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Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
Report Year 2014
This inspection document shall be completed and returned to the local stormwater BMP approving authority.
1. Location Information
Project Name: State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Date of Inspection: 01-16-14
Location/Address: 880 HWY 64 West, Plymouth NC, 27962
2. Owner Information
Owner of Record: SECU Telephone: 919-508-2691
Mailing Address: 1000 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC, 27605 Fax:
Name: Brett Cody - Facilities Services Email: Brett.cody@nesecu.org
Is owner a HOA? . Yes _ No _X_ If yes, attach list of current officers and their contact information
3. Secondary Contact Information (If different from Owner)
Name: Patrica Spencer Telephone: 252-793-2300
Title: Branch Manager Fax: 252-793-5666
Mailing Address: PO Box 159, Plymouth NC, 27962 Email: patrica.spencer@ncsecu.org
4. Inspector Information
Company Name: Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA Telephone: 919-819-3103
Inspector Name: William S. Needham, PE Fax: 919-379-1458
Mailing Address: 3608-200 Davis Drive Email: bill@piedmont-civil.com
Morrisville, NC 27560 Credentials: PE
Completed NCSU BMP Maintenance & Inspection Certification: Yes X 'No Certification No: 038
5. BMP Description and Number: (Please designate all that apply)
Bioretention Areas Constructed Wetlands Dry Detention Basins
Grass Swales Level Spreaders X Wet Detention Ponds
Sand Filters Permeable Pavement _ Propnetary Devices
Other (Provide Description): N Underground Detention System
6. Attach photographs of BMP(s)to document sufficiently the current conditions of all structures and features.
Page 1 of 2 Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
7. General Information for all BMPs:
Yes No N/A
X Does routine maintenance appear to be satisfactory?
X Has sediment built up in the inlet, outlet, or forebay?
X Are there signs of erosion or any denuded areas?
X Is there trash or debris that needs to be removed? (This is particularly important at outlet
X Are algae, aquatic weeds, or invasive plants (particularly cattails) present?
X Is there evidence of cracks, separation, or alignment problems with pipes?
X Arc rip -rap dissipater pads damaged, clogged with vegetation, or insufficient?
X For dry detention ponds, is the basin holding water longer than 5 days after a storm event?
X is there evidence of muskrat or beaver activity?
X Are vegetated slopes steeper than 3:1?
X Is there evidence of depressions in the soil surface over or around any pipes?
X Other problems not listed above (describe below).
8. Please describe all problems in detail: (Use additional sheets if needed)
9. Please describe corrective measures taken: (Use additional sheets if needed)
See Photo Journal for details.
10. Inspector's Certification
1, William Needham, as.a.duly registered Professional in the State of North Carolina, hereby state that the
Stormwater BMP(s) described in this report were inspected under my responsible charge, and to the best of my
knowledge, the (BMP) device(s): (please select one of the following statements)
have deficiencies noted above and must be repaired in order to function properly and operate as designed.
X are fully functioning and operating as designed and intended as of this date.
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Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
The photo above shows an overall caption of the wet pond. The forebay is shown in front with
primary treatment area in background. The interior slopes of the pond were observed to be
stabilized and maintained in accordance with the Landscapers Punch List Water clarity was also
observed and found to be without significant turbidity and algae presence.
The photo above shows the inlet concrete headwall. The pipe and concrete structure were found in
good condition. The rip rep stone dissipater pad was earlier observed filled in with sediment and
needed to be replaced to prevent erosion in this area Replacement of stone The rip tap stone energy
dissipater pad has been replaced and now functions properly.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-16-14
Page 1 of 4
The photo above shows the forebay area as seen from the previously shown inlet headwall. The
forebay is in passable condition with interior slopes exhibiting proper stabilization.
The photo above shows the spillway on the forebay berm. The spillway is constructed of rip rap
stone. At the time of initial inspection, the spillway was significantly filled in with sediment The
stone in place is intended to provide additional stabibzation to the spillway and also to slow the
water down to aid in the prevention of erosion on the backside of the spillway. The sediment was
removed from the spillway area and now functions properly
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-16-14
Page 2 of
The photo above shows the concrete control structure with a properly secured trash rack. The PVC
drawdown device as seen on the left side of the structure was found to be operating as designed. The
area around the control structure was inspected for depressions and soil loss. There were no
deficiencies observed in this area.
The photo above shows the interior of the control structure. The PVC shown has a reducer
mechanism in place to restrict the water flow. During heavier and longer duration rainfall events, the
upper notch in the concrete will release stormwater into the device. There was no significant
presence of sediment in the riser structure. No additional maintenance required to the riser
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-16-14
Page 3 of 4
Landscaper's Maintenance Punch List
1. (Quarterly) Check the level of sediment accumulating in the inlet area and
spillway. Removed sand grit, debris, trash and plant material by hand via shovel
at the inlet point.
2. (Quarterly) Remove any debris, trash and collected sediment in the pipe that
blocks or slows down the flow of water into the stormwater device.
3. (Annually) Monitor areas around the riser structure to ensure that settlement
has not occurred. Settlement may be a result of soil loss and/or pipe separation.
4. (Semi -Annual) Monitor ground cover on inside and outside pond slopes. Bare
or deteriorating areas around the ponds should be reseeded as needed to keep
area stabilized.
5. (Monthly) Make sure there are no obstructions around the riser structure.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-16-14
Page 4 of 4
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Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
Report Year - 2013
This inspection document shall be completed and returned to the local stormwater BMP approving authority.
1. Location Information
Project Name: State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Date of Inspection: 01-21-13
Location/Address. 880 HWY 64 West, Plymouth NC, 27962
2. Owner Information
Owner of Record: SECU Telephone:
Mailing Address: 1000 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC, 27605 Fax:
Name: Brent Lambert - Facilities Services Email:
Is owner a HOA? Yes _ No _X_ If yes, attach list of current officers and their contact information
3. Secondary Contact Information (If different from Owner)
Name: Patrica Spencer Telephone:
Title: Branch Manager Fax:
Mailing Address: PO Box 159, Plymouth NC, 27962 Email:
4. Inspector Information
Company Name: Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA Telephone:
Inspector Name: William S. Needham, PE Fax:
Mailing Address: 3608-200 Davis Drive Email:
Morrisville, NC 27560 Credentials:
Completed NCSU BMP Maintenance & Inspection Certification: Yes X No
Certification No: 038
5. BMP Description and Number: (Please designate all that apply)
Bioretention Areas Constructed Wetlands
Dry Detention Basins
Grass Swales Level Spreaders
X Wet Detention Ponds
Sand Filters Permeable Pavement
Proprietary Devices
Other (Provide Description): Underground Detention System
6. Attach photographs of BMP(s) to document sufficiently the current conditions of all structures and features.
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Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
7. General Information for all BMPs:
Yes No N/A
X Does routine maintenance appear to be satisfactory?
X Has sediment built up in the inlet, outlet, or forebay?
X Are there signs of erosion or any denuded areas?
X Is there trash or debris that needs to be removed? (This is particularly important at outlet
X Are algae, aquatic weeds, or invasive plants (particularly cattails) present?
X Is there evidence of cracks, separation, or alignment problems with pipes?
X Are rip -rap dissipater pads damaged, clogged with vegetation, or insufficient?
X For dry detention ponds, is the basin holding water longer than 5 days after a storm event?
X Is there evidence of muskrat or beaver activity?
X Are vegetated slopes steeper than 3:1?
X is there evidence of depressions in the soil surface over or around any pipes?
X Other problems not listed above (describe below).
8. Please describe all problems in detail: (Use additional sheets if needed)
Please refer to the attached photographic journal for details.
9. Please describe corrective measures taken: (Use additional sheets if needed)
Please refer to the attached photographic journal for corrective measures
10. Inspector's Certification
1 William S . Needham, ee , as a duly registered Professional in the State of North Carolina,
hereby state that the Stormwater BMP(s) described in this report were inspected under my responsible charge, and
to the best of my knowledge, the (BMP) device(s): (please select one of the following statements)
_ have deficiencies noted above and must be repaired in order to function properly and operate as designed.
_X_ are fully functioning and operating as designed and intended as of this date.
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Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
The headwall/wingwall area is in passable condition.
The level of vegetation in the surrounding area is suitable to
prevent erosion in the area.
Photo above was taken from above the previously shown inlet structure that
shows an overall view of the wet pond. The forebay is predominantly shown in
the center of the photo. Area slopes are stabilized sufficiently to prevent the area
from eroding.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-21-13
Pagel of4
shown in the center of the picture to be is reasonably good condition and
requires no additional maintenance. The lower levels of vegetation at the waters
edge is at a suitable height
pond on left). The rip rap stone is securely in place and has not been displaced.
No additional maintenance at this time.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo journal 1-21-13
Paee 2 of 4
Concrete riser structure Is shown to be In good condition. The trash rack is firmly
in place with the absence of trash/debris. The water level Is shown to beat the
lower level of the draw down orifice, which is the intended permanent pool
elevation. The orifice was not clogged at the time of inspection. No additional
maintenance is required in this area.
Interior of the concrete riser structure shown. The upper overflow and the lower
draw down orifice are free of debris and functioning properly.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-21-13
Page 3 of4
Landscaper's Maintenance Punch List
1. (Quarterly) Check the level of sediment accumulating in the inlet areas.
Removed sand grit, debris, trash and plant material by hand shovel at the inlet
2. (Quarterly) Remove any debris, trash and collected sediment in the pipe that
blocks or slows down the Flow of water into the stormwater device.
3. (Annually) Monitor areas around the riser structure to ensure that settlement
has not occurred. Settlement may be a result of soil loss and/or pipe separation.
4. (Semi -Annual) Monitor ground cover on inside and outside pond slopes. Bare
or deteriorating areas around the ponds should be reseeded as needed to keep
area stabilized.
5. (Monthly) Make sure there are no obstructions around the riser structure.
State Employees Credit Union, Plymouth, NC
Photo Journal 1-21-13
Page 4 of 4
Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
Report Year - 2012 ,
This inspection document shall be completed and returned to the local stormwater BMP approving authority.
1. Location Information '
Project Name: State Employees Credit Union.(SECU)..,. .t. Date of Inspection: 01-31-12
Location/Address: 880 HW 64 West. PlvmouthNC.27962 t
2. Owner Information •
Owner of Record: SECU• Telephone: �
Mailing Address: 1000 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC; 27605 .' Fax:
• it . •. ,fl.
Name: Tiko Thomas - Facilities Services Email'
Is owner a HOA? Yes — "= No=_X_ - -If yes, attach list of current officers and their contact information
3. Secondary Contact Information (If differetit'.frorn Owner)_
Name: Patrica Spencer- _ Telephone:
Title: ` Bianch Manager-. - T - Fax:
Mailing Address: PO Box 159, Plymouth NC, 27962 Email:
4. Inspector Information - - --
Company Name: Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA- - Telephone:
919-81 &3103 -
Inspector Name: William S. Needham, PE Fax:
Mailing Address: 3608-200 Davis Drive Email:
l;Morrisville; NC 27560 Credentials:
Completed NCSU BMP Maintenance &'inspection Certification: '' Yes' ' X No t
' 'Certification No.• " 038
5. BMP Description and Number: (Please designate all that appivl„ •
Bioretention Areas Constructed Wetlands
Dry Detention Basins
Grass Swales Level Spreaders- X
Wet Detention Ponds _
Sand Filters Permeable Pavement
Proprietary Devices
Other (Provide Description): .'.Underground Detention Sysiem
6. Attach photographs of BMP(s) to document sufficiently the current conditions of all structures and features.
Page 1 of 2 Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
7. General Information for all BMPs:
Yes No N/A
Does routine maintenance appear to be satisfactory?
Has'sedimenbbuilt up in the inlet, outlet, or forebay?
Are there signs of erosion or any denuded areas?
Is there trash or debris that needs to be removed? (This is particularly important at outlet
Are algae, aquatic weeds, or invasive plahts (particularly cattails) present? '
Is there evidence of cracks, separation, or alignment problems with pipes?
Are rip -rap dissipator pads damaged, clogged with vegetation, or insufficient?
For dry detention ponds, is the basin holding water longer than 5.days after a storm event?
Is there evidence of muskrat or beaver activity?
Are vegetated slopes steeper than 3: I?
Is there evidence of depressions in the soil surface over or around any pipes?,
Other problems not listed above (describe below).
8. Please describe all
problems in detail: (Use additional sheets if needed)
Please refer to the attached photographic ioumal for details...
9. Please describe corrective measures taken: (Use additional sheets if needed)
Please refer to the attached photographic iournal for corrective measures.
10. Inspector's Certification .
I, William S. Needham, PE as a duly registered Professional in the
State of North Carolina, hereby state that the Stormwater BMP(s) described in this report were inspected under.my
responsible charge, and to the best of my knowledge, the (BMP) device(s): (please select one of the following
_ have deficiencies noted above and must be repaired in order to function properly and operate as designed.
_X_ are fully functioning and operating as designed and inierided as•of this date:
01-31-12 (Seal) ..,.
Signature Date
Page 2 of 2
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'e SEAL 9r 9
031746 t
. . .
Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Beverly Eaves Perdue
Mr. Bobby Hall, President
State Employees' Credit Union
1000 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, INC 27605
Dear Mr. Hall:
Division of Water Quality
Coleen H. Sullins
December 20, 2011
Permit No. SW7080921
SECU - Plymouth
Washington County
Dee Freeman
On December 14, 2011, Mr. Samir Dumpor of the Washington Regional Office of the Division of Water
Quality (DWQ) inspected SECU development in Plymouth, Washington County to determine compliance with
Stormwater Management Permit Number SW7080921, which was issued on October 13, 2008. DWQ site
inspection revealed that the project is in compliance with the approved permit.
Please be advised that you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of your
Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North
Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including operation and maintenance of your permitted stormwater
Please be advised that violations of your Stormwater Management Permit may be subject to the assessment of
civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation. If you have any questions please contact me at the
Washington Regional Office, telephone number (252) 946-6481.
cc: �/WaRO Files
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
943 Washington Square Mall
Washington, NC 27889
Sincerely, 1
Samir Dumper
Environmental Engineer
Internet w ncwateraualitv.oro
Phone: 252-946-6481
FAX 252-946-9215
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recyded/10% Post Consumer Paper
State Stormwater Inspection Report
Project Name: �_—j=C3j — %'�yr +�.
Permit No: SW-70;o9Z)
Expiration Date:
Contact Person: ShKI I�_ V M O-�
Phone Number:
Inspection Type:
Inspection Date: ({��
Time In: ) ;U 0 p t-(
Time Out: Zoo pt l
Current Weather: cC Ylr y Go��
Recent Rain (Date)? ;,t0
Rain — ..-- in
Facility Address / Location:
City: 1-'Iyh UU4-,l Zip: County: Lat: ° "N Long: - I"W
Permit Information
Rule Subject to (circle one): 1988 Coastal Rule_ oastal Rule 2008 Coastal Rule Session Law 2006-246
Goose Creek igh Quality Waters Outstanding Resource Waters
Density (circle ape): High (HD)� Low (LD)
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) (insert number of each):
V� Wet Ponds Infiltration Basins _Infiltration Trenches LD Swales _Stormwater Wetlands
_Dry Ponds Bioretention Permeable Pavement _Sand filters (circle one) Open Closed
_Cistern Level Spreader/Filter Strip Other (specify):
File Review vac nl. MIA u/G
I. Is the permit active?
2. Signed Engineer's Certification on file?
3. Signed Operation and Maintenance agreement on file?
4. Recorded Deed Restrictions on file?
Site Visit RuiIt IInnn Araa (RI I A I ve_ M— KIIA KIM
5. BUA is constructed and consistent with the permit requirements?
6. BUA (aspermitted) is graded such that the runoff drains to the system? (high density only)
7. Drainage area is consistent withpermit? (i.e. no un ermitted drainage to the SW BMPs)r�
8. Drainage area is stabilized? to reduce risk of sedimentation to the SW BMPs
Site Visit: Stormwater RMPs vac M, M/A Mir
9. Stormwater BMPs are located per the approvedplans?
I ✓
10. Stormwater BMPs have dimensions e . length, width, area) matching the approvedplans?
11. Stormwater BMPs are constructed per the approvedplans?
Site Visit: Oneratinn and Maintennnra vex Kl . MIA KIM
12. Access points to the site are clear and well maintained?
13. Trash has been removed as needed?
14. Excessive landscape debris Crass clippings, leaves, etc) is controlled?
15. Stormwater BMPs being operated and maintained as per the permit requirements?
16. Inspection and Maintenance records are available for inspection? (high density only, 1995 — present only)
Yes No N/A N/E
17. Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? I ✓
18. Is the site compliant with other water quality issues as noted during the insnection? F ✓ i I I I
State Stormwater Inspection Report, Version 3.0 Page 1 of 2
State Stormwater Inspection Report
Compliance Status H Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant
Letter Sent (circle one): Yes No Letter typ CEI NOV NOVRE Other
Date Sent: Reference Number:
Inspector Name and Signature: Date:
State Stormwater Inspection Report, Version 3 0 Page 2 of 2
Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
Report Year - 2011
This inspection document shall be completed and returned to the local stormwater BMP approving authority.
t. Location Information
Project Name: State Employees Credit Union (SECU) Date of Inspection: 04-20-1 1
Location/Address: 880 11 W 64 West, Plymouth NC, 27962
2. Owner Information
Owner of Record: SECU Telephone:
Mailing Address: 1000 Wade Avenue, Raleigh, NC, 27605 Fax:
Name: Tiko Thomas - Facilities Services Email:
is owner a HOA? Yes— No _X_ If yes, attach list of current officers and their contact information
3. Secondary Contact Information (If different from Owner)
Name: Patrica Spencer Telephone:
Title: Branch Manager Fax:
Mailing Address: PO Box 159, Plymouth NC, 27962 Email:
4. Inspector Information
Company Name: Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA Telephone:
Inspector Name: William S. Needham. PE Fax:
Mailing Address: 3608-200 Davis Drive Email:
Morrisville, NC 27560 Credentials:
Completed NCSU BMP Maintenance & Inspection Certification: Yes X No
Certification No: 038
5. BMP Description and Number: (Please designate all that apply)
Bioretention Areas Constructed Wetlands
Dry Detention Basins
Grass Swales Level Spreaders
X Wet Detention Ponds
Sand Filters Permeable Pavement
Proprietary Devices
Other (Provide Description): Underground Detention System
6. Attach photographs of BNIP(s) to document sufficiently the current conditions of all structures and features.
Page 1 of 2 Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
7. General Information for all BMPs:
Yes No N/A
X Does routine maintenance appear to be satisfactory?
X Has sediment built up in the inlet, outlet, or forebay?
X Are there signs of erosion or any denuded areas?
X Is there trash or debris that needs to be removed? (This is particularly important at outlet
X Are algae, aquatic weeds, or invasive plants (particularly cattails) present?
X is there evidence of cracks, separation, or alignment problems with pipes?
X Are rip -rap dissipator pads damaged, clogged with vegetation, or insufficient?
X For dry detention ponds, is the basin holding water longer than 5 days after a storm event?
X Is there evidence of muskrat or beaver activity?
X Are vegetated slopes steeper than 3:1?
X Is there evidence of depressions in the soil surface over or around any pipes?
X Other problems not listed above (describe below).
8. Please describe all problems in detail: (Use additional sheets if needed)
]'lease refer to the attached photographic iournal for details.
9. Please describe corrective measures taken: (Use additional sheets if needed)
Please refer to the attached photographic journal for corrective measures.
10. Inspector's Certification
1, William S. Needham. PE , as a duly registered Professional in the
State of North Carolina, hereby state that the Stormwater BMP(s) described in this report were inspected under my
responsible charge, and to the best of my knowledge, the (BMP) device(s): (please select one of the following
X have deficiencies noted above and must be repaired in order to function properly and operate as designed.
are fully functioning and operating as designed and intended as of this date.
A) �1,Q.�..4-01 ' (Seal) ,••`oe1H
Signature Date
Page 2 of 2 Piedmont Civil Consultants, PA
Photos of wet pond lookingsouth
The pond is'good condition, side slopes are well maintained however
it is recommended to let the grasses grow along an 18"-24" strip near
the waters edge. This strip can be cut back twice a year.
Photo Joumal - SECU Plymouth, NC
1 of
Photo of 6" PVC low flow draw -down device at riser
• The photo shows the 22 degree PVC bend that is at the waters surface.
The design includes an additional 18" length of pipe to keep the intake
below the waters surface. During our fist inspection this component
was missing but it has since been installed.
• All riser components are now functioning as designed.
Photo Joumal - SECU Plymouth, NC
Photos looking at drain inlet #60 (DI-60)
During our first inspection we discovered approximately 12"-14" of
sand sediment in this box and in the pipes entering it. The sand
sediment has since been removed and the box is now in passable
Photo Journal - SECU Plymouth, NC
W QsH'16 CO.