HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8120217_APPROVED PLANS_20120723STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 \ 2 o Z-1 n DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT IS APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 20 z a1 23 YYYYMMDD LANDSCAPING CHART " " BUFFER LANDSCAPING CHART TYPE A Large Canopy Trees Large Canopy Trees At Maturity Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread At Maturity 5 Qv Live Cak Quercus Vinginiana Evergreen 30' - 40' 90' - 60' Quantity Ka Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread 5 Total 8 Qv Live Oak Quercus Vinginiana Evergreen 30' - 40' 40' - 60' 8 Total Small Understory Trees At Maturity Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread Small Unde[sto Trees ry 2 Li Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Deciduous 181+ Varies At Maturity 2 Total Quantity K� Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread 12 Cp Washington Cratageus phaenoprym Deciduous 2�0' 20' - 25' Shrubs 12 Total At Maturity Quantity Key Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread Shrubs Heritage Square 37 Ag Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflor Evergreen 3' - 6' 3' - 6' At Maturity 37 Total Section IV t`78hPg ?8. Site Benchmark Top of Northam Bolt an Fire Wydront at Josh Court ad 0ffios Park Drive Elev. 43.4a1 (Datwn 111 29) Taken From Design Plan Entitled 'Heat Center of Jacksonville, NC' Prepared by Dunn i Dalton Architect Dated. 6/4/04 and Revised q/27/04. b-b h un - Back of Curb to Vol BG Back of Curb - Below Ground Gx%1a A05 C - Centerline o caty - Cable TV CB - Catch Basin ctg - Curb and Gutter ecb - Existing Catch Basin p o eve - Existing Clean Out �afh - Existing Fire Hydrant yo6,h o egv - Existing Gate Valve Z Cp Site Elev. alp - Elevation - Existing Light Pole (� E Is epb - Existing Phone Box c Sal' m Quantity Ka Common Name Botanical Name Tree Type Height Spread M.B. 43 P 188 50 Ag Glossy Abelia Abelia grandiflor Evergreen 3' - 6' 3' - 6' I , 9- TRACT DATA _ ° esam - Exisarg ' 50 Total RM-6 Zone Sewer Manhole W d Single Family I 10 Type A Buffer \ I Total Acreage ................ 0.95 Ac. 0 alum - Existing Water Main _ - 20' Drainage t (4 Large Trees, 6 Small Tress, t 25 \ - ex. - Existing Large Shrubs per 100 L.F. Acreage of Land to be Utility Easement ) �38 , disturbed and exposed 0.95 Ac. F-F - Face of Curb to 1,40 , I 39 , Per M.B. 25, Pg. 62 4 Live Oak, 6 Washington Na L.F.(Te, \ P Face of Curb 41 , - � - ; 25 Glossy Abelia per 100 F. (Typcial) - I Acreage in parks or other Huff Drives Install Silt Feriae recreation land usage...... 0 Ac. F.F.E. - Finished Floor Elevation ¢ ex. 8' wood H/C - Iladieap Ramp Sat plumb �orivacy fence Lsnerom Property I Acreage in open space......... 0.25 Ac. _ 11 Invert - - - - Zone .......................... 0&I _ -----------�-- ----- -- --------------- - --r - - - - _ �--I i'XSF AG Number of Lots Existing ....•. 2 O1u'd Vicinity Sketch O IM FB Iron 5� F 19'0*9_9 E 100.24' " - on bank Number of Lots Proposed ...... 1 Not scale ---- - -- -519'16'02"E 104A5' of suala Number of Units ............... 3 PG. -Minimum Buil irg Line - ---- - Install - nil Found - Page 10' Buffer --- - -- s,: a e Minimum Lot Size Allowed...... N/A PKF rntal Silt Fence Nail Ak Per M.B. 28, L Sw .. ,f _ ___ _ O Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan: Pg. 62 - �._ _ •,e. at Ditch Tap of Average Lot Size .............. N/A R - Radius - 0 MB _- Bank Ownership Status .............. Fee Simple I Construction Sagyrxe: _ - - - - W R'htof- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Prune dead and damaged limbs, as reoaseory, ex. conic.; chute 3 pieces reinforced rubber hose 3 No. 12 gaups - - -- _ - -- - - - - - - -' 3' Mulch Ob rot �d degreesaurd the Les. - ' - - - - -I 41.63 leave Boil on buricnp. 3 - Trotted Dumpetsr Pad Without Drain All synthetic straps, bards wooden stakes (Sea Detail an Sheet 3 of 3 and twire shell be rarroved ill Gutter from 1/4 to 1/3 of the top of the root bait ad all ropes fjd DOC 41. , R his Radius Onl' or wires shall be removed Harm 3' Forth Saucer I 1'J'nd the plant's trunk a croon. o GB BOG 41. Scoff fy all edge Top 4LI6 41.42 13ackftil mixture. of Les pit FL 40.66 ��� 4 '.. (z pats ahnorp sad Irn. 38.417 41.27 SIR I 1 port pin bark mulch e� fertilizer lobe 42• 5 parts existing Topsail I Web dianater f 4 par e< irrigation A '9 - way Type of Units ................. Medical Office Tyr. - Typical A. Notify City OF Jacksamilb Public works DaperLrnont, Ergieer and _Density ....................... N/A Ourw prior to begimkg construction. _ ;n\(\ Proposed Use (s) ............... Medical Office Ex. Si B. Sediment control measures we rewired to be Installed at the earliest *a - procticable data after start of work. Gradirg oper Vwo shall begin at 36 6d \ Existing Use(s)............... Vacant I \ Water Service COJ - Landscape Islands loll points' points of outfoll release or at other locations of where I I \ Sewer Service ................ COJ sedtTant control mred ro easus are shown an plan; athe sediment contl devices (silt fences, etc.) shall be installed before or simultaneously with - x 42.26 -Proposed Spat Elevation the grading of any sea draining to the device. 24' 24■ C�Cw I 41� Lot 16 t 17 IO Drainage t Utility Design ( Tax Ma 351H, Parcel 75 24' M.B. 28, Pg. 62 Easement Per 1 Note u 1 1 P dolls G. Lmits of clearing wall be as efnoiWil Over may lesson the amount to area. to tan'' work Silt farce hall be instal at thoroughly mix to back ill) O1' 2 par shrub ball shall W twice ban diareter thoroughly mix to back ill) O1' 2 par shrub ball shall W twice ban diareter ecx --- _ l 9 � �� 9 4'R 42.25 ORNAMENTAL TREE PLANTING DETAILasphalt _ I 24u� (Typ.) arkg For small trees with a low branching habit -- - of I _i42.85 Not to scale 1� ex. building i ! I ' (TYP•) Set plumb i % 15 us Northeast Office Park Section III 1 j 2 0 Prue dead and damped limbo os neosway M.B. 28, Pg. 62 Ott Zan Offices ! 41.66 m IL N70'45'52°El 205.99' I m Install Silt Fancy 41.iG At Property Line ! 2 pieces reinforced - No, t2 gp as u rubber hass golvanisd Wwe. 3' hardwood mulch. Do not leave sail All on burlap.uuovd i stake 24 CI Ke bands ci t krf MII (Typ') be rarreved from 114 g to VS of the top of -0� h `•'a'ca'' I. I 4 WR Lj the root bail old all - room a wines shall 1 plant'■ trurdcfnam M E is-r> -1 Scarify edges of tree pit ' pi_ r 9ackfiil mixture.§� (2 pats shag said Woodoce fertiliser tabs I pat pin bark mulch I 4 par tree CB / q' 5 parts existing 11 ----rj 2 per shrub Top 40. f thoroughly mix to backfill) Nob diaretsr for ball FL 40.16 Yp') shall be twice ball diareter I /\ Inv. 36.30 \ 3 J CANOPY TREE PLANTING DETAIL exdscaoe Not to scale area I Ex Design CB 41.88 4'R 18' (Typ. 42.00 Grace Ag 42.00 Ore* 11.88 4'R (TYP•) ITop AI_I8 �I i Qv /,tg FL 40.68 O Coordinate Construction Inv. 37.64 With City of Jacksonville n A9 A9 A9 Drainage Improverrlonts To ex. 2x2 - ex. 2'x2' Josh Court. \ brick _ - brick 41.60 column coluim R/W - \� SF oe II' G t down I64 Ip ex cone, sidewalk Q) �_ A '�. + Ex. Design essmh _ Q „ ex. b 118" RCP / top 4Ca7 FL 40.75 �P b-b � / nv. 34 54- Ent 1`4 ex. 5" ss 7 Irw. 35.00 `- u egv / I' PKF egv- --. _ /C .p top 40.63 / tit too 40.73 " V d top of nut 3q.0s i it top of nut 38.48 - ex 8" w `~ c g O L top 4050 _ 61 I 38 70top rut / \✓; - WR (Typ-) 16 I 17 D.B. 3402, Pg. 824 M.B. 28, Pg. 62 I PIN 438716737421 - Stop Bar Confirm pNor s _ of n s ire asel,`12•86 Tax Map 351H, Parcel 76 the down slops edge of clearing immediately after a lot is clawed. Silt �42.30 I 14 Spacae 11 Pave FlushlWit fence shall be rraintained until the lot is stabilized completely. Silt fences .� 5R lk PIN 938716737362 ® - �'OP Sign are shown based an topographic information in the locations expected to a a f Deed Ref.: D.B. 3402, Pg. 829 be Meded to trap sedi ent prior to entering down slope areas. Actual 9 a I `` 1 M.B. 28, Pg. 62 eel - Traffic Flow Arrow locations ol, �� I �' =11 1 Exterior I topography. That is, on *hall il wheys silt toadjusted to t tows is notsho n on the plan but the 1 io y: I I Lighting I SETBACKS - - he actual physical on site - Ex. Ditch actual topography redownwardecidownward slops, silt fence shell be installed. eis� �� �e �' Install Silt Fancy Where the actual topography reflects an upward slope silt francs is not :I :.:..• , .. ._ ._ _ _ r -"' At Property Line trod. -{ , n *- .. ,:: - •- 4 Sidewalk r Front Yard ................... 25' .)'^: y 1 Y.i �• - 2.� is alk, .•:F ..:e- . � :' 's. 60' Side Street .................. 8' D. Install stabilized rotruction entranoss prior to begimirq construction. E. Install silt fence where shown Immediately after clearing. I Wheel Stop I I I Side Yard 6 G.F. strip and stockpile topsoil for later use and begin rough grading. 2' Asphalt To i TYPiral I I - Rear Yard .................... 101 perimetera . Tsmporary seed areas d slopes greaterre rthen 3:1 that anot I :- Building.. I.. Flush With f I to be disturbed within 7 days (14 days for other seas). Access i Sidewalk I I I I BUILDING DATA: Wse. Install water and sewer services. Point I �, Elay. 42.35 � I i' I Install storm drainage piping and inlet protection on proposed catch basins. Drof'Oge Max. Building Height allowed........ N/A J. fire grade. Place CABC over compacted subgrads, and install curb and gutter : Utility Install asphalt surface course. Proposed I I Proposed Max. Height of Building 1 Story) I ^ I I I Easement P 9 g • • • • ( y K. Install cas mat surface canductc ors pave a proof roll test, on the x 1 I Per M.B. 22, Sprinkler ........................... No subgrade prior to installing star, and on the star prior to _ 3, Asphalt To Medical Office it I Pg. 185 Proposed Building Square Footage.... 8,510 S.F. irotalling extruded curb and / or asphalt. The proof roll tests shell o Flush With 1 ' I Sidewalk I � ( - _ -� � I Existing Building Square Footage.... 0 S.F. be conducted in the presarxe of o City of Jacksonville Costrvction Building C4 I �m Impactor. Elev 42.35 1 - IE I 572'52usW Construction Materials .............. Wood, v F.F.E. 42.75 I r I I 205,gi' Brick Veneer L. Seed, fart tize, and mulch perm etsr areas o,d slopes greater than 3-0 I • . PARKING DATA: within 7 days of completing any phase of the grading work (14 days far _ I i other areas). Apply temporary seeding if area is to be disturbed again ,- " I 1 I and permareent if areas have bean final graded ad accepted by engineer 123 O I I Parking Required .............. 1 Space/250 S.F of and owner. (12V-0' Roof) - 1 i Gross Floor Area Apply time and fertilizer and ware into seed bad, sad mixture shall be b 1 Asphalt To I I (8510/250) = 34 Spaces distributed uniformly ad covered with a clear straw mulch. Mulch shall be ` 18' 3i { l Flush With Wheel Stop Compact Spaces Allowed crimped a tacked to help hold in place. See Dstal °hest far '^°ter'al ad • I Sidewalk I T Ieol I I' (up to 25% for lots w/ application rates. •� 1 Elev. 42.35 YP IO.OG' I _ - and 10 or more spaces) .......... 9 Spaces 3 ehnl arrdContvictor i°mewu'salasf rewired topewnt accelerated aroslan ror maintaining all erosion contrvil esam taking _ Parking Provided ............. 49 Spaces (2 H/C Spaces) place on this site, until site is restabilimd and aooepted by City of Jacksonville, '•:,,�,� . -.; t.=g ;- = ; - • £ c-r „, - I 42.25 I Compact Spaces Provided.... 0 Spaces ovi .-w- -.:, ., ... : • .. Weer ad owner. _ .... - .• 5 Sidewalk_ .., _ ,:, ♦ - - - i'" r to distorted ad i existing ditch ` �•-•-r ..P :.. ;• .•:. , • •,' - .• .-�,.� :� - -��•' `:•- Existing Parking .............. 0 Spaces 4. Existing ditch banks we not be f aX sq iamb are I Desi I Total Parkin ........... 49 Spaces (2 H/C Spaces) eee� uess>• s>, � s»• e� sesu� Idistorted they shall be regraded to have 3:1 or flatter side slopes and the T n \ Note I _ g P f/canterliro graded to produce positive drainage. H d / u 1 , 15 i 5. For addaicnai Information, eve detail short. I Extsrior I westmjnbter LANDSCAPING DATA: g q Lighting office Park Boundary ................. 41,448 S.F. = 0.95 Ac. Water and Sewer Notes: v I M.B. 22, Pg. 185 p 42.08 1 001 Zorn Existing VAA ............. 0 S.F. 1. Potable water supply and savage treatment to be by City of rWrvaThise Sids Oral ♦• I 8' 8i x 41.1�3 SPW°5 41.40x \ C I Offices Proposed VAA • • • • • . • • • • .. 20,464 S.F. Jacksonville. rted Crown Sidewal h I I 1' Existing ISA 0 S.F. 2. Contractor shall verify location of existing water and sewer Asphalt �� maim and report any deviations to seer prior to construction. \ Elev. pho 24■ UG ISA without Building ..... 22,051 S.F. \ : 13. As of ,lanuay I, 191X, ayae digging with mechanized eoyipmont in N I 41.20 - 25' MBL _ ® 7 1 - (TYP•) 1 ISA with Building • . • .. • • • . 30, 561 S. F, highway right-of-way, private utility eaaernants, m public spaces - s Proposed ISA 30,561 S.F. (Total) will be rewired by North Caralfna love to give ratite of the proposed 5 R 41.T9 42.06 I li I Existing ISR ............. 0.000% excavation to all existing sea utilities at least 2 working days Prewntsr I Proposed ISR ............. 0.739% (Modeerately High) before starting to dig. The utility suer is to locate its facilities in I _• 24(Typ.) (Total)cv0 41 .Landsca ing Re4uired ..... 2,455.6 S.F. the area of the proposed excavation. Utility marnbero of UL.000 man be A A .. 41.90 Ag Ag Ag Ag %19 i x 2.4'x2.4' 1,227.8 S.F. (Interior) contacted at 1-eoo-632-4949. war - g 41.78 41.5 N brick column sign 4.6 Trees 4. Contractor is respasible, for co ntaetig try utility compay that is itintisi �... /G - - not a member of ULOCO. Po I Ag o-„ Design p \ I - -- --. _ 36.83 Shrubs box I-•. Nets s I ZS - I - - - 5.Contraetor shall verify location of all underground amities prior to n v =• - -- Landscaping Provided ..... 2, 472 S.F. (Total)ox W. sincornorit of ,k /G h i90 •15F vent s iq'14'45"W 97.71 cote !�"t5F 1,553 S.F. (Interior) RiwmpGL ': IGL �� 7 Trees 6. Contractor is responsible for any damages to any existing utilities. _-.__. _. -- - - .-._ _ - ice to be 4-inch Sch. 40 P.V.C. Glue ,pint pipe. ME 37 Shrubs _ ewm i ----- ____ \ General Notes: - o. ca,tractsh°II .ratify the City of Jacksonville Engineering Division at eco eco eta"'-' -. -- - �/ I Development area is a cleared open lot least 48..h ours prior to cannsaairg ay work, inspections, sonpling, and .-�_ Crosswalk cog - = t/ 2. All easements to be Drnixgs t Utility at dimensions shown, unless lonassuns tests. 9. All wager ad sawn system installation materials ad practices shall P- ----•'� r1EG InstalI ° 4' kSeuPar MEG Pssma Stabilized I u _ othorwiss noted. meet City of Jacksonville epecificattas- tion Behind Curb senvios Construction MEG y 3. Thus are nno Areas of Ernvin in entot Carxerm as BOG Between Entroxas BOG to,, �. Entrance I BOG 10. All constriction mat be canpleted in accordance with the City of G----' 41. T defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) pecifiratias, Standards, ad Deli 41.2 Sea tail 40.42 Jacksonville Manual of corn _--. - - - -- an s s it. Prior to carrnnerncing traction the contractor shall schedule a -- ex. 8" 5s s yG - - - e - �` 4. This project is not affected C 3 special flood heard �struction conference uSith the City of Jacksonville at City Wall. .lax, 30'± 1 �'� -- -- � � � area based upon FEMA map CPN 370178 4387J (City of d_b lea T an•n r .- ex. 8 ss \ Jacksonville). E Nov. _ i Effective 3Z005 --- - = _ ++ S. T • Information taken fmm a survey Design Notes: 6 All Paan d d Associates, Inc. dated 10-28-11. - . 4' Transition From '3urb To Sidewalk Ifyevation. ige Stop to top will be R1-1, 30 Nigh Intercity Prismatic. Mounting i - - - -- - '- -- - �l b T to M batten of Ivannmd u-G 2. All Elevations Along Curb are For Top of Curb - - - L t ex. cone s�dewa k . -+f "<o`"'.-:-- � � � Weight sign. Gar haul pasts egv - are roeorrmarded for mounting topo 3a82 - 7. Po+cela within this p%ject ere subject to the provisiaeoF the - c ce nut sewer allocation policy of the City of JaoksonviVe and that sewer ^,yr capacity for any particular paa°I may or may not be available. R/W l41C �� �i ' -- w Water - T 8. Exterior IigMig is approximate, aid shall rot adversely affect any i i4/C , . - � I W traffic ar adjacent props Ise. ''" N (� ,7tf TFS INC wipe m Ramp I `38 , Tapes I err e 3a 6' O 9. Areas robed fa traits and grasnways and/or required sidewalks ) i(Ik.L ld :� r _ down Site _� For I ,.� t 1 shall be unobstructed from b inches below to 10 feet above ONSAA CNG ENGINE, S LAND St;Nt'E1'(H+,5 LtYh)PI.ANheuc ` , u n, 1 37 , Northeast Office Park jt I grade `32 u ax. 2.3'x2.3' ! I i, Ira°' «; Benchmark `_ • Section III I I I grade (ovw+wW clearance). Telephone pedestals electric !'. t). Et)X 97b JACX_%0NYh1.LE INC 28591.Ov7u, brick column i u x '. M.B. 28 Pg. 62 I trarofornnar•s, drop Inlets, farrow, or any other obstructions, S't Pl T 1 24' (Typ.) 42. 42.10 A9 A9 5 15, NOTE: yam_ Contractor shall insure that he and all his EX Design I I 1 I i� u I Oil Zane to -Utility Drainage i -�{--� I shill to remo an/or relocated in odes to create aid maintain 1 e an - ype workers (contractors, subcontractors and 124" RCP ¢ Off ices Per Eaeenent thisIssuance nce of aid shall be fres to o of cracks and �"°°° �� to "" LOT 16 & 17 NORTHEAST OFFICE PARK other- site personnel) do not damage J josh Court 60 R/W Per M B 28 P 62 issuance of a Final certificate of aaau construction stakes or other measures sidewalk conk. used in laying out the project whether by sidewalk Public Street the Engineer or another entity including Set Plumb those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe aid verify to the fullest extent practicable Rarnove container or uroppng, except that stakes, other measures and grades are, burlap, completely From root bell. remove or appear to be, accurate and correct, and burlap frcrrn tap I/3 of root belt immediate) but prior to an associated work notify the immediately, entity of m potential Shrubs n ids shall have enuci bed 3' Waduuood Mulch Y staking Y Y Potant� prepared rather LFnm ndrvidud plots. conflict, error or question regarding the work. hales. Cover entire bed with 3' mulch , The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures we not strictly adhered h Saar to. The Engineer shall not be responsible whereo o - due to damage, his staking can rat be verified. (2 par mixture sond For critical or costly components of the work, - i part e enbark mulch wham the contractor believes that staking may 5 parts existig tao.wl li . Woodace �atilimr ter» not be preserved, the controctor shall request iharaphty mix to b°dd11t) - 6'MIN~ the staking entity to place staking in on area Amad eitin plait bed or row where its preservation can be insured. when more than oe pant Is used. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Not to stole Rev. 4/2/12 JLM - Add roof dimensions. Rev. 12/12/11 - Revise Parking, Sidewalk, Dempster, Notes, and Services Landscaping Islands 10. All dista o" are horizontal ground, U.S. Survey Feet. Drainage Pi Chart 1 = 539 s.f. (interior) 11. No nam search dare by, an furnished to surveyor in regard to SECTION III �i Pipe 2 = 200 s.f. (interior) wining, set baln, easements or restrictions. - 3 = 315 s.f. (interior) 12. Existing utility lira may Infer the existence of an easement. AREA Q10 DIAMETER GRADE LENGTH 4 = 249 s.f. (interior) 13. Stomnweter drain to an existing Wet Detention Basin as part of Jacksonville Township, Onslow Co., Noth Carolina PIPE (acres) (cfs) (inches) (ft / ft) (.if) 5 = 651 s.f. (interior) , .• State Stormwater Permit No. 90043I for Northeast Office Park. 6 = 2 5 8 s . f . , n: r P r , 14. Ex. irate• Taken Fran Place Entitled 'Northeast Office Pork n P P O V / Em- A -T. _9281 4.94 15" RCP 0.0075 5- 7 = 258 s.f- .,s" "ia 1"8i i-�llV Paola LLC 't B 0-81 9.99 15" RCP 0.0075 9G >u�. isi{h'��,, As -Built Plan' Prepared by John L. Flores Surveying Dated I / c 0.44 2.68 12" RCP 0.0050 138 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ti t5 .J `.. Feb. 1990. Famished BY City of Jackeawilb ad Fbki Verified By NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL 269 Royal Bluff Road fi f/ ry% Poker t ttooAssociates,kInc. M_ 1 �V,1,/1 COMMISSION Jacksonville NC 28540 I. Each loge tray at the time of Planting i a 15. 5i4 subject to Jacksawilb ComprahonNw Bicycle and Pedestrian MANACF ENT COit rl n n Q=CiA shall be a minimum of 2 inches in caliper jEAL if.\ Plan. c 0.85 RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe ad 8 feet in height. ) tc 5 min. CFS =Cubic Feet per Second 2. When mature, a large deciduous tree .37928 �•: J t� itll� 16. Sidewalks will be free of cracks and brooks prior to the Issuance 2 3_ �UL- Zvf �. of ° Fial Certificate of GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 Px20 should be at least 40 feet high, have , �n'P�y. - u n t , _ 17. Pedestrian arose -calks need to be and signed In accordance 0 10 20 40 (00 i10=7.P in/hr. LF Linear Feet minimum crown width of 3o feet, ad P .� I g'Od DATE: 11/10/11 FPS = Feet per Second ✓GIWE`✓•' ^ with the MUTCD. a trunk of at host 12 inches. 1� QQ', 3. Each underatxy tres at the time of ?MTj i.JtG.`t 18. STOP bars shall be a minimum of 4' behind the crams -walks. NOTE: planting shall be a minimum of 7 gallons. 19• Pwemnant markings In or leading to public R/W shall be thermoplastic SCALE: 1�11 = 201 1. Contractor shall use invert elevations shown on plans 4. Each shrub at the time of planting shall for construction. Grades shown above are rounded. be a minimum of 3 gallons. with glow beads. FEET 2. PiA construction tbe with City of 5. The developer may substitute landscaping 20. For additional details, see specifications ad additional plans. Pe consrucon o e co species as 1 as The City landscaping Parker & Associates, }� land Rory Jacksonville drainage improvements to Josh Court. ° °� ylField Book: Jacks - Land Surveyors - Lamed Planners � ordirancas one mat. Substitutions should Ills Misc. #2, Pg. 4q-55 COIn811ItID� $DjIIIBE><"8 - y be confirmed with The Plomi''sDivision. Data Collects': G� LOT Its i. An landscaped areas to have gross, a Disk Nana: Acac( #2376 306 No; midge � 1 �8 - - - - - -- OM mulch cover. Filename: Topogrc alvUle, North Carollina Job No.: S110929-ai �Worksheat.dwg BLD Jaa�5_ Sheet 1 of 3 iPhene 910) Ec u14 - Fax lol 6 sill 'awe �kxnse Number: -0108 ITop AI_I8 �I i Qv /,tg FL 40.68 O Coordinate Construction Inv. 37.64 With City of Jacksonville n A9 A9 A9 Drainage Improverrlonts To ex. 2x2 - ex. 2'x2' Josh Court. \ brick _ - brick 41.60 column coluim R/W - \� SF oe II' G t down I64 Ip ex cone, sidewalk Q) �_ A '�. + Ex. Design essmh _ Q „ ex. b 118" RCP / top 4Ca7 FL 40.75 �P b-b � / nv. 34 54- Ent 1`4 ex. 5" ss 7 Irw. 35.00 `- u egv / I' PKF egv- --. _ /C .p top 40.63 / tit too 40.73 " V d top of nut 3q.0s i it top of nut 38.48 - ex 8" w `~ c g O L top 4050 _ 61 I 38 70top rut / \✓; - WR (Typ-) 16 I 17 D.B. 3402, Pg. 824 M.B. 28, Pg. 62 I PIN 438716737421 - Stop Bar Confirm pNor s _ of n s ire asel,`12•86 Tax Map 351H, Parcel 76 the down slops edge of clearing immediately after a lot is clawed. Silt �42.30 I 14 Spacae 11 Pave FlushlWit fence shall be rraintained until the lot is stabilized completely. Silt fences .� 5R lk PIN 938716737362 ® - �'OP Sign are shown based an topographic information in the locations expected to a a f Deed Ref.: D.B. 3402, Pg. 829 be Meded to trap sedi ent prior to entering down slope areas. Actual 9 a I `` 1 M.B. 28, Pg. 62 eel - Traffic Flow Arrow locations ol, �� I �' =11 1 Exterior I topography. That is, on *hall il wheys silt toadjusted to t tows is notsho n on the plan but the 1 io y: I I Lighting I SETBACKS - - he actual physical on site - Ex. Ditch actual topography redownwardecidownward slops, silt fence shell be installed. eis� �� �e �' Install Silt Fancy Where the actual topography reflects an upward slope silt francs is not :I :.:..• , .. ._ ._ _ _ r -"' At Property Line trod. -{ , n *- .. ,:: - •- 4 Sidewalk r Front Yard ................... 25' .)'^: y 1 Y.i �• - 2.� is alk, .•:F ..:e- . � :' 's. 60' Side Street .................. 8' D. Install stabilized rotruction entranoss prior to begimirq construction. E. Install silt fence where shown Immediately after clearing. I Wheel Stop I I I Side Yard 6 G.F. strip and stockpile topsoil for later use and begin rough grading. 2' Asphalt To i TYPiral I I - Rear Yard .................... 101 perimetera . Tsmporary seed areas d slopes greaterre rthen 3:1 that anot I :- Building.. I.. Flush With f I to be disturbed within 7 days (14 days for other seas). Access i Sidewalk I I I I BUILDING DATA: Wse. Install water and sewer services. Point I �, Elay. 42.35 � I i' I Install storm drainage piping and inlet protection on proposed catch basins. Drof'Oge Max. Building Height allowed........ N/A J. fire grade. Place CABC over compacted subgrads, and install curb and gutter : Utility Install asphalt surface course. Proposed I I Proposed Max. Height of Building 1 Story) I ^ I I I Easement P 9 g • • • • ( y K. Install cas mat surface canductc ors pave a proof roll test, on the x 1 I Per M.B. 22, Sprinkler ........................... No subgrade prior to installing star, and on the star prior to _ 3, Asphalt To Medical Office it I Pg. 185 Proposed Building Square Footage.... 8,510 S.F. irotalling extruded curb and / or asphalt. The proof roll tests shell o Flush With 1 ' I Sidewalk I � ( - _ -� � I Existing Building Square Footage.... 0 S.F. be conducted in the presarxe of o City of Jacksonville Costrvction Building C4 I �m Impactor. Elev 42.35 1 - IE I 572'52usW Construction Materials .............. Wood, v F.F.E. 42.75 I r I I 205,gi' Brick Veneer L. Seed, fart tize, and mulch perm etsr areas o,d slopes greater than 3-0 I • . PARKING DATA: within 7 days of completing any phase of the grading work (14 days far _ I i other areas). Apply temporary seeding if area is to be disturbed again ,- " I 1 I and permareent if areas have bean final graded ad accepted by engineer 123 O I I Parking Required .............. 1 Space/250 S.F of and owner. (12V-0' Roof) - 1 i Gross Floor Area Apply time and fertilizer and ware into seed bad, sad mixture shall be b 1 Asphalt To I I (8510/250) = 34 Spaces distributed uniformly ad covered with a clear straw mulch. Mulch shall be ` 18' 3i { l Flush With Wheel Stop Compact Spaces Allowed crimped a tacked to help hold in place. See Dstal °hest far '^°ter'al ad • I Sidewalk I T Ieol I I' (up to 25% for lots w/ application rates. •� 1 Elev. 42.35 YP IO.OG' I _ - and 10 or more spaces) .......... 9 Spaces 3 ehnl arrdContvictor i°mewu'salasf rewired topewnt accelerated aroslan ror maintaining all erosion contrvil esam taking _ Parking Provided ............. 49 Spaces (2 H/C Spaces) place on this site, until site is restabilimd and aooepted by City of Jacksonville, '•:,,�,� . -.; t.=g ;- = ; - • £ c-r „, - I 42.25 I Compact Spaces Provided.... 0 Spaces ovi .-w- -.:, ., ... : • .. Weer ad owner. _ .... - .• 5 Sidewalk_ .., _ ,:, ♦ - - - i'" r to distorted ad i existing ditch ` �•-•-r ..P :.. ;• .•:. , • •,' - .• .-�,.� :� - -��•' `:•- Existing Parking .............. 0 Spaces 4. Existing ditch banks we not be f aX sq iamb are I Desi I Total Parkin ........... 49 Spaces (2 H/C Spaces) eee� uess>• s>, � s»• e� sesu� Idistorted they shall be regraded to have 3:1 or flatter side slopes and the T n \ Note I _ g P f/canterliro graded to produce positive drainage. H d / u 1 , 15 i 5. For addaicnai Information, eve detail short. I Extsrior I westmjnbter LANDSCAPING DATA: g q Lighting office Park Boundary ................. 41,448 S.F. = 0.95 Ac. Water and Sewer Notes: v I M.B. 22, Pg. 185 p 42.08 1 001 Zorn Existing VAA ............. 0 S.F. 1. Potable water supply and savage treatment to be by City of rWrvaThise Sids Oral ♦• I 8' 8i x 41.1�3 SPW°5 41.40x \ C I Offices Proposed VAA • • • • • . • • • • .. 20,464 S.F. Jacksonville. rted Crown Sidewal h I I 1' Existing ISA 0 S.F. 2. Contractor shall verify location of existing water and sewer Asphalt �� maim and report any deviations to seer prior to construction. \ Elev. pho 24■ UG ISA without Building ..... 22,051 S.F. \ : 13. As of ,lanuay I, 191X, ayae digging with mechanized eoyipmont in N I 41.20 - 25' MBL _ ® 7 1 - (TYP•) 1 ISA with Building • . • .. • • • . 30, 561 S. F, highway right-of-way, private utility eaaernants, m public spaces - s Proposed ISA 30,561 S.F. (Total) will be rewired by North Caralfna love to give ratite of the proposed 5 R 41.T9 42.06 I li I Existing ISR ............. 0.000% excavation to all existing sea utilities at least 2 working days Prewntsr I Proposed ISR ............. 0.739% (Modeerately High) before starting to dig. The utility suer is to locate its facilities in I _• 24(Typ.) (Total)cv0 41 .Landsca ing Re4uired ..... 2,455.6 S.F. the area of the proposed excavation. Utility marnbero of UL.000 man be A A .. 41.90 Ag Ag Ag Ag %19 i x 2.4'x2.4' 1,227.8 S.F. (Interior) contacted at 1-eoo-632-4949. war - g 41.78 41.5 N brick column sign 4.6 Trees 4. Contractor is respasible, for co ntaetig try utility compay that is itintisi �... /G - - not a member of ULOCO. Po I Ag o-„ Design p \ I - -- --. _ 36.83 Shrubs box I-•. Nets s I ZS - I - - - 5.Contraetor shall verify location of all underground amities prior to n v =• - -- Landscaping Provided ..... 2, 472 S.F. (Total)ox W. sincornorit of ,k /G h i90 •15F vent s iq'14'45"W 97.71 cote !�"t5F 1,553 S.F. (Interior) RiwmpGL ': IGL �� 7 Trees 6. Contractor is responsible for any damages to any existing utilities. _-.__. _. -- - - .-._ _ - ice to be 4-inch Sch. 40 P.V.C. Glue ,pint pipe. ME 37 Shrubs _ ewm i ----- ____ \ General Notes: - o. ca,tractsh°II .ratify the City of Jacksonville Engineering Division at eco eco eta"'-' -. -- - �/ I Development area is a cleared open lot least 48..h ours prior to cannsaairg ay work, inspections, sonpling, and .-�_ Crosswalk cog - = t/ 2. All easements to be Drnixgs t Utility at dimensions shown, unless lonassuns tests. 9. All wager ad sawn system installation materials ad practices shall P- ----•'� r1EG InstalI ° 4' kSeuPar MEG Pssma Stabilized I u _ othorwiss noted. meet City of Jacksonville epecificattas- tion Behind Curb senvios Construction MEG y 3. Thus are nno Areas of Ernvin in entot Carxerm as BOG Between Entroxas BOG to,, �. Entrance I BOG 10. All constriction mat be canpleted in accordance with the City of G----' 41. T defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) pecifiratias, Standards, ad Deli 41.2 Sea tail 40.42 Jacksonville Manual of corn _--. - - - -- an s s it. Prior to carrnnerncing traction the contractor shall schedule a -- ex. 8" 5s s yG - - - e - �` 4. This project is not affected C 3 special flood heard �struction conference uSith the City of Jacksonville at City Wall. .lax, 30'± 1 �'� -- -- � � � area based upon FEMA map CPN 370178 4387J (City of d_b lea T an•n r .- ex. 8 ss \ Jacksonville). E Nov. _ i Effective 3Z005 --- - = _ ++ S. T • Information taken fmm a survey Design Notes: 6 All Paan d d Associates, Inc. dated 10-28-11. - . 4' Transition From '3urb To Sidewalk Ifyevation. ige Stop to top will be R1-1, 30 Nigh Intercity Prismatic. Mounting i - - - -- - '- -- - �l b T to M batten of Ivannmd u-G 2. All Elevations Along Curb are For Top of Curb - - - L t ex. cone s�dewa k . -+f "<o`"'.-:-- � � � Weight sign. Gar haul pasts egv - are roeorrmarded for mounting topo 3a82 - 7. Po+cela within this p%ject ere subject to the provisiaeoF the - c ce nut sewer allocation policy of the City of JaoksonviVe and that sewer ^,yr capacity for any particular paa°I may or may not be available. R/W l41C �� �i ' -- w Water - T 8. Exterior IigMig is approximate, aid shall rot adversely affect any i i4/C , . - � I W traffic ar adjacent props Ise. ''" N (� ,7tf TFS INC wipe m Ramp I `38 , Tapes I err e 3a 6' O 9. Areas robed fa traits and grasnways and/or required sidewalks ) i(Ik.L ld :� r _ down Site _� For I ,.� t 1 shall be unobstructed from b inches below to 10 feet above ONSAA CNG ENGINE, S LAND St;Nt'E1'(H+,5 LtYh)PI.ANheuc ` , u n, 1 37 , Northeast Office Park jt I grade `32 u ax. 2.3'x2.3' ! I i, Ira°' «; Benchmark `_ • Section III I I I grade (ovw+wW clearance). Telephone pedestals electric !'. t). Et)X 97b JACX_%0NYh1.LE INC 28591.Ov7u, brick column i u x '. M.B. 28 Pg. 62 I trarofornnar•s, drop Inlets, farrow, or any other obstructions, S't Pl T 1 24' (Typ.) 42. 42.10 A9 A9 5 15, NOTE: yam_ Contractor shall insure that he and all his EX Design I I 1 I i� u I Oil Zane to -Utility Drainage i -�{--� I shill to remo an/or relocated in odes to create aid maintain 1 e an - ype workers (contractors, subcontractors and 124" RCP ¢ Off ices Per Eaeenent thisIssuance nce of aid shall be fres to o of cracks and �"°°° �� to "" LOT 16 & 17 NORTHEAST OFFICE PARK other- site personnel) do not damage J josh Court 60 R/W Per M B 28 P 62 issuance of a Final certificate of aaau construction stakes or other measures sidewalk conk. used in laying out the project whether by sidewalk Public Street the Engineer or another entity including Set Plumb those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe aid verify to the fullest extent practicable Rarnove container or uroppng, except that stakes, other measures and grades are, burlap, completely From root bell. remove or appear to be, accurate and correct, and burlap frcrrn tap I/3 of root belt immediate) but prior to an associated work notify the immediately, entity of m potential Shrubs n ids shall have enuci bed 3' Waduuood Mulch Y staking Y Y Potant� prepared rather LFnm ndrvidud plots. conflict, error or question regarding the work. hales. Cover entire bed with 3' mulch , The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures we not strictly adhered h Saar to. The Engineer shall not be responsible whereo o - due to damage, his staking can rat be verified. (2 par mixture sond For critical or costly components of the work, - i part e enbark mulch wham the contractor believes that staking may 5 parts existig tao.wl li . Woodace �atilimr ter» not be preserved, the controctor shall request iharaphty mix to b°dd11t) - 6'MIN~ the staking entity to place staking in on area Amad eitin plait bed or row where its preservation can be insured. when more than oe pant Is used. SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Not to stole Rev. 4/2/12 JLM - Add roof dimensions. Rev. 12/12/11 - Revise Parking, Sidewalk, Dempster, Notes, and Services Landscaping Islands 10. All dista o" are horizontal ground, U.S. Survey Feet. Drainage Pi Chart 1 = 539 s.f. (interior) 11. No nam search dare by, an furnished to surveyor in regard to SECTION III �i Pipe 2 = 200 s.f. (interior) wining, set baln, easements or restrictions. - 3 = 315 s.f. (interior) 12. Existing utility lira may Infer the existence of an easement. AREA Q10 DIAMETER GRADE LENGTH 4 = 249 s.f. (interior) 13. Stomnweter drain to an existing Wet Detention Basin as part of Jacksonville Township, Onslow Co., Noth Carolina PIPE (acres) (cfs) (inches) (ft / ft) (.if) 5 = 651 s.f. (interior) , .• State Stormwater Permit No. 90043I for Northeast Office Park. 6 = 2 5 8 s . f . , n: r P r , 14. Ex. irate• Taken Fran Place Entitled 'Northeast Office Pork n P P O V / Em- A -T. _9281 4.94 15" RCP 0.0075 5- 7 = 258 s.f- .,s" "ia 1"8i i-�llV Paola LLC 't B 0-81 9.99 15" RCP 0.0075 9G >u�. isi{h'��,, As -Built Plan' Prepared by John L. Flores Surveying Dated I / c 0.44 2.68 12" RCP 0.0050 138 LANDSCAPE NOTES: ti t5 .J `.. Feb. 1990. Famished BY City of Jackeawilb ad Fbki Verified By NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL 269 Royal Bluff Road fi f/ ry% Poker t ttooAssociates,kInc. M_ 1 �V,1,/1 COMMISSION Jacksonville NC 28540 I. Each loge tray at the time of Planting i a 15. 5i4 subject to Jacksawilb ComprahonNw Bicycle and Pedestrian MANACF ENT COit rl n n Q=CiA shall be a minimum of 2 inches in caliper jEAL if.\ Plan. c 0.85 RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe ad 8 feet in height. ) tc 5 min. CFS =Cubic Feet per Second 2. When mature, a large deciduous tree .37928 �•: J t� itll� 16. Sidewalks will be free of cracks and brooks prior to the Issuance 2 3_ �UL- Zvf �. of ° Fial Certificate of GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 Px20 should be at least 40 feet high, have , �n'P�y. - u n t , _ 17. Pedestrian arose -calks need to be and signed In accordance 0 10 20 40 (00 i10=7.P in/hr. LF Linear Feet minimum crown width of 3o feet, ad P .� I g'Od DATE: 11/10/11 FPS = Feet per Second ✓GIWE`✓•' ^ with the MUTCD. a trunk of at host 12 inches. 1� QQ', 3. Each underatxy tres at the time of ?MTj i.JtG.`t 18. STOP bars shall be a minimum of 4' behind the crams -walks. NOTE: planting shall be a minimum of 7 gallons. 19• Pwemnant markings In or leading to public R/W shall be thermoplastic SCALE: 1�11 = 201 1. Contractor shall use invert elevations shown on plans 4. Each shrub at the time of planting shall for construction. Grades shown above are rounded. be a minimum of 3 gallons. with glow beads. FEET 2. PiA construction tbe with City of 5. The developer may substitute landscaping 20. For additional details, see specifications ad additional plans. Pe consrucon o e co species as 1 as The City landscaping Parker & Associates, }� land Rory Jacksonville drainage improvements to Josh Court. ° °� ylField Book: Jacks - Land Surveyors - Lamed Planners � ordirancas one mat. Substitutions should Ills Misc. #2, Pg. 4q-55 COIn811ItID� $DjIIIBE><"8 - y be confirmed with The Plomi''sDivision. Data Collects': G� LOT Its i. An landscaped areas to have gross, a Disk Nana: Acac( #2376 306 No; midge � 1 �8 - - - - - -- OM mulch cover. Filename: Topogrc alvUle, North Carollina Job No.: S110929-ai �Worksheat.dwg BLD Jaa�5_ Sheet 1 of 3 iPhene 910) Ec u14 - Fax lol 6 sill 'awe �kxnse Number: -0108 Q Site Benchmark Legend: Top of Northam Bolt an b-b - Back of Curb to Back of Curb G\ub`Qp3 Fire Hydrant at Josh Court BG - Below Ground CAS G. R and Office Park Drive q - Centerline <J. Elev. 43.441 (Datum NGVD 29) caty - Gable TV Taken From Design Plans cog - Curb and Gutter Entitled 'Heart Centerof ecb - Existing Catch Basin dco Jacksonville, NG' � eca -Existing Clam Out �efh - Existing Fire Hydrant o �� by DuDunn4 Dalton Architect 8/4/04 Revised eg" - Existing Gate Valve XA Dated. and elp -Existing Light Pole (,o 9/27/04' la epb - Existing Phone Box n a Site -; essmh - Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole = Heritage Square ewm - Existing Water Main Section IV \ ex. - Existing a M.B. 43, Pg. 188 I inv. - Invert 9- RM-b Zone Single Family \ OISF - Iron Stoke Found I 20' Drainage 4 \ M.B. - Mop Book Utility Easement , 38� I MBL - Minimum Building Line '\ 41 / Per M.B. 28, Pg. 62 .39 , \ �_ p9 - Page Drive /i .40 0 PKF - PK Nail Found Huff I -. ..._.,.. \ I R/W - Right-of-way e m ' Ex. Sign -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - g - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - v_ - - g- - - - -X -E- ISF B"AG -�- Vicinity Sketch + _ _$ ..... ,,_. ., - ,:. _ .: ,::: \ �y4 Slq'O4'5q"E 100.24' .}VISE - on bank ------- -.-_ _ .__-___ _ Ex. Ditch Not to Seats t Slq'I6'02"E 104.g5' of suala fo Optic Fiber Line - '' "" $ - - - - - - } g \ n T - Underground Phone Line GIF .,-.-af��- si of _. �?" 9F ,� �'---}-- sr of - sf ...---- _. ' ,', g TRACT DATA % 4„ ,�• P� ,� - - - - - - - - - -41.4gx - ^. - - ----------a----------------------- r 10' MBL I ---'�-- y -- II�' -' '. .---- _ Total Acreage ................ 0.95 Ac. 4 -1❑ - - - - - - - - P - - - - -- -- - ----------------------y I ------------------- ----�..-x - 1 c,� 40.13- I \ L,xisting Use(s)............... Vacant Eixisting Number of Units ..... 0 ' \ percentage of open Space ..... 100`;LgaI x41.31 41.12x I x41.02 X. I X. \ 10' Buffer I I I \ SETBACKS Per M.B. 28, lo' Drainage 4 nage I \ Pg. 62 I I Utility Easement I \ Front Yard ................... 25' - N70'45'52"E I Per M.B. 28, Pg. 62 I I \ Side Street .................. 8' 15, 205.gq' I I I I I \ Side Yard .................... 6' Northeast Office Park I I I 572'52'34"W Rear Yard .................... 10' Section III I I I 205AP M.B. 28, Pg. 62 I I I I Tax Map 351H, Parcel 75 041 Zone Offices I I I I 20Drainage4 PIN 438716737421 I Utility Tax Map 351H, Parcel 76 4494 er N^ er x41.63 I I I I Per M.B. 22, Pg. 185 ITN 938716737362 t - nc{ - X1.53 II xal.2a -;.. I I T - ' Y Deed Ref.: D.B. 3402, Pg. 824 M.B. 28, Pg. 62 I I4101 i i Lot 16 4 17 I M.B. 25, Pg. 62 D.B. 3402, Pg. 824 38 ex , � I ( I ��ex General Notes: �A 62 Ito 1. Development area is a cleared open lot. 2. There are no Areas of Environmental Concern as I� j defined b\ the Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) Ian I �, on x 42.7k x42.09 z�i.66 I I I _ i 3. wet ni'.;%. No wetlands delineation/location is included with this survey. X41.76 4. This project is not affected by any special flood hazard ' t6 I 17 _ I > 41.30 I I I I % B 4357J ( of area based upon FEMA map CPN 37017 (City Jocksmville). Effective Nov. 3, 2005. 5. Boundary and Topographic Information taken from a survey by Parker and Associates, Inc. dated 10-28-11. 7. All distances are horizontal ground, U.S. Survey Feet. 8. No record search done by, or furnished to surveyor in -- -- regard to zoning, setbacks, easements or restrictions. I--- I q. The existence of utilities may imply the existence of an easement. x 41.oq I I I I - I 10. Ex. Water Line Size 4 Location Taken From Plans Entitled e I I; "Northeast Office Park As -Built Plan" Prepared by John L. Pierce 42.1 6 I I I' Surveying Dated Feb. 1990. And Field Location Work By X $o X41.77 x41.6e Parker *Associates, Inc. I x41.74 I x i1. Stormwater drains to an existing Wet Detention Basin as part of ;.P I I State Stormwater Permit No. g00431 for Northeast Office Park. x.a.73 I I p1.62 I', �c 12. Elevation Datum NGVD 29. Verified With GPS Shots. I I I, 13. For additional details, see specifications and additional plans. + I `15� 25' MBL � I' _ - Westminster - I - - - Office Park mn I I br ck2.4 I + M.B. 22, Pg. 185 x 41.15 k I rAl"urnn Otl Zone ex. 2'x2' t q. cp I - xal.a7 j i sign i ! Off ices ex. 2 x2 + I- } ^nbrick column + brick - V power box 15' Street 4LSF I - } 15F 15 Street power I _ -- R/W } - column I"BG Lawn box caty Lawn -.. . 'e P NIq'13'45' W gq.g0' ` „ a1.14X- ��W_ p ISF NIq'1445 W g7.71 caty 41.35 p\ p1 si GL e< 4J. 34 _ A\ ,..�\' A 3e41%JA ' ♦ .ire i m f 3C= c Y, 3,755.03' From R/W To R/W s do. of Mathew Court Per M.B. J*#2 28, Pg. 62it PKF G - _ -,cc - _IL4 - As A\ \T +� asop - Ate_ 9ie a%� °+1P' g Sill 'T 40.61 `NOP \ 4/ _ 4155X �/ a6 'y FIop R/W� _ �a1.65x r $� / R/W Site c]a Fo '. nt t. I 40.43k+ '�37 i 32 , ex. 2.3'x2.3' g c r 310. brick column9c n Benchmark Josh Court 60'R/W Public Street NOTE: Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers (contractors, subcontroctore and other site personnel) do not damage construction stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, error or question regarding the work. The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall not be responsible where due to damage, his staking can not be verified. For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking entity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. Rev.12-12-1\ g10-?-A lWOc Ex Des:gn(_c> 9/ -at� _ gip,: eJ 1.5'' wide sib *AP --_ .__ -__ 40.6s',% power box p\. 'Fi// L :-.._._ t(1� -yl" /4p •�� ePb 24 4a a P \ "16- t' +co 4G.43 4040' # 55 I1 .J. - �♦ __.- -F� 'yam A 6 3A 4o -} V \ 47.g6 .. p\. i - _ 40 � �4$ -. � �_ 9.67.v, m . _ '� ._ "Pa ... AV'h' 41.50xMx4o.go 3972 to. 52 P O n�� O 4LBIx x 41.'.� P -.lo.�a 4, \� A 3 U _ s ra dC. 1\ e _ 10' Drainage 4- --+•, ara"4-�e 3" o, lo>k I 661 �38 i Utility Easement w_ �I 'gg �l' sck Per M.B. 28, Pg. 62 Northeast Office Park - \ \ �e`vo;,- 0�� Qjj� Existing Conditions Plan Section III M.B.OtBZ� 62 ;14 ' LOT 16 & 17 NORTHEAST OFFICE PARK, Offices Westminster office Park SECTION III M.B. 22, Pg. 185 041 Zane Offices Jacksonville Township, Onslow Co., Noth Caroli iti. For. Peola, LLC F 26q Royal Bluff Road ff ES 1 2 ZQ)Z Jacksonville NC 25540 Field Book: Jacksonville Misc. #2, Pg. 4q-55 Data Collector: OP LOT 16 Disk Name: Acad #2376 Filenarne: Topographic WorksheetAtug BLD Job No.: 5110012451-5257 Sheet 2 of 3 DATE: 11/10/11 SCALE: 111=20' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' 0 10 20 40 6C FEET "Ker & Associates, lr. Engineers - land Surveyors -Land P.O. Box 976 - 28541-0976 306 Now Bridge Street - 28540 JaeFsonville, North Carolina Phone (91044 ) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-81 n ,,, License Number: F-0108 C . Planners RESERVED RESERVED TaN DARD cCLCR5 (ALL SIGNS) PROVIDE ONE TIC PAINT PARKING PARKING BACKGROUV . WHITE 1/2• SYMBOL ON EACH HC PARKING LETTERING/B 'SDPR - GREEN 1/8" RADIUS y., ARROW - GPN 'I PREFORMED ASPHALT SPACE W! WHITE TRAFFIC PAINT FIGURE - WIT-1 JN BLUE FIELD " IMPREGNATED EXPANSION JOINT CORNER RA_ Jt 1 ill' (TYP_) •.. - - '� TYPICAL EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL 12" 12" SIGN R7-6 R/W VARIES (SEE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE l'-CMIN.1 SIDEWALK AND GREENWAY PLANS) 3' MINIMUM MAXIMUM TOOLED EDGE (TYPICAL) 3' SEED TAIL 401.01 VAN VARIES E 5° PENALTY D° CCESSIBL I $250 4' THICK 3000 PSI MAXIMUM � � CONCRETES W I / " 1 12 t2 I 2 12" 1 4r-- ' /2 12 CURB 4bD N PAVEMENT SLOPE SIGN R7-8D VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN 1 I \ 1 2"x 1 8"x 114" Aluminum handicapped • VARIES, MAXIMUM SLOPE 3:1 COMPACTED UNDISTURBED APPROVED BY THE parking signCSERVICES R7-8 or R7-8A, to read PUBLS VICES DIRECTOR.SUBGRADE SUBGRADE "Reserved Parking" with identification bolt botto steeele, tube symbol (6.5. 20-37.6) tTYPICAL SIDEWALK with UTILITY STRIP with 3/8" cadmium plated bolts, nuts, and washers I I R/W VARIES (SEE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE I V-O"MIN. SIDEWALK AND GREENWAY PLANS) 3' MINIMUM EXISTING VARIES SEE DETAIL 401.01 GRgpE TOOLED EDGE (TYPICAL) 1 2"x9"x 114" Alumnum sign R7-8D _ 3000 "Maximum Penalty $250" (G.5. 20-37.G) �/� " _ 4• COONCRETE SPSI -1i I2ICK 1/2 12 1z CURB DN PE SLO- 2"x2" Steel tube extend Into cone. filled PAVEMENT pipe 2'-0". Provide welded watertight cap, pamt white *VARIES, MAXIMUM SLOPE 3:1 COMPACTED UNDISTURBED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE SUBGRADE SUBGRADE PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR. Paint pipe base white I I TYPICAL SIDEWALK with UTILITY STRIP NOTES:- 1. Provide 1" deep tooled traverse structural score joint with 1/8" radius LJ of 6'-0" D.C. 2. 1/2" preformed asphalt impregnated expansion strip joints to be placed 8" Dia. 5td, steel pipe idled with 32'-0 D.C. longitudinally, adjacent to curbs, when butting existing structures, concrete w/#G- 1 4" long rebare concrete, or buildings, and at changes in width. each way thru pipe ' A_ Typical Concrete Sidewalk 3 and Expansion Joint Detail I'-6" Dla. concrete base - � •'�- (City of Jacksonville Detail 404.03) Not to Scale Note: Handicapped parking sign shall conform with current state, local codes 4 A.D.A. regulations .SUP RESISTANT WARNING SURFACE METRIC. VIEW MAXIMUM SLOPE = 12:1 (TINTED BATTLESHIP GRAY) 20'R = S-1 7/8' Z HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGNAGE R NOTE 4 - VARIABLE SLOPE 25'R = 5'-8 1/B' -RESIDENTIAL- NOT TO EXCEED 121 _ - NOT TO SCALE SEE NOTE 3 3/4 z X o' �» PC OF ice, moo RETURN J - 4.. . ?O R m�12" TYFJ OPENING - SECTION VIEV4 2.5 FROM EO 9 7/8" DIAMETER POLE 6' LONG PRECAST 2 4 1/2" 2 n n BUMPER BLOC 2 1/2" 2 #4 6" 11 REINFORCING BA g °-' . 3 I/2" CABG ASPWAILIII\ ' - 2 - 314" DIAMETER REINFORCING BAR 24" LONG PER EACH UNIT SECTION VIEW PRECAST CONCRETE BUMPER BLOCK Not to scale VAN ACCESSIBLE 16' 8' 10, 5' 13' CAR ACCESSIBLE (TYP.) PARKING SPACES (TYP.) NOT TO SCALE Rev. 12/12/11 BLD - Revise Dumpster Pad Detail and Add Meter Installatin Detail, Lateral %addle Detail 6' MINIMUM 4'-0" MINIMUM1--•\ 6' MINIMUM dip 4' THICK 6' Mil .fJp Fy7 CONC. SIDEWALK 1/2- PREFORMED 'ADA DETECT ASPHALT IMPREGNATED WARNING DE\ EXPANSION STRIP 12.1 MAXIMUI COMPACTE-� I I I I 114 I--=I1=WIIiII D BACKFIL~II SECTiO 2 NOT TO SCALE ?I VARIES PER RADIUS OF CURB RETURN 1/2- PREFORMED ASPHALT IMPREGNATED EXPANSION STRIF VERTICAL CURB - �1/2• PREFORMED EXPANSION STRIP VARIES PER RADIUS OF -CURB RETURN ? U ¢ 6S Sa•A��" ABLE aU I ICES' VERTICAL CURB 4 SLOPE PAVEMENT 11/2. N DEPRESSED CURB z a'-D' s'-0. MIN. cA TOP OF CURB � VARL SLOPE NOT ' ' - GUTTER TO EXCEED 12:7 LINE DEPRESSED CURB SECTION B-B CAST IRON MAT WITH BUILT IN TRUNCATED DOMES IS TO BE SET FLUSH WITH THE CONCRETE AND THE ENTIRE SURFACE BETWEEN THE MAT AND CONCRETE GLUED WITH EPDXY CEMENT. EACH MAT IS TO BE NOTES: AT LEAST 2' LONG AND 3' WIDE. 1. Detectable warnings shall contrast visually with adjoining surfaces, either light on dark or dark on light. 2. The material used to provide contrast shall be an integral part of the walking surface. 3. Dimensions assume 90' centerline intersection of streets. 4. Concrete shall be tinted battleship gray. Painted surface Will not be acceotable. Typical Wheelchair Ramp - Type I (City of Jacksonville Detail 405.01) Not to Scale COMPACTED SUBSOIL ASPHALT PAVING DETAIL Not to scale HI -VISIBILITY CROSSWALK MARKING DETi%IL Not to scale BIB,. Minimum Width EXISTING ROAD I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROFILE 50, MIN. LENGTH R/N (SEE NOTE) PLAN VIEW TEMPORARY STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SANITARY 4' Sat 40 PVC PIPE Not to scale Construction Specifications 1. Aggregate size - Use 2-3 inch washed stone 2. Length - As effective but not less than 50 . 9 feet 3. Thickness - Not less than six 6 inches. 4. Width - Not less than full width) of all points of ingress or egress. Minimum of 12'. 5. Install filter fabric under entire footprint of the construction entrance. 6. Washing- When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to Y, remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of- way. When washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone which drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. All sediment shall be prevented from entering any storm drain, ditch, or watercourse through use of sandbags, gravel, boards or other approved methods. 7. Maintenance - The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public rights -of -way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand and repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment, spilled, dropped. washed or tracked onto public rights -of -way must be removed SADDLIE INSTALLATION FOR OP, VCP, AND PVC PPE sw 4o PVC smvxf _ATER& w' sAmtr RPE CRCwI I I 1 V� W. KP. AfP, > PVC PIPE- 1 I I I STAIMSSS snE STRAP BAaa1LL UCEII PIC sAogE wiH No eT slam 1. Existing mains 9DLy, - Now construction must ass In-Une Wye. 2. Unhorse, saddles an not Permitted. Typical Lateral Saddle Detail (City of Jacksonville Detail 533.01) Not to Fxale Fal Perrrianeltt See ......._ ______..___.__.August 15 - November 1 FILTERFABRIC Ume.._...____.__......__...__._._.._....____..._....._..___._._.... _.......................................... 2 tons/cc rn MIRAFl 1DOX OR EQUAL FLIER CLOTH IN S-V WIDTH 3 SECURE TO FENCING EXTEND FABRIC 12' INTO 5-10-10 Fertilizer ... _.._.___......_......_. / mj EXCAVATED TRENCH. NO BURLAP WILL BE PERMITTED. 0-20-0 ._..-..___._._ _.._.._....._. _ ...__._. ... ..- __500 Ibs/cc Unscarifled Service Lespedeza _. .-_ ---- ----60 Ibs/ac m Ky-31 Fescue _._..- ---------._._._.._-- ---30 Ibs/ac VARIABLE AS DIRECTED BY PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR Rye Groin .-_ _ ___ __.--_. _ _.. ..25 Ibs/ac NORMAL SPACING e'-0' MAX., *Straw Mulch ---- _.._.___. _ .,-.2 tons/ac a' REDUCE TO ACING NEAR LOW AREAS - - _- - _ - Fel Perlrtenerft Seedlrlp - Ce1flDedeL .-.___ . September 1 - February 28 Lime...__-___....._.._..._..._.__.______._.___-___-._....------.._..._..._2 tons/ac Fertilizer (low nitrogen approved for Centipede) ------- _.. (Appropriate fertilizer approved a, �, for centipede application) RyeGrain.__.__.___...._____-__-.._._._._...____._.._..-.._.__.- -------- ----- _----------- _.-_90 Ibs/ac Centipede Seed ........ ...... ..... _.._..._..............__.._...._.__._._..... 15 Ibs/oc (overseeded In spring) *Straw Mulch ..-._..___.__..___--- ...-.__-...-....__..._---- __._.._._._._._.._------------------_._..._..-_--2 tons/ac WELDED WIRE FENCE 4' SPACE v '., TGP a BOTTOM WIRER ARE 10 y � 7 � �✓ GUACE MIN., INTERMEDIATE �tef Tefy�Orary Cover ---- __._... ._.___._._._. November 1 - February 28 me _-----------`----'- ._...__...--_..._..._.._............_..._....___......._.._......._..._.__.._...__..._.........2 fans ac y u / WIRES ARE 12 1 2 WACE MW J: W +: - I a EXTEND FENCE e' INTO t0 -10 10 Fertilizer.__...__._...__.._._.._...._.__._...__..._._._...._..._._...____...._._.....__........700 bs c W W EXCAVATED TRENCH Oats ._._._..____...._.__..._..._.._.__._.._.._..__._..._......_._......_...._-_....._....._---- -_............._._.._50 Ibs ac RyeGroin----------"---..._._----------_-.........._........._.._..... --_.__.---.-.__.......20 Ibs/ac NOTE 1� SELF -FASTENING STEEL POSTS. *Straw Mulch ._.-_----- --------- -----_._..._..__.__.___. ..._._ ._. _..._..._----2 thmil DRIVE POSTS 2e INTO GROUND J• �, W y •Y � W �. - _ .. _ .. March 1 -April 30 Ume_.._..._..._._...._..-._._._.__. _ ..--_-_--------2 tons/cc BRACE POSTS AT 5- .1-10 Fertilizer._.- _ _..--__ .. ....._. ..1000 Ibli LOWPOINT 01 -0-._------- _...._....._...-...____...__..._------ _.-___.__-._....-..__...-.-.._------....._....._...._--- 500 Ibs/ac .h 4 Scarified Sericea Lespedeza.........._._....____..... __-.._.---- ---- _......_...._---------------_._.._.-50 Ibs/ac Ky-31 Fescue ------'._------------------_.._._--- ------ ---------------------------------------30 Ibs/ac o Brownfop Millet. ..._._------- -._....__._._._.______-__._.._----------------------------- - 20 Ibs/ac ? ' *Straw Mulch..--.._.__._. __ .. . _ _ . _ _ . __..._.__....... -._....--- 2 tons/ac TYPICAL Spit PeFiyla11ef1t SeedW - f^W909da_.-._...__.._.._..- ---- _.._..._April 1 - July 15 110' MA%. Ums.__._........_.._...____.._..__.._........_.._..-.._.._.._...._._..._..._...------- _ ---- _._..._.......__------- ..__ 2 tons/cc 6• 2'_6• 40 FWAIIIzer (low nitrogen approved for Cantipeds).....___.(Appropriate fertilizer approved MIN ' for centipede application) NOTE2 Centipede Seed...___-___.___.._.__.___._.....__-__-_____-__._____..._..._..._.._..._......90 III w Mulch.--._.___.__-.__.___-..._..._.._...__._-..__.____._..._...._._-.._..........._...2 tons/cc . . *Sirs / I f , i J . STEEL DRIVE Pix;Ts Late SjDrtlp �arRlaBeflt Seef�1Q._-_.._.._... ....... - ---- _--- _._.._March 15 - June 30 NOTES MIN. 24- (EXTRA DEPTH ume------ ..... _.._...I------------ -- ---------------------------------------- 2 tons/cc REWIRED FOR UNSTABLE SONS) 10-10-10 FertNizer_._....... -._--- _.._.-_--.-.-...-..-...-.-...-.-__-------_.__...---_-...._._---1000 Ibs/ac TT os In backfill Into fronch and compact the ( j 0-20-0.._..._____._-_..._._._...____._.__.__.___.__-____-.__.__..._....._.._....___._..._.500 Ibs/ac soil firmly to anchor the bottom of the slit fence so that the runoff is forced Scarified Sericea Lsapedeza..__-___..._._____...__-.._.__.__._.._.._..._.____._..._....40 Ibs/ac Grass hulled ......_.____.-.__-___.____..._.._..___...._.__._...._ _._.8 Ibs ac through the fen". No runoff 1a to flow under the fence. moron Bermuda to o hrou Co) / ( 9 g life f fha-alR-tints excavate a 2. To Incrase storage capacity and prolong the II o *Straw Mulch ..._------- ._.._...-_.._..._...__.._.__._.._.....______...-..___..._...----- _------- .--------------- 2 Tons/ac fI sediment trench uphill along the line of posts whenever possible. 4. Total drainage area flowing to slit fence may not exceed 1 acre / 100 LF. of Shirtier Tetnporery COVer . ............June 30 - August 3 siltfence. Ume.-_-__-______._____.._....._...._._.._....._.....____.._..___..._.__._.._..___------..._..-2 tons/cc 5. Silt fences shall not be used at pipe outlets or in areas of concentrated flow 10-10-10 Fertilizer.._-__.__...._..._..._.._..._._._..-_..._-...__..._.__._...__..-...___......._... 700 Ibs/ac (creeks, ditchlines, swales etc.) BrownfopMillet ....._..__--- --..._....._..____.______..-.._...______..._.._.__..._........___.__.. 40 Ibs/ac Typical Silt Fence 1*St�Slch---'-----------------.__--..._._..._...._-----------------------_-----_.2 tans/ac (City of Jacksonville Detail 350.02) 1-* MMlah will be doubled If crimping is the method used. Not to scale Seeding Specifications (City of Jacksonville Detail 350.01) . : i _ • '= ±` ', Not to Scale .�7`=%y�+:�•- CURB TRANSITION PAD UP 41.50 FtM VEW PAD DOWN 41.25 �D c _ - BACK OF HOOD ALIGN ' •: • �t� 8 OF CURB BACK41.5Dy W -' yW W W. . . rW ' W - 6' CURB WITH SPILL GUTTER .- 1M5 SIDE ONLY z�: .... ,.r-t�_� • ';-II.-� - t•t' ^ - =' �.::,' f 1 �_ I 1 GATE (NOTE 2) CAPITOL FOUNDRY DI-840.03 I j i''%-: 1._ .t : ••.` ._, OR VULCAN V4066-1 1; .il t ' - _. - . r ^ . • ( - - . FRAME, COVER R HOOD 6' THICK CONCRETE PAD ,� - - --a•I•tt TO BE 3,ODO PST AIR ENTRAINED AT 28 DAYS all'ODRAINI• I, PSI-PF STEPS PROVIDED ? t!-t,;:,� _ - II. T TURN DOWN EDGE BY PRECAST 'i ` . ,� SEE NOTES BELOW A lI•.I---': :7. .1 -- :.'_-I�! FOOTING BELOW MANUFACTURER OR M.A. - 0 DETAIL 634.02 I - }l:" - +'_ '! A INDUSTRIES SEE DETAIL C06.04- - '- (MUST BE 16- WIDE, INSTALLED TO BE 7' FROM _ "J - =- -4- -_ FACE OF WALL TO BACK OU v'" TRANSITION CONCRETE STEP AND NO GREATEN �'_� - -- FROM PAD TO NORMAL L THAN 12' SEPARATION) MIN. w �- -' ;vi - VARIES GUTTER SECTION MAXIMUM Iii PAD UP 41.50 BE R CLEARANCE MUST -'' END ITOC BE FROM CENTER OF STEP ' • •• : ;.(-' . a AWITHOUT PPROVAL ENGINEER'S 1 PAD GOWN 41.25 N.50 70 OUTSIDE OF BOX 'r _ _ -• -. -• -• ..,",-, FOR PRECAST BOXES, - JOINTS TO BE SEALED �- a -- 'T• WITH BUM RUBBER JOINT SEALANT EXTENDED BASE �(P+--, _'`��-'�-- SEE DETAIL 639.01 to - FOR PIPE CONNECTION AND FORMED INVERT CONSTRUCTION is �3 PRECAST CONCRETE CONCRETE BRICK NOTES BOX SHOWN BOX SHOWN 1. Use either concrete building brick - ASTM C55, grade N, type 1 or clay brick - ASTM C32, grode MS. 2. Mortar to be type M. 3. Concrete pipe to be class III 4. Precast boxes to conform to latest ASTM C-913 5. Precast boxes concrete strength to be a minimum 4,000 PSI at 28 days 6. See defail 634.02 for miscellaneous notes. Typical Catch Basin and Curb Inlet With Hood (City of Jacksonville Detail 633.02) Not to Scale PART MANUFACTURER MODEL Cot No. METER BOX CAPITOL FOUNDRY MBX-1 or EQUAL METER SETTER FORD VB74-84W-41-44 COPPER SETTER METER BADGER / 70 (1') INSTALLED BY qtt UPON PAYMENT � FEES UNPAVED AREAS PAVED AREAS CAST IRON METER BOX NOTES: 1. Cleanout stack shall extend a 4'x8' SOLID RED -BRASS PLUG minimum of 18" above grade for li OR CONCRETE 4--- new construction until service Is 1_Z BRICK connected and/or finish grade Is �1 1 established cleanouts shall be < = installed at grods for existing ' services unless otherwise directed. i 18" MINIMUM 2. The full length of the service I - ROAD RIGHT -Of -WAY - FINE GRADED SEE NOTE 1 trench shall be compacted in 6' ® SANE layer with mechanical tamp. z I 3. Tee, Wye, Lateral, k C.O. 12' 18 i/8' MIN. OPENING 12' MIN. assembly must be bedded in No. PER MANUFACTURER 111t 67 stone. (see sanitary sewer ' line trench detail 531.01 forgrav 1' METER SET 4. Service addle) may only be used BY JACKSONVIL.LE (SEE NOTE 3)I 1� :vl when approved on a a'f{jsit,�_ case -by -case basis by City Public Smices Director. 1 SCREW, TYPE PLUG ``•tl METER BOX '•'g 1 ROADWAY PATCH YRBEL BOTTOM �0D - DETAIL PER PLANS OF VALVE BOX CAP - 'i T R.s,•= ��•. a'• 4'x8' CONCRETE 10' :.•.: . BLOCK - SEE DETAIL € £:.� FINE GRADED SAND / Ct£ui SEWER T IS IN i,51N _ Y '--'.'--c;-� '� FORD VB74-84W-41-44? j PAVEMENT. .. -COPPER SETTER m INSIDE A VALVE BOX. C_� m SEE DETAIL 51101 ' CIS COMPRESSION I I INLET CONNECTION 1' DOUBLE PURPOSE / FlP OUTLET END FLOW METER YOKE t' TYPE 'K' SOFT 1/4, DRAWN COPPER OR PE SERVICE UNE T�� TAPPING SEE DETA,LL 513.03OU 4• SEE NOTE 1 or e• NOTES b SEE NOTE 3 1. If installation is for stub -out meter, meter should be purchased from NO. 67 P TONE BEAR GS TOP OF PIPE City of Jacksonville (of applicants expense) (SEE stiEET 2 e 3 FOR 2. Meter must be level, straight, 3 centered In box across meter connections. CONTINUATION) 3. Substitution requires approval by City of Jacksonville Public Services Director. 4. Meter shall not be located in a driveway if possible. If meter must be located In driveway, a traffic rated box and cover shall be used equal to or exceeding Typical PVC Sewer Lateral the Mid -States Plastics, Inc. "BCF" series Rectangular meter box C_leanout With In -Line Wye part No. MSBCF1118-12 Standard 1" Domestic Water (City of Jacksonville Detail 533.03 Sheet 1 of 3) Meter Installation Not to Scale Field Book: Jacksonville Misc. #2, Pg. 49-55 Data Collector: OP LOT I6 (City of Jacksonville Detail 515.01) Disk Norris: Acad #'a376 Not to scale Filename: Topographic Norksheet.dLOg BLD Jab No.: sll°929-5257 Sheet 3 of 3 (2) 6- DIP OR I I I STEEL PIPE n�AR�TM SEE DETAIL 409.04 SECTION A -A Force he rt oust 1W e CONCRETE nnu. of 6' high or tatter tMn the container ehl[h ever Is greater. 8'-0' m _ -D• I r, L 18" �8' TYPICAL PROVIDE ' F N2.9 z W2.9 SLA - T MIN TOP SLAB AND MIN 3' FROM NOTES EDGE 1. Provide 1/2" preformed asphalt Impregnated expansion strip along perimeter of pad If concrete dumpster pad abuts any concrete. 2. Dumpster to be screened. Minimum gate width to be 10'-0" in accordance with the City of Jacksonville zoning ordinance. Dumpster Pad Detail (Without Floor Drain) (City of Jacksonville Detail 409.02) Not to Scale a- 1/TR 1/2'R VERTICAL CURB 3 GUTTER �•. ' uTx or 5.56% N TR .. �_ c i. NOTE 5 4 I��$curb a gutter as 10' o.c. 2. Provide 1/2" expansion joints at 90' o.c. 3• Concrete to be 3000 P.S.I. a 28 days, air entrained. 4. Spill sections will be approved on a case -by -case basis by City Public Services Director. 5. Chamfered edges abutting asphalt are not permitted. Typical Curb & Gutter Sections (City of Jacksonville Detail 402.01) Not to Scale Detail Sheet LOT 16 & 17 NORTHEAST OFFICE PARK, SECTION III Jacksonville Township, Onslow Cc., Noth Caroli f Peola, LLC FEB 2 2 2012 269 Royal Bluff Road Jacksonville NC 28540 DATE: 11/10/11 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=20' 0 10 20 40 (00 SCALE: 11'=20' FEET Parker & Associates, Inc. log gar, Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners ?O� F,O. Box 976 - 28541-GO76 S08 New Bridge Street - 28540 jecksonville, North Carolina Phone (910) 455-2414 - Fax (910) 455-3441