HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW7080704_HISTORICAL FILE_20210630STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. Sw ZL DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE El COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 6,2jjojo6 so YYYYMMDD �J a �L-Q ROY COOPER Governor JOHN NICHOLSON InterUn Secretary BRIAN WRENN Director County of Dare Attention: Robert L. P.O. Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality June 30, 2021 Outten, County Manager Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal Stormwater Management Permit SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Residential Development Dare County Dear Mr. Outten: A Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources file review has determined that Stormwater Permit SW7080704 for a stormwater treatment system consisting of an infiltration system to serve a proposed Bowsertown Landing Residential Development to be located at 170 South California Road, Manteo, NC expires on December 30, 2021. This is a reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to expiration. We do not have a record of receiving a renewal application. If you wish to maintain the permit, please submit a completed permit renewal application along with a $505.00 fee for permit renewal. Permit application forms for renewal can be found on our website at: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/post-constructioii-2. North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater permit if the project is constructed, If the project will not be built you may request that the permit to be rescinded. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3923. 1 will be glad to discuss this by phone or meet with you. If you would like, I can e-mail you a copy of the application forms. You can request a copy by e-mailing me at roqer.thorPe(cDncdenr.qo . Sincerely, Roger K. Thorpe Environmental Engineer rp'"Illift �Nz A%�Z North Caroltna Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 4�;MQEQ> Washington Regional Office 1 943 Washington Square Mall I Washington, North Carolina 2788q \/�_ 252.946.6481 ff Stormwater Management Plan — Narrative Bowsertown Landing Residential Development OCT 0 5 2009 Roanoke Island, Dare County, North Carolina October 1, 2009 Reference calculation sheets I through 5 for detailed information Plan Intent: This plan intends to capture, store and infiltrate the runoff from all impervious surfaces for a 1.5 inch rainfall event with no off site or adjacent surface water impacts. Infiltration areas include infiltration swales, infiltration basins and a perforated pipe roof gutter collection system. All infiltration areas are graded to provide.Z�� to the seasonal high water table elevation. No overflow measures are provided and as a result the system has been sized to store and 'Tn—filtratea 3.01 inch rainfall event (twice the required design storm) in accordance with regional practices. Key Design Considerations: • Seasonal Water Table Elevation - Based on monitor well reports provided by S&ME as well as subsequent on site inspections, the seasonal high water table has been established at 1.0' (NAVD 1988). This elevation accounts for normal tidal fluctuations and a slight rise in water table elevation expected with the removal of the site trees. See calculation sheet 2 for additional information. • Soil Infiltration Rates - Based on saturated hydraulic conductivity established by S&ME (from on site slug tests) the soil infiltration rates range from 7.5 inches per hour to 8.5 inches per hour. 7.5 inches per hour has been used in the drawdown calculations and the open space considerations. See calculation sheet 2 for additional information. • Drainage Basins Established - Two drainage basins have been established. Drainage Basin I includes all of the impervious surfaces including roadways, driveways, buildings, decks and stairways. Drainage Basin 2 includes all open, buffer and greens spaces remaining at build out. See calculation sheet 3 for basin identification and area. • Minimum Grades Established - The overall site, less the wetlands, will be filled to a minimum grade of 4.0' (NAVD 1988). The minimum grade of the infiltration swales, basins and gutter collection perforated piping has been set at 3.0' (NAVD 1988) thereby allowing 24" of separation to the seasonal high water table. Calculations and Methodology: • Stormwater Runoff Generated by Impervious Surfaces - Within drainage basin 1, runoff volumes were calculated by the assumption that 90% — 95% of the 1.5 inch design storm runs off the surfaces and is collected within the-infi iQ n es' cu. -i f system. The runoff volumes expected for a 1.5 inch d ign s orm t4 4 ft cu. ) • Stormwater Runoff Generated by Open, Buffer and Green Sp in drainage basin 2 given the high infiltration rates of the soils (7.5 inches per hour) and the overall lack of topological grade within the site, a 1.5 inch storm event will not generate off site runoff. This conclusion is based on experience with similar sites and is supported by HEC/RAS calculations (see calculation sheet 5). Infiltration Area Storage Volumes - The infiltration system storage volumes include the volume in the open swgl s, the open basins and the perforated gutter collection piping. Interstitial storage and stora—Ce in —the roadway cu�lvertsystem has not been included in the calculations. The minimum grade of all infiltration t, has been set at 3.0' (NAVD 1988). Computed storage volume is 5 ,c`7 hich is over twice the volume required for the 1.5 inch design 4 (4- R,eq 0,866 cu. R. u :ft c s torr torm. see plan sheet 2 and calculation sheet 4 for additional information) Infiltration Volume Drawdown — Drawdown has been calculated using the basin bottom area applied to the 7.5 inches per hour soil infiltration rate. The drawdown computed for a 1.5 inch design storm is 1.71 hours. The drawdown computed for the 3.01 inch storm is 3.44 hours. (see calculation sheet 4 for additional informationT— Additional Design Considerations: Interconnectivity of Infiltration Systems — The intent of the infiltration system is to get the rainfall into the ground as close as possible to where it fell, avoiding collection and the resulting problems and risks associated with runoff concentration. The infiltration systems are distributed across the site but are interconnected by swales and culverts. The roadway swales are separated by driveways to allow localized infiltration. Overflow and interconnectivity across the driveways will be established by controlling the driveway grade where it crosses the swale. See plan sheet 2 for a driveway and swale detail. Perforated Pipe Gutter collection system — The gutter collection system consists of perforated disposal piping with a solid pipe overflow system. The perforated piping will surround the buildings at an elevation invert of 3.0' (NAVD 1988). An overflow system will be set at an overflow elevation of 4.0' (NAVD 1988). During normal rainfall events the system will fill to the overflow elevation before flowing into an adjacent infiltration basin. This 1.0' pressure head will enhance the disposal capabilities of the perforated pipe which will take advantage of the interstitial storage under and adjacent to the pipe. Note that all buildings will be constructed on piling foundations so foundation moisture will not be an issue. Additional Runoff Volume Calculations — Additional runoff calculations were prepared using HEC/RAS methodology. The 10 year, 2 hour design storm from NOAA point precipitation estimates is 3.19 inches with the resulting post development runoff volume computed at W,3.41cu. ft. This volume is slightly less than the volume computed previously and is less than the storage volume provided. See calculation sheet 5 for additional information. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATION SHEET GENERAL NOTES PROJECT: BOWSERTOWN LANDING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DARE COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT SUBJECT PROPERTY: A 5.74 ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON ROANOKE ISLAND AT 170 SOUTH CALIFORNIA LANE, MANTEO NC 27954. SUBJECT PROPERTY FURTHER DESCRIBED AS HAVING DARE COUNTY PIN 9798-06-47-0843 ALSO DEPICTED ON A PLAT RECORDED IN P.C. G SL. 101 AND DEED RECORDED AT D.B. 1653 PG. 14, ROANOKE ISLAND, DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA OWNER /APPLICANT: DARE COUNTY ROBERT OUTTEN, COUNTY MANAGER P.O. BOX 1000, MANTEO, NC 27954 PROJECT LOCATION: 170 SOUTH CALIFORNIA STREET, ROANOKE ISLAND, DARE COUNTY. NC LATITUDE: 35*53'55" N 075'41'02" W SITE AREA SUMMARY: TOTAL TRACT AREA = 250,035 SQ. FT. (5.74 AC.) TOTAL TRACT AREA LESS 22' RIGHT OF WAY (S. CALIFORNIA LN.) = 243,932 SQ. FT. (5.60 AC.) (RIGHT OF WAY FROM EDGE OF MAINTENANCE TO EDGE OF MAINTENANCE ON ROADWAY) AREA OF ACOE JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS = 119,299 SO. FT. (2.74 AC.) TOTAL TRACT AREA LESS 22' RIGHT OF WAY AND WETLANDS = 124,633 SO. FT. (2.86 AC.) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY: BOWSERTOWN LANDING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS BEING DEVELOPED AS AN AFFORDABLE- WORKFORCE HOUSING PROJECT BY DARE COUNTY WITH COOPERATION OF THE OUTER BANKS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION. THE PROJECT INCLUDES 5 SEPARATE STRUCTURES WITH A TOTAL OF 21 SINGLE FAMILY TOWN HOMES. THE PROJECT WILL BE ACCESSED FROM AN 20' ASPHALT ROADWAY WTH CONCRETE DRIVES TO THE INDIVIDUAL HOMES. LOT COVERAGE: BUILDING A - 3,989 SQ. FT. BUILDING 8 - 3,989 SQ. FT. BUILDING C - 3,578 SQ. FT. BUILDING D - 4,678 SQ. FT. BUILDING E - 3,989 SQ. FT. TOTAL BUILDING LOT COVERAGE = 20,223 SO. FT. ASPHALT PAVING AND CONCRETE DRIVES = 26.783 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE AT BUILD OUT = 47.006 SQ. FT. (1.08 AC.). LOT COVERAGE BASED ON TOTAL TRACT AREA (5.60 AC.) = 19.27% LOT COVERAGE BASED ON TOTAL TRACT AREA LESS WETLANDS (2.86 AC.) = 37.72% DRAINAGE BASIN AND SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION: THIS SITE LIES BASIN BETWEEN THE SHALLOWBAG BAY (SC %���IVER 30-21-3) AND -20-(2)). PHYSICALLY THE SITE IS CLOSER TO SHALLOWBAG BAY BUT TOPOGRAPHY INDICATES DRAINAGE TO THE CROATAN SOUND. REFERENCES: LOT, BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY PROVIDED BY W.M. MEEKINS, P.L.S., 409 FERNANDO STREET, MANTEO INC 27954 ELEVATIONS BASED ON NAVID 1988 REFERENCE MASTER PLAN PREPARED BY M AND M DESIGN, MELISSA M. MCALLISTER, P,E. REFER TO MASTER PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON WASTEWATER AND WATER UTILITIES. CALCULATION SHEET 1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULAT10N SHEET SITE SOIL CONDITIONS GENERAL SITE CONDITION SUMMARY: THE SITE IS MODERATELY VEGETATED NTH MATURE LOBLOLLY PINES AND VARIED HARDWOOD SPECIES WITH SPARSE UNDERGROWTH. THE SITE IS FLAT WITH AN AVERAGE GRADE OF APPROXIMATELY 3' MSL. SITE SOIL ASSESSMENT: THE SOILS OBSERVED ON THE SITE INCLUDE JOHNS LOAMY SANDS AND LEON FINE SANDS. WELL BORES WERE INSTALLED BY S & ME AND THE BORE LOGS AND LOCATION ARE INCLUDED WITH THIS REPORT. SOIL PROFILES INDICATE 7 TO 12 INCHES OF SANDY LOAM TOPSOIL NTH UNDERLYING FINE TO MEDIUM FINE LOAMY SANDS. THE DEPTH TO WATER TABLE MEASUREMENTS WERE 2.8 TO 3.5 FOOT BELOW GROUND SURFACE IN THE LOCATIONS BORED. SATURATED HYDRAULIC TESTING RETURNED K VALUES RANGING FROM 15.89 FT/DAY TO 22.3 FT/DAY INFILTRATION RATES REFERENCE HYDRAULIC ASSESSMENT PREPARED BY S&ME, TABLE 4 MINIMUM HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY MEASURED 15.01 FT/DAY 7.5 IN./HOUR MAXIMUM HYDRAUUC CONDUCTIVITY MEASURED 17.06 FT/DAY 8.5 IN./HOUR EXISTING SITE SOILS John series loamy sands — SCS Hydric soil group Leon Series fine sands — SCS Hydric soil group 8 FOR DESIGN USE AN INFILTRATION RATE OF 7.5 INCHES PER HOUR. THIS VALUE IS ON THE CONSERVATIVE SIDE OF THE RANGE EXPECTED FOR THE SITE SOILS. ESTIMATE OF SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE: REFERENCE REPORT FOR HYDRAULIC ASSESSMENT SERVICES BY S&ME DATED MARCH 18, 2008 — TABLE I — MONITOR WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SOIL BORE GROUND ELEVATION DEPTH TO WATER TAB (SOS) WATER TABLE ELEVATION 81 3.0, 3.45' -0.45' B2 3.01 3.12' -0.12' B3 3.0, 2.83' 0.18' B4 3.0' 3.28* -0.28' AVERAGE WATER TABLE ELEVATION FROM BORE REPORTS = —0.17' USING THE ABOVE BORE REPORTS AND ON SITE OBSERVAPONS USE 1.0- AS A CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE OF THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE ELEVATION. MINIMUM BOTTOM ELEVATION FOR INFILTRATION SWALES, BASINS AND GUTTER DRAINS SHALL BE SET AT 3.0' IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN A 2.0' MINIMUM SEPARATION TO SHWT CALCULATION SHEET 2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATION SHEET DRAINAGE BASIN DELINEATION JiHt �4 -j"� T 71 -'-af7PUl �i DV= X" DRAINAGE BASIN 1 INCLUDES ALL IMPERIOUS SURFACES INCLUDING ROADWAYS, BUILDING AND DRIVEWAYS AREA = 47,006 SO. FT. 1-4 B 1 iq DRAINAGE ASN 2 7::� INCLUDES ALL OPEN AREAS AND GREEN SPACES AREA 196.926 SO. FT. = CALCULATION SHEET 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATION SHEET DRAINAGE BASIN 1 STORMWATER CALCULAT10N SUMMARY STORMWATER GENERATED VOLUME CALCULATIONS: INTENT: STORE AND INFILTRATE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM ALL IMPERVIOUS SURFACES GENERATED BY ONE AND ONE—HALF INCH OF RAINFALL. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA IN BASIN 1 TO BE MANAGED = 47.006 SO. FT. RUNOFF VOLUME FROM ROADWAY AND DRIVE SURFACES: SURFACE AREA OF ROADWAYS AND DRIVES = 26,783 SO. FT. RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 0.90 RUNOFF FOR 1.5" RAINFALL = 26,783 X 1.5/12 X 0.90 = 3.013 CU. FT. RUNOFF VOLUME FROM BUILDINGS: SURFACE AREA OF BUILDINGS = 20,223 SQ. FT. RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 0.95 RUNOFF FOR 1.5" RAINFALL = 20,223 X 1.5/12 X 0.95 = 2,401 CU. FT. TOTAL RUNOFF VOLUME TO BE MANAG���� STORMWATER STORAGE VOLUME CALCULATIONS: SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 FOR VOLUME BREAKDOWN BY DEVICE NUMBER TOTAL STORAGE IN INFILTRATION BASINS = 7.640 CU. FT. EQUIVALENT RAINFALL = 2.12 INCHES TOTAL STORAGE IN INFILTRATION SWALES = 2,928 CU. FT. EQUIVALENT RAINFALL = 0.81 INCHES TOTAL STORAGE IN GUTTER INFILTRATION SYSTEM = 300 CU. FT. EQUIVALENT RAINFALL = 0.08 INCHES TOTAL STORAGE IN SYSTEM = 10,868 CU FT. TOTAL EQUIVALENT RAINFALL =3.01 INCHES THE CALCULATIONS FOR STORAGE VOLUME IN THE lNnLTRATION BASINS AND SWALES AND GUTTER SYSTEM IS OPEN STORAGE ONLY. THE CALCULATIONS 00 NOT INCLUDE INTERSTITIAL SOIL VOID STORAGE. BASIN DRAWDOWN CALCULATIONS FOR 1.5 INCH DESIGN STORM INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM AREA = 5,060 SQ. FT. SEE PLAN DETAIL SHEET 2 SOIL INFILTRATION RATES = 7.5 INCHES PER HOUR SEE CALCULATION SHEET 2 a= RUNOFF VOLUME FOR 1.5 INCH DESIGN STORM = 5,414 CU. FT. SEE A13OVE CALCULATIONS 7.5 INCHES b= BASIN DRAWDOWN PER HOUR = 5.060 SO. FT. x 12 3,162 CU. FT TOTAL DRAWDOWN TIME - c/b - 5,414/3,162 — 1.71 HOURS BASIN DRAWDOWN CALCULATIONS FOR 3.01 INCH STORAGE CAPACITY STORM INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM AREA = 5,060 SO. FT. SEE PLAN DETAIL SHEET 2 SOIL INFILTRATION RATES = 7.5 INCHES PER HOUR SEE CALCULATION SHEET 2 a= RUNOFF VOLUME FOR 3.01 INCH DESIGN STORM = 10.868 CU. FT. SEE ABOVE CALCULATIONS 7.5 INCHES b= BASIN DRAWDOWN PER HOUR = 5,060 SQ. FT x = 3,162 CU. FT TOTAL DRAWDOWN TIME = a/b = 10.868/3.1 CALCULATION SHEET 4 PRE AND POST STORMWATER CALCULAT1ONS - HEC/RAS METHODOLOGY EXISTING SITE SOILS John series loamy sands — SCS Hydric soil group 8 Leon Series fine sands — SCS Hydric soil group B Reference : USDA NRCS Soil Report DESIGN STORM 10 year storm with a 2 hour duration P = 3.19 inches Reference : NOAA Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (attached) PRE —DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF VOLUMES *= (P-0.2S� Q*— Runoff Depth (in.) 0 P + 0.8S P Rainfall Depth (in.) S Potential maximum retention after rainfall begins (in.) S 1000 —10 CN P = 3.19 inches for a ten rar storm with a 2 hour duration Reference : NOAA Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (attached) CN = Weighted curve number (unitless) Surface Area CN Building 0 sq. ft. 98 Pavement 0 sq. ft. 98 * Weighted CN = 48 Open Area 243,932 sq. ft. 48 S = 10.83 Q*= 0.088 Runoff Volume = Generally assumed to be 0 for CN less than 64 PRE —DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF VOLUME 0 POST —DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF VOLUMES (P-0.2S� Q*= Runoff Depth (in.) P + O.8S P = Rainfall Depth (in S = Potential maximur retention after rainfall begins (in.) S 1000 CN —10 P = 3.19 inches for a ten year storm with a 2 hour duration Reference : NOAA Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates (attached) Runoff from impervious surfaces: CN = Weighted curve number (unitless) Surface Area CN Building 20,223 sq. ft. 95 Pavement 26,783 sq. ft. 95 Weighted CN 95 S = 0.526 Cr = 2.64 Runoff Volume = 2.64/12 x 47,006 = 10,341 cu. ft. Runoff from open spaces: CN = Weighted curve number (unitless) Surface Area CN Open Area 196,926 sq. ft. 48 Weighted CN 48 S = 10.83 0* = 0.088 Runoff Volume = Generally assumed to be 0 for CN less than 64 POST —DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF VOLUME 10,341 cu. ft. CALCULATION SHEET 5 Pre6pitation Frequency Data Server Page I of 4 POINT PRECIPITATION /< A\ FREQUENCY ESTIMATES FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 North Carolina 35.831 N 75.625 W 0 feet firom Atlas ofthe United Stores" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 G.M. Brouri., D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parrybok, M.Yekta, and D� Rilay NOAA, National Weather S�iw, Silver Spring, Maryland, 2004 Extraeted Fri Apr 24 2009 --P-S— 6 w nfo. IS datat Maps I ocs Return to State walp F—C—on Fide-n—ce Li��tFs—[----§ea—sonili�-1--L�c�tion Ma t f Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) FARI-I F1 07 F1 5 F3o -]F� ol I 20 19HRHHR�E�Id—aylqaxjl 3hr 6hr --IF2 F10 0 30 1 da) 11 F475 day J[jday 00 =FO 461ff]EI]Efl E� En ] 1.97 [L� 2.40 2 40 ETKI F446 ]Ej]E�jff:]E1] F11 86 FTTfl =F0574F085]E]E149]9�1Efl2.36 _1 1.86 2.15 .87 EFIKEP-8o IF5.4o]EFIF6.99 =[061]EflE�flEflV�flEfl EE]K�i:]EE]EE]6F877ET:]8F667E�flFI376 678]19.82 =Fo-69jE]EK] F204] E�]E�]e 3-53 F6470LI] F8O79E] F10 04 E��Eg F19 04 R F22 27] F257 F079�E�flEj]E�]Efl F98 76F, oil F12 02]E F22 722F2561 50 F -IF 0861F, 37]E�]E�]Ei]EEEEKEFE]E�:]IF063F1 --1 -- 135]E��F]3766EI�202 F—W-11F7 248 2826 F100 093]EflEflPflEflETIE�iIE]F8 68]F— 10 65]Eml 12 97 IF, 4 28] F15 411F 19 16 22 30 27 50 F7F 30 94 F20011FOO IF59]2FOO]D�]Ki]E�k]Ei]E:]IFOOIIIF223�14 F 2617 14 73] F16 oq]Ei�F 2127124 F 45 30 32 33 67 FSOO 1079 F[772E�]EflEflE�I]EflF9757F I 88]F— l460jEQF749jF1872jF1997j2425 — F7F7F 2740 3426 F37737 - These precipitation frequency estimans am based on a parbial duration series. API is the Average Recurrence Interval. Please refer to NOAA Alas ADocument for room Information. NOTE: Fannaffing fancies estimates hear zem to appear as zent. Upper bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) 3-IF 31 6r F"r] hr F48 4 0 20 3 45 07 -1 120 11 14 [—]F-,—]F--]F-o—]F—IF6 FARl-a][ 5.o]F101F15T3o r a — 7 KxLa� ot LqL--nll min 11 min 11 lhoin I minFh Fh It hr [ hr Fdy d7,y I day 11 day 11 day 11 day 11 day =FO 570 — 25112 65 F7F7 15 05 F-2 14 97 F7F —7 17 79 9 F --]7 0 67]Fl 07 7 F7479EJE�] F12 09] F14 64] F17 9912 1.01 Flo Fo776 fl7478 F8OO F88 2 F10 875 F13 8 4 F] 6 672 20 30 F F23 670 F25 1FO875 E� EE KT EE --1 110 72 —1 F 1 98 K9fl F16 34 —IF— 19 36] 23 681 F— F27 175 7507 7094� 1-5 7] Fl 2 374 F13 770 Fl 4 774 --1 F18 38 F21 756F2644 —�F—� 2997 F, ­Wo IF, 072 rl 6 2 F2 074 Kj] E] n�� ] F— 9 621F, 148 —]Ei� ]F14 —1 12 --1 F15 54 F16 66 7 F2O 576 F23 86EEF3289 F-200 IF1 09�E�j]EflEflKk]EE] E�� F7F--] 8 94 11 07 15 59 F—IF7F-� 16 06 17 56 - F18 771 22 88 F7F7 26 23 F--1 35 86 ---IF F500 - 1 19� F188]Ey]E]Ej]E]EEF10 52 F flF 15 85] F18 84][19 161 F2O 572 F21 78] F26 270 29 55IF841 F 36 39 99 The upper bound of the comficence Inlenval V 9D% canuffidence;evel is the value which 5% of the simulated quanfile values for a given frequency are greater than. - These precipitation fnequarey estimates am based on a partial duration cams, Aftl is that Average Recurrence Interval. please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 Document for more infoonaton. NOTE: Foareabng prevents estimates mar zem to appear as zem. Lower bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) FARI F1 57 F370F670 3'] 6r]FI2 24 8 4 7 0 20 30 4 60 1�0 j —1T--1F7F--i-1F7 F F47 min 11 min 11 min j[Mg1fln I hr-111 hr-111 hr I — F— kSE'S*1,sQ LF217io! [h [ It [day] day I day 11 day 11 day 11 day 11 day = FO49�EW]Fo 978 F648 8 66 F10 773 F13 19� F15 871 = Fo-56 IFO 891EE] F16o1F2 05]E�]ET]El�]E�]F4 961E�]ET]ff] F8O2 2 901 15.73 18.68 to F 1 --] FO 63 E�] —1 F128EEEQE1F3718 —1 F 88 --� F462 F5879K �E E� --1 F927 — F12 04] — F14 62] F17 870 F2O 976 7257FO71 F113 F8278F8 96 F10 02 11 031174 14FI694IF2069 F24 02 F-5-o-40 78 Ei�]Ej]E j]EflEEREEfl F6762 --jK3j:]F10 F834 2511- I 371F] ---1 2 4 5 -- Fl 5 9 41 Eifl F22 9 81 F26 379 F100 FOMEflk 678 Ek]EflEEKEET760 E�:]F]1700 F11761 Fl 2 7 9] F13 9 3W 17 56] F2O 578 ffT] 28 72 F ' " 6, '�'- - 1, OCT 0 5 2 Gji"'i:i hup:llhdsc.nws.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/hdsclbuildout.perl?type=pf&units=us&series=pd&statename=NORTH+C... 4/24/2009 Predpitation Frequency Data Server 1 500 11096 IL52JI 1 92113 0511438 JL575j��1828 JLWA�Ll7djiz9l L15 'Tne lower bound of the confidence intewal at 90%confidence 1e%1 is the value which 5% of to, simuned quantife waides for a iiimr, frequency am less than These preciplabon frequency esdinates are based on a partud durarson mandina seners ARI is hine A"rage RKurreroe Infievad Please refer to N(VA Af1,L 14 Pxw1wt for mce offormallon NOTE Fom�Mngpm�te��wzmlo�mwmzem Text version of tables I Partial di.r.ti.rn based Point Precipitation Frequenci,i Estimates - Version: 3 35.831 N 75.625 W 0 ft 42 40 3e 36 34 32 30 Elf 26 24 22 20 16 14 12 to 8 6 4 a 0 1 2 5 10 25 50 loo 200 500 1000 Average Recurrence Interval (Vears) F,x Apr 24 13:08119 2009 Du,ati.n 5-min 10 �Ia, Page 2 of 4 http://hdse.nws.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/hdse/buildOLIt.perl?type—pf&uiiits=tis&series�pd&statename=NOR'FH+C... 4/24/2009 N w 10 30-N 40-N VWN Precipitat.on Depth (in) 60-.1m go-.i, lao-. 3-hr 4-hr 6-hr 6 c S-hr �l I 12-hr 18-hr 24-hr *+ 36-hr c 48-hl 4-day 5-ci.y 7-day 10-day 15-day 30-day q 45-day 0 Pre6.ipitation Frequency Data Server Page 4 of 4 LEGEND State — Connector County on Stream Indian Resv Military Area No LakelPond/Ocean National Park Street �Other Park Expressway City Highway 0 C .8 M1 Scale 1,228583 �7=1 0 2 JQUnty,6 14 18 -;lIO Kin *averal�e--true scale depends an lep�6 itor reso ution 75,7'W 71.f;'W 75-frlil Other Maps/Photographs - N ic" t SGS digital orthophoto quadrangle (D0Q) covering this location from lcrraServer� VSGS Aerial Photograph may also be available from this site. A DOQ is a computer -generated image of an aerial photograph in which image displacement caused by terrain relief and canicra tilts has been removed. It combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. �isit the fior more intbrination. Watershed/Stream Flow Information - I in,] the kk alcr,hcd for this location using the U.S. Environmental protection Agency's site. Climate Data Sources - Precipitationftequency results are based on datafrom a varie(y oj sources, but largel ' vNCDC lhefbilowing linkvprovide general information about observing sites in the area, regardless at if their data was used in this studY. heir detailed information about the slations used in this study, please refer to.\ 0. 1, 1 lda�� / 4 1),,� am, ni. Using tile Nalional ( limatic Data ( enter's (N( IX ) station search engine, locate other climate stations within* +/-30 minutes ... OR— +1­1 degree of this location (35.831/-75.625). Digital ASCH data can be obtained dineeltv firom NI IX H,dvarne,eaeol.giriil Deign Shediet Center DOCINOAAfNation,al Wronther Service 1315 Ft-W.m Hagineity Silver Spring, VID 20910 (301) 713-1669 Qu,nrn� 101� http:llhdsc.nws.noaa.govlcgi-binlhdsclbuildout.perl'.�type=pf&units=us&series=pd&statename=NOR,ril+('... 4/24/2009 I EXEMPT DARE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Ka Prepared B y: < STATE Hill Sery 14 Dw Id: 5160M R�Ipt #: Imm OF DEEDS DARE CO. NC Pam: I of 3 09128120M 82:e3p OCT 0 5 2009 General, N.C. 276"-9001 DEED COUNTY OF DARE day 200.t?000b'y the STATE OF THIS DEED, made this the W� 0?10-.r NORTH CAROLINA, a body politic and corporate, Grantor, to COUNTY OF DARE, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, Grantee; WITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, the North Carolina Deparimentof EnviromnernandNatura] Resources, Wildlife Resources Commission has authorized the execution of this instrument; and WHEREAS, the Council of State at a meeting held in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, on the 12th day of July, 2005, approved this conveyance and directed execution of this instrument; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR and other good and valuable consideration to it paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor has bargained and sold and by these presents does hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, that certain tract or parcel of land also= P&W ; 2 of 3 IMENINE01011 99128f2M02:03P 2 - North Carolina, and more particularly situate, lying and being in Nags Head Towns described as follows: BEING all of P"I9!.bn9AW&---Three as shown on survey entitled .:.% Z. I .., ":�:: X- State Of Nortb,:*An#, Thrbe Parcel Difton, Roanoke Island, � .::V::- e County, N Nags Head Thwitsf 0, -.at __ort4--.4orolina dated March 4,2005 p� 'b W� leyM.Mw -1R.L.S., and recorded y es k j1r.,: in Plat C** b4i& 101 of the,:6='toa��ubiic Registry, to whicW) . .. ... ij. he. by 'I i I description. qM particu ar M:.ja:*=diWn of this contcyAnq I .31� ' tee, its successors and that any fkft.q-dqyd16]pdicnt of Parcels One and Three . . ..... . ... 4&AhbvM'on the above iWarenc 'Aifvey will include the stormwater �ement requiremeift*W Parce Two as shown on the above ed survey. In thel4WCany further development of Parcels One and Three fails to include the stormwater managemimt requirements for Parcel Two, Parcels One and Three will automatically revert to the Grantor herein upon the Grantor's notification by the Division of Water Quality of Parcel Two's non- compliance with the stoxmwatcr management rules as a result of action taken on either or both Parcels One and Three. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the State of North Carolina has caused this instrument to bcexecutedin itstiame by MICHAEL R EASLEY, Governor, attested byELAINEF. MARSHALL, Secretary of State, and the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina hereunto affixed, by virtue of the power and authority aforesaid, all as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Governor -3- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE 6286M loin P899: 3 of 3 0912912M 02:63P 1, Linda 1. Duckworth, a Notary Public for Johnston County, North Carolina, do certify that ELAINE F. MARSHALL, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the State, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by MICHAEL F. EASLEY, Governor of the State of North Carolina, scaled with the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, and attested by herself as Secretary of State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal, this the 1(04� day of %&"e!r 120j0xC-. rp�-Ipmp nbaq� State of North Carohna Co" of Dam Engineering and Surveying Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2852 (104 Jester Court) Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 mrobinson@obxenginecring.com Phone: 252-255-8026 Michael W. Robinson, P.E., P.L. S. October 1, 2009 William J. Moore, Environmental Engineer I Lt— L )I North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 V�j % ARO Re: Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development, Dare County Dear Mr. Moore, Enclosed please find a follow up submittal for the above referenced project. The plan, application and supporting documentation has been revised in accordance with your review letter dated September 16, 2009 as well as our site meeting on September 10, 2009. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 252-255-8026. 1 can also be reached by email at mrobinson(@,obxenyineerin�y.com. Sincerelya;;.�)—... Michael W. Robinson P.E., P.L.S. -7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \N A Ti� County of Dare Attn: Mr. Robert Outten PO Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Mr. Outten: wait:� Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources September 16, 2009 Subject: Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development Dare County Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality I met with Mr. Mike Robinson at the Bowsertown Landing project site on September 10, 2009. We discussed several issues regarding the proposed development, including additional information needed to complete your stormwater application. Before a State Stormwater permit can be issued, the following additional information is needed: 1. Provide discussion/explanation regarding. Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) elevations, adequate separation form SHWT, & infiltration rates. 2. Delineate/discuss drainage basins; show perimeter/green areas that do not drain to infiltration system, Runoff calculations should match up with this discussion. 3. Revise calculations to reflect actual storage (exclude interstitial storage); revise calculations in Supplement Sheet. 4. Expand narrative to include detailed discussion of "interconnected stormwater system", design storage required vs. storage provided. the storm event/conditions that could generate offsite runoff, & how this runoff might reach surface waters. 5. Revise application, supplement sheets, sw narrative, calculations & plans to reflect all changes. The above requested information must be submitted to this office prior to October 2, 2009, or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including a new application fee. If you need additional time to complete the application package, please mail or fax your request to this office and include any reason(s) for the time delays. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3919, or you can send a message to: bill.moore@ncmail.net. Sincer I William J. Moor Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Michael W. Robinson Dare County Planning/Inspections ,,4ashington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: W"r.ricoaterquality.org 943 Washington Square Mail Phone (252) 946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 One NorthiCarolina Nahmally An Equal Opportunity/Affinnative Action Employer — 50% Recycied1l 0% Post Consumer Paper Moore, Bill From: Mike Robinson [mrobinson@qbxengineering.com] /Dcl..� Col Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 9:49 AM, To: bill.moore@ncmail.net LA 1`1 Subject: FW: Bowsertown Landing From: Mike Robinson [mailto:mrobinson@obxengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 9:47 AM To:'Moore, Bill' Subject: RE: Bowsertown Landing Bill, Are you scheduled to be out this way any time soon? Let me know if you would like to schedule a phone call. Thanks, Mike Michael W. Robinson, P.E., P.L.S. Engineering and Surveying P.O. Box 2852 (104 Jester Court) Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 252-255-8026 mrobinson(Woftengineering.corn From: Moore, Bill [ma ilto: bill. moore@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:17 PM To: mrobinson@obxengi'neering.com Subject: Bowsertown Landing Good Afternoon Mike, Just a brief follow-up to our phone conversation regarding the sw permit for Bowsertown project. Ae�a— eE X /J s,,e_ 00 �, (1) S&ME soils report indicates SHWT within 12-inchesof surface; NRCS soils map indicates SHWT for Johns series at 18-36 inches;.your design assumes SHWT elevation of 0.5 ft. We need to discuss these differences & make sure the final design has adequate separation from SHWT. akjL-� e�..,ff / , - (2) Volume calculations shown on supplement sheet d/n match your sw calculations 42�0 va PP2",Iawe (3) Your design assumes that all sw treatment systems are interconnected; need to show/verify drainage basins - compared to storage requirements (4) Your design shows storage in the soils beneath the subsurface trench systems; we do not normally count this as actualstorage. (5) 1 do not have a signed application Mike, lets discuss after you have a chance to look over these questions. I would like to arrange to meet you at the site maybe next week. Michael F. Easley, GovernoT 0 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Cl) Coleco H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality County of Dare Attn: Mr. Robert Outten PO Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Mr. Outten: September 10, 2008 Subject Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development Dare County This office received a Coastal Stormwater permit application for the subject project on July 11, 2008. A preliminary review of your project indicates that before a State Stormwater permit can be issued, the following additional informabon is needed: i , Based on the information provided, it appears that the proposed development exceeds 25 % BUA. Engineered stormwater controls are required for High Density developments. 2. Swale system maintenance agreement is not signed. 3. Application does not adequately address runoff from condo buildings. Where is this water routed-, how is it treated. 4. Show/describe outlets from proposed swale systems. 5. For low density type development, stormwater runoff should generally be treated on site through grass swales; and vegetated buffers. Show1describe all treatment measures. 6. Revise application, supplements, narrative & plans as need to reflect changes. The above requested information must be submitted to this office prior to October 10, 2008, or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubMittal of all required items including a new application fee. If you need additional time to complete the application package, please mail or fax your request to this office and include any reason(s) for the time delays. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity. Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-2115.11 and may result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. if you have questions, please W free to contact (252) 948-3919, or you can send a message to: bill.moore@neniall.net. I E�lnceqMy it liam J. oMoo Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Michael W. Robinson DawCounty Planning/Inspections l'^ashington Regional Office lity internst: www.neivater(ioalilY.or One North Carolina Division of Water Qua NorthiCarolina 943 Washington Square Mail Phonc(252) 946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 Fix 252) 946-9215 V�turally we)(--Ro \N Ar,,� 19 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 7 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource's C) Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality April 6, 2009 County of Dare Attn: Mr. Robert Outten PO Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Subject: Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development Dare County Dear Mr. Outten* By letter dated September 10, 2008 (copy attached) additional information was requested to complete your stormwater application, In an effort to address our questions and concerns, Mr. Michael Robinson forwarded a revised application and plans to our office on December 23, 2008. A signed O&M agreement was forwarded to our office on January 15, 2009. After reviewing the changes, and discussions with Mr. Robinson, it has been determined that your project does not meet the low density requirements as proposed. Before a State Stormwater permit can be issued, the following additional information is needed: 1. Based on the information provided, it appears that the proposed development exceeds 25 % BUA. Engineered stormwater controls are required for High Density developments. 2. Revised plans show infiltration basins, provide detailed soils report, supplement sheets, & calculations to support infiltration systems for this site. 3. Show all development, site features and treatment measures on plans. 4. Revise application, supplements, narrative & plans as need to reflect changes. The above requested information must be submitted to this office prior to May 6, 2009, or your application will be returned as incomplete. The return of this project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items including a new application fee. If you need additional time to complete the application package, please mail or fax your request to this office and include any reason(s) for the time delays. You should also be aware that the Stormwater Rules require that the permit be issued prior to any development activity, Construction without a permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at (252) 948-3919, or you can send a message to: bill.moore@ncmai[.net. Sincerely,' William J. Moor6-' Environmental Engineer Washington Regional Office cc: Michael W. Robinson Dare County Planning/inspections ,/Washington Regional Office North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet o��o,ncwaterquahtv.or 943 Washin,non Square Mall Phone (252) 946-6481 Washington, NC 27889 Fax (252) 946-9215 One NorthiCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Acton Employer-50% Recycled/10% PostConsumer Paper Engineering and Surveying Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2852 (104 Jester Court) Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 mrobinson@obxengineering.com Phone: 252-255-8026 �kMicha�l-W.,.Robinson,*P.E.;P.L.S.,�' May 4, 2009 William J. Moore MAY 0 6 2069 North Carolina Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall [)VV(-',-1A!ARC1 It. Washington, NC 27889 Re: Stormwater Management Plan — Revised Submittals Bowsertown Landing Development, Dare County Dear Mr. Moore, Enclosed please find four copies of the revised stormwater management plan for the above referenced project. Also included are four copies of the revised application and supporting documentation. Please note that the application has been submitted to Dare County for signature and signed forms will follow under separate cover. The plan has been revised in accordance with review letter dated April 6, 2009, specifically: I . The application and plans have been revised in accordance with high density permit requirements. 2. Soils reports, supplement sheets and calculations to support the infiltration basins are included. 3. The project master plan by Melissa McAllister P.E., with additional development information, is attached. 4. All applications, supplements, narratives and plans have been revised to support a high density approval. I Thank you for your continued assistance with this project. Please give me a call when you begin your review and I'll walk you through the design. I can be reached at 252-255- 8026. 1 can also be reached by email at mrobinson(iDobxenpineeriny.com. Michael W. Robinson P.E., P.L.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering and Surveying Mailing Address: P.b. Box 2852 (104 Jester Court) Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 mrobinson@obxengineering.com Phone: 252-255-8026 chael W.Robin,son, P:.E."P.L.S. December 19, 2008 L) Ll— U \y/ LJ�f William J. Moore North Carolina Division of Water Quality DEC 2 3 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 LAND QUALITY SFrT1n,, Re: Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development, Dare County Dear Mr. Moore, Enclosed please find a follow up submittal for the above reference project. This project has been revised in accordance with your preliminary review and specific comments are addressed below. Comment 1: The BUA on this project is 19.27% based on the overall site area less the NCDOT right of way. In addition to the roadway swales, the plan has been revised to include additional infiltration areas. The combined storage volume of the swales and basins are sufficient to store the first 2.3 inches of rainfall on all impervious surfaces. Comment 2: 1 have forwarded the swale maintenance agreement to the owner and will submit under separate cove early next week. Comment 3: The plan has been revised to include a gutter collection which will direct roof runoff to the basin/swale infiltration system. Comment 4: As the storage volume denoted exceeds the 1.5 inch rainfall, no specific outlets are proposed. Overflow volumes will sheet flow overland to the adjacent wetlands. Comment 5: Additional infiltration areas have been added to store and treat runoff through infiltration. Comment 6: All documents have been updated to reflect the current plan. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 252-255-8026. 1 can also be reached by email at mrobinsonpobxenaineering.com. Please note new contact information. QL Sincerely, DEC 2 3 2008 Michael W. Robinson P.E., P.L.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering and Surveying Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2852 (104 Jester Court) Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 27948 mrobinson@obxengineering.com Phone: 252-255-8026 Michael W.Robinson,RE.�P.L.S. JAN 15 2009 January 13, 2009 William J. Moore North Carolina Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall 61 Washington, NC 27889 Re: Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development, Dare County Dear Mr. Moore, Enclosed please find the Swale Maintenance agreement which was omitted from the previous submittal on the above noted project. Thank you for your continued assistance with this project. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 252-255-8026. 1 can also be reached by email at mrobinson((bobxenpineeriniz.com. Please note new contact information. Sincerel Michael W. Robinson P.E., P.L.S. I F-1 10-10-2008 02:11 2524918006 PAGE1 Michael W. Robinson P.E., P.L. 41- Post Office Box 2852 Vill Devil Hills, North Carolina 279" October 10, 2008 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Attm William J. Moore 943 Washington Square Mail Washington, NC 27889 Subject Stormwater Review SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development Dare County Dear Mr. Moore I am in receipt of you plan review letter dated September 10, 2008 regarding the above referenced Bowsertown Landing Development Project, located on Roanoke Island, Dare County, North Carolina. The building architecture and associated building footprints have been modified by the architect. These revisions were just released and as a result I am unable to meet the October 10, 2008 follow up submittal date. I would like to request an additional 30 days to prepare and resubmit the stormwater management plan and supporting documentation. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions on need additional information, please call me at 252-255-8026 or email at mrobinson@iandmark-nc.com. Sincerely, Michael W- Robinson P.E., P.L.S. Michael F. Easley, Governor Williarn G. Ross Jr., S"retary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resour� Alm W. Klimek, P.E. Dimtor Division of Water Quality October 29, 2008 CERTIFI]ED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7008 1300 00010434 8355 County of Dare Attn: Mr. Robert Outten PO Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Subject: RETURN Stormwater Project SW7080704 Bowsertown Landing Development Dare County Dear Mr. Outten: This office received your Stormwater Application for the subject project on July 11, 2008. By letter dated September 10, 2008 (copy attached), Mr. Bill Moore of this office requested additional information to complete your application. As of today, the requested information has not been received; therefore, your project is being returned as incomplete. If you wish to develop this project in the future, you must first submit a stormwater application package, along with plans and specifications, and a new permit processing fee. Please be advised that construction of the proposed facilities without a valid permit is a violation of 15A NCAC 21-1.1000 and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and may subject you to appropriate enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6. Civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day per violation may be assessed for failure to secure a permit required by North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please call Mr. Bill Moore, or me, at the Washington Regional Office at (252) 946-648 1. nce y, AJ odge, Wional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Washington Regional Office cc: Michael W. Robinson Dare County Planning/Inspections Central Files Washington Regional Office t Cuoli �Vnffraly. North Carolina Division of Water Quality Washington Regional Office Phone (252) 946-6481 FAX (252) 946-9215 Customer Service Internal: h2o.enrstale.ric,us 943 Washington Square Mail, Washington, NC 27889 1-877-623-6748