HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211783 Ver 1_Shoreline Stabilization_20211209Shoreline Stabilization Application Form 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 10-2013 DRAFT -NOT FOR USE AT THIS TIME Submission Form I. Applicant Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)] Please note: fields marked with a red asterisk * below are required. You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory questions are answered. Primary Contact Email * Owner Information: carissa@bennickgrading.com Please provide an email address for payment and requests for more information here. Name: * Kenneth & Catherine Com Email: * cornke2013@gmail.com Phone Number:* (828)764-3714 (xxx)xxx-xxxx Mailing Address:* Street Address 1586 Harris Whisnant Rd Address Line 2 City Morganton Postal / Zip Code 28655 Is there an agent working on the project?* ® Yes O No Agent/Consultant Information State / Province / Region NC Country US Name: * Carissa Parker Company Affiliation: * Bennick Enterprises Email: * carissa@bennickgrading.com Phone Number:* (828)659-1000 (xxx)xxx-xxxx Mailing Address: * Street Address 7836 US Hwy 70 E Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Nebo NC Postal / Zip Code Country 28761 US A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter:* CCF000015.pdf 218.61 K 13 Link to: Sample Agent Authorization Form Project Information [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a) & (b)] Project Name: * Shermons Hollow 10 If your project has a formal name please use this. If your project does not have a formal name, please identify your project by the owner name and proposed activity (Jones Property Access Road, Smith Guest House, etc.) List in parentheses any other names that have been used to identify the project in the past. 1. Provide a vicinity map (i.e. street map) clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. * Upload File Look up address Property Address Lookup: * Latitude:* 35.767331 Street Address 1586 Harris Whisnant Road Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Morganton NC Postal / Zip Code Country 28655-4378 US Longitude: *-81.827321 2. Provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and proposed locations of vegetation clearing, structures (buildings, retaining walls, docks, impervious surfaces, etc.), rip rap, excavation or dredging below Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevations, and construction access corridors. You may use the diagram under section 12.normal pool lake level/normal water level* SITE PLAN - Corn.pdf plat.pdf Please use the diagram at the link below: 379.08KB 717.47KB https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WaterResources/0/edoc/616616/Shoreline%20Layout.docx 3. Attach a photograph of the shoreline/ buffer proposed to be stabilized. (Include a scale of some sort- a yard stick, shovel handle, etc.)* Corn pic.pdf 2.45MB 4. Location of the property (where work is to be conducted) Nearest Town: * Morganton County:* Burke Lake/ river/ ocean adjacent to Lake James property: Subdivisions name or site address: * 1586 Harris Whisnant Rd Shermons Hollow 10 Include phase/lot number Directions to site: * From Morganton, Hwy 126 / TL Harris Whisnant Rd to property Please include road names and numbers, landmarks etc. 5. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: * residential Residential, undeveloped, etc. 6. Property Size 1.3 Acres 7. Describe proposed work (include discussion as to how hardening of shoreline has been avoided, or why it is necessary): 200' Shoreline stabilization by barge, height will be 4' 8. How will the work be done?* From Land From Water 9. Total amount of disturbance below the normal pool lake level/ normal water level: * (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 200 square feet 10. Total amount of disturbance above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet land- ward: * (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) 600 square feet 11. Please describe the vegetation above the normal pool lake level/ normal water level and 50 feet landward to be impacted:* (number of trees, for instance) 2 TREES LESS THAN 6" AND 2 TREES GREATER THAN 6" WILL BE REMOVED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. THEY WILL BE REPLACED INCH FOR INCH, WITH TREES TOTALING THE SAME DIAMETER. ANY REMAINING DISTURBED AREA WILL HAVE MULCH APPLIED TO IT Sketch: Application Fee: Once the application has been accepted. You will need to send a corresponding fee in with the appropriate DWR#. The application fee is as follows (pursuant to G.S. 143-215.3D): o $240.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of less than 1 acre o $570.00 for impacts to lake (below normal water level) of greater or equal to 1 acre By digitally signing below, I certify that: o I, the project proponent, hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief a I, the project proponent, hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. a I agree that submission of this Shoreline Stabilization online form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); o I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the Shoreline Stabilization online form. Full Name:* Carissa Parker Signature: Submittal Date: 12/7/2021 Initial Review Is this accepted into the review process?* - Yes No Project Number:* 20211783 Version:* Select Reviewer: * Mitchell Anderson:eads\mlanderson Select Reviewing Office: Asheville Regional Office - (828) 296-4500 Has payment been received? * No Payment Needed Fee Received • Need Fee - send electronic notification What amount is owed?* • $240.00 $570.00 KENNETH & CATHARINE CORN LAKE JAMES SHERMONS HOLLOW LOT 10 To: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES I GIVE CARISSA PARKER, OF BENNICK ENTERPRISES, LLC., PERMISSION TO SIGN AS MY AGENT ON MY APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE STABILIZATION. SIGNATURE (S) DATE Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY KENNETH & CATHARINE CORN State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02H .0500 — Water Quality Certification, Shoreline Stabilization FORM: SSGP 02-2017 Please approximately sketch the following information on this plan and provide dimensions for each item: a. All proposed vegetation clearing b. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed above the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation c. Location of rip rap or fill to be placed below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation d. Location of any proposed structures such as buildings, retaining walls, docks, etc. e. Location of any excavation or dredging below the Full Pond/ Normal Water Level elevation Full Pond/ Normal Water Level Shoreline Lake (At Full Pond/ Normal Water Level) Jell; "FA SHERMONS HOLLOW/ 10 Plan View 1'x200' _RR 3' x 200' RAP FORM: SSGP 02-2017 Page 1 of 3 4 15 16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 Bearing Distance 5 56' 52' 22' E 5 59' 58' 57' E N 39' 01' 17' E S 27' 42' 05' E 5 87' 01' 20' W S 80' 19' 36' W 5 26' 08' 32' W S 05' 05' 10- E S 21' 11' 00' W 500' 21' 35' w 500' 21' 35' W 528' 41' 04'E S 00' 18' 38' E 5 16' 12' 53' E S 27' 56' 59' E 506' 36' 40' E 535' 25' 00' E 5 13' 48' 27' E 5 IT 22' 01' W 501' 32' 21' E 5 65' 40' 38' W 5 02' 11' 33' E 5 49' 08' 05' W 560' 01' 00' W fO MORGANTON-" INFilt MAP -NT$- aa5 La w u e Lee UB 232 PO EAO u 70.I W U• th ll co 75.67' 73.97' 69.28' 29.63' 14.20' 27.43' 15.29' 15.53' 23.84' 8.77' 7.29' 18.01' 29.87' 18.64' 37.96' 15.64' 16.41' 35.99' 23.47' 26.51' 16.23' 20.89' 51.71' 2213' Line Bowing DIstonce L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L37 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 146 L47 L49 543:8 SF 106036 SF LAKE JAMES NE 55816 SF 5 52' 48' 46' w N 68' 15' 39' W N 79' 53' 40' W N 79' 53' 40' W N 70' 23' 57' W S 53' 58' 21' W S 54' 10' 40' W 5 54' 10' 40' W S 50' 22' 48' W 5 72' 49' 35' W N 81' 04' 28' W N 89' 42' 31' W N 51' 02' 4T W N 76' 48' 59' W 5 76' 52' 43' W N 75' 38' 44' W 555' 02' 42' W N 67' 38' 16' W S 70' 54' 32' W N 64' 43' 54' W N 64' 43' 54' W N 58' 53' 20' W N 48' 45' 52' W N 03' 25' 42'E 20.20' 33.48' 16.24' 20.58' 13.31' 39.12' 30.39' 12.13' 50.33' 26.63' 14.86' 36.88' 10.92' 22.32' 23.78' 30.02' 15.32.' 9.95' 16.91' 25.91' 12.63' 73.75' 39.08' 10.99' EXISTING GRAVEL /- 8 FT. ROBERT B SALSBURYI DB 741 PG 894 I Line Bearing L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L56 L57 L58 L59 L60 L81 L62 L63 L84 L65 L66 L67 L68 L69 L70 171 L73 N 52' 16' 16' W N 68' 44' 08' W S 56' 29' 23' W N53' 11' 41' W S 45' 32' 04' W N 39' 09' 46' W N 06' 03' 37'E N 15' 34' 12' E N 16' 30' 13' E N 20' 19' 54'E N 52' 39' 57' E N 54' 29' 24'E N 30' 01' 53' W N 65' 50' 24' W N 34' 07' 47' IV N 18' 09' 59' E N 16' 08' OB' E N 63' 54' 23' W S 45' 44' 15' W 5 59' 49' 16' W S 73' 34' 00' W S 82' 16' 49' W N 66' 4T 35' W N 60' 08' 32' W 1 P. CONRAD MULL DB 209 PG 697 �l'a.. ea MOT PUBLIC RAT •�\{i2m -��d \\ !. 25 FOOT PRIVATE'il ROAD EASEMENT 57089 SF 25 FOOT PRIVATE ' • AO EASEINENT 34750 SF 39310 SF r 4y 13�Ny 7 .1p 100 50 0 100 200 SCALE II .100 ' � I� bb / I�'I\ aTL➢!E . r4T10 PRNArz Row 39153 SF Melon. Line Bearing Distance 33.4T 30.14' 11.33' 19.94' 1226' 17.01' 51.76' 41.51' 47.96' 8231' 75.62' 14.77' 18.92' 11.76' 3242' 48.37' 40.43' 16.95' 4239' 33.69' 5208' 30.60' 15.57' 24.28' L74 L75 L76 L77 L78 L79 L80 L81 L82 1.133 L84 L85 1.136 L87 L88 L89 L90 L91 L92 1.93 L94 L95 L96 L97 C4. EXISTING 4/- l2 FOUR GRAVEL ROAD N 18' 33' 27' W N 48' 06' 40' W N 12' 43' 30' W N 24' 14' 54' E N 02' 48' 32' E N 22' 21' 16' W N 00' 13' 43' W N 40' 12' 59' E N 01' 00' 51' W N 17' 51' 35' E N 25' 16' 27' W N 28' 48' 27' E N 23' 51' 10' E N 32' 10'30'E N 25' 51' 52' E N 28' 35' 45' E N 30' 42' 03' E N 50' 33' 20' E N 33' 11' 07- E N 27' 24' 47' E N 34' 18' 40' E N 28' 10' 04' E N 35' 23' 25' E N 45' 39' 52' E W MOT PUBLIC RAT MAX T LOWERY DB 708 PC 241 NEW CENTERLINE SEE INSET 9 MAX T LOWERY DB 786 PG 1168 Tr. 4. 43149 SF 0A0 EASEMENT LAKE JAMES 20.00' 11.78' 29.07' 23.18' 17.11' 22.66' 14.41' 1294' 1239' 1282' 9.33' 8.65' 31.61' 79.10' 30.93' 37.95' 41.07' 22.01' 50.80' 37.55' 20.97' 23.75' 64.95' 6.61' CRESCENT RESOURCES INC DB 621 PG 211 25 FOOT PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT x= ' 247.72' TO END OF PAVEMENT -.SR 1285 HARRIS WHISNANT AVE. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO AN ADDITIONAL 10 FEET EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES AS RESERVED AND GRANTED IN THE DEEDS CONVEYING THE LOTS. SETBACK LINES FOR ALL LOTS 50 FEET FROM ANY WATERFRONT 15 FEET ON SIDE LINES 35 FEET ON ALL ROAD FRONTS FROM MARGIN OF PRIVATE Pe) 10 PG 4 I c1 INSET EXISTING ACCESS ROAD (PUBLIC) PROP LINE T., P. CONRAD MULL tf1 DB 209 PG 697 / +011 LINVILLE POINTE CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC. - NOTE - THE SURVEY WHICH RESULTED IN THIS PLAT USED ONLY THE RECORD INFORMATION NOTED THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN A PORTION OF BURKE COUNTY THAT IS UNREGULATED AS TO AN ORDINANCE THAT REGULATES PARCELS OF LAND. PROP LINE -s so es) PROP / -LINE/ EXISTING PUBLIC 12 FpOT GRAVEL ROAD / / /, > /Q S /60N ADDITIONAL PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC ROAD MAX T LOWERY DB 708 PG 241 CRESCENT RESOURCES INC DB B 35 B FILE.OJ'�. I8 9/AT '� drj noox P N 110o _IQ_PACCJ p j_ (REGGE ISTER OF DEEDSRLEw 11. " - 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROI.INA BURKE COUNTY T4e More oin ce ti fficate of LLLRJ. . 6. P. my is adjudged to he correct. Let the inetr,ncet with its certificates, he registered. This jg day of PROP LINE Register Deeds Register of Deeds.4 LEGEND SURVEY PONT • IRON PIPES G POINTS ON ROAD EASEMENTS • REVISED- / /19 REVISED- / /19 STATE Or NORTH CAROITNA COUNTY Of BURKE / I. )boQ1 T Wiix,142-, e,e s,...eo+, uenN en, ,e . ed non • ,•-aam mum. t ea wane mew regIn m1�4'c v.-inP• sue. .Ao.,sL Fl ' / i£ic(; 5lftit�s '% R SEAL } 9 s000690s t-3353 1 L 33.e3 LrsY/n50.0-��. �k4se,' NORTH CAROL,NA BURKE COUNTY Ai I Z err)R(Id.LA mome e, Cum/4 • Ao,eerce tan Gem,. pmemter ,' e , e• swl men nippee e!e e•eumee o, Me •meen.ep esuumem 4 %k l�n tirrlire�llP H.e •�;�' , GV1V•Pe '�c.�4 M.eemm.•e,.e.a..e.�-rq-q5 1401Apr NOTARY PUBLIC OG 4 y4404`pe•E'e AEI. a1E09x Z•5 pAat ¢e4 ex. 5714e•OE,49i1B ner FHA, rM Kar"Wxet = SLOW, FOR CRESCENT RESOURCES, INC, LINVILLE TOWNSHIP, BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MALLONEE SURVEYING. INC. o DRAWER 11111 MORGANTON.N C. Au E.100 S0.uC• er 111 TPA u 0.e 16Y C./IC...D e• BIW _Dan nags, FILE NO5713-4 fg