HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8020516_HISTORICAL FILE_20061005 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE lw g \ 00 5 YYYYMMDD P. 1 * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( OCT. 6.2006 10:10AM ) * TTI FILE MODE OPTION 616 MEMORY TX ADDRESS (GROUP) 9-7635631 * * NCDENR WIRO 1------ PAGE REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-2) BUSY E-3) NO ANSWER E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office (910)796-7215 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G, Ross Jr,, Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: 6G # pages (excluding cover) O E From: Gloria Jones CO C: Division; Express .Permitting FAX #:3 — 3 FAX#: 910-350-2004 RE -MARKS: '/ 9t;rl 127 Cardinal Driva Extension, \vllmington. Y.C. 28405-3845 T91cphnne(910) 796-7215 Fax(910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity AtOnnnlive Action Employer P. 9/9 TRwp ENGINEERING, P.C. E C V'L LD 0 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 SEP b[UU5 Ph6ne: (910) 763-5100 • FAX: (910) 763-5631Rt,,__ September 1, 2006 NCDENR Division Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn: Ms. Linda Lewis Re: Lot 57-Northehase SW8 020516 Mod. TE 05163 Dear Linda: In response to your comments dated August 22, 2006, we offer the following: 1. A note has been added. 2. The corrected application page 2 is enclosed. 3. The corrected calculations are enclosed. 4. A highlighted C-1 is enclosed. 5. The detail has been corrected. 6. The detail has been corrected. 7. The normal pool has been dimensioned. 8. The detail has been corrected. Please review for approval and contact us with any questions, comments or if you need additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, Tripp Engineering, P.C. Jonathan W. Ham, E.I. JWH:bgw Enc. 9/1/2006 Lot 57 - Northchase 05163 JWH Stormwater Calculations Total Drains %Area s .ft. acres 37,026 1 0.85 Im ervious Area Land Use sq. ft. acres Building Area 13,568 0.31 Asphalt Area 7,176 0.16 Concrete Area 1,708 0.04 Total 1 22,452 0.52 Stormwater Calculations: Time of Concentration Hydraulic Length (L) = 285 ft. change in Height (H) = 4 ft. Tc = (L' /H)'d°O / 128 = 3.14 min. Flow for 2 year, 6 hour Storm (0,) CPRE= (CPRE) x (40) x (Area) = 0.90 cfs Cposr = (Cposr) x (I+o) x (Area) = 2AE cfs 84 P = 3.30 in. fo2yr, 6 hr storm S = 1000/CN - 10 1.90 Depth (D)= (P-(0.2)(S)]2 / [P+(0.8)(S)] 1.77 in. Time to Peak Flow: TP= [(43.5)(D)(Area)J/D2,posr 26.59 min. Detention Pond Design: Pond Size: Elevation R.) Surface Area (sq. ft. Normal Pool 41.00 3.878 Flood Pool 42.30 5.246 Top of Bank 44.25 7.769 Bottom of Pool 38.00 397 Provided Storage Volume: Vol. _ ((Normal pool SA+ Flood Pool SA) / 2] x (F.P. elev. - N.P. elev.) 5,931 cu. ft. RECEIVED SEP 0 5 2006 PROJ # &w-So 20S((o MyD %impervious= 0.606 = 60.6% say 61.0% CPRE= 0.25 Cposr= (%tmp.)(.95)+(1 %imp.)(.25) 0.68 12= 4.25 in/hr ha= 492 in/hr Flow for 10 year, 6 hour Storm (DER) CPRE _ (CPRE) x (125) x (Area) 1.05 cfs Qrosr = (CPosr) x (125) x (Area) 2.84 cfs Soil Stora a Capacity for 10 year Storm: CN = (98)(% imp.) + (60)(1-% imp.) = 84 . P = 4.82 in. for 10 yr, 6 hr storm S = 1000/CN - 10 1.90 Depth (D)= [P-(0.2)(S)]2 / [P+(0.8)(S)] - 3.11 in. Time to Peak Flow: Tp= [(43.5)(D)(Area)]/D10.P0,r 40.39 min. State Surface Area Requirement at normalpool: Pond side slopes = 3 :1 Depth below N.P. = 3 ft. SAJDA = 0.0711 (Chart for 90 % TSS Removal for Wet Detention Pond without Vegetative Filter Required SA = (SA/DA) x (Total Drainage Area) 2,633 s . ft. State Volume Required for Storage of first 1" of runoff Rv= .05+,009(%imp) = 0.595746 V= (Design rainfall)(Rv)(Drainage Area) - 1,838 cu. ft. Ess/ ' acer C <--I-1.o6 05163pondl �, . �; as a :-y� ssssa ��. �°, s agar �.;�, a� "'aoo ,'�' C��� e�°� °-�.aa..��e��+ 9112006 Lot 57 - Northchase JWH Stormwater Calculations Pond Volume: ttom SA = 391 sq. ft. NormBoal Pool SA = 3,878 sq. ft. Vol. _ ((N.P. SA + Bottom SA) / 2] x (N.P. of. - Bottom el.) 6,412 cu. ft. Forebav, Required Volume Vol. = 20% of storage volume 1,282 cu. ft. Outlet Structure Design: Flow for 2-day drawdown: for 1st 1' of stormwater, Q = Required Vol. / 172,800 sec. (2-days) = 0.011 cfs Required Area of Pipe for 2-day drawdown: A= Q/(CdxSQRT(2xgxh)] Cd = 0.6 g = 32.2 fUs' h = (F.P. elev.- N.P. elev.) /2 0.65 ft. A= 0,0027 sq. ft. Diameter of Pioe for 2-dav drawdown: DIA. = SQRT[(A x 4) / pi) - 0,0591 ft. - 0.71 in. 'Use: 0.5 in diameter pipe Outlet Structure Check: Using a 4' x 4' Basin, Perimeter L = - 16 ft. Q= CIA C = (% imp)(95) + (1-% imp.)(.25) 0.68 1= 4.92 in. for a 25 yr. Storm A= 0.85 Acres 2.84 cfs Q= CwxLxH H = (Q / (Cw x L)]m Cw = 3 0.15 ft. Peak elevation = Flood pool elevation + H 42.45 ft. Provided Volume Bottom SA = 102 sq. ft. Normal Pool SA = 785 sq. ft. Vol. _ I(N.P. SA+ Bottom SA) / 2] x (N.P. el. - Bottom el.) = 1,331 cu. ft. Flow for 5-day drawdown: for 1 st 1' of stormwater, Q = Required Vol. /432,000 sec.(5-days) 0.004 cfs Re uired Area of Pipe for 5-day drawdown: A= Q/[Cdx SQRT(2xgxh)] Cd = 0.6 g = 32.2 ftJs2 h = (F.P. elev. - N.P. elev.) / 2 0.65 ft. A= 0.0011 sq. ft. Diameter of Pipe for 5-day drawdown: DIA. = SQRT[(A x 4) / pi] = 0.0374 ft. 0.45 in. 05163 05163pondl 2 of SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments Subject: SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments From: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail.net> Datep.Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:48:37 -0400 To: Joriatfian Ham <jonathan w ham@hotmail.com>, Tripp Engineering <trippeng@ec.rr.com> Jonathan;. In addition to my previous comments, attached please find my remaining Express review comments, assuming that Mr. Jensen will be the permittee of record for Lots 54, 55, 56 and 57. Linda 020516mod.aug06.doc Content -Type: application/msword f Content -Encoding: base64 1 of 1 8/23/2006 9:28 AM SWO 020516 Mod. Subject: SWO 020516 Mod. From: Linda Lewis <1inda.1ewis@ncmai1.net> Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:21:14 -0400 To: Tripp Engineering <trippeng@ec.rr.com>, Jonathan Ham <jonathan_w_ham@hotmail.com> Jonathan: I'm in the process of reviewing this application, but I'm confused and want to make sure you, Mr. Jensen and I all understand what it is you are asking of the Division in regards to this permit modification. You submitted Lot 57 as a modification to SW8 020516, which was originally issued to Chris Wilcox. It covered the construction on Lots 54, 55 and 56 within Technology Court, permitted under SW8 961004. By submitting as a permit modification to SW8 020516, you realize that Mr. Jensen will become the permittee of record for Lots 54, 55 and 56 as well as Lot 57? If this is not your intent, please submit the project as a stand alone high density wet detention project. Linda I of 1 8/22/2006 12:49 PM SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments 1 Subject: SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments From: Linda Lewis <1inda.1ewis@ncmai1.net> Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:48:37 -0400 To: Jonathan Ham <jonathan_w ham@hotmail.com>, Tripp Engineering <trippeng@ec.rr.com> Jonathan, In addition to my previous comments, attached please find my remaining Express review comments, assuming that Mr. Jensen will be the permittee of record for Lots 54, 55, 56 and 57. Linda 020516mod.aug06.doc Content -Type: application/msword Content -Encoding: base64 I of 1 8/22/2006 12:48 PM RE: SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments Subject: RE: SW8 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments From: 'Jonathan Ham" <jonathan_w_ham@hotmail.com> Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:55:43 -0400 To: linda.lewis@ncmail.net Hi Linda, Mr. Jensen is to be the permittee of record for all four lots. Chris Wilcox was and is the contractor for the construction of the previous project and the current one as well. Thank you so much for your quick response and I will address the comments as soon as possible. Have a great day! Sincerely, Jonathan Jonathan W. Ham, E.I. Civil Engineering Tripp Engineering, P.C. 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)-763-5100 From: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail. net> To: Jonathan Ham <jonathan w ham@hotmail. com>, Tripp Engineering <trippeng@ec. rr.com> Subject: SWS 020516 Mod. Express Review Comments Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:48:37 -0400 Jonathan, In addition to my previous comments, attached please find my remaining Express review comments, assuming that Mr. Jensen will be the permittee of record for Lots 54, 55, 56 and 57. Linda « 020516mod.aug06.doc » Get real-time traffic reports with windows Live Local Search http://local live com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=42.336065--109.392273&style=r&lvl=4&scene=3712634&trfc=l I of 1 8/22/2006 1:00 PM TRIPP ENGINEERING, P.C. 419 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Phone: (910) 763-5100 • FAX: (910) 763-5631 August 21, 2006 NCDENR Division Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn: Ms. Linda Lewis Re: Lot 57 - NorthChase New Hanover County, NC TE 05163 Dear Linda: IkEC]EIV D AUG 2 2 2006 In response to your correspondence dated August 17, 2006, we offer the following: 1. A corrected wet detention supplement page 3 is enclosed. 2. An updated, signed and notarized offsite supplement is enclosed. Please review for approval and contact us with any questions, comments or if you need additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, Tripp Engineering, P.C. WP7-/''//�� Jonathan W. Ham, E.I. JWH:bgw Enc. t-YPMSS-- U- bf 2Z <)("' TRIPP ENGINEERING, P.C. 5GvXo2O51& /(Op (la- wet- PC4J 419 Chestnut Street�� Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Phone: (910) 763-5100 • FAX: (910) 763-5631 August 22, 2006 NCDENR Division Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Attn: Mr. Cameron Weaver Re: Lot 57 Northchase — EXPRESS REVIEW New Hanover County, NC TE 05163 Dear Cameron: AUG 177 ruLa /nk cGe Sinn 0 1/. C7,` � Enclosed please find two (2) sets of plans, one (1) signed original and one (1) copy of the application form with narrative, one (1) wet detention basin supplement, two (2) sets of calculations and one check for the express review fee. Please review for approval and contact us with any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, Tripp Engineering, P.C. Jennifer Rohde JLR:dcb Enc. Lo7 NorthChase Subject: Lot 57 NorthChase From: Linda Lewis <linda.lewis@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:52:09 -0400 To: Jennifer Rohde <trippeng@ec.rr.com> CC: Cameron Weaver <Cameron.Weaver@ncmail.net> Jennifer: I received this Express application today, and have a few preliminary comments: 1. A wet detention pond may never be less than three (3) feet deep, therefore, the sediment removal depth listed on the wet pond supplement, which is currently specified as 2.251, must be revised to 3.01. Essentially, no sediment will be allowed to accumulate in this pond. 2. The narrative indicates that some of this runoff will be treated by an offisite pond, however, no offsite supplement was provided with the application. Please submit these items prior to the scheduled Express review date of Augusut 22, 2006. Thanks, Linda 1 of 1 8/17/2006 9:54 AM JUN 30,2006 02:32P Tripp Engineering 9107635631 page 2 NCDENR MDJ North Caroline Departrnent of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension. Wilmington, NC 28405 (910)395-3900 FAX (910)350.2004 n Request for Express Permit Review FILL-IN all informadon below and CHECK required Pe►mitis). FAX or email to Cameron.WeaverOncmall.net along with a narrative and vicinity man of the project lociti , oo� / �-7 Projects must be submitted by 9:00 A.M. of the review date, unless prior arrangements are made. \� APPLICANT Name Carsten Jensen Company Address.4536-1 Technology Drive City/State Wilmington NC Zip 28405 County New Hanover Phone 910-350-1597 Fax Email PROJECT Name Lot 57 Northchase PROJECT SYSTEM(S) TRIBUTARY TO Smith Creek (STREAM NAME) Cane Fear RIVER BASIN ENGINEER/CONSULTANT Phillip Tripp State or National Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, NEPA) — EA or EIS Required ❑ STREAM ORIGIN Determination; # of stream calls; Stream Name ® STORMWATER ❑ Low Density ® High Density -Detention Pond ❑ High Density -Other Wetlands MUST be addressed below ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter ❑ High Density -Infiltration ❑ Off Site ❑ COASTAL ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information MANAGEMENT ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ LAND QUALITY ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed. WETLANDS (401) Wetlands on Property ❑ Yes ® No Isolate Wetlands on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No Check all that aonly Wetlands Will Be Impacted ❑ Yes ® No Welland Irp acts: Acre(s) Wetlands Delineation has been completed ❑ Yes [I No LJ Buffers Impacted: Acre(s) USACOE Apporval of Delineation completed ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application in process w/USACOE ❑Yes ❑No I Permit received from USACOE❑Yes ❑No 401 Application required ❑ Yes ❑ No If Yes, ❑ Regular ❑ Express Addldonal fees, not to exceed 50% of the original Express Review permit application fee, may be charged for subsequent reviews due to the Insufficiency of the permit applications. For DENR use only SUBMITTAL DATES: Fee Split for multiple permits: SW $ CAMA $ LQS $ 401 $ Total Fee Amount $ JUN 30,2006 02:32P Tripp Engineering 9107635631 0 Job No. 05163 TRIPP ENGINEERING, P.C. 419 Chestnut Strect, Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 763-5100 • FAX: (910) 763-5631 Email: trippcng(,ec.rr.com LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: _NCDENR Attention: Sameron Weaver Subject: EXPRESS PERMIT REVIEW - Lot 57 Northchase X FAX TRANSMITTAL: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDES COVER 4_ I am sending you: ( X ) ATTACHED ( ) UNDER SEPARATE COVER ( ) Prints ( ) Tracings ( ) Copy of letter ( ) Specifications ( X ) Other Cooies Item No Description 1 ExgrecS Permit Review Reguest -- 1 S ormwater Narrative These are transmitted as checked below: ( ) For Approval ( X ) For Your Use ( ) Sign & Return ( ) Review Remarks: Please let us know the time and date for the ore aooll atf n m etino cc: Signed: Jonathan Ham page 1 06/07/06 Stormwater Narrative Lot 57 Northchase New Hanover County, NC TE05163 Lot 57 Northchase is an existing 2.46 acre tract of land. The site is proposed for an industrial office building in addition to the existing office building. The proposed construction includes one 13,658 sf building, 7,502 sf of asphalt, and 1,708 sf of concrete sidewalk totaling 22,778 sf of proposed impervious. Existing construction includes one 17,990 sf building, 31,482 sf of asphalt, 2,380 sf of concrete, bringing the total for the site to 74,630 s£ This total impervious constitutes 68.70% impervious coverage. Stormwater runoff for the existing construction is handled by an offsite wet detention pond designed to exceed the state's requirement of the first one inch of runoff. The proposed construction will be handed by an onsite wet detention pond designed for the state's requirement of the first one inch of runoff and the county's 10-year pre -post requirement. Both ponds will drain to Smith Creek with a classification of C-SW.