HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06996_Well Construction - GW1_20211025 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 9H 1) For internal Use only: i 1.Well Coyn�tractoor lnformalion: ^'+�`tI�4� �/,�14b '17 i+ �1' '�+t:711(�"A�7Tl}:� �':1�ie(+.��3'r)'Y�i•1't?:'.".AU.vi:1;+'("t`'lijHln.fti! .vh!ii«, .a;lx.�, WellCommetorNomo FROM ro DkSotnrTION n. A. NC Well ConudmorConlilam(onNunibor hf i0 & ' +" cilia.. . . R N6Rr 1i ca1[a.rs-.....•' .at Cascade Drilling, LP Mum ,� D A >in THICKNEss rL n. i Sn. Compaay Name Gr htpl)t G'iYS .Ott, O1 ' !tit ' it'e"U ti ''tye�-`•'';+"J :.x.:r , ;{ h 2.Well Construction Permit 1): MON TO I DIM1 OTER I mucKf4im MATEniA6 l.Art all oppllcab(e well eonx WOOM pamdla(de.f1IC,C01011y,slrrlc,Variance,tro,J ft. a' In 3.Well Use(clieak well uso): ft. R, in. W itter Supply Well: 1t1'ii S•IIQ i 5iyf `+'1`c'+ `i '$v° 2 7 i)•:S51";^;j' i'i"u3 gricuituml �MunicipaUPubiio mom TO �• r But SLfrrSI7.R ncg4ass MATeIn r. 0 . oothermal(Hoating/Cooling Supply) 13Rosidential WaterSupply(singte) 0iG n. la ��I a r.. 0 �dusidaXommarcial Residenlial Water Su i shat'ed JG• aPPY( ) �dOYill0 di:,��i41!Y�?ri�+7 sir'%�'?FK9 +h!f!•'fr''?aL'':':a=li1,r" ''i ation . FAMI TO TEMAL ENTPLACEMI*MMUMOD&AMOUNT -Water Supply Welh Q, .6 ft.onitodng otuivery IL it. dlon We11:tdArRechargo 00roundwaterRomodiation uifer Storage and Recovery Di Sallnity Darrior PROM I O M RI L p r►CGM METH D Tw C]StorinwaterDminagaporimental Technology OSubsidence Control A. n. othermal(ClosedLoop) Tracerothermal Hcatin Coolln Retum 01hor ex lain under 0l21.Rcmarke : ."a M IV DISCIUMO lunlnefr aaNroeat1fir,Millfm em A. ft. 4.Dole Well(s)Completed: t 1 Well IDS R-U/ It. n, r` ) $11.Wo//np'JJ Location' A % Ficill0ownerName Faea;rylnN rapplienble) !L n' PAy,inolAd�djm')re,City,and Zip / _ ( �/ R. fb Un .d'tail Elf �• 090/ 7 ©'1 ^ '1'yt$M'll7iYl'8TA4i'- !Sa" .b1 L TM .?ii'• 4Y»+S 'r County Pa=l rdwiifiantion No,(PIN) Sb.Lnttudo and longitude in dogreas/tuinuteslseconds or decimal degreest (itwollNi d,onointllmigfaauDlotant) 22.Ctrdflcntio ,,ma�yy N W ," L�-91 J a 6.ls(ore)the well(s)d pPcrnmaeut or Memparary Stgoem e l Con for Dal* allmIng fhtrAirt,I hemby earti(y lha(the ivell(k)nos(wwa)cow4vtoled lit oeoordencc . 7.Is tide a repair to nn existing welly �Ycs or �No ivldt IJA NCAC 02C.010U ar ISA NCAC 02C.02001Vc11 Conxnnctfon,l(anW,a and iltnr u 01119 IS n r+flioln1l11 aril knouvr we11 oofMlrucNrut Illronnallap dud orpldlir die nMaro oJlhu viW olllds roaoid hax bean provided to dm well owner. ropa/r rnt*r 621 famarksyucuangran rim hackgfdxrjbrm, 23.SW diagram or additional weQ detaHs: 8,For GeoprobODPT or Closed-Loop Goothormnl Wells having die some You may use the back of this page to provido.addilional wall silo details or well. Construction,only I C1W-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER ofiW.Is crinstntcdon details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled _ SUIJMITTALiNSTRUCI'IONS 0 �Total well depth below land surface:_ 1 (ft.) 24a,For Ail Wells Submit this firm w(diln 30 days of completion of won, J'arinelllp/u wcllx 1kiall dipilm(Baron!(exempla 3Oi lap'cud?®100 consnueUon to the following: 10.Btntle water level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Proeeasbtg Unit, f(Iralurlcval sr above QOX114:.we"+" 1617 Mai Ser+7ico Center,Raleigh,NC 276994617 11.Dor•olloto diameter,_ (ill) ` 24b,1br rn aelt n Wellm In oddiUcn to sending the form to the address in 24e 12 Wo11 eoualavction method: �llt/It above,also submit one copy of this foim within 30 days of completion of well (i.o,amor;miary,caWe,direct pnah,eta) constnrotian to the following { .I:ORIVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Progr ant, J 1636 Mail Service Confer,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of lest: 24a For Water Sunnly-&Ltiection Rells: In addition to sanding the form to die address(w) obovo, also submit lobo copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection,type: Amount: completion of wall construction to the'county health department of the county Where constructed. I pomp OW-1 North Cmelina Deponnnaru of 131WIMnorr11rol Qlmllly-Dlvleioit Of WOW Rasaaroee Reviled 2-22 2016