HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Report_20211207pactuv evergreen 175 Main Street Canton, NC 28716 828.646.2000 pactivevergreen.com CERTIFIED MAIL —RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70202450000035625795 December 6, 2021 Mr. Landon Davidson Regional Supervisor Division of Water Resources — Asheville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Subject: Noncompliance Report Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. dba Evergreen Packaging Canton Mill - Permit No. NC0000272 Dear Mr. Davidson: This document serves as the written submission requirement found in NPDES permit NC0000272 Part II, Section E, 6. And 9. The following represents the current findings of the investigation and analysis of the noncompliance event that was reported to your office on November 23 and 24, 2021. If and when additional or corrected information becomes available, subsequent reporting will be provided. Note — all the following dates are 2021. Description On November 23, at approximately 7:00 am, wastewater treatment plant (WTP) operators noted an unusual, significant increase in influent color readings, identified soap in the flow, and began investigating the cause with mill process personnel. At approximately 9:00 am, influent wastewater was diverted to the spare clarifier to capture wastewater identified as problematic to prevent a possible upset to the treatment process. Flow remained diverted until 90% spare clarifier capacity was reached. Flow was then returned to normal operations. Effluent and process monitoring (Total suspended solids [TSS], color, pH and dissolved oxygen [DO]) indicated wastewater effluent was below permit limits (Table 1). BOD samples were set for the five-day incubation period and analysis (BOD5). Visual observations conducted at approximately 7:30 am of the effluent discharge in the river, identified elevated foam and turbid conditions. At 3:00 pm, the WTP Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) contacted Tim Heim (Division of Water Resources) in the Asheville Regional Office to report the change in visual effluent conditions, including elevated foam in the discharge. Efforts continued to identify the source of the soap and improve treatment of the wastewater to reduce foam and solids discharge, which were slightly elevated above normal levels. Effluent conditions remained relatively unchanged on the morning of November 24 (i.e., elevated solids and foam) and within permit limits (Table 1). BOD5 samples were collected and set for later analysis. Environmental technicians, conducting a periodic inspection, approximately two river -miles downstream of the outfall 001 discharge, at a known dissolved -oxygen sag -point and oxygenation station (02 Noncompliance Report Page 2 of 4 Station), observed two dead fish and several other fish in distress (Figure 1). DO monitoring on November 24 indicated all locations within the range of 8.0 —10.7 mg/L (Table 1). The technicians communicated the findings to mill EHS personnel. Additional river inspections were conducted at multiple locations along the Pigeon River, as shown on Figure 1, where additional dead and distressed fish were noted (Table 2). The ORC called Tim Heim to update him on the identification of the impacted fish and conditions at the WTP, left a voicemail and provided a written report via email. Efforts continued to confirm that no additional soap was entering the mill sewer system and improve treatment of the wastewater to reduce foam and solids discharge, which continued to be slightly elevated above normal levels. River inspections were conducted on a daily basis through November 28. Inspection findings confirmed water quality was steadily improving and no additional impacts to the fish population had occurred. Tim Heim conducted an inspection of river locations with the ORC and others on November 29. Cause Two likely causes have been identified as contributors of soap to the mill WTP. 1. Tall -Oil -Making Process: The tall -oil -making process had been shut down on November 22 to repair delivery pump and clogged delivery line from the east and west soap* collection tanks to the saveall tank — part of the tall -oil -making compound. As part of the repair work, a valve on a steam line adjacent to the soap collection tanks was opened to assist in clearing the delivery line. A temporary hose, normally used for steam cleaning purposes, was attached to the same steam line noted above within the tall -oil -making compound. The hose was left opened and the end of the hose was left positioned outside of the secondary containment. Unknowingly, contents of the east and west soap collection tanks (soap -laden black liquor) entered the steam line, flowed through the temporary hose and was inadvertently discharged to the mill sewer system. The inadvertent discharge was identified at approximately 9:00 am on November 23 and stopped. The discharge appeared to have lasted approximately two hours. The amount of soap discharged to the wastewater treatment plant (WTP) is indeterminate at this time. Attempts to quantify the amount are ongoing. 2. Pine Weak Liquor Storage Tank: Weak liquor from our pine washing system is collected in an approximate 616,000-gallon tank with an overflow pipe from the top of the tank to the drainage area on the ground. This tank sits in a BMP drainage area equipped with a recovery sump in the event black liquor overfills the tank. The sump is designed such that if the conductivity is high, indicating presence of black liquor then a pump will activate and move the contents to a spill recovery tank. Soap can occasionally build up in this tank and overflow. Soap in this sump can cause the recovery pump to become air -bound and not actually pump; however, the controls will indicate the pump is running. This tank does not normally have excessive soap and can be readily managed. Due to recent soap recovery issues there was an unusual amount of soap in this tank. Noncompliance Report Page 3 of 4 Although recorded data is not currently available, it is believed that this tank overflowed for some period of time, discharging soap to the mill sewer system. Data gathering and analysis will continue for better understanding of what transpired in the pine weak liquor storage tank compound. Other possible sources of soap are being evaluated as part of the response to the event. Best management practices require soap to be contained within mill processes and prevented from entering the sewer system. Other secondary possible sources are being investigated. *[Soap (rosin soap) — a byproduct of the kraft process; utilized in tall oil production; normally rises to the surface of the black liquor and is skimmed off for making tall oil] Period Influent wastewater color data indicated soap likely started entering the WTP at approximately 7:00 am on November 23 and ceased on November 23 at approximately 10:00 am. Due to the nature of recycling biomass in an activated sludge treatment plant, the material remained in the plant for several days. Effluent monitoring data results (Table 1), indicated the 001 discharge was compliant with permit limits throughout the event timeframe, except the BODssamples, which were not available for review until November 29. The BOD5 samples from November 23, 24 and 25, which were available on November 29, 30 and December 1, indicated exceedances of our daily maximum pound per day BOD5 limit (14,778 Ibs/day, 17,931 lbs/day, 16,791 Ibs/day versus a daily maximum of 10,897 Ibs/day). The BOD5 effluent results were significantly high enough that our monthly BOD5 average was 3370 Ibs/day, exceeding the monthly limit of 3205 Ibs/day. The BOD5 results available on December 2 and 3 were back in compliance with our daily maximum permit limit (6,879 Ibs/day and 2,645 Ibs/day). Effluent BOD5was the only parameter found to be greater than permit limits from the event. Corrective Action Upon communication from wastewater operators of a significant increase in influent color, operations personnel began investigating the possible cause. At approximately 10:00 am, the discharge from the steam line was identified and stopped. As stated above, at approximately 9:00 am WTP personnel diverted the soap -laden wastewater to the empty, backup clarifier to prevent further introduction of the problematic materials to the treatment process. WTP operators increased polymer injection and defoamer addition in attempts to improve wastewater treatment, lower total suspended solids (TSS) and reduce possible effects on the river. Process sampling was increased to evaluate treatment effectiveness in efforts to reduce TSS and foam in the discharge. Process personnel increased inspections, and evaluations of containments, sumps and other equipment associated with soap handling. On November 30, following indications that the majority of the soap discharged to the WTP had been processed and treated, reducing ongoing negative impacts on the microbial population in the wastewater system, augmentation of the treatment system with additional microorganisms and food began to assist the plant fully recover from the upset. Noncompliance Report Page 4 of 4 Steps to Reduce, Eliminate and Prevent Reoccurrence Preventing the discharge of soap to the mill sewer system and WTP is a critical component of established best management practices (BMP) and a primary component of the mill's BMP Plan. Although soap was not expected to be in the steam line, had the hose been in the containment, the release would have been contained and identified. Monitoring system and sump pump components that should have identified and contained a soap discharge to the pine weak liquor storage tank sump are being evaluated for efficacy and will be modified as appropriate. Action steps to be taken by operators and condition thresholds (e.g., tank levels, conductivity, pump performance) that indicate that soap may be discharging from tanks and other process system components are being reviewed and also will be modified as appropriate. In addition to the above immediate actions, the following is either underway or will be conducted to further prevent possible reoccurrence of similar spills: • Inspection of all spent liquor, turpentine and soap containments, conductivity sensors and level transmitters to ensure the all components are functional as outlined in the BMP Plan • Additional, BMP refresher training for appropriate mill personnel • Review of the following procedures and processes: o BMP inspections o Equipment repairs o Sump, sewer and wastewater monitoring o Spill response • Review of historical monitoring data and BMP event reports to discuss or spill events and identify trends We will update your office as soon as possible with any changes in this information. Respectfully, Tracy Mllis Wastewater Treatment Plant ORC Canton Mill tracy.willis@pactivevergreen.com Phone: 828-646-2 / Mobile: 828-424-9955 '-(ze/QcL T- Fred Perrett Interim General Manager Canton Mill fred.perrett@pactivevergreen.com Phone: 828-646-2840 1 Ryder Mountain and Richland Creek (7.3) • Aerial photography from Google Earth (downloaded 12/29/2021) • River miles calculated via Google Earth measuring tool Clyde Lift Station (5.7) Above Clyde (5.2) Clyde Park 4.6 Evergreen Packaging - Canton Mill Noncompliance Report Figure 1 Pigeon River Legend 02 Station (2.0) Fiberville Bridge 0.3 Monitoring/Observation Location (River miles from Outfall 001) Evergreen Packaging - Canton Mill Noncompliance Report Table 1 Monitoring Location Outfall 001 Canton Fiberville Bridge Above Clyde Canton Fiberville Bridge Above Clyde Parameter Flow TSS BOD5 Color DO pH Fecal Coliform DO pH Units MGD lb/day lb/day lb/day mg/I pH Colonies/100mL mg/I mg/I mg/I pH pH pH Permit Limit (Daily maximum unless otherwise noted ) Monthly average 29.9 49560 10897 105250 Monthly average not Tess than 6.0 6.0 - 9.0 400/100mL - - - - - - 11/17/2021 26.9 3139 1560 28919 9.3 7.5 10.8 10.5 9.6 7.2 7.6 7.6 11/18/2021 27.7 3920 2015 35974 9.0 7.4 9.7 9.8 9.4 7.1 7.6 7.7 11/19/2021 26.1 3702 3216 37672 9.6 7.4 10.2 10.5 10.6 7.6 7.7 7.9 11/20/2021 26.4 3085 3158 33933 9.3 7.6 10.6 10.9 10.2 7.4 7.7 7.8 11/21/2021 26.2 2188 1835 30626 9.8 7.5 10.9 11.1 11.0 7.6 7.6 7.9 11/22/2021 27.1 2261 1816 35045 9.7 7.6 <1 10.1 10.8 10.9 7.6 7.6 7.9 11/23/2021 29.8 4967 14778 35765 8.2 7.1 10.9 11.0 10.9 7.3 7.5 7.7 11/24/2021 30.1 16050 17931 47147 8.0 7.2 10.6 10.7 9.1 6.8 7.3 7.3 11/25/2021 28.7 12216 16719 1 43114 12.1 7.4 10.6 11.3 8.1 7.3 7.4 7.4 11/26/2021 27.8 6258 6879 43804 13.1 7.5 9.5 11.0 9.0 7.5 7.6 7.6 11/27/2021 27.5 3435 2645 50155 16.8 7.4 10.8 10.6 9.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 11/28/2021 28.9 3858 2295 49186 14.3 7.6 10.3 11.1 9.2 7.3 7.6 7.7 11/29/2021 28.1 2341 1814 52673 14.2 7.6 10.8 11.6 1 9.6 7.1 7.5 7.7 11/30/2021 27.2 1816 1648 45857 12.9 7.7 7 10.9 11.5 9.6 7.2 7.6 7.7 Bold numbers indicate data greater than permit limit 001- Outfall 001 permitted discharge BOD5 - biological oxygen demand with five-day incubation period C - celcius deg - degrees DO - dissolved oxygen lb/day - pounds per day mg/I - milligrams per liter MGD - million gallons per day Evergreen Packaging - Canton Mill Noncompliance Report Table 2 River Observations Monitoring Location Fiberville 02 Station Clyde Park Above Clyde Clyde Lift Station Hyder Mountain and Richland Creek Riverside Drive River miles below Outfal 1001 0.3 2.0 4.6 5.2 5.7 7.3 9.2 Observations 11/23/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • < 10 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress NO • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/24/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • < 10 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/25/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • < 10 dead fish • Multiple fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/26/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • No fish in distress • 18 dead fish • No fish in distress • 2 dead fish • No fish in distress • 3 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/27/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 10 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/28/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 10 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/29/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • 10 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress 11/30/2021 • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • <10 dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • Several fish in distress • No dead fish • No fish in distress NO - Not observed