HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211761 Ver 1_PCN Exhibit 2017 Aerials Sewer Rehabilitation_Resubmittal_20211203Attachment Revised 11/15/2021 2017 Aerial Sewer Replacement Project Description of Project Changes The following information is submitted in reference to the previously approved (July 23, 2019) impacts for the 2017Aerial Sewer Replacement Project, Division reference DWR #19-0724. Per the conditions of the approval, the applicant is required to notify the Division of changes to the project. Changes to the original project description and impact quantities are shown in italics. State Street changes During development of final plans and erosion and sediment control plans for the State Street site, minor modifications of the project limits and extension of erosion control measures created changes in the stream, wetland, and buffer zone impacts for the site: • The total quantity of aerial sewer replaced at the State Street location was increased by approximately 97 feet for a total of 1,447 linear feet. • During the erosion and sediment control design, temporary stream crossings were extended to provide stable crossings for construction equipment. Therefore, total temporary stream impacts increased by 16 feet for a total of 48 linear feet of temporary stream impacts as shown in Table 2. • Additionally, total temporary wetland impacts increased by 140 square feet to 27,780 square feet. • Total temporary and permanent buffer zone impacts increased in both Zone 1 and Zone 2. Total buffer zone impacts are provided in Table 3. Banbury Road changes The originally proposed sewer realignment for the Banbury Road site was revised to remove impacts to multiple adjacent properties and provide permanent access for sewer operation and maintenance. The proposed sewer location and depth will remove deteriorated aerial sewer segments that are subject to failure from runoff and channel erosion. Based on the proposed realignment the following changes and buffer zone impact changes for the site are: • The total quantity of sewer replaced at the Banbury Road location was increased by 277 linear feet for a total of 550 linear feet. • Total temporary and permanent buffer zone impacts increased in both Zone 1 and Zone 2. Total buffer zone impacts are provided in Table 4. • There are no stream impacts and no wetland impacts for the Banbury Road site. Project plan exhibits for the 2017Aerial Sewer Replacement project are attached and display the revised impacts for streams, wetlands, and buffer zones for the State Street and Banbury Road sites as applicable. Page 1 of 5 Attachment Revised 11/15/2021 Project Description The purpose of the project is to repair or replace existing deteriorated sewer assets, for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, in order to sustain proper function and reduce maintenance efforts. The project consists of two (2) sites located in the Neuse River basin that will result in stream, buffer, and wetland impacts: State Street and Banbury Road. Project location and water quality information for each site are provided in Table 1. Table 1. Project Location and Water Quality Information Project Sites Latitude Longitude Name of Nearest Water Quality 12-digit HUC Body of Water Classification of nearest receiving water State Street 35.7567-78.6189 Walnut Creek C; NSW 030202011101 Banbury 35.8095-78.6665 Southeast Prong C; NSW 030202010804 Road Beaverdam Creek State Street Proposed work within the riparian buffers and wetlands consists of the following: • Replacement of approximately 1,447 linearfeet of aerial sanitary sewer, • Replacement of approximately 13 steel piers, • Sand blast and repaint 17 existing steel piers. The total temporary stream disturbance associated with this work will be approximately 48 linearfeet and will be due to construction of temporary stream crossings to access the repair areas. Table 2 presents a summary of the temporary stream impacts identified on Sheets 2 & 3 of the attached plan exhibits. The total temporary wetland impact (W1) associated with the work at State Street will be approximately 0.637 acres (27,779.8 sq ft). The permanent and temporary buffer zone impacts for the State Street site are totaled in Table 3 below: *Temporary and permanent impact areas are delineated on Sheets 2 & 3 of the attached plan exhibits. Below are photos of the existing conditions at State Street. Page 2 of 5 Attachment Revised 11/15/2021 t �1 t t. Photo 1— State Street: Part of the aerial sewer and piers to be replaced Photo 2 — State Street: Part of the aerial sewer to be replaced (1-40 to the left) Page 3 of 5 Attachment Revised 11/15/2021 Photo 3 — State Street: Aerial sewer crossing Walnut Creek (Walnut Creek Trail is on the far side) Banbury Road Proposed work within the riparian buffers consists of the following: • Replacement of approximately 550 linear feet of 8" ductile iron sanitary sewer, • Replacement of approximately 197 linear feet of 6" ductile iron sanitary sewer with 8" ductile iron sanitary sewer, • Replacement of 1 existing manhole and installation of 5 new manholes, • Removal of existing aerial sewer pipe and piers. The total permanent buffer impacts associated with the work at Banbury Road will be approximately 4,256 sq. ft. in Zone 1 and 4,352 sq ft in Zone 2. The total temporary buffer impacts associated with the work at Banbury Road will be approximately 3,593 sq. ft. in Zone 1 and 3,362 sq. ft. in Zone 2. Table 4 presents a summary of the temporary stream impacts identified on Sheets 4 & 5 of the attached plan exhibits. Table 4. Banbury Road Buffer Zone Buffer Impact Temporary Total Impacts Permanent Total Zone 1 3,593 sq. ft 4,256 sq. ft Zone 2 3,362 sq. ft 4,352 sq. ft *Temporary and permanent impact areas are delineated on Sheets 4 & 5 of the attached plan exhibits. Impact Justification and Mitigation The proposed replacement of sanitary sewer at Banbury Road will not increase capacity of the sanitary sewer system and is not intended to serve newly developed areas now or in the future. The replacement of the existing 6" ductile iron pipe with 8" ductile iron pipe and new manholes are being brought up to Page 4 of 5 Attachment Revised 11/15/2021 the City of Raleigh Public Utilities standards. The existing sanitary sewer alignment is primarily located in the riparian buffer zone 1 of the unnamed tributary of Beaverdam Creek. The proposed realignment of the sanitary sewer will mainly be located evenly between buffer zone 1 and zone 2 and will serve as an improvement to the riparian buffer of the affected tributary. Erosion control measures such as silt fence, coir fiber matting, temporary stream crossings and construction entrances will be used to prevent sedimentation during construction. Stream and buffer disturbances will be the minimum necessary to allow for the replacement and rehabilitation of existing sewer. Streams and buffers will be restored to original contours and stabilized and revegetated upon completion of the project. Work areas will be confined to the minimum extent necessary to perform the work. Disturbed areas will be perpendicular to the buffer to the extent possible. Erosion control devices and measures will be installed prior to construction and work will be scheduled during a dry period when stream flow is low or zero. Equipment to be used for construction includes haul trucks to transport materials needed to and from the sites and mechanized pile drivers for installing the aerial sewer piers. Percussive activities will be limited to installing the aerial sewer piers that are necessary for the State Street site. These activities will only take place between the working hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Since the work site is in close proximity to 1-40 and other busy roadways, the limited use of the pile drivers should not cause major noise concerns. Endangered species are not known to be in the areas of the proposed work. 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PER ACRE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PERCENT AGROSTIS PERENNANS AUTUMN BENTGRASS 15 ANDROPOGON GERARDII BIG BLUESTEM 10 COREOPSIS LANCEOLATA LANCELEAF COREOPSIS 10 ELYMUS VIRGINICUS VIRGINIA WILDRYE 20 JUNCUS EFFUSUS SOFT RUSH 5 PANCIUM VIRGATUM SWITCHGRASS 15 RUDBECKIA HIRTA BLACKEYED SUSAN 10 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE BLUESTEM 5 SORGHASTRUM NUTANS INDIAN GRASS 5 TRIPSACUM DACTYLOIDES EASTERN GAMAGRASS 2 * SEED SHOULD BE APPLIED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL NURSERY RECOMMENDATIONS. RIPARIAN BUFFER MIX )L=com WETLAND SEED MIX RECOMMENDED APPLICATION RATE: 20-25 LBS. PER ACRE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME PERCENT ELYMUS RIPARIUS RIVERBANK WILD RYE 20 AGROSTIS STOLONIFERA CREEPING BENTGRASS 15 CAREX VULPINOIDEA FOX SEDGE 12 PANICUM VIRGATUM SWITCHGRASS 15 POA PALUSTRIS FOWL BLUEGRASS 15 DICHANTHELIUM CLANDESTINUM DEER TONGUE 8 BIDENS ARISTOSA BIDENS 7 JUNCUS EFFUSUS, NC ECOTYPE SOFT RUSH 4 SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA DUCK POTATO 2 SAURURUS CERNUUS LIZARDS TAIL 2 * SEED SHOULD BE APPLIED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL NURSERY RECOMMENDATIONS. C ETLAND SEEDING DETAIL AECOM M USGS U.S. DEU.SRGEOL+OGIICAL SURVEY RIOR asz '15"T 'ifi '17 H 2—N RALEIGH EAST QUADRANGLE I I(�pTop'o NOR 7.5-MNU ESM-00 '1835 '19 '20 I '21 '23 '24 '25 S e�• 1 1 gi L �r 0 i =•�� � �1:ti�a. Ili Y� .r.. _ -;!4_� _ r �. ...'., � ®'���• is nui _. �� I �� i III ®�'�:' 1e� �� � �� ' - P .'.Y�1 II I I M J11 , '15 'ifi '17 IzizomorEe7 '1B 3s '19 '20 1 '21 '22 3xa '23 '24 '25—E Je°� Frod.d by sbe Um -I icaees G.1,4 .survey t KALE 1:24000 xo+o OnssiUUJrou omormn e.e. rveim nn� eemre= 16•.Xo:^'� sm o imo .me ea.ne C3�rsxvm� Os e m��area..........wae e=oe�.meuaazame wn zme oE.u..ro®,ml 'Ews,.E� n�.®ervs�..,�ma mm nnreau<raanrsre�anir RALEIGH EAST NC vrma�a......._rvrs rvazre�a vreuam, m .1 ivn zma e eaz — .rea.�w.w�� 2016 —zz (66 {aays suior) 0` 'may 4 � `: •-- f _J.__-_-� � ,�s a UC G°' O ry J < I 1 m v oP rq ro V :i 4 Cl a ' • � b T. r N. o y. �' i (Lb Jaays swo�� o 0 0485I�i ale�S ¢ ¢ 0 000l 000z 000E coo 0009 � Z E 048SI=I glens Z E 1aaj 0005 0 OOOT 000z 000E 0000 0009 .11W I 0 (09 {gays su!or) 3 � �a o � ZJoa ,y aPN � '_3 o II o o � sf�' , 3 • _ o.._ Pao �b, i J U I 1 a 3 e o m h o J a � JMM ze J u a 3 u v / VJ � m Co Zm Ory _ i - � � s4. � �aL GE°' /i-Q //�� L t w T hod. \• a ;E r- \ dV V� r3 111 l Fd x LLI _ z g d Tr W � ► �f a I� - J'� yaays swoF)