HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071302 Ver 1_Vested Rights Determination_20070730 BRL ENGINEERING 7046 6tt BfonMr 8trM Four O~k~, NC 27624 ~sts~9s~-zsos d 7-136 ® Brian R Leonard, PE, PLS April 25, 2007 ~5 .,...,..~ ...... :.1 i.,. ~`71 ~~ Ms. Amy Chapman `f l ` ~' ~~ Z U U Buffer Coordinator ,~- ~.,. NC Division of Water Qual' Central Office ~~~' : = ~~ ~ ' , . 2321 Crabtree Boulevard -Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Vested Rights Request For Lot 23 in Carriage Hills Subdivision, In City of Raleigh Dear Ms. Chapman: On behalf of the current Owners of Lot 23 in Carriage Hills Subdivision, 1 am hereby submitting to NCDWQ their request for Vested Rights of the above-stated property, specifically pertaining to the current Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. The premise for this request is based on the significant and extraordinary restrictions, and finandal loss that would be realized on this lot due only to the fad that the Neuse River Riparian Buffer rules were evaded in 1997, which ocxurred welt after the current Owners had already purchased the property for investment reasons. This request is not entirely unrelated to recent submittals by the same Owners to NCDWQ requesting minor buffer variances for Lots 17, 18, 8~ 31 within the same subdivision. To date, variance approval has been obtained for Lots 17 Z~ 18; and approval is still pending for Lot 31. These previous n~quests for minor variances were submitted because of different, and slightly less significant, restrictions created by the buffer rules. These previous variance requests also demonstrate the Owner's willingness to expend design & survey fees, mitigation fees, and additional construction costs in order to develop within the current regulatory framework. However, Lot 23 presents its own uniqueness due to the location of the existing "buffered" stream within and adjacent to the property (see Exhibit A). It has been determined that to develop this lot using a minimal house footprint would place a proposed home too far within the current buffer zones to apply for a minor variance (as was done for the previous lots as mentioned). Therefore, in orcier to protect their investment and prevent what could effectively be a condemnation of their property, the Owners hereby request that Lot 23 be granted vested rights from the current Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. In our previous discussions on this matter, and according to an NCDWQ document titled "Vested Rights and Development...° dated 6/25/03, the vested rights request is a process that must initially meet certain criteria orfindings-of--fact. Acxording to the stated document, we shalt attempt to pursue the criteria as stated in the "common law" category of vested rights (as opposed to the "statutory IavW' category). Also, !et it be known that I am not an attorney and am not declaring to be an expert of the law, although I am familiar with the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules. However, being a licensed engineer, I am knowledgeable of the impacts and restrictions that the buffer rules appear to have created on the stated lots. Should an attorney be required at some point in the future, the Owners are prepared to pursue that avenue if necessary. Regarcfing the "common law" category of vested rights, the above-mentioned NCDWQ document describes four criteria or findings that must be proven: i) Substantial expenditures; 2) Good Faith; 3) Governmental Pemlit(s) as applicable; and 4) A Detriment if the project would be changed to meet the rules. The following represents the Owners position regarding each of these criteria: Y~ Page 2 of 4 April 25, 2007 Ms. Amy Chapman 1. Substantial Expenditures: Ac•.cording to the NCDWQ document on vested rights, °substantial expenditures" pertain to money spent or obligated to be spent on a speafic project Typically, this excludes the purchase price of land because purchase price may not necessarily prove a specific intent or proposed use for the land. The Owners have indeed spent monies, or made other real expenditures, swaps and/or agreements related to this property (and other properties in this subdivision) in addition to the initial purchase price. However, before specifically mentioning these additional expenditures, we feel that in this particular case the Owners' purchase price does prove a specific intent and proposed use or plan. Let me explain. This property is recorded as part of a subdivision plat that was approved by the governing bodies at . •. the time and placed on public record in 1965. The subdivision was required to adhere to all approvals and permits at that time. The only use allowed for these lots within the recorded subdivision would be for individual residences. Therefore, the Owners' direct purchase of these lots would imply that their only intent would be for some future residential use ('re. some type of single-family residence either as their own residence, or for future residential development). Additionally, and probably most importantly, the Owners purchased approximately half of the lots in Carriage Hills from the original developer, due to a foreclosure on the development shortly after it had been approved, accepted, and recorded. Therefore, the Owners essentially assumed the original rights of the approved development, and made clear their intentions of developing these Tots, just the same as the original developer and according to the development plan and plat approved at the time. Of course, at the time of this purchase, no riparian buffer rules existed and no prior knowledge of the impending impact to their property could have Been predicted. Therefore, by virtue of approval of the original development and platting of Carriage Hills Subdivision; and, the Owners' purchase of approximately half of the lots from the initial developer, and, according to the applicable laws and regulations at the time the subdivision was approved and recorded, the intent to develop these lots (including Lot 23) for future n~sidential use was set forth. Of course, any purchase atterthe 1997 adoption of the buffer rules and with fuA disclosure and knowledge of the rules would negate any applicability of vested rights. However, in this case the Owners did acquire the properties well before the buffer rules were enacted. And it was only by the adoption of the rules that their plans and intentions for several of these properties (including Lot 23) were threatened. Furthermore, as stated above, the Owners have also made expenditures, real estate exchanges, and financlal agreements in addition to purchase price that are worth noting. The following describes and documents the Owners' efforts and intentions to develop Lot 23 and other lots within this subdivision. The Owners initially acquired Lot 23, and other lots in the subdivision bade in circa 1967. Their intentions of developing the lots for residential purposes are well documented (as I will soon give evidence). But their history of trying to develop some of the lots has been met with various obstacles, particularly involving a dispute wrth the local homeowner's Water Assodation and their control of the old community water system. The detailed history of this dispute is not practical, and much too involved for a detailed discussion here. But in short, the Owners themselves once operated this system and, by agreement, exchanged their operation rights of the water system to the homeowner's assoclation in exchange for being able to develop their remaining lots and for the water association to provide water to the lots that they owned. This history is best documented in a letter from the Owners' attorney to the water associated, dated 3/2289 (see EXHIBIT B). From that point and on into the late `80's the Owners and the Water Association had several disputes regarding their initial agreement, which essentia8y left the Owners with several lots that were never developed (including Lot 23). However, the Owners were aware of the future possibility of City water and sewer being brought to the subdivision, which left them an opportunity to develop these residual lots. It wasn't until n~centiy, with the final installation of City water and sewer within the subdivision, that the Owners have been able to re-pursue their interests in ~hese lots. Through the course of these historical endeavors to develop these properties, and m their agreements with the Water Association, the Owners freely deeded 2 of their lots and granted easements on Page 3 of 4 April 25, 2007 Ms. Amy Chapman 3 other lots to the Water Association. More recently the Owners have had to buy back some of these easements (that they initially granted to the Water Association) from the City of Raleigh. This should demonstrate that additional expenditures in the form of property exchanges, agreemer>ts, and other monies have indeed been incur-ed by the Owners in order to develop their properties in this subdivision. Additionally, because of having to wait so long to develop these properties, the Owners have incurred a signficant amount of costs in the form of property taxes for approximately the last 40 years. (Any additional documentation may be provided upon request). 2. Good Faith: According to the NCDWQ document on vested rights, "good faith" implies that the above expenditures were made without knowledge of the impending change in rules. In the previous section above it is stated that the Owners have been pursuing the development of their investment for many years now since the late 1960's. This alone meets the evidence of good faith, since the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules were not adopted until 1997 and the Owners could not possibly have been aware of such rules during their prior attempts at developing these lots. Furtherrore, despite a private dispute over control of water supply to some lots, it has always been the Owners intent to develop their remaining lots when utilities could be made available. This is why they have • retained ownership of their investment for so long. Residential development was already "permitked" in this subdivision prior to the buffdr rules, due to the original approvals of the development. It was only by the enactrnent of the buffer rules that the development of these lots was threatened. As further evidence of good faith, it was described in the introductory paragraphs of this letter that the Owners have tried to develop other lots in this subdivision more recently and still comply with the current buffer rules. This has involved expenditures for designing speaal stormwater devices that comply with standard buffer rules through the buffer variance process. However, specifically for Lot 23, the standard buffer rules and the variance process appear to be too restrictive to facilitate a feasible residence with similar stormwater plans to these other lots. Therefore, the only alternative to this lot would be the Vested Rights process. 3. Prior Governmental Permits: According to the NCDWQ document on vested rights, prior "govemmental permits" implies that the above expenditures were made, in good faith, on an appropriate approval received from a public entity. In both the preceding sections it has been eluded to that the Owners assumed the rights of the initial, approved development plan of this subdivision when they purchased Lot 23 and other lots in the foreclosure of the original developer. This original development plan and subdivision was required to meet the local zoning regulations of the time, as well as the City or State street standards that were required, among any other types of permitting required at the time in order to be recorded as a plat This alone implies that prior govemmental permits were obtained. Furthermore, the NCDWQ document on vested rights states, "...case law also establishes that if a project was exempt from a govemmental permit, the lack of a permit will not prohibit a vested right." While certainly there would be stringent environmental and water quality permitting today for this subdivision based on can-ent regulations, just because no environmental or water quality permits were required at the time does not imply that the Owners' plan for Lot 23 is not vested. 4. Detriment: According to the NCDWQ document on vested rights, a "detriment" implies that the rules will prevent a project from being completed or impose an unreasonable burden. As stated previously, the Owner has already made good faith efforts on other lots to comply with the current rules through the variance process. However, Lot 23 does not present any apparent plan or solution (that would be similar to those other lots), even if the variance process is utilized. Therefore, the detriment is obvious: If the current buffer rules are applied to Lot 23, Page4of4 April 25, 2007 Ms. Amy Chapman then the Owner will not be able to sell or develop this lot for residential purposes, as was their original intent On behalf of the Owners, I would appreaate your review of this request for Vested Rights, in accordance with NCDWQ policy. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, BRL ENGINEERING Brian R. Leonard, PE, PLS BRV~ Cc:. Ross Lampe Attachments: E~dtibit A -Site Plan for Lot 23 E~ibit B -Letter Dated 3/22lT9 Summarizing and Documenting Owners History to that Point in Time cy N cRePHIC scAta ~ ,~ a o ~a a o0 C Rb,~ ~fo ,~ ~ (D1 lRbT g ~ ~ - ,o n ---_~- ~; ~ P s~rE v -~ ~~ ~ \X b \\~~ GARR/AGF Dlq/I~E tAt;71MIY INP E \\~ . MLr A .~Y! a \ \ ~r IlI I I I I I I~ I~ I I ~ I I I I / I 2~1 ~ ~ I / Ex~sr zo' sEwt:'R I I I ' I ~ I I I ~.,~ I ~. i / ~ _--- -------~I/ I/ I ` LOT BOVNODARY\~ \ (ApPROX) 30' FRONT ~~~ (CITY a~- ~ SO' FRONT Y ~, I ARD ~ f ~ (I+a~IEOw~ ~ i-- a ~~ ~~/~ ~ ~ ~ b I I~ / / ~ I o ff~~~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~' I ~n I ' n ~ I ~~ ~ ~ I I r I ~' / 2b' I I Q1fE' ~ U 30'~Y~ I ' / ~ Q' (CITII ZONNIC) (J ~ o l I '' ll' ~l /;~ i I l ~ Ili 1 ~ ~l~'I 1 ll~ 1 I ~ ~' ~ 1 ,' , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2) DATE. APRIL 2~, Z°°' BRL ENGtNEERIHG SCALE: ~- _ ~~ T04-B East Stanley Street DRAWN 8Y: BRL Four Oaks, NC 27524 CHECKED BY: BRL Qf f jCe: (919) 963-26~$ PROJECT Na Tosots.os ° Fax: (919 963-3736 LOT 23 /N CARR/ASE H/LLS SUBD/V/S/ON ExH IBi T SITE INFORMATION OWNER INFORMATION CITY OR TOWN, COUNTY 8 STATE: RALEIGH, WAKE CO., NC OWNER: R05S W. LAMPS, ET. AL aDDRESS CONTACT: ROSS LAMPS TELerI~NE TOWNSHIP, COUNTY, 8 STATE: - 2351AARKET STREET 811}9346195 ZONING: R-0 SMRHFtE1.D,NC77577 818834'1552 ~ i81 r 'B, x~. D~2 Vickie Moiz Charles Morris 22 March 1979 Carriage Sills Water Systaa~ ..~ 7~ First. Dull a storssze file in the name of "Carriasta Hills Water System".. This file should contain all the data that you find necessary for the matter I am about to place upon you. • We represent J. Graves Vann and xoss Lampe. First, some background infornoatioa: In 1967. Carriage Hills Subdivision, comprising approximately SO lots was foreclosed as a result of tie developer becoming bankrupt. Mr. Vann and Mr. ~;ampe; as a partnership, Purchased approx- imately 25 of those lots. One of the lots which they purchased had the eater system well and pump house on it. As a convenience to the neighborhood, they operated the water system which serviced the then existing houses, approximately 18 is number. Later, because of legal requirements, they qualified themselves as a'water system befoze the North .Carolina IItilities Commission in order to charge rates for supplying valet to tba customers in the subdivision. The 25 lots which they owned did not have dwellings on them. They were unable to build on the lots because of the water system. They made substantial improve- ments in the water system. Approximately 3 years ago, with approval of the N. C. U. C., Vaan and Lampe conveyed the lot with the well and pub, along with another lot on which a subsequent well was located, along with all rights in the water system, to a Healy formed hvmeawnars association entitled "Carriage Hills Water System, Inc." Part of the agreement allowed Vann and Lampe to have houses constructed on their lots and to add houses to the system so long as the system produced specified quantities of water. This has progressed nicely in the last several months with them building approximately 10 houses. However, construction has coma to a halt. The State of North Carolina has asked the Carriage Hills Water System to provide an engineering drawing of the system by a Professional Engineer and to beet minimum storage requirements as established by the State. The report ie suppossd to indicate storage, vol- ume, pumping and an outline of all the pipes, connections, etc. The State h8s stopped any Haw co~ections for several months. The Carriage Hills Water System has not provided this data. Thus, they are unable to sell their lots and to build additional hooves. _ ~XH1~1T• 'g- 2•fZ The one who has been imrolved in this is a Mr. Don Williams from FayettaviLla w3.th the North Carolina Health Services Division. Yowc task -which you shall accept - is to review the file, which in- cludes the contracts and the by-laws of the system and to determine what has bees promised La~rpa sad Vann with respect to adding sew lots and houses to the system and what enforcement authority Lampe and Vann has against the water system or the homsswaera to require them to meet State requirements. I'll b• glad to talk with you about it and discuss it in more detail and probably can direct you to provisions in the documents; however, I xould like to have a preliadnary opinion at the first of next weak. .~ ,~. ~=*~'' TO ~ ~O TIME DATE THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE WAS LEFT BY M OF PHONE PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL _, -- WILL CALL AGAIN URGENT ~.. P. O. BOX 2209 ~ RALEIGH, N• C~~~_~ ~ P NONC AR ~E 55-7300 LONG DISTANCE 1800 .~ ,_.`. ROSS W. IJ+MPE President GUY LEE LAMPE Vice-President Guy C. Lee Mfg. Company THOMAS A. STEPHENSON Treasurer P.O. Box 1457, SMITHFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA 27577 JOHN H. LAMPE, II Secretary ANN P. PARRISH Asst. Secretary June 25, 2007 Mr. Brian Leonard BRL Engineering 704-B East Stanley St. Four Oaks, NC 27524 RE: LOT 23 Dear Brian: Telephone r~ 919-934-6195 D ~- /~ ~56~ FAX 934-6101 ((( // 235 Market Street Service Agent For: GUY C. LEE BUILDING MATERIALS Apex, Kitty Hawk, Morehead City, Mt. Pleasant, Shallotte, Sneads Ferry, Independent Millwork & Hardware Distributors GUY C. LEE BUILDING MATERIALS OF SMITHFIELD, INC. LAMPE AND MALPHRUS LUMBER COMPANY, INC. Enclosed is a copy of the City of Raleigh's assessment on Lot 23. This may help in getting the release from the N. C. Division of Water Quality. Please let me know of our progress. Sincer y yours, Ross W. Lampe RWL:app ~~rDGM ,~D,~r'~X p~M~~T~R~~''. °~ ~ 3, ~ot2- Z.~7' Z ~~ ~.Itl J^',~A? r'~A' Cs; ^~C' JF RALEIGH `~ ENUe sues-`2s ~ I30X 590 :ALEIGH NC 27602-0590 919) 890-3200 June 16, 2007 A13S 20564 LAMPS, ROSS W & FAYL-' L VANN, J GRAVES JR TRUSTEE C/O J G VANN JR 71 1 S CRESCENT DR SMITHFIELD NC 27577-3841 ~. ~ 3 y~ ~~p r~v~--~= 4t,--~1. ~ ,t Statement of Assessment April 3, 2007, the Raleigh City Council confirmed Water Assessment Roll Number 1309. According to city records, you own the perty located ai 3605 CARR[AGE DR known as Assessment Lot No. 084 . 1'o~tr assessment cost is $2,260.00. This assessment situtes a lien against the property until the total assessment amount plus interest is paid. YMENT OPTIONS: r'ou may pay this assessment in full at any time. To avoid interest on your principal balance, please pay in full 131FOR1; August 6, )7. Payments received after this date will be subject to interest calculated at a rate of six percent (6%) per annum ti-om the :firniation date. You may pay this assessment in no more than ten annual installments. If you choose. this method of payment your annual aliment will be $226.00 plus interest and is due September 1st each year. You may pay your account in full at any time by paying tr principal balance plus interest. he assessment amount is not paid in full prior to August 6, 2007 it will be assumed that you wish to pay your assessment to tual installments. Annual installment plus interst is due September 1st of each year. crest will accrue at a rate of six percent (6%) per annum of the unpaid principal balance, and is calculated from the date of the last m~ent to the date the next payment is paid. Interest is prorated for the first year from the date of confirmation to the date the first ,mlent is received. u may make extra payments at any time as long as the account has not been turned over for collection. Please be aware that extra rments do not reduce the annual installment arrrount unless the remaining balance is less than the annual installment amount. r information and payment options regarding this assessment, please call Revenue Services at (919) 890-3200. Detach and retain this portion for your records ... ., ~ .~ _~_____ _._._____. _.:.~ ......_ _ ............. nn wln-r Cr_>,In rncu _ [)Prnrn ('hPrl~ Prnaliv Mavimnm allnweri unricr state law w Account Number Assessment for Property Located at Real Estate ID ~ NC YIN Date Mailed Interest Begins 20564 3605 CARRIAGE DR 0040276 0785874809000 Jun 16, 2007 Aug 6, 2007 T e Roll # Lot # Assessment Amount Water 1309 084 $ 2,260.00 Total Due by August 6, 2007 to avoid interest charges $2,260.00 >,1\4PE, ROSS W & FAYE L ANN, J GRAVES JR TRUSTEE O J G VANN JR 1 S CRESCENT DR ~i1THF[ELD NC 27577-3841 CI'hY OF RALEIGH REVENUE SVCS - 25 PO BOX 590 RALEIGH NC 27602-0590 If you elect to r~nake installment payments, the following will be due on September 1 2007 ,based on 151 days of interest. Property Located at: 3605 CARRIAGE DR Account Number 20564 Real estate [D #: 0040276 NC PIN 0785874809000 Principal $226.00 Interest $56.10 Total Payment Due on Sep 1, 2007 Amount Paid $282.10