HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071268 Ver 1_General Correspondence_20070723ATTACHMENT 4
Regulatory Correspondence
o~oF warF9QG Michael F. Easley, Governor
REVD ~A R 0 9 2405 William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
j Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
~ Division of Water Quality
~ '~C
February 4, 2005
Certified Mail 7003 0500 0004 8598 2151
Return Receipt Requested
International Paper
Attn: Mr. Edward J. Kreul
John L. Riegel Road
Riegelwood, NC 28456
Re: Seepage from South Bay Settling Lagoon
NPDES Permit No. i•10000329~
Dear Mr. Kreul:
The North Carolina Division of Water Quality conducted a recent inspection of the
International Paper Wastewater Treatment Facility on December 14, 2004. During the
inspection it was noted that there were a number of weeps located in the wall of the dam below
poles 54F72 and 54E76. The weeps flow into a cypress swamp that drains to Livingston Creek.
The weeps from the dam constitute a bypass from the treatment facility. As specified in Section
C. 4. (d.) of your NPDES Permit number N00003298, bypasses are prohibited. A follow up
inspection by staff of the Division of Land Resources and the Surface Water Protection Section
was conducted on December 22, 2004.
During the inspection on December 22, 2004, soil and aqueous samples were collected
from five locations by the Surface Water Protection staff. The samples were analyzed for
metals, COD, BOD, TKN, total phosphorous, sulfates, alkalinity, acidity and hardness. The
analyses for alkalinity, acidity and hardness are not yet available. Field data such as temperature,
dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation, conductivity, DO, pH, and salinity was also collected at
each sampling site. The analytical results for the sampling event on December 22, 2004 are
On January 11, 2005 the Aquatic Toxicity staff member of the Surface Water Protection
Section in the Wilmington Regional Office collected a grab sample from the weep below Pole
54E76 for use in an acute Ceriodaphnia dubia definitive toxicity test. The LC50 for the sample
taken on January 11, 2005 indicates that the leachate is acutely toxic. A copy of the aquatic
toxicity results is attached.
Furthermore, the water quality standards set forth in 15A NCAC 02B.0231. (b)(3)
Wetland Standards states: Materials producing color, odor, taste or unsightliness may not be
present in amount which may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. The discharge
from the dam wall has resulted in significant discoloration throughout the wetland located down
gradient from the weeps. The discharge has a strong sulfur odor as well.
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 One
Phone: 919-733-7015 /Fax: 919-733-2496 / Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us NorthCar°lina
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We are aware that Daniel Sams of the Land Quality Section has requested International
Paper to retain the services of a registered professional engineer or an experienced engineering
firm to make a study of the conditions outlined in his letter. We are hereby requesting the
methods you intend to implement to eliminate the weeps in the retaining wall and/or contain and
return the leachate back to the South Bay.
Please respond to the Surface Water Protection Section within 30 days of receiving this
correspondence detailing the actions you intend to take and the time schedule in which this will
be accomplished. If we do not receive notification within 30 days, enforcement actions may be
We look forward to hearing from you.
j ~ -;
Ed Beck
Acting Regional Supervisor
Surface Water Protection Section
Cc: State Dam Safety Engineer
Dan Sams, Land Quality Section
Danny Smith, Surface Water Protection Section (Stormwater and Wetland Compliance)
Site Investigation
International Paper - Rieglewood
Y -:~~~ ~~
r ~+~ ".~~ . 1, _ d
, 'r.'~
- ~
Temperature ° C 7.5 15.3 16.2 18 6.4
Saturation % 86 11.3 _ 35.5 51.5 68
DO mg/L 11.15 1.01 3.85 4.75 8.65
Conductivity uS 138.3 3.4 _ 252 2303 82.4
0.1 _
0.4 _
1.4 _
__ __
pH - 7.4 _ _
_ 7.4 7.8 _
7.4 8.1
80 4 _
~ 50 ! __
__ COD mg/L 36 ___ 330
42 470 20U
Sulfate mg/L 30 _ __
410 NR _
550 _
TKN mg/L 0.74 36 4.3 4.7 0.6
Total P mg/L 0.19 0.3 0.07 1.1 0.06
____ Potassium mg/L 5.3 _
11 42 2.2
Cadmium ug/L 2.OU _
_ _
2.OU Z.OU ___
__ _ __
2.OU _
Chromium ug/L 25U 25U 25U 25U 25U
_ Copper ug/L 5.3 10P 3.0 11 2.9
Nickle ug/L 10U 16 10U 29 10U
Lead ug/L 10U 10U 10U 10U 10U
Zinc ug/L 11 12 10U 120 19
Vanadium uglL 25U 38 25U 200 25U
___ Silver _ ug/L _ 5.OU _ S.OU
_ S.OU 5.OU
Aluminum ug/L 1400 _
1000 220 _
3900 ___
Beryllium ug/L 10U 10U 10U _
_ _
10U 10U
Calcium mg/L 11 120
19 96 17
Cobalt ug/L 50U _
50U 50U 50U _
780 730 __ _
1100 __
25U 25U _
25U _
_ Magnesium mg/L 3.3 17 3.4 11 1.9
Manganese ug/L 67 __ _ 73 10 _
570 12
_ _ Sodium mg/L 30 _ _ 1000
130 610 ' 8.3
Arsenic ug/L S.OU _
25P S.OU _
10 S.OU
Selenium ug/L S.OU S.OU S.OU 5.OU 5.OU
_ _ Mercury ug/L 0.2U __ __ 0.2U
0.2U 0.2U O.ZU
34 _
130 23 _
280 _
I NH =Not Keported U =Below our Reporting Limit (PQL) P =Elevated Reporting Limit due to sample matrix
Toxicity Test Results: A sample was collected on January 11, 2005 by Wes Hare from the seepage
stream coming from the dike wall (Location #2) and the downstream location
(Location #1). The sample test type was 48-hr Ceriodaphnia dubia definitive.
The test results for the dike wall seeapve indicates the seepage is acutely toxic
The test results for the downstream sample indicates the ambient waters do not exhibit signs of toxicity
Site Investigation
International Paper - Rieglewood
,.. - ~ -
~. ~S
Potassium mg/kg ~';
( }
NR 1
~ . v. ,.... ..
R -
Cadmium mglkg 0.24 0.2U 0.2U 1.1
Chromium mg/kg _ 43
- 3.8 10 26
Copper mg/kg 14 ! -+ 0.45 - _
---~ 2.7 23
Vickie mg/kg
_ _ 6.1
5.6 _
Lead mg/kg 37 - 1.1 ---.--
--__ ---- -- 9.5 - ---- 10 -----
Zinc mg/kg 78 _ _
-~_ - 8.9 _-
- 300
Vanadium mg/kg
T_. --- ----- _
~- _
NR ____
Silver ____ _mg/kg
___ NR --- ---- --
NR ----
NR ---
___Aluminum mg/kg
Beryllium mg/kg __ __ 19,000
NR 1,100
NR 4 600
NR 8 900
Calcium mg/kg
NR __
NR _
NR __
cobalt mg/kg
NR _
Iron mg/kg 28,000 1,200 17,000 2,800
Lithium mg/kg NR NR NR NR
Magnesium mg/kg 1,800 200 500 1,800
Manganese mg/kg NR _
Sodium mg/kg NR NR NR NR
Arsenic mg/kg
3.1 _
0.31 _
2.8 ___
Selenium mg/kg NR NR NR NR
Mercury mg/kg 0.33 0.2U 0.07 0.2U
Barium mg/kg NR NR _
NR =Not Reported U =Below our Reporting Limit (PQL) P = E/evated Reporting Limit due to sample matrix
Division of ~~'ater Quality
January 1 S, 2005
To: Rick Shiver
Water Quality Supervisor, WIRO
Through: Matt Matthews r^'M
Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit
From: Sandy Mort ~~
Quality Assurance Officer, Aquatic Toxicology Unit
Subject: Toxicity test results
Lagoon dike wall seepage
L~ternational Paper
Columbus County
.~ n i :y
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The aquatic toxicity test using a grab sample of seepage from International Paper's lagoon
dike wall has been completed. Wes Hare collected a grab sample January 1 1, 2005 for use in
an acute Ceriorlaphnia darbia definitive toxicity test. The LCSO for the sample was 33.3%.
Toxicity test information follows.
Test Type
Test Concentrations
Test Result
Control Survival
Test Treatment Survival
Sample pH
Sample Conductivity
48-hour Ceriodaphnia dubia definitive
l 5.0, 30.0, 50.0, 80.0 and 100% sample
LC50 = 33.3%
0% in the 50.0% treatment
7.75 SU
4380 rnicromhos/cm
100% test organism mortality was observed in the 800 and 100% treatments at <22 hours
exposure. 100% mortality was observed in the 50.0°/u treatment, and 75.0% mortality in the
30.0% treatment, at 48 hours.
The LC50 for this sample indicates that the waters are.acutely toxic and localized water
quality impacts on receiving waters would be expected. Please contact us if further effluent
toxicity monitoring is desired. We may be reached at (919) 733-2136.
Basin: CPF
.~9~,~l;~ T~_ct~orogy un~! Environmenlu! Sciences Section
~ ~ ^ ~ j !Uuti
Division of Water Quality
January 18, 200
To: Rick Shiver
Water Quality Supervisor, ~b'IRO
Through: Matt Matthews ~"`~
Supervisor, Aquatic Toxicology Unit
From: Sandy Mort (~}w
Quality Assurance Officer, Aquatic Toxicology Unit
Subject: Ambient toxicity test results
Livingston Creels, downstream of Intemational Paper lagoon leak
Columbus County
The aquatic toxicity test using a grab sample of ambient waters collected downstream from
International Paper's Iagooil dike wall leak has been completed. Wes Hare collected a grab
sample January 11, 2005 for use in an acute Ceriodaphniu clubia definitive toxicity test. The
LCSO for the sample was >100%. Toxicity test information follows.
Test Type
Test Concentrations
Test Result
Control Survival
Test Treatment Survival
Sample pH
Sample Conductivity
48-hour Cerioclaphnia datbi~r definitive
15.0, 30.0, 50.0, 80.0 and 100% sample
LC50 = > 100%
0% in the 100.0% treatment
6.60 SU
138 micromhos/cm
Test results for this sample indicate that the water quality of these ambient waters has not
been impacted at the point of collection. Please contact ins if further effl~ient toxicity
monitoring is desired. We may be reached at (919) 733-2136.
Basin: CPF
aquatic T¢ricology Unit Environmental Sciences Section
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