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NCS000175_MONITORING INFO_20120127
----- STORMWATER`DIVISION"CODING-SHEET- — PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑ FINAL PERMIT �61VIONITORING INFO ❑ APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ �Lot ; O I YYYYM M DD .�..� s•oy.»,.. ski ^�` �� January 27, 2012 Mr. S. Daniel Smith Surface Water Protection Supervisor Division of Water Quality 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1628 Subject: Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Services Period 2, Year 3 Veolia ES Technical Solutions 2176 Will Suitt Road Creedmoor, North. Carolina EPA ID #: NCD 986 166 338 AMEC Project 6470-11-0303.03 Dear Mr..Smith: On behalf of Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. (Veolia), AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (AMEC) is pleased to submit the enclosed Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Services for your review. Please call us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. _4�ti Matthew J. Gillis Staff Scientist II Enclosure Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Service Cc: Mr. Jay Beck, Veolia Correspondence: AIIAEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919)381-9900 Fax (919)381-9901 Ucensure: NC Engineering F-1253 amec.com ram. January 27, 2012 az Mr. Jay Beck Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC BAN 3 j .2012 2176 Will Suitt Road Creedmoor, North Carolina 27522 NG 0'r-NR : Subject: Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Services Period 2 of Year 3 Veolia Facility Creedmoor, North Carolina AMEC Project 6470-11-0303.03 Dear Mr. Beck: As authorized by your acceptance of Proposal 11-RAL-003 dated January 10, 2011, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (AMEC) is pleased to submit this Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Services for the above -referenced site. The objective of our services was to determine if the quality of stormwater runoff at the site has been adversely affected by daily operations at the Veolia ES Technical Solutions facility. Background Information The subject site is the Veolia facility located at 2176 Will Suitt Road in Creedmoor, North Carolina (Drawing 1). This facility is a permitted treater/storer/disposer of hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. The Creedmoor facility receives pre -packaged wastes from chemical and industrial clients, segregates the wastes based on the chemical characteristics, and repackages the wastes as necessary for transport to an appropriate disposal facility. As part of stormwater permit no. NCS000175, Veolia is required to conduct semi-annual, stormwater-sampling events at each of the three outfalls -- West, Middle and East -- at the subject site (Drawing 2). AMEC conducted two sampling events in 2009, and the pH test result for the samples from the East Outfall were outside the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Benchmark range of 6 to 9 standard units. Therefore, Veolia implemented a Tier Two program, as required by their NPDES permit. AMEC conducted monthly monitoring of the East Outfall, as required in the Tier Two program. The pH values of five samples collected monthly from the East Outfall from December 2009 to May 2010 were within the range standard of 6-9, permitted under the benchmark values. On September 17, 2009, December 9, 2009, and July 6, 2011, pH values were outside of the benchmark range from the samples collected from the East Outfall. According to the NPDES Correspondence: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 Tel (919)381-9900 Fax (919)381-9901 Licensure: NC Engineering F-1253 1 amec.com Veolia Facility January 27, 2012 AMEC Project 6470-11-0303.03 Page 2 Permit, a fourth pH measurement recorded outside of the benchmark range may require additional permitting requirements subsequent to notifying the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. This report presents the results of stormwater samples collected during Period 2 of Year 3. Field Activities On December 21, 2011, Mr. Jay Beck informed AMEC there was potential for a storm event to occur during the afternoon hours. AMEC arrived on site and awaited the approaching storm. After the storm had arrived, the rain gauge registered 0.8 inches of rainwater and the flow at the outfalls was sufficient to collect stormwater samples. AMEC made observations of the qualitative characteristics shown in Table 4 of Veolia's stormwater permit. Table 1 summarizes our observations of the qualitative characteristics of the stormwater samples. AMEC collected stormwater samples from the West, Middle, and East Outfalls (Drawing 2). AMEC submitted the stormwater samples to Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) for testing for nitrate/nitrite as N according to EPA Method 353.2, for total Kjeldahl nitrogen according to EPA Method 351.2, for phosphorus according to EPA Method 365.4, for total suspended solids (TSS) according to Standard Method 2540D, for oil and grease according to EPA Method 1664A, and for pH according to Standard Method 4500-H/B. These are the sampling requirements included in Stormwater Permit No. NCS000175. Results of the Testing A summary of the laboratory test results for the West, Middle, and East stormwater samples is included in Table 2. The laboratory test reports and chain -of -custody records are attached in Appendix A. The pH values and analyte concentrations for all three stormwater samples were within the values allowed for the stormwater permit. Conclusions The stormwater samples collected during the second sampling event of 2011 did not exhibit values that are outside the range of benchmark values. AMEC will conduct the sampling event for Period 1 of Year 4 between February 1, 2012 and July 31, 2012. This report is intended for the. sole use of Veolia. The contents should not be relied upon by other parties without the expressed, written consent of Veolia and AMEC. Veolia Facility AMEC Project 6470-11-0303.03 January 27, 2012 Page 3 We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services to Veolia. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Matthew J. Gillis Staff Scientist II Ai"S Jeffre n, P.E. Chie g ne r Attachments: Drawings 1 and 2 Tables 1 and 2 Appendix A ' CA.h'O°'. 9r � SEAL Q` 4 t '�" �' JqI.� u - 1 % I� 'uY 'I y at �•�::� 4 > , f a�l _ .`ti'�O�.z.i.-+?d/�c� .�`� -�.. �, "C, µOle (`• v � . J. \ 4 �„� l ' h� "\�,. .r r} < 1+,. t ..- � I-.i fl fs 'S�}, ?50 � ��h+-}4y}�y+. /I •�� - ay,� kj A�� w � i ,�`r!� f% � ♦ '� Z � � �3 , � ., a ;7` '•'kV �,'{o�����/�I/r \` ''�'�' e � ''�'-9 � s . �n �},'{ � j �: '� .. M "'-{atf-Ic-.,fit `.� `^•\� t1'° , y wl .}x Fi�. \ � Xt J7'aC�%iaL•" {'1. _ Y C1r'r 1... t' t r .✓ 35 •'� yajajM �j � / � ..�J �i �, li l .i��4� � Y V{`V l ��1' I� • - V9e � � z`� C��-� r � \x � '4::,5 t' . J��,. $ v� ,.'ti � i 'a . t'i 2 .� 31 _ ��� �..✓. J��lRl1�r (' ' ��...., "�Z/��v� �s Vt'�''J it `4�' tr ��S�i.s'r/. i ��� 1Fu � .t� ".._.rn: � - .:a�,', � r : �Q• - . -� .�" I ,�k - - � - t� iri' .� ;fix i �"{;.`� t m` �i ".r,i% 7, . "! `'[e L . )F�` r` �� L. c• < -`�: ->~, i � _ .., t—:� �c`�ur f .,� .. f , x.✓ . ' S� 1` J{ �� j 'G' � t j((n �J , `; t'Jr ), ']- ,k,' d - J "f `•'Y 4 a 1 >>4 -0V '�4 l^�•+��P�N'.�_• 'W 1, C� �Q"`�'T'A its .r ♦ c% x e. CREEDMOOR, NC STEM, NC RTx CAROLINA NORTH t'� 2010 2010 NOTE: SITE LOCATION IS APPROXIMATE CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET &- a / / NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 !y AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 1000 0 1000 2000 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, North Carolina 27703 TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP DRAWN: C.B.S. DATE: JANUARY2012 DRAWING ENG CHECK: w(b Y- SCALE: 1 :24000 VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS CREEDMOOR, NORTH CAROLINA A I APPROVAL: W-s(1" JOB: 6470-11-0303.03 r:\wiv\��\v.w reoin\imxyo IVI� zna aunacv—nata aamynn9pwawin9a\]LLa laanon nan.ap we. 1/ Jan zolz — 9:N m roya.mma LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY CHAIN -LINK FENCE ivvwv-rv� TREE LINE 180, 0 180' GRAPHIC SCALE - IN FEET DRAWN: R.R. DATE: JANUARY2012 DRAWING ���� SITE LOCATION MAP AMEC Environment &Infrastructure VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS ENG CHECK: to j Io SCALE: AS SHOWN 4021 STIRRUP CREEK DRIVE, SUITE 100 CREEDMOOR, NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVAL: W -�b— JOB No.: 6470-11-0303.03 REFERENCE: SURVEY DATA PROVIDED BY TAYLOR WISEMAN TAYLOR; SITE DRAWING PROVIDED BY VEOLIA; AMEC FIELD NOTES. Table 1 Veolia Facility December 21, 2011 Stormwater Sampling Results Creedmoor, North Carolina AMEC Project No. 6470-11-0303.03 Brief description of the facility's stormwater control system, operations and equipment (provided by Veolia): Stormwater flows from the warehouse roof into the gutters and then to the pavement. The stormwater is directed to three outfalls. Once at the outfalls the water flows under the fence and into the stormwater ditch. Any water that enters the secondary containment trenches (at the ends of storage trailers) is inspected prior to discharge. Stormwater Observations Rainfall at time of sampling: 0.8 inches and raining West Outfall Middle Outfall East Outfall Color Clear Faint Light Brown Faint Light Brown Odor None None None Clarity Clear Moderate Turbidity Moderate Turbidity Floating Solids Trace Organic Material Trace Organic Material Trace Organic Material Suspended Solids Trace Organic Material Trace Organic Material Trace Organic Material Foam None None None Oil Sheen None None None Erosion or deposition at the Rock Rock Rock outfall Other obvious indicators of None None None stormwater pollution Prepared by: P�TL Date: I - 20 - VD' 'L-- Checked by: w-y— Date: Table 2 Veolia Facility December 21, 2011 Stormwater Sampling Results Creedmoor, North Carolina AMEC Project No. 6470-11-0303.03 EPA Methods EPA Method EPA Method Standard Method EPA Method Analytical Method and Units 353.2/351.2 9040C or SM 4500 365.4 2540D 1664 (mg/L) H/B (SU) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) , Analyte —. v y N N N o d L c Sample ID Sample Date Z a o 'a a F- O R 0 F- West Outfall 12/21/2011 0.81 6.8 0.085 J 1 12 <3.00 Middle Outfall 12/21/2011 0.65 7.0 0.080 J 22 3.37 J East Outfall 12/21/2011 0.89 6.6 0.087 J 21 <3.00 NPDES Permit Benchmark Values 30 � 6=9 � 21 100' 30 Notes NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Nitrate/Nitrite as N + Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen = Total Nitrogen. Bold Concentration exceeds the laboratory Method Detection Limit (MDL). Concentration exceeds the NPDES Benchmark Values. J The reported value is between the MDL and the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL). <# Analyte not detected above the RL. Prepared by: 04-6 Date: }-io-ZUI-t— Checked by: tv Date: Appendix A Laboratory Test Report and Chain -of -Custody Record Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 Monday, January 9, 2012 AMEC E&I, Inc. (LA010) Attn: Matthew Gillis 4021 Stirrup Creek Dr, Suite 100 Durham, NC 27703 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 6470-11-0303, Project Name/Desc: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling ENCO Workorder: C115786 Dear Matthew Gillis, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Thursday, December 22, 2011. Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Chuck Smith Project Manager Enclosure(s) www.encolabs.corn The total number of pages in this report, including this page is 14. WWW.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Tlme(s) CALC 09/15/14 01/06/12 08:24 1/6/2012 08:27 EPA 1664A O1118112 12/28/11 11:30 12,/29/2011 13:24 EPA 351.2 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 13:44 EPA 353.2 01/18/12 01/02/12 13:41 1/2/2012 16:33 EPA 365.4 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 15:23 SM 2540D 12/28/11 12/28/11 08:46 12/28/2011 08:46 SM4500-H/8 12/21/11 16:14 12/22/11 13:50 12/22/2011 13:50 Parameter ......................................................................................................................................... Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/ nme(s) CALC 09/15/14 01/06/12 . 08:24 1/6/2012 08:27 EPA 1664A 01/18/12 12/28/11 11:30 12/29/2011 13:24 EPA 351.2 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 13:46 EPA 353.2 01/18/12 01/02/12 13:44 1/2/2012 16:35 EPA 365.4 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 15:24 SM 2540D 12/28/11 12/29/11 08:46 12/28/2011 08:46 SM4500-H/B 12/21/11 16:44 12/22/11 13:50 12/22/2011 13:50 m.•=�„ ,. ...,.�,... �'sr-rxa r a=-. ,.».r� .:a w:.- a,.. ar— ;Client ID:;,„West l9utfalU _,�-*g_asi..}r. Lab ID t_C_115786,D3_.+�� .°�'_SamPletl „12/21/11 .i615�y;- _�a.e Rece�ved"12722(11_y1-2:2.0,.�, Parameter Hold DateRme(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) CALL 09/15/14 01/06/12 08:24 1/6/2012 08:27 EPA 1664A 01/18/12 12/28/11 11:30 12/29/2011 13:24 EPA 351.2 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 13:48 EPA 353.2 01/18/12 01/02/12 13:44 1/2/2012 16:41 EPA 365.4 01/18/12 12/28/11 08:20 1/3/2012 15:25 SM 2540D 12/28/11 12/28/11 08:46 12/28/2011 08:46 SM4500-H/e 12/21/11 16:29 12/22/11 13:50 12/22/2011 13:50 Page 2 of 14 w .encolabsxom SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY ; - . . - I -"rD-qq1ss"�i- �.ft,7 Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 6.on o.-io -- -- --- mg/-L EP - A 353. - 2 PH 6.6 1.0 1.0 PH Units SM4500-H/B Q Phosphorus 0.087 3 0.021 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.81 0.16 0.48 mg/L EPA 351.2 Total Nitrogen 0.89 0.02 0.10 mg/L CALC Ton] Suspended Solids 21 1.0 1.0 mg/L SM 2540D MEN, Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes m t-te/Niti-im- �-- N-- - - -------- -0.-088-*** j --- ---- 6.025 -0.-10* mg/L - -------- EP - A - 353. - 2 ---------- .... Oil & Grease (HEM) 3.37 3 3.00 5.00 mg/L EPA 1664A PH 7.0 1.0 1.0 PH Units SM4500-H/B Q Phosphorus 0.080 1 0,021 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Toni Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.56 0.16 0.48 mg/L EPA 351.2 Toni Nitrogen 0.65 0.02 0.10 rr)g/L CALC Total Suspended Solos 22 1.0 1.0 mg/L SM 2540D 4 Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes Nil t'a- WN itud te- as N --------- -- - - --- --- OAS --- -- ----- --- 6,625- -0.16 ----- -- - n;gjL EPA Eli pH 6.8 1.0 1.0 pH Units SM4500-H/B Q Phosphorus 0.085 3 0.021 0.10 mg/L EPA 365.4 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.65 0.16 0.48 mg/L EPA 351.2 Ton] Nitrogen 0.81 0.02 0.10 mg/L CALC Toni Suspended Solids 12 1.0 1.0 mg/L SM 2540D Pas,e 3 of 14 a® O www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Descript[on: East Outfall Lab Sample ID; C115786-01 Received: 12/22/11 12:20 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/21/11 16:00 Work Order: C115786 Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters ------------------ -------- ^ - ENCO Cary Cer06ed anayfe [NC 591J Analyte [CAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL MRL Datch MathQg Analyzed $y Notes Ni"te/Nitrite as N [ECL-0010] ^ 0.011) 3 mg/L I 0.025 0.10 2A02001 EPA 353.2 01/02/12 16:33 co PH [ECL-0062] ^ 6.6 pH Units I to 1.0 IU2024 SM4500-H/B 12/2211113:30 KLI Q Phosphorus [7723-14-0] ^ 0.087 3 ,gIL 1 0.021 0.10 1L27015 ©A 365.4 01/03/12 15:23 CM Total Kjeldehl Nitrogen [ECL-0162] ^ 0.81 mgA 1 0.16 0.48 IU7015 PA 351.2 01/03/1213:M CCB Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 0.89 mg/L 1 0.02 0.10 2A06002 C LC 01/06/12 08:27 A18 Total Suspended solids [ECL-0169] ^ 21 mg/L I L0 1.0 IL28001 SM 2540D 12128/110a:46 IOJ' Page 4 of 14 v .encolabs.com Description: Fast Outfall Lab Sample ID: C115786-01 Received: 12/22/11 12:20 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/21/11 16:00 Work Order: C115786 Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Class[cal Chemistry Parameters ------- ----- ----- --- --- ----- A - fNCO Jacksorrvil/e Cerdficd analyte[NC 4421 Analyte rCASNumberl Results Flaa units 2 MDL MRS Batch Method aAn Ivzetl 1y Notes Oil & Grease (HEM) [C-0007] ^ 3.00 u mg1L 1 3.00 5.00 1=024 EPA 1664A 12/29/11 13:24 WF This report reWtes only tone sample as recei by the laboatory and may only be reproduce] in full. Page 5 of 14 w .encolabs.com Description: Middle Outfall Matrix: Surface Water Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Lab Sample ID: C115786-02 Sampled: 12/21/11 16:30 Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Received: 12/22/11 12:20 Work Order: C115786 Classical Chemistry Parameters ._ ----------------- .---- .----------------- ^ - ENCO Cary ce tficd andyre[NC 5911 .__------------ ____.--------- ____------------------------------------- _-_..----------- __----. Analyte ICAS Numberl Results Flag Units DF MDL MRL Batch Method Aralwed vzed ft Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as [ECL-0010]A 0.088 J mg/L 1 0.025 0.10 M02001 EGA 353.2 01/021121EAS CC8 pH [ECL-0062] A 7.0 pH units I 1.0 1.0 1L22024 SM4500-H/8 12/22/11 13:50 NL] Q Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 0.080 J mg/L 1 0.021 0.10 IU7016 EPA 365A 01/03/1215:24 CC8 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen [ECL-01621 A 0.56 mg/L 1 0.16 0.48 31270I5 EPA 351.2 01/03/12 13:46 CC8 Total Nitrogen [17778-W-0] 0.6s mgfL 1 0.02 0.10 2A06002 CALL 01/06/1208:27 Ara Total SuspendM Solids [ECL-0169] ^ 22 mg/L I 1.0 1.0 luwol SM 2540D 12128/1108:46 U Page 6 of 14 v .encolabs.com Description: Middle Outfall Lab Sample ID: C115786-02 Received: 12/22/1112:20 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/21/11 16:30 Work Order: C115786 Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters .........--- .------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------------- ----- ^ - fNCO JacksonwIlie cerDfied analyte [NC 4421 Analvte (CAS Number] Result Flao 11--litaPE MDL M$I Batch Method Anal ly Note@ Oil & Grease (HEM) [C-0007] ^ 3.37 1 mg[L t 3.00 5.00 1127024 EPA 1664A 12/29/1113:24 N13F This report relates only to the sample as received by me laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Paee 7 of 14 www.encolabs.com Description: West Outfall Matrix: Surface Water Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Lab Sample ID: C115786-03 Sampled: 12/21/1116:15 Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Received: 12/22/11 12:20 Work Order: C115786 Classical Chemistry Parameters -------.....--------------- --------- ^ - ENCO Cary certified arzW (NC 5911 ------------------ - --------------- ------ ----------------------------- .. ........ Analyte [CAS Numberl Re ul Fag Units, g[ MDL MRL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes Nitrate/Nitrite w N [ECL-0030] ^ 0.16 mg/L t 0.025 0.10 2A02001 EPA 353.2 01/02/12 16:41 CCB PH [ECL-0062] ^ 6.8 OH Units t 1.0 1.0 IU2024 SM4500-H/8 12/22/11 13:50 IQ] Q Phosphorus [7723-14-0]^ 0.085 3 mg/L 1 0.021 0.10 U27016 EPA 365.4 01103/1215:25 CCa Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen [ECL-0162] ^ 0.65 mg0. I 0.16 0.48 IU7015 EPA 351.2 01/03/1213:48 C® Total Nitrogen [17778-88-0] 0.81 mg/L 1 0.02 O.10 2AC6002 CALL 0110611208:27 A3a Total Suspended Solids [ECL-0169] ^ 12 mg/L t 1.0 1.0 1L28001 SM 2540D 12/28/1108:46 KL3 Pa-e 8 of 14 QCSNkI www.encolabs.com Description: West Outfall Lab Sample ID: C115786-03 Received: 12/22/11 12:20 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 12/21/1116:15 Work Order: C115786 Project: Veolia ES Stonnwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters ----------------------- �---------------------- --.... '--- -------- ^-ENCOJaCkS nVlIle Cetp,7eiana/yte[NC 472J Analvte r,EA5 Namberl Results an units DF MDL MFIL Batch Method Analyzed By Nag OII & Grease CHEMI [C-00071 ^ 3.00 u mg/L 1 3.00 5.00 1L27024 EPA 16fi A 12R9111 13:24 MJF This report relates only to the sample as received by Lite laboratory, and may only be repnodu0 in toll. Paoe 9 of 14 w .encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 1L22024 - NO PREP LCS (11.22024-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/22/2011 13:50 PH 7.0 1.0 pH Um6 7.00 99 %-101 ....................................................................................................................................... Duplicate (11.22024-DUP1) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/22/2011 13:50 Source: C114019-01 PH 8.0 le pH Units 8.0 0.1 25 ........................................................................................................................ ................. Batch IL27O15 - Same Blank (1L27015-BLKI) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: O1/03/2012 13:07 TMI Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.16 U 0.48 mg/L ......................................................................................................................................... LCS (I L27015-BSI) Prepared: 12/23/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 13:09 Tcal Kjddahl Ntrogen 13 0.48 mg/! 12.0 107 90-110 --------------- ...----------------- ..----- .-------------- .---- ...........---- ..............:............................................. Matrix Spike (1L27015-MS1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 13:11 Source: C113334-01 Tml KjedaN Nitrogen 5.3 0.48 mg/L 4.80 &63 Ica 90-110 ............................................................................................................................. ...... ..... Matrix Spike Dup (11.27015-MSD3) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 13:13 Source: C113334-01 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 7.3 0.48 mg/L 4.80 0.63 138 90-110 22 10 QM-05, QN-I I ............................................................................................................... ............. ............. Batch 1L27016 - Same Blank (IL27016-BLK1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 14:58 Phosphorus 0.021 U 0.30 mg/L ....--- ...------------ ...... ....---------------- .--------------------------------- ...---- ..-------- .---------------- .------- ...-------- — LCS (11-27016-BSI) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 15:00 Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 102 W-120 ......................................................................................................................................... Matrix Spike (IL27016-MSS) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 15:01 Source: C113334-01 Page 10 of 14 QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 1L27016 - Same NEEWN w .encolabs.com Matrix Spike (1L27016-MS1) Continued Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/201215:01 Source: C113334-01 Prosph ms 0.74 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.052 106 80-120 ........................................................................................................................................ Matrix Spike Dup (1L27016-MSD1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 08:20 Analyzed: 01/03/2012 15:03 Source: C113334-01 Plnsplwms 0.80 0.10 mg/L 0.640 0.09 116 80-120 a 25 ........................................................................................................................................ Batch 1L28001 - NO PREP Blank (1L28001-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 12J28/2011 08:46 Total Suspender! Solids 1.0 U 1.0 mg/L ................................................................................................................................. .... ... LCS (1L28001-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 12/28/2011 08:46 Total Suspended Solids 100 1.0 mg/L 96.6 104 90-122 ......................................................................................................................................... Duplicate (1L28001-DUP1) Prepared &Analyzed: 12/28/201108:46 Source: C112126-01 Total Suspended Sailds 41 1.0 mg/L 41 0.8 25 ......................................................................................................................................... Batch 2402001 - NO PREP Blank (2.A02001-BLK1) Prepared: 01/02/2012 13:44 Analyzed: 01/02/2012 16:15 Nitrate/Nitnte as N 0.025 U 0.10 mgtL ------------ ..... ....----- ..........--------------------------- ................... ............------------------------- — — ............ LCS (2A02001-BS1) Prepared: 01/021201213:44 Analyzed: 01/02/2012 16:17 Nitrzte/Nitnte as N 1.3 0.10 mg/L 1.25 102 90-110 ........................................................................................................................................ Matrix Spike (2A02001-MS1) Prepared: 01/02/2012 13:44 Analyzed: 01/02/2012 16:22 Source: C110456-01 M"te/Nitrte as 0.064 0.10 mg/L 0.513 -0.005 13 90-110 QM-05 Matrix Spike Dup (2A02001-MSD1) Prepared: 01/02/2012 13:44 Analyzed: 01/02/2012 16:24 Page I I of 14 QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 2,402001 - NO PREP w .encolabs.com Matrix Spike Dup (2A02001-MSD1) Continued Prepared: 011021201213:44 AraN:zed: 01/02/2012 16:24 Source: C110456-01 NinteINIMU, aS N 0.078 0.10 mg/L 0,513 -0.005 I6 90-110 20 10 QM-05, QM-11 ......................................................................................................................................... QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 1L27074 - EPA 1664A Blank (11-27024-BLK1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 11:30 Analyzed: 12/29/2011 13:24 011 & Grease (HEM) 3.00 U 5.00 mg/L ...................................................................................................................................... .. LCS (11.27024-BSI) - Prepared: 12/281201111:30 Analyzed: 12129/201113:24 al & Grease (HEM) 35.8 5.00 mg/L 41.1 87 78-114 .................................................................................................................. .. ..................... Matrix Spike (11-27024-MS1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 11:30 Anayzed: 12/29/2011 13:24 Source: B105926-02 Oil & Crease (HEM) 35.6 5.00 mg/L 41.6 3.00 U 86 78-114 .............................................................................................................................. .......... Matrix Spike Dup (11-27024-MSD1) Prepared: 12/28/2011 11:30 Pn&l : 12/29/2011 13:24 Source: 8105926-02 011&Grease (HEM) 34.7 5.00 mg/L 40.6 3.000 86 78-114 2 18 ........................................................................................................................................ Page 12 of 14 www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quandtation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. Q Analysis performed outside of method - specified holding time. QM-05 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD due to matrix interference. The LCS and/or LCSD were within acceptance limits showing that the laboratory is in control and the data is acceptable. QM-11 Precision between duplicate matrix spikes of the same sample was outside acceptance limits. Page 13 of 14 ovvrnviYMM °'I:IDl25 CoreNPonD ML UVIYJCHVAI IUH LAldUHAI :J mnhnP tGn �i Swe UHItS"CHAINUF-CUSTODYRECORD& ili AWooArifi -zz �" emu - -- encolab — ,^ CAS' P tkd rl jr,. ,dtltOC o202d 1 Y % £ JtirYmm4la fLr�221fi OOB9 yr{I' t .; {X s' 1m C Fk' le 2]51I lmLWiCI '- akJ. hK kOr j 3 ,) u ry:r.3- rk 1 dniterssaF 10oq 2ecam2 ra Irwr a�s610 un"awawssa-1.. 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Sompa NII ROpWDV d 1 L �.G� 5 S (L�fJG-J/WiJ•.��i[r " ry v --11 S ,�. 44 ) ZII ,y. w.:. +tr r1e IW ny t• ... o.IIB]il In } Gonmaniv$p[tlel ❑eponr00ogdr meMs zi nuWyuprtJ BY it k'}v Y 5 Y X p QlID7Hl y1a y M0 +%'t�ir "y Pi f' +y Y,}C° *'k Ci,,r 3Yi hFd' • i L �' 3 0� 4 u"X n d" ^'wx3 alwt -'Nct l 1? r�m 1 r 3 �^n. 1,.2tr.,' + t �'_ xl i `11 .�y+ A4h id 1 T .t, yFF 4 y 5 n Wf F1} v Tn,' tyLv 'Gtµ°^' _.- pIXxlrW BY Y :el r Da1MIFie a4 e1 y4f f :: Ay ai'v, X Ru f .,.r J s M'..;k vt'. P4II��ry2 "xr ', FrJk+pt %7; t 2 44 ++a- t, } ✓ r �+Y yGooui rYAimry mnxefd b :+a Ywn "t"n*a i'�}' ✓v -Nc h�Ry�". _'4 � `M1 3':£ y .: 2"'d'H* Y r '�t.i�Y} fP'� 'P tyi i'�f• /j � f' fY' t. i ":% lm6t nasAG �.YZYT0. .Iu �'tr 4i .K ?5itii^ s�A t` �1 {�Lv4 � �i; I1'+`l�m,... _�:..1 t , . - � TN i} rF Yk'.'�" 11 . A MACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow October 7, 2009 f ` 9 OENR RtitEc";i Mr. Jay Beck Veolia ES Technical Solutions. L.L.C. 2176 Will Suitt Road Creedmoor, North Carolina 27522 Subject: Letter Report of Stormwater-Sampling Services Veolia Facility Creedmoor, North Carolina NIACTEC Project No. 6470-09-2339.02 Dear Mr. Beck: As authorized by Kim Elmore's acceptance of Proposal No. 09-RAL-008A dated March 3, 2009, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is pleased to submit this Letter Report of Storm water- Sampling Services for the above -referenced site. The objective of our services was to determine if the quality of stormwater runoff at the site has been adversely affected by daily operations at the Veolia ES Technical Solutions facility. Background Information The subject site is the Veolia facility located at 2176 Will Suitt Road in Creedmoor, North Carolina (Drawing 1). This facility is a permitted treater/storer/disposer of hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976. The Creedmoor facility receives pre -packaged wastes from chemical and industrial clients, segregates the wastes based on the chemical characteristics, and repackages the wastes as necessary for transport to an appropriate disposal facility. As part of stormwater permit no. NCS000175, Veolia is required to conduct semi-annual stormwater-sampling events. As proposed, our first sampling event was to be conducted between March 1 and August 31, 2009. However, we did not conduct that event due to unfavorable weather conditions. Consequently, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) issued a Notice of Violation dated September 10, 2009 for failing to conduct the sampling event. Field Activities On September 17, 2009, you informed MACTEC that a storm event greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall was taking place and that the flow at the outfalls was sufficient to collect stormwater samples. Matthew Gillis of MACTEC mobilized to the subject site and observed that 0.25 inches of min had accumulated in the rain gauge. MACTEC collected stormwater samples from each of the outfalls (West Outfall, Middle Outfall and East Outfall) at the subject site. The locations of these outfalls are shown on Drawing 2. aIACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. w ..maclec.com 3301 Atlantic Avenue • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone: 919.876.0416 • Fax: 919.831.81 E L Lever Report o(.Srornncater-Sautpling Services Veolia Fa :ilil)' C'reedntoor, North Carolina AlAC'PEC Project No. 6470-09-2339.02 October Z 2009 Page 2 MACTEC made observations of the qualitative characteristics as shown in Table 4 of the stormwater permit. MACTEC submitted the stormwater samples to Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (ENCO) for testing for total nitrogen according to EPA Methods 353.2/351.2, for total phosphorus according to EPA Method 365.4, for total suspended solids according to EPA Method 160.2, and for oil and grease according to Standard Method 1664. Results of the Testing Table I summarizes our observations of the qualitative characteristics of the stormwater samples. Table 2 summarizes the laboratory test results. The laboratory test reports and chain -of -custody records are attached in Appendix A. ENCO measured a pH of 5.4 in the stormwater sample collected from the East Outfall. At the request of Veolia, ENCO reran the East Outfall sample and measured a pH of 5.9. These values are outside the permitted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Benchmark range of 6 to 9 standard units. The remaining pH values and analyte concentrations are within the values allowed for the stormwater permit. The NPDES Permit states that if the sampling results are above a benchmark value, or outside of the benchmark range, for any parameter at any outfall a tiered program shall be implemented. Conclusions and Recommendations The laboratory measured pH's of 5.4 and 5.9 in the stormwater sample from the East Outfall. These values are outside the range allowed under the permit. In accordance with the permit, Veolia should implement it Tier One program. This report is intended for the sole use of Veolia. The contents should not be relied upon by other parties without the expressed, written consent of Veolia and MACTEC. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services to Veolia. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Matthew J. Gillis Staff Scientist Attachments: Drawings land 2 Tables I and 2 Appendix A, Richard A. Kolb, L.G. Principal Geologist MACTEC 7��CE;Vstr� 9 SEAL 1153 ;�C OG0Q: 4D' ALAN y .•`� STEM, N. C. CREEDMOOR, N. C. NORTH NW14 CREEDMOOR 15' OUADRANOLE SWR CREEDMOOR IS DUADRANOLE 36078•B6•TF-024 36078.A6•TF•024 PHOTOINSPECTED 1990 1974 1974 PHOTOREVISED 1987 PHOTOREVISED 1987 DMA 5256 II SW -SERIES V542 DMA 5256 11 NW -SERIES V842 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 1000 0 1000 20DO TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS CREEDMOOR, NORTH CAROLINA ff0j, M At" 1 %1 T `V MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 3301 Atlantic Avenue - Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 DRAWN: R.R. DATE: OCTOBER 2009 DRAWING ENG CHECK: " I SCALE: 1 : 24000 APPROVAL: jA_ I JOB: 6470-09-2339.02 1 NORTH LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY -•-�•-•-•-•-•- CRAINiINKFENCE GHAPHIC SCALE - IN FEET 120 GO 0 120 240 DRAWN, RR DATE: OCTOBER 2009 VEOLIA oRnwlxc MACTEC SITE LOCATION MAP ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS ENG CHECK: NyS% sca.E: r= I2a mec Ex.OIO Eq AuoT x^K wc�xxe, xc. CREEDMOOR, NORTH CAROLINA ,�p� 2 MLEmn nanm ueawe ma APPROVAL: �'•^L�- JOB No.: 6A]O OB-2330 Table 2 Veolia Facility September 17, 2009 Stormwater Sampling Results Creedmoor, North Carolina 6470-09-2339.02 EPA Method EPA Method 9040C EPA Method Standard Method EPA Method Analytical Method > 353.2/351.2 (mg/L) (standard) 365.4 (mg/L) 2540D (mg/l,) 1664 (mg/L) Contaminant of Concern —> c v; x_ z U U U � C U r U Z � � r Sample 1D Sample Date F West ut fall 9/17/2009 0.20 B 7.0 <0.050 1.6 <3.00 Middle Outfall 9/17/2009 0.13 B 6.9 <0.050 <LO <3.00 East Outfall 9/17/2009 0.34 JB 5.4 <0.050 11 <3.00 East Outf'all 9/17/2009 NT 5.9*# NT NT NT NPDES Permit Benchmark Values 30 6,9 2 100 30 Notes: NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Bold Concentration exceeds the laboratory Reporting Limit (RL). _Bold `Concentration exceeds the NPDES Benchmark Values. * Nitrate/Nitrite as N + Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen = Total Nitrogen. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit and the RL. B Analyte detected in associated method blank. ** The laboratory reran the East Outlall sample for pH. NT Not Tested Prepared by:� Checked by: RA , Date: Date: 10 Q Table 1 Veolla Facility September 17, 2009 Stormwater Sampling Results Creedmoor, North Carolina 6470-09-2339.02 Brief description of the facility's stormwater control system, operations and equipment (Provided by Veolia) Stormwater flows down the direction of the runoff of the warehouse roof into gutters and onto the pavement. The stormwater flows onward toward the three outfall sites. Once at the outfall points the water flows under the fenceline and clown into the ditch areas. Any water that makes its way into the secondary containment trenches (at the ends of storage trailers) is inspected prior to discharging. Stormwater Observations Rainfall at time of sampling: 0.25 inches West Outfall Middle Outfall Last Outfall Color Clear Clear Clear Odor None None None Clarity Good Good Good Floating Solids Trace organic material Trace organic material Trace organic material Suspendend Solids None None None Foam None None None Oil Sheen None None None Erosion or deposition at the Rock Rock Rock outfall Other obvious indicators of None None None stormwater pollution Prepared by: A T� Date: It - Z' c S Checked by: A4-111 Date: 101210 Environmental Conservationtoratories, Inc. 102-A Woodwinds Industrial Court Cary NC, 27511 Phone: 919.467.3090 FAX: 919.467.3515 www.encolabs.com Tuesday, October 6, 2009 MACTEC Engineering (LA010) Attn: Matthew Gillis 3301 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Laboratory Results for Project Number: 6470-09-2339, Project Name/Desc: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling ENCO Workorder: C910972 Dear Matthew Gillis, Enclosed is a copy of your laboratory report for test samples received by our laboratory on Friday, September 18, 2009, Unless otherwise noted in an attached project narrative, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed in accordance with the referenced methods/procedures. Results for these procedures apply only to the samples as submitted. The analytical results contained in this report are in compliance with NELAC standards, except as noted in the project narrative. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the Laboratory. This report contains only those analyses performed by Environmental Conservation Laboratories. Unless otherwise noted, all analyses were performed at ENCO Cary. Data from outside organizations will be reported under separate cover. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, a�(jLSk'(A-0 Chuck Smith Project Manager Enclosure(s) The total number ol'pages in this report. including this page is 15. NCO W W W.encolabs.com SAMPLE SUMMARY/LABORATORY CHRONICLE Client ID: West Outfall lab ID: C910972-01 Sampled: 09/17/09 07:35 Received; 09/18/09 09:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 1664 10/15/09 09/27/09 1250 9/29/2009 12:12 EPA 351.2 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/27/2009 10:14 EPA 353.2 10/15/09 09/20/09 13:53 9/21/2009 10:33 EPA 365.4 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/28/2009 13:50 EPA 9040C 09/17/09 07:49 09/18/09 12:38 9/18/2009 12:38 SM 2540D 09/24/09 09/23/09 09:45 9/23/2009 09:45 Client ID: Middle Outfall lab ID: C910972-02 Sampled: 09/17/09 08:00 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 1664 10/15/09 09/27/09 1250 9/29/2009 12:12 EPA 351.2 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/27/2009 10:16 EPA 353.2 10/15/09 09/20/09 13:53 9/21/2009 10:34 EPA 365.4 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/28/2009 13:52 EPA 9040C 09/17/09 08:14 09/18/09 12:38 9/18/2009 12:38 SM 2540D 09/24/09 09/23/09 09:45 9/23/2009 09:45 Client ID: East Outfall Lab ID: C910972-03 - Sampled: 09/17/09 07:45 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Parameter Hold Date/T me(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 1664 10/15/09 09/27/09 12:50 9/29/2009 12:12 EPA 351.2 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/27/2009 10:18 EPA 353.2 10/15/09 09/20/09 13:53 9/21/2009 10:35 EPA 365.4 10/15/09 09/25/09 11:12 9/28/2009 13:53 EPA 9040C 09/17/09 07:59 09/18/09 12:38 9/18/2009 12:38 SM 2540D 09/24/09 09/21/09 11:07 9/21/2009 11:07 Client ID: East Outfall Lab ID: C910972-03RE1 Sampled: 09/17/09 07:45 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Parameter Hold Date/Time(s) Prep Date/Time(s) Analysis Date/Time(s) EPA 90906 09/17/09 07:59 10/O1/09 1201 l0/1/2009 12:01 Page 2 of 15 w .encolabs.com SAMPLE DETECTION SUMMARY lient ID: [Nest Outfall Lab ID: C910972-01 Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes ................................................................................................................................ Ni[ra[e/Nrtrde as N 0.20 B 0.021 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 ....... .. ]-01 PH 7.0 1.0 1.0 pH Units EPA 9040C Q Total Suspended Solids 1.6 1.0 1.0 mg/L SM 2540D lient ID: Middle Outfall Lab ID: C910972-02 Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes --..-..easN...................................................... Nd2te/Nitrite as N O.13 ....................0--- B 0.021 0.10 -....-mg/L ......... mg/L A35.-__.- EPA 353.2 1-Ol PH 6.9 1.0 1.0 pH Units EPA 9010C Q lien ID: East Outfall tab ID: C910972-03 Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes ......................................................................................................................................... Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.13 B 0.021 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 J-01 PH 5.4 1.0 1.0 pH Units EPA 9040C Q Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.21 J 0.15 0.48 mg/L EPA 351.2 Total Suspended Solids 11 1.0 1.0 mg/L SM 2540D Rent ID: East Outfall Lab ID: C910972-03REI Analyte Results Flag MDL PQL Units Method Notes -------------------------------------- PH -------------------------------------------------------- 5.9 1.0 1.0 _ ........ pH Units _.............. EPA 9040C Q Page 3 of 15 ENCO www.encolabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Description: West Outfall Lab Sample ID; C910972-01 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 09/17/09 07:35 Work Order: C910972 Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Cary cedTed analyre [NC 591] Analxte [CAS Numberl Results flan S ldu PE Ma MBL Batch Method ABalwed BY Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N [ECL-00101 ^ 0.20 8 mg/L 1 0.021 0.10 9120006 EPA 353.2 W121IN 10:33 PEV 101 pH[ECL-0062]^ LO pH Units 1 1.0 1.0 9118018 EPA 9040C 09/18/0912:38 FLT Q Phosphorus 17723-14.0]^ 0.050 u mg/L 1 0.050 0.10 9124019 EPA 365.4 09/28/0913:50 PEV Total K3eldahl Nitrogen [ECL-0162] ^ 0.15 u m9/L 1 0.15 0.48 9124017 EPA 351.2 N127/W 10:14 PEV Todl Suspended solids [ECL-0169] ^ 1.6 mg/L 1 1.0 1.0 9123M6 SM 2540D 09/23/09 09:45 FLT Page 4 of 15 S N, CD www.encolabs.com Description: West Outfall Lab Sample ID: C910972-01 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Matrix: Surface Water sampled: 09/17/09 07:35 Work Order: C910972 Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters ... --.... ............ -------- _.-. ^ - ENCO Jacksonville ced/fed analyfe [NC 442] Analvte rCAS Numberl Results Ng YAIAI DF MDL MRL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes pl & Grease (HEM) (C-Mi ^ 300 u mg/L 1 IN 5.00 9127001 EPA 1009 09/d9/m 12:12 MY This report relates only to the sample as received by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in full. Page 5 of 15 e NS UO www.encolabs.com Description: Middle Outfall Lab Sample ID: C910972-02 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Matrix: Surface Water Sampled: 09/17/09 08:00 Work Order: C910972 Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters -------------- ........... .....—...... ^ - ENCO Cary cued analyze /NC 591] --__.-------- -------------... _......... ----_........ -- ....------------ ------- Analyte rCASNumberl Results Flea ni DF MDL MRL patch Method Analyzed SL Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N [ECL-0010] ^ 0.13 a m9/L 1 0.021 0.10 9120006 EPA 353.2 09/21/09 10:34 PEV 1-01 PM [ECL-0062] A 6.9 pH Units 1 1.0 1.0 9118018 EPA 9O40C 09/18/09 12:38 FLT Q Phosphorus [2223-14-0] ^ 0.050 U m9/L 1 0.050 GAO 9124019 EPA 365.4 09/28/09 13:52 PEV Total KlddaN Nn o9en [ECL-0162] ^ 0.15 U m9IL 1 OA5 0.48 9124017 EPA 351.2 0/27/0 10:16 PEV Total Suspended Solids [ECL-0169] ^ 1.0 U mWL 1 1.0 1.0 9123006 SM 2540D 09/23/M 09:45 FLT Page 6 of 15 Description: Middle Outfall Matrix: Surface Water Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Classical Chemistry Parameters ^ - ENCO Jackson vi/k certdled anayfe [NC 442] C Lab Sample ID: C910972-02 Sampled: 09/17/09 08:00 Sampled By: Matthew Gillis eNS -- w .encolabs.com Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Work Order: C910972 Analvte rCAS Numberl Results Flaa UnItt DF MDL MIL Batch Method Analyzed By Notes OI & Grease (HEM) IC 03071 ^ IM u mg/L 1 IM 5A0 9127MI EPA 1664 N/29/09 12:12 M)F This report relates only to Me sample as receivea by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced! In full. Page 7 of 15 CeNC0 w .encolabs.com Description: East Outfall Lab Sample ID: C910972-03 Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Matrix: Surface Water sampled: 09/17/0907:45 Work Order: C910972 Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Sampled By: Matthew Gillis Classical Chemistry Parameters -----.... _.....------------------- A - ENCO Cary Cedred analyre [NC 591] ......... ..................... _......... _............................................ .............. Analyte [CAS Numberl Results Flao UVIIII OF MDL MRL Batch Method Analy.ed By Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N [ECL-00101 0.13 B mWL 1 0.021 0.10 9120006 EPA 353.2 09/21/0910:35 PEV 3-01 PH [ECL-00621 A 5.4 PH units 1 1.0 1.0 9118018 EPA 904W 09/18/09 12:38 FLT Q PH [ECL-00621 ^ S.9 pH units 1 1.0 1.0 9306015 EPA 9040C 10/01/09 12:01 FLT Q Phosphorus [7723-1411 A 0.050 u mg/L 1 0.050 0.10 9124019 EPA 365.4 N/28/09 13:53 PEV Total xjeldahl Nitrogen [ECL-01621 ^ 0.21 1 m9/L 1 0.15 0.48 9124017 EPA 351.2 09/27/09 10:18 PEV Total suspended Solids [ECL-0169] ^ 11 m9/L 1 1.0 1.0 9123006 SM 25400 09/21/09 11:07 FLT Page 8 0115 C C Description: East Outfall Matrix: Surface Water Project: Veolia ES Stormwater Sampling Lab Sample ID: C910972-03 Sampled: 09/17/09 07:45 Sampled By: Matthew Gillis w .encolabs.com Received: 09/18/09 09:00 Work Order: C910972 Classical Chemistry Parameters ----... --......... .. . --- --- . I. .--...... _........................ --------------- ------------ ---------..__.. _.. _.. _. ^ - 8VC0latkson Ville Codified amlyte (NC 4421 Analrte [CASNumberl Results P,.jpg VDAII DF MDL MRL Batch Method Analyzed ft Notes Oil & Grease (HEM) [C-0007] ^ 3A0 ❑ mglL I 3.00 5.00 9127MI EPA 1664 09/29/09 12:12 MY This report relates only to the sample as receives by the laboratory, and may only be reproduced in PoII. I'li 90l 15 ENCO w .encolahs.com QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 9118018 - NO PREP LCS (9118018-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/18/200912:38 Spike Source %RECRPD Analyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes PH 7.0 1.0 PH Umts 7.01 100 99-101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------- Duplimte (9118018-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/18/200912:38 Source: C910972-03 Spike Source %REC. RPD Analyte.. Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes PH ......................................................................................................................................... 5.3 1.0 pH Units 5.4 1 25 Q Batch 9120006 - NO PREP Blank (9I20006-ELK1) Prepared: 09/20/2009 13:53 Analyzed: 09/21/200910:02 - Spike Source - %REC - RPD Malyte: - - _ Result Flag. -. MRL Units Level, Result %REC Limits RPD - - Limit - Notes Nitrate/Nitrite as N 0.046 1 0.10 ng/L ................. .................. LCS (9I20006-BSI) .... ......... ...... ............. ......... .....•.--•---..-... -............. -..--..--..--..-............ Prepared: 09/20/2009 13:53 Analyzed: 09/21/2009 10:09 . Spike F Source - '%REC RPD - Analyte - A ;Result Flzg MRL „,`t - Umts Level,` +. Resluk, -%REC Limits,. 'RPD ". Limit - Notes: - NnratUNnnteasN 1.4 B 0.10 mg/L 1.25 110 80-120 ......................................................................................................................................... Matrix Spike (9120006-MS3) Prepared: 09/20/2009 13:53 Analyzed: 09/21/2009 10:19 Source: C910125-02 t _ _ + 1 sD1ke 'Source ._ %REC r RPD y Analy[e s '.,Result Flag : MRL--: Umtt' ..4velr; 'Result.%REC .Umitss RPD Limit''.'-"Notes Nitrate/Niunte as N ......................................................................................................................................... 1.1 B 0.10 mg/L 1.28 0.14 78 80-120 QM-07 Matrix Spike Dup (9120006-MSD1) Prepared: 09/20/2009 13:53 Analyzed: 09/21/2009 10:21 Source: C910125-02 Spike - Source %REC _ RPD - Analy[e Result flag MRu '-- Units Level -- Result %REC- Limits - RPD Limit` Notes Nbate/Nitnte as 1.2 a 0.10 mg/L 1.28 0.14 81 86120 3 25 ......................................................................................................................................... Batch 9121006 - NO PREP Blank (9121006-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/21/2009 11:07 - Spike source - %REC RPD Malyte - Result - Flag -! MRL ' • -.:. Units Level, Result %REC' Limits - RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 1.0 U 1.0 mg/L ......................................................................................................................................... LCS (9121006-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/21/2009 11:07 Spike Source %REC RPD - Analyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 88 1.0 mg/L 89.0 99 82-119 ..................................................................................................................................... Duplicate (9I21006-DUPI) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/21/2009 11:07 .... Source: C908741-02 Page 10 of 15 ALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control www.encolabs.com Batch 91210O6 - NO PREP Duplicate (9121006-DUP3) Continued Prepared & Analyzed: 09121/200911:07 Source: C908741-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Total Suspended Solids 30 1.0 myL 30 1 25 .................................................................................. Batch 91230O6 - NO PREP . ..................................................... Blank (9I23006-BLK3) Prepared & Analyzed: 09/23/2009 09:45 - Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 1.0 U 1.0 myL ....----------- ---------------------- LCS (9I23006-BS3) ---- _.... ...................... - -----------------........._.....................'--------- Prepared & Analyzed: 09/23/2009 09:45 Spike Source %REC RPD Ana_lyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 89 1.0 mg/L 89.0 100 82-119 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Duplicate (9123006-DUP3) ----------------------------------- ----------------------- Prepared & Analyzed: 09/23/2009 09:45 -------------- Source: C910124-02 - Spike Source %REC RPD Malyte' - Result Flag I MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Suspended Solids 380 1.0 myL 390 3 25 ......................................................................................................................................... Batch 9124O17 - Same Blank (9I24017-BLK3) Prepared: 09/25/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/27/2009 09:24 Spike Source - -- - %REC - RPD Analyte' - Result Flag MRL" - Units Level --r. Result %REC , Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kjeldahl Nltmgen 0.15 U 0.48 myL ......................................................... LCS (9124017-BS1) ........ ...................................................................... Prepared: 09/25/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/27/2009 09:26 Spike Source %REC RPD MaIKe Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total K7eldahl Nitrogen 11 0.48 myL 12A 96 80-120 --------------------------------------------------------- Matrix Spike (9124017-MSI) -------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Prepared: 09/25/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/27/2009 09:28 Source: C909484-04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total KeldaM Nitrogen 13 0.48 myL 12.0 0.55 102 BO120 .................................................................. Matrix Spike Dup (9I24017-MSD1) ...................................................................... Prepared: 09/25/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/27/2009 09:31 Source: C909484-04 Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Total Kekhhl Nitrogen 12 0AB myL 12.0 0.55 99 80-120 3 25 Batch 9I24O19 - Same Page lI of15 ENCO w .encolabs.com QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Blank (9I24019-BLKI) Prepared: 09/241200911:12 Analyzed: 09/28/200913:14 _ - Spike - Source - %REC RPD Malyte - - - Result. Rag -' MRL Units LevelResult - %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Phosphorus 0.050 U 0.10 mg/L ---------------------------------------- LCS (9I24019-BS1) --- ----------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------- Prepared: 09/24/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/28/2009 13:16 ----------------- Spike Source %REC - RPD - Malyte' - _ -- Result ,.... Maga MRL tnt's Level ,.Result -.%REC, limits. --RPD- Limit -Notes -- Phosphorus 1.6 0.10 mg/L 1.60 102 80-120 ................. ..•---.--..-........... Matrix Spike (9124019-MS1) --.---•----.-.-............ -... -.•--.•------•--..--..-................... -...--•---•--•------..-- Prepared: 09/24/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/28/2009 13:18 Source: C909484-04 .. N"RFr ... .. .._-. - RDn .. Phosphorus 1.7 0,10 mg/L 1.0 0.050 U 109 80-120 ......................................................................................................................................... Matrix Spike Dup (9124019-MSD1) Prepared: 09/24/2009 11:12 Analyzed: 09/28/2009 13:19 Source: C909484-04 Pnospnorus 13 0.10 m9/L 1.w 0.050U 108 80-120 3 25 .- ------ -- — - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch 906015 - NO PREP LCS (9106015-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/01/2009 12:01 pH 7.0 1.0 pH Umts 7.01 100 99-101 ...... -..--•---- ---- ------ --- ------ ---- ------------------ ----- ------------------ ---- ------------------------- --•---•--•.--•---•---•----- Duplicate (9106015-DUP1) Prepared & Analyzed: 10/01/200912:01 Source: C910972-03RE1 pn 5.8 1.0 pH pros 5.9 1 25 Q - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ QUALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 9127001 -EPA 1664A Blank (9I27001-BLK1) Prepared: 09/27/2009 12:50 Analyzed: 09/29/2009 12:12 4:•y :.,Spike, ---Source %REC-- ice`--RPDS s.� �C -�-_ ui a Urease (npM) 3.00 U 5.00 mg/L LCS (9I27001-BSI) Prepared: 09/27/2009 12:50 Analyzed: 09/29/2009 12:12 _ - - Spike. Source. %REC + RPD Analyte Result Flag MRL Units. - Level- Result %REC - Limits' RPD L omit. Notes Oil&Greese(HEM) 36.8 5.00 mg/L 40.0 92 78-114 .............................................................. ............ ............... ........... —..- ... -...... .-...... --... -... -.. Matrix Spike (9127001-MS1) Prepared: 09/27/2009 12:50 Analyzed: 09/29/2009 12:12 Pape 12 of 15 LIALITY CONTROL Classical Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Batch 9127001 - EPA 1664A www.encolahs.com Matrix Spike (9I27001-MS1) Continuer) Prepared: 09/27/2009 12:50 Analyzed: 09/29/2009 12:12 Source: B904547-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Malyte Result flag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes DI & Grease (HEM) 38.5 5.00 mg/L 40.0 3.00 U 96 78-114 .............................................................................................................. Matrix Spike Cup (9127001-MSD1) ...... ............. Prepared: 09/27/2009 12:50 Analyzed: 09/29/2009 12:12 ........ Source: B904547-02 Spike Source %REC RPD Malyte Result Rag MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes 01 & Grease (HEM) ............................................................................................................................... 40.7 5,00 mg/L 40.0 3.W U 102 78-114 5 18 .......... Page 13 of 15 ENCE www.encolabs.com FLAGS/NOTES AND DEFINITIONS B The analyte was detected in the associated method blank. D The sample was analyzed at dilution. J The reported value is between the laboratory method detection limit (MDL) and the laboratory method reporting limit (MRL), adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. U The analyte was analyzed for but not detected to the level shown, adjusted for actual sample preparation data and moisture content, where applicable. E The concentration indicated for this analyte is an estimated value above the calibration range of the instrument. This value is considered an estimate. MRL Method Reporting Limit. The MRL is roughly equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and is based on the low point of the calibration curve, when applicable, sample preparation factor, dilution factor, and, in the case of soil samples, moisture content. J-01 Result is estimated due to positive results in the associated method blank. Q Analysis performed outside of method - specified holding time. QM-07 The spike recovery was outside acceptance limits for the MS and/or MSD. The batch was accepted based on acceptable LCS recovery. Page 14 of 15 f(` C� O ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION LABORATORIES CHAIN•OFCUSTOOU RECORD r0)t5[erNJ 1'dlb. +1t0 E.tM:1.<PdP Cwn.Sa•2N I0TA1ftrNrtl FJelN CI nnnl>�I SI.'1 J>SYrnM1,fL il: Y.ED C 1K:}51: (!"J144d1r!;..14WJVkltW5 uW° W? Ea, I4L10160110 (4:?i W.NfID far 011-II911d115 Page ( 01 u.w r:..r Ilum enl°rt Ralunuu •+rare. kra�l>stnl lunelumd MACTEC Engineering (LA010) 6470.09-2339 rm� bmv onl:env-nhu r 33011 Atlantic Avenue Veoiia ES Slormwater Sampling P 9 �z mRaleigh,NC27604 �M1M1.I ?a-Zoog0705' 0 IanAarA d A. Q.9 Mat 83 i-8056 (J • Matthh ew Gillis N U a _Expedited M1Y'J.b)1`nn:-N+Le.nlnnll oft Grit In 3�ccountsPayable X m Due_1_I_ cl sunM •rwr crag. prq:sr.�r Q od = (n LaD WakaNQr 7�lue� .l9 t z 0 a-JC98523A pyrry Mvr($Iri-lryyllCMM!M rr,-+SIn1 - CV:C1Y, V.Yn� ilLil. 1 nm. 5',try3r Nllrq Ur.4Y.nrl Gle.lrn Gtr Ix amolnlw Fn mk>1 Cmhim ailfilPll CnrnnilNF 19,17-01101101 6 1 SW 1 5 x x x x 91G �a sw s x x x x Lkj -; 11 OR n7�5V, Sw 5 x x x x v,pnla nq.mlBl `� O:Li : ,j'ty i�bnuUMR/ �( I W„ P+Y•"I,ra '•I7b9 Sal - I :.w.. i lWtll n� / �' X Gnn.}b � M1�In:Jll. R� LIY-Ililry P_+.� r1 Ql IRINI,m. �rinlAirM L>t I?l'ARnq .iftW .:I \ I rrm •n OtM1 inr. nr:llwnlr/ �' 1�ry L{+1 UIK4r:U•Y1fle..il C y I 1 iWCaJ.ii�P, nn.,ccepcw:; W lris'CNC v.YMa SU L.I S[..•mml >T:Wmp4r. rry aa,r.vrc n:v ewrtln+Ylnmm..ul ..r••.••�••.•+� •••^^ •••••�. "•.••^ •••^•_�.• •"• •-•^"+•••........... rlm.; p5.,rylw.um.en u+:u::Ys,m a Nxmuvw.m :.. ��ws m5amxmf b5V wrn� ir:5rzr 4rn6rnl oIn\onr r•°\n.rRnr:r..er+d L'l r 'MACTEC — engineering and constructing a better tomorrow August 26, 2009 Mr. Jay Beck Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC 2176 Will Suitt Road Creedmoor, North Carolina 27522 Subject: Storm water -Sam piing Services Veolia Facility Creedmoor, North Carolina MACTEC Project No. 6470-09-2339 Dear Mr. Beck: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is under contract with Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC (Veolia) to conduct the semi-annual, sampling- and testing -events required by Veolia's Stormwater permit. We plan to sample each of the three, stormwater-discharge outfalls at the site during two representative storm events twice in the 12-month period. We had planned to conduct the first event between February I and July 31, 2009, and the second event between August 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources defines it representative storm event as "a storm event that measures greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. A single storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation." We understand that Veolia has acquired and installed the rain gauge to allow determination of the appropriate conditions to conduct our sampling events, and that you have been checking the rain gauge and emptying it periodically to allow you to determine when the appropriate conditions occur. In addition, Matt Gillis of our office has contacted you regularly to check site conditions to determine the feasibility of conducting the first sampling event when the weather patterns appear favorable to sample. To date we have not yet conducted the first sampling event due to the unusual weather patterns we've been having this summer. MACTEC appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental consulting services on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Pa-,P d A. I%4 Richard A. Kolb, L.G. Principal Geologist MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 3301 Atlantic Avenue • Raleigh, NC 27604 • Phone: 919.976.0416 • Fax: 919.831.9136 w .mactec.com ®VEOUA ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES J. Leonard Beck Inventory Control Manage, Creedmooq NC Forilo, 50utheast eronch, Technlm/Solution; North Americo Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC. 2176 Will Suitt Road, Creedmoor, NC 13522 tel: 9195a83996-ert. 100 -/ax: 9195286020 cell: 919 6o4 3306 -f ay.becWNeoRaes.com Wvnv.ony.es.com USGS Real -Time Water Data for USGSS208706575 BEAVERDA._. http://waterd IN sgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb_00045=on&format--hunl&begi... USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS National Water Information System: Web Interface USGS Water Resources Data Category: Geographic Area: Surface Water f! United States GO News New Mapper and Experimental Real -Time Web Service - updated August 2009 USGS 0208706575 BEAVERDAM CREEK AT DAM NEAR CREEDMOOR, NC PROVISIONAL DATA SUBJECT TO REVISION Available data for this site Time -series: Daily data 0 Go This station is operated in cooperation with the City of Raleigh. Available Parameters Period of Record i ❑ All 2 Available Parameters for this site Output format OGraph Be in date 2009-02-e ❑ 00065 Gage height (Max., Min., Mean) 2006-05-032009-08-31i ❑� 00045 Precipitation (Sum) 2006-05-022009-08-311 OGraph w/ stats C'Table OTab-separated End date 2009_07_31 F Summary of all available data for this site Precip- itation tota I, Date inches (Sum) 02/01/2009 0.00 A 02/02/2009 OA4 A 02/03/2009 0.12 A 02/04/2009 0.00 A 02/05/2009 0.00 A 02/06/2009 0.00 A_ 02/07/2009 0.00 A_ D2/08/2009 0_00 A 02/09/2009 0.00 A 02/10/2009 0.00 A 02/11/2009 0.00 A D2/12/2009 0_00 A 02/13/2009 0.00_A 1 of 7 9/l/2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USG.�08706575 BEAVERDA.. http://wate rdasgs. gov/nwis/dv?cb_00045=on&format=html&begi... 2 of 7 9/l /2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USGS08706575 BEAVERDA... http://waterda]�iisgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb_00045=on&format=html&begi... 10 3 of 7 9/l/2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USGw 8706575 BEAVERDA... http://waterdata.iisgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb 00045=on&fcmuat--htmI&begi... 4of7 9/l/2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USG08706575 BEAVERDA... http://waterdosgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb 00045—on&fbrmat--htmI&begi... 5of7 9/1/2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USG W8706575 BEAVERDA.. http: //waterda=i i sgs. gov/nwi s/dv?cb_00045=on&format--htn d&begi... 40 07/04/2009 0,00 A 07/OS/2009 p,27 A 07/06/2009 0.39 A 07/07/2009 0.00 A 07/08/2009 0.00 A 07/09/2009 0 00 A F07/10/2009 0.00 A 77/11/2009 0. 00 00A 07/12/2009' 0.00 A 07/13/2009 0.33 A 07/14/2009 0.00 A 07/15/2009 0.00 A 07/16/2009 0.00 A 07/17/2009' 0.09 A 07/18/2009 0.42 A I07/19/2009 p54 A 07/20/2009. 141 A 07/21/2009 0.00 A 07/22/2009 0.00 A 07/23/2009 0.41 A 07/24/2009 004_A 07/25/2009 0.00 A 07/26/2009 [aA 07/27/2009 0.00 A' 07/28/2009. 0.00 A 07/29/2009 0.04 A 07/30/2009 0.09 A 07/31/2009. 0.02 A, _ Explanation A Approved for publication_ _Processing and review completed. Questions about sites/data? Feedback on this web site Automated retrievals Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices U.S. Department of the Interior I U.S. Geological Survey TOP Explanation of terms Subscribe for system changes News r i ic.� 7- `l or.- 6of7 9/l/2009 2:39 PM USGS Real -Time Water Data for USG$.A208706575 BEAVERDA.. 10 http://waterd sgs.gov/nwis/dv?cb_00045=on&format--html&begi... Title: USGS Surface -Water Daily Data for the Nation URL: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/dv? Page Contact Information: North Carolina NWISWeb Maintainer Page Last Modified: 2009-09-01 14:38:32 EDT 3.09 0.91 ca04 I "�•y�l._J .mom Tn.. vR1oE ��AMERICA 7 of 7 9/l/2009 2:39 PM ✓Element Occurrence(s) file:///C:/Docwnents%20and%20Settings/Brian_Lowther/My%20Documents/Permits/individ... Element Occurrence(s) Found 25 Element Occurrence(s) within 2 miles of selected point Scientific Name i EO Common I' Date Last ; EO EO State I Protection Federal Protection State Global Habitat Comments Nb ;Name Observed Rank Accuracy Rank Rank Status Status Carolina Acmispon helleri 3 Birdfoot- 1988-08-15 D Low SR-T FSC S3 G3 Open woods over clay trefoil soils, roadsides Carolina Acmispon helleri 5 Birdfoot- 1990-09-02 D Medium SR-T FSC S3 G3 Open woods over clay trefoil soils, roadsides Carolina Acmispon helleri 34 Birdfoot- 1990-09-02 D Medium SR-T FSC S3 G3 Open woods over clay trefoil sods, roadsides Carolina Acmispon helleri 35 Birdfoot- 1990-09-02 D Medium SR-T FSC S3 G3 Open woods over clay trefoil soils, roadsides Baptisia australis 6 Prairie Blue 2005-07-06 D Medium T 52 GST2 Glades and open var. aberrans Wild Indigo forests on basic soils Baptisia australis 12 Prairie Blue 1987-10-01 D T S2 GST2 Glades and open var. aberrans Wild Indigo forests on basic soils Baptisia australis 27 Prairie Blue 2005-07-06 C? Very T S2 GST2 Glades and open var. aberrans Wild Indigo High forests on basic soils Cardamine 10 Douglass's 1986-03-30 C Medium SR-P S2 GS Bottomlands, rich douglassu Bittercress lower slopes —+ Smooth Very Glades, woodlands, Echinacea laevigata 25 Coneflower 2005-07-06 C High E-SC E SS G2 and open areas over mafic rocks Diabase glades, open - woods especially over Liatris squarrulosa 5 Earle's 1982-09 C Medium SR-P S2 G4G5 mafic rocks; also Blazing -star loamy -sand soils in longleaf pine -oak sandhills Linum sulcatum var. 1 sulcatum Glade Flax 1951-08-11 H Very SR-P Low SH GSTS Diabase glades Lithospermum 2 Hoary 1982-05-13 BC Medium SR-P S2 G5 Diabase glades, open canescens Puccoon woods over diabase I of 2 Ill /3/2008 4:41 PM Element Occurrence(s) file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Brian_Lowther/My%20Docwnents/Permits/Individ... Lithospermum 7 Hoary 1986-04-24 D M diSR P Diabase glades, open ! canescens Puccoon a um Parthemum Glade Wild very auriculatum 34 Quinine 2005-07-06 CD High SR-T Pseudognaphalium Heller's helleri 19 Rabbit- 1990-11 D Medium SR-P Tobacco Ruellia humilis 2 Wi d-petunia 1985-06-11 H Medium T Scutellaria Shale -barren leonardii 1 Skullcap 1951-06-16 H Low SR-P Silphium 7 Prairie Dock 2008-06-17 B SR-P terebinthinaceum Silphium terebinthinaceum 12 Prairie Dock 1986-04-24 B Medium SR-P Silphium 30 Prairie Dock 2007-08-30 B Very SR-P terebinthinaceum High Solidago rigida var. Southeastern glabrata 1 Bold 1988-10-17 E Low SR-P Goldenrod Solidago rigida var. Southeastern glabrata 7 Bold 1961-09-06 H Low SR-P Goldenrod Strophitus undulatus Symphyotrichum depauperatum Symphyotrichum depauperatum 43 Creeper 2 Serpentine Aster 3 Serpentine Aster 2003-08-15 E Medium T 1988-08-15 B Low SR-D 1988-09-15 E Low SR-D S2 GS woods over diabase S2 G3G4 Glades and openings over mafic rocks Dry woodlands, S3 G3G4 openings, and glades, especially over mafic rocks S1 GS Diabase glades S2 G4Q Diabase glades Diabase glades, other S2 G4GS open or semi -open sites over mafic rock Diabase glades, other S2 G4G5 open or semi -open sites over mafic rock Diabase glades, other S2 G4G5 open or semi -open sites over mafic rock Diabase glades, other S2 GST4 open sites over mafic rock Diabase glades, other S2 GST4 open sites over mafic rock Tar, Neuse, Cape Fear, Pee Dee, and French S2 GS Broad systems, perhaps other systems in Piedmont S1 G2 Diabase glades S1 G2 Diabase glades 2of2 I1/3/20084:41 PM �FR E 01 r� ♦f, V✓ r . 0 Michael F. Easley, Governor a Mr. Wayne R. Bt Veolia ES Techn: 2176 Will Suitt R Creedmoor, NC Dear Mr. William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources n b \\\' _Noyemb'e 2 2005 v < ` !W1cZ Solutions, LLC Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Draft NPDES Stormwater Permit Permit No. NCS000175 Veolia ES Technical Solution, L.L.C. Granville County Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the draft stormwater permit for your facility. Please review the draft very carefully to iensure thorough understanding of the conditions and requirements it contains. The draft 1. N, P, TSS, Oi 2. All analytica Part II Sectio occurs durin within 30 da minimum of 3. Benchmarks values requii keeping, and sampling res any outfall tt two weeks at the sampling parameter at Tier guidel monthly mor value for twc 4. You are requ storm events 5. You are resF and 5. 6. The flow reF parameter is contains the following significant changes from this facility's current permit: and Grease, and pH has been added to the analytical monitoring requirements. monitoring has been set to semi-annually during a representative storm event as defined in 1 B. The permittee must also document the total precipitation for each event. If no discharge ; the sampling period, the permittee must submit a monitoring report indicating "No Flow" s of the end of the six-month sampling period. Additionally, samples must be taken a 50 days apart, as specified in Table 2. or analytical monitoring have been added to this draft permit. Exceedances of benchmark the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record ror install stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in a tiered program. If the ]Its are above a benchmark value, or outside of the benchmark range, for any parameter at �n the facility shall follow the Tier 1 guidelines which require a facility inspection within d implementation of a mitigation plan within two months. If during the term of this permit, results are above the benchmark values, or outside of the benchmark range, for any specific t specific discharge outfall two times in a row (consecutive), then the facility shall follow the ies which require a repetition of the steps listed for Tier 1 and also immediately institute itoring for all parameters at every outfall where a sampling result exceeded the benchmark consecutive samples. red to collect all of the analytical and qualitative monitoring samples during representative is defined in Part II Section B. Qualitative monitoring is required regardless of ! outfall status. nsible for all monitoring until the renewal permit is issued. See Footnote 1 of Tables 1, 4, ing requirement has been removed per DWQ revised strategy. (The total rainfall this permit, however.) NorthCarollna North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 807-6300 Customer service Intemet: h2o.encstate.nc.us 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 FAX (919) 807-6494 1-877-623-6748 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50 % Recycled/10 b' Post Consumer Paper I Mr. Wa ulsiewfcz Vedlia E 'iechnicallSolution_L..C. Permit No. NCS000175 7. Vehicle maintenance monitoring has been revised to semi-annually in order to coincide with analytical and qualitatil e monitoring. This requirement appears in all Individual Stormwater permits, however it only applies ito facilities that do vehicle maintenance. If the facility begins vehicle maintenance during the permitted timeframe then the requirements shall apply. 1. Additional giuidance is provided about the Site Plan requirements. The site map must now identify if the receiving stream is impaired and if it has a TMDL established. It must also describe potential pollutants in each outfa�ll. The map requirements are stated more explicitly. And, the site plan must contain a list of significant spills that have occurred in the past three years and also must certify that the outfalls have been inspected to ensure that they do not contain non-stormwater discharges. Additional information is provided in Part II Section A. 2. Additional requirements for the Stormwater Management Plan have been specified in Part II Section A. More details�regarding secondary containment are provided. 3. Additional r quirements for the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been specified in Part II Section A. T�e plan must also be updated annually to include a list of significant spills and to certify that the outfalls o not contain non-stormwater discharges. 4. The facility Tust now implement a semi-annual Facility Inspection Program of the site's stormwater managemen} controls as specified in Part II Section A. 5. Information tegarding the No Exposure Exclusion has been added to this draft permit. If industrial materials and activities are not exposed to precipitation or runoff as described in 40 CFR §122.26(g), the facility may 4ualify for a No Exposure Exclusion from NPDES stormwater discharge permit requirement. Additional information is provided in Part I Section A. Please submit a comments to me no later than thirty (30) days following your receipt of the draft. Comments show d be sent to the address listed at the bottom of this page. If no adverse comments are received from th public or from you, this permit will likely be issued in about two months. If you have any uestions or comments concerning this draft permit, contact Brian Lowther at (919) 807-6368 or brian.lowther ncmail.net cc: Raleigh Reg Stormwater Attachments: Draft Office Unit Sincerely, Brian Lowther Environmental Engineer Stormwater Permitting Unit