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SW8940217_HISTORICAL FILE_20210727
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 q,io 2-n DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE Zo 2101 Z.'1 YYYYMMDD Keys at Kure Beach HOA Board, Chairpersons Peter Beardsley President ob.x5W1 .. I 910-458-9671 Nancy Brickman Secretary nbrickman@nc.rr.conl 919-818-8o65 Mary Lowrance Treasurer marylowrance a gf a' . n 360-525-0028 Susann Ebberts Landscaping p L.e ert ftmail.com 910-262-0367 Grace McGee/ Accountants l�ysh(ja q)gmail.corn Kim Gargiulo 910-707-0843 Keys at Kure Beach HOA Rrnudly pmorr..I by llbrdprecs. �/ Y\ f 12Z 120 �, —�-- 'N /on-TranSfer Application Completeness Review Checklist - Short Version Project Name: LHE f.EY% KURE 3�AL� Date Delivered to WIRO: 7 (fe 2a ?- Project County/Location: N -( / RIMS Received/Accepted Date: Permit Action: New Not located in the ETJ of the following deligated and functionin¢ programs: BIMS Acknowledged Date': New Permit #2: NHCI Carolina Beach / Kure Beach / Wilmington / Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland / Navassa (?) / Oak Island Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Pend: Surf Cit Major Mod / Minor Mod enewal Permit Type: & / LID / LD Overall / HD &LD Combo General Permit / Development Type: Commer64 Subdivided?: 4:2u division Rule(s): n2027 Coastal Pennittee Type & Docur Property Owner(s) =Viable? Deed =Not Subdivided: Exempt sident / Other Si1nglleel Lot ng 12008 Coastal Needed: =Purchaser =Viable? =Purchase A¢mt =Subdivision: Common Area Deed Lessee =Viable? =Lease Coastal Coastal Paperwork 1 pplication Fee: ®5505 (within 6mo) Check#(s): 3 1 f S �Supplement2 (1 new form or for older forms: 1 original per SCM) FIO&M1 Soils Report (Infil or PP) Calculations (signed/sealed) Deed Restrictions, if subdivided Project Narrative FIOSGS Map (or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Plans (2 Sets) F_1PE Certification Electronic Copies Easements, Recorded (2017 Rules) . 061 O. Enter RIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 1For New Projects -Enter New Permit # on Supplements & Deed Restiction Templates. 3If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod, STOP. Needs a renewal first. EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: REVIEWER NAME: Comments: -t'_flal ®Existing Permit #: 4 oy 17 Expriation Date': 11 b /2p ElOffsite to SWB: ElIsLot ID'ed in Master Permit? HOA =Developer Viable? =Viable? Election Minutes =No Fee Y / N G:WQ\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_2➢2001 31 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 4:00 PM To: sedderts@rocketmail.com; bradsedgwick@hotmail.com Subject: SW8 940217 - The Kes at Kure Beach The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on July 16, 2021. The project has been assigned to Ashley Smith and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Website http/;deq w eov/about/(Itwsions/ciiergy mineral Iawl trsqutce�,fstornttvater Rared on the current guidon,- to minimize tlae spread of COVID-tg, the Dapen ment of F.nv irtmmen t al Quality haS adjusted „I,oratio,u to hr.xect the health and salety of ute atahf and public. 41anv employe s are wertcmg rennat elv uI an on;t_t ygared shifts.'lo a...... odair-thesesLalhng,Imnges, allDI- :Qofticeloeuiuns.v-e l inviting public ueess to appo int meats only. N"", . wclK S,ith the aplxopr iate staff balnre ,siting uur offices, ae we may ba a61e to hand1v Vow requests by phone or email. AVr .t pl tct iam yo, r ,,.0 icnce �s sv.- cnniinue to serve the public dvriny this challenging time. Burd, Tina J From: To: Sent: Subject: IJ Office 365 Microsoft Outlook sedderts@rocketmail.com Friday, July 16, 2021 4:00 PM Undeliverable: SW8 940217 - The Kes at Kure Beach Your message to sedderts@rocketmail.com couldn't be delivered. When Office 365 tried to send your message, the receiving email server outside Office 365 reported an error. Tina.Burd Office 365 sedderts Sender Action Required Policy violation or system error How to Fix It Check the "Reported Error" from the "Error Details" section shown below for more information about the problem. The error might tell you what went wrong and how to fix it. For example, if the error states that the message was blocked due to a potential virus or because the message was too large, try sending the message again without attachments. If you're not able to fix the problem, it's likely that only the recipient's email admin can fix it. Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin about the problem. Give them the "Reported Error" from the "Error Details" section below. Was this helpful? Send feedbock to Microsoft. More Info for Email Admins Status code: 550 5.0.350 The error reported by the receiving server wasn't specific enough to determine the exact 1 CONSULTING, PA k 7332 Cotesworth DriveWilmington, NC 28405 ,j ,J (910) 619-9990 PLANNING - ENGINEERING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT it 1 ,7 July 13, 2021 JUL 16 2021 NCDENR -DWQ BY. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: SW Permit Renewal The Keys @ Kure Beach - SW8 940217 To whom it may concern: This submittal covers the stormwater permit renewal for The Keys @ Kure Beach located in Kure Beach, North Carolina. This letter will serve as a narrative for the submittal. This is for a renewal only. 1) Attached is a check for $505 for processing 2) Renewal Form - Attached is an original form and copy signed by the President of the HOA. 3) Deed restrictions. See Section II - Item 5 of the Permit renewal dated April 23, 2013 4) Designers Certification was filed under the previous renewal. 5) The Owner has copies of the O&M. Based on the attached documentation I believe we should be in a position to receive a renewal on this permit. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours; <� A Bradford Sedgwick, PE President Lewis,Linda From: le)%is,I inch Sent: Monday, November 00, 201112:16 W To: Scott Georgette Subject: HE IExterna3ll Senator Lee Inquiry FW Easement Georgette I can find Mr Meier s original February 2016 email To the best of my knowledge there was some concern expressed abort why the runoff from the Kure Dunes IV pond was allowed to enter The Keys pond and whether this was approved by the state It sounds like Mr Richardson wants DEMLR to force The Keys (Gulf Stream Developers) and Kure Dunes IV iKure Beach Associates? the 2 parties that entered into that recorded easement agreement to now enter into the maintenance agreement that was mentioned in the easement agreement The rules require that the design of a pond take into account the runoff from all surfaces within the drainage area. Since The Keys pond was approved about 2 years before the Kure Dunes IV permit was issued it makes sense that the reviewer would have noticed that the Kure Dunes pond discharge was directed to The Keys pondand would have required that the consultant deal with it. In this case, the consultant was able to show that The Keys pond was not adversely affected by the Kure Dunes IV pond discharge We have a signed O&M agreement from The Keys to maintain their own pond DEMLR can only enforce that O&M agreement If The Keys enters into a secondary O&M agreement with Kure Dunes to force Kure Dunes to contribute maintenance costs to The Keys. as is mentioned in the recorded easement agreement, that is an agreement between those 2 parties that is only enforceable by those 2 parties. not by DEMLR Nobody is getting stormwater treatment for free Kure Dunes IV has their own pond — they do not need The Keys pond to achieve treatment Linda From: Scott, Georj rette Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:52 AM To: Lewis,Lmda <IindaJewis@ncdoncgov> Subject: FW: IE:xternall Senator Lee - inquiry -- FW: rasement d Ulilt! t , . 1-1 X1,W( ird „t)t) Georgette Scott State Stormwater Program Supervisor Department of Environmental Quality Office (910) 796 7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington NC 28405 From: Scott, Georgette Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 10:45 AM To: Lucas, Annette <ann('tte.lucasCa) ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: lixternal] Senator Lee - Inquiry FW I asement .. .. Sif .. .. '� ,1 ' yQU l..f „il`y , .,l „8 t {'t a L'1( .. .. t ` P,nt i c,'t 'mod : I< NJi iIC Georgette Scott State Stormwater Program Supervisor Department of Environmental Quality Office (910) 796 7215 Fax (910) 350-2004 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington INC 28405 NT- From: Lucas, Annette Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 9:26 AM To: Scott, Georgette <jnqjjette.scott > Subject: FW: If xternall Senator Lee Inquiry-- FW: Fasement FYI From: Miller, Anderson Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 10:55 AM To: Lucas, Annette <annette.lucas@ncdenr-gcv> Cc: Vinson, Toby <toby.vinson@ncdenr.gov>; Davis, Tracy <tracy_davis@ncdenr_gov> Subject: W Itxternal] Senator Lee Inquiry — FW: Easement Annette I Yes thank you Andy R. Anderson Miller Legislative Affairs Director North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (919) 817-0817 217 West Jones Street 1601 Mail Servioe Center Raleigh NC 27699 From: Lucas, Annette Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2017 1:02 PM To: Miller. Anderson <andcrson.millcrLoarncdenr.gov> Cc: Vinson, Toby <toby.vinson alncdenrAi v>; Davis, Tracy <tracy davis �nedenr gov> Subject: Re lLxternal] Senator Lee Inquiry-- FW: Easement Andy, Would you like me to follow up with our staff and Mr. Richardson? I can get to it early next week. Thanks, Annette From: Miller, Anderson Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 11:23.44 AM To: Lucas, Annette Subject: Fwd: Lxternalj Senator Lee Inquiry -- FW: Easement 3 R..Audcrson Miller I,cgikaticc Affairs Pro,Cram Director %onh ( arolina I)eparnncnt oil mirunmcntal (hwlitc 919.817.0817 Mobile andci:um.nlilleru ncdcnr.�,o� 217 \1 Cat fumes s u-CCl 1h01 \lull Scr%ice Center Raleigh, M 27099 ( mail CoriCspondencc to and front this address is suhject to the UK ( amlina I'uhlic Records I arc and nun he disclosed to third panics I roil: I mile Dames (Sen. Michucl I cc) Iccla a ns i ,tatc— tis ! .1 Scnt: I hundac. Aoccnthcr 2, 2017 1 1:09 :AM Suhjece I I mental I'Senator I.cc - Inquire -- I \\ I:ascmeot I o: Millet :Anderson andcrson milk] a nedcnr.co\ - _ CAI I IO\: Ikterr ul email. I)o not click Iinks or open attacImicnts unIC� s ycriljcd. ticnd ;tll ;u�piciuus entail as an attachment to rcporLspant a nc.eoc. Good morning, :And�- lielo�v is air email our office rccci\A regarding an 11OA issue dealing with storm tsatcr permits. Senator I cc would like Hour thoughts on this minter. Please ICt ntc knot it con havC am qucstions- Ihank you! Intil� I;erne; l.CgislalivC A�sistanl Office ofScnator \lichacl I_ec 9th1)isuict Acw Ilaumcr (9191715.2525 -----Orwinal Mcmuc I mn: (ARRI1 RIUTARIMA Imailto:kbnC 632 ynv#Ixont_j Scnt: Alonday. Oclohcr �0. 2017 2:49 I'M l o: Sen. Michael I.cc Michacl.l cc a nclCa.nCI Subjccl: I:ascmcnt to A\ hour it \lac ('oncern I wo weeks ago I had a discussion with Senator I ""s Iegislati\c assistance conccmine cnlinccntcnt of maintenance provisions of an ,loin water Casement I was unmtccesslul in coping the easenwin in question (poor quality" on m; end). I Icre is the book and page numhCr for lire casement in question Hook 1 852 paces 717-720. 4 the eaxnIt: nt plot can he 0had tit: d form Alap ISook ,a page 165 of the Aev% I Ianovrr('otill t. Regisu.. 10 recap the iwsue. the eawenlell t requires two I R ):A to dc\ckip a shared nadmcnancc agmcment "in farm aceepathlc to the Suite of \orth Calolilla and its pernnitting ageneicw" I he North (Anil nu I)cparuncnt ofl neinm ntcm and Natural ReNources tA(IW.R). c.as in the pence" of suing a storm \.atcr permitting to one of the casencnt partners. Since then! was no share ntaintcnanec agreement in place (and we had unsulcessliill. attempted to nepotime an agreement Aw scceral monthg) it was reyucmcd that A( I A \h not Woe the penult until a shared maintenance agreement could he obtained. \(1)\Ih rr>ponse caatw than the State does not get ill.ol.cd in 11O:A dispute.. A\hell it v.aw pointed out that than a permit Wild not he isuted until a share nutimcnancc agreement was in place that way acccpathle to the Suite of North Carolina and its penritting agencim this did not change the State :Agenres response. \\ e hclic\e that lhi. is not a I YK dispute but a legal mquiremcnt for the is>t ance ol'a storm crater penult. As Noll vvIII see one of the partners ha.c keen rccci.ing storm !water scr.Res fur Ike wince 190. \s mentioned in nixinitial call. prior to contacting \( MIT. it .ou could let uw know .our opinion otI IO:A dispute c w Icgal naItinentent. I hank loll Ken Richardson \Member Kew, I IU_A 11 914707OC90 (' 240-"i90457 I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY March 9, 2016 Mr. Charles Meier Marshall Gorham & Williams PO Drawer 2088 Wilmington, NC 28402 Subject: The Keys at Kure Beach Stormwater Permit No. SW8 940217 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Meier: PAT VICCRORY cerl,,. DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Se, remry 'I RACY DAVIS IJirccro, On February 16, 2016, the Division received your emailed request for information regarding the pond discharge from Kure Dunes Phase IV (permit #SW8 961234) into the downstream pond for The Keys at Kure Beach (permit #SW8 940217). My research has yielded the following information: 1. Kure Dunes IV has their own permitted pond with an outlet structure and small diameter orifice. They do not rely on The Keys at Kure Beach pond to treat their runoff. 1 After treatment in the Kure Dunes IV pond, the one -inch design stone discharges from the orifice over the course of approximately 3.9 days into a piped collection system in Anchor Way that eventually drains into The Keys pond. At the request of the Division during the review of the Kure Dunes IV application, an engineering analysis of the impact of this discharge on The Keys pond was provided by Mark Hargrove, P.E., formerly of Dawson Engineering. The engineer concluded that the impact was negligible. I attach a copy of Mr. Hargrove's summary to this letter. If you want a copy of the entire engineering analysis (about 100 pages), please contact Cameron Weaver to schedule that file review and pay for the copies. 3. A deed of easement was recorded on February 7, 1995, between Gulf Stream Developers, Inc. (as Grantor) and Kure Beach Associates (as Grantee). Gulf Stream granted a 10-foot easement along Anchor Way to Kure Beach Associates to construct a piped collection system that connects into existing piping within Sloop Pointe Lane and conveys the Kure Dunes IV pond discharge to The Keys pond. 4. The deed of easement endeavors to assure the full and complete use of the easement by Kure Beach Associates, and indicates that Gulf Stream Developers, Inc. will "provide in its Homeowners Documents a method for assuring the maintenance of the pond including where applicable a joint maintenance agreement with Grantee in form acceptable to the State of North Carolina and its permitting agencies." It is not the Division's responsibility to require Gulf Stream to provide that maintenance assurance now. Please contact the entities that are parry to that deed of easement to negotiate the creation of the assured maintenance agreement. Slate ofNonh Cazohw 1 Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and land Resources 127 Cardinal Dnve Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 'f 1 910 350 2004 F h4ni/o rta ncdonr orrJweb4r/ State Stormwater Permit No. S W8 940217 Page 2 of 2 I hope this addresses your questions and concerns. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at linda.lewis(wncdenr.eov. Sincerely; Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer II] p 'j,GDS\arl: G:\\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1994\940217 HD\2016 03 letter 940217 cc: Georgette Scott, Stormwater Supervisor Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Permit File State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resou = 127 Cardinal Dnve Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 E I hap Uportal.nodenr.orn/web/Ir/ 3/8/2016 / IJI eo1 1 Ll(�t e uune 1 McDonald Beach Ho se ■ J NI rn Sailor Ct - Google Maps I v _ __ c, kure Villaq�YldY,_.Ku.re Village Way po � , Sea+yatch Way 1 Seawatch LLC Pool T Kure Beach Realty 0 0 Iy K / r G \ \ sd, dl ch V✓av ■ Kure,Dun Home Owners Ass _ Kure Done, Ln . 6 Donnas Per Shop i e Google Y l _ J1; Map data ©2016 Google 200 ft L ------------- — — J https Ah .google.com/maps/piace]Saiiu+Ct,+Kure+Beach,+NC+28449/@34.0060652,-77.9064508,17.75zldata=!4m2!3ml!lsOx89a9f8b82290d6c3:Ox2d0afbd2dc053!97 2/2 Casmer, Jo From: Casmer, Jo Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 3:21 PM To: 'keyshoa@gmail.com' Subject: The Keys at Kure Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. - Stormwater Permit SW8 940217 Hello Ms. McGee: I understand from David Cox that you wished to receive confirmation that your contact information has been added to our records for The Keys at Kure Beach stormwater file. Please rest assured your name, phone number and email address has been documented accordingly. Please let me know if I may be of further assistance. fo Casmer Administrative Assistant IV NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 796-7336 Fax: (910) 350.2004 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Jaw and may be disdowd to third Parties N fi J�v nfe Pnses.com t