HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07654_Well Construction - GW1_20211214 WELL CONSTRUCTION RE!Q (GW-n For Iuwmal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: heQ�lj L . S . .14.WATMZOM wenCo°namarName FROM M DESCRIPTION 3 5 3 .5 -. ooR• wn ft C • R R ` NC Wen CaaCractor CadBcatioa Nraba ]S,ODTER C'ASRYG t oshii6l `eel weQs OR LII�I�t .r•7.. .. 1 t'1!v P ft. TO D 1Hb = TlJtidL - R CgL Coa�aep Nam iI&IRNONMMCASDY OR T UUNG 2.Weil construction Permit tt: PlvoM ' � Drensursa TtnMINEsS fJtr aU tip Uoable wail osranvetron parndra tLa LUG CWvW.Smaa Ymfaaaa era) + fR R y,'d! hr i �, ✓V 3.Well Use(check well use): _ R R is Water Supply Wet +-+^..,.,_. Y �. _,.' ,., ;,t.,... , .,•. /I7SWl\YW\t .:'.Ih.N KP ITx•.:Y�Y•1.:V!: ..LLia%.... ^i.?.�.iye'1 i.+p�i .•. PROM TO I DIAMr= SLOTSM I TKKX Q98 I MATXRJAL OAgriarhutel OM cipdU lic R R tM.! OGeothetmal(HeapnwCoo�B Supply) ,.l idemtial Wafer Supply(single) t R tin OlodustriaUCommeroial OResidential Water Supply(shmed) 9 OWells>100,WO GPD YNOM TO MATERIAL N437A _--MR111CM&AMOUNT No>a-Water Supplywea R 3._2 'R. !l f Ca t •C_. OM ORecovery R R ecdon W r FIT A • OAquibr Recharge OGrouadwater Remedistion R R OAgrrifar Storage and Recovery19 SAND/GRAV.EL PACE'8"" OSalinity Barrier PROM I ro MATERIAL zm. NZEM OAquiferTest OStorm ixerDrainage $• R'DEgwimental Tecbnology ❑Subsideme Control R R Otleath�al(ClosedLoop) ❑Tracer x 3,O20:DRMLJMGG aft" 'ditiobWArb$kb'�"If :.: •.:;,:: :'•. OCieothesmal , Return OOther under421 Remarks PROM TO DUCRIF.WN wb seah a ae. 4.Date Wq0)Completed: Z—L'ZI WeD 1D# ft R k 5a,Well Location: R R t,t v— T h ns R R ,� • Fao:lilY'/Oan:N� Facility D#(ifoppticable) R R, PIMIQAJ1ddce1a��xCiw. drV ft. R ` 2f l J V t�-/ /' :�•�xWlYfl�d): ..��' ��:'.��'Y_.�Y�Y 1�7 y�`: I{':•:Y, Coimky Pa°elldamffioadoallo(PIId) 5b.Latitude dlo ,r":�srrVGliNI' ap longitude In degrees/minatea/aeconda or degrees: ofwen wk aloe hdlong is soffieift) ' 22.Certification: 319 ' IS'' 5.7' N �tb , . 5-7 W 6.ls(are)the well(s): ❑Permanent -or OTemporary 2 g' °D° Nth Doe � By A8�8�+1�RlherebyeartlJythorrhenall(s)wm(wele)eonrasmadar000mdmuswtVr 7.D this a repair to an existing we1L•, •Oyes or &QI ISANG4C 02C.'0100 or 15ANUC 02C.0100 Weg Qn*:cd=S w dmdr o,d din c copy {/d�a L a saw ftII o,�baern wf!emaaa.enwr es�6ra mio»mad asPtaas rhs!a�oae ofrhr 4f rids neoostdAei b ar p.wldsd m rlrs,.+D e,n,o V. rep&wxfsr#31 ramarb swron or an the b=k of rhfsjorm 23.Site diagram or additioffil well details: S.For Gcopcobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well omuhuebon info conatarctiea,only I OW-1 isaneoded. Iadicdfa TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'Sce Over in Ramim Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. tea 24.SUBMITTAL IIdS1RUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (tt) For sndap/s wWk&r oll dgda 0r�von(ao Wk-3@200'an d 2®100') • ) Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the followhW. 10.Static water level below top of eaa@rg: too (R) 24L For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Rworaoes (DM Ietiwt r1 i�ss +, Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 / e Infection f WDx For I 24b. ne 11.Borehole diameter: � {fn.) Coy,to DWR,Underground injection Control(TUC) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 IL Well Construction method: D }3 rn •r" 24c.For Water SuoDls and 0 'a-LooD Geothermal Retmna�VeDar Copy tD the (Le.aagem rotay,xbh,daect pasb,a%) coudi- envvonmeniak nearm aeparmimt os me co ffi wneim mm a FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells rodu '{ over 100.M M.Copy to•DWR,C=A 27699-1611 Va.Yield(gpm) �`!- Method of test: rr P° ��1 if C, eig ,�IGT b 13b.Dldnkcdoa type:_.. Amount: E PC=GW-1' N°sdr Carolina DTarcac t ofSmaoom aW QW4•Div=n of Wawr Resou= Revised 66.2018