HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211838 Ver 1_R4705EffectsMay2017_20211220Project Tracking No. (Internal Use) 15-02-0014 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: WBS No.: Fed. Aid No: Federal Permit(s): R-4705 38932.1.FD1 STP-1142(11) Yes No County: Document Type: Funding: Permit Type(s): Martin CE State /1 Federal USACE nationwide Proiect Description: Upgrade and Widen NC 125/SR 1142 (Prison Camp Road) from NC 903 to SR 1182 (East College Road) to an improved two-lane/three-lane roadway with 12 foot lanes and 2 foot shoulders. It is proposed to keep the existing ditch line wherever possible. There are several curves on the southwestern end of the project that may require flattening. Project length is 16.1 miles. Proposed right-of-way is 60-80 feet. Permanent and Temporary easements will be required. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPOweb GIS mapping, historic designations roster, and indexes was conducted on 2/9/15. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, DE, or LD properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). However, there are ten surveyed sites (SS), and two study -listed (SL) properties within the APE, including several houses, farmsteads, a church, a y former school house, and some stores. Additionally, there may be other properties over the age of fifty years old that fall into the APE in need of documentation. The most recent architectural survey of Martin County was conducted in 1992-93. A survey was required to assess potential historic sites within the APE for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) as well as for potential effects from project construction activities. Furthermore, according to aerial GIS imagery, some of the surveyed sites appear to have been demolished and a survey will help to confirm whether they are extant or perhaps if the location on the NC HPOweb mapping is incorrect. A field reconnaissance survey was conducted on March 23, 2015 during which several surveyed sites and previously unrecorded properties were documented and photographed. It was determined that further study was needed for multiple properties in order to determine NRHP- eligibility. NCDOT contracted with Dovetail Cultural Resources Group to conduct an intensive level Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT farm for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 7 historic architectural NRHP-eligibility evaluation for twelve resources within the project APE. The report concluded that three of the twelve resources were eligible for the NRHP, the Bowen Farm (MT0626), the Wynn Home Place (MT0383) and the Cross Roads Christian Church (MT0375). After further evaluation and consultation with the NC Historic Preservation Office (HPO), an additional fourth resource was also determined NRHP-eligible, the John Brown House/Jackie Brown Spring House (MT0032). For further information on the properties listed above please see the NRHP-Eligibility Evaluation report located in the project file. NCDOT project engineers proposed design plans that widen and improve Prison Camp Road without acquiring any additional new right-of-way at each of the four NRHP-Eligible properties. Only easements will be used to conduct work within the historic property boundaries of the historic resources. Moving from east to west, the first historic property within the APE is the Bowen Farm (MT0626). Two contributing outbuildings that help make up the complex sit fairly close to the roadway as seen in the photo below. Several trees also sit close, a few of which may be affected or removed, however, NCDOT seeks to protect the trees with orange construction fencing. The main house of the Bowen Farm complex shown in the first photo on page 3 sits farther back from the roadway and will not be affected by project activities. Curb and gutter is planned at the intersection with Henry Mizelle Road down to the intersection with Allen Williams Road due to the heavy amount of large vehicles and semi -trucks traveling this road with trailer attachments. The curb and gutter will minimize the impacts to contributing outbuildings that are part of the Bowen Farm. NCDOT does not anticipate a permanent drainage easement for this property. NCDOT will plan to widen away from the Bowen Farm to the east in order to avoid and minimize impacts to the property, resulting in a "No Adverse Effect." Bowen Farm (MT0626), NRHP-Eligible under Criteria A and C, Prison Camp Road, Martin County, NC. Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 7 Bowen Farm (MT0626), main house, Prison Camp Road, Martin County, NC. The John Brown/Jackie Brown Spring House is located just southwest of the Bowen Farm on the opposite side of Prison Camp Road. It shares a tax parcel with the Bowen Farm as well. John Brown House/Jackie Brown Spring House (MT0032), NRHP-Eligible under Criterion C, Prison Camp Road, Martin County, NC. The Wynn Home Place (MT0384) is the next property that falls within the project APE. Its historic property boundary also follows its tax parcel and follows the existing right-of-way. One contributing grouping of outbuildings, the Packhouse, Machine Shed, and Corn Barn, sits fairly close to the roadway. The fencing (shown in the photo below) may be affected. The most concerning impact associated with this historic property is the possible removal of the utility pole Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 3 of 7 Wynn Home Place (MT0384), NRHP-Eligible under Criteria A and C, Prison Camp Road, Martin County, NC. Wynn Home Place (MT0384) main house, Prison Camp Road, Martin County, NC. Cross Roads Christian Church (MT0375) is located far enough outside of construction activities that it will not be affected by the project. Its historic property boundary does not follow the tax parcel; they encircle the building itself and are set back (west) off of Wynn Road. Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT fotm for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 4 of 7 Cross Roads Christian Church (MT0375), NRHP-Eligible under Criteria A with Criteria Considerations A and B, Wynn Road, Martin County, NC. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Bowen Farm Status: NRHP-Eligible Survey Site No.: MT0626 PIN: 5755-85-5712 Effects ❑ No Effect ►/ No Adverse Effect LJ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: The Bowen Farm will have temporary construction easements as shown on the design plan sheets. intersection be provide been way southwest affect avoided. acquired determined. the The protective portion historic use with Because from of Allen There that property. curb measures the the tax currently and Williams standard will parcel gutter for be no the consists Road 10 and from change trees foot historic the will on of berm of intersection allow the cleared access property will historic for be to agricultural impacts reduced the boundary with property, property. 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Page 5 of 7 Property Name: John Brown Brown Spring House/Jackie House Status: NRHP-Eligible Survey Site No.: MT0032 PIN: 5755-85-5712 Effects ❑ No Effect /1 No Adverse Effect ❑Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: Temporary no closest sits same will right-of-way in result tax front to the parcel in easements of an roadway one (but Adverse will of be different the will at acquired, the contributing Effect. be cut/fill utilized historic with line at outbuildings property the the may ditch John be boundary). being impacted. Brown will reduced be House/Jackie relocated None The to power 6 of feet. these to Brown substation across One actions small the Spring that described road tree currently House onto sitting the above and List of Environmental Commitments: -The -substation historic slope property -stake will be line (Bowen relocated will be Farm). reduced directly across to 6 feet the roadway onto the same tax parcel but different Property Name: Wynn Home Place Status: NRHP-Eligible Survey Site No.: MT0384 PIN: 5744-07-7772 Effects ❑ No Effect /1 No Adverse Effect ❑Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: The no easement). from 3 options: right-of-way 3. 1. 2. Wynn NCDOT Move Leave Place Move not Home If move the the the the to will the wooden pole pole pole Place be property to in a will acquired couple across its fencing have current owner the of from temporary is feet street place affected, for the and replacement. and historic use construction it shift a will permanent property the either roadway easements be (unless offset replaced away arm there (likely in from where is -kind around a the permanent the or Wynn payment utility 10 feet) Home lines utility made and will List of Environmental Commitments: -Large -Replace growth fencing trees in -kind will not or be provide impacted payment or trimmed to property owner Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 6 of 7 Property Name: Cross Church Roads Christian Status: NRHP-Eligible Survey Site No.: � MT0375 PIN: 5734-78-8636 Effects No Effect ❑ No Adverse Effect LJ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: There Roads will Christian be no construction Church. It will work not or be widening affected by of any project kind activities. on Wynn Road adjacent to the Cross List of Environmental Commitments: FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(f): Bowen Farm (MT0626) and Wynn Home Place (MT0384) SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Map(s) /1 Previous Survey Info. /1 Photos Correspondence J Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture and Landscapes — ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS NCDOT Ar•l ctural Historian Date Zek-tisis )%iLat..\ar State Historic Preservation Office Representat 4414iLfe 54aLL Date 3/ / Federal Agency Representative Date Historic Architecture and Landscapes EFFECTS ASSESSMENT form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 7 of 7