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GW1-2021-07435_Well Construction - GW1_20210921
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For tntmal Ux Only: 1.Wen Contractor Iefmmathm ie.wAIMMOs i 77 TO a wen case® or16m� �(0 0 a 3 5 4 1 530 a .5 8Sa ' � liCweIICantra<tar(kad6c+tioaN®bar . MolrEmCAsn�tG �ffinsed.reB.oB1.QR i "l.9' 1 Yle-. l+o sasmxreL CMN—y ( t-a 5 fit. a.' [ I� 16II�ItMCASMcm NiG Z Wen Construction Pa loft 3,g �, 1 FRM ITO I nteME= I TMCMUM Ixs�rsL I.WAa qv&a&wedaaSftC am pen msrEV- -CmHY•S rm&Yanmwmetmj R a in. 3.WeD Use(ckeetwell am* a a to Water Sappty wdk i? t� To swrsnB THICNIGMtom» 0 °- a to, ;;= (Seatin8/��8 SM*) Water Svp*( ) a a b QR=W-d ai Water SuPply(� I&GRO FROM To srs7En&c ENZrAClN=rttZn D&AM0nar N- naer Ww-wtSapyem monitoring R-ba I ;.0 � Ljee6a WelMn a a f " " " 19cSArIDdCRAVStA YIA She and Reoovay [)Safimity Bawer Ram ro Mlzmu. t&EtmoD Test � Dra>aage a a Tec6ndogq � � a a Geoftmd(CMsed Loop) Dr— m.DRUMM I G ateael<" dmb tf Caeothennal(Heatihtg/CoolingRotm - ( -.I-in,Remads) t?sou ao e.h.r tmaro,seikeet eha IL o�0 a S a.Date Wdks)Completed: Q t 5 a0 kl wen m# 3 5L ,; I n ee V0 a saw.Wen Loeatlem (� ' �j 0 a SeG(i n0tec� /_ r©c1�LG. a �P �2 � BrDc.�.n-feG�ilMe/(Tu r cxc- Fe�ity/o�r18�e Fa0TdyWffc¢aVp ) (a %t a (ao s IL b D 8 ;ll1�O�r^s Lap e. Acters on,AC�75�1 a Vo-ee, C)3ta A0 -�,00j :21.RM"M Caamy rmoella� r>o_ 2 5b.latitude and longitude ba degeecalmiealun/aernnds or dedmal degrees: n- c sing U ll It Ctfwaiseta.ase Wong iemeseient) 22.CarfiHation: Ire err,, p�JR 30 si.� x &W,am)tkewew9)&wmammt or [yTeeeporarp si eof w Due By tl8s finea I hereby aotl(y thee the wad( was(swS)aotradsand at aaeavdmtae 7.Is this a repair b an*Xbaft wen: 0Yes or ON- vM 13A JW-W M.0100 or l-U 1VCAC WC AM Wed Cbms&xc m Slrmxfm*and that a Ifthia fa a rspelr,fiff ors b mm wed as orm mn b#onsatma and e*&m the native qfdm C10PY aldrta,V= has"mprovdedloo the well owner. repow srder#21 remo sft*as,w m Av bm*vf0 tefonn. 2&Site dbgram or additional wdl desalt= L For Geoprohe/DP]r or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this pare to ptovide,additional weft site details or well mosbuctioM only 1(FW-1 is needed. hodicame TOTAL NUMBER ofwegs cousbuction.details. You may also attach additional pages ifneoessacy. 4 SIIIIiYIITTAL Il1511tUC1IOluES! 9.Total WA depth belowland smfaea 1/� (a) 21a.For AN Wars: Submit this Fam within 30 days of comoetion of well F-mublpiewWkfttaAdgWwjr (mmsple- oonstiuctionto the fglowbW 10.Sta6c water loud below top of eadng: yZ ( ) Dlvbdm of Water Resodnrees,hdbrmadon proemtttg Unit, llwaw bwd gobom earft we 1617 Ma$Service Center,RmWgk,NC 27699-1617 1L Borehde dbmeter: (h am) 206 For Iniectim wenx In addition to sending the farm to the addnss-in 24a iz WeD Condrndion taefhe� 14 t SOT v9 2 abom also submit are copy of Bois'form within 30 days of Completion of well (i-e-�f9.o fie.&ac P-k Cie.) Un the II I Divisim of Water Re oureer,iUnde gioand h&ctlm Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY (� 14336 MaR Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27SPI-1636 13s.Yidd(Spm) I Method of teat: L 14a For water Sato do bdeeffm wed in addition to smdmg the form to the addiess(es) above, also submit ne o C opy of this font within 30 days of 13L Di an type: . [ Amami completion of wdt construction to the county heath depaAment of the county where Consbacted. Facm GW-1 rmsth Cmotma Dqw aeot ofFnwmmm r dt Qoday-Dmn m afwM=Rcwmcm Revised 2-22.2016 i