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SW8091003_HISTORICAL FILE_20110308
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW_8 �q�pp3 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS Cl7 HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2U1103U8 YYYYMMDD Date: rroject Location: 1�))A L> 1 Add info required (yef/—o)) Date received: Rule(s) Subject (check all that apply): Symbols for completing farm '✓'= Yes/OK ' x'= No/Deficient 'n/a' o ❑ 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase II ❑ Universal Paperwork: ❑ Check for $505 (must be no older than 6 months) ❑ Application form with correct/original signatures (original plus 1 copy). If Corporation or LLC also: o Print the info from the NCSOS o Either, 1.) The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2.) A notarized letter of authorization has been provided: ❑ Supplements (1 original per BMP). BMP type(s): Do ❑ O&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP, except level spreaders/filter strips and swales) ❑ Deed restrictions (if outparcel or subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) o Deed restriction template (signed and notarized) or o Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (signed. and notarized) ❑ Soils report identifying the SHWT ❑ Supporting calculations, signed & sealed (if necessary) (J Receiving stream classification: , If SA or ORW also: o SA: USGS topo map with the site, the receiving waters and the Y mile radius shown to scale. o ORW: 575 ft of MHWL for Area of Environmental Concern and max BUA per1rule. ❑ Modificati0 ilt: Designer's Cert., .) JIfartially built: Partial Cert., 3.) If not built: No Cert. needed. Development T� a (check a I that apply ❑ Residen�(ial or ❑ m erclal ❑ Deed rest ricti 'ns match? ❑ Subdivi on for ElTi��gl Lot DaDe d ur°s fictions match? ❑ High Density or LoP, Density g p.g�pec�restnctions match? ❑ Offsite project ❑ developments M dii ati6n ❑ Exempt ❑ NCG02 (bulkhe-81 ❑ NCG03 (clear/grade) ❑ N G04 (linear) Density: ► pW ❑ BUA calculations%inude'common areas, clue ho}�se de�walks, etc. ❑ BUA %: Matches high/low densi. gquirement for rule and receiving stream class. ❑ No obvious math errors \�\1 ❑ If High Density: Design storm correct for rule and receiving stream class. Plans, signed and sealed (2 sets): ❑ Two sets received ❑ Layout (with proposed BUA dimensions) ❑ Grading ❑ Drainage area map (all HD systems & curb outlet swales) ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Project Boundaries ❑ Legend ❑ Wetlands: o Delineated on plans o "No wetlands onsite" on plans ❑ Details: o Roads o Cul-de-sacs o Curbing o Sidewalk o BMPs/ Level spreaders/ Filter strips/ Curb outlet swales o Buildings (Apts or Condos) Offsite Projects: ❑ Designer's Certification has been submitted for the Offsite BMP receiving the runoff from the project. ❑ Deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for the Offsite BMP permit. ❑ Lot size has not changed from what was approved under the Master Plan. ❑ Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. ❑ Offsite system is in compliance with its permit, if known. Infiltration Projects: ❑ Soils report: SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are provided. ❑ DWQ has conducted a site visit? Date: Wet Ponds: Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following: ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. ❑ Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage volume verified, AND Outlet evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. Decision (check one): ❑ Complete: Return file to admin (Jo Casmer) to log in. (Stamped in received date = BIMS date) ❑ Slightly incomplete: E-mail consultant, request information to be returned within one business day (24 hours after request. Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following business day). If info not returned, issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. (Add info received date = BIMS date) 13 Substantially incomplete: Issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. Via Hand Delivery 219 STATION ROAD SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405-3713 TELEPHONE (91 a) 332-3360 FAX (910) 332-3361 January 27, 2011 Ms, Kelly Johnson North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Ms. Johnson: RECD JAN 9 7 2011 RE: Plan Revision # 2 Stormwater Project No. SW8 091003 Smith Creek Park New Hanover County J-20523.0004.303 The above referenced project has been revised to update the building square footage, add a dumpster pad, add sidewalk connections to adjacent properties and add a sanitary sewer lift station site. The plan revision increases the Phase 1 Built Upon Area (BUA) by 2,110 square feet and subsequently reduces the Future BUA by the same amount. Therefore, there is no increase in the overall permitted BUA. The Phase 1 land disturbance and drainage patterns generally remain the same. Construction has not begun on the previously permitted plans. On behalf of the New Hanover County Parks Department, we are pleased to provide the following items for your review: • One (1) original and One (1) copy of the Storm Water Plan Revision Application; and • Two (2) copies of the applicable revised Site Development Plans (sheets C3, C15, C16 & C 17). Please review the above information and, if acceptable, we respectfully request NCDENR approval of the permit modification. Please feel free to contact me at (910) 332-3402 should you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Sincerely, THO�MASS & HHUTTON ENGINEERING CO. Brian Riley Project Manager BDR/kap = Enclosures: As listed above l JAN 2 7 2011 I cc: Sara Burroughs (Haden Stanziale, P.A) N:A20523, 0004VDocsVCorrespondcnccANC D EN R-Johnson-L"I'-S W -rcvis i onN3.docx SAVANNAH, GEORGIA • CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA • BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA As'J � r NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director June 25, 2010 Mr. William Neal Lewis, CPRP, Director New Hanover County Parks Department 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120 Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Approved Plan Revision New Hanover County Parks — Smith Creek Stormwater Project No. SW8 091003 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Lewis: Dee Freeman Secretary On June 15, 2010, the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 091003. The revisions include the addition of a boat ramp and turn -around area totaling 4,909 square feet of additional built -upon -area. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for, your files. Please replace the old approved plan sheets with the new ones. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on April 9, 2010, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be submitted to and approved through the Division of Water Quality prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction. If you. have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, CIVVLL. C3 a„_ Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II GDS\csb: S:\WQS\STORMWATER\PERMIT\091003PR.jun10 cc: Mr. Brian Riley —Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. New Hanover County Inspections New Hanover County Engineering Wilmington Regional Office Central Files Wilmington Regional Office One 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 NorthCarotina Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 Customer service: 1-877623.6748 n���tu" Internet:w .ncwaterquality.org N!Lar Name: Project Location: I Add info requiredfies/bo). Date received: (O/tC/i n I Rule(s) Subject (check all that apply): I Symbols for completing form: '✓ =Yes/OK ' x'= No/Deficient 'n/a' of ❑ 1995 Coastal ❑ 2008 Coastal ❑ Phase II ❑ Universal Paperwork: ❑ Check for $505 (must be no older than 6 months) ❑ Application form with correct/original signatures (original plus 1 copy). If Corporation or LLC also: o Print the info from the NCSOS o Either, 1.) The applicant is listed on the NCSOS with his/her correct title or, 2.) A notarized letter of authorization has been provided: ❑ Supplements (1 original per BMP). BMP type(s): ❑ O&M with correcUoriginal signatures (1 original per BMP, except level spreaders/filter strips and swales) ❑ Deed restrictions (if outparcel or subdividing) (original plus 1 copy) o Deed restriction template (signed and notarized) or o Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (signed and notarized) ❑ Soils report identifying the SHWT ❑ Supporting calculations, signed & sealed (if necessary) ❑ Receiving stream classification: If SA or ORW also: o SA: S topo map with the ite, the receiving waters and the 1% mile ra s shown to scale. o O of MHWL for Area f Environmental Concern and m BUA p r rule. ❑ Modific ions: 1.) If uilt: Designer's Cert., .) If partially built: Partial Cert., wlt: No Cert. needed. DevelopmeneTvve (chec ,all that avolv)1 n� ❑ Re rdential or ❑ or�P%rcial ❑ S division or It Lot ❑ H gh Densitd( or �❑ L w Density ❑ OTkjjtE projec Re velopment ❑ NCG 2 (bulkhe ) ElG03 (clear/grade) Density: ❑ BUA calculations in de common areas, clubhouse, ❑ BUA %: atches high/low density re ❑ No obvious math errors ❑ If High Density: Design storm Plans, signed and sealed (2 sets):/ ❑ Two sets received C ❑ Grading ❑ Vicinity map ❑ Wetlands: o Delineated on plans �D strictions match? eVstrictions match? ❑ed restrictions match? ❑ tc tion ❑ Exempt ❑ �G04/(linear) de a: ks, etc. it ° ent for rule an 'ice ving stream class. ,ing stream claso ❑ Layoo"� t (with roposed BUA dimensions) ❑ an ge ea map (all ystems & curb outlet swales) ❑ P e oundaries ❑ Legend o "N etla s or E�n plans ❑ Details: o Roads o Cul-de-sacs urbing o Sidewalk o BMPs/ Level spreaders/ Filter strips/ rb outl ales o Buildings (Apts or Condos) Offsite Projects: ❑ Designer's Certification has been submitted for O site BMP receiving the runoff from the project. ❑ Deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted for the Offsite BMP permit. ❑ Lot size has not changed from what was approved under the Master Plan. ❑ Correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. ❑ Offsite system is in compliance with its permit, if known. Infiltration Projects: ❑ Soils report: SHWT, soil type, and expected infiltration rate are provided. ❑ DWQ has conducted a site visit? Date: Wet Ponds: Permanent Pool Meets One of the Following: ❑ Is located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. ❑ Incoming groundwater is quantified and evaluated, AND Storage volume verified, AND Outlet evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. Decision (check one): ❑ Complete: Return file to admin (Jo Casmer) to log in. (Stamped in received date = BIMS date) ❑ Slightly incomplete: E-mail consultant, request information to be returned within one business day (24 hours after request. Info requests on Friday, allow a return on the following business day). If info not returned, issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. (Add info received date = BIMS date) ❑ Substantially incomplete: Issue an application return letter and give everything to admin. t(C.I,.0 Jull 1 0 cutu MM THOMAS & HUTTON Engineering I Surveying I Planning I GIS I Consulting To; Ms. Kelly Johnson 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Letter of Transmittal Date: June 15, 2010 Job 20523.0004.303 Re: Smith Creek Park WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING ITEMS (® attached) (❑ under separate cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Other: Copies Date Description 1 06/10/10 Site Development Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW ❑ For Approval ❑ Approved as Submitted ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ® For Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ As Requested ❑ Returned for Corrections ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment Remarks Copy to 20523.0004.303 RECEIVED Ly JUN 1 5 2010 :_,___ Signed off - Brian Riley 219 Station Road, Suite 101 1 Wilmington, INC 284051 910.332.33601 Fax 910.332.3361 Via Hand Delivery THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. 219 STATION ROAD SUITE 101 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405-3713 TELEPHONE (91 O) 332-3360 FAX (91 O) 332-3361 June 14, 2010 Ms. Kelly Johnson North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Ms, Johnson: RECD vuN 14 2010 RE: Plan Revision Stormwater Project 1\16,—.SW8 0 11003� Smith Creek Park New Hanover County J-20523.0004.303 The above referenced project has been revised to include an emergency boat ramp tc the lake. The overall land disturbance and drainage patterns remained the some. A detailed account of the revisions can be found in the project narrative included with the updated design considerations listed below. On behalf of New Hanover County Parks Department, we are pleased to provide the following items for your review: • One (1) copy of revised Stormwater and Erosion Control Design Considerations including Project Narrative and Vicinity Map; and • Two (2) sets of revised Site Development Plans. Please review the above information and, if acceptable, we respectfully request NCDENR approval of the plan revision. Please feel free to contact me at (910) 332-3402 should you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your time and assistance with this project. Sincerely, THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. Brian Riley Project Manager BDR/kap Enclosures: As listed above 2010 cc: Sara Burroughs (Haden Stanziale, P.A.) JUN 14 N:A20523.0004\DoesVCorrespondcncON CDEN R-JAnson- I: f-SW-rcvisi on.doce SAVANNAH, GEORGIA • CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA • MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA • BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA to SEAL. 028179 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS SMITH CREEK MEW HANOVER COUN"CY, NOR'I'I-1 CAROLINA STORMWATER & EROSION CONTROL. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED FOR NEw HANOVER COUNTY Aucus-r 1, 2009 REVISED 6/3/10 20523.0004.406 THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SAVANNAH, GEORGIA CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA SEAL 02E179 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS SMITH CREEK NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NOR"TI-I CAROLINA STORNIWATER & EROSION CONTROL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND SPECIFICA'CIONS PREPARED FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUGUST 1, 2009 REVISED 6/3/10 20523.0004.406 THOMAS & HUTTON ENGINEERING CO. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA SAVANNAH, GEORGIA CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCATIONMAP................................................................................................. 8 1/2" x 1 1" map SECTION 1 — Project Narrative SECTION 2 — Pond Routing Purpose Proposed Drainage System Stormwater Quantity Methodology Hydrology Conclusions Summary of Results 2.1 Time of Concentration and Curve Number Calculations 2.2 Pre -Development ICPR Model Inputs and Results 2.3 Post Development ICPR Model Inputs and Results 2.4 Combined Unit Hydrograph Calculations 2.5 Pre and Post Development Drainage Area Exhibits (24" x 36") Overall Site Plan Exhibit (24" x 36") Drainage Pipe & Swale Exhibit (24" x 36") SECTION 3 — State Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Control Calculations 3.1 Grassed Swale Design Calculations (See Section 4 for Energy Dissipater Calculations) SECTION 4 — NFIC Stormwater, Sediment and Erosion Control Calculations 4.1 Grassed Swale Design Calculations 4.2 Pipe Capacity and Energy Dissipater Calculations SECTION 5 — Stormwater and Erosion Control Specifications Specification 02110 - Site Clearing Specification 02204 - Earthwork Specification 02210 —Soil Erosion Control Specification 02231 — Aggregate Base Course Specification 02275 — Rip -Rap Specification 02512NC — Asphaltic Concrete Binder/Surface Courses Specification 02902 — Grassing Revisions: 6/3/10 — Revised to include addition of emergency boat ramp N:�20523.0004Wsgn\smrmwaten20523-4 Stomwater Repon 8-1-09,doc REVISION 6/3/10: The proposed project described below was revised to include an emergency boat & turn around area. The proposed ramp will be pervious concrete as required by the Army Corps of Engineers, but is being considered as impervious coverage for storm water considerations. The proposed drainage system and conveyances generally remained the same. The area of disturbance remained unchanged at 9.30 acres as originally permitted for the Phase 1 improvements. The boat ramp increased the Phase 1 built upon area (BUA) by 4,909 square feet and reduced the allowable future BUA by the same amount to keep the overall BUA at 24% of the permit area. The revision also included the addition of grate inlet #4 and 15" culvert under the access road at approximately station 10+30. This inlet and culvert was added to convey the runoff from the swale 2 under the road such that it would be redirected away from the adjacent subdivision along the eastern boundary. Calculations for the culvert and energy dissipater are included in the revised report. ORIGINAL PROJECT NARRATIVE New Hanover County Park Smith Creek is a 92.14 acre proposed low -density community park located directly off of Harris Road (SR 2117) approximately 0.65 miles northeast of the intersection of Harris Road and Gordon Road (SR 1327). From aerial photo and field survey, the existing site conditions may be classified as good and fairly wooded, fair and good open space lands, and an existing lake. The site contains 404 wetlands, isolated wetlands, and surface water as determined by the Army Corps of Engineers. A draft copy of the wetland plat and application has been provided with this submittal. The existing topography is both flat and hilly with slopes ranging from 0-25%. The pre -development runoff drains via overland flow to the various ditches throughout the property and into the existing lake that lies in the center of the property before ultimately discharging to Smith Creek. Smith Creek is located just to the west of the property boundary and is classified as C; Sw waters and the stream index number is 18-74-63. The soils on this site are classified as hydrologic soil groups "A", "A/D", " B", "B/D", and "D". The proposed low -density community park project will ultimately not exceed 24% impervious area of the site. Phase 1 will consist of roads, parking, picnic shelter/restroom building, water & sewer infrastructure, multi -use paths and sidewalks, playground, and a floating dock and gangway to serve the residents of New Hanover County. Future BUA has been included within the development model and is shown in the Overall Site Plan sheet C3 in the construction plans. The applicable permit revisions and/or modifications will be applied for at the time of future development. The stormwatcr system for Phase 1 will be designed to low density standards and will treat the stormwater via overland, sheet flow, and vegetative conveyance swalcs before discharging to the existing pond. The pipe end at the end of Swale #3 that is adjacent to the existing pond is designed to discharge into a zero percent slope swale that runs parallel to existing contours at a minimum length of 100' in an effort to reduce velocities and diffuse the flow. An energy dissipater has also been designed for the 25-year storm even(._nd will be installed to further JUN 14 2010 decrease discharge velocity from the pipe. The parking lot will drain via sheet now to existing vegetated areas while the entrance drive will drain via sheet flow to vegetative roadside conveyance swales. The curb around the parking lot is depressed and thus will not act as a collection/curb outlet system. The existing pond was previously a sand mining pit but is now used as a stormwater pond and has an existing control structure device located at the west end of the site. In order to meet the pre and post development runoff rate requirements of New Hanover County Stormwater Ordinance, a modification to the existing control structure is necessary and is modeled in ICPR (Section 2.3 of this report). A detail of the modification to the control structure is illustrated in the site development plans. The proposed stormwater conveyances will consist of, but not limited to, overland flow, vegetated conveyance swales, and drainage pipe for road and path crossings. Erosion control devices will consist of, but not limited to, temporary silt fencing, stone check dams, erosion control grassing, and energy dissipaters at outlets and areas of concentrated flows. The anticipated construction sequence is as follows: 1. Install silt fence and tree protection 2. Clearing 3. Install remaining erosion control measures 4. Install drainage conveyances 5. Site rough grading 6. Install water and sewer service 7. Structural Features: Floating Dock and Gangway 8. Entrance and final grading 9. Final grassing and stabilization. Restore all drainage conveyances to design specifications upon project completion. PURPOSE The purpose of the Pond Routing Calculations is to define the limits of the drainage basin or basins that comprise this project. These routing calculations are intended to demonstrate compliance with the local regulations with respect to runoff Quantity Control as listed below. Additional, the theoretical I00-year peak stage in the pond will be evaluated to ensure it is below the minimum finished floor elevation. o NCDENR Storm water Requirements (Reference Section 3.1 for Calculations and Results): ➢ Impervious surface will not exceed 24% of the total site acreage. ➢ For a low density project, maintain a minimum 100' length in the vegetative conveyance swales. ➢ Design proposed swales for the 10-year storm and ensure peak flow is non -erosive. o New Hanover County Requirements: ➢ Post Development peak run-off rate for the 2, 10 and 25-year storms must be equal or less than pre -development run-off rate. ➢ Design proposed swales for the 25-year stone event. PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM The components of the proposed drainage system are an existing lake and vegetative conveyance swales. Runoff from the built upon area will be directed to the existing lake via sheet flow, proposed vegetative swales, and/or existing ditches. STORMWATER QUANTITY METHODOLOGY The existing and proposed conditions will be analyzed using the Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (ICPR) computer program developed by Streamline Technologies. The program is used to model rainfall and storm water runoff and to perform hydraulic routing through the storm drainage system. The ICPR program is a FEMA approved model that has the ability to analyze complex interconnected drainage systems dynamically over extended time periods. The hydrologic input data consists of information for each drainage basin, or subwatershed, within the project. Input variables include runoff curve number, rainfall distribution pattern, hydrograph peaking factor, area of each drainage basin, and time of concentration (see below section "Flydrology" for specifics on the values of these variables that were used in this model). The ICPR program generates runoff hydrographs for each subwatershed based on the user - specified variables. Hydrographs are generated by ICPR using the SCS Unit Hydrograph Method. N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\205234 Stormwater Report 8-1-09_doc 3 The model hydraulic input data consists of a system of nodes and links. Nodes represent locations where flows enter or exit the system, pipe or channel characteristics change, or where stage/storage/time relationships are provided. Links represent traditional types of hydraulic conveyance such as pipes, channels, drop structures, weirs, etc. The sizes, inverts, lengths, and Manning n values for all pipes connecting the lagoons are input into the model. In addition to pipe information, all lagoon and detention area stage -storage information and the respective outfall structure information is input into the model. The node and link conditions are analyzed within the model for a given storm, and flow conditions are determined. The basic equation used by ICPR to route flows through the system is: Os= (Qin - Qoul) At Where: Change in storage for time step = As Flow into a node at time "t" = Q 11 Flow out of a node at time "t" = Qnr,t Length of time step; user defined range from 1.0 sec to 0.1 sec. = At Hydrographs for each drainage area are merged within the ICPR program, and the hydrologic results are then combined with the hydraulic information to model the hydraulic interactions of the entire drainage system. The results include lagoon and detention area discharge rates and stage/storage information during the design storm. For the design of the storm drainage system, a warning stage elevation is set for each lagoon, detention area, and/or structure to assure no storm water ponding. In addition, the ultimate discharge rate from the system cannot exceed the pre -developed runoff rate. Knowing these two factors, the drainage system is designed by trial and error. HYDROLOGY • SCS Unit Hydrograph Method is used. SCS 484 Fiydrograph Peaking Factor is used for developed basins as specified in the New Hanover County Stormwater Design Manual. • Amount of rainfall for each storm frequency is determined based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14 (Volume 2, 2004). The following design storms are used in the model simulations: - 2-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 4.67 inches - 10-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 7.25 inches - 25-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 9.11 inches - 100-year, 24-hour Design Storm = 12.65 inches • SCS Type III Statistical Rainfall Distribution is used. This distribution pattern is detennincd by the Soil Conservation Service comparing regional rain -gage data. N:\20523.0004tdsgn\stonnwater\20523-4 Stonnwater Report 8-1-09.doc 4 CONCLUSIONS The proposed drainage system meets the criteria set forth by New Hanover County and North Carolina Department of Natural Resources. SUMMARY OF RESULTS This project has been designed to meet the minimum requirements of the New Hanover County Storm Water Design Manual and the State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources. The existing and proposed hydrology conditions were analyzed using the Advanced Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (ICPR) version 3 computer program developed by Streamline Technologies. The post -development runoff rates did not exceed the pre -development rates for the 2, 10 and 25-year storms. The I00-year storm event was analyzed to ensure no structures are flooded. Reference Section 3.1 of this report for compliance with NCDENR Water Quality requirements. Storm Pre -Development Post -Development Frequenev Runoff Rates Discharge Rates 2-Year 7.84 cfs 4.65 cfs 10-Year 22.50 cfs 10.85 cfs 25-Year 35.87 cfs 15.49 cfs 100-Year 53.22 cfs 24.81 cfs WATER QUALITY The project is a low density community park that utilizes overland, sheet flow in additona to vegetative conveyance swales with a minimum length of one -hundred (100) If per North Carolina Department of Natural Resources regulations for water quality purposes. Reference Section 3.1 of this report. N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stor .ater\20523-4 Stomiwater Report 8-1-09.doc 5 J 20523-4.404 ALG/.IDR STORMWATER STORM WATER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Smith Creek PREPARED BY: Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company DATE: August 1, 2009 REVISED: 6/3/10 PRE -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS B-LAKE Calcul:lte'Fime of Concentration Use Tavel Nine Concept: Overland Flow: I =(0.007(n'I)10.8)/((P.A0.5).(SAO.4)) TR-55 Fit 3-3 where: I = Travel time for Overland Flow (min) n = Manning's coefficicnl - from 7R-55 Table 3-1 1 = length of flow (ft) P., = 2-yr rainfall depth (in) S = Hydraulic slope (f1/n) 11 = 0.24 glass I = 100 It Pi = 4.5 in S = 0.015 ti/n t= 13.5 ratio Shallow Concentrated Flow: 1=1/60v where: t='rravei tinge for Shallow Concentated Flow (min) I = Length of flow (f ) S = Average watercourse slope (fl/fl) v = Velocity (n/s)- From TR-55 1= 765.00 ft S= 0.010 Unpaved v= 1.61 Ii/s 1= 7.90 olio Shallow Concentrated Flow: 1=1/60v where: I = Tnlve] time for Shallow Concentrated Flow (taint 1 = Icnglh of flow (n) S = Average watercourse slope If1/f0 v= Velocity aft/s)- From I-R-55 1= 255.00 ti S= 0,040 Unpaved v= 3.23 fils 1= 1.32 min 'fherefore,Tc= 22.7 min Determine Composite CN Value from TR-55'rable 2-2 Description HSG CN A (act CN x A Impervious - 98 0.43 42.14 Lake - 100 35.77 3576.74 Open Space (Fair) A 49 4.58 224.42 Open Space (Fair) H 69 It 36 783.84 Woods (Fail) B 60 12.24 734.11 Woods lFai r) A 36 10.63 382.54 75.00 5743.79 Composite CN Value = 77 N:\20523A(IU4\dsgn\ctormwalcr\20523-41c&en-xis 'Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Page I at 3 J-20523-4A04 ALG/.IDR PRE -DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS BASIN Pre-2 Calculatc Time of Concentration Use Travel Time Concept: Overland Flow: I = 10.0070r'0^0.8)/((P; 0.5)^(S^0.4)I'rR-55 Eq 3.3 where: t = Travel lime for Overland Flow (nin) n = Manning's coefficient - from TR-55'rable 3-1 1 = 1-englh of Flow (fl) P = 2-yr rainfall depth (in) S = Hydraulic slope (fl/f0 Ranec/natural n = 0.24 grass 1 = 100 It P2 = 4.5 in S = 0.015 li/h t= 13.5 min Shallow Concentrated Flow: (=1/60v where: t=Travel tittle for Shallow Concentrated Flow (min) I = length of Flow Ht) S = Average watercourse slope (fl/ft) v = Velocity (It/s)- Front TR-55 1= 320.00 fl S= 0.010 Unpaved v= L61 his l= 3.31 min Therefore,Tc= 16.8 min Determine Composite CN Value from'I'R-55 Tahle 2.2 _Description HSG CN A (ac) CN x A Impervious - 98 0.22 21.81 Open Space (Fair) B 69 0.64 44.43 0.87 66.23 Composite CN Value = 76 N:A20523.0004VdsgnAalorntwulcrA20523-4lc&en.xls 'rhom:as & Hutton Engineering Co. page 2 of 3 1-30527-4.404 ALG/.IDR PRE-DEVELOPNIE.NT DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS BASIN Pre-3 CaIculate Time of Concentration Use Travel Time Concept: Overland Flow: I =(0.0070r'0^0.8)/((11_10.5)'(S^0.4)) TR-55 Eq 3-3 where: I = Tr: vet lime for Overland flow man) it = Manning:s coefficient - from TR-55 Table 3-1 1 = lxngth ofllow (ft) P2 = 2-yr rainfall depth (in) S = Hydraulic Slolx (f1/fl) R:mge/nutw:d n = 0.40 1 = 100 P2= 45 S = 0.005 1= 31.5 woods (light underbrush) IT in f /ft min Shallow Cnncenlrnled Flow: 1=1/60v where: 1=Travel time for Shallow Concentrated Flow (ntro) I=Length of flow (t 1 S = Average watercourse slope (Il/ft) v = Velocity (ft/s)- From'I'R-55 1= 1200.00 It S= 0.007 Unpaved V= 1.35 HIS t= 14.82 min Therefore. Tc = 46.3 min Determine Composite CN Value from TR•55 Table 2-2 Description HSG CN A (ac) CN x A Wetlands (woods fair) D 79 0.15 11.79 Woods (Fair) B 6f) 5.29 317.18 5.44 328.97 Composite CN Value = 61 N:\20523 nUO4\dsgn\sloitnwaler\20523-4 tc&en..rls 'I'houuts & Hutton Engineering Co. Page 3 ol'3 .I-20523-4 404 ALG/JDR STORMWATER STORM WATER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Smith Creek PREPARED BY: Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company DATE: August 1, 2009 REVISED: 6/3/10 POS'I'-UI?VELOPNIEN'I' DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS B-LAKE Calculate'fime of Cuncenlrulion Use Travel Time Concel Overland Flow: t =(0.0070N0^O.R)/((I',^0.5)'1S^0.411 TR-55 Ey 3-3 where i = Travel time for Overland Flow (min) n = Manning's Coefficient - from TR-55 Table 3-1 1= Length of flow (0) P, = 2-yr Raint ll Dcpi h (in) S= Hydraulic slope (Nit) n = 0.24 grass 1 = 100 ft P, = 4.5 in S= 0.010 IUft 1= 15.9 min Shallow Coaccnimlcd Flow: 1=1/60v where: 1 =Travel line for SIm11ow Conecntmled Flew (olio) I =Length of flow (li) S = Average watercourse slope (R/f) v= Velocity (f0.$)- From TR-55 1= 454.(X) It S= 0.007 Unpaved v= 1.35 R/S 1= 5.61 min Shallow Coacenn:acd Flow: 1=I/(i0v where: t =Travel time for Shallow Concentrated Flow Onin) I = Length of flow (11) S = Avenge watercourse. slope (fL/f0 v = Velocity (0/s)- Front TR-55 1= 315.00 0 S= 0.035 Unpaved x= 3.02 k1s 1= 1.74 min Pipe Flow: 1=1/60v where: 1 =Travel lime for Pipe Flew (min) 1 = I-ength of few (n) v = Velocity (ft/s)- Front TR-55 1= 256.00 ft v= 2.00 fUs 1= 2.13 min Therefore,l'c. = 25.4 nlin Determine Composite CN Value from'rR-55 Table 2-2 Description HSG CN A (ac) CN n A '!Include, Future Parking Impervious - 98 2.58 252.84 Lake - 100 35.79 3578.74 Open Space (Far) A 49 3.97 194.73 Open Space (Fair) 13 69 12.02 829.66 Woods(Fa0 A 36 10.62 382.41 Woodu(Faia) 13 60 11.09 665.14 76p7 5903,52 Composite CN Value = 78 NA20523.0004\dsgn\.mnnwater\20523-4 tc&cn.xls Thomas & lluvun Engineering Co. Page I of 3 J-20923-4.404 AI-G/JDR POS7--DEtlHLOPMENT DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Il-DDI Calculate Time of Concentration Usc'rmsel'rune Concel O.edand Flow: I=/O.W70o^p^0.3 N(I P;^0.5145^O..l))TR-55 Ell 3-1 where: I =Tmeel linen for Owrland Flu. unin) it = Manning's coefficient - horn rR-55 Tahle 3-1 I = Length of flow If; 1 P, = 2y1 modall depth tin) S = Hydraulic slope (fi/Il) Ranee/natural n = 0.24 Grass I = IGo ti P. = 4.5 io S = 0.010 JIM t= 15.9 min Shallow Conccmmted Flow: t=1/60v whet,: I = Travel bone for Sludlow Conmd,nI,d Flow Ino ill I = I-ength of flow (it) S = Average wntemouraa elope (fl/It) v = Velocity (htAF rn).n TR-55 1= 4250) It S= 0.008 Unpaired v= 1.42 It/, 1= 5.00 loin Therefare, Te= 20.9 min Determine Composite CN Vnine from TR-55'rahle 2-2 Description HSG CN A (ac) CN x A Impervious - 98 0.35 34.41 Open Space (Fail) e 69 0.75 51.89 1.10 86.30 Cnmpusite CN Value= 7H N:\2(1523,(N)04\dsgn\stonnwmer\20523-4 m&en.xls 'photons & Hutton Engineering Co. page 2 of 3 J-20521.4.404 ALr/JDR POST-DEVELOPNI ENT DRAINAGE. CALCULATIONS R-DD2 Calculate Time or Coneenlmtion Use Tercel Time Co.. eq Overland Flow: I=(0.007(i("I)A0.8V(tP A0.5)•(S^0.4)) TR-55 Ey 3-3 where. t =Tm,el time fbr Oreriand Flow train) it = Manniagt Coelliciem - from TR-55 Table 1-1 1 = Ixogih of flow (I'[) P_- = 2-yr Rni of all Depth I in) S = Hydraulic dupe (ftAl) n= 0.40 woods (light uodcrhrush) I= IM ft P, = 4.5 o S= 0.005 flirt t= 31.5 min Shallow Concentrated Flow: (=1/60v where (= Trwel time for Shallow Conanmued Flow (iniN I = Ixngth of flow rr) S = Average watercourse slope (li/It) v=Velocnl (ft/s)-Flom TR-55 I= 1200.00 b S= 0.007 Unpaved v= 1.35 his l= 14.82 min Therefore•Te = 46.3 min Determine Composite CN Value from TR-55 Table 2-2 Description HSC CN A (ac) CN x A *Includes Future Parking Impervious - 98 0,45 43.68 Wetlands (wo...Khair) D 79 0.15 11.79 Woad,(Fnir) H 60 3.54 212.59 4.14 268.07 Composite CN Value = 65 N:\20523.0004\dsgnkmrmwater\20523-4 (c&cn.Je Thonms k Hutton Engineering Co. Page 3 of 3 New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 2.2 Pre -Development ICPR Model Inputs and Results Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stnmiwatcr\20523-4 Stonnwater Repon 8-1-09.doc Smith Creek Pre -Development 8/1/09 .................. Nodes A Stage/Area V Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole Basins O Overland Flow U SCS Unit co S SBUH CN Y SCS Unit GA Z SBUH GA Links P Pipe W weir C Channel D Drop SCruCture B Sr idge R Rating Curve H Breach E Percolation F Filter X Enfil Trench A: Lake D: LAKE - eNDYl I / T: BNDYl U: B-LAKE __-_-_____ __ T: BNDY2 U:Basin Pre-2 T: BNDY3 U:Basin Pre-3 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) ©2002 Streamline Technoloeies. Inc. Smith Creek Pre -Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT .................. ==_= Basins Name: B-LAKE Group: BASE Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Area(ac): 75.000 Curve Number: 77.00 DCIA(8): 0.00 Node: Lake Status: Onsite Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Peaking Factor: 484.0 Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 'Pine of Conc(min): 22.70 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Max Allowable p(cfs): 999999,000 ________________ Name: Basin Pre-2 ______ Node: BNDY2 _ _____ Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Cone(mie): 16.80 Area(ac): 0.870 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 76.00 Max Allowable D(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 ___________ Name: Basin Pre-3 ____ ___ Node: BNDY3 ______________________ Status. Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 24,00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 46,30 Area(ac): 5.440 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 61.00 Max Allowable p(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(%): 0.00 Nodes Name: BNDY1 Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) _______________ -- 0.00 24.00 ----------------- Name BNDY2 Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(R): 14.000 Warn Stage(ft): 20.000 stage (ft-) 14, 000 14.000 --------------------------- Base Flow(cfs): 0,000 Time(hrs) Stage(f L) --------------- 0.00 43.800 24.00 43.800 -------------------------------------------------- Name: BNDY3 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage Timelhrs) Stage(ft) ----------- 0 00 ------ 37.000 24.00 37.000 -------------------------------------------------- ______________________ Init Stage(fL): 43.800 Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 --------------------------- Init Sta9 e(f L): 37.000 Warn Stage(tt). 42..000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (]CPR) V2002 S(rean line Technologies, Inc. Page I nI'4 Smith Creek Pre -Development 613/10 ...................INPUT REPORT ........ ,.. ,...... Name: Lake Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Base Flow(cfs): 0.0D0 Stage(ft) Arealac) _______________ --------------- 20.600 35.8000 21.000 36.4000 22.000 37.4000 Drop Structures ______________________—____________ Name: LAKE - BNDY1 From Node: Lake Group: BASE To Node: BNDYI UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Geometry: Circular Circular Spao(in): 24.00 24.00 Rise(in): 24.00 24.00 Invert(ft): 14.090 14.340 Manning's N: 0,013000 0,013000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Bot Clip(in): 0.000 0.000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Groove end projecting Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Groove end projecting "' Weir 1 of 1 for Drop Structure LAKE - BNDY1 Init Stage(ft): 20.600 Warn Stage(ft): 22,000 Length(ft): 303.00 Count: 1 Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef: 0,000 Exit Loss Coef: 0.000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do or tw Inlet Ctrl Spec: Use do Solution Ines: 10 TABLE Count: 1 BOttom Clip(in); 0.000 Type: Horizontal Top Clip(in): 0.000 Flow: Both Weir Disc Coe E: 3.200 Geometry: Rectangular Orifice Disc Coe E: 0.600 Span(in): 49.00 luvert(ftl: 20.600 Rise(inl: 48.00 Control Elev(ftl: 20.600 Hydrology Simulations ____________________________a.....____--------- _______=_______ Name: pre002-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\ICPR Model\pre002-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Ouration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amounc(in): 4.67 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) --------------- --_____ 10.000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 ---- - Name: pre IO-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\ICPR Model\pre010-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 7.25 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) 10 000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15. 00 ----- --- - - - - - - Name: p1e025-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\ICPR Model\pre025-YR.R32 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) i•2002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of 4 Smith Creek Pee-Developmant 613/10 ...................INPUT REPORT ..... Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 9.11 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) 10.000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 _____________________________________________________________________ Name: prel00-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\ICPR Model\prelOO-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 12.65 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) 10.000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 Routing Simulations =_____________________------ ________ Name: pre002-YR Hydrology Si.: pre002-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STORMWATER\ICPR MODEL\preo02-YR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0,000 Min Cale Time(sec): 0.5000 Boundary Stages: Time (lira) Print Inc(min) 10.000 15,000 15.000 10.000 30.D0o 15.000 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes Delta Z Factor: 0,00500 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Max Cal. Time(Eecl: 60.0000 Boundary Flows: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: preOlO-YR Hydrology Sim: preOlO-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STORNWATER\ICPR MODEL\pre010-YR.132 Execute: Yes Restart No Patch: No Alternative: NO Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta 'Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Ca1C Time(sec): 60,0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(minl _______________ ______ 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30. coo 15.000 Group Run _______________ ----- BASE Yes Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologic., Inc. -- -------�—PaVc 3 nt'4 Smith Creek Pre -Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT .................. Name. pre025-YR Hydrology Sim: pre025-YR Filename: N:\20523.000i\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\pre025-YR.13C Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(Et): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Timethrs): 0.000 Min Cale Time(sec): 0.5000 Boundary Stages: Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Max Cale Timelsec): 60.0000 Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ------------------------------ 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes ----------------------------------- ____-----------_---------__----------'_---_---- Name: prel00-YR Hydrology Sim: prelOO-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\prel00-YR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(tt): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Timethrs): 0.000 Min Cale Time(sec): 0.5000 Boundary Stages: Time(hr.) Print Inc(min) ------------------------------ 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run --------------- ----- BASE Yes Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Tine(hrs): 30.00 Max Cale Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Flows: Interconnected Channel and Pend Routing Model (ICPR) 92002 Sheanilinc Technologies. Inc. Pups 4 nl 4 Smith Creek Pre -Development 6/3/10 ...................NODE M.IN/MhX REPORT ......., .. .,...... Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow hrs ft ft ft ft2 hrs cfs hrs cfs BNDY1 BASE pre002-YR 0.00 14.000 20.000 0.0000 0 16.85 7.351 0.00 0.000 BNDY1 BASE pre010-YR 0.00 14.000 20.000 0.0000 0 15.01 18.508 0.00 0.000 BNDY1 BASE pre025-YR 0.00 14.000 20.000 0.0000 0 14.59 28.259 0.00 0.000 BNDY1 BASE pre100-YR 0.00 14.000 20.000 0.0000 0 15.52 30.874 0.00 0.000 BND'i2 BASE pre002-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 1.548 0.00 0.000 514DY2 BASE pre010-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 2.964 0.00 0.000 BNDY2 BASE pre025-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 4.009 0.00 0-000 BNDY2 BASE pre100-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.1" 6.014 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE pre002-YR 0.00 37.000 42.000 0.0000 0 12.67 3.043 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE pre010-YR 0.00 371 000 42.000 0.0000 0 12.50 8.224 O.Do 0.000 BNDY3 BASE pre025-YR 0.00 39.000 42.000 0.0000 0 12.50 12.607 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE pre100-YR 0.00 39.000 42.000 0.0000 0 12.50 21.552 0-00 0.000 Lake BASE pre002-YR 16.85 20.874 22.000 0.0049 15/7364 12.33 121.359 16.85 7.351 Lake BASE preOIO-YR 15.01 21.107 22.000 0.0049 1590265 12.33 251.682 15.01 18.508 Lake BASE pre025-YR 14.59 21.282 22.000 0.0050 1597888 12.33 341.923 14.59 26.259 Lake BASE pre100-YR 15.52 21.907 22.000 0.0050 1616394 12.33 512.019 15. 52 30.874 lu;ernnm�etcd Chauucl and P,,nd Rouen, Modd I ICPR) C'00' Suearilu:e Tcehnolog,, Inc Pugc 1 u i smith Creek Pre -Development 6/3/10 ' ...... .... —LINK MIN/MAX REPORT "••••^•^•^-^• Max Time Max Max Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Fl. Flow Delta Q US Stage US Stage DS Stage DS Stage hrs cfs efs hrs ft hrs ft LAKE - BNDY1 BASE pre002-YR 16.85 7.351 0.134 16.85 20.874 0.00 14.000 LAKE - BNDY1 BASE pre010-YR 15.01 18.508 0.195 15.01 21.107 0.00 14.000 LAKE - BNDY1 BASE pre025-YR 14.59 28.259 0.240 14.59 21.282 0.00 14.000 LAKE - BNDY1 BASE pre100-YR 15.52 30.874 0.298 15.52 21.707 0.00 14.000 I il.ILUI1nBeleJ Q Limr ! mid Paou Ro,: ng Aiudel (ICPR) C2002 Sucanihne Tedlnolo_fa, hie. Ps . I of I New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 2.3 Post Development ICPR Model Inputs and Results Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stonnwater\20523-4 Stonnwatcr Repon 8-1-09.doc Smith meek Post Development a/1/O9 .................. Nodes A Stage/Area V Stage/Volume T Time/Stage M Manhole Basins O Overland Flow U SCS Unit CN S SBUH CN Y SCS Unit GA Z SBUH GA Links P Pipe w weir C Channel D Drop Struc[ure B Bridge P. Rating Curve H Breach E Percolation F Filter Y. Ertil Trench D. LAKE - BNDYl T:BNDY1 T: BNDY2 U B-DD1 kT: BNDY3 U:B-DD2 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies. Inc. Smith Creek Post Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT ........ ,......... Basins_________________________________ ________________________e_—=_______ Name: B-DD1 Node: BNDY2 Status: Ousite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph CN Unit Hydrograph: U1,484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall Amount(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 20.90 Area(ac): 1.100 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 78.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(B): 0.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: B-DD2 Node: BNDY3 Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ON Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 484.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall Amount(iu): 0.000 Time of Conc(miu): 46.30 Area(ac): 4.140 Time Shift(hrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 65.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DC TA(B): 0.00 ___ Name: B-LAKE _ ____ Node: Lake ___ __________ Status: Onsite Group: BASE Type: SCS Unit Hydrograph ON Unit Hydrograph: Uh484 Peaking Factor: 4B4.0 Rainfall File: Scsiii Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall Amcuut(in): 0.000 Time of Conc(min): 25.40 Area(ac): 76,090 Time Shiftlhrs): 0.00 Curve Number: 78.00 Max Allowable Q(cfs): 999999.000 DCIA(8): 0.00 Nodes________________________________ Name: BNDY1 Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Init Stage(ft): 14.000 Group: BASE Warn Stage(ft): 16.000 Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) 0.00 14.000 24.00 14.000 -------------------------- Name: BNDY2 Group: BASE Type: Time/Stage Time(hrs) Stagelft) 0.00 43.800 24.00 43.600 -------------------------- Name; BNDY3 Group: BASE Type: Tiine/Stage Time(hrs) Stage(ft) 0.00 37.000 24.00 37,000 _______________________________________9_____________ Base Flow(cfs): 0,000 [nit Sta sift): 43.800 Warn Stage(ft): 45.000 ---------------------------------------------------------- Base Flow(cfs): 0.000 Tnit Stage(f U): 39.000 Warn Stage(ft): 40.000 Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline 'Technologies, Inc. Pngc I ,1 4 Smith Creek Post Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT ............ ...... Name: Lake Group: BASE Type: Stage/Area Stage(ft) Areafacl 20 600 35.8000 21.000 36.4000 22.000 30.4000 Drop Structures Name: LAKE - BNDY1 Group: BASE UPSTREAM Geometry: Circular Span(in): 24.00 Rise(in): 24.00 Invert(ft): 14.090 Manning N: 0, 013000 Top Clip(iu): 0.000 But Clip(in): 0,000 Base F1OW(cfs) 0,000 From Node: Lake To Node: BNDY1 DOWNSTREAM Circular 24.00 24.00 14.340 0.013000 O.D00 0,000 Upstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Groove end projecting Downstream FHWA Inlet Edge Description: Circular Concrete: Groove end projecting ..' Weir 1 of 2 for Drop Structure LAKE - BNDY1 — rnit Stage(ft). 20,600 Warn Stage(ft), 22,000 Length(ft): 303.00 Count: I Friction Equation: Average Conveyance Solution Algorithm: Automatic Flow: Both Entrance Loss Coef 0,000 Exit LOSS Coal: 0,000 Outlet Ctrl Spec: Use do Or tw Inlet Girl Spec: Use do Solution Inc.: 30 TABLE Count: 1 Type: Horizontal Flow: Both Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 48.00 Riselin): 48.00 Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Disc Coef: 3,200 Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Invert(ft): 21.350 Control Elev(ft): 21.350 — Weir 2 of 2 for Drop Structure LAKE - BNDY1 — TABLE Count: 2 Type: Vertical: Mavis Flow: Both Geometry: Rectangular Span(in): 12.00 Rise(in): 3.00 ---------------- Hydrology Simulations Bottom Clip(in): 0.000 Top Clip(in): 0.000 Weir Disc Cost: 3.200 Orifice Disc Coef: 0.600 Invertlft): 20.600 Control Elev(ft): 20.600 Name: post002-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STORMWATER\ICPR MODEL\poat002-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 4.69 Time(hrs) Print Inclmin) --------------- -------------..- 10.000 15.00 15,000 10.00 24.000 15.00 ____ __-_ _ -_ ___------- Name: postOIO-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STORMWATER\ICPR MODEL\postOlD-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 9.25 Intemonnecled Channel and Pond Rowing Model (ICPR)--�2002 Strevnline Technologies, Inc. -- Page 2 of 4 Smith Creek Post Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT .................. Timc(hrs) __ Print Inc(min) 10.000 15.00 ______ 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 __ ___ ______-__ Name: posL025-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STORM'JATER\ICPR MODEL\post025-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duration(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amountlin): 9.11 ,rime(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ ______ 10.000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 - -- Name: postl00-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\pcst100-YR.R32 Override Defaults: Yes Storm Duratioo(hrs): 24.00 Rainfall File: Scsiii Rainfall Amount(in): 12.65 Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ___________ 10.000 15.00 15.000 10.00 24.000 15.00 ___________________________________________________________ Routing Simulations Name: postO02-YR Hydrology Sim: post002-YR Filename: N:\20523.OD04\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\postO02-YR, 132 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0,000 Min Cale Timelsec): 0.5000 Boundary Stages: Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Max Cale Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) _______________ _______________ 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run BASE Yes ____________ _____________ ___ Name: post010-YR Hydrology .Sim: p0st010-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\pos[OIO-YR.I32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: NO Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): 0.000 End Time(hrs): 30.00 Min Cale Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Cale Time(soc): 60,0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing Model (ICPR) 02002 Streamline Technologies, Inc. Page 3 nl1 Smith Creek Post Development 6/3/10 ...................INPUT REPORT .................. 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30,000 15.000 Group Run BASE Yes ____________________________________Y_-___-- ______ ________ Name: post025-YR Hydrology Sim: poat00.5-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\S'rOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\pos L025-YR.L32 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: NO Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Delta Z Factor. 0,00500 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Time(hrs): O.D00 End Timelhrsl: 30.00 Min Calc Time(sec): 0.5000 Max Cale Time(sec): 60.0000 Boundary Stages: Boundary Flows: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 Croup Run BASE Yes Name: postl00-YR Hydrology Sim: post100-YR Filename: N:\20523.0004\DSGN\STOR ATER\ICPR MODEL\postl00-YR.132 Execute: Yes Restart: No Patch: No Alternative: No Max Delta Z(ft): 1.00 Time Step Optimizer: 10.000 Start Timelhrsl: 0.000 Min Cale Time(sec): 0.5000 Boundary Stages: Time(hrs) Print Inc(min) ________-__- 10.000 15.000 15.000 10.000 30.000 15.000 Group Run BASE Yes Delta Z Factor: 0.00500 End Timelhrsl: 30.00 Max Cale Time(seC): 60.0000 Boundary Flows: hHe connected Channel and Pond Routing Model (IC PR) 02002 StrrunIine Technnlogics, lnc. Pre, 4 nl'-1 Smith Creek Post Development 6/3/10 •••- ...........-NODE MIN/MAX REPORT ......'•••^. ^ ^ Max Time Max Warning Max Delta Max Surf Max Time Max Max Tine Max Name Group Simulation Stage Stage Stage Stage Area Inflow Inflow Outflow Outflow firs It ft ft ft2 hrs CIS hrs Cfs BNDY1 BASE postO02-YR 0.00 14.000 16.000 0.0000 0 24.01 1.250 0.00 0.000 BNDY1 BASE postOlD-YR 0.00 14.000 16.000 0.0000 0 24.00 2.046 0-00 0.000 BNDY1 BASE post025-YR 0.00 14.000 16.000 0.0000 0 22.15 7.234 0.00 0.000 SNDY1 BASE postl00-YR 0.00 14.000 16.000 0.0000 0 16.95 23.141 0.00 0.000 BNDY2 BASE post002-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 2.029 0.00 0.000 BNDY2 BASE post010-YR 0.00 43.800 45-000 0.0000 0 12.33 3.831 0.00 0.000 BNDY2 BASE post025-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 5.161 0.00 0.000 BNDY2 BASE postl00-YR 0.00 43.800 45.000 0.0000 0 12.33 7.676 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE post002-YR 0-00 37.000 40. 000 0.0000 0 12.66 2.956 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE Pos:OlO-YR 0.00 37.000 40.000 0.0000 0 12.50 Z296 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE poer025-YR 0.00 37.000 40-000 0.0000 0 12.50 10.804 0.00 0.000 BNDY3 BASE post100-YR 0-00 37.000 40.000 0.0000 0 12. 50 17.813 0.00 0.000 Lake BASE post002-YR 24.01 20.995 22-000 0.0049 1565263 12.33 132.369 24.01 1.250 Lake BASE postO10-YR 24.00 21.367 22.000 0.0049 1601589 12.34 252.910 24-00 2.046 Lake BASE post025-YR 22.15 21.563 22.000 0.0050 1610106 12.33 342.371 22.15 7.234 Lake BASE pest100-YR 16.95 21.894 22.000 0.0050 1624524 12.33 511. 993 16.95 23.141 Iumianuicaed CChmmd Lnd Pond Routing Nodrl IICPRI G2003 Sttauuilinc I cchnalogiu. Lw. Page 1 of I Smith Creek. Post Development G/3/10 "•"'•'•^••"•'•'LINK MIN/MAX REPORT •^•••'•^^^^•• Max Time Max Max Max Time Max Max Time Max Name Group Simulation Flow Flow Delta p US Stage US Stage DS Stage DS Stage hrs Ofs cfs hrs '_t hrs ft LASE - BNDYI BASE post002-YR 24.01 1.250 0.016 24.01 20.995 0.00 14. 000 LAKE - BNDYI BASE post0t0-YR 24.00 2-046 0.022 24.00 21.367 0.00 14.000 LAKE - BNDYI BASE post025-YR 22.15 7.234 0.024 22.15 21.563 0.00 14.000 LP.KE - BNDYI BASE postl00-YR 16.95 23.141 0.121 16.95 21.894 0.00 14.000 ------------ In:rmumiraed Cli.n;nei mid P, nd Ruueing Mod.l (ICPR) L_'OU' 4mainlinc Tcehnolugics, Inc. Page I ul 1 New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 2.4 Combined Unit Hydrograph Calculations Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N:\205230004`,dsgn\stoimwatcrQ0523-4 Stonnwwer Report 8-1-09.doc J-20523.0004 ALGADR Stormwater Combined Unit Hydrograph Calculations Smith Creek Pre -Development Post Development Prepared By: Thomas &HUtton Engineering Company Date: August I, 2009 Revised: 6/3/ 10 PRE and POST DEVELOPMENT INFLOW RESULTS 2-Yr Storm 7.84 cfs 4.65 cfs 10-Yr Storm 22.50 cfs 10.85 cfs 25-Yr Storm 35.87 cfs 15.49 cfs 100-Yr Storm 53.22 cfs 24.81 cfs N:A20523.0004\dsgnAstonuwaterAICPR Mode1\2I1523-4 Comhined Hydro ResulIs Table 8-1-09.xIsx -Yax�=SBYmse:m m&- g8�Y88�mYes8vN8m8__88%�m8�_;,_8:'_8-g m„�Ngg88 " 888888888888888888888888888888888o n-� 98g8gg800=02.,.;.2V.m mx^'^'sevxm88k8m�8.v_....8888._ Y 8888888888$8888888888888888888 q`g �Y`�a's S��'�sa=G' m8g88$8�:.v_8gm-%8rm�8 ��8a-,�GBN,,,,_�Y8888$888$888888888888888888888888888888888 �c -- EEO &S� 9$dx 8i-d6N-k � 8 og-5d88d _ „8m�ffi$&- m8-P 8YYe8mm g_8'8x_ �888., -8888888888888888888888888fr 888"0 888ag8gg'ooa'Pe'�c���mx�,v,x:xvxnvBYg$`,Gg8va8Q'8=9$8�1d88�,m,$a�'>�o888888»8��'88888888888888...M I 8888E8 _ o 9�a==Q88&88gkC&�xmg88.'x88g&88�s��8�=8m. �,g8�88�&&8&=8�8'_�x;,$8°88$$$8888$888$888888888$8888888888888 w� ____ •N VN `NVmVNVN •N a � 8tl888888E8888888�tl88888g88888888888888888tlm '& zo g'gBGGg�88&8�.U8&�gs�88u8gx=U-B&PBsY'_88888888$888888fr 2 8 8888888 -' vBgtlYY�SSSSamt �3'.M.8om8,��kU:°'8_'.g8„v;,v 8mm.v;, E 922888v8__�$$8$8888888$88888888 viz •,__ 0 oBPNggg8Y8va&�-8Yv°�,'BSg__88„_g�mv88_ m 88 2W2gNeSBv�gS88N�88�8888$88888888888888888888888888E 8Y�"YY;YYYyY`-.'=`-'YS'""88v8888888 YX:Y8U gg8 g,"., UJIU-1�Idm New Hanover County Parks Smith Crook Pre Development Punolf Rates Thomas and Hutton Engmearmg Co. �QI� � �_�.Z.3l67ijlT= 12 10 E Gi C! N w COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW = 4.65 cfs COMPOSITE PRE DEV. MAX FLOW = 7.84 cfs —BNDYi —BNDY2 —BNDY 3 „ -COMPOSITE i I 0 5 10 15 TIME (Hrs.) 20 25 30 30 25 to 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (Hrs.) 40 35 30 44 �5 CU O W 20 F 15 10 5 0 COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW = 15.49 cfs COMPOSITE PRE DEV. MAX FLOW = 35.87 cfs n it \� i! —BNDY1 —BNDY2 —BNDY3 ---COMPOSITE i It c ii .0 5 10 15 20 TIME (Hrs.) 25 Ki 50 10 0A, 0 COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW= 24.81 cfs COMPOSITE PRE DEV. MAX FLOW= 53.22 cfs 3 5 10 15 TIME (Hrs.) 20 — BNDY1 — BNDY2 —BNDY3 COMPOSITE 25 30 $.F 88'_S89 e&sm� m"� S8mmm�,�v88o'=mk�-vm,Bm� ���,�U8 N�8 �88v98 v88�8888898�88888v8988888S88fr� mif, '-83FY83m NE8E$m emm8m��N8-88,o88 188 8 "8'v 8I. 8N88888�88v888�;8888�$E8888878v88888 c 83888 o o a . 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N (!1 m m D cn 1 O m 3 O O m D 1 O m 9 88888mmmd�9��mmm8�8�SY L'Y.888tl3v�„ ' - 8E8Y8�8Y $:ek8ff ee8YoY 8EGY8R8ti8:m Y$ -si o 8888$88888888888888888888EEPPPPPB"�� ^_sd ° 8888888888888888888888888.. v.... S8888 m 11a8 X m N N 88Y'sYY8C88NGvva 3' 8ffffiY8ff8Y8Y ffi'Y8�$Y8PeY8PeY8Y8Y8�8Y8 «�o 8888888888nm8e8gH8�8s888YE88 m8UY� «si 080808888888 o8o8 c88°o8c89oo o9 .. 8o 8o 8o 8o 8c8o8o 88 8o 8005c99>->< 0000000000000000000°°000000000000 8888888888888888888888888 :YYYUaa «�L ______ ____ _____ 88888mamm��-v.tl mBxmNU88_YY'P.uuuu v�G;S 3 8E6^i'8P`m'YSY8Y8YM'"Y 8ff5Y8PmY8EXY$L5Y8 C3a o eE-ee8&- =8v8P8 `YwffPB�.--��v 88888888888888888888888888080080.0 o 88888888888888S88S8888888Yg888c.� C aE,: PIN ffr%rid'a'�mmmmv vr'i-�'im �amunuN=asp: �urr'.r r'.r .i ra ..'v w 3 8 E8Y$PffiY$YeY8EmY8YmY8g8Y8P5Y8 P8 Y8 _______________ 88.8ff 888E=8mm9G$a9,'88a�8E88E�8.sae c 8888888888888$8$8888$8888vo.0000U =31 v ................ «�o 61 0 3 2 in COMBINED UNIT HYDROGRAPH COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW = 4.65cfs, COMPOSITE PRE DEV-MAX FLOW = �.84 cfs C —BNDY i —BNDY2 —BNDY 3 —COMPOSITE ,i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (Hrs.) 12 10 COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW =10.85 cfs COMPOSITE PRE DEV. MAX FLOW = 22.50 cfs, i BNDY1 —BNDY2 —BNDY 3 —COMPOSITE 4 2 O 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (Hrs.) 18 16 14 12 i'! 4 2 0 COMPOSITE POST DEV. MAX FLOW = 15.49 cfs COMPOSITE PRE DEV. MAX FLOW = 35.87 cfs ji — BNDYi —BNDY2 —BNDY3 COMPOSITE i I 0 5 10 15 20 TIME (Hrs.) 25 30 30 25 20 5 U 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (Hrs.) O w < M a m � o r m m a a ir a m m r U Z W N Ir N W E O w N LL WO W Z R O F O O a K w a w w N w W - O Z U 4 C O MW p Nmo UW. F� my z0VmNDx z Z.Zcnm= am:o W f6Ma° 3!V j: F 51- 0 N y zW"~ ZM,. az: x N 43 IL mu az� ON OJ (9 V E4 / --7/ w \ ' ' o 5 M \ ; APPROX. 4'-0" PLAN OFTIP I, 'I•- i" • `BNDY L • .ram- `, '• . - CONSERVATION j�'�y- ` : - •. •. -.. ':.. • • : OVERLY BUFFER*. ' / a! VERTICAL WEIR ORIFICE (3"XI2") (2) VERTICAL WEIR ORIFICE (3"XI2") IE: 20.60 CONCRETE RISER Of 8"- BRICK W/ 1/2" 1:2 MORTAR ON OUTSIDE TO BE INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR 10- LEGEND \ \ STUDY LIMITS \ ; i— — — — — — — — SUB -BASIN BOUNDARY TIME OF CONCENTRATION l SOIL CLASS BOUNDARY BASIN X BASIN LABEL NODE NODE LABEL �l I Ir T N / 24 MODIFIED CONTROL STRUCTURE REVISED FRAME: 21.35 ATER EXISTING 24' STUD LIMII�!)1 y0,9 CPP:PIPE ' 'SEAGAT HSG o , 1 BAYMEADE, Be i HSG A MU 11 U �� HSG B/D BNDY 3 ' �'• -�,� /DROPOS ASPHALT PATH '� TOP APPROXNATE ANK 20 WO STING AS APPROXIMATE 22 2A ti6 TOP OF WATER � C,j -�\ a \ 6.07A 3�1101 Ly D 2 y HSG B D. APPROXIMATE TOBL VAPoES �( TOP OF HATER MIME:.20.6 28 J// - Y S E A G A T E, e 22 24 �s PROPOSE �� FUTURE PLAYGROUND �, P RES ROOM/PICNIC G —(PERVIOUS) \ HSG B yy. R LEON, e _ PROPOSED BUILDING HSG B/D �\ ASPHALT PATH EXISTING TIME OF WOODLINE D , - CONCENTRATIONS- p APPROXIMATE _ ° �. ROpERT 22 TOP OF BANK PROPOS ETL OUNDq � F OATINB DOC ` \ FUTUREC��� �''$0 32 MEADE, Be S GAT - \ P\ARKING SG ` `\vl,\4/'/\�\\\>�, HS - A PROPOSED PARKING 0 3Q 3 it -LOT AND ENTRANCE ROAD � -- -- -- ' STUDY LIMITS \/) MURVILLE, Mu HSGA PROPOSED so HSG A/D EMERGENCY GROUSE WOODS DR m 4 a 4� . 4,. o< 4 , c f ._.. 7'�EXISTING GRATE (TO BE RAISED) EXISTING 24" PIPE NOTE: IF PRECAST IS USED, TOPS, RISERS, SECTION AND BASES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C-47B LATEST REVISION. MODIFIED EXISTING CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE RELOCATE EXISTING GRATE URVILLE, Mu (TOP ELEV: 21.35) c 3 SG A/D ELEV: 21.35 6" 3„ ELEV: 20.85 6 NWL: 20.60 ELEV: 20.10 TOP OF EXISTING CONCRETE STRUCTURE — EXISTING PRECAST CONCRETE, OR 8" BRICK W/ 1/2" 1:2 MORTAR ON OUTSIDE -- ' _ SEAG ,Se 44 II TIME CONCENTRATION Go , 1 40 �FRh I , ro NOTE. I. CONTOURS SHOWN ARE LIDAR DERIVED (2' INTERVALS) ' , /< a� PROVIDED BY NORTH CAROLINA FLOOD PLANE MAPPING PROGRAM. 7 �/ , LI Al: ; EXISTING ASPHALT p ENTRANCE O pa / 200 r r r r , r r GRAPHIC SCALE 0o 200 400 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 200 ft. Boo ll ow � o} mm z Z O w > w ir x w Q O m N U Z Z 0 w N 0 > Ix w w w rc w z O 0 w 0) Q m O W m w - z z O U U 1 B) .O W Ol (j jz Z V N �j o z rc�E Ill ZZmmi mOa Z zooj F F' S O Ol 0 iW" z w Z 89 U) W.,f 4 �daz W m �oi3 acio Z 4 ; m•s t az r �0 OJ o V Z 4 �Oyl ENG` Y Lu LLI U m 2 X I' W z U) W Z p Oa U U) ? Y ): crz a o W > CL 0 0 U w Q Lu z a _ a U 0 J 3� W W Z 2 w > W O o Z U) = 0 0- LLI z E3 § ! ) CD �® §k( @§A0 -d zg zmm7 mo- o wAAg| !k� -,0 !|; mU) ;-= �§�k <«, ■ ?t0 7)f 34 o ° (Do » Vim\ m 2 E2 New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 3.1 Grassed Swale Design Calculations Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N.\20523.00041dsgn\stonnwated20523-4 Stonnwater Report 8-1-09.doe PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REv 6/3/ 1 O) CALCULATED BY: ALG CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #1 Determine 10-Year Flow for Channel Use Rational Method for 10-fear Rnw: Flow': Q=CIA Where: Q = Design Flow reR) C = RunoO Coeffcicnt I = 10-Year Rain ali Intensity A = Area (acre) IS t'ILhl, 3-0" pg. 1-2 in NCISP.NIt S1,ain, iter II,NII' Maruull t See Scctral 1,5I1n 1'11e m Swale Ura i nape Arta Ishthi1) Area Description 'I able 2 Runoff Cenicient. C Area (ac) pavement 0.95 0.20 Grass, Fat, Sandy 0.15 0.39 Composite Runoff Coefficient. C= 0.42 Calculate Time of Concentration Use "fr:rsrl I'inse Concept: Uverinnd plow: 1=(0.lq](r'I)"QR)/I(l'_^0.5)-,S^4411'I'R-55 Fy 3-3 where: t ='I ravel'rirte for Overland plow ( min) it = Manning s Coefficient - from "IA.55'fable 3-1 1 = length of plow tftl P; = 2-yr Rainfoll Depth lint S = Hydraulic Slope lft/ff a= 0011 Asphalt I= 41 It P. = 4.67 in S= 0.020 ft/R t = 0.5 min Channel Flow: t = 1/60v where: t =Travel Tine for Pipe Flow (min) I = length of Flow (ft) v = Velocity tf(A)- Prop, I R-55 1= 485.00 If v= ].fNl ft/s 1= .1.04 min "rherefore.'fc = 4.5 min Use 5fX) in N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0DN DENR Grassed Swale-Suppfement.xlsx Page 1 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK ° A0 PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY f � z ' JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #1 Peak Plow Calculation - Post-Develoumeirl Peak Flow mte. Om = C-l-A C = 042 I ... = 9.70 in/hr(5minsl(Fnnu Atlnela-NOAA) A = 0.59 ucns Qtv= 2.41 efs Channel Characteristics and Permissable Velocity Slope. S(7)= 0.5 Soil Characteristics = easily Erodible Grass Lining 'I'ype = Grass Lego". Mixture Soil Characteristics (enter -x" below) Sand/Sill (easily erodible) % Clay Mix (erosion resistant) Gov, I'ype (enter "x" helowl Bermuda 'Fall Fescue Bahiagmss Kentucky Bluegrass Grass-Icg one Mismre K Permissible Velocity (fps) 35 Fmm Table 14-2 I:stimale Channel Dimensions VViormed Channel Area. A (h') = 069 Guesses for Actual Channel Aren: Sidc,)"N, M:1 = 3 Channel Depth, d = 1.2 Bottom Width. B (ft) 0 Anna) Area (hc) = 4.32 OK Hydraulic Radius. R (0)= 0.57 Mannini s n value: Renrdance Claffable 60-4)= D RenrMnce Class to Use with Graph on Page 60-5 NEW Manual = li Parini nsahla Veloeily,01A)= .15 Hydmulir Rmlik, M)= R57 V- k I For Usa on Gntph on Page 8.06.7)= 199 Manning's it value front Graph on Page 5.05.7 DBNR .Manual = 003 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Caics\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplement.slsx Page 2 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK A PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY AJOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #1 Swale Type - Max Velocity from 10-Year Storm Alas Vel, iap can M AemnnineJ from Manning\ 13yuanon: Hov:e\cr. area and hydraulic radius are nrn knox'n Kr,nn l' I'r..rY Ai.r L.rp'.. I,. rlx.. bemr'I lrni tt IlrAunL� wlu wdh.Lu.LnN: ..rrx.nJ I..I rli. In rr ..IIIe a. l`illl 1` . - I.nnr,rr�xlilurlr.l,.l..,.r rlx1 ur..-.1.-'r�,:. M1.mr.'1 (Ir r..11/Ir r.lnl nlJrr..l�.{.r nnl`�'+r'irinl...rnrad' I ♦ y \1 11 � o a nn n-prr... tllxl-�1 xnlr ..IVren...�..1r.r.lirrl rrr lL....... n...•.,r, Area can he expressed as: A=By+My2 Hydraulic Radius. R can be expressed as: R - :1 P whcre I'ix: P=R-2y(I I,.. n...l ...... . ,n.r..: rn...xirt.l r- A... ni. x - Rlrron. wulrh........nnrx..... \I - ::.I...I.�......i. xl l.,,n..-,I..I:II ...ti..11 r.l.r.-...x..l la,:,,n,.xl N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplement.xlsx Page 3 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK 7 %) PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ? O JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 0) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #1 All ,unable, are kit mvn in Mmmings Equation esecla) tfouad in AR Tenn) Rearranging Manning', liqunion AR'""1=Q'a/(I 49'S"")=I13"y+M"y-)"I(B"y+M'yc)/(B+2"y(1+M2)'')1 "7 Mes Qt„(et ,)= 2.41 Longitudinal Slope= 0.005 Mnnnin,sn= 0,03 AR "'= 00 AR orO I M'I A 00J5 Velocity = Q/A I0-Year Velocity (fps)= 66 OK Pcrmixrihle Vclociry (Ij1s)= 35 Additional Information - Death of Freeboard Depth of Freeboard = Ditch Depth - Water Depth for 10-Year Storm Ditch Depth tfq= 1.20 Water Depth Db= 0.695 Depth Freeboard (f) = 0,51 OK F,vali ate Need forTemporary Liner reny)orary Liner was evaluated to meet NCDENR requirements for the 2-year. Pi hour design storm evert. Peak Flowrme. Q.=C'P'A C= 042 1, = 7,43 in/hr (5 mi.,) (From Ado, lJ - NOAA) A= 0.59 ucres Qa= 1.85 cfs AR"=Q'n/(1.49'S"s)=tB'y+M"y )"I(Il"y+M'y-)/18+2'ytl+Mal')1 ""1 Max Q, (cfs)= 1.85 Longita&u,d Slopc = 0.(X)5 Morning', n = 0.02 i Scc'fuhle 8.0%. pg 8.05.1) ARC"'= 0.35 AR1M11 17 y M:I A �OAf) 0.540 3.00 087 Vclacuy = Q/A 2-Year Velocity ffp,)= 2,11 'Iraq pmar)'Lincr Rl?EDISD. evaluate liner or.0urial Permissible Velocity (fps)= 2.0 Mao, Etnh Condition) N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplement.alsv Page 4 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 DATE: S/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CALCULATED BY: ALG CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #1 Determine Temporary Liner Material Calculate chanrel design wish Slmw MNel a+Temporary Liaer.'I'd = 1.45 (See'Urble 8,05g. pg. &05.13 in NCDENR Manual). Prn,ccure for dcnigning mmporary liners is sanr am that of riprap channels page 60-5). Shear Sncss.'I0b / Ii') = V'd"s where: V0b/11)= density of w user= 614 d(h)=depth of)low= 0.540 s(0/ft)= slope = 0.005 'therefore. 't (Ib / tU = 0.17 Ten)porary Liner SCIeCtIOr) (front figure 60-6)= Straw with Net (Use Exeelsior Malting) Permissible Unit Shear Stress. (Ib / f(") = 1.45 OK N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplemenexlsx Page 5 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY v �CEF�N JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: B/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #2 Doerunine 10-Year Flow for Channel U, Rational .\Tnh)d for 10.1'ear How: Flow: Q=CIA W here: Q = Drsign Plmc refs I C= Runoff Coefficient tSee1':0o, 3. 2. pg 3 2... NCURAId Storuns mcr Mill Al.mua11 I = 10-Year Rainfall lntensily A=Area0,c,6 iS,,Section.15lo,l'I1n•.Aassala 1), unw, c Area I AnInil Area Description 'fable 3-2 Runoff Coclliclerf c Area fnc) Pavement 0.95 0.10 Grass. Flat. Sandy 0.15 0.21 Comlwsi(e Runoff' Coeflicient. C= 041 Calculale'rime of Concenbodinn Unc'I'ravel 'I'i ntc Concept'. Overland Flow: t=00007tn*11^0.8)/((P,"O5?(S^04)I'1'R-55Fig1-3 where: t='rruvel'I'inn, for Overland Flow (min) a = planning's Coefficient - from TR-55'I'able 3-1 1 = length of Flow (it) V. = 2-yr Rainfall Depth (in) S = Hydraulic Slope (h/f) n = 0.240 Grass 1 = 22 fit P.= 467 in S= 0.008 Wit 1= 52 am Channel Flow: t=1/60v when: t ='Travel Time for Pipe Flow Onin) I = length of Flow (fit v = Velocity (ft/s)- From 'I'R-55 1= 270.00 ft = 2.00 fa, I = 225 inin 'ITcteforc. Tc = 7.5 inia Use 5.00 min N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Caics\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale 5uppleanentxlsr Page 1 of 5 o13, a h� A PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK z, PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY �. JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG �6'fFp I NG. DATE: B/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #2 Peak FloeCalculation - Port-Develooment Peak Floeode. Q,= C" I N C= 0.41 Im= 0.70 in/hr fs mind iPnnn Arms l4-Nt)AAI A = 0.31 acres Qn,= 1.23 cfs Channel Characteristics and Pennissable Velocity Slope. S (ZO = 0.75 Soil Charucmrivics= Easily l irodible Grass Laing ng Fylx = Grass lcFume Mixture Soil Chatucrerislie> (enter "c" below) Sand/Sill (easily erodible) X Clay Mis (cm.ion resismnl) Got, 1'ype(enter "i W-ow) Bermuda 'full Fescue Bahiagrass Kentucky Hlucg a, Grus-Iegun a Mismrc % Permi"ible Velocity(fps)= 3.5 Ron, Table 14-2 F,4imate Channel Dimensions Estimated Chmmel Area. A (bi) = 035 Guc,es for Actual Channel Area: Sideslope. M:I = 3 Channel Depth. d= 1,2 Bottom width. B (f0 = 0 Aetna]Area (b')= 4.32 OK Hydraulic Radius. R (a)= 0.57 h'lunnlnL s n value, Relurdnnre Clans (]',able 60-) = D Retardance Clans to Use with Graph on Page 60-5 NHC Manual = E Permi,able Velocity (11A) = 3.5 Hydraulic Radius (b)= 0.57 V * R (For Use on Graph on Page 8.06.71 = 1.99 Manning', n slue Irons (kaph on Pages Y 05.7 DENR Mnnunl = 003 N:\20523.0004\ds8n\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-SupplemenLxlsx Page 2 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY Joe No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: B/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 0) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS, GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #2 Swale Type -Max Velocity from 10-Year Sturm Ala\ Velocitycan to determined from Manning: 8yualion: Hotsecer. mM;md hydraulic radius are not known I.h.>Lm..... c e„wrrr.r, r.rr L..1-.d,. 1r a-n.,.. C r..n di•. e,rp:r..r... n. ..t r. v.,..,.r..p ....pr,., ...n. i,r,r............,....r Nn. n...o,ltn..,,el. ..Irc:n n..w I�.1ll., In .. I..I I•..in..r.v, I'i llt l:1, I.T.,Ir..JrmrLLgv..11F.llu�'m.er nl .'F..r..¢l Vr ral:Ia mm. I rSary .J Duper .Ja nlr .n.dl. hrt.M• •11nY,•••.•nrnl M'.Ir..nrcl.i.lu .4 qw n.......... .. w6irfi nu..... urJrv.r.O..n.v... yn� 4J mp.a. nrnnrul. Area can be expressed as: A=By+My2 Hydraulic Radius, R can he expressed as: R - ,1 P where P is: r=R+2y(1+n11)r1, ..rF. Ilrrv.. y.r.r r.rv.a1:..:v:rl...r.r:u1.4�Ivr..rF••I.II..r: Yrlf rr..u.ir:4`I,,I... nlr.r I.r -.. ...1 ..r III. •. 1�I I:I P - nu ..1dtl:..l r1..'aFand In I• R - IlcJuuL. r��Lminr N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Caics\20523.DDG4 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplemenlxlsv Page 3 of 5 ape s H�r� PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG tir:En1\,,G' DATE: 8/1/2009(REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #2 All cariablas are Anoscn in Mull ine's Equation wept v (found in AR "7 wall R,,,arging Manning, Equation ARnn'=Q'n/(1.49'Sa'x)=(B•y+NI'y')•liB'y+AI*y'1/Ili+2'y(l+Nl `I)j'a7 Nlaa Qlu (cf,)= 1.23 Langiuldinul Slope= 0,0075 Manning', a = 003 AR-'= 029 AR ""' 11 M:I A l 0.1,0 0.501 3.00 0,75 Velocity =Q/A I0-Year Velocity (lp'l = Lai OK Permissible Velocity lips) = 3.5 Additional Information • Deluth of Freeboard Depth of Prel,Ksad= Duch Depth - Water Depth for Ill -Year Smnn Ditch Depth (a) = 1 20 Water Depth(f)= 0.501 Depth Freeboard (0) = o70 OK Evaluate Need for Temporary Liner temporary Liner was evaln:ned to meet NCDENR requirements for the 2-year. 24 hour design storm event. Pcak Flowrate. Q;=C'1'A C = 0.41 1.= 7.43 iWhr (5 Iran,) l From Allis 14-NOAAI A= 0.31 acres Qr= 0.94 efs AR"=Q'n/I J9'S4')=(It'y+M'y)'I(B'y+Nl'y')/(if +2'y(1+M°)711 Max Q7 fiefs)= 0,94 Ianlgn udinal Slope0,0075 Mannhl n= 0,02 (Se, l ahlcg.05h.pg.SJlib) AR `n°= 0.15 AR `"7 11 v M:I ,A VXLI.ra Whil 0390 31N) 0,46 Velocity = Q/A 2-Year Vel,x,ay(Ij),1= 2.06 ' truquu'unLine. NF1 )FD.,,nh.ak li ner lnalerial Penni"able Velocity t ljty= 2.0 (Rare Earth Condrinn) N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Ca1a\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale -Supplement xlsx Page 4 of 5 �p,5 8.ryvJ s F° °z i o .~FentN v PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 O) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #2 Determine Temporary Liner Material Calndate ehannel design with Straw w/Nc, as Teml orary 1-iner. Id = 1:15 (See 'fabin 8 05g. pg. 5.05.13 in WDI-NR Manual). Procedure for designing tenynnary liners is none as 111.1 of riprap elmnnela (Pape 60-5). Shear Stress.'f (Ib / fl')= V'd"n where: Vdb/Po=density ofwaler= 624 d1f0=depthof llow= 0.390 e(11/f0=slope= 0.0075 Theretore.'I(lb / it) = 0.18 I'cnlpoony Liner Selection from Figure 60-61= Stnwwdh Net (Ilse F.ceelsior .Milting) Permissible Unit Shen, Suess. (Ih / ffl = 1.45 OK N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplementvlsi, Gage 5 of 5 BPS, n H4j,.. Fib v '. 01 YEERt WG. PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: B/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JOR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE Swale N3 Determine 10-1'ear Flom for Channel Uac Rational blodunl for 10-Year Flow: Flow: Q=CIA Where: Q = Design Flow (efs) C= Ru mtf Rktticienl (See'I ahle 3-2, 1)g.3-2 in NO)IihR Storm,a cr Ithll' SLmua11 I = I0-Year Rainfall Imensity A=Area (acre) 'See Se, two t,i wr Pilw• R .Src:d� Uriinage Area Inhibit Area Description 'Fable 3-2 RuW1T Coeffieiem.0 Area (ac) Pavement 0.95 0.61 Grass, Flat. Sandy 0.15 4.34 Compasile Runoff CceffiJent. C = 0,25 Culeulate'Eimc of Concentration use'1'ravet Time Concept Overhaul Flow: I = (0.1107(n*I)^o.S)fl(I ;^0.5MS-0.4))1R-55 [(I .1-3 where. I = Travel'I'inm far Overland Ilow onin) n = %lannin); s Coefficient - from 'FR-55'Fable 3-1 1= Length of Flow In) P_ = 2-yr Rainfall Depth (in) S = Hydmolic Slope 0V111 n= 0240 Grass = 100 ft P,= 4.67 in S = 0.010 ft/ft t= 15,6 min Channel Flow: t=1/60v where: 1='I ravel 'I'one for Pipe Flow (min) I = Length of Flow (fl) v = Velocity (fUs). From TR-55 I == 82� .00 ft v = 2.00 IVs t = o85 min Therefore. 'I c= 224 min Use 15.4f) min N \20523D004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplmnentrlsx Page 1 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK ter° z, PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,o ( Joe No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG iyEEn t N° DATE: S/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 0) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #3 Peak Flow Calculation - Post-Deyeloument Peak Flmmate. Q, ,=C"I"A C= 0a-5 I,, = b.54 iNhrllS trains( (Enna Anus la-NOA.M A= 4.95 acres Q„�= 8.05 el" Channel Characteristics and Permissahle Velocity Slope, S I%) = 0.5 Soil Characteristics= Easily Erodible Grass Lining'I'ylK = Grass Ixgurne Mixture Soil Characteristics (enter V' below) Sand/Silt (easily crodihle) X Clay Mix (eut,don rc'mant) Grnss'Fype (enter '' below) Not ... do Tall Fescue Bahiagrass Kentucky Bluegmss Grass-legune Mixture X Permissible Velocily(fps)= 3.5 Front I -able 14.2 Estimate Channel Dimensions latimaed Channel Aren. A (f6 = 2,30 Guesses for Actual Channel Area: Sideslole. M:I = 3 Channel Depth, d = 2 BoOom Width. ll (i)= 0 Actual Area (fr) = 12,00 OK Hydraulic Radius. R TO = 0.95 Manninc's a value: Retardant, Class (Table 60-4)= D Retardunce Class to Use with Graph on Page e0-5 NHC Manual = F Pernim,ahle Wocily (M)= 3.5 Hydraulic Radio, (it)= 0.95 V " R I For Use on Graph on Page 8,06.7) = 3.32 Mnnning;v n value front Graph on Page 5.05.7 IXNR Manual = 0,027 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Cabe\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplement,xlsx Page 2 of 5 FO T' . Z in 14 ,. fee R 1 NG PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 6/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS -GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #3 Sale Type - Ntax Velocity from 10-Year Storm htas VeInet I, can In do, 111l pled tIII n III: III 'mI,'s Equ:ai'ITT . Hosaerer, area and hydraulic radius are not known 1.. \Ivnrur'� eV"^rir+r..rr 1•-'rrral.r. t_ 1 Ws. rr.' (.r I.r4 rli..' I..........rlrr..rvrrrrr. l rr..r1.1..-M1.....r.i.i..i...uli..il.+.i LIn..........Ru,nIY.I. .AJre ll.e. , I,.rxrcJ,e..a.e.r..eru�I�i,.r.n.•m, .n.,r.rr,t pr l.dlnrr.rm. I1Vuu 1 ftn g..� y.I Fr; F.0 .H .iJe.A.p rprr nua .vl'.i.fi.. r.pi:�llr'. :bq-A Area can be expressed as: A=By+My: Hydraulic Radius, R can he expressed as: R a A P whom P is PIll Pt24(I-WIP., r.. a. Inl...yrrnr.r. d..r..: m,1-11L- n.r. Il..l.nn.,aJK.r...,rr..c e,l.. ,,e, n. n m 1 n VI � 'Ir.l,•.l'.1'r.r .. nr l...rrlr.rr.rlllr ...rr I' (' II.'.�lir1.l.. ♦i y - I1..rrF.�l nr.xl lrrl rrl N:\20523.0D04\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Calcs\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-Supplementalss Page 3 of 5 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK z\ PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY Joe No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG N6, DATE: S/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 0) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #3 All sariubles are known in Nimaing,s Equation escept y (round in AR "" lennI Rearranging Nbiamgl Equation ARdo=Q*n/(I19"S"s)=(11"y+N1°pe)'^JWB• Wv2)/(It +2')il+M°)'s IJ".r Mln Qln(c fs)= 805 Longitudinal Slope = 0.005 Manning'sn= 0.027 .1RB M:I A W"thi 000 IA46 3,00 328 Vclodly = Q/A 10-Ye:v Velocity 0ju)= 2,45 OK Permissible Velocity (fps) = 3.5 Additional Information - Death of Freeboard Depth of FreeMtard = Ditch Depth - Water Depth for 10-Year Smnn Ditch Depth (ft) = 2.00 Water Depth (A)= 1.046 Depth Fmehonnl (f0= 0.95 OK Evaluate Need for Temporary Liner Temporary Liner was evaluated to meet NCDBNR require meets for the 2-year. 24 hoar design storm event. Peak Flowmtc. Q,=C'1-A C= 025 1,= 498 iNhr(15 mins)(Rum Alla, 14-NOAA) A = 495 acres Qt = 6.13 crs AR""r=Q*n / (1.49*S"') =(B-v+WY2). p8^y+ W/) / (B+2-yl I+102Y`)7'"'r MnsQ_(c6)= 6.13 LangiaWimd Slope = 0,005 Mnnningkn= O.o2 (Sec1' thlce.1151, pg, S 05,(o AR"= 1.16 Nl A 1356 0.00 0 845 3,00 2,14 Velocity = Q/A 2-Year Velocity (fps) = 2.86 'Temporary liner NFEDED, c,duate lim, mates iul Pnmissibie Velocity (fps) = 2.0 (hare I7urth Condition) N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\DENR Cal a\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-5upplemerasis. Page 4 of 5 �p5, ra N(aT G- �eEnsNG. PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG DATE: 6/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR SUPPLEMENTAL DENR CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #3 Determine TemuorarV Liner Material Calculate channel design with Straw a'/Net ar Temporary Liner, Id = 1.45 (See'I;ahle 3 05g, pg. 8.05.13 in NCDENR Nlantml) Procedure liar designing temporary liners is same nS that of riprnp.:hannels (Page 00-5 ), Shear Soeas.'I alb / 1r21= V'd's whem: VIIb/it) =density of water= 62:1 d(ID=depth of flow = 0.545 s(ft/f0=ao'= OHMS Ilmmtore, I flb/It) = 0.20 fcmporary Liner Selection (from Figure o0-b) = Svow with Net (Else P:xceMior Molting) Permissible Unit Shear Stress. (Ib / ft) = 145 OK N:\20523, 0004\dsgo\slormwater\DENR Cal¢\20523.0004 DENR Grassed Swale-SupplemenLvlsx Page 5 of 5 New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 4.1 Grassed Swale Design Calculations Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N:\20523.0004Ndsgnktonnwater\20523-4 Stomiwater Repon 8-1-09.doc F hs s HufQ PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK i PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY o° JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG �eerar N° DATE: B/ 1/2009(REv 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale NI Uhler ill,_'S-1'rt I I1xl-1'en Flon for Clintund Vm Itxlion,l McIhW for 25.)'c:rr I Imv: I'h,, p=CI•\ Where:U= Dc,,igll hlcw cciq l'=Ranull Culliei.m Is,,Iahl.ill J.,, hl. l in V(t' Nnrnm:nfr Pl,nul,ll I ='_5. Ynrf R."W III Imcnnily Araa 1)..cripli... 'NM,A1-I linnatf Cu•I llcicnl.0 Anit reel In" 0,95 1 0.20 (;Iuls.lhm Saudv 0.15 1 o.39 Cun,"ilc HnneffCrxti ficienl, C= 042 Culeulme'I'ime of Canttmlrotion ❑.v Tra.ct l'inn r.tOlmcPc UmdunJ Hhw:=JIfMDln'p"(I,g1IQI :"11.5PIS^f1All'rli-551: 1-t where. 1=Tn9H'lins far lherland I'Inw (min) n = Manning � Gxti li.icm - fmm'rlt-55 T,hle 1.1 1= Lcnglh of linty Ji 1 1'.= ^_-p R,Iniall I),& (in) S = flydfauht: Slolw (1i/1), a.Hn A,ItA, I= 40 It 1•.= 4.67 .S= 0020 (i/fI t= 0,5 ntm Chanel 11". 1=1/6111 where: I = Tnnai Tnat, lin Ill, liuw Ilnin l I =1 cnglh 'I 11". (ill t = Vch,cily(l iA) 1'1 ml TIt-55 1= 485 ) It .= 2.00 liA I= IIIJ min Thcrclorc. Tc = 4.5 nill I:.linIho= 10.96 Ilni(in /hit = 12.911 1)"on I'hnn C= 0.42 C= 042 _.= 1,91, 1,,,= 1298 A= Il$9 A= 0.59 lj, = 2.72 e11 (JI,x.= 3.20 i,R E'limnle Clmnnel Siac P.climnwd Ch,ntid Arc,. A titt:)= 0l91 Guc..en I;n Aanal Channel AI'ca: ,tiidglule. M:I = l Chunncl l Ypth. d= 1.2 Halm.. Width. It(It1= tl AUIn,l Arco lli"1= 412 ()K I lyJmuli, ILdlu..If (11)= (1.57 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Calcs\20523.0004 25-yr NHC Swale Calc.nlsx Page 1 of 2 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK F o z PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY �. o° JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG A`R•1'rx•"O, DATE: 8/1/2009(REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN tiN Ole li I DPI"'nillt' \1: 1 nne,, r'Ih e Itmurd;lnac ❑lun, CI'uhla 60-11= D Hccnd:lncc llla.. ,, U, , (1, Ol:q.h n 1 Peg. Ml-S NHC Manual = li I'enniavhle Vcllvin'(Iu,)= 1 Fenn"rahle M)-I II,*,ndic R.Idi., ill)= 0.57 V -R,For Ua'rrn ❑Ivph nn lLgc 61-5= 1.71 M:mning:,nv:iluc l ium(h;lph rrn l'.I@c 60-5= 003 D,wi-ruine Drl lh of Fln.. in S...k .\@n Vcllairvcan N, &wnnincd Ir..n .Manning, I*,,i6on' Hae'accr.:rtcn :mJ hvd.,flh, cW'w, arc nm Annwn ru. +I.. ... ... .. ..... 1• .r.r.a .., LC 1, e.... r......... r...m r., n....1..r..r.,1.,..r vI. �, ..I+ •�I ti... .,rl•iitmu. ..r..r n.. ..el, ..n.nF n,... N 111'. +ulr. 1r 1e1,. r.l n,'.1 r. r.InrN.• ... Iw•rul +r r+. .\ '. In r. .Iria.1.I..I••..r ., r.rrr...r.1r1...M1nr. r..l lrr r.11i r. rrrrrr. ..�....l rrr...rv.r.r�n.FrcT nr 1.'1"^IF'�:11\I•�1 i........... . N.l .n rhimnr.r++l. Alt, l:an lN: t'%P,,,d:l\; I lyilrndic Radian. It cnn he c,tv,,d ay. R� A Y where I' is. P=B+24 f1 +811P" LrrM ltrr...yv..rnr.+l+u.. rF...nrubL..lu.. J.. l..11,rx yr pi+l..nbru. l ipure I. r. ul.r. Ill..x 1�11.1 11 fin+ x1Ntb �d rNa Anv.i lln 51 - r.lr..lr.l•.. r+ ..Ill lv. rrr+ri+l' Il...n.....:........ I.Ie .I.M...l u......rvl r u:a.d l•r.•r. r..:m 4 Il:.lnn.l. rnllr:. lfll All r'driahlc arc nnuwn ln:vunnmg, rynam'n uccPlyuuunu In nN unnl RcalnnFing M:mning'. liyumioil Alt �°n=(Yn 111 J9+ti 1=llt+y�Mry"1'hli`y�,M"yV01a?'»HM'I'l..r V:•,cfsp 17' Ili,„ ICGI= 3,20 Langiuulinu131u1w= ,1.1105 I. mgilndin:d Slaw= o(Xl5 Vamlin, n= 0.111 M'annin,% IIAI AK 0,74 AK 0,91 AR1,1r it I M:I A 25-Yi,", 0.971 OA10 07^_, 101) sN IINI-Year r 1 IIIN) 0770 l.,Nl 1.7s ('alculaeJ Ucpihnl I low,li)= 0.73 A„nrgc W all, Ucplh,li l= I.2 1&. Soek lna'1. Jc.iyl cllpn. il, N:\20523.OW4\dsgn\sto,mwater\NHC Calcs\20523.0004 25-yr NHC Swale Calcxlev Page 2 of 2 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK ■ '°. ILg11I i PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY c . u JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG A�Fwr"G DATE: 8/1/2009(REV 6/3/10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swm1e #2 Urlermine 25-1 ear and II)II-fear Floc I r Chanincl U.r It:ninmJ \ICILad for 2y-1'c.nbina^ to,: Q = C I A When: Q= )"ipn 1'I,11 R'IA C = liwwl l G'Iffi' c n I = _S YCar I lm;llI In nn.ily Ama lkx riplinn TnhIC J0-I Kunol l' GnflieicnLC ,\ma lad Im 'r,mn, 10.95 1 0.to Gmnn. blur. Sandy 1 0.15 1 0,21 ISee'I':d•I<:0-I. pg. J0-1 m Sllt' Auu m��nnel \Idnu:dl Comry.nila ltunull'Cnd'Iicicn6 C= 0.41 ('nleulnty Tinre of Concentration Use Trncl'ri ne Ciniccin: uvcrlanJ 11o"' I=I0,011J(n'1)"O, 8VUI10.5)'(SIO 4)'1'K-55Rg3d whet<: 1=TrllvCl'r'IInC hn O,,, kmd I low (nal) = hlanning',v Cndlicicnl - liven 1'I1-55 Tahlc 3-1 1= LCnglh u1' linw (mq I'_ = 2-N H.Iint:dl I Lp1h lint S=Hyilmulic Slope ItIft1 n = 0.24II 6." 1= _2 It I'.= Jb] in S= 0009 IUII 1= 5.2 lain t'hunnd 14nw: I = IHn' wham:='rruvd'I'inn, in I•,,m Ili—Onin) I = Length ul IOnw f h l v= Vy1'0y(I)d). v.... 1It-55 1= 270.(M) 11 r = 2,00 lid 1= 2.25 Inn ThcmtLn. Tc= "IS min Uu' 50) lain 1-tin/hr1= 10.96 luo tin/hrl= 12.99 k.ien 19aw C= 0,41 (;= ISII ly= 1096 Inn= 12.88 A= 031 cr A= h11 r av Qu= 1.19 d' Qluu= 1.63 et. Pktimate Channd.siz F%innWd Ch'innel Ama. A it )= 04h ( inenm5 In, Aco,al Channel Anu: S n&,h,,, N:I = 3 Ch,nnd UCpth. J= 1.2 Iln@nn Width. I3(11)= 1 ALI,U Ana lffl= Jig OK I I,lr.ndhc l<aJiun. 1111),= 657 N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Cal a\20523.0004 25-yr NHC Swale Cale.xlsx Page 1 of 2 ps a ^ ,s, PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK F u i, PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY (0 JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG rokewl�G' DATE: 8/1/2009(REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Savale #2 Drtrnnine 3lnnninn'n n \nlu Ret'lid.111ce(1..11N(I'ehlc On-J)= U Itcl:udancc Clmaa tkl,ilh (n:!ph un I'.Igc INI-5 SHl' ?I:nnn1= li I'crani..,lhlc Vchain'Iftl.)= 3 1...m Tahklt)-I • II)Jcndic l<:ulim llil= LLSI V' It l 1, Ll.eon Grapbr.n Vagc 605= IJI .Manning:nv:duc l i and (Icylh nn l`,gc Ml-i- 0.03 Determine Dentl.9f Flnnin Salk Max Velrailyc:m h dclarmincd tram M:mning'n liynatiun: Huwa\cc :uea and 1,,d, a li, r:.d,u., x, nol kno\cn \t lrrr.� l' 1`.n4J:.r h.rrG•'r••nm.lunr rr!I. r.i .r . It ..nrp l... alrr .rF'L.Iln, mr ..r... nrr r,. r,errrn rlrrr. a.�y.. �a..�•r..rw I< II)tlraulr. rwluw vr.lrnµ.r. n..r..lw.rvl nrr,, .\ I-!,!.",nv, I•.1111. In x I..I l.r.rm..ni. 1'r lr)IIt. rl.r. r.l Ia�rr.;aaJrn.l.l..l".'r•Ir. rrxvr!.n rlr. rl1ltr l,n/!r rrrrrr. 1\rn�.r:urr ..r .• M,!!I �. ,�I,!nl .l.nrrrw.l' '\Iv y.nerr mlix'.Ir.rnr'N .r.Ir�Wrl.r�n.nrrrarn.'rrl� nl.uF nr rvr•r[.JI\-"1 1,\1-r1 uxlr�.-.rlM�r.. i..�ry.m!•r.l �•Ini. rr•nrru,l, A,a can M cnprcacd'm: A=lay+My2 uydll! dle I lm. It can M cxPrc.xd:n: rs- x here I' la. 1'=14 2y 11 All)"-' Iry nr. r! ..r)u.l.ern J•rn.:llr. rarr.WL.. . .....lurvnul•.Ilr.rv:nl: rnr�,rurrr)rilrr. r.v.r 4. A .- ul..r tn.rr. l•y l!I Ir I: rrl 1i!rl!rrl ray ...-0Illr '.I - rr L•�rl•i.. r. r, lrr lrrrrl,.rl:I;�trrnrrr,ll /l.rr.rvrrr..l rv.rr.rnrr.f 1. IIr J:,xlr: rnaru. l!rl v '.IaA ri rl.v llr All rari:l!r:a an' nnrl\r II III nra,ln ngn nyllulian e\ael!1 yIlnllna m r\rc 11l'n1l Itcurr: ,,,n, Mauningaiyuulinn Alt"' Q-n I I 1.49-S") (11-v + MY) I (Il'y r My)/III. 2')1I N12)'II lJ;acl'yk 1.39 O (I,,)- 1 iI Lnngiuldinul Shaw= IIINI75 Iamgiludin:d Slam= 0.01A5 Manning, 003 Manning'nn= 0A3 N<"'O_ 0.32 AltIbis Alt rm It v MA _.A 2S-Y<.II' "�+03: II IIII 11.520 3W 0.81 111141'car 11,110 11,555 3l)0 11,1A Colculalcd l Kplh of l'1ow (11)= 0.52 A%cogc S,dc Ucp0l till= 1.2 I)k. Slink nnc1s.1, i, rxpnril) N \20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Cala\20523.0004 25-yr NHC Swale Calcalsx Page 2 of 2 Ps n Div PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK F` i 0 to PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ■ �J JOB NO.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG �cl.l`'v DATE: 8/1/2009(REv6/3/10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS • GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale N3 Derennine 25-5'enr and IIN61'eur Flo.. ror Chunnd Uw Manion:, .\Inh.N far _5-1'car I low: I low: U=CIA Where: Q=UcnipnI low ml.) C=Io 11 CurlliJ e7u 1 = 25-yan R:Ju11111 Inl"1131 Ar.a IRw'riPlinn Tahk JIl-I ILmol'l GwYliue,oX A"., W1 Im crvimm 0.95 0.61 (lro,. I'I:n, S:mJ 0.15 4,34 iSac'I'ahc li l.l. Pp..h1 :1 m NI LL' Sl.n mlrun' Al:wuep Compo.i"Rt1nn11'Gw111c IcnI.C= 025 Cukulme Tin. of Cancemrnrion Uw I nmd Tin. CnnccP1: U¢v IanJ 19ow: I = (n.p0aln•U^II,g)/((I _^I1.5)•(SAII,J)) Tlt"55 1, 3-3 'I.ean. I ='four, TI1nc lb, (mcrhwJ I low pain) o = Marvin,%C.II icicnl - limn'fl("55'I'Al, 3-1 1 = Lc,Ih all low (I,) I'_= 2-yr ltuinhdl l krlll lint S = HyJnmlic Slo, (h/l)) = I(240 rmxe = 00 io S= 0010 It/I, 1 = 15.6 min Channel Plow: I=1/61v where: I = rmttl'rioe Il.r hiv I low mrin) I = I unplh nl Plow I1,) v = Velcvily (11h)- hoot "rk-55 I= 822.IK1 It = 2A) IUn = 6.85 min Thodo,a.'I'o= 22A ,i Uxc I5.W nna 1_.(in/hr)= 7.39 11,alin/h0= 9.(,2 Urwiun I low C= 025 I = 7,38 A= 4,95 , ( O= 9.08 ofx y F'slimme Chnnnd Size 11.1inllncd (Ihaunul Am.l. A I1'1°) = 3,03 (lucnec. hm Aoj Ch.lnnol At,.,. .SocdoPc, M:1 = 3 Ch:umcl l k,,h. J = Ilu0nln Widlh. ❑ 111) II Acuul Aw;. (1ill= 1200 1)K I lyiluulic Radio, It(1)) 095 C = 11.25 = 8.62 N:\20523.00D4\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Cal¢\20523.0D04 25-yr NHC Swale Calo.xlsv Page 3 of 2 1,,s . ^io , PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK s r9 0 z PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY 0. JOB No.: 20523.0004 CALCULATED BY: ALG ~�-e:v\ljei DATE: 8/1/2009(REV 6/3/ 10) CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS - GRASSED SWALE DESIGN Swale #3 Dc,tcrinine flu itW t %AJC1 telardallee la a.. ITaFle l041= U KuclNJna 0hu'.l11",—I1 owh en 1-.,160-5 S111, pl:nm:I= li livini oahlc vo,"Ilvllll'I= 3 Irv.n Tahlc 60-1 111dnn1lic lt'JJ IuF IfU= 0,95 V- It lfbr Um.,. Oc.ph an l'Jgr 60-5= _.Ns Manninp:duo lion, (l,,hnn Page 60-5= 0,027 Nkw-ninr 1) It of Flnx''n S.at, M:u Whicily can tw down, it liom Nanning I'yumiulr I11m'o,, Jtra and h)ilr uh, IJJiUl are nol k.1.1n l u., •.v.r.r unr: Gl, r.e l..r r..rr l.-r.rr..r ... L..n.. I.. ...... ..r rl.... 1-.I lrl. r., ur.... rr.r....rn 1..4. r.l.., It Il..l r..n.r r�lr.w lrrlf l..IrnJ M J.vl.nnr{vr. n,.rvvin.n.l .r....\ - I...nr:ir..,l.n..l .l..l• ..r rl...r..e.r .1 r1...Ir..rir .1llr r,.11.•1r ..r.rl. J.,.......... n.....nll. ....hi....nr..r. Anu can h\.' expo'\. rl a..: A = By +:yy= Nydrauk la.di.... K can he .......ed R . .I w'hcrc I' I.. P=11+:y N. J111r'.. L.r n,......... ...... I,. ..... ...n. \ .. ..I ....u.1. ll.rx I.I It H I.ttrnttnl'1•.tl 1411t—m 1:1. I . . I ....II l., n.lirr ...l...11 FI.. n..0 r�vnr..n.•• J...... r.,r..1 A II,Jr.r..l.i r..J iu. llli I .rrIF ,II111 All .'ariuhlc. urc nnnwn III vlimnnlp• cy,,mu:nlon c.\ccpl y I nvnu In nn 1¢nnr II %Iwnlin.=�'. Iryualiun nit"=Q'n III J9•S°11=11f`crM'y'I "UI'y+M^Ylllll�2'ytLM°)'l:eu Q11(01)= 1)011 IJIcl'n1= ItUI Lnnphudinal $lt pW= 0111 h,tip ,dlna151ope= 0.01 .Nanning: n= 11.10q7 .M,inning: n= O(I'_] AR10_ 165 nK "e1- 192 AK.., If M:I A `$-War �_-1AS 0IXI 1146? 3IXI 2,79 I fHb Year I f1,IXl 1,020 300 3.12 L'aladioud l lcpol III 1hnr 1111= 091, Aur'agr Swale Ucplh llll= '_II Ok S,,ak nu'vh Jv.ign capu.' it, N:\20523.0004\dsen\starrnwater\NHC Calcs\20523,0004 25-yr NHC Swale Calcnls. page 2 of 2 New Hanover County Parks: Smith Creek New Hanover County, North Carolina Section 4.2 r o, 0 Pipe Capacity and Energy Dissipater Calculations Prepared By Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. 219 Station Rd. / Wilmington / NC / 28405 50 Park of Commerce Way / Savannah / GA / 31405 935 Houston Northcutt Blvd. / Mt. Pleasant / SC / 29464 1350 Farrow Pkwy / Myrtle Beach / SC / 29577 116 West Palm Plaza Drive / Brunswick / GA / 31523 J-20523.0004 N:\20523.0004\dsga\stonnwalcr\20523-4 Stonnwalcr Repot 8-1-09.doc PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY Joe No.: 20523.0004 DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 O) CALCULATED BY: BDR CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS • PIPE CAPACITY & ENERGY DISSIPATER Pipe End #1 Us,er Inpnl Data Culeulared \'xlue Rrl'enmee Ilion Ikecn Lion C Area lac) Gros. sandy. as `. 0.15 0,79 hn%'r\'Inn, 0.95 0,17 Calenlate Design Flow Use Rational Method: Conipnsile Runoff C el icient. C = 0.19 Flow: Q=CIA Where: Q = Design Plow (cfs ) C= ILuml'ICoeffcienl (So,lahIC10-I.pg. 10-3 in NIIC Smrn'maa" M anu:dl I = 25-Year Rainfall Intensity Dei cn PWw C= 0 6 1 = I0 06 mche, (F =5 ntin) (Prune Allay 14. NOAA) A = 0.96 acre Q = 1.68 cfs Check Capacily & Design Velocily of Culvcrl Use M: nnings P:qu:nion to Gdculalc• Maxlnuun Allowable Flom, Q,,,=(I19/n)-A-R467"S^.5 Wl,re. Qn= Maximum Ramona, Icfsl n = Mannings Roughness Cocifewrit A = Cross Sectional Area W) R = Hydr idic Radius (1t) S = Slops (ft/ft) Calculate Cross Sectional Area of Pipe Financier= 15 in A(st)= Pi-d^2/4 A= 1.23 sf CWculale Hydraulic Radius Rib) = Areo / Wow,] Perimeter R(ft)= IPI"d^2/4y(PI"d) Rift)= 0_+I it Select Variables It 0.011 S= 00W h/ft Velocily. V,s= 1.17 It/sec Q,(cfs)= 4.08 ds Q (cf") 1.611 is Q in less than Qm, Iherfore 15" pipe is OK Velocity = 1.37 fpa < 2.0 fps ('emussible Velocity of Bare Soil) 'I'Irerefore. an energy disnipator IS NOT required. Calculate Energy Dissipater Puramders Dcsiga Plow. Q=CIA 1,68 cfs Pit, Dianeter(d): IS in Maximum VClocity. V = 1.37 fps %ono of Apron: I :,Sec Pigum iIF II, pg. ill-]5 in ,VI IC Santmc:acf pl:um,tll length of Apron 14upipe Jia.l:5 f." !Se¢Figure 50-15.1,, 5026 iu N I IC' St.... :ncr Nl:mnah Widtb (4"pipe dia.): 5 li" LScc I'igua St)-15. fig. 50 26 in NHC' Sto ntw.a<r 61:muu0 Mini noun Stone Si/e: t in. isco I igun• i0-15. pg, 5p.26 to KI IC Stornns:ncr Tlannadt Dcpth of Rip -Rap: 12 in. ISee ligurc 50-15. pg. 50-_6 in KIR: Slnnu,aal, Mwnuad) +"Ylinimunt lenglh:md width of apron shall be S' N?20523.0004\dsgn\,stormwater\NHC Calcs\20523.0004 Supporting -Pipe Calcs.xlsx Page 1 of 4 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 DATE: S/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 O) CALCULATED BY: BDR CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS • PIPE CAPACITY Et ENERGY DISSIPATER Pipe End #2 p.rt to wt lhdn C:drulah•d Vuhe• Rrfe yr l,, W (inclusive of entire Swale #3 drainage area) I "Cri umn 1 C Area lac) Gross, sundv. ns -.1 15 4.34 Inttervlou, 10.95 0,61 Cakutwe. Resign Plow Use National Method: Cnnlx ite RunoffC Hicient. C = 0,25 Plow: Q=CIA Where: Q = De,igu flow (cfs) C= Runoff C,&f.cicnt (See'I bl,401,le,.10-1 in NIIC Stem mvurcr•Alanunll 1 = 25-Year Rainfall Intensity Doran [low C= 016 1= 7.39 inches l'r= 15 min)(Frtn Allan 14-NOAA) A= 49) acre Q= 5,84 efs Check Capacity & Design Velocity of Culvert Use Mannings Equation to Calculate Maxintwn Allowable Flow V== ( I J9/n)' A - R^.67' S^.5 W here: Q, = Maximum Flowr.te (cfs I n = Manning, Roughness Coefficient A=Cross Sectional Area W) R = Hydraulic Radius In) S = Slope (ft/fq Calculate Cross Sectional Area of Pipe Di:nitener= 18 in Aof) = PI"d^2/4 A= 1.77 sf Calculate Hydraulic Radius Ittftt= Are. / We ted Perivteter Rtft)= (PI'd"2/40PI"d) lithe= 0.38 It Select Varin Hes It = 0.011 S = 0.005 tuft Velocity. Vs= 3,31 lihec Q,,,(elo= 7.42 cfs Q lclk)= 5.84 c1, Q is less (hon Qm, therf.re IN" pipe is OK Velocity= 3.31 fps > 2.0 Ijrs lPerntissible Velocityof Banc Soil) 'I'Ixt-efore. an energy dissipator IS required. Calculate Energy Dissipater Paramelers Design Flow. Q=CIA 5,84 c1, P11V Diantulcr(d): Is in Maximum Velocity. V = 1.31 fps /,one of Apron: I tSee 1'i;;mc 50-I 1, pg, 50-25 in NIIC Slnrnnr,ncr M:nundl Irngth of Apron 4'1ope din.) : 6 ft"' iSee l iware 50-15, pg. 50-26 in NIIC SIonnsumr,Atan unit Witlid,W ipedin.0 6 nl. (S, Figs, 51Ll5. pr 50-21, nNIIC .Sto,"I .xlnauah Mimi nnmt Slone Slre: 3 in, (Sea Fi"ute 50-15, 1% 50-20 in NIIC \Iu,uevnlcn Mmul.16 Dquh of Rip -Rap: 12 in. tSea 19guro 50.15- pg. 50'-1, in NIIC Slarmwatcr \1:muall "Il inimuni length and width orapron shall he 5' N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Caics\20523.0004 Supporting -Pipe Calcs.xls. Page 2 of 4 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 DATE: B/ 1 /2009 (REv 6/3/ 10) CALCULATED BY: BDR CHECKED BY: JDR New HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS - PIPE CAPACITY & ENERGY DISSIPATER Pipe End #3 (includes pipe N4 area) INcr Input hula Calculated \'clue Reference Pate Ikserinion C Anon Inc) Lawns. sand.a,g. 0A5 0.81 nitcreioue 0,95 0.11 Calculae Design pinw Use Rational Melhod: Composite Runoff Coefficient. C = 0.37 Flow: Q=CIA When: Q = Design Plow (cfsl C= Runoff Coefficient ISce'I?IhlcO 1. pg.,103 "NHC 5lonmaadr9lunu:d) I = 25-Year Ruinlidl Intensity Desii-n flow C= 0.16 1= 7,38 inches if 15ndn)fPrum Atlas 14-NOAA) A = 1.12 acre Q= 1.32 cfs Check Capacity & flesign Vrlocity of Culvert Use Manningp Equation to Calculate Maximum Allowable Flow Q. = (I 49/n) - A - RA.67 ^ SA.S Where: Q== Maximum Ploxernte (cfs) n = Mannings Roughness Coefficient A = Cross Sectional Arco (A) R = Hydraulic Radius (I1) S = Slope (i/h ) Calculate Cross Sectional Area of Pipe Diunue, = 15 in AIsD= PI. IA2/4 A= 1,21 sf Calculate Hydraulic Radius R(k) = Area / Wcned Perinne er R00= (PI*dA2/4)/IPI"d) RHO= 0.31 It Select Variables n = 0.013 Velocity. V_y = Intl ft/sec Q=(cfs1= 3.53 cfs Q (cls) = 1.32 cfs Q is less than Qm, therfnre 15" pipe ix OK Velocity = 1.08 fax < 20 fps (Permissible Velocity of hunt Soil) 'I'heratorc. mI energy dissipntor IS NO'1' required. Calculate Energy Dixeipater Paruneters Design Flow, Q=CIA 1.32 cis Pipe Diumeter(d): 15 in Maximum VcUsity. V = 1.118 fax %one of Apron: I IScc I'i"are 50-11, pg, 50.25 1n ,NHC Smrnnaw r.M nuu11 Lmgthof Apron(4*pipe dia.l', 5 n.. (Sccl4µwc5(1-Ii po 5026 'm NIIC A) Width (F"pipa ia.): 5 rt'• ISce ligwn?I-15, p;:. 51) 26 io NI IC Sunlmvmer AI:vulall Mininnnn Stone Size: 1 in. ISce figure 50-15. pg. 9n-'o in SHC.Smnm.u6r Manual IApth of Rip -Rap: 12 in. ISce I'ipnrr 50 15. pe. 50.'o in NHC Sun on"'a" Man iah •*\linimum length and s,idth of apron xhall be 5' N:\20523.0004\dsgn\stormwatelaNHC Calcs\20523.0004 Supporting -Pipe Calcs.elsx Page 3 of 4 PROJECT NAME: SMITH CREEK PARK PROJECT LOCATION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY JOB No.: 20523.0004 DATE: 8/ 1 /2009 (REV 6/3/ 1 O) CALCULATED BY: BDR CHECKED BY: JDR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CALCULATIONS - PIPE CAPACITY & ENERGY DISSIPATER Pipe End #4 (inclusive of entire swale #2 drainage area) Uner In nit Dana Ca I".late d Value RO'. one Data Desch ,inn C Area tact I-mv sand . av". 0,15 O.21 Imxrvious 0.95 0,1 Calculate Design Flow Use Ratianal Method: Canytasite Ranoff Coefficient. C = 0AI Row: Q=CIA Where: Q= Design Flow (cis) C= RanoffCoefficient �See'1'A],W-I. pg. 40J in N'1(C Sionuam Nlanaal) I = 25-Year Rainfall haeusit, Design 10ow C= (). 16 1 = 10'96 inches 0 = 5 tun) (Ram Atlas 14- NOAA) A = 0.31 acre Q = 0.54 cfs Check Capacity & Design Velocity of Culvert Use Mannings Equation to Calculate Maximum Allownble Row Q„ = 0.49/nl' A - RA.67' SA.S Where: Q= Maximum Howruc tail ' a = Manning, ILn.ghnass Coefficient A = Cross Sectional Area 64) R = Hydraulic Radim (f) S = Slope (ft/f ) Calculate Croxn Secllnnzl Area of Pipe D'art'ter= 15 in A(st)= PI"dA2/4 A= 1.23 sf Calculate Hydraulic Radius R(ft)= Area / Welled Perimeter R(ft)= 41'I'd-2/41/0PI'd) R(0)= 031 ft Sden Variables n= 0.013 S= 0.0025 Add Velocity. Vy= 0,14 Nsec Q,(cfs)= 3.22 cfs Q (cls)= 0.54 cfs Q is less than Qua, therl'ore 15" pipe is IK Velocity= 0.44 fps a 20 fps(PemtissiNe Velocity of Rare .Soil) 'fhurc(orc. nn energy disnip:uor ISNOF required. Calculate Energy Dissipater Paramcters Design Flow. Q=CIA 0,54 cfs Pipe Diamelcr(dl: 15 io Maximum Velocity. V = 0.44 fps Zane of Apron: I 1Sen I tg1,c 50-14- pg. 50-25 is NI IC Slom as;ncr Nlamu:Jl Icngth of Apran(4'pipc diaU: 5 0'" S,):i„wc5(1-15, pf;, 5nto is MY Smrmsvona Nlauunll WiNh (4^pipw dial' 5 It— 1Sr, I ignm s0-I5. p 50 20 is NHC Sworn ar, NI;... dI ,Minimum Smne Size: 3 in. 1Sce I'Igare 50-15. pg. 50-26 in NIIC Swrnto:ner Manual) Depth of Rip -Rap: 12 in. IScc Tiger, 50-I5. pg. 50 2(> at NI IC Siorm,:ner Manaal) **%lininwm length and width of apron shall be, 5' N?20523.0004\dsgn\stormwater\NHC Caics120523 0004 Supporting -Pipe Calcs,xtsx Page 4 of 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL PROVISIONS PAGE NUMBERS 02110 Site Clearing 022 Earthwork 02110-1 thru 02110-3 02210 Soil Erosion Control 02204-1 thru 02204-6 02231 Aggregate Base Course 02210-1 thru 02210-3 02275 Rip -Rap 02231-1 thru 02231-5 02512NC Asphaltic Concrete Binder/Surface Courses 02275-1 thru 02275-3 02902 Grassing 02275-1 1 thru 02275-3 7 02902-1 thru 02902-6 N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\0001-table of contents.doc INDEX TO SECTION 02110 - SITE CLEARING Paragraph PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 Related Sections 1.3 Measurement and Payment 1.4 Regulatory Requirements PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials PART 3 - EXECUTION Title Page 02110-1 02110-1 02110-1 02110-1 02110-1 3.1 Preparation 02110-1 3.2 Protection 02110-2 3.3 Clearing 02110-2 3.4 Removal 02110-2 3.5 Disposal 02110-2 3.6 Grubbing 02110-3 SECTION 02110 SITE CLEARING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Removal of surface debris. B. Removal of paving, curbs. C. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other plant life. D. Topsoil excavation. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02204 - Earthwork. 1.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment 1.4 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to applicable code for disposal of debris. B. Coordinate clearing Work with utility companies. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS None in this section. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Verify that existing plant life designated to remain is tagged or identified. B. Identify a waste area for placing removed materials. 3.2 PROTECTION A. All trees on the site inside the clearing limits will be removed during construction except those marked specifically on the site by the Owner's representative to be N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02110.doc Page 1 of 3 saved. No trees, either those marked for removal on the site or any other tree, may be removed from the site prior to the preconstruction conference. All trees not to be removed will be protected from injury to their roots and to their top to a distance three (3') beyond the drip -line and no grading, trenching, pruning, or storage of materials may go in this area except as provided by a stakeout by the Owner's representative. B. Protect bench marks, survey control points, and existing structures from damage or displacement. C. Protect all utilities that remain. D. Clearing operations shall be conducted so as to prevent damage by falling trees to trees left standing, to existing structures and installations, and to those under construction, and so as to provide for the safety of employees and others. 3.3 CLEARING A. Clear areas required for access to site and execution of Work. Clearing shall consist of the felling and cutting of trees into sections, and the satisfactory disposal of the trees and other vegetation designated for removal, including downed timber, snags, brush, and rubbish occurring within the area to be cleared. Trees, stumps, roots, brush, and other vegetation in areas to be cleared shall be removed completely from the site, except such trees and vegetation as may be indicated or directed to be left standing. Trees and vegetation to be left standing shall be protected from damage. Clearing shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude, encroach upon, or otherwise obstruct the work. 3.4 REMOVAL A. Where indicated or directed, trees and stumps shall be removed from areas outside those areas designated for clearing and grubbing. The work shall include the felling of such trees and the removal of their stumps and roots. Trees shall be disposed of as hereinafter specified. B. Remove debris, rock, and other extracted plant life from site. C. Partially remove paving, curbs. Neatly saw cut edges at right angle to surface. 3.5 DISPOSAL A. Disposal of trees, branches, snags, brush, stumps, etc., resulting from the clearing and grubbing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by burning, removal from the site of this work, or a combination of both. All costs in connection with disposing of the material will be at the Contractor's expense. Material disposed of by burning shall be burned in a manner that will avoid all hazards, such as damage to existing structures, construction in progress, trees and vegetation. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with all local and State laws and regulations relative N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications102110.doc Page 2 of 3 to the building of fires. Disposal by burning shall be kept under constant attendance until the fires have burned out or extinguished. All liability of any nature resulting from the disposal of the cleared and grubbed material shall become the responsibility of the Contractor. The disposal of all materials cleared and grubbed will be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State of North Carolina. The Contractor shall obtain a permit to burn on site from the local fire department, before beginning the work, as applicable. 3.6 GRUBBING A. Grubbing shall consist of the removal and disposal of stumps, roots larger than one (1) inch in diameter, and matted roots from the designated grubbing areas. This material, together with logs and other organic or metallic debris not suitable for building of pavement subgrade or building pads, shall be excavated and removed to a depth of not less than 18-inches below the original surface level of the ground in embankment areas and not less than 2-feet below the finished earth surface in excavated areas. Depressions made by grubbing shall be filled with suitable material and compacted to make the surface conform with the original adjacent surface of the ground. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02110.doc Page 3 of 3 INDEX TO SECTION 02204 - EARTHWORK Paragraph PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 Related Sections 1.3 Measurement and Payment 1.4 References 1.5 Submittals 1.6 Quality Assurance 1.7 Testing PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 2.2 Source Quality Control PART 3 - EXECUTION Title Page 02204-1 02204-1 02204-1 02204-1 02204-2 02204-2 02204-2 02204-3 02204-3 3.1 Topsoil 3.2 Excavation 02204-3 3.3 Ground Surface Preparation for Fill 02204-3 3.4 Fill 02204-4 3.5 Tolerances 02204-4 3.6 Finished Grading 02204-4 3.7 Disposal of Waste Material 02204-5 3.8 Protection 02204-5 3.9 Drainage 02204-5 3.10 Field Quality Control 02204-5 3.11 Proof Rolling 02204- 02204-6 SECTION 02204 EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grading. B. Excavation. C. Backfilling. D. Compaction. E. Remove and Replace Topsoil.. F. Dressing of Shoulders and Banks. G. Stone Drainage Filter H. Water Control I. Testing 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01400 — Quality Control B. Section 01410 — Testing Services C. Section 02110 — Site Clearing 1.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See section 1025 — Measurements & Payments 1.4 REFERENCES A. ASTM D 448-86 (Reapproved 1993) - Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction. B. ASTM D 1556-90 - Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand -Cone Method. C. ASTM D 1557-91 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 1 of 6 D. ASTM D 2167-94 - Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. E. ASTM D 2487-93 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. F. ASTM D 2922-91 - Density of Soil and Soil -Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). G. ASTM D 3017-88 (Reapproved 1993) - Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). H. ASTM D 3740-94a - Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction. I. ASTM E 329-93b - Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Materials Used in Construction. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Section 01300 - Submittals: Procedures for submittals. B. Materials Source: Submit names of materials source. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with State of North Carolina Department of Transportation. 1.7 TESTING A. Laboratory tests for moisture density relationship for fill materials shall be in accordance with ASTM D 1557, (Modified Proctor). B. In place density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2922. C. Testing laboratory shall operate in accordance to ASTM D 3740 and E 329 and shall be accepted by the Engineer. D. The testing laboratory and Project Engineer/Project Representative shall be given a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to taking any of the tests. E. Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed at the Contractor's expense by a commercial testing laboratory that operates in accordance with subparagraph C above. F. Test results shall be furnished to the Engineer. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 2 of 6 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Borrow shall consist of sand or sand -clay soils capable of being readily shaped and compacted to the required densities, and shall be free of roots, trash and other deleterious material. B. All soils used for structural fills shall have a PI (plastic index) of less than 10, and a LL (liquid limit) of less than 30. Fill soils shall be dried to appropriate moisture contents prior to compaction. C. Additionally, fill soils used for the top 2 feet of fill beneath roads and parking lots shall have no more than 15% passing the # 200 sieve. Fill soils used for house lots shall have no more than 25% passing the # 200 sieve. D. Contractor shall furnish all borrow material E. Contractor shall be responsible for and bear all expenses in developing borrow sources including securing necessary permits, drying the material, haul roads, clearing, grubbing, and excavating the pits, haul roads, placing, restoration of pits and haul roads to a condition satisfactory to property owners and in compliance with applicable state and local laws and regulations. 2.2 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. If tests indicate materials do not meet specified requirements, change material and retest. B. Provide materials of each type from same source throughout the Work. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TOPSOIL A. Contractor shall strip a minimum of 4 - 6 inches of topsoil and stockpile on site at a location determined by the Owner at the Contractor's expense. B. Topsoil shall be placed to a depth of 4" over all disturbed areas, except building pads. C. Any remaining topsoil will be hauled off site at the Contractors expense and disposed in compliance with applicable state and local laws and regulations. 3.2. EXCAVATION A. Shall be defined as unclassified excavation. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 3 of 6 B. Suitable excavation material shall be transported to and placed in fill areas within the limits of the work. C. Unsuitable material, encountered in areas to be paved and under building pads, shall be excavated 2 feet below final grade and replaced with suitable material from site or borrow excavations. D. Unsuitable and surplus excavation material not required for fill shall be disposed of on site in a location approved by the owner. E. Proper drainage, including sediment and erosion control, shall be maintained at all times. Methods shall be in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System standards and other local, state and federal regulations. F. Unsuitable materials as stated herein shall be highly plastic clay soils, of the CH and MH designation, border line soils of the SC -CH description, and organic soils of the OL and OH description based on the Unified Soils Classification System. Further, any soils for the top two feet of pavement subgrade shall have no more than 15% passing the # 200 sieve. 3.3 GROUND SURFACE PREPARATION FOR FILL A. All vegetation such as roots, brush, heavy sods, heavy growth of grass, decayed vegetable matter, rubbish, and other unsuitable material within the areas to be filled shall be stripped and removed prior to beginning the fill operation. B. Sloped ground surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal, on which fill is to be placed shall be plowed, stepped, or benched, or broken up as directed, in such a manner that the fill material will bond with the existing surface. C. Surfaces on which fill is to be placed and compacted shall be wetted or dried as may be required to obtain the specified compaction. 3.4 FILL A. Shall be reasonably free from roots, organic material, trash and stones having dimensions greater than 4 inches. B. Shall be placed in successive horizontal layers 8 inches to 12 inches in loose depth for the full width of the cross-section and compacted as required. 3.5 TOLERANCES A. Unpaved areas to within 0.1 feet of elevations shown on the drawings provided such deviation does not create low spots that do not drain. B. Paved Areas - Subgrade to within 0.05 feet of the drawing elevations less the compacted thickness of the base and paving. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 4 of 6 3.6 FINISHED GRADING A. All areas covered by the project including excavated and filled sections and adjacent transition areas shall be smooth graded and free from irregular surface changes. B. Degree of finish shall be that ordinarily obtainable from either blade -grader or scraper operations, supplemented with hand raking and finishing, except as otherwise specified. C. The finished surface of unpaved areas shall be not more that 0.10' above or below the established grade or approved cross-section. D. Ditches and lagoon banks shall be finished graded, dressed and seeded within fourteen (14) calendar days of work to reduce erosion and permit adequate drainage. 3.7 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIAL A. All vegetation roots, brush, sod, broken pavements, curb and gutter, rubbish, and other unsuitable or surplus material stripped or removed from the limits of construction shall be disposed of by the Contractor. 3.8 PROTECTION A. Graded areas shall be protected from traffic, erosion, settlement, or any washing away that may occur from any cause prior to acceptance. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for protection of below grade utilities shown on the drawings or indicated to him by the Owner at all times during earthwork operations. C. Repair or re-establishment of graded areas prior to final acceptance shall be at the Contractors expense. D. Site drainage shall be provided and maintained by Contractor during construction until final acceptance of the project. Drainage may be by supplemental ditching, or pumping if necessary, prior to completion of permanent site drainage. 3.9 DRAINAGE A. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing surface drainage away from all construction areas. This shall include maintenance of any ditches that exist or may be constructed by others in the immediate vicinity of the work. Contractor shall provide proper and effective measures to prevent siltation of wetlands, streams, and ditches both on the Owner's property, and those properties downstream. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 5 of 6 3.10 3.11 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Compaction testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or D 2922. Where tests indicate the backfill does not meet specified requirements, the backfill shall be removed, replaced, and retested at the Contractor's expense. B. Unpaved areas - at least 90% of maximum laboratory density at optimum moisture content unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. C. Paved Areas and Under Structures - top 6 inch layer of subgrade to at least 98% of maximum laboratory density at optimum moisture content. Layers below top 6 inches shall be compacted to 95% of maximum laboratory density at optimum moisture content. D. Rolling and compaction equipment and methods shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Approval in no way relieves Contractor of the responsibility to perform in correct and timely means. E. Number of Tests - Under paved areas, no less than one density test per horizontal layer per 5,000 square feet of subgrade shall be made. In unpaved areas, no less than one density test per horizontal layer per 10,000 square feet of fill area shall be made. Under curb and gutter, no less than one density test per every 300 linear feet. PROOF ROLLING A. Shall be required on the subgrade of all curb and gutter and paved areas and on the base of all paved areas where designated by the Engineer. Proof rolling shall take place after all underground utilities are installed and backfilled. The operation shall consist of rolling the subgrade or base with a fully loaded ten (10) wheeled dump truck. A full load shall consist of ten (10) to twelve (12) cubic yards of soil or rock. The dump truck shall be capable of traveling at a speed of two (2) to five (5) miles per hour and be in sound mechanical shape with no exhaust leaks or smoking from burning oil. The Engineer shall determine number of passes and areas rolled. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02204.doc Page 6 of 6 INDEX TO SECTION 02210 - SOIL EROSION CONTROL Paragraph Title Page PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Related Documents 02210-1 1.2 Description of Work 02210-1 1.3 Purposes 02210-1 1.4 Quality Assurance 02210-2 1.5 Submittals 02210-2 1.6 Measurement and Payment 02210-2 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Grassing Materials 02210-2 2.2 Silt Fence 02210-2 2.3 Chemicals for Dust Control 02210-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 31 General 02210-3 3.2 Grassing 02210-3 3.3 Silt Fence 02210-3 3.4 Dust Control 02210-3 SECTION 02210 SOIL EROSION CONTROL PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Special Conditions apply to this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of soil erosion control work includes all measures necessary to meet the requirements of this section. Erosion and sediment control measures such as silt fence and sediment basins must be installed prior to grubbing and further land disturbance. Soil erosion and sediment control measures shall include all temporary and permanent means of protection and trapping soils of the construction site during land disturbing activity. Activity covered in this contract is regulated by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973, and NPDES General Permit for Construction Activity. 1.3 PURPOSES A. The purpose of this section is to achieve the following goals: Minimize soil exposure by proper timing of grading and construction. Retain existing vegetation whenever feasible. Vegetate and mulch denuded areas as soon as possible. Divert runoff away from denuded areas. Minimize length and steepness of slopes when it is practical. Reduce runoff velocities with sediment barriers or by increasing roughness with stone. Trap sediment on site. Inspect and maintain erosion control measures. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02210.doc Page 1 of 3 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Firms regularly engaged in manufacture of soil erosion control systems products of types, materials, and sizes required, whose products have been in satisfactory use in similar service for not less than 5 years. Codes and Standards: Comply with all applicable Local, State and Federal Standards pertaining to soil erosion control. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data and installation instruction for soil erosion control materials and products. 1.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 GRASSING MATERIALS Disturbed areas must be grassed within 14 days of work ending unless work is to begin again before 21 days. A. Refer to Section 02902 - Grassing. General: All grass seed shall be free from noxious weeds, grade A recent crop, recleaned and treated with appropriate fungicide at time of mixture. Deliver to site in original sealed containers with dealer's guarantee as to the year grown, percentage of purity, percentage of germination and the date of the test by which the percentages of purity and germination were determined. All seed sown shall have a date of test within six months of the date of sowing. Type of Seed: Either Annual Rye or Common Bermuda Grass seed will be used depending on time of year in which seeding is to occur. Mulch: Straw. Fertilizer: Commercial balanced 4-12-12 fertilizer. 2.2 SILT FENCE A. Silt fence shall be a woven fabric. The geotextile fabric shall be a woven sheet of plastic yarn, of a long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85% by weight propylene, ethylene, amide, ester, or vinylidene chloride, and shall contain stabilizer and/or inhibitors added to the base plastic to make the filaments resistant to deterioration due to ultra -violet and/or heat exposure. The fabric should be finished so that the filaments will retain their relative position with respect to each other. The fabric shall be free of defects, rips, holes, or flaws. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02210.doc Page 2 of 3 The fabric shall meet the following requirements: Woven Fabrics Grab Stren th 90 lbs. Mullen Burst Stren th 150 lbs. IV Resistance 90% Permitivity 15 al/min/sf Product shall be equivalent to EXXON GTF-180 Fabric or AMOCO Woven Construction Fabric No. 1380. 2.3 CHEMICALS FOR DUST CONTROL A. Calcium Chloride, Anionic Asphalt Emulsion, latex Emulsion or Resin -in -Water Emulsion may be used for dust control. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. All disturbed soil areas except those to support paving shall be graded and protected from erosion by grassing. Storm water conveyance systems shall have sediment barriers installed at all entrances, intersections, change in direction and discharge points. 3.2 GRASSING A. Refer to Section 02902 - Grassing. 3.3 SILT FENCE A. Silt fence shall be placed at the approximate location shown on the plans and installed in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. 3.4 DUST CONTROL A. Dust raised from vehicular traffic will be controlled by wetting down the access road with water or by the use of a deliquescent chemical, such as calcium chloride, if the relative humidity is over 30%. Chemicals shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. There shall be no separate payment to the Contractor for dust control measures. Any costs connected thereto shall be a subsidiary responsibility of the Contractor. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02210.doc Page 3 of 3 INDEX TO SECTION 02231 - AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Paragraph PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 Related Sections 1.3 Measurement and Payment 1.4 References 1.5 Quality Assurance 1.6 Testing PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials PART 3 - EXECUTION Title Page 02231-1 02231-1 02231-1 02231-1 02231-2 02231-2 02231-2 3.1 Contractor's Examination 3.2 Preparation 02231-3 3.3 Aggregate Placement 02231-3 3.4 Prime Coat - OMITTED 02231-4 3.5 Tolerances 02231-4 3.6 Field Quality Control 02231-4 02231-5 SECTION 02231 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Aggregate base course. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01025 - Measurement and Payment: Requirements applicable to unit prices for the work of this section. B. Section 01400 - Quality Control: Inspection of bearing surfaces. C. Section 02204 - Earthwork D. Section 02512 - Asphaltic Concrete Binder/Surface Courses: Binder and finish asphalt courses. 1.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment 1.4 REFERENCES A. AASHTO T 96-91 - Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of Los Angeles Machine. B. AASHTO T 180-90 - Moisture -Density Relations of Soils Using a 10-lb (4.54 kg) Rammer and an 18-in. (457 mm) Drop. C. ASTM D 1556-90 - Density and Unit Weight of Soil In Place by the Sand -Cone Method. D. ASTM D 1557-91 - Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort. E. ASTM D 2167-94 Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. F. ASTM D 2922-91 - Density of Soil and Soil -Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02231.doc Page 1 of 5 G. ASTM D 3017-88 (1993) - Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). H. ASMT D 3740-94 - Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock Used in Engineering Design and Construction. I. ASTM E 329-93 - Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Materials Used in Construction. 1.5. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with 1.6 TESTING A. Laboratory tests for moisture density relationship for fill materials shall be in accordance with ASTM D 1557, (Modified Proctor). B. In place density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2922. C. Testing laboratory shall operate in accordance to ASTM D 3740 and E 329 and shall be accepted by the Engineer. D. The testing laboratory and Project Engineer/Project Representative shall be given a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to taking any of the tests. E. Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed at the Contractor's expense by a commercial testing laboratory that operates in accordance with subparagraph C above. F. Test results shall be furnished to the Engineer. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Aggregate: The aggregate shall consist of processed and blended crushed stone. Aggregates shall be free from lumps and balls of clay, organic matter, objectionable coatings, and other foreign material and shall be durable and sound. The coarse aggregate shall have a percentage of wear not to exceed 65 after 500 revolutions as determined by AASHTO T 96. Aggregate shall meet the applicable requirements of Sections 306.03 and 306.04 in the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. The material shall meet the following gradation and other requirements: N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02231.doc Page 2 of 5 Percent b Wei ht Passin 100 95 - 100 MSieve 70 - 100 50 - 80 30 - 55 # 30 12 - 31 #200 6 - 15 Liquid Limit 0 to 25 Plasticit Index 0 to 6 B. Prime Coat: "Omitted". PART 3 - EXECUTION 2.2 CONTRACTOR'S EXAMINATION A. Verify subgrade has been inspected, is dry, and gradients and elevations are correct B. ON SITE OBSERVATIONS OF WORK: The Owner's Representative or Engineer will have the right to require that any portion of the work be done in his presence and if the work is covered up after such instruction, it shall be exposed by the Contractor for observation at no additional cost to the Owner. However, if the Contractor notifies the Owner that such work is scheduled, and the Owner fails to appear within 48 hours, the Contractor may proceed without him. All work done and materials furnished shall be subject to review by the Owner, Engineer or Project Representative. Improper work shall be reconstructed, and all materials, which do not conform to the requirements of the specifications, shall be removed from the work upon notice being received from the Engineer for the rejection of such materials. The Engineer shall have the right to mark rejected materials so as to distinguish them as such. The Contractor shall give the Owner, Project Engineer or Project Representative a minimum of 48 hours notice for all required observations or tests. 3.2 PREPARATION A. The subgrade shall be leveled to the lines and grades of the plans and cleaned of all foreign substances prior to constructing the base course. Do not place base on soft, muddy or frozen surfaces. Correct irregularities in subgrade gradient and elevation by scarifying, reshaping, and recompacting. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\StormwaterSpecifications\02231.doc . Page 3 of 5 B. At the time of construction of the base course, the subgrade shall contain no frozen material. C. The surface of the subgrade shall be checked by the Engineer or his representative for adequate compaction and surface tolerances. Ruts or soft yielding spots that may appear in areas of the subgrade course having inadequate compaction, and areas not smooth or which vary in elevation more than 3/8-inch above or below the required grade established on the plans shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineer or his designated representative. Base material shall not be placed until subgrade has been properly prepared and test results have so indicated. 3.3 AGGREGATE PLACEMENT A. Aggregate shall be placed with an acceptable spreader in accordance with North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction Section 306 and in accordance with all terms included in these specifications. (The spreader shall contain a hopper, and adjustable screed and be so designed that there will be a uniform, steady flow of material from the hopper. The spreader shall be capable of laying material without segregation across the full width of the lane to a uniform thickness and to a uniform loose density.) Spreaders are not required on curb and gutter road sections. A. Level and contour surfaces to elevations and gradients indicated. B. Add small quantities of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate as appropriate to assist compaction. C. Add water to assist compaction. If excess water is apparent, remove aggregate and aerate to reduce moisture content. D. Use mechanical tamping equipment in areas inaccessible to compaction equipment. E. While at optimum moisture (± 1-1/2%), compact the base course with rollers capable of obtaining the required density. Vibratory, flatwheel, and other rollers accepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain the required compaction. Rolling shall continue until the base is compacted to 98% of the maximum laboratory dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557 or AASHTO T 180. F. Inplace density of the compacted base will be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2922. 3.4 PRIME COAT - OMITTED 3.5. TOLERANCES A. Flatness: Maximum variation of ''14 inch measured with an acceptable 10-foot straight edge. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02231.doc Page 4 of 5 B. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Within 3/8 inch. C. Variation from Design Elevation: Within 3/8 inch. D. Depth measurements for compacted thickness shall be made by test holes through the base course. Where the base course is deficient, correct such areas by scarifying, adding base material and recompacting as directed by the Engineer. Measurements shall be made at staggered intervals not to exceed 250 feet for two-lane streets and roads. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Section 01400 - Quality Assurance: Field inspection. B. Density and moisture testing will be performed in accordance with ASTM D 1557. C. If tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and retest. D. Frequency of Tests: 1. Base Density - One (1) test per 5,000 square feet. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02231.doc Page 5 of 5 INDEX TO SECTION 02275 - RIP -RAP Paragraph PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1•2 Related Sections 1.3 Allowable Tolerances 1.4 Measurement and Payment 1.5 References PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials 2.2 Product Review PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1. Preparation 3.2. Placement Title Page 02275-1 02275-1 02275-1 02275-1 02275-1 02275-1 02275-2 02275-2 02275-2 SECTION 02275 RIP -RAP PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Material placed as bank protection and erosion control. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 02210 - Soil Erosion Control B. Section 02720 - Storm Drainage 1.3 ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES A. The depth of rip -rap blanket as shown on the drawings and in these specifications is a minimum depth. 1.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment 1.5 REFERENCES A. ASTM C 150-95 - Portland Cement. PART 2- PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Stone Rip -Rap: Shall be hard quarry or field stone, and shall be of such quality that the pieces will not disintegrate on exposure to water, sunlight or weather. Stone shall be solid and non -friable and range in weight from a minimum of 25 pounds to a maximum of 150 pounds. At least 50 percent of the stone pieces shall weigh more than 60 pounds. The stone pieces shall have a minimum dimension of 12 inches. Documents indicating stone analysis, source and other pertinent data (i.e. - filter fabric) shall be submitted for review by the Engineer prior to delivery. B. Sand -Cement Bag Rip -Rap: 1. Bags: Shall be of cotton, burlap, or fiber -reinforced paper capable of containing the sand -cement mixture without leakage during handling and placing. Bags previously used for any purpose shall not be used. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02275.DOC Page 1 of 3 Capacity shall be not less than 0.75 cubic foot nor more than two (2) cubic feet. 2. Cement: Portland cement shall be Type I meeting requirements of ASTM C 150-94. Cement which has been damaged, or which is partially set, lumpy, or caked shall not be used. 3. Fine Aggregate: Shall be composed of hard, durable particles, free from injurious amounts of organic impurities and shall contain, in the material passing the No. 10 sieve, not more than 7 percent clay, and not more than 20 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. C. Filter Fabric: Shall be a non -woven heat -bonded fiber of polypropylene and nylon filaments equivalent to Mirafi 140N. The fabric shall be finished so the filaments will retain their relative position with respect to each other. The fabric shall contain stabilizers and/or inhibitors added to the base plastic to make the filaments resistant to deterioration due to ultraviolet and/or heat exposure. The product shall be free of flaws, rips, holes or defects. 2.2 PRODUCT REVIEW A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a complete description of all products before ordering. The Engineer will review all products before they are ordered. PART 3- EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. The surface to receive Rip -Rap shall be prepared to a relatively smooth condition free of obstruction, depressions, debris, rises, and soft or low density pockets of material. The contours and elevations on the drawings are to the surface of the rip -rap material. 3.2 PLACEMENT A. Fabric: The filter fabric shall be placed with the long dimension running up the slope. The strips shall be placed to provide a minimum width of one (1) foot of overlap for each joint. The fabric shall be anchored in place with securing pins of the type recommended by the fabric manufacturer. Pins shall be placed on or within 3 inches of the centerline of the over -lap. Place the fabric so that the upstream strip will overlap the downstream strip. The fabric shall be placed loosely so as to give and avoid stretching and tearing during placement of the stones. B. Stone: Minimum depth or thickness of stone blanket shall be 12 inches with no under tolerance. The stones shall be dropped no more than three (3) feet during construction. Placing shall begin in a toe trench constructed at the bottom of the slope with the filter fabric wrapped in stone at least five (5) feet up the slope. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02275.DOC Page 2 of 3 The entire mass of stone shall be placed so as to conform with the lines, grades, and thickness shown on the plans. The rip -rap shall be placed to its full course thickness at one operation and in such a manner as to avoid displacing the underlying material. Placing of rip -rap in layers, or by dumping into chutes, or by similar methods likely to cause segregation, will not be permitted. The larger stones shall be well distributed and the entire mass of stone shall conform to the gradation specified. All material used in the rip -rap protection shall be so placed and distributed that there will be no large accumulations of either the larger or smaller sizes of stone. It is the intent of these specifications to produce a fairly compact rip -rap protection in which all sizes of material are placed in their proper proportions. Hand placing or rearranging of individual stones by mechanical equipment may be required to the extent necessary to secure the results specified. C. Sand -Cement Bag Rip -Rap: Bags shall be uniformly filled. The bagged rip -rap shall be placed by hand with tied ends facing the same direction, with close, broken joints. After placing, the bags shall be rammed or packed against one another to produce the required thickness and form a consolidated mass. The top of each bag shall not vary more than 3 inches above or below the required plane. When directed by the Engineer or required by the plans, header courses shall be placed. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02275.DOC Page 3 of 3 INDEX TO SECTION 02512NC - ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BINDER/SURFACE COURSES Paragraph Title Page PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 02512NC-1 1.2 Related Sections 02512NC-1 1.3 Measurement and Payment 02512NC-1 1.4 References 02512NC-1 1.5 Quality Assurance 02512NC-2 1.6 Environmental Requirements 02512NC-2 1.7 Testing 02512NC-2 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Tack Coat 02512NC-3 2.2 Asphaltic Cement and Additives 02512NC-3 2.3 Aggregates 02512NC-3 2.4 Source Quality Control and Tests 02512NC-4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Examination 02512NC-4 3.2 Preparation 02512NC-5 3.3 Placement 02512NC-5 3.4 Tolerances 02512NC-6 3.5 Field Quality Control 02512NC-6 SECTION 02512NC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BINDER/SURFACE COURSES PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Surface Course B. Binder Course 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01025 - Measurement and Payment B. Section 01400 - Quality Control C. Section 02204 - Earthwork D. Section 02231 - Aggregate Base Course 1.3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment 1.4 REFERENCES A. ASTM D 946-82 (Reapproved 1993) - Penetration -Graded Asphalt - Cement for Use in Pavement Construction. B. ASTM E 329-93b - Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Materials Used in Construction C. ASTM D 3740-94 - Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock Used in Engineering Design and Construction. D. ASTM D 2726-93 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface -Dry Specimens. E. ASTM D 2950-91 - Density of Bituminous Concrete in Place by Nuclear Methods. F. ASTM D-1188-89 - Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin -Coated Specimens. G. ASTM-T 245-91 - Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 1 of 7 H. AASHTO-T 179-88 - Effect of Heat and Air on Asphalt Materials (Thin- film Oven Test). 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction - Revised. B. Mixing Plant: Conform to North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not place asphalt mixture when ambient air temperature is less than that indicated in the Table nor when the surface is wet or frozen. Lift Thickness Min. Air Tem erature, De rees F. 1" or Less 55 1.1" to 2" 45 2.1" to 3" 40 3.1" to 4.5" 35 B. Mixture shall be delivered to the spreader at a temperature between 250 degrees F and 325 degrees F. 1.7 TESTING A. Testing laboratory shall operate in accordance to ASTM D 3740 and E 329 and shall be accepted by the Engineer. B. The testing laboratory and Project Engineer/Project Representative shall be given a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to taking any of the tests. C. Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed at the Contractor's expense by a commercial testing laboratory that operates in accordance with subparagraph A above. D. Test results shall be furnished to the Engineer including the QMS forms as required by North Carolina Department of Transportation. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 2 of 7 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 TACK COAT A. Material: Shall be AC-20 or AC-30, asphalt cement, conforming to the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. When the temperature in the shade exceeds 70 degrees F, an emulsion such as CRS - 2h or CRS - 3 may be used at the Engineer's discretion. 2.2 ASPHALT CEMENT AND ADDITIVES A. Asphalt Cement: Shall conform to the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. The material shall be AC-20 or AC-30. The loss on heating from the Thin -Film Oven Test shall not exceed 0.75 percent. Contractor shall provide supporting documents to Engineer 7 days prior to commencing paving operations. B. Anti -Stripping: Shall conform to requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. 2.3 AGGREGATES A. General: Mineral aggregate shall be composed of fine aggregate or a combination of fine and coarse aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall be that portion of the material retained on a No. 8 sieve. Fine aggregate shall be considered that portion passing the No. 8 sieve. Fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and any additives in combination with the specified percentage of asphalt cement shall meet the requirements of tests specified, before approval may be given for their individual use. B. Fine Aggregate: Shall conform to the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. C. Coarse Aggregate: Shall conform to the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. D. Surface Course: The surface course shall consist of fine and coarse aggregate and mineral filler uniformly mixed with hot asphalt cement in an approved mixing plant. The plant shall conform to North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. The gradations, asphalt content and stabilities shall be the following: TYPE 1 Square Sieve % Passing 100 �2„ 97 - 100 3/8" 80 - 100 N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 3 of 7 4 58 - 75 No. 8 42 - 60 No. 30 19 - 40 FNo. No. 100 g _ 20 No. 200 3 _ g s halt Cement 4.8 - 6.8No. @ 50 Blows (Design) 1,400 Air Voids, % (Design) 3.5 — 5.0 Marshall Stability @ 50 Blows Field 1,250 Air Voids, % (Field)3-5 E. Intermediate or Binder Course: The mineral aggregates and asphalt cement shall be combined in such proportions that the composition by weight of the finished mixture shall be within the following range limits: T e2 Sieve Designation Percentage by Weight Passin 1 inch 100 1/4 inch 90 - 100 inch 72 - 90 No. 4 42 - 60 No. 8 30 - 48 No. 30 12 - 29 No. 100 6 — 16 No. 200 2-8 Percent of Total Mixture % Asphalt Cement 3.5 - 6.2 Marshall Stability, lbs. @ 50 Blows (Design) 1,200 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL AND TESTS A. Section 01400 - Quality Control, 01410 - Testing Laboratory Services. Provide mix design for asphalt. B. Submit proposed mix design for review prior to beginning of work. C. Test samples in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 4 of 7 A. ON -SITE OBSERVATIONS: The Owner's Representative or Engineer will have the right to require that any portion of the work be done in his presence and if the work is covered up after such instruction, it shall be exposed by the Contractor for observation at no additional cost to the Owner. However, if the Contractor notifies the Owner that such work is scheduled, and the Owner fails to appear within 48 hours, the Contractor may proceed without him. All work done and materials furnished shall be subject to review by the Owner, Engineer or Project Representative. Improper work shall be reconstructed, and all materials, which do not conform to the requirements of the specifications, shall be removed from the work upon notice being received from the Engineer for the rejection of such materials. The Engineer shall have the right to mark rejected materials so as to distinguish them as such. The Contractor shall give the Owner, . Project Engineer or Project Representative a minimum of 48 hours notice for all required observations or tests. B. Contractor verify that base has been inspected, is dry, and gradients and elevations are correct. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Apply tack coat in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. Rate of application shall be 0.04 to 0.08 gallons per square yard of surface. B. Work shall be planned so that no more tack coat than is necessary for the day's operation is placed on the surface. All traffic not essential to the work should be kept off the tack coat. C. Apply tack coat to contact surfaces of curbs and gutters. Apply in manner so exposed curb or gutter surfaces are not stained. D. Coat surfaces of manhole frames and inlet frames with oil to prevent bond with asphalt pavement. Do not tack coat these surfaces. 3.3 PLACEMENT A. Construction shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, latest edition. B. Asphaltic concrete shall not be placed on a surface that is wet or frozen. C. Compaction shall commence as soon as possible after the mixture has been spread to the desired thickness. Compaction shall be continuous and uniform over the entire surface. Do not displace or extrude pavement from position. Hand compact in areas inaccessible to rolling equipment. Perform rolling with consecutive passes to achieve even and N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.dOc Page 5 of 7 smooth finish without roller marks. Compaction rolling shall be complete before material temperature drops below 1850 F. D. Areas of pavement with deficient thickness or density shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.4 TOLERANCES A. General: All paving shall be subject to visual and straightedge inspection during construction operations and thereafter prior to final acceptance. A 10-foot straightedge shall be maintained in the vicinity of the paving operation at all times for the purpose of measuring surface irregularities on all paving courses. The straightedge and labor for its use shall be provided by the Contractor. The surface of all courses shall be inspected with the straightedge as necessary to detect surface irregularities. Irregularities such as rippling, tearing or pulling, which in the judgment of the Engineer indicate a continuing problem in equipment, mixture or operating technique, will not be permitted to recur. The paving operation shall be stopped until appropriate steps are taken by the Contractor to correct the problem. B. Flatness: All irregularities in excess of 1/8 inch in 10 feet for surface courses and 3/16 inch in 10 feet for intermediate courses shall be corrected. C. Variation from Design Elevation: Less than 1/4 inch under tolerance D. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Less than 1/4 inch. E. Pavement Deficient in Thickness: When measurement of any core indicates that the pavement is deficient in thickness, additional cores will be drilled 10 feet either side of the deficient core along the centerline of the lane until the cores indicate that the thickness conforms to the above specified requirements. A core indicating thickness deficiencies is considered a failed test. Pavement deficient in thickness shall be removed and replaced with the appropriate thickness of materials. If the Contractor believes that the cores and measurements taken are not sufficient to indicate fairly the actual thickness of the pavement, additional cores and measurements will be taken, provided the Contractor will bear the extra cost of drilling the cores and filling the holes in the roadway as directed. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Quality acceptance of the in -place density of the binder and surface courses shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. B. Density Testing: Performed in accordance with ASTM D-2726 and ASTM D-2950. Core samples for each days operation shall be taken, tested N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 6 of 7 and results reported to the Engineer the following day. The areas sampled shall be properly restored by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. Compaction must be accomplished when the temperature of the mix is above 185 degrees F and below 300 degrees F. When the density of the compacted course is less than 96% or more than 98% of the maximum laboratory density, the course will be rejected. C. Temperature: 1. Asphaltic concrete shall not exceed 325 degrees F at any time. 2. Asphaltic concrete shall not be placed once the temperature of the mix falls below 250 degrees F or the delivered temperature is more than 15 degrees F below the batch plant's delivery ticket. 3. Temperature at time of loading shall be recorded on the truck delivery ticket. D. Frequency of Tests: 1. Asphaltic Concrete - One (1) test for each 250 tons placed. a) Asphalt extraction and gradation test. b) Marshall Stability Test c) Core Sample 2. Field determination of density by nuclear method every 5,000 square feet during construction of the asphaltic concrete binder/surface course. END OF SECTION. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02512NC.doc Page 7 of 7 INDEX TO SECTION 02902 - GRASSING Paragraph Title Page PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 Section Includes 1.2 Related Work 02902-1 1.3 Delivery, Storage & Handling 02902-1 1.4 Planting Dates 02902-1 1.5 Measurement and Payment 02902-1 02902-2 PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 Seed 2.2 Fertilizer 02902-2 2.3 Seeding Schedule 02902-2 2.4 Lime 02902-3 2.5 Sod 02902-3 2.6 Wetland Plants 02902-3 2.7 Accessories 02902-3 2.8 Product Review 02902-3 02902-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation 02902-4 3.2 Stand of Grass 3.3 Seeding Dates 02902-4 3.4 Applying Lime and Fertilizer 02902-4 3.5 Seeding 02902-4 3.6 Seed Protection (Straw Mulch) 02902-5 3.7 Seed Protection (Excelsior Mulch) 02902-5 3.8 Seed Protection (Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch) 02902-5 02902-5 3.9 Sodding 3.10 Maintenance 02902-6 3.11 Acceptance 02902-6 02902-6 SECTION 02902 GRASSING PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Seeding, planting grass and fertilizing graded areas behind the structures, pipeline rights -of -way, roadway shoulders and other disturbed areas. B. Seed protection. C. Maintaining seeded areas until final acceptance. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 02204 - Earthwork: Grading. 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver grass seed in original containers showing analysis of seed mixture, percentage of pure seed, year of production, net weight, date of packaging and location of packaging. Damaged packages are not acceptable. B. Deliver fertilizer in waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis, and name of manufacturer. Damaged bags are not acceptable. C. Deliver sod on pallets. D. All material shall be acceptable to Engineer prior to use. 1.4 PLANTING DATES A. This specification provides for the establishment of a permanent grass cover between the dates of March 1 and September 30. If finished earth grades are not completed in time to permit planting and establishment of the permanent grass during the favorable season between the dates specified above unless otherwise accepted, the Contractor will be required to plant a temporary cover to protect the new graded areas from erosion and to keep windborne dust to a minimum. The temporary cover shall be planted between October 1 and February 28 unless otherwise permitted. B. If project grassing occurs during the temporary grassing season, the Contractor is still required to provide a stand of permanent grass cover as prescribed in Section 2.3 — Seeding Schedule, at the Contractor's expense. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02902.doc Page 1 of 6 1.5 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. See Section 1025 — Measurement and Payment PART2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED A. Permanent Grass Seed Mixture: 33 percent centipede grass (commercial brand, testing 98% purity and 85% germination) and 67 percent carpet grass (testing 98% purity and 85% germination). B. Temporary Grass Seed Mixture: Domestic Italian rye grass (testing 98% purity and 90% germination). C. All seed shall conform to all State Laws and to all requirements and regulations of the State Department of Agriculture. D. The several varieties of seed shall be individually packaged or bagged, and tagged to show name of seed, net weight, origin, germination, lot number, and other information required by the State Department of Agriculture. E. The Engineer reserves the right to test, reject, or accept all seed before seeding. 2.2 FERTILIZER A. 4-12-12, commercial fertilizer of approved type, conforming to state fertilizer laws. 2.3 SEEDING SCHEDULE A. SEED RATE PLANTING DATES Centipede 25 Ibs/acre March 1 - September 30 Carpet 30 Ibs/acre March 1 - September 30 Rye 75 Ibs/acre October 1 - February 28 B. In areas where existing grass is to be matched, Contractor shall sow seed at the rate and dates recommended by seed distributor. 2.4 LIME A. Agricultural grade, ground limestone. 2.5 SOD A. Sod shall be densely rooted, good quality centipede grass, free from noxious weeds. The sod shall be obtained from areas where the soil is reasonably fertile. The sod shall be raked free of all debris and the grass mowed to two inches before cutting. The sod shall contain practically all of the dense root system and not be N:\20523.00041Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02902.doc Page 2 of 6 less than one (1) inch thick. Sod shall be cut in uniform strips not less than twelve (12) inches in width and not less than twenty-four (24) inches in length. 2.6 WETLAND PLANTS A. Wetland plants shall be planted along the perimeter of the vegetative shelf for each pond. Vegetative cover shall be any combination of the following wetland plants: Andropogon virginicus (Broomsedge), Typha spp. (Cattail), Saururus cernuus (Lizard's Tail). 2.7 ACCESSORIES A. Straw Mulch: Oat or wheat straw, reasonably free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and in dry condition. B. Excelsior Mulch: Excelsior mulch shall consist of wood fibers cut from sound, green timber. The average length of the fibers shall be 4 to 6 inches. The cut shall be made in such a manner as to provide maximum strength of fiber, but at a slight angle to the natural grain of the wood so as to cause splintering of the fibers when weathering in order to provide adherence to each other and to the soil. C. Wood cellulose fiber shall be made from wood chip particles manufactured particularly for discharging uniformly on the ground surface when dispersed by a hydraulic water sprayer. It shall remain in uniform suspension in water under agitation and blend with grass seed and fertilizer to form a homogenous slurry. The mulch fibers shall intertwine physically to form a strong moisture holding mat on the ground surface and allow rainfall to percolate into the underlying soil. The mulch shall be heat processed so as to contain no germination or growth -inhibiting factors. It shall be dyed (non -toxic) an appropriate color to facilitate metering of material. 2.8 PRODUCT REVIEW A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a complete description of all products before ordering. The Engineer will review all products before they are ordered. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. The areas to be seeded shall be made smooth and uniform and shall conform to the finished grade indicated on the plans. B. Remove foreign materials, plants, roots, stones, and debris from surfaces to be seeded. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02902.doc Page 3 of 6 C. Grassing areas, if not loose, shall be loosened to a minimum depth of 3-inch before fertilizer, seed or sod is applied. 3.2 STAND OF GRASS A. Before acceptance of the seeding performed for the establishment of permanent vegetation, the Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of perennial grass whose root system shall be developed sufficiently to survive dry periods and the winter weather and be capable of re-establishment in the spring. B. Before acceptance of the seeding performed for the establishment of temporary vegetation, the Contractor will be required to produce a stand of grass sufficient to control erosion for a given area and length of time before the next phase of construction or the establishment of permanent vegetation is to commence. 3.3 SEEDING DATES A. Seeding shall be performed during the periods and at the rates specified in the seeding schedules. Seeding work may, at the discretion of the Contractor, be performed throughout the year using the schedule prescribed for the given period. Seeding work shall not be conducted when the ground is frozen or excessively wet. The Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of grass regardless of the period of the year the work is performed. 3.4 APPLYING LIME AND FERTILIZER A. Following advance preparation and placing selected material for shoulders and slopes, lime, if called for based on soil tests and fertilizer, shall be spread uniformly over the designated areas and shall be thoroughly mixed with the soil to a depth of approximately 2-inches. Fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre for the initial application unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Lime shall be applied at the rate determined by the soil test. Unless otherwise provided, lime will not be applied for temporary seeding. In all cases where practicable, acceptable mechanical spreaders shall be used for spreading fertilizer. On steep slopes subject to slides and inaccessible to power equipment, the slopes shall be adequately scarified. Fertilizer may be applied on steep slopes by hydraulic methods as a mixture of fertilizer and seed. When fertilizer is applied with combination seed and fertilizer drills, no further incorporation will be necessary. The fertilizer and seed shall be applied together when Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch is used. Any stones larger than 2-1/2 inches in any dimension, larger clods, roots, or other debris brought to the surface shall be removed. 3.5 SEEDING A. Seed shall be sown within 24 hours following the application of fertilizer and lime and preparation of the seedbed as specified in Section 3.4. Seed shall be uniformly sown at the rate specified by the use of acceptable mechanical seed drills. Rotary hand seeders, power sprayers or other satisfactory equipment may be used on steep slopes or on other areas that are inaccessible to seed drills. N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater SpecificationsW2902.doc Page 4 of 6 B. The seeds shall be covered and lightly compacted by means of cultipacker or light roller if the drill does not perform this operation. On slopes inaccessible to compaction equipment, the seed shall be covered by dragging spiked chains, by light harrowing or by other satisfactory methods. C. Apply water with fine spray immediately after each area has been sown. D. Do not sow seed when ground is too dry, during windy periods or immediately following a rain. E. If permitted by the special provisions, wood cellulose fiber mulch or excelsior fiber mulch may be used. 3.6 SEED PROTECTION (STRAW MULCH) A. All seeded areas seeded with permanent grasses shall be uniformly mulched in a continuous blanket immediately following seeding and compacting operations, using at least 2 tons of straw per acre. 3.7 SEED PROTECTION (EXCELSIOR MULCH) A. Seed shall be sown as specified in Section 3.5. Within 24 hours after the covering of seed, excelsior mulch shall be uniformly applied at the rate of 2 tons per acre. The mulch may be applied hydraulically or by other acceptable methods. Should the mulch be placed in a dry condition, it shall be thoroughly wetted immediately after placing. The Engineer may require light rolling of the mulch to form a tight mat. 3.8 SEED PROTECTION (WOOD CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH) A. After the lime has been applied and ground prepared as specified in Section 3.4, wood cellulose fiber mulch shall be applied at the rate of 1,500 pounds per acre in a mixture of seed and fertilizer. Hydraulic equipment shall be used for the application of fertilizer, seed and slurry of the prepared wood pulp. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry of the specified amount of fiber, fertilizer, seed and water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage. The discharge line shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide an even distribution of the slurry on the various areas to be seeded. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,000 gallons. The seed, fertilizer, wood pulp mulch, and water shall all be combined into the slurry tank for distribution of all ingredients in one operation by the hydraulic seeding method specified herein. The materials shall be combined in a manner recommended by the manufacturer. The slurry mixture shall be so regulated that the amounts and rates of application shall result in a uniform application of all materials at rates not less than the amount specified. Using the color of the wood pulp as a guide, the equipment operator shall spray the prepared seedbed with a uniform visible coat. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02902.doc IPage 5 of 6 stream so as to fall like rain, allowing the wood fibers to build upon each other until an even coat is achieved. 3.9 SODDING A. Sod shall be placed between March 1s` and December 1s` B. Sod shall be placed within 48 hours of cutting. C. Sod shall be moist when laid and placed on moist ground. The sod shall be carefully placed by hand, beginning at the toe of slopes and working upwards. The length of the strips shall be at right angles to the flow of surface water. All joints shall be tightly butted and end joints shall be staggered at least 12 inches. The sod shall be immediately pressed firmly into the ground by tamping or rolling. Fill all joints between strips with fine screened soil. Sod on slopes shall be pegged with sod pegs to prevent movement. The sod shall be watered, mowed, weeded, repaired or otherwise maintained, to insure the establishment of a uniform healthy stand of grass until acceptance. 3.10 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain seeded surfaces until final acceptance. B. Maintenance shall consist of providing protection against traffic, watering to ensure uniform seed germination and to keep surface of soil damp, mowing and repairing any areas damaged as a result of construction operations or erosion. 3.11 ACCEPTANCE A. Before acceptance of the seeding performed for the establishment of permanent vegetation, the Contractor will be required to produce a satisfactory stand of perennial grass whose root system shall be developed sufficiently to survive dry periods and the winter weather and be capable of reestablishment in the spring. END OF SECTION N:\20523.0004\Docs\Specs\Stormwater Specifications\02902.doc Page 6 of 6 SAVANNAH CHARLESTON 50 PARK OF COMMERCE WAY 935 HOUSTON NORTHCUTT BLVD. - POST OFFICE BOX 2727 POST OFFICE BOX 1 522 SAVANNAH, GA 31 402-2727 MT. PLEASANT. SC 29465-1 522 TELEPHONE (91 2) 234-5300 - TELEPHONE (843) 849-0200 BRUNSWICK MYRTLE BEACH 1 16 WEST PALM PLAZA DRIVE 1 350 FARROW PARKWAY BRUNSWICK, GA 31 523 POST OFFICE BOX 8000 TELEPHONE (912) 466-0536 MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29577 TELEPHONE (843) 839-3545 WILMINGTON 219 STATION ROAD, SUITE 1 01 - WILMINGTON,'NC 28405 • TELEPHONE (910) 332-3360