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NCS000189_MONITORING INFO_20180207
- - ---STORMWATER"DIVISION-CODING-SHEET--- PERMIT NO. NCB 00U l ?G) DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT )l MONITORING INFO ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ 201 02 D--� YYYYM M DD Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793 8111 Domtar F281 wwwdodomta r. CCom February 7"i, 201 S Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Mail Return Receipts Requested REC'ziVED FEB 5 7018 LCN 1 F� f FILEc CWR 'EOT1Oj Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period August 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018 Required Stormwater Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sirts): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period August 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018. On August Sth, 2017, we collected a sample from CL-1 I. The sample we collected resulted in a TSS of 60 mg/L. This was the third consecutive sample that resulted in a "rsS below 100 mg/L; therefore, we are no longer in Tier II for TSS at the CL-I I outfall. There was no Ilow from two of the outfalls, which were RY01 and SS. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email,johnthomas.Iilley@domtar.com. Sincerely, John Lilley Environmental Engineer xc: Departincnt files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Samples Collected During Calendar,Year 2017 and 2018 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC COUNTY Martin and Washington PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Tim Davis, Lori Hurdle, Paul Allen, J.T. Liffey PHONE NO. 2 7 -8611 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 / �/ Dormer Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 (SIGNATURE DESIGNEE) Wastewater Lab -Plymouth By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and Environment 1 Lab# 109 S complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. ".: Date Sample Collected Event Duration Hr Min Total Rainfall Inches- BOO - m 8 COD m /I TSS mg/1 '. PH - mg/1 Dioxin Notes mrfVddlyr __ 30 120 100 &9 NO WLS 1/13/2018 24 0.74 4.3 34 95 7.7 ND OBA 11/13/2017 24 0.25 2.3 <20 5 6.4 NA CL11 8/8/2017 24 0.88 3 30 60 7.4 NA ' CL11 10/24/2017 24 0.55 3 28 13 7.1 NA LF01 10/24/2017 24 0.55 6 43 16 7.8 NA WYN 12/20/2018 24 0.2 19 75 30 6.4 NA LF03 12/20/2017 24 0.2 4 31 17 6.9 NA RS01 1/26/2018 24 1.65 4 31 69 6.7 NA RY01 1/29/20113 24 1.65 NA NO FLOW WRA 1 1/29/2018 24 1.65 NA NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? Yes No (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 60050 - 556 530 400 Total Flow - Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids PH New Motor Oil Usage molddlyr , MG mgil a mgll unit gal/mo - Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 8/812017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.88 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 10/2412017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.55 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 11/13/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.25 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 12120/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.2 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 1/13/2018 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.74 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Dale 1/29/2018 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.65 Event Duration (Hours) 24 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." of Permittee) �2' 9 '� 0 (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793-8111 F 252-793 8164 www.domtar.com August 20"', 2018 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Mai[ Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period February I, 2018 to July 31, 2018. Required Stornrwater Analyses for Dondar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period February I, 2018 to July 31, 2018. There was no (low from two of the outfalls, which were WRA and SS. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, johnthomas.lilley@domtar.com. Sincerely, llr4� John Lilley Environmental Engineer xe: Department Files RPCENED AUG 2 4 2018 CEN i HAL FILES DWR SECTION STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC 5000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Tim Davis, Lori Hurdle, J.T. Lilley CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2018 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO- (252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outten No. Date . Sample Collected Event .. Duration He Min Total - Rainfall Inches BOO m/l COD m 0 TSS m l PH mgA Dioxin Notes mnVddtyl 30 120 100 6-9 NO WLS 5/29/2018 24 3.1 3 44 11 8 NO OBA 5/29/2018 24 3.1 5 52 6 7.5 NA CL11 5/29/2018 24 3.1 3 23 8 8.3 NA LF01 5/29/2018 24 3.1 4 45 29 T7 NA LF03 5/29/2018 24 3.1 7 62 11 7.4 NA WYN 7/24/2018 24 2.94 11 56 40 6.4 NA R501 5/29/2018 24 3.1 3.5 42 14 7.7 NA RY01 5/29/2018 24 3.1 4 41 4 7.3 NA WRA 7/24/20181 24 2.94 NA NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 558 •'. 530 400 Total Flow 00 and <y.... Grease.- Total' Suspended Solids pH New Motor" Oil Usage. moldd/yr MG mg/1 mg0 unit gal/mo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SW U-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 5/2912018 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 3.1 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 7/24/2018 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 2.94 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Date 1/29/2018 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality 1 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Hardison, Diane From: Bohn, Allan Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 1:27 PM To: Makris, Steve; Management Staff (Plymouth); Spence, Everick; Nowicki, Stefan; Bryant, Larry; Floyd, Charlie; Cooper, Tracie Y.; Delegation of Authority; Bickerstaff, Bracky Subject: Re: Delegation All, I neglected to mention that Diane Hardison will have my environmental certification authority. Regards, Allan > On Aug 21, 2018, at 5:25 AM, Bohn, Allan <Allan.Bohn @domtar.com> wrote: > All, while I am away from the mill, traveling on business(8/21-9/1), David Council has my delegation of authority. > Take care, > Allan > Sent from my iPhone A6 Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 `. T 252793-8111 Domtar wwwdoritar4 www,dom[arcom October 6i6, 2017 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECENED OCT 18 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Mall Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period February 1, 2017 to July 31, 2017. Required Stormwater Analyses far Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period February 1, 2017 to July 31, 2017. CL I 1 exceeded the benchmark for solids. The upper limit being 100 mg/L, and the exceedance was 203 mg/L in the month of May and 296 mg/L in the month of June. As a result, we fell under Tier 11. We have been sampling CL-I 1 once per month. Our last sample we collected in the month of July was below the benchmark. We will continue to collect a sample every month, until we have collected three consecutive samples in which the results are below the benchmark. There was no flow from two of the outfalls, which were WRA and SS. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, johnthomas.lilley@domtar.com. Sincerely, John /illle`y� 1j Environmental Engineer xe: Department tiles STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Velma Faucette, Lorenza Palin, Tim Davis, Lon Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co. LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONENO. � ,?. )793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Oudall No. Date Sample Collected Event Duration Hr: Min Total Rainfall Inches BOD m /I COD m /I TSS m A PH m A Dioxin Notes mm/dd/ r 30 120 100 6-9 NO WLS 5/5/2017 24 1.02 6 41 3 7.4 NO OBA 5/5/2017 24 1.02 4 52 30 7A NA CL11 5/5/2017 24 1.02 3 22 203 8 NA CL11 6/20/2017 24 0.85 5 296 8.4 NA CL11 7/14/2017 24 0.61 9 34 93 8.1 NA LF01 5/5/2017 24 1.02 1 4 44 50 1 7.4 NA WYN 5%2017 24 1.02 4.5 35 6 7.3 NA LF03 5/5/2017 24 1.02 20 84 30 7.3 NA RY01 5/5120171 24 1 1.02 6 56 4 7.2 NA WRA 5/5120171 24 1 1.02 1 NA IND FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? If yes, complete Part B) Part 8: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mofdd/yr MG mgn mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 5/5/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.02 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 6/20/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.85 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 7114/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.61 Event Duration (Hours) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." /�q—Q—/-2 (Date) Forth S W U-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 DDmtar P. Box 747 J Plymouth, NC 27962 �. T 253793 122 Domtar wwwdomtar4 www.domtar.com July 21, 2017 Division of Water Resources RECEIVED JUl 21 2017 pW-rP,AL FILES R SECTION Attn: Central Files Certified Mail 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Storm water Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — July 2017 Dear Sir(s): CL-I I outfall is a tier two for TSS. We collected a sample this month from the outfall and the TSS was below the benchmark .Wc will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the Cl. 1 I outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, iohnthomas.lilleyndomtar.com. Sincerely, Jo inl T. Lil ey Environmental Engineer xe: Department files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC 3000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lori Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. (252)793-8611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage moiddlyr MG mgll mgll unit gallmo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no curtails located in this area. Fonn SWU-246-051100 STORIvt&ygyd CHARACTERISTICS: S:\Emironmentar\water_smm\ti rer 11 ReponsF2017 ps July Tier 2 ReOriginal and one copy to: Page 1 of 2 Date 7/14/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.61 Event Duration (Hours) 16 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." of Permittee) (Date) Forth S W U-246-051100 SWDOMR &TuvimnmentaftWater_stonu ier 11 Reports@017 July Tier 2 Reportals Page 2 of ' , 1 Domtar Domtar P Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793 8111 F 252-793 8164 www.domtar.com August 15, 2017 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files Certified Mail 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Storm water Analyses far outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — July 2017 Dear Sir(s): CL-I 1 outfall is a tier two for TSS. We collected a sample this month from the outfall and the TSS was below the benchmark .This is the second consecutive month the TSS has been below the benchmark. We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-11 outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional inionnation pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, iohnthomas.lilley(a)domtar.com. Sincerely, John T. Lilley Environmental Engineer xc: Department tiles RECEFI VED 406 2 31017 DwR SEC. 10 S STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lori Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. �_ (252)793-6611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (If yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/ddfyr MG mg/I mg0 unit gallmo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. N1 Form SWU-246-051100 STORIv�����d CHARACTERISTICS: 31Environmentaftwater_smenliier 11 Reports@Oi7 august Tier 2 RepoSY.�Rriginal and one copy to: Page I of 2 Date 8/8/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.88 Event Duration (Hours) 16 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." ,4 Ii/a / % (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SW DOMR S1EnvironmenlahW ater_stonn\Tier 11 Reponst2017 August Tier 2 Report.xls Page 2 of 2 Domtar P. Box 747 / 1 Plymouth, NC 27962 `. T 252-793-8111 -8164 Domtar www.d mtar www.domta[Com October 6, 2017 RECEIVED OCT 12 2017 CENTRAL FILES Division of Water Quality DWR SECTION Attn: Central Files Certified Mai/ 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Storm water Analyses for outfall CL-ll for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — September 2017 Dear Sir(s): CL-11 outfall is a tier two for TSS. There was no flow from the outfall in September .We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-11 outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, iohnthomas.lillev a domtar.com. Sincerely, ' John T. Lilley Environmental Engineer xe: Department tiles Domtar Dom tar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 www.domtar.com November 6. 2017 Division of Water Quality F�ItCEIVED DEC 01 2017 CENTRAL FILES D1NR SECTION Attn: Central Files Certified Mail 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stormwater Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — September 2017 Dear Sir(s): CL-1 I outfall is no longer in tier two for TSS. The sample that was taken on 10/24/2017 had a TSS of 13 mg/L. This is the third consecutive sample taken at CL 11, in which the TSS was below the benchmark. As a result, we are no longer in tier two at CL I 1 for TSS. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, johnthomas.lilley@,domtar.com. John T. L;Iley Environmental Engineer xc: Department tiles STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lon Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2017 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. 252)793-8611 / By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 01 - = r •r MM®--- ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage molddlyr MG mgll mgll unit gallmo Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. STORM &VpYT CHARACTERISTICS: "] original and one copy to: Form SWU-246-051100 "SOODOMR S \Environmenla�Wa�er_storm\Tier II RepoM1s12017 October Tier 2 Repon x3 Page 1 of 2 Date 10/2412017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.55 Event Duration (Hours) 16 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Division of Water Quality Arm Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 11-6-17 (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR S \Environmental\Water_stoen\Tier 11 Reporis\2017 October Tier 2 Report As Page 2 of 2 ' , 1 Domtar Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793 8221 F 252-793 8164 www.domtar.com May 31" , 2016 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 EGEIVED JUN. 03 2016 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION edified Mail Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period February 1, 2016 to July 31, 2016. Required Stormwater Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): FILECEnclosed you will find the original and one copy of a apt, omwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period February 1, 2016 to July 31, 2016. All analytical results were below the benchmarks; there was no flow from four of the outfalls. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, johnthomas.lilley@domtar.com. Sincerely, /r&I G� John Lilley Environmental Engineer xc: Deparnment tiles Permit Number: NC S000189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG or STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Velma Faucette, Lorenza Palin, Tim Davis, Lod Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2016 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. /7-1252)793-8611 - (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Oudall No. Date Sample Collected Event Duration Hr: Min Total Rainfall Inches BOD nn/I COD m /I TSS m /I PH m /I Dioxin Notes mnVddtyr 30 120 100 6-9 NO WLS 2/4/2016 24 2.35 3 35 - 7 7 NO OBA 2/4/2016 24 2.35 3 42 14 6.7 NA CL11 2/4/2016 24 2.35 2 23 7 7 NA LF01 2/4/2016 24 2.35 3 42 5 7.1 NA WYN 5/30/2016 24 1.19 NA NO FLOW LF03 2/4/2016 24 2.35 3 39 17 7 NA RY01 2/4/2016 24 2.35 4 36 4 6.9 NA WRA 1 5/30/20161 24 1 1.19 1 1 1 1 1 NA I NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage molddtyr MG mg/l mgn unit gal/mo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it Is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. RECEIVED JUN 0 3 2U1b CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Form S W U-246051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 2/4/2016 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 2.35 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 5/30/2016 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.19 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "9 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." l -Z-16 (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar It all begins with paper.' Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2S2793-8112 www.domtar.com February 7°' , 2017 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECNEC FEB , i zoV r,E.NTRAI FILES pWR SECTION Certified Mai! Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period August 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. Required Stormrvater Analyses for Dmntar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period August 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017. Cl- I I exceeded the benchmark for solids. The upper limit being 100 mg/L, and the exceedance was 384 ni As a result, we completed the Tier 1 response. The sample was analyzed on 9/30/2016, discussion took place 10/12/2016, and implementation of the mitigation measures were completed 11/3/2016. There was no flow from two of the outfalls, which were WRA and WYN. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8825 or by email, johnthomas.lilley@domtar.com. Sincerely, John Lilley Environmental Engineer xc: Department files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NC S000189_ or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Velma Faucette, Lorenza Palin, Tim Davis, Lori Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# logs Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2016 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO.—(252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected `-: Event Duration Hr, Mal ." Total Rainfall Inches BOD m Pr COD m 4 TSS m A PH m /I Dioxin Notes mm/ddlyr 30 120 100 6-9 ND WLS 9/29/2016 24 1.78 11 59 7 7.5 ND OBA 9/29/2016 24 1.78 5 64 28 7.3 NA CL11 9/29/2016 24 1.78 - 2 25 384 TS NA LF01 9/29/2016 24 1.78 6 58 35 8.3 NA WYN 9/29/2016 24 1.78 NA NO FLOW LF03 9129/20161 24 1.78 5 41 27 7.1 NA RY01 9/29/2016 24 1.78 4 53 15 6.7 NA WRA 9/29/20i6j 24 1 1.78 1 1 NA INGFILOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. " Date Sample Collected 50050 556- 530> 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease .. Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/I mg/1 unit-. gal/mo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no ouHalls located in this area. RECEIVED F€6 17 2017 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 9/29/2016 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.78 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 112/2017 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.65 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar P. B" 747 1 Plymouth, NC 27962 �. T 252-793-S112 Domtar www.domtar.com RECEIVED April 1. 2015 APR 0 8 2015 CENTRAL FILES Division of Water Quality DWR SECTION Attn: Central Files Certified My 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two MonthIv Stornnvater Analvses for outfall CL-11-jor Dongar Paper Congnnrv, LLC, Plvnmuth, North Carolina — March 2015 Dear Sir(s): CI-1 I outfall has entered Tier II staves. The samples in Sep 2014 and February 2015 were above the benchmark fix TSS. We implemented monthly testing in March 2015. The '1 SS result in March was again above the benchmark value. 862 ntg/L. We have implemented several BMPs over the past few years at CIS 11 including: sediment (raps. Iiltration basin, coconut sox, check dams, grassed ditches, rip rap, etc. I`ve called Bill Moore with NCDFNR and he is planning a site visit to assist its with nest steps. We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-I I outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone. (252) 793-8163 or by email. kari.cahoon(iidonttar.com. Sincerely, Ca-ot-Tzv J Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer .cc: Department tiles STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Velma Faucette CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC, Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. (252)793-8611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date - Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/1 mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U9My Documents\EnvironmentaaSlormwalenTier 21201512015 March Tier 2 Repon.xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 3/5/2015 Ann: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.15 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." . y/3/]s (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SVJDOMR U:\My Documents\EnvironmentaaStormwatenTier 2VO15QO15 March Tier 2 Report As Page 2 of 2 Domtar Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793-8111 F 252-793-8164 www.domtar.com May 1.2015 Division ol' Watcr Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED MAY 0 7 2L) CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Ma Return Receipts Requested Stthjectr NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stornnvttter Analyses for ontfall CL-11 firr Donrtar Paper Ganpany, LLC, Plymonth, North Carolina — April 2015 Dear Sir(s): CIS 11 oLit faII is a tier Iwo for TSS. There was no tlow from the outfall this month. We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CI-1 1 outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.calloon(rL)domtae.cont. Sincerely. 0" Ca.kun^j Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xc: Department Ides STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Velma Faucette CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO, ,(252)793$611 i4 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil. and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/ddlyr MG mg/l mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U.Wy DocumentslEnvironmental%StormwateATier 2120152015 Apnl Tier 2 Repon.xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U:Wy DocumentslEnvimnmentanStormwatenTier 2Q015Q015 Apnl Tier 2 Report As Page 2 of 2 Domtar P. Bol 747 Plymouth• NC 27962 w T252-793-Sill F252 Domtar www.domtar.omtcom .tune 1. 2015 Division of Water Quality Atm: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Mai! Return Receipts Requester/ Subject: NPDES Permit # NCSO##189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stormwater Analyses%or outfirll CL-1 l %or Domtar Paper Cnmpnny, LLC, Plynronth, North Carolina — May 2015 Dear Sir(s): CL-I I outfall is a tier two for "fSS. There was no flow from the outfitll this month. We Will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CI..-1 I outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, ,I,:nri_cahuon c�,dumtar.ci�m. Sincerely, Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer ,yc: Department tiles STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. _.J252)793-8611 _ i (SIGNATURE-OFPERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Pan B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. - Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 - 400 _ Total Flow Oil. and Grease T(5tal Suspended Solids pH : New Motor Oil Usage. Froldd/yr MG mg/l ` mgn unit .- gallmo Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. CMMJ 0 1 Form SWU-246-0511 W SWDOMR S:\Environmental\Water_slorm\Tier 11 Reports\2015 May Tier 2 Repon. xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date Atm Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR S9EnvironmentaOWater_slorm\Tier 11 Repons12015 May Tier 2 Repon.xls Page 2 of 2 11 Domtar July 1, 2015 Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793-8111 F 252-793-8164 www.domtar.com Attention: Central Files NC DENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit #NCS000189 RECEIVED yu_ 31 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Required Tier Two Monthly Stormwater Analyses for Outfoll CL-11, Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina —June 2015 Dear Sir(s): RECEIVED 11L 31 2015 CENTRAL FI OWR SECTIONS CL-11 outfall is a tier two for TSS. We collected a sample this month from the outfall and the TSS was below the benchmark. We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-11 outfall. If you have any questions, or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me at (252) 793-8163 or by email at kari.cahoon@domtar.com. Sincerely, 0 ak'%' Kari Cahoon eat Cn1,J Environmental Engineer xc: Department Files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Lorenza Palin CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Damtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. — _ (252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/I mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No r*� Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR 59EnviromnentaftWater_storm\Tier If Reportst2015 June Tier 2 Report.xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 6/2/2015 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.65 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations" (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SW DOMR S:1EnvimnmenlaRWater_storm\Tier 11 Repons12015 June Tier 2 Repori Page 2 of 2 Domtar Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793-8111 F 252-793-8164 www.domtarcom August 6, 2015 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Mail Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Year 6 - Period 2 Monitoring Period February 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015. Required Stormwater Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for the Year 6 — Period 2 Monitoring Period designated from February 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoon(cildomtaccom. Sincerellyny,' ,/ /n�A ) b`V`-"" Ca�v 5) v Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xc: Department tiles RECEIVED AUG 1 0 2015 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Paul Allen, Velma Faucette, Lorenza Palin, Tim Davis CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Dormer Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. (252�793-8611 _ By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall - No .: Date _ Sample: _ Collected . Event 5., Duman 5 Hr. Min Total`.'. Rainfall,` Inches POD :. _ , _..... y, .� m I w- COD ... - TSS r.- ' PH - _ fl Dioyun =". " Notes` - -- min/ - a:=. . -v -` 30 , r.: "' .. 120 -; 100 -.:. ;` 6-9 ,'- :. _:,. NO WLS 2/23/2015 24 0.26 5 33 91 7.5 ND OBA 3/27/2015 24 1.4 5 47 42 5.9 NA CL11 6/2/2015 24 0.65 8 44 53 8 NA LF01 3/27/2015 24 1.4 7 54 40 7.3 NA WYN 6/3/2015 24 0.53 3 41 17 6.8 NA LF03 NO FLOW RY01 NO FLOW W RA I I I I I I I NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall'T Date.' : Sample = Collected 50050. 556 =--=' 530 ."' 400 Total. Flow ''' Oil'and Grease' .. Total , f `:'`; Suspended Solids �; pH a `:' New Oil Usage- - mofdd/yc MG ., mg/I `hs mgll ' unit -. gal/mo %a Yes No gi Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no ouHalls located in this area. Form SWU-245051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 2/23/2015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.26 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 3/2712015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.4 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 6/2/2015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.65 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 6/3/2015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.53 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision In accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, two, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possi "lity of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) � — 7 Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar P Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 �. T252-793 8111 Domtar F252 www.domtar.omtCom August 6, 2015 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED AUG 01 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Mail Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stormwater Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — July 2015 Dear Sir(s): CL-11 outfall is a tier two for TSS. There was no flow from the outfall in July .We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-I1 outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoon i domtar.com. Sincerely, (a-u- '�a_ karj Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xc: Department files I Domtar P Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T252-793 8111 4 Domtar www.ww.domtamtar.com September I, 2015 Attn: Central Files Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 �1 �OD RECEIVED SEP 08 am CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Mai! Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stormwater Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — AuRust 2015 Dear Sir(s): CL-I I outfall is a tier two for TSS. We collected a sample this month from the outfall and the TSS was below the benchmark .This is the second month that the'I'SS was below the benchmark. We will continue to perform monthly monitoring at the CL-I I outfall. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoonamdomtar.com. Sincerely, Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xe: Department files Domtar It all begins with paper" Do mtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252793-8111 www.domtar.com October I, 2015 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED DEC 0 S 2015 pWTRAL FILES R SECTION Certifier/ Mail Return Receipts Requester/ Subject: NPDES Permit #NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stornnvater Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — September 2015 Dear Sir(s): CL-I 1 outfall is a tier two for TSS. We collected a sample this month from the outfall and the TSS was below the benchmark with a value of 22 mg/I. This is the third consecutive sample that the TSS has been below the benchmark and therefore this outfall is no longer subject to Tier 11. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoon(cDdomtar.com. Sincerely, 8.6� C/.�na� Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xe: Department files Domtar It all begins with paper.' Do mtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2S2-793-8111 www.domtar.com February 22, 2016 Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED MAR o�2 CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Certified Mail Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Storrnwater Analyses for outfall CL-11 for Dondar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina — September 2015 Dear Sir(s): Enclosed is the SDMR for the CL-I 1 outfall. The CL-1 I was a tier 11 for'I'SS but for three months in a row the results were below the benchmark. A cover letter was submitted 10/l/I5 with the TSS data but the SDMR was not submitted. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please P contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoon�domtar.com. Sincerely, Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xe: Department files Permit Number: NC S000189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG or STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Palin CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2015 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. (252)793-8611 _ (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/ddtyr MG mg/I mg/1 unit gaUmo Yes No x Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. U Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR S,\Envlrnrmental\Water_s10rm\Tier 11 ReporfrQ015 September Tier 2 Report. xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 912512015 Attn. Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.52 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 16 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (it more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I cenity, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations" ,E ,Z /,y (Date) Form SWU-245-051100 SWDOMR S:\Environmental\Water storm\Tier 11 ReponsV015 September Tier 2 Repon As Page 2 of 2 t Domtar Domtar P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2S2-793-8111 F 252-793-8164 wwwcomtarcom February 21, 2016 FEB � y OR SFc-"ON B 1" Division of Water Resources Attn: Central Files Certified Mai/ 1617 Mail Service Center Return Receipts Requested Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Monitoring Period August 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016. Required Stornnwatcr Analyses for Dondar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge\ Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period August 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016. 11ZZ All analytical results were below the benchmarks; there was no flow from four of the o6ffalls If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoonOdomtaceom. Sincerely, U> O— c-' Coc &uw"J Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer xc: Department files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Velma Faucette, Lorenza Palin, Tim Davis, Lori Hurdle CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) ALS Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2016 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. � _(252)793:8611 ,. By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall No. Date Sample Collected Event Duration Hr: Min Total Rainfall Inches BOD m 0 COD mgd TSS MgA PH m A Dioxin Notes mm/ddlyr 30 120 100 6-9 ND WLS 11/19/2015 24 0,53 8 48 9 7.9 NO OBA 9/25/2015 24 0.52 3 26 31 7 NA CL11 9/25/2015 24 0.52 6 44 22 T5 NA LF01 12/7/2015 24 0.23 4 32 22 T2 NA WYN NA NO FLOW LF03 NA NO FLOW RY01 NA NO FLOW WRAI I NA INO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 - 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/ddtyr MG mg/I mg/1 unit gal/mo Yes No X Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 9/25/2016 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.52 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 11/19/2015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.53 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 12/7/2015 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.23 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) 24 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 02" 2 yrl� (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar ` P. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 T252-793-8222 Domtar F252 www.domtar.omtcom August I, 2014 Division of Water Quality Attu: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED AUG 11 2014 CENTRAL FILES DWQ/BOG Certified Mail Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit #,NCS0001 89, Year 5 — Period 2 Monitoring Period February 1, 2014 to ./u(h 31, 2014. Required Stornnvuter Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Slot mwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for the Year 5 — Period 2 Monitoring Period designated fiom February 2014 to July 31. 2014. The dioxin analysis for Stormwater outfall W LS01 was 2.88 pg/L.. The result had two data qualifier tags. First, the result is an estimated value because the analyte concentration was below the method reporting limit and above the estimated dctcetion limit. Second, the result is an estimated maximum possible concentration because the on ahundancc ratios between the primary and secondary ions were outside oftheoretical acceptance limits. If you have any questions or rcquirc any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoon(iidomtar.com. Sincerely, Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer sc: Department files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Paul Allen, Velma Faucette CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2014 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO. (252)793-8611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outlet No. _ Dale Sample Collected Event Duration Hr Min Total - Rainfall Inches BOD rrg/l COD mg/I TSS m9/f PH mg/I Dioxin Notes mm/dd! r 30 120 100 6-9 NO WLS 3/29/2014 24 0.76 4 34 6 7.9 2,88 see letter OBA 3/7/2014 24 1,65 4 31 18 5.8 na CL11 3/7/2014 24 1.65 2 <20 89 7.9 na LF01 2/5/2014 24 0.3 3 34 3 8.4 na LF03 3/7/2014 24 1.65 4 31 86 7,8 na RY01 5/16/2014 24 0.89 7 103 7 6.8 na WYN 5/16/2014 24 0.89 8 57 82 7.8 na WRA I I I NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? Yes No (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall. - • No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 T661:FIOw Oil and ' Grease Total Suspended Solids pH .Oil New Motor - Usage mo/oBtyr j MG' �', ing11 1 and/1' unit gal/mo Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246 051100 Page 1 of,2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Of more than one storm event was sampled) Date 2/5/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.3 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 3/7/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.65 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 3/29/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.76 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 511612014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.89 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the pos ibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) From SVVU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Domtar P. Box 747 1 Plymouth, NC 27962 T252 793-8111 Do mt www do 8164 111 1 www.m[ar.com February 3, 2015 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RECEIVED FEB 0 6 2015 CEN'fRA' h Certified Ma DWR SEReh� tyReceipfs Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189,-Monitoring Period August 1, 2014 to Jununy 31, 2015. Required Stormwater Anattwes for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for Monitoring Period August I, 2014 to January 31, 2015. The TSS result for CL-I I was 927. The storntwatcr picked up solids from the gravel parking area. Sediment jackets, straw wattle, and a catch basin were installed to help capture solids. See attached Tier I report. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoonti�domtar.com. Sincerely, Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer se: Department files Stormwater Tier One Response Record Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth. NC NPDES Stormwater Permit NCS000189 • Outfall — CL-1 1 • Rain Event total — .38 inches • Date of sample collection — 9/4/ 14 • Date sample results communicated — 9/9/14 • Parameter exceeding benchmark value — TSS o Analyses results — 927 mg/l o Permitted Benchmark target — 100 mg/I 1. Inspection Date by Kari Cahoon: 9/10/14 2. Cause of benchmark exceedance —1-lard rain picked up solids from the gravel parking lot area and carried them through the drain pipe. Most of the area drains to this ditch. 3. Mitigation Measures: There is vegetation, silt fence, and rock dams already in place to capture/reduce solids. Ordered three sedimentation jackets to try to capture solids in the stormwater piping in the ditches. Ordered a pallet of straw wattle to put in the ditches to capture solids. Dug a catch basin to try to slow down the flow and allow solids to settle out. 4. Implementation of measure must be complete by 10/31/14. 5. Actual Date measure was implemented 10/31/14. 6. Notes: A lot of work has been done at this outfall to reduce TSS in stormwater. UAMy Documents\Envirommerttal\Stonmvater\'I'ier 1\09 04 14 Stornmatcr'I'ier One Response Record CLI I.doc Page I of I Record to be stored with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and Compliance Manual STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Paul Allen, Velma Faucette CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Dormer Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Environment 1 Lab# 109 S Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2014 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall Ni. y tc:sd,i7 Sample ` Sam Collected EventC-".m' D�uraatio Hr.Mm Total Ramt.11 Inches .I SODT ;:`: -. .. CODS"" A TSS r m�0i.-a,.r_�' PH - mg/1- Di&0m ' ^""` 'r Notes r ' 7 Y 7 -Date,- - -- —1 mMdd 'T -., F_.6 30. ..:720�=.„ �.-.7>IW: .6-9 NO - - WLS 11/26/2014 24 0.61 4 29 5 6.7 NO OBA 9/24/2014 24 0.2 2 25 8 6.5 na CL11 9/4/2014 24 0.38 7 24 927 7 na LF01 9/24/2014 24 0.2 8 57 12 7 na LF03 11/26/2014 24 0.61 3 24 42 66 na RY01 11/26/2014 24 0.61 4 58 53 6.5 na RS01 1120141 24 0.61 1 3 37 3 7 na WYN 1 24 - na NO FLOW WRA I I NO FLOW Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall 1 No: + Date - Sample ^- Collected 50050 -. 556 530F .. 400. ' Total Flow Oil and, Grease Total 1 SuspenAed Susp Sods .� 'pH New Motor Od Usage and/dd/yr„`I MG mg/I 31111, m'g/111;,:4 ':7I Wilt %gal/mo Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no cattails located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 9/4/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.38 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 9/24/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.2 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date 11/26/2014 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.61 Event Duration (Hours) 24 Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) 24 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality "9 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 2, y-ems (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Ill llk� Domtar December 19. 2011 Division of Water Quality Attu: Brian Lowther 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 TeL (252) 793-5111 DEC 2 3 2011 WETUNDSMDSTOR QE 1 1R8PARCh Certifier/ Ma Return Receipts Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Required Tier Two Monthly Stornrwater Analyses fi)r oatfalls CL-11, WYN and WRA for Domtar Paper Contpairy, LLC, P11'mouth, North Caroliarr Dear Sir(s): You will find enclosed, one copy of a monthly stornnvatcr report for Cl, 1 I, WYN and W RA, which are permitted outfalls at Domtail facility in Plymouth, NC. As a reminder, WYN outfall is it tier two for TSS and COD. Thcrc was no flow Rom WYN outfall in November. This is the fourth month in it row which demonstrates the effectiveness of our mitigation measures. WRA outfall is a tier two for COD and a tier one fix TSS. There was no flow at WRA outfall for the month of November. Previously, Cl,-I I outfall was above the benchmark value four times Foil However, for the three consecutive months of.luly, August, and September, the TSS and BOD were below the benchmark values. We did not perform it COD on the July sample although all previous COD results (for the Feb —.July 2011 sampling period) were below the benchmark. The ph results for July and August were below the benchmark. The ph in September was above the benchmark, at 9.1. We believe this is because of the kind of rock that is used on the gravel road and in the stonnwater ditch: the stonnwater picked up the limestone and caused an elevated ph. We did not collect it sample in October because we thought all the parameters were below the benchmarks but later noticed that there was no COD lest performed in July and the ph for the September sample was above 9. Per my conversation with Brian Lowther on 1 1/16/1 I, we collected a tier two sample from CIS I 1 in November. The sample was not collected within the first thirty minutes ofthe rain event.Thc'fSS results were above the benchmark, 720. The ph was also elevated though not in exceedence. A tier two record is attached with mitigation measures that are underway. "rhe BOD and COD results for CIS I I were not provided in the original Tier II reports for July and August 201 1. 1 have attached revised reports so there is no incomplete data. As noted above, there was no COD performed on the Cl_-1 I sample.luly 2011. www.domtar.com We Will continue to perform monthly monitoring of CL-1 I, WYN, and WRA Offlialls, Ifyou have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-8163 or by email, kari.cahoonitidrnntar.con. Sincerely, CIS' C kMl Kari Cahoon Environmental Engineer ac: Department tiles se: Brian Lowther STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000169 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Paul Allen & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Dormer Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2011 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington (SIGNAFrURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/I mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No NOTE: This BOD result is not valid because the sample was improperly diluted during analysis. Another sample will be taken at this outfall and BOD will be analyzed again during a subsequent rain event, if flow is observed at this outfall. Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U Wy Documents\Environmentah5tormwatenTier 212011 Nov Tier 2 Report As Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 11/29/2011 Aim Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 0.33 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowled a an belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including th ossibiliry of es and i risonment for knowing violations." J�zic 6enn1 Ak,,j r2/ZI /ll (Signature of Per ittee) (Dale) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U Wy Dowmenls%EnvimnmentaftStormwater Tier 2%2011 Nov Tier 2 Repon.xls Page 2 of 2 Permit Number: NC S000189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG or STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Paul Allen & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2011 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washinqton By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/I mg/I unit gal/mo Yes No NOTE: This BOD result is not valid because the sample was improperly diluted during analysis. Another sample will be taken at this outfall and BOD will be analyzed again during a subsequent rain event, if flow is observed at this outfall. Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U:Wy Dowments%EnvironmentaftStormwatenTier 212011 July Tier 2 Report.xls Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 7/6/2011 Aim Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.43 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date 7/9/2011 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.34 Event Duration (Hours) 24 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including ssitolipy of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of ISermittee) (Date) Form SVJU-246y051100 SWDOMR U:Wy De ments\EnvironmentaOStormwatei\Tier 2@011 July Tier 2 Report.xls Page 2of2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) Paul Allen & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2011 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 556 530 400 Total Flow Oil and Grease Total Suspended Solids pH New Motor Oil Usage mo/dd/yr MG mg/l mg/I unit galfmo Yes No NOTE: This BOD result is not valid because the sample was improperly diluted during analysis. Another sample will be taken at this outfall and BOD will be analyzed again during a subsequent rain event, if flow is observed at this outfall. Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U1My Documents%EnvironmenlaaStormwatenTier 212011 August Tier 2 ReporlAs Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 812012011 Attn'. Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.1 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the po sibility ZAnelmnsonment for knowing violations" �etnni� AkcA t2�? l�ll (Signature of Perm e) - (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U:Wty DocumentslEnvironmentall.SStormwatenTier 212011 August Tier 2 Report.vls Page 2 of 2 Stormwater Tier Two Response Record Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC NODES Stormwater Permit NCS000189 1. Outfall — Contractor Laydown Area 1 1 (Representative Outfall for Cl_-11, 13, and 14) 2. Date of sample collection —November 29, 2011 3. Date Results Received — November 30, 2011 4. Rain Event total — .33 inches 5. Parameter exceeding benchmark value — TSS 6. Analyses results — 720 mg/I 7. Permitted Benchmark target — 100 mg/l 8. Cause of benchmark exceedance — Parking lot silt, gravel was picked up by rainwater and transported down the ditch. There are two ditches that carry stormwater to the outfall from this area, one on the south side of the road and one on the north side of the road. The ditch on the north side has several BMPs in place. The south side has none. This underground pipe discharging into the ditch to the outfall wasn't noticed until this inspection. 9. Mitigation Measures considered: o Add straw and rock inside the south side ditch. Add a silt fence just prior to the drainage pipe going under the road o Add rock and straw to the discharge side of the drainage pipe after it comes out from under the road. o Will investigate to see if something else is short-circuiting the BMPs currently in place. 10. Implementation of mitigation measure must be complete by — 12/29/1 1. 11. A field inspection was conducted by Kari Cahoon 12/14/1 I. Alan Barnes, Diane Hardison, Don Wynne were part of the discussion of next steps 12/8/1 1. U:\My Documents\Environmental\Slornl"ater\Tier 2\7icr'1'wo Response Records\Stormuater'I'ier'Lew Response Record CIA 111 29 1I.doc Page I of I Record to be stored with StonmValer Pollution Prevention Plan and Compliance Manual Domtar It all begins with paper' Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2S2-793-6111 www.domtar.com February 16, 2010 Mr. Al Hodge Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Mr. Brian Lowther Wetland and Stormwater Branch Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested Subject: Request to Remove Dioxin Sampling/Analyses Requirement from Permit Request for Representative Outfall Status Domtar Paper Company, LLC - Plymouth, North Carolina NPDES Stormwater Permit # NCS000189 Domtar received revised stornwater permit NPDES# NCS000189 for its Plymouth, NC facility in 2009, effective as of August 1, 2009. Since that time, the facility has completed the first six- month monitoring period. Based on Domtar's observations of the permitted outfalls and test results from the analytical sampling, we requests modification of our permit as follows: Removal of the requirement to sample and analyses outfalls for dioxin, Designation of two outfalls as representative for five; therefore, removing sampling requirements for three outfalls, Designation of sheet flow status for one outfall; therefore, removing sampling requirements for one outfall. This request submittal includes the following attached references: • Summary Table of Permitted Outfalls • Stormwater Discharge Outfall Monitoring Report for August 2009 • Stormwater Discharge Outfall Monitoring Report for November 2009 • Stormwater Sampling Worksheet • Copies of the Analytical reports from the Dioxin Sampling • Map of the Stormwater Drainage Area for the West Contractor Laydown Area • Map of the Stormwater Drainage Area for Landfills No. 2 and 3 • Map of the Stormwater Drainage Area for the Wood Recycle Area D:\Documents and Settings\MccraDa\l.ocal Settings\l'emporary Intemet Piles\OLK45\Req Redltequirementsl'eb2010.doc Page I of 3 Domtar Paper Company, LLC—Plymouth, NC 25 z p gr rf8( w,j 3 • ISM., Zs z 9� g 39s3 ¢1zyo w:iL -raj- Dioxin Sampling and Analyses The rain events of this past August and November allowed successful sampling of 1 1 permitted outfalls at the facility. Outfalls not sampled were either not required to be sampled or did not produce channeled flow that could be sampled. Dioxin analyses results for the sampled outfalls were all below detection levels. Therefore, we request that the DWQ remove the dioxin sampling and analyses requirement from our permit for all outfalls. Copies of the analytical reports for the dioxin analyses are included with this submittal for your reference. Designation of Representative Outfall Status The Plymouth facility has potentially two opportunities for grouping outfalls and designating one in each group for representative status: 1. Outfalls CLl1, CL13 and CL14 are closely located to each other and all discharge runoff from the contractor laydown area, at the west end of the facility This area is pervious to rainfall, covered in gravel and primarily serves as a parking lot and laydown area for equipment. The table below summarizes the analytical results from the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 monitoring period. Based on these data and the co -locations of these outfalls, we recommend that our permit designate outfall CL14 as representative of the runoff from this laydown area; and therefore, not require analytical monitoring (sampling) from CLl1 or CL13. Outfall BOD m /l COD m /I TSS ma/1 pH Dioxin CL1 l 2.47 8 53 7.6 Not Detected CL13 2.54 11 4 7.6 Not Detected CL14 1 32 44 8.2 Not Detected 2. Outfalls LF01 and LF02 discharge stormwater from two sedimentation ponds which collect runoff from the closed, capped and vegetated No. 2 landfill. LF01 (on the east side of Landfill No. 2) regularly discharges flow during moderate to heavy rain events. However, LF02 (on the west side of Landfill No. 2) rarely discharges flow. The excessive rain event of last November, which produced nearly seven inches of rain in a 48-hr period, caused discharge from LF02. The table below summarizes the analytical results from the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 monitoring period. Based on these data and the historical precedence of little to no flow from LF02, we recommend that our permit designate outfall LF01 as representative of the runoff from the No. 2 landfill area; and therefore, not require analytical monitoring (sampling) from LF02. Outfall BOD m /l COD m /I TSS m /I pH Dioxin LF01 6.21 49 12 7.5 Not Detected LF02 4 46 20 6.8 Not Detected D:ADocuments and Scuings\MccraDaALUCaI SettingsCrmnponny Intcinet FiIcsVOLK45\Rcgltcdl2cquiremcntshcb20l0.doc Page 2 of 3 Dumtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC Removal of Requirement to Sample Outfall WRA Due to Sheet Flow The stormwater drainage area identified as the Wood Recycle Area, does not produce any channeled flow that can be sampled. This was true under the conditions of the former stormwater permit for the facility. Even the excessive rain event of last November did not produce any channeled flow from this area. Therefore, we request that DWQ remove the requirement to sample outfall WRA from the permit. Note Concerning Outfall LF03: You will notice in the previously submitted Stormwater Monitoring Reports and the attached information that LF03 neither produced any flow during the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 monitoring period. This outfall serves the currently active No. 3 landfill. After cell one of this landfill is closed and capped, this outfall will discharge stormwater from a sedimentation pond which will collect the runoff from cell one. However, until cell one of this landfill is closed and capped, neither runoff will collect into the pond, nor will any flow discharge through outfall LF03. Closure of cell one will begin in late 2010. LF03 may begin generating discharge in 2011. Should you have any questions concerning the requests of this submittal or require additional information in order to process these requests, please contact Tamika Boone at tamika.boonendomtar.com (252-793-7490) or me at diane.hardison cr,domtar.com (252-793- 8611). We further welcome visits from DWQ representatives to the Plymouth facility in order to help facilitate these requests. Sincerely, Diane R. Hardison Environmental Manager xc: Tamika Boone — Domtar Alan Barnes — Domtar Bill Morris - Domtar DADocuments and Scam gs\MccraDa\LocaI Settings\Temporary Internet Fi Ics\OLK45\I2eq kcdRequirementsl'e62010.doc Page 3 of 3 Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC Yea Oointar Paper Company,LLC Plymouth Mill ._-. PO Cox 747 11)O ^���a .r,l+ Highway 149 North ��IIlHA Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252-793-8211 It :ill bayius wall paper' www.domo, com December 10, 2009 Division of slater Quality Att1Y. Count! files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Ceriijied IVlni1 Reiurn ReceipiS Regussied Subjeci: WDI's Permii # NCSOOONN, Wear 1 — Period J lYloniiurin,, Period August 1, 2009 io January 31, 2010. Reg1Lh ed Siormtvrrie1 Anrdy.r%s jor Oomiar Paper Company, U C, Plymouth, North Carolina Dcar Sii(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Siormevzlter Discharge Monitoring Report' Col the Year I — Period I Monitoring Period designated from August I, 2009 to January 3 I, 2010 An attempt was made to collect a sample from each of the designated outfalIS that was not samplcCI during a previous storm avcnt. This report includes 7 of Ti; 9 remaining requireC sampling locutions required by DOInta1 �5 stronn water permit No. NCS0001 89. We have also included a spreadsheet that contains intonnation regarding the progress of Rumpling during the representative 'storm events. The COD sample result for the W\} Nf location was 316 mg/L, which exceeded the benchmark value in our permit. As a result of this excecclance,, a nocting and field inspection was conducted per the action steps required by the permit. The report tronn HIM meeting is included and further Cliscusses what oilier actions need to be taken. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please coniact me by phone; (252) 793-7490 or by email, tamil:a.boonaii�dorntar.com. STORMVVATER DISC...RGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 Certificate or Coverage Number: NCG (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Dormer Paper Company, LLC COUNTY Martin and Washington PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Diane Hardison, Tamika Boone & Alan Barnes PHONE.NO. (252)793-8611 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab4 527- i Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) Wastewater Lab -Plymouth By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Fart A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Obtfall Date' Even, Total �' 60D v Dtoxln{' F!o... Sanple , DDratlon ,r. Ralnfzl aw ,�„'.; JCODI s',. ','1�c ��'. - r a•5 mg/l4y�- x•. ❑igll mgll�: _ ,s, ; n.,tm../dd/yra , : ' -y R ' tu 1 N 11/12/2009 6.at 17 316 34 7.4 Not detected NBA 11/12/2009 6,81 3 37 17 6.3 Not detected OBA 11/11/2009 6,81 10 93 49 7.5 Not detected LF04 11/12/2009 6.at 2 46 69 6.9 Not detected CL14 11/11/2009 6,81 1 32 44 8.2 Not detected ILF02 I 11/12/2009 6.61 4 46 20 6.8 Not detected RY01 11/11/2009 6.81 3 23 22 8 Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? Yes No (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfa"II No v Dite S Ic Collected'v'..a., 50050 hotel Flow 556 Od andr"- Greasy., ' 530 Total Suspendods' r Solids. __- 400 pH- >i , °. New Motor OI sago _ m_ olddlyr . - MG mgll" - mgll tin -it gallmo ` i r SV•/DOMR Note: There is a grage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. U:\Water%Sto,mwater\S WAnalyticalReporFormNov2009.xis Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 11110-12109 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 6.81 Event Duration (Hours) 53 Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date. -total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permiltee) (Date) Form SWU-245-051100 S W DOMR U:\Water\Stormwater\SWAnalyticalRepoOForm Nov2009 xis Page 2 of 2 Dormer Paper Company, LLC Permit No. NCS000189 Siormwaier Sampling worksheet Date Outfall No. Time Analytical Sampling Point (Y/N) If yes, was a sample taken? Flow (Y/N) pFl Total Rainfall (Inches) Comments OBA 12.33PM Y N N 1.62 WYN 11;45AM Y N Y 1.62 Only sheet flow. No channeled flow CL 11 12,02PM Y YES Y 7.6 1,62 CL14 12:21 PM Y N N 1.62 WLS01 11:25AM Y YES Y 8.3 1.62 CL13 12.13PM Y YES Y 7.6 1.62 ^? LF01 1025AM Y YES Y 7.5 1.62 I LF02 11:00AM Y NO N 1.62 WRA 11:14AM Y NO Y 1.62 Sheet Flow `-' NBA 10:55AM Y NO N 1_62 LF04 10:47AM Y NO N 1.62 L-1 LF03 10:40AM - Y- - NO N .1.62 No flow to pond because there is no runoff from the landfill. It has not yet been capped and closed. I RY01 11:41AM Y NO N 1.62 CL14 2:37PM Y YES Y 8.2 6-81 CP01 1:53PM N 6,81 —_ PR PA 1:39PM N 6,81 RY01 1:49PM Y YES Y 8 6.81 c ORA 11:51am Y YES Y BS, 7.5 6.81 �. FY01 10 40am N 6.81 AR01 10:45am N 6.81 II took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF02 9.46AM Y YES Y 6.8 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to - generate flow at this site. There was no flow WYN 10:26AM Y YES Y 74 6,81 on the previous day N CD It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF04 9:12AM Y YES Y 6.89 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow NBA 9:32AM Y YES Y 6.3 6.81 on the previous day Highlighted information includes outfalls where a sample has been obtained. Required sampling point where samples have yet to be obtained. Storimivater Tier One 12esptuise Abecortl Domtar Paper Company, LLC — I'I)'mouth, NC NPDES Stormwatei Permit NCS000189 1. Outfall — Woodyard North 2. Date of sample collection - November 12, 2009 3. Rain Event total — 6.82 inches 4. Wonn or exceeding bend mHak value —COD o Analyses result — 316 mg/I o Permitted Benchmark target — 120 mg/l • Date analyses received — November 24, 2009 5. Date of discussion meeting and stormvwater management inspection — November 30, 2009. Partici 3a�: o Marvin Haire— Woodyard manager o Diane Hardison — Environmental Manager o Tamika Boone — Environmental Engineer o Roger Harrell — Woodyard Operations o John Ge%— Piberline/Woodyard Maintenance Manager o Allan Barnes — Envlronarnow ll Engineer 6. Cause of benchmark exceedance— abnormally heavy rains produced flow that could be sampled from the hog fuel (bark) pile. The area has not been observed to produce charmeled flow which could be sampled, before. However, nearly 7 inches of rain fell over a 48 hour period November 10'h — 120 of 2009. The rains washed over a bark pile which likely released volaiiles into the runoff from the degrading wood. 7. Mitigation Measures considered: a.. Dig a trench along the south side of Ille road which boarders the balk pile to collect any runoff before it crosses road and flows into adjacent forest. o Trench will cause safety issues with chip and balk trucks that travel the road. o Trench would encroach on ground water which vwould have to be pumped. There is no cost effective, technically feasible way to pump the ground water to any logical receiving location. b. Build a small berm along the north side of the road which boarders the bark pile to prevent any runoff crossing the road from flowing into the adjacent Forest. c, Wspect berm on a regular basis to ensure integrity c. Install some type of filtration clevice R. Selected Option — b above 9. Implementation of mitigation measure must be complete by—,Ianttary 30, 2010 D1Dual Ile nls anJSeums\bonnet:uul\I_ucaI Set ings\Temporiry Inleincl File>\0LK36\Sturmwmci Tier one Idesponsc Record Nov2009.doc loge I of I As pielimed by Dime Hafdison — Hnvimomenlnl Dept Recnnl lu he stmed wish Slorntwaler Pollution hevenlion flat anal conlpli;tttcc Nrl"wil oorntat Papep Company, w_ Plymouth Will PO Box 747 T �� Highway 149 No,th La Plymcluth,K 27962 T BATI8111 It all begins with p:ipcI: www doiniaLCOm September 21, 2009 Division of Water Quality Ann: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Cerlij ierl IYlni[ ReOwn ,Receipts Rep7reyed Subject: IVPDES Peima 4 NCS000189, Yem 1 — Period 1 IWo7iiloring Period Augusl 1, 2009 to January31, 2010. R%iluirerl Sbrumuder A7u21yses for Domkc Paper C'omptiny, 1_LC, 111ymowh, North C'arohim Dear Sir(s) Enclosed you will And the original and one copy of a completed `StormwLttcr Dischargc Monitoring Repoli' for the Year I — Period t Monitoring Period cicsi iaied itum August 1, 2009 to January 3 L 2010. An attempt was made to collect a sample from each designated outfalt however, there was no How present at nine of the outtalls. As a tcsult, this report only includes 4 of the 13 required sampling locations required by Domtai's storm water permit No. NCS000189. We will make every attempt to sarnple the remaining locations during subsequent representative storm events before the end of the period. If you have any questions of require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me b Shona, 2e2) 793-7490 or b y email, mcnika bl.�unef�r,!dointar.conl. I I Y I (� ���. ) , Sincerely, [amika Boone Environmental Eugilwel �:c: De pain iu nl tiler Permit Number. NC S000189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG ,FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Alan Barnes R Lorenza Palin STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT or CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC I_ab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washincton PHONE NO. (252)793-3611 (SIGNATURE OF PF-RMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall; Date, ._ Event - Foal` BOD `, -COD TSS = - Pro-.. - D�ox�n No Sample—,`Dulatfon:� * RalrifalL ` p -'-. s _ - " Coltebtedy . Hr 1vlln ' Inclies" t mgll „s'^'; : mcrl ` mg/I - mg/6 _ Winter Log Storage 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1,68 2.93 10 13 8.3 Not detected CL11 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1 68 2.47 8 53 7.6 Not detected CL13 3/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 2.54 11 4 7.6 Not detected LFO i 3/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 6.21 49 12 7.5 Not detected �J Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements 50050 _` 556 _--- ;- 530 Mt ay, `' 400 �- Sample " Total Flofrv� t 011�a nd-,., Totahx 4+,r pH Nev+M`ot'ori_„ Collected, `+ Greaser > Sus pendedz,'` - Oil Usage, _- Solids' NG,� mg/11y,- s Inglf - ;....-, unit ., -_T?` galhno= :> . ) ) SWDOMR Yes NO Note: There is a garage onslte, however it is fully contained and drains directly to Our v✓astewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. U.\W a terNStormwate r\5`NA na lytica I R e po GFo rmAug 2009. zls Form SINIJ-246-05i100 Paoe I of STORPl1 EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Oualitv Date 3/30-31109 AUn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.62 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) 9/21/2009 (Dale) Form SWU-246-051100 SINDOMR U:\Water\Stormwater\SWAnalyticalPeportFormAug200g.xls Page 3 of 3 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) 1140NITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Alan Barnes 3 Lorenza Patin CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical I_ab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results frorn the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE.NO. (252)793-8611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowlenlye. Ou fall.. No ' Da e Sample, Collected went � 1� Tc al BOD COD a 164 ASS tin/I PI -I mg/6. Dioxini. _ v Winter Log Storage 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 2.93 10 13 3.3 Not detected CL11 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 2.47 8 53 7.6 Not detected CL73 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1,68 2,54 11 4 Z6 Not detected LF01 3/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 6.21 49 12 7.5 Not detected J Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall. "' ,+�-'�� 556 - °530" 400 No Tota llFlow 011jan d�' TotaP- pH v.RNew Motor Grease Suspended '� 011 Usage xSolidsMGF ADate�50050 i 1 I d q Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Plso, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWIJ-246 051100 SWDOMR U:\Water\Siormwater\SWAnalyticalReponFofmAag2009.As Page i Of STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Duality Date 3/30-31/09 Attu. Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.62 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) ' I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) 2/21/2009 (Date) Form SWU.246-051100 SWDOMR U.\Water\Stormwater\SWAnalvticalRepoc FormAug2eeg.xis Page 2 of 3 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Permit No. NCS00O189 Stormwater Sampling worksheet Date Outfall No. Time Analytical Sampling Point(YIN) If yes, was a sample taken? Flow Y/N H Total Rainfall Inches Comments OBA 12:33PM Y N N 1.62 WYN 11;45AM Y N Y 1.62 Only sheet flow. No channeled flow CL11 12;02PM Y YES Y 7.6 1.62 CL14 12:21 PM Y N N 1.62 WLS01 11:25AM Y YES Y 8.3 1.62 ao CL13 12:13PM Y YES Y 7.6 1.62 LF01 10:25AM Y YES Y 7.5 1.62 N LF02 11:OOAM Y NO N 1.62 o 0 WRA 11;14AM Y NO Y_ 1.62 Sheet Flow � NBA 10:55AM Y NO N 1.62 LF04 10:47AM Y NO N 1.62 LF03 _ 10:40AM Y NO N 1.62 No flow to pond because there is no runoff from the landfill. It has not yet been capped and closed. RY01 11:41AM Y NO N 1.62 CL14 2:37PM Y YES Y 8.2 6.81 CP01 1:53PM N 6.81 N 6.81 PRPA 1:39PM YES Y 8 6.81 RY01 1:49PM Y o OBA 11:51am Y YES Y 6.81 to FY01 10:40am N 6.81 AR01 10:45am N 6.81 It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF02 9:46AM Y YES Y 6.8 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow WYN 10:26AM Y YES Y 1 7.4 6.81 on the previous day N It look more than five inches of rain to c o 1 generate flow at this site. There was no flow 0 LF04 9:12AM Y YES Y 6.89 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow NBA 9:32AM Y YES Y 6.3 6.81 on the previous day (Highlighted information includes outfalls where a sample has been obtained. Required sampling.point where samples have yet to be obtained. 4�fAS Columbia W/ Analytical Services" 14zw.1cs111,_vAe200 r 11-11111"!4,:.:zzss ! :n.,7") 21iiemm i September 21, 2009 Service Request No: J0904340 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: St01'mWater Testing Dcar Diane: Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on September 2, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J0904340. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. IZesults apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report Please contact me if you have any questions. %Nly extension is 4403. You may also contact me via email at TKissinger cr caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Tom Kissinger Project Manager Page 1 of 3 Fora specific list refer to the cei tifications section ar �1ll.w.cucluh.com Clien(: Domtar Paper Company, LLC Service Request: J0904340 Project: Stormwater Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERFACE SAMPLE ClIENTSAMPLE ID DATE 91ML' J0904340-001 Winter Log Storage 8/31/09 l 1:25 J0904340-002 Cl; 11 8/31/09 1202 J0904340-003 Cl- 13 8/31/09 12:13 J0904340-004 LF-01 8/31/09 1025 PrinleJ 9e 1i09 12:28 Sample Sununan, Page I of I Columbia Analytical Services,'tire. Cooler Rcccipt and Preservation Form i(-..!c 1. is Cam. Scl'v;cc RcouesL - cF (Cooler received on C)CZ and op;tted onC:A cFt.y COURIER: CAS FEDEX DHL CLIENT Tracking UPS I Wei e custody seats on outside of cooler? Yes No N/A Were seals intact, signed and dated? Yes No /n 3 Were custody papers properly filled out?_ No N/A Temperature of coo [Cr(S) upon receipt - (Shodd be a 2 g� de 'ee5 C) Correct Temperature? b Wero Ice or Ice Packs present No Nov - Did all bottles arrive in good condaiori (unbroken, etc....)? A c.e all bottle libels complete (sa.uplc Ill. t.resr<v anon, etc...)'. Q ?:a 9 Did at boaie Iabets and tags agree scith custody papers? G Were tha eoltectbottles used tct the tests indicated? .lo I I `•ve'e ah of the preserved botties recervvcd with tile Ipproul to pmscrvativ;;? v ,s N. HNO3 pFh2 H2SO4 pH<2 Zn."c2/.Na0H pH>9 Na011 pt1>12 Iici I'll�el'V III!) I! )"s I10In b00w e!'e all samples received within analysis holding times?s; f y'h o N;A I i We, V0.4 vials checked for absence of eir bubbles) If present, note 'below Yes NO i�i/;A ' 14 Where did the bottles originate? I C, Clicat tMa nlf. Lot # or CAS Simple ID Reagent ChemID ml added nititials 1 I Additional conur.ents anti/or explanation of all discrepancies noted above: i1 i khen[ approval to 1'llil samples if dI5C1'dp:1nC1Bs acted: Date: � -1 -12 , :,,,, i .1 1 , tlschrs, unJ —,, 11, e,, 11 .1,,n I,Lo1 .11 I'll.. — ;..� —1., "',l .n 1110 11.1. e'o.' ®a �� �50��5 _��� o_ _fie p.��_��=-::_ � a :� ' BCC � ACmaylia nalyilcal Services �- as�o �e CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM 9143 Philips Higlway, Suite 200 lacksom-illq Florida 32256/Phonc(904)739-22771800-695-7222/Fae 904-739-2011 ScfloY�v� Contact P:aieel came Stormwater Testing ProJert Numbor Report CC Alan Barnes _4 z ��. w0 W ANALYSIS 0 REQUESTED _ (Include Method Number en Report To Diane Hardison x .0 1. HCL 2. HNO3 3. H2SO4 4. N.OH 5. Zn. Acclatc 6. NkOH 7.NaHSO4 ItENIARKS Company/Addrea Domtar Paper Company P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Phone N 252-793-8611 FAX k _ 262-793-8871 Sumple/a Sjpyamr_ t i (:i,/✓ >1 Samplor's Dprt,d Namc /r� r- a/'/` v�iC �/'JL'J CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID SAMPLING DATE TIME Matrix Winter Log Storage Dioxin 8/31/09 11:25 Water 2 X CL-il Dioxin 8/31/09 12.02 Water 2 X Cl,-13 Dioxin 8/31/0912:13 Water 2 X LF-01 Dioxin 8/31/09 10:25 Water 2 X Winter Log Storage - AM CL-11 -PM CL73 -PM LF-01 - AM Stornlwater Samples for Dioxin Testing. � (f/�) �f L�//%:... ✓` �� '^'U��•� iU �'C,��ryS��U / " TURNMROUND REQUIREMENTS RUSHlSUR6I.VtO2S MPl1') STA.\DARD QUESTED 1. UATE U6STm REPORT DATE REPORT REQUIRNMENTS L RerW40NY II.R ilui QC Summ f RCS. DUT. MSMSD requssed) X M- ..wines bowo.a� I'✓. UOe VWi7. Report w Rm D. ' Edah Y'e No INVOICR INSORNW TON P.O.q a!'4'+%IV`W�• �• muw L/I KoIn uu c y Siglature /t �J RTN,Wy Slgunue Keftai.,Ind by Signature erve v Signs Rehrqu,,hod By Sigumro R.t,.d By Sig auo, Pnnted N Y' :ram , r ^J 1 1'nnted Name r. z Prime Name p PcRlted Namo Printed Nwne Fvm 1p�d+v Fr F' F Firm F= Date Date/Cimc Datdrime D !I'vne „r-.. CS( D Irlfvne Date IUnt, ,�,'' Columbia EN Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results Columbia Analytical Services- 19408 Park Row, Suite 320. Houston, TX 77084 1 713.266.1599 www.caslab.com .. ... .......... .......... .. .. ..... .. ..... .... _............ ... ._. .......... .. ... September 17, 2009 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Laboratory Results for: Stormwater Testing Dear Tom: Set -vice Request No: J0904340 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory oil September 03, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J0904340. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the cwTent NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of Icss than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at D13iles n caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Danen Hiles Project Manager For a specific list ofVELAP-accredited analptes, refer to the. certifications section. at ... .... .... _ 1oww. caslab. coin. 1`,n Enullo5ee O'.vnad company NELPAgcredied tc t. Saal of &ceiumce AVnrC I Please consido'the einvironrnrnt before printing 1 of 26 7 Columbia Analytical Services - Certificate ofAnarysis '19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0'130 www.caslab.com Ao Employee Ovmed Company 2 of 26 8 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Delmtar Industries 11roj ect Stormwater Testing S:unple Matt iz: Water CASE NARRATIVE Service Request No.: J0904340 Date Received: 9/3/09 All analyses were perfomred in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier 11. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Sample Receipt Four water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 9/3/9. The samples were received at 0°C in good condition and ire consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refiigeralor at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (9/2/09) and not the date CAS -Houston received the samples (913/09.) Data Validation Notesand Discussion AiS/DAIS HQ0900362: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an ;NIS/DIAS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Delccliou Limits Detection limits arc calculated for each congener in each sample by nreasming the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor snid the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. Approved bv: CL� �����✓'� �� Xiang lip Liana, Laboratory Dirccto- Dalc: 09/18/09 3 of 26 9 Client: Spectrum Analvlical, Inc. Proycc Jmnaica GW SAMPLE 4 K0904340-001 K0904340-002 I',imc,l n95/oq 11 1) CLIENT SAMPLED SA94763-01 S'.A94768-01 SADiPLE CROSS -It EPERENCE Scmce Request: K0904340 DATE. TIME 5/13/09 1005 5/13109 1005 4 of 26 s,.,ie sun 'a., 10 Page I or Laboratory Certifications 2009-2010 STATE/11ROGRAM AGENCY CI,,I2TIEICATION ID FAP DATE ARIZONA AZ-DliS AZ0725 05/26/10 ARKANSAS ADE 09-048-0 06/16/10 CALIFORNIA CA-ELAP 2452 02/28/11 BLORIu,VNELAP FI. DOHS ES7611 06/30/10 ll'mml III-DOFI N/A 06130/10 ILLINOWNELAP IL -EPA 002122 10/06/09 LOUIS IAN,VNE -AP LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINE M1 DOFIS 2008031 06/05/10 MICHIGAN NIIDEQ 9971 06/30/10 MINNESOTA MDH 048-999-427 03/25/10 NEVAUA NDEP TX014112009A 07/31/10 NEwJerzsev NJDEP TXOOS 06/30/10 NEwa7Exlco NMED-DWR N/A 06/30/10 NESv YORK/NELAP NY -DOH 11707 03/31/10 IN'FESC/NAVY NFESC N/A O1/09/10 Om„wonm OKDEQ 2009-23 08/31/10 ORF.GON/NFLAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 TENNE.SSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 -PExAs/NELAP TCEQ Tt04704216-09-TX 06/30/10 UTAIJ/NF,LAP UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOIL Imu,ORT Prizml I USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 WAS IUNG'10NhN' ELA P WA -Ecology CIS55 11/14/09 WESTVIRGINIA WVDEP 347 O6/30/10 5 o126 11 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MOIL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DIMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion ppnt Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte %Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient 6 of 26 12 Data Qualifier Flags — Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value - used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value - used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting Hrnit(MRL) and above the estimated detection limit(EDL). o K EMPC - When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a'K' flag. A'K' flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected.' o 5 Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. 7 of 26 13 CAS/H[OU Form Production, Pecr Review &, Project Review Signatures Date 9/17/09 Reviewerg i 8 ar 26 Columbia AN Analytical Services - Analytical Results 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Faz(713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Employee Owned Company 9 of 26 15 COLUJI It IA A:NALV'II CA I. SI?R VIC FS, INC. Anaiytical Report Client Donaar l odustries Scivice Request: J0904340 I'rnject: Stormwatci Iesting Date Collected: 8/3 1109 1125 S:unple Matrix: Water (late Received: 9/2/09 Sample Name: Winter Log Storage Units: pg/L Lab Code .10904340-001 Basis: NA Polychlm'inaled Dibenzodinsins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurmts by IIIZGC/IIRNIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/10/09 1443 I'rep Mcihod: Method Date hxlracted: 9/4/09 Sample Amount: 920ml- Instrument Name: 6FFRMS-04 CC Column: D6-5 DnIa File Name: P204129 Blank Nile Namc: P204108 ICA[, Date: O8120/03 Cal Ver. Pile Name: P204122 ton Dilutinn .-tn:drte Nmoe Result Q LDI- NIRl, Italia 121t1' Natlur 2.3,7,8=fCDD ND U 0.355 IM 1 Spike Cure, G:utral lun Lubclul Comp.i0 n4' Cmm(Pg) 1'0and (pg) 'aatcc Q LIn" is Ratio RR'I' 13C-2,3,7,8--TCDD 2000 1300.000 65 25-164 0.78 1.007 370-23,7,8-TCDIJ ROIL 692,895 87 35-197 NA I O(A Pamu1 411]/a9 11,012 'ilnlLueZlS:ailLunLlmrNopzNnnl>'uoulHepotl rp� Form IA s„r��su rt,r«<�ce 09.000alz��ble7� 16 COLIIJIBIA ANALY-1ICAL SERVICES, INC Analytical Rep]n Client: Donuar Industries Set, ice Retlnest: J0904340 P.ojccl: Slom]waler Testing Date Collected: 8/3 1/09 1202 San ld, 1Mab'ix: Water Date Received: 9/2/09 S:unple No ... c: CI, -I I Units: pg/L Lab Code_ J0904340-002 Basis: NA Polyeblorinuled Dihen[odinxins and Polvehlorinaled Dibcn>,ofurans by 1IRGC/HUMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9110/09 1530 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 9/4/09 Sample Amount: 940ml- Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 CCColmnn: DB-5 Data rue Name: P204130 Blank File Namc: P204108 I C.U. Dale: 08/20/08 Cal Ver. File Namc: P204122 lot] Dilution An:dylc N:une Result Q BDL NIRI, Ratio R HTFactor 2,3,7,8-I-CDD ND U 0.354 10.6 1 Spike Can'. Control lot) Labeled Compmin(l' Cmte.(pg) Round (pg) '%lire Q Limits Ratio RR'r 13C-2,37,8-1'C'DD 2000 1377.510 69 25-164 0.78 1.007 37CI-2,3,7,8=1CDD 800 722.898 90 35-197 NA 1.008 prin¢J 9i l itn9 11'.Ilt lbnn LA .,InnonQ.StWinn4.Inn0.ry�.��Auilyuc-0N ywn rpi SUPtFSCt Rtftrtnc¢ 0900001]il]�n 17 COI.UNIBlA ANALY'I'I CAI. SEIMCES, INC. Analytical Repon Client: Donuar ludusuies Pr njccC Svmnmater'I'esom, sample A'latric: Water Sample Name: CL-13 Lab Code: J0904340-003 Service Request .J0904340 Date Collected: 8131/09 1213 Date Reccivcd: 9/ 2109 Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polycbloi inatcd Dibenzodio�ias anti POdYcbinrinatcd 1)i1)cnznfor; uu by ]IRGC/IIRI\IS Analytical Mcthod: 1613B Date Analvzcd: 9/10/09 1618 Prep Method: Method Date Eshoctcd: 9/4/09 s:mtple Amount: 940mL In.sti umem Name: E-1IRMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P204131 Black Rile Name: P204108 ICAL Dale: 08/20/08 Cal Ver. File Nana: P204122 Ion Dilution Amdv¢•:N;wo, 12c,mh 0 I.DL Mu. Ratin ImI' Factor 2, 7,8-ICDD ' La ha4:d Cmnpawnls ND U 0.238 10.6 Spike Cone. Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Ilcc Q C..,I,.l tun Lon il, Ratio RI2T 13C-2.3,7,9-fCDD 2000 1,112.958 71 25-164 0.77 1.007 37CI-2.3,7,.8=fCDD 800 723.263 90 35-197 NA 1008 I'i lnl<a 9:1 i/no I I'.02 total I A :dnilo.. 6m�IImi LimsN.»Unals ��olRaPo��m� So Sa ReV—, 09� v« oo0012`�3bR2go 18 COLU:MBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Analytical Repnn Client: Dommi lndu.sirics I'rnjcct Slormwalcr Testing Sample INlab'ic: Water Sample Nnmc: LF-01 Lob Code: J0904340-004 Service Regoesl: J0904340 Date Collected: 8131/09 1025 Date Rcceiced: 9/ 2/09 Units: po, Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibum'dinxins and I'nlychlorinaled Dibenzol'urans by 1IRGUHRMS Amnlylical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/10/09 1706 I'rgr INlelhod: Method Date Enacted: 9/4/09 Sample Anui oot: 930ml. Instrument Name B-IIRMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Dale File Name: P204132 Blank File Name P204108 I CA I, Date: 08/20/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P204122 Ion Dilution A nah'tc Name Result Q IZDL MR1, Ratio HILT Factor 2,3,7„8-TCDD ND U 0.3,18 10.8 I Spike Cone. Cnnirol Inn I-abelrll (;n11111....... CmIC.(pri) tound(pk) Q Limits Ratio RRI 13C-2,3.7,3-TCDD 2000 1232.920 62 25-164 0.78 1,008 170-2,3,7,8=1 CDD 800 735.856 92 35-197 NA 1,008 rn....n-I,. Ihinmd'I11U0911 02 Ponn IA J 1,110-2V.91rll.-I.innaarye, naltiial0.epun iyi 5npertiel Relnaice: 09LO1o19IT; 2p 19 COLUNIBIA AN.V,1'9'IC9L SERVICES, INC. Analytical Repon Clicnl: Domiar Industries Service Request: /0904340 1'rojen: Stornnenter'resliug Date Collected: NA ' Sample \tau ix: Water Date Received: NA .s mn,J lc Name: Method Blank Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ0900362-01 Basis: NA Polychlorinated DiItcitzodioxins anti Pit lychloriitaIc(1 Di benzofit rans by IIRGC/I IRNIS :\nalyticai Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/9/09 1906 Prep Mcthnd: Method Date Estracled: 9/4/09 &aniple:Aniount: 1000mi, Instrument Name. E-1'IRMS-04 GC Colmmw DD-S Dala Nile S:uu e: ['204103 Blank file Name: P204103 I C:Ah Dntm 08/20/08 Cal Vm'. file Namc: P204106 ton Dilution :Anni'le Name Resull Q EDL NIRL Ratio R12'I' Factor 23,7.1-1 C D D ND U 0.333 10.0 I Spike Can, Cmt(rol Imt Lo hrlcd Com puu nda Cmn:.(pg) found (pg) 4blicc Q Limits Raliu RIO 13C-2,3,7,3=rCDD 2000 943.243 47 25-164 0.77 1.003 37062,3,7,4-fCDD S00 614.495 77 35-197 NA 1.009 Cno�inni u. hm,d 2'IM1, 11 01 Fosm 1A Y.Inllo.. �CinilnnSl_inishcpfUmlyuhlaul'o �n^ S""s, lt91'ocnre'. 09-0OWI.t'11Wbrff 20 Columbia Analytical Services - Accuracy and Precision I 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Employee Owned Company 15 of 26 21 n COLUMBIA ANALVI'l CA L SI'at\'ICES, IN( QA/QC Report Clicnl: Domlar Industries Service Request: J0904340 Project Stonmvater Testing Date Analyzed: 9/9/09 San. ple .S l It Iris: Water Lab Control Sample SU111111atY P elychI orinated Dibetwodioxi its and PolYch l ormated D i I) enzofu Iit 11S by 11I2(7C/DIt1'IS Anal}'lical Method: 1613B Units: PgA, I'rcp McDlod: Method Basis: NA E%Oactlon Lot: 95259 Lab Cllnt,ol Salllllle' Dupll Cate Lab Control Sample EQ0900362-02 EQ0900362-03 % Rec RPD AIIn IYt I' Mimi, Resull Expected Ref Result Ex peCted % Ree Litt Its RPD Limit 2,3,7,8=I'C'DD 231 200 116 227 200 114 67- 159 2 50 I'J.11, `ll17/09 I I'.:I3 1 xb C"WIOI Saalple Sumpwry IIImIu:✓A10rliinaWm�Rwa+L=bConvolSamVl��p. Snpc:Sa Reference. po.pOpul:DN!)I �� Ib?� b COLUMBIA ANALN TICAL SERVICES, IN'C. Analytical Report Client: Delmar Industries P n:jca: slorlmvutei'I'esting Sample Mail is: Water Smupic Nam c: Lan Control Sample Lab Cwk: EQ0900362-02 Sctvice Request: J0904340 Date Collected: NA Date Reech ed: NA Units: Pg-[L Bask: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzndiuzins and Polychlorinated Dibenzaht.ans by 11RGC/llRMS Aunk iird Method: 161313 Date Analyzed: 9/9/09 1518 flop \lethal: Method Date Euracted: 9/4/09 Sample AnmunL 1000mL Inst ru nl call Name: E-FIRMS-04 CC Colunm: D6-3 Data Pile Name: P204104 Blank bile Name: P204108 IC:AI. Dale: 08/20/09 Cal Vet. File Name: ['204099 Inn Dilution ,)nalytc Name licsnit Q 11,11)1, NMI, Ratio RR'l Factor 2,3,7,8-TCDD 231 0.245 10.0 0.76 1.001 1 Spike Cone. Cnntrul Inn l abelcd C'nmpou ads Conc.(pg) For md (pq) 'Y.Rcc Q Limils Ratio lilt'1' UC-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1355.027 68 25-164 0.7s 1,008 37(.'1-2,3,7,8-TC'DD 800 732327 92 3S.197 NA 1.009 Cn„.:n,..... nad )It 10911:02 wan 1A u,,,;..:•:.:,a,:%IiL nit,, +k„h dculNgvn:n+ s,r�s�, x.r�,ma: ra.00aoizj,�tbFT6" 23 COLI4\i81.A :A N,A 1.1' ricm, sl-RV'ICE1, INC. Analpol Report CIi,"1: Domtar Industries So -vice Reyuol: 10904340 1'. oyrt: Slonnevater Testing Date Collected: NA Sample r\1atrix: Water Date Received: NA S:Imple Nano: Lab Control Sample Dup Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ0900362-03 Basis: NA Polychlurimated Dibcnzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibcnznl'ui ans by IIRGC MINIS An:dyticd 1AIethnl: 1613E Date Analyzed: 9/9/09 1606 PIcp Aletlod: Method Date Extracted: 9/4/09 Sample Amount: 1000m1, Instrument Name: E-FIRMS-04 CC Column: DBS Data File Name: P204105 Blank File Name: P204108 ICA1, Dale: 09/20/08 Cal Ver. File Name: P204099 Ion Dilution Anmlytc INan" Result 0 EDL MR1, Ratio RR'r Factor 2,3,7.8=fCDD 227 0.259 10.0 0,77 1.000 1 Spike Cone. Control 10. Lnbelnl Cn nrpnun Js Cmm.(pg) Found (pg) '71tcc 0 Lonit" Ratio RRI 13C-2,3,7,9-FCDD 2000 1244.291 62 25-164 0,78 1.008 370L2,3,7,8-TCDD 800 698.849 87 35-197 NA 1.008 curnr,r.mo� R zaed 9i 1 i109 11.0 Form 1 A pinrluw'_'SUJim\I irnaaepaUnalp OcalRcpen:yr SuytrStr Rd... a 09000012PKn6'I 24 Columbia Analytical Services (hair of custody 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, 7X 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com An Employee Owned Company 19 of 26 25 Intra-Nev,vork 'Caiat❑ of Custody 9143 Philips Hishrcvy • lackmnzi Ile, FI..'._''-56 - 90-1-7;Q-2277 - FAX 904-739-101 I Project Same: .S tornmatcr l 'stun_. Pntjacl \'umber: P rojeel ,Sls " ger: I )ianc I Fart ison Cemp:urr: Done:u F':gx'r lnm pony, L LC Lnb Cede Cliem Sample ID 9ofCom. ,Matrix 1 " n i '7 — i Sample Dole 1 C Mute Time Re"i red Send To J t7904340-001 Win¢r lag Sumac ' � �`.Vamr 5/31/09 1125 1 92/09 HOUSTON j II J0904740.002 CL-I I Wa[cr, S/31/09 I202 i 92/09 HOUSTON J0904340-003 CL-13 Water 65 1/09 1213 i 9(+/09 HOUSTON ❑ ' - 10904340-004 LF-01 Water 8/31/09 1025 9122/09 HOUSTON 11� Test Cumumn (. Dioxins Furans-1613D 10%47.10-001,2,34 Special 1 natruetions/Cma mcnti PLEASE SEND RESULTS TD `4AN0Y SUL L I VAN d 237E TCDD only,mport in mkt Turnaround Requirements _BUSH (Surcharees Appl)) PLEASE CIRCLE R`ORK DAYS 1 2 3 4 3 STA,N DA RD Requested FAX D:rtc Requested Report Date: 09/23/09 T� — CAS CcnticC Tom Kissinger J1 Report Requirements I. Results Only 11. Results+QC Summaries III. Resells +QC and Calibmtion Sunnnaries _ IV_ Data Vnlidatiou Repot with Raw Data I'QL/tdDlJJ Y EDD N rVmCe In(onnvlipn J0904340 RelinquisheJ By: /�{ _ Lw / ,l�L U/�/� Recei. ed 8)',� r_�, `� v `lirbill Numhcr: (� X � Ly � J2w-9?f ' � U/ l 7 /v-+�• F-,[. I.Sa / 313C Po6e Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form Client/Project Domtar Paper Company / Stormwater Testing Service Request J0904340 Received:_ _ 09/03/09 Opened (Date/Time): 09/03/09 0955 By: NAB I. Samples were received via? [I US Mail ❑Feder QUPS ❑DIiL ❑Courier 711and Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) Cooler ❑Boc ❑ Other ❑Nd 3. Were custody scats present on coolers? QY ❑N If yes, how many and where? If present, were custody seals intact? QY ❑N Upresent, were they signed and dated? QY ❑N 4. Is shipper's air -bill filed? []NA ❑Y ❑✓ N If not, record air bill number: 1ZX5W0980140778136 5. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 0 6. If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled our (ink, signed, etc.)? ❑NA QY ❑N S. Packing material used: ❑hrserts Q&rbble fflmp ❑Bhte fce R]Wet Ice QSleeve,s ❑Other 9. Were the correct types of bottles used for the tcsts indicated? QY ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below. QY ❑N Sample tD Bottle Count Bottle Type Out ofTemp Broken initials ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Werc all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)'? QY ❑N Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. QY ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample'If) on COC . Simplc_ [D.on Bo(tle Sample ID on COC I I. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions. 21 of 26 Page Prf. Q I ❑ 2 Sample acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CAS/HOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CAS/HOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at-20 to-10°C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, —230C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist ifany samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SR# ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample Integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) 22 of 26 28 Fold" k ,)(1904340 Client Name: Dumtar Indrulnes Project Nam, Slornnv;tcr TCbng Project Number: It cporl "ro: Diane H;udmm Domtat Papei Company. LLC PAl BUx 717 Plymouth, NC: 27962 Phone Number 252-793-9611 Cell NUmbcr Fax Number 252-793-SS71 E-mail: dune.hordison n donuar.com Service Reaucst Summary Project Chemise Durrett Bile, Oricinminc Lab: JAX Logged By: SLIGH1'SFY Date Received: 9/ 2/09 Interval DUe Date 9/23i09 QAP: LAB OAP Qualifier Sec CAS Standard Formse[ CAS Standard Merged?: N Report to MDL?: Y P.O" Number: 4550161974 EDD: No BDD Speeitied sent I . I I � j_ S , Cas Some Nu CUems.—P No. Aatri< CulleovA I" I� J0904340-001 Winter Log S,.ag. - -----WnR, 8/l1/09 11251 Ii II1904J40-00'_ . .. CI; II ........ _. W:na B13 rJ UI/0'1 O) ....I._..._ I20211It ... .. .... )0901340-003 Q-p Name .. ..... 8/?1fog ..- ..._... . Ill? I1 I 0901 _ ........ ID904340_U 04 ... LR01 _.. .. VVnI_� ..." _8/31/09 .I .... 1025 :_IT Test Comments: Croup Tcsf/Mcdlad Sanrpleb Comments Semivoa GCMS Dioxins Furors/16136 N 1-4 237S TCDD only,repoil in mgA. s . IUUO I. ur.. n,an,: \cal d1151761'dlun I.6u, Location: F-WICUI NPDLS 23 of 26 Primed 9/150009 1:16:N MI ScowKe,.evt fur J0904340 Page I of I Preparation M.Prmation 6eiielisheet Trap Ruud: 9i259 1'. kp \\'m'kFluw: OrgF�D\q(365) Status: Prepped Tram: Scmit'ua GCMS/.AICODUR Plop MulBod: MC010d Prep Dat Jl'imr: 9/4/09 11:01) AM w Lab Code Client ID B# Method (Test pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description I C09UO715-001 A1329731 .01 1o13BIDiovinr Fumnz S Wmm IIOOmL clear cnlurlcss liquid C0900723-UOI 67441_3 01 1613B/Diucins Fnnns 9 Wulewmcr 950mL v 11ow liquid 3 EOVU0724-001 Cnmp U,luu OF001 Curn , 01 1613➢1Dioxins Fnurnv ] \Vnvmvmor IOOOmL dery .1 1., Ilquld 4 E090U725-D0I L+2150 0I 16138/Dioxins Fnnns ] Wn,,r I005nuL ct,., .lurlms liquid 5 C0900728-WI RP4BOS2709 '01 1613501."1" Fnurns ] t.", 990m1. clan <.1arl., liquid 6 C0900729-002 RNA082909 OI lb 138!Dia,ns Fnurns S Wamr 960mL blown liquid ] U0900739-DOI 34M17001 .UI 16 BWDloxirs Furn, 9 Dunkin, W,ecr I000in1, ycllow limed liquid 8 170900739-002 341506001 UI 161MDioxins Funne S Drinking ll'au 910m1. ydlu.v timed liquid 9 E0900739-OU3 342615001 Ol 16131IDioxinc Fnrans S Drinking Water I000mL yellow timed liquid IO E0900741-00l OW98015-1 01 16BB/Du—in,Funus S Winn 9'0.L yellow l inlcd liquid 11 C0900742-001 119,81 01 I613B/Dioxin, Furnns ] Drinkiug Water 900mL dc:u colnrlcss liquid 12 E0900743-001 1 .01 1613B/Dioxins F'urnu, ] Wa¢r 900nd. yellow liquid 13 U900745-001 Chip elcach 2009-09-01_-1 .01 1613B!Dioxins Funs 3 Wau "ad,[, brigtu arangc ycllow liquid 14 E0900745-002 Sawdus* Bluodi 2009-09 EDK '01 16135IDioxine Fmmu 3 Wamr 960mL ycllmv onngc liquid 15 EQ0900362 01 MIB 16I3 B/Dioxins Fur, Liquid IOOOmI. 16 EQU900362-02 LCS 10 ❑51Dioxins F... u.s Liquid I000mL 17 EQ0900362-03 DLCS 1613B!Dioslnv Frumrs Liquid 1000mL I9 LQ09003ti2-04 MB 1613 B!Dioxins Fu.urs Drinking Water 10001111. 19 EQC900362-05 LCS 1613BNiozins Furnns Drinking Nauru I000111, 20 EQ0900362-06 DLCS 1613B!Diaxins Furnns Drinking Wmcr GOOmL 21 10904340-001 Maur, Lug $tnmge 01 1613B/DiOmins Fnrans ] Wn¢r, WorrL limed dlow liquid 22 J0904340-002 CIA 01 1613B/Dioxins Funus 6 Wn¢r 940mL doudy yellow liquid 23 J0904340-003 CL-13 01 161313M.,ins Fin u, ] Water 940nd. Unmd liquid 24 J09043e0-004 LF-01 01 1613 B/Dioxins Furrus ] W.., 930inL ycllaw liquid 25 K0907366-005 Mkio, ,, 05 1613B/Dioxns Fnnns S tt'aar 930mL cloudv liquid 26 F:090]e6S-005 MIMI021_21 '05 1613B/Dioxin, Fnnns 6 Wma 980mL Purple dear liquid W CD I'rinmd 9/9109 13:22 Preparuliun lnrormminn BcnchsLccl 24 0} 26 Pugc I Preparation Information Benchsheet P. If unr,: 95259 I'rcp Wnr'L Pluv: Orgf'clAII(365) Status Prepped '['earn: Semivnal GCNIS/AKODUR Pi'l, Tlcth id: Mclhud 1'rcp DatJI'i nm: 9/4/09 11:00 AM SpiLing Solution., Wlme: 1613B Mam< Working Standard Inventors ID 11191 Logbook Ref. D10-55-30 Expires On 07/24POI4 EQ0900161_-02 IoffmfIL r EQ0900362.01 too thopl. EQ0900362-03 100.00f11, EQ0900162-06 100DUpL Min,: 16 13 B Labeled Work, ng Standard Inwmow ID 12038 Logbook Ref: D1U-70-313 Expires On 09/02/2014 J0904340-00.-• 1000.00)IL J0904340-M-1 Udto.00pl- KOW7966-005 100000I11. KO%7868-005 1,000.oi Name: 8290/1613B Cleanup Working Standard Inventory ID 12093 Logbook Ref. D10-70-5NB Expires On. 09/OS2014 ED900713-001 100 00 11 L E0900723-001 Ioff (in p I, E0900724-001 100.0011L E0900725-001 100.00pL E0900728-0111 too oopl- F,0900728-002 too oop1_ E090039-001 too DopL C0900739-002 too o0pL E0900739-00, 1uo.OopL E0900741-001 IOo.00pL E0900747-001 100.00)d- E0900743-001 IoUOopl- E0900745-001 100 Cop E0900745402 too. UOpl- E00900362-01 too oopL F.Q0900362-02 IOO.00fIL F00900362-01 I0000fth EQO%036'_-04 100 OOfl I_ EOu900362-05 too oopf- EQ0900362.06 too.00IlL Jox14340-001 too 00p1. J0904340-002 Iuu DoµL J0904340-003 1000upL JD904340-004 too oopl- K0907866-005 tooDOpl- R0907968-005 100 oopL Nnmc: 1613B Labeled Working Smndnrd Inventory ID 12086 Loglamk Rel'. DIO-70-413 [spires On: 09/042014 F000715-001 I000.00pL E0900723-001 1,000 oopL Fo900724-001 l00000pl_ F0900725-003 I000.ot E0900728.001 1000 DopL EOW0728-002 1,000.off pL e0900739-DOI Imo .00IIL F:0900739-0n2 10uooupL C0900739-003 I0n0.00pL F:0900741-001 [oho oopL E0900742-001 1,uu000pl- E0900743-001 1,000.00pl- E0900745-00I 1ooD.00pL EN00745-002 1000oopL EQ0'40362-oI 1o00 oopL EQ0900362.02 1000 oopL EQ0900362-03 LOoo.00pl- EQO`H10362-04 10oo.00pL EO0900362-05 1000 oupL EQ0900362-06 00000pl- 10904340-001 1off off 10904340-002 I00000 It 1'rc past inn i\Interi:ds .Aeanne 99,5% Minimum Cl- I6-007(71M)) Carbon, Iligh Porlp, C2-19-005(7161) Ethvl AeelMa 929% Ftinin,nnr C2-23-006(9462) EIQAe Gloss Wool C2-13-005 (7198) Sulfuric Acid Reagent Grade C2-24-003 (946 D IJIdJoron¢dunc (Mcthylcum C2-25-001 (9449) H2504 Chloride) 99.9% McCB Sodium Chloride Reagent Grade CI-104-2(3306) Sodium l lydrocide Reagent C'_-24-002(9463 Sodium SulG¢Anhyd,00a C-19-0O6(7201) NaCl Grade Nn011 Reagent Grade MOSO4 Tlideeanc (o-I idecnne) C2-24-001 (9460) 13wmle (u-Plexnne) 98.5".o C2-25-004 (9441) Nonanc (mNonmc) 99% C2-21-004 (9457) Minimum pB Paper 0-14 (1008) Silica Get Rcogcnl Grad. C2-27-007 (9456) T9lucne 9%9%Min .... i C2-25-OU3 (9446) T reparation Steps Step: Fanmdoo Sl" Acid Cleve Step: Siliea Gel Clean Sl" Final Volume Smncd'. 9N/0911:00 Ssraod: 9/8/090900 Staned: 91810913.00 Si ncd: 9/9/0907,00 `�iniand 9/4/09 17 30 Finished'. 918/090900 Finished'. 9W0917.30 Finished: n9/D913'Do By: NBRORN By: NBROWN Br: NBROWN Br. NBROWN 25 of 26 Plumed 9/9109 13:11 Preparmion Inlbrmmion B-Iuif ea P„ge 2 Prcpl4inN: 951_59 l'cmn: semrvau GCNIS/AKODI/R Commcros: R—iewcd By: Nicole Brown Preparation Information Benchsheet Prcp \Vorlc FI on: OrgF:a Aq(36+) Prcp ale mod: Method °^'" 09/09/09 ain .1 cn:mdy RdinynisLcJ By: _ _— _ Ovtt: (�nvms Exn ned Received By. Dv¢'. Yvs m Nu slain.,: Prepped Pre{i Uvic/Pienrt 9/4/09 11.00 AM Primed 9l9109 13: P_ Prcpnrmion Inlbnnmion Benehshcet Pvge 3 4%-®lumbia r Af1aijRICBis@YO/IGE'S" s,nt�ecn ,vi.szxsa 1 xuniwas>v � s04.7.19w+I.i December 08, 2009 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Stornmater Testing Dear Diane: Service Request No: J0905693 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on November 17, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number.10905693. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via email at'[Xissinger cr caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. "torn Kissinger (�J Project N anaoer Page I of 3� CGIS.Jocksmwille is NELfIC-accredited by the State o%Florida, #E82502. Other slate accreditalions inclwk. Georgia, 058; Kentucky, 403, Loui.siona. #02086: North CcuMlina, 11527; South Carolina, #96021001: Tcsas, 1fT104704197-09-TY lient: Domtar Paocr Conmanv- LLC IL I rojeci: Plymouth Stonnwater Testing Set -vice Request: J0905693 SAMPLE CROSS-REITRENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J0905693-001 RYOI - Norfolk Southern 11/11/09 13:49 J0905693-002 OBA - Old Borrow Area 1 t/t 1/09 1454 J0905693-003 Cl. 14 West Con Laydown 11/11/09 14:37 J0905693-004 LP-04 11/12/09 09115 J0905693-005 NBA 11/12/09 09:32 J0905693-000 LP02 11/)2/09 09:46 J0905693-007 Woodyard 11/12/09 1026 d 12I8/09 11:55 Sample Sunm1a6' — Pag, I of I Columbia Amth, icatl Services, Inc. Cooler Receipt and Preservation form Service Request pro cct � ` i Cooley received on �� '' lJ 1 and opel"I>`t2'oil \ \• � COUR117,R. CAS PS PEDEX DHL CLIENT Tracking rl" � \V �� Plly L"n �� 1 1 Were custody seals on outside of cooler? Yes C�i N/A 2 Were seals intact, signed and dated? Yes No N/A y Were custody papers properly filled out? es No N/A 4 Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (Snood be a+i- 2 degrees C) Con'ect Temperature? es No NrA 6 `Were ice or Ice Packs present es No nvA 7 Did all bottles arrive in ,00d condition (e.ubioken, etc ...)'? cs l Nc A/A vk ere all bottle labels complete (sample ID, presciv,,tion, etc....)' es No NGt J Did all bottle labels and trigs agree with caslody papers? cs No N A 10 Vdere the correct bottles used for the tests inr.icatcil, 1 No NIA I I lVcre all of the preserved bonles received with the aptnopriale n1ese1Vit11Ve7 Yes \o l: HNO3 pH<:2 H2SO4 ptl<2 %nAc2/NaOH pH%9 NaOH pli%12 !-! i pl{Q Rcservnuve addoons "Ou"! bdaw 12 SVere all samples received within analysis holding times? 13 Were VOA vials checked Ibr absance of air bubbles? Hprnsum, note below 14 Where did the bottles originate'1 Manuf. Lot n or CAS ID Reahent Chem ID rill added Additional comments and/or explanation of all discrepancics noted above: Yes iJo �Ni;'s••� Cliem inititutls nt approval to ran samples if discrepancies noted: Date: .ta SRI: JOc'1O56'3 l�1 UG1 0,1, Inal nH is cnecMeA nnn meek Ine fetJuvetl pll cnleuOn Irslec m fna rcJ:nun nedtllnG unleu Unermist nolaf on cpnlcr receipt loan. 6oWe Code 1 nr.11 1 30nL ( 2 101nL G 3 40 l G 4 40int, G 5 125m1125mt P 6 P ] 125mL Pr B 1 5 1 5 150mL 11 lu 250 L 1 I II ?50p,0 I' -� 1 12 2 L 1 13 250m I 1 1. h2 L2 C— IS 0 L 1 1 00 L P 17 500nL 1 16 SOOnL P 191 1 P 20 1L P 121 IL G 22 IL G 23 11 C 24 20 G 25 ao] G 26 :3 C tn uo C 6 .. LNO 2 100 L P If M 1 re. IICI H2SO4c: IICI M25Or H JOJ : IL Oi HNGJ1 lIuU11 Y OH � HNO3 ' HISJ HNO3' HNO IICI H $0 l.- L'/A? NIA` ina 1 TN�INt-li 2 'MN/AR c2 mWA :2 Nf 2 PH J/A' Nlr" %9 12 .MIA. Q Nln.' '2 NI? c2 NIA PIA NIA UA 17 Jf JlIe mJ or.: oos _ -- I -- -- --�—_--I- I--_ 3 — .n 10 —" 141,—_r_ - - - -014 .el..— .016 021 022 I _ ---- .. ,127 on _ olumbia Analytical Se.rviGQS°` aL A�o q-.nAlly Vr k—UJ1vvY / L.AIJ"KA1' '.Y AlNALYJI.N REQUEJ1 bVKINI CAS Conmet l 9143 Philips Iughway, Suite 200 Jacksonvl lie FlorSdn 3225(111)hone(904)739-2277JS0(1-695.7222/Fax 904-739-2011 PaI�c I Of I Pl,jeei Naole Project Nmnhcr ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Mallod Number an Plmouth Swonwaser Tessin, Preser.al we p Report I. Report CC Dinnc Ilardison Alin Barnes m Z 1. n 2. I [NO, Cnnlpany/Address Q DOnnlalPaper Company )any Z 00 x 3. H2SO4 4.M,011 P.O. Rox 747 0 Plvmouth, NC 27962 0 5, 7.o. Aurle 6. McOPI Phalle II FAX C 252-793-S611 252-793-8871 ;D 7. NAISO4 $smplc/r'S Signatur//e++ Sampler's Printed Name REMARKS SAMPLING CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID DATE TIME di+irk RYOI - Norfolk Southern Dioxin 11/11/09 1:49 PM Water 2 X OBA - Old Borrow Area Dioxin 11/11/09 2:54 PM Watcr 2 X CL-14 - West Cron. Lnvdown Dioxin 11/11/09 2:37 PM Water 2 X LR04 Dioxin 1 I/12/09 9:15 AM Prater 2 X N13A Dioxin 11/12/09 9:32 AM Water 2 X LP02 Dioxin 11/12/09 9:46AM Water 2 X Woodvard Dioxin 1IM/09 R199171 1; Water 2 X Woodyard- 10:26 AM $Im'IOwnfcr svmPlCS(ac dia'in Iftllg 1'IIRFAROnFn REQIIrREMEN7S REPORT RFQ111RF,ptFh7S INVOICE. r.VM02\1A1IVL' R10sn ('0Rc11A0..ES APPI \ I I. RCSnLs On1Y II. K-111I QC Sumnurin rr� P.O. x d�DY.it w G`PO- S SI1\NIlA0.p lI C'S aIID,.VtiAtSU:rs rryuirtJl X nl.P.exum. Bill,.: RBnuLTCa rnx M.F. Iv. neu \'�liaaiun e;ryn viin R,e nzu RFQutireo RrPORr MI'E FAata Ycs No Rel inqu,,hed By Itcccrvcd Hy Itclin wished Nr ycd`f Relingnished By Received By Si�lm� y � Silnamre Slcmnure Sign;ure Signawrc sigrut, Printed Miele � � Printed Name ^ n G !'ri t Nal e-� Pr- t vdAd a PrinleJ Name Primed Nano r ° rr FGn V � Firm Finn _ f J D.,tefFlme _ Dalolilmc Datu Ime �-' BaalF r _1 —� Daze/Time Dalefilm, Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results ASColumbia Analytical Services - December 3, 2009 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 19,108 Park Rev.-, Suite 320, Houston, TX. 770a1 I 713.266.1599 , vnv%.v.caslab.com Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Stornnvater Testing Dear Tom: Service Request No: J0905693 Enclosed are the results of the samplc(s) submitted to our laboratory on November 13, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J0905693. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELA P standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of Ics6 than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. 1NIy direct line is 28 1-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBdcs@cas1ab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Se'rvNiiices,, Inc. Darren 13iles Project Nlanager For a specific list ofNELRP-occi edited analvtes, refer to the certifications section at IVWW.ca.slcab. com. v,c LnWmee O:,rk;•^ Compar; NELA- hrsredltee AGIL SeA of &cclle•nen iv au: . Please consider Ore environment beore printing �- 1 of 29 7 Columbia Analytical Services - Certificate of Analysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Employee Owned Company 2 of 29 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Domlar Industries Service Request No.: I'roject: Plymouth Stonnwater Testing Date Received: Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE J0905693 1 1 / 13/09 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier H. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with cach analytical test. Sample Receint Seven water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 11/18/09. The following discrepancies were noted upon initial sample inspection: no custody seals on cooler(s). The exceptions are also noted on the cooler receipt and prescivation form included in this data package. The samples were received at 0°C in good condition and are consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samplcs were stored in a refrigerator at 4'C upon receipt at the laboratory. I'Icis e note the reporting forms arc Current Iy referencing the date CAS- Jac lcsonvi l le received the samples (I 1/17/09) and not the date CAS-HOUston received the samp lcs (1 1/18/09.) Data Validation Notes and Discussion D1S/UtAIS EQ0900491: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (I,CSiDLCS) samples were analyzed and reponcd in her of an MS/DtNIS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Deteclion Limits Detection limits arc calculated for each congener in each sample 6y measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then ca Iculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. :approved by: Ni:mggill Liam Laboratory Director 3 0l 29 Date: 12 / 07 / 0 9 4 Clicnl:, Domlar PaDei Compatrv. LLC Service Requot: J0905693 1'."jcU: Plymouth Slornnvater Testing SAlNIPLF CROSS-REITI21:NCE SAMPLE 9 CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE "TfMG J0905693-001 RY01-Norfolk Southcm 11/11/09 13:49 J0905693-002 013A- Old Borrow Arco 11/11/09 14:54 J0905693-003 CL-14 West Con Laydown 11/11/09 14:37 10905693-004 LF-04 11/12/09 09:15 10905693-005 NBA 11/12/09 09:32 .10905693-006 1102 11/12/09 09:46 J0905693-007 Woodyard 11/12/09 10:26 4 of 29 Ili 11k i IL3f0) 113z Suniylc Sunnnnry :l,' Pug<l oft Laboratory Certifications 2009-2010 STATE/PROGRAIM AG NCY CERTIFICATION 11) EXP DAT ,ViIzoNA AZ-DI{S AZ0725 05/26/10 MtKANSAS ADEQ 09-048-0 06/16/10 CALIFORNIA CA -FLAP 2452 02/28/11 Ft.oaiuA/NELAI' FL -DOHS P87611 06/30/10 1-1AWAII HI -DOH N/A 06/30/10 lu.wois/ NELAI' Ili EPA 002380 10/06/10 1.ouisiANA/NE1,AI' LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINS NIE-DOHS 200SO31 06/05/10 AIICmC,iN MIDEQ 9971 06/30/10 MINNESOTA MDII 048-999-427 03/25/10 NI?vAHA NDEP TX014112009A 07/31/)0 NP:w Jliltsliy NJDEI' TX008 06/30/10 No-:wD7EXico LAMED-DWB N/A 06/30/10 NEwYowI/NELAP NY -DOH 11707 03/31/10 NFESC/N:wv NFESC N/A 01/09/10 OKLAHOMA OKDEQ 2009-25 OS/31/10 OREGON/N'ELAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 'I'ENNESSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 TExAS/NELAI' TCEQ T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 U'I'AII/NI?LAV' UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 Soil. hwoln I't?uaH'r USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 N':�SHING'roN'/NFLAP WA -Ecology C1855 11/14/09 NVSTVIRCINI:v I WVDEP 347 06/30/10 5 of 29 6 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyze % Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEE Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient 6 of zs 1� 7 Data Qualifier Flags — Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value -used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value - used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o K EMPC - When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a W flag. A W flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected.' o 5 Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. 7 of 2s i� 8 CA H 0' - Forni Pioduc[iori, P.-ci- 1, en;;cR, 1- e t Rew- SO= Unique D1 lim I JI� Dd�t (2- Cate Mm Gate Daie j � Date 12/07/09 Persond Person 2 Primary Daia Reviewer econda7/ Data Re /revee: Reviewer — 9 Columbia Analytical Services~ Analytical Results 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1S99 Fax(713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Employee Owned Company 9 of 29 1� COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SFRVICES, INC. AnalytiLIP Report Client Donttar Industries Service Retlucs : 109D5693 1'rojccL Plymouth Stornnanter'I-csting Date Collected: 11/111091349 Sample Mall ix: enter Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample Name: RYOI - Norfolk Southern Units: pg/L Lab Code: J0905693-001 Basis: NA Polychlorinated DIbCTUOIliONius and Polychlorinaled Dibenrolm ans by IIRGClli RNIS Analytical Method: I6136 Date Analyzed: 11/23/092244 Prep Mcd od: Method Date Extracted: 11/19/09 Sample Amount: 990mL. Instrnment,Name: 13-HRMS-04 GC Column: 1)13-5 Data File !Name: 1`205095 Blank File Name: P205051 H, U, Date: 08/20/08 Cal Vc.. File Name. P205079 lou Dilution Aoalylc N':onc Result Q EDI. MRI. Ratio RICl, Factor 2,3,7,8-7CDO Labeled Cnmpuu ol, 13C-2,3,7,s-PCDD 37CI 2.},7,8=fCDD ND U 0.0705 10.1 Spike Conc. Cone.(pg) Found (pg) '%Rcc Q Cnnt rnl Inn Limits Ratio RR'L 2000 1IS6.717 59 25-164 0,79 1008 S00 534.670 67 35-197 NA 1.009 P,,1,0 125I09 11 3a Fonn IA tlfnlLm3l9.ulinalLinnRcryb�mlmiaaBaryn:pl 10 of 29 Slipvrsel Relbencc O'I.UDU01 ffi]nl mo W COLUNunA ANALV I'ICAL SEAMCFS, INC. AnalytiJall Report Client: Donvar Industries - Service Request: J0905693 PTojecb Plymouth Stonnwaler l'esting Date Collected: 11/11/09 1454 Sample Mall it Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample Name: O13A - Old Borrow Alea units: Pg/L Lab Cade J0905693-002 Basis: NA hoINcblorinaled DlbCrl%IIdiOXIns and PoINchlorinated DIbenzo1n1'n n, II)' IIRGC./IIRBIS An: l)'tic:d Method: 161313 Date Analyzed: 11/23/09 2331 Veep :Method: AMethod Dale l'xo acted. 11/19/09 sample Aalalllll: 975mL Instrument iName: G-FIRMS-04 GC Column: DBS Data file Name: P205086 Blank File Name: P205091 ICAL Dale: 08/20/08 Cal Vet. file Name P205079 Inn Dilution An:dvle A'ume Result Q ML MR1, Ratio RRT Factor ND U 0.232 10.3 1 Spike CGmc. Conval Ion Labrlyj L"nm pnu ads Cune.(pg) Found (pg) We Q Limits Rath) RRT 13C ?,3,7,S-TCDD 2000 1039.043 52 25-164 0.79 1.009 37CI .,3,7,3-TCDD 800 465,367 58 35-197 NA I DW Con,..,,.....: 1'nineJ 129N91164 Toni IA v�ao,.ns�.,d�nsu.nn,s.n:nna�pro�x.pnu,pi 11 of 29 son«se�ic�rcmna on-wroearoi .woo l COLUIMBI A ANAINTICAL SERVICE'S. INC. Analyti �:� Repon Client Dollar Industries Service Request: J0905693 I'rujcct Plymouth Stonnwatcr Testing Date Collected: 11/11/091437 Sample'Nhtrix: Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample Name: CL-14 West Con I,aydossat Units: pg/L Loh Colic: J0905693-003 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dihcnzodiu>fnn and Polychlorinated Dibenzofur:us by [IRCCAIRMS Ao:dytical \lethud: 1613B Date Analyzed: 11/241090019 I'sep Alethud: Method Dade Extracted: 11/19/09 Sample Amomv: 950ml- Instrument Name: E-HRaNIS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data Filc Name: P205087 Blank File Name: P205081 ICAL Dale: Os/20/08 Cal Vet. File Name: 1'205079 No Dilution Aoalyle Name Result Q EDL NIR1- Ratio RRT Factor 2— 7.8-1 C'DD ND U 0-197 105 Spike Cone Control lon Lahrled Cornpou" ik Conc(pg) Fo wul (pg) '7 Rn: Q Limits Ratio RIO, 13C-2,3.7,8-TCDD 2000 1216.257 61 25-164 0.77 1.009 370-2,3,7,8-1 CDD 800 546.674 68 35-197 NA 1,009 (b nunemr: . dnmd C17:119111-1 Form L\ 12of29 Sorcrsu Ratan.,... m.,mansnfi—W 18 COLUMRIA A NAINI'ICALSFUVICES, INC. AnalyliL9 Report CIicn1: Donuar, h-irlusirics Service Request: J0905693 I'rnject: Plymouth Sturmwaler Testing Date Collected: 11/12/09 09 15 Ssmplc Malri,v: wa cr Date Received: I1/17/09 Sample Name: LP-04 Units: pg/L Lab Cock: J0905093-004 Ila,i,s: NA Polyc h I"I inaIcd Dibcuzod ioxi ns and PoIycItIm inatcd Di benzo(urans by II RG(Al10IS Annlpticul Jiclhod: 1613B Dale Anal}'zed: 11/24/09 0107 Prep Method: Method Dale Extracted: 11/19/09 Sample Awounl: 950mL Instillment Nunle: E-FIRMS-04 CC Colonuu 1)R-5 Data file Name: P20gS8 Blank Pile Name: P205081 ICAL Dale: 08/20/08 Cal Ver. Rile Name: P205079 Inn Dilution Analvie Name Resull Q Ill DL NIRI Ratio RR'P Factor 2,7,7,Y 'fCDD ND If 0.106 10.5 Spike Cone Control Inn I.nbnlcd Cnmpanaols Cnuc.(pg) Round (pg) ''/fRlc Q Li,nicr Ratio MCI 13C-2,3,7, 8 J C DD 2000 1167.670 58 25-164 0.78 L009 370-2,3,7,E-l*CDD Soo 521.018 65 35-197 NA 1,009 Cronin en ln: Pdmad 12G09 I I:7J Form IA 'alnnm.nsindin�su.insncPs,�m�y data°Pon 9„ 13ot29 SnPcsc: acr,��c�: ov-0000r_svm «,.N i J COLUNIBIA ANALYTICAL SFRVICFS, INC. Analyliiat Rcpnn Clieni: Dolotar l ndusli ies Service Bequest: J0905603 Project: Plymoudt Slonmvater Testing Date Collected: I1/]2/090932 Sample Mati i>: Water Date Received: 11/17/09 S:Imple :Name: NBA Units: pg/L. I-vh C,ofc: J0905693-005 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodlaxins and Polychlorinated DibenzoCurans by II RCC/III2BIS Aoal}'tinvl Mciltntl: 16138 Date Anah'zed: 11/24/090ln Prep Nlethod: Method Date ISxtracled: 11/19/09 Samplc;Alnu n t: 940ml- Instrument Name L-HRMS-04 CC Column: DB-3 Dala File N:mrc: P205089 131:mk Pile :Name: P2050I ICAI, Dore: O8/20/08 Cal Ver. Rile Name. 1'205079 Ion Dilution A n:dyte lNamc Resuit 0 171)], AIRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8=fCDD ND tl 0.209 10.6 -- 1 Spike Colic. Control lon Labeled Compounds Conc(pg) Fount) (pg) % Rcc Q Limit" Ratio WIT 13C-2,3,7_S=rmi) 2000 1242 M2 62 2i-164 0.80 1.009 37C1-2,3,7,8-1 CDD S00 585.202 73 35-197 NA 1.009 Cnnunnns. nfinmd I�r9/09 IIaJ Form IA .:Lulu�._'Sndi�nPL�msRans\\mlp nlliapon. qn ,,S,l Rd,r.e: O9- 14 of 29 5 lip 0000leMl ,ruo 20 COLU.\I Ii L\AN A LVI ICA LSERVI CES. INC. Analyticla� Rgort Client: Donitar Industries Service Request: J0905693 Project PIyn10u111 Slomnvuler'I esline - Date Collected: 11/12/090946 Sample N aoi\: wait. Dale Received: I I/17/09 Sample Namc: LP02 I»ts: pg/L Lah Code: J0905693-006 Basis: NA Polychlorinuled Dibenzodi'mos and Pnl3chloria0ted Dibenzofm'ans by IIIZCC/HRNIS Analytical Method: 161313 Date Analyzed: I1/24/090242 Prep :Method: Method Date Extracted: 11/19/09 Sample A1lnlalll: 940m1, Instrument Name: E-11RMS-04 CC Colonel: D13-5 Data Pile Na"": 11205090 Blank File Name: P205081 ICAL Date. 08/20/08 Cal Vey. File Name: P205079 Inn Dilution Anulyte N:uuc Result Q EDl- TNIRL 101ie 12RT Fachn' 2,3,7,8- PCDD I :Ibelyd CouqunnuH ND U 0.232 10.6 Spike Couc. Cone.Qy) Found (Pg) °hRee 1) Control Inn limits Ratio RR"P I3C=2,3,7.5-TCDD 2000 1119.426 56 25-164 0.77 1.009 37CI-2.3,7,E-TCDD 800 517,661 65 35-197 NA 1.009 Coinn,rna: Pi inlcd 1?13/09 1 1:71 rn,ni L\ Plnllo.c^..Sculims'LinnRgrs4,n.Jyuc;dP.rym. ryi 150129 SupaS"Rc&rcnce: 09.wau 118711¢c00 l ' COLUINII31A ANALVI'lCM, SERVICES, INC. . An:dytil:0 Report Clime Domlar Industries Service Request: J0905693 Project: Plymouth Storm�valci 1'eslino Date Collected: 11/12/09 1026 Sample Mattis: Water Dale Received: 11/17/09 sample Name: Woodyard knits: pg/L Lab Cudc: J090i693-007 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzudiucins and Pnlycbinrivated Dihenzolurans by F112CGIIRMS Analytical Method: 161313 Date Analyzed: 11/24/09 0330 Prep McOlod: Method Date Extracted: I1/19!09 Sample Amount: 960ml- Instrument Namc: F-FIRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data Fllc Name. 1`205091 Blank File Name: P205081 ICA1, Date: 08/20/08 Cal Ver. File Name: P205079 Ion Diluting Al,ah'le N:uue Result Q hDl. NIRL Ratio 11 RT Facto' 2.1 7,8= PCDD ND U 0,169 10.4 1 Spike Cunc Control Ion Lnbcted Con poaOu' Cmle.(pg) Found (Pg) '% lire 0 Limits Ratio MIT 13C-2,3.7,S-TCDD 2000 1241.959 62 25-164 0.76 1.003 7C1?,3,7,8-TCDD 800 630694 79 35-197 NA 1.009 0 Prlumd 1213100 I1:31 Form IA :tm,1.-, L rsRons•..1mlydnlNgw,vpi 16 of 29 SuperSet ReCereace, W 0000129701 ¢.00 77 • COI, U.NI BIA ANAL1`fI CA I, SKItVICES, INC. An:dyeC,71 Report Chem: Dorntar Industries Sen'ice Bequest: J0905693 Project Plymouth Stormvater Testing Date Collected: NA Sample IAiatri>: Water Date Received: NA sample Name: Method Blank Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ0900491-01 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodiosins and Pnlychlolinacd Dil enzofmans by IMCC/lIRMS An:dylical d'Icthod: 1613B Date Analyzed: 11/23/09 1933 Prep Mrthud: Method Date F\oacted: 11/19/09 S:uup lc Amount 100011L Instrmnent Name: E-I1RMS-04 CC O lmno: D13S Data File Name: P205091 Blank Pile Name: P2030E1 ICU,. Date: 08/20/0S Cal Vet. Rile Name P205079 Inn Dilution Analyte Name It"I]It Q I:UL A-Ilil, 12olio I212'I' Far tnr 2,3,7,E=PCUD ND U 0.23) 10.0 1 Spike Conc. Control ton Labeled Cem puua'Is Conc.(pg) Round (pg) /'Rec Q Limits 12atio RRT 13C-2,3,7.8-"lCUD 2000 1242.100 62 25-164 0.78 1.009 370-2.3,7,8-FCDD S00 492. 198 62 35-197 NA 1.009 (:nI N II en I,: Pnleul 12/310911:34 Fnan IA ',1 lnllmo]6b111 -el ..... slAnn ylic:aReponlVl 17 of 29 Supers. Reference 09-0 00128701 rev 00 In S Columbia u� Analytical Services- Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com An Employee Omwd Company 18 of 20 iG Client Project Sample Matrix: Analytical Method: Prep Method: COLDNIRI.\: NAINTICAL SERVICES, INC. 19 QA/QC Repon Domtai Industries Senice Request: J0905693 Plymouth Storinmoter 1'esting Date Analyzed: 11/24/09 Water Lab Control Sample Sunimaty Volychlm'inated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenz0(m'an,s by IMCC/lIRNIS 1613E Units: pg/L Method Basis: NA Lab Cnntrnl Sample EQ0900491-02 Anake iN'amc 12csidl 17,pccicd °' Re 2.3.7 3-TCDD 219 200 109 C..... mews Exuaction Lot: 101047 Duplicate Lab Control Sample EQ0900491-03 n/ Rec MID Rcvdt I>xlmdal A Rec Limits RI'D Lin.it 209 200 104 67 - 159 5 50 rrunen LO/09II:34 Lab Coalrol Smnplc Snnnvnnv '�Imlo�a\Surlina'.Lin�ckep, LobCnnvol$anplcrpl 19 of 29 Supu$e�Nelerenee'. 09.W001i$]01...00 '1 COLUMBIA ANALV HCAL SERVICES, INC. AnalytiKq Report Client Domlar Industries Project: PlyntOulh Stormneater Testing Sample Matric: 0,'ster Sample N:uue: Lab Control Sample Lab Code F.00900491-02 Service Request: J0905693 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Units: pg/l, Basis: NA I'ulpehloriuuted Dibenzodio.<ins and PolTchlnrinated Dibcmtu(ura ns by 1i 12C: C/H12V'IS AnAvImil ,Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 11/24/09 0418 1'. ep Method; Method Date Fxtracted: 11/19/09 3aluple Amount: 100011IL Instrument Name: E-FIRMS-04 CC Column: DIM Duto File Namc: P2O5092 Blank Rile Nanle: P205081 WC 1. Date 08/20/08 Cal Vei. File Namc P205079 Ion Dilution Annh'te lN:uuc Result Q RDL MR], Ratio RIO Factor 2,3,7,5-TCDD 219 2176 10.0 0.77 1.001 1 Spike Colic. Cnlnl'ol Iml Labeled Conpnnlall° Conc(pg) Found (pg) 'Zdle, Q Linuta Ratio RR'l IR-2,3,7.S=TCDD 2000 1572.725 79 25-164 0.75 1,009 37C1-2,3,7,S-TCDD SOO 619.830 77 3 1-19 1 NA 1,009 r.�,ulalCa6: 111ia¢d 1`if09I I'}I farm IA 'dlnllaw•,Simlm;:Lim;Repal:AnohunilRep.m TI 20 of 29 s",'sn Ro..... N 0000I2970I rev 00 2 6 COLU:MBI.A ANALVTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalytZ) Report Client: Dointar Industries - Sereice Request: J0905693 Project: Plynnnnh Sim m,liter Testing Date Collected: NA Sample \7at rix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Lab Control Sample Dup Units: pg/L Lab Code: 1-Q0900491-03 BusiS: NA Polychlorinated DiI)euaodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibcnzofur:ns by II12CC/111211S :Anaklical Method: 161313 Date Analyzed: 11/24/09 0505 Prep Method: Method Date Esh'ncled: 11/19/09 $:unplc Anunum 10001111, Instillment Name: E-FIRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data File N:une: P205093 Blank (tile Name: P205081 ICAI.Date: 08/20108 Cal Vei. bile Name: P205079 loll Dilution An:dvie Name Resell Q FD1, NIRI, Ratio RIZT Factor 23,7,8=17CDD 209 0.0930 10.0 0.75 1.001 Spike Cane Canovl Ion Labeled Compound, Cntc.(pg) Fotuul (pg) '% Itec Q Limits Ratio RIIP 13C',3,7,8-TCDD 2000 153 1.5 11 77 25-104 0,79 1.009 37CI-2,3,7,8=1-CDD 800 555.658 69 31-191 NA 1.009 I'rinmd 12Oi0911.3d Porm IA o.I�a�,e£:Sndlnsti �,.,a=rot-t . i.,I.nikeran mi 21 of 29 su,'se acremn«: on_000mexvol m. eo ,7 . r i i 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(7'13)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com Employee Owned Gomp, 22 of 29 28 1'ruject Nanm: Pl ynr9 uth Stamtwa ter I sting Pr oj cc :N unt bcr: Project?hmager: Diane Hardison Cnmpane: DOMUF Paper Cnmpam'. LLC Lrb Code Client Sample N P ufCoot J0905693-001 RYOI - Norfolk Southern i : I I090569 -002 073A Old Fiorrmr Area , _ __ J090569+-003 CL 14 West Coo l,3dncan � J0905693-004 j LP-04 J090569 -005 NBA j J0905693-006 1I'02 �50905693-007� Woodyard Special Instructions/Comments w z Lc jA1 E? A PLEASE SEND <- t% ;, RESULTS TO v-)A-� I't1? `` �' �'� M A N D Y SULLIVAN Il1u-a-NetWo it is CLIStody , - Of 9N3 Philips Ifighw�r • Jncksunvillc, FI 232,56 • 904-7.39-2277 -FAX gr64-739-101 1 1 t lample Date i — = i C Matrix Date 'Pint, Reccivcd Send To Winer 111/11/09 1349 1 11/)7/09 HOUSTON II - Water t 11/11/09 14 s4 1I/f 7/09 HOUSTON 7I W aloe -. II/I 1/09 1 1437 11/17/09 HOl1S'fON H II/R/09 091f, 11/17/09 1IOUSTON iWater II R'mcr ! I I/12/09 0931 11/17/09 HOUSTON [[ : Water 11/12/09 1 0946 I 1 11/17/00 HOUSTON IL Water I 11/12/09 1026 t 11/17/09 i HOUSTON tl Rclinyuished Ry / 1 r / !l // %/'✓'`! Received Turnaround Requirements _Kl1SF1 (Surch¢rgca Apply) PLEASE CIRCLE WORK DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 STANDARD Rcqucstcd FAX Date: Requested Repot Date: 12/08/09 �S Cmtrrct Tom Kissit. 111111 't`J 1 Report Requirements 1. Results Only ✓II. Results +QC Summaries Ill. Resul Ls+QC and Calibration Summaries IV, Data Validation Repoo with Raw Data PQIIMDL/J Y 1,017) N hrvoiee Information PO:; 10905693 to Airbill Numbe, I 06 D�t fi V Pagc I Reset'Fomi' ; Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler RJLipt Form ':IienNprojcct Domtar Paper / Plymouth Stormwater Testing Service Request: Received: 11/18/090953 Opened(Date/Time): 11/18/091001 By: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 7 S 9 J0905693 Samples were received via? ❑US Mail ❑Feclee ✓❑UPS ❑DIIL ❑Cotoier Samples were received in: (circle) Elcooler ❑Box ❑ Other Were custody seals present on coolers? ❑Y ✓❑N If yes, how many and where? If present, were custody seals intact? ❑Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? Is shipper's air -bill filed? ❑NA ❑Y ❑✓ N If not, record an bill number: 1ZX ❑Hanel Deliverer! ❑NA ❑Y El IN 5WO980142068140 Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 0 Ifapplicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: Were custody papers properly filled out (inl:, signed, etc.)? ❑NA 0Y ❑N Packing material used: ❑ht.rerrs ❑✓ Bubble Wrap ❑Blue Ice ❑✓ 6Pet Ice ❑Sleeves ❑Other \%c the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? ❑J Y ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Inclicote in the table below. ❑✓ Y ❑N Sample ITS Bottle Count Bottle Type Out of Temp: Broken Initials, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)'? Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Inclicate in the table below. ❑✓Y ❑N ❑✓Y ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID on COC Sample ID on Bottle Sample Ip onCOC Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: 24 of 29 CRF2092109.pdf Paae . 0 I ❑ 2 2s Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at -20 to -10°C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, -23°C ✓ The sample temperattue must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SRk ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) 25 of 29 Service Reao..,t Stinunary Fuld,,, 4: J0905693 choln Name'. Dania, Industries Project Name; Plymouth Stintowaler Testing Project Nlumbcr: R,porl'Fo: Dune Hardison Donuar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Rox 747 PI\•nlouth, NC 27962 Phone Number 252-793-8611 CA Numbcr Pax Number: 252-793-8871 E-mail: ditme.hardisonC,domtar.com GV Prnjeel Chemist: Darren 13i1a 0 iiginating Lab: JAX Logged R3': SLIGHTSPY Date Rcceived: 11/17/09 Intcnud Dow Dive : 12/8/09 QAP: LAB QAP Qualifier Set. CAS Standnni ForniseC CAS Standard Merecd^: NI Repon to MDL'I Y P.O-Numbcr <1550171884 EDD: No FDD Specified I I I 1 - CAS S,-,No Client Sao, No. \lapis COI -I'd JO%5693-001 RYOI-Nonoll, Soollorn Walm I lit 1/09 1319. II ... JU9U5693-n03 _ ... .. OBA - Old Borro� Arca _ _. _ Wo r ........ 1 FI 1/09 .. 1154 .. . J09D5693-003 Cl-IJ %Vlo Con L:p'dawn ..... Wnlcr 11/11/09 1437 11 J090>693-004 LP -Oa Wmc1 II/13/09 0915 IL ... ...... JDYUS693-005 ...... NBA .. ... Winn .. .. ... Illl'J09 ..i .. 0933 ..... 1 ll � 10905693-II06 Lt'0_ Wun-r II!IJ09 0946! II . ..... J0905693-007 .... ..... ... ... ........ l4orrclynN nr N':uN .__ II/12 9 .1 IO2tij � 1026 ... . ❑ t Test Colnlnents: Group T,,st/Nlethod Semivoa GCMS Dioxins Furans/16138 Samples Comments 1-7 2378 TCDD only III _ IDUU n.I--(Iss Houle AA'NI ANIRER TOI Liou1 Ilop¢rcracJ Location: E-Disposed, F.-WIC01 NPDES 26 of 29 Printed 12/3/200911:312IAM Semi, Rnlneet tm J119U5693 Pngc 10l'1 Preparation Infa7..rntion Benchsheet z 1'rnpRunF: 101047 PrepWin I N...: 0rgGxlAy(365) Teo: ,: Scmicna GCv1S/AKODUR Prep Di cthml: Method Status: Propped Prep Dalefl'imc: 11/19/09 03:301'b1 Lab Code Client ID 99 Method /Test pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description 10901034-001 Kruger P'la'1 Fcnis 01 I6GB/IJioxiv Fwsux ] Wasmmnw, 1000nd, limed clan liquid 2 E0901036-001 01 11 PINEDALE I6-0691 09B 01 1613B/Dimins Furans S Drinking Water 920mL clue colorless liquid E0901038-001 67940S 01 161313/1)ioshu F., ] W:umw:ecr 935m1- :inud clear liquid 4 F0901043-002 9K 1.9005-' 01 1613BH)iozinz Furans S Wmn 850n,L sandy cloudy liquid 5 EQ09e0J91-01 p3B 1611 B/Dioxins Fnrwu Liquid 1000 . 6 EQ09004 9 1 -02 LCS 1613B/Diosim Furans Liquid I000nd. ] E00900491-03 DLCS 1613B/1)ioxins Fun., Lignid 100end. S EQ0900491-04 ply 161380iacins Fmm�,s Liquid IUBOnd. 9 I.QU900491-05 LC.S 1613Br'Di.<ins Furans Liquid 10ON'L 10 EQ0900491-06 DLCS 1613B/DI.zIn, Furans Liquid 1000n:L I I J0905693-001 Ry01 - N.,W'k S.nt6arn '01 1613B/D... i., Fwzia 5 Nvaw, 990nd. hared cicur liquid 12 109DS693-002 013A - Old Rono,. Area 01 1613BNio.cire Furans 5 Wmcr 975.,L yellow brawn cloudy liquid 13 J091)5693-003 CL-14 Wen Con L:nvlmcn '01 1613610m,ms Roans 5 W:der 950nd. tinted Oew liquid 14 J0905693.00I LF-04 .01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 6 t a,, 950nd. yell.,. cloudy liquid 15 J0905693-005 NBA 01 1613B/Dlumins Angus 5 Wain 9J0... L lighr yell.. clnndy liquid 16 10905693.006 I.FW .01 16138/Dioxins Fnmus 6 Wo,e, 9.10m1. light yell.,. 6dy liquid I] J09USG')3-0W W..dymd 01 1613B/Diosins Furans 6 W'wm 9GOmL brm.n clnndy liquid I% 1:0910960-W3 Bloch Mani Canpsfn. '01 1668/Diosins Furans 5 W wl ., 1005.E red brown clear liquid I'J K0911U?]-00? DW-7-09IIII .03 1613B/Dimins F.—,, ] %Vw, IOJUmL dnlod cic:u liquid ?0 K0911U?]-OOJ DW-9-09111' 03 1613B/Dios6rs Furans 0 Wmcr 1025mL tinted clear liquid ?I K09110J9-OU? 56229(AR) 03 16 UB/Uinsins Fnrm,s 6 Wmcr 1000111L, beige c londy liquid tiJ 27 of 29 Frinmd I I/'_3I09 11_:45 Prepnnnion In ldrmminn Bvncbshcm Pnge 1 Preparation lnfr.,,attlion Benchsheet 28 Prep Run...:: 101047 Prep R'oi kliloa': 0rflCatAy(361) Stole': Prepped - '1'r:un: Semi,ou GCNIS/AKODUR Prep 1\Ir11unl: Nlelhod Prcp Datcll'ime: 11/19/09 03:30 I'M Spiking Solutions Name161311 hllaric Working Standard Invcntogq II) 11191 Logbook Rcf: 1)10�55-313 lispires On: 07/24/2014 EQ0900491-01 loo,00pl- e0o900491-03 too on)IL r, oOQOO 191-03 100.0opL EQ0900491-n6 100.00111. LNine 8290/I613E Clcanup Wmkimg Standard n ID 13355 Logbook Ref DIO-90-IA/R Expires On 6/2010 E09O 1 U31-UUI 100.(to I11. E0901036-001 IOO. UUpL E09011138-IIUI I00.00111- 1-09010,13-002 100.00111. EQ090U491.OI too oojtL EQU900-191-02 100.0opI. F.Q090D491-D3 too.00pL EQOl)OO191-04 100.00pL EQ0900491-05 10000111- LQr19Uo491-06 I01),00pL J090s693-001 loo.OUpL J0903693-002 100DopL J0905693-003 100.00 pL 1090,695-004 100. no p l_ J0905691-005 100.00 it 1_ J0905693-006 IOU,IItIpL J0905693-007 IOO.00liL KU910960-UO3 too not,L IC0911017-002 too.OopL K0911027-00.1 100.00pl, K0911049-002 too Uo11L Name: 1613B Labeled Working Slandaud Invenmry ID 13509 Logbook RcE DIU-91-2(3 Expires On: 11/19/2010 C0901036-001 1,00o 0011L E0901038-001 1000.001,1 EU9U 1043-002 10o0oott1L J0905693-001 LUOO.00 pL J0905690-002 I,OOn00111.. 3U'JU5693-003 1o0o.onpL J0905693-004 1,000. 00111, 10905693-005 1 00000pL J0905693-006 1 0n00U111. JO905693-007 1,006.00 pL K091 U960-001 1,000. Good. K0911027-002 10oo,o0p1, K01)11017-(104 10011oojiL K0911049-002 Lott oopl- Name_ 1613R Labcicd W'ofkiog Standard Imenmry 11) 13310 Lngboak Ref: DIO-902B Expires On. 11/16/3010 L09010314-001 1000.00111. LQO900491-01 10000UpL EQ0900491-02 10000np 1, UQ0900191-0.i IOW oopl_ EQ0901F191-P1 1000UopL 000900491-05 1000. GOpl. LQ0900491-06 1.000 no 1t L Preparation Materials A9c,9nc 99,1/ Mlnlnn.m C2-I6-007 (7199) Carbon, high Puny C2-23-004 (9452) Ethyl ncanrc 99.9'9 Mn,imom C2-23-006 (9462) EIOAc Flukil Gd) C2-8-003(36U3) Glass M9o1 C2-13-005 (7 193) SW lurk Acid R<agnv Grade C2-24-003(9161) 112SOJ Dichloramclhane(Metlrylene C2-2S-001(9449) Salium'll,insulfrte Anhydrous C2-312(13072) Sodom, Chloride Rengnn Grade Cl- 104-2(3306) Chladde) 99.9%\IcC12 Reagem Gmde NaS203 Xzcl Sodlun, Hydroxide Ro gcnt C'224-002 (940) Sodium SNfnrc Anhydrous C2-19-006 (BDI) hidccanc (n-T,ideeane) C1-24-001 (9460) . (',ade N9014 Reoganl Grade Na2SO4 Ile,,ane l„-Hezane)993'G C2-25-004 (914 1) Nonnne (n-Non,nsJ 99% CM)-004 Ot57) Al Papc,O-I4 (1008) mmimnn, .Silica Gd Rcagenr Ondu C2-27-007 (9456) '1'Macnc 99.956 h oun .um. C2-25-O03 (9416) Preparation Steps Step: Earnclion Stcp: Acid Cl,.., st, Silica Gd Clean Stop: Final Obluns li 5taned: 1111910915:30 sn"'.l: 11/20/09 US: on Sinned: 11/20/09 I4:00 S"ni,oL II/23/U907:00 . cMudshul: 11/10,09 17:15 Fiuikhud 1117W09 OR: on Finished' 11/20I09 MOO Finished: 11; 23N9 to:9n 6y: AnODUR 0, AKODUR 19p: ARODIIR Ep: AKODUR 28 of 29 Rimed 11/23/09 11:45 R9parmim, Ldanuxtlon I3enchshce, R,ge 2 Prep I(oaN: IIIIU 17 Tram: Scmivoa GCMS/AKODUR Commmnrs Preparation,Lzformation Benchsheet 29 I'rcp AA4: rld�loo': OrgF.�tAy(3G�) Prep :Method: Mclhod Slat oa: prepped 1'rcp Datdl'inu: 11/19/09 0330I'M Kcvlc:. rn By: JD oal�. 11/23/2009 fie?a.. arc::aod�. 8n:uc15 lis; ieA K.ccivcJ ❑r: D;rtc. Ycs 1.b 0 P:mn,d 11/13/09 L, Is I'rcparml9n Intimmunna BracASLw Pa, 3 Domtar Company - Plymouth Rainfall Amount 11/10/2009 to 11113/2009 Climate Final Discharge Pumps Rain Gauge in Date/Time 1/101200900:00 0.66 1/11/200900:00 5 1/12/2009 00:00 1.15 Minimum: 0.66 Maximum: 5.00 Average: 2.27 Total: 6.81 Monday, December 07, 2009 Page i Boone, Tamika From: Hardison, Diane it: Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:12 PM i J: Boone, Tamika Cc: Barnes, Alan Subject: Notes from 11/12 stormwater sampling effort Alan and I went out again today and checked outfalls and collected samples from 4 additional outfalls that were producing flow. The rain gauge showed 5 inches of rain this morning — 9:30 am, when Lorenza checked it. Here is the data on the outfalls from which we collected samples: LF04 ph =6.89 NBA ph=6.3 LF02 ph= 6.8 WYN ph = 7.4 1 have completed Qualitative Monitoring Reports for these as well. I will rewrite them so they are neat and leave them with YOU to add to the record for this entire event. Diane R. Hardison Dom for Paper Company, LLC Environmental Department P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Office phone (252) 793-8611 Cell phone (252) 217-7820 `max (252) 793-8871 Woodyard NBA OBA COD 316 37 BOD 17 3 Solids 34 17 LF04 CL14 LF02 RY01 005 93 46 32 46 23 23 10 2 1 4 3 2 49 69 44 20 22 5 NOTE: AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED F z NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: a 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR 2. AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES. J i A jr q86 l � t 1NEW SALV^ a� 1p'. / ���bYyyyElY 3 JL CC 19 I✓` 1. J �,� a _ --SALVAGE AREA " (RELOCATED) A Imo 7 ii CONS$ 1G 14 / PARKING AR4!A (R LO ATED) URS LEGEND " �� I X Jr eG Yoilh Cu�Gn 11760J i'?e Ideplron J79xa,09Si1 E'xt 919)7900217 9. �5 DOMTAR I'APhR COMPANY, LLC PLYMOUTI I NOR LII CAROL INA i opClE4 l07D x * \ �`"`�nF ' I'I 1 � � AL \S S7101VN 1DRN 9 h�13G{3A�( (1/,), ,,,I FIL�?l0. - DR,lINAGE 4RLA v 1���" SV �7ID0= `x ftOXIMATE SCALE � � � ,• .,. A xi., C_ _a s::a.n�s'� -- � � 1VIS!(() Ill( It��.I.AYI,)L�l,.,e1,A j 00 3U0 Fteij 10I t SEDIMENT PONDS RUNOFF COLLECTION AREA 01SCHARGE VOLUME POND No. BEGIN OPERATION (ACRES) (ACRE-FEET) 1 1990 33.9 10.5 2 1990 6.5 2.0 3 2001 I6.7 5.2 4 2010 16.4 5.1 5 2014 30.8 9.6 5 2072 40.5 12.6 LF04 2005 TEMPORARY NOTES 1. PHASE CONSTRUCTION IS BASED ON AN ESTIMATED WASTE GENERATION RATE OF 100,000 CUBIC YARDS PER YEAR. 2. DISCHARGE VOLUME IS BASED ON A 25 YEAR/24 HOUR STORM EVENT. 3. LANDFILL #3 IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. CELLS 1 & 2 ARE IN SERVICE. URS / LIRS CoryOrziiou Maryland Jt09 Poplaru and Cuml, Suite 301 Rah h 'lrmxh C+rohn e 7604 1'dapham /¢19J P`0-9.i l l l n (919,7'V 0217 UONITAR PAPER COMPANY, LLC PL'YMOUTH, NORTH C'AROLINA _CAL: ORN BY: c P �ATF bOf) M. DIO 15 .SHOl4\ R'VISED: dhl3 55100.- A 20KA1ATE SCALP .q� 0 b0� i0}0 j LEGEND DRAINAGE AREA / I � SPOT ELEVATION / 30 / SURFACE FLOW DRAINAGE DIRECTION � SWAMP U x„ 3 / — APPROXIMATE SCALE — \ 0 20'— FEET WOO / CLE AREA / n / X 169 / I NOTE: F AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED ARE NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: 1§.9 ,a., 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE \ EARTHB WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR \ BERM 3 / 2. AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL lJ T Tii�l S 63 acrlvlTlEs. J R�l'rl ).c Sui� AI as" mid l"m. \ Lrahn 7604 1)11))790-0217 DOMTAR PAPHR COMPANY i'LYMOC IH \0H2TH (' 1ROI I\ NA A \ / CAIE: rRN 9 1 li 11 f DATL. " (") HlE N0. _ 13A AssilowN REVISED I"Hi DATE -__ I( 09 _ S�l�n'. 94 — ( I i North Carolina Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Ms. Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC PO Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Dear Ms. Hardison: FRI r NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director October 1, 2010 Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Modified NPDES Stormwater Permit Perm it NCS000189 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Martin County In response to your request to remove Dioxin Sampling/Analyses from the NPDES stormwater permit NCS000189, the Division of Water Quality (Division) is forwarding herewith the modified NPDES permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). This modified permit includes one change from the final permit sent to you on July 24, 2009. The monitoring for Dioxin was changed to only the outfall in the Winter Log Storage area (WLSOI). This was based on the recommendation from the Washington Regional Office (WaRO) because of the positive detection of dioxin in a soil sample from this area. Based on recommendation by the WaRO representative outfall status will be approved for Outfall CL71 and LFOI. Outfall CLI I will represent all the outfalls from the Contractor Laydown Area (CL71, CL13 and CL74). Outfall LFOI will represent all of the stormwater discharges from the two sedimentation ponds which collect runoff from the closed, capped and vegetated No. 2 Landfill (LFOI and LF02). Please remember, qualitative sampling must be done at every outfall. If you have any questions or comments concerning this permit, contact Brian Lowther at (919) 807-6368 or brig n.lowtherQncden r. gov. Sincerely, for Coleen H. Sullins, Director cc Washington Regional Office, Water Quality Section Mike Mitchell, EPA Region IV Stormwater Permitting Unit Central Files Attachments: Modified NPDES Stormwater Permit NCS000189 Wetlands and Stormwater Branch OI1C t 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NOittICaFOtllla Location: 912 N. Salisbury St. Rale19-807, North Carolina r SeNi ��ry��/N`���� Phone::919-807-6300 ter FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6746 Naturally Internet: vnwv.ncwateryualiry.org An Enual Onnorinniry \ Alfirmaliva Action Emnlnver NCS000189 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORMWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Domtar Paper Company, LLC is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Domtar Paper Company, LLC - Plymouth Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC Martin County to receiving waters designated as Welch Creek, a -class C;Sw stream and the Roanoke River, a class C;Sw in the Roanoke River Basin, in accordance with the discharge limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, IV, V and VI hereof. This permit shall become effective November 1, 2010. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on July 31, 2014. Signed this day October 1, 2010. for Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NCS000189 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION Section A: Individual Permit Coverage, Section B: Permitted Activities Section C: Location Map PART 11 MONITORING, CONTROLS, AND LIMITATIONS FOR PERMITTED DISCHARGES Section A: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Section B: Analytical Monitoring Requirements Section C: Qualitative Monitoring Requirements Section D: On -Site Vehicle Maintenance Monitoring Requirements PART If] STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDES STORMWATER INDIVIDUAL PERMITS Section A: Compliance and Liability I . Compliance Schedule 2. Duty to Comply 3. Duty to Mitigate 4. Civil and Criminal Liability 5. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability 6. Property Rights 7. Severability 8. Duty to Provide Information 9. Penalties for Tampering 10. Penalties for Falsification of Reports Section B: General Conditions l . Individual Permit Expiration 2. Transfers i Pemit No. NCS000189 3. Signatory Requirements 4. Individual Permit Modification, Revocation and Reissuance, or Tennination 5. Pennit Actions Section C: Operation and Maintenance of Pollution Controls l . Proper Operation and Maintenance 2. Need to Halt or Reduce Not a Defense 3. Bypassing of Stormwater Control Facilities Section D: Monitoring and Records I. Representative Sampling 2. Recording Results 3. Flow Measurements 4. Test Procedures 5. Representative Outfall 6. Records Retention 7. Inspection and Entry Section E: Reporting Requirements 1. Discharge Monitoring Reports 2. Submitting Reports 3. Availability of Reports 4. Non-Stormwater Discharges 5. Planned Changes 6. Anticipated Noncompliance 7. Bypass 8. Twenty-four Hour Reporting 9. Other Noncompliance 10. Other Information PART IV LIMITATIONS REOPENER PART V ADMINISTERING AND COMPLIANCE MONITORING FEE REQUIREMENTS PART VI DEFINITIONS ii Permit No. NCS000189 PART I INTRODUCTION SECTION A: INDIVIDUAL PERMIT COVERAGE During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity. Such discharges shall be controlled, limited and monitored as specified in this permit. If industrial materials and activities are not exposed to precipitation or runoff as described in 40 CFR § I22.26(g), the facility may qualify for a No Exposure Exclusion from NPDES stormwater discharge permit requirements. Any owner or operator wishing to obtain a No Exposure Certification must submit a No Exposure Certification NOI form to the Division; must receive approval by the Division; rnusl maintain no exposure conditions unless authorized to discharge under a valid NPDES stormwater permit; and must reapply for the No Exposure Exclusion once every five (5) years. SECTION B: PERMITTED ACTIVITIES Until this pen -nit expires or is modified or revoked, the pennittee is authorized to discharge stormwater to the surface waters of North Carolina or separate storm sewer system that has been adequately treated and managed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this individual pen -nit. All stormwater discharges shall be in accordance with the conditions of this permit. Any other point source discharge to surface waters of the state is prohibited unless it is an allowable non-stormwater discharge or is covered by another permit, authorization, or approval. The stormwater discharges allowed by this individual pen -nit shall not cause or contribute to violations of Water Quality Standards. This permit does not relieve the pennittee from responsibility for compliance with any other applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, standard, ordinance, order, judgment, or decree. Part I Page 1 of 2 SECTION C: LOCATION NIAP Permit No. NCSOOO 199 V...... T117 _S ND CONTRACTOR MOOD YARD NORT LAYDOWN AREA PR PA OUTFALL CL1 1 OUTFALL CP01 Ix e4 OUTFALL CL14 OUTFALLFYO1 Ilk OD AND ASH RECY ��AREA - CUTFALL AR01 CL `--dOUTFALL LF01 -LF04 F", i0o P R AREAOVV-� 'ja LANDFILL No.2 LANDFILL BORROW AREA 7- LANDFILL No 3 T- NCS000189 II A W Scale 1. 30, XO Domta r Paper Company, LLC Lad tude: 350 5 1' 29" N Longitude: 760 47' 19" W County: rvbrbn Receiving Stream: Wdch Creek; Roanoke Riwr Stream Class: C; Sw Sub -basin: 03-02-09 (Roanoke River Basin) Facility Location Part I Page 2 of 2 Permit No. NCS000189 PART H MONITORING, CONTROLS, AND LIMITATIONS FOR PERMITTED DISCHARGES SECTION A: STORM\VATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The Permittee shall develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, herein after referred to as the Plan. This Plan shall be considered public information in accordance with Part III, Standard Conditions, Section E, Paragraph 3 of this individual permit. The Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following items: Site Plan. The site plan shall provide a description of the physical facility and the potential pollutant sources which may be expected to contribute to contamination of stormwater discharges. The site plan shall contain the following: (a) A general location map (USGS quadrangle map or appropriately drafted equivalent map), showing the facility's location in relation to transportation routes and surface waters, the name of the receiving water(s) to which the stormwater outfall(s) discharges, or if the discharge is to a municipal separate storm sewer system, the name of the municipality and the ultimate receiving waters, and accurate latitude and longitude of the point(s) of discharge. The general location map (or alternatively the site map) shall identify whether each receiving water is impaired (on the state's 303(d) list of impaired waters) or is located in a watershed for which a TMDL has been established, and what the parameter(s) of concern are. North Carolina's 303(d) List can be found here: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/General_303d.htm#Downloads North Carolina TMDL documents can be found here: Irttp://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/tmdl/TMDL list.htm#Final TNIDLs. (b) A narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. A narrative description of the potential pollutants which could be expected to be present in the stormwater discharge from each outfall. (c) A site map drawn to scale (including a distance legend) showing: the site property boundary, the stormwater discharge outfalls, all on -site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands, industrial activity areas (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas, loading and unloading areas, and haul roads), site topography, all drainage features and structures, drainage areas for each outfall, direction of flow in each drainage area, industrial activities occurring in each drainage area, buildings, existing BMPs, and impervious surfaces. The site map must indicate the percentage of,each drainage area that is impervious. (d) A list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants that have occurred at the facility during the three (3) previous years and any corrective actions taken to mitigate spill impacts. Part 11 Page 1 of 10 Pemit No. NCS000189 (e) Certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The certification statement will be sigmed in accordance with the requirements found in Part 111, Standard Conditions, Section B, Paragraph 5. The permittee shall re -certify annually that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. 2. Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwater management plan shall contain a narrative description of the materials management practices employed which control or minimize the exposure of significant materials to stormwater, including structural and nonstructural measures. The stormwater management plan, at a minimum, shall incorporate the following: (a) Feasibility Study. A review of the technical and economic feasibility of changing the methods of operations and/or storage practices to eliminate or reduce exposure of materials and processes to stormwater. Wherever practical, the permittee shall prevent exposure of all storage areas, material handling operations, and manufacturing or fueling operations. In areas where elimination of exposure is not practical, the stormwater management plan shall document the feasibility of diverting the stormwater runoff away from areas of potential contamination. (b) Secondary Containment Requirements and Records. Secondary containment is required for: bulk storage of liquid materials; storage in any amount of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) water priority chemicals; and storage in any amount of hazardous substances, in order to prevent leaks and spills from contaminating stormwater runoff. A table or summary of all such tanks and stored materials and their associated secondary containment areas shall be maintained. If the secondary containment devices are connected directly to stormwater conveyance systems, the connection shall be controlled by manually activated valves or other similar devices (which shall be secured closed with a locking mechanism), and any stormwater that accumulates in the containment area shall be at a minimum visually observed for color, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens and dry weather flow, prior to release of the accumulated stormwater. Accumulated stormwater shall be released if found to be uncontaminated by the material stored within the containment area. Records documenting the individual making the observation, the description of the accumulated stormwater, and the date and time of the release shall be kept for a period of five years. (c) BMP Summary. A listing of site structural and non-structural Best Management Practices (BMP) shall be provided. The installation and implementation of BMPs shall be based on the assessment of the potential for sources to contribute significant quantities of pollutants to stormwater discharges and data collected through monitoring of stormwater discharges. The BMP Summary shall include a written record of the specific rationale for installation and implementation of the selected site BMPs. The BMP Summary shall be reviewed and updated annually. Part 11 Page 2 of 10 Perniit No. NCS000189 3. Spill Prevention and Response Plan. The Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP) shall incorporate an assessment of potential pollutant sources based on a materials inventory of the facility. Facility personnel (or the team) responsible for implementing the SPRP shall be identified in a written list incorporated into the SPRP and signed and dated by each individual acknowledging their responsibilities for the plan. A responsible person shall be on -site at all times during facility operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff through spills or exposure of materials associated with the facility operations. The SPRP must be site stormwater specific. Therefore, an oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plan (SPCC) may be a component of the SPRP, but may not be sufficient to completely address the stormwater aspects of the SPRP. The common elements of the SPCC with the SPRP may be incorporated by reference into the SPRP. 4. Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program. A preventative maintenance and good housekeeping program shall be developed. The program shall list all stormwater control systems, stormwater discharge outfalls, all on -site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands, industrial activity areas (including material storage areas, material handling areas, disposal areas, process areas, loading and unloading areas, and haul roads), all drainage features and structures, and existing structural BMPs. The program shall establish schedules of inspections, maintenance, and housekeeping activities of stormwater control systems, as well as facility equipment, facility areas, and facility systems that present a potential for stormwater exposure or stormwater pollution. Inspection of material handling areas and regular cleaning schedules of these areas shall be incorporated into the program. Timely compliance with the established schedules for inspections, maintenance, and housekeeping shall be recorded in writing and maintained in the SPPP. 5. Employee Training. Training programs shall be developed and training provided at a minimum on an annual basis for facility personnel with responsibilities for: spill response and cleanup, preventative maintenance activities, and for any of the facility's operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. Facility personnel (or team) responsible for implementing the training shall be identified, and their annual training shall be documented by the signature of each employee trained. 6. Responsible Party. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall identify a specific position(s) responsible for the overall coordination, development, implementation, and revision to the Plan. Responsibilities for all components of the Plan shall be documented and position assignments provided. Plan Amendment. The permittee shall amend the Plan whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters. All aspects of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The annual update shall include an updated list of sigmificant spills or leaks of pollutants for the previous three years, or the notation that no spills have occurred. The annual update shall include re -certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Each annual update shall include a re-evaluation of the Part 11 Page 3 of 10 Permit No. NCS000199 effectiveness of the BMPs listed in the BMP Summary of the Stormwater Management Plan. The Director may notify the pennittee when the Plan does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within 30 days of such notice, the permittee shall submit a time schedule to the Director for modifying the Plan to meet minimum requirements. The pennittee shall provide certification in writing (in accordance with Part 111, Standard Conditions, Section B, Paragraph 5) to the Director that the changes have been made. Facility Inspections. Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems shall occur as part of the Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program at a minimum on a semi-annual schedule, once during the first half of the year (January to June), and once during the second half (July to December), with at least 60 days separating inspection dates (unless performed more frequently than semi-annually). These facility inspections are different from, and in addition to, the stormwater discharge characteristic monitoring required in Part II B and C of this permit. 9. Implementation. The permittee shall implement the Plan. Implementation of the Plan shall include documentation of all monitoring, measurements, inspections, maintenance activities, and training provided to employees, including the log of the sampling data and of actions taken to implement BMPs associated with the industrial activities, including vehicle maintenance activities. Such documentation shall be kept on -site for a period of five years and made available to the Director or the Director's authorized representative immediately upon request. Part 11 Page 4 of 10 Permit No. NCS000189 SECTION B: ANALYTICAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed as specified in Table 1. All analytical monitoring shall be performed during a representative storm event. The required monitoring will result in a minimum of ten analytical samplings being conducted over the term of the permit at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO). A representative storm event is a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. For example, if it rains for 2 hours without producing any collectable discharge, and then stops, a sample may be collected if a rain producing a discharge begins again within the next 10 hours. Table 1. Analytical Monitoring Requirements Discharge Characteristics Units Measurement Fre uenc l Sample Type2 Sample Location3 Biological Oxy e.n Demand (BODO m > L semi-annual Grab SDO Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) m L semi-annual Grab SDO Total Suspended Solids m L semi-annual Grab SDO Dioxins in • L semi-annual Grab WLSOI H standard semi-annual Grab SDO Total Rainfall° inches semi-annual Rain Gauge Footnotes: I Measurement Frequency: Twice per year during a representative storm event, for each year until either another permit is issued for this facility or until this permit is revoked or rescinded. If at the end of this permitting cycle the pemtittee has submitted the appropriate paperwork for a renewal permit before the submittal deadline, the perminee will be considered for a renewal application. The applicant must continue semi-annual monitoring until the renewed permit is issued. See Table 2 for schedule of monitoring periods through the end of this permitting cycle. 2 If the stormwater runoff is controlled by a stormwater detention pond, a grab sample of the discharge from the pond shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. 3 Sample Location: Samples shall be collected at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) unless representative outfall status has been granted. 4 For each sampled representative storm event the totalprecipitation must be recorded. An on -site rain gauge or local rain gauge reading must be recorded. Part 11 Page 5 of 10 Permit No. NCS000189 The permittee shall complete the minimum ten analytical samplings in accordance with the schedule specified below in Table 2. A minimum of 60 days must separate Period 1 and Period 2 sample dates unless monthly monitoring has been instituted under a Tier Two response. Table 2_ Mnnitorinv Schedule Monitoring periodt'Z Sample Number Start End Year 1 — Period 1 1 August 1, 2009 January 31, 2010 Year 1 — Period 2 2 February 1, 2010 July 31, 2010 Year 2 — Period 1 3 August I, 2010 January 31, 2011 Year 2 — Period 2 4 February 1, 2011 July 31, 2011 Year 3 — Period 1 5 August 1, 2011 January 31, 2012 Year 3 — Period 2 6 February I, 2012 July 31, 2012 Year 4 — Period 1 7 August 1, 2012 January 31, 2013 Year 4 — Period 8 February 1, 2013 July 31, 2013 Year 5 — Period 1 9 August 1, 2013 January 31, 2014 Year 5 — Period 2 10 February I, 2014 July 31, 2014 Footnotes: I Maintain semi-annual monitoring during permit renewal process. The applicant must continue semi-annual monitoring until the renewed permit is issued. 2 If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, the permittee must submit a monitoring report indicating "No Flow" within 30 days of the end of the six-month sampling period. The permittee shall report the analytical results from the first sample with valid results within the monitoring period. The permittee shall compare monitoring results to the benchmark values in Table 3. The benchmark values in Table 3 are not permit limits but should be used as guidelines for the permittee's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Exceedences of benchmark values require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in a tiered program. See below the descriptions of Tier One and Tier Two. Table 3. Benchmark Values for Analvtical Monitoring Discharge Characteristics Units Benchmark Biological Oxygen Demand mg/L 30 Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/L 120 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 100 Dioxins mg/L Any Detection PH standard 6-9 Part 11 Page 6 of 10 Pennit No. NCS000189 Tier One If: The first valid sampling results are above a benchmark value, or outside of the benchmark range, for any parameter at any outfall; Then: The permittee shall: 1. Conduct a stormwater management inspection of the facility within two weeks of receiving sampling results. 2. Identify and evaluate possible causes of the, benchmark value exceedence. 3. Identify potential, and select the specific: source controls, operational controls, or physical improvements to reduce concentrations of the parameters of concern, or to bring concentrations to within the benchmark range. 4. Implement the selected actions within two months of the inspection. 5. Record each instance of a Tier One response in the Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Include the date and value of the benchmark exceedence, the inspection date, the personnel conducting the inspection, the selected actions, and the date the selected actions were implemented. Tier Two If: During the term of this permit, the first valid sampling results are above the benchmark values, or outside of the benchmark range, for any specific parameter at a specific discharge outfall two times in a row (consecutive); Then: The permittee shall: 1. Repeat all the required actions outlined above in Tier One. 2. Immediately institute monthly monitoring for all parameters at every outfall where a sampling result exceeded the benchmark value for two consecutive samples. Monthly (analytical and qualitative) monitoring shall continue until three consecutive sample results are below the benchmark values, or within the benchmark range, for all parameters at that outfall. 3. If no discharge occurs during the sampling period, the permittee is required to submit a monthly monitoring report indicating "No Flow." 4. Maintain a record of the Tier Two response in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Part It Page 7 of 10 Pennit No. NCS000199 During the term of this permit, if the valid sampling results required for the permit monitoring periods exceed the benchmark value, or are outside the benchmark range, for any specific parameter at any specific outfall on more than four occasions, the permittee shall notify the DWQ Regional Office Supervisor in writing within 30 days of receipt of the fourth analytical results. DWQ may, but is not limited to: • require that the permittee increase or decrease the monitoring frequency for the remainder of the permit; • require the permittee to install structural stormwater controls; • require the permittee to implement other stormwater control measures; or • require that the permittee implement site modifications to qualify for the No Exposure Exclusion. This site discharges to impaired waters which are currently subject to a Fish Advisory for Dioxin and Mercury. If a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is approved for this segment of Roanoke River or Welch Creek, the permittee may be required to monitor for the pollutant(s) of concern in the future and submit results to the Division of Water Quality. The Division will consider the monitoring results in determining whether additional BMPs are needed to control the pollutant(s) of concern to the maximum extent practicable. If additional BMPs are needed to achieve the required level of control, the permittee will be required to (1) develop a strategy for implementing appropriate BMPs, and (2) submit a timetable for incorporation of those BMPs into the permitted Stormvater Pollution Prevention Plan. Part 11 Page 8 of 10 Permit No. NCS000189 SECTION C: QUALITATIVE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Qualitative monitoring requires a visual inspection of each stormwater outfall regardless of representative outfall status and shall be performed as specified in Table 4, during the analytical monitoring event. [If analytical monitoring is not required, the permittee still must conduct semi- annual qualitative monitoring.] Qualitative monitoring is for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) and assessing new sources of stormwater pollution. In the event an atypical condition is noted at a stormwater discharge outfall, the permittee shall document the suspected cause of the condition and any actions taken in response to the discovery. This documentation will be maintained with the SPPP. Table 4. Qualitative Monitoring Requirements Discharge Characteristics Frequencyt Monitoring Location2 Color semi-annual SDO Odor semi-annual SDO Clarity semi-annual SDO Floating Solids semi-annual SDO Suspended Solids semi-annual SDO Foam semi-annual SDO Oil Sheen semi-annual SDO Erosion or deposition at the outfall semi-annual SDO Other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution semi-annual SDO Footnotes: 1 Measurement Frequency: Twice per year during a representative storm event, for each year until either another permit is issued for this facility or until this permit is revoked or rescinded. If at the end of this permitting cycle the permittee has submitted the appropriate paperwork for a renewal permit before the submittal deadline, the permittee will be considered for a renewal application. The applicant must continue semi-annual monitoring until the renewed permit is issued. See Table 2 for schedule of monitoring periods through the end of this permitting cycle. 2 Monitoring Location: Qualitative monitoring shall be performed at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) regardless of representative outfall status. SECTION D: ON -SITE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Facilities which have any vehicle maintenance activity occurring on -site which uses more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar year shall perform analytical monitoring as specified below in Table 5. This monitoring shall be performed at all stormwater discharge outfalls which discharge stormwater runoff from vehicle maintenance Part 11 Page 9 of 10 Permit No. NCS0001 89 areas, and in accordance with the schedule presented in Table 2 (Section B). All analytical monitoring shall be performed during a representative storm event. Table 5. AnahTical Monitoring Requirements for On -Site Vehicle Maintenance Discharge Characteristics Units Measurement Fre uencvt Sample T e2 Sample Location3 H standard semi-annual Grab SDO Oil and Grease mg/1 semi-annual Grab SDO Total Suspended Solids mg/1 semi-annual Grab SDO Total Rainfall4 inches semi-annual Rain gauge New Motor Oil Usage gallons/month semi-annual Estimate Footnotes: I Measurement Frequency: Twice per year during a representative storm event, for each year until either another permit is issued for this facility or until this permit is revoked or rescinded. If at the end of this permitting cycle the permittee has submitted the appropriate paperwork for a renewal permit before the submittal deadline, the permittee will be considered for a renewal application. The applicant must continue semi-annual monitoring until the renewed permit is issued. See Table 2 for schedule of monitoring periods through the end of this permitting cycle. 2 If the stormwater runoff is controlled by a stormwater detention pond a grab sample of the discharge from the pond shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge from the pond. 3 Sample Location:. Samples shall be collected at each stormwater discharge outfall (SDO) that discharges stormwater runoff from area(s) where vehicle maintenance activities occur. 4 For each sampled representative storm event the total precipitation must be recorded. An on -site or local rain gauge reading must be recorded. Monitoring results shall be compared to the benchmark values in Table 6. The benchmark values in Table 6 are not permit limits but should be used as guidelines for the permittee's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Exceedences of benchmark values require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), as provided in Part 11 Section B. Table 6. Benchmark Values for Vehicle Maintenance Analytical Monitoring Discharge Characteristics Units Benchmark pH standard 6-9 Oil and Grease mg/L 30 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 100 Part 11 Page 10 of 10 Permit No. NCS000189 PART III STANDARD CONDITIONS FOR NPDES STORMWATER INDIVIDUAL PERMITS SECTION A: COMPLIANCE AND LIABILITY Compliance Schedule The permittee shall comply with Limitations and Controls specified for stormwater discharges in accordance with the following schedule: Existing Facilities already operating but applying for permit coverage for the first time: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be developed and implemented within 12 months of the effective date of the initial permit and updated thereafter on an annual basis. Secondary containment, as specified in Part 11, Section A, Paragraph 2(b) of this permit, shall be accomplished within 12 months of the effective date of the initial permit issuance. New Facilities applying for coverage for the first time and existing facilities previously permitted and applying for renewal under this permit: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be developed and implemented prior to the beginning of discharges from the operation of the industrial activity and be updated thereafter on an annual basis. Secondary containment, as specified in Part II, Section A, Paragraph 2(b) of this permit shall be accomplished prior to the beginning of discharges from the operation of the industrial activity. Dutv to Complv The permittee must comply with all conditions of this individual permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit upon renewal application. a. The permittee shall comply with standards or prohibitions established under section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. b. The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates a permit condition is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 per day for each violation. Any person who negligently violates any permit condition is subject to criminal penalties of $2.500 to 25,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or both. Any person who knowingly violates permit conditions is subject to criminal penalties of $5,000 to $50,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment for not more than 3 years, or both. Also, any person who violates a permit condition may be assessed an administrative penalty not to exceed $10,000 per violation with the maximum amount not to exceed $125,000. [Ref: Section 309 of the Federal Act 33 USC 1319 and 40 CFR 122.41(a).] C. Under state law, a daily civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit. [Ref: NC General Statutes 143-215.6A]. d. Any person may be assessed an administrative penalty by the Director for violating section 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318 or 405 of the Act, or any permit condition or limitation implementing any of such sections in a permit issued under section 402 of the Act. Administrative penalties for Class 1 violations are not to exceed $10,000 per violation, with the maximum amount of any Class penalty assessed not to exceed $25,000. Penalties for Class 11 violations are not to exceed Part III Page I of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 $10,000 per day for each day during which the violation continues, with the maximum amount of any Class 11 penalty not to exceed $125,000. 3. Duty to Mitigate The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this individual permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. 4. Civil and Criminal Liabilitv Except as provided in Part Ill, Section C of this permit regarding bypassing of storrnwater control facilities, nothing in this individual permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties for noncompliance pursuant to NCGS 143-215.3, 143-215.6A, 143-215.6Q, 143- 215.6C or Section 309 of the Federal Act. 33 USC 1319. Furthermore, the permittee is re,ponsible for consequential damages, such as fish kills, even though the responsibility for effective compliance may be temporarily suspended. 5. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liabilitv Nothing in this individual permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject to under NCGS 143-215.75 et seq. or Section 311 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1321. . 6. Property Rights The issuance of this individual permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations. Severabilitv The provisions of this individual permit are severable, and if any provision of this individual permit, or the application of any provision of this individual permit to any circumstances, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this individual permit, shall not be affected thereby. 8. Duty to Provide Information The permittee shall furnish to the Director, within a reasonable time, any information which the Director may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating the permit issued pursuant to this individual permit or to determine compliance with this individual permit. The permittee shall also furnish to the Director upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this individual permit. 9. Penalties for Tampering The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate, any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this individual permit shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this paragraph, punishment is a fine of not more that $20,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or both. Part III Page 2 of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 10. Penalties for Falsification of Reports The Clean Water Act provides that any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this individual permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than two years per violation, or by both. SECTION B: GENERAL CONDITIONS Individual Permit Expiration The permittee is not authorized to discharge after the expiration date. In order to receive automatic authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date, the perrnittee shall submit forms and fees as are required by the ageecy authorized to issue permits no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date. Any permiuee that has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, or any permiuee that does not have a permit after the expiration and has not requested renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration, will be subjected to enforcement procedures as provided in NCGS e 143-2153.6 and 33 USC 1251 et. seq. . 2. Transfers This permit is not transferable to any person except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Director may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary under the Clean Water Act. The Permittee is required to notify the Division in writing in the event the permitted facility is sold or closed. 3. Signatory Requirements All applications,reports, or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified. a. All applications to be covered under this individual permit shall be signed as follows: (1) In the case of a corporation: by a principal executive officer of at least the level of vice- president, or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility front which the discharge described in the permit application form originates; (2) In the case of a partnership or limited partnership: by a general partner; (3) In the case of a sole proprietorship: by the proprietor; (4) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public entity: by a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee. b. All reports required by the individual permit and other information requested by the Director shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if (1) The authorization is made in writing by a person described above; (2) The authorization specified either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of plant manager, operator of a well or well field, superintendent, a position of equivalent Part III Page 3 of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.); and (3) The written authorization is submitted to the Director. C. Any person signing a document under paragraphs a. or b. of this section shall make the following certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 4. Individual Permit Modification Revocation and Reissuance, or Termination The issuance of this individual permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the individual permit, revoking and reissuing the individual permit, or terminating the individual permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 122 and 123, Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2H .0100; and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 et al. 5. Permit Actions The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any individual permit condition. SECTION C: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION CONTROLS Proper Operation and Maintenance The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this individual permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems which are installed by a permittee only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this individual permit. 2. Need to Halt or Reduce Not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the condition of this individual permit. 3. Bypassing of Stormwater Control Facilities Bypass is prohibited and the Director may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass unless: a. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury or severe property damage; and PartIII Page 4 of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 b. There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary control facilities, retention of stonnwater or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime or dry weather. This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup controls should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventive maintenance; and C. The permittee submitted notices as required under, Part III, Section E of this permit. If the Director determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above, the Director may approve an anticipated bypass after considering its adverse effects. SECTION D: MONITORING AND RECORDS Representative Samolinc Samples collected and measurements taken, as required herein, shall be characteristic of the volume and nature of the permitted discharge. Analytical sampling shall be performed during a representative storm event. Samples shall be taken on a day and time that is characteristic of the discharge. All samples shall be taken before the discharge joins or is diluted by any other waste stream,. body of water, or substance. Monitoring points as specified in this permit shall not be changed without notification to and approval of the Director. 2. Recording -Results For each measurement, sample, inspection or maintenance activity performed or collected pursuant to the requirements of this individual permit, the permittee shall record the following information: a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling, measurements, inspection or maintenance activity; b. The individual(s) who performed the sampling, measurements, inspection or maintenance activity; C. The date(s) analyses were performed; d. The individual(s) who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. 3. Flow Measurements Where required, appropriate flow measurement devices and methods consistent with accepted scientific practices shall be selected and used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of monitored discharges. 4. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall conform to the EMC regulations published pursuant to NCGS 143-215.63 et. seq, the Water and Air Quality Reporting Acts, and to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g), 33 USC 1314, of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as Amended, and Regulation 40 CFR 136. Part III Page 5 of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 To meet the intent of the monitoring required by this individual permit, all test procedures must produce minimum detection and reporting levels and all data generated must be reported down to the minimum detection or lower reporting level of the procedure. 5. Representative Outfall If a facility has multiple discharge locations with substantially identical story neater discharges that are required to be sampled, the permittee may petition the Director for representative outfall status. If it is established that the stormwater discharges are substantially identical and the permittee is granted representative outfall status, then sampling requirements may be performed at a reduced number of cattails. 6. Records Retention Visual monitoring shall be documented and records maintained at the facility along with the Stomrwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Copies of analytical monitoring results shall also be maintained on -site. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by this individual permit for a period of at least 5 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report or application. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time. Insnection and Ent The permittee shall allow the Director, or an authorized representative (including an authorized contractor acting as a representative of the Director), or in the case of a facility which discharges through a municipal separate storm sewer system, an authorized representative of a municipal operator or the separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to; a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records must be kept under the conditions of this individual permit; b. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this individual permit; C. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this individual permit; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purposes of assuring individual permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water Act, any substances or parameters at any location. SECTION E: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS I. Discharge Monitoring Reports Samples analyzed in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be submitted to the Division on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms provided by the Director. Submittals shall be delivered to the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory. When no discharge has occurred from the facility during the report period, the permittee is required to submit a discharge monitoring report within 30 days of the end of the six-month sampling period, giving all required information and indicating "NO FLOW" as per NCAC T15A 0213.0506. Part III Page 6 of 8 Pennit No. NCS000189 The permittee shall record the required qualitative monitoring observations on the SDO Qualitative Monitoring Report (QMR) form provided by the Division, and shall retain the completed forms on site. Qualitative monitoring results should not be submitted to the Division, except upon DWQ's specific requirement to do so. 2. Submitting Reports Duplicate signed copies of all reports required herein, shall be submitted to the following address: Division of Water Quality Surface Water Protection Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Availability of Reports Except for data determined to be confidential under NCGS 143-215.3(a)(2) or Section 308 of the Federal Act, 33 USC 1318, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the Division of Water Quality. As required by the Act, analytical data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in NCGS 143-215.6E or in Section 309 of the Federal Act. 4. Non-Stormwater Discharges If the storm event monitored in accordance with this individual permit coincides with a non-stonnwater discharge, the permittee shall separately monitor all parameters as required under the non-stonnwater discharge permit and provide this information with the stor ma-ater discharge monitoring report. 5. Planned Changes The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible of any planned changes at the permitted facility which could significantly alter the nature or quantity of pollutants discharged. This notification requirement includes pollutants which are not specifically listed in the individual permit or subject to notification requirements under 40 CFR Part 122.42 (a). 6. Anticipated Noncompliance The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon as possible of any planned changes at the permitted facility which may result in noncompliance with the individual permit requirements. 7. Bypass a. Anticipated bypass. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, it shall submit prior notice, if possible at least ten days before the date of the bypass; including an evaluation of the anticipated quality and affect of the bypass. b. Unanticipated bypass. The permittee shall submit notice within 24 hours of becoming aware of an unanticipated bypass. Twenty-four Hour Reporting The permittee shall report to the central office or the appropriate regional office any noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment. Any information shall be provided orally within 24 hours from Part III Page 7 of 8 Permit No. NCS000189 the time the permittee became aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time compliance is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. The Director may waive the written report on a case -by -case basis if the oral report has been received within 24 hours. 9. Other Noncompliance The permittee shall report all instances of noncompliance not reported under 24 hour reporting at the time monitoring reports are submitted. 10. Other Information Where the permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in an application for an individual permit or in any report to the Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or information. Part III Page 8 of 8 NCS000189 PART IV LIMITATIONS REOPENER This individual permit shall be modified or alternatively, revoked and reissued, to comply with any applicable effluent guideline or water quality standard issued or approved under Sections 302(b) (2) (c), and (d), 304(b) (2) and 307(a) of the Clean Water Act, if the effluent guideline or water quality standard so issued or approved: a. Contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in the individual permit; or b. Controls any pollutant not limited in the individual permit. The individual permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements in the Act then applicable. PART V ADMINISTERING AND COMPLIANCE MONITORING FEE REQUIREMENTS The permittee must pay the administering and compliance monitoring fee within30 (thirty) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee in timely manner in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0105(b)(4) may cause this Division to initiate action to revoke the Individual Permit. PART VI DEFINITIONS Act See Clean Water Act. 2. Arithmetic Mean The arithmetic mean of any set of values is the summation of the individual values divided by the number of individual values. Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges This permit regulates stormwater discharges. Non-stormwater discharges which shall be allowed in the stormwater conveyance system are: (a) All other discharges that are authorized by a non-stormwater NPDES permit. (b) Uncontaminated groundwater, foundation drains, air -conditioner condensate without added chemicals, springs, discharges of uncontaminated potable water, waterline and fire hydrant flushings, water from footing drains, (lows from riparian habitats and wetlands. (c) Discharges resulting from fire -fighting or fire -fighting training. 4. Best Management Practices (BMPs) Measures or. practices used to reduce the amount of pollution entering surface waters. BMPs may take the form of a process, activity, or physical structure. Parts IV, V and VI Page I of 5 Permit No. NCS000189 5. Bypass A bypass is the known diversion of stormwater from any portion of a stotmtwater control facility including the collection system, which is not a designed or established operating mode for the facility. 6. Bulk Storage of Liquid Products Liquid raw materials, manufactured products, waste materials or by-products with a single above ground storage container having a capacity of greater than 660 gallons or with multiple above ground storage containers located in close proximity to each other having a total combined storage capacity of greater than 1,320 gallons. 7. - Clean Water Act The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended, 33 USC 1251, et. seq. 8. Division or DWO The Division of Water Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 9. Director The Director of the Division of Water Quality, the permit issuing authority 10. EMC The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. 11. Grab Sample An individual sample collected instantaneously. Grab samples that will be directly analyzed or qualitatively monitored must be taken within the first 30 minutes of discharge. 12. Hazardous Substance Any substance designated under 40 CFR Part 116 pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act. 13. Landfill A disposal facility or part of a disposal facility where waste is placed in or on land and which is not a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an injection well, a hazardous waste long-term storage facility or a surface storage facility.. 14. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System A stormwater collection system within an incorporated area of local self-government such as a city or town. 15. No Exposure A condition of no exposure means that all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter or acceptable storage containers to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snoµmrelt, or runoff. Industrial materials or activities include, but are not limited to, material handling equipment or activities, Part VI Page 2 of 5 Pages Permit No. NCS000189 industrial machinery, raw materials, intermediate products, by-products, final products, or waste products. DWQ may grant a No Exposure Exclusion from NPDES Stormwaler Permitting requirements only if a facility complies with the terms and conditions described in 40 CFR § 122.26(g). 16. Overburden Any material of any nature, consolidated or unconsolidated, that overlies a mineral deposit, excluding topsoil or similar naturally -occurring surface materials that are not disturbed by mining operations. 17. Permittee The owner or operator issued a permit pursuant to this individual permit. 18. Point Source Discharge of Stormwater Any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance including, but not specifically limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, or discrete fissure from which stormwater is or may be discharged to waters of the state. 19. Representative Storm Event A storm event that measures greater than 0..1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. For example, if it rains for 2 hours without producing any collectable discharge, and then stops, a sample may be collected if a rain producing a discharge begins again within the next 10 hours. 20. Representative Outfall Status When it is established that the discharge of stormwater runoff from a single outlall is representative of the discharges at multiple outfalls, the DWQ may grant representative outfall status. Representative outlall status allows the permittee to perform analytical monitoring at a reduced number of outfalls. 21. Rinse Water Discharge The discharge of rinse water from equipment cleaning areas associated with industrial activity. Rinse waters from vehicle and equipment cleaning areas are process wastewaters and do not include washwaters utilizing any type of detergent or cleaning agent. 22. Secondary Containment Spill containment for the contents of the single largest tank within the containment structure plus sufficient freeboard to allow for the 25-year, 24-hour storm event. 23. Section 313 Water Priority Chemical A chemical or chemical category which a. Is listed in 40 CFR 372.65 pursuant to Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986, also titled the Emergency Planning and Community Right - to -Know Act of 1986; b. Is present at or above threshold levels at a facility subject to SARA Title III, Section 313 reporting requirements; and c. That meets at least one of the following criteria: Part VI Page 3 of 5 Pages Permit No. NCS000189 (1) Is listed in Appendix D of 40 CPR part 122 on Table II (organic priority pollutants), Table III (certain metals, cyanides, and phenols), or Table IV (certain toxic pollutants and hazardous substances); (2) Is listed as a hazardous substance pursuant to section 31 I(b)(2)(A) of the CWA at 40 CFR 116.4; or (3) Is a pollutant for which EPA has published acute or chronic water quality criteria. 24. Severe Property Damane Means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the control facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be . . expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. 25. Significant Materials Includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents, detergents, and plastic . pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under section 101(14) of CERCLA; any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to section 313 of Title III of SARA; fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with stormwater discharges. 26. Sinnificant Spills Includes, but is not limited to: releases of oil or hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 1 10.10 and CFR 117.21) or section 102 of, CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4). 27. StormwaterRunoff The flow of water which results from precipitation and which occurs immediately following rainfall or as a result of snowmelt. 28. Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity The discharge from any point source which is used for collecting and conveying stormwater and which is directly related to manufacturing, processing or raw material storage areas at an industrial site. Facilities considered to be engaged in "industrial activities" include those activities defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14). The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program. 29. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan A comprehensive site -specific plan which details measures and practices to reduce stormwater pollution and is based on an evaluation of the pollution potential of the site. 30. Ten Year Design Storm The maximum 24 hour precipitation event expected to be equaled or exceeded on the average once in ten years. Design storm information can be found in the State of North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Part VI Page 4 of 5 Pages Permit No. NCS0001 89 31. Total Flow The flow corresponding to the time period over which the entire storm event occurs. Total flow shall be either; (a) measured continuously, (b) calculated based on the amount of area draining to the outfall, the amount of built -upon (impervious) area, and the total amount of rainfall, or (c) estimated by the measurement of flow at 20 minute intervals during the rainfall event. 32. Total Maximum Daily Load !TMDL) A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant's sources. A TMDL is a detailed water quality assessment that provides the scientific foundation for an implementation plan. The implementation plan outlines the steps necessary to reduce pollutant loads in a certain body of water to restore and maintain water quality standards in all seasons. The Clean Water Act, Section 303, establishes the water quality standards and TMDL programs. 33. Toxic Pollutant Any pollutant listed as toxic under Section 307(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act. 34. Unset Means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed treatment or control facilities, inadequate treatment or control facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation. 35. Vehicle Maintenance Activity Vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, lubrication, vehicle cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations. - 36. Visible Sedimentation Solid particulate matter, both mineral and organic, that has been or is being transported by water, air, gravity, or ice from its site of origin which can be seen with the unaided eye. 37. 25-year, 24 hour storm event The maximum 24-hour precipitation event expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the average, once in 25 years. Part VI Page 5 of 5 Pages r / , ' \ 1 Domtar It all begins with paper.' Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 252793-6111 www.domtar.com August 3, 2010 Mr. Al Hodge Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Mr. Brian Lowther Certified Mail Return Receipt Reptrested Wetland and Stormwater Branch r "• �� Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 Subject: Request to Remove Dioxin Sarupling/Aa ilyses RegWrentent front Permit Douttar Paper Company, LLC - Plymouth, North Carolina NPDES Stormwater Permit # NCS000189 Enclosed you will find the laboratory results for the soil samples collected for dioxin (2, 3, 7, 8 TCDD) analysis. Per our previous conversation, we picked four locations closest to Welch Creek which included Winter Log Storage (WLS), Old Borrow Area (PB01), External Coal Yard (CP01), and Norfolk Southern Rail Yard (RY01). These locations were chosen since soils around these outfills could be influenced by flood waters from Welch Creek, a remetliation site for dioxins that were historically discharged (prior to 1988) via NPDES permits in the creek sediments. Of the four locations sampled, dioxin was detected at only one outfall, WLS at a concentration of 0.704 J, K(I) ng/kg, which is a highly qualified, estimated value, below the method reporting limit and quantifiable level of the testing procedure. This estimated concentration is considered extremely small when compared to the preliminary remediation goal for dioxins in residential soil established by the EPA, which is 1000 ng/kg. As we discussed with Al dodge of DWQ earlier this summer, with the potential exception of soils along a limited portion of the shores along Welch Creek, soils in and around the Domtar-Plymouth site are not susceptible to dioxin contamination since any (1) K typically is assigned when the detection limit may be elevated due to the presence of an unrequested analyte. During data validation process, a "u" would be assigned when laboratory reported detection deemed not valid during data validation process. This result should be considered not valid and would have a u flag after data validation. The "7" flag designates that the reported concentration is estimated. dioxin generated from historical chlorine bleaching operations was discharged through closed process sewers, into the wastewater treatment system and then into Welch Creek. Further, as detailed in our most recent stormwater permit renewal application request, dated April 24, 2006, all process sewers and stormwater runoff from the industrial footprint of the facility drains to the onsite wastewater treatment system and not offsite to adjacent wetlands, surface waters or forests. We have completed the second round of stormwater outfall monitoring for dioxin from which all results were non -detect, just as with the first round of sampling. That set of stormwater dioxin analyses has been included with this transmittal. In consideration of this additional data, Domtar requests that the Division of Water Quality remove the requirement to sample and analyze for dioxin from each of the permitted outfalls listed in our stormwater permit. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to the information provided, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-7490 or by email, tamika.booneCiDdomtar.com. Sincerely, Tamika Boone Environmental Engineer (1) K typically is assigned when the detection limit maybe elevated due to the presence of an unrequested analyte. During data validation process, a "u" would be assigned when laboratory reported detection deemed not valid during data validation process. This result should be considered not valid and would have a u flag after data validation. The "J" flag designates that the reported concentration is estimated. K:\NPDES\NPDES\NCG - NPDES Inspections - Tracking - General\NCG - NPDES Rescission Requests\NCG - Recission Requests - Original Re q uest from Raleigh Click on the hyperlink above to see the original notification from Raleigh. The form below has been created due to the original being in pdf format. Comments RO Appl. Comments due back Inspection Comments Issued Expired Comment Permit No. Owner Name / Facility County SPU Staff Rec'v. SPU Req. to RO to SPU Date Submitted Draft Date Date Date Inspector Submitted Comments gave me a tour of the facility. I did not see any area of concern. Prior to leaving, I emphasized the Universal Forest Products Inc Thom NCS000336 - Eastern Division - E. City Pasquotank Lowther 11/24/2008 1/1/2009 2/1/2009 2/11/2009 Edgerton Y importance of SW management, due to their location along Knobbs Creek. (Just a Note) - I mentioned Loxco - Airgas National Thom i uto not 5ee any areas of major concern. i oia not see a second ourfall and RoBble una5e, Plant Manager, (919) 735-5276 said that he was unaware of more than just the one outfall at the NE corner of the property (roadside ditch along Hinnant Rd.) The Lime ponds are still in use, but were said to be in NCS000043 Welders, Inc. Wayne Jones 12/10/2008 3/5/2009 1 1 Edgerton Y the process of being taken out of service and changing to a recycle system. There was no obvious practices is that the storm water ditches are used as fore bays for the storm water ponds. NuCor has NCS000379 Nucor Steel Hertford 5/20/2009 Travis Smith Y_ permit with the Army Corps of Engineers for a created wetlands that receives water from the C1 pond. Thom NCS000372 BMCA Goldsboro Inc. Wayne Lowther 2/19/2009 Edgerton Response letter from Domtar received on 8/3/2010 regarding removing dioxin sampling/analyses requirements from permit - lab results for soil samples submitted with NCS000314 Marine Corps Air Station Craven Randall letter NGS000189 Domtar Paper Company LLC Plymouth Martin Lowther 11/5/2008 4/9/2009 5/26/2009 Travis Smith Y ennrt specrticadons. I he taallty puts signs up idanntymg map. The signs also tell who to contact in case of a spill and which waterway d will drain into. Another good practice the facility uses, is when a landfill is closed they each Seymour Johnson Air Force NCS000335 Base Wayne I visited the site along with Brian Lowther and Cory Larsen. Dave Gardner drove us on a site tour, that Thom was very informative, of the facilities operation, highlighting all environmental operations. The purpose NCS000211 Weyerhaeuser Company Craven Lowther 12/5/2008 8/5/2009 8/31 /2009 2/5/2009 8/26/2009 Edgerton Y of the visit was to better understand the processes while creating a draft for the new permit is being NGS000377 Green Thumb of NC LLC Hyde Hendrix and Dail, Inc. / Ricky Thom I am to create questions for Mr. Al and myself to ask Steve Tedder (336) 771-4950 and Myd Nisely (919) 791-4255. 1 called Cory Larsen (919) 807-6365 and he email me the new date that our comments are NCS000509 Keck Pitt Pickle 5/22/2009 3/25/2009 9/22/2009 Edgerton Y_ due back (May 22, 2009). 1 mentioned that this would likely be a good site for the centeral office staff to EJE Solid Waste Transfer Station and Recycling Facility NCG130059 / Judson Whitehurst Pitt Larsen 9/28/2009 10/28/2009 10/8/2009 Bill Whom Help Desk -Marketplace User Agreement I eCampus.com I Textbooks -Easy. Fast. Cheap! Page 5 of 5 A1Mine Pmgom ecampgs Blog emer"rams snap eysmea l`MtANeSKUNE' E,Oma Catalog e0ampus Emounge Prlvary Polity Site Seounty Bal vxl4p k Carotene Help Deal, Rent Textbooks Site Me, TLSTLg ONLY Il -QG Buy Textolooks Link to Us Realm Polley Terms B C.Itbns College Apparel Mvkstgaee let Sall TextEoOb NrWal BookCues �san� ConGq Us MNia 9iippng Rates Need Help?s.SSCke�ss3mPYi3tl11 CaPYdhM1909-2010 t t Help Desk -Marketplace User Agreement eCampus.com Textbooks -Easy. Fast. Cheap! Page 4 of 5 ' r -7)-.? -pry-PW i http://www.ecampus.com/help/marketplace-user-agreement.asp 8/11 /2010 �� Columbia Analytical Services- 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 1 Jacksonville, FL 32256I 904-739-2277 904-739@011 fax ww w.casab.com June 09, 2010 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC 11.0. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Special Dioxin Testing Dear Diane: Service Request No: J1002252 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on May 13, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1002252. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via email at TKissinger cr caslab.com: Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Tom Kissinger Project Manager Page 1 of CAS Jacksonville is NELAC-accredited by the State of Florida, #E82502. Other state accreditation include: Georgia, 4958; Kentucky, #63; Louisiana, 902086, North Carolina, 9527; South Carolina, 996021001, Texas, #T104704197-09-TX Client Domtar Paper Companv, LLC Project Special Dioxin Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE Service Request: J1002252 SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1002252-001 Winter Log Storage 5/12/10 07:42 J1002252-002 PBOI (Old Borrow) 5/12/10 08:03 J 1002252-003 Coal -Yard 5/12/10 07:52 J1002252-004 Railyard 5/12/10 07:47 2 Tinted 6/9/10 9:26 Sample Summary Page I of I Oki CnI Ow, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. t—ooter t<ecetpt roan Client 1(YiTo (Z, Service Request Project: GCtC C)XIll) -Fe (t Cooler received on and opened of O by _ COURIER: CAS UP) FEDEX Client Other Airbill # F7 gir3(? 3MOA 1 Were custody seals on outside of cooler? Yes If yes, how many and where? q; l 2 Were seals intact and signature and date correct? es 3 Were custody papers properly filled out? 4 Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (Should be 4 +/- 2 degrees C) Ot / 5 Thermometer ID r b 6 Temperature Blank Present? Yes 7 Were Ice or Ice Packs present ce 8 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken, etc...)? Ycs 9 Type of packing material present 10 Were all bottle labels complete (sample ID, preservation, etc....)? Yes 1 1 Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Yc 12 Were the correct bottles used for the tests indicated? 13 Were all of the preserved bottles received with the appropriate preservative? Yes HNO3 pH<2 H2SO4 pH<2 ZnAC2/NaOH pH>9 NaOH pH> 12 HCl pH<2 Preservative additions noted below 14 Were all samples received within analysis holding times? 15 Were VOA vials checked for absence of air bubbles? If present, note below Yes 16 Where did the bottles originate? /CC No on li other No N/A No N/A No Ice Packs No No N/A No No No No No No Client Sample ID Reagent Lot # nil added Initials Date/Time comments and/or explanation of all discrepancies noted above: N/A N/A N/A NiA Client approval to run samples if discrepancies noted: Date: 3 Columbia Jacksonville Laboratory LS"iitlyi"" l Condition Upon Receipt - Sample pH ^Y sR a : l ocas Dater 1 3) �V Initials'. Note that pH is check and meets the required pH criterion listed in the column heading unless otherwise noted on the cooler receipt form. Eo -001 .002 .003 -004 -005 -006 .007 -008 -009 -010 -011 -012 -013 -014 -015 -016 -017 -018 -019 -020 -021 .022 -023 -024 -025 -026 027 -028 -029 -030 .031 -032 -033 -034 035 �036 -037 -038 -039 -040 �0000000000000000000000000000_0® ®MNS OM ®®®` me iaa�vaevaae�veeeeeeveea�e���ee�e _- ----------__-_____--M_- -001 { 02 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 NOTE: VOA pH checks are performed by the analytical area, not sample control *0 an Columbia CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Analytical Services M 9143 phd Highway, Sti a 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32256'Phmrc(904)739 2277/800 695-7227 Fax 904-739 201 [ Page ,...o vl www.esdeD.mm SR# S/r�Sz CAS Contact Project Narne Special Dioxin Testing Protect Number ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Method Number a Fre+e^' 0 Report To Diane Hardison Report CC Alan Barnes W W '0 'p 0. None 1. HCL 2. HNO3 3. H2SO4 4. NaOH 5. Zn. Acetate 6. McOH 7.NaH504 REMARKS Company/Address mtar Paver Coin P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 phone # 252-793-8611 FAX # 252-793-8871 Sampler's Siguatme Sampler's Printed Name CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID SAMPLING DATE TYKE Matrix Winter Log Storage Dioxin 5/12/10 7:42 AM Soil 1 X PBOI Old Borrow Dioxin 5/12/10 9:03 AM Soil I X Coal -Yard Dioxin 5/12/10 7:52 AM Soil I X Rail and Dioxin 5/12110 7:47 AM Soil I X Special Testing of Soil for Dioxin. u""OUND"QUIUMEwrs VRU� (aURCRAROFJ APPL» ATRIV. RRPORT DAT6 "PORT RxQUlitxmx a 1.R +QOet n. Rem. � Qc sonu,mm MCs. DVP. MMIDIII. Rn r QC and CWaf0lm Munnate a a VYNmaa Report wan R Daa daa Ya NO INVOICx INFORMATION P.o. s fo�3/Fly to Rcterclumoca ut Sign J Recarml by Signal— Relvaciteshod By Signature lane Rerm=q By Signature Recervod By Signature F� e / �GtNiL��^ J^+� Printed Name ) Pnnk sane Printed Name mn rm Fum ,nS Fnm Firm et 7 0 ,6 Da arts arts D �T//O 0,7 arts Da we 4SColumbia Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results 0 Columbia 1 4fAS Analytical Services- 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 1 713.266.1599 f www.caslab.com June 8, 2010 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Service Request No: J 1002252 Laboratory Results for: Domtar Paper Company, LLC/Special Dioxin Testing Dear Tom: Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on May 14, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1002252. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBiles@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. vl� Darren Biles Project Manager For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at wivw.caslab.conf. An Employee Owned Company L NELAPAccredited il ACIL Seal of Excellence Award J Please consider the environment before printing 17 J1002252 1 of 27 7 t-. Service's - Certificate of Analysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1002252 2 of 27 g COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Domtar Industries Project: Special Dioxin Testing Sample Matrix: Soil CASE NARRATIVE Service Request No.: J1002252 Date Received: 5/14/10 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Sample Receipt Four soil samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 5114110. The samples were received at I°C in good condition and are consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 40C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (5/13/10) and not the date CAS -Houston received the samples (5/14/10.) Data Validation Notes and Discussion MS/DMS EQ1000252: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an MS/DMS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. K B:tes CAS/Houston reports EMPC results that comply with Section 1 1.2.6 of the DLM02.2 SOW. An EMPC result is Flagged with a'K' Flag. Detection Limits Detection limits are calculated for each congener in each sample by measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. Approved by: r Xiangqiu Liang, Laboratory Director Date: 06 / 0 8 / 10 J1002252 3ot 27 9 4 ' Client: Donatar Paper Company, LLC Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE ; CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1002252-001 Winter Log Storage 5/12/10 07:42 J1002252-002 PB01 (Old Borrow) 5/12/10 O8:03 J1002252-003 Coal -Yard 5/12/10 07:52 11002252-004 Railyard 5112/10 07:47 J1002252 4 of 27 Pnnl.d filril l0 9) 27 Salnple Summary 10 Page I of I Laboratory Certifications 2010-2011 STATE/PROGRAM AGENCY CERTIFICATION ID EXP DATE ARIZONA AZ-DHS AZ0725 05/27/11 ARKANSAS ADE 09-048-0 06/16/10 CALIFORNIA CA-ELAP 2452 02/28/11 DOD ELAP A2LA 2897.01 11/30/11 FLORIUA/NELAP FL -DOHS E87611 06/30/10 HAWAII HI -DOH N/A 06/30/10 ILLINOWNELAP IL -EPA 002380 10/06/10 IS017025 A2LA 2897.01 11/30/11 LouISIANA/NELAP LELAP 03048 06/30/10 LoUISIANA/NELAP LDHH LA100032 12/31/10 MAINE ME -DOHS 2008031 06/05/10 MICHIGAN MIDEQ 9971 06/30/10 N71N'NFSOTA MDH 048-999-427 12/31/10 NEVADA NDEP TX014112010A 07/31/10 NEW JERSEY NJDEP TX008 06/30/10 NEW NIEXICO NMED-DWB N/A 06/30/10 NEWYORK/NELAP NY -DOH 11707 04/01/11 OKLAHOMA OKDEQ 2009-25 08/31/10 OREGON/NELAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 PENNSVLVANIA/NELAP PLAP 002 06/30/11 TENNESSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 Texas/NELAP TCEQ T104704216-09-TX 06/30/16 UTAH/NELAP UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOIL IMPORT PERMIT USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 WASHINGTOWNELAP WA-Ecolo C1855 11/14/10 WESTVIRGINIA WVDEP 347 06/30/11 J1002252 5o(27 6 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion CIA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte %Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient J1002252 6 of 27 12 7 Data Qualifier Flags — Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value —used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value —used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o K EMPC -When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a'K' flag. A'K' flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected.' o s Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. J1002252 7 of 27 13 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. — Houston Data Processing/Form Production and Peer Review Signatures Unique. ►D B-Octyl yy First iiye1,-Data,Prgcessjn b yperson:geneiatmgtheforms r<rFti ,:1 g :'`=.to be filled J1002252 8 of 27 J1002252 9 of 27 15 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC 10 Analytical Report Client: Domtar Industries Service Request: /1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing Date Collected: 5/12/10 0742 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Receired: 5/13/10 Sample Name: Winter Log Storage Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: J1002252-001 Basis: Dry Percent Solids: 83.7 Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/DRIYIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 5/28/10 1224 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: 12.933g Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P207823 Blank File Name: P207807 ]CAL Date: 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207821 [on Dilution Anal7te Name Result Q EDI, MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8=I'CDD 0.704 JK 0.0510 0.924 0.64 1,000 1 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone.(pg) Found (pg) %Bee Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1155.997 58 25-164 0.79 1.009 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 1054. 126 66 35-197 NA 1.009 Cummenls: Prinled6/9110 9,11 Form IA \\Inllow2\Sindin�s\Limsl4p.c\Analyiocantc wn. ryi Super5el 0.<fercnce: In-OOOOId5156 rtv 0e J1002252 10 of 27 16 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 11 Analytical Report Client: Domtar Industries Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin 'I esting Date Collected: 5/12/100803 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Receivcd: 5/13/10 Sample Name: PB01 (Old Borrow) Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: J1002252-002 Basis: Dry Percent Solids: 58.5 Polychlorinated Dibenzndioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGC/HRDIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analvzed: 5/28/10 1313 Prep ltlethod: Method Date Extracted: 5/22110 Sample Amount: 18.661g Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P207824 Blank File Name: P207807 ICAL Date: 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207821 Ion Dilution An:dyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8-TCDD ND U 0.0614 0.916 Spike Conc. Control Ion Imbeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rea Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1143.825 57 25-164 0.79 1.008 37C'I-2,3,7,8=I'CDD 1600 1011.281 63 35-197 NA 1.010 Cpa.ment, Pdined OW10 9.11 Fomr IA \\InaowlVmLlnssLLimsRepsUnalyilca)Repon.Su,,ses Reference I D 0000145156 rev 00 J1002252 11 of 27 17 COLUMBIA ANALYTI CAI, SERVICES, INC. 1z Analytical Report Client: PI ojec l: Sample Matrix: Sample Name. Lab Code. Domtar Industries Special Dioxin Testing Soil Coal -Yard J 1002252-003 Service Request: J1002252 Date Collected: 5/12/10 0752 Date Received: 5/13/10 Units: ng/Kg Basis: Dry Percent Solids: 38.6 Polychlorinated Dihenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGC/IIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 5/28110 1401 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: 144197g Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P207825 Blank File Name: P207807 ICU- Date: 01/15/10 Cal Vcr. File Name: P207821 ton Dilution Analyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,9-TCDD ND U 0.0601 1.82 Spike Colic. Control lull LabOrd Campnunds Cunc.(pg) Found (pg) /.Bee Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1330.991 67 25-164 0.78 1.008 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 1132.493 71 35-197 NA 1.009 cnmmenl,: Printed &VIO 9.11 Form IA \kIrmow2ntmlimsLLims s"nalytiu Rewn rpr Sr,,r'si Refttence: 10.0000145156 rw DO J1002252 12 of 27 18 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 13 Analytical Report Client: Donuar Industries Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing Date Collected: 5/12/10 0747 Sample Matrix: Soil Date Received: 5/13/10 Sample Name: Railyard Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: J1002252-004 Basis: Dry Percent Solids: 58 4 Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRCC/1112bIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 5/28/10 1450 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: 16.130g Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P207826 Blank File Name: P207807 ICAL Date: 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207821 Ion Dilution Analyle Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8=TCDD ND U 0.0201 1.06 1 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone.(pg) Found (pg) %Bee Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1085.560 54 25-164 0.77 1.008 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 1141.248 71 35-197 NA 1.010 C... -n'nw Primed 6/8/10 9:11 F.1A \\InnewRSiulimsVimsRepa nLpicalRepan. Mi SuperSel Rdamce', IOLO00143156 rev 0a J10UM 13 of 27 19 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC 14 Analytical Report Client: Domtar Industries Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Received: NA Sample Name: Method Blank Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: EQ1000252-01 Basis: Dry Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by FIROC/DRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 5/27/10 1916 Prcp Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: 10.000g Instrument Name: E-II12MS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P207807 Blank File Name: P207807 ICAL Date: 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207805 Ion Dilution Analyze Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8-TCDD ND U 0.0358 1.00 Spike Cone. Control Jon Labeled Compounds Cone-(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1299,090 65 25-164 0.80 1,009 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 1001.060 63 35-197 NA 1.009 Cnnuncnn: Printed 6/R/lo 9:11 Fomt IA \llnnoxQlSurlimsLLimzRrysbinalyiicalRqurtrpt SuperSa Reference'. 10-0000145156 rev 00 J1002252 14 of 27 20 15 Columbia 640W'.i. Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com An Emalovee Owned Comaanv J1002252 15 of 27 21 Client: PI of cct: Sample Matrix: Analytical Method: Prep Method: COLUMBIA ANALY'QCAL SERVICES, INC. QA/QC Report Dormar industries Special Dioxin Testing Soil Service Bequest:/1002252 Date Analyzed: 5/28/10 Lab Control Sample Summary Polvchlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/URMS 1613R Units: ng/Kg Method B D Lab Control Sample EQ1000252-02 Analyle Name Result Expected % Rec 2,3,7,9--'fCDD 21.9 20.0 109 Con,ntemv s as. ry Extraction Lot: 111716 Duplicate Lab Control Sample EQ1000252-03 % Rcc RPD Result Expected % Rcc Limits RPD Limit 20.4 20.0 102 67 - 158 7 50 Pti nwd 619/10 9:16 Leb Control Swnple Summwy Nnnow2lStarlimlLiniskM . ControlSampleMt So,,Sa Ndertncc 1P00001E5156«v 00 J1002252 16 of 27 22 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 17 Analytical Report Client: Domlar Industries Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing Dute Collected: NA Sample INlatrlx: Soil r Date Received: NA Sample Name: Lab Control Sample Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: EQI000252-02 Basis: Dry Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGC/FIRMS Analytical Method: 1613E Date Analyzed: 5/28/10 0410 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: 10.000g Instrument Name: E-IRMS-04 GC Column: DH-5 Data File Name: P207818 Blank File Name: P207807 IC\L Date: 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207805 Ion Dilution Analyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8-TCDD 21.9 0,0382 1.00 0.78 L001 1 Spike Conc. Control Ion labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rcc Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1288.752 64 20-175 0.78 1.009 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 977.725 61 31-191 NA 1.010 Cmvn<ms: Rimed 6/8/10 9:11 1. IA OlnOowE�SudimsLLimsReeps\Awly�icalRepnn mr SuperSct Resttmn . 10.0000145156 rev 00 J1002252 17 of 27 23 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 18 Analytical Report Client: Domlar Industries Service Request: J1002252 Project: Special Dioxin Testing Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Soil Date Received: NA Sample Name. Duplicate Lab Control Sample Units: ng/Kg Lab Code: EQ1000252-03 Basis: Dry Pulychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/IIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 5/28/10 0458 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 5/22/10 Sample Amount: IoMog Instrument Name: E-HRMS-04 GC Column: DD-5 Data File Name: P207819 Blank File Name: P207807 ICAL Date. 01/15/10 Cal Ver. File Name: P207805 Ion Dilution Analyze Name Result Q FDL MRI, Ratio RRT Factor 2,3,7,8-1 CDD 20.4 0,0549 1.00 0.75 1.001 1 Spike Conc. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone(pg) Found (pg) %Bee Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1384.868 69 20-175 0.78 1M9 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 1600 1029,755 64 31-191 NA 1.010 Conunutn: Printed rvw in 9:11 Fonn 1 A \VnfloW2 tadims imsRrysUnalyticalRepn., S.p,Sa Reference: 10 WOO 145156mW J1002252 18 of 27 24 J1002252 19 of 27 25 Project Name: Special Dioxin Testing Project Number: Project Managcr: Jim Hutchens Company: RMT Inc. Lab Code Client Sample ID J1002252-00I J Winter Log Storage J 1002252 002 1 PB01 (Old Borrow) ! 11002252-003 j Coal -Yard I 0 _.-__ 1_10022_52_-004- _ . I Railya_rd Special I nstruetions/Com menu PLEASE SEND RESULTS TO MANDY SULLIVAN Intra-Network Chain Of Custody CAS Contact. Tom Kissinger 9143 Philips Highonv • Jacksonville, PL3'156 • 904-739-2277 • FAX 90.1-739-2011 j I I � C G 5 i Sample Dale C ,Matrix Date 'rime Received Send To I' I Soil 5/12/10 0742 5/13/10 FIO—FON ❑ I H Sod 5/12/10 0803 5113/10 1IOUSTON Soil 5/12/10 0752 /13/10 ! HOUSTON I ❑ i II Soil 5/12/10 0747 I 5/13/10 I HOUSTON j Turnaround Requirements _RUSH (Surcharges Apply) PLEASE CIRCLE WORK DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 STANDARD Requested FAX Date: Requested Report Date:. 06/03/10 Report Requirements I. Results Only �L ❑. Results + QC Summaries III. Results + QC and Calibration Summaries IV. Data Validation Report with Raw Data PQLAIDUJ N EDD Relinquished ByjlooZX fReceived By: 1/0 /oap Airbill Number Invoice Information J1002252 to Page I .,� ;Reset Form Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler RJieipt Form Client/project RMT Inc/ Special Dioxin Testing Service Request: Received: 05/14/10 1000 Opened (Date/Time): 05/14/10 10D5 By: J1002252 CD for EC I. Samples were received via? ❑USmail ❑Fedex ❑JUPS ❑DHL ❑Courier ❑Hand Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) ❑✓ Cooler ❑Box ❑ Other DNA 3. Were custody seats present on coolers'? 21Y ON If yes, how many and where? 1 front If present, were custody seals intact? ❑✓ Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? ❑✓ Y ON 4. Is shipper's air -bill filed? DNA ❑Y 21N If not, record air bill number: 1ZTSWO980140502370 5. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 1 6. If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)? DNA ❑✓ Y ❑N 8. Packing material used: ❑Inserts ❑✓ Bubble Wrap ❑Blue lce ❑✓ Wet 1ce ❑✓ Sleeves ❑Other 9. Were the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? ❑✓ Y ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Indicate in the table below. ❑J Y ON Sample ID Bottle Count` BottictType _ Out of -Temp Broken ' "Intttals ' ❑1:1 ❑ El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)? ❑✓ Y ❑N Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. ❑✓ Y ❑N Sample ID on Bottle . "Sample B? on COC Sample ID on Bottle ", Sample ID on COC' 11. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: J1002252 21 of 27 CRF_r092109.pdf Page 7f.O 1 ❑ 2 22 Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at -20 to -10°C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, -230C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SR# ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) J1002252 22 of 27 28 Service Request Summary Folder 9: ,110022j2 Project Chemist: Darren Biles Client Name: Domtar Industries Originating Lab: JAX Project Name: Special Dioxin Testing Logged By: SLIGHTSEY Project Number. Date Received: 5/13/10 Report To: Diane Hardison Internal Due Date: 6/3/10QAP: Domtar Paper Company, LLC LAB QAP P.O. Box 747 Qualifier Set: CAS Standard Plymouth- NC 27962 Formset CAS Standard Phone Number: 252-793-8611 Merged?: N Cell Number: Report to MDL?: Y Fax Number: 252-793-8871 P.O. Number: 4550171884 E-mail: dianc.hardisunt7gdomtar.com EDD: No EDD Specified SV11 a 0 o e o N CAS Sam, Nu Client Sxinp No. pimria Cullerted 2 Q V J1002252-001 Wiraer L , Sto ugc Soil 5/12/10 0742 11 11 J 1002 52-00 P1301 (Old A w) Soil 5/1 110 0803 11 11 11002252003 Co01)and so➢ 5/12/10 075 If II J 1002252-0Da Rory d 8 it 3/12/10 0747I 11 11 Test Comments: Group Semivoa GCMS Test/Method Dioxins Furans/161313 Samples Comments 1-4 2378 TCDD only 4 -8 or. -Glue Jar WM CLEAR TO].. Liner llnynseneJ Location: Freezer N5, E-WIC01 NPDES J1002252 23 of 27 Pnnrcd 6/8/2010 9:37.20AAI Service Request for J1002252 pa, I of I Preparation Information Benchsheet 24 Prep Run#: 111716 Prep WorkFloe': OrgExIS(365) Team: Sclnivoa GCMS/AK0DUR Prep Method: Method Status: Prepped Prep Date/Time: 5/22/10 10'30 AM # Lab Code Client ID B# Method /Test pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description I I EI000S16-M5 SINE 006-GRI 01 16131IMmircans Furans Sediment 14.986g dark brown wet mud 2 EIN0516-016 SINE 007-GR1 .01 1613BJDioxins Furans Sediment 13.708g dark brown wet mud 3 E1000S 16-017 SINE 002-GRI 01 161313/Dkwins Furans Sediment 14,800g light tan sand 4 E1000516A 18 SINE 003 -OR I 01 1613B/Diodmi Finami Sediment 111211, dark brown very wet mud 5 E1000525-002 SINE 049-GRI 01 161313/Dioxins Furait, Sedimetl 11.154g dark brown wet mud 6 E1000532-002 SJNE-045-GR 1 .01 1613B/Dwmai Fumns Sediment 14058g dark brown wet ..it 7 E1000532.003 SJNE-044-GRI .01 16I3B/Dioairw Furans Sediment 11.766g dark brown wet mud 8 E10005324)04 SJNE-043-GRI .06 1613BMiosins Furans Sediment 12.2118 dark brown very wet sand 9 E1000532-005 ME-042-GRI-1 .01 1613B/Dioxins Faunas Sediment 12.872g dark brown wet mud 10 E1000532-006 SJNE-042-GRI-2 '01 1613B/Dioxins Forms Sediment 12763g dark brown wet mud 11 E1000532-007 SJNF-04I-GRI 04 1613BMioxins Furans Sediment 12255g brown wet mud 12 E1000532-008 SJNE-040-GRI 01 1613B/Dioxlns Furans Sediment I0t33g dmk brown wet mud 13 E1000532-009 SINE-039-GRI 01 1613BIDioxins Furans Sediment 12,078g dark brown wet mud 14 E1000532-010 SJNE-032-GRI 04 1613BJDioxins Forms Sediment 14748g dark brown wcnnud 15 E1000532-011 SJNE-033-GRI .01 1613B/Dimans Furans Sediment IS 242g dark brown wet mud 16 E1000532-012 SJNF.-034-011I .01 16138/Dloxins Furans Sediment 15.066g brown wet sand 17 EQ 1000252-0I MB 1613B/Dloxin5 Furans Solid 10.000g I8 EQ1000252-02 LCS 1613B/Dioxout Furary Solid 10.000g 19 EQ1000252-03 DLCS 1613&Dioxins Futons Solid 100008 20 11002252-001 Winter Log Stooge 01 16t3B/Dioxin,r Furors Soil 12.933g brown wet sand 21 J1002252-002 PRO (Old Borrow) '01 1613B/Diaxins Furans Soil 18.66)g light tart wet mud 22 11002252-003 Coal -Yard 01 1613B/Dioxins Furans Soil 14.197g black wet mud 23 J1002252-004 Rail,m .01 1613B/Dioxins Furans Soil 16.130g brown wet mud W O J 1002252 24 of 27 Printed 6/4/ 10 14'.58 Preparation Information Benchsheet Page I Prep Runty: 111716 Team: Sentivoa GCMS/AKODUR Spiking Solutions Preparation Information Benchsheet 25 Prep WorkFlon': Org[xtS(365) Prep Method: Method Status Prepped Prep Date/Time; 5/22/10 10:30 AM Name: 1613B Matrix Working Standard Inventory ID 16265 Logbook Ref DI 1-16.1 B Expires On: 03/162011 E1000516-015 t0000faL E1000516-018 too oopL E1000532-003 too oop1_ E1000532-006 t0000µL E 100053 2-009 1 oo. oo µL E1000532-012 RD) 100.00pL 11002252-003 too ooµL E1000516-0I5.R01 IN oopL E1000516-018.R01 too ooµL E1000532-003 RD) 100.0opL E1000532-0O6.R01 too Wpl- E1000532-010 100 oopL EQ 100025 2-01 t o o. oo p L 110022 52-004 I D o. oo p L E1000516-016 IOO.00pL ElOW525-002 t0000pL E1000532-004 t00.00pL E1000532-007 too 0011L ElOW532-010.Ro1 IN oopL EQ1000252-02 IOO.00pL E1000516-016.R01 t0000pl- E1000525-0o2. RD] 100.0opL E1000532-004.R01 too, oopL E I OW532-007.R01 too .00pL E 1000532-011 100 OopL EQ1000252-03 too. oopL E1000516-017 10000pl- E1000532-002 10000µL E 1000532-005 100,00µl- E 1000532.008 100.00 p L E 1000532411 RDI 100.0OpL 11002252-001 100 OOP L E1000516-017.R01 too. DopL E1000532-002.R01 100OopL E 100053 2-005. RD I too ooµL E1000532-008. RD) 100 oopL E1000532-012 too ooftL 11002252-002 Ioo.00pL Name: M13B Labeled Working Standard Inventory 3D 18184 Logbook Ref: DI1-28-3B Expires On: 05/222011 E I N0516-015 I, 000. o o p L EI N05164I8 I,000. oopL E 1000532-003 1,000.00 pL E10005324106 IOOoNlDL EDOW532-009 1,000.00pl, E1000532-012.RO1 1000 OOpl, 31002232-003 1 000.00µL E1000516-0I5.R01 1,000.00µ L E 1000 516-018. R 0 I 1, 000.00 p L E I00o532-003.ROI 1,000ooµL E IOOOS32-006.ROI I,000.00µL EI000532-010 I'm oopL rQ1000252-01 Iooa oopL J 002252-004 1,000.00pL E1000516-016 l o00 ooµL E l000525-002 1000.00 µ L E 1000532-004 l 000.00pL E 1000532-007 I,who oopL E 1000532-010. R01 1, 000.00 It L EQ1000252-02 L000.00pl- E 1000516-016.R01 1.000.DoµL E 1000525-002.Ro l I,000.00 µL F-1000532-004. R01 1 000.00 p L E 1000532-007. R01 1000.00 p L E. I ON 5 32-011 1 000. DOµ L EQ1000252-03 1 000.Ooµl- E 1000516-017 1,0o0.00 )tL E1000532-002 t,o00.00VL E 1000532-005 1 O0000pL E 1000532-008 1,000.00 pL E1000532-01[.RD 1 1 000.00pL 11002252-001 i000 oopL E 1000516-017.R01 1,000 OOP L E1000532-002. RD] 1,000. Doll L E1000532-005.R01 1 000.0op L EI W0532-008.R01 1000.00p L E 100053 2-012 I OOO.00 ft L 11002252402 1000.00It L Name: 829011613E Cleanup Working Standard Inventory ID 18185 Logbook Ref. D11-31-3A/B Expires On: 05252011 E1000516-015 200.00p1- E1000516-018 2oo.00µL E1000532.003 200.00pl, E1000532-006 20000pL E1000532-009 200.00pl- E 1000532-012.RD I 200.00µl- JIo02252-003 20000pl- Preparation Materials Acetone 99.5 : Minimum Emaction Thimbles 43 x123 mm Dichlaromethane (Methylene I-�htmide) 99.9% McC12 odium Sulfate Anhydrous Reagent Grade Na2SO4 Nosam, (n-Nomme) 99% E1000516-015.R01 200 oopL E 1000516-018. R 01 200.00 p I_ E1000532-003.R0I 200.o0µL E 1000532-006.R01 200 NpL E1000532-010 200,00pL EQ 1000252-01 200 00)tl, JtG02252-004 200nopL C2-34-1(15539) (1577) C2-34-1(15540) C2-36.004 (16226) C2-33-001(13944) E1000516-016 20o.o0pL E 1000525-002 200.00µL E10005324N 200.00pL EIOD0532-007 2oo.00µL E1000532-01O.Ro l 200.00pL EQ1000252-02 200o0IiL Carbon, High Purity Glue Wool Sodium Chloride Reagent Grade N.CI Tridecane(n-Ttidecane) Silica Gel Reagent Grade E 1000516-016. R01 200oopL E I000525-o02R01 200,0opL E 1000532-004. R01 200.00 µ L E 1000532-0O7.R01 200.0oµL ElOW53241l 2oo.00pL EQ1000252-03 200.00)1L C2-32-005 (13986) C2-13-005 (7198) CI-104-2(3306) C2-34-3 (15537) C2-31-005 (13988) E 1000516417 200.60µL E1000532-002 2oo.00µL E1000532-005 200.OopL E 1000532-008 200.00pl- E 100053 2-011. R01 200.00 µ L H002252-001 2oo.00µL Ethyl Acetate W.9%. Minimum EIOAe Sul fork Acid Reagent Grade 142SO4 Sodium Hydroxide Reagent Grade NeOH Hcxanc (n-Hexanc) 98.5% Minimum Tolucnc 99.9% Minimum E 1000516-01 T R D I 200.00 p L E1000532-002.R01 200.00p L E 1000532-005.R01 200.00 pL E 1000532-008.R01 200 oopL E1000532-012 200.00fl- n002252-002 20o.00pL C2-33-2(14437) C2-344(15542) C2.24-002(9463) C2-36-002(16224) C2-36-003 (16225) J1002252 25 of 27 Primed 6/4110 14:58 Preparation Information Benchsheet Page 2 Prep Rung: 111716 Team: Semivoa GCMS/AKODUR. Preparation Steps - Step: Extrnelion Step: Slaved: 5/22/10 10:30 Started: Finished: 5/23/1007:50 Finished'. By CDONOVAN By: Comments' Preparation Information Benchsheet 26 Prep Workflow: OrgBstS(365) Prep Method: Method .Acid Clean Step: Silica Gel Clean Sap'. Final Vohime 5/26/10 08:00 Staved-. 5/26110 12:30 Started'. 5/27/10 06: 15 5/26/1009: 10 Finished: 5/26/1015,45 Finished. 5/27/1010.36 CDONOVAN By. CDONOVAN By: CDONOVAN Reviewed By: CD Date: -- 6 / 4 / 2 010 w Wain of Cnaody Relu ctaished By: Date: Extracts Examined — Received By Date'. Yes No Status: Prepped Prep DaterFime: 5/22/10 10.30 AM Printed 6/4/10 14:58 Preparation Information Benchsheet Paee 3 COLUM131A ANALYTACAL SERVICES, INC. Total Solids Report Sample ID Tare O Tare +Wet Wt.O Tarc+Dry Wt.(g) %Total Solids E1000516-015 13.249 18.522 15.282 38.6 E 1000516-016 12.886 21.012 18.413 68.0 E1000516-017 13.347 24.220 22.035 79.9 E 1000516-018 13.354 19.536 17.551 67.9 E1000525-002 13.316 19.684 15.544 35.0 E1000532-002 13.347 24.512 20.950 68.1 E1000532-003 13.393 18.704 15.074 31.7 E1000532-004 12.968 24.478 21.444 73.6 E1000532-005 13.396 19.313 15.626 37.7 E1000532-006 12.893 19.207 15.265 37.6 E1000532-007 13.290 20.574 15.892 35.7 F1000532-008 12.973 19.232 15.170 35.1 E1000532-009 13.202 20.589 15.388 29.6 E1000532-010 13.037 18.294 15.988 56.1 E1000532-011 12.940 20.930 16.631 46.2 E1000532-012 13.311 24.777 20.583 63.4 Batch No.: Comments: Date of Tare+ Dry :5/28/10 at 1700 Anal st: EB Date/Time: 6/7/10 4:51 PM 11 J1002252 27 of 27 33 Domta It all begins with gaped Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2827938111 www.domcar.com April 27, 2010 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Mail Return Receipts Reouesterl Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS000189, Year I — Period 2 Monitoring Period February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010. Required Stornnvater Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Plymouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for the Year i — Period 2 Monitoring Period designated from February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010. With the submission of this report, Dormar has now sampled at all of the remaining SW outfalls required by storm water permit No. NCS000189, for this period. The COD sample result for sampling location WRA was 357 mg/L, which exceeded the benchmark value in our permit. As a result of this parameter exceedance, a meeting and field inspection was conducted per the action steps required by the permit. The report from that meeting is included and further discusses what other actions need to be taken. In the previous set of samples that were submitted, we noted that the BOD analysis would be redone for outfall WYN, due to the improper dilution of the sample. As a result, this report includes this outfall with a valid BOD result, along with the rest of the parameters analyzed as well. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-7490 or by email, tamika.boone(cDdomtar.com. Sincerely, i Tamika Boone Environmental Engineer xc: Department files I Permit Number: NC S000189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG or STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT FACILITY NAME Delmar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Patin & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 jomt@r Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2010 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO�..- (252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. OLItiall_,� Dater Sam 6- 51 Eventz Duration." 'H r, !Zr.- Total i , Rianfail In. BOD CW;4 ... tY wl A mQML PHQ6,:_�� in J� g Dioxih��,_,!��'�'-' ffi. mmidd VVYN 3/29/2010 14 2.93 13 95 142 7.2 Not detected LF04 3/29/2010 14 2.93 3 48 28 6.4 Not detected LF02 3/29/2010 14 2,93 3 71 33 7.1 Not detected RY01 3129/2010 14 2.93 2 48 10 7.5 Not detected WRA 3/29/2010 14 2.93 16 357 27 7.4 Not detectetl LF03 3/29/2010 14 2.93 1 43 81 7.4 Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements (:tutfall 50050�3� 5 56 z' 5 3 0 _F �F� _1�; '�,g 400t� "�a 4�& TottiliFlow,,4 Oillanol�','_ Total pl-1- e to-.- -%-�i Sample,z' l Collected�ti Grease-Sus)ende&' Oil iagel-eg,, S61j molddlyr,' . MGg rrigfli unit _t,� g llrf rio :: zi Yes am Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewate treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWLJ.246-051 100 SWDOMR UdWatehStarmwateASWAnalyticalRepor,FormMar29 2010 As Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 3/28/10-3/29112/10 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 2.93 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 14 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 S W DOMR U:\Water\StormwatehS WAnalyticalRepor FormMar29 2010AS Page 2 of 2 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC S000189 or Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2010 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC COUNTY Martin and Washington PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Palin & Alan Barnes PHONE NO' (252)793-8611 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527C'6--�/��! Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) Wastewater Lab -Plymouth By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Oiitfalli+ 7 Not a• r I ? ...». Dzter- �' Sam le P > Collected".§.,, Eveht 4'xc ` n ra Duratlonr� H Jsin?.. .�- Total +aid Rain aH„ �,. d,, Ihchest' eOD nya ^ _ "a r . .a �.s.. .;mg/Its-%iis_4.c mg/I+ >', �s:* CODS=' E'm9/I TSS a`i_7 r �" v PH,°,gs, kDlozlnT",� r. �,r: i 4 - lvd' i mm/dd/yr??; WYN 3/29/2010 14 2.93 13 95 142 7.2 Not detected LF04 3/29/2010 14 2.93 3 48 28 5A Not detected LF02 3/29/2010 14 2.93 3 71 33 7.1 Not detected RY01 3/29/2010 14 2.93 2 48 10 7.5 Not detected WRA 3/29/2010 14 2,93 161 357 27 7,41 Not detected LF03 3/29/2010 14 2.93 1 43 81 7A Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfalir N ,r x 32r3 Date Sample Collected ITotma laFlow"Fy+ -�' OilfandMi GreaseF 530 sy,�,, Tota spend tl' $ 400 A3y,q-'<p,�+ pH z }yam' N—Motd' OiHU: g5" rrio/dd/yr,g :s MG.f:s1...s " m9/I`�r.'Yr� m9/yy.'.?.` unit`' ' 9allino*.:,;',,,,"^r.:;t Yes No Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewa treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U1WatedStorr atenSWAnalyticalReportFormMar292010xis Page 1 of STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 3128110-3129112110 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 2.93 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 14 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U:\WatehStormwater\SWAnalyticalRepogFormMar29 2010.xis Page 20l2 LSColumbia Analytical Services- 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 1 Jacksonville, FL 32258 1 g04-739-2277 1 904-738$011 fax I wvnv.Wsla6.tom April 20, 2010 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Stormwater Testing Dear Diane: Service Request No: J1001458 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on April 1, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1001458. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via email at TKissinger@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Tom Kissinger Project Manager Page 1 of CAS Jacksonville is NELAC-accredited by the State of Florida, 9E82502. Other state accreditation include: Georgia, #958; Kentucky, #63, Louisiana, 902086; North Carolina, 9527; South Carolina, 996021001; Texas, 9T104704197-09-TX. :lient: Domtar Paper Company, LLC Service Request:/1001458 'roject: Plymouth Stormwater Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1001458-001 WDY 3/29/10 08:30 11001458-002 LF04 3/29/10 10:55 J1001458-003 LF02 3/29/10 11:20 J1001458-004 RY01 3/29/10 09:50 J1001458-005 WRA 3/29/10 10:05 11001458-006 LF03 3/29/10 10:40 4 rinted 4/20/10 14:24 Semple Summary Page I of I �( Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. \U"'K%aI �T 4No-.s Cooler Receipt Form Client: �(\ Q� �— Service Request 7: Cooler received on and opened on'—t by COURIER: CAS UPS FEDEX Client Other Airbill #tby'�[ Z><y,tyaga9s 1 Were custody seals on outside of cooler? e No If yes, how many and where? k on id other 2 Were seals intact and signature and date correct? Yes No N/A 3 Were custody papers properly filled out? GiD No N/A 4 Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (Should be 4+/- 2 degrees C) A- 5 Thermometer ID T 6 Tempci'atLire Blank Present'? cs No 7 Were Ice of Ice Packs present Ice Ice Packs No b Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken, etc....)? es No N/.A 9 Type of packing material present 10 Were all bottle labels complete (sample ID, preservation, etc....)? 0cs No N/A I I Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Ycs No N/A 12 Were the correct bottles used for the tests indicated? Yes No N/A I3 Were all of the preserved bottles received with the appropriate presen'ative? Yes No N/A FL103 pH<2 H2SO4 pH<2 ZnAc2/NaOH pH>9 NaOH pH>12 HCI pH<2 Preservative additions noted below 14 Were all samples received within analysis holding times? es No N,A 15 Were VOA vials checked for absence of air bubbles? If present, note below Yes No N/A 16 Where did the bottles originate? CAS Client Sample ID Reagent Lot # ml added Initials Date/Time Additional comments and/or explanation of all discrepancies noted above: Client approval to run samples if discrepancies noted: Date: 3 Jacksonville Laboratory (L),�4nuhliml Condition Upon Receipt -Sample pH 5R a : J Date: ` \ 0 Initials: Note that pH is check and meets the required pH criterion listed in the column heading unless otherwise noted on the cooler receipt form. Container Pres. Roo, pH sample 71 -001 -002 003 -004 -005 -006 007 -008 -009 -010 -011 012 -013 -014 -015 -016 -017 -018 -019 -020 -021 -022 -023 -024 -025 -026 027 -028 -029 -030 -031 -032 -033 -034 -035 036 -037 -038 -039 -040 Cr •r- r ����MMHM0®������r. 000000000�0000000000000 ®Iffw va�aaeeaee�eeevaeeveee�a���ee�e -__--__--_ MMM MMMMIM__--_------- ---_----_-- 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 D15 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 NOTE: VOA pH checks are performed by the analytical area, not sample control 4; a® (.(1�U1llblil $erIces"' CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM 9143 Philips highway, Suite 200 Jacksmni0e, Florida 32256•Phone(904)739-2277/800-695-7222/Fae 904-739-2011 Page SR f S1001Y58 CAS Contact 1 of I www.caJab+cam Project Name Project Number ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Method Number 0 Pl ntoulli Stornlwater Testingt'13°`a` Report To Report CC Diane Hardison Alnn Barnes � 1. Het. 2, IIN03 Company/Address Donitar Paper Company G C� O .o 3. H2SO4 4. NaOH Y.O. Box 747 Phnouth. NC 2796E a p 5. zn. Acetate 6. Mooll Phone p F.4% 9 7. NaHSO4 252-797-R611 22-793-88711 Samplel'9 Signature Sarnplces Printed Name i SAMPLING CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID DATE TIME WDY Dioxin 3/29/10 8:30 2 X FWater LF04 Dioxin 3/29/10 10:55 2 X LF02 Dioxin 3/29/10 1120 2 X RY01 Dioxin 329/10 9:50 2 X WRA Dioxin 3/29/10 10:05 Water 2 X LF03 Dioxin 329/10 10:40 Water 2 X Special Stornmater tosting at Donlrr Pl}mouth. TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS REPORT REQUIREMENTS INVOICE INFORMATION 1. R.a, OW, S�a FFl+wcfe.-P a• RUSH(nRCHARGES APPLY) IL Ruo:u+ QC Summvin P.O.M X STANDARD (Les. DLP. NSMSD c fmu ) X III.RuWa+QCmd Celibm0a Summmiu EEno: REQUESTED FAX DATE V. Dau VNi&60F1 Repon wW, Ruv Da. --- REQUESTID REPORT DATE Edala _Yes _N'o Relinquished V Roccaved By Relinquished By cm By RthrunIoluId rly Recened by Signature f/ Signature Slglamre Signal SlgnAUre SignamR /./' Pant �grpc Primed Namc Printed Name P to Printed'Name Printed Name Firm i�� hrn Firm Fir. - Finn Fimi Datelima DatdTone DaIcYTime Dateltime �clne D/atl'v DatclCime _' 4�AfSColumbia Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results M �fASColumbia Analytical Services - April 19, 2010 Tom Kisssinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 19408 Park Row, Suite 320. Houston. TX 77084 1 713.266.1599 www.casiab.coni Service Request No: I1 001458 Laboratory Results for: Domtar Paper Company, LLC/Plymouth Stormwater "resting Dear Torn: Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on April 2, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number 31001458. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBiles@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Darren Biles Project Manager ---.. _ _ ....-- — -----'--------- — --- -- ------- — — ------------------------- " -------------- — .... For a specific list ofNELAP-accredited analytes. refer to the certifications section at itw .caslab.com. An Emoloyee Owned Company i NELAP Accredited ! ACIL Seal of Excellence Award ! Please consider the environment before printing J1001458 1 of 28 Certificate of Analysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com An Employee Owned Compe J1001458 2 of 28 g COLUMBIA . NALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Delmar Industries Service Request No.: Project: Plymouth Stormwater Testing Date Received: Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE J10001458 4/2/10 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia. Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Sample Receipt Six water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 4/2/10. The samples were received at IOC in good condition and are consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the dale CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (411/10) and not the date CAS -Houston received the samples (4/2/10.) Data Validation Notes and Discussion MS/DMS EQ1000162: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an MS/DMS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Detection Limits Detection limits are calculated for each congener in each sample by measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. / ✓ t Approved by: 4 %ianggiu Liang, Laboratory Director Date: 04/20/10 J1001458 3 of 28 9 4 Client: Domtar Parer Cumnam'- LLC Sen ice Requecc .11001458 Project: Plc mouth Stormwater Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE.4 CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1001458-001 WDY 3129/10 08:30 11001458-002 LF04 3/29/10 10:55 J1001458-003 LF02 3/29/10 11:20 J1001458-004 RYOI _ 3/29/10 09:50 11001458-005 WRA 3/29/10 10:05 J 1001458-006 LF03 3/29/10 10:40 A 001458 4 of 28 10 Printed V19/in 7:06 SvnPle Summary Page I of I Laboratory Certifications 2010-2011 STATE/PROGRAM AGENCY CERTIFICATION ID EXP DATE ARIZONA AZ-DHS AZ0725 05/26/10 ARKANSAS ADE 09-048-0 06/16/10 CALIFORNIA CA -FLAP 2452 02/28/11 DoD ELAP A2LA 2897.01 11/30/11 FI.oRIDA/NELAP FL -DOHS E87611 06/30/10 HAWAII HI -DOH N/A 06/30/10 ❑.IANOWNELAP IL -EPA 002380 10/06/10 IS017025 A2LA 2897.01 11/30/11 LoUISIAN%/NELAP LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINE ME -DOHS 2009031 06/05/10 MICHIGAN MIDEQ 9971 06/30/10 MINNESOTA MDH 048-999-427 12/31/10 NEVADA NDEP TX014112009A 07/31/10 NmJERsm' NJDEP TX008 06/30/10 NEW MEXICO NMED-DWB N/A 06/30/10 NEwYORK/NELAP NY -DOH 11707 04/01/11 OKLAHOMA OKDEQ 2009-25 08/31/10 OREGON/NELAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 TENNESSEE 7NDEC 04016 06/30/10 TEXAs/NELAP TCEQ T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 UTA[UNELAP UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOIL INIPORT PERnuT USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 WASIIINGTON/NELAP WA-Eco10 C1855 11/14/10 WESTVIRGINIA WVDEP 347 06/30/11 J1001458 - 5 of 28 N Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MOIL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxi.n(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte % Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient J1001458 6 of 28 12 7 Data Qualifier Flags — Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value —used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value — used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o K EMPC -When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a W Flag. A'K' flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected' o 5 Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. J1001458 7 of 28 13 8 CAS/HOU - Form Production- Peer Review & Project Review Signatures i I I i SR# Unique ID Date (� f3 Person 1 Date Person 2 Date err O Primary Data Reviewer Date Secondary Data Reviewer MOM" HIM Date 4/20/10 Reviewer PS I I J1001458 8 of 28 i I 14 TA-EVVI ianM 10) CA.S/FIOU - Form Production, Peer Review & Project Review Signatures SR# Unique ID MOTO Date Person 1 Date Person 2 l 1TRAREM..- .. .- .. .. Date Primary Data Reviewer 5O Date Secondary Data Reviewer Date 4 / 2 0 / 10 Reviewer S J1001458 9 of 28 _ c _ > >ol Analytical Results 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1001458 10 of 28 16 Client: Project: Sample ;Matrix: Sample Name: Lab Code: COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Analptila7 Repon Dotntar Industries Sen ice Request: 31001458 Plymouth Stonno•ater Iesling Date Collected: 3/29/100930 Water Date Received: 4/ 1/10 WDY Units: Pg/L J1001458-001 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzorurans by HRCC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/101337 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: 960mL Y Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P108133 Blank File Name: P108229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108125 Inn Dilution Analrle Name Result Q F,DI. MRL Ratio RR"r Factor 23.7.8-TCDD ND U 0.719 10.4 1 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone.(Pg) Found (pg) % lice Q Limits Ratio RR'r 13C-2.3,7-9-rCDD 2000 1142.692 57 25-164 0.78 1.008 37CI-2,3,7.8=rCDD 800 653,437 82 35-197 NA 1.009 Comments: Pnntcd 4119110 7:02 - Form IA ttmao..z�cuu:m,u,19'f�FYd' iyr�viRrRorr ret 11 of 28 Sapersn Reference: iM"140151 r" M COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalynLl) Report Client: Donitar lndaStrleS Sen ice Request: .11001458 Project: Plymouth Stormsvater Testing Date Collected: 3/29/10 11155 Sample Matrix: Water Dale Recched: 4/ 1/10 Sample Name. LF04 Units: pg/I. Lab Code: 11001458-002 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofunns by HRGC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B .. Date Analyzed: 4/7/101425 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: 960mL Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 GC Column: D13-5 Data File Name: 11108134 Blank File Name: P109229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108125 lon Dilution Anals'te Name Result Q EDL Aalit. Ratio RRT Factor 23.7-8-YCDD ND li 0.561 IQ4 I Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compound, Cmic(pg) Found (Pg) %Ree Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3.7,8=PCDD 2000 1303.055 65 25-164 0.79 1.008 37CI-2,3,7.8=PCDD 800 671.228 84 35-197 NA 1.009 Comments: Printed 4/19/10 7:02 Fan IA lwno�-zs5uri�m,a,19'fJffR4.S'�1„�eaiRmna,Pr 12 of 28 S.MSr Reference: 10-0 140151 rcv 00 18 COLT MBIA ANA LNTICA L SERVICES. INC. Analytii4l Relxrtt Client: Domtar Industries Sen ice Request: J1001.158 Project: Pl; mouth Slonmmter Testing Dale Collected: 3/29/10 1120 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 4/ 1/10 Sample Name: LF02 Units: Pg/l, Lab Code: 1100 145 8-003 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/IIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/10 1512 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount 960mL Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 GC Column: D13-5 Data File Name: 11108135 Blank File Name: P108229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. Pile Name: P108125 Ion Dilution Analyte Name Result Q EDI, NIRL Ratio RRT Factor ND 1) 0.522 1OA I Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found (In-) . ]Zee Q Limits Ratio RR'F 13C- CDD 37CI-23.7.8-TCDD Comments: 2000 1432.169 72 25-164 0.79 1.008 800 732.770 92 35-197 NA 1.009 Printed 4/19/10 7:02 Forth IA WnnuwRSuaim 9Tb1Q�gsl.4aa1 timlRepno rpt 13 of 28 J UU 4�O) SnRcr$e Reference: 10.0000140151 re. 00 19 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SEIRVICES, INC. Analyfl leg Report Client: Dolnmr Industries Service Request: /1001458 Project: Plymouth Stonmvatcr'1'esting Date Collected: 329/100950 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 4/ 1/10 Sample Name: RY01 Units: pg/L Lab Code: 11001458-004 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRCC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/10 1600 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: IOOOmL Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P108136 Blank File Name: 1`108229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. Pile Name: 1`108125 Ion Dilution Anah'tc Name Result Q EDI, MR1, Ratio ItRT Factor'I CDD ND U OA20 10.0 Spike Conc. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found(pg) %Rec Q. Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3.7,8=PCDD 2000 1466.782 73 25-164 0.79 LOOS 37CI- 800 763.545 95 35-197 NA 1,009 Comments: Rimed 4119/10 7:02 y,. Fonn IA \Vnnow2`SudimsV�m1 s4an'1�oraiRmon ma 14 of 28 SuMSr Refermc , 10.00001401511 —00 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalylA Report Client: Domtar Industries Sers ice Request: J1001-158 Project: Plymouth Slortnwater Testing hale Collected: 3/29/10 1005 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 4/ 1/10 Sample Name: WRA Units: pg/L Lab Code: J1001458-005 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGC/ERMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/10 2017 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: 960mL Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 GC Column: D13-5 Data File Name: P108140 Blank File Name: P108229 ICAI- Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name. P108137 lon Dilution Analyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor CUD ND U 0.630 10.4 1 Spike Cone. Control lon Labeled Compounds Conc.(I)g) Found (pl;) %Bee Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3.7.8=fCUD 2000 1280.991 64 25-164 0.80 1.008 37C1-2.3,7.8=1CDD 800 748.560 94 35-197 NA 1.009 Comments: Ponied 4/19!10 7:02 Fomt I A w�no.z,su,nm,�rJ�ga,i v , ucalaevont 15 of 28 Y Super$n Ref rnce' 10-00rA140111 m00 21 C01,11MBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC .Anal, ticl RMort Client: Donitar Industries Service Request: J1001458 Project: Plymouth Stonnwmer testing Date Collected: 3/29/10 1040 Sample Matrix: Water Date Receixcd: 4/ 1110 Sample Name: LF03 units: pg/L Lab Code: 11001458-006 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGCAIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/10 2105 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: IOOOmL Instrument Name: E-IIRMS-03 GC Column: D13-5 Data File Name: P108141 Blank File Name: P108229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108137 Ion Dilution Analyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor 2.3,7.8-'1 CDD ND U 0.628 10.0 I Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %lice Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2.3,7.8=FCDD 2000 1266.189 63 25-164 0.77 1.008 37CI- 800 707.237 88 35-197 NA 1.009 Comments: Printed 4/19/10 7:02 Form IA \Unnox2\tiurlimsLLJ9rcflzozQMaly13mlRepon. rpt 16 Ot 28 SumSel Referenee. 10-OOWI40151 re, W UUl J6 22 COLUMBIA ANALYHCAL SERVICES. INC. _ Analytiitll Report Client: Domtar Industries Scrvice Request J1001458 Project Plymouth Storm�carcr'I estine Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Method Blank Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ1000162-01 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofuraus by HRCC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/14/101344 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount 1000ml- Instrument Name: E-IIRMS-03 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P108229 Blank File Name: P108229 [CAL Date. 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108221 Ion Dilution Analrte Name Result Q 1:1)1. MRL Ratio RRT Factor ND U 034,1 10.0 1 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone.(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2.3,7,8-ICDD 37C1- PCDD Comments: 2000 1580.890 79 25-164 0.79 1.007 800 745.963 93 35-197 NA 1,008 Printed 4/19110 7:02 Fnnn IA t`now2""-"jTftl�Fg1y1i�1Repon.rpt 17 of 28 Sup rSn Werenm. 10-0000140151 m, 00 23 Services - Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, 7X 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An EmDlovee Owned Comm J1001458 18 of 28 24 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL- SERVICES, IN( 19 QAiQC Report Client: Dominr Industries Senice Rcyuest: J1001458 Project: Plymouth Slormaater Testing DateAnal)%ed: 4/6/10- Sample Matrix: Water 4/ 7/10 Lab Control Sample Summary Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IlRCC/IIRMS Analytical Method: 1613E Units: pg/L Prep Method: Method Basis: NA Extraction Lot: 108678 Lab Control Sample Duplicate Lab Control Sample EQ 1000162-02 EQ 1000162-03 % Rec RPD Analyte Name Result Expected % Rec Result Expected % Bee Limits RPD Limit'I'CDD 211 200 105 217 200 108 67 - 158 3 50 Commenl5: PnwM 4/19110 7.03 Lab Cora.) Sample Swnmary wnfl r2� smrums%LjT& rXefontrolSample.rpt 19 of 28 Superset Reference: 10-0000140151 rev 00 25 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalytiRg Repon Client: Domtar 111dll5tr1e5 Service Request: .11001458 Project: Plymouth Stormwater Testing ILttc Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Lab Comrol Sample Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ1000162-02 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzol'urans by HRCC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 416/10 1618 Prep Method: Method Date Extracted: 4/2/10 Sample Amount: 10o0mL Instrument Name: B-FIRMS-03 GC Column: DB-5 Data Pile Name: P108108 Blank File Name: PI08229 IC.AL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108100 Ion Dilution An:dpte Name Result Q EDI, MRI- Ratio RRr Factor I'CDD 211 0.698 10.0 0.78 Loll) I Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3.7.8=1CDD 2000 1451.362 73 25-164 0.79 1.007 370-'CDD 800 748,083 94 31-191 NA L0U8 Comments: Pnntd 4/19110 7:02 Fan. IA twna.?�udhms�yTdff9dWYti°1Rep'° rpt 20 of 28 Sup.Sei Ref ease. 10 M)0140151 sv 00 COLOIBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Analvu,2ul Report Client: Donitar Industries Sen-ice Request: /1001458 Project: PIN mouth Stonnscater Testing Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Duplicate Lab Control Sample Units: pe/1. Lab Code: EQ1000162-03 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRCC/IIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 4/7/ 10 0312 Prep Method: Method — Date Extracted: 412/10 — Sample Amount 1000mL Instrument Name: E-HRMS-03 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P108121 Blank File Name. 11108229 ICAL Date: 07/29/09 Cal Ver. File Name: P108110 Ion Dilation Analyte Name Result Q KDL NIIIL Ratio RRT Factor CDD 217 0.707 10.0 0.76 1.001 1 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Corn pounds Couc.(pg) Found (pg) % Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3.7.8-TCDD 2000 1297.142 65 25-164 0.79 1.008 37CI-2.3,7.8-TCDD goo 670,166 84 31-191 NA 1.009 Comae.o: Primed 4/19I10 7:02 Form IA \Unnaw2""\`JTbb1qt'g 1p.lk<,,, pr 21 of 28 SuperSer acfcreru. lo.00aow27 rr. oo Y" i .,.; 4��� �; r Chain of Custody 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1001458 22 of 28 28 Intra-Network Chain of Custody 9143 Philips IIighway • Jacksonville, F1.3A56 • 904-739-2277 • FAX 904-739-2011 Project Name: Plymouth Stonuwater Testing --1 Project Number: Project Manager: Diane Hardison Company: Domtnr Paper Company, LLC • - n Sample Date C I \ Lab Code Client Sample 111 # of Cont. Matrix Unlc 'Time Received Send To J1001458-001 IVDY —Water 3/29/10 OR30� 4/1110 HOUSTON II 11001458-002 LF04 Water 1 3/29/10 1 1055 4/I/l0 HOUSTON II 11001458-003 LF02 Water i 329/10 1120 1 4/I/I0 I4OUSl'ON 11 11001458-004 RY01 Water 3/29/10 � 0950 4/I/10 1IOUS'FON 11 J1001458-005 WRA Water 3(29/10 1005 4/1110 1IOUSTON II 1-- -- - 910 -- ---- - -- -- - - -'r J1001458-006 LI:03 Walcr 3/29/10 1040 4/I/10 HOUSTON Special Instructions/Comments PLEASE SEND RESULTS TD MANDY SULLIVAN I"urin round Requirements _RUSII (Surcharges Apply) PLEASE CIRCLE WORT: DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 I'ANDARD Requested FAX Date: Requested Report Date: 04/19/10 CAS Contact: Tom Kissinger Report Requirements _ I. Results Only Results +QC Summaries If. Results + QC and Calibration Summaries —IV. Data Validation Report wilt Rau Data PQUMDUJ Y LED N Invoice Inturn)anon J 1001458 to Relinquished By ,110 A�� l i Received By. t _✓1` of 28 1 byl u r /�5 bN 7y, y���V 2 y 21 Z S" Airbill Number c� ZeC, %yF 1 ; �- n sw o� e I 1r>�y � L Q pt'..c r� 1-ic,a,2ti Se L�}(..��7 _.�_.-6�6r�.. w/r, t� P.—I Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form � rrmt,rorm r Client/Project: Domtar Paper Com, LLC / Plymouth Stormwater 14 Service Request: Received: 04/02/10 0945 Opened (Date/Time): 04/02/10 1000 By: J1001458 EC I. Samples were received via? ❑US Mail ❑Fedex QUPS ❑DHL ❑Courier ❑Hand Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) ❑✓ Cooler ❑Box ❑ Other ❑NA 3. Were custody seals present on coolers? ZY ❑N If yes, how many and where? 1-front If present, were custody seals intact? ✓❑Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? ZY ❑N 4. Is shipper's air -bill filed? DNA ❑Y ❑✓ N If not, record air bill number: 1Z X5W 098 01 4079 2852 5. 6. T 8. 9. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt ff): 1 If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers:. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)? Packing material used: ❑Inserts ❑✓ Bubble Wrap ❑Blue Ice Were the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? DNA ✓❑Y ❑N Z Wet Ice ZSleeves ❑Other Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Indicate in the table below. DY ❑N ZY ❑N Sample ID Bottle Count Bottle Type Out of Temp Broken Initials ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)? ✓❑Y ❑N Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. 0Y ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID 6r COC . Sample, ID on Bottle Sample IDon COC• 11. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: A 001458 24 of 28 CRF_r092109.pdf Pa e31OL ❑✓ 1 ❑ 2 25 Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at-20 to -100C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, -230C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SR# ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) J1001458 25 of 28 31 Service Request Summary Fulder #: .11001458 Project Chemist: Darren Bites Client Name: Domtar Industries Originating Lab: JA\ ['inject Name: Plymouth Stormwater Tcsting Logged By: SLIGHTSGY Project Number: Date Received: 4/ 1/10 Internal Due Date: 4/19/10 12epurt To: Diane Hardison QAP: LAB QAP Domlar Paper Company, I,LC Qualifier Set (:.45 Standard. P.O. Box 747 P.O. Box 47 Formset: CAS Standard 27962 131vPhone Merged".: N Number: 252-793-8611 liep NJDLumber: Y Cell Number: P.O.N . Number. 18R4 Fax Number: 252-793-8871 BDD: No ED No BUU Specified E-mail: diane.hmdiscnnl,dommr.com sent � e c u CAS Snmp No C'liel Sony Na. Matrix CMIerled 12 JI001458-WI WUY R'aier 3/29/10 0830 11 ......... .. ..... .... J1001458-002 ..... .... __ LF04 _.. .. Wwor .. ...-._.... 3129/10 .... ..... 1055 II J1001458-003 LF02 Rater Y29/10 1120 11 JI001458-004 RY01 R'aler 3/29/10 0950 II JI001458-005 WRA Walcr 3129110 1005 II J1001458-006 LF03 wwK, 3/29110 1040 11 Test Comments: Croup Semivoa GCMS W N Test/Niethud Dioxins Flnans/161313 Samples / Comments 1-6 2378 TCDD only 12 - 1000 in LGless Bole WM AMBER l'c thin Liner 1!npieserurd Location: In Lab, F,-WIC01 NPDES / J1001458 26 of 28 Printed 4119/2010 7:05.42AM Send¢ Request far J 100 1458 Inge 1 01 1 Prep Bunk: 108678 Tcam: Semivoa GCMS/CDONOVAN Preparation Information Benchsheet 27 Prep WorkPloe': 0rgExtAq(365) Prep Method: Method Status: Prepped Prep DatelTime: 4/2/10 04:00 I'M N Lah Code Client ID BR Method Rest pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description I E1000312-001 MW-10(7-121 .02 I613B/Dioxins Furmrs 7 Water 96nal orange cloudy liquid 2 1:1000329-001 EPSD-006 01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 6 Water 104010, clam colorless liquid 3 EI000330-001 B.F. Wall PI. .01 i613B/Dioxins Furans 7 Ground W.I. IU80mL orange cloudy liquid 4 E1000331.001 AC08345 01 16138/Dioxins Furans 7 Water 1020nsl- gray c loud, liquid 5 EI000333-001 Tem Well 02 01 1613E/Dioxins Purans 7 Water 980m1. tinted clear liquid 6 EI000333-002 Test Well NI 01 1613B/Diuxius Fuans 7 Water 1020aIL tinted clear liquid 7 E1000334-001 AC05795 01 16138/Dioxins Furans 7 Water 940m1. clear colorless liquid 8 EI000335-601 AC05222 .01 1613B/Dioxins Fuans 7 Water 880.1 d-cur colorless liquid 9 EQ1000162-01 MB 1613B/Dioxias Forms Liquid I000mL 10 EQIOOU162-02 LCS I613B/Dio,ma Furors Liquid 1000.1 II EQ 1000162-03 DLCS 1613RIDioxim Furans Liquid 1000nIL 12 J1001458-001 WD}- .01 1613B/Dioxins Fames 6 Water 96Dnd. blown cloudy liquid 13 J1001458-002 LF04 01 1613B/Dioxins Furors 5 Water 960mL yellow cloudy liquid 14 J1001458-003 LF02 01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 5 Water 960ud, 3cio,, cloudy liquid 15 J1001458-004 g}'UI .01 1613B/Dioxins Furors 5 Water I000mL Yellow clear l iquid 16 J100145&005 µ•R.4 01 1613B/Dioxins Furmrs 6 µ"ater 960ad, ormige cloudy liquid 17 J1001458-006 LF03 III 1613BlDiaxins Fuans 6 Water I000w1. beige cloudy liquid Spiking Solutions Name: 1613B Matrix Working Standard Inventory ID 16265 Logbook Ref: DII-16-IB Expires On: 03/16/2011 EQ1000162-02 too oopL EQ I000162-03 loonoµl. Name 8290/1613B Cleanup Working Standard Inventory lD 16581 Logbook Ret. DII-18-4 A/B Expires On 03/31/2011 E1000312-001 ion ouIIL E1000329-001 Jon. oopL F:1000330-001 wo OoIIL E1000331-001 100.0011L E1000333-001 IOO.00pL E1000333-002 IOU 00l1L E1000334.001 IOO.00pL EW00335-UUI ion oopL F-QI000162-01 B10.0011L EQW00162-02 IOU.00pI. EQI000162-03 w000pl.. J1001458-UUI twomOlIL J1001458-002 too oopL 11001458-003 l0o.00frL J1001458-00.1 100.oaµL J1001458-005 Ioo.00µl- J1001458-006 IOO.00fiL Name: 1613B Labeled Working Standard Inventory Ill 16755 Logbook Rcf-. 1)11-19-211 Expires On: 04/02/2011 I'L00031A001 1000.00µL E1000329-001 I000 wfuL E1000330-001 1000.WpL LIW0331-UUI 1.000vOlII EI000333-001 LOOO.OUIIl, E1000333-002 I000.11U111, W 131000334-001 I000.quit L EI0010335-001 IOOU. oopL EQI000162-01 100o.0oli L, EQ 1000162.02 1,00000pL EQ1000162-03 I,000oolll, J1001458.001 I.Quo0011L JI00N58-002 1,000.0Opl. 11001458-003 1000. imp 11001458404 1000,00pL 11001458-U05 I u00. roll1. 11001158-006 10oo.wit J1001458 27 of 28 Printed 4/6/10 15'11 Nepumlion bdonnaliou Bendshnel I'uge I Prep Run#: 108678 Team: Semivoo GCNIS/CDONOVAN Preparation tihderinis Acetone 99.50,10hlininmm C2-34-1(15539) Glass Wool C2.13-OO5 t719R) Sodium l'h WIfi to Anhydrous U-32-006(13979) Reagent Gmde NnS203 Didecane(n=rr ifecane) C2-34.3 (15537) pH Paper O-14 (1008) Preparation Steps Step: ExOactian Step. Stared. 4/2110 16.00 Stared: Finished: 4/3/10 14:30 Finished: By: ECANALES By: Comments: Preparation Information Benchsheet 28 Prep N orkFlow: OrgExtA(1(365) Status: Prepped Prep Method; Method Prep Date/]'true: 4/2/10 04:00 I'M Carbon, High Panty C2-32-005 (13986) 12hy14kcaatc 99.9",' hlininunn C2-33-2 (14437) FIOAc Sulfuric Acid Reagent Grade C2.34-6(15542) Dichluronrcthane(Methylene C2-34-1(15540) H2SO4 Chloidc199.9% NlcCl2 Sodium Hydroxide Reagent C2-24-002(9463) Stxlimn Stikine Anhydrotu C2-36-004 (16226) Grade NaOH Reagent Grade Na2SO4 Hexane (n-Hexane)98.598 C2-36-002(16224) Nananc(n-Nnnane)99% C2-33-001(13944) Minimum Silica Gel Reagent Grade C2-31-005 (13998) '1'alume, 99.95: Minintunt C2-36-003 (16225) Acid Clean Step: Silica Gel Clean Step: Final Volans 4/511006:00 Staned: 4/5/IU 12:30 Stared: 4l611U 07.U0 4/51100600 Finished. 4/5/1015: 10 Finished: 4t61011.49 ECANALES By: ECANALES E5': ECANALES Ru�wcd BY EC Date 4 / 6 / 10 A Chain ol'CustuJy Re ,trashed By: Date _ E.Vrnas lixaminnl Received By: Dale: 1'cs Nu inrilAelt ?A M ?A Ptinted 4/6/IU 15:11 Preparation Information HeOeItallcel Page 2 It nil begins wilt paper: Dointar Papet Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, NC 27962 T 2S2-793-3111 www.domta, com April 15, 2010 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certiiuerl Mail Return Receilmy Requested Subject: NPDES Permit # NCS0001 B9, Year I — Period 2 Mouiioria, Period February 1, 2010 io July 31, 2010. Required Stornnoater Analyses for Domtar Paper Company, LLC, Ply7uouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed " Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report' for the Year 1 — Period 2 Monitoring Period designated fiam February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010. An attempt was made to collect a sample from each of the remaining designated outfalls; however, there was no flow present at five of the outfalls. As a result, this report only includes 2 of the remaining 7 required sampling locations required by Domtai's storm water permit No. NCS0001 89. We will make every attempt to sample the remaining 5 locations during subsequent representative storm events before the end of the period. The TSS and COD sample results for sampling location WYN were 169 ni and 3091rg/L, respectively, which exceeded the benchmark value in our permit This is the second exceedancc for COD at this outfell so the tier two requirements will be implemented. As a result of these parameter exceedarices, a meeting and field inspection was conducted per the action steps required by the permit The report fion1 that meeting is included and further discusses what other actions need to be taken. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-7490 or by email, tamika.booneQdomtar.com. Sincerely, Oi Vc� �lyl Tamika Boone Environmental Engineer Xc: Department files STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number: NC SOOD189 or Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2010 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Donner Paper Company, LLC COUNTY Martin and Washington PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Palin & Alan Barnes PHONE NO, (252)793-8611 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab# 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) Wastewater Lab -Plymouth By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall'. No. Date `. Sample .Duration Collected # Event t Hi::Min Total Rainfall-,"','- Inches , .7 BOD ; ' `'�` w m illa COD f T rz ;~ -- 4r m !1 TSSTs_ rt 3-•ti,,a^r PH�`.f fir` .,-1., s Dioxin T i' ,u,7Ny�c, ,"'E s "" #"-z ! f + •� :, _x ' mm/dd/ r OBA 3/11/2010 IA6 2 25 9 7.9 Not detected WYN 3/12/2010 1.16 9 309 169 7.2 Not detected I L I Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? Yes No (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitorinq Requirements Outfall ) No. Date._ ' v;S' Sample . Collecte 50050 "... - 556 � "`� 530 Total Flow Oil and t, _- Total i J, c ended , pH r r„ -. - New Motor OiUs�a- ges + mo/dd/yr .,.. MG '.i irig/I -? rr5g/I , i mt,; gal/rno Note: This result for BOB is not valid because the sample was imoropudy diluted during analysis. Another sample will be taken at this outfal! and BOD will be analyzed again during n subsequent rain event, during this sampling period. Note: There is a grage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form S W U-246-051100 SWDOMF• U:\Water\StormwaaASW results\SWAnalylicalPteponFormMarl22010.xis Page 1 of2 STORM EVEN( CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 3/10/10-3/3/12/10 Attn: Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.16 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 32 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form S W U-246-051100 SWDOMR U:\Water\Stormwater\SW results\SWAnalyticalReporlForm Marl22010.xls Page 2 of 2 fermi: Nurnbe:: NC 50001&5 Certificate ei Coverage Number: NCG STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT e: FACILI-fY NAM. Domtar Paper Company, LLC , -ERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Patin & Alan Barnes C--RTIFIED LABOFi P,TORY(S) Columbia Analytical LabV 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Labri 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth far: F.: Soecibc Monitoring Reduiremeocs Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2010 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days Iran, the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE NO: (252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. �OUtfall 9 No. Date Event Total Sample , Duration " Rainfall Collected Hc`Mtn 'Inches BOD mq/I_. - COD z TSS. vt .. PH m /h?, „. at,, Dioxin ' i •r ' . OB'. IWYN 3/11/20101.16 dl212010�I 1.16 2 ;: 251 309I 9 169 7.9 7.2 Not detected Not detected I 1 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (ii yes, complete 'Par, B) Par: B: Vehicle Maintenance Activibr Monitoring Remtiremenls Outlall Date ;150050 556 530 - 400' , Flow Oil and ' Totil pH `.;', New Motor' No. < Sample :Total Collected ! Grease Sus ,Fended Oil Usage H :z, Solids _ _ mo/dd/yr + rVIG :_: mg/I m6/1 unit gallmo t f t Yes 'VGi.. ISLII� To,_ +S l.�i ,. S_ ',:.t.: �F,. y., e v..c JLdi^.. W,tr t.;:• n ,dii , o .:N. :.L,.r; L.. . -.�.. ✓:. u.J ..:- o tu:, ag i .wring 6G:'�i Note: There is a grage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWU-246-051100 SW DOME U9WateAS1ormwasASW results\SWAnaNlicalReportFormMarl2 2010.z1s Page 1 of 2 STORM 'EV'ENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Duality Data; 3/10/10-3/3/12/16 Attn: Central Files To.al Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.1£ 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) S2 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (ir were Than one storm event was sampled) Date Toe! Event Precipitation (Inches) event Dvrmion (Flours) "I certify, under penalty of taw, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure U-mi qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person: or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belie.-, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant Penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility o'r lines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SW DOME: U:\WaleAStormwaler\6W re5ulls\SWAnalyticalRepodFormMar122010AS Page 2 of LSColumbia Analytical Services- 9743 Philips Highway, Suite 200 1 Jacksonville, FL 32256 904-739-2277 904-739.2011 fax I www.caslab.com April 12, 2010 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Cluster Rule Dear Diane: Service Request No: J 1001227 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on March 17, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1001227. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via email at TKissinger@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Tom Kissinger Project Manager Z q Page 1 of CAS Jacksonville is NELAC-accredited by the State of Florida, 4E82502. Other state accreditations include: Georgia, 9958; Kentucky, 963; Louisiana, #02086, North Carolina, 4527; South Carolina, #96021001; Texas, 9T104704197-09-TX Aient: Domtar Paper Companv. LLC 'roject: Plymouth Cluster Rule Service Request: J1001227 SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1001227-001 Old Borrow 3/11/10 14:48 31001227-002 North Woodyard 3/12/10 14:50 2 rinted 4/12/10 7:19 Sample Summary Page I of I ,06Xanumem Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. tooter Keceipt corm Client: Q(X✓1lar Service Request #: �c,`on `-a Project. p Cooler received on 37l) and opened on 3l/o/,o by S� COURIER: CAS UP FEDEX Client Other Airbill # JZ Y2� `SXnr?/� I Were custody seals on outside of cooler? tie No If yes, how many and where? -- # C on Id other 2 Were seals intact and signature and date correct? es� No N/A 3 Were custody papers properly filled out? es No N/A 4 Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (Should be 4+1< 2 degrees Q d Thermometer ID 6 Temperature Blank Present? 'es No 7 Were Ice or Ice Packs present (ce ice Packs 8 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken, etc....)? No N/A 9 Type of packing material present riba)o �Aa_ 10 Were all bottle labels complete (sample ID, preservation, etc....)? No N/A 11 Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? yj2 No N/A 12 Were the correct bottles used for the tests indicated? No N/A 13 Were all of the preserved bottles received with the appropriate preservative? Yes No CpI HNO3 pH<2 H2SO4 pH<2 ZnAc2/NaOH pH>9 NaOH pH>12 HCl pH<2 Preservative additions noted below 14 Were all samples received within analysis holding times? (Yes No NiA 15 Were VOA vials checked for absence of air bubbles? If present, note below Yes No t9TS 16 Where did the bottles originate? OAZ Client Sample ID Reagent Lot # ml added 11nitials Date/Time comments and/or explanation of all discrepancies noted above: No Client approval to run samples if discrepancies noted: Date: Aaw,nma Jacksonville Laboratory �i1jt1c Condition Upon Receipt - Sample pH Senicr�•, ^^ . SR a'J `DOk-)� _ Date: 1 /ia Initials:_ Note that pH is check and meets the required kill criterion listed in the column heading unless otherwise noted on the water receipt faint. [,Req 001 -002 -003 -004 -005 -006 -007 -008 009 -010 -011 -012 -013 -014 -015 -016 -017 -018 -019 020 g2, -022 -023 -024 -025 -026 -027 -028 -029 03g -031 -032 -033 -034 -035 -P'036 -037 -036 039 -040 EIMM �ee�e_�eee��eaeaeeeeeaa�e��_ea�a EMIll E GGaEEEa �EEGGEGE�C�G EEG= EG GBGGE EEEGGE_ E_=EB � CC EEE C as E-� Ea E__ a EEIMM E _ _G _____ - -a-Ea EE a- E EEEGGGE G ___ E GEEGGIM MMIMEaaEGE E-EE EEEEEE-E-EE_EEE E E a E a G_ _ E ___ aGG� __ EEGG_ �GBBEEEEGEGBGEE __ E - --- E_ --- - -- EE_EE _ _ __ _E ___ _ E E _ a EE G EE _ _ EEE a E_p_== aGEIM EGG E E__ EB _G__ EE_ _ E_G_ _ E a ___ ___G_ E E G-mGEEGE�E �GEGG -E-aE-EEGG -E_E_ _E_��----EMEE_ 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 O,, 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 323 )24 )25 )26 )2'1 )28 )29 )30 )31 32 33 )34 )35 )36 )37 )36 )39 )40 NO E: VOA pH checks are Performed by the analytical area, not sample wn6ol an ®Y Columbia An,Wital Services" CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FOR] 9143 Philips It ighway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32256/Phone(904)739-2277/800-695-7222/Fax 904-739-2011 Project Name Plymouth Cluster Rule Project Number ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Method Number and Preservative I 101 Preservative Key Report To Diane Hardison Report CC Alan Barnes rn c4 Q Z O Q uJ z x p 0. None L HCL 2. HNO3 3. H2SO4 4. Na0H - 5. 2, Acetate 6. McOH 7. NvHSO4 REMARKS Company/Address Domtar Paper Company P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Phone 9 252-793-8611 FAX N 252-793-8871 Sampler's Signature Sampler's Printed Name CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAB ID SAMPLING DATE TIME Matrix Old Borrow Dioxin 3/11/10 2:48 PM Water. 2 X North Woodyard Dioxin 3/12/t0 2:50 PM Water 2 X Special Analysis for stOrmWater testing. TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS RUSH (SURCHARGES APPLY) X STANDARD REQUESTED FAX DATE REQUESrE.DREPORI DAN REPORTREQUIREMENTS I. Roans Only II. Rcxult,.QCSummoi,i (LCS. DUP. MS/MSDvs rryui.) X 111.0.auhs`QC aM Gliarvlion 5ummenn W. Dau Velidmian R,o vilh Raw Dal. Edala Yes No INVOICE INFORMATION Poo Hill lo: Relinquished By Signature R eived By e SignaturZia Relinquished By $ignaNre I Received By Signature RelinquishedBy Signature Received By Signature Printed Naltle I PJ Pr ame 'Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Printed Name Firm Firm Firm Firm Firm - Firm DatefFime Date/h' 2/ S Dale rime DatelFime Date/Fime DatcTme ��Columbia Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results M Columbia 1 41fAS Analytical Services- 19408 Park Row, Suite 320. Houston, TX 77084 1 713.266.1599 f www.caslab.com April 9, 2010 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Laboratory Results for: Domtar Paper Company, LLC Dear Tom: Service Request No: J1001227 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on March 19, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1001227. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBiles@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Darren Biles Project Manager For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at www.caslab.conl. An F. rnployee O.vneo Company NELAP Aecredlted i ACIL Seal of Excellence Award I Please consider the environment before printing J1001227 1 of 23 7 rl ,M1 i Columbia. Certificate of Analysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1001227 2 of 23 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Domtar Industries Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule Sample Matrix: Water CASE, NARRATIVE Service Request No.: J1001227 Date Received: 3/19/10 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier 11. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Sammle Receipt . Two water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 3/19/10. The samples were received at I °C in good condition and are consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (3/17/10) and not the date CAS -Houston received the samples (3/19/10.) Data Validation Notes and Discussion MS/DrvIS EQ1000140: Laboratory Control Spikc/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an MS/DMS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Detection Limits Detection limits are calculated for each congener in each sample by measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. .Zv f- 7 Approved by: 1 , Xiangqiu Liang, Laboratory Director J1001227 3 of 23 Date:04/09/10 4 Client: Domtar Paper Company- LLC Service Request: 31001227 Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule SAMPLE 4 11001227-001 11001227-002 CLIENT SAMPLE Ill Old Borrow North Woodyard SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE DATE TIME 3/11/10 14:48 3/12/10 14:50 J1001227 4 of 23 Prime) 40110 7:58 Sample Summary 10 PaSc I of 1 Laboratory Certifications 2009-2010 )!'LA" -'IA OKDE 2009-25 08/31/10 OREGONO/NELAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 TENNESSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 TEXAs/NELAP TCE T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 UTAH/NELAP UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOIL IMPORT PERMIT USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 WASHING'I'ON/NELAP WA-Ecolo C1855 11/14/10 WEs'r VIRGINIA WVDEP 347 06/30/10 Jl DO1227 5 of 23 6 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample M13 Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion Ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte % Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient J1001227 6 of 23 12 7 Data Qualifier Flags - Florida DEP o V Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected o N Indicates 2378-TCDF was confirmed on a DB-225 column. Everytime 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225.) The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the concentration of 2378- TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining theTEQ value for TCDF. o L Indicates an estimated value and is used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. The actual value is known to be greater than the reported value. o I Indicates an estimated value and is used when the reported value is between the estimated detection limit (EDL) and the method reporting limit (MRL) o J Indicates an estimated concentration and is used when the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside their acceptance criteria. A'J' Flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration (EMPC) for the associated compound. J1 001227 7 or 23 13 e CAS/HOU - Form Production, Peer. Review & Project Review Signatures SR# Unique ID 7 16 p / 7-1-3 • Date Person 1 Date Person 2 Date O, / f O Primary Data Reviewer C �, Z) �f 6 Date Secondary Data Reviewer Date 4/9/10 Reviewer �D J I I i i i i i i 1 I i I i J1001227 8 of 23 J DAIViEV SIGI(3I202010) J1001227 9 of 23 15 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnulytiAl Report Client: Domtar Industries Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule Sample Dlatrix: Water Sample Name: Old Borrow Lab Code: J1001227-001 Service licyucet: J1001227 Date Collected: 3/11/10 1448 Date Received: 3/17/10 Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzoturans by DRGC/FIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep plcthod: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Analyte Name Result Q F,DL MRI, Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted 2,3,7,8-TCDD NO U 0.189 10.3 1 3/25/10 2257 3/23/10 Spike Conc. Control lon Labeled Cnmyaunds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8=TCDD 2000 1315,123 66 25-164 0.81 1.010 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD 800 732.284 92 35-197 NA 1,011 C'ouunc.w 11, hat d 4/9/I0 7:56 Fur. IA Wrnow2%Starims1 ��cl R fty ic.IRe,a 10 of 23 Su,,Sn Reference: la DC139279 ne W UU1LL 16 COLUMBIA ANALYTICALSERVICES, INC. Analyti2al Relnrt Client: Dointar Industries Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule Sample \lalrix: Water Sample came: North Woodyard Lab Code: J1001227-002 Service Request: J1001227 Date Collected: 3/12/10 1450 Date Received: 3/17/10 Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/IIRNIS Anah'lical Mclbod: 1613R Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Anah'le Name Result Q EDL AIRL Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted 2,3,7,8-TCDD ND U 0.229 10A 1 Y25/10 2345 3/23/10 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Cmnpoun& Cooc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,78=TCDD 2000 1071.416 54 25-164 0.80 1,010 37C'I2,3,7,8=TCDD 800 704.268 88 35-197 NA 1.011 ( �nts: Printed J19110 256 Form IA -lln l—VNF,, i,nsllJ4�s� IpicilR<pnn TI 11 of 23 Sup rSct Reference: 10.0000139179 ov W 17 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICFS, INC. Analytia Report Client: Donnar Industries Service Request: J1001227 Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Method Blank Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ1000140-01 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzudioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIROC/HRMS Analvtical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method ton Dilution Date Time Date Analyse Name Result Q EDL MR1. Ratio Rwr Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted 2,3,7,8-TCDD ND U 0,199 10.0 1 3/25/10 1942 3/23/10 Spike Cone. Control ]on labeled Cnugml'lals Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rcc Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8=TCDD 2000 1559203 78 25-164 0.78 1.010 37CI-2,3,7.8-TCDD 800 827.988 103 35-197 NA 1.011 en,n,nevrs: 11ri nlcd 419110 7.56 N. LA \\InOowTS�adlms�Lj~tsReq��n�.lylicalRepnrt.ry� 12 of 23 SuperSa Reference: IO-OONU9279 re. 00 1 UU LL 8 J1001227 13 of 23 19 Client: Project: Sample Matrix Analytical Method Pi cp Method: \An:dyte Name 2,3,7,8= FCDD 18® COLUiMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. 14 QA/QC Report Dormar Industries Plymouth Cluster Rule Water Service Request:/1001227 Date Analyzed: 3/26/10 Lab Control Sample Summary Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRCC/IIRMS 1613B Units: pg/L Method B ' NA Lab Control Sample EQ 1000140-02 Result Expected % Rec 218 200 109 as1s. Extraction [,of: 107877 Duplicate Lab Control Sample EQ 1000140-03 % Rcc RPD Result Expected %Rec Limits Rill) Limit 218 200 109 67 - 158 0 50 11iimed 419110 7:57 Lab COIIIl01 Sample Summary tunnnwa9unnn,lL��, 1z �eon„ols.mol..m� 14 of 23 S.,,Set Rdulnc, 10 NW139279 m 00 20 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Analytidl� Report Client: Domtar Industries 1'rojece Plymouth Cluster Rule Sample Matrix: Water Sample Name: Lab Control Sample Lab Code EQ1000140-02 Service Request: /1001227 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzol'urans by HRGC/IHLMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Analyte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyze) Extracted 2,3,7,8-TCDD 218 0.182 10.0 0.77 1.001 1 3/26/10 0437 3/23/10 Spike Cone, Control Ion Labeled Conl pounds Conc.([tg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8=TCDD 2000 1556.164 78 25-164 0.80 1.010 37CI-2,3,7,8=TCDD 800 850.460 106 31-191 NA 1,011 8 Cnmmen ": Primed 4I9/10 7.56 Fnrm IA \\Inlluu3t6�mOmflLJ�aaegsLloalY�ical0.epun rpr 5 of 23 S,,"sef aefe'm0 e: 10-OOOO 393]9 rev 00 UU LLB 1 21 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalyflA Report Client: Domtar Industries Service Request: J1001227 Project: Plymouth Cluster Rule Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Duplicate Lab Control Sample Units: pg/L Lah Code. EQ1000140-03 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRCC/IIRAIS Anah'lical Mcthod: 1613U Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Anahte Name Result Q EDL MRL Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted 2,3,7,8-TCDD 218 0,148 10.0 0.76 1.001 1 3/26/10 0526 3/23/10 Spike Colic. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone.(pg) Found (pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1544.452 77 25-164 0.77 1.010 37CI-2,3:7,8-'TCDD 800 818547 102 31-191 NA 1.011 co... Primed 419110 7:56 y Ponn IA °n0u""'1a" "J9 9 1Y1iC'laePO"� 16of23 S.,,SaRefo.: 10 139179irW 22 17 Services - Chain of Custody 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Emolovee Owned Comoonv J1001227 17 of 23 23 Project Name: Plymouth Cluster Rule Project Number: Prujcel %tanager: Diane Ilurdison Company: Domtar Paper Compamy, LLC Intra-Network Clain of Custody CAS Contact Torn Kissinger 9113 Philips Highway - Jacksonville, H. 324g6 • 904-739-2277 • FAX 904-739-2011 F_] Sample Date Lab Code Client Sample ID #of ConL Matrix Date 'Time Received Send-1 11001227-001 Old Borrow i Wamr 3/11/10 1448 J/17/10 HOUSTON J1001227-002 North Woodyard Water 3/12/10 I 1450 1 3/17/10 HOUSTON Test Comments Dioxins Pur:ms - 1613R 11001227-001.2 Report 2378'I'CDD only Special Instructions/Comments _ A SE S E N D Turnaround Requirements _RUSH (Surcharges Apply) YLEASF. CIRCLE WORE DAYS Report Requirements 1. Results Only _ ❑. Results +QC Summaries Invoice Information pp# E S U L T S T D 1 2 3 4 5 _ III. Results +QC and Calibration Summaries J 1001227 D I SULLIVAN _ STANDARD _ IV. Data Validation Report with Rmv Data Bill to ' Requested FAX Date: PQUMDUI Y N EDD N Requested Report Date: 04/07/10 (/P—> Relinquished 11 Received By: C�./.LI _ �9"1 Airbill Number: i �. XSw 090, OI 4?L9 63g1 .�aea,xr o� 3ffer /� /-c'A"J5 Sa l f"I 611171'u t.✓rc.y Page l Wea ff-L iReset Form ,'-.. Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Retceipt Form Client/Project Domtar Paper Company LLC/ Plymouth Cluster Fjy Service Request: Received: 03/19/10 0945 Opened (Date/Time): 03/19/10 0945 By: A 001227 EC I. Samples were received via? ❑US wail ❑Fedex OUPS ❑DIIL []Courier ❑Ilnnd Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) ECooler ❑Box ❑ Other ❑tVA 3. Were custody seals present on coolers? DY ❑N If yes, how many and where? 1-front If present, were custody seals intact? 2)Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? DY ❑N 4. Is shipper's air -bill filed? DNA ❑Y ON If not, record air bill number: I X5W 098 01 4269 6391 5. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 1 6. If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)? DNA DY ❑N 8. Packing material used: ❑Inserts OBubble Wrap ❑Blue Ice QWet Ice QSleeves ❑Other 9. Were the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? QY ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Indicate in the table below. ZY ❑N Sample ID Bottle Count Bottle Type' Out of Temp Broken Initials El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)? DY ❑N Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. Ply ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample,ID:on COC, `. SampleID.on Bottle Sample ID,on COC; 1 I. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: A 001227 19 of 23 CRF_r092109.pd1 Page 0 1 ❑ 2 20 Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at -20 to -10°C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, -230C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SR# ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) J 1001227 20 of 23 26 Service Request Sti nmary Folder At: .111101227 Project Chemist: Darren Biles Client Name: Donnar Industries Originating Lab: JAX Project Name: Plymouth Cluster Rule Logged By: GBAUER Project Number: Date Received: 3/17110 Report To: Dime Hardison Internal Due Date: 4/7/10 Dolmar Paper Company, LLC QAP: LAB QAP P O Box 747 Qualifier Set: CAS Standard Plymouth, NC 27962 Formset CAS Standard Phone Number: 252-793-8611 Merged': Y Cull Number: Report to MDL?: Y Fax Number: 252-793-8871 P.O. Number: 4550171884 E-mail: diane.hardisonndomtaLcom EDD: No EDD Specified Svm I.o 5 cos same N. cBem camp ran. nmrri= eoneena 2 a 1- J1001227-001 Old Borrow _.._ Water 3/II/10 1448I 11 .... .... ................... ..._ _ .................. ...._.. 11001227.002 Nndlt WoodYnr d Wahr 3/12/10 1450 II Test Comments: Group Semivoa GCMS Semivoa GCMS N v J1001227 Primed 4/W2010 7:57A2An/ Tut/Method Sumpies Dioxins Furans/161313 2 Dioxins Furans/1613B 1 Comments Report 2378 TCDD only TCDD 21 of 23 Service Request for J1001227 4 . IOW id. -Glass Battle Next AMBER "Teflon Liner Unprascrrved Location: E-Disposed, E-WIC01 NPDES Pays I of 1 Prep Runty: 107877 Team: Scinivoa GCMS/AKODUR Preparation Information Kenchsheet 22 Prep WorkFIeN': OigBIA4(305) Prep Method: Method Status: Prepped Prep Datelfinu': 3/23/10 12130 PM u Lab Code Client ID B# Method /Test pH I Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description 1 E1000285-001 10032667-I 01 161390oxins Fears B W'ate, 1070mf- ycllmv cloudy liquid 2 E1000286-001 EPDS :i/GP 100059 .01 1613130omia5 Trans 7 Drinking Water IIIOmL clear colorless liquid 3 E10002874tOI EPDSEI 01 1613B/Dioxim Furors 7 Drinking Wan, Inherit c le,o colorless liquid 4 E1000288-001 NN0269 Lake Valle, 2 15'1'-565A IOB60 01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 7 Drinking W'arer IO IOnd, yclluw clear liquid 5 E1000289-001 NNO269 Lake Vnlley 1 15'1'-565 101359 01 1613BNirxins Forms 7 Drinking Wnter 1050mL yellmv clear liquid 6 E1000293-001 WWDR 117 01 1613WDmim Turns 8 D,inking Water 97UmL yellow clear liquid 7 EQ1000140-01 NAB 1613B/Dioxins Forms Liquid IOOOmL 8 EQIOo0140-02 LCS 16138/Dioxins Furans Liquid l000r I. 9 EQI000140-03 DLCS 16138/Dioxe, Furans Liquid I000.1 10 J1001227-001 Old flcu.w. 01 16138/Dioxins Furors 6 Water 970mL yclluw clear liquid 11 J1001227.002 North Wood)ard .01 1613B/Dioxins Finaru 6 Water 990n,L bmran cloudy liquid 12 K1002504-052 EB-01 01 1613R/Dioxins Forms 5 Wan, 106UmL tinted clear liquid Spiking Solutions Name_ 1613B Matrix Working Standard Inventory ID 16265 EQ1000140-02 too oopL EQ 1000140-03 too ooµL Logbook Ref: DII-16-1B Expires On: 03116POI I Name: 8290/1613B Cleanup Working Standard Inventory ID 16422 Logbook Ref. DI I-17-IA/B Expires On: 03/23/2011 EIOOO285-001 1oo.wpL E1000286-001 too, oopL E1000297-001 itiewµl- EI OW29SAO1 IOo00µL E1000289-001 Ioo.00µl, EI000293-001 too wpL EQI000140-01 I0000ltL EQ I NO 140-02 1oo Oil EQIW014043 t00. ooµL JI001227-001 100.00µL J1001227-002 too oopL KID02504-052 too oopL Name. 1613E labeled Working Standard Inventory ID 16427 Logbook Ref: DI1-16-5B Expires On. 03/23/2011 EI000285-0OI 1 oo0.00pL EQIOOOI40-01 low wµL Preparation Materials Acetone 99.5%Minimum Gloss Wool �adinm Thiosulfnle Anhydrous Rwgent Gmde NaS203 Tridecane (n-Tridccmc) pH Paper 0-14 J1001227 Printed 3/26/10 8:12 E1000286-001 I 0000tpL E1000287-001 Ioo0.0oµL EI000288-001 Io0o00µL EI000_'89-001 I o00.00; L E1000293-001 LowooµL EQI00014002 LowoofiL EQ1000140-03 Lo00.00µl- Jt00I227-0o1 Low oo llL J1001227-002 Ioriewµl- KI002504-052 Low Onto L C2-34.1 (15539) Carbon, High Purity C2.32-005 (13986) C2-13-005 (7199) Sulfuric Acid Reagent Grade C2-34L (15542) H2SO4 C2-32-006 (13979) Sodium Hydroxide Reagent C2 24-002 (9463) Dade NaOH C2-34-3(15537) Hexmc(n-Hexme)98.5% C2.36-002(16224) Mininmm (1008) Silica Get Reagent Grade C2-3 1-005 (13988) 22 of 23 Prcparmion Information Benchsheel Ethyl Acetate 99.9%Minimum C2-33-2(14437) F:10Ac Didduromethane (Methylene C2-34-1 (15540) Chloride) 999% M[C12 Sodium Sulfate Anhydrous C2-36-004(162261 Reagent Grade Na2SO4 Nanane (n-Nonmc) 9"16 C2-33-001 (13944) Toluene W9 /, Mininmm C2-36-003 (16225) Paµ I C Preparation Information Benc'hsheel 23 Prep RtIO: 107877 Prep WorkHow: OfgEalAy(365) Te:Bn: SemiYoa GCNIS/AKODUR Prep Method: Method Preparation Sleps Step: Emractinn Step: Acid Clean Step: Silica Gel Clean Step: Final Valumc Started'. 3/23/101230 Starred: 3/24110 M.00 Started: 3/1411012A0 Started: 3125110 0700 Finished: 3/23/1015: 15 Finished. 3/24110 M 00 Finished: 3/24/1014:W Finished: 32511013:20 By: ECANALES By: ECANALFS By: ECANALES Hy: ECANALES Comments: Reviewed By: ak pate: 3 / 2 6 / 10 IJ Rain of Custody Relinquished By: Bate: Extracts Ennmined Received By: Bate: Yes No Staw,: Prepped Prep Datelfime: 3/23/10 12:30 PNI Printed 3126/10 8:12 Preparation Information Beuchsheet Pagc'_ 1 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PO Box 747 Domta(�'0..„� .wy`Highway 49 jj' Plymouth, NCN27962 T 282 793 8111 is all begins with paper: I WWW.domtar.COM I April 6, 2010 Division of Water Quality Attn: Central riles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Certified Alai, Retartt Receipts Repuested Subject: NPDLS Pet init #NCS0001 89, Year 1— Period 2 Nloiiitoi ing Period Iibruaty 1, 2010 to .1uly 31, 2010. Required Storurlputer ,I ualyses for Doutt(ir Ptq)er Coutpany, LLC, Plyruouth, North Carolina Dear Sir(s): Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a completed "Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report" for the Year 1 —Period 2 Monitoring Period designated from February 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010. An attempt was made to collect a sample from each designated outfall; however, there was no flow present at seven of the outfalls. As a result, this report only includes 6 of the 13 required sampling locations required by Domtai's storm water permit No. NCS000189. We will make evety attempt to sample the remaining locations during subsequent representative storm events before the end of the period. The TSS sample results for sampling location CL14 and CL1 I were 309 mg/L and 1871ng/L, respectively, which exceeded the benchmark value in our permit. The pI-I reading for sampling location NBA was 5.4, which also exceeded the benchmark value. As a result of these exceedances, a meeting and field inspection was conducted per the action steps required by the permit The report from that meeting is included and further discusses what other actions need to be taken. If you have any questions or require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, (252) 793-7490 or by email, tamika.boone(rudonitar.com. Sincerely, Tamika Boone Environmental Engineer sc: Dcpmtment files Permit Number: NC SOOO189 Certificate of Coverage Number: NCO STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT or FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Lorenza Palin & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) C011-linbia Analytical Lab# 527 Dorrear Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Pan A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2010 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from, the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory,) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONE,NO. (252)793-8611 By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge Date .,Z-z No aSample; Collected E-7en't, - Duration7! Hc'fvii air iric s 0. �mjoijjyr YJ NBA 313/2010 24 1,55 3 48 34 5A Not detected 3/3/2010 24� 1.SSi 2 16 90 7.6 Not detected CL14 j itillu i u1 JWLSO-, 3/3/2010 iLF01 j 3/3/2010 24 24 24 1,55 1.55 3 1 32 19 309 3 5,2 6.6 Not detected Not detected Not detected CL11 3/3/2010 24� 1.55 31 16 1871 8,5 Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance ACTOVItIeS using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? (if yes, complete Part B) Part B Vehicle Maintenance Activitv Monihorinq Requirements 0,6ff D 9A 5 60 5 0 5��, 400 T66l:Fl6%v`, �al T61�lii� So_ -V, I Oil- *d llep,cl JC mo/dCf/_ z I r SWCOMr Yes No x Note: There is a garage onsite, however it is fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfals located in this area. U:\WateoStoonwateoSW lesults\SWAnalytica]RepC((FormMar3 2010.xis Form SVVU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 3/2/10-3/3/10 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attu: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27599-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those'persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 S W DOMR U.\W alerlStormwater)SVJAnalylicalReportFormMar3 2010. xls Page 2 of 2 Siormwater Tier One 1Respouse (Record Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC NPDES StonnwaterPermitNCS000139 1. Outfall — Contractor Layclown Area 11 &14 2. Date of sample collection — March 3, 2010 3. Rain Event total — 1.55 inches 4. Parameter exceeding benchmark value — TSS o Analyses result— 137 mg/l for CLI I and 309 mg/1 for CL14 o Permitted Benchmark target — 120 mg/l o Date analyses received — March 13, 2010 5. Date of discussion meeting and stormwater management inspection— March t? 20tO. Participants: o Diane Hardison — Environmental Manager o TamikaBootie— EnvironmentalEngiucer o Bill Morris —Environmental Engineer 6. Cause of benchmark exceedance—1,Road grading had just occurred prior to rain event. Loose gravel and sediment was easily washed out. 7. Mitigation Measures considered: o Silt fence will be added to ditch where water flows offsite. (Silt fences were Put in place the week of March 15t1i) o Samples will be taken after runoff has had a chance to flow through silt fence. S. Implementation of mitigation measure must be complete by — May 42, 2010 U:\\Va1er\Stomnv.im`tSto, mu Lei Escecdances\Soo Lima ter Tier one Response Record'darch 12 2010.doc Page 1 or 1 Record to be stored kith Stommaler Pollution Prevention flan and Compliance Manual 4ASColumbia Analytical Services- 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 I Jacksonville, FL 32256 1 904-739-2277 1 904-739-2011 fax I www.caslab.com April 02, 2010 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Stormwater Testing Dear Diane: Service Request No: J 1001092 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on March 9, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J1001092. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the item; submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via email at TKissinger@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. // o..,.,,_ C Tom Kissinger / Project Manager �� Page 1 of CAS Jacksonville is NELAC-accredited 6y the State of Florida, #E82502. Other state accreditation include: Georgia, #958; Kentucky, #63; Louisiana, #02086, North Carolina, 9527; South Carolina, 496021001, Texas, #T104704197-09-TX Service Request: J1001092 "lient: Domtar Paper Companv. LLC 'roject: Plymouth Stormwater Testing SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE ti CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J1001092-001 CL-13 3/3/10 10:10 J1001092-002 CL-11 3/3/10 09:55 J1001092-003 WLSO1 3/3/10 11:03 11001092-004 LF-01 3/3/10 11:15 J1001092-005 CL-14 3/3/10 10:30 J1001092-006 NBA 3/3/10 11:45 2 'rinsed 4/2/10 8:15 Sample Summary Page I of I Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form Client: Project: ��x�� CLrL Service Request 51+.3�"nC) Cooler received on — \O and opened on 3 9 -\3y COURIER: CAS tS! FEDEX Client Other Airbill # 'y< q a-1 I Were custody seals on outside of cooler? Yes No If yes, how many and where? on lid other_ 2 Were seals intact and signature and date correct? es No N/A 3 Were custody papers properly filled out? Yes No N/A 4 es Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (Should be 4+/- 2 degrees C) �, \ ✓] d 6 Themiometer ID\ Temperature Blank Present? tics No 7 Were Ice or Ice Packs present Ice D Ice Packs No 8 Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken, etc....)? No N/A 9 Type of packing material present�� 10 Were all bottle labels complete (sample ID, preservation, etc....)? 15s No N/A 11 Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? cs No N/.a 12 Were the correct bottles used for the tests indicated? Yc No N/A 13 Were all of the preserved bottles received with the appropriate preservative? Yes No i .4 HNO3 pH<2 H2SO4 pH<2 ZnAc2/NaOH pH>9 NaOH pH>12 HCI pH<2 Preservative additions noted below 14 Were all samples received within analysis holding times? Ycs No NiA 15 Were VOA vials checked for absence of air bubbles? If present, note below Yes No N/A 16 Where did the bottles originate? CAS Client Sample ID Reagent Lot # ml added Initials Date/Time LSra�;min;�i Jacksonville Laboratory A v nucm &•nlms^ 1 Condition Upon Receipt -Sample pH (^ r ` SR d : J ' `� ' � Date: � �—� � � `� Initials: I Note that pH is check arM meets the required pH criterion listed in the column heading unless otherwise noted on the cooler receipt farm. E�q -001 -002 -003 -004 -005 -006 -007 -008 -009 -010 -011 -012 -013 -014 -015 -016 -017 -018 .019 -020 -021 -022 -023 -024 -025 -026 -027 -028 -029 -030 -031 -032 -033 -034 435 36 037 -038 -039 -040 �000�oor000�0000000000000000000® EMMM iee�a®aa�aa�vaaeevaveee�e���aa�e 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 NOTE: VOA all checks are performed by the analytical area. not sample control �4. 4 lllllhj8 A11 a1 )4irgl Services"` wsv.caslab.com SRC CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM 5, oo 10� CAS Contact 9143 Philips I lighway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, Florida 32256/Phone(904)739-2277/SOO-695-72221F'ax 904-739-2011 Page I Of I Project Name Project Number ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include Method Numb Preservative 0 Plymouth Stormwater Testing Report To Repon CC v Diane Hardison Alan Barnes z L z I. HCL 2. HN-03 Company/Address Q DOnitar Paper Company [— z O O 3. H2SO4 4. NaOH P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 U p x 5. Zu. Aceusle 6. ko0H Phone k FAX 0 L7 252-793-8611 252-793-8871 c7 J 7. NaHSO4 Sampler's Signature Sampler's Printed Name 7_ REMARKS SAMPLING Minn. CLIENT SAMPLE ID LAII ID DATE TIME CL-13 Dioxin 3/3/10 D%)D Water 2 X CL-II Dioxin 3/3/10 S+li Water 2 X WLS01 Dioxin 3/3/10 //:05 Water 2 X LF-01 Dioxin 3/3/10 // •l� Water2 X CL-14 Dioxin 3G/i0/D:9° Water 2 X /.3A Dioxin 3/3/10 /:f' Water 2 X Slormwater sampling for dioxin toiling. TURNMItOUSD nEQUIRENETTS REI'QRT REQUIREMENTS IS'OICE L.SFORMATIOT ��- 4 ) �- �-✓✓ RUSH(SURCHARGESAPPIv) S >TANmSNU IL Roulu O Summ n ILU, x14w4Da,) POr w To X III, Rca.iu-$:vW Cet.nrz.- 5ummmo Bill to: REQUESTED FAX DATE Iv. ❑nu vAJuiion R.,rl with Raw Mi. REQUESTED REPORT DATR Edaw Yes No Relinquished By Received By Relinquished By Received By Relinquished By Received By Signature Signature Signature Siena ve Signature Signature Primed Name Printed Name Printed Name Pri , a Printed Name Printed Name Finis Finn Finis Firtn (� H....Finis i Datc/I'line DIT fl- ne Date/Fime D.IcMuse D ten into Date/limc C('� ;1 4�AfSColumbia Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results 0 4�AfSColumbia Analytical Services - March 31, 2010 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 .Jacksonville, FL 32256 19408 Park Row, Suite M. Houston, TX 77064 1 713.266.1599 wmw.caslao.com Service Request No: J1001092 Laboratory Results for: Domtar Paper Company, LLC Dear Tom: Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on March 12, 2010. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J 1001092. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBiles@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Darren Biles Project Manager ..... _ .. For. a.specific list ofNELAP.-accredited analvtes, refer to.the.certifications. scetion.at .... . . ...... . . ... . ... . ... . .. . www.caslab.com. An Employee Owned Company NELAPAccredited j ACIL Seal of Excellence Award Please consider the environment before printing J1001092 1 of 29 7 4 w.. Services - Certificate ofAnaiysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1001092 2 of 29 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Domtar Industries Service Request No.: Project: Plymouth Stormwater Testing Date Received: Sample Matrix: Water CASE NARRATIVE J1001092 3/12/10 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been wported with each analytical test. Sample Receipt Six water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 3./12/10. The samples were received at 6°C in good condition and are consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (3/9/10) and not the date CAS-Ilouston received the samples (3/12/10.) Data Validation Notes and Discussion MS/DMS EQ1000120: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spike (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an MS/DMS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Detection Limits Detection limits are calculated for each congener in each sample by measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 2.5 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. Approved by: Xiangqiu Liang, Laboratory Director Date: 0 4 / 01 / 10 J1001092 3 of 29 9 4 Client: Domiar Paner Comnam. LLC Senice Request: J 1001092 Project: Plymouth Suinn oalcr besting SAMPLE CROSS-REFER NCF SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE TIME 11001092-001 CL-13 3/3/10 10:10 J1001092-002 CL-11 3/3/10 09:55 1100 1092-003 WLSOI 3/3/10 11:03 J 1001092-004 LF-01 3/3/10 1 L15 J 1001092-005 Cl, 14 3/3/10 10:30 J 1001092-006 NBA 3/3/10 11:45 JIOOIO92 4 of 29 10 Pdmad 3/31/10 16:30 Sample Summary rage I of I Laboratory Certifications 2009-2010 STATE/PROGRAM AGENCY CERTIFICATION ID EXP DATE ARIZONA AZ-DHS AZ0725 05/26/10 ARKANSAS ADE 09-048-0 06/16/10 CALIFORNIA CA-ELAP 2452 02/28/11 DOD ELAP A2LA 289701 11/30/11 FI.ORIDA/NELAP FL - DOHS E87611 06/30/10 HAAYAII HI -DOH N/A 06/30/10 IIA.INOIS/NELAP IL -EPA 002380 10/06/10 IS017025 A2LA 2897.01 11/30/11 LoulSIANA/NELAP LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINc ME -DOHS 2008031 06/05/10 MICnlcnN NIIDEQ 9971 06/30/10 MINNESO'I'A MDH 048-999-427 03/25/10 NEVADA NDEP 'rX014ll2009A 07/31/10 NcNvJi-'2si;v NJDEP I'X008 0680/10 NEw MEXICO NMED-DWB N/A 06/30/10 NER'YOIIK/NELAP NY-D011 11707 03/31/10 OKLAHOMA OKDEQ 2009-25 08/31/10 ORRGON/NELAP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 TENNESSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 TEXAS/NELAP TCE T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 UTAIUNELAP UTELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOH, IMPORT PERMIT USDA I P330-09-00067 03/27/12 WASHINcrON/NELAP WA -Ecology C1855 ll/14/10 WESTVIRGINIA WVDEP 347 06/30/10 JI001092 5 of 29 5 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte % Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient J1001092 6 of 29 12 7 Data Qualifier Flags - Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value -used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o 1 Indicates an estimated value - used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o K EMPC - When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a W flag. A'K' flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. o U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected.' o 5 Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. J1001092 7 of 29 13 8 CAS/HOU - i omn Prod cdon. p--?i Review. Project RZ'%,, - Sta 23L111''S SR= Unique !DI j Oy ( U'1-l- Date 3 / 31 / 10 Rev;ewer J1001092 8 of 29 CAS/1-H0U, - Form Production. Peer Review &- 117'roject Reviem, Si 1211arui-es I. SR# Unique ID 1160 1 Qqa I Date 3/31/10 Reviewer ICJ i J1001092 9 of 29 15 Analytical Results 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com J1001092 10 or 29 16 COLUMBIA ANA[ATICA I. SER\ICES, INC. .AnalytiiN Reporl Client Domlar Industries Sen ice Request: /1001092 Project: Plymouth Slorzn,alcr Testing Date Collected: 3/ 3/10 1010 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 3/ 9110 Sample Name: Cl: 13 Units: pe/I. Lab Code: 11001092-001 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibcnzofurans by IIRGCAIRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method . Ion Dilution Date Time Date AnahYe Name Result Q ED], MRI, Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Estracted ND U 0.401 9.90 1 3/18/10 2352 3/12/10 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cone(py) Found (pg) % Ree Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C- 2000 1567,606 78 25-164 0.79 1.007 37CI- 800 804.791 101 35-197 NA I MOS i Comments: Primed 3/31/10 1625 Fann I ,1mno.,zlsurl ms`JT&I�iydvaiReeun.,o, 11 of 29 s�perSn Rdoeoce: ,o-oaom �e.Ia rev oo 17 COLUNIBIA ANALYTICAL SERNACES, INC. Anafmt:l 1 Report Client: Domtar Industries Sen'ice Request: /1001092 Project: Plymouth Slormtyater testing Date Collected: 3/ 3110 095i Sample Matrix: Water Date Reecked: 3/ 9/10 Sample -Name: C7. 11 Units: pg/L Lab Code: I1001092-002 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dihenzofurans by 1IRGC/t1RMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method [on Dilution Date Time Date Analyle Name Result Q EDL DIRL Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted ND U 0.412 10.4 1 3/19/10 0040 3/12110 Spike Cone Cunlrnl It'll Labeled Compounds Cnne.(pg) Found (pg) 1,611ec Q Unlits Ratio RR F 13C- 2000 1528.601 76 25-164 0.79 1.007 37CI- 800 81 LO55 101 35-197 NA 1.008 Comments: Printed 3/.31/10 16:25 Fonn IA meaewSSun1`"`1 J bpd1 `. 21,aa e1Reyun rp` 12 of 29 S.MSa Referrnve. 10-NM139514 rev 00 COLVNIBIA AN:U.N ICAL SERVICES, INC. Analytlll� Report Client: Dontlar btdustrics SeTwice Request: 11001092 Project: Plymouth Slonnwater Testing Date Collected: 313110 1103 Sample iNlatric: kater Dale Items cc]: 3/9/10 Sample Name: WLS01 Units: pg./L LabCode: J1001092-003 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Inn Dilution Date "rime Date Analyte Name Result Q F,DI- bl ltl, Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted ND U 0.241 10.2 1 3/19/10 0128 3/12/10 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compound, Cone.(Pg) Pound v Ree Q Looks Ratio RRT 13C-2-3.7.8-rC1)1) 2000 1571.272 79 25-164 0.79 L007 37C1- 800 771.417 96 35-197 NA 1,008 Comments: Pnoled 3/.31/10 16:25 Fonn IA wnnowzl5udlm:LLJTdq§tyticolReeon.rpt 13 of 29 S.Mx teet,, u: in.000013911,yt<. to COLUMBIA ANA1-1"I'ICA1, SFRVICES, WC. AuakiiJol Report Client-. Domlar Industries Sen ice Bequest: 11001092 Project: Phntouth Stonmvater Testing Date Collected: 3/ 3/10 111 i Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 319,110 Sample Nante: 1,17-01 Units: Pg/1- Lab Code: J1001092-004 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodiozins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by RRGC/IIRMS Analvtical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Analyle Name Result Q EDI, MR1, Ratio RRT Factor Anayzed Analyzed Extracted'0D1) ND U 0.391 10.2 1 3/19/10 0804 3/12/10 Spike Cone. Goutol Ion Labeled Compound, Cnnc-(pg) Found(pg) %Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-23.7.8=TCDD 2000 1534.408 77 25-164 0.78 1.007 370- CDD 800 805543 101 35-197 NA 1.008 Comments: Pnn¢d 3131/10 16.25 Form IA \klnflow2\Surlims�LjTtfelbl TiytimlRep rpr )4 of 29 Super$el Reference: 1P0000138514meW U U L 20 COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. Anal, 6LIJ1 Rcpon Client Duntlnr Industries Sen ice Request: .11001092 Project Plymouth StonnoVnter'Festin° Date Collected: 3/ 3/10 1030 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 3/ 9/10 Sample Name: CI: 14 Units: pg/L Lab Code: J1001092-005 Basis: NA Polvchlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by 1IRCC/F112MS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep :Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date An:dyte Name Result Q EDL h1RL Ratio RRT Factor Anahzed Analyzed Extracted"CDD ND U 0.402 10.4 1 3/19/10 0852 3/12/10 Spike Cone. Conhnl Inn Labeled Cmnpounds Cone.(pg) Pound (pg) % Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-'.DD 2000 1387.274 69 25-164 0.79 1.008 37C'I-2.17.8=TCDD 800 769.720 96 35-197 NA 1.(108 Comments: tlowmd 3/31/10 16:25 Fonn IA ulnnow_ts:a�am:tl��i 9 1yt1e1fteport `n� 15 of 29 S„ee,sn Rdtene< 10-00W39514,e'00 21 COLUMBIA ANALN IIIC'AL SERVICES, INC. AntdyliN Report Client Domtnr Industries Sen"ice Request: .11001092 Project: Plymouth Stormwaler lesting Date Collected: 3/3/101145 Sample :Matric: Water Date Received: 3/9/10 Sample Name: NBA Units: Pg/1, Lab Code: J1001092-006 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRGC/I[RMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Analyte Name Result Q EDI, MIZE Ratio RRT Factor Anah'zed Anahzed Extracted 2.3,7.8-TCDD ND U 0.344 10.2 1 3/19/10 0940 3/12110 Spike Cone Control lon Labeled Compound, Cone.(pg) Found (pg) Rec Q Limiln Ratio RRT I.C-2.3-7.8-]CD1) 2000 1498,629 75 25-164 0.80 1.008 37CI-2-3.7.8=TC1)D 800 776.027 97 35-197 NA LU08 Comments: Printed 3%31/10 16:25 Fe. IA nnnowzlS„dim:uJ9, q 1.d�laenea�o, 16 of 29 00 S�peBn aderence io-000aua 22 e� COLUMBIA ANALFIICAL SERVICES, INC. Ana1,6,):7 Report Client: Donvar Industries Sereice Rcyuests /1001092 Project: Phmouth Stonumaler Te51in2 Date Collected: NA SampleMatrix: Water Date Recened: NA Sample Name: Method Blank Units: pg/L Lab Code. EQ 1000120-01 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by IIRCC/HRMS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Ion Dilution Date Time Date Analyle Name Result Q EDL i\IRL Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted 2,3.7.8-TCDD ND U 0.367 10.0 1 3118/10 1026 3/12/10 Spike Cone Control Inn Labeled Compound, Conc.(pg) Found(pg) %lice Q Limits Ratio RRI 1312- 2000 1610.809 81 25-164 0.77 1.007 370- 800 773582 97 35-197 NA 1.007 Comments: Rin led 3131/10 1625 Form IA Vlnnnw.su,limslLl�cReq.� a ,Iv�inlRepon rp� t 7 of 29 Su,,Se, Referenu. 1 a-000013851+ rev 00 UU UAL 23 Ill , � 1 Services - Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.casiab.com A 001092 18 of 29 24 COLUMBIA ANAL1'I'I CAI. SERVICES, Inc is QAiQC Repon Client: Domtar Industries Sen'ice Request: J1001092 Project: Plymouth Storm cater Testing Date Analyzed: 3/I R!10 Sample Matrix: Water Lab Control Sample Summary Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRGC/HRMS A nalytical Method: 1613B Units: pg/L Prep Method: Method Basis: NA Extraction Lot: 107517 Lab Control Sample Duplicate Lab Control Sample EQ1000120-02 EQ 1000120-03 %Bee RPD Analy(c Name Result Expected %Rec Result Expected %12ec Limits Itl'U -Limit'DD 247 200 123 237 200 118 67- 158 4 50 Comments: Prinlcd 3/31/10 16:25 Lab Control Sample Summary tvansw2xS=r1 lmsujMbV�ComrolSamplerpt i9of29 Sump Refcrmu: 10.0000U851a ra o0 25 COLUMRI:A A.—NALN HCAL SERVICES, INC. Anal,162a Report Client: Domtar Industries Sem ice Request: /1001092 Project: Plymouth Storntssater 1'eming Dale Collected: NA Sample ,Matri,C Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Lab Control Sample Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ1000120-02 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzedioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzoliurans by IIRGC/HRNIS Analytical Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method lon Dilution Date Time Date Analyte Name Result Q FDL MRI- Ratio RRT Factor Analyzed Analyzed Fztracted 247 0.492 10.0 0.78 1.001 1 3/19/10 1247 3/12/10 Spike Cone. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Cnne.(pg) Found (J)") %R,c Q Limits Ratio RR I' 13C- 2000 1415.564 71 25-164 0.78 1.007 370-23.7.8=1 CDD 800 736.374 92 3 1- 191 NA L007 Omorn mts: Primed 3/31/10 16:25 Fonn IA w�now2�s�dimauJ�Weq=n .lyumlacpoarpi 20 of 29 s�persn xer mnoe. io.woaunsla«goo UU UAL 26 COLU:MBIA ANA L)']'ICAL SFRVICES, INC. Ana]v62j)I Report Client: Dointar Industries Sen'ice Bequest: J 1001092 Project: Plyuunuh Stonmcaier Testing Date Collected: NA Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA Sample Name: Duplicate Lab Control Sample Units: pg/l. Lab Code: EQ 1000120-03 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans by HRCCA RATS knalytieal Method: 1613B Prep Method: Method Lon Dilution Date Time Date Analvle Name Result Q PAL MRL, Ratio RR"F Factor Analyzed Analyzed Extracted'I"CDD 237 0.647 10.0 0.78 1.001 1 3/18/10 1335 3/12/10 Spike Conc. Control Ion Labeled Compounds Conc.(pg) Pound (pg) 'X. 12ee Q Limits Ratio RWI 13C-2,3.7-8-TCDD 2000 1493.678 75 25-164 0.81 1.007 37CI- 800 716,832 91 31-191 NA 1.007 Comments: Printed 3131/10 10:25 ro. IA Iwnow'_6unlm9Lr�Waa�.AnalyrlcalReporupt 21 of 29 Sr,,Set Reference: 10.0000138514 rep lq } :rlumbia Chain of Custody 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casiab.com An Employee Owned Companv J1001092 22 of 29 28 Intra Network Chain of Custodv - - �9143 Philips Highway • Jacksonville, FI:}h56 • 904-739.2277 • FAX 44-739-2011 Project Name: I lymouth Stormmatcr I esung _ Project Punt ber' -. . . Project Manager: Diane Hardison Company: Domtar Paper Company, LLC - LL M J _ . - Sample Date -Lab Code Client Sample lD Nor Cont. Matrix Dale .Time Received Send To j 11001092-001 13 a _ Water 3/3/10 1010 3/9/10 IIOUSTON -- Water 313110 0955 3/9/10 IIOUSTON i 11 J 1001092-002 —CI CI -II 11001092-003 WLS01 Water 3/3/10 1103 3/9/10 f{Ol15TON Ir II J1001092-004 LP-01 Water .. 313/10 1115 . 3/9110 IIOUSTON II J 1001092-005 CI. 14 a. Water:_ 3/3/10. 1030 3/9110 IIOUS"hON : H J1001092.006 _ _ NRA _ Water 313/10 1195 3/9110 FIOr1STON II Test Co m m c n is .Dioxins Furans-1613D. 11061092-001,2,3,4,5,6 Lill station or effluent CAS I lous(on Special Instructions/Comments Turnaround Requirements Report Requirements - Invoice Information - RUSH (Surcharges Apply) —I. Results Only '- PLEASE SEND r1,FAsc CIRCLE WORK DA V s - II. Results Summaries — roN 1 2 - 3 4 5 _ III. Results and Calibration Summaries �- 1I001092 R E S U L i S. TO _ srANDARD IV. Data Validation Report with Raw Data M A N D Y, SULLIVAN Requested FAX Date: PQUmI)UJ N Bill to Requested Report Datc: 03/20/10 GDD N Relinquished 13yJ100110 o n I 1 d'll\AA e y ( _ Received fSyc 129 Airbill Number / �111—tea b;cL ••fS 310 I000 I� x�w o98 01yo2� �G (7 0) _� SIiR t,e11 F3hb7.t. t✓12.j-t {VP.-1 i0— Pagel t<eSeT corm`:,, ) Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Rf�&ipt Form rant corm,,::; Client/Project: Domtar Paper Corn, LLC/ Plymouth Stormwater tff Service Request: Received: 03/12/10 1000 Opened (Date/Time): 03/12/10 1020 By: J1001092 EC I. Samples were received via? ❑US Mail ❑Fedex ❑✓ UPS ❑DHL ❑Courier ❑Hand Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) ❑✓ Cooler ❑Box ❑ Other ❑NA 3. Were custody seals present on coolers? ZY ON If ycs, how many and where? 1-front If present, were custody seals intact? ❑✓ Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? ❑✓ Y ❑N 4. Is shipper's air -bill filed? DNA ❑Y ❑✓ N If not, record air bill number: I X5W 098 01 4020 5647 5. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 6 6. If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)? ❑NA J❑Y ❑N S. Packing material used: ❑lnserts ZBlibble Wrap ❑Blue Ice Z 6Vet Ice ❑� Sleeves ❑Other 9. Were the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? ❑J Y ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Indicate in the table below. ❑✓ Y ❑N Sample ID Bottle Count Bottle Type Out of Temp Broken Initials ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complete (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)? Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. ❑Y ❑N ❑Y ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID oti COCSample ID on Bottle Sample ID on COC it. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: J1001092 24 of 29 CRF_r092109.pdf Pa A : F/� l ❑ 2 2s Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓. Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at -20 to -10°C ✓ Air samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, —23°C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity — the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc & SRk ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) J1001092 25 of 29 31 Service Request Summary Folder N: 11001092 Project Chemist: Darren 13ilcs Client Name: Donitar Industries Originating Lab: JAX Project Name: PIvinoulh Slonucvaler besting Logged By: SOSTROM Project Number: Dale Received: 3/9/10 Internal Due Date: 3/26/10 Report To: Dunne Hardison QSe �, . LAB QAP Domtar Paper Company. LLC Qualifier Set CAS Standard P.O. Box 747 Fornlsel: CAS Standard Plymouth, NC 27962 Merged?: Y Phone Number: 252-793-8611 Report to MDL?: Y Cell Number: P.O. Number: 4350171 RR4 Fax Number: 252-79.3-8871 GDD: No ELIU Specified E-mail: diane.hardison rldannai.com S\ \I Z m LL CAS Snmp No Client Samp No. ]tolrix Collected JW01092-OUI CL-13 Winer 3/3/10 1010 H J IOU 1092-002 CL-II R'aler 313/10 0955 ll J 1001092-003 WLS01 Water 3/3/10 1103 11 J 1001092-004 I.F-01 NWmr 313110 1115 II J1001092-005 CL-14 N'aler 3/3/10 I030 11 J 1001092-006 NBA 1Vntcr 313110 1145 -rest Contnlents: Group "rest/Niethod Samples Colonlents Semivoa GCMS Dioxins- Furans/1613B 1-6 -rCDD only. Final due 4/2 W N 12 - 1000 mL-Gloss Bollle Wh9 APIBBR Ten nn Liner I�nprcso vcd Location: G-Disposed. L-WICOI NPDES J1001092 26 of 29 Printed 113112U 10 4:27:24PM Service RN,,c,l for d U01092 I'aea el I Preparation Information Benchsheet 27 Prep Run#: 107517 Prep R"urkl'1ow: OrgEMAy(765) Team: Semivoo GCNIS/AKODUR Prep Method: Method Status: Prepped Prep DalefFimc: 3/12/I0 02:45 PM u Lab Code Client ID 8# Method Rest pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description 1 EI000258-001 IV031017-OUI .01 1613B/Dioeins Fauns Wusewater 107Um1- slightly beige clear liquid 2 E1000259-001 365304-1 01 16013/1)ioxins guns 6 Water 990m1. pa le y ell ow elea, liquid 3 EW00260-001 NN3027 COVF 12'1-666 IOR53 01 1613E/Diuxins Furans 6 Driakaue Water 96(ad. timed clear liquid ' 4 E1000261-00I NNV282 Lupton I (18T-60I) IOB68 01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 7 Note, 940nd. tinted clear liquid 5 E1000262-001 NM03O2 Ruckslunags 2(16 T-5951101369 .01 16131311Di uo; Furans A Dunking Water 910nd. tilled clear liquid 6 E1000263-001 OUTFALL 004 '01 1613B/Dioeins Funas 3 W.,Icwamr 106O L Laige cloudy liquid 7 E1000263-002 OUTFALL 005 .01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 6 Wastewater WIN,[- orange doudv liquid 8 E1000264-001 95SO Out GdI SC-002 '01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 6 W. er 1050mL rlexr miorless liquid 9 E1000264-002 9557 Outfall SC-003 01 16136/Dioxins FrOins 7 Wade, 1050m1, c lenr polo less liquid 10 13I000266-UUI 9566 Oulall CW-0001149) .01 1613B/Dioxins Furore 6 Wuter IWou'l. clear colodess liquid 11 E1000266-002 9578 Outfidl DUP02 01 1613B1Dwirs Furore 6 Water 1050ad. clear colorless liquid 12 EQ 1000120-0I NIB 1613B1DIonlns Furans Liquid 10003al. 13 EQ I000120-02 LCS 161313/Diuxins Furans Liquid IOOO nL 14 EQIOM)120-03 DI.CS 161313/13ioxins Furans Liquid IOOUnd. 15 J10O1092AO1 C1, 13 01 161361136.,ns Furmis 5 Water 1010al. beige cloudy liquid 16 JID01092-002 CL.II .01 IGI-B/Dioxins Furans S Water Was]. beige eioudv liquid 17 J1001092-003 WLSOI Ol 1613B/Dioxins Forms 5 Wmer WUnd. pale yellow clear liquid 18 J1001092-OIM LI;-OI '01 1613B/Dioxins Furans 6 Water 980mL cellaw slightly cloudy liquid 19 J100B/92-005 CL.1q 01 1613WI)toxias Furans 5 Water 960m1. ran cloudy liquid 20 J1001092-006 NBA .01 1613B/Dioxins Fuans J Water 98Und. vcllua slightly cloudy liquid W W J1001092 27 of 29 Primed 3/23/10 17'50 Preparation boloaaalion Rrnchshed P,e I Prep Run#: 107517 Tcam: Scmivua GCMS/AKODUR Spiking Solutions Preparation Information Benchsheet 28 Prep Wurkl7lovs: OrgExlAq(365) Prep Blethod: Method Status: Prepped Prep Dateffinle: 3/12/10 02:45 1'M Nnlne: 161313 Matrix Working Standard Inventory ID 13977 Logbook Rell D10-94-213 Expires On: 12/09/2010 EQ1000120-02 100.00PL EQ[000120-03 IoompL Name: 82901161313 Cleanup Working Standard inventoryID ]6116 Logbook Ref, DII-I5-2AB Expires On 03/)2/2011 E1000258-WI 10(rWlhL E1000263-002 looOold, FQ I OOR120-01 1 oo cop L 11001092-004 100. Doll 1, E 1000259.001 wo.oOpL E1000263-002.R01 too oopL LQ 1000120-02 Ioo.00ld, 11001092-005 Ino. no111, E 1 W0260-001 1orlooltL EI W0264-00I 100. W p L EQ1000120-03 loo.oullL 11001092-006 IW,00pL. [71000261-001 1000uflL E1000262-001 Ion. ooµL E1000263-001 100,00pl, F:10002W-002 looOopl, E1009266-001 10o.00llL E1000266-002 Iao arld- 11001092-n01 I00.0upL 11001092-002 Io0.001hL I1001092-003 I000Ulll. Name: 161313 Labeled Working Standard Inventory ID 16133 Logbook Ref. DI I-15-313 Expires On: 03/12ro l I E1000258-001 1,00000[lL E1000263-002 I,oriourn1L EQ 1000120-01 1,000mo ti L 11001092-004 100o00p 1, Preparation Materials Accmne 99 5% Minimum Glass wtell Sodaua Thiosullale Anhydrous Reogoa Glade NaS203 I tidccane(a-Tndecane) pH Paper 0-14 Preparation Steps Step: EXaarimn Sla wd: 3/12/I0 14A5 Finished: 3/12/10 17: 10 By: AKODUR E 1000259-001 I'o0o 00ll I. E )o00263-W 2. Rat 1 000.00µ L EQ 1(100I 20-02 1,000.00111. JIu01092-005 1,Ooo.urifd, E 1000260-001 I'tion0opI. E 1000264-001 I owoop L EQ1000120-03 l000.00pl, 11001092-006 loo.00p L. E1000261-out IO0o0oµL, E1000262-001 Iwo. oopL F-I000263.001 10oo ouµ 1, E19002W-002 I W0.0upL E1000'_66-001 LOW.WPL E1000266-002 tp0u.011tIL I Ion 1092-0o1 imutro0µ1_ I 1010 1 (192-002 riarompL J1001092-003 I.OI)0.r10 p 1. C2-34-1(15539) Carbon. High Purity- C2-2i-005(13983) Ethyl Aeewte 99.9°: Alinimunt C2.23-006(9462) EIOAc C2-13-005(7198) Snlfinic Acid Rengenl Grade C2-30-()0=(13953) Uichl... .. ham(Aloh.'kne C2-28-005 (13939) H2SO4 ( hlodde) 99.9% NlcC12 C2-32-006 (13979) Sodium lkdrmidc Rwgea C2-24-002 (9463) Sodium Sultzae A lhyd.mu C2-35-004 (15668) Gmde NaOFI Reaget0 Grade Na2SO4 C2.26-006(13946) 14csane ln-Hexane)99595 C2-26-007(13915, No ... ne OsNonenel 9T/. C2-29-002(13943) M in inmm (1008) Silica Gel Reagent Glade C2-24-007(9450) 1'olunle 999% Minimum C2-28-003(139331 Step: Acid Clean SRp: Silica GO Clewt Step: Final V' hime - Stailcd: 3115111)08.00 Shined: 3n5/1010:00 Slum) 3,16111007,00 Finished: 3/15110 08,00 FinishedM15/10 12:00 Finished: 1,16,'10 1(1,10 Hy: ARDDUR By: AKODUR By: AKODUR J1001092 28 of 29 Printed .3/23/10 17:50 Ihepurntion Info n alion Hcndishcel 2 Prep Runes: 107517 Team: Semivua GCMS/AKODUR Ravimved Br w Cl of Cnslody ak Preparation Information Benchsheet 2s Prep WorkFlo": OigLxtAq(365) Prep Method: Mcihod Date . 3/16/10 Relinquished By Dam: Iaancls IixanmicJ Recaired By Dale: 1bs No Status: Prep)xd Prep Date/Time: 3/12/10 02:45 Pbl Prime) 3/23/10 1 ].50 PI epnmlian Infounal ion lianchsheel Page V � y Z2 Qyy j Op +a 0 �M l'fZ SUM flQ Representing NCDE�m32 Has completed Visitor Safety Orientation Training �����i��A 3-31-Io Amhon'red byDate EXPIRES IN ONE YEAR Form n506 (R a07) � ,ate I� M � � IT - l i I�, N tA _• -(po- Po t I V s 1/77 - 1 IV vlj i I I KP �I I !il I Y I- 1- � 1 I 1 � �� � I � I 1 j � I • I � 1 I I. ` 1- ���. 1� I I 1 I y• I } II i 1' Dumpor, Samir From: Dumpor, Samir Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 3:51 PM To: 'diane.hardison@domtar.com' Cc: Hodge, Al; Bennett, Bradley; Lowther, Brian Subject: Domtar - NCS000189 - moval od dioxin testing from Tier Two response program Attachments: image001.jpg Diane, Your request to remove the dioxin testing from Tier Two response program (per permit Number NCS000189) was discussed between Al Hodge and me here in Washington Regional Office and Bradley Bennett and Brian Lowther from the Central Office. Due to the fact that sampling results did not show any traces of dioxin in two separate sampling periods, we believe that COD exceedance of benchmark values for Outfall WYN will not have any effect on dioxin resultants. By this e-mail we want to inform you that your request to remove the dioxin testing from the Tier Two response program for Outfall WYN is approved until such time that three consecutive COD sample results are below the benchmark values. Samir Dumpor Environmental Engineer II NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Surface Water Protection Section Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Office: 252.948.3959 Fax: 252.946.9215 NOTE: Please update your address book with my new email address S(amir. Dumpor(dncdenr. eov `�' Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Memorandum_ From: AI Hodge — DWQ Washington Regional Office Supervisor Date: 4/8/10 Re: Request to Remove Dioxin Sampling/Analysis Requirements from permit and Request for Representative Outfall Status for Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, North Carolina, NPDES Stormwater Permit #NCS000189 • July 24, 2009 DWQ issued a NPDES Stormwater Renewal permit # NCS000189 to Domtar Paper Company, LLC located in Plymouth, Martin County, North Carolina. • March 9, 2010 Request for removal of Dioxin Sampling/Analyses requirement from the NPDES permit, as well as Request for Representative Outfall Status for two areas of the facility and removal of the requirement to sample outfall due to sheet flow conditions. • March 31, 2010 On March 31,.2010, Samir Dumper of the Washington Regional Office conducted a facility inspection, together with Diane Hardison, Tamika Boone and Alan Barnes of Domtar Paper Company, to determine if request for removal of Dioxin Sampling/Analysis and representative Outfall Status can be granted. Facility Inspection findings • Request to Remove Dioxin Sampling/Analysis Requirements from Permit. Request -for Representative Outfall Status for Outfall CL14. Outfalls CLI 1, CLI 3 and CL14 are closely located to each other and service the Contractor Laydown Area. This area of the facility does not have any raw materials or processes placed on it, hence the biggest concern as far is analytical monitoring is TSS and pH. The drainage areas for outfalls CLI 3 and CL14 is approximately same with the drainage area for outfall CLI 1 being slightly larger. On my recommendation, Ms Diane R. Hardison, the Environmental Manager of the Domtar Paper Company agreed to have outfall CLI I as Representative Outfall instead of CL14 as requested. At this time I believe that granting the Rresentative Outfall Status for On fall-CLsl-l-would-not-cause-any damages to surface he State ar-f. � Request for Representative Outfall Status for Outfall LFOl, Outfalls LF01 and LF02dis6harge stormwater from two sedimentation ponds which collect runoff from the closed, capped and vegetated No. 2 Landfill. Site visit confirmed that LF01 on the east side of Landfill No. 2 regularly discharges flow during moderate to heavy rain events, while the outfall LF02 located on west side of Landfill No. 2 rarely discharges flow. Only excessive rain events of this winter and spring caused discharge from LF02. My conclusion is that granting the Representative Outfall Status to outfall LFO1 would be beneficial to both parties, DWQ and Domtar Paper Company. • Request to remove the requirement to sample outfall WRA from the permit due to sheet flow Conditions was retracted by the Domtar Staff due to facility inspection. They were able to collect The sample during last rain event. Notes: Domtar It all begins with paper..' Domtar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill PC Box 747 Highway 149 North Plymouth, INC 27962 T 2S2-793-8111 www.domtar.com February 16, 2010 io :s n MAR 9 2010 Ra , 'a i% :f a.8'?1] 1�rJ' Mr. Al Hodge Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Mr. Brian Lowther Wetland and Stonnwater Branch Division of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1617 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requester) Subject: Request to Remove Dioxin Sampling/Analyses Requirement from Permit Request for Representative Outfall Status Domtar Paper Company, LLC- Plymouth, North Carolina NPDES Stornrvater Permit # NCS000189 Domtar received revised stormwater permit NPDES# NCS000189 for its Plymouth, NC facility in 2009, effective as of August 1, 2009. Since that time, the facility has completed the first six- month monitoring period. Based on Domtar's observations of the permitted outfalls and test results from the analytical sampling, we requests modification of our permit as follows: 1. Removal of the requirement to sample and analyses outfalls for dioxin, 2. Designation of two outfalls as representative for five; therefore, removing sampling requirements for three outfalls, 3. Designation of sheet flow status for one Outfall; therefore, removing sampling requirements for one outfall. This request submittal includes the following attached references: • Summary Table of Permitted Outfalls • Stormwater Discharge Outfall Monitoring Report for August 2009 • Stormwater Discharge Outfall Monitoring Report for November 2009 • Stormwater Sampling Worksheet • Copies of the Analytical reports from the Dioxin Sampling • Map of the Stormwater Drainage Area for the West Contractor Laydown Area • Map of the Stormwater Drainage Area for Landfills No. 2 and 3 • Map of the Stonnwater Drainage Area for the Wood Recycle Area D:ADocumwts and Settings\MCCraDaALocal Settings\Temporary Internet PilesVOLK45\Negl2ed RequiremenlsPeb2010.doc Page I of 3 Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth. NC n Dioxin Sampling and Analyses The rain events of this past August and November allowed successful sampling of 11 permitted outfalls at the facility. Outfalls not sampled were either not required to be sampled or did not produce channeled Flow that could be sampled. Dioxin analyses results for the sampled outfalls were all below detection levels. Therefore, we request that the DWQ remove the dioxin sampling and analyses requirement from our permit for all outfalls. Copies of the analytical reports for the dioxin analyses are included with this submittal for your reference. Designation of Representative Outfall Status The Plymouth facility has potentially two opportunities for grouping outfalls and designating one in each group for representative status: I. Outfalls CLl 1, CL13 and CL14 are closely located to each other and all discharge runoff from the contractor laydown area, at the west end of the facility This area is pervious to rainfall, covered in gravel and primarily serves as a parking lot and laydown area for equipment. The table below summarizes the analytical results from the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 monitoring period. Based on these data and the co -locations of these outfalls, we recommend that our permit designate outfall CL14 as representative of the runoff from this laydown area; and therefore, not require analytical monitoring (sampling) from CLl1 or CL13. �ns�eaci �L14 Outfall BOD m /l COD m /l TSS m /I pH Dioxin U., -, i Lm CLl 1 2.47 8 53 7.6 Not Detected wzA ye, CL13 2.54 11 4 7.6 Not Detected qr CL14 1 321 44 8.2 Not Detected � CJ.-.(( 2. Outfalls LFOI and LF02 discharge stornnvater from two sedimentation ponds which ley T� collect runoff from the closed, capped and vegetated No. 2 landfill. LFO1 (on the east � side of Landfill No. 2) regularly discharges Flow during moderate to heavy rain events. 1 However, LF02 (on the west side of Landfill No. 2) rarely discharges flow. The 1 excessive rain event of last November, which produced nearly seven inches of rain in a 48-hr period, caused discharge from LF02. The table below summarizes the analytical results from the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 monitoring period. Based on these data and the historical precedence of little to no flow from LF02, we recommend that our permit designate outfall LF01 as representative of the runoff from the No. 2 0'L landfill area; and therefore, not require analytical monitoring (sampling) from S LF02. Outfall BOD m /l COD m /I TSS m /I pH Dioxin LF01 6.21 49 12 7.5 Not Detected LF02 4 46 20 6.8 Not Detected D:\Documents and SatingsValecraDa\Local Settings\'I'emporary Internet Filcs\OLK45\Req Rcd Requiremcntsl'eb2010.doc Page 2 of 3 Domlar Paper Company, U-C — Plymouth, NC Removal of Requirement to Sample Outfall WRA Due to Sheet Flow The stonnwater drainage area identified as the Wood Recycle Area, does not produce any channeled flow that can be sampled. This was true under the conditions of the former stormwater permit for the facility. Even the excessive rain event of last November did not produce any channeled flow from this area. Therefore, we request that DWQ remove th requirement to sample outfall WRA from the .ail\ r , W 'k Note Concerning Outfall LF03: kLe C,,-44 "} 'pile �v>•t�h 0.r�`/ You will notice in the previously submitted Stonnwater Monitoring Reports and the attached information that LF03 neither produced any flow during the August 1, 2009 — January 31, 2010 46 monitoring period. This outfall serves the currently active No. 3 landfill. After cell one of this J" landfill is closed and capped, this outfall will discharge stormwater from a sedimentation pond which will collect the runoff from cell one. However, until cell one of this landfill is closed and Gbo rr4t-s capped, neither runoff will collect into the pond, nor will any flow discharge through outfall &ne. LF03. Closure of cell one will begin in late 2010. LF03 may begin generating discharge in 2011. Should you have any questions concerning the requests of this submittal or require additional information in order to process these requests, please contact Tamika Boone at tamika.boonendomtar.com (252-793-7490) or me at diane.hardison a,domtar.conm (252-793- 8611). We further welcome visits from DWQ representatives to the Plymouth facility in order to help facilitate these requests.A or s� Sincerely, — tJ3I- 0Ogr U n-ewe d -R � Diane R. Hardison Environmental Manager xc: Tamika Boone — Domtar Alan Barnes — Donmtar Bill Morris - Domtar t� 6 r7lJi 1 ✓� \ �0-- �,V a.& WL. r-s WDocuments and Seuings\Mecra Da\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK45\RegRedRequirementsFeb2Ol O.doc Page 3 of 3 Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC yDorntar Paper Company, LLC Plymouth Mill Po Sox747 Highway 165 Will Plymouth,A 27962 T 252:%N 1n it all x-miswith papen. www.donntal;Com December 10, 2009 Division of Wafer (duality Afin: Central Piles 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Ceriil ed Mall Return Receipts Req«ssiet Subject: iV.PDES nuii #WS0001S), Year 1—Period 1 &foniiorin,; Period Arr,gast 1, 2009 to Tanaaty 31, 2010. Regtured % n water: I nalyses jar Domtar Paper Company, Lf C, Plyinoulh, Not!h Carolina Dear Sit(s): Eneloscil you will had the original and one copy of it completed "Stormwater Discharge Nlouitoting Re'poiT' for the Year I — Period I Monitoring Period designated from August 1, 2009 to lanuaty 31, 2010. An attempt was made to collect a sample from each of the designated outfalls that was not sampled during a previous storm event. This report includes 7 of the 9 remaining required sampling locations reiluircd by Domiar�s storm wetter permit No. NCS0001 89. Ile have also included it spreadsheet that contains information regarding the progress of sampling during the reprcsenlative storm events. The COD sample result for WWMI location was 316 ing/f2which exceeded the benchmak value in our permit!ZAs it result of this cxcccdancc, s erecting and held inspection was conducted per the action sups requircil by the permit. The report from that meeting is included and 'further discusses what other actions need to be taken. If you have any iluesnons or requite any additional hibrulation pertaining to this report, please contact one by phone, P32) 793-7490 or by email, (amil:a boon 0dorntttr.o n , Permit Number: NC SOOD189 Cedhicate oF Coverage Number: NCG STORMWATERDISL. RGEOUTFALL(SDO) MONITORING REPORT or FACiLi -1-Y NAME Domer Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Diane Hardison, Tairl Boone & Alan Barnes CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical Lab*,' 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Labtl 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington TUBE OF PERMITTE By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 4AiiI t,0 ;D Sanple4uhattow A s, u-ir 'a'n 5 ni- n WYN 11/12/2009 6.61 17 316)34 7.4 Not detected NBA 11/12/2009 6SI 3 37 17 6.3 Not detected F- iOBA 11/11/2009 6.81 10 93 49 T5 Not detected LFOa 11112/200 6.81 2 46 69 6,9 Not detected CL14 11/11/2009 6.81[ 1 12 a4 8.2 Not detected !LF02 1 1/12/2009 6.81 n 461 20 6.8 Not detected i rn:' 11/11/2009 6.81 3 23 22 8 Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month" !ir yes, complete Part E;) Part E; Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Cut 50050 a A 5 5 6i�- 530_F'<' ' -f-y r40 H�, , '-,s Nie, I& Aa Grease tF)e�Za to n OH,Usago 'Z unit,, SWDOMR Yes No Note: There is a grage onsite, however it is Fully contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. U kWaterkSto,mwaier\SWAnalyticalReponFormNov2OO9 As Form SWU 246-051100 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVEN CHARACTERISTIC::: Date '11M 0-'12/09 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Dare 'total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Alm Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 'I certify, under penalty of law, that this documem and all attachments were prepared antler my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 SWDOMR U:\Water\Stormwater\SWAnalyticalReponFormNOv2009.%Is Page 2 of, 2 32 _7�n Domiar gaper Company, " i C Yermii No. NCS00O189 Siormwa'rer Sampling workshee? Date Outfall No. �— Time Analytical Sampling Point (Y/N) It yes, was a sample taken? Flow (Y/N) pH Total Rainfall (Inches) Comments OBA 12:33PM Y N N 1_62 WYN 11;45AM Y N Y 1.62 Only sheet flow. No channeled flow CL11 12;02PM Y YES Y T6 1.62 CL14 1221 PM Y N N 1_62 WLS01 11:25AM Y YES Y 8.3 1.62 CL13 12:13PM Y YES Y 7.6 1_62 LF01 10,25AM Y YES Y 7.5 1.62 LF02 11:OOAM Y NO N 1.62 _ VVRA 11:14AIA Y NO Y 1:62 Sheet Flow NBA 10 55AM Y NO N 1.62 LF04 10:47AM Y NO N 1.62 LF03 10:40AM Y NO N 4.62. No' Imv to pond because there is no runoff from, the landfill. 16 has not yet been capped and. closed. RY01 11:41APA Y NO N 1.62 CL14 2:37PM Y YES V 8.2 6.81 —_ CP01 1:53PM N 6.81 PRPA. 1:39PM N 6.61 RV01 1:49PM Y YES 8 6.81 c _ OBA 151am t Y YES Y 8.5. 7.5 6.81 FY01 10:40am N 6.61 AR01 10:45am N 6.81 It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF02 9.46AM Y YES Y 6.8 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow WYN 10:26AiM Y YES Y T4 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF04 9:12AM Y YES Y 6.89 6.81 on the previous day If took more than five inches of rain to 1 generate flow at this site. There was no flow NBA 9:32AM V VES Y 6.3 6.81 on the previous day Highlighted information includes outfalls where a sample has been obtained. Required sampling point where samples have yet to be obtained. Sfoririwater Tier One Response Record Domtar Paper Company, LLC — Plymouth, NC. NPDES Ste) mwatei Permit NCS000189 I. Outfall — Woodyard North 2. Date of sample collection - November 12, 2009 3. Rain Event total — 6.82 inches 4-. Parameter exceeding benchmark value — COD • A My= rmult — 316 mg/I o Permitted Benchmark target— 120 inWl o Date analyses received — November 20, 2009 5. Date of discussion meeting and stornnvater management inspection — November 30, 2009. Participants: o Marvin Flare —Woodyard manager o Diane Hardison — Environmental (Manager o Tamika Boone — Environmental Engineer o Roger 1-larrell — Woodyard Operations o John Gedu — hibedinc/Woodyaid Maintenance Mai Ligcr o Allan Barnes — Environmental Engineer 6. Cause of benchmark excecdance — abnormally heavy rains produced flow that could be sampled from the hog fuel (bark) pile, The area has not been observed to produce channeled flow which could be sampled, before. However, nearly 7 inches of rain fell over a 48 hour period November 10" — 11h of 2009. The rains washed over a bark pile which likelyinleased volatiles into the runoff from the degrading wood. 7.140g tion Measures considered: a. Dig a trench ;dong the south We of the ro, d which boarders the bark pile to collect any runoff before it crosses road and flows into adjacent forest. o Trench will cause safety issues with chip and bark trucks that travel the road. o Trench would encroach on ground water which would have to be pumped. "Pere is no cost effective, technically feasible wily to pump the °round water to any logical receiving location. b. Build a small berm along the north side of the road which boarders the bark pile to prevent any runoff crossing the road fi'om flowing into the adjacent forest. o Inspect berm on a regular basis to ensure integrity c. h'Istall some type of filtration device 8. Selected Option — b above 9. Implementation of mitigation measure must be complete by ._ Jai;t,ai,y -30, LQY.O D Wmummmu and SoinesA6aunemuJLLoeul SmingAATcauy" ry Imancl Pi 1aeN 1LI(M a,rore:m TO One Hespnnsc Bcc)rd Nov2009 doc Pu e I or I As p¢prcd by Diane Hanlisim — Gnvi, unnKmal Depi hcuvd to h': Iwod wish smrnim;ticr 1""Baia" Precendon Plant and Con Ip I iune<P I IIILI1 I Donntaf Pape, Company. LLB_ �l Plymuulh Mill PO Sw 57 al Highway 149 NO, D Plyrncoth,nli VMI T 3179'IAl Itallbeginsixaltpope1'. wwwdonitar.[om September 21, 2009 Division of Watci Quality Aiin: Central tiles 1617 Vlail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 C'eriiped Mail Retain Receiyts Repuested Subject: IVPES Pei ma 9 NC'M00159, Yeat 1 — Period 1 itfoniioring Period =1 ttg usi 1, 2009 io .lanuroy 31, 2010. ?egllired Siormuu7ler A1rrrlyses for Doanlai Paper Company, LL,C, Plymouth, lVortll C(aolDra Dear Sir(s). Enclosed you will find the original and one copy of a cornpleied ' Stoomwater Discharge Monitoring P.cport" for the Ycar I — Putiod 1 96naming Niod designated ninn August 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010. ;An attempt was made to tolled a sample hom each designated outAH; however, there was no flow present at nine o, the outtalls. As a result; this report only include, 4 oC the 13 required sampling locations required by Dormal's storm water permit No. NCS0001 N. We will make every attempt to sample the remaining locations during subsequent representative storm events b^foie the end of the period Ifyou have any ip shoos ur require any additional information pertaining to this report, please contact me by phone, 1252) 793-7490 or by email, tamilhu„one;ii �Iumtar.eonI. Sincewo, I amiha Boone ❑VlC011nlellial E'.I1gII1::Cf :,C: I)CIMI LI IIC 1it I11,., STORMVVATER DISCHARGE CUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number INC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Bomar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Alan Barnes & Loren¢a Patin CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical 1_ab# 527 Domlar Paper Company Co, LLC I_abN 171 Wastewater Lab-Plvmouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PHONEYO. (252)793-1--,611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE 3y this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of !nv !ato'lacge. Outall r^1. �y «kG 2 ;.v.. Y D < s o� "°D it lls—O n y. n` .,Da IVOA' .>^ { SaPlpe '>• ©Ura ten Raln a" "` Y{T'' c a'7` p•� -` -.+rr Y, `y 'a" .- s. 4 i.', ° 2 - r.. x v �.1 Eollected .•c FI5 w r .a '^' �' ingll ` t, -. �..;?;.. .,_. Ivga. _„ Inches , ❑7a11 Wig.; < Winter Log Storage 3/31/2009 24 Hr 1.63 2.93 10 13 3.3 Not detected Z�L11 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 2.47 8 53 7.5 Not detected :;L13 8/31/2009 24 Hr 1.68 2.54 11 4 7.6 Not detected _F01 8/31/2009 24 Hr L68 6.21 49 12 7.5 Not detected I I Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of nev+motor oil per month? .if yes, complete Part D) 'art B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements J ufallxv- v Pis ... r �� � Date '�i Sample '4`- C. ^F Collected; 50050 V2':as�j 556$Y' -"' 530'400 `x'-- 4 I TotafF16 7, K'n A.— - i f� � "t'Tu G�4G 011 and "111To r� a- "`T Grmaa+s�eC� �SSNat aI 4'�" ) V .t xt > "£F Suspentrled�3N"�.,, Sp1 sr c1 tofvr y h •. molcld%YrraS y MG '� mg/I v_:,r - mg/It"-:_,-zn ..- unit >,- 1 9al✓moc �4':`+. (e5 No Note There is a garage onsile, however it is folly contained anti drains directly to our wastewater treatment system. Also, there are no outfalls located in this area. Form SWV-24r-05t100 SWDOMR V:\Water\Slormwater\S%NAnalylicalrepora=orolAug2009 rls Pape 1 or $ STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 3/3031/09 Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1.G2 Event Duration (Hours) 24 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Ouality Attn: Central Files 1G17 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 - "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." of Permittee) 2/21/2009 (Date) c.v, EN1-240-051 too SWDOMP IJ\Waler\Stormwaler\SWAnalvlicalPeportFomnA.U92000 sls 'ago?, of STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SOO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NC S000189 or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME Domtar Paper Company, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Alan Barnes & Lorenzo Palin CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Columbia Analytical LabY 527 Domtar Paper Company Co, LLC Lab# 171 Wastewater Lab -Plymouth Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Samples Collected During Calendar Year 2009 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratorv.) COUNTY Martin and Washington PRONE f,10. (252)793-8611 (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE{ 3v this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. (OutfalU'u'Gc �{> .r u DaceEventx a .g�-^ss Pi C`pl eCleo, '� 1� ' � Ilo�� � rt a'i� I�clae�ss�{fit, a t x k- ":*,z" m9/I� ,r �.».k� }, +zT°dY rn�*�' a av X"x 3 r e& n���'� � g .� :-t r �` '`k` tE»gll � � F c. � a., . 7 � ..•w.nc,��i _ ��'� , Tc"^FM•as., Winter Lo Storage I 8/31/2009 2a Hr 1 68 2.93 10 1„ 3 o Not delectetl CI 11 _ 3/312009 24 Hr i.63 247 3 53 7 C Not detected ICL13 LFUI 3131/200924 3/31/2009 Hr 24 Hr 1.63 1.68 2.54 6.21 11 49 a 12 7.6 7.5 Not detected Not detected Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor of per month? (if yes, complete Part B) ?art B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Ou fa]IL� 50050 °- r 556 a 530 - 00 '% y r Sant pl T�otalt Orlon Toga l` p ty. gel+rlo ors'? s t .sa, ^"', Collected ,#a • Groase a Stledl�:. §s uspen tom". OII Usage y z... Solidsp,�t-�`","'r.�" Y I y N Yes No Note: There is a garage onshe, however it is fully Contained and drains directly to our wastewater treatment System. Also. there are no outfalis lor;aled in this Brea. �WU.22r-051100 SWDOMR V9WaterlStonnwater\SWAnalvlicalReponFonnP.og2009. xis Page 1 of STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Date 3130-31109 Alin. Central Files Total Event Precipitation (Inches) 1,62 1617 Mail Service Center Event Duration (Hours) 24 Raleigh, Ntmh Carolina 27C99-1r17 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (Inches) Event Duration (Hours) '9 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) 312112009 (Date) prm NIV 2 16 0 1100 SWDOMR IJPage of 1-1 Domtar Paper Company, LLC Permit No. NCSO00189 Stormwater Sampling worksheet Date Outfall No. Time Analytical Sampling Point (Y/N) If yes, was a sample taken? Flow Y/N H Total Rainfall Inches) Comments OBA 12:33PM Y N N 1.62 WYN 11;45AM Y N Y 1.62 Only sheet flow. No channeled flow CL11 12;02PM Y YES Y 7.6 1.62 CL14 12:21 PM Y N N 1.62 WLS01 11:25AM Y YES Y 8.3 1.62 m CL13 12:13PM Y YES Y 7.6 1.62 LF01 10:25AM Y YES Y 7.5 1.62 N LF02 11:OOAM Y NO N 1.62 o 0 W RA 11:14AM Y NO Y. , 1.62 Sheet Flow (o NBA 10:55AM Y NO N 1.62 LF04 I 10:47AM Y NO N 1.62 LF03 - 10:40AM Y NO N - 1.62 No low to pon because there is no runoff from the landfill. It has not yet been capped and closed. RY01 11:41AM Y NO N 1.62 CL14 2:37PM Y YES Y 8.2 6.81 CP01 1:53PM N 6.81 N 6.81 PRPA 1:39PM YES Y 1 8 6.81 RY01 1:49PM Y o OBA 11:51am Y YES Y 6.81 to FY01 10:40am N 6.81 AR01 10:45am N 6.81 It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF02 9:46AM Y YES Y 6.8 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow WYN 10:26AM Y YES Y 1 7.4 6.81 on the previous day N It took more than five inches of rain to o o generate flow at this site. There was no flow LF04 9:12AM Y YES Y 6.89 6.81 on the previous day It took more than five inches of rain to generate flow at this site. There was no flow NBA 9:32AM Y YES Y 6.3 6.81 on the previous day (Highlighted information includes curtails where a sample has been obtained. Required sampling point where samples have at to be obtained. 7 AfColumbia m Analytical Services- P. e: . o�..,,,.:V •.tno ..;:,....an<.e ��..-_;: n. .. . September 21, 2009 Service Request No: J0904340 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Laboratory Results for: Stormwater Testing Dear Diane: Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on Scptcinber 2, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request nuntber.l0904340. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program The test results meet requirements of the NELAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results arc intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Please contact me if you have any questions. fly extension is 44W You may also contact me via email atIl<issinger a easlab.com. Respectfully submitted. Colupthia Analytical Services, Inc. U.L Tom Kissinger Project Manager Page I of 3 Z For a speci%ie li,u of ATL.I P-ucL) ccItIetl unalptes, refer co the c'et'Irfic(it ions section a "n rug. c(is lob. con). I Client: Domtar Paver Company, LLC Service Request: J0904340 I'rojecC Stornmater Testing SAINIPLF. CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE N CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE 'rimE J0904340-001 Winter Log Storage 8/31/09 11-25 J0904340-002 CL-11 8/31/09 12:02 J0904340-003 CL-13 8/31/09 12:13 J0904340-004 LF-01 8/31/09 10:25 I 11 mI.J 912 lip91'23 Sxmple Sunm;nN Page I of Cohtmbiu Analytical Se; vices, nc. Cooler Receipt and R eseIvmion Norm cnc `eivice Request :;ool;:r q \ receh ed on ` � �, — ��� and op; Died On�A COURIER: CAS UPS FEDEX DHL CLIENT Tracking -2-� ^ g 1 Were custody seals on outside of Cooler? Yes Na 1vU.A 2 Were seals intact, signed and dated? Yes No 4a 3 Were custody papers property filled out? vex No NiA Tempel of coolers a on receipt d: re_,, C) 1 1 P �) P 1 iSho�ld Cc» -a: g �. 5 Correct Temperature''. tr.•` No N,�, 6 Wcic Icc of Ice Packs present ,1 Yes xo ^i4� - Did Lill bodes arrive in good midltion (unbroken, eic..... )? N; , bPere all bottle labels complete (SLill 1p!c ID, prescrvs1 01It e.tc._.)'? 9 Did all bottle labels and tags i;«ree %. uh custody papers? 1 r vftere the correct bottles used for .he taws indicated? 1 1 WV ru Al of the p-escrvcd 1 ottlas lh the approoru le or .rv.Itl%c% , '+o 1 E INO3 01,-2 H2SO4 PHo ZnAc2lNaOF1 nH%9 NLOH PFI%12 HCl n r•-- IL.,'�I V'.11',VC '.Iltd I�IL1115 I1GCd hCUVI r bV'ere all samples received widtin analysis holding times?�Q �- 'Wcic VOA vials checked for absence main bubbles? if Present, nnte oeosr 1 I LI Where did the bottles originate? �, '•-S �� Client Manuf. Lot 4 m CAS I Sample ID Reagent Chem ID ml added I inumals i 1 II I Addlr:ortal eoiramnts and/or explanation of all discrepancies noted above i i I t Clicrt approval to run samples if discrepancies noted: i Date:, 1 -1 �E:e �o��E� _ -- � 6 _ E �_ �Ee�e�—e=_ �CCC_ :CE � CE � _. ���CCe C� eoEv :_ E_ �. E __ __C ',��� E�e�' � . E=E EE __-- 'EEB6 �E65E .__.gym — s_ E E �E "pie �� ��:C:C �C SCE = MEN WEEEE6B5�B6� 6E E� E�° E' . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .a . .. . . . . . . . :C .: (,oluntbia - AnnIyGC'.al hme �o CHAIN OF CUSTODY / LABORATORY ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM 9143 NO, Fhghway, Seat, 200 Jacksonville, F-londa 32256Q'none(904)739-2277/500-695-7222/Fm 904-739-2011 SlflaY390 contact projocl Nvnc Stomlwater Testint; Project Nurnbcr ANALYSIS REQUESTED (Include 19lethod Number an 0 _ Report To Dime Hardison Rcpon CC Allan Barnes 'l a V 0 C W � :J z 'x p 1. HCL 2. R!J03 3. H2SO4 4, NaOH Accra , 6, MCOH 7.Na SO4 R'MARKS Cian, my/Addre3s Domtar Pater Company P.O. ]iOS 747 PIY'Inouth, NC 27962 Phanc 4 252-793-9611 FAX d - A 252-793-SS71 Sampler's Sigyawrc Sampler's and Namc it— fir ;/'c ✓�' CLIENT SAiAMLE ID I.AB ID SAMPLING DATE TIDIE »tri Winter Log Storage DIOxin 8/31/09 1125 Water 2 X CL-I1 Dioxin 8/31/09 12:02 Water 2 X CL-13 Dioxin 8/31/09 12:13 Water 2 X LF-01 Dioxin 8/31109 10:25 Water 2 X Winter Log Storage - AM CL-11 - PM CL-13 - PM LF-01 - AM Stormtiarcr Stsinples for l)Iailll -t'o,ting. �. G ( ��N, /']Cf ��.�•�✓"rJ/ �f/�✓`y" iN '--c. C't C!s>A / ' TURNAROUND REQUIn8MN\'TS RUtia(SUR61•VQO&S MPL19 taltQn D RE I.RSTEDF \DATE i orott mRETORTDAM REPORT RE( UIItRMENTS T. RerWU OWy IT Rauht t QOSw�una (LC3..NSMSDurWooll X III.RUW1a Y �QC wE CWLttllon 3wvmior IV. Opn Vu4Cwlon Report w Rry Du FIE }•LS No 1110rcB I.YFORNpT10N p/ f� Po.H Y.Y YPW 4V D. BiY to: V t e uuh w r si,ro,re '✓ 7. 4 Galva y Signnt➢m c qmx c y Sipamrc Hery 3"'t, - e q y Sigtlttom cerne y Sigrunue Pnmed N Prootod Name Prurt,d Namc Pemted Name Prinmd Name F F Firm F. Damp' m / /// n c s t„p�'1 Dalc/rimc Umdlvnc U /I'imc _ C` �J t� D [elflme ate/flme Columbia Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Seivices 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results 4RY Columbia 1 Analytical Services- 19408 Park feov:. Suite 820. Houston, TX 77084 1 711266.1599 c:v :v.caslab com September 17, 2009 Tom Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Hwy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, I'L 32256 LtlboiMoiyResults for: SlurmwaterTesiing Dear Ton: Service Request No: J0904340 Fnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on September 03, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number.10904340. Analyses were perfonned according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. 1'he test results meet iequitements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and o.xcept as noted in the laboratory case nan'ative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible lot use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory fur analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the repots. fit accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact tine if you have any questions. My direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at Dl31lus@crfshl).com. crfshl).com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Ny Danen Biles Project Manager For a specific list ofNELAP-accredited nualvtes, refer to the certlfications.sectiazat ... wunn�. cnsf ub. rnnl. Emnlir^._ Onmec cmnoanv NEUNP ArcreCited AOL Sao[ of DC HPMCfl Flv;ard Please consic`." the a:nvironmon[ ceior� printlng 1 of 26 7 Columbia Analytical Services- . Certificate ofAnalysis �I i 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, 40usTon, 7X 17084 Phone (113)266 1599 Fax (713)266 0130 vw v caslab com A Em01oy eO. d(.""a,Y 2 al 26 S COLD BIA ANA[,V ICA L, SVRV ICES, INC Client: Doubter Industries I'rojece Smarewater Testing Sample :Matrix: water CASE? NARRATIVE; Semce Request No.: J0904340 Date Received: 9/3/09 All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance program of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Samnle Rece,ini Four Water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services ou 9/3/9. The samples were received at 0°C in good condition and arc consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting forms are currently referencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (9/2/09) and not the data CAS-Flouston received the samples (9/3/09.) Data 1'alidation Notes and Discussion rMS/Ur\iS EQ0900362: Laboratory Curial Spike/Duplicate L,iboratory Connnl Spike (LCS/DLCS) sonmplcs were analy-ccd and reported in lieu of an NIS/DIMS for this extraction batch. The bareh quality control criteria were met. Detection Limits Detection limits arc calculated for each congenerin each simple by nicaswing the height of the noise Icvcl for each quantization ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to 25 times the height of the noise is then calculated using the appropriate response factor and the weight of the sample The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. Approver) bv:.f(c Niang(Im Liang, Labm'atory Director Data: 09/18/09 3 of 26 9 Cliem: Suectrwn Anale'tical. hac. 19 ujccc Jamaica GW SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE / CLIENT SAMPLL' ID K0904340-001 SA9476MI K0904340-002 SA9476S-01 Poim.J 9'i;'09 1 i'.17 Snmple Smunu»y Scwice Rqucst: K0904340 DATE TIME 5/13/09 10.05 5/13/09 10.05 a126 10 Payc Laboratory Certifications 2009-2010 STATE/PROGRANI AGE' INC Y CERTIFICATION ID EXP DATE ARIZONA AZ-DHS AZ0723 05/26/10 ARKANSAS ADE 09-048-0 06/16/10 CAI-IPORN A CA-ELAP 2452 02/28/11 Ri-of mA/NELAP PL-DOHS E87611 _ 06/30/10 HAWAII HI -DOH N/A 06/30/10 IWANOIS/NGLAP II --EPA 002122 10/06/09 LOUISIANAANELAP LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINE ME-DOFIS 2008031 06/05/10 MICHIGAN NIfDEQ 9971 06/30/10 M INNESOTA iNIDH 048-999-427 03/25/10 NiwADA NDEP 'FX014112009A 07/31/10 NcwJusity N1DEP TX008 06/30/10 NEW iIN9EXICo Niv1ED-DWD N/A 06/30/10 NEW YORWNELAP NY -DOH 11707 03/31/10 Ne ESC/NAVY NEESC N/A 01/09/10 Oia-niaoNlA OKDEQ 2009-25 08/31/10 OREGONhN'E,l,AP ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 TENNrSSEE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 'I'EXASII ELAP TCEQ T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 LTA H/NEI,AP U'PELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOn-IMPORT PE,RMI'I USDA 7330-09-00067 03/27/12 WASHING ION/NIA-AP WA-Ecoluuv C1855 I1/14/09 cVEsI Vie( WVUEP 3,17 06/30/10 5 M26 11 Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Conc CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) g Grams ICAL Initial CALilontion ID IDentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyte during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) ppb Parts per billion PPm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion PPt Parts per trillion CA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte %Rec. Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient 6 of 26 12 Data Qualifier Flags — Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining theTEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value- used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value - used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o K EMPC- When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are Flagged with a'K' flag. A'K' flag indicates an estimated maximum possible concentration for the associated compound. c U Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Samples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as'Not Detected' c S Peak is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock -mass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. 7 of 26 13 CAS/HOU - Form Production, Peer Review R Project Review Signatures 9 / 17 / 09 Reviewer 8 of 26 Columbia Analytical Services - Analytical Result. 3 I 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, 7X 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 :.vww.caslab.com —____ Fln En;ploy ee O:vned Company 9 of 26 15 CoLOINJIBIA ANA L VII C\ I. SFR VI CES, IN( Analytical Report Client: Domtar Industries Sni4ce Rec nest: J0904340 Project: Stornmatcr Tcstine Date Collected: 8/311091125 sample Mat, iz: Water Date Received: 9/2/09 Sample N:une: Winner Log Storage Units: pg/L Lab Code, J0904340-001 Basis: NA Polychlol mated Dibenzodoosins and Polychlol noted Dilmaofm':ws by 1IRGC71LRA'IS :Analytical Method: 1613B Dote Analyzed: 9/10/09 1443 Prep Jicthod: Method Date Cxtrocted: 9/4/09 snmpleAnioont: Mill Insb'umcnt Name: E-1 RIMS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Daln File Name: P204129 Blank File Name: P204103 ICV, Dot': 03/20/03 Col Ver. File Name: P204122 ion Dilation :An:dyle Non„ Ihsalt Q EI)1. Mitt. Rntin IMI Pauor 2.3,7,3-1 CDD ND U 0.355 10.9 1 Spike Cone, Control Ion LalideA Campnu1OI4 Cooc(pg) Found (pg) %.Ree Q Limits Rolio 1212T 13C 2.3,7,3-ICDD 2000 1300.000 65 25-164 0.78 1.007 37CI- 300 692,895 37 35-197 NA 1,009 I'uumd 91 ]l09 I In, ynlw+^.luiliu.. �imsR.VID\mlyi¢ilR<Wc ryi Form IA R'r,..m.. ay.0000l IfArff 16 COLIi\IBIA :wAIXI I CAI. SKRVICES, INC Analytical Reputt Clicno Dotmar lndusnics Sm ice Ro,loosl: J090434U I'rnjecl: Smrnmiter Testing Date Collected: 3/311091207 Snugtic Alalcis: Water Dalo lleccire d: 9/2/09 1:.... plo Nn I,, C: CI: I I IJ u i I%; pg/I. I,ab Cndc: J0904340-002 Basis: NA Polychlurivated Dihcnzodiosins and IIt c It l nl'i n a l c tl Di bcn zu IItIva by 1112GC/I IIL\IS Anal)ti'A IMothod: 1613B Datc Analy'zetl: 9110/09 1530 I'rcp AlclIIA: Method I)nlc Estrncted: 9/4/09 Sample Amuuw: 940mL Instimnent Nnmr. E-HRMS-04 GCColumn: DB-5 Darn Filc Na nm: 1`204130 lilanla file IN: P204108 IC:AL Dalo: 03/20/08 Cul Vcr. file ','ante: P204122 Ia: Dihtlinu A"A'tc Namc Result Q EDL Mid- Ratio RRf Icael nr 2.3 7,S-1'CDD ND U 0.354 10.6 1 Spiltc Cnnc. Connol Ion I.abelud Compounds Conc.(pg) Pound (pg) %Bec Q Limits Ratio RRT )3C-',3,7,S-FCDD 2000 1377.510 69 25-164 0.78 1.007 -,7(:1-'_,3.7,3=1 C'DD 100 722.399 90 35.197 NA LOOS I'r0un! of 17V11) I1 nE I'onn la 'Jurin.. S,.uLno�Ilrns0.eM1°bnlyualRrynr, mr Sn Sat Rd,,— o9 W001 o" T1'bt`ff 17 COLUiNIRI A:%,NALYI'I C:AL SERV I CES, INC, Analylical Repurt Client:. Donitar Industries Project: Stomltvater Test in Simple d'latrim Water Sample Nome.: CL-13 Lob Code: 10904340-003 Service Requesl: J0904340 Mile Collected: 8/31109 1213 Date Received: 9/ 2/09 Units: pg/L. Basis: NA Pulychlnrinnted Diherundiouns and Polycblon ivated Dibcnzo(urans by IIRGC MINIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/10/09 1618 I'rep,McOm& Method Date Extracted: 9/4/09 Sanlple,Anlnl,W 940mL Instrument Nanle: E-FIRMS-04 ' GC Coln nm: DB-5 Detu File Nome: P204131 Blank File Name P204108 ICAI, Date: 08/20/011 Cal Vcf. File Name: P204122 loll Dilutioll :A,A'F'iA'nmc I2cull Q F1)1. A1121. Ratio RR7 Factor 2,1,7.8-1 C D D NO U 0.238 10.6 1 Spike Cone. Control Iml labelcil Cunlpuunl)s Conc.(pp) Found (pg) %Itec Q Limits Ratio RRT 3C2.3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1412.95S 71 25-164 0.77 1,007 37C1-2.3.7,SJCDD S00 723.263 90 35-197 NA 1,008 on.nn...c,. I'JumJ 9:I7109 I1'.01 F.— I A .Inxm.:lsi.�IImS I.uiuK.pSUmly u<oIll,rl qn suptda aeic...... 09 000011 1 P� brz€° is CO I, UN I B IA ANAL'i"I ICA 1,SFIMCFS, INC. Analytical Report C;ienC Dona, Industries Crojccc Stormtvater Testing San, ple dln[cir Wnter sample Name LF-01 lab Code: J09043-10-004 Service RalucsC/0904340 Date Collected: 8/31/09 1025 Dole Received: 9/ 2/09 Units: pg/L Basis: NA I'ol3chlorinated Dibenzodinsins and P olychloi inated Dibewofuruns by IIRCCAIRNIS Anal -y ical iMelhod: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9110/09 1706 1'rcp dlclhod: Method Dale PaImefed: 9/4/09 s:unplc ,Amound: 930r11 Inste unient Name: E-1IRMS-04 . GC Column: DB-5 Data File Name P204M Blank File Nme: P204108 ICAI. Date 08/20/08 Cal Ver. File Name: P204122 Ion Dilnlinn Anolp(c Name Result Q EDL tNIRI, Ratio RRT Faelor 2,3 7,3-fCDD I..�bcicd Cu nipoun Js A'D U 0.348 10.8 sp he Conc. Cone(p-) Found(pg) %14Q Cunlcnl Inn Limits Ratio RRT IX-2,3.7,8-fCDD 2000 1232.920 62 25-164 0,78 1.008 37CI-'_,3,7, 8-fCDD S00 735.856 92 35-197 NA LOOS h lined 91I7mo I I OZ funn I nniln.,SlSmllmsa.I�ns0..erbtmlyiimiaepo¢ryi Sup�rSat Refumce. Meo001qYa 002p 19 COLIL\IBIA AN•AIX11CAI, SFRVICES, 1NC. Analytical Report Client: Domim Industries P, Jj ,I: Stomwater Tesliug Sample rNimri.c: Water Sample Name: Method Blank Lab Code: 17Q0900362-01 Semcc 12cqucsu J0904340 Date Collected: NA Date Rcceiecd: NA Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polychlm'inated Dibenzodioxins:md Polychlorinated Dibenzofm ans by IIRGUIRMS Anal} licol lMd1bod: 1613B Date Analvzcd: 9/9/09 1906 Prep M,chod: Method Date Exoacicd: 9,14/09 Sangdc Anmuu l: 1000mt. Inso m,,m Name: E-I'IRNIS-04 CCColumn: DB-5 D.,Fn I II, S.rmc: 11204105 Blank Rile Name: P204103 ICAl. Dale: 09/20/03 Cal Ver'. Rile N•anre P204106 Inn Dilution Anolyle Name liesoll Q EDL MRI, Ratio RRI' Racmr 2.3.7,8-1 CDD ND U 0.333 10.0 Spike Con,. Contml Inn L:JrdrJ C'ompu"^'la Coac.(pg) Round (pg) V.R,, Q Llmib Ratio RItT 1',C-2,3,7,8='C'DD 2000 948,243 47 25-16`1 0.77 1.003 37C1�2,3,7,3-TCDD H00 614.495 77 35-197 NA 1.009 (:uom... " ILvn„1 v:! UOY I p; Form I A Ia0r.+.,Yna,r•d LrrniNugUmlyrialRe{wn rVr S,P ,Sn Wn<na'. 09-000012`ih OF`Lp 20 SSColumbia Analytical Services - Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www,caslab.corn 15 of 26 21 COLUdI Ii IA ANAL1 I IC'AL 6L It \'1 Cl'S, INC. QA/QC Report C'.licnf. Domiar lodustrics Sclvicc l2equcsC J0904340 Pnijec I: Slorrnwaier Testing Date Anzlyzcd: 9/9/09 Sangde Dlztrix: Prater Lab Comrol Sample Sumnmrp Polychlorin:led Dibenzodioxins and polvchlal'innted Dibenzofivaos by IIIICC/11101S Anal, Beal lAlethod: 1613D Units: pg/L Prep I\Icthod: Method Basis: NA Lab Couirol Sample EQ0900362-02 Annlrte Nan'c Result Expected % lice 2,3.7,8- l C DD 231 200 116 Gsbaclinn Lot: 95259 D uplicale I,ab C ntrol Sample EQ0900362-03 % Rec RPD R"idt E.tpccicd %Rec Limits RPD limit 227 200 114 67-158 2 i0 I'iinlul FYI L1�0 11 03 LA CII S.nnpla 5nmmory J In 11,,,T9In, lmI �l.InIdtaps'.L>bConlol SeinpR In SuparSS<iRderen[e 09-0a001'OJ]nRf',pp I O7 7 COI-IAIRIA ,ANA LYTICAL SFRVICGS, hVC. Analpeal Repor[ Client: Dom(ar Industries I'rujec l: S torawate r Test in Sat, p I, dla I, Water Sample Nam": Lab Control Sample Lob Cud": F.Q0900362-02 Service Request: J0904340 Date Collected: NA Date Received: NA Units: pg/L Basis: NA P olychim inned Dibenlodioxins and Pal)chlor inated Dihcnrol i,rans by 1112GC/ARMS Anah tied Mcthod: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/9109 1518 I'r"p ;Method: Method Date FXtroc ed: 9/4/09 Sample Anuuurt: 1000mL Instrument Name: B-FIRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 fit" Name: P204104 Blank file Name: P204108 K, %I, Date 08/20/08 Cal Ver. file N':une: ['204099 lot, Dilution :xnnlyle Name Result Q CsDI, NIRL Ratio RRT Fact",. 2,3,7.9-1-CDD 231 0.245 10.0 0.76 1.001 1 Spike Con. Control Ion :.ibdnl Comlioinitls Con.(pg) Inund(pg) '%R"c Q Limits R:din Rli'I' 13C-2,3.7,R-TCDD 2000 1355.027 68 25-164 0,78 1.008 37CI-2,3,7,8-TCDD Soo 732,327 92 35-197 NA 1.009 i:112 1' inn, I A - -I,izI su,r.,.... rv-aooizj'PbYz6' 23 ('()[,I IN I AINA1.1 I RCA 1. .S 6:RV IC4:S. INC':. .Anal; ucal Repou Client: Doom, Industries Prnj"I: Stomm:ner Testing S:unple Matrix: Water Sannpl, Fa nnc: Lab Control Sample Dup I.ah Cade: EQ0900362-03 Scn'icc Bequest: J0904340 Dnlc Collected: NA Date Received: NA Units: pg/L Basis: NA Polychloriented Dibenmdiosins and Polrchlmmated Dibenzolurans by II12CC/FIRMS Analyticnl Method: 1613B Date Analyzed: 9/9/09 1606 Prep n\Iethod: Method Date Exlracted: 9/4109 Soniple A'nounC 1000nnL Insh'unenl Nuns E-HRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data File Name: P204105 Blank File Nave: P204103 ]CAL Dane: 03/20/08 Cal Ver. File N:une: P204099 lou Dilution ,An:dyle lN.'nm Result Q PDL INIRII Roan WIT Factor _i?.5=I CDD 227 0.259 10.0 0.77 1,000 I Spiltn Con'. Canlml Inn I-:Ibelcd (on,puands Cnne(pg) Fomnd (pg) 'Y.nlac Q Li ... it, Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7.VTC'DD 2000 12,14.291 62 25-164 0.73 LOOS -7C'I-2.37,3-TCDD 800 698.849 37 35-197 NA 1.003 rdm<a 11 I7A19 1 1 61 Fmin IA Huna..+SudlmnUmiaepidn+l.enl0.epun I, SnperSn ReR¢nu OWN 1 'WbrAll 24 Columbia Anal)tflcal Services - Chain of Custody 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, X 77084 Phonet713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.Caslab.COn1 Ao E,npinyee Owned Campany 19 of 26 25 I'rojea N'nmv: 9unnu:ner Tcv im;. I'nijrtt \'uni hr. r. 1'n,jccl ?L nxgvr Ui:us IlivJi>on Cmnpa ny: Dunv:u Paper C'nn,pmn', LLC fjlti2l-l\1et\i7ulR Ctlal❑ OfCusto (y 9143 Ph i llpe High.cn� t lc, F1. 3", 91H-739-2" 77 -FAX 904-73 11--'011 S I. . en,p, Date I Lab Code CI Ien. Sa m p le lD nnf Corn. AIa Mc Dole l'in,e Itecelced Scnd F. J0904340-001 ! Winmr l og Storage —r Wmar 9g1/09 1125 92f09 110USTON ll J0904340- 00_o I CI.-11 W:eaI10 I'_02 9209 -! HOUS"fON II J0904340003 J0901340004 (L 1_ LP 01 T Wall' Wiwi-R/a 8/31/09 l/1N) 1 I'll 102i 9/_/09 9/2/09 HOUSTON HOUSTONif "I'cst Ca.nnwuts Diocins Rims - 161 iD J091H340-001,2,1 4 Special lu.vruuionsfrom men.. PLEASE SEND RESULTS TO 1441JUY SOL L I VAN 237E "fCDD onlr,rcpun in myi -1'urnn, oun❑ Rcgni remcn is _RUSH (Sumhargcs Apply) PLCASE CIRCLE VWORK DAYS 1 _ n 4 5 ST'A,NDARD Rcqucncd FAX D,tw Requcncd Report Drdc:, 09/23/09 CAS Contact Tom Kissinger t Report Requirements I. Rcsults Only _ 11. Rcsults + QC Summaries _ III. Results -OC and Cnlibmma Smnmarics IV. Data ValAntion Report pith Raw Data PQU\IDVJ Y EDD N D.colcc Intonnatm J090M1;M10 to Rclinquishul 13Y: (LU/� RttcivcdB /// �Jv /�{� Airhilt N,:mbcr: 26 `/9f0 / 7 (�I � � i Pngc ' Reset Form_ Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Cooler Receipt Form Clicnt/Project Domtar Paper Company / Storinwater Testing Service Request Received:---- 09/03/09 Opencd (Date/Time): 09/03/09 0955 By: J0904340 NAB I. Samples were received via? ❑US Niail ❑heder ✓❑UPS ❑DHL ❑Courier ❑Harr! Delivered 2. Samples were received in: (circle) ❑Cooler ❑Box ❑ Other ❑NA 3. Were custody seats present on coolers? ❑✓ Y ❑N If yes, how many and where? If present, were custody seals intact? ❑✓ Y ❑N If present, were they signed and dated? Ely ❑N 4. Is shipper's air -bill tiled? ❑NA ❑Y ❑J N II not, record an bill number: 1ZX5WO980140778136 5. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 0 6. If applicable, list Chain of Custody numbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled our (ink, signed, etc.)? ❑NA ❑Y ❑N S. Packing material used: ❑Inserts ❑J Bubble Wicip ❑Slue /ce ❑✓ 4'et Ice QSleeves ❑Other 9. Were the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated'? ❑✓ Y ❑N Did all bottles aiTive in eood condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below. QY ❑N Sample iD Bottle Count Bottle Type Out of Temp Broken Initials ❑ ❑ ❑ I❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ 10. Were all bottle labels complote (i.e. analysis, ID, etc.)? ❑J Y ❑N Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below. ❑Y ❑N Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID on COC Sainple ID on Bottle Sample Ill on COC 11. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: 21 of 26 Page'': ❑I ❑2 Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink R signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive In good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight most be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 60C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at-20 to -10°C ✓ Air sarnples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, -23°C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity - the client must decide re: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Form, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt forms must be completed for each coc 8, SRtt ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the cagier and the airbill number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folder(s) 22 of 2G 28 Pblder h: J090-13411 Client Nnntc Domon Ind usn ms 111'0jecr Name: Sturnnvnrcr l"Inne Project Number: Rc pnrf 'I'n: Diane FI'.0 disun Domtar Toper Company, LLC P.O. Bos 717 PI) mouth, NC 27962 Phone Number: 252-793-861 I Cell Number Fu, Number: 252-793-SS71 L-mzil: dimtc.haMisunliidonnar.com Service Request Summat Project Cln,rn,s L. D:un'n Riles Or iginating Lub: JAN Logged Rp: SI.IGHI Sf Y Date Received: 9/ 2/09 Internal Duc Dora: 9/23i09 QAP: LAIC OAP Qualifier Set CAS Standard Formset CA.S Standard Mergcd7: N Report to MDL'.>: Y Y.O. Number'. 45'ID161974 HDD: No FDD Spectfed 0 CASs:-,, n„ cn".l s,.,n1�r+.�. J0904)cU-001 \\'in¢r Lug Slant:. \Va¢ 6r)Itt19 11351 It II1901340-001 01.11 \Veer 8131/09 COy1 ti ... .. J09Ui NU-003 L'L I) L .. \Vnl.r ..._...I 861/U9 .... C1)i I( I J0901340-004 _.., LF-UI Naler S:i 1/09 1025 (1 Test Continents: Croup Tesd.%IV lhnd Semivoa GCMS Prne<d 9/152009 1'162811M Samples Comntcnts Dioxins Furans/161313 1-4 2375 TCDD only,repori in mg/J. scrvlcc ltcqu¢I for J0904340 n . our, n, l: Glass nolne e'11 tl:.lnlir n-0un Liner unluaacn:.,l Location: 8-WIC01 NrDES 23 of 26 Pups I nr I Piepnralitin Lrfior/na/ion Benchsheel I'rg1 Rung: 99359 I`re1, %%:.1 lu+a: OrpFzlA,1(365) St:nu.: Prepped 'Ib:mr Semivua GL'\4S/.NC ODUR 1'rap NktIwd: Mt,lhod Prep Dut Jl'in , 961/09 1 C0D AM a Lah Code Client ID BM Method /Test pH Matrix Amt. Ext. Sample Description I L0900215-UUI 1329231 '01 10331Dioxins F1umu 3 Wmc+ IIUUmL clear colorless liquid E0900723-001 67411ii tll 1613 B/Diuxi ns Fnrnnn 9 Wmmwarur 930mL ycl l o.v llgaid 3 E0900724-001 Camp Upfh+u OF-001 Cu.", 01 1613B/Diocins Hums 9 Wnamwnncr 1000mL dnv colorless liquid c E090025-00I 11125D .01 1613 B/Dioxins Fnrnns V Wa1cr 100 L drnr cnlcnf-s liquid 5 C0900729-001 U413D82709 01 I613B/Dio.eins Fnrnns 1 Wn1nr 990mL clear enlorless ""quid 6 C0906729-002 RP4AO82709 .01 1613B/Dioxins Finns S WnIc+ 960inL Lrown liquid 2 E0900739-DOI 3:2567001 .01 1613B/Dioxins Fnrnns 9 Drinking tt':dxr 1000n 1- Ydlnw lulu liquid 8 1:0900939A01 142F66001 01 16138/Dioxins Fans 6 Ddnklug Walur 91Dn+L y<Iluw tined liquid 9 E0901,239-003 312615001 01 16131310iosins Ftn—, S Drinking W.lnai IOUOmL ye"low tinned liquid 10 E090074 I.001 09098015.1 01 161i3113in6ns Fnrv+s 8 Wnm1 920n,1. ydlowlined lignid I I E9900792.001 11938I 01 16131IMio.eine Fnrnns ] Dunkin, W.uu 9DOud. clor enlndess liquid 12 E09007�3-001 1 01 161➢B/Diocins Fnrnns 9 R'atar 900ni 1, ydluw liquid 13 E0900745-001 Chip Blanch 2009-09-01_ I 01 1613B/Dioxins Fumu 3 Wner 990n 1, bright orung ycllmv liquid 19 F.0900795-602 9mathn" Blanch 1009-09-Ur-K 01 1613B/Dinxius Fu,nS 3 Wal" 960"LL. yd10w mango l ignid 15 FO09W362-01 .11B 1613 B1Dioci,+s Hanna Liquid 1000nd. 16 EQ0900362-01 LCS 1615 B/I3inx ins ❑urann Liquid InOU.nL 17 EQD90062L3 DLCS Id 138/Dia.dns F,n,u Liquid 1000n 1. IS 6Q09UU3G2-09 NEE 1613B/Dioxins Furnns Drinking Win-, 1000m1. 19 F,Q0900362-b LCS 1613130insins Fnrnns Drinking Waror Montt 20 EQD900362-06 ULCS 16I3B.+Dioxins Furnns Drinking Walur 10001nl- 21 J0909340-001 Wimv Log Smngc '01 161313/1)ioxins Fnrm+s 2 Wnmr 920nd l ined vdlmr liquid 22 J0909140-002 CL-II DI 1613B/Dioxins Forams 6 Water 9-WtnL Bondy yellow liquid 23 J0909340-003 CL-13 .01 16I3B/Dio.ains Furnns ] Wa¢s 941mL limed liquid 29 J090434MOJ LF-pl 01 1613B/Dioxins Furnns _7 V—. 930od. ycllmv 6gold 25 K0907866005 M0102122 .05 1613B/Dioxins Fnrnns 3 Warc1 930IL cloudy liquid 26 K090]866-OOi l.I.NID2P1 Di 1613E/Diocins Puns It Wma 980m1. purFlc dear liquid W O 1-6."d 9Rl/09 13;22 rrcpan+ion Inlnrmmion Bcnchshca 24 of 26 Prep(1ralion I11jbrrnarior7 Benclrshee7 1'rrp Enna: 9)159 I'Ixp %ND, Sln,,: 0rg13xL4q(365) slam,: prepped -I emn, Scnllvnn OCNIS/AKODUN. I'ycp Niclln,d: 69clhod P, p Dalell Info: 914/09 I1.00 AM S),Ilzing ... ,C N:imr: I013B MalrN Working Standard I,,cDto, ID 11101 I.OghoUk Ref: D10-5.1-313 E,pi,"On: 07/242014 EQ0900362-03 100Aopl. rQo9n0362-03 too UUIIL E00WO362-05 1n0. 0011L EQ0900362-D6 Iuo UopL N:unc. 1613E Labeled Working Standard Inven lory ID 1203E Lnt book Ref. DID-70-3!3 Espnes On: 09/02/2014 109�04340-00 loouoo)tL J090434D 004 IpuD. Opp K09071166005 Io00oo111- KU907868-005 I000,00µl- Nsn4r 829011613E CIcnnnp\forking Slaind.rd Invcnron ID 12GS3 Logbook Rel' D10-70-5A/B Expires On: 09/03,1014 ED900715-001 Io000pL E0900723-001 Iononp 1. E09DO724-001 Ion.00j,L F09D0725-001 10000pL E0900728-001 too ouµl- E0900729-002 100.00ftL E0900739-001 100 uopL E0900739-002 MOOOpL E09DO739-003, ion aoµ1. E0900741-001 IonDofIL E0900742-001 IDD aopl- E0900743-UUI IOaDop1. E0900741 nor 1000Up1. EOWO745-002 1Do a0pL E(09org62-01 100on pL EQO900362-02 too oo11L rQ0900362-D3 Iou uopL FQ0900362-0.1 100Dop I_ E00900362-05 too,00pL FQ0900362A6 100 oo ftL 1D`HIe340-DUI 100. DoflL J09043,10-002 IUo.OUpf- 10904340-003 IOOOO,'lL 10904340-D04 Ia0.on f,L A0907S66.0115 too OOPL KOW7965-005 too. oupL Nnon, 1613B Labeled Working Slanducl Inventory ID 12036 Logbook Ref DIO-70-48 Expires On. 09104,1014 269007IS not Io00.00p 1. FD900723-001 ),Dun no IL LOWO72.1-U01 1,0ouoopi- E0900725-DoI Io0molil- E0900726.001 I000.001,1, E0900725-002 160o. ou)IL ED911n739-Or11 Lonn.00,,L 20900739-002 1.0.0. oupL C09DO710-003 1,000. oo ItL F,09D0741-001 taOO.0011L E0900742.u01 I 000 ao)tL E090074-, 001 I0000UPL E090074,-001 1a006DµL Iao90o745.002 1,000. DopL EQ %0362-01 1 UoO. BpL EQ0900362-02 1 0000o d- 1 EQ0900362.01 1 ono.o9p1. E OW0362 04 Q I000.00pL Ef)11911D362-o5 I00000f1L EQO900]62-06 1,000.00ILL J090434IJ-001 IuO0 OOpL m90,1340-002 IOno oupL 1"'Itmaliun Materials Acclnnc 99.5% Minimum C2-16-007(7199) Carbon, Hig0l'urip' 0-19-005(716!) EILyl Aalnlc 999%M1lininnun C2-23-00G (9462) EIOA, Glum Wool C2-13-003{7196) SWPori< And R9.gem Grade C2-24-003(946 t) Dieh!oromahane(Mohy4um (72-25-001(9449) HIS04 Chloride) 99.9% lleCC sudinm Chlnnde Reagan Grade CI-104 ±(3306) Sodium Hydrmide Rceguu C2-24-DO2(940) S9d,—, SulGm Aul, cl.a. C.19-006(7201) Mac] G, .& NaDl I Rcvgcnl Gmdc Nn'SO4 Tndee;,— (n-I nde,—) C2-24-001 (9460) Hexm,u (n-Hcwne) 99 5% C2--25-004 (9441) Ntot,, (n-Nonnne) 99'. C2-21-004 (9437) Min nm pH R,per a-1J (100.) Gd Rcvl;cnl Gmdc 027-007(9456) '19hicnc 99. 9% Mininuun C2-25-003(9446) Irlepnration Steps Step: Ectm9d9rr si, Avid Clair Smp: Silica Gel Clean Slap: Flnvl Vuluum , Srancd'. 9/4/091100 Shoed: 9/5/090FOo SI:nICO: 918/0913:00 Sl:mcd. M010907,00 O' Inishcd: 914U9 11 AI Flnishcd 919109 us:00 Flniehcd'. 91810917:30 Finished: 9/9,0913:00 By: NBROWN By: NBIW¢N a'. NBROXS 4 By: NBKQWN 25 of 26 I'nnmd 9/v109 13:22 Prepnrnnan Inlbrmmion Ncne6ihce raae 2 1'rcp It mrtr 95159 '1''n.a Senvv uo GCMS/AMODIIR Comnxm, R,;—d By: Nicole Broom Preparation Infiirrnation Benchsheet Prep A�`m'kBhi�.': Or �Ex1:Ay(i6�1 Prep Vclh od: MCIhod Dal, 09/09/09 R�h,-e bul Br Dom: E,I... Fsamin�d Rea Hed Bp: Dat, Va h'o SIu11a: Prepped I'rcp Ualdl'imr: 9/4/09 I1.00 AM I'rimed 919%U9 I:?� Pmpvnnon MI.I natinn B..ehlh-, Pays 3 Columbia AnalyticalSP.MCE?5- ;—s i„c, 4.1111 a.ss 1 enn.�sz-' z+.,ii:or: i December 08, 2009 Diane Hardison Domtar Paper Company, LLC P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 1_,ahoratory Results for: Plymouth Store»eater Testing Dear Diane: Service Request No: J0905693 Enclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on November 17, 2009..For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request nLill) ber.10905693. All analyses were performed according to our laboratory's quality assurance program. The test results meet rcquircments of the NFLAP standards except as noted in the case narrative report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory For analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. Plcase contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 4408. You may also contact me via ernail at "hKissinger@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Tom Kissinger Project Manager Page I of CASJack.wm:ille is NELAC-accredited by the Stare of l'lorida, #E82502. Other state oceredireuions include: Georgia, #958, Kentucky, #63: Louisiona. #02086: North Curolina. #527: South Ca olum, #96021001. Texas. #T104704197-09-TX.. lient: Domtar Paocr Connoanv, LLC i eject: Plymouth Stormwatel Testing Service Request: J0905693 SAMPLE CROSS-REFERENCE SAMPLE # CLIENT SAMPLE ID DATE -TIME J0905693-001 RYOI - Norfolk Southern I I/11/09 13 49 J0905693-002 OBA - Old Borrow Arca 11111109 14:54 J0905693-003 CL-14 West Con Laydown 11/11/09 14:37 J0905693-004 LF-04 11/12/09 09:15 J0905693-005 ,IBA 11/12/09 09:32 J0905693-006 LF02 11/12/09 09:46 J0905693-007 Woodyard II/12/09 1026 Ll IJS109 I I: i$ 1Miplt Suumui0' — Puer ul' L.IJ l l ill, lit:l :, ilall I IIt'll OL1 'i eCCsI lt.c. Cooler Receipt and Presell'Htlo❑ For[.1 G"f W: l _. LOoler !-eoct A'8d oil '�,_i �l and opCl COURIER: CAS PS FEDE\ DHL CLIENT Tracking �7 \1&.;�\ 1 Were custody seals on outside of cooler? Yes <fo:�) N/A 2 Were seals intact, signed and dated? Yes No Were custody papers properly filled out? Yes No NIA 4 Tempernalre of eoolei(s)upon receipt (Shocle!be.+r-: degrecs C) Con 'ectTcnipciature'? �� No N4� 6 ;Vert Ice or Ice Packs present Did ntl bottles arrive in good condition. (unbroken, cic...)'> Y N/A were -lit bottle Iai,eL com.pleie i•sanlpbc ID, presCrvaiion, etc....)? e, , do Ni:\ 9 Dial sli bou.le labels and taus agree v; ith custody Papers'? ilo ;•;%;v Ili Were t'.te ccrrcci bottle; used fathe Tests indicatcii'? tCC� ;\Io Ny;\ 1 W:I'C 111 of the preser•'cd bodes received vlllh III,-- 41)pTOpllal9 prLSo: va!ive.! `f,c o KNO3 PH=2 H2SO4 pHkQ i:nAc2risli1011 pH>) Ns611 pi1>12 1 Cl pi-iQ l r:eS•`I'Vdt:4'•_ ::L'�I:101'.5 IIGi,:: 41c1n44' 12 Weic all samples received vvid.in analysis holding times'? V" 1 ; bXcic VOA ials checked for absent, of air bubbles? If present, note below Yes 14 Where did the bottles originate'? C;4; No N/A i Sample ID Reagent Mauuf. Lot ;t of CAS Chem ID ml added Inititiials S �I itional comments and/or ezulanation of all discrepancies noted above. Client approval to nm sarnpies if discrepancies noted: Date: 0 --- uale mcil 1H is mea0 om molts Ills amarca DI I mte.mn u"" io m,, A:unn neaow" unit35 el➢crw 11 nnluu or: Inrm_ 6 t L nA J S 2J ID IOn1 12 LI 5m 125mL 1"+5 I SDmL 5D Ll.d Ll 2� L ).A7 A L2A A5n . 1111 SODIn 1L 1L IL tL 12 4o Bo Im 5] tIXl 30 l W n f G p p P I p { L P F C fI P P P C G ( G G 0 G Cllc p MH ME SO4 2 ,. w krNlAd 11CI T M504 2 HIJ03 .11: 'NIP- Ol 11repD N 011 9 N OH. - 1 t 'Clln <1 'Jlt.- H2 bI HNO3 NlP VINO 2 I HCI H250 N7A r_ Ii1A N/A ,4IA NTA - Nlpd xNlAi [ ^ - NIC L (A1 010. - -- --- _ — v - . ct�.3 til5 p13 _ TT .In•.. I ------ -i-- - _ - - --r- - fill, 0:11 01, ..t ii) .imi, '(71UII11/1F1 Analytical S(aJvcns k-11A IIN "V %—U31 UL/V / C.A bUEAI '.Y AINA LIYSi KLQ/U 1LJl F'U KIWI I CAS Cornocl , J 9143PhiISpvlll¢1jlrny, Siiae 200 Jacksonvi l lc,Florid:132256/Vhuno(404)7392277/SOO695-7?2Vpcx 904-739-2011 PBL,,c 1 Of I Pmjccl Name Project Numhcr ANALYSIS REf)UBJri i) (Include Method Number an Phnouth Stonnwater-1 estin; Prescnmtivc 0 Rcpon Tu R"wr CC: Diane I -la rdl5on Alan D2rncs L Z 1. IiNOi Company/Addrfss 2 Domulr Pa. cr Com miry x 0. 112504 4. N,orl P.O. Box 747 0 Plymouth, NC 27962 p �. p i. LI. ncfrnf ti_ Me011 Phnnc ;: FAX II J 252-793-8611 i ;) 7-N,HSO4 Rampkr's Sign:uu�rc Samplrr's I'tin¢d Namc /! i / 7. REMARKS - SAMPLING M:Ilrix CIA I"INT SAMPLE, ID LAB ID DATE TINIF, RYOI - Norfolk Southern Dioxin 11/11/09 1:491'M Water 2 X OHA —Old Borrow Area Dioxin 11/11/09 2:54 PM Water 2 X CL-14 - West Con. Laydown Dioxin I1/11/09 2,371'M Water 2 X LP-04 Dioxin 11/12/09 9:15 AM Water 2 X N13A Dioxin 11/12/099,32 AM Wnmr 2 X LF02 Dioxin 11/12/09 9:46 AM Water 2 X \Voodywd Dioxin 11/12/09 91,78444 \Nato 2 X Woodyard- 10:26 AM I $IOrnlvv'.Jcr sdmp4 (ur JiO%in tfslinR. 'I 1111NARIUNI1 RY.QUI1FMCITS REPORT RE.QLRRFMENT.s INVOICE INFORNIAII ON FUSI I(SURE, IA ROES APLI.1'1 I. Hcvulu Only IL NuuILa�(%'Sumnnri.� p P.OJ d/.d'"roZ/C,/p'O' \'IANVARn (ICI, OUP, MIV ISD u�rynitv'JI X IILltnnln e Oe...a CWM......n Su...... I RII I� RC)UG., rrO FIx IIAI I IV. IAm 1,1." lnnK,-"il1, Rn.. O:ne RRQUETeO RCPORI DAI E r\ fdau Ycs No RCIIngulshcJ 11)' Itccerved Ry Rclingulshed R\' \ Rc red1 y Itdingwshed By Recerved Ry � S lmal)Itj`� �� $Inn Rlre .S II{II:Illlfc tii It:lllll l: I'rin¢d Namc /� _y Pr'vncd Nanm/" �> {'rinlr, Nvyi— Pf ILA" Printed Namc I'rinlcd Nave Pirn \ -inn JI 1'- J ^� Flan Pinn Dai lll.f ./_ _),-/{✓� Unmllime L:uc Tmle '—"'-" I3v4.ls f n• YD Date/iinm D:�m/iime /x _i Columbia � Analytical Services - Appendix A Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips Highway, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Tel 904-739-2277 Fax 904-739-2011 Subcontracted Analytical Results ia�IU Ylbia C,. Analytical Se, vices_ December 3, 2009 Torn Kissinger Columbia Analytical Services 9143 Philips [-levy, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 19409 Park Rov,,, Suite 320, Houston, TX 7708,: 1 713. 266.1599 v:ww.ra51ah.con1 Laboratory Results for: Plymouth Stornnvater Testing Dear Tom: Set -vice Request No: J0905693 Enclosed arc the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory on November 18, 2009. For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request number J0905693. Analyses were performed according to our laboratory's NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS) is not responsible for Ilse of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report. In accordance to the NELAC 2003 Standard, a statement on the estimated uncertainty of measurement of any quantitative analysis will be supplied upon request. Please contact me if you have any questions. Nly direct line is 281-994-2954. You may also contact me via email at DBiles@caslab.com. Respectfully submitted, Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. Danen Bites Project Manager For a specific list of NELAP-accredited onalvtes, refer to the ceruficatiols section at . . r o1rm. cus(ab. can. �: i r,-._ Lrane:f t:omo r•, '.( �t�°r?.,i,i(t; ,:,. �U�S.:at of ,r.a.; _, .�.r Ple:,:o cJnsicCa .no cr.'iv. mantU'•ore pnror r51 1 of 29 AlColumbia Analytical Services- (ertificate of Analysis 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone (713)266-1599 Fax (713)266-0130 www.caslab.coni 2 of 2s 0 COLUB93UA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC Client: Dorntar industries Service Request No.: J0905693 Project: Plytnouth StonnwaterTesting Date Received: 11/18/09 Sample Nlairix: Water CAS NARRATIA1F All analyses were performed in adherence to the quality assurance progam of Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. (CAS). Chis report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier 11, When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Sample Receipt Seven water samples were received for analysis at Columbia Analytical Services on 1 1/18/09, The following discrepancies were noted upon initial sample inspection: no custody seals on coolcr(s). The exceptions are also noted on the cooler receipt and preservation form included in this data package. The samples were received at 0°C in good condition and arc consistent with the accompanying chain of custody foim. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4°C upon receipt at the laboratory. Please note the reporting fOrnn5 are currently refinencing the date CAS- Jacksonville received the samples (11/17/09) and not the date CAS -Houston received the samples (11/18109.) Oato Validation Notes :md Uiscussiou :AIS/DJMS EQ0900491: Laboratory Control Spike/Duplicate Laboratory Control Spikc (LCS/DLCS) samples were analyzed and reported in lieu of an BAS/DMS for this extraction batch. The batch quality control criteria were met. Dolectina Limits Detection limits roc calculated for each congener in each sample by measuring the height of the noise level for each quantitation ion for the associated labeled standard. The concentration equivalent to?S times the height of the noise is then calculated using the approtinatc response factor and the weight of the sample. The calculated concentration equals the detection limit. u = Approved by: 17 \ionggiu Liaug, Lnborntory Director 3 of 29 Date: 12/07/09 Client:. Domer Paner Comnanv. LLC Service Bequest: 30905693 I'ruject: PIynlOulh Slonmvaicr Testing SAB9 PLE CROSS-REFEAZENC IS SAIv11ILF H CLIFN'I' SAMPLE ID DATE TIME J0905693-001 RYOI-Norfolk Southern 11/11/09 13:49 (0905693-002 013A - Old Borrow Area 11/11/09 14:54 J0903093-003 CL; 1.1 West Con Laydown 11/11/09 I4:37 10905693-004 LF-04 11/12/09 09: 13 10905693-005 NBA 11/12/09 09:32 J0905693-006 LF02 11/12/09 09:46 J0903693-007 Woodyard 11/12/09 10:26 4 of 20 IginmJ I':9ai•� i.i. Sample Summ^6' a Page of I Laboratory Certifications 2009-.2010 STATE/PROGRAM AGLNCY CLRTIF1CATION ID LX;P DATE ARIZONA AZ-DHS AZ0725 05/26/10 ARI<ANSAs ADEQ 09-049-0 06/16/10 CAI-uroaNlA CA -FLAP 2452 02/28/11 FLOM UA/N'E LAP FL -DOHS E97611 06/30/10 HAWAII HJ-DOFI N,;A 06/30/10 If-IrNols/N IsLAP IL -EPA 002380 10/06/10 LO0ISIANA/NELAI' LELAP 03048 06/30/10 MAINE lolE-DOFIS 2008031 06/OS/10 DhCmcAN MIDFQ 9971 06/30/10 MIN'NESOrA MDH 048-999-427 03/25/10 NEV,ADA NDL'P TX014112009A 07/31/10 NEw Je:usE�' NJDEP TX008 06/30/10 \Iiw D91,SICO LAMED-DWB N/A 06/30/10 Niaw Yow</NELAP NY -DOH 11707 03/31/10 NFESC/Nnvv NFESC N/A 01/09/10 OKLAIIO.WA OKDEQ 2009-25 08/31/10 OaecoNh�tiLAl' ORELAP TX200002-006 03/24/10 'ITNNESSFE TNDEC 04016 06/30/10 TEXAS/NELAP TC1EQ T104704216-09-TX 06/30/10 UT.A Ii/NLLAP U-CELCP COLU2 06/30/10 SOIL huom PEu�u'r USDA P330-09-00067 03/27/12 11'.aSFUNGTOi�/NLLAP WA-Fcology CIS55 11/14/09 WESI'VIRCINIA WVDEI' 347 06/35/10 5 of 29 C Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions Cal Calibration Con: CONCentration Dioxin(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) EDL Estimated Detection Limit EMPC Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration Flags Data qualifiers Furan(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuran(s) 9 Grams ICAL Initial CALibration ID Dentifier Ions Masses monitored for the analyze during data acquisition L Liter (s) LCS Laboratory Control Sample DLCS Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MB Method Blank MCL Method Calibration Limit MDL Method Detection Limit MRL Method Reporting Limit mL Milliliters MS Matrix Spiked sample DMS Duplicate Matrix Spiked sample NO Number of peaks meeting all identification criteria PCDD(s) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin(s) PCDF(s) Polychlorinated dibenzofuan(s) ppb Parts per billion ppm Parts per million ppq Parts per quadrillion ppt Parts per trillion QA Quality Assurance QC QualityConttol Ratio Ratio of areas from monitored ions for an analyte 0/0 Rec. _ Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference RRF Relative Response Factor RT Retention Time RRT Relative Retention Time SDG Sample Delivery Group S/N Signal -to -Noise ratio TEF Toxicity Equivalence Factor TEQ Toxicity Equivalence Quotient 6 of 29 7 Data Qualifier Flags - Dioxin/Furans o B Indicates the associated analyte is found in the method blank, as well as in the sample. o C Confirmation of the TCDF compound: When 2378-TCDF is detected on the DB-5 column, confirmation analyses are performed on a second column (DB-225). The results from both the DB-5 column and the DB-225 column are included in this data package. The results from the DB-225 analyses should be used to evaluate the 2378-TCDF in the samples. The confirmed result should be used in determining the TEQ value for TCDF. o E Indicates an estimated value -used when the analyte concentration exceeds the upper end of the linear calibration range. o J Indicates an estimated value -used when the analyte concentration is below the method reporting limit (MRL) and above the estimated detection limit (EDL). o 1( EMPC- When the ion abundance ratios associated with a particular compound are outside the QC limits, samples are flagged with a'K' flag. A'K' flay indicates an estimated maximum possible concentation for the associated compound. o IJ Indicates the compound was analyzed and not detected. o Y Sarnples that had recoveries of labeled standards outside the acceptance limits are Flagged with'Y'. In all cases, the signal-to-noise ratios are greater than 10:1, making these data acceptable. o ND Indicates concentration is reported as 'Not Detected.' 0 5 Peak Is saturated; data not reportable. o P Indicates chlorodiphenyl ether interference present at the retention time of the target compound. o Q Lock-inass interference by chlorodiphenyl ether compounds. 7 or 29 ;HOt-1 - Forni Production -el- R-vc,,v ci Dmiect Revic \A; Signarui-es, SR' Uniaue ID Laie Person 2 Cale Ua7a reviewer Seconnary Da(a Psj:evve� 8 of 2 9 Columbia Analyticai Services - Analytical L�sults a '19408 Park flow, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.caslab.com An Employee Onned Cornpeny 9 of 29 1� COLUMBI:A:AN AL1'CIIC:AL SE 1: 'VICES, INC. Analylilll Report Client: Domlor Industries Service Request: J0905693 Ptojecl: Plymouth Slornnvntcr TeStine Date Collected: 11/11/091349 Sample Matrix: Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample iName: RYOI - Norfolk Southem limits: pg/L. LabCude J0905693-001 Basis: NA Polychlorin INd Dibcnzodinci,m aid Polpchloi inated Dibcmzofmals by llR6C/IiW\iS Analytical iMellmd: 1613B Date Aualwed: 11/23/09 2244 Prep Method: 'Method Date lictracted: 11/19/09 sample Amount: 99011IL I nstt unl en t,Va m e: E-14RIVIS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Detu File Nnn1e P205035 Blank File Name: P20508t KCAL hale: 08/20/08 Cal A'e,. File 1Came: P205079 Ion Dilution V iAl (e N:unc Result Q EDI, AiRL It21im itkrf Factor _,3,7,S=fCDD ND U 0.070S 10.1 I Spike Conc. Control Ion Iabdul Compuu ads Couc.(pg) Fol"Id (pg) %It cc Q Limits 12:1tio IMA 1.3C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1 186.7 17 59 25-161 0.79 1,008 370-2,3,7,8=1CDD S00 53,1.070 07 35-197 NA 1.009 PiiumJ ILJi0911 3 Form I:\ n,a....asonl.,:au10 of 29 sip�.,Sn rner 41..X)uur.slo,... ao C - COLUMBIA ANALYf1 CA I. silt,+ICES, INC. Aaalytiia} Report CI Domtar Industries Sen'ice Request: J0905693 Project: Plymouth Stomnvatei Testing Date Collected: 11/I1109 145.1 Sample Aiah it Water Date Received: II/IW09 S:uup lc Nmae: O13A-Old Borrow Arca Units: p&L Lnb Code: J0905693-002 Basis: NA Polychlm'in:Ved Dibenzodioxins and Poh'chlorinated Diheno.nfumns by IIRCC/RRNIS Analytical Method: 1613B Date Analvzcd: 11123/09 2331 Prep rAIethnd: Method Date E6ti awed- 11/19/09 S'ampleAmount: 975mL Inslrmncnt Name: F-HRNIS-04 GC C,Aanaw DD-5 DaI.1 File Name: P205096 Blank Pile Name: P205031 ICAL Date: 0V20/08 Cal Vei. file Name: P205079 Ion Dilution A ne lvtc Nn me Res aIt Q IML dIIt11 Ratio ItRT Factor 2,3,23-TCDD NO U 0.2,92 10.3 I Spike Colic. Control Ion Lu hcicd Co,ii') 11s Gme(Itg) Round II:,g) Limits Ratio It12T 13C-2,1,7,8=TCD1) 2000 1039,043 52 25-164 0.79 1.009 17C'I-3,3,7,S=1 CDD 8011 463367 58 35-197 irA 1.010 Cnemmma hi not 1 1,3: a9 11 34 Penn IA •arminmv'6unnn:.l �n„a,pc.tn.d.-n:.dx. y,u nn 71 of 29 5oyudeiim@.ace ur onae uerm a. ou (:0LU.N[It A AN'ALVTI(:AI, ifsRVICES: INC. Analp,,1� Rcpon Client DOnnar Industries Service Request: J0905693 Project- Plymouth Stormwater Testing Date Collected: 11/111091,137 S'aolplc INlati IN: Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sanlple Name: CL-14 West Con Laydosm Units: pg/L Lab Code: J0905693-003 Basis: NA Pol}'chloi inated Dibmlzodio>ius and 1'olychlm'ivated Dibenzoliu-ans by HUCC/HILV'IS Analytical :Method: 1613B Date An:03zed- 11124/090019 I'tcp Mclhnd: lblcthod Date Extracted: 11/19/09 Sample Anvnmt: 950mL Dlstrument Name: F-HRINIS-04 - CC Column: DB-5 Dana File :Nanny: P205087 Blank File N'mnc: P2050S1 ICAI. Date US/20/08 Cal Vet. File Name: P205079 Iml Dilution A"aIyIe N11111e R"a It Q I.DL ItN IR1, Ra IIO RRI Vaet01 3,3 7.5-TCDD ND U 0,197 105 Spike Cnnc. Con("d Ion L:Ibelyd Compounds Gmc.(pg) Gonad (pg) %Itcc Q Limits Ratio lzRT 13C--13,7,8-TCDD Not) 1216,257 61 25-164 0.77 1.009 37C'1-2,3,7,S=1 CDD SOD 546.674 68 35-197 NA 1.009 Coi::::::::n. LeLn:.Nvelano Lnozaepsb\alynclReCrn iP: Su{e:Sal Rdi' n[el 0'l-iAW L5701 12 Of 29 "" f0 iS COLUiMBI.A:AN,AI,V'PI GVI. 56:12VICI?S, IiINC. .4nalytil� Repon Client: Domtarindustries Service Request: J0905693 Project: Plymouth Siormsvatur Testing Date Collected: 11/12/090915 Sample Mat] lh'ater Date Received: 11/17;09 SampleNanw LP-04 Units: pg/L Lab Cade: J0905693-004 Basis: NA Polycblm'inated DibewodioSinS auA Polychlnrioatcd Dibenaoturaov by IIRGC/IIRNIS ,An:d) licalMethod: 161313 Date ;Analyzed: I I/24/09 0107 Prep Method: Method Date Evf,acted: I UI9/09 Sample Mnuunt: 9501111, Inshvmcut Name: 114IRMS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Data Rlle INmlle: P205088 Blank file Nome: P20308I ICAL Date: OS/20/08 Cal Vet. File Nome: P205079 h tl Dilution AnakTe iName Result Q (?DL MRI. Ratio RRT Ractor 2,37,S-FC'DD ND U 0.106 10.5 1 Spike Conc. Control lot, L bded Compounds ConcQlg) Round (p.") dice Q I,iniitN Ratio kR'I 13C-23,7,S.TCDF1 2000 1167.670 58 25-164 0.78 1,009 370-2,_,7,8-TC DD 800 521.01E 65 35-197 NA I.009 P, Furm IA 'Jlnan.;psinonuV.in�sRaea,li,�pn:.aa.r��, �p� S�gmria�nciucncr. o�.noom xe�o�nv oo 13 of 29 9 COLU,MBIA ANA1,Y ICAL SFRYICFS, INC AnalytiLl i Relxm CIicni_ DoInmr Industries 9evi,u Request: J0905693 PlojecL Plymoudt Sionnmeter Tcsting Date Collected: ll/12/090932 Sample Nlah'i%: Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample Nnmc: NBA Units: pg/L Lab Cute J0905693-005 Basis: NA t'nlychlorinatcd Dibcnzodioxins and I'olpehlorinacd Dibenzofurans by IIRGOIRNS Vnalylicel N4ethod: 1613B Date Auah'zed: 11/24/090155 I'r,p dlethnd: N4ethod Date Exh'acted: 11/19/09 Snngdv Amuunl: 940mL 1n.str ument Name GHRNIS-04 GC Column: DB-5 Dala File N'unre: 11205OS9 Blank File Nmnc: P205081 IC:V, Date 08/20/OS Col Ver. Pile Nnmu: P205079 ton Dilution An.d)te Name Rl,sult Q BDL J'IRI, R;ltiu RRT Factor 2.;.7s=fCDD ND 1.1 0.209 10.6 spike Con,. Control Ton Ln bclud Co mpnu nd' Conc.(pg) Found (pg) 'y"12e, Q Limits Ratio RWI, I;C-2,;,7.S=fCDD 2000 1242.502 62 25-164 0.s0 1.009 i7C12._,7.S=fCDD SOO 535.202 7; 35-197 NA 1,009 in, ul I]n/pq I1:)1 POO➢ IA ...... +rbbmly„"IrtaCo ,. nn S 14 a(29 "es" a,tt: ... avooco, 'svui �V COLIHMAIA ANAL)k I'ICALSERVIUS. INC. Ana1yti2:5 Report Client: Doom, industries Service Request: J0905693 Prujcet Plymouth Slonnwater l-estine Dute Collected: I V12/09 0946 Sample ivintr i\: Winer Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample Name: I_F02 Units: p,,/L Lab Code: J0905693-006 Basis: NA Polychlorinated Dihcuzodioxin,c and Polychlorinated Dibeu20fu runs by II12CC/FIRMS ,Anniytical Biclhod: 16139 Dote Analyeed: 11/2,1/0902,12 Prep :Method: Melhud Date Estractcd: 11/19/09 Sample AniuunL 9401111. Instrument lN:unc: F-EIRNIS-0d CC Coltmin: DB-J Dolo File N:ium: 1,205090 Blank File Nnmc: P205081 ICAI, Date: 08/20/08 Cut Vcr- File :Name: P205079 IOn Dilution ,vn:dytc Nano Result Q FSDL AiR1, Ratio RRT factor ,3,7,8-TCDD I.nbuI'll Compounds ID U 0.232 10.6 5pil:c Cunc. Cone.(pg) Pound (p(t)%Ncc Q Con ev:l I m Limits Ratio 1212T LC-2.3,7.8-TCDD 2000 1119.426 56 25-16d 0.77 1.009 3",U-M,7,8-FCDD 800 517661 65 35-197 NA 1.009 P.1k,d 1213M,I) 1 I?J roan I Am11,1 2en0 1aeP„n.:W 15 o129 SxkpuSn Rel rtn.c ns.wooltabn a,w �1 COL LINT BIA AN A LYFICA L SIP IL V I CES, INC. Aoalptii:n Report Cl i en l: Domtar Industries Service Requcst: J0905693 Project Plymouth Storntwater I estin.- Date Collecled: 11/12i091026 sample d'lit, iv Water Date Received: 11/17/09 Sample 1Name: `Voodvard Units: po/L I,ab Code: J0905693-007 Basis: NA Polpchlro mated Dibouzodiosins .md Polyddnrinal ell Diben'iofurans bP IIILCC/IIILtIS Analytical PlOrud: 1613B Dale Analyzed: 11/24/09 0330 Prep J1etbod: Method Datc Fctracted: 11/19.109 Sample Amount 960ml- Insh'ument Name: E-HRMS-04 CC Column: DB,i Dula File Name: P205091 Blank File Name: P205031 [CAI. Dale: 08/20/OS Cal Vet. File Name. P205079 loll Dilution An'eh9c N;mlc Rcsdl Q FDL Midi, 166o 12RT Factor 2.3,7,5-1'C'DD Labeled Coln pow ds ND U 0.169 10A Spike Colic. Cone.(pg) Found (pe) '%lice Q Control loll Lill its Ratio I212T I3C'-2.3,7,S-rCDD 2000 124L959 62 25-164 0.76 1.003 370-2,3,7,5=1'C'DD 800 630.694 79 35-197 NA 1.009 P.... j 12, 11191 I:; J Fonn IA -Iu:1,.,.: G;iLn.� lamvli<ps::;nolp¢ilRepm.rG� 16 of 29 :;u,S,1 Raf<rcnm: OeW0i2al Ul iv W 71� COLU:\'Ill IA ANALY'f I CAI, SERVICE'S, INC. A,mlyligll Report Client-. Donator fndusvics Sem" Request: J0905693 Project Plymouth Stonmvamr Testing Date Collected: NA S:iniple IAinIkis: Watcr Date Received: NA Sample Nanac: Method Blank Units: POL 1,A6 Cod,,: LQ0900491-01 Basis: NA PolycJdorinnted Dibenzodioxias and Nolychlm'inatcd Dibenzolm arcs by 1IRG.C/11RA'IS \nalytical Aielbnd: 1613B D;n,, Analyzedr 11/23/09 1933 1'rep Alclhnd: 1Method Date FStraeted: 11/19/09 Samplc:AmnunC I0001111- Instrument lName: E-FIUIS-04 CC Column: DB-i Data File N:une: P203081 Blank File iN:uue: ['205081 ICU. Date: 08/20i0S Cal Vei. Pile Same: P205079 lo" Dilution :UmINe Noole Result Q Il1)1 Iblltl, Ratio IMT Factor 2,37,9- CDD ND U 0.235 100 1 Spike Colic. Cnnnol I611 Labeled Compnands Colm(pg) Found (pg) "/'Rec Q Limits Ratio RRT 13C-2,3,7,8-TCDD 2000 1242.100 62 25-164 US 1-009 370-2.37,3-TCDD Soo 492.198 62 35-197 NA 1,001) Cau,n,�a s. I'nu�cJ 1'.Ur 0911:34 Pon.. Id 17 of 29 Sua�sa a<i<m�m< ay.uotal;vul ,<.w 7 Columbia Analytical Services - Accuracy and Precision 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-01.30 www.caslab.com An Emolovee ow"M Comnanv 18 of 29 .a CO LIIJ9 BIA ANA I. VTICA L SGR V ICIS, INC 19 QA/QC Repon Clicn l: Dommr Industries Service Request J0905693 I'rojuct Plyulouth StIM111"atCr I'cstin� D:dc Analyzed: 11/24/09 Saul plcAia tris: Wtller LA CWltl'01 S:II111)IC SIIIi1111J1'y Polychlorinated Dibenrodiosins and Polychlorinated Dibenzolurons by IIRCC/IIRNIS Amdytical lMohod: 1613B Units: pg/L Pi cp Alclhod: I%lethod Basis: NA 6vh'sclion Lot 1010-17 Lnb Conh'ol Sample Duplicate LIJ) Control Sample F00900491-02 EQ0900491-03 %12ee RVD A,,Avlc lNanlc Ihsuh f \pcctcd % Rec Rcsnit tispcctcd % Rec Linlits RPD Limit 2,3.7.8-FCDD 219 Zoo 109 209 200 104 67 - 153 3 50 [�nnnln PI nncd I `;VW 11 34 Lab Comrel SauryL Snnmi:vy FLn1noL:5l.vl..w'J n... SupmSel Nerv.nu. 09000011Y101m 019 of 29 'l C • COLUa I BIA ANA LVI ICA I, SERVICES. INC. Analvti2� Report Client: Domtar Industiics Serviau Request: 10905693 P'')jccl: Plymouth Slormwaler Testing Dade Collected: NA sample ,Mat, water Dnte Received: NA Sample Name: Lab Control Smnple Units: pg/L Lah Code FQ0900491-02 basis: NA Polgchlorinated Dibeiwodiusius and Pnh"Ch101'lllDtell Dibenzofm'ans by IIRGC/1112,A,1S A, :Ayiical .Ai ethod: 1613B Date :Anahaed: 11/24/09 0,118 P,r p :Aicthod: b1cdlod Date Extracted: 11/19/09 j1l n, plc Amount: IDOOmL Insh'ummnt Nome. E-1-IRMS-04 GC Column: D13-i Daly bile Name: P20i092 Blank Rile Name. P205081 IC AL Date: W20/03 Cal Vc, Ffle Nnmc: P205079 Ion Dilutiml V,ml, tc A'anlc Result Q LDL AIM, Rn110 RIYI I•:lclor 2,3.7,8-TCDD 219 0.176 10.0 0.77 1.001 1 Spike Couc. Cont,oflon Lubdcd Cmnpo°nds Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Rcr Q Limits Ratio RICI 13C-2,],',,d-TCDD 2000 1572,723 79 25-164 0.73 1.009 37C'I-2.37,3-ICUD 300 619.3b0 77 31-191 NA 1009 Co,.nac„u: I'nmN I`tlrt,Y I I Nl Porn, IA aL,fo..2Uwd,n,,. L,m. Rapb,i,.nt n of Rgxm ry1 su 4, 0.c6rnrtc. 03i000,2tl701 r,, 00 20 a129 P" 26) COLUMBI:%AV: INTICAL SERVICES, INC. AnalytiD Repoli Clime Donnar lndusnics Service Request: J09056793 � I'rojcc0 I'lymoulh Simimvalci Testing Datc Collcutal: NA Sample ,Mall is: Water Dole Received: NA Sample Name. Lab Control Sample Dup Units: pg/L Lab Code: EQ0900491-03 Basis: NA Pillychlorinated Dibenzodio.cins and Polychlurinalcd Dlbcn'eofin ails by IIRCCAIRNIS AaA-v(icd INlethod: 1613B Date Analyzed: 11/24/09 0505 I'rcp Aielhod: Method Date Est acled: 11/19/09 S.unple .Amount I000ml. Instrument Name: E-HRNIS-04 CC Column: DB-5 Daly File :Nanle: P)05093 Blank File Name: P205031 ICAL Dale: 081"0.108 Cal Ver. File Nmne P205079 Ion Dilutio.l Aaalyle lien' Result Q EDI, fit It11 Ratio It12T Factor 2,3,7,8-TCDD 209 0.0930 10.0 0.75 1,001 I Spike Couc. Caan'ol Inn LaLded lolnponndv Conc.(pg) Found (pg) %Nee Q limits Ratio 121Z'I' 13C2.3,7,3-TCDD 2000 1i31511 77 25-164 0.79 1.009 37CI-2,3,7,8=I-CDD 800 555.658 69 31�191 NA 1,009 L'nnnn urn. hinnd IJ U911 iJ Form IA o,Lulm.I`S:,n,nslms2.0 `+6, oIPrNn. rya 21 0129 furerS'lRd"[-'. Oa.WOOL.Ya0l ,m ea 22 Columbia Analytical Services°� �I i �I 19408 Park Row, Suite 320, Houston, TX 77084 Phone(713)266-1599 Fax(713)266-0130 www.casla6.com ACcmpnny 22 of 29 i 11.113-IV C1 W01,!i. '. J-1, O1 'CUS C)CII' 91:1i 1'161lpn 11,hmav Ja i::om'i l lc, F'1.23356 901 739-2177 FAX904 739-2G1I PI'Uj"I \':I pl Cl h \'1110t1th 1tOflll\Calt'I TCYIIII� - — ProJfl'1:N'nlnFt'r: Prrjucl?hmapcm tinna 11:udison 1 Company: Domrar Paper C... Tom, Ll_C - _ - I Simple Dole 11)C.Illle Client Snogilc ID 11oIFCunL Mat'iy Dal, 1i... IL'u'iv"I Sod To _ 1 10905693-001 RYOI - Norfolk Smnhem waicr 11/11/09 1349 1 U17109 ! HOUSTON - It 110)O.693-002 OBA - Old Bormv'Arn Rua II/11/Do I1-d II/I7/09 HOUSTON It 10905693001 -CL-I I'A',, I C on La i do,,o I Wal" II/II/On 1437 II117;09 1 HOUSTON f[ 1 J09U>(93-004 ! LF-04 - ---__ Wntcr — i II/L2N9 0915 I I/l7/U9 — IIOUSTON 11 J090 (73-00 1 N6A I W(cr 11/12/0) i 0932 11/17/09 HOUSTON 1 j )0905693-006 IJ:07 Water II/1 /09 0946 11/17/09 HOUSTON----I !I- �_ r i I .109055693-007 Woudyvrd � I \Nazar I II/I?/O) 1036 I II/I ]/09 I HOUSTON Peps;i �7S CP1) 00,V CAS Contact: Tom Kissi(. Special los'tructions/Comments _ C! J it IBC I I i ..-C;-r1 i.0 \'\ C C:,,'S'. / - .- �/.i � �� .JL r-•.•- ��. ( -.. I-1 P L L A S F Ci C N 'Furmvo and llquircmeNs RUSH(Surchnrgcy Apply) PLEASE CIRCLE WORN DAPS Report ltcquircmulls -- I. Resnlu only. ✓i'. Results+Lx; Summaries I n'oice larm'ntalian poll' 7 1 2 11 4 5 _ 111Results +OC nod Cslihration Summaries 10905693 MANDY SULIIVAN' STANDA121) _ IV. Data Vnlidaon t Rcpon o'oh Rnw Dam Bill Rc red FAX Daw PQUMDllJ y [n I ,' ��,• Rcqucsrcd Rerynt Dale: 12/08/09 I?DD _N Rdm mahcd A ��/ ,LC-T7.f%23ra%f rhill Number. `-. Racvetl C)/29 l/sr, I;v f 1 (1 �` j �= l•.�Iy L'! [� (� i Pa,e ireset f-O,rril _ Columbia Analytical Services; Inc. Cooler RJceipt Fonn `:Iient/Project Domtar Paper/ Plymouth Stonnwatei Testing Service Request J0905693 Received: 11/18/090953 Opened(Date/Time): 11/18/091001 By: NAB I. Samples were received via? ❑US Alail ❑Fedex Ell UPS ❑DHI, ❑Cowrie ❑Hattl Delivered 2 Samples were received in: (circle) ❑Cooler ❑Boe ❑ Other ❑NA =. Were custody seals present on coolars? ❑Y ON If ycs, how many and where'? If present, were custody seals intact? ❑Y El Ni If present, were they signed and dated? El El IN 4. Is shipper's air -bill tiled? [:]NA ❑Y ❑✓ N If not, record an bill number: 1ZX5W0980142068140 i. Temperature of cooler(s) upon receipt (°C): 0 6. [f applicable, list Chain of Custody cumbers: 7. Were custody papers properly filled out (n!<, signed, etc.)? ❑NA ❑✓ Y ❑Nr S. Packing material used: ❑lnscrts ❑✓ Bubble Mhap ❑Blue Ice ❑✓ 611et Ice ❑S/eeves ❑Odic 9. W'eru the correct types of bottles used for the tests indicated? ❑Y ❑N Did all bottles arrive in good condition (i.e. unbroken, out of temp.)? Indicate in the table below. ✓❑Y ON Sample M Bottle Count Bottle Type Out ofTemp Broken Initials ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ lo. Werc all bottle labels complete (i.c. analysis, ID, etc.)'? ❑Y ON Did all bottle labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate in the table below.❑Y ON Sample ID oil Bottle Sample ID on COC Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID on COC I 11. Additional notes, discrepancies, and resolutions: 24 of 29 CRF r092109.pdf - Pnoe P 2 1 ❑ 2 25 Sample Acceptance Policy Custody Seals (desirable, mandatory if specified in SAP): ✓ On outside of cooler ✓ Seals intact, signed and dated Chain -of -Custody documentation (mandatory): ✓ Properly filled out in ink & signed by the client ✓ Sign and date the coc for CASMOU upon cooler receipt ✓ Coc must list method number ✓ If no coc was submitted with the samples, complete a CASMOU coc for the client Sample Integrity (mandatory): ✓ Sample containers must arrive in good condition (not broken or leaking) ✓ Sample IDs on the bottles must match the sample IDs on the coc ✓ The correct type of sample bottle must be used for the method requested ✓ The correct number of sample containers received must agree with the documentation on the coc ✓ The correct sample matrix must appear on the coc ✓ An appropriate sample volume or weight must be received Temperature Preservatives (varies by sample matrix): ✓ Aqueous and Non -aqueous samples must be shipped and stored cold, at 0 to 6°C ✓ Tissue samples must be shipped and stored frozen, at -20 to -I O'C ✓ An samples can be shipped and stored at ambient temperature, —23°C ✓ The sample temperature must be recorded on the coc ✓ Notify a Project Chemist if any samples are outside the acceptance temperature or have compromised sample integrity— the client must decide ie: replacement sample submittal or continue with the analysis Cooler Receipt Norm, CRF (mandatory): ✓ Cooler receipt for must be completed for each coc & SR# ✓ Sample integrity issues must be documented on the CRF ✓ A scan of the carrier and the airblll number must be recorded in CAS LIMS Sample Integrity Issues/Resolutions (mandatory): ✓ Sample Integrity issues are documented on the CRF and given to the Project Chemist for resolution with the client ✓ Client resolution is documented in writing (typically email or on the CRF) and filed in the project folders) 25 of 29 Service Rccm ,f Sumin:ary folder 4: .10905693 I'mjcct CbcIUIS11 Nlf(Ct 6110 C lien. Name Dumt'ar Indust, ics L.ab'. JAN Project Name 11 lyinmlh S IBrmtz:Ocr Tesli m, Logecd Li)': SLID Hl:S!a' Project N'ulllb rl Datc Rcecn'ed: I I/17/09 n1CrIlUI Doc Dale: 12/8/01) 12eport l'o: Donilm a Q.AP: LAB QAP Pape, Donuar Paper Company. LLC Qualifier Sel: CAS Stemdard P.O. Ros 747 Ponuscl: CAS Standard Plvluouth, NIC 27962 Merged' N Phone Number: 252-793-5611 Report to !vl'DI:?: Y Cell Number: P.O. Number: d550171SSA Pa.e Num 6cr; 252-79;-SS77 kiDD: No F,DU Specified L-mai1: dianc.hardison(n dmntnr cum 1 I 0 C,,IN! mp ,Cu Cliun Sanip .Nu. dlnlrix Gdlectril 10010,13,-0UI _-------- RVOI-Nn 1.1k Snmhmll W:en I1i11109 "w IU`)Uib93-00' ORA Ohl norrmv Arco tl'mer 11:11/09 1154, 10905E93-003 Cl. IJ Well Con I-:ry11n111. W:ecr I I/I I/09 14i7 J090i693-001 LF-0� Wvu II/12/09 Ooli; 1l ID995693_005 .. ... ND:\ Wnml _. 11/V' 09 ..I .. .... 0932I 1! 11NIOS693-1106 I,F01 0.'nlcr II/I2/09 0946 I ❑ J090i(9.1-007 ..... .. Wuotly:ud ... ...... W:acr II/I1/0.) 106l. ..11 . Test Comments: Croup S:unples Comments Scntivon GCNIS Dioxins'Furans/1613R 1-7 237E TCDD only P.) LI loud na: Gl:rss nwe,.scnv nelnea r,:um: Lhlei unPru==med —ocation: C-Disposed, F.-WIC01 NPDES 26 of 29 Prinbd I1/3/1009 11 31:'_LAM tier.... kmplwl fn: .)090S693 Pay_ I nl l preparatioll 1/r/`o. 27rntimi Terlchsheet IYup Runk: 1O1047 l'uou Sc nucoa GCMS/AKCIDUIt P,eI, Wur kl� I, Ol, F.e IA q(; lii) I'rrp ,\'I clhud: Mahnd Slams: Prepped Pre-p lhrtrrri0,c 11/19/090330 PA'1 TLah Code Client ID B? tlolhod /Test pH tdatriz Amt. Ext. Sample Description 1 I'0901014-001 f ugzc, Pilo ,a Fertic 01 1613BIDinz1'rs Fiumis 7 \Wule,enlcl 10000d, linlcd clear liquid 2 r0901036-001 0211 PINEDAI E I6-0691 090 .01 1013B/Ilioxins Funms S Drinking Wumr 920mL clan colorless liquid LO90I015-601 679106 '01 lul3S!Di1)suu' Ful'nns 7 R'uslcwatal Mud. linlcd clear liylliI d EO'1010n3-002 9KI9005 1 .01 161313;Dioxins Fumns N Wum: 850nLL. sandy cloudy liquid 5 [QO9004191U1 "B 1613WDiuclns Furnns Liquid IOUOm1. 6 CQ09009'11-02 LCS 1613B/Diamins huane Liquid IoMul. 7 B00900991-01 DLCS 1613N/Dlo.eins lhuons Liquid 100011:t. S 0O090049L04 MR 16138IDio.cins Furors l iquid IOOOnd, '/ 1Q0900491-05 LCS 1613B'Dio,ins Furnns I. ignld I0001n1_ 10 EQ0900991.06 DLCS 161-,BM i.,,o, Fu au, Liquid lOOO,nL II JU905693-001 RYOI- No,foid, Soo16c: a All 1613B/Dw1lm-Fnreos c Wmcr 990n1 linmd 0,a liquid 12 J090693-002 OBA - Old B9rtmr Arc:' .01 16pB,Dlozius r-uruns 5 Wane 975.L yellow brmcn eIu 1,liquid Il J0905691 003 CI. 11 AV¢I ( uu ,,dmvn 01 1611 B'Dius i ns Furuns 5 Wumr 950mL linlcd clear liquid 19 30905691-00-1 1-17-04 01 1613611)i v—Furnns 6 W:ac: 950mL vellum elnudy lignld 15 J090569;-005 Neu '01 16 GBID'mclnc Furmnu 5 Wam 940n:L Ishc yellow cloudy liquid 16 J0905693-006 1,170' 01 16133/Dinzins Forams 6 wu.+, 940nd. light yellow cloudy liquid 17 J09U5693-O07 \\...... rd Ol 161,B/Dioxins ISuvu 6 tlrmcr 960mL bro,nn cloudy liquid IS K09J0960-00 Bleach Pl:ml Composilc 01 16139/Dinzins Fnruns 5 Uhler 1005m1- ted Frown elezr liquid 19 K0911017-002 OW-7-091I I OD 16138/D.—in, Finans 7 U'mu IOgUmL Ihncd clot liquid 20 K0O 11025 004 DW 9-09111' '03 1613131176oeia, Fou.u, 7 Wmcr 1025roL luu,d clear liquid _1 K0911049-002 56229(AA) 01_ 161i8!Dimins Furnns 6 W'alc: 1000nil. beige cloudy liquid 27 0/ 29 Pn u'd 1I,13109 11-:45 Ihepvmion Inlnnnmirm Bencluhcet Pugc 1 Preporution InfL..rlation Berlchsheet zs Piet, I'low I0IU47 Prep A%'(,I Xlo+v: OrgF.,c1Aq(36,) ShHus: Prepped Tulln: Semiepil UCNIS/AKODUR Prep IAielhbd: Mulhod Prep D1tlorl')mc: 11/19/09 03-.30 PM $pilcin'„ Solulions ZNUn 1. 161311 Al nuim \49rk ing Standard Invcmoq ID 11 191 Logbook Rc;. f310-55-313 Ispires On: 07/242014 L00900491-02 Ioo,opop)_ rQ0900191-D3 too.onoL E00900491-05 lool)t1)11_ P.Q0900401-06 100.0010. Name: S290/I013f3 Clcnnup Worh:ing Standard f Invenlu, ID 1335S Logbook Ref: 1)10-90-IA/9 Expires On: I/1601010 E0901034-001 100,01)pI- EUDO103GUOI too )0111_ 1'i0901U33-001 100.0011E 1309D 1043A02 1(to no I I L LQ01900191-01 1to, ontiL EQ0900,191-02 100, o0)11. EQW,00.191-03 1no,00pL. LQW00491-04 IOuOOpL LQD900491-05 Ino.DOIiL LQ01900491-05 100.0011E 10901693-Dal 10000pL. 10905693-002 Io000)1L 10905693-003 too.00pL )0005693-Oo4 100, 00111. J0905693-005 too.00p1_ J11905693-006 Iou.Oupj- 10905693-00: 100.0011L '0910960-003 100-oopl- K09110^_7-002 too oo µ)_ KU9110'_7004 I00. D01d. K(191 I049-002 100. U01r1_ Moo,,: 1613E Labeled Working Smndllyd Inventory ID 13509 Logbao),'Rrf. MU-91-213 6xplmsOil II/19C010 C09010316-001 i,000.00ItL E0901019-001 1000.oupl_ LO9mn.t3-002 IooOooltL. AY)W693-001 IouOOopL 109U5693-DO_' IOo0oopl. )0905693-003 1000.oupl. 10905693-004 1.000 OOpL 10905(.93-no, 1000out,L 10905693-006 100000 of 1090569;-007 100000❑1. K0910960-00; 1000.00111. K0911017.002 1u0000pl. Kn9I I0I2-004 I.000. ooµL K091 I049 On' luuo.nupL Nanm. 1613H Labd,d Working Standard Invamrty 10 13510 Logbook' Ref MU-90-213 Explres 0o: 11/16/2010 1i0901014-001 1000 until. LQ090ul')!-01 IOOU.u9pl, EQ0900-19 1 -02 IOoo,00pl. EQD900:91-03 100000p1- LQO900491-01 IOoU.00p1_ EQ09u0491-u5 1000. o0)I)_ 1iQUVUU491-Du 100(100n L. I'rcpa ration ,bLfcrin1, Aeebne vr.S%'Imm,um C3-IO-D0)(]I99) C a rbnn. I ligh Put ip' C223-001(9-,5.21 EI 1nI A cc Late 999v M in nn e In C223-006(946li E10Ac Floriail(Mayncsi.+Silica Gel) C2-8-00)(+61)3) G1:Iss Wool C9-13-005(7 198) Snlfuni A: id RengmO Grndc C2-24-003 (946 1) I US04 Dic fl.,t, elL.nm (klclhylcnc C2-25-001 (9149) Sodium'I I;... n.I o. Anhydrous C-31.2 (13071) Sudium Chluridc ftcngcnl Grndc CI-104-2 (3306) Chloride)99,9%MuCL Rc', enl Grad, MaS203 Nacl S 9din m I it RcagrnL C2-24-002(9463) Sndinn+ Sulfmc Anhydrous C2-19-006(7101) J... lccnnc(n-Tooke ,e) C2-24-001(9460) - (lrade Na011 Ruiycnl Gmde Na2SO4 Hc[;Ino(mHee Ve) 9S.5% C2-25-004(9441) Nonanc ln-\ou:ns)M. C2--21-0114(9i57) IFl P:4Yr U-14 (IOOS) Min + SIIIeaGO Rea,"i Craek C2-29-n07(9416) 3'nhmnc 99.1yFo \iininuan C2-25-003(9416) 11repo,ation Slops Step: Lnr,Iolion Step. Acid Clain Smp: Silica Gel Clnn Slop: Rind veiunw I,Slnr:cd: 11119/091530 SIII11edi 11120/0905:(to .Stinted: IICUi0914:(IV Snored: IIQ3/0907.UO -1�Fini0ed 11/19/09 I2:15 Finiffia1: 1IR0:0909 Do Finished: Iirwop, MOO I'mkhed: IIn3/U910:00 By: AKODUI< By: AKODUR 8p. AKODUR 8, AKODUIt 28 of 29 Prfnlud I IC3/09 13`43 PmPa allmt Infonnlxfon Bcnchshcn Pa'. Prep I<unH: I(1 10.17 "fan m: Sem,oaGCMS/AKUDUk Cnm ,cws: Hari,—d R, JD aHr ... of ce,.d, Prepnralion /nfnr„,ration Fsenchsheel 29 I'mp\\'ur1:I�lua': Ur@Fs I:\q(iG?1 I'Cell �,\9CtIlod Method 11/23/2009 Iam�Hwsnad ny: oar.: Fcai red lit: Dw,, Yw No or Slnlm: Prepped I'rop U:ltC/time: I I/19/09 03 30 I'M Prlomd I U,3109 1'_ 45 - I'rcprvrnilnn lulin m,Gon PcuMsnccl P", t Dorntar Cornpany - Ply11101.1th Rainfall Amount 11110/2009 to 1111312009 Climate Final Discharge Pumps Rain Gauge in Date/Time 1/10/200900:00 0,66 1/11/200900:00 5 1/12/2009 00:00 1.15 Minimum: 0.66 Maximum: 5.00 Average: 2.27 Total: 6.81 Monday, December 07, 2009 Page 1 Boone, i a nika Front: Hardison, Diane it: Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:12 PM ,,,: Boone, Tamika Cc: Barnes, Alan Subject: Notes from 11/12 stormwater sampling effort Alan and I went out again today and checked outfalls and collected samples from 4 additional outfalls that were producing flow. The rain gauge showed 5 inches of rain this morning -- 9:30 am, when Lorenza checked it. Here is the data on the outfalls from which we collected samples: LF04 ph =6.89 NBA ph=6.3 LF02 ph= 6.8 WYN ph = 7.4 1 have completed Qualitative Monitoring Reports for these as well. I will rewrite them so they are neat and leave them with you to add to the record for this entire event. Diane R. Hardison Dom for, Paper Company, LLC Environmental Department P.O. Box 747 Plymouth, NC 27962 Office phone (252) 793-8611 Cell phone (252) 217-7820 ''x (252) 793-8871 Woodyard NBA OBA COD 316 37 BOD 17 3 Solids 34 17 LF04 CL14 LF02 RY01 005 93 46 32 46 23 23 10 2 1 4 3 2 49 69 44 20 22 5 Domtar II all houfns mil h paper Dom la: Paper Company, LLC Plymmith Mill PO Boe 7a7 Highway 149 Noilh Plymouth, NC 279E1. T 2S2-7939111 �vww,domtarcom February 17. 2010 N,k. COICeII SUlllnS. Chief Water Qualit)• SCC6011, Division of Water Quality Dcparttucnt of 1:11ViI011111ellI and Nattu'al Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Ralcieh. North Carolina 27699-1617 Deal' Ms. Sullins: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: 2010 Plan Dioxin Monitoring of -Fish NPDES No. NC0000680 (Plymouth Mill) Enclosed arc uvo copies of the fish saoillfinI, plan for 2010 per the Plymouth Mill's NPDFS permit requirements. The 2010 plan includes lish collections al the same locutions as sampled in 1989, and all of these sites have been sampled annually since 2002. Bottomtish/catfish will be collected and analyzed ❑t all locations in 2010, Gamcf ish will not be collected and analyzed, except at tlic Welch ecreck-localion, which is conskMitwith9he chaii,c io the 2000 study saglecd upon 1w the NCDWQ, in your letter dated April 10. 2000. - We plus to have collections and initial ploccssiag of fish done for the Plymouth mill undo' contract with CZ..R. Inc. of Wilmiagton. NC. Completion of the final report will also be contracted with C'7_R. Inc. with report review provided by AECOM in 2010. The mill environmental staff will provide oversi,ht lift the project io 2010, Sample analyses will be part ofa coau'act with Columbia Analytical Services. htc. in Jacksonville. Florida with the actual sample analysis conducted by their lab in Houston,'I MIS. Should you have any comments or questions, please call me at 252/793-8984, Please provide Written acceptance for this plan to my attention. Sincerely. Don \ lie I nvironnlclital Engineer Plvnnxlth ze: Diane llardison Sam Cooper- CZR. Inc. Kristen Durochcr- Ah:COM Al Flod,c.-NC DWQ Washington Regional Office JelTDeBeradinis-NC DWQ Environmental Sciences Section, Raleigh Plymouth Mill NPDES Study Plan: Environmental Dioxins PLYMOUTH MILL NPDES FISH DIOXIN STUDY 2010 PLAN BACKGROUND This study plan supports a dioxin monitoring requirement in the NPDES permit of the Plymouth Mill (permit No. NC0000680). Supplement /Special Condition A(9) of the permit contains a condition for analysis of fish tissue for dioxins. The fish tissue collected for dioxin analysis will consist of only edible (i.e., fillet) tissue. The permit specifies that a study plan approved by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) contain the following minimum sampling requirements: (1) determine the levels of TCDD and TCDF in ambient fish tissues at one station upstream and two stations downstream of the discharge; (2) annual sampling; (3) dioxin data will be reported within 3 months of collection (i.e., data is complete). This plan represents the twentieth year of sampling under NPDES permit or administrative letter requirements. The sampling design for 2010 provides a strategy for obtaining data at more than the minimum number of stations required by permit to continue monitoring the reduction of dioxin in channel and white catfish in the areas corresponding to current dioxin -based fish consumption advisories. Sampling stations will remain consistent with those in past years as depicted in Figure 1. The mill discharge station was added in 2002 to further characterize fish dioxin concentrations in the river closer to the mill discharge than the River Marker 15 station. The Welch Creek station has been voluntarily sampled by the Plymouth Mill every year since 1989 to monitor declines in fish concentrations following removal of the effluent discharge from the creek in the late 1980's. Consistent with the 2000 study when the requirement to sample gamefish was discontinued, only catfish samples will be collected in 2010 at all stations except Welch Creek. Catfish samples and an additional two gamefish samples will be sampled from Welch Creek. As in studies since 1994, three catfish samples will be obtained at each station, where possible, to provide better fish size stratification so that year-to-year size/age and lipid content variations can be minimized. Variations in previous years' fish sizes and lipid content, and thus dioxin levels, has partly obscured trend comparisons in the past. APPROACH 1. Fish will be collected from eight stations spanning from 29 miles above the mill on the Roanoke River to Bull Bay in Albemarle Sound, about 25 miles below the mill (Figure 1): - Near Williamston (Will)- 29 miles upriver from the mill: the reach spanning two miles upstream of the Hwy 17 bridge at Williamston to Sweetwater Creek, about two miles downstream of the bridge Page 1 Plymouth Mill NPDES Study Plan: Environmental Dioxins - Mill discharge (Mill)- downstream of the mill effluent discharge on the Roanoke River from 100 yards upstream of the mouth of Welch Creek downstream approximately one mile - Welch Creek (Welch)- lower creek area generally within one mile upstream and downstream of Trowbridge Road bridge - River Marker 15 (RM15)- on the Roanoke River 4.8 miles downstream of the mill - Sound Marker 1/Albemarle Beach (ASM1)- in the western end of Albemarle Sound, about 10 miles downstream from the mill - Chowan River mouth, Hwy 17 bridge (Hwy 17)- in the northwestern area of Albemarle Sound - Highway 32 bridge (Hwy 32)- in Albemarle Sound, about 19 miles downstream. - Bull Bay (B.Bay)- in Albemarle Sound, about 25 miles downstream. Plymouth Mill Roanoke River/Albemarle Sound 2010 NPDFS Dioxin Sample Plan No. of composite No. of composite Station catfish samples gamefish samples Williamston 3 Welch Creek 3 Mill Discharge' 3 River Marker 15 3 Sound Marker 1 Albemarle Beach 3 Highway 32 3 Chowan/Hwy 17 3 Bull Bay 3 Total Samples 24 Station added to plan in 2. Fish collections will begin in the spring and may extend into the summer -fall period depending on the capture success for some catfish species. Composites will consist of the best available samples after fishing at a level -of -effort that is similar or within the range of previous Page 2 Plymouth Mill NPDES Study Plan: Environmental Dioxins years sampling efforts; but which are also dependent on weather/river conditions and fish availability. 3. The target fish will be bottom dwelling catfish species; channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) or white catfish (Ictalurus catus). Other species may be substituted depending on availability. In addition to the catfish, largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) will be collected for Welch Creek gamefish samples. 4. Three composite samples of catfish fillet tissue will be collected for each station, where possible, an additional two gamefish fillet composite samples will be collected in Welch Creek. Where possible, the three catfish samples will be allocated to two channel catfish samples and one white catfish sample. Composites of white catfish will be substituted for channel catfish when channel catfish are not available. 5. A target for each composite sample will be four to ten individual fish, although the actual number of fish making up a composite may vary because of availability of the particular species. An attempt will be made to obtain fish of the same species and size range for the particular station for previous years. The number of composite dioxin samples totals 26 this year (31station X 7 stations + 5 Welch Creek samples), provided fish are available. At least two catfish composites will be collected for all stations (plus the two gamefish composites in Welch Creek). Therefore, the goal or target is three (2 channels and 1 white) samples each consisting of at least 4 fish with at least two samples provided, where available. For example, if 8 white catfish are collected, then 2 samples of 4 fish will be utilized rather than 1 sample of 8 fish. This is dependent on fish sizes and availability of fish.The number of fish to be collected and retained totals between 104 and 260 (26 samples X 4 to 10 fish/composite). 6. Lipid content of the muscle tissue (i.e., fillet) will be analyzed to determine the dioxin concentrations relative to lipid content. 7. Samples will be analyzed for all seventeen of the 2,3,7,8- chlorine substituted dioxin and furan congeners. The analyses will be done on a fresh weight basis using high -resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry by a competent laboratory using EPA or equivalent techniques. METHODS Fish collections and initial processing will be done for Domtar Paper Company, LLC under contract with CZR Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina. CZR will collect fish using appropriate collection permits and licenses. CZR completed collections of fish for Weyerhaeuser and now Domtar over the past nine sampling seasons (2001-2009) under the supervision of the Weyerhaeuser SEFS and now the Plymouth Mill environmental staff. The Plymouth mill will continue active oversight of the study in 2010. Page 3 liz Plymouth Mill NPDES Study Plan: Environmental Dioxins Standard fishery techniques -- gill.nets, hoop nets, electrofisher, trawls, trotlines, rod/reel -- will be used to collect the fish. Fish collection and handling in the field will minimize potential cross contamination and assure sample quality control. When fish are collected, water proof field logs will be used to record pertinent data -- station, date, time, and collection technique. Excess fish or unwanted species will be returned to the water; fish for analysis will be placed on ice in separate coolers for each station. Fish will be on ice for a maximum of two days. Each fish retained will be measured for total length (mm) and weight (g) and receive an individual identifying number. The boneless and skinless fillet from each fish will be removed using hexane and methanol rinsed utensils with clean up between fish. Sex of the fish will be determined during the filleting step. Each fillet will be wrapped in solvent -cleaned foil and placed in labeled plastic bags and frozen until processed for fillet composites. Composite samples may be prepared immediately in the preceding step if all the fish required for the sample are available. Composite samples will be prepared from iced or thawed muscle fillets from 4 to 10 individual fish when possible. Composite samples (grouped, but unblended fish fillets) will be wrapped in solvent cleaned aluminum foil and placed in freezer bags, frozen, and shipped to Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. in Houston, Texas, or other suitable, competent laboratory. An analysis request and chain -of -custody sheet will accompany the shipped samples. Homogenization of the fish composites and dioxin analysis procedures will be done using EPA or equivalent methods. Reporting limits will be < 1 ppt for dioxins. Lipid and moisture content will also be determined. The remaining, homogenized samples will be archived for three years. Page 4 G Plymouth Mill NPDES Study Plan: Environmental Dioxins N A5 0 5 Miles Cowan River CR-17 J ^AS -BB Hwy 45 Albernade Sound 5-32 -_1._J RR-75 OAS-M1 } -� - _- - �....._.......___.. oa�Oke mill discharg RR -WI —a onnoke on river RR -MD River ` PI mou1M1 Wlliamston .� rymouth/- Jamesvilie \ Mill r. r WC -LC 7roworb a ekh Rd Crook 0 1 mile Ifv 64 Figure 1. Plymouth sampling stations (in bold) for dioxins in fish fillets, 2010. Page 5 Q�c3Np NOTE: AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED A .r . NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR 2. AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES. J I P i,E g80 N { `J _ — SALVAGE AREA (RELOCATED) a /' it Y w FT , i V CONSIUM iir-nj PARK NG 'r,REA 2 .. ..., (RE10 ATED) URS il� i o-. � •� �5 li._„, ,t3 .a I I ��'.' ,�,1. lelrph3o1n0 lrR(1 S-`i1(9luriicIn I 'uvl uvAiine 01 LEGEND N.&,�eh� nt-t 4 F,c(9N),JU O>l'._ DONIT.IR PAPER COMPANYCL('. o PI.YMOUIH NORIHCAROLPl4 n gNEI_ {'\,� r,.._J' �I•� I SCALE CRN 9V d111(P:1f OAiE )/00/7/UI FltE M0. DRAINAGE AROei 5i 100 _ ��, i lssuuwv �RENSEo iAt-a oar�:U.,o/n� �_ `r" koxIMATE SCALE I —fr!i " N, !{-51 i'O, I')t 1 0 U C3Li (FAt L LF02 EXISTING .._ SEDIMENT ^ POND. No. Y C POSED SEDIMENT SEDIMENTMENT POND No. DISCHARGE (Future) OUTF 4LL LF'UI E:t3TING °No �� EXISTING ASBESTOS LANDFILL SECONDARY SL EWATERLNG CIITIY j DISCHARGE (FutureLi I LANDFILL No. Si OU-IFALt. 1rI DISCHARGE lo, 5 (Future) OUTFALL 1 FO,3 k V SEDIMENT PONDS 1rI DISCHARGE lo, 5 (Future) OUTFALL 1 FO,3 k V SEDIMENT PONDS RUNOFF COLLECTION AREA DISCHARGE VOLUME POND No. BEGIN OPERATION (ACRES) (ACRE-FEET) 1 1990 33.9 10.5 2 1990 6.5 2.0 3 2001 16.7 52 4 2010 16.4 5.1 5 2014 30.8 9.6 6 2072 40.5 126 LF04 2005 TEMPORARY ..-'' NOTES 1. PHASE CONSTRUCTION IS BASED ON AN ESTIMATED WASTE GENERATION RATE ¢ OF 100,000 CUBIC YARDS PER YEAR. z 2. DISCHARGE VOLUME IS BASED ON A 25 YFAR/24 HOUR STORM EVENT. 3. LANDFILL 13 IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. CELLS I & 2 ARE IN SERVICE. O G 7 iJRS / l Rti ('�gwai�on Al ,p lend 316Jlaplu iva0d! ert Suite 30l RelmEh, North C unhn, 27604 _. Polepherre (T/9)Ss0-4E11 Fal(9/9)790-0217 1)0\1 PAR PAPER COMPANY, LLC PLYMOUTI{, NOR "PF1 CAROLNA SCAI Fi DRN BY. K 111 �E. I,00 — FiLF NO d A 'ZOXIMATE SC4U " itiSItOSYV REVISED: l}B JFT�G L �s i100. = �Fii a _s 1 I O-;. 0 CO IL.TI,-El 1Y;U ,S11 '(71^I 17 \ I I 1 II \ I I APPROXIMATE SCALE / 3 0 200 400 FEET a a i I I /17 y / ( a \ 1 10.9 LEGEND DRAINAGE AREA a� SPOT ELEVATION SURFACE FLOW DRAINAGE DIRECTION i.6 awr... l5 X 7.7 SWAMP I I! WOO R CLE I ( AREA j64 , ' / 193 /• • 2a.2 1 / 12.8 i89 I I I,, V lg5 II 15.6 FORMER SILT FENCE ASH AND SHALLOW 1s,9 >ea RECYCLE x I I DITCH 13.3 AREA J I NOTE: AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED ARE _ NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: 149 14.7 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE EARTHS, WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR GERM 2 AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL T T �C ACTIVITIES �,J �7 1 I2i Cali 11 C rttvsulle 31097�pitnrv�adl ours Su76901 Rule h Narh C�rnkn7 '7604 filephnn„lR79)C+!}9511 I•et 1919)7!41-0217 7 DOMT:AR PAPER COMPANY. I 1 L PLYMOU H NORTH CAROL NA — DRN 8Y Ic V t AT SCALEt yip FILE N0. : S)IOO. 13.4 AS SFi0A1A 'REVISED_— �' `�' WOOD RI CY(1 1. ARC \ / V W W o/ 8 WAMINGTON OFFICE FEB 0 3 1995 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUCFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT D. E M. GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 (Landfill) CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG12 0022 FACILITY NAME Weverhaeuser PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Ed Thompson: Bob Lee CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Weyerhaeuser - Plymouth LAB # 171 Weyerhaeuser - New Bern LAB # 135 Weyerhaeuser - Tacoma, WA LAB # 374 Part A: No.1 Pond 1 11/16/94 1 0.00014 1 7 5 %01 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR 1994 (all samples collected during a calendar year, shall be reported no later than January 31 of the following year) COUNTY MARTIN PHONE NO. (919) 793-8722 a (Signature of Permittee or DesidAee) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. <3 1 <3 1 <5 1 <0.010 1 <3 1 <0.2 1 <8 1 114 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? _yes V no (If yes, complete Part B) FORM MR12 00 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0.46 Event Duration (hours): 3 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): 1 Applies only for facilities at which fueling occurs. Mail Original and one copy to: Attention: Central Files Division of Environmental Management DEHNR P O Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 2 Detergent monitoring is required only at facilities which conduct vehicle cleaning operations. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of -/7' / (Date) FORM MR12 a' Stormwater Discharge Outfall Monitoring Report Permit No. NCS000189 Facility Name Weyerhaeuser Person Collecting Sample(s) Ed Thompson, Bob Lee Samples Collected During Calendar Year 1994 County Martin Phone No. (919) 793-8224 Certified Laboratory(s) Weyerhaeuser Company - Plymouth 171; Weyerhaeuser Company - New Bern 135 Weyerhaeuser Company - Tacoma, WA 374 Outfall No. Date Sample Collected nzo/da/ r Total Flow (MG) Total Rainfall (in-ches) Event Duration (hours) Chemical Oxygen Demand m /L Total Suspended Solids m /L BODs m /L Total Phosphorus m /L 006 11-16-94 0.02112 0.46 3 140 264 6 0.52 007 11-16-94 0.05703 0.46 3 260 490 32 0.55 008 11-16-94 0.04781 0.46 3 310 35 8 0.51 (Signature of P, r By this signature, I cerfig complete to the best of my or Designee) that this report is accurate and knowledge. Weyerhaeuser January 20, 1995 Attention: Central Files NC DEM - DEHNR P O Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Dear Sir: P.O. Box 787 Plymouth, North Carolina 27962 Tel (919) 793 8111 Certified Mai[ Return Receipt Requested Enclosed are 1994 Stormwater Monitoring Reports for Weyerhaeuser Company, Plymouth, NC. These reports are for Permit No. NCS000189 and General Permit No. NCG120000. If you have any questions concerning these reports, please call me at (919)793-8224. Sincerely, William R. Glover Environmental Specialist WRG:dmc Enclosure xc: File Stormwater Information Exchange Meeting Weyerhaeuser Company — Plymouth, NC Thursday, September 16, 2004 Requested Attendees NC Division of Water Quality: Robert Tankard, Washington Regional Office Weyerhaeuser Bracky,Bickerstaff Jerry Coker Jerry Foster Will Hardison Diane Hardison Bob Lee Bill Morris Ed Thompson Proposed Meeting Agenda I. Purpose of meeting II. Introduction of attendees 0 111. Overview of current consolidated facility -wide storm water permit A. Overview mill aerial B. Overview each stonmwater drainage area and its outfalls C. Overview changes in SWPPP (stormwater improvement projects) since issuance of permit. • 006 drainage area — . iaf ne.,�,Jlred' off'^ ^�"'tQ Alfclrna�a- ev�. jaw^} • Contractor Laydown (additional outfall and some renumbering) • Winter Log Storage area — in SWPPP, not in original application or permit — Norfolk Southern Railyard — in SWPPP, not in original application or permit • Two new sedimentation ponds for landfill 93 — mentioned in application, dot Isi'5 in permit, next revision of SWPPP should include them �� IV. Specific questions concerning I" round of quarterly analytical sampling A. For the contractor laydown area, may we sample CL09 instead of CLI 1? CL09 is better configured in the field. B. We need to confirm method for calculating flow (drainage area) for each representative outfall to be sampled. C:\DOCUM E—I \ROnERT-d \LOCA LS-1 \TEM P\S W Info6xchangMeetingD W Q091604.doe Page 1 of 2 Created on 9/15/2004 10:16 AM Created by Diane Ilardison f May we use the AutoCAD Cale method of mapped drainage areas? Are we to Cale total area and report, or total area divided by number of outfalls, in areas with many on and only 1 or 2 designated for sampling? • Confirm use of flow measurements where they can be measured and applied. C. Defin VOC �SVOCalytical methods for stormwater samples. D. Is the require TPH)inalysis for the gas or diesel fraction or both? V. Outfall tour — field review of drainage areas and outfalls VI. Other Questions A. How should we handle changes in drainage areas and outfalls? B. How should we handle incorporation of new landfill sedimentation ponds into consolidated facility -wide permit? C. Does original construction -related stormwater permit for landfill sedimentation ponds remain effective? D. Discuss plans for developing a wet log storage yard, with spray system — what are the applicable regulations and permitting requirements? • Tour site V II. Wrap up — other questions/comments VIII. Follow-up action items Handouts provided in the meeting: • Weyerhaeuser stormwater permit No. NCS000189 • Listing of all outfalls with descriptions • Facility -wide outfall maps • Monitoring report form • Conceptual design proposed for wet log storage site C:\D000M E—I \R06ERT-1 \LOCALS-1 \TEM P\S W Info ExchangMectingD WQ091604.doc Page 2 of 2 Created on 9/15/2004 10:16 AM Created by Diane Hardison Permit Number: NC or Certificate of Coverage Number: NCG FACILITY NAME PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLES) CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY PHONE NO. (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Outfall ." No;.. ;Date , Saipple Collected 50050 Total" Flow;'.s �' r " tmdldd/ r - MG- " '::N tw ,` M * `, 7,77, Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? yes no (if yes, complete Part B) _— Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activi Moni[orin Re uirements Otitfall' No. - _ Date Sample ;Total 'Collected" 50050 ;00556 m{, `C, 00530t ,zs`00400 Floiv Ot)-.and} ;�. -_ Grease 1Tota1 `- s Suspe ded' pH -. t .ty+ nett Motoi•,� OiIUsage - '.mo/dd/yr. z MG m'1� Form SWU-246-051100 Page 1 of 2 .a STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): Mail Original and one copy to: Division of Water Quality Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee) (Date) Form SWU-246-051100 Page 2 of 2 Outfall Number Outfall Name/Description SW Control Measures In Place sheet pile bulkhead along river front with outlets Power/Recovery office parking lot for sheet flow runnoff from parking lot, drainage area, formerly known as 006 containment around nearby truck and rail car 006 ditch unloading areas Manual stop gate in outfall, concrete collection. CP01 External Coal Pile ditches around coal pile which drain to wwts RY01 Norfolk Southern Rail Yard Grassed lined ditches Contractor laydown area behind NICO CL01 trailer rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown 2 area east of CL02 laydown 6 rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area 1 east of CL03 laydown 6 rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area due north of CL04 security rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area west of paint CL05 building rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area 1 west of CL06 laydown 7 rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area modernization CL07 clock alley rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches contractor laydown area west of scrap CLO8 metal vegetation in swales Contractor laydown area east discharge. CLO9 to swamp rip -rap check dams in shallow ditches Contractor laydown area west discharge CL10 to swamp. vegetation in swales Contractor laydown area west of salvage CL11 area vegetation in swales Contractor laydown area west of salvage CL12 area vegetation in swales OBA Old Borrow Area rip -rap dams, silt fencing, vegetation LB01 New Borrow Area WLS01 Winter Log Storage mostly sheet flow, no controls FY01 Flail yard North vegetative cover FY02 Flail yard South vegetative cover Flail yard scale catch basin discharge to FY03 pond clear path to pond with vegetative cover Wood recycle area earthen berm around ash pile, rip rap dam and silt WRA fence in drainage path by ash pile, paved access road. ARA01 Ash recycle area Landfill pond 1 NE corner of LF#2 vegetated slopes, daily cover over landfill LF01 material, ponds discharge via overflow pipes, rip- LF02 Landfill pond 2 SW corner of LF #2 rap at outfall of pipes. LF03 Lanfill pond cornero revision 5/11/04 hardidr\stormwater\OutfallLocationsand Control Measures 1 of 1 . V PROPERTY BOUNDARY .EXTERNAL COAL PILE: 35*5 'NbRFoLk'sb&mFkN ,76'45 48 'BORRO 35-56 01 11 THE OTHER DRAWAG DIRECTLYT-' --- -- -- STRIAMAND INSTEAD ARE SHEET FLOW OR: ` DISCHARGE TO SWAMPY AREAS7. M. A NPDF—'; OUTFALL 001 NORFOL RAM AR BORROW AREA., ;�LLP THIS 2400 ACREPROPERTY Z: OF REGULATED. INDUSTRIAL-',; i:STgRM"TERDISPHARGE.,TEE'-,. MAJORITY OFTHE SITE ISNOT ' '-t F!EdULAtEDBECAUSE:"" APPROXIMATE SCALE 0 1500 3000 FEET URS URS Corporation - Maryland 3109 Pbpla ood Court Suite 301 Rab*Yh North Carolina 27604 Telephone( 1�)&50-9511 Fa (919)790-0217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: I�DLN BY: KAH PATE: — FILE No )0 AS SHOWN MSED: FTS INC-SPO JOATE, !O��3 5516 �0.22 FIGLIF OVERALL SITE PLAN 1 3-2 I 0 O WELL 14 \ 1�� �ID PROPOSED BULKHEAD (COMPLETED) ROANOKE RIVER � � OLD WET MACHINE W 0 IL LE�EN� N0.1 LIFT STATION COAL PILE REBUILD — POWER / RECOVERY AREA (COMPLETE) AREA 8 LIFT STATION N0.1 WOOD YARD tee" r 0 PREVIOUS OUTFALL 006 IMPROVEMENTS (COMPLETE) L D I GE I EMENTS (IN NAL- COMPLETE) URErp vRsco,up -TSyua 3109Po .woad CaWr9rlte l0l Reid l- Cvo0ae27601 Tdephace ( 9)55 Ml Fu (919)790-0217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA DRN BY: KAFi TE: SAO FllE N0. AS SHOWN EVISED: FFS INC-SPO TE: 6 3 55I60.22 DRAINAGFHVIPROVEMENTPROJECTS 3-3 LEGEND DRAINAGE AREA o IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SPOT ELEVATION NO. 10 TU 131 NE T TURBINE GENERAIORR 9.0 NOTE: AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED ARE NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE WACTPWATPI? TPPATkTPMT qv,,zmm nu -1 oxp�b_ 0 AREA 2 MEDIA MAINTENANCE SHOP STORAGE LJ 04 in m NO. 2 6:) URS HOG FUEL Zof• URS Corpmdon - MaTybnd EL Lcl. iwn z t)f U) 3109 le wwdcomsotto Sol t BOILER R &Cmvlina 27604 FAN M OR ��t7 jo)8p 0 Trjeph� (. 1 �850,9511 F� (919)790-0217 �95 �U= & DRIVE R (Y_—� WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTI-L NORTH CAROLINA RN Fl �NO 1,,: 8 L�E _51 00 SCN�'-s sloWN _ I �:� 5511060.22 ISED,FrSINC-SM JDATE, 6/003 OUTFALL 006 DRAINAGE AREA 3-4 7.6 ------ 411 TURBINE PRECIP. BUILDING AREA RILEY BORER O BILE c� z Nz 9 Zm I 10i1 Boil BUILDING d AREA 1 k4 SHOP 7 12.5 O NO w— e NO. 9 TURBINE GENERATOR F1 9.0 I NO. I HOG FUEL BOILER 13.3 0 0 0 0 0 0% o 0..� 0 NO. 2 HOG FUEL BOILER .3 r 84 10.A 28.0 `", NOTE: . AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED ARE NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE: 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR 2. AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES. \I - �^ - Y IV-r RVM1IMRIC JW.L ' _120 240 FEET U SS Cepmarim - Marylmd L PPoopptmwood Goer, saaro sol erh North C1+oliae 27604 I)8549511 Far (979)790-0277 HAEUSER COMPANY TH, NORTH CAROLINA cKAH TE 8100 FILE RO. TS INCSPO TE: 5 7 oolw.22 COAL PILE AND RAIL CAR STORAGE 3-5 S3 7A 6 9 .. 75 } NOTE: - - /n t _91 AREAS WHICH ARE NOT HIGHLIGHTED ARE- - 7 z 95 NOT REGULATED AREAS BECAUSE 1. AREA IS ENGINEERED TO DRAIN TO THE: -... / - . : - _ 1,, _ ; .-tar: • /' %/ \ �. i '" WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM OR 2. AREA IS NOT USED FOR INDUSTRIAL, ` �_ ' -� •'ij i' !/ it ACTIVITIES / O CLAlr r . \ o;3 �q L/ i o •"�' �' X. SAMPLING REQUIRED BY ERMTC / .\ " "'"•! i .. r .,r.t�l9di f3 ,�c7� Q .,�i "o. o- .� ourFALL X i ) ° \"vim` a pp O �Ai:T. 1 / r it OUTFACE � /� ../7,h--� .. ,�• r,:. Fhb �t 'lo-� I e �� t'.. I,'i� J4 35 ` ..�-�. .- •.°. r-O\•. ,•.. IJ ri _44 OUTFALI; 77 - CLA6 `�/ /.� O \I�� O •: 40's 6.9 i' � _ taa" I % ��////� OUTFACE / / / // .:' O \�. J ': u ( 1 _.. �� a • ' R VE,�• r O-__ � - •�'� � I� >,/ 14b..� � b 74 i•7 :/i / AREA �!/ `IIiI 4.z s9. //�!/ j71 6) I -' \ _ - / �PJEND X' S \ L II DRAINAGE AREA II \_ O" BALL • 4 .�.1 O TFA2 L. 72 �.p$w •,\\ r.�� hl � I � t�,'�'' "e'Y$` t I�', I �� -_ 5A i � �i� t'1. 94 ]3 - I I � �• g I. 179 , � 157 7.1 \ CONSTRICTION AREA 4.11 U S f( �+ URS C uoa - lard �\ s511 1 _ n Man I ` •�127, I\ `.,I 1i g I(I ti i ,{ I 4 3109 1xA'oadCao+t, Sane "Is l I m 1,._j, Ball Norio CmoUw 27604 It , t i Telephone( 14)8.50.9511 Fe (919)7910217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY ;•. I PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA t' �` ° o b - ' 3p d I I !: 9 9 k i ( 1 DRN BI: KAH/PAF PATE 9N0 / 7p1 FILE N0. I SWE:S SHOWN NEVISEO: FFS INC-SPO 7E: 6,U3 55160.22 `- - APPROXIMATE SCALE :r I' IGURE ;! PPNEI 070 ''0 - >�\�' ",i �,,,�,+" 0 400 't 800 FEET :; W,1 III I;, 1 I c A I I = CONTRACTOR LAYDOWNAREA . n 3-6 x 4p1y0 .1.2 x1.2 // O t• / LEGEND '\ OD DRAINAGE AREA ti \ 1.2 SPOT ELEVATION SURFACE FLOW DRAINAGE DIRECTION , APPROXIMATE SCALE 300 600 FEET URS Corporation -Maryland 3109 Poplarwood Court, Suite 301 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: DRN BY: KAH ATE: a10 FILE NO. AS SHOWN CHECKED BY. KB DATE: 9/M 55100.22 FLAIL YARD AND WINTER LOG STORAGE 3-7 �4rT 3..0 / I� I kIy 1 I� I U / — APPROXIMATE SCALE — 0 200 400 FEET cr /. 10.9 \I 1.7 r r � )) ram; 14 .I . � • �`^ � 11 � I 0 fr I ��c, t r 192 9j 19..5 ti \ I 15.9 \ � aea [-IIGiiLIGHTED° 202 /. 10.9 \I 1.7 r r � )) ram; 14 .I . � • �`^ � 11 � I 0 fr I ��c, t r 192 9j 19..5 ti \ I 15.9 \ � aea [-IIGiiLIGHTED° 202 US URS Corporation - Maryland 3109Poplarwood Court, Suite 301 Ra/ieyh North Carolina 27604 Telephone (91J)850-9511 F. (919)790-0217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA - SCALE: AS SHOWN DRN HY: KAH ATE: 9/00 RLE NO. 551 .22 REVISED: FTS INC-SPO DATE: 6 03 FIGURE WOOD AND ASH RECYCLE AREAS I 3_8 9.9 44.5 ab CHECK as m 1.6 m APPRO) 0 200 400 FEET I URSURS Corpomdon- MuryL .. d 3109 Pbplmwood CuaM Suite 301 27604 Telephone )ro692@—&(919)790-0217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: ORN W.- KAH FILE NO. AS SHOWN RUKED W. KB PrATF. q 55100.22 FIGUR BORROW AREA 3-10 J �4D�S 0ov ALU pp1 �1 J1 � O*-V Y IWO -0 l t�Y fr 1 'o �`` EXIST: NO. 2 SUBSTATION r LEGEND 4 _, ,, �•��::'=-"�� / ,,;=., �� DRAINAGE AREA FOR RAIL YARD SURFACE FLOW DRAINAGE DIRECTION V �LJ j'SOLI /c- URSAPPROXIMATE SCALE0 00 00 FEETf,URS ryland 3109 Popla ood Court, Suite 301 Ral/e h North Carolina Carolina Telephone ( 1 )850-9511 F. (919)790-0217 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE; DRN I KAH/PAF ATE: 9/l10/7/0l FILE N0. AS SHOWN CHECKED HY: KH DATE: 9 55100.22 NORFOLK SOUTHERN FIGUR RAIL YARD 1 3-11