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010517 0033
02-02-2021 BY: KK
For Registration Matthew S, Willis
Register of Deeds
Harnett County, NC
Electronically Recorded
2021 Feb 0212:13 PM NC Rev Stamp: $ 680.00
Book: 3933 Page:378 - 379 Fee: $ 26.00
Instrument Number: 2021002424
Excise Tax: $680.00 Real Estate ID:01-0517-0033
Mail To: The Law Office of K. D. White 3622 Morganton Road, Suite A Fayetteville, NC 28303
This instrument was prepared by: The Law Office of K.D. White (Benefit of Title Examination with Key Title)
Brief description for the Index I See Below
THIS DEED made this__ day of
Debra Hain F/K/A Debra Fisher Taylor and
spouse, Gordon Lewis Haire
354 Taylor Road
Spring Lake, NC 283"
2021, by and between
Stanley Faircloth and Elvis Faireloth
5104 Cool Springs Road
Broadway, NC 27505
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns,
and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.
'W'ITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all
that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of Spring Lake Anderson Township, Harnett QoupV, North
Carolina and more particularly described as follows:
BEING all Tract 3 of the property described in a survey for Dewon Blynn Taylor and Debra Fisher Taylor
Recorded in Book of Maps 2013, page 277 of the Harnett County Registry, North Carolina
A map showing the above -described property is recorded in map book 2013, Page 277, Harnett county registry,
North Carolina.
submitted electronically by "The Law office of K.D. white, PLLC"
In compliance with North carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett County Register of Deeds.
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The property hmmabove desm*ed was ac qwn d by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book r, 3172 .
Page 2�=
TO HAVE AND To HOLD the mid loot or par of land and all privileges and qpmunanees dxrdo beloqog to to
Grantee in flee slug*
And the Grantor covenants with the Gro ee, that Grantor is seized of the penises in fee simple, has the right to
convey the some is fee simple, that We is marketable and free and clear of all waumbranoaa, and that Giarbor
will warrant and defend the title against the lawfal claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following
Geneg Easeummb of record.
Restrictive covsusu a of record.
Current your ad valorem fasces.
IN WITNESS WMWF, the Granw has duly exeeated the foregoing as of the day and year first above written
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Debra ire
I a Noway Public of said County and staota, do hereby certify that
De ra Haire and Gordo Lgwis EWM ly appear before me tisis day, and being by me duly sworn,
says that he/she executed the foregoing and annexed insw=mt
WITNESS my hand and notarial seal on this JL4- day of 2021.
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