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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00133_Annual Performance Report for Year 2000_20010201\TOWN OF MOUNT_GILEAD-4 j P.O. BOX 325 MOUNT GILEAD, NC 27306 TRANSMITTAL To: KEIJ AVM) rj From: USA G.Jii..Soki Date: Z/ I i o 1 Number of Pages. 9 Phone: 910-439-6687 Fax: 910-439-1336 Remarks: IF Z N'- - "TO SEND iil,S REpoRr - Abbrrioavfii, DEW SFr. -1-Flomic clog! FYI I I PLEASE REVIEW AS REQUESTED PLEASE I PLEASE RESPOND I ADVISE FILE COPY om{ -FF-8 5 200! FAYETTEVII TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NC Wastewater Annual Performance Report Calender Year 2000 I. General Information Facility/System Name: Responsible Entity: Contact Persons: Town of Mount Gilead Waste Water Treatment Plant Town of Mount Gilead Waste Water Collection System Town of Mount Gilead, NC Lisa C. Wilson, Administrator Robert L. Fields, Collection ORC Kenneth Chavis, Plant ORC II Collection System Performance (910) 439-6687 (910) 439-5111 (910) 439-4614 Mount Gilead's wastewater collection system consists of approximately 66,000 LF of gravity sewer ranging in size from 6" - 18" in diameter. The system has approximately 350 manholes which have been located and inspected and repaired as needed. The Town owns and operates three sewage pump stations at the following locations W. Allenton Street, Marshall Street and Lewis Street. The Town also operates a Montgomery County owned lift station on Hwy 73 south. January 2000 01/05/01 County owned force main line on Hwy 73 South two miles south of Town. The force main had a cracked bell clamp. Spill = 3,000 gal. Contained in field, pumped back to collection system. Cleaned, raked and limed area. Contractor replaced bell which was still under warranty. 0 1/25/0 1 Experienced power failures due to major Winter Storm 18+ inchesof snow. Area declared a natural disaster. Two lift stations overflowed, Allenton Street Spill = 50,000 gal. and Lewis Street Spill = 30,000 gal. Containment not possible. Cleaned, raked and limed area. Both lift stations now have back-up power generators on -site. Compiled with notification of news media requirements due to volume of spill. *No other Spills or Overflows occurred in 2000. II Waste Water Treatment Plant Performance The Town owns and operates a 0.85 MGD wastewater treatment facility consisting of manual bar screen, mechanical grit removal, influent screw pumps; equalization basin, dual aeration basins, dual clarifiers, dual ultraviolet (UV) disinfection unit, effluent flow meter, sludge loading station, sludge drying beds and effluent pump station/force main located at on Lilly's Bridge Road. Wastewater from the treatment plant is discharged into the Pee Dee River (water classification WS V & B) in the Yadkin River Basin. The average daily flow for the Plant was .256 mgd. January 2000 Non -compliant. Winter storm disaster prevented the pick up and processing of samples. February 2000 Non -compliant. Fecal coliform sample collected on February ls` was received by Aqua Tech Laboratories outside of the holding time parameters. See addendum from ATEL. March 2000 Plant non -compliant. Lab sampling process exceeded weekly set up parameters. April 2000 Plant non -compliant. Missed weekly sampling frequency due to non -operational screw lifts. May 2000 Plant down for the entire month while repairs to the screw lifts were completed. Flow diverted to equalization basin. June 2000 - December 2000 Plant compliant throughout the remaining months of 2000. One of the two lifts repaired and operations resumed in June. July and August were routine and non -eventful. In September 2000 repaired lift failed again. As a measure to maintain bio-mass, temporary sump pumps were installed. Operational again October 12`h, 2000. SUMMARY: TOTAL ANNUAL GALLONS SPILLED = 83,000 TOTAL ANNUAL ESTIMATED GALLONS TREATED = 73,500,000 SPILL PERCENTAGE = .00112 The Town is dedicated to operating a safe and efficient wastewater plant and system. Minimizing I&I problems within our system and eliminating overflows is our mission. We have completed the majority of scheduled I&I repairs and improvements. The moratorium was lifted in 2000, the Allenton Street Lift Station•w!as replaced, other lift stations also had on -site generators installed to ensure continued operations during power failures. The influent screw lifts at the Wastewater Treatment Plant have been redesigned and replacement is underway. New lifts should be on-line by March 2001. We are protecting our environment by correcting problems, performing preventive maintenance and responding to the needs of the system and plant. III Notification The availability of this report will be advertised in the Montgomery Herald and on our customers monthly bills. Notices are also being placed at the local post office, banks and stores. A copy will be hand delivered to our multiple users i.e. industries, school, daycare group and nursing homes. The report will be located in Town Hall for individual review and/or mailed, copied upon request. IV Certification I certify under penalty of law this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify this report will be made available to the users or customers of the Town of Mount Gilead and the users will be notified of its availability. c Gdcl C. (,J L• QL D 2 f 0 1 1 0 1 Lisa C. Wilson bate Administrator TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NC P.O. BOX 325 MOUNT GILEAD, NC 27306 NOTICE TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NC WASTE WATER CUSTOMERS THE 2000 WASTEWATER ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE MOUNT GILEAD TOWN HALL 110 W. ALLENTON STREET DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. OR CONTACT LISA C. WILSON (910) 439-6687 PLEASE RUN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE IN YOUR NEXT TWO UPCOMING ISSUES (DISPLAY AD) TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NC THE 2000 WASTEWATER ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE MOUNT GILEAD TOWN HALL 110 W. ALLENTON STREET DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT LISA C. WILSON (910) 439-6687 Please send affidavit. Thank You! coo( C- LLD LciVO Lisa C. Wilson, Administrator 02/01/2001 TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD, NORTH CAROLINA WASTEWATER ANNUAL REPORT 2000 ADDENDUMS 1 TOWN OF MOUNT GILEAD Post Cfice Box 325 110 West Allenton Street Mount Gilead, North Carolina 37308 TelL,;rhone 910/40.5111 Fax 911/439.13a Jimmy N. Hs;thcock Mary H. Llicas Mayor Town Clerk STATE OF EMEROENCYPUBLIC DECLARATION ON THIS 25114 DAY OF JAv JARY 2000 AT 12:30 P.M. I DO HEREBY DECLARE THE • TOWN OF 'MOUNT GTLEAD, NORTH CAROLINA UNDER A STATE OF EMERGENCY DUE TO THE SEVERE WINTER STORM. �'' MAYOR 1ND.IY R. HAIT GCi: • eye6i--46 U1J11101 AllLA [haEM. LABS TLL:919 774 '068 P. 066 ATEL Y'. Ma Tat Fnobomntata fabowroryf.Iwc. MEMORANDUM February 1, 2000 Dear Valued ATEL Client: Due to the inclement weather in the Sanford, Raleigh, and surrounding areas during the week of January 24th, our Laboratory was closed January 256 and 26 h and was Iimited to available office personnel on January 27th. Therefore, we were unable analyze short holding time parameters such as 8'OD, CBOD, Total and Fecal Coliforr . and HTP(s) during this time period. This memorandum is provided in an effort to assist you with a sufficient explanation for your state reporting requirements. We apologize for any analytical inconveniences created for your facility as a result of the unusual weather conditions. If further documentation is required, please contact me at 1-800-522-2 832. Sincerely. LZ Joan R. Fortenberry Laboratory Supervisor ..,1-.'ten NIC 27330 14) American Water tiervicee, Inc: N• I,.1...r.n. 11n0•, 11•ok, I,ii.peri• Mt Gilead, NC Wastewater Permit Year 2000 NPDES # NC 0021105 s1 August: Mid -Atlantic Region Wastewater Quality Database Parameter Permit Avg., mg/1 JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Flow, mgd .0;86 MOD 0.35 0.41 0.28 0.32 ND 0.18 0.24 0.286 0.32 0.14 0.14 0.16 pH, s.u. 9-Jun 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.6 ND 7 7 7.1 7.1 7.1 6.9 7.1 BODE April 1 - October 31 14 mgll 8.2 ND 3.6 2.08 2.9 1.1 BODE November 1- March 31 16 mg/1 11.75 7.6 9.6 1.6 NH3 April 1 -October 31 2 mg/I 0.39 ND 0.17 0.07 1.7 0.15 0.07 NH3 November 1 - March 31 7 mgll 2.95 1.13 3.39 0.27 Fecal Coliform 200/100mI 26 14 8 9 ND '11.06 1.21 73 23 2.6 6.7' TSS 30 mg/I 5.3 1.5 6 1 ND 1.16 1.25 ' 2.2 0.72 8 , 1.3! Res. Chlorine, Daily Max 28 ugll DNE DNE DNE DNE ONE DNE _ DNE DNE DNE DNE DNE