HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8090632_HISTORICAL FILE_20210607STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 O °I0U 32 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 7_p?_\ mD 01 YYYYMMDD Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2021 1:31 PM To: Barraco CIV Talia M; heather.blackwell@usmc.mil Subject: SW8 090632 - Motorcycle Training Course The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Renewal Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on May 17, 2021. The project has been assigned to Ashley Smith and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 T Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Website: http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-tq, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. Non -Transfer Application Completeness Review Checklist - Short Version Project Name: I� (�- Mbr,e-4aE ?r/,�t/)G. 6dF-Se Date Delivered to WIRO: 5 / a Project County/Location: otJ $[- or,J RIMS Received/Accepted Date: $ >f RIMS Acknowledged Date1: _I Permit Action: New ❑Not located in the ETJ of the following deligated and New Permit #2: functioning programs: NHC: Carolina Beach / Kure Beach / Wilmington / Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland / Navassa (?) / Oak Island Cart: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Pend: Surf City Major Mod / Minor Mod enewal Permit Type: d�11) / LD Overall / HD &LD Combo General Permit / Offsite / Exempt Development Type: Commercial / Residential / Other Subdivided?: Subdivision or in le Rule(s): 1 12017 Coastal ) V42008 Coastal ) 11995 Coastal ElPhase II El Universal �1988 Coastal Permittee Type & Documents Needed: Owner(s) I "Purchaser Deed I UPurchase Aemt Not Subdivided: Deed Subdivision: Common Area Deed Paperwork ®Application Eg�ee: F_1$S05 (within 6mo) Check#(s): FISupplement2 (I new form or for older forms: I original per SCM) EIO&M2 Soils Report (Infil or PP) Calculations (signed/sealed) Deed Restrictions, if subdivided Project Narrative FJUSGS Map (or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Plans (2 Sets) F_1PE Certification Electronic Copies ' Easements, Recorded (2017 Rules) NOTES: 'Enter RIMS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 2For New Projects -Enter New Permit n on Supplements & Deed Restiction Templates. 3If w/in 6 months and they are requesting a mod, STOP. Needs a renewal first EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: Comments: REVIEWER NAME: A,SA(rEu IZExisting Permit #: � d9 063 Z Expriation Date 3: I Z/ 3 o f 2pZ( FlOffsite to SWB: Ells Lot ID'ed in Master Permit? =HOA =Developer =Viable? =Viable? [--]No Fee Y / N Minutes G:WQ\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist 20200131 sw-180 . �y.ii -� 111r t 1 � f ', '1 vy- 1. ; . 4 Yy"ai. • 1jf #� E � J � { � f <a Ftt'• r 'R a �.i � 1 ���1� e j � « .rs 1 �� 1 �w. . �•VY'� ,� t,. V 1 "fib 1�� — .. . 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This law impacts any development approval issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which is current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010, The law extends the effective period of any stormwater permit that was set to expire during this time frame up to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which granted an extra year for an extension of up to four (4) years. As a result, 120 USMC Camp Lejeune permits are impacted. Of the 120 permits, 45 permits have previously been issued extensions and 75 permits have been extended effective today. This is summarized in Attachment A. If you have any questions, need additional copies of the permit or approved plans, please contact Kelly Johnson with DEMLR in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7331. Sincere) , Tracy Davis, P.E., Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/kpj: 111Stormwater\Permits & Pro'ectsl Each permit file cc: is ae ay or, ay or waemai only, michae1.c.fay1or5@usmc.mi1J Wilmington Regional 0 ice Stormwater File Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 796-7215 / Fax: (910) 350-2004 • Internet: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/ir/ An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer - Made in part by recycled paper Attachment A - USMC Proiects - Permit Extensions - 9/29/15 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PermitNumber Permit Version- Original Issued Date Issued Date Expiration Date New Expiration Date Comments SW8000401 2 05-16-2000 10-13-2009 05-16-2020 05-16-2024 Extended 9/29/15 SW8010420 1.4 07-03-2001 11-07-2005 11-07-2015 11-07-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8011222 2 06-06-2002 12-28-2011 06-06-2022 06-06-2026 Extended 9/29/15 SW8030406 1 06-26-2003 06-26-2003 06-26-2013 06-26-2017 Extended 9/29/15 SW8030913 1.3 11-18-2003 06-24-2010 09-21-2019 09-21-2023 Extended 9/29/15 SW8040912 1 01-23-2006 01-23-2006 01-23-2016 01-23-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8050817 1.1 09-29-2005 12-18-2008 09-29-2015 09-29-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8050830 1.1 05-04-2006 06-02-2011 05-04-2016 05-04-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8050925 1 03-13-2006 03-13-2006 03-13-2016 03-13-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8051018 1.2 12-13-2005 07-30-2009 12-13-2015 12-13-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8051065 1 03-14-2006 03-14-2006 03-14-2016 03-14-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8060110 1 02-02-2006 02-02-2006 02-02-2016 02-02-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8060137 1 03-03-2006 03-03-2006 03-03-2016 03-03-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8060147 1 07-13-2010 07-13-2010 07-13-2020 12.31-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8060309 1 05-01-2006 05-01-2006 05-01-2016 05-01-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8060323 1.2 04-10-2006 10-18-2010 04-10-2016 04-10-2020 Extended 9/29/15 SW8070108 1.2 03-21-2007 01-04-2011 08-19-2019 08-19-2023 Extended 9129/15 SW8070239 1 03-28-2008 03-28-2008 03-28-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8070708 1 07-16-2007 07-16-2007 07-16-2017 07-16-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8070831 1 07-11-2008 07-11-2006 07-11-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9129/15 SW8070925 1 10-10-2007 10-10-2007 10-10-2017 10-10-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8071034 1.1 12-13-2008 09-23-2010 12-13-2017 03-22-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080126 1 02-06-2008 02-06-2008 02-06-2018 12-31-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080510 1 05-30-2008 05-30-2008 05-30-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080521 1 06-03-2008 06-03-2008 06-03-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080522 1.1 06-17-2008 08-11-2011 06-17-2018 11-06-2018 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080649 1 07-23-2008 07-23-2008 07-23-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080653 1 11-19-2008 11-19-2008 11-19-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 1of5 Attachment A - USMC Proiects - Permit Extensions - 9/29/15 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Permit Number Permit Version Original Issued Date Issued Date Expiration Date New Expiration Date Comments SW8080714 1 07-21-2008 07-21-2008 07-21-2018 12-30.2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080715 1 08-01-2008 08-01-2008 08-01-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080728 1 07-28-2008 07-28-2008 07-28-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9129/15 SW8080734 1 08-15-2008 09-15-2008 09-15-2018 1 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080927 1 10-21-2008 10-21-2008 10-21-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080931 1A 10-09-2008 09-27-2011 10-09-2018 01-12-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080932 1 10-17-2008 10-17-2008 10-17-2018 12-30.2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080933 1 10-20-2008 10-20-2008 10-20-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080936 1 11-03-2008 11-03-2008 11-03-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080944 1 11-21-2008 11-21-2008 11-24-2018 01-02-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080945 1A 11-06-2008 11-17-2011 11-06-2018 12-20-2018 Extended 9/29/15 SW8080950 1 12-03-2008 12-03-2008 12-03-2018 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8081016 1.1 12-03-2008 02-16-2011 12-03-2018 10-17-2019 Extended 9/29/15 SW8081113 1 04-08-2009 04-08-2009 04-08-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090108 1 04-20-2009 04-20-2009 04-20-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090116 1 03-18-2009 03-18-2009 03-18-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090117 1 03-13-2009 03-13-2009 03-13-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090330 1 04-23-2009 04-23-2009 04-23-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090407 1 05-12-2009 05-12-2009 05-12-2019 12-30-2021 - Extended 9/29/15 SW8090412 1 07-07-2009 07-07-2009 07-07-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090517 1.1 08-31-2009 08-26-2011 08-31-2019 01-05-2020 Extended 9129/15 SW8090625 1 07-28-2009 07-28-2009 07-28-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090632 1 07-02-2009 07-02-2009 07-02-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090710 1 11-16-2009 11-16-2009 11-16-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090714 1 09-15-2009 09-15-2009 09-15-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090810 1 09-04-2009 09-04-2009 09-04-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29115 SW8090814 1 10-26-2009 10-26-2009 10-26-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090912 1 10-06-2009 10-06-2009 10-06-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 2of5 t4 Attachment A - USMC Proiects - Permit Extensions - 9/29/15 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Permit Number Permit Version Original Issued Date Issued Date Expiration Date New Expiration Date Comments SW8090913 1 10-01-2009 10-01-2009 10-02-2019 12-31-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8090918 1 12-01-2009 12-01-2009 12-01-2019 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8091109 1 01-15-2010 01-15-2010 01-15-2020 12-30-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8091111 1.1 05-07-2010 03-17-2011 05-07-2020 02.20-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8100214 1 05-07-2010 05-07-2010 05-04-2020 12-28-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8101106 1 12-09-2010 12-09-2010 12-09-2020 12-31-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8921101 1.1 12-16-1992 01-17-2007 01-17-2017 01-17-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8950708 2 01-08-1996 02-18-2008 02-18-2018 02-18-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8950710 2 10-19-1995 02-19-2008 02-19-2018 02-19-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8960103 2 03-07-1996 07-08-2008 07-08-2018 07-08-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8960509 2 11-04-1996 06-03-2008 06-03-2018 06-03-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970205 2 09-02-1997 03-07-2008 03-07-2018 03-07-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970219 2 10-23-1997 04-14-2010 10-23-2017 10-23-2021 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970408 2 05-15-1997 03-12-2008 03-12-2018 03.12-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970618 1.2 01-28-1998 06-17-2010 09-15-2019 09-15-2023 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970847 2 01-28-1998 03-07-2008 03-07-2018 03-07-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8970927 2 06-25-1998 03-07-2008 03-07-2018 03-07-2022 Extended 9/29/15 SW8990624 2 10-22-1999 10-09-2009 10-22-2019 10-22-2023 Extended 9/29/15 SW8990848 2 11-01-1999 10-09-2009 11-01-2019 11-01-2023 Extended 9/29/15 SW8010431 1.1 08-08-2001 01-10-2005 01-10-2015 01-10-2019 Previously Extended SW8010640 2 09-18-2001 02-02-2011 09-18-2025 09-18-2029 Previously Extended SW8010817 1.1 03-21-2002 12-16-2002 12-16-2012 12-16-2016 _ Previously Extended SW8011202 1 06-17-2002 06-17-2002. 06-17-2012- 06-17-2016 Previously Extended SW8020113 1.1 06-28-2002 08-20-2009 06-28-2012 06-28-2016 Previously Extended SW8020319 1.1 07-26-2002 11-18-2011 11-18-2021 11-18-2025 Previously Extended SW8020320 1 06-28-2002 06-28-2002 06-28-2012 06-28-2016 Previously Extended SW8020504 1 08-12-2002 08-12-2002 08-12-2012 08-12-2016 Previously Extended SW8020611 1 08-16-2002 08-16-2002 08-16-2012 08-16-2016 Previously Extended 3of5 Attachment A - USMC Prnierts - Parmit Fxtancinnc - 9hQ/1 S 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Permit Number Permit Version Original Issued Date Issued Date Expiration Date New Expiration Date Comments SW8020612 1 08-16-2002 08-16-2002 08-16-2012 08-16-2016 Previously Extended SW8020725 1 11-05-2002 11-05-2002 11-05-2012 11-05-2016 Previously Extended SW8020911 1 12-13-2002 12-13-2002 12-13-2012 12-13-2016 Previously Extended SW8030720 1.3 12-12-2003 12-20-2010 01-26-2015 01-26-2019 Previously Extended SW8060832 1.1 10-06-2006 02-16-2007 10-06-2016 10-06-2020 Previously Extended SW8070847 2.1 01-24-2008 12-16-2011 07-11-2018 07-26-2018 Previously Extended SW8070926 1.4 11-16-2007 12-22-2011 11-16-2017 1116-2021 Previously Extended SW8071213 1 01-28-2008 01-28-2008 01-28-2018 12-31-2021 Previously Extended SW8080206 1 03-13-2008 03-13-2008 03-13-2018 12-30-2021 Previously Extended SW8080301 1.1 04-29-2008 12-11-2008 04-29-2019 05-18-2022 Previously Extended SW8080313 1 04-29-2008 04-29-2008 04-29-2018 12-30-2021 Previously Extended SW8080740 1.1 08-22-2008 12-11-2009 08-22-2018 09-10-2020 Previously Extended SW8080813 1.1 09-25-2008 07-08-2011 09-25-2018 03-20-2019 Previously Extended SW8080907 1.1 10-08-2008 04-07-2010 10-08-2018 07-02-2020 Previously Extended SW8081007 1 12-12-2008 12-12-2008 12-12-2018 12-30-2021 Previously Extended SW8081015 1.2 01-21-2009 04-01-2011 01-20-2019 10-21-2019 Previously Extended SW8081202 1.1 03-06-2009 08-04-2011 03-06-2019 08-02-2019 Previously Extended SW8090630 1.3 02-06-2010 06-01-2011 02-08-2020 09-08-2020 Previously Extended SW8090815 1.1 02-01-2010 04-11-2011 02-01-2020 10-22-2020 Previously Extended SW8090901 1.1 12-14-2009 03-24-2011 12-14-2019 09-21-2020 Previously Extended SW8090925 1.1 10-16-2009 02-01-2011 02-01-2021 12-31-2021 Previously Extended SW8091108 1.1 08-27-2010 10-04-2011 08-27-2020 11-23-2020 Previously Extended SW8091113 1 04-13-2010 04-13-2010 04-14-2020 01-01-2022 Previously Extended SW8100406 1 06-28-2010 06-28-2010 06-28-2020 12-31-2021 Previously Extended SW8100502 1 09-27-2010 09-27-2010 09-27-2020 12-31-2021 Previously Extended SW8100701 1 09-30-2010 09-30-2010 09-30-2020 12-31-2021 Previously Extended SW8960117 2 08-06-1996 02-19-2008 02-19-2018 02-19-2022 Previously Extended SW8960329 2.1 07-09-1996 07-09-2010 02-20-2018 02-20-2022 Previously Extended 4of5 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 im Attachment A - USMC Projects - Permit Extensions - 9/29/15 Permit Number Permit Version Original Issued Date Issued Date Expiration Date New Expiration Date Comments SW8960501 1.1 09-18-1996 12-08-2004 12-08-2014 12-08-2018 Previously Extended SW8960815 2 10-29-1996 07-14-2008 07-14-2018 07-14-2022 Previously Extended SW8961204 2 06-30-1997 06-20-2008 06-20-2018 06-20-2022 Previously Extended SW8970136 2 02-10-1997 07-08-2008 07-08-2018 07-08-2022 Previously Extended SW8980204 1.1 10-02-1998 07-06-2005 07-06-2015 07-06-2019 Previously Extended SW8980401 2 10-28-1998 06-03-2008 06-03-2018 06-03-2022 Previously Extended SW8990850 2.1 02-03-2000 12-09-2011 02-03-2020 02-03-2024 Previously Extended SW8991135 2 08-09-2000 10-28-2009 08-09-2023 08-09-2027 Previously Extended 5of5 I Sample CIV Kim R From: Lacy, Ken H CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East Ikenneth.h.lacy@navy.mill Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 3:54 PM To: Marshburn CIV Brian R; Burns, James J CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East; Baker CIV Carl H; Towler CIV David W; Hartman, Thomas M CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East; Hathcock, Mary H CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East; Hendricks GS13 Hill J; Sides CIV James C; Humes CIV Kenneth; Sample CIV Kim R; Lacy, Ken H CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East; Acosta CIV Lauren D; Rivera LT Roberto L; Smith CIV Stephen A; Walton, Ashley A CIV NAVFAC, OICC MCI East Subject: SW Permit Certification Attachments: 09-5328 0006 sw certl.PDF Signed By: . kenneth.h.lacy@navy.mil SW Certification for contract 09-5328 TO 6 is forwarded. Please forward to appropriate state agency. Ken Lacy, PE Supervisory General Engineer OICC MCI East, Camp Lejeune, NC 910-451-2581 X5254