HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07020_Well Construction - GW1_20211025 WLLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW 11 Car lrrttsrna[Use Only: 1.Well Contractor fnfornurtlon: '-31 Well Contractor Nwnio / MUM TO -DESCAJIMOrt NC Wall CmlVeotarCorllitcaltonNumber QWMAlt i !1 tNG'fo'r`in T IG It• 1 It fta 'li2iitire".,4+:.° ?r�1 Cascade Drilling, LP F14OM TO OlAMEr6R 77nC[ MATERIAL tbmpmry Ntune a, a. in. )/' :. .gi}t s rn,,«x:r ,. 2.Well Construction Permit N. mom 110 DIA 1 TI CK14M A 9RiAL llxJ all applloaGle xrll cvnwuattoa pamHlx(fa UiC.Caum Stale,parlor-.64 A. a. Ut 3.Wall Use(check well use), .& f+• M• Water Supply Well: '•ti 'SL9G13 ��., •MI ST. 511 :r„'?•' ';ta ,,. A cultural O o i/ B 17lICK t L. 13ti DMwtielpat/public Q Geothermal(Heatine/Cooling Supply) EIResidentlal Water supply(single) lndustriatfCommoroiat 011asidential Water Supplyfabored) .vJSt 'ti4!9r.? Cfrt�..�.'m "�:Y-s i tr,W due Ird tion FROM in tATER1A6 EA1124 &nt OD& OUNT Non-Water SuppivwelL. ". /Q '� lr'jdMi t°' Monitoring ecove a. R. IDjec on.Well: • Aquifer Mialva ft. fL �Groundtemtor ltcmcdintlan Aquifer Storage and Recovery Snlhtl Barrier ;tons iSC Ica r i rnbl r.'. • . :i~f<,:.,�a �; ��� �+;; ry FROM TD A }AL BMPLACfiM BI'UOD Aquifer Test 138tormwatorDminago () lit: a' c ne3� Experimantal Technology Qi3ubsidence Control ft. R I Oeolliminal(Closed Loop) o,1 Tracer Rt 1 h'i6 di in tii• kite ''ii Wllfr-i� Gcothalml 10110n Conlin Roturn Othoc cx!lain under il2l Remarks R rt :. ur Mt"s ere. r F Tv nlaClelr 4.Ditto Well(s)Completed: ft. 59.Wet'Lacuttol ft. R. hele 6hc11ily/OwnarNanm FnailhylD9 tfopplianblo) a• R &0, "-/V i1JIA—�o�alCdlCl a. R. cesg� l'ItdyryO1tr1Atld�roJes City and Zip ft. a• ...61".,fs.°G'1C/t3a(Jul�f' �11)' r � Q Q ''�1' „1�a'Y+,: "yT' i S'.�.4•�!'ib 3 i-'•rts6C2}n. County Parcel Idontification No,(FIN) 5L Latitude and longitude In degrees/mtuotafseeonds or decimal degreest (ifwoll ficid,Ono IatAom is seAicient) 22.Certifieatlo 6.Is(tu•o)the •or 13Temporary Con for Dee U BY VV1148 thkJbrm,I harehy wyj&(hat the WdJJ(r)was(irate)canrlrrmled fn acrolrlanto: 7.b tbis n rapnir to nn allsdug well: 13Yes or 13iVo u,11b ISANCAC 07C.0/00 or JSANCAC 01C,OA0g Wv11 Coaatnronwr Standards and lwa lilhlx la a rolMlr J111 oarknuxrr tvcll romintellon N�Ormarlon oast rx/data tlra nanrre y/ho ao10'0hlx roam!/ beo"pravhlod to file well owner. repel!-lnrddr AYl l+anrarkr seamen gran tho hack a fthispnn, 23.Site diagram Or additional well dotal[., L For GeoproboMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells laving the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well sit*details or wall construction,only I OW-1 is needed, Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wails eonshuction details. You may also atlach additional pages if nccwsary. drilled: SIlBMI2'7'ALINSTRUCTIONS � l 9.rlmal Wen depth irdgwland surlirea: '10 24a. Aar a • Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well . l urnadAyrfe troth llxJ alydawAv Ud(jjunrn!(ex au�pla.30n 200'anrl7 a�100') construction M the following: 10.Stafie water level below top of costing: (fl.} Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit,'/'Iaddr leval4 ahatro eaWiry;,era 1617 Mail Servlee Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: _()n,) 241L POr injection Wcll t in ndditiori to sending the form to the ndd[oss in 24a ti 12.Wait construction method: above,also submit Ono copy Of this form within 30 days of completion of wall (I.e.anger,rotnty,cable,direotptteb,ate.) construction to file tbllowing: ( J POR WATER SUPPT.Y WELCS ONLX: DMolon of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, �,✓ 1636 Mail SeMea Cantor,Raleigh,NC 2709-1636 13a.Yield(gam) Method of test: 24c-)floe Water Surma&tniecHon Wells: in addition to sanding the form to Ilia address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of . 13L Disinfection typo: Amount: completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed, , f FormdWt NoithCordino Department ofOnvironntaotnlQOallly•Dlvldoa*fwatcrnesaureor I Rovtaal2.22•2016 i. ,