SW8 1211 D3
20181 q
Nelson, Christine
From: Michael Gallant (gallantmc@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 5:14 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: IC Life
I made the changes to the calculation spreadsheet (head =( 54. 2.5)/3= .96667 ft), and used required volume for dd time (calculated at
4 days). I will get you revised talc sheet and supplement tomorrow. You can make the other changes by hand. Thanks for all your
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
From: "Nelson, Christine" <christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov>
To: Michael Gallant <gallantmc@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:49 PM
Subject: RE: IC Life
I'm so sorry to keep going back and forth on this. I was updating the information in our check sheet and I found that the
calculated drawdown time wasn't quite matching up with what you listed. In looking at your talcs, I don't understand
your average head calculation. It looks like you are using (TP vol / PP sa / 3). In section 3.52 of the BMP manual, the
average head is Ho/3. Ho is defined as the driving head from the centroid of the orifice (or PPE) to the TP elevation. In
other words it is a third of the difference between the TP elevation and the PP elevation. Why are you using the volumes
and surface areas?
Also, it looks like you are using the provided temporary volume to determine the drawdown time. The required volume
should be used as it's the required volume that needs to drawdown in 2-5 days, not the additional volume. I have attached
an old schematic that may or may not help make sense of all of this.
Am 1 looking at your calculations correctly? .
Thanks for your assistance as we try to wrap this one up.
Finail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Mlchael Gallant [mailto:gallantmc rt yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 5:21 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: IC Life
I will show the temp pool at 5.4 ft and revise the temp pool volume and surface area. The QIO is not a local requirementjust
something I do because I think it is good engineering practice if possible. You will have the changes tomorrow.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Nelson, Christine
Nelson, Christine
Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:56 PM
'MIchael Gallant'
RE: IC Life
Once again, I'm so sorry - I thought I looked at everything, but realized you had provided an updated pond detail sheet. I
have two small comments on that plan:
On the pond cross-section, the temporary pool elevation of 5.4 is labeled as "Perm. Pool El".
The outlet structure detail lists the temporary pool elevation as 5.00 instead of 5.4.
Can I either get revised plans or written permission to make the changes by hand?
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Nelson, Christine
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:50 PM
To: 'MIchael Gallant'
Subject: RE: IC Life
I'm so sorry to keep going back and forth on this. I was updating the information in our check sheet and I found that the
calculated drawdown time wasn't quite matching up with what you listed. In looking at your talcs, I don't understand
your average head calculation. It looks like you are using (TP vol / PP sa / 3). In section 3.52 of the BMP manual, the
average head is Ho/3. Ho is defined as the driving head from the centroid of the orifice (or PPE) to the TP elevation. In
other words it is a third of the difference between the TP elevation and the PP elevation. Why are you using the volumes
and surface areas?
Also, it looks like you are using the provided temporary volume to determine the drawdown time. The required volume
should be used as it's the required volume that needs to drawdown in 2-5 days, not the additional volume. I have
attached an old schematic that may or may not help make sense of all of this.
Am I looking at your calculations correctly?
Thanks for your assistance as we try to wrap this one up.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: MIchael Gallant [mailto:gallantmcCalyahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 5:21 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: IC Life
I will show the temp pool at 5.4 ft and revise the temp pool volume and surface area. The QIO is not a local requirementjust
something 1 do because 1 think it is good engineering practice if possible. You will have the changes tomorrow.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
Christine Nelson
Environmental Engineer
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
Augaust 13, 2013
Re: I C Life
In response to your email on August 12, 2013, please find the following revisions
and information regarding your comments:
The plan sheet C4.3 has been revised to show the temporary storage elevation at
5.40 ft. The Pond Spreadsheet has been revised to show the temporary storage elevation
at 5.40 ft and the temporary volume has increased as a result. This also increased the
drawdown time to 4.7 days. The supplement form has been revised to show the changes
in temporary storage elevation, volume and drawdown time.
Please find two copies of all the revised documents attached.
If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 910.448.1046.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
gal Iantmc@yahoo. corn
tel 910.448.1046
AUG 13 2013
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Nelson, Christine
Nelson, Christine
Monday, August 12, 2013 5:05 PM
'Michael Gallant
RE: IC Life
If the next available outlet is set at 5.4, then the temporary pool needs to be reported as 5.4 ft throughout the
application documents. As you know, changing this elevation affects other information presented in the documents:
temporary pool surface area, drawdown time, etc. Please keep in mind that with the drawdown calculations, the entire
provided head must be considered along with the required storage volume. Please have the revised documents
submitted by August 30, 2013.
Is the Q10 pre/post a local requirement?
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: MIchael Gallant [mailto:aallantmc(d)yahoo.coml
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 4:44 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: IC Life
To meet the burden of the States requirement for storage, the temporary pool would reach an elevation of 5 ft. In order to lower the
Q10 out fall for the pond to less than the pre development Q10 the outlet needs to be at 5.4 ft. There is no intermediate orifice or weir
for the 5 ft temporay pool. Another way to look at it is that I am providing excess storage by .4 feet.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
From: "Nelson, Christine" <christine.nelson(a)ncdenr.gov>
To: Michael Gallant <gaIlantmc(o)vahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 3:53 PM
Subject: RE: IC Life
1 have just gone through the revised documents submitted on July 30, 2013. It seems there still is some confusion over the
temporary pool elevation. The temporary pool elevation is considered to be the elevation of the next available outlet.
Above the permanent pool, set at 2.5, what is the elevation of the next available outlet? From the outlet structure detail, it
appears to be at an elevation of 5.4 ft. I don't see an outlet identified at an elevation of 5 ft.
Can you help clarify?
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Nelson, Christine
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:42 AM
To: 'Mlchael Gallant'
Subject: RE: IC Life
I have the project in front of me and ant trying to review it today. I've been a bit side tracked this morning.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Mlchael Gallant [mailto:eallannnc a vahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 11:13 AM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: IC Life
Just following up my phone call with an email. I was wondering if you needed anything else on IC Life. I dropped off the revisions
from your request for add info while you were away. Thanks for all your help.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
Christine Nelson
Environmental Engineer
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
July 30, 2013
Re: I C Life
In response to you additional information request dated July 24, 2013, please find
the following revisions and information regarding your comments:
1. The plans have been revised to show the outlet swale from the vegetated filter to be
sod instead of rip rap. The outfall for the Q10 storm is less than 1 cubic foot per second
and the resultant velocity in that channel is less than 2 feet per second.
2. The outlet channel is flat and some additional spot elevations have been added. This
change can be seen on sheets C4.0 and C4.3 (attached). A detail of the channel cross
section is shown on C4.3.
3. A note has been added to the narrative to indicate that the pervious concrete driveways
are a requirement of the Town of Surf City. These drives are not credited to a reduction
of impervious area in this plan and are, for the purposes of this plan, considered
4a. The wet pond supplement and the calculation sheet (attached) have been revised to
show the correct area of the pond bottom.
4b. The forebay area and the pond area are to be graded to an elevation of -5.0 as per the
cross section. The pond bottom is considered to be at elevation -4.0 leaving the required
1 foot of sediment storage. The areas for these contours has been revised as previously
4c. The required temporary pool elevation for the 1 year event is at a stage of 5.0 feet.
This plan goes beyond that requirement and considers the peak stage of the 10 year event.
This plan reduces the outfall for the 10 year event to less than the predevelopment flow.
Sheet C4.3 has been revised to show both the temporary pool elevation and the 10 year
peak stage. The supplement has been revised to show storage above the temporary pool.
Please note that this causes an error in the spreadsheet which I have manually deleted.
According to the formula for that cell any other elevation other than the temporary pool
elevation will yield and error (cell B65 "Elevation of Additional Volume").
4d. The permanent pool elevation is at elevation 2.5 and the plans have been revised to
show that on Sheet C4.3.
ga Ilantmc@yahoo. corn
tel 910.448.1046
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
JUL 3 0 2013
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
Please find two copies of all the revised documents attached.
If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 910.448.1046.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
t e 1910.448.1046
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
Project Narrative for I C Life
General Information
Project Name: I C Life
JUL 3 0 20±3 V!
This roject was previously permitted as Lattier Landing. The permit number was SW8
121103 A request for a Storm Water Management Permit was dated November 6, 2012.
G� 0 bS i
Address: Little Kinston Rd.
Surf City, NC
Pender County
Acres in Tract: 3.11 Acres
Acres Being Disturbed: 1.45 Acres
Acres in Wetlands: 1.66 acres of wetlands. There will be no impacts to wetlands on this
Ownership Information:
Thomas Nelson
3075 AB Carter Rd.
Fayetteville, NC 28312
Description of Development Proposal:
The applicant wishes to construct home sites on 10 lots. The tax parcel IDs for
the lots property is 4235-62-2044-0000
Pre 1988 Built Upon Area:
There is no pre built upon area on the project.
Phasing and Storm Water Facilities:
The project will be developed in one phase. The project includes the development
of 10 home sites that front on an existing public right of way. The project will adhere to
the requirements of a high density plan. The built upon area will not exceed 50%. The
project drains to Topsail Sound which is designated as class SA waters. A wet detention
basin has been designed for the project. The basin is designed to remove 90% of TSS
and is in series with a level spreader/vegetated filter. This basin will serve as a skimmer
tel 910.448.1046
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
basin during construction and will be cleaned out before being put into final service as a
wet.detention basin.
Please note that lots 5-8 are required to have pervious concrete driveways per the
ofSurf City Planning requirements. This plan takes no credit for this area anthat this area is impervious.
Water and Waste Water Treatment:
Water and sewer utility service will be provided by the Town of Surf City.
Historic Sites and Public Monies:
To the best of my knowledge, there are no historic sites on the property. The
project will be privately funded and no public monies will be utilized.
Non Compliance Issues:
To my knowledge there are no non-compliance issues associated with the site
apart from the fact that the original site plan was never developed. The property was in
foreclosure and this resulted in a compliance inspection report and a letter requesting a
permit application (attached).
Stormwater and Soil Erosion Information
Basin and Stream Information:
The project drains to Topsail Sound (SA, HQW). A copy of the classification
documentation is included. This project lies within the White Cape Fear River basin.
Density Classification: High Density
Proposed Impervious Surface: 50%
Proposed Treatment and Collection:
Run off from the project will sheet flow over the roadway to a flume that will
deposit flow in to the wet detention basin. The basin is designed for 90%TSS removal.
The basin is followed by a level spreader and vegetated filter. The vegetated filter outlets
to a rip rap swale that flows to the on -site wetlands. These wetlands border on the
Topsail Sound (ICWW). The outlet of the swale does not fall within the Division of
Coastal Management's Area of Environmental Concern. The distance to the surface
tel 910.448.1046
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
waters from the swale outlet is approximately 268 feet at the shortest distance. These on -
site wetlands should act to further treat and infiltrate the wet detention basin effluent.
In designing the basin, the seasonal high water table (SHWT) was taken from
previous plans to be at an elevation of 3 feet MSL. During a file review the site
inspection and infiltration site visit request was found and is included in the supplemental
information packet. It appears that the site evaluation shows the SHWT 24" below grade.
This would coincide with an elevation between 2.5 and 3 feet MSL. In reviewing the
topography of the site it appears that the wetlands line corresponds with the 2 and 3 foot
contour lines. Given this information the permanent pool for the wet basin was designed
at 2.5 feet MSL.
All disturbed areas will be stabilized within 7 days from the completion of work.
The preferred method of stabilization is hydroseeding.
This project lies within the % mile for SA waters. There will be no offsite fill
brought to the site.
Built Upon Area Collection:
All built upon areas will sheet flow.to the surrounding grassed yard areas.
Buffer Requirements: None.
DCM AEC: None on site.
Offsite Water: NA
Road Access: The project will be accessed directly by the Town of Surf City public right
of way.
Soils: An NRCS soils report for the site is attached.
Off Site Improvements:
No off site improvements are planned at this time.
tel 910.448.1046
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
Nelson, Christine
From: Nelson, Christine
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:10 PM
To: 'Michael Gallant'
Subject: RE: IC Life - request for additional info
Thanks for that clarification! Maybe add a similar note to the narrative? With just the note on the plans, it looks a bit
misleading from a state stormwater permitting perspective.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: MIchael Gallant (mailto:gallantmcColyahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 3:03 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: IC Life - request for additional info
Thanks Christine. I will turn these around and get them to you when you return. BTW the comment #3 about pervious concrete
driveways - that is a Surf City requirement for those lots. I am not treating like a pervious structure or trying to get any credit for it in
this plan. 1 am not sure why they require it onjust those lots. All lots on the island are required to have pervious pavement driveways
or to be gravel.
Enjoy your time off.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
From: "Nelson, Christine" <christine.nelsonno ncdenr.gov>
To: MIchael Gallant <gaallantmc(cDvahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 2:51 PM
Subject: IC Life - request for additional info
I am attaching a copy of the request for additional information for this project. Copies will also be sent out in
the mail. As I mentioned to you earlier this week, I will be out of the office starting tomorrow, July 25 and will
likely return on August 7th. If you get a chance this afternoon, please take a look and let me know if you have
any questions about these items.
Christine Nelson
Environmental Engineer
State Stormwaler Program
NC Division of Water Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Ext.
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: 910-796-7323
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory
July 24, 2013
Mr. Thomas Nelson
3075 AB Carter Road
Fayetteville, NC 28312
Division of Water Quality
Thomas A. Reeder
Acting Director
Subject: Request for Additional Information
Stormwater Project No. SW8 121103
IC Life
Pender County
Dear Mr. Nelson:
John E. Skvarla, III
The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a State Stormwater
Management Permit Application for IC Life on June 11, 2013 with additional information
provided on July 22, 2013. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has
determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to
continue the stormwater review:
01 Please provide an explanation as to why riprap is necessary to stabilize the outlet
and channel from the pond. Vegetated conveyances are the preferred method.
Please provide additional grading information along the outlet channel as well as
a detail of the channel.
The plans indicate that lots 5 — 8 must have a pervious drive. Please explain
what this note means or provide a detail of the proposed drives. If permeable
pavement will be used, please submit the necessary information associated with
pervious pavement.
4. Please ensure the information is presented consistently among the application
documents. The following items were noted:
✓a. The wet detention pond supplement indicates that the pond bottom surface
area will be 101 ft2 while the calculations indicate it will be 500 ft2.
/b. The forebay pond bottom surface area at elevation -4 It was identified as 0 ft2
in the calculations, however the plans indicate the forebay provides the
required 1 foot of sediment storage below the -4 ft elevation. Please confirm
that there is sediment storage available within the forebay below an elevation
of -4 ft.
�. c. The calculations and the supplement indicate that the temporary pool
elevation will be 5 ft; however plan C4.3 indicates that the rim elevation for
the precast riser will be either 5.4 ft or 4.9 ft. Please confirm the temporary
pool elevation and ensure it is accurately presented on the plans.
d. The pond cross section indicates that the vegetated shelf will be between
elevations 1.5 and 2.5 ft; however the supplement indicates the vegetated
shelf will be between 2 and 3 ft.
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One
Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 DENR Assistance: 1$17-623-6748 NorthCarolina
Internet: w .nmaterquality.org a��/.'/rry//�
An Equal Opportunity l Affirmative Action Employer (/{v bi4 al
Thomas Nelson
July 24, 2013
Stormwater Application No. SW8 121103
Please remember that a change to one number may have a domino effect on other
numbers. Please check all plans, calculations and forms to ensure that the numbers are
consistent throughout.
Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary
review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to August 16,
2013, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will
necessitate resubmission of all required items, including the application fee.
If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your
request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom
of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the
required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed
application to issue the permit.
The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under
an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and
is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A.
Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any
original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All
original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not
acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me
at (910) 796-7215 or email me at christine.nelson@ncdenr.gov.
Christine Nelson
Environmental Engineer
GDS/can: S:\WQS\Stormwater\Permits 8 Projects\2013\121103 HD\2013 07 addinfo 121103
CC' Michael Gallant PE
Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File
Page 2 of 2
Nelson, Christine
From: Nelson, Christine
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:15 PM
To: 'Michael Gallant'
Subject: RE: Charlestown Plantation
Monday morning should be fine.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: MIchael Gallant rmailto:gallantmc(o)vahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 12:13 PM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Re: Charlestown Plantation
I could have them to you Monday morning when I come for the working group meeting. If that's ok let me know and 1 will get them
to you.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
www.m ichael pal lantengi neer.com
From: "Nelson, Christine" <christine.nelson(a)ncdenr.gov>
To: Michael Gallant <gallantmc(o)vahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Charlestown Plantation
Actually, I have been assigned to review IC Life. It was going to be the next project I pick up. When do you think you
might be able to submit the changes? 1 would like to review it in the next few days as I will be out for approx2 week
starting the 251h.
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: MIchael Gallant rmailto:pal lantmc@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 1 1:30 AM
To: Nelson, Christine
Subject: Charlestown Plantation
See the
—page second paragraph. Anything else just let me know.
Also, a\ `re you looking.at-[ e?' If you are or know who is that may change ever so slightly. There are 9 lots and a pool area and the
developer would want 10 lots and no pool area the BUA per lot would change from 2052 to 2034 sf. Everything else would stay the
same. I could get the changes in before the review is done if no one has looked at it yet. Let me know.
Thanks for all your help.
Casmer, Jo
From: Casmer, Jo
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:21 AM
To: 'gallantmc@yahoo.com'
Subject: I C Life, Stormwater Permit SW8 121103
The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality received the Stormwater Permit Application
and $505.00 fee on June 12, 2013. Your project will be assigned to a staff member and reviewed within 75
days of receipt. You will be notified if additional information is needed. Please be advised that the construction
of built -upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued.
We have no email address for the owner so we ask that you please advise them on this status update.
Jo Cesmer
Administrative Assistant for the Division of Water Quality
NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: (910) 796-7336
Fax: (910) 350-2004
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may be disdosed to third
Completeness Review Checklist
Project Name:
Project Location:
Rule(s) 20tt08 Coastal
Type of Permit: ew or ti
Density: HD or LD
%: a3.3 (%OK?)
Subdivided?: Sy 1visignn
Type: Commercial or Aside`latial
Stream Class:\AtD� ®SA Map
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Accepted Date: (;; /ld-j 1"�
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la I103 �PE Cert on File?
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®Supplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): `-bco '?oN D To L.5wE5 (sAt )
®O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swoles) QC-(;�c+ V�
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IDQltn� l l �stay�
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Johnson, Kelly
Johnson, Kelly
Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:38 PM
'Michael Gallant'
RE: I C Life Storrriwater Application
I talked to Georgette about this situation. We are going to accept the project, and the reviewer will contact the "other
half/the HOA/SW8 121104" about what to do for that site. This is a tricky situation.
From: MIchael Gallant [mailto:gallantmc(d)vahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:14 PM
To: Johnson, Kelly
Subject: Re: I C Life Stormwater Application
When I did my file review I had a hard time figuring out just what part of the project they were addressing. At first it appeared that
they were only collecting water on my client's half. I did not see how the collector swales were connecting to the proposed system.
There seems to be a lot of pervious concrete and I see a tench that feeds the pump station but I am not sure how the water gets there. I
do not see a road cross section on the original plans provided me by my client. It appears that some of the water was supposed to
infiltrate through the pervious pavement to the ground below. I also did not see any spot elevations, contours or flow arrows for the
driveway and road areas.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
www. in ichaeleallantengineer. coin
From: "Johnson, Kelly" <kellv.pJohnsonCcDncdenr.gov>
To: MIchael Gallant <gallantmcta7yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: I C Life Stormwater Application
From what I gather it was foreclosed, and the bank split it into two owners. The issue is that the BMP for the original is
on your client's side, and so the question becomes what to do with the I-IOA side's water if that 13MP "goes away". I am
still going through it but the DA map from 2006 is odd. It is going to take some work to figure out what is supposed to
drain where, and then to figure out what to do about it if that changes. I figured you were only working for `9talf', but I
thought I would check to see if you knew what the other side was doing. The 11 /2012 letter asked the two sides to either
1.) Get a transfer from the original owner and then modify the permit to suit each side's needs, or 2.) Each side get their
own permit. 1 will have to ask Georgette about what to do with a single side's application once 1 set a handle on the
situation. Nothing is ever simple.. O
From: MIchael Gallant [mailto:gallanunen.vahoo.coni]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:19 PM
To: Johnson, Kelly
Subject: Re: I C Life Stormwater Application
I do not know those folks. As far as I am aware it is an HOA. When 1 did my file review I saw that the pennit looked like it had been split into two permits. 1 assumed
that the question of requiting permits was already put to all parties involved. Please let me know if I can help you in this matter.
Michael C. Gallant, PE
PO Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
www.michaelgal lantentgineer.coin
From: 'Johnson, Kelly" <kellv.12.iohnson(a;ncdenr.eov>
To: Mlchael Gallant <kallantmcrcilvahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 l 1:34 AM
Subject: I C Life Stormwater Application
Are you in any way associated with the other "half' of the original SW8 060716 Lattier Landing development,
or do you know if there is a plan to get a permit for the other "half'? I need to figure out the best way to handle
this administratively. It is unusual.
Kelly Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
Division of Water Quality
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, NC 28405-3845
Office: 910.796.7331
Fax: 910.350.2004
Johnson, Kelly
Johnson, Kelly
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:15 PM
Scott, Georgette
Transfer Question - SW8 060716 (Lattier Landing)
This project was foreclosed, and the bank split it into two owners. We sent both sides a letter last fall asking them to
1.) Transfer the current permit to the two current owners, and then modify the permit to reflect the current
subdivided state under separate permits.
2.) Apply for a new permits for each of the two subdivided parcels.
We have received an application for one of the pieces, but not the other. The main issue is that the "half' that we have
is the piece where the original BMP was going to be. Now, that "half' is changing the BMP and only treats its own water
such that if we permit the half that has been submitted it leaves the other side in limbo without treatment. I think I will
have to return the application because this doesn't offer a full solution to the problem. But, I wanted to verify this with
you first because the application by itself could be a valid permit and the applicant for this permit doesn't have control
over getting the other side to cooperate. Any thoughts on this?
Here is a summary for the file (so I don't have to re-create this later):
1. 8/16/06: Originally issued to Michael Cole (private owner, no LLC or Inc.)
2. 10/3/12: Thomas Nelson called G. Scott. He had bought a portion of SW8 060716 from the bank. It had been foreclosed on.
3. 10/4/12: D. Cox inspected the site. It was under construction.
4. 11/6/12: K. Johnson mailed a letter:
a. Addressed to the original permittee and created two new permit numbers (one for each half):
i. SW8 060716: Michael Cole
ii. SW8121103: Thomas Nelson (Phase Il: west side of SW8 060716 if it splits into two)
iii. SW8121104: Lattier Landing Phase I HOA (Phase I: east side of SW8 060716 if it splits into two)
b. Options:
I. Transfer SW8 060716 to the two new owners, then mod
ii. Apply for two new permits
5. 6/11/12: Received application for the SW8121103 portion (not including the SW8121104 portion).
a. Rule Subject:
i. Keep Old Rule per Previous Discussion: Per 5/6/13 discussion (8 email documentation), a project that
applies for a new permit to replace an active HD permit can keep the old rule (1995 in this case) unless the
modification is a major modification under the 2008 rule.
1. Impervious Increasing in 6/11/12 Application?: Previous application didn't split the impervious into
these two sides. I don't know the amount that was permitted for each side in 2006.
2. BMP Size Increasing in 6/11/12 Application?: Changing BMP type (trench to pond) doesn't trigger
this requirement alone.
ii. This Application: Applied as HD under 2008 rules, subject to SA requirements.
1. Treatment is 90% wet pond to a LSNFS as the 2nd BMP
2. Percent Impervious: 23.3% (LID under 1995 b/c 25% max, but would probably be a POHD).
iii. Note: The 6/11/12 application shows that it is a modification, but it is a new permit. It has a number already
because it is registered (stormsub sent).
b. Fate of SW8121104 Permit Area:
i. 2006 Permit: This was a HD permit with an infiltration trench on the side that will be SW8 121103. So, if
that trench is not built we have to figure out what to do with the water that was designed to drain to that
ii. 2006 BMPs: Infiltration trench (with a pump system) and permeable pavement. (But, permeable pavement
isn't referenced in the permit text so I don't know for sure that it was part of the State Stormwater-required
design. I also don't know if the impervious data is before or after the permeable pavement credit was
iii. 2006 DA Map:
1. SW8 121103: Phase II (west side/Nelson): Included in the drainage area.
2. SW8 121104: Phase I (east side/HOA): The 2006 narrative says that the stormwater
management plan only covers the area that was not yet constructed in 2006; buildings 101, 103,
105, and 107 and the surrounding area as shown in the DA map. The "existing" townhomes are
excluded from the DA map (buildings 202, 204, 206, and 208). (It is unclear why this was done.)
iv. 2006 Impervious Summary: The data was not split into two pieces (for Phase I and Phase.2), so I don't
know the amount of impervious on the SW8 121104 (the HOA's) side.
Kelly Johnson
Environmental Engineer
Division of Water Quality
Stormwater Permitting
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, INC 28405-3845
Office: 910.796.7331
Fax: 910.350.2004
• + ,M
Michael C. Gallant PE, PA
Engineering / Consulting / Design
Storm Water Permitting June 10, 2013
127 Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
Attn: Kelly Johnson
Re: I C Life
Please find the attached re -submittal package for the review of the above
referenced project. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 910.448.1046.
The package includes in duplicate the following:
• A check for $505.
• The project plans and calculations.
• A brief Narrative for the project.
• The property deed.
• NOAA Data for the site.
• Completed applications, supplement forms and O and M forms.
• USGS Quad Map with the site marked.
• Stream classification data for the site.
• NRCS Soils Report for the site.
Mike Gallant, PE
gal Iant in c@yahoo. corn
tel 910.448.1046
JUN 112013
Br -
P.O. Box 4039
Surf City, NC 28445
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
November 6, 2012
Mr. Michael Cole, SW8 060716 permittee
255-A 1 South Kerr St
Wilmington NC 28403
Mr. Thomas Nelson (Owner, Plat 00440031)
3075 AB Carter Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28312
Lattier Landing Phase 1 Homeowner's Assn Inc. (Representative, Plat 00400099)
C/o Newbddge Bank
PO Box 18807
Greensboro, NC 27419
Subject: Request for State Stormwater Management Permit Application
SW8 060716 • Lattier Landing
SW8121103 - Lattier Landing -Nelson Property, Plat 00440031
SW8121104 • Lattier Landing -Phase 1 HOA Property, Plat 00400099
Pender County
Dear Property Owners and Representatives
On November 1, 2012 staff of the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality performed a file review
of State Stormwater Permit Number SW8 060716. Pender County property records show that the land covered by
State Stormwater permit number SW8 060716 which was most recently issued on August 16, 2006 has been
subdivided into the two subject parcels, and that each parcel is under new ownership. Copies of the county records
have been included for your use. State Stormwater permits do not automatically transfer with the sale of the land. In
order to continue coverage by a State Stormwater permit, please either:
1.) Transfer the current SW8 060716 permit from Mr. Cole to the two current owners and then modify the
permit to reflect the current subdivided state under separate permits. A name/ownership change form
is available on our website http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms_docs, or
2.) Apply for a new permits for each of the two subdivided parcels.
Either a Stormwater Permit Application Package including 2 sets of plans, completed application form, fee, and
supporting documentation, or a written response regarding the status of this project and the expected submittal date
must be received in this Office no later than December 6.2012. Failure to respond to this request may result in the
initiation of enforcement action, and construction may experience a subsequent delay.
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 DENR Assistance: 1-877.623-6748
Internet: w .ncwaterquality.org
An Equal Opportunity 1 ARrma6ve Action Employer
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Kelly Johnson, Environmental Engineer in the Wilmington
Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality, (910) 796-7215.
57m Charles Wakild, P.E., Director
Division of Water Quality
GDS/kpj: S:IWQSIStormwater\Permits&Projects120061060716 HD1201211 req_SWapp 060716
GDS1kpj: S:IWQSIStormwaterlPermits&Projects120121121103 Registered1201211 req_SWapp 121103
GDS1kpj: S:IWQSIStormwater Permits&Prolects120121121104 RegisteredQ01211 req_SWapp 121104
enc: State Stormwater Permit SW8 060716
Property Records, Plat 00440031
Property Records, Plat 00400099
cc: Georgette Scott, DWQ
WiRO Stormwater File
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Scale: 1:100 /
��Py16l - 0
PIN: 4235.61-0979-0000
ZIP: 28312
PLAT: 00440031
ACCOUNT: 950637.000000
ACRES: 2.52
LAND VALUE: $456,000.00
BUILDING VALUE: $80,441.00
TOTAL VALUE: $536,441.00