HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7110718_HISTORICAL FILE_20210204 (2)STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT. NO. SW ZWZt DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATEav�(�P YYYYMMDD ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director NORTH CAROLINA EnWronmental Quality February 4, 2021 Virginia Electric and Power/DBA Dominion 707 East Main Street Richmond. VA 23219 Subject: Dear Sir: Stormwater Permit Renewal Stormwater Management Permit SW7110718 Dominion — Elizabeth City, NC Yard Expansion Pasquotank County !)0 rl"o A Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources file review has determined that Stormwater Permit SW7110718 for a stormwater treatment system consisting of an infiltration basin and a dry detention basin serving the Dominion Elizabeth City Yard Expansion located at 1707 W. Ehringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC expires on September 9, 2021. This is a reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to expiration. We do not have a record of receiving a renewal application. Please submit a completed permit renewal application along with a $505.00 fee for permit renewal. Also, it was noted in the file review that a designer's certification that the project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans as required by the permit has not been submitted. Please include this with your application. Permit application forms for renewal can be found on our website at: https://deg nc gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land- rules/stormwater-program/post-construction. North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater permit. Failure .to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3923. 1 will be glad to discuss this by phone or meet with you. If you would like, I can e-mail you a copy of the application form. You can request a copy by e-mailing me at roger. thorpe(a)ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, ^V44�' Roger K. Thorpe Environmental Engineer �FQNorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources � Washington Regional Office 1 943 Washington Square Mall I Washington, North Carolina 27889 252.946.6481 Volumetric Runoff Calculations a Simple Method ��� u. . JUL 25 2011 Project Name: DOMINION - ELIZABETH CITY YARD EXPANSION l)VVt� VJAR0 Project Area Description - DRAINAGE AREA # Basin Information 2 T - existing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 existing (to remain) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 proposed (additional) 4,800 0 66,228 0 0 0 0 71,028 Receiving Stream Name Receiving Stream Class & Index Number SA, HWO Drainage Area SF Existing Impervious Area 0 SF Proposed Impervious Area 71,028 SF % Impervious Area (total) 86.5% Impervious Surface Area On -site Buildings or Lot BUA 4,800 SF On -site Streets 0 SF On -site Parking 66,228 SF On -site Sidewalks 0 SF Other on -site 0 SF Future 0 SF Off -site 0 SF Total: 71,028 SF Runoff Calculations (Simple Method) NCDENR 25yr/24hr (pre) 25yr/24hr (post) Design Runoff (in) 1.5 7.08 7.08 Total Area (so 82,093 ✓ 82,093 82,093 Coverage 86.5% ✓/ 0.0% 86.5% R(v) 0.829 ✓ 0.050 0.829 Rainfall Volume 8,504 ✓ 2,422 40,138 1.68 (cfs) 27.87 Ws) NCDENR 1.5" : 8,504 v STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS - INFILTRATION BASIN DESIGN Project Drainage Area Infiltration Basin Infiltration Basin Information Storage Elevation: Bottom of basin: ESHWT Elev.: Permeability: Available Storage Volume: Required NCDENR Volume Dominion - Elizabeth City Yard Expansion By: mjm 1 Date : 07/20/11 elevation area (msl) (sf) 7.0 8,904 5.9 7,738 3.9 (msl) 0.57 (in/hr) 9,153 (cf) 8,504 (cf) NCDENR Drawdown Calculations Average Hydraulic Gradient: 1.3 (ft/ft) Drawdown Rate: 0.140 (cfs) NCDENR Drawdown Time: 0.76 Days 1 RECERIVED JUL 25 2011 0W Q'L WAR0 Prepared by Albemarle and Associates, Ltd. r ��.,::;-.aVF=P JUL 252011 Peak Runoff Calculations Project Nalme.: "DOMINION - ELIZABETH CITY YARD Drainage Area = Postdevelopment Impervious Area On -site Buildings or Lot BUA On -site Streets On -site Parking On -site Sidewalks/Concrete Other on -site Pervious Area Remaining (ac) Lo J. excluding storage devices) Area "C" C'A (ac) 0.11 1.00 0.11 0.00 0.95 0.00 1.52 0.95 1.44 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.25 0.30 Total: 1.88 Design Event : year hour depth 1 24 3.06 Weighted Runoff Coefficient: 0.87 Average Intensity: 0.128 (in/hr) stdeveloped Peak Discharge: 0.208 (cfs - into BMP) Predevelopment Runoff Rate (excluding storage devices) Area "C" C'A (ac) Impervious Area On -site Buildings or Lot BUA 0.00 1.00 0.00 On -site Streets 0.00 0.95 0.00 On -site Parking 0.00 0.95 0.00 On -site Sidewalks/Concrete 0.00 0.95 0.00 Other on -site 0.00 0.95 0.00 Pervious Area Remaining 1.88 0.30 0.57 Total: 1.88 0.57 Design Event : year 1 Weighted Runoff Coefficient: 0.30 Average Intensity: 0.128 levelooed Peak Discharae : 0.072 Postdeveloped Peak Discharge: 0.112 hour depth 24 3.06 (in/hr) (cfs - see calculations from BMP) �- rl Ibema e & ASSOCIATES, LTD. FFECEP LD JULy 25 2011 Dominion — Elizabeth City Yard Expansion Soil Report prepared for Virginia Electric and Power July 19, 2011 Dominion (under Virginia Electric and Power) maintains a service facility located at 1707 West Ehringhaus Street in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. The original 2.28 acre facility provides office space, maintenance areas and storage space for the power company. Dominion recently purchased a 3.16 acre parcel located adjacent to and behind the existing facility. The parcel is partially wooded / partially cleared and contains wetlands along the west side (adjacent to the nearby creek). Portions of the site may have been previously filled. Elevations on the site range from 3 to 11 feet above msl. The Soil Survey for Pasquotank County has mapped the soils to consist of Munden (MuA), Chowan (CwA) as well as Urban (Ur). Albemarle & Associates performed soils investigations on April 201" and June 151, 2011. The borings were performed within the area of the stormwater bmp, which the NRCS soil survey had mapped as Munden soils. These borings indicated some concurrence with the Munden soils types, with the subsurface consisting generally of a mix of sand and loamy material. However, some irregularities were encountered as clay and organics were observed at certain locations. It is possible that fill had been previously placed in the area, as it has been cleared, somewhat elevated and is adjacent to "Urban" mapped soils. Additional insight was gained by observing the adjacent pond serving the Lowe's facility. Design plans were obtained for the pond, which indicated the bottom of the pond to be at an elevation of 4' above msl. At the time of investigations as well as previous observations, there was basically no water level observed within the pond. These observations provide additional confirmation that the water level remains below the 4' elevation. The presence of the adjacent Lowe's pond to the �- south, proposed dry basin (at a lower elevation than the infiltration basin) to the north, and general downward grading to the west will also assist in maintaining a lower water table. Infiltration Basin: An infiltration basin has been selected for this site based upon the existing soils and grades, contributing drainage area and land use. The NRCS soil survey documents typical permeability rates ranging from 0.57 to 5.95 in/hr. The most conservative permeability rate (0.57 in/hr) is utilized in analysis for the basin. The plans also direct to the contractor to conduct test excavations within the basin to check for the presences of clay layers, which are not typically found in Munden soils but have been observed in isolated locations within the soil borings. A copy of the USDA Web Soil Survey for the site and soils boring report are attached. Land Planning — Engineering— Surveying— Environmental — Construction Management 117C North Water Street, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 North Carolina License No. C-1027 Phone: 252-338-5771 w AlbemarieAssociatesxom Fax.: 252-338-5719 Dominion - Elizabeth City Yard Expansion Soil Boring Log Soil Borinqs depthrB- B-2 B-3 B-4 0" to 6" Topsoil Topsoil Topsoil Tan Sandy Grey &Tan 6" to 24" y Grey Fill Sand Loam Sandy Loam Grey Sandy Tan Sand (trace 24" to 36" Grey Fill Sand Tan Fine Sand Loam mottling) Grey Loamy Tan Sandy 36" to 48" Tan Fine Grey Fine Sand (some Loam (moist, Sandy Loam Sandy Loam organics) some clay @ 42„ Grey Fine Grey Loamy Tan Clay & Light Tan Sandy Loam, Sand, heavy Sand w/ Heavy 48" to 60" Fine Sand some organic, organics, and Mottling (SHWT and moisture at moisture at 48,. @ 48") 60" SH SH Depth to > 60 60 48 48 ESHWT Depth to Water > 60 > 60 > 60 > 60 Table Depth to < 4.1 1.8 3.5 5.4 ESHWT Depth to EWT < 4.1 < 1.8 < 2.5 < 4.4 Approx. Elev. 9.1 6.8 7.5 9.4 At Ex. Grade .9 V L Az SS AL.9L AV.>L.9L o 0 N � C N � LT iD N a ry MMS 99 .VL .9t z 8 Soil Map—Pasquotank County, North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (A01) Very Stony Spot Map Scale: 1:1,070 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet. v ; Area of Interest (AD]) Wet Spot The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Soils � Other Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map Soil Map Units measurements. Special Line Features Special Point Features _ Gully Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Blowout Web Soil Survey URL. http:/twebsoilsuNey.nres.usda.gov Snort Steep Slope Coordinate System. UTM Zone 18N NAD83 ® Borrow Pit .. Other This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of X Clay Spot Political Features the version date(s) listed below. ♦ Closed Depression i Cities Soil Survey Area: Pasquotank County, North Carolina ?C Gravel Pit Water Features Survey Area Data: Version 11. Oct 3. 2008 ,. Gravely Spot Oceans Date(s) aerial images were photographed. 8/15/2006 g Landfill Streams and Canals The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were n Lava Flow Transportation compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting Marsh or swamp .i Rails of map unit boundaries may be evident. g Mine or Quarry +y.^ Interstate Highways oD Miscellaneous Water - .- US Routes ap Perennial Water Major Roads Rock Outcrop N Local Roads + Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot p Sinkhole I> Slide or Slip to Sor is Spot a Spoil Area 0 Stony Spot ISDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 6/1412011 is" Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map—Pasquotank County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Pasquotank County, North Carolina (NC139) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CwA Chowan sill loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, frequently flooded 0.2 8.6% MuA Munden fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 1.2 44.6% Ur Urban land 1.3 46.7% Totals for Area of Interest 2.7 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 6/14/2011 am Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 lb'emarle +L�9'`�� JUL 252011 & ASSOCIATES, LTD. A S�Of-A ti ,evy Dominion Power Site Expansion Stormwater Management Narrative prepared for Dominion Power June 30, 2011 Existing Conditions: Dominion Power maintains a service facility located at 1707 West Ehringhaus Street in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. The original 2.28 acre facility provides office space, maintenance areas and storage space for the power company. Runoff from the portions of the site appear to be conveyed into the US-17 drainage system, while the majority of the reminder of the site is directed to the perimeter of the site and eventually reaches the "East Branch of Knobbs Creek Tributary" the via overland flow through a wooded rea separating the site from the creek. Dominion Power recently purchased a 3.16 acre parcel located adjacent to and behind the existing facility. The parcel is pa' r ially wooded / partially cleared and contains wetlands along the west side (adjacent to the nearby creek). Portions of the site may have been previously filled. Elevations on the site range from 3 to 11 feet above msl. The new portion of the property drains via sheet flow towards the tributary as well. The Soil Survey for Pasquotank County has mapped the soils to consist of Munden (Mulk), Chowan (CwA) as well as Urban (Ur). The project is not within 575' feet of ORW classified waters, or within '/z mile of those classified as SA. Proposed Development: Dominion Power intends to develop the new portion of the site in order to provide additional outdoor storage areas. Plans also include an indoor storage/office building that may be constructed if funding is available. The site will be accessed through the rear of the existing facility. A new stormwater infiltration basin will be constructed in order to comply with NCDENR regulations for water quality as well as assisting with Elizabeth City regulations addressing stormwater quantity control. Runoff in excess of the infiltration basin capacity will be directed into a dry detention basin to conform with Elizabeth City regulations. NCDENR Permitting Compliance: Coverage on the new portion of the site is 51.2%, thereby classifying the project as a "high density" development within the 20 coastal counties. Runoff from impervious surfaces on this facility with be directed into a closed drainage system collection runoff from the building and paved areas. The system will convey runoff to an infiltration basin that will provide infiltration of the first flush created by 1 ''/z° of rainfall. The infiltration basin has been selected for this site due to the nature of the soils (generally silty sand) and relatively higher grades that will allow a two -foot separation to the estimated seasonal high water table. The dry basin is also compatible with the drainage area size, topographical characteristics and facility operations. The basin has been sized to conform to the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality "Best Management Practices Manual". A bypass is provided that will allow Land Planning — Engineering — Surveying — Environmental — Construction Management 117C North Water Street, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 North Carolina License No. C-1027 Phone: 252-338-5771 w AlbemarleAssociates.com Fax: 252-338-5719 • Dominion Power Expansion Stormwater Management Narrative June 30, 2011 Page 2 of 3 runoff in excess of 1 Yi' of rainfall to be diverted to a dry detention basin that will also provide the required vegetative filter for bypassed runoff. Compliance with City of Elizabeth City Standards: Elizabeth City requires the post development runoff discharge rate for a 2, 10 & 25 year — 24 hour event (7.09") from this site to be equal to or less than that estimated for the predevelopment conditions. In order to provide additional storage volume to provide additional peak runoff control, runoff in excess of the NCDENR requirements is diverted into a new dry detention basin. The basin provides control of the release rate by means of a concrete outlet control structure with two orifices, including a 6" 0 at bottom the elevation of 4.5 as well as an 8" 0 at the elevation of 5.5. The control structure also provides an overflow through weir the rim elevation of 7.0. Hydrologic modeling was prepared using the "Hydraflow Hydrographs", allowing hydrographs to be generated estimating the peak runoff rates, runoff volume for predeveloped and postdeveloped conditions and pond routing. Using the NRCS Technical Release — 55 methodology, this modeling allows for site specific conditions such as soil types, historical runoff rates and flow patterns to be considered. The model provided includes several hydrographs documenting estimated runoff from drainage patterns and accounting for routing through stormwater BMPS. The hydrgraph descriptions are as follows: Pre -developed Hydrograph #1: Pre -development runoff (3.16 acres in rear) Post -developed Hydrograph #3: Post -development runoff (2.58 acres from developed area in rear) Discharge into infiltration basin Hydrograph #4: Release from infiltration basin - discharge into dry basin Hydrograph #5: Release from dry basin Hydrograph #6: Post -development runoff (0.58 acres from undeveloped area in rear) Hydrograph #7: Combination of hydrograph #6 & #7 Discharge from project area A summary table of these hydrographs as well as the hydrographs are attached to this report. N l 0,.1J N '' 17'30' E300 *34587 K 11(3) This document presented and filed. 01252011 09:10S3 pM JOYCE W. PRRCHARD�Ptank�Lty . NC Excise Tax. $641.00 Euiw Tax: $641.00 ppS000TANK jCOU]NTY peed number �11.{V T1a11s,e ,ax: no 5quotank county Ai5e55g1'S 0ill�e NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Muff/Box to:.MeCeMlish Holton PC. P.O. Box 796, Richmond, VA 23219% Attn: Peter Henderer This fiemaawwan prepared by. G. Elvin Small, III, Attomey prid forthe Iodex: 238 AC. OFF EHRINGHAUS STREET, ELIZABETH CITY THIS DEED made this 30,th day of December . 201p by ud bctw= ROBERT C JORDAN ar LOUISE P. JORDAN 98 Small Drive Elimboth City, NC 27909 "r rto VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY, A Virginia Public Service Corporation doing business in North Carolina as Dominion North Carolina Powcv, , Fighth And Main Building, 12 FIcoF 707 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 The demptb=Grw*m aldGaanaee u medbetem shalt=bdesmdpmbm &mbeus, mmemms, sad maigos, and iha0 mcbde smpl- plant, mumliae, fe®iae or muter as required by mttlacI WITNESSETH, that thefhauiw, fora vabubk consideration Paid by the Oradea, do mcciptof which sherebyacmowledged,bas and by dzuproents does grail, barypm, sell and cowmyumo the Grantee at fee simple, all tho outamlot orpnoelaflaodaiomed mthe Cityof F3imbelh City I Elizabeth City Towmhip, Pasguotank C utty.NamOamlmemd mme pattiaduly desatbcd as follows: See Attached Exhibit A for description. The property beremabove deambcd was w4wred by Grantor by imtrameo1 recorded in Book 819 par 808 A map showing the above described property is recorded m Plat Book page NC Bar Association Form No. 1.3 ® 1976, Revised O 1977, 2002 Printed by Agrvemeent with the NC Bar Association —1981 SofkPro Coaporstim, 333 E. Su Forb Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609 JUL 2b 20,E QVVfA'-VVA'R0 C5m I IU3 VU 4Ua L)ul. U400f EXHIBIT A Commencing at NCGS Monument "Passport", thence along a tie line South 708'13" East for 850.06 feet to a 24nch iron pipe located at the Southern right-of-way of Etringhaus Street (U.S. Highway 17 Business, 92' right-of-way) to the Northwestern property comer of the Virginia Electric & Power Company (VEPCO) property; thence South 31'02'09" East for 283.93 feet to a 1-inch iron pipe located at the southwestern comer of the VEPCO property; thence South 30'59'58" East for 153.93 feet to a point located at the southwestern corner of Parcel 1-A dolly Square, which parcel is shown on Map Book 15, Page 34 in the Pasquotatk County Register of Deeds, and is the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along a fence line North 55'05'38" East for 389.01 feet to a 12 inch iron rod marking a common comer of Parcel 1-A and the property belonging to Lowes Home Centers, Inc.; thence South 31'09'06" East for 289.25 feet to a PK Nail marking the southeastern comer of Parcel 1-B being here described; thence with a fence line South 58'5249" West for 315.55 feet to a 314 inch iron pipe at the southwest corner of Parcel 1-B; thence North 68'24'58" West for 120.80 feet to a 314 inch iron pipe; thence North 30"58'35" West 167.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said property contains 2.38 Acres. And being that same tract or parcel of land shown and delineated as 2.38 Acres, and referred to as "PARCEL 1-B"on that certain map or plat entitled in part "RECOMBINATION PLAT FOR DOMINION POWER," dated December 21, 2010, by Albemarle & Associates, LTD, which map of plat is recorded in Map Book S3 at page 36 . Pasquotank County Public Registry, and is by reference incorporated herein and made a part of this instrument for a more complete description of the lards hereby conveyed. (JORDAN.10695.28PFDIJDRDAN.106952B(4) DM I IUJ ry 4Uy UUL,7F4U4D0f TOHAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lotorparcel ofland end allprivilegesand appartcusmoci that cEo belmpogiotheOnNee in fee simple. And the Gramorcoveam s with the Grantee, thatGrsmor is mad of the promisee in fee aioQk,has the right to convey the wme m The simple, &atthie is mshttabk and five mdclew ofall encumbrances, and that Gnnoawill warm[ and defend the title against the lewfid clam ofall penam whomsoever, ad= than the following exocptiom: Restrictions, casements, rights of way of rocord and public service utifity asaoents. IN WMNM WHEREOF, the Grata has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year fast above written. (SEAL) (Fxmty Nara) ROBERT ORDAN BY.-+/� r (SEAL) Title: LOUISE P. JORDAV By'. Tde: By Tde: (SEAL) (SEAL) State of North Cadhn-County of Pasguotenk 1, the mdasigned Notary Public of the County and Stare aforesaid, ca* dad ROBERT C. JORDAN and wife, LOU ISE P. JORDAN personally appeased before me this day and acknowledged the doe execubm of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein esprenoi Witness my bad and NaasrW mum err sal this _j%L"day of Dwc ixr .2010 :sky Jo^n;on My Ca®ssim Expires: Septernber 24. 201 .... :v`ruL`I:- I t Pasc..-:ani Cc:;nq'% NC Public She yJo on Stine of Nor& Carolina -Coady of 1, the undersigned Notary Public of&eCoadyend Sale afbvc a ocr*&at perameBy came before me this dry and acknowledged that he is the of . e Nor& Catolma or yc=p&y/gcncd(smlo;&ror$h&e ioappiinble).eod dually nnhoritydalygivenmdesthe aaofwell mtity, he signed the foregoing' idaetmd deed. Witucis my had and Normal stamp or neat, this_ dry of My Conanamiao Ewes: Sat ofNor& Caddo, - CM31Y of 1, the modasigted Notary Public ofthe Canty and State aforesaid, certify that Wises my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this _ day of . 20_. My Oot»im Notary Public MCC ine81 CatiSato(a)of islarecarti6edtobe, - — This' tmtat and dds certMalem dnlyregisocedlathe daRamd timeaadmtJsBodcandPagedona an&a fort page hereof Register of Deeds for Cooly By. Deputy/Awsbm -Regular ofDcadt NC Bar Association Form No. 1-3 O 1976, Revised 0 1977. 2002 Prioad by Agreement with &o NC Ba Amocmtion-1981 SdtPro Cosporatioa, 333 B. Six Fab Rd, Rakigh, NC 27609 EXHIBIT A Commencing at NCGS Monument "Passport", thence along a tie tine South 7"08'13" East for 850.06 feet to a 2-Inch iron pipe located at the Southern nghPof-way of Ehdngham Sireet(U.S. Highway 17 Business, 92'rigtdof-way) to the Northwestern property comer of the Virginia Electric & Power Company (VEPCO) property; thence South 31"02'09" Fast for 283.93 feetto a 14nch iron pipe located at the southwestern comer of the VEPCO property, and is the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along a fence fire North 55°OT26" Fast for215.39 feet to a 518 inch iron rod marking a common comer of the eastern portion of Parcel 1-A and the western portion of Parcel t-A being here described; thence South 34'5422" Fast for 153.46 feet to a 518 inch iron rod marking the scutheasbm comer of the western portion of Parcel 1-A being here desaibect thence with a fence line Souh 55"05'38" West for 225.87 feet to a point thence North 30959'58" West for 153.93 feet to the POINT OF BEG NN INC, Said property contains 0.78 Acres. And berg that same lot or parcel of land shown and delineated as 0.78 Acre, and referred to as "WESTERN PORTION OF PARCEL 1-A," on that certain map or plat entitled in part "RECOMBINATION PLAT FOR DOMINION POWER" dated December 21, 2010, by Albemarle & Associates, LID, which map or plat is recorded in Map Book 53 . at Page 36 Pasquotank County Public Registry, and is by reference Incorporated herein and made a pad of this instrument for a more complete description of the lards hereby conveyed. The above -described real property is conveyed subject b a nonexclusive drainage easement thereon, which is expressly reserved by the Cantor and is hereby expressly acknowledged by the Grantee and said easement shag an with the aforesaid property by whomsoever owned. The said drainage easement being expressly reserved and retained by the Grantors is 10 feet in width, and runs from the northeastern comer of the above -described lands, along and with the northern boundary fire of said lands for a distance of 21 &39 feet terminating at the nort hwestem comer of the above -described real property. The parties expressly acknowledge and agree that there is located on said 10 foot wida easement, nnning along and with the northern boundary tine of the above -described property, a drainage pipe. Incident to the 10 foot wide drainage easement provided for herein, the setters shall have rights of ingress and egress at times convenient to the Grantee for the purpose of performing maintenance upon the aforesaid drainage pipe. Further, in the course of Its ordinary use of the under&ng property cowered by said drainage easement the Grantee, and its successors and assigns, shall take all reasonable and practical measures to avoid crushing the drainage pipe. The Grantee may relocate the drainage pipe located on the aforesaid 10 foot drainage easement at any time, at Grantees sole expense, provided that the quality of the drainage from the Grantors' property (which lies east of the lands hereby conveyed) is not dim'vnistted or adversely aftecled. JORD,W.106952A Ut\ r 1VJ rV YIL VV%' W-tuvu TO HAVEAND TO HOLD the aforesaid lotorpareel oflandaed all privikges and appuukoeneesther mbekmgisgtutbeGI tee in fee simple. And the Grant=wva3wb with the Grzatm dot Grantor is wbW of the promises in fee simple, has the r1*to convey the same in fee simple, do tide is madmuble and free and clear ofall ems, and that Granter will warrant anddefend Poe tick against the ISWU claims of al ixr whoever, other dam tee following excepdom:Restrictions, easements, rghts of way of record and public service utility casements. IN WITNESS WHERFAF, the Grater has duly executed the foregoing w of the day and year fit above written. The Marital Trust for the benefit of (�tY New) By: Tnk: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PASQUOTANK Earldine D. Jordan (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) I, Shelly Johnson a Notary Public of the County ofPasquotank: State North Carolina, do hereby certify that Robert C. Jordan. Trustee for the Marital Trust for the Court of Pasguotank County. North Carolina. as File No. 92-E-51 personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this_39!-_day of December . 2010, My commission expires: September 24. 2011 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PASQUOTANK Shelly Johnsen rto!a p P:iL'ic_ P•;Squ=.nk Caun;-,, NC ! Uq f... 1, Shelly Johnson. a Notary Public of the County of Pasquotank, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Louise P. Jordan, attomey-in-fact for Earldine D. Jordan personally appeared before me this day, and being by me duly swom, says that she executed the foregoing and annexed Instrument for and in behalf of Earldine D. Jordan and that her authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed and acknowledged and recorded on the 19th day of January, 2011, in Deed Book 1102 . Page 858 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, North Carolina, and that this instrument was executed under and by virtue of the authority given by said instrument granting her power of attorney; that the said Louise P. Jordan acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing and annexed Instrument for the purposes therein expressed for and in behalf of said Earldine D. Jordan. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this p3Q day of December. 2010. My commission expires: l_ l .l,l ,/ac� September 24, 2011 Notary Pubh : St elly Johnson Shelly Johnson Nols:y Public Pasquotznk Courh. !JC I1v C '".miss':' 6;,:es__, "w lbemarle & ASSOCIATES, LTD. July 21, 2011 NCDENR Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ATTN: Mr. Bill Moore ii'ilEG aF1 W ED JUL 25 2011 D $ WARD RE: Dominion -Elizabeth City Yard Expansion, Pasquotank County, NC High Density Stormwater Management Submittal Dear Bill: Please find the enclosed Stormwater Management Permit Application for the expansion of the Dominion Power facility located at 1707 West Ehringhaus Street in Elizabeth City, NC. Dominion Power has recently acquired 3.16 acres adjacent to their existing facility with the intent to provide additional paved storage areas and potentially a new structure for indoor storage and office space. The original site is not under a current stormwater management permit. The attached submittal provides stormwater management for the newly added impervious surface by routing the runoff to an infiltration basin in order to conform with NCDENR high -density standards under regulations set forth for the 20 coastal counties. Runoff in excess of the L%rainfall event is bypassed to a dry detention basin that also provides function as a vegetated filter. The dry basin allows for additional stormwater runoff control to allow the post development to remain at or below the predevelopment rates for the 2, 10 and 25 years event in accordance with Elizabeth City requirements. The information within the attached submittal includes: • NCDENR stormwater management permit application(1 original & 1 copy) • Review Fee ($505) • Infiltration Basin supplement & checklist (1 original) • Infiltration Basin Maintenance Agreement (1 original) • Soil Report (1 copy) • Stormwater management narrative (1 copy) • Stormwater runoff calculations (1 copy) Land Planning - Engineering - Surveying - Environmental - Construction Management 117C North Water Street, Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 North Carolina License No. C-1027 Phone: 252-338-5771 w .AlbemarleAssociates.com Fax: 252-338-5719 ��` Mr. Bill Moore NCDENR DWQ July 21, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Two sets of plans including: o Site Plan (C201 dated 07/21111) Q Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (C202 dated 07/21/11) o Stormwater and Grading Plan (C301 dated 07/21/10) o Site Plan Details (C302 dated 07/21/11) Please note that although the additional parcel is 3.16 acres, the contributing drainage area for the infiltration basin is only 1.88 acres. This is due to the existing wetlands and secondary bmp's on the site. Mr. Scott Vinson is familiar with this project, as I have already discussed it with him on several occasions. If you have any further questions regarding any portion of this submittal, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, 1A -- Michae Morw ay, E Engineer cc: File