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SW8920114_Historical File_20090609
05/1.3/2009 10:31 FAX 9198707837 BLUESTONEBUILDERS FoO(!I. U May 13, 2009 ''lie Rosemyr Corp. Attn: Patti Lenehan P.O. Box 108 Henderson, NC 27536 Phone: 252-430-6161 Fax: 252-430-7097 BLUES'r-'NCE BUILDERS, LLC =- 8356-201 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615-5094 Job: Queens Creek Shopping Center, Swansboro, NC Description of work Investigate and remediate violations found during a "stormwater compliance inspection" Project No. SW8 920114 from Angela Hammers with N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Visit site to investigate violations on report. Visit Angela Hammers in Wilmington to discuss violations and copy blueprints of project. Re -visit site to measure pond depths. Re -visit Angela Hammers and her supervisor to discuss and obtain approval for scope of work provided with this contract. On 5/12/09, at 2:30 P.M., Kelly Johnson and Angela Hammers approved the provided proposal from EcoTurf, Inc. Remediation will begin on 5/13/09 and the subcontractor will stay on site until the work has been completed. We estimate completion of work to be by 5/22/09. Angela Hammers to inspect work in progress on 5/13/09 at 10:00 A.M. with general contractor and subcontractor making repair. General contractor will notify Angela. Hammers and Patti Lenehan once work has been completed. Total Job Cost $21,162.50 Please sign and date below to authorize acceptance of the above scope of work and job cost. Please fax to the number shown at the bottom of this letter. We apppreci/ate, ,the opportunity to work with your company! -� A f / e Date Phone (919) 870-7734 Fax (919) 870-- 05/1:3/2009 .10:32 FAX 91.98707837 BLUESTONEBUILIIERS �a® PROPOSAL Company: Bluestone Builders, L.LC Project: Queens Creek Shoppin Center Address: Swansboro, NC Phorie: Fax. 919-870-79 ; 7 Date: 5 i 3120ON Submitted By: Andy Sn-.iti, r l Tota I Basin A I - Remove vegaticn From banks, clean and/or replace rip rap at flared end section, kill alge arid seed and repair banks Basin # 2 - Remove vega!rcr from bank, closet to Faced Lion, place gcate.ttile I`abric snd rip rap at rnfet off parking tot. kit, arge ano seed and repair bank slope. Ditzh leading to basin from street wiil be cleared of trees. Basin 11 3 Remove vegation -from hanks, clean and/or replace rip rap al hared end section. kill alge and seed and repair banks Spray 2-4 D to kill water 1-yacinth per Onslow extension agent. Cuone Plus will be used in all 3 basin to kill alge per agent - Fence at all 3 ponds will be left as found. Remove trees and bushes from fence line, all three bas:+ns Remove previous cut brush from basin ft 3 Thank ,you for the opporlr.inily' �C�C�C�CX%KkC�C�C�C�K�KJK�C�C�K�KIK�K�c�c�K�K�KIK�CIK�CIK�C�c�cIK�K�c�K�c��C�K�K�K�c�KXX�C�C�CIK�C�C�C�C�C�K�CIK�C�c�c�c�C�K�K�c��c�c�CIK�K��K�K��c�C�CIK�C�C�C�K�KIK�C�C�K�CIK�C�C�C�CIK�K�K�C�C P. 01 �c TRANSACTION REPORT �c APR-02-2009 THU 09:26 AM FOR; NCDENR 910 350 2004 RECEIVE DATE START SENDER RX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP APR-02 09:25 AM 7048670465 41" 2 FAX RX OK FW:�.I-.� •T• - .k���Y;��]�9�X1 ��CI►1<J:i�7T�:ii % •YZ�I•L'��• C�S:7Gl��ci.��.:.L�:�[.I.jQ.I.Y PEARSON PROPERTIES 1422 Burtonwood Drive, Suite 200 Gastonia, North, Carolina 25054 To: T lephons Number 4ia i me)- Zodil P'az Number FAX From: y/Joe Pearson Rob Pearson Charlie Pearson j�ggapr�sonlaibells y net Cynthia Oeteher cMetcher aC lbellsouthPw Gh3g0r Rtiwa mzrowefalbellsosaknet Dater - No. Pages Subject: CY-V�L SA. Ct� �rn.eraT �� S 4►if3 9 C� r :0,0 1 C1-4c& 7 A eg A, e�ca A 6 10 e x. 10A /a In e-I ' -AA.sg- At- 4!'s ae �rG SG . C -' I asf Am- Cyr / d a.J aL di Telbphlone 704/8 -5002 I I � I Fax 704/86-0465 APR-02-2009 09:23 :PEARSON PROPERTIES 7048670465 TO:910 350 2004 P.002/002 Page 1 of 1 Joe Pearson From: Rod Sent. `hui To: ippe Subject: Rete Joe Abantio Coast t roof drains that Rodney Martln Manager 910-326-2300 On (mdmartln@blzec rr,co�J i. April 02, 2009 9:33 AM n@bellsouth.net n drainage Swansboro NC whes. LLC owns the property located at 112 Queers Crack Rd li )aped directly Into the retention pond that services our lot. tl Swansboro. We have two i 4/2/2009 APR-01-2009 06:32 FROM:PEARSON PROPERTIES 7048670465 TO:910 350 2004 P.001/002 PEARSON PROPERTIES 1422 Burtouwood Drive Suite 200 Gastonia, North Carolina 28054 To: Telephone Nu ber 9E0 / 3? - z00V Fax Number FAX From: V10e Pearson `Rob Pearson Charlie, Pearson Cynthia Fletcher Ganger Rowe Date: 1© 0 9 No. Pages Subject Comm,aats: 2, b e= Mbd&a net lZ�Orgon eilsautlr. -er 22 be�1 eb a.�(albellro , .net ommaellso r- Telephone 704/867-5002 Fax 704/867-0465 APR-01-2009 08:32 FROM:PEARSON PROPERTIES 7048670465 W0131100 la:sA FCC 7 26 I I 2004 J J2 I I Q*%a e. of Forth 9.J1 N4r4iment of R tend Natural Rid W MWn2t= Re0eng . James B. umo jr., I Virapne llgc]nev,L4 Se Di vWon of Warier Quality Mr. Plato P=sop; .rr;, pmsidm pe ason-3Inc, PO Sox 1057 ClUm ia, NC 28503 Dear Mr. Pmsoo: Marcb 29, 1999 ;tool A PA z&4,'AW —DENK Nli" w oft w"C"r or W MR MNvff AND kfty L ftmftp= St t arx P=k No. SWS 981204 Dollar G"etal SStiore - Sw=bm QW2 Stoxmwatcr Project C W)QW County The 'V Unair 'DX Reg Onll Ofrica received the-Storna.'A xer M emeut p 5wacsbooto an J'aaaaaar�+ Y x, 1999, with�iilal iofo:r - axaaa9t Application fht Dollar Cftera1 sapre - haas dstarrrairied thex the ro' aaladit on Math 26 j�999. Staff review of the plans saffi sped,1C3does 7.f1, I0D0. We am f ", $ J as P ed',1V71 Y with the Stp9lxpvP tei $eg nau Set zth ba Title Z$A 1�CAC • Swa>:sbora. aiding No. SW8 98M, doled Mach 29,1999. fnr the cmgMetiol4 of Dollar {eStore iI"his psttrait shall be effecdW Emm the dace of byanoe UOM reminded as veecafied tberota. and shalt be ailltljeP.t m the ci>Ddnions and lhalitartons If eny Pam, requirpmeots, tar fur mdsma coed Sta rink ppq* nee ian"Gepmble. YW bave the righ 4ud y upon wrim sae wldain (30j a3�ys dollawmg receipt of ft to st =z be in the forma of a tivriaa�en �aesisian, Pam- This a egt►est maadt be Ofiii Ce Qf AdaufoaistrativC a Mflilarmmg as r 130B of tha XM& Carq� Ciareea 0 SmWteav and W.d with t$e Pe=11 aha1l be far Q sod bi�!aag . P.O. prawn 2744T, MOO, NC 276117447. Unless inch ddman4 am =de gaIs if you have arty gw*tioaae, or arced additjonai inlooam WCM co= d* aaaM r, parzae eaaaMat Scow vaaasoaa, or ma sit (910) 395-3goo. . S�re1y, I -Z:� -- -'. Rick Shiver RSSIsav: S:IwQ54S17oRl Wq, Watax Quality RV01W 'l19S1204.MAR, cc: Wko P31mo Wk P.F_ Con= Harm, Otaelow Cauow %spoctiom Mr. R. Iaut = Garner Scott Vgm Wftftfl RegionalConga! Pam I" CArdbAl Air. Esi, WiCmingpr, aVprM Chmffi, 2pb5 Tekphe+'A 9a0w34S�80o FAX 9�10�S0-i004 An RjupF Oppe tgo* Aftarmaigve A g6n Enplgft Tel bdq$ 910.3"Ja Cae*W"Numer papft 04zeJO/09 11:09 FAX 1 252 430 7097 ROSEMYR IM 001 IM The Aosem, yr Corperd4ofi PU , vmse Coporafion -48� H H.C. CO., ItIc. FACSIMILE To: Amgcl Hammers From: Pad Lenehan Company: NCDENR Date; March 30, 2009 Phone Number: Number of Pages: 2 Fax Number. 910 350-2004 Re: SW8 920114 just wanted to keep you in the loop on my correspondence with PeatsoWs regarding the above. Have a great day, Patti 231 South Gmww Street • P.O Box 108 • Hetderms, SC 27536 Pbone 252.430.6161 • Fax252.43a7097 web: MWMaff rcnm • BMXL patd@%remyr:ct 0300/09 11:10 FAX 1 252 430 7097 Ro5EMYR IM 002 fl,ftc. Co.. hc. Tflf ROS£MYR CORPORATION £MRa t ampopm Patricia Lenehan, Vice President March 30, 2009 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's, Inc. 1422 Burtonwood Drive, Suite 200 Gastonia, NC 28054 Re: Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. SW8 920114 Carteret County Dear Mr. Pearson: In accordance with correspondence from NCDENR regarding the deficiencies of the above referenced Stormwater project, Swansboro Company, LLC, has been advised that NCDENR will, not entertain a transfer of ownership until the Stormwater system is in compliance with all conditions of the permit. We have no records from Pearson which substantiate the required maintenance of the system, nor do we have record of any plan revisions regarding unapproved inlets in Basins # 1 and 03. Please contact me once Pearson's has brought the system into compliance in accordance with NCDENR leUers dated March 10th and 16t4, so that transfer of ownership may be accomplished, Sincerely yours, d,-,,l Patricia t nehn 2315outh Gamest Street • PO 5x 08 • tlendx� No& Car ka 27536 Phow 25243a 6W • Tod free 8 SK7750 • fox 2524301097 P.01 >K �c TRANSACTION REPORT tc MAR-27-2009 FRI 03:36 PM %k >K � FOR: NCDENR 910 350 2004 >K SEND tc DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP >t MAR-27 03:36 PM 912524307097 25" 2 FAX TX OK 322 �c TOTAL : 25S PAGES: 2 State of North Carolina DepMnent-of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary FAX COVER SKEET Date: .312 as No. Of pages: (excluding cover) To: cr '�:�-n a k e From: r CO: ROX-f fAV,1 Cal%o, CO: NC ftNR FAX # .? 5�2) 1430 - :�0 9 F FAX#: 910-350-2004 REMARKS 0-Ife, 121 Cardinal Drive Extenslan, Wilmington, N.C. 28405.3845 Telephone (910) 796-7215 FAX (910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Alllrmative Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: k3 12, 1 /Z M Z To: n e kgr A- FAX #(� 5 ?) W 30 - 7-0 9 No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) From: An,01.1 Mro er CO: NC IIENR FAX#: 910-350-2004 REMARKS: /-4- t h e7y W -Ae le llre- we 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Telephone (910) 796-7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality March 16, 2009 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's Inc. 1422 Burtonwood Dr, Suite 200 Gasonia, NC 28054 Letter of Response: Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. SW8 920114 Carteret County Dear Mr. Pearson, Thank you for your response to the Notice of Inspection letter detailing findings from an inspection of the state stormwater system at Queens Creek Shopping Center on March 3, 2009. From the faxed information received by DWQ on March 13, 2009, you noted that the property was sold to Swainsboro Company, LLC on December 2, 2002. Historically, this permit was transferred to Pearson's Inc. only after a letter announcing that Pearson's Inc. was the new owner and a signed & notarized Operation and Maintenance plan for upkeep of the detention ponds was received by DWQ. An Operation and Maintenance plan was received by DWQ on January 5, 1994 signed by Plato Pearson, Jr. of Pearson's Inc. No such request or signed & notarized Operation and Maintenance agreement has been received by DWQ from Swansboro Company LLC at this time. Unless these documents can be produced, the Permittee of state stormwater permit, SW8 920114, for Queens Creek Shopping Center is Plato Pearson, Jr., of Pearson's Inc. Please be aware that a stormwater permit can not be transferred to a new owner until the following conditions are met: 1. Receipt of a Transfer of Ownership request form signed by the current and new owners and a signed & notarized Operation and Maintenance agreement by the new ower. (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/documents/SWPermitOwnership- NameChangeForm080808.pdf) 2. The stormwater system must be in compliance with all the conditions of the permit. Once the system is found to be in compliance, the permit can be transferred. Please note that it is the responsibility of the current permit holder to submit the Name/Ownership form to WIRO and to ensure that both parties sign the form. If you have any questions please contact me via email angela.hammerst-ncmail.net or at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Angela Hammers Environmental Specialist GDS/akh: S:IWQSISTORMWATERILETTERS120091920114.mar09 cc: Johnny Glenn Tew, P. E., (Enoch Engineers, Benson) Angela Hammers Carteret County Planning Department WiRO Mailing Address Phone (919) 807-6300 Location NOnrthCazo}�' a 1617 Mail Service Center Fax (919) 807-6492 512 N. Salisbury St. �Qtl[P6 h Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27604 Internet: www.ncwaterauality.ora Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer Paper fl.11.C. Co., Inc. Tiff ROSEMYR CORPORATION f MROSf CORPORATION Patricia Lenehan, Vice President Leasing & Property Management March 20, 2009 Ms. Angela Hammers Environmental Specialist North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Queens Creek Plaza. - Carteret County Stormwater Project No. SW8 920114 Dear Ms. Hammers: BY: MAR Z 3 2009 Your letter dated March 10, 2009 addressed to Pearson's Inc. regarding the above referenced shopping center has been forwarded to me for response. On November 12, 2002, Swansboro Company, LLC purchased the above referenced shopping center from Pearson's Inc. I am enclosing the following documents per the requirements of the Permit for name/Ownership Change: 1. HUD Settlement Statement of purchase. 2. Fully executed State Stormwater Permit Name/Ownership Change form showing the new owner as Swansboro Company, LLC. 3. A signed Operation and Maintenance plan. Unfortunately, we were not aware of the requirement to keep maintenance records of the stormwater controls so I am unable to provide those. In response to the items of non-compliance in your March 10,11, letter our contractors are in the process of getting proposals to complete the requested repairs. I will contact you as soon as I have a schedule for the work. 231 South Garnett Street • PO Box 108 • Henderson. North Carolina 27536 Phone. 252.430. 6161 • Toll free: 866.814.7750 • fax 252.430.7097 www.rosemyrcom Ms. Angela Hammers March 20, 2009 Page Two If you require any other additional information please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Best regards, 9� . - �e� Patricia Lenehan Pearson's Inc. 1422 Burtonwood Drive Gastonia, North Carolina 28054 March 18, 2009 Ms. Angela Hammers, E.S. NCDENR 172 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Queens Creek Shopping Center Dear Ms. Hammers: In reply to your recent letter regarding Queens Creek Shopping Center (Project #SW8920114) in Carteret County, please be advised that Pearson's, Inc. sold this property December 12, 2002 to Swansboro Co., LLC (Box 108 Henderson, NC 27536). The current owner, Swansboro Co., LLC, Patricia Lenehan, Vice President has been contacted and notified of the deficiencies in your inspection report. She is in the process of filing a new stormwater permit/ownership form. She is to contact you to determine details of the work required and will correct these deficiencies. Please notify me if Pearson's, Inc. needs to take further action. Sincerely PEARSON' S, INC. Plato Pearson, Jr. President cc: Patricia Lenehan MAR-13-2009 13:31 FROMWEARSON PROPERTIES 704B670465 TO:910 350 2004 P.001/001 To; ComPWLF: /V C _ 3 1FAIAte.: Paa�l�fauaber: _ _ _. /1 ,1-300 r -zoo Talaphone Number: 'P romi ;, doe Pe s"On on Rob Pwwson e b o Clwlis Pearson b sbl .noE �oIxa� a Monthatet Number of paw: . Commentk: i _....1421 Burtanwood•]?dve T ����.zoo, �s�o��, North C200810100053 5cn►184K LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: Swansboro Company, LLC SECRETARY OF STATE L.L.C. ID KAMER: 0647050 NATURE OF BUSINESS: real estate investment REGISTERED AGENT: Harvin, George REGISTERED OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 108 Henderson, NC 27536 SOSID: 0647050 Date Filed: 4/10/2008 11:05:00 AM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200810100053 STATE OF INCORPORATION: NC REGISTERED OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 231 S Garnett St Henderson, NC 27536 Vance County PRINCIPAL OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER: (252) 430-6161 PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS: 231 S Garnett Si Henderson, NC 27536 PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 231 S Garnett St Henderson, NC 27536 MANAGERS/IvIENMERS/ORGANIZERS: Name: George Harvin Name: Emrose Corporation Title: Manager Title: Manager Address: Address: 960 Burnside Road PO Box 108 Henderson, NC 27536 Henderson NC 27536 CERTIFICATION OF) Gcorgc Marvin FORM MUST BE $lt L George Harvin i ANNUAL REPORT REPORT MUST BE ICONTLETED BY � irrntstx P64 1l�ltlld�f LIIv1ITED LIABILITY COMPANIES 20080404 DATE A - t7 _ _ a Y Manager NAME TYPE OR PRINT TITLE i Secretary of State • Corporations Division • Post Office Box 29525 • Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 lIIINIYI!� blI IAIIIdIIN 111191111111111u111 bD-479 (39) Business Corporation North Carolina "k f/ This report may be filed online at the Secretary of State website: wMw Name of Business Corporation: PEARSON' S , INC SOSID: 0111401 Date Filed: 11/28/2007 2:51:00 PM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State 2007155 02630 F=41 Year Ending' 12-31--06 State ofincomoration: NC Month / Dry r Yeer Secretary of State 10 Number. 01114 01 Mi 1 hereby ce�:�ty that the information requested below (required by &'CGS 55-16.22) has not changed since the most m=Uy tBad annual report and Is therefore complete. Nature of Business: Registered Agent: Registered Office Mailing address: County: CRY: State: Zip Code: Registered Office Sheet Address: County: C'Ity: State: Zip code: Signature of New Registered Agent. (sipnature consutut" Consent to the appoint►rnq Principal Office Telephone Number: Principal Office Mailing Address: 1422 BURTONWOOD DRIVE, STE. 200 Clay: State: Zip code. GASTONIA, NC 28054 Principal Office Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Name: Title: Address: Name: Title: Address: Name: Tills: Address: Cedificaldon of annual report (Meat be completed by all Iluitiness Corporations). I S 60� muss be signed an otrwra capaa4a+1 Dab 669511111.01-06 Type or F dnt Nwffi This II !III 111 I III 111111111111 I Oil 111111 II I N 11111111111111 TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: RE: DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES: COMMENTS; fr FAX SHEET 10 d5 dr- _W 0 12.& C;u:;to-)ia,NC; 28052 - Phorl,3:7041867-5VY-) 0 RIX:70411867-046-s State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 981ZK STATTA" OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF EN'VI RONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISIC N OF WATER QUALITY HIGH Il: ENSITY DEVELOPMENT SERVED BY AN C. ) TF-SITE STORMWATER CONTROL Its accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSIC N IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Pearson's Inc. Dollar General Store - Swansboro Onslow County FOR THE construction of impervious areas to be treated in an off -site permitted stormwater facility, in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as die "stormwater rules") and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. The stormwater runoff from the site will be routed to a detention pond operated and maintained by Mr. R. James Garner under the ter -ns and conditions set forth in Permit No. SW8 920114, This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 29, 2009, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 01. ESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet. The built -upon area allotted to this development by Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 920114 is 70,750 square feet. The project proposes 32,707 square feet. 3. Approved plans and specifications for thi, project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 4. All impervious runoff will be directed initi> Pond #3. gee w�aw� o�u f41 Vo- 35-0—.200� PEARSON'S INC. P. O. BOX 1057 GASTONIA, N. C. 28053-1057 It /Ili oa, / 2.7 ,D-�- -A-'—� 4 A4,-- ems. -P- '49 2 r--------..----. ----- oQ a. ; a•�-r�•�T �t s w�� 9 S1 A o yC W"-e- ` -"ram.-cCar- lit- V — 0 , (R - Cey Asa "-l0- -7a9'7 231 /J. o S- po bo-�- 10T �C. 2753 �• �' 1 •�' h w fi Z — Z �o O N ❑ O Z 0 O Q > w m Z Quo OJ U- Z 1` O }O h U w m 0 U ('7 Z Z aW d U Q E O L ❑WXZ -1 2m LU m ZLLJ < O Q Q h aLLCn2 Cd Cd z w 2 A O J w W c Z Q �a C7 Z W m O x L. h z w g Ix a a w 0 ui • I'Q Z W 2 W a t— N Z w w .1i w N O 3 m Jo t y t z ca4a m�0 �e00 mom IZO aE) a m co d C J 4>- z CIO x Zz .2 m i m Q Z Q Ol c o m y m co c H � Qt � �y Of D mm mm a ro0 rn m o �a C. 0 zU �= 4 yx E�Lo •► y 42 w� ti Z i U p p l I I ! I IC) O I to N C) U) i 0)IT U? M () rl I IC) O Ot8'0 0 0 0 W 1- C) p C) O r IT 00 01) r C0 Cl) Ln CV O O O 0 O O O Q❑ N O O N '(0 CO C� 0? O O O F- S O C7 � Cf) 00 C] r O 0 0 W 2 r � LL LLI N � -Q O F- a) Im CA O W a) Q cQ; T G U LU co F- m o — Z Z in co w J m L o W ca ❑ m � h N 0 w Q 1 N J w o 0 0. 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W CO IL a V- -O a1 U U O ` 0— CD m J m O N N C m ° a a umi \.1 m "a O CDN N ` IM N �!E °c w -�c E � ° m CL P >, >, R� ` E m 6 "�' ` n 0 0 C C ip _> O+. L ,a) a) m 0 co � U a a ° a) ? o >' a m 3 m E cc E m cmaN a) E E— U) cu c U) C-f CD a) EE a)o a) a) w C CO U-0 m�� cu Ua� c r m =CDC _ a) a) N U O `) C.)a)m U C NO Co m C" -o �c m Ica) E CD > 0 � E L w � N O c O N w Ma C U+O. m C .0-0- 0 mmcn L m a>>m > C ca L U m 0 a) w r.+ a) C m O dU CD Cn a E m O O O = Cl •E C O to �U o c� CO c CD CD m = cn O •� cn m ca a� E ti en aci r w cn E �a c m CD o w Y m O N 0 a O U E C U •C m U M C +- O 07/19/2002 10:40 7048670465 PEARSON PROPERTIES PAGE 01/01 i FIMA i SO. -r I es FAX SHEET 9 TO: ' FAX NUMBER: FROM: RE: DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES: ZAq r COMMENTS: -5pdyt- Mr. (season - 3010Z. us sll'kl�l (�% 2 "tit! �(J5 A-i-[2 � id/ i'�� i. � i r _ �.a n /l. - /. r-9 f` war I-L tr^ Cnv &-A o ✓ �h'J �jffve, )urn - `� �..t°w� W w i 0 o � o rr �`G2 ���iai G��J pdJ6� '� �rl 1Ctd . r57/ oft-C.A. ' -kc 703 South Marietta Stre et Suite 200 - Gastonia, North Carolina 28052-4337 Phone 704/867-5002 Fax 704/867-0465 DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION LEGAL DEPARTMENT +8158555172 T-899 P-01/01 F-483 100 MISSION RIQGFlGOI)DLBTTSVILJE, TN 37072/PN0NE:615-855-5 FAX: 61 S-S55.5 Date: ;30 , ZC)0 2- PLEASE-DEI IVF_R THE FOLLOWING PAGE(S) TO: R�C-�`� . FAx:(g10)350-2o0+ FROM: Mi lton Smith/jkwb-Z-, -4 , `arakj PHONE: 615-855-5171 TOTAL # OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER. SHEET): I 0,f, 869 fir•+ - • a MAJ • +X• • �� A • ~ t• • w r iw Ltowu ex))Lkx..,J� • ly The information contained in this fscsimile message is a[romey privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual above. If tho reader of this mcssnge is not the intended recipient, or the employed or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipienor entity named t, you are hereby notified that any information, distribution or copying ofthis communication is strictlyprohibim lfyou have rcceived this eomtnunieacion in on Or' please imntadiately notify us by telephone, snd return Postal Service. Thank you, the original mes::age to us at the above address via the U 5. If you do not receive all the pages, please call Ann Baird at (615) 855-5167 as soon as Possible. Thank you. 07/18/00 TUE 09:52 FAX 704 864 8870 i P.O. Box 518 4801 York Highway Gastonia, NC 26053-0518 USA A B Carter, Inc. ,B Fax No.: 1// ERDate: 7- r S- 0 0 ,NCO Page 1 i Fax: (704) 864-8870 Phone: (704) 865-1201 * �k If you do not receive clearly * * Y * ow" inform us immediately From: 04P 0-eLave 21 �c.. ow" To: /VGPe/V For the attention of: 1< / J& ; :5-� (�2 4r07�d :21' S W S � zo / yL 1 7/13- /oo a,-t-- '0 11� (f-9-0 , 7 o 4f S ?.:r 1- r z'1 [a001 62790 CP Re: 920114, 970834, & 981204 Subject: Re: 920114, 970834, & 981204 Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 15:14:10 -0400 From: Jeanette Powell <jeanette.powell@ncmail.net> To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> 1 won't be able to get to this until at least thursday. Neither will Bradley. Sorry. Stay tuned... Linda Lewis wrote: > Dear Jeanette and Bradley: > In 1992, we issued a certification of compliance for a shopping center > (Queens Creek) with outparcels and other future developement. One of the > ponds (Pond 3) is located adjacent a drainage ditch, which allows the > undeveloped offsite drainage to flow through the site and not be > directed into any of the ponds. In 1997, I issued a permit for the > development of that offsite area (Pirates Cove) with it's own pond that > outletted into the offsite ditch. > Sixteen months later in 1998, I permitted the future development at the > shopping center (Dollar General). The runoff flows into that offsite > runoff ditch, which I didn't realize at the time, which then flows into > Pond 3. The Dollar General site plan did not show the ditch as > connecting to the offsite pond, nor did it show the outlet structure for > the Pirates Cove pond, so I assumed it was a separate ditch. > The runoff from the Pirates Cove pond is entering the shopping center > pond, and it should not be doing that. > Apparently, I mistook the proposed collection ditch for the Dollar > General as a separate ditch from the existing ditch which drains the > Pirates Cove pond through the shopping center, or didn't remember that > the Pirates Cove property used this ditch as an outlet and had a permit > from us. > Have I gotten into a mess I can get out of? We could discuss further at > the meeting in May. > Thanks, Linda Mailto:Jeanette.Powell@ncmail.net NCDENR Division of Water Quality Stormwater Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1600 (919) 733-5083, ext. 537 1 of 1 04/18/2000 9:17 AM James B. Hint, Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Jun 20 '97 16:30 8-9103264125 E State of North Carolina 'epaxtment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office FA�C COVER SHEET DATE: TO: r i Orson CO: FAX #: / 1 REMARKS: No- PAGES RDna-aOM: L ej,,uiFS FAX #_ 127 Caidinri D&n EXWwian, wil®uton, N.C. 2s4054s45 + Telephone (910) 395-39M a Fain (910) 350-2004 An Equa Oppoltu* Af6rsouve Anion Employer ' State of North Caroldna Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Jonathan B. Howes Governor Water Quality Section Secretary June 17, 1997 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's, Inc. PO Box 1057 Gastonia, NC 28053 Subject: Maintenance Responsibility Queen's Creek Plaza Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: Attached please find copies of the signed Operation and Maintenance Plan, the original Certification of Compliance, the Revision to the Certification, and the Engineer's Certification. These documents were required to be signed by you, as the new owner, prior to transferring the Certification of Compliance to Pearson's, Inc. Pearson's, Inc., is responsible for the preventive maintenance of the detention ponds. If there are any questions concerning this, please refer to the enclosed copies, or give me a call at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, ,i�66U �d" Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATILETTERS1920114.JUN cc: Linda Lewis Mark Hargrove, P.E., Dawson Engineering Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer PEARSON'S INC. P. O. BOX 1057 GASTONIA, N. C. 28053-1057 l/la- /yy .d saa- CZoL&I's JAN 13 1994 -r s /-40-f- I -1 s/q of °4 att a-c�� .c� atso— Q,.i 9 ..2 cam. .t�..��•:4.. ,.,�-� ..�`� 't° it6It0wItII JAN 1 3 1994 DD&IN zor 1120114- JAN 131994 State of North Carolina ........................... Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager January 5, 1994 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's, Inc. Post Office Box 1057 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Subject: REVISION TO CERTIFICATION Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: The Wilmington Regional Office received a revised Stormwater submittal for Queens Creek Shopping Center on January 3, 1994. Based on our review of the revised project plans and information, we have determined that the revision complies with the Stormwater regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003. This Certification is a revision of the one issued on February 5, 1992 to Mr. James Garner. All conditions and terms of that previously issued Certification remain in effect except as herein provided: g) 1. The new owner of the facility is Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely; M w Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA\arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\CERTREV\920114.JAN cc: Mr. Johnny Glenn Tew, P.E., Godwin -Jordan and Associates, P.A. Mr. Marshall Batchlor, Onslow County Inspections Linda Lewis Bradley Bennett WiRO, Central Files 121Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 0 Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer o+SAIXa State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager January 5, 1994 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's, Inc. Post Office Box 1057 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Subject: REVISION TO CERTIFICATION Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: The Wilmington Regional Office received a revised Stormwater submittal for Queens Creek Shopping Center on January 3, 1994. Based on our review of the revised project plans and information, we have determined that the revision complies with the Stormwater regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003. This Certification is a revision of the one issued on February 5, 1992 to Mr. James Garner. All conditions and terms of that previously issued Certification remain in effect except as herein provided: 1. The new owner of the facility is Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, �S Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA\arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\CERTREV\920114.JAN cc: Mr. Johnny Glenn Tew, P.E., Godwin -Jordan and Associates, P.A. Mr. Marshall Batcl lor, Onslow County Inspections Linda Lewis Bradley Bennett WiRO, Central Files 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer PEARSON'S, INC. P. O. Box 1057 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053-1057 JAN b 1994 3 January 1994 Ms. Linda Lewis STONVIA Environmental Engineer 1 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment., Nealth and Natural Rc ources Y vJ t 6 t 0 V Lt bu 127 Cardinal Drive Extensio11 I n` Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 u �► JAN 0 5 1994 Re: Reissuance of Certification D E IN Queens Creek Shopping Center ,.Ioj # JZ011 ¢ Stormwater Project No. 920114 Dear Ms. Lewis: Thank you for your letter of December 28th and thi , accompanying information we discussed previously by telephone. This is to advise you that Pearson's, Inc. (above ae-dress) is the owner of subject property and takes the responsibility for permanent maintenance of the wet pond retention bases in Queen's Creek Shopping Center to consist of the following: 1. Removal of debris and sediment which is normally transmitted from parking lot run-off. Sediment depth in the ponds is to be measured every six months and is to be maintained at a minimum level of 4.5 ft. 2. Vegetation on pond perimeter and within the vegetative filter must be seeded, fertilized, mulched, and maintained to ensure growth of such vegetation. 3. Pond slope or perimeter areas which exhibit sloughing, erosion, or vegetative washout must be repaired and replaced with sod or stabilized with rooted vegetation. 4 After each rainfall event producing run-off, inspections will be made of trashes `y.rocks, weirs, and orificei to remove trash, debris, or any potentially clogging medium found. 5. A routine inspection of the swales, including inlets and outlets, will be performed to determine if heavy flows have displeteed rip rap or eroded surrounding areas. Should such areas be found during inspection, additional rip rap will be placed an(,/or repositioned as req, ired immediately upon finding erosive conditions., Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer State of North Carolina Page 2 6. Once a month, the catch basins in the parking lots will be inspected and cleaned. I am in process in negotiating with a reliable contractor in the Swansboro area to carry out the above. This process will be completed within a reasonable time and any needed work done shortly thereafter. I trust that this Operation and Maintenance Agreement will allow you to issue the necessary certification. I can be reached at (704) 865-5386 if necessary. Sincerely yours, Plato Pearsonrir. Preside .at PPJ/lp Sworn to an su,.scri'Ded be:ore rte this 41� dal' Of ------ 19cLq Witness my s an a and official seal. poi Notary Public My Commission Expir:s March 24,1996 State of North Carolina - 1 Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION Regional Manager December 28, 1993 Mr. Plato Pearson, Jr. Pearson's, Inc. Post Office Box 1057 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Subject: Reissuance of Certification Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: Per our phone conversation today, I am forwarding the Operation and Maintenance Plan this Office approved as a part of this project. Please note that the following items in the plan must be changed: 1. Sediment removal is required when the pond depth is reduced to 4.51. A depth measurement will be taken every 6 months to insure compliance. 2. Every month, all parking lot catch basin grates will be inspected and cleaned. Please have the Plan retyped with the above changes, which I have highlighted in pink on the enclosed Plan. Please note that your signature must be notarized!!! In your return letter to me, please state that you are the new owner of Queens Creek Shopping Center and that you would like to have the Certification of Compliance with Stormwater regulations transferred to you. Please enclose the signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance Plan. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\LETTERS\920114B.DEC cc: (2) Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer `' Qu een 5 Creek S fl Permanent maintenance will consist of (1) Removal of debris and sediment, which is normally transmitted from parking lot run-off. j_Seditiient is to be removed at a frequency required to maintain a depth .of -water. in -.:the ,permanent,- 1pool of 7 ft.. or deeper. (2) Vegatation on pond perimeter and within the vegatative-filter must be seeded, fertilized, mulched, and maintained to ensure vigorus growth of such vegatation.. (3) Fond slope or perimeter areas which exhibit sloughing, erosion, or vegatative washout must be immediately repaired and replaced with sod or stabilized with rooted vegatati on. (4) After each rainfall event producing run-off, inspections will be made of trash rocks, weirs, and orifices to remove trash, debris, or any potentially clogging medium found. (b) A routine inspection of the swales, including inlets and outlets, will be performed to determine if' heavy flows have displaced rip rap or eroded surrounding areas. Should such areas be found during inspection, additional rip rap will be placed and/or repositioned as required immediately upon finding erQ,sive conditions I' conditions A--g i •iw- (�"I" , .,� Fpe �6:-' �r f.. • /f... By signature of this letter, my company is taking the responsi bi 1 i ty f or permanent maintenance of all areas of the wet pond retention basins in° accordance with the terms specified in this letter or as deemed necessary by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Ftesaurses_ Pearscy) GoaP 4- (>FF'ce 2s�n i (ADDRESS) .ADDRESS) } AQ,4b flea son, --.Sr. �T�IRIZe- SENTATIVE (TYPED), VTIY - ---- ----- -- - - - ------ IS I GNAT 'E �::�TELEFHONE J r` I ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION STORMWATER PROJECT NO. 9006.17 _ QUEENS ,CREEK PLAZA, IONSLOW -COUNTY This As to certify that ''tie stormwater cofitrol structures hAve been installed for the above referenced •prof ect an.d_.arQ,.c:onsi stent with . £he plans and specifications a,pprov.ed by the Wil-mi t.pn ftegi.onal Office of Water-Qualit :- _ �,.. 0 PROJECT ENGINEER, ,(TYPED) A{\� \ 7�e,y_ -. 4. ------------------= - - - - - PROJECT ENGINEER SEAL '°` DAT- (SiGNATURE) . z ST 1� bu DEC 2 9p��1993 ® E M 14- PEARSON'S INC. P. O. BOX 1057 GASTONIA, N. C. 28053-1057 /2l2ji/F3 ks 4v-� C I z 7 ,/) C7 2 91165- 3 ?* 5- e-*-� a&a-cz� ) ;4 �� 0-z�� '1-� ar� 0-1�1 " lat Al,� (24a4.o— ,4- a-� ct� Pet- PEARSON'S INC. P. O. BOX 1057 GASTONIA, N. C. 28053-1057 -rz a4 "'�. Oia� s 70A/- GS= S 38l. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION December 15, 1993 Mr. Joe Pearson Post Office Box 11988 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Resources Bob Jamieson Regional Manager Subject: OWNERSHIP CHANGE Queens Creek Plaza Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: It has come to our attention that you are the current owner of the subject project. The original Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations issued to Mr. James Garner on February 5, 1992 stated that a change in ownership must be reported to the Division of Environmental Management. This Office is requiring that the Certification be reissued in your name. In order to do that, the following items must be returned to this Office: A letter from you announcing that you are the new owner, and that you are requesting that the Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations be transferred to you. 2. A signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance plan for upkeep of the detention ponds. A sample O & M plan is enclosed, and can be used as a model. Not all items in the sample are required for this project. Please have your engineer tailor a specific O & M plan to meet your maintenance requirements. Please note that the pond depth must be checked twice a year to insure that design depth is maintained. Failure to provide this information by January 15, 1993 may result in the initiation of enforcement action for a violation of NCGS 143-215.1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\LETTERS\920114.DEC cc: (2) Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 * Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer �STATE6 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION December 15, 1993 Mr. Joe Pearson Post Office Box 11988 Columbia, South Carolina 29211 Resources Bob Jamieson Regional Manager Subject: OWNERSHIP CHANGE Queens Creek Plaza Stormwater Project No. 920114 Onslow County Dear Mr. Pearson: It has come to our attention that you are the current owner of the subject project. The original Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations issued to Mr. James Garner on February 5, 1992 stated that a change in ownership must be reported to the Division of Environmental Management. This Office is requiring that the Certification be reissued in your name. In order to do that, the following items must be returned to this Office: 1. A letter from you announcing that you are the new owner, and that you are requesting that the Certification of Compliance with Stormwater regulations be transferred to you. 2. A signed and notarized Operation and Maintenance plan for upkeep of the detention ponds. A sample O & M plan is enclosed, and can be used as a model. Not all items in the sample are required for this project. Please have your engineer tailor a specific O & M plan to meet your maintenance requirements. Please note that the pond depth must be checked twice a year to insure that design depth is maintained. Failure to provide this information by January 15, 1993 may result in the initiation of enforcement action for a violation of NCGS 143-215.1. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer DA/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\LETTERS\920114.DEC cc: (2) Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Drive Extenaion, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer m JOE E. GODWIN. SR. P.E. R.L.S. RONNIE E. JORDAN. R.L.S. JAMES E. GODWIN Godwin - Jordan & Associates, P.A. ENGINEERING, SURVEYING & PLANN ECEI1 5 102 WEST BROAD STREET iZIP 28334i P. O. BOX 249 QQ FAX: 48PHONES: FAY. 483-1489 DUNN, N. C. 28335 FEB V 1993 DUNN 19191 892 5159 3.1489 Wilmington Regional Of CS- DEM T R A N S M I T T A L L E T T E R DATE:_ /5 ------- PROJECT: C IffL_S mil &, LOCAT ION: ___�Nm1 ✓� rha✓o� C .______ 2c2eA- �__� ICe-ATTENTION:---�-�v�-- - - 4r'�I S 38Li'5' 4E TRANSMIT: (✓i HEREWITH THE FOLLOWING: ( ) DRAWINGS ( ✓f IN ACCORDANCE ( ) PRELIMINARY WITH YOUR REQUEST ( vT OTHER -0R YOUR: ( ) APPROVAL DISTRIBUTION ( ) ( ) USE RECORD (I/f ( ) REVIEW & COMMENT .OPIES DATE DESCRIPTIOPv ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'EMARKS-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------=------------------------------------------------ .OPIES TO: ------------------------------- TRANSMITTED BY:-- _ _ �_-- State of North Carolina Departm, ent of IE7vironkrnt, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary December 31, 1992 Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. Johnny Glenn Tew, P.E. Godwin -Jordan and Associates, P.A. Post Office Box 249 Dunn, North Carolina 28335 Subject: Request for Professional Engineers Certification of Stormwater Compliance Stormwater Project No. 920114 Queens Creek Shopping Center Onslow County Dear Mr. Tew: On February 5, 1992, the Division of Environmental Management issued a Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations for Queens Creek Shopping Center. Stormwater Regulation 15A NCAC 2H.1003(k)(3) stipulates the following: Upon completion of construction, a registered professional appropriate for the type of Stormwater system designed must certify that the system was inspected during construction and was constructed in substantial conformity with plans and specifications reviewed by the Division and complies with the requirements of this rule. As of this date, our records indicate the required engineer's certification has not been received. Operation of the stormwater system prior to submission of the required certification is in violation of NCAC 2H.1003(1) in accordance with NCGS 143-215.6. If construction of the subject project has not been completed, please provide written notification to this Office prior to January 21, 1993 which includes the present phase of construction and the expected date of construction completion. if the facility has been constructed and placed in operation, please submit the required certification (attached) immediately. Construction is considered complete at the time the project is occupied by an owner or tenant for its intended use. -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919-395-3900 • Fax 919-350.2o04 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Tew December 31, 1992 Stormwater Project No. 920114 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Ms. Linda Lewis or me at (919) 395-3900. Sincerely, S Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: 920114. DEC cc: Mr. Marshall Batchlor, Onslow County Inspections (2) Linda Lewis Central Files Queens Creek Shopping Center Stormwater Project No. 920114 Engineer's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (eject) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Signature Registration Number Date