HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07631_Well Construction - GW1_20210903 SPELL COMM- UMON RECQ UGW-1) For resat vse oaiy �. L Well Contractor Information: L $ , t n Gn/ ra waTERza1�s.... wellCo»emrNtme FROM To t R oR ' R R NC Well CatifiatkaNmmbea 1SODTTs>;CASIIHG 5m�me> dweib ORI,II�11$t' FROM i TO THMMUSSDFAImtFAF, CQG*WWNa= 2.wan eoamaetion permit* GlJ S M..F' �/L7 ZO z,j FROM: IItrIHR CA3lrtt:oft TU7IIIRG FaoES TO D7AMl1'ZR E6A'DD;IAL:. L1troIIgppNmblewrA�aovenenpan�rs(£a we Coenry.Smrt Ymimrq ems) ..� t� R 6Ile bL f �i 3.Well Use(cheek well user f is water S"ply WeL. DABtic�rival ❑M FROM DWMZM `SWTSDE' 1 MAT�tA1, R hL ❑Geothenal(Hea*%CboUng Supply) ' water supply(single) R it is Obdus tial/Commemial Residenbai Water SuPPh'(shared) .la V on DW�s>100,000GPD FROM TO MATERIAL XMOnACZMZKr X7RW&AMOUM Non-Water Supply WelkR R ❑Manitarutg ❑ ,may R injection Well: OAqui erRechap OGm mdwaterRemediedon IL R , ❑AquiSer smasge and Recovery sa1 ,rty ly D Barrier FROM TICKMszmersF, ^1M19FACRI31NrMZEM DAquirzr Test ❑Sto__4�4waffi Drai�ge tt R Del Technology ❑Subf4 idmx Control R R QG (Closed Loop) ❑Trae+�r 20 DFtt3d�1GIAG =itdiaoaals66i 'D - 0 volemai . lingRemm D ( under#21 Renaar�) FROM To DSSCMPrWN waresa a.. Oft R R 4.Date Wego)Completed:g'24—2/ eH M# R R Sa.Well Location: R R RIberJ-a Tre R R 'I 1-e Fein/Oaaar N�e/m:/e� > tg ID#(ifappiieande) 8• g pal pdd�st R Co—y 0 1 wimel 1de oa No.(PIN) S0 11 Sb.Latitude and longitude in degras/minates/ nds or decimal degrees: �` 6G�� of-en fe K—Won is sew) 22.Certification: _ y�Q -7 x Q , 7e �� W _/— zj 6.h(are)the**S): !�'ermaneat or ❑Teziporary Sigemtme w �r Date ff f/ aysi8migrhbform;rherebyaer�yJrarGnrclr(sJ,tar(+.e,e)eonarremabeaam+dmr«�rirh 7.Is this a repair to an tasting wem- ,Byes Dr M<o ISANCAC 02C:0100 or 15AACAC 02C.0200 Meff Cho„Smdo dr mr3 do?o copy 4r*j is a repdr,AII ee¢brown wet11 aeonatsrra7ar' on mid ewlatn the ttmroe ofthe of this taeordhas Gmt provided to the weD owner. nepatr to>der 021 nmrmb srtCan or on the bad of� 23.Site diagram or adetitio�al well de:talls: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional adl constructim info eonshuction,0*1 GW 1 is needed 3ndiche TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'm Remarks Box}You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drMed 24.SUBBMAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total wen depth below land surface: 8 o D For eradttple we&An aUdgvAm jdffi"M(esomple_3 00'mid 2@100-) (��, Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of wen completion per the fellowing: 10.Static water keel below top of easing: Q _(R) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Divas m of Water Resomoes (DW4 Jy levd itabow�� +i bf 1;7(n Processing Unk 1617 MSC;Rale*b,NC 276W1617 1L Borehole diameterr, b gym,) 24b.For Injection Welts:Copy to DW1t,UndeMmund Injection Control(IUq ProF=61636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Weil construction method: 643 Y 24c.For Water Sup and Loon Geomermal Retvn WeQs:Cepyto the (Le.�.�divedpeesb,�) owny envaonme aw hea'— 02the m FOR WATER SUPPLY WF,LLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells rvdn ' over 1 GPD:Copy to.DWR,CCPCUA 1AL Yleld W* Method of test: 0&1 r Permit Prograat,1011 MSC, 1 11 13b.Didofection type: 01/ Am ut Foam GW 1 11 Ceffolina Department of Eavaonmearal Qwl ty-Division of Way Resomm Revised 64-2018