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SW8111207_APPROVED PLANS_20140711
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 1l 120-1 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2014 p"� 11 YYYYMMDD DEVIA TIONS FROM DESIGN DRA WINGS: DESIGN ASKILT STATE MIN. ORIFICE - - TOP OF GRAZE 16.4 16.9 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 17.0 17.1 SURFACE AREA 6,411 5,666 5,143 POND SUMMARY: NCDENR/DWQ PERMIT / SWS-111207 I. IMPERVIOUS AREA PEWTIED 51.427 5F (1.18 ACRES) 2 NORMAL POOL SURFACE AREA 5,666 SF 3. NORMAL POOL ELEVATION 159 4. POND DEPTH (DEEPEST POGNO 5.9 FT 5 POND BOTTOM ELEVATION (DEEPEST POINT) fa0 6 ORIFICE INVERT ELEVATION 15.9 7. OUnET BOX CREST ELEV47ION 16.9 & STATE STORAGE VOLUME 6,839 CF 9. 10.1 FT VEGETA7ED SHELF PRESENT 10. 10 FT ACCESS PRESENT 11. FOREBAY PRESENT 12 PRIMARY SPILLWAY ELEVAnoN 16.9 IS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEVATON 17.2 It OR91OL SIZE 1.5 INCHES 15. NOR CUT CREST LENGTH - 16. NOR CUT ELEVA71ON - 17. STDESLoPES (TYPICAL) 31 18. MTV. OF PIPES FROM OUTLET STRUCTURE 15.58 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - SURFACE AREA REQURED = a143 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED = 506 SF 1.5' STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED = 6,336 CF 1.5' STRAGE VOLUME PROVIDED = 6,839 CF 1.5' S7OR4GT DRANDOIN ISE = .129 DAYS 3 EL= 174 Pt 6' PVC SCREW PLUG FBA 6' ORIFICE ASSEMBLY EL= 16 9 6' CROSS SKIMMER CONNEC77ON TO BE CAPPED ONCE 2 FT SUMP 18' RCP SKIMMER IS REMOVID 1 FOR CLEANOUT OUTLET PIPE INV= - WSEL = 15.9 15.9 INV= 15.6 12' J1 i 12' GON.C... 12' OR GROUT: ; 6"BASE 3 1 6' CAP N11N 1.5' HOLE DRILLED SECTION WEW ASBUIL T WET BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE NEUSE ROAD i• i• i• i• i• �• • �i �i �i �i ei �i •�i � ��. . . . . . . . . . . .. w�w�w�w�w�w�w�w�w�w�w�•w� e � . � .: a :.:. - - "�' �' �' �• �• = `-- EMERGENCY SPILLWAY °oo 0 ELEV. = 17.2 i 0 °O o m0-0C w O I 00 °0 0 o IE = 1558 °o° � . { o 1 2 O 'V A OU71ET S7ITUC71RE LTG = 16.9,.--- ` \ INV = 15.9 (L5' C WV = 156 (15' A \ Z INV= 13.0 y i1 �S 0 �8 EX OVERHEAD POKER UNE i I a POKER POLE E = 16. 2 AS -BUILT WET DETENTION BASIN EMERGENCY SPILL WA Y FRONT VIEW NOT TO SCALE IE= ✓ �SDMN RIM = 17.7 INV = 13.6 � k i i LF 18' a 111 RCP H F.ES VT POOL ELEVARON = 15.9 AREA 0 M. 15.9 = 5,666 SF tY POOL / STATE S70RAGE ELEVATION = 16.9 AREA 0 aEY. 16.9 = 5,666 SF PROVIDED = 6,B39 CF EMBANKMENT TOP = 17.5 EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = 17.2 TOP OF OUTLET BOX = 16.9 STATE STORAGE = 5,839 CF AS -BUILT EMBANKMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE NOTES 1. AS -BUILT LOCATIONS PERFORMED AND PROVIDED BY BELL AND PHIWPS SURVEYING, PLLC. DRAWING LABELED "STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN ASBUILT SURVEY FOR FY09 BEQ CAMP JOHNSON P-1319' SIGNED AND SEALED BY PATE D PHIWPS L-2640 DATED 11-18-11 0 40 .0 LICENSE / C-2710 COASTAL SITE DESIGN, PC ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL P.O. Box 4041 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 791-4441 €fib g6g;a� 8 110 IA 1$::8. 419§ n co co N pU Oz J co QE 0 U L O Q z�U Q p al �m:�i W Z O \\� ` CAR 07j�ii = 2 SEAL a 025483 o SL7Lt0/,d-- ti Q p m L7 Y Or Q W O z W DATE: 5-7 _14 HORZ. SCALE: 1'= 20' VERT. SCALE: N/A DRAWN BY.• JSM CHECKED BY: HSR PROJECT NO: 11-0239-CJ DRAWING NO: 11-0239-C✓ Sheet No. Of l 1 n rl 3 1 2 3 0 9 n C OP Outlet Stabilization Structure Specification # 6.41 - Construction Specifications 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. Repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap a minimum of I ft. If the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather -resistant and well graded. 6. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. Make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. 8. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation (Practice 6.10, Temporary Seeding, and 6.11, Permanent Seeding). Maintenance Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. - SF Sediment Fence (Silt Fence) Specification 6.62 - Construction Specifications MATERIALS polypropylene, nylon, 1.Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheetof polyp py y , polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements shown in Table 6.62b. Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 F. 2.Ensure that posts for sediment fences are 1.33 lb/linear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric. 3.For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 inches. Table 6.62b Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency - 85% (mm) Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 Ib/lin in (min) Extra Strength- 50 Ib/lin in (mm) Slurry Flow Rate - 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCTION 1.Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2.Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3.Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten .the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 4.Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 inch long, or tie wires. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5.When a wire mesh support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts should be driven securely into the ground to a minimum of 18 inches. 6.Extra strength filter fabric with Eft post spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to posts. 7.Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier (figure 6.62a). 8.Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over the filter fabric. 9.Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area ,to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly `stabilized. J Grass -Lined Channels Specification# 6.30 - Construction Specifications 1. Remove all trees, brush, stumps, and other objectionable material from the foundation area and dispose of properly. 2. Excavate the channel and shape it to neat lines and dimensions shown on the plans plus a 0.2 ft overcut around the channel perimeter to allow for bulking during seedbed preparations and sod buildup. 3. Remove and properly dispose of all excess soil so that surface water may enter the channel freely. depend 4. The procedure used to establish grass in the channel will dope upon the severity of the conditions and selection of species. Protect the channel with mulch or a temporary liner sufficient to withstand anticipated . velocities during the establishment period (Appendix 8.05). Maintenance During the establishment period, check grass -lined channels after every rainfall. After grass is established, periodically check the channel; check it aftenevery heavy rainfall event. Immediately make repairs. It is particularly important to check the channel outlet and all road crossings for bank stability and evidence of piping or scour holes. Remove all significant sediment accumulations to maintain the designed carrying capacity.. Keep the grass in.a health vigorous condition at all times, since it is the primary erosion protectSeeding). ion for the channel (Practice 6.11, Permanent Sding). 0 Sediment Basin Specifications # 6.61 - Construction Specifications 1.She preparations -Clear, grub and strip topsoil from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pool area until the dam is complete and then remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment cleanout. Stockpile all topsoil or soil containing organic matter for use on the outer shell of the embankment to facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment control measures below the basin as needed. 2.Cut-off trench -Excavate a cut-off trench along the centerline of the earth fill embankment. Cut the trench to stable soil material, but in no case make it less than 2 ft. deep. The cut-off trench must extend into both abutments to at least the elevation of the riser crest. Make the minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but in no case less than 2 ft. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper than 1:1. Compaction requirements are the same as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry during backfiliing and compaction operations. 3.Embankment-Take fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans. It should be clean mineral soil, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and other . objectionable material. Scarify areas on which fill is be placed before placing fill. The fill material must contain sufficient moisture so it can be formed by hand into a ball without crumbling. If water can be squeezed out of the ball, it is too wet for proper compaction. Place fill material in 6 to 8-inch continuous layers over the entire length of the fill area and then compact it. Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction hauling equipment over .. the fill so that the entire surface of each layer is traversed by at least one wheel or tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 10% higher than the design height to . allow for settling. . 4.Conduit spillways -Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. Secure all connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth foundation of impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone as backfill around the pipe or anti -seep collars. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft. of hand -compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before crossing it with construction equipment. Anchor the riser in place by concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment is complete. 5.Emergency spillway -Install the emergency spillway in undisturbed soil. The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of emergency spillway. 6.lnlets-Discharge water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin trap efficiency (References: Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7.Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after construction (References: Surface Stabilization). 8.Safety-Sediment basins may attract children and can be dangerous. Avoid steep side slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning signs if trespassing is likely. Follow all state and local requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin to its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one- half the design depth. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. Remove all trash and other debris from the riser and pool area. Land Grading Specification # 6.02 - Construction Specifications 1.Construct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation control practices and measures in accordance with the approved sedimentation control plan and construction schedule. topsoil from r t graded and filled and reserve it for 2.Remove good ps om areas o be g a P use in finishing the grading of all critical areas. 3.Scarify areas to be topsoiled to a minimum depth of 2 inches before placing topsoil (Practice 6.04, Topsoiling). 4.Clear and grub areas to be filled to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or other objectionable material that would affect the planned stability of the fill. 5.Ensure that fill material is free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, stumps, building debris, and other materials inappropriate for constructing stable fills. 6.Place all fill in layers not to exceed 9 inches in thickness, and compact the layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other related problems. 7.Do not incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compressible materialsinto fill slopes. 8.Do not place fill on a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and slippage. 9.Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during all phases of development. 10.Handle seeps or springs encountered during construction in accordance with approved methods (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 11.Permanently stabilize all graded areas immediately after final grading is completed on each area in the grading plan. Apply temporary stabilization measures on all graded areas when work is to be interrupted or delayed for 30 working days or longer. 12.Ensure that topsoil stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoil areas are adequately protected from erosion with temporary and final stabilization measures, including sediment fencing and temporary seeding as necessary. Maintenance Periodically check all graded areas and the supporting erosion and sedimentation control practices, especially after heavy rainfalls. Promptly remove all sediment from diversions and other water -disposal practices. If washouts or breaks occur, repair them immediately. Prompt maintenance of small eroded areas before they become significant gullies is an essential part of an effective erosion and sedimentation control plan. I Construction Road Stabilization Specification # 6.80 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if it is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas if they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3%. 4. Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fills at 2:1 or flatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-inch course of "ABC" crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 8. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as grading is complete (References: Surface Stabilization). 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Maintenance Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as needed. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rains. Maintain all vegetation in a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated immediately. Permanent Seeding Centipede Sod to be used as permanent stabilization. Temporary Seeding Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for "Seeding and Mulching" and applied at the rate of 400 Ibs (450 kg) and seeded at a rate of 50 pouds (55 kg) per hectare. Sweet Sudan Greass, German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and Rye Grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. Hydro -seeding is also acceptable for temporary stabalization for onsite and offsite disturbance Fertilizer Topdressing Fertilizer used for topdressing on all roadway areas except slopes 2:1 and steeper shall be 10-20-10 written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 Ibs per acre (560 kg per hectare). Fertilizer used for topdressing on slopes 2:1 and steeper and waste and borrow areas shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 Ibs per acre (560 kg per hectare). Upon written approval of the Engineer, a different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8-8 analysis. Supplemental Seeding The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for "Seeding and Mulching", with the execption that no centipede seed will be used in the seed mix for supplemental seeding. The rate of application for supplemental seeding may vary from 25# to 75# per acre (28 kg to 85 kg per hectare). The actual rate per acre (hectare) will be determined by the Engineer prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre (hectare), total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sood seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. Mowing The minimum mowing height on this project shall be 4 inches (100 mm). Crimping Straw Mulch Crimping will be required on this project adjacent to any section of roadway where traffic is to be maintained or allowed during construction. In areas within 6 ft (2 meter) of the edge of pavement, straw is to be crimped and then immediately tacked with asphalt tack Crimping of straw in lieu of asphalt tack will be allowed on this project subject to the following conditions: All areas seeded and mulched shall be crimped and/or tacked with asphalt as directed by the Engineer. Crimping will be limited to slopes 4:1 or flatter unles the Contractor can demonstrate to the Engineer that steeper slopes can be negotiated without altering the typical section. Straw mulch to be of sufficient length and quality to withstand the crimping operation and provide adequate ground cover. Crimping equipment incluing power source shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer providing that maximum spacing of crimper blades shall not exceed 8 inches (200 mm). IP ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION Specification # 6.55 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear the area of all debris that might hinder excavation and disposal of spoil. 2. Install the Class B or Class I riprap in a semi -circle around the pipe inlet. The stone should be built up higher on each end where it ties into the embankment. The minimum crest width of the riprap should be 3 feet, with a minimum bottom of 11 feet. The minimum height should be 2 feet, but also 1 foot lower than the shoulder of the embankment or diversions. 3. A 1 foot thick layer of NC DOT #5 or #57 stone should be placed on the outside slope of the riprap. 4. The sediment storage area should be excavated around the outside of stone horseshoe 18 inches below natural grade. 5. When the contributing drainage area has been stabilized, fill depression and establish final grading elevations, compact area properly, and stabilize with ground cover. Maintenance Inspect rock pipe inlet protection at least weekly and after each significant (1/2" or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove sediment and restore the sediment storage area to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal area and replace the contaminated part of the gravel facing. Check the structure for damage. Any riprap displaced from the stone horseshoe must be replaced immediately. After all the sediment producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all the the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and provide permanent ground over. l 9` Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Specification # 6.06 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material and property grade it. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and smooth it. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation in locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. / SK Skimmer Sediment Basin Specification 6.64.7 - Construction Specifications MATERIALS 1. Clear, ggrub, and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and root mai. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and stockpileor dispose of it properly. Haul' all objectionable ma}erial to the designated disposal area. Place temporary sediment control measures below basin as needed. 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots woody vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material'. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it. Overfill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. 3. Shape the basin to the specified dimensions. Prevent the skimming device from settling into the mud b excavating a shallow pit under the skimmer or providing aloes support under the skimmer of stone or timber. 4. Place the barrel (typically 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe), on a firm, smooth foundation of impervious sod. Do not use pervious material such as sand gravel, or crushed stone as backfill aroundthepipe. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from the firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2 feet of compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before crossing it with construction equipment. In no case should the pipe conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment is complete. 5. Assemble the skimmer following the manufacturers instructions, or as designed. 6. Lay the assembled skimmer on the bottom of the basin with the flexible joint at the Inlet of the barrel pipe. Attach the flexible joint to the barrel pipe and position the skimmer over the excavated pit or support. Be sure to attach a rope to the skimmer and anchor it to the side of the basin. This will be used to pull the skimmer to the side for maintenance. 7. Earthen spillways -Install the spillway in undisturbed soil to the greatest a or may n be used. The upper section(s) should overlap the tower section(s) so that water cannot flow under the fabric. Secure the upper edge and sides of the fabric in a trench with staples or pins. (Adapted from "A Manual for Designing, Installingg and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment Basins." February, 1999. J. W. Faircloth & Son.). 8. Inlets -Discharge water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary slope drains or diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment - laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin trap efficiency 9. Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after construction (References: Surface Stabilization). 10. After all the sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all the unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly (References: Surface Stabilization). Inspect skimmer sediment basins at least weekly and after each significant (one-half inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove one side so that the sediment u"ndemeath it can be excavated. Excavate the sediment from the entire basin, not just around the skimmer or the first cell. Make sure vegetation growing in the bottom of the basin does not hold down the skimmer. If the skimmer is clogged with trash and there is water in the basin, usually Ierking on the rope wfli make the skimmer bob up and down and dislodge fhe debris and restore flow. If this does not work, pull the skimmer over o the side of the basin and remove the debris. Also check the orifice inside the skimmer to see if it is clogged; if so remove the debris. If the skimmer arm or barrel pipe is dogged, the orifice can be removed and the obstruction Geared with a plumber's snake or by flushing with water. Be sure and replace the orifice before repositioning the skimmer. Check the fabric lined spillway for damage and make any required repairs with fabric that spans the full width of the spillway. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. Remove all trash and other debris from the skimmer and pool areas. Freezing weather can result in ice forming in the basin. Some special precautions should be taken in the winter to prevent the skimmer from plugging with ice. r TP ) TREE PROTECTION Specification # 6.05 - Construction Specifications 1. Restrict access to TPZ with tall, bright, protective fencing. Most fencing is inexpensive and durable enough to last throughout most consturcton projects. Temporary tree protection fencing should be erected before clearing, delivers and other construction activities begin on site. 2. Prohibit or restrict access to TPZ. All onsite workers should be aware of the TPZ and the restrictions on activities with the zones. Use the TPZ guidelines for the best effect. post "KEEP OUT" signs on all sides of the fencing. Do not store construction equipment or materials in TPZs Prohibit construction activities near the most valuable trees, and restrict activities around others. Assess crew and contractor penalties, if necessary to keep the TPZ intact. Reference NCDENR LQS Manual for additional requirements and maintenance. i 0 IP HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Specification # 6.51 - Construction Specifications 1. Uniformly grade a shallow depression approaching the inlet. 2. Drive 5 FT steel post 2 FT into the ground surronding the inlet.. Space post evenly around the perimeter of the inlet, a maximum of 4 FT apart. 3. Surrond the posts wit wire mesh hardware cloth. Secure the wire mest to steel posts at the top, middle, and bottom. Placing a 2 FT flap of the wire mesh. under the gravel for anchoring is recommended. 4. Place clean gravel (NC DOT #5 or #57 stone) on a 2:1 slope with a height of 16 inches around the wire, and smooth to an even grade. 5. Once the contributing drainage area has been stabilized , remove accumulated sediment, and establish final grading elevations. 6. Compact the area properly and stabilized it with ground cover. Maintenance Inspect inlets at least weekly and after each significant (0.5 in or greater) rainfall event. Clear the mesh wire of any debris or other objects to provide adequate flow for subsequent rains. Take care not to damage or undercut the wire mesh during sediment removal. Replace stone as needed. Table 6.11s - Seeding No. 4CP for: Well -Drained Sandy loams to Dry Sands, Coastal Plain; Low to Medium -Care Lawns Seeding mixture Species - Centipedegrass - Rate - 10-20 lb/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. - June, (Sprigging can be done through July where water is available for irrigation.) Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil test, or apply 300 Ib/acre 10-10-10. Sprigging - Plant sprigs in furrows with a tractor -drown transplanter, or broadcast by hand. Furrows should be 4-6 inches deep and 2ft apart. Place sprigs about 2 ft. apart in the row with one end at or above ground level (Figure 6.11d). Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs into the top 1 1/2 inches of soil with a disk set straight so that sprigs are not brought back toward the surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen in spring with no phosphorus. Centipedegrass cannot tolerate high pH or excess fertilizer. Maintenance Table 6.1lt - Seeding No. 5CP for: Weil -Drained Sandy Loams to Dry Sands; Low Seeding mixture Species Rate (lb/acre) Pensacola Bahiagrass 50 Sericea lesP edeza 30 Common Bermudagrass 10 German millet 10 Seeding notes 1. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea 2. Use common Bermudagrass only on isolated sites where it cannot become a pest. Bermudagrass may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedgrass. Seeding dates - Apr. 1 - July 15 Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be moved only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea and now as often as needed. Table 6.11 v - Seeding No. 7CP for: Grass -lined Channels; Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bermudagrass - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 Ib/1,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Plain; Apr - July Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and ditches. The lining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and in drainages not requiring temporary linings, apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the top. Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed to wash down slopes where they can clog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum of 3 weeks is required for establishment. Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 Ib/acre Refer to Appendix 8.02 for botanical names Temporary Diversion TD Specification # 6.20 - Construction Specifications 1. Remove and properly dispose of all tress, brush, stumps, and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that the minimum constructed cross section meets all design requirements. 3. Ensure that the top of the dike is not lower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement. 4. Provide sufficient room around diversions to permit machine regrading and cleanout. 5. Vegetate the ridge immediately after construction, unless it will remain in place less than 30 working days. Maintenance Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Carefully check outlets and make timely repairs as needed. When the area protected is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and the channel to blend with the natural ground level and appropriately stabilize it. M < W 0 0 it 0 0 .- _-_�41 - SEAL DES pRW ICHK FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER 1 a U<Q 7: F-3Z J o Z K p a' Q IL)F W - i � Cf) z I MCC W t N 'Q 0 mZ< �QaoC3cY) H Z <2 >M Yor �Wa O U z0 .5�Z Z 0 =1 � O >Z ZZ fn W O w cc0 Z 0� CL W Z W = < I to Li UU _I >Wz ZF_0�rn WCO I_ W w J<'O.. .- 0 �UF_ �L}L oLLLL=d. Q M V iz $ < Q z m coo Z Fi M CODE ID. N0. SIZE 1) SCALE: AS INDICATED MAAMO NO. - JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER NO. - OONs1R. CONTR. NO. -- gy y y pI � N40085-1 1 -C-4020 x 1. _',`% f`se. it .s ly - COASTAL NANFAC DRAVANG NO. XXX n SITE SHEET XXX OF Xxx �Ao-,,,, DESIGN, PC SHEET NO. -j FY3 C 508 � �• BY:______ rws� «a 5 . X I • NO I 0 1 � 2 3 5 C r 22 2- SHOULDER ` 6' t1' 12r � ` %ALK PLANTING DRIVE STRIP/ LANE DRAINAGE `♦ SWALE r•.,we 20g� � P� 2.0% 00 7 i -- 44 J J,J tJ 1 r JJ ♦ N R 1 rA x' ti JJJJ JJ JJ 22,59$ SF NR3 237 693 \7j8� \` `` / r� ♦ JJ % ot � hC ♦ `` ls� �i 686, ♦♦ vo R-148.500 ' `< ♦� -air- too, s♦ t'+ �� `� J �`> l� NR25,627 SF Line Table LineN Length 9 Direction L1 69.901 S23' 27' 38.120E L2 190.935 SS ' 6' 0 . ' 5 3 8 56 W L3 164.550. S12'25' 38.80'W L4 316.806 N74' 02' 00.49"W L5 120.217 N40' 24' 28.58'W L6 50.295 N85' "' 15.04"W L7 115.591 N25' 00' 49.33'W LS 16.242 N4' 56' 36.18"E L9 3.354 N4' 56' 36.180E L10 8.532 NV 56' 36.180E L11 8.620 NV 05' 47.03'E L12- 5.524 N4' 05' 47.03'E L13 7.069 N4' 05' 47.03'E L14 6.333 N4- 05' 47.03'E L15 3.471 N4' 05' 47.03"E L16 2.458 NV 05' 47.03"E L17 22.102 NV 05' 4TO3"E L18 1.483 NT 02' 21.12'E L19 0.107 NT 02' 21.120E L20 6.713 N3' 02' 21.120E Line Table Una # Length Direction L21 121,852 N30' 57' 10.750E L22 52.089 S85' 44' 15.04"E L23 120.217 S40' 24' 2&58'E L24 58.760 S34' 23' 51.44-E L25 210.246 N55' 36' 08.56'E L26 13.029 N77' 33' 10.83"E L27 5.808 S80- 34' 46.760E L28 5.065 S57' 08' 39.680E L29 4.950 S42' 57' 16.480E L30 4.082 S36' 24' 01.540E L31 4.020 S30' 14' 18.240E L32 13.778 S32' 59' 38.58"E L33 7.144 S28' 44' 29.600E L34 3.878 N45' 1T 35.09'E L35 7.773 N45- 17' 35.090E L36 11.072 HAS' 17' 35.09'E L37 4.800 NBC 43' 37.64'E L38 3.922 N82'. AS 16.390E L39 0.889 N71' 11' 08.02"E L40 &500 N31' 06' 05.960E Line Table Line # Length Direction L41 12.550 N68' 09' 12.860E L42 8.967 N56' 12' 36.390E L43 10.044 N56' 21' 19.04"E L44 10.072 N56' 42' 25.21' E L45 10.325 NST 09' 43.90'E L46 60.165 N58' 40' 41.760E L47 60.724 NIT 04' 35.67'E L48 2.243 N29' 41' 04.15'E L49 22.182 S76' 12' 26.650E L50 21.811 S75' 55' 47.590E L51 18.008 ST* 04 0(1 L52 11.620 MI 36' 48.340E L53 82.074 N72' 05' 01.63"E L54 3.271 N75- 35' 05.29" E L55 13.650 N14' 43' 28.61"E L56 16.296 S75' 16' 31.39"E L57 32.082 N62' 43' D6.28"E L58 7.788 NIST 21' 40.160E L59 14.426 N52' 57' 47.080E L60 7.088 N39' 27' 06.23'E Line Table Line 4 Len Direction Length DI ec L61 8.039 N3T 35' 59.70'E L62 2.775 N46' 47' 44.380E L63 10.806 N11' 21' 53.90"E L64 13.895 N13 58 30. ' 0'E 3 L65 9.497 N10' 22' 19.000E L66 0.555 N10' 34' 13.490E L67 12.667 NIT 49' 08.04'E L68 29.378 .N85' 13' 26.68"E L69 22.381 N16' 49' 36.25"E L70 43.927 N16' 42' 14.35'E'i L71 15.433 S28' 29' 12.730E 1 L72 15.056 S8' 49' 49.86 E L73 I9.7DO SIT 10' 27.47'W L74 1 22.8471 SIT 32' 23.43'W L75 3.210 S74' 35' 13.200E L76 0.993 S74' 35' 13.20"E 1 L77 1.931 874' 35' 13.20"E L78 5.867 574' 35' 13.20"E 11 L79 12.006 S74- 35' 13.20"E L80 2.ODO S74' 35' 13.200E{ I Line Table Line / Length th Direction L81 6.664 N51' 33' 33.580E L82 2.000 S74' 35' 13.20"E L83 7.294 827' 10 32.45 E L84 4.828 S75' 06' 31.01"E L85 6.600 S20' 30' 33.15"W L86 7.364 SlT 05' 26.70'W L87 5.389 S74' 16' 22.26"E L88 4.498 S18' 48' 31.63'W L89 5.951 S22' 10' 06.09'W L90 5.705 S21' 47' 47.87'W L91 11.540 S23' 33' 43.64'W L92 11.610 S26' 05' 27.91"W L93 11.542 S28' 39' 15.21"W L94 17.160 S30- 23' 02.74"W L95 5.955 S32' 59' 37.17'W L96 10.084 S34' 24' 10.47"W L97 3,490 S19' 55' 21.41"W L98 6.629 S38' 49' 35.19"W L99 4.324 S37' 43' 28.55"W L100 5.208 1 S31' 04' 52.600W Una Table LineR Length 9 Direction L101 3.288 S34' 39 50.38 W L102 5.110 S30' 47' 55.40'W L103 6.555 S34' 57' 37.52'W -104 2.319 S43' 49' 39.79'W L105 4.863 SAY 03' 04.87W L106 5.525 SAT 15 29.02 W L107 2.366 S45- 23' 20.910W L108 0.177 SAT 01' 02.09'W LIM 2.781 S64- 43' 10.47" E 1.110 0.769 862' 12' 35.570E 1111 5.146 S61' 32' 46.620E 1112 1.063 561' 04' 39.360E 1113 4.755 S60' 30' 58.3TE L114 0.577 S59' 39' 03.140E -115 5.136 S59' 39' 35.830E L116 0.586 S58' 43' 20.700E U17 4.472 S58' 43' 47.15'E. L118 4.990 S65' 19' 18.230E U19 5.243 S6 ' 36' 0A1' 3 2 E L120 0.777 S62' 33' 2&06'E 2 5,341 15� 11,,* SF Line Table Lina f Length Direction L121 5.235 S60' 42' 18.23'E -122 0.913 S6W AO' 51.190E 1-123 4,762 S 1' 58 01 21.2 E L124 2.738 4 N3 ' ' T 3 0 38 3 E L125 4.894 N31' 51 47.71 E L126 3.907 N31' 51' 07.91"E L127 5.405 N35- 31' 00.520E U28 3.803 N.W 33' 44.900E L129 5.238 437' 47 07.78 E L130 0.702 N37' 37' 12.73'E 1131 1.802 N44' 26' 38. 6' 6 E L132 3.342 N53' 48' 25.62'E L133 2.155 N60' 41' 03.300E L134 4.248 N73' S6' 16 4' 8 E L135 2.954 N80- 59' 15.990E 1-136 5.098 S76' 57' 17.330E L137 2.050 S68' 51' 36.00'E L138 3.594 S57' 48' 37.4TE L139 4.993 S57' 55' 20.58'E L140 11.531 S5T 37' 24.550E LDER 12' SHOU _ 11' 6' ----- - )RIVE PLANTING WAL LANE STRIP/ DRAINAGE SWALE 2. 1/4" R SEE PLAN FOR WIDTH SLOPE TO DRAIN COMPACTED SUBGRADE SITE WALK NOT TO SCALE C-111, C-112, C-113, C-114, C-115, C-116 `� -_--_. i ` , ' I -----' _ -- - ---l a. V xk t C 1 � '✓J��1-t -.f JJJ J J J J i .00, JJJ J� J J JJ J J + J J 000a 000 i r JJ ,J �2i J / Line Table Line Y Length lh Direction L141 12.809 N66' 51' 34.02'E 1-142 8.795 N76' 9' 23.60' 2 E L143 9.090 N89' 31' 27.41'E -144 11.292 S5' 45' 59.57"W Ll45 18.129 S76' 03' 51.560E 1-146 12.846 S88' 08' 33.65"E L147 8.106 S24' 39' 32.97'W L148 2.264 S49' 52' 41.890E 1149 0.900 S49' 45' 52.080E L150 0.841 S49' 09' 10.11"E -151 4.835 S49' 08' 52.47"E L152 0.909 SAW 49' 49.65' E L153 0.618 SAS' 07' 21.700E L154 5.057 SAW 48 06 45.46 E L155 4.844 SAT 20' 55.170E 1-156 4.833 SAW 30' 33.86'E L157 1.111 S46' 17' 34.02'E L158 1.141 S43' 00' 54.040E L159 5.082 SAT 45' 14.71' E L160 4.779 S42' 04' 41.490E '��r�T=_ I 'SWALE 11D11 NR5 Line Table no Len9 lh Direction -161 5.097 S41' 22' 36.62'E L162 5.125 540' 18' 47.44"E L163 5.068 S39' 43' 1&30"E L164 2.695 S39' 11' 35.39'E L165 3.330 S31' 42' 31.43"E -166 2.613 S19' 02' 52.05'E L167 1.756 S10' 08' 04.55'E L168 2.861 SO' 59' "W 55 99 L169 2.437 ST 47' 50 1. 'W 2 L170 2.048 S10' 20' 11.26'W -171 2.707 S9' 06' 11.35'W L172 3.447 S9' 59' 27.65'W L173 18.375 SIX 52' 00.2TW L174 0.311 SIO' 26' 16.31'E L175 2.091 S25' 45' 48.320E L176 3.326 S36' 19' 40.74'E L177 4.951 S37' 34' 14.85"E L178 4.924 S36' 49' 57.36"E L179 4.478 S34' 31' 27.600E L180 4.760 1 S35' 36' 19.28"E 40' Una Table Line Len9 th Direction L181 3.5913 832' 30 32.39 E L182 4.322 S32' 54' 46.95E L183 4.324 S39' 16' 16. 7' 3 8 E 1184 5.603 S44' 25' 56.910E L185 4.652 S44' 50' 00.280E L186 6.273 S51' 57' 38.820E L187 4.268 53' 42' 02.49 ' S E L188 5.403 559' 22 18.87 E L189 3.940 S62' 39' 32.230E L190 6.972 S65' 16 57.260E 1191 2.759 S65' 54' 45.330E L192 2.703 S51' 16' 18.47'E L193 2.585 S31- 3S 50.08'E 1194 11.920 4' 1 ' 1 . 82 5 0 25 E L195 0.844 S24' 30' 43.150E 196 0,559 ' 1 ' 524 2 48.67 E L197 5.074 S24' 13' 43.850E L198 0.810 S23' 26' 48.660E Li 99 0.847 2T T 0 .] ' S 2 2 SE L200 0.642 S23' 06' 24.390E Line Table Lina / Length Direction L201 31.766 Sib' 24' 18.92'E L202 0.534 Sig' 9 33 17.45 E L203 5.060 Sig' 32' 19.03'E L204 0.852 S19' 16' 37.87"E L205 0.566 S18' 42' 03.94"E L206 5.088 S18' 44' 47.15'E L207 19.203 S18' 0712.050E U08 5.824 S51' 02' 18.37'W 1209 4.184 S66' 07' 09.43'W L210 1.897 S76' 35' 14.92'W L211 2.625 S20' 54' 05.37'E L212 3.935 SIT 22 54.40 E L213 4.514 ST 39' 22.30'W L214 4.520 SIT 41' 15.960W L215 4.528 S32' 44' 57.47'IN L216 4.535 SAT 50' 12.10"W L217 4.116 S62' 56' 38.42'W L218 5.878 S73' 15' 46.25"W L219 5.013 S73' 16' 07.68"W L220 5.031 S73' 20' 22.24W ti;•y � ra r 1K� 4 , ------------ Y 4 r > 1 . *" )tit ♦ _ POND B ` _ x 88,000 SF - ♦` : ' �ANDALE SUNDT , mmiCalib e CARO//ice E p2 s 025493 " tGINS�pC_ W(-(( SEAL DES - - RW HK FlRE PROTECTION - - BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH ZQ B < =Z 6#%�a Z 6 o s z I- o U w < Z cq N � z o o w aa��':t� 'tN Q W JC)<5 L- < tt Q a a a 0 IC Line Table Line / Length Direction L221 3.109 S73' 33' 50.05'W L222 4.969 S73' 08' 58.85"W L223 5.037 S73' 09' 08.44"W L224 5.038 S73' 30' 48. " 33 W L225 4.831 S73' 30' 48.33'W L226 6.905 ST' 30' 16.35'W L227 4.422 S6T 23' 08.59"W L228 2.900 WT 23' 08.59'W L229 5.008 S67' 23' 08.59'W L230 4.993 S67' 23' 08. ' 59 W L231 4.974 MIT 12' 54.22"W L232 5.018 MI' 58' 53. ' 46 W L233 5.090 S67' 18' 29.62"W L234 9.179 S70' 12' 51.14"W U35 5.260 N8T 22' 33.06"W L236 4,651 N72' 22' 50.14"W L237 4.700 N56' 48' 34.72'W L230 4.644 N41' 16' 58.70'W L239 L240 4.006 3.363 N26' 18' NIT 57' 41.39'W 04.63"W N Line Table Line k Length Direction L241 1.166 NIT 23' 33.92'W L242 1.142 NIT 23' 33.92'W L243 2.100 N17' 23' 33.92'W L244 1.963 S74' 04' 50.33'W L245 15.783 N53' 01' 43.29'W L246 2.514 N37' 58' 10.91'W L247 2.396 N23' 01' 32.12'W 1248 3.247 N1A' 12' 51.92'W L249 1.211 NW 06' 06.15'W L250 1.076 NW 17' 12.08'W L251 44.609 N21' 27' 58.24'W L252 39.159 N2T 54' 32.87'W L253 2,090 N48- 46' 27.47'W L254 14.376 N34' 05' 10.80'W L255 15.355 N37' 34' 48.26"W L256 17.750 N41- 34' 47.74"W L257 19.272 1,144' 23' 26.01"W L258 12.720 NAT 26' 45.50'W L259 14.477 HAW 30' 33.82'W L260 13.482 N52' 53' 33.30'W Line Table Line / Length Drection L261 19.644 N55' 55' 15.35'W L262 19.491 N59' 50' 12.04'W L263 17.824 N62' 49' 41.59'W L264 24.100 N67' 26' 01 L265 15.939 N71- N74' 00' 34' O&90"W 19.15'W L266 21.434 L267 16.105 N78- N82' 07' 06' 26.11"W 33.28"W L268 25.045 L269 18.726 N86- 16' 06.64-W L270 24.988 S89' 33' 21.82'W L271 18.853 S 85' 2- 06.58'W L272 23.741 S55' Sig_ AS 19' 33.01'W 13.05"W L273 12.981 L274 4.823 SC SIT 02' 40' 22.35"W 06.29'W L275 1.000 L276 0.955 MT 24' 14.61"E L277 2.614 S43' "' 50.100E L278 1.315 SAT 06' 01.44'E L279 1.546 S45' 16' 22.03"E L280 2b05 W 26' 13.05E Line Table Line / Length Direction L321 8.143 S39' 11' 49.82"W Line Table Line # Length Direction U81 2.632 S39' 03' 19.630E L282 2.720 S35' 54' 22.2TE L283 2.762 S31' 31' 07.81'E L284 2.695 S27' 52' 51.740E U85 2.693 S24' 14' 45.3TE L286 2.691 S20' 36' 50.58"E L287 3.158 56' 29' 03.25'W L255 2.837 S3- 40' 02.430E L289 2.649 SIT 27' 03.630E L290 3.034 S5. 11' 01.700E L291 1.295 S8' 46' 2].89'E L292 1.394 S4' 22' 09.590E L293 1.044 S1' 59' 51.090E L294 2.305 Sib' 57' 52.75'E U95 3.654 Sl' 12' 29.25'W L296 48.515 SY 55' 12 WE L297 8.726 $1' 36' 17.45"E L298 9.329 S11' 59' 25.08"W L299 10.580 S2T 07' 35.24'W L300 12.951 S3T 03' 19.5 . Una Table Line 8 Len th 9 Direction L301 11.242 S51' 05' 11.43"W L302 12.592 S70' 33' 33.01'W L303 13.023 S84' 09' 23.89'W L304 8.887 PISS' 26' 19.43'W L305 8.190 N71' 24' 14.45'W L306 9.889 NW 05' 34.660W L307 10.605 S30- 53' 41.71'W L308 18.337 N57' 06' 41.47'W L309 32.264 N26- 23' 25.64-W L310 20.487 N33- 00' 04.52-W L311 13.040 N19- 16' 06.290W L312 13.308 N30- 08' 15.580W L313 7.782 S55' 29' 09.56'W L314 7.438 $42' 18' 02.63"W L315 0.456 S42' 18' 02.63'W L316 9.134 S42' 18' 02.63'W L317 2.530 S42' 18' 02.63"W L318 6.850 S44' 39' 19.290W 019 3.531 N88' 36' 50.47"W 1320 0.320 S79' 25' 14.60'W JL > Z U Z_ N�T' cY) LU a hZ - 0 Z W U Q Z - CC LZLI = Of W CcO 0 Z 0 ICC- Z = Q G w� UV J Q > w z < -w W m Z wJawo x U� W w � o¢o J O LL z w J a- Q n/ l^L L.L iX �aor, A < Q 3 V W CODE ID. NO. SIZE D COASTAL SITE • � AFina' DESIGN,PC or+4ma va So" Luo 8W4eK eerNme ec mws SCALE: AS INDICATED MA%IMO NO. - JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER N0.. - CONSTR.-CONTR. NO. N40080085-1 -11-C-4020 O 3D so 120 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXX SHEET XXX OF XXX I I � L ` � °' LI � ' �- � � SHEET NO. i ( BY:-- ; I inch = 60 ft.)3orizontal P L & DA CD 5 a a a n C I N VJ 222.0' RAD. C 288' RAD. 154.9' C 227.9, JJ JJ �JJ536, JJ JJ 193.6' RAD. JJ J i JJJJ)�, J J J J 114.5' JJJ '8S J"'� �J "JJJ..l JJJ JJ 25' RAD. ANDALE JJ J JJJ J JJJ JJ JJJ ' / AIDIM SUNDT 300.5 LF 25.15' EL39.2' SIDEWALK JJJ J J J J J J� J J,✓ JJ J`'i AD. 43.7R� J J J J • J � JJJ JJJ '� ZS.4' S6 / J J a� JJJ JJJ 222' RAD. 91H cD JJ J.,`,c� o JJJ`/ JJJJ 90.5' ANl a_ J c) JJJ JJJ 198' RAD. _. .. c JiJ iJ 22' RAD. 80.7' �O J !� JJ' J 90.5' 20' RAD. A e2 \ t\�111110�iff/// 920.9 LF 150.5 LF JJ JJJ JJ i98' 28.8' 5' RAD . RAD. � 'r l J,OF 6 FT OF 6 FT 80.7' 44' RAD. 7.3' \ Q 1 ES`S/ ••/ . wSIDEWALK SIDEWALK J fJ 25' RAD. JJ JJ J JJ 37.3' 328' RAD' 7 9RAD. S AC JJ 5' RAD. 1 JJJJ tiJ 25' RAD. 8.1' 5' RAD. j 01 �t83 _ JJ JJ 7.8' d33 112 J� J J J 37.3' S' RAD. 7.9' A`Y 130' RAD. J J J J o 5' RAD. C71t.• / J 2.3' J J 2S' RAD. 0 _ J N \ 00, 7.9' 8.0' �?' 5' RAD. �5?\\ J 15.6' JJ J 'o 36.6' 310' RAD. 7.8' JJ J 20' RAD. 279.0' _ _ JJJ JJJJ) '15` RA1 •v= 25' ' 43.7' OF 6 LF JJJ 41.9' sEu � J�� J 9 23.4' �+ 5' RAD. OF 6 FT, JJ J ,�,AA 7.8' SIDEWALK JJ JJ n✓�j JJJ JJ 1y"'• � 288' RADES RW HK J JJJJ )JJJ D. JJJJ JJ JJ �O`L DE FIRE PROTECTION '✓•/J� J J��J J J J JJ JJJ 4222' JJ JJ JJJJJJ J �O 430' PAD. AM H MANAGER 74.81 DR JJJ JJJ JJJ JJJ JJJJ JJJJ JJJ JJ JJJJ 5' RAD. JJJJ) JJ J J J J) JJJJ JJJJJJ A S' RAD. Q U Z B 120 8.1' Z� 312' RAD, c0i z s � 457.4' Z 14.3' zH� U Q w Q z Z Q o C z =w z H 0 F a Q �z¢5�� Z >� cySWd. z0 < H Z 0 0 u)O Q 0 z z z w Lu 0 � cn (D w 2 O z-- = Q , j w� a a Lij a w<wwp oQ���-- LL z n. z _j Q C COASTAL CODE ID. NO. SIZE D SITE SCALE: '_AS INDICATED DESIGN, PC aauoROERNo. .A o0.�.• - -. - met nut m ur WORK ORDER NO. _ - - CONSTR. CONTR. NO. - `tTa ,ID N40085-1 1 -C-4020 m�' 30 d0 120 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXX . 1 _ SHEET.:X%X OF. .XXX � : SHEET NO. BY:_I I1nch_ so tL Harbmtd IMP DIM o 1 2 3 4 5 2 C C 0 v 2 r' _ NEUSE ROAD 3 3 m II0 2 l0 40 so I 1 inch = 40 ft. Horizontal qT (V U I— w w W W U) 5 KEYMAP NOTES: 1. SLOPES ARE 3:1 MAXIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE AT EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. SEE SHEETS C-300 TO C-301 FOR STORM DRAIN PROFILES. 4. SEE SHEET C-502 AND C-503 FOR STORM DRAIN DETAILS. 5. SEE SHEETS C-130 THRU C-134 FOR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 6. GRADING IN LANDSCAPE AREAS AT BUILDING TO BEGIN 0.5' BELOW FINISHED FLOOR. 7. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS TO VERIFY DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASHBLOCK LOCATIONS. DETAIL REFERENCES 1 DETAIL NUMBER C-501 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER CB-1 ❑� CATCH BASIN N0. AND DETAIL N0. C-502 MH-1 pO STORM MANHOLE N0. AND DETAIL N0. C-503 EW-1 CONCRETE ENDWALL NO. 3 AND DETAIL NO. C-503 FES-1 ® CONCRETE FLARED END 0 SECTION N0. AND DETAIL C-503 NO. CULVERT OUTLET PROTECTION. 5 E v � SEAL DES KLH ID!w RLS ICHK TAJ FIRE PROTECTIQN� BRANCH MANAGER u CHIEFENGIARCH U a Z 0 Q Z U > y J 2 ¢ O LL W F— � 0 Z w Zw fn V' /n v Q w Q Q w ZN I Q cc Q Q Q z Z Z) p oM W cL w' O Z O0 U' J O Z Z Z 06 Fr w O O---.) w 0 Z_ Z J (L p Fj w2 Z L) < U O w=COp H=a_ w Q J �} O w N LL Q w �LL0a W o J (n Z Q o Q U Z) aQ=� w aZ< w Z 0 CODE ID. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED MAXIMO NO. - JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER NO. - CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N40085-11-C-4020 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXX SHEET OF SHEET NO, C-123 L C I:l W N I 2 3 m F1 �t it %/ I { i t ' 1, t 1011 t {1 {{ � tt 4 rt�YG � t Y 1 xj sows OWN solo i' i a✓� i til r i own j ~ A41 5 CB-20 ��d �, 16, �6' 117 R8 163 roM /\ro M ^� I U "s W 9� c2�O_�1 I W G O 2 ^h 0? W EW-30 (n f• 1 t \ I •— solo mono wow wow zoom wow (I ==1 0 �L " Ci FNI WV I � I , t t t DO r` r EW-31 � �8 . I. -_65.10OF 18" RCP PROFILE 'P', C301 14 Vv♦ v, ♦v vv ~ v w vv A A � i\ \ ♦ \ ~MATCH EXISTING \.\ , �� �if Vt 7 MATCH EXISTING `'. dr W,// f � CB-2 3 17� 3 .k 17 e 39.51' OF 15" RCP 1g 19.16 PROFILE 'R', C301 20 - T � g1 rn / I. A tl MH-4 1a 52.12' OF 15" RCP M pofoi/ 79.83' OF 18" RCP �7 PROFILE 'S', C301 0 115.67' OF 1g" RCP 4 � MH-5 �w1 56.42' OF 18" RCP PROFILE 'Q', C301 FES-1 /'%' SEE SHEET C-506 FOR DETAILED POND AND OUTFACE INFORMATION t t 6700M YI 1 , t 5 2 76 + MH-6 N 00 EW-34 : N36t�606 32074 / 0 1 0 / DO E: 2478826.285 1b`b131.89' OF 15" RCP \ � �]oo PROFILE 'T', C301 \ 22.68' OF 15" RCP 1940.00 01 ��~~ PROFILE 'Q', C301 19.54 y - ` \\ / `� 79 16 �\ MATCH EXISTING 11 ' ' 03 19.10 v> v a� + o ,8 Q rn. 0)1 4i N i • + COREBOARD Wf s ti I ELEC. ATTACHED t o. 17 (DO NOT DISTURB) ; 9903 r TG— �y — lT_ 1 o —0 " `o o 0)'v � My 19 N Q,'�9 r \i t >z� rv..._. CB-25 ------------ �— '9 2 `'o �.�o o_ NEUSE ROAD �PTJ=2)0 0 KEYMAP NOTES: in w r 0 Z 0 a U 0 w 1. SLOPES ARE 3:1 MAXIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2._ALL ELEVATIONS ARE AT EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. SEE SHEETS C-300 TO C-301 FOR STORM DRAIN PROFILES. 4. SEE SHEET C-502 AND C-503 FOR STORM DRAIN DETAILS. 5. SEE SHEETS C-130 THRU C-134 FOR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 6. GRADING IN LANDSCAPE AREAS AT BUILDING TO BEGIN C' 0.5' BELOW FINISHED FLOOR. �ANDALE 7. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS TO VERIFY DOWNSPOUT SUNDT AND SPLASHBLOCK LOCATIONS. 1�3 a DETAIL REFERENCES 1 DETAIL NUMBER C-501 DETAIL SHEET NUMBER CB-1 CATCH BASIN NO. AND 1 DETAIL NO. C-502 MH-1 Op STORM MANHOLE N0. AND DETAIL NO. C-503 NORTH EW-1 CONCRETE ENDWALL N0. AND DETAIL NO. C-503 0 20 40 80 FES-1 CONCRETE FLARED END 1 inch = 40 ft. Horizontal SECTION NO. AND DETAIL C-503 NO. CULVERT OUTLET P�� 4 5 J.•,nnum,••' SEAL DES KLH 1DRw R "S CHK YAJ FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH'- . B a �U� < = Z oZ> Q Z ' 0 J �go F W woo w 0 �M cl: 0 Q W Z 2 ¢ 41. V Q z z � , Q M 2 Lu R L O F-Z O Ocl) c!) J (1) z wz 06 w p 0 0C W p Z Z J w C) U C� W_ m Z Lu Q J.o Z} O U � W L Of Z Q Ii w W o J ���Q z Q n A w > U U w V CO .,1 w u Z w Z CODE ID. N0. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED MAXIMO NO. - JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER NO. - CONSTR. CONTR. NO. . N40085-1 1 -C-4020 NAVFAC DRAWING NO. xxxxxx SHEET OF xxx SHEET NO. cli C=124 1 L 0CA L10N MAP 2 3 i 4 5 / C 24 NOTE WELL: 1. SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE ACHIEVED ON ANY AREA OF A SITE WHERE LAND ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY CEASED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures t0 be inspected wgekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made imriiediately. i) ALL PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, PERIMETER SLOPES AND 2. Flag work limits and stake -out roads and storm drainage 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment P structures for preliminary grading. accumulates to elevations listed on pond detail sheets. o ALL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 SHALL BE PROVIDED TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION WITH GROUND 3. Install Gravel Construction Entrances. 3. Sediment to be removed from swales when they are approximately COVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE BUT IN ANY EVENT 4. Install sediment basins, skimmer and silt fencing as shown on 9 50%filled or sediment level is with 1' of top of ditch bank. Z WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FROM LAST LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY. 5. plan prior to Gearing and grubbing ate. Sod and culverts need to be onsite before grading of grassed channels. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind any Silt Fence and Z o n ii) ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED 6. Construct grass lined channels, and any other sediment inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing and inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a barrier. SITE z� TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT STABILIZATION WITH GROUND control practices shown, prior to route grading roadways, site and stockpiling topsal as necessary. D G o COVER AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE BUT IN ANY EVENT Grassed channels to be sodded within 24 hours 5. All sodded areas to be watered as needed to establish growth. Dead sod should be removed and new sod installed as needed, WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FROM LAST LAND -DISTURBING after installation. D ACTIVITY. 7. After sod installed along ditch to EW 21 install silt fence 6. Construction entrance to be maintained in such a manner as to 2. THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION along top of bank. prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. NOT TO SCALE WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. 8. Install utilities in roadwa I arkin lot establish final grades y p 9 Periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone may be required. Inspect after each rainfall and immediately remove all 3. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE 3:1 OR FLATTER. and stabilize road/parking lot with stone base course. obJ'ectionable materials s illed, washed, or tracked onto p 0 4. ALL ROOF DRAINS TO BE DIRECTED TO STORM DRAINAGE 9. Final grade, install non -municipal utifNes as needed, and public roadways. a SYSTEM. vegetatively stabilize areas where binding construction is imminent. VEGETATIVE PLAN - o 5. NO WETLANDS EXIST ON SITE. not 6. SITE IS LOCATED ON MONTFORD LANDING ROAD AT CAMP LEJEUNE. 10. All erosion and sediment control Practices are to be 1 7. ANY BORROW MATERIAL REQUIRED WILL BE TAKEN FROM ANOTHER inspected weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with APPROVED SITE ON USMC BASE, CAMP LEJEUNE. ANY necessary. "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and I / SURPLUS CUT MATERIAL WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT AN 11. Upon completion of construction, the roadway/parking lot Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See Sheet C-508. APPROVED SITE ON THE USMC BASE, CAMP LEJEUNE. is to be paved, and all areas permanently vegetatively 1 8. SWALES NR1 & NR3 TO BE LINED WITH EXCELSIOR MATTING OR EQUIVALENT. stabilized with centipede sod. After site stabilization, temporary Y measures are to be removed. C no BACK TO BE SO[ STRUCTURE EW20 EW21 EW22 EW23 EW24 EW25 EW26 EW27 EW29 EW30 EW31 EW32 CB20 OF1 CB23 CB24 CB25 CB26 CB27 EW33 EW34 OF2 MH5 M H4 MH6 LEGEND LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE = 6.0 ACRES DITCH TO BE SODDED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CLEANING OUT OF DITCH I --� - INLET PROTECTION A LIMITS OF DIST. IS N SILT FENCE CULVERT RIP RAP -qe- CONTOUR SEDIMENT TRAP/BASIN OF SIDEWALK TIO TOP OF BANK DIED WITHIN 24 HRS OF DISTURI 2 3 V , IL,vcti„ce V6.06,.06` Pra Shall be installed at the entrances to the project from an existing roadway. Drainage should be away from the road and erosion will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plans. Cut and fill slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter except where specifically indicated. Care shall be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that are identified as "to be preserved". SF 3. SEDIMENTrt.6FENCE Sediment fencing should be installed as shown on the Plan, to delineate and protect wetlands and specified areas, and around any temporary stockpile areas as necessary to landrent any graded interior areas from eroding onto adjacent s or roadway, or into inlets, or as directed by Engineer or NCDENR/LQS personnel. GC 4. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS Practice 6.30 All overflow swales to be graded to design configuration, lined with centipede sod, to collect and convey site water as shown on Plan. After final project stabilization, swales to be re -graded, cleaned of siltation and lined with centipede sod to establish original design contours for stormwater conveyance. OP 5. OUTLET STABILIZATION Practice 6.41 Riprap aprons will be located at the downstream end of all discharge pipes to prevent scour. 6. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Practice 6.80 Upon reaching final grade and after utilities have been installed, roadway/parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub -base course of approved 4" marl stone or 6" ABC, as shown in the typical street cross-section detail on the Plan, to reduce erosion and dust during the remainder of building construction. I Jtf !. JCVpVIOYI LA O"l Practice 6.61 SK 8. SKIMMER J Practice 6.64 A sedimer Ip 9. INLET PROTECTION Practice 6.51 that withdraws 1 the highest quality steel tpos�sosu�poeng wasfTe stone placed arounMe opening of a drop inlet. TD 10. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS Practice 6.20 A temporary ridge or excavated channel or combination ridge and channel constructed across sloping land on a pre- determined grade to protect work areas from upslope runoff and to divert sediment -laden water to appropriate traps or stable outlets. TP 11. TREE PROTECTION i Practice 6.05 Restrict access to TPZ with tall, bright, protective fencing on areas indicated on plan. COASTAL SITE OESIGN,PC �11,,,� q p P.A2tlN Ll•O flNlK. NC PIk! msurix rcxwnu fain) m-wu 0 JO e0 120 1 inch - 60 ft. Horizontal 5 2*k%,SEAL i 025483 -A411,ifiNE�PSy� ; I� -i - JDRW ' D SEAL DES � RW ICHK BRANCH MANAGER 1 QUA¢ 0 J oZ �O U Y � Q O Q z Ho ,� K U w , z (n W w�FZW H W Z aQ3zd� Z w�v0 >� U�wa J z0 �-Zco �- zo O Z tr W W Z 0O O Z J Ii U w Z 2Q Z W O �d '>Wz QU WM (n z F-O O i :3 0 LL W o U z dc ~ N z J a w Q o U � ` U ¢ Q z w Z CC o � CODE ID. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED MAAMO NO. - JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER NO. - CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N40085-1 1 -C-4020 NAVFAC ORAIMNG NO. XXX SHEET XXX OF XXX SHEET NO. C-131 C an 0 1 2 3 4 5 I C 0 NOTES: 1 ALL BUILDING INRSTIREEM/ PA4STRK G DIRECTED INTO THE STORM DRAINAGE COLCCTION SYSTEM2. PORTABLE PUMP TO BE USER TO ARAIN POND IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. PUMP -0 BE PLACED ON TOP OF BERM WITH SCREEN ATTACHED TO HOSE INLET AND COVEREE WITH STONE. HOSE OUTLET TO DRAIN ACROSS STABLE UPLAND AREA SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. r�t ` 3. POND SIDESLOPES TO BE/PERMANENTLY VEGETATIVELY STABILIZED WITH CENTIPECE SOD FOREBAY CUT �/ I E = 15.5 i 36 TE CL 11 'AP 1. T DEEP GEOTEX N EN FILT FABRIC PLAGE'D UNDER RIP RAP ` r N T 1 15 \ �4r �DI 2 T 14 ,`Z / T BOR BOM =11 'SS V 'S <cc� �� 7R 4) o PERMANENT POOL ELEVATION = 15.5 �p.� '9 FT '�S SURFACE AREA ® ELEV. 15.5 = 6,411 SF Cli S/SSS<BORING #1-8 O SHWT DEPTH = 36„ �vEX. GUNEV. <, �� 0 'OFS�Op . SH WT REOLEVD EL14.8 - 17.8 = 10 EMPORARY POOL ELEVATION - 16.4 ASIN BOTTOM SURFACE AREA © ELEV. 16.4 = 6,909 SF STORAGE ® ELEV. 16.4 = 6,909 CF LENGTH = 34.35 FT -RA DIUS �24 FT TO LENGTH = 66.9 FT _C� / F QERM ESE---•.. lj�� 5� RADIALS.=`2`4 FT 17. s Fr OUTLET STRUCTURE / EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 10 CY CL II RIP RAP 1.5 FT DEEP i 17.0/rr GEOTEX NONWOVEN FILTER FABRIC 12 CY CL II RIP RAP 1.5 FT DEEP __-22 LF 15" RCP W FES PLACED UNDER RIP RAP GEOTEX NONWOVEN FILTER FABRIC �- SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET j - - ` PLACED UNDER RIP RAP J SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET ANTI -SEEP COLLAR 0 10 20 u / SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET - 15.4` ` WET BASIN "B" DETAIL NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY SKIMMER TO BE INSTALLED ON PRIMARY OUTLET STRUCTURE BOX AND TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL SITE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED PER NCDENR/LQS SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. SEE SKIMMER DETAILS FOR INSTALLATION. 2. GRADE WILL BE 20:1 ONLY IN FRONT OF OUTLET BOX. REMAINING SHELF SHOULD BE 10:1. PP IS THE CENTER OF THE 10:1 SHELF. 3. RIP RAP TO BE PLACED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF OUTLET BOX. 6" PVC SCREW PLUG 6" ORIFICE ASSEMBLY- 6" CROSS SKIMMER CONNECTION TO BE CAPPED ONCE SKIMMER IS REMOVED 77 WSEL = 15.5 �i EL= 16.4 \:_� 1, --`[NV = 15.5t INV= 1 12 2 FT SUMP FOR CLEANOUT 12" I B RIP RAP W GEOTEX NWOVEN FILTER FABRIC EO SURROUND ENTIRE OUTLET STRUCTURE) 15" RCP OUTLET PIPE 61 6" CAP WITH 1.5" HOLE DRILLED 4 FT x 4 FT PRECAST CONCRETE BOX OR EQUIVALENT HAND BUILT . a 4 GR007 .. 3 1 6"BASE EL = 12.0 SKIMMER = 2.5" SKIMMER WITH 2.0" ORIFICE DIAMETER 1 �6" CAP WITH 1.5" HOLE DRILLED TO REMAIN CAPPED UNTIL SKIMMER SECTION VIEW POND BOTTOM IS REMOVED WET BASIN ELEV= 10 OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE WETLANDS VEGETATION NOTE: THE FOLLOWING SPECIES OF WETLANDS VEGETATION ARE SUITABLE FOR PLANTING ALONG THE 10:1 VEGETATED SHELF: PLANTS SUITED FOR SHELF THAT'S UNDERWATER - SAGITTARIA LANCIFOLIA (BULL TONGUE) - SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA (DUCK POTATO) - SAURURUS CERNUUS (LIZARDTAIL) PLANTS SUITED FOR SHELF THAT'S ABOVE WATER - ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA (SWAMP MILKWEED) - CAREX TENERA (QUILL SEDGE) - CHELONE GLABRA (WHITE TURTLEHEAD) SF OF 10:1 SHELF UNDER WATER = 251 SF / 200 = 1.3 X 50 = 65 PLANTS REQUIRED 65 / 3 = 22 PLANTS OF EACH OF THE THREE LISTED ABOVE MUST BE PLANTED SF OF 10:1 SHELF ABOVE WATER = 1,545 SF / 200 = 7.7 X 50 = 385 PLANTS REQUIRED 385 / 3 = 128 PLANTS OF EACH OF THE THREE LISTED ABOVE MUST BE PLANTED IF ONE OR MORE OF THE SUGGESTED SPECIES IS UNAVAILABLE, APPROPRIATE WETLANDS VEGETATION COMMON TO THE COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA REGION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. SEE CH 9 OF STATE STORMWATER BMP MANUAL �,PR LIST OF OTHER RECOMMENDED WETLANDS PLANTS. ('CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR DWQ: IMPERVIOUS AREA PERCENTAGE: TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 88,000 SF (2.02 ACRES) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 51,427 SF (1.18 ACRES) PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 58.4% REQUIRED SURFACE AREA: AT 3.5 FT OF DEPTH, 90% TSS REMOVAL, SA/DA - 5.84 0.0584 x 88,000 = 5,143 SF SURFACE AREA REQUIRED SURFACE AREA PROVIDED = 6,411 SF 1.5 INCH VOLUME: Rv 5005 + 0.009 x I = 0.05 + (0.009)(58.4) = 0.58 IN/IN MINIMUM VOLUME = DESIGN STORM x Rv x DRAINAGE AREA = (1.5/12)(0.58)(88,000) = 6,336 CF 1.5 INCH STORAGE VOLUME AT ELEVATION 16.4 = 6,909 CF 2 TO 5 DAY DRAW DOWN: AVERAGE HEAD FROM STORAGE ELEVATION TO ORIFICE INVERT = (16.4 - 15.5) / 3 = 0.30 FT 1.5 INCH PVC ORIFICE: Q = CA(2gh)A1/2 = 0.6(0.01227)(64.4 X 0.30)" 1 /2 = 0.03235 CFS T = 213,597 SECONDS = 2.47 DAYS FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS: MINIMUM FOREBAY VOLUME = 20% OF PERMANENT POOL VOLUME = 0.20 x 16,555 CF = 3,311 CF TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME PROVIDED = FOREBAY = 3,340 CF 23 FT TOP OF EMBANKMENT �-- 20-FT ELEVATION = 17.5 79w%gELEV. - 17.0�\�/\//%/\ WET BASIN B EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FRONT VIEW NOT TO SCALE VARIES 10' 9.5' 22 LF 15" IE(OUT) = 15.4 RCP ANTI -SEEP COLLAR, IE= 15.5 SEE DETAIL 10' WIDE 0:1 S WELDED FABRICATED TRASH RACK W/SQUARE OPENINGS SQUARE OPENINGS "_ 6" 4-0" SEE DETAIL o o THIS SHEET FOR TRASH RACK 6" ORIFICE ASSEMBLY 5'- 0" 6" CAP WITH 1.5" HOLE GRATE PLAN VIEW D DRILLED BOX PLAN VIEW WET BASIN B OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE ALL SLOPES 3:1 MAXIMUM Z a 5' O'min. 18' u Z 0 POND FOREBAY VOLUME POND o WSEL = OF REQUIRED STORAGE, TYPICAL o _ ' w RIP RAP 1.5'min:`� � �PO oQcn '- 3'min. BOTTOM = 11 OUTLET PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION o° NON WOVEN FILTER FABRIC UNDER RIP RAP AS ON PLANS (TYPICAL AT ALL STORM OUTFALLS TO POND) FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL \ NOT TO SCALE NOTE: COLLAR TO BE POURED AFTER PIPES ARE IN PLACE. REINFORCING AS NECESSARY. 1.5, MIN r` WET BASIN ANTI -SEEP COLLAR NOT TO SCALE fm CMDnlyRmuyl IVr= 1/.D k3E.I ILLU), = I/./J klylN3IRuu I CU) EMERGENCY SPILLWAY = 17.0 (STATE STORA.GEV TOP OF GRATES = 16.4 STATE STORAGE = 6.909 CF BOTTOM OF 10:1 SHELF EL= 15.0 ANTI -SEEP COLLAR, BOTTOM EL= 13.7 BOTTOM SWM STRUCTURE EL= 12.0 SEDIMENT CLEANOUT EL. = 11 ROTTOM FI = 10 VARIES 1 31' r r I WET BASIN B EMBANKMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE w 0 MIAWFAC /ANDALE101 ' SUNDT AJ01NTV bHE muCalib e N CAR��.,� 2�•��SSytl �iZ �. ,"� SEAL 02s W06 , SEAL DES A C CHIEF ENG/ARCH QU¢a B �H=�� SZ�� Y Q Z H- O V K Q Z Z LL Q Z�oZw O w F /y LLu w N J Q -^ << 0co D ch C, W `> U LL1 a z z0 �I_Z U co m J Q W= z W Q d z J a I W z 2 Q J_ W U Q a Q a w Z m W Li w e z a z J a Q A a Q z U Wz<� o � CODE ID. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED w w in MAAMO N0. - W JOB ORDER NO. - WORK ORDER NO. - w of CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N40085-1 1 -C-4020 COASTAL O w NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXX SITE t Ao-rru D E S I GN, PC SHEET XXX OF XXX SHEET NO. C=506 N T 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 C B LAY SOD IN A STAGGERED PATTERN WITH STRIPS BUTTED TIGHTLY AGAINST EACH OTHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A SHARPENED MASON'S TROWEL CAN BE USED TO TUCK DOWN THE ENDS AND TRIM PIECES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CORRECT BUTTING - ANGLED ENDS CAUSED BY THE AUTOMATIC SOD CUTTING MUST BE MATCH CORRECTLY. INCORRECT - ROLL SOD IMMEDIATELY TO ACHIEVE FIRM CONTACT WITH THE SOIL - WATER TO A DEPTH OF 4" AS SOON AS THE SOD IS LAID, AND CONTINUE WATERING AS NEEDED. - MOW WHEN SOD IS ESTABLISHED (2-3 WKS). SET MOWER HEIGHT (2-3 ). - FOR SODDED WATERWAYS o. LAY SOD PERPENDICULAR TO DIRECTION OF FLOW b. USE PEGS OR STABLES TO FASTEN SOD FIRMLY AT THE ENDS OF STRIPS AND IN THE CENTER, OR EVERY 3-4' IF THE STRIPS ARE LONG. c. IN CRITICAL AREAS, SECURE SOD WITH NETTING AND STAPLES. TYPICAL SOD INSTALLATION Practice 6.12.5 NTS BAFFLE (TYPICAL) EARTHEN EMBANKMEN 5 FT BERM — OUTLET, CLASS ll RIPR. B = 2 M = 5 VARIES n= 0.03 � 5 � �I 2VARIES LINED WITH CENTIPEDE SOD SWALES C & D cc 5:1 GRASSED CHANNEL N.T.S INLET ZONE jf!L�T257 357 OF SURFACE AREA FIRST CHAMBER 257 OF SURFACE AREA SECOND CHAMBER OF SURFACE AREA LET ZONE 157 OF SURFACE AREA TEMPORARY BAFFLES Practice 6.65 NOT TO SCALE 0011 MIN LN Wtll - 011k : • L 1 2 6 FT. 0 CENTER COMPACTED FILL OR GRAVEL, EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WRE INTO THE TRENCH NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL. ISOMETRIC ILTER EXTENSION OF FABRIC FABRIC AND WIRE MINIMUMM8" BACKFL INTO THE TRENCH THICK LAYER COMPACTED OF GRAVEL FILL 8"MINIMUM 8"MINIMUM V-TRENCH L7� Ow 14"MINIMUM 4"MINIMUM SECTION SECTION sF SEDIMENT FENCE ( SILT FENCE Practice 6.62 �. _... NTS STEEL PGST SILT FENCE REFERENCE SILT FENCE DETAIL FOR PROPER INSTALLATION a al 6T SIDE SLOPE REFERENCE TEMPORARY SEEDING MAX 3: 1 SPECIFICATION #6.10 TEMPORARY STOCKPILE DETAIL NTS PVC END PVC VENT SCHEDULE 40 CAP PVC ELBOW PIPE PVC PIPE WATER SURFACE --PVC END SCHEDULE 40 / PVC PIPE\ \ \ ORIFICE PVC TEE \ FLEXIBLE \ PLATE PVC PIPE HOSE VC TEE Yz" HOLES IN \ UNDERSIDE BOTTOM SURFACE END VIEW FRONT VIEW SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS ARE NEEDED WHERE DRAINAGE AREAS ARE TOO LARGE FOR TEMPORARY TRAPS. DO NOT LOCATE THE SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN IN INTERMITTENT OR PERENNIAL STREAMS. ARM ASSEMBLY PERSPECTIVE VIEW UNIT `1i11► sK SKIMMER DETAIL Practice 6.64 NOT TO SCALE SEE DENR STANDARDS & SPECS. FOR COMPLETE DESIGN CRITERIA & MAINTENANCE N SEDIMENT BASIN SUMMARY, MIN. TRAP VOL. = 1,800 CF/ACRE DISTURBED AREA (10 YEAR STORM) 0 = (0.3)(9.7)(A) A= DRAINAGE AREA (SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED AT MINIMUM TWICE A YEAR) 10 YR SEDIMENT DRAINAGE DISTURBED MINIMUM BASIN VOLUME FLOW MIN. SURFACE SURFACE AREA BASIN AREA (ACRES) AREA (ACRES) VOLUME (CF) PROVIDED (CF) CFS AREA SF PROVIDED (SF) B 2.02 1.90 3,420 12,170 5.88 2,558 9,085 C 1.90 1.90 3,420 3,748 5.53 2,405 2,450 I M= 3 VARIES n= 01 LINED WITH CENTIPEDE SOD Gc 3:1 GRASSED CHANNEL NCDOT #5 C WASHED I N.T.S HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL DROP INLET PROTECTION PRACTICE 6.51 NOT TO SCALE O HARDWARE CLOTH OPENINGS) i \ 2' 14.0' 3 T7i—i17�iT—T'r_ 18" t 1 3 5' TD SEE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS FOR VELOCITY CALCULATIONS. TEMPORARY DIVERSION DETAIL Practice 6.20 NOT TO SCALE / PUBLIC ROAD q 6" MINIMUM THICKNESS 2"-3" COARSE AGGREGATE NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, WIDTH FOR MORE DETAIL. 12'MINIMUM AS REQUIRED TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION cE ENTRANCEI EXIT DETAIL Practice 6.06 NTS / La 4' 000�0 REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL 00°000! CALCULATIONS FOR SPECIFIC -40o000 °0000 OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER DIMENSIONS. (Da) d50 = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS CMAX = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS La = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS MIN. APRON THICKNESS = 4.5" NOTE: GEOTEX NONWOVEN FILTER FABRIC TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE OUTLET PROTECTION, RIP RAP DIMENSIONS CULVERT L X W X D CLASS QUANITY EW-21 9' X 6' X 1' // 2 CY EW-23 35' X 15' X 1. 5' ll 30 CY EW-25 9' X 6' X 1' 11 2 CY EW-27 9' X 6' X 1' 11 2 CY EW-28 9' X 6' X 1' ll 2 CY EW-30 40' X 18' X 1. 5' 11 1 40 CY EW-31 21' X 10' X 1' Il 8 CY OUTLET PROTECTION DETAIL D a a 0 I liffiffmc C (ANDALE ' ,...-'' SUNDT AIDIN1'p IIINE � g niCali 7" ,11 CARO//, O. y .7 - • � SEAL ' " b25483 _ 6 T7.(�(( SEAL DES RW HK FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER CHIEF ENG/ARCH `�`a J B Ix 0Zsoo:: cD J Z � o Q U wum jr 1 Ld ~ F- pzo J 0 CY) `> N p T UW z 0 ZO ��z U Z Z JO ZZ O W -j W 0 lo� CL W /z F• W G I Z W QV CD J > W z LLI Co Q =_j;W} W O < —0 a.� N �EQ A a Q = U w Z o CODE ID. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED MAAMO NO. — JOB ORDER NO. — WORK ORDER NO. — pp {pIp COASTAL SITE Lm¢/o-mo DESIGN, PC REN40085-11-C-4020 �vo nAviu w+adAd it mias a�reau ro-mwnu (wa) m-wl e— CONSTR. CONTR. NO. NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXX SHEET XXX OF XXX I + � SHEETNO. VBY: i C C-507 0 r 5 O. JI I C IJ LV VHI CV VIV IVIVIV I r'VRV LHIV VIIVV RVHU HI liHlvlr LCJCVIVC. 7. ANY BORROW MATERIAL REQUIRED WILL BE TAKEN FROM ANOTHER APPROVED SITE ON USMC BASE, CAMP LEJEUNE. ANY SURPLUS CUT MATERIAL WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED SITE ON THE USMC BASE, CAMP LEJEUNE. NEUSE ROAD EXTENSION .cl la c Fo rc�, ..� a. mcoo Ymu,m.mn,r stabilized with centipede sod. After site stabif�zation, tremporary measures are to be removed. I 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See Sheet C-508. 61 PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - CE 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Practice 6.06 Shall be installed at the entrances to the project from an existing roadway. Drainage should be away from the road and erosion will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. / J C NOV 2 S 2011 gg 7. SEDIMENT BASIN Practice 6.61 The Sediment Basin is to be constructed I Construction Schedule) and is the primary P prevent sediment from leaving the site. Deta spillway configurations are specified in the d SK 8. SKIMMER Practice 6.64