HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8991202_HISTORICAL FILE_20091105STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 G1�oz DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2U o q it OS YYYYMMDD aJl 'I. ,.,: r nJH NORTH CAROLINA, CARTERET COUNTY This instrument and this certificate are duty filed at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. Y tee, Register ( s Beputy, nnalsipr of eends NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: -0- Parcel Identifier No. 63561157006000 Verified by By: JMail/Box to: Kirkman, Whitford, Brady & Berryman, P.A. County on the _ day of This instrument was prepared by: Kirkman, Whitford. Brady & Berryman, P.A. Brief description for the Index: Common Area Horton Commercial Property 20 Tills DEED made this I I" day of September, 2009, by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE, DAVID A. HORTON AND WIFE, F...N COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION, INC., KAREN D. HORTON a North Carolina non-profit corporation 604 Blair Poinic Road Morehead City, NC 28557 Enter in appropriate block for each party: name, address, and, if appropriate characterofentity, e.g. corporation or partncrship. The designation Gramorand Grantee as used herein shall includesaid parties, their -heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or nemcr as required by context. WITNESSE I'I-1, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Ili e presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fec simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated and by in the City of MOrChead City, Morehead lbwnship, CmTel ct County, Notch Carolina and more particularly described as follows: Being all of High Street and Turner's Dairy Road along with that area delineated as a "Retention fond" all as shown on that plat recorded in Map Rook 29, Page 82613, Carteret County Registry prepared by Brad L. Suitt. Associates, P.A. dated .tune 16, 2000. Also conveyed herewith is an casement in all drainage easements as shown on the above referenced recorded plat. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by ins0ument recorded in Book 860, page 331. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Map Book 29, Page 82613. TO I IAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances Ihereto belonging to the Grantce in fee simple. NC Bar Association Form No. 3 O 1976, Revised O 1977, 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC But Association— 1981 - Chicago Title Insurance Company And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day �and year first above written. Ql1lL a hou-1 (SEAL) (Entity Name) David �/(A..)Horton By: —/ v - — (SEAL) Title: Karen D. Horton By: (SPAT.) Title: (SEAL) :AL -STAMP" teo North Carolina—Countyofe449 >� O R.l I,$ic undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that David A. Horton and wife, �CjRcnl flortonpersonallyappearedbeforelatethisdavandacknowledgedtiledueexecutionoftheforegoing vg`SG 3, tun ll for the purposes therein expressed. Witness'my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this day of 12009. i y w lion Expires: ET Gp```p Notary PublicG��j/�i� EAL-STAMP tale of North Carolina - County of I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that —he is file of , a North Carolinaor corporation/limited liability company/gencralpartnership/limiiedpartnership (strike through file inapplicable), and Thal by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, _he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Witness lily hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this clay of , 20 My Commission Expires: Notary Public SEAL. STAMP State of North Carolina - County of I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this day of , 20 My Commission Expires: Notary Public The foregoing Certificate(s) of is/are certified to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. Regisler of Deeds for County By: Deputy/Assistant - Register of Deeds NC Bar Association form No. 3 © 1976, Revised © 1977. 2002 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association— 1981 - Chicago "title n urance Company E3UO. � - PAGERS- -,,,,. AL1440AA RBFH North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director June 15, 2009 Mr. David A. Horton, Owner 128 little Nine Drive Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject Stonnwater Permit No. SW8991202 David A. Horton Carteret County Dear Mr. Horton Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality issued a Coastal Storrmwater Management Permit, Number SW0991202 to David A. Horton for a High Density Project on March 29, 2000. This permit expires on March 29, 2010. Section .1003(h) of 15 A NCAC 2H .1000 (the stormwater rules) requires that applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. If this Is still an active project please complete and submit the enclosed renewal application in a timely manner. If this project has not been constructed and a permit Is no longer needed, please submit a request to have the permit rescinded. If you have sold the project, or are no longer the per itttee, please provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit Enclosed is a forth for change of ownership, which should be completed and submitted if the property has changed hands. Your permit requires that upon completion of construction and prior to operation of the permitted treatment units a certification of completion be submitted to the Division from an appropriate designer for the system installed. This is to certify that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with the permit the approved plans, specifications and supporting documentation. Please include a copy of the certification with your permit renewal request and processing fee. Enclosed is a copy of a sample certification. Also enclosed is a new Operation and Maintenance agreement that should be completed and submitted along with your renewal application. You should be aware that failure to provide the Designer's Certification and the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit, are violations of NC General Statute 143.215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Cox at 910-7W7318. Sincerely, XXGeorgette Scott, Stormwater Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Wilmington Regional Office Enclosures cc: Wilmington Regional Office WOmtngtoa Regional office 127 Cardinal Drive 60enslon, WOnington, North Carolina 28905 e Phone: 910-7W72151 FAX 910a%20001 Customer Service: t$7r423&748 A061fthiCarolina. Internet: v .nvmn tarquafity.org Naturally y An EQuelftodwdrl Alrumalive Action Employer _ !i`"/U� L �. t _ _ � ! � - - , _ : - �_ - .: .. �. � _ - - _ - _, - - - ; ., �, - -, _ . - :, - �N, _ - � .. 'a � _ _ I _ .. � , . ` _ -� .. ) � 2 f 'J )-Zf- i / ✓ / _ Gf i CL l / l ✓ / / I -� rj �.i �n ATTORNEYS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 1347 NEIL B. WHITFORD MOREREAD CITY. NORTR CAROIINA 28557-1347 CAROLYN B. BRADY' TELEPHONE (252) 726-6411 MELISSA BERRYMAN KIMBERLY L. FARIAS FACSIMILE (252) 726-6974 E-mail: lawyers@kirkmanwhitford.com ALSO LICENSED IN GEORGIA www.kirkmanwhitford.com April 7, 2006 VIA CERTIFED MAIL Ms. Linda Lewis Division of Water Quality - Stornnvater 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 STREET ADDRESS: 71 O ARENDELL STREET -SUITE 105 MOREHEAD CITY. NC 28557 4PR 1 V4 0 11666 RE: David Horton Commercial Subdivision— Stormwater Project Number: SW8 991202 Dear Linda: Enclosed please find a recorded cop), of the Restrictive Covenants for Horton Commercial Subdivision and a copy of the amendment thereto. As you can see from the enclosed letter a copy of the covenants were sent to your office on December 15, 2000. If there is additional information that you need, please let me know. Sincerely, -7y(- a &wr' Melissa Berryman Mar 31 06 10:16a MCDAVID nSSOCInTES, INC. 919-735-7351 p.2 rN zorL c�PermitNd._ S�'8_�99T (To be provided by Dl4'Q) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION RE,EQUEST FORM This form me), be photocopied for use as an original. 1. PROJECT INFORMATION In order to determine whether a State Stormwater Management Permit will be required for a project in a non -coastal county, the classification of the closest downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any sheet _flow or overflow from the project would flow toward) must be determined. Please complete Sections I and II below. DQ W Staff will determine the receiving stream classification, complete Section III, and return the completed form to you. 1. Project Name: hoRTurJ10AJ1D -J0t>lV1Sler4 County: GARLT£eEl- '_.. Contact Person: F. T,JT)NU- Lew%& 3. Mailing Address: P 0. box 11-1 4. City 60e.1;6802o State U 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: r l 6. Signature of contact person: Zip 2-1533 Phone No. I l'i 3(o )'N�3o 'r a Is a Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan or a CAM.A Major Permit required? II. REQUIRED ITEMS AYES oNO An 8%" x I I" copy of the appropriate portion of a USGS quad sheet showing the project's property boundaries, receiving stream, major roads or State Roads numbers, and nearest town or city must be attached. III. CLASSIFICATION REQUEST (To be completed by Regional Office personnel) I. Name of surface waters:- U-T N 2,w6lx+ I\, IV F.*,— 2. River Basin: VV *- a 3 Index No. 2 C� 3. Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): 4. Proposed Classification, if applicable: 5. State Stormwater Management Permit required? 6. Signature of Regional Office personnel: cc: Linda Lewis Engineer Building Inspector Central Files Form SWU-I I I Version 10-99 OYES ONO C 127 Cardinal Dr. Est., Wilmington, North Carolina 228405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affrrmntive Action Employer 50 % recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mar 31 06 10:16a McDAVID ASSOCIATES, INC. 919-735-7351 p.3 I's �n - 1134 0 71. 1 r' 5 0 A5 Sc ifayks I k4S F 16 I'D Q'i Pkl> tAk? N-41- ---- -- .%, W, rr oUght oDaybeacon : INTRACOASTAL Foul D.Ybeac.� Hoop Pole (landing S 0 U N D Willis Landing I -T- Pile 2 1 Golf Com j 04� W. \O�OF W AT ll Q Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources co Q Y Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 3, 2006 Mr. David A. Horton PO Box 2249 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: REQUEST FOR RECORDED DEED RESTRICTIONS David Horton Commercial Subdivsion Stormwater Project No. SW8 991202 Carteret County Dear Mr. Horton: On March 29, 2000, the Wilmington Regional Office issued a Stormwater Management Permit to you for David Horton Commercial Subdivision, located off Little Nine Drive (NCSR 1601) near it's intersection with Highway 70. Per Section 11.16 of the permit, a copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be forwarded within 30 days of the date of recording. A review of our files indicates that, as of this date, a copy of the recorded deed restrictions has not been received in this Office. The Division previously requested a copy of the recorded deed restrictions on November 20, 2000. Failure to respond to a request for information and failure to record and/or provide a copy of the recorded deed restrictions prior to selling lots are violations of Sections 11.5 and 11.16 respectively, of your permit, and subject to enforcement action. Please forward a copy of the recorded deed restrictions to this Office at the address below by May 3, 2006, or enforcement action may be initiated and may include recommend- ations for civil penalties and revocation of the permit. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7404. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer II ENB/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\DEEDREST\991M.mar06 cc: Katrina Marshall, Carteret County Inspections Town of Morehead City Building Inspections Wilmington Regional Office Central Files North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 29405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet www.ncwatcrquality.org Fax (910) 350-2004 6748 Customer 1-877-623- No thCarolin 7atara p' An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled1l0% Post Consumer Paper . �;, -%AUG-01-01 10:45 PM COASTAL BUILDING 247 5880 P.01 '1I9tl1ANCL J. Iijl/`/Y''�I1Hd-j11S4it;,gj�11g1//Q ®4 J<1 �T AL V uAL�LLL G General Contractor 2&0? b2-72&1000 FAX COVER SHEET To: IN6l1 ke-uW) FROM: lmp, SUBJECT: DATF: b DI 0 NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLLOW l NOTES: �eUnr r,rllr (or /Ke P2s��osln�G 70 2 ,2s a - 7 z10 - _ OtICRETE MONUMENT m GEMERtINE OF PAVEMI M. A-= P.K�' - _6 a 10_ PA = PROPERTY UNE 7 N� n m ro ro N r Q N Vt 5 0037" T t Ff � 1 obi I � l ca 1 VI i O C) p' (�1 O 4jin ff z f 4 l mz pA + ' ` mom{ prC u g J i0 • • _ 1 __. .-��-P f -�• 21 1 i I 1 l� I or 17 0C +1 - 4 '*-"8'30- E 176,41' 'PTJ1 +/— SQ.ft 0.43 +/— ocrcy i r I 1 N 06'Jg'3p' E 1 1 1 189.23' I 18,148��a 0.42 + oap 173.73' !V'V = —Y — _ N ro s�'ne r 156.63' fr--------. I J� I 1 1 LOT 1.5 1 22,699 +/- s . n i 0.52 +/— ou O 1 IA I f OZ'31.06- W 182. �.0-42 �.} x - r�—A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: August 1, 2001 To: Donna Company: Coastal Building FAX #: 252-247-5880 DWQ Stormwater Project Num r. SW8 991202 Project Name: David (fort Subdivisio MESSAGE: 1T �...�.. 4 NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RE50URCE5 No. of Pages: I ,n From: Linda Lewis A Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 Please note that as of May 11, 2001, the Division has rescinded all previous stormwater guidance directives. These directives were replaced by the 1995 version of the rules. Chlorides testing for projects draining to SA waters will no longer be allowed. Projects received after May 11, 2001, that are within 1/2 mile of and draining to class SA waters or unnamed tributaries of SA waters, must either meet 25% low density, or provide an infiltration system or an alternative non -discharging system treating 1.5" of runoff. Donna: I'm not sure if I was clear enough in explaining how the stormwater permit process works. We (the Division of Water Quality) issued a permit to Mr. Horton for a wet detention pond to treat runoff from a commercial subdivision. Each lot in that subdivision is limited to 80% impervious cover. Under normal circumstances, each lot in that commercial subdivision must submit for what is called an "Offsite" permit. This permit allows use of a permitted facility (the wet pond) to treat runoff from the lot. We issue the offsite permits because the lot is owned by a different entity than the pond is, and then we can hold the lot owner responsible for any problems on the lot rather than go through the permittee for the subdivision. Mr. Horton's permit did not require the individual owners to get their own permits, therefore, the State will be contacting him for any problems encountered on the lots. Because the proposed project involves the disturbance of more than 1 acre, you must get Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan approval. This will automatically require you to obtain an individual Offsite Stormwater Management permit. Most any of the engineers and surveyors who work on the coast are aware of the stormwater rules and can assist you in obtaining any necessary permits. S:\WQS\S"fORMWAT\ADDINFO\991202.AUG 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper 99izaRECEIVE z FEB 2 0 2001 2 //Y/o r azA- ll��611-ec Cdo ti u z-etv ice. /-z-nWo 2 G� �UZ QoN� I00, bo- 13,8oa i w pffvtovs S,000 /31d5 boo S�dcwa.lk = Park,nS lfli IDO my) 10"-1. �. - -65 S��'LI S --LG I-Iorton. Subdivisien Subject: Horton Subdivision Date: Tuc, 09 .Ian 2001 08:56:26 -0500 Fronr: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis n nemail.net> To: kirkwhit@mail.clis.com Mr. Whitford: (A In response to your December 15, 2000, letter. Please reference the paragraph following NCAC .1003 (b)(3), which states, "Projects under a common plan of development shall be considered as a single project and,shall require stormwaler management in accordance with this Section." I have already confirmed that Mr. Horton's permit did not include the language that would require each lot in the subdivision to submit for a permit. Please be advised that 1 have sent Mr. Horton a letter indicating that I am not requiring each lot in the subdivision to obtain an individual offsite permit. I am merely asking that each lot owner submit a copy of their development plans to verify that the proposed built -upon area has not been exceeded and to have something to go by for future inspections. Mr. Florton is responsible for verifying that the built -upon area on each lot does not exceed the maximum allowed by the permit. Again, a permit will not be required for each lot. Linda Lewis Linda Lewis <Linda.Lcwis @ncmail.net> I of 1 01/09/2001 9:57 AM j NEIL B. WHITFORD CAROLYN B. BRADY' KELLY CROWELL HARRIS MELISSA BERRYMAN KENNETH M. KIRKMAN OF COUNSEL 'ALSO LICENSED IN GEORGIA KIRKMAN WHITFORD & BRADY, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 1347 MOREHEAD CITY. NOR'PR CAROIANA 28557-I347 TELEPHONE 12521 726.8411 FACSIMILE 1252) 726-6974 E-mail: kirkwhitemail.clis.com December 15, 2000 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: David Horton Commercial Subdivision Stormwater No. SW8991202 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: R 1 �11 V jy/LJ Gcc 18 2000 BY: STREET ADDRESS: 710 ARENDELL STREET - SUITE 105 MOREHEAD CITY. NC 28557 We hope this letter finds you well. Enclosed is a copy of the Restrictive Covenants for the Horton Commercial Subdivision in Morehead City. Your letter to David dated November 28, 2000 indicates an impression that the subdivision permit was conditioned on all lots in the subdivision submitting an "off site" application prior to construction. Even though it is now confirmed that such a condition was not included in the permit, your letter requests that a plan be submitted by each lot owner. Certainly David Horton will comply fully with all laws and regulations in connection with stormwater management and other environmental issues. He no doubt will go beyond compliance if that will serve any need. 11 But as we consider amending the covenants to require submission of an off site plan for each lot, I need to examine either the state statutes or the regulations promulgated under the statutes to assist with wording on any covenant amendments. Would you please by telephone, mail, or email, advise as to the state statutes or regulations dealing with the requirement that lots within any subdivision, commercial or otherwise, of less than an acre in size, submit an off site application before development. - 2 - We again reiterate our client's full cooperation with you as we sort through these issues. Sinccee ely, �/� ; V ��. NeiB. itford NBW:cmk Enclosure CC: David Horton NEIL B. WHITFORD CAROLYN S. BRADY' KELLY CROWELL HARRIS MELISSA BERRYMAN KENNETH M. KIRKMAN Oi COUNSEL 'ALSO LICENSED IN GEORGIA KIRKMAN WHITFORD & BRADY, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 1347 MOREHEAD CITY. NORTH CAROLINA 28557-1347 TELEPHONE 1252) 726-8411 FACSIMILE 12521 726-6974 E-mail: kirkwhit®mail.clis.com December 15, 2000 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC28405 RE: David Horton Commercial Subdivision Stormwater No. SW8991202 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: STREET ADDRESS: 710 ARENDELL STREET - SUITE 105 MOREHEAD CITY. NC 28557 We hope this letter finds you well. Enclosed is a copy of the Restrictive Covenants for the Horton Commercial Subdivision in Morehead City. Your letter to David dated November 28, 2000 indicates an impression that the subdivision permit was conditioned on all lots in the subdivision submitting an "off site" application prior to construction. Even though it is now confirmed that such a condition was not included in the permit, your letter requests that a plan be submitted by each lot owner. Certainly David Horton will comply fully with all laws and regulations in connection with stormwater management and other environmental issues. He no doubt will go beyond compliance if that will serve any need. But as we consider amending the covenants to require submission of an off site plan for each lot, I need to examine either the state statutes or the regulations promulgated under the statutes to assist with wording on any covenant amendments. Would you please by telephone, mail, or email, advise as to the state statutes or regulations dealing with the requirement that lots within any subdivision, commercial or otherwise, of less than an acre in size, submit an off site application before development. -z- We again reiterate our client's full cooperation with you as we sort through these issues. Sincerer, ! l ;P ai. l/ Neill B. Whitford NBW: cnik Enclosure CC: David Horton c, >o i'IA,Uto�, PE i607 NEUSE BLVD., BLDG. 5 NEW BERN. NC 28562 December 12, 2000 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer NCDENR 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Re: Compliance Inspection Ltr. 11-20-00 Stormwater Project No. SW8991202 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed please find my certification for the referenced project. The corrections have been made referred to in your letter. Should you have questions, please advise. Very truly yours, C.T. Clayton, . E. Consulting Engineer Enclosures CC: David Horton Phone: 252 672-0304 Mobile: 252 671-6979 Home: 910 897-0660 Fax: 252 633-6551 Email: ctc@cconnect.net o n, F E 2BB7 NEUSE BIVD., BLDG. 5 NEW BERM, NC i8562 December 12. 2000 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer NCDENR 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Re: Compliance Inspection Ltr. 11-20-00 Stormwater Project No. SW8991202 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed please find my certification for the referenced project. The corrections have been made referred to in your letter. Should you have questions, please advise. Very truly yours, C.T. Clayton, . E. Consulting Engineer Enclosures CC: David Horton Phone: 252 672-0304 Mobile: 252 67k-6979 Home: 910 897-0660 fax: 252 633-6551 Email; ctcOcconnect.net State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality December 8, 2000 Mr. Bill Brown PO Box 2419 Morehead City -NC 28557 Subject: Grading Plan for Crystal Coast Auto Clinic Stonnwater Project No. 991202 Carteret County Dear Mr. Brown: On December 5, 2000, the Division received a rough sketch ofthe site plan for the Crystal Coast .Auto Clinic site located in the David Horton Subdivision. In order to verify the built -upon area and the drainage. please submit a grading plan. The grading plan must show the proposed spot elevations in the paved areas and proposed contours in the graded areas. Please keep in mind that any surface used to parking on or drive over, including grass, is considered an impervious surface by the Division of Water Quality. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, �i (�Gevv Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS\arl: S:\WQS\S'1'ORMWAT\LETTERS\991202.DEC cc: Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Dr. Est., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350 2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% 1egded/10% post -consumer paper DVarlment of Environment and Natural Resources Wilminglon Regional Office .i:uncs 11. 1-1unt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary 1),visiuu of Water Quality Mr. David Morton 1605 Wcdgcwood Court Morehead City, NC 28557 Dear Mr. Horton: � C-171F'Y�IED BY:- -- November 25, 2000 10 VA NCD16rr NR NORTH CAROLJNA DE(' RTMENT Or ENVIRO.MENT AND NAIURAL RC50LIRCI-5 ¢2�A'IA �e(V" t Subject: Permit Conditions David Horton Commercial Subdivision Stormwater Project No. SWR 9Q1202 Carteret Count): On November 15. 2000, 1 inspected your project known as the David Horton Commercial Subdivision. for compliance with the permit issued to you on March 29. 2000. Somc problems were found with the pond, which uc ahlc to be resolved fairly easily. The other issue was that a project called the Crystal Coast Car Wash was under construction, and had not submitted a stormwater permit application. At the time. I was under the impression that the permit included a condition that all lots in the subdivision submit an "affsite" application prior to construction. However, the March 29, 2000, permit issued to you has no such condition. At this time the Division will not require Crystal Coast Car Wash to submit a stormwater management permit. However, we will request that a plan be submitted by each lot owner to be included in the file for future reference. Each lot owner is responsible for maintaining compliance with the built -upon area limit of ROm/I of the lot area, and is required to direct all runoff into the approved system. if any lot disturbs more than 1 acre and is required to obtain Sedimentation Erosion Control plan approval. then an off'site stormwater application for that lot MUST be submitted. and approved prior to construction. As requested in the inspection report, please correct the problems with the pond, provide a copy of the recorded deed restrictions and the Designer's Certification. Ifyou have any questions. please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincereh_'. Linda Lewis finvironmcntal lingiIIcc] RSS\arl: S:\WQS\Sl'Oi:MIl%A7'\LE'1'7'1--I:S\991202.NO\i cc:, . Linda Lcwis Bill Brown, Crustal Coast Car Wash l M 127 CarJinal Dr. Eat., Wilmington, North Carolina 2840M Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-3511-2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Actium Englloyer 50'i,- recyelal/111'iL pusi-consumer paper i i _, � ` i i � .. Rp:9012Q2 01 . 'V Subject: Re: 991202 Data Tuc, 28 Nov 2000 16:32:26 -0500 From: Bill Moorc <I3i1LMoore a ncmail.nct> To: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis a nemail.nct> Linda, If the permit specifies BOA for each lot; have the perm.i.ttee, or each lot owner., submit a letter to you describing the dev on their specific lot, including breakdown of BOA. If 9's are consistent with permit, then you could confirm with letter to individual lot owner, with copy to permittee & building inspector. If you have any doubts about the proposal., then require potential new developer to submit copy of plans before you sign off, or if appropriate require new permit. It seems redundant to have every lot owner submit an application & fee, just so we can say its OK to dump your sw into the permitted pond, unless they are making significant modifications. What about how we handle out parcels with separate "off -site" permits? I know we've done it this way, most of the time, but I still don't like taking someone's money with little, or no justification, just because the rules may allow us to do so. We need to re -think this approach. So much for my 2-cent. If you want 4-cents worth, call me. Have a good day & See yal Linda Lewis wrote: > Hey Everyone! > I recently inspected a high density commercial subdivision we issued a > permit for in early 2000. I thought that we had written the permit Co > require that each lot in the subdivision submit for an offsite permit in > order to have some control over the built -upon area other than just the > recorded BUA restrictions, but the permit was not written with Chat > condition. > One of the lots is under construction, (less than 1 acre disturbed) so > no SEC plan was required. I requested that they make application under > the assumption that the permit required each lot Cc get an offsite > permit. Do I need to pursue this any further., or just ask for a copy of > the plans for the file and let it go? The lawyer assured me that the > deed restrictions have all the stuff we requested to be recorded, but > the Designers Certification and a copy of the restrictions has not been > submitted, and there were some problems with the pond. > I'm being inundated with calls from the owners of the lot, the owner. of > the subdivision and the lawyer for the owner. HELP! > Linda Bill Moore <IiilLMoorcrr)ncm:Iil.net> 1 I oft 1 1/29/2000 8:1 1 AM Rr,:991202 r , .V, Subject. Re: 991202 Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 12:57:35 -0500 From: Jeanette Powell <jcmwUe.powell a ncmQLncl> Organization: NC DGNR DWQ To: Linda Lewis <L,inda.Lcwis a ncmail.net> I don't see how you could pursue the lot owner if they are under an acre and the project permit/deed restricitons don't require them to file. You'd have to revoke and reissue the permit to include the missing condition. That would be Rick's call. However., the project owner needs to be in compliance with their permit and it doesn't sound like they have demonstrated they are. Linda Lewis wrote: > Hey Everyone! > 1 recently inspected a high density commercial subdivision we issued a > permit for in early 2000. I thought that we had written the permit to > require Chat each .lot in the subdivision submit for an offsite permit in > order to have some control over the built -upon area other than just the > recorded BUA restrictions, but the permit was not written with that: > condition. > One of the .Lots is under construction, (less than 1 acre disturbed) so > no SEC plan was required. I requested that they make application under > the assumption that the permit required each lot to get an offsite > permit. Do I need to pursue this any further, or just ask for a copy of > the plans for the file and let it go? The lawyer assured me that the > deed restrictions have all the stuff we requested to be recorded, but > the Designers Certification and a copy of the restrictions has not been > submitted, and there were some problems with the pond. > I'm being inundated with calls from the owners of the lot, the owner of > the subdivision and the lawyer for the owner. HELP! > Linda Jeanette Powell <jcanctte.uowell a na»ail.net> NC Depamnent of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stormwater & CiG1Cra1 Pennits Unit I of I I IAW2000 218 PM C3 ul iM1 �- �,� y CO' , fD sO postage m r` Certified Fee trl C3 Return Receipt Fee (End,sement Required) O O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) C3 r— Total Postage & Fees .-� Sent To 0 Street Apt. No.: or -PO i2 o r- �Ci� State, t � ■ Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: .M,, Z//,4- X- J-- J'v 6 Ar.J ,, �rvY A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) I R. Date of Delivery C. Signat r ❑ Agent i X� ❑ Addressee Yes D. Is delivery ddress different fmm item 17 No If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Se Pe ertified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Pee_ — from service late 2. Article Number (Copy V ODo / 7o A J_ PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 �,Stat of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wihninl;ton Renional Office James 11. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretal-c Division of Water Qualit) November 20, 2000 Mi. David A. Horton. Owner 128 Little Nine Drive Morehead City. NC 28»7 Subject: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION David A. Horton Subdivision Stormwate Project No. SR18 991202 Carteret County Dear Mi. Horton: Please find attached a copy ofthecompleted form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report".'f he report summarises the findings of a recent inspection of the project's storm water controls conducted on November li. 2000 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 991202 issued on March 29. 2000. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in xvi-iting before December 20, 2000 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, �� � X '✓./ ,aim. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:AWQS\S'l-ORMWA-IAINSPECT\991202.NOV cc: C.T. Clayton. P.E. Central -Files \1%i,lmin =ton_Rcgional Office 127 Cardin:d nr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolimi 28405 Tclephnnc 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Emplover 50% recycled/I11'Z, post -consumer paper