3d. E�cp�ain the purpas�e c�f ti�e prc�p�sed prc�j+ect: Upgra+�� sub�tar�d�r� stream cr�s�ing �e. aescribe tl�e ov+�ral! prc�ject in detail, includi�� the ty'pe �►f +�quipm�rrt t+� be u�+��: �ee �ttached cc�v+�r I+�tter. 4. Jurisdictic�nal [3eterminati�►ns� 4a, Nave jurisdictio�►�l wetland �►r �tre�m de#�rminat���ns �y t�e �c�rp� c�r �ta#e been requested c�r �btain�e� fc�r �h�s prv�p�rly l Y+�s No Unknawrr . . dir� all ric�r ha�es in tl�e a�t?' � � i� pro��ct ��nclu g p p � p +Cvmmer�ts: �4b. If th� Corps ma�de t�e jurisdicti�nal determ'rn�tion, wh�t ty�e �►r+�limina Finai . . ,� � �`Y 0 of �determinat�c�n was made . �+c. lf yes, wha delinea#ed �khe juri��i�ti�►nal areas? �►�encyl�c�n�u�tan� ��ampany: Name {if knc�wn}: �ther: 4d. If y�es, list the d�t+es c�f the ��rps juris�icfic�n�l +determ�n�ti�►n� c�r �ta�e c�etermin�ti�ns and ait��ch docum�ntatian. :5. P�roject History 5�. Have permit� v�r certificatian� b�+en re+quest�d or �bta�raed #c�r Yes � Nc� [�,] �lnknc�wn . , i all rior h��es in th+� ast? � th�s pr��ect �inciud ng p p � � 5b. If yes, +��cptain in det�il ac+�c�rdir�g tc� "help file" in�tructi�n�, �, Future Prc�je+�� Plans �a. ls thi� a ph�sed prc�j�ct? � Y+�� ��� �6b. If yes, e�plain. I���� 3 �� � � P�N �orwm �- �`ers��n 1.� �ie��mb�r '1 C�y �t�C�B '�ersi�n G. �'rc�posed lmp��ct� Inv�ent�ary 1 r �ii1�?act�a 51.11i11"i1ary 1 a. Which s+ections were cor�npi+eted b�ic�w for y�ur pr�je�c# �check all th�t applY}: � VV'e�land� � �tream� - trib�tari+�� �] E�uf�er� ❑ C�p�r� Waters ❑ P�n� �onstruction 2, Wetl�nd Impa+cts If there �r� w+�tlan� impa+cts propo�ed c�n the �ite, t�t�n c�mpl+��e this q���ti�an fc�r +�ach �nretlan� are� impacte�d. ��. �b. �c. ��. �e. �f. W'etlan� impact Typ�e c�f jurisdictic�n number — Type �f impact Type �►f v�ret���� �+�rest�d ��Cc�rp� - 404, � 0 Ar�� c�f ir�p�c�� Permanent (P} ar �if knawrr� 1�1N�Q -- nc�n-4�4, c�th+�r} �acre�� Tem ara 1' � Y�s � G�rp►s w� � r� ❑ -r F��� �►�� �y�, � �v�c� o.oc�2 � ❑ Y�� C� �c�rp� '�V2 [] P[� T Q N� ❑ C�lI�iQ � �'�s d Corp$ �� � � � T �] �o [� �W�Q ❑ �'�s [� �orps �i114 � P ❑ T [� � c� � DWQ [� Y�� � �orps W5 [� P❑ T [� N� �I C�U'�1t"� Q Y�s d Cc�rp� V1/� (.� P❑ T Q i�t� Q D1�1't� �g. Tc�tal w�etlan�l �mpr�.�ts �h. C�amm�nfis: 3. �tream Impac�ts If there are perennial or intermittent stream imp�cts {incl�a�in� #err�pc�r�ry ir�np�cts� prc�pc���d on th� �ite, then +cc�mplet� this �question f�r �!I stre�m si�e� imp�cted. ��. 3b. 3�. �d. 3e. 3f. 3�. �tre�m ir�pact Typ+e of impact �tream nam+� P�c�ennial Type �f juri�di�tian Average Impact numb+er - ��'�R} c�r �C+�rps - 4(}4, 10 stre�m i�nc��tl� Perrr�anent 4P} ar int�ermi#t+ent pL�U!'+C� -- non-�4��4, vu�i�d�h �line�r Temporary �T} {I�T)'? other) {fe+et) fe�t� C�P'A, �ipr�p �& � PER � �a►rps �'� ��� T C3�ew�t��� l.��Y tc� tal�de �r+��k INT � i��Q 'I � � 3� � � Q P�R � �G�rps �2 ❑ P [� T � ��T Q �►'il�� � ��� � ���� �3 �] P [� T � 1�1�' � ��l'VC,� L.� F'EF� Q ��r�� ��' � P� T � I�1T � C��C� � f�ER Q C�r�� S5 � P❑ T � Il�T Q�!'�'+� � ��� � ���� �� Q P❑ T � Ii�T [� t��� 3h. Total stream and tribut�.ry i�mp��c�� 1�� 3i. C�mments: �`�t�� � �►� � � l�+�N �'c�r�m —1J�ersi�n � .3 C�ecernb+er � �, �+��5 Ver�i�►r� �4. Cap+en Wat�r [mp�ct� lf there �re pr�po�ed impacts t+� I�k+e�, p�ands, ��tuaries, iribut�ri�s, s��r�ds, the Atlar��ic rDc+ean, c�r any oth�r c�pen r�v�ter �►f the U.S. then individually list ail op�e� wat+er imp�cts bel�w. �4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. C)pen water �lam+� af w�terbod�r imp�ct number -- �if �p�pii�able� Type �f imp��cfi V�'�terb+�dY fiY�e Ar�a c�f imp�+�t �acr+��� P+ermanent (P� c�r Tem ora T C�1 ❑F'�]7 t�2 �] P ❑ T +t�3 �] P � 1' �� ❑F'❑T 4f. Total open wa.ter imp�.cts �4g. �omment�: 5. Pon�d or Lake �+anstru�cti+on If ond vr la�� canstruction rc� os�ed, tk�en +�om I+e#e the �h�rt bei�w. 5a. �b. �c. �d. �e. V1l+et�and Imp�cts ��cr�s� �tre�m Im�a+�ts �f��t} Upl�nd P�nd ID Pr�pc�s�d us� +�r purpose iacr+��� numk��r of pond Fl�oc�ded Fiiled Ex��v�t�d �loaded Fi�l�d E.xcavated Fl�v►c�ed P� P2 ��. Tot�.l 5g. Got�nnent�: N!A 5�h. I� a dam high hazard perm�t require�d? �y�, If +�s +er-mit 1C� nc�: �Yes � Y �p 5i. E�cpected pc�nd surface area �acre��: �rj. Si�e of p�nd watersh�d {acres}: 5k. Method c�f c�nstru�ti�an: �. Buffer lmpar�t� �f�rr DW+Q} !f proj�ect will im�act a prot+ected riparian buffer, ti�+�n complet� the ch�art b+�low. i� yes, then individuall� list all buff+er irr�p�+�t� belvw. If an im a+�ts re uire miti ation, th+�n a►u 1�IU�T fil� out �►e+ct%+�n C� ofi this farm. �a. � �e�us� [] Tar-Pamli�cc� Q C�ther: Pro'ec�t i� in which rote�cted bas�in'? � t�at��wba ❑ Randlem�n J � 6b. �6c. C,�►+d. �e. �af. +�g. Bufifer impact number -- Reason Buff+er Zone '1 impac# Zc�ne `� imp�+ct P+�rmanent �P} o�r for �tre�r�r� narne mitig�ti�an (�quar� fee�t� ��quare feet} Tem ora T im a�t re uir�ed? ❑ �'�s� B'I ❑ P [� T � �� C� ��s �� ❑�pY ���, � ��� s� ❑ � p T � ��, +5h. T+�t� buffer imp�cts �i. +�omm+ents: ".. • - • i � . � �II� � � � � � A � � � � � � � D. 1mp�ct Justificati�►n and Mitiga�tic�n 1. Avc�idance a�nd Nlinim�zatic�n 1 a. �pe+cifically �e��ribe mea��ur+es taken to av�a�d or min�mi�+� the pr�p��sed i�pa�c#�s in desi�nin� pr�je+�t. Th�e culver� leng�h� i� the minimum n�e+eded ta impr�ve sa��e#� a� thi� I�►�a�i�n. 1 b. �pecific�lly d�scribe measures tak+�n to avoid +�r min��i�e �h+� pr+�posed imp�cts th�ro�c�h +ca►ns#ructi+�n techniques. Afl appropriat� BMPs will be us�d during c�n�tructi�►n 2. ��►mpensat+�ry Mitigatic�n far Impa+cts�► t�► W'at+�r� v►�f #�� �l,�. c�r �l"��at�rs c�# �+� �t�#e ��. D�oe� the praject requir+� Gc�mpens�t�ry Mit�g�tian for j� �'�es Q t�a impacts to V�Jaters of t�i+� lJ.�. ar'tl'�aters c�f the " ta#��' 21a. If yes, �.itigati�n is r�qu�i7red by �check. all that apply): � C�1NC� ��orps � I��t�g����►n bank 2c. If y�es, which mitigativn a�pti�n v�vill be used f�r thi� r+o'+�ct'� � Paym�nt tc� in-lieu f�e+� p�r�c�r�m � J � P+�rmittee i�es�onsible Niitic�atic�n 3. �c�mpl�:te if 1Jsing a Mi�igation Bank ��. Nam� �f �llitig�ti�►n Bank: �b. Credits P�r+chas�+� ��tta+ch r+�+ceipt an+d 1e�t+er} Typ� C�u�r��ity 3c. C�►mments: �4. Cc►mplr�te if l�f�king a P���ment to 1n-l��:u Fee Pr+a+�r�m 4a. Appraval I�eiter fr�om in-lieu f�ee program is ai#�+c#�ed. � Y�s �4b. Stream miti�atic�r� request�ed: 7� ���+e�r ��+et �c. If using s#ream mitigafiion, s#r�e�m terr�perature: � v�rarm [] �cc��►1 �cc�rd 4d, �uff�r mitiga�tion r�quest�+d �i�1�C� +�r�1y}: �q�u�r�e fieet �e. Riparian wetland mitigatian r�equested: ��cr+es 4f. Nc�n-riparian vr�+etland mitig�ti+�n r�que�t+ed: �+�r�es �4�. �Qasta�l �tidal� wetland m�i���ic�r� �r+e�u��te+d: ��cr�s �4�. �omment�: �►. +Cor�nplete if Usin� a� P+�rmit��e Fi�sp+�nsibi+� 1�litigati�►� P'�an �a. 1f u�ing a permittee respc�n�ible mi�igation pl�n, prc�vi+de a de�cript�c�r� +af th� propc��+ed miti�atic�n plan. ".•- s • �+� • , _ • _ �► � _ - • - ! 1 �1 : - t �. Suff+�r Mitigatic�n ��t�t+� ��gulated F�ip�ri,an Buff+�r Ru�e�} — r+�quire�! by �}'�11�'�Q �a.11Vi11 fihe prv�je�t result in an �mpact vvith�n � p��rote�t+�d rip�rian buff+�r t�a�# req�ires [� Yes � No buffer mitigati�on? +�b. Ifi y+es, then identify the square fee� �►f imp��c� t� �ach ��ne �af th� r�p�rian buffer #�iat r+�q�ir�es mitic��ti�an. ����ulat� the ama►unt �►f mitigation r�c�uired. �6c. �cl. �e. Reasc�n for �m�ac�t T+��a! �mpact Mult�pii�r Required miti�at��n ���� s �are feet �squ�r� fe�t} �q } ��n+� 1 3 �� fc�r t�at�wba} �c�r�� 2 � .� �fi. T�►ta1 bu�if+�r m�ti+�,�t�r�n r��quir��d; �g. If buffer miti�atian is required, discuss wh�t �y►�e of mi#iga�ic�n is pr�p��ec� �e.�., paym�ent #+� private mitiga�i�n bank, permittee re�ponsible r�pari�n buffer re�to�-�tic�n, p�ym�n�t ir�t� �n ap�►rc�ved in-lieu fee fund�. �h. Comments: P��� '� �f � � F'�1� l�ormM -- �er�i�an �.'� C�ecemb�r� 1�, 2��� V�r�ion E. Stc�rmwa�ter Marragem+�n�t and t��fuse Flc��r Pl�rr �rr�q�ir��d by C��V'Q} '1. Diffus� Flarw Plan '� a. Daes the project include c�r �s �t a�d�acent to p�rotected rip�r�an bufi�ers� identi�ed � Yes � N�► wi t hin ane o f t he N� �ipari�n �u f�er �'ro tec ti�►n R u l� s'? 1 b. if yes, then is a diffuse fivw plan �r�clu�ded? 1f nc�, expl��� �u►hy. p 4'�s p Nc� Comment�: 2. S�t�►rmwater Mar�a +em�nt P��n '�a. 1111ha# is the �verail p�rcent i�n��rvit�usness of thi� pr�aje�#"? °�'� �b. t�c�es this proj�ect require � Stc�rmvir�ter Managemen� Pl��n'� [�j 1it"es � N�o �c. 1f this prc�ject Dt�ES N�3T req�ire ��tormwater Man��ement Plan, explain w►hy: Disturbing I�ss than 1 acr� 2d. If this prc�je+�# Dt�E� require a�tormwafier Manag�rr�ent PIan9 then prc�vide a b�rief, narr�tive de�criptivn �►f the �lan. ❑ �ertifie+d Lc�cal �a►vernm�n# �+�. �11ihc� wi11 be resp�ansibie for th�e rer�iew of the �tc�rmwa�+er �an��+ement �'lan'? ❑ D1lUQ �tc�rmw��er Pr�gram ❑ [�V1lCC� 4t�'i Unit �� �C+�r�ified L.o�a1 taov+�rnm�r�t �t+�rrnwat�r R�evi+�w ��. ln which la►c�l government's jur�sdiction i� this proje+�t'? � P'ha�e II . . ❑ �J�SW �b. VVhi�ch c�f the foll+�w�n� iocall�-�mplernente� �tc�rmwat+�r r��na��er�nen# pr��ra�s � U�MI� app�Y �check all th�t appiY�: [� 1�1�'at�er Su�ply Vllatersl�e� ❑ C)ther: �c, Has the appraved �t�►rmvvater Nlanagemen� �'1a�n with prc�ofi c�f ap�r��ai b�en [� Y�es � t�c� attached? �4. DWQ 5tormv�rat+�r Pro ram� R�vie�r � �oa�tal c�aurrtie� [�j H�QW 4a. 'Which �f the foliowing state-i�npl�rr�+ented s#ormv�►ater man��em+�n� pr�c�ram� �pp�y �] C�RW (ch�ck �11 �h�t �pp1Y): Q �+es��i�n ��w '��0�-��� � C�th�r. �b. Has the approw+�d �tc�rmwater 1"�lanagement Plan wit� proc�f �►f ap�ar��r�1 ��en attached? ❑ Yes �] N� �. C�V11Q 4�D'1 Unit �t+�r�nw�ter R�vi�w �a. Do�es the �t�►rmvrrater Mar�ag�ement Pi�n mee� the ap�r�pri�#� re�quir��nent�? � y�e� [� Nc� 5b. Have all r�fi the 4tI1 Urrit submittal r+�quirements b��n �raet'� Q Ye� ❑ No P�g� $ �of '� �i F't�N �ot^rtrt --'ll'+�rs��n 1.3 De��rnb�r 1�D, 2��8 V��ion ■ a ��������ir��i�i�'��iJi��■���1rIR� '� . Envirc�nm�nt�l D�ocument�t�+�� �D1Nt� Rr�quirement� � a. C�a�es the prc�ject invo#v+e an +e�cp�enditure of public �feder�ilstatellc�cal� fun�ds or th+e Y�� �� . �,� � ❑ use +of publ�c (federallstate� �an �1 b. if you answered '"yes" t� th+� abcr�re, d+�es the pr�aj�+ct rec���re pr�parat�c�n �►f �n er�vira►nmental dc�+cument pursuan# to the r�quirements �f the �+I�t�+anal vr ���t+e [] Yes� � Nc� {�larth +�arolina� Enviranment�l Policy A�ct (NEPAJ���'A�'? 1�c. if you answ�er�ed "yes" tc� the ab�v►e, has the +dc�cument r�vievv b�e�n fin�li��d by the �tate �Clearing H�u�+�?' {!� so, attach � c�►p� of #he N��'l�► c�r �EP�► �nal approval 1+�tter.} ❑ Y'��' � �° Camrrients: 2� Vi�ala�ic�ns �CJit1/t� R�q�ir�m+�nt� �a. 1� the s�te in vioi�ti+�n �►f D1NQ 1Ne#land Ru��s �15.A �1G1�� �H .t�5��}, isa�l�t+�d Wetl�nd F�ules ��1 aA, �C�A+� 2H .� 3�0�, C�U�IC� Surfac+e i�'�a#�r c�r V'1J�tland �tan�dar�d�, [� `�f+es j,� Na �r Riparian �uffer �u1+es �1 �iA t��A� 2B .fl2!�0}? �b. Is thi� an after-�the-faci p�erm�t application� ❑�'es � I�o '��, if yc�u answ�red "yes" #� an� c�r both a� the ab�ov+� +ques�i�►��, prc�vide �n expianation of the vi+�lati�n(�}: 3. Gumulative Impac:ts �DV11t'� Requirement� 3a. 'UI�`ill this project {based �►n p►ast and reas+�n�b�y �nti�ipat+e�d �ture irnp�+cts} re���t ir� � Ye� � No � d d i t i� n a l d e v e i a p m� n t, w h i c h c o u l d i m p� c t n� a r b� r d�� r� s t r+�� m w� t� e r q u� l i fi y'? 3b. If y+�u answered "yes" tc� the �b�ve, submit a qualitative +�r quantitati�e cumulativ�e imp�ct analysis in acc�►rd�nc� with� th�e mc�st re�cent D'1lU't� pali+c�y, !# y�ou �nswered "n�o,,' p�r�orri�d�e ��h�rt n�rrati�r+e +descri�t��n. 4�. �+e�rag+e Disp+�sal {D1�U'G� Regquir+�ment� 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate trea#ment methads ar�d di�positi�n {nc�n-disch�rge c�r dis�ch�r�e} c��f w�stev�ra�er gener�t�d frc�rr� the propc�sed prc�ject, or a�vailable capacity �of th+e subject �cil�ty. N/� �'���; � c�f '� � p't;� �QI""t�'"t �-- �/GI"�►it�i"1 '� M�► CiG�I'1"1�?E�1" '� i�� �'i�iQ$ �/�t"�►IC1i1 5. Endangered �pecie� and �e�ignat�d ��ti��! Habi�i {��►rps �t+��quirement} �a. 1Nill this project c�ccur in t�r near �n �rea w�th f�deraily p�ra#ect+�d �p+��ies ar � Yes � No h�bitat? �b. Have yau checked with the U�F'U11� conc�rninc� En+dang�er�+� �p►e�i�es r�1ct �] Yes (� I�c� imp�+cts? [� Raleigh 5c. if ye�, indi�ate the U�FW� Fi+eid t�ffice ya►u h�ve +�ontacted. . � Ashev�ll+e �►d. INh�a�t data �aurce� did yc�u use to determine whether yaur site v�c��ld irrip�ct �ndanc�ered Sp+�+�ies or De�ic�nated Gritic�l Habit�t? �IS and visual a►bservation �� w►eil as NE� investi�ation �6. Ess�ntial Fish H�bitat ��c�rps Requirem�nt) �a. Will this project occur in ar near an area +designated as essential �sh h�bi#�t'? � Yes (�) Nc� �b. Vllhat data source� did �ou u�e to determine whether yc�ur �ite �r��u�d �rnpact Essential Fi�h H�bit�t'? Wf�C will commerrt ?. Histc�ri+� +�r Prehi�tc►ri+� Ct��tural R�e�+�ur�ce� (�orp� Ft�:quirem+�n�} ?a. VV►ill this praj�ct occur in c�r r�ear an area th�t ihe st�t+�, federal ar %i�al goverrrments haue designa�ed as havinc� h�s�t+�ric or cult�ural pres�rv�t��n � Yes Q No status (e.g., Nation�i Historic Tru�t desi��at�on �ar pro��rtie� �ic�r�if�c�r�t ir� �l+�rth �arc�lina history an� archa�ec�la�Y}'? 7'b. 1Nhat d�ta s+aurces di� ya►u use ta determine wheth+�r yc�ur sit� wc�u�c� imp�ct histori�c �r arche�o�+��ical r�source�? Project w�� reviewed by ihe +t�HE. Mt�� h�s be�n signed �nd is a�t��c��e+d. 8. Flood Zc�ne D�:sic�nation {��orps R�quirem+ent} �a.11Vill this project a+�cur in a�EMA-���ignat�d � 0�-year fl�c�dpl�in'? ❑ 1�'es � No 8k�. If ye�, explain hc�w project m�e�� FEMA re�quirements: �c, What s�ourc��s} +did you use tc� m�ke �the floc��dpl�in de�err�in�ti�r��' � d J. H�ath �lau hter 1'' I�► � 1� 3 � . ' Name A�plican�lr�lg�en#'s �ig r�e LC�►►��e �Appl�cantlAg�nt s Pr�nt�d {Agent's si atur� is valid only if 2�r� authc�ri�a letter from th� applicar�t is r�vided. Pa�� � t� ofi � o P�N �'or�n �- Version 1.� C�ecernber ��, ��0� 1��r�ion I Proj ec t Tracking No. (Internal Use)L11-08-0123 ] EFFECTS DETERMINATION FORM PROJECT INFORMATION Project No : Str.#0202l2 County: Alleghany WBSNo: 17BP.11.R.50 Document: PCE/CE F.A. No: Funding: ~ State o Federal Federal (USACE) Permit Required? ~ Yes 0 No Perm it Type: NWP 3 or 14 Project Des cription: Replace Bridge No 212 on SR 1119 over Carson Branch . Bri efdescription ofreview activities, re sults ofr eview, and c onclusions: Review ofHPO quad maps, archaeological site files , relevant background report s, histor ic designations roster , and indexes was undertaken on September 1, 2011. Based on this review, there were no existing NR, SL , LD, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects. However Bridge No 2 12 has been determined eligible for National Regi ster list ing during the statewide historic bridge inventory conducted by Lichtenstein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Th e superstructure of the bridge appears to be in good condition, but the bridge plaques have been removed . An on-site reconnaissance survey of the project area was conducted on October 25, 2011. In addition to BridgeNo .2 12,which wasbuiltin1920,one property consisting of ahouseand several outbuildings more than fifty years of age are located within the APE . Th e house is a deteriorated one-and-a-half, side­ gable fram e dwelling that is more fifty per cent collapsed. Several outbuildings associated with the house are evident but ar e also in various stages of collapse . Due to the significant deterioration of the main house , the property lacks sufficient integrity to be eligible for the National Register. Another re sidential structure stand s approximately ISO-feetwest of thebridge. This isacirca1985split-lev el house . EFFECTS DETERMINATION Pr operty/Site: Bridge No 212 S tatus: DE Effects F inding: o NoEffect o N o Adv erse E ffect ~ Advers e Effect Explanation of Effects D et ermination: The eligible brid ge will be removed and replaced w ith another structure. List Environmental Commitments (ifany): "Effec ts Determination "form for M inor Transportation Projects as Qua lified in th e2007Programmatic Agreement. NCD OT Archaeology & Historic A rchitecture C roups 11-08-0123 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Maps and photos. 1;;;'-/3 -/ / Date HPO/OSA Comments: "EffectsDet ermination"fo rmf orM inor Tran sportation Proje cts as Qualified In the2007Pro grammatic Agr eement. N CDOT Archaeology & Historic Archit ecture Gr oups C/)-CJ o0..0) I~ Bridge No . 212 on SR 1119 over Carson Branch, view to west Bridge No. 212 on SR 1119 over Carson Branch, view to east House, Old US 21, v iew to north House, 671 Old US 21, view to northwest NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY REPORT LICHTENSTEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Bridge ID No: 020212 County: ALLEGHANY Div: 11 City: Location: .3 MI.W.JCT.US21 UTM: 17 493715 403661 Owner: STATE Bridge Name: CARSON BRANCH BRIDGE Facility Carried: SR 1119 (OLD US 21) Carried/Feature Intersected: SR '1119 OVER CARSON BRANCH Type: SLAB Design: Material: REINFORCED CONCRETE # Spans: 1 Length: 22 Width: 21.2 # Lanes: 2 Railing Type FLAT PANEL CONCRETE PARAPETS Date of Construction: 1920 Alteration: Source: PLAQUE Designer/Builder: STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Current National Register Status of Bridge: Not Previously Evaluated . Local, Determined Eligible, or NR Historic District/Status: Name/Date: Located in Potential Historic District/Historic Context? No Adjacent to Identified or Potential Historic Properties? No National Register, Study List, D.O .E., locally designated, or previously surveyed properties appear to be located adjacent or close to the bridge. Inventory NR Recommendation: Eligible Setting/Context: The bridge carries a 2 lane road over a stream in a rural area of active farms and scattered modem houses. The southern quadrants are densely wooded. At the NE quadrant is a field and beyond it an abandoned 1.5-story farmhouse with clapboarding and 3/1 sash windows (ca. 1890-1910, not previously surveyed). Beyond the NW quadrant is a stable and a split-level house (ca. 1965). Physical Description: The 1 span, 22' long and 21.2' wide, reinforced concrete slab bridge is supported on concrete abutments with flared wingwalls. The bridge is finished with the state-standard flat panel concrete parapets with chamfered comers. The plaque to the roadway face of the parapet reads, "Carson Branch Bridge, Built by State of North Carolina with Federal and County Aid, Project No. 125-A, 1920." The bridge appears to be complete . Summary of Significance: The 1920 reinforced concrete slab bridge is technologically significant as one of the oldest complete examples of a standard design used by the state highway commission in its earliest improvement campaigns. The bridge was built to a plan sheet, dated 1919, for a "standard reinforced concrete slab top bridge" of 20' clear span, 18' clear roadway, and 15-ton live load. Early standard designs, such as the one for this slab bridge, established a successful approach to building bridges quickly and efficiently to meet the demands of a large state highway system (Criterion C). State Bridge Engineer William L. Craven had as much to do as any individual with shaping the state's standard approach to bridge design and construction . A North Carolina-native and 1901 graduate in engineering from North Carolina A&M (now NC State), Craven was appointed the state's first bridge engineer in 1917 and served until 1944. He quickly moved to adopt standard plans and written specifications that could be readily applied to the most common span lengths and roadway widths. One of the first standards approved by Craven was the slab standard to which the 1920 Carson Branch Bridge is built. Standardization was not a new concept; it had been employed by railroad companies since the mid-19th century and was in common usage by many highway departments across the country. Because standardized bridge plans were NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY REPORT LICHTENSTEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC . Bridge 10 No: 020212 County: ALLEGHANY Div: 11 City: neither innovative nor varied , they were generally more economical, using commonly available materials and well-tried bridge types and designs whose qualities and costs were known. Standardization of design and economy of construction were hallmarks of the state-built and owned highway system, and the approach was so successful in the 1920s that it promoted widespread confidence in the state highway commission's technical and organizational capabilities. This confidence influenced the decision to turn over to the state all county roads and bridges in 1931 , establishing a state highway system of unprecedented size with more mileage under its direct control than any other state's commission . The slab bridge concentrates reinfo rcing steel, in the form of twisted or deformed rods, in the lower portion and ends of the slab where tensile forces and shear are the greatest. The amount of steel and depth of the slab is predicated on its length and live-load capacity . Slab bridges usually range from about 10' long to 35' long, above which other bridge types like the tee beam are a more economical use of material. Slabs are ideally suited to the preparation of standard plans. The nation's state highway departments, including North Carolina's, built literally thousands of nearly identical examples . The slab technology came into use nationally and in North Carolina during the first decade of the 20th century. The earliest surviving non-standard examples in the state date from the 1910s . More than 50 examples (mostly state-built standard designs) from the 1920s have been identified, but this is but a small slice of the statewide population since it excludes the many examples of less than 20'long. The state highway commission , established in 1915 , adopted standard plans for slab bridges in 1919 and updated them periodically thereafter. The slab, along with the tee beam and the steel stringer, was one of the workhorse bridge types in the development of the state highway system from the 1920s through the 1950s. The earliest complete survivinq examples of the standard slab bridges (i.e ., 020212 , 110310, 500449, 750435, 750436 , and 920009) represent the significance of this common bridge type and standard design to the development of the state highway system. The bridge was built as part of Federal Aid Project No. 125-A in Alleghany County . The federal aid program, established in 1916, provided 50/50 matching funds for road and bridge improvement projects on approved routes, usually those identified as part of a state highway system or rural post route . It was an important catalyst for improvements throughout the U.S . and North Carolina. The road is a bypassed section of old US 21 that has not been significantly improved since the 19205. It retains it original 18' width and unimproved grass shoulders. The state route between Sparta and Elkin, later designated US 21 in 1926, was one of the early routes improved by the state highway commission to recover the "Lost Provinces" in the northwestern mountains. State Highway Commission Chairman Frank Page used this road as one of the primary examples of what the state highway commission could do to improve connections to the remote counties in the far corners of the state . He described the Lost Provinces as "foreign to the state as far as transportation connect ions of any kind were concerned." Most of these isolated areas had rail lines but they required traveling circuitous routes through one or more adjoining states to reach North Carolina's larger cities in the Piedmont. Travel over the most direct overland route had normally been out of the question until the improvement of highways beginning in the late 1910s and early 1920s . The recovery of the Lost Provinces became a rallying cry in support of the state highway commission and a promise guaranteed by the building of roads and bridges . State legislator Rufus A. Doughton of Sparta , Alleghany County, whose district benefited directly from the project to improve the road between Sparta and Elkin in 1920, was an important backer of the North Carol ina Highway Act of 1921, also known as the Connor-Doughton­ Bowie Bill, that provided a $50 million financial commitment from the state to the development of a first-class state highway system . The act so set North Carolina apart from its neighbors in the region that it was soon being called the "Good Roads State." Bibliography: NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit File and Plans . NC Dept. of Cultu ral Resources . Survey & Planning Branch Records . NC State Highway Commission . Biennial Reports. 1920-22. Hool, George A. Reinforced Concrete Construction . Vol.III. Bridg es andCulverts . NewYork :McGraw-Hili ,1916. pp. 409-413. Page , Frank. "Five Years of State Road Builciing and Its Results ." Public Roads , v. 7 ,9 (Nov. 1926), pp. 177-84 . NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY REPORT LICHTENSTEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Bridge 10 No: 020212 County: ALLEGHANY Div: 11 City: Boundary Description and Justification for Eligible Bridges: The bridge has been evaluated individually significant. The boundary is limited to the superstructure and substructure of the bridge . Reviewed Byl Date: JPH (7/03) Notes: C U� A � 0 � � O m � � � m m m w � m O � c � s a L1 m � O � � � c N � O � C Cn A � n 0 a n O rn �n � m co in rn � m � 0 � m � � o. � � � 0 � � � < � � O � --- ---------- ,� ;�{, � o -� � � � -� 1��9�1---�--0 1�i� � � �m co � m � c ro :: � � o� �D � °- D S� �� D O U� � cn S cn � d N � N o. -� m O� m c o ca �� m�' cn � � ';"w`'t � N Q' � � � � . 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ExcavationExcavationMechanized ClearingPermanentPermanent Temp. Temp. Temp. ChannelChannelNatural SheetSiteStationStructureFill InFill InFill InFill Inin in Clearingin SW SW SWSWSWImpactsImpactsStream No.No.(From/To)Size / TypeWetlandsWetlandsWetlandsWetlands Wetlands Wetlandsin Wetlands WetlandsimpactsimpactsimpactsimpactsimpactsPermanentTemp.Design (ac)(sq ft)(ac)(sq ft)(ac)(sq ft)(ac)(ac)(ac)(sq ft)(ac)(sq ft)(lf)(ft)(ft)(ft) 41-L- 10+10 to 14+00 (Existing Bridge #212 Site) 1 Barrel 142"x91" Steel Arch Pipe (53'-8" of Struct)0.002117.00 0.01510.0066.00 72 LF of Stream Elimination / Relocation. 66' of Rip Rap SHEET TOTAL:0.002117.00 0.01510.0066.00138.00 LF ATN Revised 3/31/05 SHEET 1 of 1 ####### WBS - 17BP11.R.55 (02-0212) WETLAND PERMIT IMPACT SUMMARY SURFACE WATER IMPACTSWETLAND IMPACTS Alleghany COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS