HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-3618 Carey Road Extension (2) MEMORANDUM To: Project File (STIP Project No. U-3618: Carey Road) From: Karen Taylor, PE Date: November 20, 2013 STIP Project No. U-3618 RE: Carey Road Extension Lenoir County, North Carolina Project External Scoping Meeting Minutes The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) held an External Scoping meeting for the proposed Carey Road Extension Project in Kinston, Lenoir County. The meeting was held on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the NCDOT Century Center in Raleigh. Attendees included: Rob Hanson NCDOT Project Development & Environmental Analysis (PDEA) Brian Yamamoto NCDOT PDEA Phil Harris NCDOT PDEA – Natural Environment Section (NES) Elizabeth Lusk NCDOT PDEA – NES Aaron Heustess NCDOT PDEA – Human Environmental Section (HES) Tris Ford NCDOT PDEA – HES Community Studies Diane Wilson NCDOT PDEA – HES Public Involvement John Rouse NCDOT Division 2 Johnny Metcalfe NCDOT Division 2 Susan Lancaster NCDOT Roadway Design Jim Harris NCDOT Rail Division David Hinnant NCDOT Rail Division Paul Atkinson NCDOT Hydraulics Omar Azizi NCDOT Structure Management Unit (SMU) Keith Paschal NCDOT SMU James Upchurch NCDOT Transportation Planning Branch (TPB) Kerry Morrow NCDOT TPB Joshua Smith NCDOT TPB Bob Mosher NCDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Gordon Box NCDOT GeoEnvironmental Section Kellie Dean NCDOT GeoEnvironmental Section Steve Kite NCDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Allen Pope NCDOT Statewide Logistics David Wainwright NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Travis Wilson NC Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) Kent Yelverton NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (DA&CS) Debbie Robertson NC DA&CS Robert Will Eastern Carolina Rural Planning Organization (ECRPO) Mark Pope Lenoir County Tony Sears City of Kinston Karen Taylor URS Ed Edens URS Paul Himberger URS MEMORANDUM December 10, 2013 Page 2 of 5 Following introductions, Brian Yamamoto gave a brief overview of the project. He turned the meeting over to Karen Taylor. She explained that the purpose of the meeting is to share known information about the project, discuss the need for and purpose of the project, review project constraints, and discuss possible solutions. The following main topics were discussed during the presentation: Need for project – no direct local east/west link exists between US 258 and areas to the west and the northern portion of downtown Kinston Purpose of project – provide a direct local link between US 258 and the northern portion of downtown Kinston. Proposed typical section – the projected traffic volumes indicate that a proposed 2-lane typical section for the proposed Carey Road Extension will operate at a LOS D or better in the design year (2040). A hybrid between a 4-lane median divided typical section and a 2-lane section on multilane right of way will be considered. Control of Access – limited control of access is currently being considered for the proposed project. Facilities with limited control of access provide connections only at intersections with other roads (no private driveway connections). Hull Road realignment - two (2) potential options are being considered for realigning Hull Road (SR 1557) – one will realign Hull Rail crossing - the proposed type of crossing, a grade-separated or an at-grade crossing, of the Carey Road Extension over the recently constructed Global TransPark (GTP) rail spur was discussed. Both crossing options will be evaluated during the development of functional designs for the project. State-owned property – a large parcel of land (approximately 152 acres), located in the middle of the project study area, belongs to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services and is currently used for timber management. This property is land-locked with no legal access to the property. The proposed Carey Road Extension could potentially provide future access to this property. The project has been screened out of the Merger Process. A Categorical Exclusion will be prepared for the project. The following comments were made during the presentation: James Upchurch (NCDOT TPB) commented that the purpose and need for the project should have a more direct, measurable need statement, not simply a broad list of needs and general purpose. Jim Harris (NCDOT Rail) commented that during the design phase of GTP rail line over the the Felix Harvey Parkway, which is located to the north of the project study area and south of the GTP, there were concerns over the flight path of aircraft landing at the GTP and a proposed structure to be constructed to carry the rail line over the parkway. A grade separated crossing of the proposed Carey Road Extension alignment over the GTP rail line could be of concern as well. Brian Yamamoto (PDEA) inquired as to whether any ground-truthing of the modeled wetlands as part of the Kinston Bypass GPS pilot study had been done in the project area. Travis Wilson (NCWRC) indicated no ground-truthing has been done for the modeled wetlands as part of the Kinston Bypass project. Bob Mosher (NCDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian) indicated preference to see mixed-use planned for the area, with bicycle and pedestrian connections. Tris Ford (NCDOT – HES Community Studies) stated that most of the area is within Kinston’s ETJ and would thus need consideration under the Farmland Preservation and Protection Act (FPPA); however, the determination to whether this area is urbanized or rural would still need to be addressed. Karen noted that GIS data provided for the Kinston Bypass pilot project did not indicate the o presence of any prime and unique farmlands within the project study area. STIP U-3618 Carey Road Extension – External Scoping Meeting Minutes MEMORANDUM December 10, 2013 Page 3 of 5 After the presentation, Karen Taylor opened the floor to comments and questions from each department/unit/agency’s representative. FHWA No Comment. Division 2 John Rouse noted that the local community would prefer partial control of access rather than limited control of access. Partial control of access provides access to a facility via intersections as well as private driveways – usually one driveway access per property. Transportation Planning Branch James Upchurch confirmed that the proposed project was consistent with the City of Kinston Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). Roadway Design No comment at this time. Gary Lovering provided input at the project team External Scoping review meeting prior to this meeting. Program Development No comment from Program Development. However, Rob Hanson noted that this project will be part of the re-prioritization of projects according to the new state funding formula being implemented and may affect the current schedule for the project. Right of Way No comment. Natural Environment Elizabeth Lusk had the following comments/questions: There is currently no anadromous fish moratorium for streams within the project study area. Neuse River Buffer Rules will apply for this project. Inquired when the Natural Resource Technical Report (NRTR) will be completed – Brian Yamamoto noted that the NRTR will be completed towards the end of 2014. Human Environment Tris Ford had the following comments: There is an Environmental Justice (EJ) population located to the southwest of the project study area, along Daly Waldrop Road west of US 258; however, no impacts to this population are anticipated as a result of this project. There are no Limited English Proficient (LEP) populations within or near the project study area; however, right to language access should be provided for any project/public materials. Traffic Engineering No comment Location and Surveys No comment STIP U-3618 Carey Road Extension – External Scoping Meeting Minutes MEMORANDUM December 10, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Congestion Management No comment Hydraulics No comment Structure Management No comment Geotechnical No comment Utilities No comment Rail Jim Harris stated the following comments: Consideration needs to be given to a grade separated crossing of the GTP rail spur. The GTP, at this time, has not yet indicated a strong preference for the type of crossing of the rail spur. The standard vertical clearance for a structure over a railroad is 23 feet. There is no indication at this time that the vertical clearance will need to be more than 23 feet for crossing over the GTP rail spur. The project will require an easement from the NCDOT Rail Division to cross over the rail spur. Existing right of way along the rail spur corridor ranges from 100-200ft. Traffic Control Steve Kite mentioned that since this is a new location project, Traffic Control has no comment at this time. Bicycle and Pedestrian Bob Mosher had the following comments: The proposed Carey Road Extension is identified in the most recent City of Kinston Pedestrian Plan. Existing Carey Road is used by both cyclists and pedestrians. The consideration of NCDOT Complete Streets policy along with potential mixed-use may alter the current typical section, as bicycle lanes, sidewalks and/or a new multi-modal path adjacent should be considered during the design. Eastern Carolina RPO Robert Will noted that the ECRPO would prefer partial control of access as opposed to limited control of access. They would also like the proposed facility to provide a connection for all modes of transportation, including Bicycle and Pedestrian. The ECRPO will keep the project updated with the results of the re- prioritization process over the next 6-8 months. City of Kinston/Lenoir County Both the City and the County expressed a high desire to see this area as a mixed-use, bicycle/pedestrian, multi-modal type area. They further indicated that partial control of access would be preferred to help encourage growth and development along the corridor. NC Division of Water Quality The David Wainwright had the following comments regarding the project: STIP U-3618 Carey Road Extension – External Scoping Meeting Minutes MEMORANDUM December 10, 2013 Page 5 of 5 There is concern about impacts to wetlands, streams impacts, and additional impacts to wetlands should a grade separated structure be chosen to cross the rail spur. Neuse River buffer rules will apply to this project. Due to anticipated impacts to wetlands, an individual permit will likely be required for this project – this will require public involvement to satisfy Section 404 requirements. NCDWQ has concern for the potential Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) as a result of the proposed project on the surrounding area. ICE will need to be addressed in the Environmental Document. Tris Ford stated that a Screening ICE has been done and will provide a copy to NCDWQ. Miscellaneous Comments Allen Pope noted that the project study area falls within the GTP zoning area; therefore, coordination will be required between the GTP, the City of Kinston, and Lenoir County. The parcel of property located southwest of the NCDA&CS property is owned by NCDOT. Action items include: Allen Pope will send Karen Taylor the information on the NCDOT property located next to the NCDA&CS property. Tris Ford will provide a copy of the Screening ICE to David Wainwright. There were no further comments and the meeting concluded. Following the External Scoping Meeting, the project team decided that the following typical section for the proposed Carey Road Extension will be developed: 4-lane, 23-foot median divided curb and gutter section throughout the project limits. 14-foot outside travel lanes to accommodate bicycles (pending written recommendations from NCDOT Bike & Ped). The cost of a sidewalk on one side of the road will be calculated separately. Commitment will be pursued from the City of Kinston and Lenoir County to cost share in the construction cost of the sidewalk. Partial control of access will be proposed instead of limited control of access. STIP U-3618 Carey Road Extension – External Scoping Meeting Minutes