SW8 c�cl 0453
to I `f ou O 9
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory
June 9, 2014
Winding River Plantation Community Association, Inca
Mr. Robert Fuchs, President
1640 Goley Hewett Road, SE
Bolivia, NC 28422
Subject: Approved Plan Revision
Winding River POA Clubhouse
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990453
Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Fuchs:
John E. Skvada, III
Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division
of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All
previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1,
2013 until they are modified. Please note that this plan revision now references DEMLR as the
Division responsible for issuance of the permit
On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacts any
development approval issued by the Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143
of the General Statutes, which is current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and
December 31, 2010. The law extends the effective period of any stormwater permit that is set
to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August
2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which grants an extra year for a total of
four (4) years extension.
Accordingly, the Division is hereby notifying you that the permit, which was set to expire on
January 30, 2017, shall now be effective from the date of issuance until January 30, 2021, and
the project remains subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein, except as
indicated with this plan revision.
On April 28, 2014, the Wilmington Regional Office received a request to revise the approved
plans for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 990453. The revisions include:
1. The removal of the proposed shuffleboard courts and associated sidewalk from the
approved plan, totaling 1,928 square feet of BUA, to be replaced with bocce ball courts
totaling 1,200 square feet of BUA, for a net decrease of 728 square feet. This 728
square feet is available for future development within the on -site pond drainage area.
2. -Minor changes to the approved amount of BUA within the drainage area of the offsite
detention pond under SW8 970936, with no change in the total BUA. The permitted
BUA for future development within the drainage area to the offsite porid, remains at 562
square feet.
It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed
changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files. Please
replaced the previously approved plan sheet C2 with the attached new sheet C2.
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • (910) 796-7215 / Fax: (910) 350-2004
Mr. Fuchs
June 9, 2014
State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990453
Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on January 30,
2007, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this
revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a
case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be approved through
this Office prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude
the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or
ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a
permit or approval prior to construction.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at
(910) 796-7215.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer III
GDS\arl: G:\WQ\Shared\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1999\990453 HD\2014 06 permit-pr
cc: Brad Sedgwick, P.E., JBS Consulting
Shannon Smith, CAMS
Brunswick County Building Inspections
Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File
Page 2 of 2
Date Received Fee Paid (ex ress only) Permit Number
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
This fonn may be photocopied for use as an original
I. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW8 990453 6J9q Ge goa6
2. Project Name: WindingRiver POA Clubhouse 9^ 4 u b {A
3. Permit Holder's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc.): , q�.'
Winding River Plantation Community Association, Inc
4. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for permit):
Robert Fuchs President
5. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above:
1640 Coley Hewett Road SE
City:Bolivia State:NC Zip:28422
Phone: (910 ) 755-7020 Fax:
1. Summarize the plan revision proposed (attach additional pages if needed):
See attached sheet for a summary of the changes.
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality
(DWQ)..A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package
should be submitted to the DWQ Office that issued the permit.
1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space
provided next to each item.
• Original & I copy of the Plan Revision Application Form
• Two (2) copies of revised plans (must be revisions of original approved plan sheet(s))
If applying Express review (onl��available in 20 coastal countfeslfor Express review (onl��available in 20 coastal counties):
• Application fee of $500.00 (made payable to NCDENR)
r- a-t
1K W-4—-
1, (print or type name of person listed in General information, item 3) Robert Fuchs
certify that I have authorized these plan revisions and that the information included on this plan revision
application is, t the best of my knowledge, correct and complete.
Signature: Date: 4 z i I LZO I
Plan Revision Form Rev 13July2010 Page I of I
7332 Cotesworth Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 619-9990
Winding River Plantation POA Clubhouse
Summary of Plan Changes
SW8 990453
List is a list of changes between the permitted plan dated 1-30-07 and as of the date
of this requested plan change. The numbers correspond to the changes shown on
the plans.
1. The Owner has elected NOT to install sidewalk in this area. The new BUA for this area is
2 - courts at 10' x 60' for a total of 1,200 sf. The courts are surrounded by grass.
2. Section A has been modified to show no sidewalk.
3. So noted. All changes to the site from the existing permitted plan are a decrease in the
BUA. The Owner does not wish to modify the BUA in the permit. This item does not have a
cloud on the plan.
4, Pipe layout has been clouded and a note added to the plans
5. A note has been added to the plan concerning the Owner electing to install a grass
surface instead of an asphalt pavement. The grassed areas are setup for parking with
the installation of wheel stops. This area is still considered impervious. Your question about
the changed geometry are shown on the plans. Even thou we are counting the grassed
area as BUA it is obvious that water quality is enhanced by the stormwater traveling over
a grass surface before it enters the piping system.
6. The loading zone and dumpster pad have been converted into parking slots as shown
on the plans.
7. Once again the plans show the "as constructed" geometry. All changes reduced the
amount of BUA going to the pond and improved the water quality going to pond. Low
impact development in 2006. imagine that. No cloud added to plan.
8. The dumpster pad was moved. The plans show the current location. The current pad is
smaller than the 12' x 12' pad proposed on the permitting plans.
9. A note was added to the plans
I 1
' Date Received
Fee Paid (express only)
Permit Number
2614- R)4-z i4
16600 c-2o¢53
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
This form may be photocopied for use as an original
1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW8 990453
2. Project Name:
3. Permit Holder's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc.):
Winding River Plantation Community Association Inc
4. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for permit):
Robert Fuchs, President
5. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above:
APR 2 8 2014
1640 Goley Hewett Road SE
City:Bolivia State:NC Zip:28422
Phone: (910 ) 755-7020 Fax: ( ) N/A
1. Summarize the plan revision proposed (attach additional pages if needed):
See attached sheet for a summary of the changes
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality
(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package
should be submitted to the DWQ Office that issued the permit.
1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space
provided next to each item.
• Original Pd 1 copy of the Plan Revision Application Form
• Two (2) copies of revised plans (roust be revisions of original approved plan sheet(s))
If applying Express review (o�available in 20 coastal counties):
Express review (o�available in 20 coastal counties):
• Application fee of $500.00 (made payable to NCDENR)
I, (print or type name of person listed inGeneral 'Information, item 3) Robert Fuchs
certify that 1 have authorize d these plan revisions and that the information included on this plan revision
application is, t the best of my knowledge, correct and complete.
Signature: -eat ' " " Date: - 2`i �O Itr
Plan Revision Form Rev 13July2010 Page 1 of 1
f �.�
�r �� ..
e r�
7332 Cotesworth Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 619-9990 Fax (910) 401-1620
April 28, 2014
Mr. Linda Lewis
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
RE: Responses to March 20, 2014 Email
Stromwater Project SW8 990453 Mod
Plan Revision
Winding River HOA Clubhouse
Brunswick County
Dear Linda:
This letter is response to your comment email
responses are numbered the some as your
reference is also used on the plans.
F7 C r"I V Eq
APR 18 2014
dated March 20, 2014 (copy attached). My
comments for your reference. The number
1. The Owner has elected NOT to install sidewalk in this area. The new BUA for this
area is 2 - courts at 10' x 60' for a total of 1,200 sf.
2. 1 have modified Section A.
3. So noted. All changes to the site from the existing permitted plan are a decrease in
the BUA. The Owner does not wish to modify the BUA in the permit.
4, Pipe layout has been clouded and a note added to the plans.
5. A note has been added to the plan concerning the Owner electing to install a
grass surface instead of on asphalt pavement. The grassed areas are setup for
parking with the installation of wheel stops. This area is still considered impervious.
Your question about the changed geometry are shown on the plans. Even thou we
are counting the grassed area as BUA it is obvious that water quality is enhanced by
the stormwater traveling over a grass surface before it enters the piping system. See
attached pictures.
6. The loading zone and dumpster pad have been converted into parking slots as
shown on the plans.
7. Once again the plans show the "as constructed" geometry. All changes reduced
the amount of BUA going to the pond and improved the water quality going to
pond. Low impact development in 2006, imagine that.
8. The dumpster pad was moved. The plans show the current location. The current
pad is smaller than the 12' x 12' pad proposed on the permitting plans.
Page 2 of 2
9. A note has been added to plans. Velocity calcs are attached. See pictures on
attached sheet. This has been installed since 2007, no erosion evident.
I trust that is will answer all your questions. Please do not hastate to call if you have any
addition questions.
Sincerely yours;
Bradford Sedgwick, PE
Project Engineer
Attached: 2 - Plan Revision Applications (1 - original, 1 - copy)
2 - Plan Sheets (Sheet C2)
APR 2 8 20%
Page 1 Outlet Velocity Dissipator
o • • o o
DATE 4/28/2014
Winding River PDA Clubhouse
Brunswick County
OnSite Post Developed Overflow Outlet Protection
Storm Outlet Structure
B1= Pond Over Flow Culvert
Q25/Qfull = 0.03
Pipe = 18 in
VNfull = 0.42
Q25 = 0.25 cfs
V = 1.8
Qfull = 7.43 cfs
Vfull = 4.20 fps
From Fig. 8.06.b.1: Zone
From Fig. 8.06.b.2: D50
= 8
= 12
e Riprap Class
= B
fl a `s Apron Thickness
3 9 La, Apron Length
= 18
= 9.0
< A, Upstream Width = 3xDia
= 4.5
La. LenamW, Downstream Width
= 10.5
APR 2 8 2014
Site Outlet Velocity Dissipator PAGE 1 OF 1
px rri
J-- /7332 Cotesworth Drive
—�Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 619-9990
Winding River Plantation POA Clubhouse
Summary of Plan Changes
SW8 990453
List is a list of changes between the permitted plan dated 1-30-07 and as of the date
of this requested plan change. The numbers correspond to the changes shown on
the plans.
1. The Owner has elected NOT to install sidewalk in this area. The new BUA for this area is
2 - courts at 10' x 60' for a total of 1,200 sf. The courts are surrounded by grass.
2. Section A has been modified to show no sidewalk.
3. So noted. All changes to the site from the existing permitted plan are a decrease in the
BUA. The Owner does not wish to modify the BUA in the permit. This item does not have a
cloud on the plan.
4, Pipe layout has been clouded and a note added to the plans.
5. A note has been added to the plan concerning the Owner electing to install a grass
surface instead of an asphalt pavement. The grassed areas are setup for parking with
the installation of wheel stops. This area is still considered impervious. Your question about
the changed geometry are shown on the plans. Even thou we are counting the grassed
area as BUA it is obvious that water quality is enhanced by the stormwater traveling over
a grass surface before it enters the piping system.
6. The loading zone and dumpster pad have been converted into parking slots as shown
on the plans.
7. Once again the plans show the "as constructed" geometry. All changes reduced the
amount of BUA going to the pond and improved the water quality going to pond. Low
impact development in 2006. imagine that. No cloud added to plan.
8. The dumpster pad was moved. The plans show the current location. The current pad is
smaller than the 12' x 12' pad proposed on the permitting plans.
9. A note was added to the plans.
APR 2 8 20%
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:40 AM
To: 'Brad Sedgwick'
Subject: RE: Winding River POA Clubhouse SW8 990453
I'm not purposefully trying to build mountains— it's more about being secure in my level of understanding of what's
going on so I can write a plan revision approval letter that accurately reflects the proposed condition and provides the
necessary leftover BUA for future use by the permittee. I don't want to short-change the permittee.
I'm also trying to alleviate a potential problem in the future — I don't want to receive another revision down the line
within the offsite pond DA, where someone tries to claim some leftover BUA by saying that back in 2014, Brad Sedgwick
proposed a net decrease of 1,000 square feet (for example). Well, no your letter only indicates that there is a net
decrease, but it doesn't specify the amount of the decrease. I cannot increase the 562 sf of remaining BUA that is
currently in the permit.
Based on your assertion that there is a net decrease of BUA within the offsite DA due to the revisions, but no specific
number is provided, the available BUA in the offsite DA remains 562 sf, and the available BUA in the onsite DA is now
728 sf. That's what I'm putting in the plan revision letter, unless you provide me with a breakdown of the BUA in support
of a different number.
From: Brad Sedgwick[mailto:bradsedgwickCalhotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:03 AM
To: Lewis,Linda
Subject: RE: Winding River PDA Clubhouse SW8 990453
Linda I will have to check. I do believe you are making a mountain out of a molehill. You are correct that this
started as a minor change to the bocce ball courts. We do not want to change the numbers going to either
pond. Currently the amount of BUA going to the offsite is still as written in the permit. BUA (40,000 sf
allocated, 39,438 sf constructed) draining offsite to the SW8 970936 pond. This has not changed, the only
thing that changed was the surface type (grass vs. asphalt) The grass still needs to be counted as impervious
because it is used for parking. The only change with the on site pond is as you stated "There is 1928 sf being
removed from the proposed site plan, if you count the sidewalk and the shuffle board courts. There is 1200
square feet of BUA going back down for the bocce ball courts. Is that correct?" Yes this is correct.
Does that help?
JBS Consulting, PA
Planning, Engineering, Project Management
Iiad swig ick, PE
7332 Cow.,.ah Dn,e
Wil.ngmq NC 28105
Phone: 1-910-619-9990
limail: 12mdscdg%jckQhomaJ.co
From: linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov
To: bradsedswick(@hotmail.com
Subject: Winding River POA Clubhouse SW8 990453
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 14:33:56 +0000
I'm allowing myself to get confused about this application yet again, but perhaps if I write it all down, it will
become clear what I need to do. The current permit is based on a portion of the clubhouse BUA (40,000 sf
allocated, 39,438 sf constructed) draining offsite to the SW8 970936 pond; and the rest of the clubhouse BUA
(50,712 sf permitted) draining to the onsite pond.
This all started out as a proposal to change from the approved shuffleboard courts (2@ 52 x 10) to bocce ball
courts, (2@ 60 x 10). This area is within the approved drainage area of the on -site pond. There is 1928 sf being
removed from the proposed site plan, if you count the sidewalk and the shuffle board courts. There is 1200
square feet of BUA going back down for the bocce ball courts. Is that correct?
The next thing to be cleared up is all the "minor" revisions to the parking lot area that are within the approved
drainage area of the offsite pond. Your letter simply says that all the changes result in a net decrease of
impervious area, but there are no specifics as to what this new decreased amount is. In order to write this plan
revision, I need to know what is the total clubhouse BUA proposed to drain to the offsite pond, after all the
revisions are accounted for? Right now, the maximum amount of clubhouse BUA that can be directed to the
offsite pond is 40,000 sf. I need to know what the actual amount of clubhouse BUA draining to the offsite
pond is so that the remainder can be included in the plan revision approval letter as available future BUA.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer III
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Main Office — 910-796-7215
Direct Line — 910-796-7343
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to
third parties.
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:18 PM
To: Sedgwick, Brad
Cc: Shannon Smith (ssmith@camsmgt.com)
Subject: Winding River Amenity Center SW9 990453
A couple of comments regarding the plan revision submitted on January 31, 2014 to replace the shuffleboard courts
with bocce ball courts:
1. 1 am coming up with 1656 sq. ft. of built -upon area: 456 sf for the sidewalk; and 1200 for the bocce courts. You
did not provide any dimensions or details, so I had to scale the widths and lengths from the plans. There appears
to be 152 feet of 3' wide sidewalk proposed - is that correct?
2. The sidewalk scales 3 feet wide, but the referenced detail, Section A, does not indicate the width of the
sidewalk. Please add the sidewalk width to the detail.
3. Please list all of the proposed plan changes in Section II of the Plan Revision application form, and address the
associated BUA increases/decreases. The other changes I see are:
a. The permitted piped collection system to the on -site pond now runs on the northeast side;
b. The sidewalk and parking area in front of the "Existing Building' (hatched area noted on the plan) have
been pushed further out and expanded.
c. The loading zone area and dumpster pad adjacent the tennis courts has been converted to 4 parking
d. The small 9-space parking area by the sewage pump station has been expanded. The drive aisle in that
parking lot scaled 18' on the 2007 approved plan, but on the proposed plan, it scales 24'.
e. A concrete area (dumpster pad?) is now shown adjacent the pump station.
f. An 18" pipe has been added southeast of the "Proposed Building" to direct vegetated area runoff into
the wetland. Please provide calculations at the outlet of the pipe to demonstrate that the velocity
entering the wetland is non -erosive.
Please provide the requested information by April 20, 2014.
Linda Lewis
Environmental Engineer III
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Main Office - 910-796-7215
Direct Line - 910-796-7343
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to
third parties.
Casmer, Jo
From: Casmer, Jo ?j
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:51 AM
To: Sedgwick, Brad; 'ssmith@camsmgt.com' 1``"�'�
Subject: Winding River PAO Clubhouse; Stormwater Permit SW8 �avd.78
The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (Stormwater Section)
received the Stormwater Plan Revision Application on January 31, 2014. The project will be assigned to a staff
member and reviewed within 75 days of receipt You will be notified if additional information is needed.
Jo Casmer
Administrative Assistant for DEMLR/Stormwater Section
NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: (910) 796-7336
Fax: (910) 350-2004
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disdosed to third
Completeness Review Checklist
Project Name: I,Ji�� Received Date:
Project Location: Accepted Date: ZA%
Rule(s) 132008 Coastal ❑1995 Coastal El Phase II (WiRO) ®Universal ®1988 Coastal
Type of Permit: New or Mod or PR Existing Permit It (Mod or PR): PE Cert on File?
Densit HD ----or...-.- -LD— - :--- ommercial=or-=.--Residential-_ -_- NCG ,--
Y::._ YPe.. _.
%: n(% OK?) Stream Class: MSA Map ❑Offsite to SW8
Paperwork Emailed Engineer on:
®Supplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s):
®0&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swoles)
plication with correct/original signatures ❑Deed
❑Corp or LLC: Sig. Auth per SoS or letter Email Address:
®$505 (within 6mo) r—JEmail Address:
Design Engineer
®Soils Report with SHWT Note to Reviewer:
Calculations (signed/sealed)
®No obvious errors (�
Density includes common areas, etc
:d Restrictions, if subdivided:
L JSigned & Notarized
®Correct Template (l
Vicinity Map
Soils ReportSHWT:
Additional Information:
Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc)
Wetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands
Layout (proposed BUA dimensions)
F1DA Maps ❑Project Boundaries
Wet Pond
®Soils Report
PE Cert for Master
JDeed Rest for Master
BUA Permitted (Master):
BUA Proposed (Offsite):
Lot #:
❑Lot # Matches Master
BUA (sf)
nnn reLeu
DA (sf)
PP (el)
SHWT (el)
Depth (ft)
SA (so
7332 Coteswodh Drive
Wilmington,NC 28405
(10)6910) 19-9990
January 31, 2014
Mr. Linda Lewis
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
RE: Plan Revision
Stromwater Project SW8 990453 Mod
Winding River HOA Clubhouse
Brunswick County
Dear Linda:
Attached is an application for a plan revision. The revision includes work in the "Bocce Ball
Area" of the clubhouse, adjacent to the tennis courts. During the original work on this plan
and permit modification we had identified work in this area to include 1,929 SF of BUA.
Current work planned includes only 1582 SF of BUA. I have explained to the HOA that the
planned work would be permissible under the current permit but based on a phone call to
you (you suggested a plan mod) the board has elected to submit this plan modification.
All other work on this plan was completed under the original plan and the work shown n the
"clouded area" is the only modification at this time.
Please do not hastate to call if you have any addition questions.
Sincerely yours;
Brad Sedgwick, PE
Attached: 1 - Plan Revision Application - Original
1 - Plan Revision Application - Copy
2-Revised Plans dated 1-31-14 E'VE
rJOAN 3 1 2014
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
This form may be photocopied for use as an original
1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW8 990453
2. Project Name: Winding River POA Clubhouse
3. Permit Holder's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc.):
4. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for perm JAN 3 1 2014
Robert Fuchs, President
5. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above:
1640 Goley Hewett Road, SE
City:Bolivia State:NC Zip:28422
Phone: (910 ) 755-7020
Fax: ( ) N/A
1. Summarize the plan revision proposed (attach additional pages if needed):
Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality
(DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package
should be submitted to the DWQ Office that issued the permit.
1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space
provided next to each item.
• Original & 1 copy of the Plan Revision Application Form
• Two (2) copies of revised plans (must be revisions of original approved plan sheet(s))
If aMlying for Express review (only available in 20 coastal counties)7
• Application fee of $500.00 (made payable to NCDENR)
1, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 3) Robert Fuchs
certify that I have authorized these plan revisions and that the information included on this plan revision
application i tto the bestof knowledge, correct and complete.
Signature: "`-"-✓` Date: i zt ?Q(
Plan Revision Form Rev 13July2010 Page 1 of 1
From: Lewi s, Li nda
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 5:02 PM
To: 'Shannon Smith'
Subject: RE: Winding River - SW8 990453
Shannon -
I am sorry, but I had no way of knowing that the shuffleboard courts we had originally permitted had NOT been built.
thought the Bocce court was in addition to what had been previously permitted. This will certainly make the approval
process MUCH easier and faster.
While it isn't a modification to the permit, it will require a plan revision to show the removal of the 2 shuffleboard courts
and the new layout of the proposed bocce courts and surrounding 2' walkway. As long as the post -developed built -upon
area total doesn't change or is less than what we permitted, then you should be in good shape.
You can use any type of surface you want. The only limiting factor is that the amount of built -upon area you put back to
build the bocce court cannot exceed the shuffleboard total that was permitted to be there. If my math is right, each of
those 2 courts was accounted for at 10 x 52, so that frees up 1040 sf of BUA. That's the amount you would be allowed to
put back for the bocce court. As you can see on your plan, a four -foot -wide sidewalk has already been accounted for
running adjacent the shuffleboard court, connecting the clubhouse to the tennis court area and parking lot.
As long as the plantings you add are not in the 404 and do not prevent or divert runoff from being directed into the
collection system it's OK to plant sound buffering plants around the court.
I cannot speak as to where that note regarding "1929 sf remaining' comes from, because it is not on the January 30,
2007 approved plans in our file. The old shuffleboard courts are located in the onsite pond drainage area. The design
standards for the onsite pond are listed in Section 1.7 of the January 30, 2007 permit. Please note that although the
January 30, 2007 permit was transferred in 2011, the terms and conditions of that permit remain in effect. The total
amount of BUA permitted for the onsite pond is 50,712 sf. All of this BUA is accounted for on the plan — there is no
future allocation in the permit for the onsite pond.
Your permit does not provide for 524 sf as available BUA. I think you might be mixed up with the slight bit of future
allocation that is available in the offsite pond. The permit for the offsite wet pond allowed for a maximum of 40,000 sf of
BUA to drain from the clubhouse. The offsite pond design standards are listed in Section 1.8 of your permit. The BUA
actually proposed under your permit for the clubhouse to drain to the offsite pond is 39,438 sf, which is a difference of
562 sf. But the bocce court area is not within the drainage area of the offsite pond, so you can't use that 562 sf for the
bocce court. You're stuck with the 1040 sf freed up by removing the shuffleboard courts from the proposed plans.
You're not really using up any "future" allocation in this case because the shuffleboard courts were already accounted
for as BUA in the permit, which would be a separate amount from any future allocation. A plan revision requires the
completion of a one -page form (very simple) and 2 sets of the revised plans. There is no fee for a plan revision in the
regular program.
I know this is very convoluted. Let me know if you have further questions.
Frbm: Shannon Smith [mailto:ssmith@camsmgt.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2013 2:10 PM
To: Lewis,Linda
Subject: RE: Winding River - SW8 990453
Hi Linda,
This may the final exchange on this subject!
I consulted an stormwater engineer to begin the process of modifying our permit to include the new structure and they
pointed out to me a section of our original plans for this permit that already called for sports courts that were never
built. I don't have the capability to scan such a large document here but I have attached a portion of it that has
information has the information about the original shuffleboard courts and the impervious calculations already factored
in for this (roughly 1,929 sq ft for two courts and a walkway). The bottom page number is C2, if that helps. The
stormwater part of this was built (the inlets exist and are tied into the system and working) but the shuffleboard courts
themselves were nixed at the last minute due to funding.
This is the same area where we would intend to put the bocce court. Instead of two 10'x52' shuffleboard court, we are
proposing one 10'x60' court with a 2' walkway around it. The bocce court would be designed to flow to the same inlets
to which the shuffleboard court was supposed to drain.
It was their contention that our original permit already included this so we shouldn't have to modify it for as small of a
design change (one slightly larger court instead of two smaller ones, bocce instead of shuffleboard) and that in fact, we
would be well under the impervious designated for this area. Perhaps if I had known that in the beginning or shared
with you where we were planning to put it, we could have saved a lot of time and energy.
But I need to ask for my Board to feel comfortable approving the bocce court— is that the correct interpretation of our
existing plan? That we already have approval for a sports court in that area and could build a smaller, slightly modified
court from the original plan without needing a formal permit modification? Does it make a difference that there will be
rails for the bocce court (you have seen the drainage proposal to make sure that water doesn't accumulate on
top)? Could we go with a different surface, if desired, other than the Astroturf plan we proposed already?
And can you confirm that the "1,929 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE REMAINING" referenced in the section of the plan I
attached is for that area only, or does that also include the 524 sq ft noted on our permit as available BUA?
Finally, I note that no landscaping is noted on this stormwater plan so I am assuming that as long as the plantings are not
in 404 and do not change the flow of runoff to the existing inlets, it would be okay to plant sound buffering plants
around the court?
Thanks for your assistance, now and always.
Office: 910-787-6720
Corporate Office: W7-gR<AM5(7767)
Email: ssml[h@camsmgccom \VICAMS
www.camsmgt.com SnISG RIVER
From: Lewis,Linda[mailto:linda.lewisCdncdenr.aovl
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 2:44 PM
Lucas, Annette
Friday, August 16, 2013 9:57 AM
Bennett, Bradley, Lewis,Linda
Randall, Mike
RE: Winding River - SW8 990453
Bradley and Linda,
I have seen a couple of projects (one in Winston-Salem and one in Holly Springs) where Astroturf (or similar) has been
proposed and the applicant is seeking credit for reduced BUA and/or stormwater treatment. Both of the two projects
have local SW programs that will be reviewing of course. But I have advised them to approve with the same credit
awarded to permeable pavement if the design, construction and maintenance of the Astroturf meets the permeable
pavement design standards and they can provide evidence that the Astroturf will maintain its permeability and structure
Let me know if you have further questions.
From: Bennett, Bradley
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 7:52 AM
To: Lucas, Annette
Cc: Randall, Mike
Subject: FW: Winding River - SW8 990453
I think we have always said these were impervious unless they could show infiltration, which maybe they can do
Bradley Bennett
Stormwater Program Phone: (919) 807-6378
NC Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Fax: (919) 807-6494
1617 Mail Service Center Email: bradlev.benneft®nodenr.00v
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
From: Lewis,Linda
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 8:57 AM
To: Bennett, Bradley; Vinson, Scott; Randall, Mike
Cc: Vinson, Toby
Subject: FW: Winding River - SW8 990453
I need some help in determining what to call this surface. The POA clubhouse area all drains to an offsite
permitted wet pond. I have no idea whether this type of construction should be considered BUA or not. Any
information you can provide is most appreciated.
I am leaning toward calling it pervious and allowing that footprint to be 'treated' via infiltration. Even if it doesn't
infiltrate, there is a pond that will ultimately pick up any runoff and treat it.
Linda Lewis
NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to
third parties.
From: Shannon Smith [mailto:ssmith(acamsmgt.mm]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 1:19 PM
To: Lewis,Linda; Weaver, Cameron
Cc: Shannon Smith
Subject: RE: Winding River - SW8 990453
Hi Linda,
Thanks again for the information that you gave to us.
Attached is some additional information about the infiltration rates for the astroturf. I also have included an
updated proposal from the contractor for the new location. Site preparation will be very minimal.
Please let me know if you think this would be considered pervious, or impervious based on the additional
information supplied.
Thank you,
Affice: 910-755-7020
Corporate Office: gn-672-CAMS (2267)
Email: ssmithreacamsmgtmm S p� q
www.camsmgt.com 11r1\•_D1\1Q RIVERCAMS'
9 1'la uro lien ormescamasssr..�ett..d
From: Lewis,Lindarmailto:linda.lewis(cbncdenr.gov]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 10:30 AM
To: Weaver, Cameron
Cc: Shannon Smith
Subject: RE: Winding River - SW8 990453
My position is no longer funded by Express, but I am currently.still doing stormwater review and permitting.
After reading through the specs provided, I would tend to say that this is an impervious surface. I base this on
the 2 layers of 40 mil filter fabric that are shown on the estimate, the compaction of the subgrade, the use of
crushed stone and the use of Astro-turf.
If more information on the filter fabric and Astro-turf infiltration rates could be provided, and if the soils are
suitable for infiltration, the area of the bocce court could be considered pervious or, if it's determined to be an
impervious surface, then the area under the proposed bocce court could be added to the permit as an
infiltration BMP.
Linda Lewis
NC Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties.
From: Weaver, Cameron
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 9:48 PM
To: Lewis,Linda
Subject: FW: Winding River - SW8 990453
Hi Linda.
This probably should just be answered directly by you or someone else in SW. This will likely be the last day that I look
at my emails until I return on the 26th. Thanks and see you then!
From: Shannon Smith [ssmith@camsmgt.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 5:47 PM
To: Weaver, Cameron
Subject: Winding River - SW8 990453
Hi there,
I have corresponded with Linda Lewis in the past but understand she is in a different position now. Some of
my co-workers at CAMS indicated that you were helpful to them in answering questions about storm water
concerns in properties that they manage. I was hoping that you could be of assistance to me as well.
Specifically, Winding River is a community in Bolivia and has an amenity center that was constructed in 2007
and issued the above -referenced high -density storm water permit. The association would like to add a bocce
court to its grounds and wanted to know if the bocce court, as proposed, would be considered pervious. The
drawing for the court is on page four of the attachment and would be constructed of crushed oyster shells and
Astroturf. The court would be installed in an area that is already level so minimal, if any, grading/site
preparation would have to be done.
If you believe that the proposed design would be considered impervious, we would likely exceed our
impervious allotment, as the surface area of the court is designed to be 10' by 60' (not including the 2' walkway
beside the court, which would be a pervious wooden walkway). If so, could you tell me what our options would
be, including alternative materials to use that would meet your standards, adding a french drain to contain the
runoff, and/or the ability to modify our permit?
Thanks in advance for your assistance with this!
Office: 910;755=7020
Corporate Office: 877-672-CAMS (2267)
Email: ssmhh@mmsmgt.com
ww.w.camsm9t:com ��1I\Ut\G. -M
Flaeta frva
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
August 30, 2011
Winding River Plantation Community Association, Inc.
C/o Author Scureman, President
1630 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 108
Wilmington, NC 28403
Subject: Name Change / Ownership Change
Winding River Amenity Center
Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990453
Brunswick County
Dear Mr. Scureman:
On July 29, 2011, the Wilmington Regional Office received a request for the transfer of
ownership of the Stormwater Management Permit for the subject project. Staff of the Division of
Water Quality have inspected the project, determined that the documentation is in order, and
the project is in compliance with the Stormwater permit requirements. As indicated on the
Name/Ownership Change form, you have acknowledged receipt of a copy of the permit, which
includes the application and supplement forms, a copy of the approved plans and a copy of the
required Operation and Maintenance agreement from the previous permittee. By acknowledging
receipt of the permit, and by signing the Name/Ownership Transfer form, you have accepted the
responsibility for complying with the terms and conditions outlined in this permit. If you need
additional copies of the permit, or copies of the approved plans, please contact the Division of
Water Quality in the Wilmington Regional Office at the phone number below. Please replace the
old second page of the permit with the enclosed updated page.
Please be aware that the project's built -upon area and stormwater controls must be built and
maintained in compliance with the permit documents and the approved plans. Maintenance
of the approved system shall be performed in accordance with the Operation and
Maintenance agreement. Any modifications to this project must be submitted to the Division
of Water Quality and approved prior to construction. The issuance of this approval does not
preclude you from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or
ordinances, which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit
or approval prior to construction.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call David Cox or me
at (910) 796-7215.
Georgette 1;cott
Stormwater Supervisor
Division of Water Quality
GDS/ dwc: S:\WQS\Stormwater\Permits & Projects 2011 09 permit 990453
cc: Blue Green Carolina Lands, LLC
Brunswick County Building Inspections
Wilmington Regional Office File
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
Phone: 910-796-7215\ FAX: 910-350-2004\ Customer service: 1-877-623-6748
Nort L. lCaroltrta
Internet: w .ncwaterquality,org
An Equal Opportunity \ AKrma"o Action Employer
September 6, 2011
Winding River Amenity Center
Permit # SW8 990453
In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North
Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Winding River Plantation Community Association, Inc.
Winding River POA Clubhouse
1640 Goley-Hewett Road, Winding River Plantation, Bolivia, Brunswick County
construction, operation and maintenance of an onsite wet detention pond and the for the
construction of impervious areas to be treated in an offsite wet detention pond, permitted
under SW8 970936, in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter
referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans
and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved
by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit.
This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 30, 2017, and shall
be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations:
1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater
described in the application and other supporting data.
2. The onsite stormwater system has been approved for the management of
stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.7 on page 3 of this permit. The
stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 50,712 square
feet of impervious area.
3. The offsite stormwater system, which was approved under SW8 970936, has
been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section
1.8 on page 3 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle
the runoff from a total of 237,576 square feet of impervious area. A total of
40,000 square feet of built -upon area has been allocated under the offsite facility
permit for the treatment of a portion of the runoff from this project. This project
proposes to direct the runoff from a total of 39,438 square feet to the offsite wet
detention pond.
4. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of
this permit, and per approved plans. The built -upon area for the future
development is limited to 562 square feet.
s` EIM 1U1 2 9 2911
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural), Resources
Division of Water Quality _
Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
1. Stormwater Management Permit Number: SW8 990453
2. Project Name: Winding River Amenity Center
3. Current Permit Holder's Company Name/Organization: Bluegreen Carolina Lands, LLC
4. Signing Official's Name: Partrick Rondeau Title: Vice -President
5. Mailing Address: 6060.North Central Expressway, Suite 138
City: Dallas State: TX Zip: 76006
6. Phone: 5( 61 ) 912-8000 Fax: (�
fgA54 q3z 855 3,1-7 ' g72 ge�a
This request is for: (please check all that apply)
✓ Name change of the owner (Please complete Items 1, 2 and 3 below)
Name change of project (Please complete Item 5 below)
✓ Change in ownership of the property/company (Please complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 below)
✓ Mailing address / phone number change. (Please complete Item 4 below)
Other (please explain):
1. Proposed permittee's company name/organization: Winding River Plantation community Association, Inc.
2. Proposed permittee's signing official's name: _
3. Proposed permittee's title: President of the
4. Mailing Address:1630 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 108
City: Wilmington State: NC Zip: 28403
Phone: (910 ) 755-7020 Fax: (910)755-7025-7025
5. New Project Name to be placed on permit:
Arthur Scureman
Board of Directors
Please check the appropriate box. The proposed permittee listed above is:
HOA or POA (Attach documentation showing that the HOA or POA owns, controls, or has a
recorded easement for all areas that contain stormwater system features. Print name of HOA or
POA in #1 above and provide name of HOA/POA's authorized representative in #2 above)
❑ The property owner
❑ Lessee (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Property Owner Information on
page 4)
❑ Purchaser (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement. Final approval of this transfer will be
granted upon receipt of a copy of the recorded deed)
❑ Developer (Complete Property Owner Information on page 4)
SSW N/O Change Rev15Feb2011 Page 1 of 4
A request to transfer a permit will not be approved by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) unless all
of the applicable required items listed below are included with the submittal. Failure to provide the
listed items may result in processing delays or denial of the transfer.
1. This completed and sioned form. tThis certification mustbe:com`plefed-and.si4ned'bv`both the
2. Legal documentation of the property transfer to a new owner.
3. A copy of any recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or easements, if required by the permit.
4. The designer's certification (DWQ Engineer and Designer Certification Forms are available from
each DWQ Regional office), if required by the permit and if not already submitted to DWQ.
5. If the proposed permittee is a firm, partnership, association, institution, corporation, limited liability
company, or other corporate entity, provide documentation showing the authority of the named
representative to act on behalf of the proposed permittee.
6. The $40.00 processing fee. If this is an initial transfer from the original permittee the processing
fee is not required. Subsequent ownership transfers will require the $40.00 processing fee.
Please check one of the following statements and fill out the certification below that statement:
❑ Check here if the current permittee is only changing his/her/its name, the project name, or mailing
address, but will retain the permit. I, , the current
permittee, hereby notify the DWQ that I am changing my name and/or I am changing my mailing
address and/or I am changing the name of the'permitted project. I further attest that this application
for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand
that if all required parts of this application are not completed or if all required supporting information
and attachments listed above are not included, this application package will be returned as
Q✓ Check here if current permittee is transferririg'the property to a new owner and will not retain
ownership of the permit.
I, Paw& H. Rondeau, V.P. Bluegreen Caolina Lands, LLC the current permittee, am submitting this application
for a transfer of ownership for permit # swe990453" I hereby notify DWQ of the sale or
other legal transfer of the stormwater system associated with this permit. I have provided a copy of
the most recent permit, the designer's certification for each BMP, any recorded deed restrictions,
covenants, or easements, the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as -built plans, the approved
operation and maintenance agreement, past maintenance records, and the most recent DWQ
stormwater inspection report to the proposed permittee named in Sections II and V of this form. I
further attest that this application for a name/ownership change is accurate and complete to the best
of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed or if all
required supporting information and attachments listed above are not included, this application
package will be returned as incomplete. I assign all rights and obligations as permittee to the
proposed permitte named in Sections II and V of this form. I understand that this transfer of
ownership c nno e approve y the DWQ unless and until the facility is in compliance with the
Signature: Date: 6 S "I
_, a Notary Public for the State of
ofdo hereby certify that
personally appeared before me this the
day of \744-tee , 20/, and acknowledge the due execution of the
for g g instrument. Witness my hand and official seal,
Notary Signature
SSW N/O Change Rev15Feb2011 Page 2 of 4
(Notary Seal)
' • Notary ic
Commomvsalb off ma Meaaachueette
MY COMIrdalon Expires
April 27, 2018
V. PROPOSED PERMITTEE CERTIFICATION: (This section must be completed by the
Proposed Permittee for all transfers of ownership)
Arthur Scureman , hereby notify the DWQ that I have acquired
through sale, lease or legal transfer, the responsibility for operating and maintaining the permitted
stormwater management system, and, if applicable, constructing the permitted system. I
acknowledge and attest that I have received a copy of: (check all that apply to this permit)
❑✓ the most recent permit
❑✓ the designer's certification for each BMP
F/ any recorded deed restrictions, covenants, or easements
✓❑ the DWQ approved plans and/or approved as -built plans
0✓ the approved operation and maintenance agreement
®✓ past maintenance records from the previous permittee (where required)
✓ DWQ stormwater inspection report showing compliance within 90 days prior to this transfer
have reviewed the permit, approved plans and other documents listed above, and I will comply with
the terms and conditions of the permit and approved plans. I acknowledge and agree that I will
operate and maintain the system pursuant to the requirements listed in the permit and in the
operation and maintenance agreement. I further attest that this application for a name/ownership
change is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts
of this application not comple r' a required supporting information and attachments listed
above are not
cud d, th; a licati package will be returned as incomple e.
Signature: / Date: D
I, C 1i2,S'74QnPe S7_ a Notary Public for the State of
1;4. xl, , County of do hereby certify that
A-A6""- � Y�!" An personally appeared before me this the
v071-6 day of �1z, 20 ii , and acknowledge the d�.efE @�� �pp, of the
forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, :=�O
o AR
(Notary fEAI)
Notary ignature ? m Pus �,� 2 e
Additional copies of the original permit and the approved Operation and Maintenance agreement can
be obtained from the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality.
This completed form, including all supporting documents and processing fee (if required), should be
sent to the appropriate Regional Office of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, Division of Water Quality, as shown on the attached map.
Please note that if the Proposed Permittee listed above is not the property owner, the property owner
must complete and sign page 4 of this document. Both the lessee / developer and the property
owner will appear on the permit as permittees.
SSW N/O Change Revl5Feb2011 Page 3 of 4
If the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections 11 and V of this form is not the Property Owner, the
Property Owner must provide his/her Contact Information below and sign this form:
Printed Name:
Title within the Organization:
Street Address:
Mailing Address:
(if different from street address)
I certify that I own the property identified in this permit transfer document and have given permission
to the Proposed Permittee listed in Sections II and V to develop and/or, lease the property. A copy
of the lease agreement or other contract, which indicates the party responsible for the construction
and/or operation and maintenance of the stormwater system, has been provided with the submittal.
As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that I will
appear as a permittee along with the lessee/developer and I will therefore share responsibility for
compliance with the DWQ Stormwater permit. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify
DWQ by submitting a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days of procuring a
developer, lessee or purchaser for the property. I understand that failure to operate and maintain the
stormwater treatment facility in accordance with the permit is a violation of NC General Statute
(NCGS) 143-215.1, and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of
civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6.
Signature of the property owner Date:
I, a Notary Public for the State of
County of , do hereby certify that
personally appeared before me this the
day of ; 20 , and acknowledge the due execution of the
forgoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal,
Notary Signature
SSW N/O Change Rev15Feb2011 Page 4 of 4
(Notary Seal)
7332 Cotesworth Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 619-9990 Fax (910) 401-1620
December 31, 2007
Mr. Ed Beck
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Stormwater Project Number SW8 990453
Project Name: Winding River POA Clubhouse Expansion
Brunswick County, NC
Designers Certification
I, Bradford Sedgwick, PE, as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North
Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically) the construction of the project,
Winding River POA Clubhouse Expansion (Project)
for Mr. Greg Taylor, TMC Taylor (Project Contractor) hereby state that, to the best of my
abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction
such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent
of the approved plans and specifications.
The checklist of items on Page Two of this is included in the certification.
Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications:
Registration Number
Attachment: Checklist