HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8080831_HISTORICAL FILE_20080925STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 pgoK3A DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS C] HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 200s 0151 Z5 YYYYMMDD Project name Iv OATNS W uJ e 0L1UfC' 1E:>Q Review Date (4 6LIB C CMG Checklist for Completeness Review of Stormwater Applications C.trl l,t TN Each application for which a "Completeness Review" is needed will have this checklist printed on yellow paper to distinguish it from other applications to be reviewed. [`]wpRead the narrative and application to determine the type of project, i.e., residential vs. commercial, subdivision vs. single lot, high density, low density, offsite, redevelopment, and /determine what documentation needs to be provided. �' Make sure that all required forms, supplements, O&M's, deed restrictions, signature authorizations, etc., are included and contain original signatures. e---If low density, make sure the BUA calculations include any common areas, clubhouse areas, etc., and do a quick math check for addition errors. I� Do a quick consistency check of the numbers used in the calculations vs. the numbers ramfted on the application. For multiple BMP's pick one or two to check. Ownership issues? Make sure the correct person has signed the application. If it's a corporation or LLC, print off the NCSOS information sheet and latest annual report. Make sure the person who signed is listed on the annual report with his/her correct title, or make re a signature authorization letter has been provided. Make sure 2 sets of plans have been submitted, and that they include grading, layout (with dimensions for all proposed BUA) and details Are the Wetlands delineated on the plans? Y N By whom? If the project drains to SA waters, make sure a USGS topo map with the site, the receiving waters and the''/2 mile radius clearly shown to scale, is provided. For high density projects, make sure the correct design storm is used, based on the receiving stream classification and the projects proximity to SA waters. [Make sure appropriate details are provided such as roads, cul-de-sacs, curbing, sidewalk, BMP's, level spreaders, vegetated filter strips, curb outlet swales, etc. Two of the most common errors are that sidewalk is indicated on the plans, but not included in the BUA calcs or shown with the road detail, and the road width used in the BUA calculations is less than shown on the road detail. Are there any issues within the 575 ft ORW AEC? igh density, make sure the plans and calculations are signed, sealed and dated. If "the project involves the subdivision of property or has outparcels, make sure a copy of the Proposed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions in legal format with all required statements is provided, or that the appropriate standard deed restriction template, signed and notarized, is provided. O--Make sure that a Soils Report for all projects is provided, to determine if the required separation to the SHWT is provided. [9�—For multiple HD systems & curb outlet swales, make sure a drainage area map is provided. —tf the application is substantially incomplete, give the entire file with the check to admin (Jo Casmer) to be returned to the applicant. Jo will keep copies of the return letters, application & check. [J ' if the application lacks only a few minor items such that it can be made complete within 24 hours, you can email the consultant and request the information. Hold onto the package for 24 hours. If the information isn't received within 24 hours, give the application to Jo to return. For Offsite projects: The Designer's Certification for the offsite system has been submitted. The deed restrictions have been recorded and a copy submitted. The offsite system is in compliance with its permit. Make sure the lot size hasn't changed from what was approved under the Master Plan and that the correct lot number is referenced on the supplement form. For Infiltration projects: Soils report to determine SHWT, soil type and expected infiltration rate is provided. Has Vincent conducted the site investigation? If Yes, date? For infiltration projects, the maximum 2 acre inches of volume in any single system has not been exceeded. For Wet Ponds projects: ❑ Permanent pool to be located no lower than 6" below the estimated SHWT. Otherwise, the incoming groundwater must be quantified and evaluated, the storage volume must be verified; and the outlet needs to be evaluated for free drainage to the receiving waters under SHWT conditions. S:\WQS\STORMWATER\FORMS\COMPLETENESS REVIEW 4 MCIQM&CREED 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910. 343 1048 Fax 910 251,8282 w rrckimcreed.com August 28, 2008 Linda Lewis NCDENR-Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 RECEIVED AUG 2 s 2008 COY ENGINEERS S U R V E Y O R S R-LAN N E RS M&C 04853-0002 (40) P�CkLy CC)cf—o 10�� �t RE: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority NHC Northern Campus Regional Collection System McKim & Geed Project No. 04853-0002—Storm Water Permit Additional Information Dear Ms. Lewis Enclosed you will find additional information relevant to the above referenced permit submittal: • Three (3) copies of plan slw• A C-13 • Two (2) copies specification section 02900 - i.andscapmg • One (1) original and One (1) copy of Financial Responsibility Ownership Porn Please let me know if you iegLnre additional informal ion to complete your review and render your decision to grant a Storin Water pei nut for this project Thank ,you for your attention to this matter. If ,you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, McKim & Creed, P.A. Mike ohnson, El 1-11CIoSLires cc: Fite i - i FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT No person may initiate any land -disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Act before this form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by the Land Quality Section, N C Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Please type or print and, if the question is not applicable or the e-mail and/or fax information unavailable, place N/A in the blank ) Part A. 1. Project Name. New Hanover County Northern Campus Off -site Wastewater Collection System 2. Location of land -disturbing activity: County. New Hanover City or Township: Wilmington Highway/Street: N C Hwy 132 North Latitude: approx. 34° 20' 57.02744" Longitude: approx. 770 53' 43.39443" 3. Approximate date land -disturbing activity will commence: October 2008 4 Purpose of development (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.). Institutional- Utility Pipeline & Pumping Station 5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off -site borrow and waste areas): 8.0 Acres 6. Amount of fee enclosed $ 520 The application fee of $65.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed without a ceiling amount (Example: a 9-acre application fee is $585). 7 Has an erosion and sediment control plan been filed? Yes No Enclosed X 8. Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity: Name Mike Johnson, El E-mail Address: mjohnsont7o mckimcreed com Telephone: (910)343-1048 Cell #: Fax #. (910) 251-8282 9. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners): Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (910) -799-6064 (910) -799-6066 Name Telephone Fax Number 235 Government Center Dr. Same Current Mailing Address Current Street Address City - State Zip City State Zip 10. Deed Book No. N/A Page No. N/A , Provide a copy of the most current deed �� Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for the land -disturbing activity (Provide a comprehensive list of all responsible parties on an attached sheet): CFPUA. Frank Steers PE Frank.Styers(a)CFPUA.org Name E-mail Address 235 Government Center Dr, Same Current Mailing Address Current Street Address Wilmington NC 28403 Telephone (910) 799-6064 Fax Number (910) 799-6066 2. (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina, give name and street address of the designated North Carolina Agent: Name Current Mailing Address Telephone E-mail Address Current Street Address State Zip City Fax Number State Zip (b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation, give name and street address of the Registered Agent, Name of Registered Agent Current Mailing Address City Telephone State Zip E-mail Address Current Street Address City State Zip Fax Number The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual or his attorney -in -fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person). I agree to provide corrected information should there by any change in the information provided herein. Frank Steers, PE Chief Engineer Type or print name Title or Authority I � $l2-1 log Signature Date I, 1� od AxG` A- a Notary Public of thel County of N tj HOA of/e State of North Carolina, hereby certify that ryYa( (- ST v/P ✓ S appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. s�a d notarial seal, this ��day of hdt SQL S 200 �'�• N yt� /dY� GLLPG� � � �rvC�Gc�- 9 p'TgyP` t Z : Notary My commission expires (f 5 f 14 ySG tits G N.C. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SECTION STATE STORMWATER NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) SWG040000 - GENERAL PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A LINEAR UTILITY LINE AND ASSOCIATED INCIDENTAL BUILT -UPON AREA FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received Year Month I Da 0 O 2Z Certificate ct Covera e O 3 Check N Amount 1430 5 W6 Permit Assigned to State Stormwater Management Application Notice of Intent for coverage under the General Stormwater Management Permit No. SWG040000 to construct a utility line and incidental built -upon area associated with a linear utility project including water, sewer, gas, telephone, and electric. Incidental built -upon area associated with the utility project includes small, single pump stations, access roads which minimize their built -upon area, concrete pads, manhole covers, etc. (Please print or type) 1. Mailing address of owner/developer: (The address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed.) Owner/Developer Name Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Street Address 235 Government Center Drive City Telephone No. Wilmington State NC t910) 799-6064 2. Proposed Project Information: Project Name Contact Person Street Address City County ZIP Code 28403 Fax 910)799-6066 Northern Campus - Off -site Wastewater Collection Mike Johnson, El 243 North Front Street Wilmington State NC ZIP Code 28401 New Hanover Telephone No. (914 343-1048 Fax (910) 251-8282 3. Physical Location Information: Please provide the street address of the project and describe how to get to the project, using street names, state road numbers, and the distance and direction from the nearest major intersection: Hwy 132 College Rd near Old Oakland Drive, Holly Shelter Rd between 1-40 and US-117 4. What is the name of the receiving stream? Prince George Creek 5. River Basin Cape Fear River Receiving Stream Classification 6. This Certificate of Coverage is being submitted as a result of: ® New or proposed project ❑ Modification to an existing project Existing COC or Permit Number: Date project is scheduled to begin construction October 2008 C, SW 7. What is the total project area above mean high water? 4,200 (all built upon area) ft2 8. What type of utility project will be constructed? ❑ Water Line ® Sewer Line ❑ Gas Line ❑ Telephone ❑ Electric ❑Other SWU-116-040106 Page 1 of 3 AUG 2 2 2008 9. How much built -upon area is proposed? 4200 Ft' square feet (Please include all manhole covers, pump stations, concrete pads, and gravel access roads). 10. Is the project within 575' of the Mean High Water line of class ORW waters? ❑ YES (Please show the 575' AEC line on plans) ® NO 11. Are there any wetlands on the site? ® YES (please delineate on the plans) ❑ NO Name and affiliation of person making this determination: Kim Williams - Land Management Group 12. Please list all Best Management Practices employed at this site: Silt Fence for Sheet Flow Protection, Stone Check Dams and Straw Net Liner at All Ditch Crossings 13. Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 b (i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000. (16 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense ) I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirement for the project and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. st Printed name of person signing: / ►4A k C STy G✓S A check or money order must accompany this Notice of Intent for $505.00, made payable to: NCDENR. Your application will be returned unprocessed unless all of the following items are submitted: ® This completed form ® Two sets of site and grading plans ® A check for $505.00 ® A USGS map with the project clearly located on it. Mail the entire package to: NCDENR Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section — Stormwater at the Appropriate Contact Address (see the following page) Note: The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of a Certificate of Coverage under the General Permit swu-lls-oaoloa Page 2 of 3 AUG 2 2 2008 BY:_------ v�MCMM&CREED q� August 19, 2008 Linda Lewis NCDENR-Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 RE: Cape Pear Public Utility Authority NHC Northern Campus Regional Collection Svstem McKim & Creed Project No. 04853-0002—Storm Water Permit Dear Ms. Lewis: ENGINEERS S U R V E Y O R S LAN N E RS 04853-0002 (40) On behalf of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, we are pleased to submit the above referenced project for your review. Requisite documentation has been enclosed as follows: • One (1) original copy and Two (2) copies of the Storm Water Management Permit Application form and narrative ' r1 - - -- _ , _M; •...One check in the amount of $505 .. `., _ ., -- �a . • hw� (2) copies o: plans andranphcable spec;; Eµs PEOp( P c, F y i r ° �ko D 'o J e wins 243 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Please let me know if VOL) require additional informahon to complete your review and render your decision tc grant a Storm Water permit for this project. Thank you for vow' attention to this matter. If VOL) have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, McKim & Creed, P.A. Mike ohnson, EI cc: Tonv I3oahn, PE, McKim & Creed, P.A. Alvin McCollum, CFPUA 910.343 1048 Paul Zabkar, 1 S31' Pile Fax 910.251 8282 www.mckimcreed.com SECTION 02900 - LANDSCAPING PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 The contractor shall be responsible for providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, topsoil, fertilizer, lime and seed necessary for restoration and stabilization of areas disturbed under this contract. All areas disturbed, whether in street rights -of -way, permanent easements or temporary construction easements shall be restored by the contractor upon completion of backfilling. Within temporary construction easements, the contractor may be required to restore original structures, decorative vegetation, grass seed and shrubbery removed to as near the original condition as possible and to the approval of the engineer. PART 2 - SUBMITTALS 2.1 The contractor shall submit the names and composition of the fertilizers, sod and seed mixtures and mulch type to the Engineer prior to initiation of restoration activities for review and approval. PART 3 - MATERIALS The contractor shall use the following materials on the protect unless otherwise approved by the engineer. 3.1 TOPSOIL A. Top soil shall be a natural, fertile, friable, productive soil from naturally well drained areas in the immediate vicinity with a PH between 5 and 9. It shall not contain any substances that may be harmful to grass growth. Topsoil which has been stockpiled from trenching or excavations may be used provided it meets the above requirements. Topsoil delivered to the site in a frozen or muddy condition shall be rejected. 3.2 SEED A. The seed shall have 97% purity and 90% germination guarantee. All seed must meet the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Bags shall be labeled to describe the composition, purity, germination, and the presence of restrictive or prohibited agents. Damp or moldy see will be rejected. B. The contractor shall be required to either seed or sod disturbed areas as to provide a grass stand equivalent to that existing prior to the disturbing activities without additional compensation. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900 - 1 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 LANDSCAPING - 02900 3.3 FERTILIZERS A. Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10 or equivalent of uniform, free -flowing granules. The fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original containers labeled with contents and producer's name. The Engineer may require additional or a different fertilizer based on seed performance or soil test. 3.4 Lime: The dolomitic lime shall consist of ground agriculture limestone containing not less than 85% of combined calcium and magnesium carbonates with 60% passing a #60 mesh sieve and 95% passing a #10 mesh sieve. 3.5 MULCH A. Mulch shall consist of small grain straw or other acceptable material, and shall have been approved by the Engineer before being used. All mulch shall be reasonably free from mature seedbearing stalks, roots, or bulblets of Johnson Grass, Nutgrass, Sandbur, Wild Garlic, Wild Onion, Bermuda Grass, Crotalaria, and Witchweed, and free from an excessive amount of restricted noxious weeds as defined by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture at the time of use of the mulch, and also there shall be compliance with all applicable State and Federal domestic plant quarantines. Straw mulch that is matted or lumpy shall be loosened and separated before being used. 3.6 JUTE NETTING AND STAPLES A. Jute mat shall be cloth of a uniform plain weave of undyed and unbleached single jute yard, 48 inch in width plus or minus 1 inch and weighing an average of 1.2 pounds per linear yard of cloth with a tolerance of plus or minus five percent (5%), with approximately 78 warp ends per width of cloth and 41 weft ends per linear yard of cloth. The yard shall be of a loosely twisted construction having an average twist of not less than 1.6 turns per inch and shall not vary in thickness by more than one-half of its normal diameter. B. Staples for anchoring soil stabilization matting shall be made of 12 to 20 inch lengths of No. 8 plain wire. 3.7 ASPHALT BINDING MATERIAL A. The asphalt binding material for anchoring mulch shall consist of emulsified asphalt per North Carolina Department of Transportation specifications. 3.8 WATER A. Water shall be potable, free of contents which could retard grass growth. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900 - 2 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 LANDSCAPING - 02900 PART 4 - PREPARATION OF DISTURBED AREAS 4.1 UNCULTIVATED AREAS A. All uncultivated areas that are disturbed by the pipe laying operation shall be restored to good condition with similar materials as original. Restoration includes, but is not limited to, asphalt, paint stripes, concrete, curbs, culvert pipe, mailboxes and signs. Areas shall be cleaned and surplus materials removed. B. Natural areas shall be graded to final grade, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched as required and as described in 02900 Part 4.2 Cultivated Areas, except no topsoil application is required. Wetland areas are to be restored with original vegetation or with plants of same species as specified by the regulating authority. Topsoil will not be required on road shoulder adjacent to uncultivated areas except in those areas where suitable erosion ground cover is unattainable through seeding. 4.2 CULTIVATED AREAS A. General: 1. Existing seeded and/or planted areas disturbed by construction shall be dressed with topsoil, fertilized and seeded. 2. Furnish and apply soil conditioners and seed as specified. 3. Excess stone from construction activities left on private property or rights -of -way shall be removed by the Contractor, at his expense, to prevent damage to maintenance equipment and operations- B. Topsoil: 1. After approval of rough grading, the Contractor shall place the topsoil on all cultivated areas damaged by his operations, except for road shoulders adjacent to undeveloped and uncultivated areas. Topsoil shall be at least four (4) inches deep. All topsoil from stripping which is not used at the job site shall be removed from the site and deposited as requested by Owner. C. Soil Conditioners: 1. Lime and fertilizer shall be spread and thoroughly worked into the top 4 inches of soil at the rates of 3,000 Ibs/acre and 1,000 Ibs/acre, respectively. Then the soil shall be raked until the surface is finely pulverized and smooth and shall be compacted with rollers, weighing not over 100 pounds per linear foot of tread, to an even surface conforming to the prescribed lines and grades. D. Seeding: 1. Seeding shall be done when weather conditions are approved as suitable. 2. If there is a delay in seeding, during which weeds grow or soil is washed out, the Contractor shall remove the weeds or replace the soil before sowing the seed, without additional compensation. Immediately before seeding is started, the soil shall be lightly raked. 3. Seed shall be sown during the following dates at the following pound per acre rates. On a calm day and preferably by machine, but if by hand, only by experienced workmen. Hydroseeding may be permitted. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900-3 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 LANDSCAPING - 02900 a. For soils with good moisture retention from February 15 to April 30 or September 1 to October 31. Seed with 80 lbs. tall Fescue, 50 lbs. unhulled Common Bermuda Grass, 40 lbs. Kobe Lespedeza. b. For soils with poor moisture retention from April 1 - July 15, seed with 50 lbs. unhulled Common Bermuda Grass, 5 lbs. Centipede Grass and 10 lbs. German Millet. C. Temporarily seeding all other times (to be reseeded at the first available date listed in 1 or 2 above), 120 lbs. rye (grain), 50 lbs. Kobe Lespedeza. 4. Seed shall be raked lightly into the soil to a depth of 1/4 inch and rolled with a roller weighing not more than 100 pounds per linear foot of tread. 5. Wherever poor germination occurs in areas larger than three (3) square feet, the Contractor shall reseed, roll, and water as necessary to obtain proper germination. The Contractor shall water, weed, cut and otherwise maintain and protect seeded areas as necessary to produce a dense, healthy growth of perennial lawn grass. E. Mulch: 1. All seeded areas shall be mulched unless otherwise indicated in the Special Provisions or directed by the Engineer. 2. Grain straw may be used as mulch at any time of the year. If permission to use material other than grain straw is requested by the Contractor and the use of such material is approved by the Engineer, the seasonal limitations, the methods and rates of application, the type of binding material, or other conditions governing the use of such material will be established by the Engineer at the time of approval. 3. Mulch shall be applied within 36 hours after the completion of seeding unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Care shall be exercised to prevent displacement of soil or seed, or other damage to the seeded area during the mulching operations. 4. Mulch shall be uniformly spread by hand or by approved mechanical spreaders or blowers which will provide an acceptable application. An acceptable application will be that which will allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate, but also partially shade the ground, reduce erosion, and conserve soil moisture. Mulch rate shall be 2 tons per acre.When there are seasonal limitations on seeding or when other weather or erosion conditions make it desirable to mulch in advance of seeding, the Engineer may direct that mulch be applied after the application and incorporation of limestone into the seedbed, and the fertilizer and seed then applied later through the mulch in proper season or under more favorable weather conditions. 5. Mulch shall be held in place by applying a sufficient amount of asphalt or other approved binding material to assure that the mulch is properly held in place. The rate and method of application of binding material shall meet the approval of the Engineer. Where the binding material is not applied directly with the mulch, it shall be applied immediately following the mulch application. During the application of asphalt binding material, or other approved binding materials which may cause damage, adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to traffic, structures, guardrails, traffic control devices, or any other appurtenances. The Contractor shall either provide adequate covering or change methods of application as required to avoid such damage. When such damage occurs, the Contractor shall repair it, including any cleaning that may be necessary. 6. The Contractor shall take sufficient precautions to prevent mulch from entering drainage structures through displacement by wind, water, or other causes and shall promptly remove any blockage to drainage facilities which may occur. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900 - 4 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 LANDSCAPING - 02900 4.3 JUTE NETTING A. Site Preparation: 1. Jute netting shall be required on all slopes greater than 2 to 1 slope, and wherever specified on drawings. 2. Shape and grade the waterway, channel, ditch, or area to be protected as required by the drawings and specifications. 3. Remove rocks, clods over 1-1/2 inches in diameter, sticks and other material that will prevent contact of the matting with the soil surface. B. Lime. Fertilizer and Seed: Lime, fertilize and seed in accordance with the applicable seeding standard (Part 4.2 C&D) except when placing jute -matting one-half of the seed may be applied prior to laying the matting and the remaining seed applied after laying the matting. C. Installing Netting: 1. The Contractor shall start laying the matting from the top of the channel or slope and unroll downgrade so that one edge of the strip coincides with the channel center. Lay a second strip parallel to the first on the other side of the channel and allow at least a 2-inch overlap for jute matting. If one roll of matting does not extend the length of the channel, continue downhill with additional rolls. 2. The Contractor shall secure the matting by burying the top end of jute strips in a trench 4 inches or more deep. Tamp the trench full of soil. Reinforce with a row of staples driven through the jute about 4 inches downhill from the trench. These staples should be about 10 inches apart. Then staple the overlap in the channel center. These staples should be 3 to 4 feet apart. The outside edges may be stapled similarly at any time after the center has been stapled. Closer stapling along the sides is required where concentrated water may flow into the channel. 3. Succeeding strips of matting, farther down the channel or slope, are secured in a similar manner. Strips of matting on the swale slopes should be laid and secured as above to a height of 3 feet above base of swale. 4. Where one roll of jute matting ends and another roll begins, the end of the top strip overlaps the trench where the upper end of the lower strip is buried. Make the overlap at least 4 inches and staple securely. D. Erosion Stops: 1. At any point, jute matting may be folded for burying in slit trenches and secured as were the upper ends. This checks water flow and erosion that may begin under the matting. It also gives improved tie -down. The procedure is recommended on the steeper slopes of sandy soil and gentler slopes subject to seepage. Spacings vary from 25 to 100 feet as required by the Engineer. E. Diversions: 1. Where diversions outlet into the waterway, the outlet should be protected with matting used in the same manner as in the main channel. The matting for the outlet is laid first so that matting in the main channel will overlap the outlet strip. Matting Soil Contact: 1. The Contractor shall assure that between matting and soil is obtained by rolling after laying, stapling and seeding are complete. Perfect contact is vital to keep water flow over, not under, the matting. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900 - 5 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 LANDSCAPING - 02900 G. Inspection: 1. After job completion, the Contractor shall make sure the matting is in contact with the soil at all places and that critical areas are securely stapled down. PART 5 - INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 5.1 At the beginning of the next planting season after that in which the permanent grass crop is sown, the seeded areas will be inspected. Any section not showing dense, vigorous growth at that time shall be promptly reseeded by the Contractor at his own expense. 5.2 Restoration shall be acceptable when the grass has grown at least 1" high with 85% coverage; provided that no bare spots larger than 10 square feet exist. PART 6 - PAYMENT 6.1 No separate payment will be made for Landscaping. All costs incurred by the contractor for this work shall be included in the unit price or lump sum price for the item of work to which it pertains. END OF SECTION 02900 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02900-6 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 SECTION 01560 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 1.1 GENERAL A. The contractor shall be responsible for erosion and sedimentation control within the construction limits; for prevention of sediment laden runoff leaving the construction limits or entering ditches, streams or water impoundments; and for implementation of necessary erosion and sedimentation control measures to meet the requirements of the New Hanover County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and/or North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. The contractor shall also be responsible for all damages or fines resulting from erosion or sediment laden runoff in the execution of his contract. 1.2 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE A. While the use of erosion and sedimentation control devices is especially important on areas of steep topography, easily erodible soils and sites in close proximity to water courses throughout the construction period, the control measures should be installed prior to the commencement of land clearing and shall be fully maintained and periodically inspected until final restoration and stabilization is completed. Unrestored cleared areas shall be kept to a minimum. Disturbed areas ahead of construction shall only be accomplished on those segments for the shortest practical distance as required for continual progress. B. Final restoration shall not be delayed until completion of the project but will be carried out in phases as the work proceeds. Under no circumstances will any areas be left denuded for more than (30) thirty calendar days without some form of stabilization until final restoration is complete. 1.3 SEDIMENTATION A. Control Measures: The following are some of the sediment control devices or measures that may be required to prevent sedimentation of streams, water courses, or drainage structures: 1. Earth berms and/or diversion and intercept ditches. 2. Sediment traps 3. Filter berms 4. Filter inlets 5. Silt fences - not to be placed in streams or ditches perpendicular to flow. 6. Check dams gravel filter 7. Gravel construction exits 1.4 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES A. Some of the soil erosion control measures which may be required in this contract are: NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 01560 - 1 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL - 01560 1. Earth slope protection 2. Diagonal water break diversion berms 3. Diversion channels 4. Preservation of existing vegetation 5. Storm inlet protection 6. Stream crossings 7. Energy dissipators 8. Matting of re -seeded areas 1.5 DETAIL DRAWINGS A. Examples of sedimentation and erosion control details are shown in these plans for installation at locations designated in the plans or as otherwise required by the regulating agency, or the owner as work proceeds. 1.6 STREAM PROTECTION A. Where construction activities are necessary in close proximity to streams, and other waterways, they shall be performed in a manner that does not contribute to degradation of or blockage of the stream -flow. In order to prevent possible degradation or blockages, the contractor shall be required to: Keep all construction debris, excavated materials, brush, rocks, refuse and topsoil as far from these waterways as possible. Restrict machinery operation or stream crossings in waterways to the extent necessary for construction of utilities crossings. If construction work areas are necessary in a waterway, they shall be protected as indicated on the plans. If temporary roadways are essential for the construction activities, they shall be constructed of soils which are not highly erodible materials and must not span more than half way across the water course or wetland area at any one time unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. These temporary roadways shall be entirely removed as soon as their requirement is met. Work in these areas shall follow the requirements of the Corp of Engineers or CAMA permit, or plans as applicable. 1.7 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS A. The travel of equipment to and from the construction areas shall be minimized not only to protect areas that will not be denuded, but also to prevent the spreading of sediment within and outside of the construction areas. Therefore, special construction equipment travel corridors will be established for this use and instructions shall be issued for their use. Use of these corridors must be fully enforced. Other non- essential traffic will be restricted or discouraged. Indiscriminate and convenience traffic shall not be allowed. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 01560 - 2 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL - 01560 1.8 STOCKPILE/BARROW AREAS A. The contractor shall be responsible for selecting, obtaining and maintaining stockpile or barrow areas which he may require to complete the contract. He is also required to design and incorporate all necessary sediment and erosion controls measures necessary to prevent erosion and contribution of sediment to adjacent areas. The contractor is responsible to obtain all necessary permits or approvals for barrow or spoil areas outside the construction limits. 1.9 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS WATER FROM EXCAVATIONS A. The contractor shall practice management of excess water pumped from excavation to reduce the production and spreading of sediment. Pumped water shall be discharged onto stabilized surfaces and allowed to filter through existing vegetation if possible, otherwise, additional control measures may be necessary. If ditches are required to remove pumped water from construction excavations, they shall be given the same consideration as any other man-made waterway and they shall be stabilized as to not degrade and produce sediment. 1.10 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Excavation shall be closely controlled and all the material removed from the excavation shall be selectively stockpiled in areas where a minimum of sediment will be generated and where other damage will not result from the piled material. Drainageways shall be protected at all times and the placement of material in drainageways for convenience shall not be allowed. Backfilling operations shall be performed in such a manner that remaining trees are not damaged. Temporary repaving shall be placed promptly after backfill operations are completed in improved areas. 1.11 FINAL GRADING AND SEEDING A. Finish grading, topsoiling, seeding and/or sodding shall be performed as specified in Section 02900 Landscaping, of these specifications. After the construction phase is complete, permanent vegetation of the areas, that have been disturbed, shall be re- established as rapidly as possible. If the completion of the construction activities do not coincide with a season in which permanent vegetation can be generated, an interim or temporary program is required. This shall include soil conditioners and mulching as necessary for soil stabilization. In any case, sediment and erosion controls shall be installed promptly and their maintenance assured. 1.12 APPROVAL A. The approved Erosion Control Plan will be provided by the engineer. Any standard conditions relating to soil erosion and sediment control issued to the contractor as a part of any permits shall be available at the job site at all times. END OF SECTION 01560 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 01560-3 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 SECTION 02110 - SITE CLEARING PART 1 - GENERAL Under this section, the contractor shall provide all labor, material and equipment required to complete all necessary clearing, grubbing and debris removal for the execution of the contract as shown on the plans and as specified in this section or related technical specifications of this contract. 1.1 TREES, SHRUBS AND BUSHES A. Trees, Shrubs and Bushes: Existing trees, shrubs and bushes adjacent to easements and rights -of -way shall be protected by fencing, barricading or wrapping. Shallow - rooted plants shall be protected at ground surface under and, if required, outside of the spread of branches by fences, barricades or ground cover. If the trees, shrubs or branches on private and public property adjacent to easements or rights -of -way are inadvertently damaged or destroyed by the contractor under this contract, the contractor shall negotiate with the owner for replacement or payment for such damage without additional compensation by the owner under this contract. 1.2 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LIMITS A. The limits of both clearing and grubbing shall be within the designated rights -of -way and/or the easements specifically obtained for this contract. Grubbing shall include the removal of all stumps, roots exceeding 4" in diameter, and root mat within the grubbing limits to a depth of 18 inches. 1.3 TREE TRIMMING A. When required, trees interfering with the contract work shall be trimmed to remove branches or roots. The contractor shall cut branches and roots in excess of 2" diameter and will paint with suitable paint. Trimming of trees will not be undertaken prior to the contractor obtaining written approval of work from the engineer. 1.4 DISPOSAL A. Burning of materials on the site will be permitted, with proper permits acquired by the contractor. Material to be removed shall be removed from the site daily as it accumulates. Should the contractor elect to continue work beyond normal working hours, material to be removed shall not be allowed to accumulate for more than 48 hours. The contractor shall dispose of material in a permitted site. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02110 - 1 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 SITE CLEARING - 02110 1.5 PAYMENT A. Under the provisions of this contract, no separate payment will be made for any labor, or materials necessary under this section. END OF SECTION 02110 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02110-2 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 SECTION 02220 - EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 The contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, supplies and materials, and perform all operation in connection with the excavations, grading and backfilling, including borrow for drainage structures, curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveways, pavements, slopes, storm drains, water and sanitary sewer lines, including all hauling, wetting, rolling and other operations pertaining thereto within the clearing limits, complete, in strict accordance with this section of the specifications and the applicable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. 1.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Every reasonable effort has been made to provide accurate information on existing site conditions. The Contractor should become familiar with the site and satisfy himself as to the scope of the work involved and the materials to be encountered. Any significant change in conditions should be immediately brought to the attention of the Owner's representative. 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASTM C33 - Standard specification for concrete aggregates B. ANSI/ASTM C136 - Sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates. C. ANSI/ASTM D698 - Tests for moisture -density relations of soils and soil -aggregate mixture using 5.5 lb (2.49 kg) rammer and 12 inch (305 mm) drop. D. ANSI/ASTM D1556 - Density of soil in place by sand -cone method. E. ASTM D2487 - Classification of soils for engineering purposes. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.1 SOILS A. General: Use soils free of organic matter, refuse, rocks and lumps greater than 4 inches in diameter and other deleterious matter. Backfilling Materials: Suitable material, when used as backfill in paved areas, shall be capable of being compacted as specified in paragraph "Compaction and Testing" of this section of these specifications. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 1 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 a. Type 1 Material: Excavated material from the trench or materials from other sources which are free from large clods, roots or stones larger than 1 inch may be used as initial backfill in trenches (see Trench Details) b. Type 2 Material: Excavated material from the trench or materials from other sources which are free from large clods, roots or stones larger than 8 inches may be used as final backfill in trenches (see Trench Details) B. Classification: For the purpose of this specification, soils to be used as fill material are grouped into five classes according to soil properties and characteristics. 1. Class I - Angular, 6 to 40-mm (1/4 to 1-1/2 in.), graded stone, including a number of fill materials that have regional significance such as coral, slag, cinders, crushed stone, crushed gravel, and crushed shells. 2. Class II - Coarse sands and gravels with maximum practical size of 44 mm (1-1/2 in.), including variously graded sands and gravels containing small percentages of fines, generally granular and non -cohesive, either wet or dry. Soil Types GW, GP, SW, and SP are included in this class. 3. Class III - Fine sand and clayey gravels, including fine sands, sand -clay mixtures, and gravel -clay mixtures. Soil Types GM, GC, SM, and SC are included in this class. 4. Class IV - Silt, silty clays, and clays, including inorganic clays and silts of medium to high plasticity and liquid limits. Soil Types MH, ML, CH, and CL are included in this class. These materials are not recommended for bedding, haunching, or initial backfill. 5. Class V - This class includes the organic soil, OIL, OH, PT as well as soils containing frozen earth, debris, rocks, larger than 40 mm (1-1/2 in.) in diameter, and other foreign materials. These materials are not recommended for bedding haunching or initial backfill. C. Topsoil: Natural, friable soil free of subsoil, stumps, rocks larger than 2 inches in diameter, weeds and other material detrimental to plant growth. D. Granular Fill: Granular fill under floor slabs shall be Class I material. E. Structural Fill: Fill material placed inside the line of the building foundation or slab shall be Class I or II. Fill Beneath Pavement: Fill material used beneath pavement and for road shoulders shall be Class II or III. G. General Fill: General fill material not otherwise specified shall be Class II or III. H. Trench Backfill: Material used for bedding, haunching and initial backfill shall be as specified hereinafter. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 2 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 2.2 CRUSHED STONE A. Crushed stone shall be size no. 57, with fines present to stabilize it in the trench. If fines are insufficient, stone screenings shall be added to extent required to stabilize it in the trench. 2.3 CONCRETE A. Concrete placed for cradles, thrust blocks, or encasement shall be Class B concrete as specified in Section 03300 Cast -in -Place Concrete. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Familiarization: Prior to commencement of the earthwork, become thoroughly familiar with the site, the site conditions, and all portions of the work specified in this Section. B. Approvals: Backfilling and grading operations near foundations, walls, pipes and other portions of the work to be covered shall not commence until the Owner's Representative has completed all required inspections, tests and approvals. Work covered prior to inspection shall be uncovered for inspection purposes and backfilled. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Clearing: Areas designated for clearing and required for construction operations shall be cleared of trees, brush, structures and other materials. Trees which are to remain shall be protected during clearing operations and subsequent work. B. Grubbing: Roots, stumps and other materials shall be grubbed from the cleared areas to a depth of at least 18 inches. Tree stumps shall be grubbed in their entirety, including tap roots where applicable. C. Topsoil: Strip existing topsoil to a depth of 4 inches from areas to be excavated or graded. Stockpile the topsoil in a suitable area for use during final grading operations. Protect the topsoil from excessive erosion. D. Unsuitable Material: Remove sod, muck or other unsuitable material to firm subsoil in areas designated for filling or grading operations. E. Disposal: Trees, stumps, roots, rubbish, unsuitable soil or other material resulting from surface preparation shall be removed from the site by the Contractor and disposed of. 3.3 EXCESS WATER CONTROL A. General: Grade and maintain all areas of the site to preclude surface runoff into excavations and prevent ponding of water. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 3 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 B. Dewatering: Excavations should be kept free of surface water and/or groundwater. Provide and maintain at all times the necessary means and devices to prevent water from entering the excavations and for removing all water entering the excavations. C. Softened Subgrade: Remove all soil softened or eroded by the presence of water and replace with suitable backfill material. 3.4 EXCAVATION A. Excavation shall be accomplished in accordance with the grades and lines as established by the Engineer and as required by the work to be performed. Excavation shall include the removal and replacement of all asphalt, concrete, curb, rock, earth, fences, trees (as directed by the Engineer), shrubs, and other materials as applicable. The contractor will exercise care to prevent undercutting lower than the required subgrades. All materials from excavation, considered as suitable by the Engineer, shall be used as fill wherever required, and the Contractor shall arrange his work so that this usage of excavated materials will be possible. Unsuitable and surplus materials from excavation, if any, shall be disposed of by the Contractor at this expense. All areas of the site shall be graded and maintained at all times to prevent surface runoff from draining into the excavations, and to prevent ponding of water therein. B. Excavated materials not required for topsoil, fill or backfill shall be removed from the site of the work by the Contractor, but none shall be deposited on private property without written consent of the property owner. Unsuitable Materials: Unsuitable materials encountered in an excavation shall be removed as directed by the Owner's representative, backfilled with suitable material and compacted. Unsuitable materials include organic soils, muck, soft and compressible silts and clays and running sands. 2. Undercutting: Undercutting, unless authorized by the Engineer, shall be replaced and compacted, as specified in paragraph 3.06, at the Contractor's expense. If the material, after excavation to subgrade, is found to be soft, spongy or unfit for use as subgrade, such unsuitable material shall be removed to a depth as directed by the Engineer and the subgrade shall be brought to proper elevation by filling with suitable material from excavation or from an approved borrow site. 3. Borrow: The Contractor will supply all borrow necessary and will provide all labor and equipment necessary to dig and haul such borrow. The placing of borrow shall be as provided for in the paragraph 3.06. 3.5 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE A. General: Upon completion of site preparation and excavation, scarify to a depth of 12 inches and compact as specified. For areas to receive fill, the compacted subgrade shall be scarified to a depth of four inches prior to placing the fill. 3.6 FILL AND COMPACTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 4 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 A. When and where existing plans and grades require the use of fill to reach the required elevation, the Contractor shall deposit suitable material from previously excavated areas. Such material shall be free from debris, roots, trash, stones, or other harmful substances, and shall be spread in successive layers of loose material not more than 8 inches in depth. Each layer shall be spread uniformly by motor grader or other approved device and rolled with an approved tamping or three -wheeled power roller until thoroughly compacted to 90 percent of maximum density obtained at optimum moisture content, as determined by the A.A.S.H.T.O. Standard Method T-180. When any portion of the fill is constructed on an old road bed, the existing surfaces shall be scarified and manipulated as directed by the Engineer in order that, when compacted, it shall have a uniform density, as specified above. Fills shall be shaped and maintained at all times during their construction to prevent an accumulation of standing water in the event of rain. B. Moisture Conditioning: Moisten or aerate the subgrade and fill material as required to obtain proper compaction. C. Structural Fill: Compact the subgrade and fill to a minimum of 98 percent ASTM D698 (Standard Proctor) maximum density at optimum moisture content. D. Granular Fill: Place granular fill on compacted, unscarified fill or subgrade and compact to a minimum 100 percent ASTM D698, maximum density at optimum moisture content. E. Pavement Areas: Compact the subgrade and fill material beneath paved areas and shoulders to a minimum 100 percent ASTM D698 maximum density at optimum moisture content. F. Landscaped Areas: Compact the subgrade and fill to a minimum 98 percent ASTM D698 maximum density at optimum moisture content. Compact topsoil to 85 percent ASTM D698 maximum density at optimum moisture content. 3.7 FINISH GRADING A. General: Perform finish grading to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Finished grades should be smooth and uniform and provide positive drainage. B. Tolerances: Rough Grade Plus or minus 0.1 foot 2. Finish Grade Plus or minus 0.1 foot 3. Topsoil: The top 4 inches of soil in landscaped areas shall be topsoil. 4. Protection: Protect areas which have been graded from equipment traffic. NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 5 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 3.8 TRENCHING, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS A. General: Refer to specific utility sections in these specifications for installation requirements. Trench, backfill and compact as specified except as modified herein. B. Trenching: Trench widths at and below the top of the pipe shall be the minimum necessary for proper installation. Trench banks above the top of the pipe shall be as vertical as practicable. Overdepth excavation shall be backfilled with Class I material and compacted. The Contractor shall provide, at his expense and as directed by the Owner's representative, special bedding material or concrete encasement as may be necessary due to over -width excavation. C. Depth: Trench to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. Where elevations are not shown, trench to a depth sufficient to provide at least 36 inches of cover above the top of pipe, unless otherwise specified. Grade trenches to provide a constant slope free of sags and high spots. D. Dewatering: Keep trenches free of water. Include cost of dewatering in unit price bid for pipe. No additional payment for this item is permitted. E. Trench Bracing: Properly brace, sheet and support trench walls as soil conditions indicate and in strict conformance with all pertinent laws and OSHA regulations. Provide adequate bracing and shoring to protect adjacent improvements. F. Bedding, Haunching and Initial Backfill: Tamp to provide firm, even bedding. Excavate bedding material to match the shape of the bottom of the pipe and bell, as detailed in the drawings. Place haunching material so as to provide full bearing around the bottom of the pipe. Place bedding haunching and initial backfill as specified below. G. Pipe Bedding: P.V.C. Gravity Main - Provide six (6) inches of Class I bedding material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching material shall be Class I material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching of pipe from invert to springline shall be by hand placement to ensure material is worked under Haunch. Initial backfill shall be Class I to top of pipe Class I. 2. D.L.P. and C900/905 PVC Gravity Main - Provide six (6) inches of Class I bedding material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching material shall be Class I material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching of pipe from invert to springline shall be by hand placement to ensure material is worked under Haunch. Initial backfill shall be Class I to springline of pipe Class I, 11 or III material to top of pipe. 3. Pressure Main P.V.C. or D.I.P. - Provide six (6) inches of Class I or II bedding material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching material shall be Class I or II material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching of pipe from invert to springline shall be by hand placement to ensure material is worked under Haunch. Initial backfill shall be Class I or Class II to top of pipe Class I, 11 or III material from top of pipe to 6-inches above pipe. 4. Service Pipe (Schedule 40) - Provide six (6) inches of Class I or II bedding material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching material shall NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 6 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008 EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING, & BACKFILLING - 02220 be Class I or II material compacted to 98 percent ASTM D698 density. Haunching of pipe from invert to springline shall be by hand placement to ensure material is worked under Haunch. Initial backfill shall be Class I or II to top of pipe. H. Backfill: Backfill the remainder of the trench in accordance with paragraphs 2.01 and 3.06 of this section. Backfill from embedment zone to surface grade may be by hand of mechanical placement. Trench backfill shall be compacted in 8-inch lifts. Foundation: Foundation shall be required in wet, yielding and mucky locations. Foundation shall be constructed by removal of wet, yielding or mucky material and its replacement with sufficient Class I material to correct the instability. In areas where foundation is required bedding shall be class I only. 3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection, sampling and testing will be performed per owner's instructions. PART4-PAYMENT 4.1 PAYMENT A. No separate payment will be made for Excavating, Grading, Trenching and Backfilling. All costs incurred by the contractor for this work should be included in the unit price or lump sum price for the item of work to which it pertains. END OF SECTION 02220 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTHERN CAMPUS REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM 02220 - 7 04853-0002 AUGUST 2008