HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8060553_HISTORICAL FILE_20140320STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 0(D0553 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2okLAob2U YYYYMMDD Johnson, Kelly JW3eXo05S 3 From: Chris Manning [chris@premiermanagementnc.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:59 PM To: Johnson, Kelly Subject: FW: Stormwater Permit Attachments: Porters Pointe Stormwater Permit pdf; Meeting Minutes 2013 Porters Point Annual.pdf Hi Kelly, Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. The meeting minutes from the Annual turnover meeting are attached. Lance Ballou was elected to be the President of the HOA by the Board after the general election during the Annual meeting. Please make the correction to the storm water permit making the association the responsible party. I should remain listed as a contact but not the responsible party. Lance Ballou Porter's Pointe HOA/Board President 361 Shackleford Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 Please let me know if you need anything else on this and thank you for your help. Chris Manning httA://www.PremierNianagementNC.com PREMIER MANAGEMENT COMPANY SOLUTIONS • 'SERVICE i TEAMWORK Chris Manning, CMCA" Premier Management Company P.O. Box 12051 Wilmington, NC 28405 P.910-679-3012 ext705/ F.888-799-7626 Porter's Pointe HOA Annual Meeting Minutes Meeting Held December 17, 2013 New Hanover Executive Center at 6pm 1.) Meeting Called to order at 6:07pm 2.) Those in Attendance: • Membership • BOD Representative (Jerry Kinlaw) • First Bank Legal Counsel (Ken Kirkman) • Bill Clark Homes Representative (Heath Clark) • PMC Managing Agent Representative (Chris Manning) 3.) Quorum Established 4.) Board Elections/Nominations Either via Ballot or From the Floor • Jocelyn Collins, Lance Ballou, Vicki Hutchins, Cannel Strickland, Jeff Delbusso and Kate Clark • Ballou, Hutchins, Strickland, DelBusso, Clark/Elected via majority voteNote count done by PMC and verified by a non BOD resident 5.) 2014 Budget Reviewed and Ratified • Telephone Expense Needed • New Lot Count Needed 6.) Open Floor For New/Old Business • Ken Kirkman reviewed outstanding Developer obligations/Reiterated they will be completed before First Bank steps away from Development • Both First Bank and Bill Clark Homes Will Continue to Address on Going Repairs of Sidewalks • First Bank Will Continue to Address Repairs of Road Infrastructure and Storm Water Systems 7.) Meeting Adjourned 7:43pm