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NCS000235_Monitoring Results_20190221
Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. PO Box 473 Kernersville, NC 27285 Phone 336.996.2841 Fax 336.996.0326 Email: info@randalabs.com Bill To: Southern Resin 3440 Denton Rd. Thomasville, NC 27360 Attention: Accounts Payable Make all checks payable to: Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Date: March 1, 2019 TERMS: NET 30 "Past due invoices accrue interest at 1 112% interest per month until paid, should collection be required, customer agrees to pay all expenses incurred including attorney fees." RESEARCh & ANA1yTICA1 LAbO RATORI ESIF INC. For: Southern Resin 3440 Denton Road Thomasville, NC 27360 Attn: Brandon Conrad Report of Analysis 2/28/2019 b 1JJACpjyl��4i�Ai Cr j000 NCtt34 y N NC#37701 3 Client Sample ID: SW01 Outfall Site: Southern Resin Lab Sample ID: Collection Date: 63287-01 2/21/2019 10:00 Parameter Method Result Units Rep Limit Analyst Analysis Date/Time Ammonia Nitrogen SM 4500 NH3 D-1997 <0.1 mg/L 0.1 LP 2/2612019 COD EPA410.4 123 mg/L 5 HW 2/26/2019 Formaldehyde In House <0.25 mg/L 0.25 DW 2/25/2019 Nitrate + Nitrite Hach 10206 0.363 mg/L 0.3 DW 2/25/2019 1654 Total Kjedjahl Nitrogen Hach 10242 <1 mg/L 1 FK 2127/2019 Total Nitrogen Calc <1 mg/L 1 Zinc, Total EPA 200.7 0.021 mg/L 0.01 JF 2/25/2019 NA = not analyzed P.O. Box 473 106 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 Tel: 336-996.2841 Fax: 336-996-0326 www.ra ddelabs.com Page 1 ral coa basic Od _ ± 0 0 ƒ 0 0 \ 0 0 z < } ( K / (� «Q� ) }� �a % ƒ � ok as I L� _ , � > � & C-6 ,� a ) `\\ k � 2 K _ 2 $ (/ ) e ! k Q k \ & ° \/\ a / ! ee } ~ SEE 3 w /j/mom z - k�)�\�/�� - -�