HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8921101_HISTORICAL FILE_19921216STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 !�'Z 110 � DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE ) C)q 21214 YYYYMMDD State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Regional Manager December 16, 1992 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. Robert L. Warren, Assistant Chief of Staff United States Marine Corps Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28542-5001 Subject: Certification of Compliance with Stormwater Regulations Stormwater Project No. 921101 LHA Simulation/Helicopter Training Pad Onslow County Dear Mr. Warren: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater Submittal for the LHA Simulation/Helicopter Training Pad on November 2, 1992, with final information on December 16, 1992. Based on our review of the project plans and specifications, including a statement of impervious area restriction (copy attached) which limits the built -upon area to 54,450 square feet for the lot as defined by the UTM coordinates given in the signed statement, we have determined that the project complies with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1003(a)-(3). Any modification of the plans submitted to this Office or further development of this site will require an additional Stormwater Submittal/Modification and approval prior to initiation of construction. Modifications include but are not limited to; project name changes, transfer of ownership, redesign of built -upon surfaces, addition of built -upon surfaces, redesign or further subdivision of the project area. This Certification shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded. The project shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. This Certification does not supersede any other permit or approval. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project. This could include the Division of Coastal Management under CAMA requirements, the Division of Environmental Management under Wetland 401 Water Quality Certification and/or a Dredge and Fill Permit and/or a Sewer Extension/Collection Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 Wetland Permit, local County or Town Agency permits under their local ordinances, or others that may be required. -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919-395-3900 • fax 919-3542004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Warren December 16, 1992 Stormwater Project No. 921101 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis or me at (919) 395-3900. Sincerely, Dave Adkins Water Quality Supervisor DA/arl: 92110LDEC cc: Mr. Brynn Ashton, Environmental Planning Division Mr. Marshall Batchlor, Onslow County Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files d UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, NORTH CAROLINA 28542-5001 Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Dear Ms. Lewis: IN REPLY REFER TO'. 6280 BEMD 11 DEC 1992 RECEIVED. DEC 14 1992 Wilmington Regional Officq DEM The enclosure contains a map and boundary description for the restricted area for Stormwater Project No. 921101, LHA Simulation/Helicopter Training Pad. Construction within this area will be restricted to only that indicated on the erosion control and Stormwater applications sent to your office. The total built -upon area will be limited to 54,450 square feet, which is less than 25 percent of this area. Please address any comments or questions to Mr. Brynn Ashton, Director, Environmental Planning Division, at telephone (919) 451-5068. Encl: (1) Scale Plan Map C�rely,XP�ROBER_T' VL. WARREN Assistant Chief of Staff Environmental Management By direction of the Commanding General fill IS � LS �L DEC 1 6 1992 U D E M ;o.T # gZ110/ i 100 5 TA + ' _ 5 00 � S A 4+00 S A 3+00�- ST 2+00 STA� 1+00 STA- +00 , :STA UU.G u U U DEC 1 6 1992 5' -Elm S6- ALe_I "-2 pure ( ) 0 t I I 1 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF RESTRICTED AREA FOR LHA PROJECT NO. 921101 No additional impervious construction will be allowed within the boundaries of the LHA project site shown on the attached drawing. The area is bounded by line extending 225' rt. of the project Base line at sta 7+00 along baseline. This boundary is perpenductuliar to baseline. The southern boundary is established 200 ft south of station 0+00 at sta. -2+00. The boundary extends 225' rt of project baseline. The western boundary is established by the shoreline of the New River. The baseline is established by iron posts at stations 0+00 and 5+50. Area comprises approximately 6.9 acres. Iron posts will be placed at the corners of boundary. The UTM coordinates for the posts are 17575,65825 & 17812,66700. I DEC 1 6 1992 U Ucwl '10J # gZriv / AC.%S. tf°iD. h4CB. CLNI TEL5a19-451-17�:7 Dec Cr=.92 14�i fdu.Cj�3 F'.C1I J /t' TELECOPIER COVER SHEET (2300) DATE: ., To: FROM: SUCJ: i✓ FAX — — — <:— C0;1PIrNIS: �---�L`—`-- _ ' f / WE ARE 'CRANSMIT'CING _._ `PAGES, 1.PICLIJWNCG THIS C-'',VER LETTER. IF TRANSMISSION IS NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE: CALL THE SFiNDER AT THIS ,VELF.PHONE NUMBER: MCeCI. 2,300/1 COMM (919) 451- dpsp�l Oil DSN l SEVFLIwj DEC 0 2 1992 DEM RC/S. EHV MCB. CLHC TEL:919-451-1787 Dec 02.92 16GI M0.003 P.02 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF RESTRICTED AREA FOR LHA PROJECT NO. 921101 No additional impervious constructicn will be allowed within the boundaries of the LHA project site shown on the attached drawing. The area is bounded by line extending 225' rt. of the project Base line at sta 7+00 along baseline. This boundary is perpenductuliar to baseline. The southern boundary is established 200 ft south of station. 0+00 at sta. -2+00. The boundary extends 225' rt of project baseline. The western boundary is established by the shoreline of the New River. The baseline is established by iron posts at stations 0+00 and 5+50. Area comprises approximately 6.9 acres. iron, posts will be placed at the corners of boundary. K��� utu u e 177C U UeNI 01 # 92110) HC/5. PID. 1,10E, CLhIC TEL:'J19-4`1-1707 Dec r+^_,92' 14:77 fir F.0 STA 5+50 TA 5+ 0 0 S�A 4+ 0 0 - STiA 3+00 ST2+00— STA 11,l+00 STA- b0 0 STA .-� + Ou I' ID)Uts U'C ivl ,n� � qZl�— 100 -5 1 2 �5 5 EHli , 110E , CLh1C TEL : M,-l-451-17'r 7 Der ill , 92 16 :2S Ho .004 F .01 / TELECOPIER COVER SHEET (2300 ) DATE:---.--- — - —------- FROM: SUBJ: w 111IONE: FAX:^ COMMENTS WE ARE TRANSMITTING --PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER LETTER. IF TRANSMISSION IS NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE CALL THE SENDER AT THIS TELEPHONE 14UMBER: COMM (919) 451--OR DSN 484-_ y$%6? M. 2300/1. �` T0, R R'l aE1H ip)ECE[ '�'L-U �� DEC 0 2 1992 D E M -'7d # RC/S. EMDr I"1CB, CL.IJC TFL:S+1q-45L-1' ? De, O'_71.92 16:29 Irlr_i.004 F.02 i BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF RESTRICTED AREA FOR LHA PROJECT NO. 921101 No additional impervious construction will be allowed within the boundaries of the LHA project site shown on the attached drawing. The area is bounded by line extending 225' rt. of the project Base Line at sta 7+00 along baseline. This boundary is perpenductuliar to baseline. The southern boundary is established 200 ft south of station 0+00 at sta. -2+00. Ti: boundary extends 225' rt of project baseline. The western boundary is established by the shoreline of the New River.. The baseline is established by iron posts at stations 0+00 and 5+50. Area comprises approximately 6.9 acres. fron posts will be placed at the corners of boundary. The UTM coordinates for the posts are 17575,65825 & 17812,66700. W DEC 0 2 1992 101 D E fv1 Q1 #_ 9zuol AC!5. Ef9D, MCB, CLIJi== TEL Dec 02.92 16:21? No.004 P.ID7. STA 5+50 STA 5+-oii i-.4- 0 0 STA ; +0n STA ; A `-2. UO an, i. DEC i0C 2� _ D E fvl j� 65 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary November 17, 1992 Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. Brynn Ashton, P.E. AC/S Environmental Management Department, Building #1 Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28542-5001 Subject: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. 921101 LHA Simulation/Helicoptor Training Pad Onslow County Dear Mr. Ashton: The Wilmington Regional Office received a revised Stormwater Submittal for the LHA Simulation/Helicoptor Training Pad on November 2, 1992. A review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is still not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please provide a plan that shows the bearings and distances of the 5 acre tract you plan to use to meet the density requirement. My original request included distances to be shown on the plan, but you did not show the overall tract dimensions and bearings, just for the actual pad. 2. A signed and notarized deed restriction for the 5 acre tract limiting the built -upon area to 25 % of the total site area or 54,450 square feet. -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 264M5-3945 • Telephone 919-395-3900 • Fax 919-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer t Mr. Ashton November 17, 1992 Stormwater Project No. 921101 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to December 1, 1992, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. The deed restriction can be faxed to (919)-350-2004. I understand you will not be in until Friday. If you receive this before then, there is no need to return my call of November 17, 1992. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (919) 395-3900. DA/arl: 921101.NOV cc: C(2)- inda_Lewi—s—:,3 Central Files Sincerely, 4t 7 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer I 2 ¢51- S0�3 DENSITY REVIEW < 1 ACRE PROJECT NAME: LMA He/IGoSiNno/2Ik+- REVIEWER AkLp-� PROJECT NO: -1 Z l / 0 I DATE 1 /- / 7- / Z DRAINAGE BASIN: N2W 1P/y6Y CLASS ALLOWABLE B/U$ ZS (O COUNTY on-51oW SITE AREA= S aCMC IMPERVIOUS AREA= 5Z/ SOU PERCENT BUILT UPON= 24,2 CIO ^ n ACCEPTABLE? YES ✓ NO INITIALS AA - INFORMATION REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUESTED DENSITY CALCULATIONS NOTARIZED SUBMITTAL AUTHOR. _tom SITE PLAN WITH: ✓ PROPERTY LINES STREET X-SECT LOCATION MAP Comme(l+s : Pact Ic, be aluminum, Lut4h shall dt.qme%r Lio�eS 5or„e in>SllrQhv� Poss�'ble bad SU�face 05 i/nperviouS. ,Bearings 0 065f006e5 no-l' O/1 P44-2 url 7-1 le- vrgt = S l qe,< =52,8 .5r- IIU 140V 1 7 1992 L� UEM UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, NORTH CAROLINA 28542-5001 IN REPLY REFER TO: 5000 BEMD 1 % NOV 1q9? From: Commanding General, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune To: Whom It May Concern Subj: AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL 1. This is to certify that Mr. Robert L. Warren, Assistant Chief of Staff, Environmental Management has the authority to sign correspondence, applications, permits, and other related material "By direction of the Commanding General". / 6 OHN R. KOPKA Chief of Staff STG�,�►���',1 EC1;'�II IdOV 1 7 1992 :aJ � 92�-- Enclosure 0) UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJELINE, NORTH CAROLINA 28542-5001 Attn: Ms Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Dear Ms Lewis: IN REPLY REFER TO'. 6280 BEMD 13 NOV 1992 RECEIVED NOV 16 1992 Wilmington Regional Office DEM Enclosed is the information you requested, (1) large scale plans of the built -upon area, and (2) a letter authorizing Mr. Robert Warren to sign by direction of the Commanding General and additional clarification of the actual built -upon area. Sinc rely, ROBERT L. WARREN Assistant Chief of Staff Environment Management By direction of the Commanding General Encl: (1) Scale plan maps (2) By direction letter for Mr. Warren STG My I!N SAT 1Ui 110V 1 7 1992 •,OJ # 921M l r State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Bob Jamieson William W. Cobey Ir., Secretary November 3, 1992 Regional Manager DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Mr. Brynn Ashton, P.E. AC/S Environmental Management Department, Building #1 Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 28542-5001 Subject: Additional Information Stormwater Project No. 921101 LHA Simulation/Helicoptor Training Pad Onslow County Dear Mr. Ashton: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Submittal for the LHA Simulation/Helicoptor Training Pad on November 2, 1992. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the submittal for the subject project is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: pj 1. Please provide a clear plan with a larger scale showing all proposed surfaces, existing structures, project/property lines, dimensions, proposed elevations, etc. pj 2. Your calculations of the built -upon area. 3. A notarized submittal authorization from the owner, giving you permission to submit stormwater plans on their behalf. 4. Your density limits form indicates two built -upon calculations. The description area Sp gives 50'x600' of pad to be built. This is 90,000 square feet, not 52,800 as indicated Q� in the calcualtion portion of the form. dl'sfurheG� area -continued- 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 919-395-3910 • Fax 919-35420(ii An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Ashton November 3, 1992 Stormwater Project No. 921101 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to November 17, 1992, or the submittal will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (919) 395-3900. DA/arl: 921101.NOV cc: t(2)-Linda LewisJ Central Files Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Technician 2 _ gzl_lvl 1r-3-gz 11=f=rtZ ll-!?-`t2 1, A/eeoi mare c%a-, l�rcJe�- PrpJPCf' Of .exi5hA 5b-aciuia5 ho/ecv/�0 C/I el5io17f5W _ /1;7e5 _ 2rj/or Jproper l,�es� Flav po�Fe as ur- iv)ajre pro�5eel e%v e-47 5—e- 2. Ca1cu1a&g-5 04, hudi ()AZ, C�t-'ea- resut�7 deasiiy 1!-l?-`T2 3. No%ar�zec/ �u%�+i��l 9rt,�/KriZ2f7?y1 l/- (%- Z Q, $ iUirn w a�e✓ o� fJo� aP�ii e of ilJr — acre imperV 'ou i or dC'751 J� eXEnrJ Prl- g/Q) = SOFOC hUf l Go'X (000' 056W cq c s�� _rynn_f�sh boo 4S/ - So(o 3 I- ---_ - ------- ---- 't .. -- -- ---- -- - --- -- - ,. _, _. ,. ,. ,. _ . .. r. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, NORTH CAROLINA 28542-5001 North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Wilmington Regional Office Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Gentlemen: IN REPLY REFER TO: 6280 BEMD 2 9 OCT 1992 RECEIVED OCT 30 1992 Wilmington Regional Office DEM The enclosure (1), the Stormwater Certification for the LHA Simulator/Helicopter Training Pad, is forwarded for your review. The Erosion Control Plan is currently under review by your Land Quality Section. Please contact Mr. Brynn Ashton, Professional Engineer, Environmental Management Department, at telephone (919) 451-5063 concerning any questions or comments. Encl: (1) Stormwater Certification Sin rely, V C/ ROB RT L. WARREN Assistant Chief of Staff Environmental Management By direction of the Commanding General 111' a6au'u Ls;,, NOV 0 2 1992 U D E M r :O] # 92 I ICl 25' - 1279 12 480 000 . \ x32 SNEADS FERRY QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA—ONSLOW CO. Gha.3y�3 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) PAP SW/4 NEW RIVER 15' QUADRANGLE QC 1281 s 770 '30" - 82 34°3T30" 23x z x] w- 7 �° Hines ' (c)p Poi t / 4 10 r V b a��ClghL(C)p. 1 3 e / 13 8 / B A Y // Giletle (E) — �� 2 y�fr, r a i 32 b 30�J � O `N p Light (C)p/ / _ . P u 1 Ell'tS C07JC 1 \\�(Z)j pT Light (C- �� 3 \\\ I Boundary Gam— a u pco \\ \ Y Markers (M); Sped Area \\ '. Spoil lPoocks/— dl `. (Xryl Point 3 Dolph ns - ". 1 n \\\\ Sneads \\\ Area Ferryl,l' I / light (C)`\ .idRettS/y s \\ / Bridge 1 : �� s— Pq.. C) � � \J\ Ferry j/3 oint v c1. Spoil / �pCC'' 1 �i p Light (C) 7`—p L16h ( ) ,''a 2 / DaYbeaconp\ P tto�Gc (C) 3 6� s I �\�h3 ..,..,.. P 320 000 FEET 3833 Spoil. Area 3832 35,R � F" 1: it Ji. U� rthouse - Bay 3829 �. Ly 16 II U Le+ ` U N V 0 2 1992 D E M 3828 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Submittal Form for Projects Using Density Limits for Stormwater Control j ECT DATA Name of Project: L1 Location (County, Towns Applicant Name: Mailing Address: Phone No: (919) 451 Submittal Date: ?/Munic NC 28542 WARREN ty, ATTN: 2AINING PAD ress): L. WARREN, AC S EN I Brief Description (include map and appropriate drawings): APPROX. 60OX150" TRAINING PAD USED TO SIMULATE ON LHA DECK Water Body Receiving Stormwater.Runoff: Name of Water Body: NEW RIVER Classification of Water Body: SA Total Area of Proposed Project (acres): TOTAL = 5.0 ACRES State/Federal Permits and Approvals Required: (Check Appropriate Blanks) CAMA Major Sedimentation and Erosion Control X 404 Permit DEM/DHS Sewage Disposal Other (specify): CALCULATION OF BUILT -UPON AREA (Built -upon area means that portion of an in development that is covered by impervious or partially pervious cover including buildings; pavement, recreation facilities, etc. but not .including wooden decking. If the project includes areas draining to different water classifications, then note them separately as outlined below) Classification: a) Built -upon area: b) Total project area: % built -upon areal = c) built -upon area > limits' for the classified water? Subwatershed 25 Subwatershed. % Subwatershed % ' % built -upon = (built -upon area / total project area) * 100 built -upon area limits: SA waters --- 25% Other --- 30%�OUC1u�t1 STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM " I` Ii '19 Is the only kind of stormwater collection system grass Sal��e d 2 199Z U Yes X No D E M o r of # 92!Ibl If no, please provide a detailed description. BUFFER AREA Is the built -upon area at least 30 feet from mean high water of all surface waters? Yes X No If no, please provide a detailed description (Note: Only boat ramps, public roads, public bridges and walkways to water related facilities are allowed within 30 feet of mean high water if the project is intended to meet stormwater control requirements through density limits.) DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Do the deed restrictions and protective covenants ensure- that subdivisions maintain the development consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the division and include the State as a beneficiary of the restrictions? Yes x No MARINE CORPS PLANNING RESTRICTIONS (Include a copy of the restrictions and covenants with this form.) CERTIFICATION ROBERT L. WARREN � I certify that the information included on this submittal form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with this information, and that to s�1 (�flryLtheibest of my kn wledge, the proposed project complies with the ((9��IDJ��Y"LINrau` euuent of CAC 2H.100 \v\ �duu11 �^ 2 9 OCT 1992 L u G U'V Ls Signature -Owner or Agent Date COMMANDING GENERAL, ATTN: ROBERT L. WARREN, AC/S ENVIRONMENTAL U�! MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, BUILDING # 1, CAMP LEJEUNE, NC 28542-5001 NOV a 2 1992 Address ggM rOJ # R f agent, please list owner's name and address below: Q211v( DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SIGN -OFF Regional Office Icv DEC qZ ,d Date Individual Evaluating Forms/Plant ZLNt (9g t- -�,� Date �Be�ie al Water Quality Supervisor CC: Applicant/Region/Mills/CF