HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121054 Ver 2_Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement - 10/14/2021_20211014 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) June 1, 2021 Ver 4.1 1a. Name of project: 1a. Who is the Primary Contact? 1b. Primary Contact Email:1c. Primary Contact Phone: Site Coordinates Latitude:Longitude: County (or Counties) where the project is located: Nearest Body of Water Is this a NCDMS Project * Is this project a public transportation project? 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: Has this PCN previously been submitted?* 1b. What type(s) of permit(s) do you wish to seek authorization? 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? Nationwide Permit (NWP) Number: NWP Numbers (for multiple NWPS): 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: Pre-Filing Meeting Information Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement Todd Toler Todd.Toler@raleighnc.gov (919)996-3476 35.802903 -78.627421 A. Processing Information Wake Yes No Yes No Section 404 Permit (wetlands, streams and waters, Clean Water Act) Section 10 Permit (navigable waters, tidal waters, Rivers and Harbors Act) Yes No Nationwide Permit (NWP) Regional General Permit (RGP) Standard (IP) Yes No 58 - Utility Line Activities for Water and Other Substances (frequently used) 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit Riparian Buffer Authorization Individual 401 Water Quality Certification Is the a courtesy copy notification? Yes No 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: For the record only for Corps Permit: 1f. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? 1g. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? 1h. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? 1j. Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? 1d. Who is applying for the permit? 1e. Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* 2. Owner Information Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No B. Applicant Information Owner Applicant (other than owner) Yes No 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* Centerline Bonded LLC DB: 015017 PG: 00784 City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1515 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (919)834-8350 mail@empire1792.com 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* Raleigh Bonded Empire, LLC DB: 011498 PG: 00291 Gregory Hatam City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1505 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (919)834-8350 mail@empire1792.com 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: Harris Wholesale, Inc 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* DB 4419 PG 306 City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1504 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (919)833-3600 scott@harrispark.com 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* PS NC III, L.P., DB: 11652 PG: 599 City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1400 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (833)814-3592 Todd.Toler@raleighnc.gov 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* Urban Ministries of Wake County, Inc., A North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation DB: 012041 PG: 02757 City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1390 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (919)836-1642 info@urbanmin.org 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: Nathaniel Heyward Robb, JR., Alexandra Wentworth Robb Polhill, and Caleb Robb O'Brien DB: 006422 PG: 00673 4. Agent/Consultant (if applicable) 1b. Subdivision name: 1c. Nearest municipality / town: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1312 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (984)202-5170 Todd.Toler@raleighnc.gov 2a. Name(s) on recorded deed: 2b. Deed book and page no.: 2c. Contact Person: 2d. Address 2e. Telephone Number:2f. Fax Number: 2g. Email Address:* Jose S. Chua Jr., Tessie L. Chua DB: 003960 DP: 00643 City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address 1200 Capital Blvd Address Line 2 (919)271-2372 Todd.Toler@RaleighNC.gov 4a. Name: 4b. Business Name: 4c. Address 4d. Telephone Number:4e. Fax Number: 4f. Email Address:* Amir Hadjimiry Dewberry Engineers Inc City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27607 Country USA Street Address 2610 Wycliff Road Address Line 2 Suite 410 (984)255-7047 ahadjimiry@dewberry.com C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Project Information (if appropriate) City of Raleigh 2. Project Identification 2a. Property Identification Number:2b. Property size: 2c. Project Address 3. Surface Waters 3a. Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project: 3b. Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* 3d. Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 3c. What river basin(s) is your project located in?* 4. Project Description and History 4a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* 4b. Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project (including all prior phases) in the past?* 4f. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 4g. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 4h. Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* 4i. Describe the overall project in detail, including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* 5. Jurisdictional Determinations 5a. Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* Comments: 5b. If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made?* Corps AID Number: 5c. If 5a is yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name (if known): Agency/Consultant Company: Other: 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project?* City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27603 Country USA Street Address Capital Blvd Address Line 2 Pigeon House Branch C;NSW 030202010804 Neuse The project site mostly consists of industrial and commercial parcels. However, most of the construction will take place on City of Raleigh and NCDOT roadways. Yes No Unknown 0 100 Replace existing gravity sewer main along Capital Blvd Frontage Road, in between Wake Forest Rd and Wade Ave, to accommodate wet weather flows that currently overload the existing gravity sewer system. City of Raleigh plans to replace the existing gravity sewer main along Capital Blvd Frontage Road, in between Wake Forest Rd and Wade Ave, to accommodate wet weather flows that currently overload the existing gravity sewer system. Gravity sewer main ranging from 8" to 42" in diameter will be installed using open-cut, shoring, and trenchless bore and jack methods. Conventional construction equipment (excavators, vibratory rollers, trucks, boom trucks, tree removal equipment) is anticipated to be used to complete this project. Yes No Unknown Preliminary Approved Not Verified Unknown N/A Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Yes No Are any other NWP(s), regional general permit(s), or individual permits(s) used, or intended to be used, to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? 1. Impacts Summary 1a. Where are the impacts associated with your project? (check all that apply): 3. Stream Impacts 3a. Reason for impact *(?)3b.Impact type *3c. Type of impact *3d. S. name *3e. Stream Type * (?) 3f. Type of Jurisdiction * 3g. S. width *3h. Impact length * S1 S2 S3 S4 3i. Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 3i. Total permanent stream impacts:3i. Total temporary stream impacts: 3i. Total stream and ditch impacts: 3j. Comments: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) 6a. Project is in which protect basin(s)? 6b. Impact Type 6c. Per or Temp 6d. Stream name 6e. Buffer mitigation required?6f. Zone 1 impact 6g. Zone 2 impact 6h. Total buffer impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Temporary impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Permanent impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total combined buffer impacts: 6i. Comments: NCDEQ Erosion & Sediment Control NCDOT Encroachment Agreement City of Raleigh Concurrent Review D. Proposed Impacts Inventory Wetlands Streams-tributaries Buffers Open Waters Pond Construction Abandon existing sewer / rip rap placement Temporary Rip Rap Fill Pigeon House Branch Perennial Both 30 Average (feet) 95 (linear feet) Gravity Sewer Main Installation Temporary Excavation Pigeon House Branch Perennial Both 38 Average (feet) 160 (linear feet) Gravity Sewer Main Aerial Crossing Temporary Other Pigeon House Branch Perennial Both 30 Average (feet) 90 (linear feet) Gravity Sewer Main Aerial Crossing Temporary Other Pigeon House Branch Perennial Both 40 Average (feet) 40 (linear feet) 0 0 385 385 All proposed temporary stream impacts are in locates that have been previously disturbed due to utility installations Check all that apply. Neuse Tar-Pamlico Catawba Randleman Goose Creek Jordan Lake Other Streambank or shoreline stabilization (dd)T Pigeon House Branch No 4,750 4,498 Utility - Sewer Lines - New Line Construction T Pigeon House Branch No 4,021 7,717 8,771.00 12,215.00 0.00 0.00 8,771.00 12,215.00 E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation, explain why: 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? What type of SCM are you providing? 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT’s Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* 2b. Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(2)? Comments: 1. Environmental Documentation 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land?* 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)?* 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a. Will this project result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* 3b. If you answered “no,” provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a. Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) A stream bypass operation will be set up to prevent the water from flowing through the project areas. Erosion control measures (silt fence, pipe inlet/outlet protections) will be temporarily installed to prevent the migration of sediment into the offsite stream areas. Yes No No Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State will be impacted by this project. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) Yes No Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance (lower SHWT) Wetland Swale (higher SHWT) Other SCM that removes minimum 30% nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer Yes No Yes No G. Supplementary Information Yes No Yes No Yes No No additional development is anticipated by this project. No increase in impervious is proposed in this project. Yes No N/A 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* 5d. Is another Federal agency involved?* 5e. Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? 5f. Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.? 5g. Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? 5h. Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* 5i. Does this project involve (1) blasting, and/or (2) other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines, such as jackhammers, mechanized pile drivers, etc.? 5j. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat?* 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination?* Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel is helpful for application review. Documents should be combined into one file when possible, with a Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Comments * · The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief’; and · The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. · I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; · I agree that submission of this PCN form is a “transaction” subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the “Uniform Electronic Transactions Act”); · I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the “Uniform Electronic Transactions Act”); · I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND Yes No Yes No Yes No Unknown Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Fish and Wildlife online mapper for endangered and critical species. Yes No Fish and Wildlife online mapper for endangered and critical species. Yes No NC Historic Preservation Office HPOWEB 2.0 - General Audience - GIS Mapper Yes No There will be no changes to the existing grades within the 100-year floodplain. There will be no new permanent structures within the 100-year floodplain. FEMA FIRM Panels downloaded directly from the FEMA website. Miscellaneous Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document PCN Supporting Documents -- Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement.pdf 114.04MB File must be PDF or KMZ Signature By checking the box and signing below, I certify that: · I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name:* Signature Date Amir R. Hadjimiry 10/5/2021 DWR Pre-Fil ing Meeting Req u est Form Contact Name * Contact Email Addre ss * Proje ct Owne r * Proje ct Name * Proje ct County * Owne r Addre ss:* Is this a transportation proje ct?* Type (s) of approv al sought from the DWR: Doe s this proje ct hav e an e xisting proje ct ID#?* Do you know the name of the staff me mbe r you would like to re que st a me e ting with? Ple ase giv e a brie f proje ct de scription be low and include location information.* Amir Hadjimiry ahadjimiry@dewberry.com Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement City of Raleigh (Raleigh Water) Wake City Raleigh State / Province / Region NC Postal / Zip Code 27601 Country USA Street Address One Exchange Plaza, 1 Exchange Plaza Suite 400 Address Line 2 Yes No 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular 401 Water Quality Certification - Express Individual Permit Modification Shoreline Stabilization Yes No Stephanie Goss City of Raleigh plans to replace the existing gravity sewer main along Capital Blvd service road, in between Wake Forest Rd and Wade Ave, to accommodate wet weather flows that currently overload the existing gravity sewer system. Gravity sewer main ranging from 8" to 42" in diameter will be installed using open-cut, shoring, and trenchless bore and jack methods. Conventional construction equipment (excavators, vibratory rollers, trucks, boom trucks, tree removal equipment) is anticipated to be used to complete this project. It should be noted that the buffer zones in this project area have been previously disturbed. By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: · This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. Signature * Submittal Date · I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing meeting request. · I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project’s thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application.  You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary.  You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. 10/4/2021 Pre-Construction Notification Division of Water Resources Application City of Raleigh, Raleigh Water Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement Wake County, North Carolina Dewberry Project Number: 50097464 October 2021 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh NC 27607 919.881.9939 NC License No.: F-0929 SUBMITTED TO: NCDEQ - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Page 1 of 1 October 5, 2021 NCDEQ – Division of Water Resources Reference: City of Raleigh, Raleigh Water Upper Pigeon House Interceptor Replacement Wake County, NC Dewberry Project No. 50097464 Dear Reviewer: Dewberry Engineers Inc. has prepared a Pre-Construction Notification Application for your review and approval for the above referenced project. Included in this submittal are: • One (1) copy of the signed Agent Authorization Form. • One (1) copy of the USGS Map, NRCS Soil Survey, and FEMA FIRM Panels for the project site. • One (1) copy of Historical Information and Critical Habitats for the project site. • One (1) copy of Buffer Impact Exhibits of the project site. • One (1) copy of 100% Design Drawings • One (1) copy of the Jurisdictional Streams and Wetlands Delineation Report by Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via phone (984) 255-7047 or e-mail (ahadjimiry@dewberry.com). Sincerely, Dewberry Engineers Inc. Amir R. Hadjimiry, PE Project Engineer Enclosures Cc: Steve Hilderhoff, PE, Dewberry Todd Toler TABLE OF CONTENTS • Appendix A - Agent Authorization Form • Appendix B - USGS Topo Map, NRCS Soils Map, and FEMA FIRM Panel • Appendix C - Historical Information and Critical Habitats • Appendix D - Buffer Impact Exhibit • Appendix E - 100% Design Drawings • Appendix F - Froehling & Robertson, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report APPENDIX A – AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM SAMPLE AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT NO. ______________ PLAN NO. ____________ PARCEL ID: ________________________ STREET ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Please print: Property Owner: ________________________________________________________________ Property Owner: ________________________________________________________________ The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize __________________________________, of ________________________________________ (Contractor / Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. Property Owner’s Address (if different than property above): _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ We hereby certify the above information submitted in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. __________________ __________________ _________________ __________________ Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Date: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ APPENDIX B – USGS TOPO MAP, NRCS SOILS MAP, and FEMA FIRM PANELS ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ ―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│―│ 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RaleighMemorial Park Oakwood Cem MountHope Cem Oakwood Cem MountOlivet Cem Asbury HertfordVillage Caraleigh CarolinaPines Medfield Rhamkatte RALEIGH Tysonville Method GlenwoodVillage Parkland GlenForest Westover CARY 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 59 3972 000mN 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 3959000mN 72 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 1304 714000mE 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13704000mE 14 35.7500° 35.8750°-78.7500°-78.6250°35.8750° 35.7500°-78.6250°-78.7500° QUADRANGLE LOCATION RALEIGH WEST QUADRANGLENORTH CAROLINA - WAKE COUNTY7.5-MINUTE SERIES RALEIGH WEST, NC 2019 Expressway Local Connector ROAD CLASSIFICATION Ramp 4WD Secondary Hwy Local Road Interstate Route State RouteUS RouteWX./H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY This map was produced to conform with the National Geospatial Program US Topo Product Standard, 2011.A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.6.18 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEETNORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SCALE 1:24 000 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 21KILOMETERS00.51 1 0.5 0 MILES 1 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET × Ø GN MN 1°21´ 24 MILS 9°18´ 165 MILS UTM GRID AND 2019 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET QV Grid Zone Designation 17S U.S. National Grid100,000 - m Square ID NORTHCAROLINA 1 Southeast Durham 8 Garner 2 Bayleaf3 Wake Forest4 Cary5 Raleigh East6 Apex7 Lake Wheeler ADJOINING QUADRANGLES 86 1 4 2 7 5 3 Imagery.....................................................NAIP, May 2016 - November 2016Roads......................................... U.S. Census Bureau, 2016Names............................................................................GNIS, 1980 - 2019Hydrography...............................National Hydrography Dataset, 2001 - 2018Contours............................................National Elevation Dataset, 2008Boundaries..............Multiple sources; see metadata file 2017 - 2018 Wetlands.................FWS National Wetlands Inventory 1983 North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and1 000-meter grid:Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17S Produced by the United States Geological Survey This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may begeneralized for this map scale. Private lands within governmentreservations may not be shown. Obtain permission beforeentering private lands.*7643016379136*NSN.7643016379136NGA REF NO.USGSX24K36946 United States Department of Agriculture A product of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local participants Custom Soil Resource Report for Wake County, North Carolina Upper Pigeon House Project Area Natural Resources Conservation Service May 3, 2021 Preface Soil surveys contain information that affects land use planning in survey areas. They highlight soil limitations that affect various land uses and provide information about the properties of the soils in the survey areas. Soil surveys are designed for many different users, including farmers, ranchers, foresters, agronomists, urban planners, community officials, engineers, developers, builders, and home buyers. Also, conservationists, teachers, students, and specialists in recreation, waste disposal, and pollution control can use the surveys to help them understand, protect, or enhance the environment. Various land use regulations of Federal, State, and local governments may impose special restrictions on land use or land treatment. Soil surveys identify soil properties that are used in making various land use or land treatment decisions. The information is intended to help the land users identify and reduce the effects of soil limitations on various land uses. The landowner or user is responsible for identifying and complying with existing laws and regulations. Although soil survey information can be used for general farm, local, and wider area planning, onsite investigation is needed to supplement this information in some cases. Examples include soil quality assessments (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/ portal/nrcs/main/soils/health/) and certain conservation and engineering applications. For more detailed information, contact your local USDA Service Center (https://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nrcs) or your NRCS State Soil Scientist (http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/contactus/? cid=nrcs142p2_053951). Great differences in soil properties can occur within short distances. Some soils are seasonally wet or subject to flooding. Some are too unstable to be used as a foundation for buildings or roads. Clayey or wet soils are poorly suited to use as septic tank absorption fields. A high water table makes a soil poorly suited to basements or underground installations. The National Cooperative Soil Survey is a joint effort of the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State agencies including the Agricultural Experiment Stations, and local agencies. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has leadership for the Federal part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey. Information about soils is updated periodically. Updated information is available through the NRCS Web Soil Survey, the site for official soil survey information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require 2 alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 3 Contents Preface....................................................................................................................2 How Soil Surveys Are Made..................................................................................5 Soil Map..................................................................................................................8 Soil Map................................................................................................................9 Legend................................................................................................................10 Map Unit Legend................................................................................................11 Map Unit Descriptions.........................................................................................11 Wake County, North Carolina..........................................................................13 Ur—Urban land...........................................................................................13 References............................................................................................................14 4 How Soil Surveys Are Made Soil surveys are made to provide information about the soils and miscellaneous areas in a specific area. They include a description of the soils and miscellaneous areas and their location on the landscape and tables that show soil properties and limitations affecting various uses. Soil scientists observed the steepness, length, and shape of the slopes; the general pattern of drainage; the kinds of crops and native plants; and the kinds of bedrock. They observed and described many soil profiles. A soil profile is the sequence of natural layers, or horizons, in a soil. The profile extends from the surface down into the unconsolidated material in which the soil formed or from the surface down to bedrock. The unconsolidated material is devoid of roots and other living organisms and has not been changed by other biological activity. Currently, soils are mapped according to the boundaries of major land resource areas (MLRAs). MLRAs are geographically associated land resource units that share common characteristics related to physiography, geology, climate, water resources, soils, biological resources, and land uses (USDA, 2006). Soil survey areas typically consist of parts of one or more MLRA. The soils and miscellaneous areas in a survey area occur in an orderly pattern that is related to the geology, landforms, relief, climate, and natural vegetation of the area. Each kind of soil and miscellaneous area is associated with a particular kind of landform or with a segment of the landform. By observing the soils and miscellaneous areas in the survey area and relating their position to specific segments of the landform, a soil scientist develops a concept, or model, of how they were formed. Thus, during mapping, this model enables the soil scientist to predict with a considerable degree of accuracy the kind of soil or miscellaneous area at a specific location on the landscape. Commonly, individual soils on the landscape merge into one another as their characteristics gradually change. To construct an accurate soil map, however, soil scientists must determine the boundaries between the soils. They can observe only a limited number of soil profiles. Nevertheless, these observations, supplemented by an understanding of the soil-vegetation-landscape relationship, are sufficient to verify predictions of the kinds of soil in an area and to determine the boundaries. Soil scientists recorded the characteristics of the soil profiles that they studied. They noted soil color, texture, size and shape of soil aggregates, kind and amount of rock fragments, distribution of plant roots, reaction, and other features that enable them to identify soils. After describing the soils in the survey area and determining their properties, the soil scientists assigned the soils to taxonomic classes (units). Taxonomic classes are concepts. Each taxonomic class has a set of soil characteristics with precisely defined limits. The classes are used as a basis for comparison to classify soils systematically. Soil taxonomy, the system of taxonomic classification used in the United States, is based mainly on the kind and character of soil properties and the arrangement of horizons within the profile. After the soil 5 scientists classified and named the soils in the survey area, they compared the individual soils with similar soils in the same taxonomic class in other areas so that they could confirm data and assemble additional data based on experience and research. The objective of soil mapping is not to delineate pure map unit components; the objective is to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. Each map unit is defined by a unique combination of soil components and/or miscellaneous areas in predictable proportions. Some components may be highly contrasting to the other components of the map unit. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The delineation of such landforms and landform segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Soil scientists make many field observations in the process of producing a soil map. The frequency of observation is dependent upon several factors, including scale of mapping, intensity of mapping, design of map units, complexity of the landscape, and experience of the soil scientist. Observations are made to test and refine the soil-landscape model and predictions and to verify the classification of the soils at specific locations. Once the soil-landscape model is refined, a significantly smaller number of measurements of individual soil properties are made and recorded. These measurements may include field measurements, such as those for color, depth to bedrock, and texture, and laboratory measurements, such as those for content of sand, silt, clay, salt, and other components. Properties of each soil typically vary from one point to another across the landscape. Observations for map unit components are aggregated to develop ranges of characteristics for the components. The aggregated values are presented. Direct measurements do not exist for every property presented for every map unit component. Values for some properties are estimated from combinations of other properties. While a soil survey is in progress, samples of some of the soils in the area generally are collected for laboratory analyses and for engineering tests. Soil scientists interpret the data from these analyses and tests as well as the field-observed characteristics and the soil properties to determine the expected behavior of the soils under different uses. Interpretations for all of the soils are field tested through observation of the soils in different uses and under different levels of management. Some interpretations are modified to fit local conditions, and some new interpretations are developed to meet local needs. Data are assembled from other sources, such as research information, production records, and field experience of specialists. For example, data on crop yields under defined levels of management are assembled from farm records and from field or plot experiments on the same kinds of soil. Predictions about soil behavior are based not only on soil properties but also on such variables as climate and biological activity. Soil conditions are predictable over long periods of time, but they are not predictable from year to year. For example, soil scientists can predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy that a given soil will have a high water table within certain depths in most years, but they cannot predict that a high water table will always be at a specific level in the soil on a specific date. After soil scientists located and identified the significant natural bodies of soil in the survey area, they drew the boundaries of these bodies on aerial photographs and Custom Soil Resource Report 6 identified each as a specific map unit. Aerial photographs show trees, buildings, fields, roads, and rivers, all of which help in locating boundaries accurately. Custom Soil Resource Report 7 Soil Map The soil map section includes the soil map for the defined area of interest, a list of soil map units on the map and extent of each map unit, and cartographic symbols displayed on the map. Also presented are various metadata about data used to produce the map, and a description of each soil map unit. 8 9 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 39638003963900396400039641003964200396430039644003964500396460039647003964800396490039639003964000396410039642003964300396440039645003964600396470039648003964900713000 713100 713200 713300 713400 713500 713600 713700 713800 713900 714000 714100 714200 714300 714400 714500 714600 713000 713100 713200 713300 713400 713500 713600 713700 713800 713900 714000 714100 714200 714300 714400 714500 714600 714700 35° 48' 18'' N 78° 38' 36'' W35° 48' 18'' N78° 37' 26'' W35° 47' 41'' N 78° 38' 36'' W35° 47' 41'' N 78° 37' 26'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 0 350 700 1400 2100 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 Meters Map Scale: 1:8,030 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit Gravelly Spot Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip Sodic Spot Spoil Area Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Wet Spot Other Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Wake County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 20, Jun 3, 2020 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Oct 11, 2019—Oct 19, 2019 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Custom Soil Resource Report 10 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI Ur Urban land 36.6 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest 36.6 100.0% Map Unit Descriptions The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently, every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. Most minor soils have properties similar to those of the dominant soil or soils in the map unit, and thus they do not affect use and management. These are called noncontrasting, or similar, components. They may or may not be mentioned in a particular map unit description. Other minor components, however, have properties and behavioral characteristics divergent enough to affect use or to require different management. These are called contrasting, or dissimilar, components. They generally are in small areas and could not be mapped separately because of the scale used. Some small areas of strongly contrasting soils or miscellaneous areas are identified by a special symbol on the maps. If included in the database for a given area, the contrasting minor components are identified in the map unit descriptions along with some characteristics of each. A few areas of minor components may not have been observed, and consequently they are not mentioned in the descriptions, especially where the pattern was so complex that it was impractical to make enough observations to identify all the soils and miscellaneous areas on the landscape. The presence of minor components in a map unit in no way diminishes the usefulness or accuracy of the data. The objective of mapping is not to delineate pure taxonomic classes but rather to separate the landscape into landforms or landform segments that have similar use and management requirements. The delineation of such segments on the map provides sufficient information for the development of resource plans. If intensive use of small areas is planned, however, onsite investigation is needed to define and locate the soils and miscellaneous areas. Custom Soil Resource Report 11 An identifying symbol precedes the map unit name in the map unit descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the unit and gives important soil properties and qualities. Soils that have profiles that are almost alike make up a soil series. Except for differences in texture of the surface layer, all the soils of a series have major horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture of the surface layer, slope, stoniness, salinity, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Alpha silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is a phase of the Alpha series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils or miscellaneous areas. These map units are complexes, associations, or undifferentiated groups. A complex consists of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas in such an intricate pattern or in such small areas that they cannot be shown separately on the maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar in all areas. Alpha-Beta complex, 0 to 6 percent slopes, is an example. An association is made up of two or more geographically associated soils or miscellaneous areas that are shown as one unit on the maps. Because of present or anticipated uses of the map units in the survey area, it was not considered practical or necessary to map the soils or miscellaneous areas separately. The pattern and relative proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas are somewhat similar. Alpha-Beta association, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. An undifferentiated group is made up of two or more soils or miscellaneous areas that could be mapped individually but are mapped as one unit because similar interpretations can be made for use and management. The pattern and proportion of the soils or miscellaneous areas in a mapped area are not uniform. An area can be made up of only one of the major soils or miscellaneous areas, or it can be made up of all of them. Alpha and Beta soils, 0 to 2 percent slopes, is an example. Some surveys include miscellaneous areas. Such areas have little or no soil material and support little or no vegetation. Rock outcrop is an example. Custom Soil Resource Report 12 Wake County, North Carolina Ur—Urban land Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: 2qwpc Elevation: 70 to 1,400 feet Mean annual precipitation: 39 to 51 inches Mean annual air temperature: 54 to 63 degrees F Frost-free period: 190 to 250 days Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Map Unit Composition Urban land:100 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Urban Land Setting Parent material:Impervious layers over human-transported material Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric soil rating: No Custom Soil Resource Report 13 References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004. Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2005. Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Standard D2487-00. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deep-water habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS-79/31. Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. National Research Council. 1995. Wetlands: Characteristics and boundaries. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_054262 Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_053577 Soil Survey Staff. 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy. 11th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/?cid=nrcs142p2_053580 Tiner, R.W., Jr. 1985. Wetlands of Delaware. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Wetlands Section. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers wetlands delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report Y-87-1. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National forestry manual. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/ home/?cid=nrcs142p2_053374 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National range and pasture handbook. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/ detail/national/landuse/rangepasture/?cid=stelprdb1043084 14 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ nrcs/detail/soils/scientists/?cid=nrcs142p2_054242 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2006. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 296. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/soils/? cid=nrcs142p2_053624 United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. http:// www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_052290.pdf Custom Soil Resource Report 15 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datumwas the North American Datum of 1983. GAS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. Those differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet. where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAND 88). These flood elevations must be compared to swcture and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the nation of this statewide formal FIRM. The offsets ler each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of elevations between NAVD BB and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description. and/or locetion information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713.112.2, or visit its website at www.n0s.noaa.g0v. North Carolina Geodetic Survey 121 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 19191733-3836 wow. ncgs.state.nc.us County Average Vedicel Datum Offset Table County Wake Vertical Datum offset eta Example. SAW 88 - NOVO 29 1 (-0.e91 Allstreams listed in the Flood Ns and Data Table below were studied by °tailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either coastal only s or limited detailed analysis. Mora information on the flooding sour es studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE ovary treat eel Extreme tens. own. NOT Eoe10 're11T noon, row Ft.. wore PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH (BASIN 19, STREAM271 088 8.830 NA 227.8 70 105 10.500 NA 232.6 70 132 13,200 NA 253.2 81 1. 14.400 NA 261.5 50 156 15.570 NA 273.5 55 F0014.0YOfn sat This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Slate of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of fIoodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the 51ate's com- mitment to map iloodplein areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the Stele of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical Slate agreement with FEMA m produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ncFloodmaps.com This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identily all areas subject t0 flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles. Floodway Data. Limited Detailed Food Hazard Data. and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FISl report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -toot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the Fl5 report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management Boundaries of regulatory headway. shown on the FIRM for flooding so es studied by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and Interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding so es studied by detailed methods as wallas non -encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The EIS report also provides instructions for determining a iloodwaV using non -encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction. Base sap information end geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from various organizations, including the participating local communibies). state and federal agencies, and/or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Wake County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 1999. Information and geospatial data supplied by the local communiMiesl that met FEMA base map specifications were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. Sea geospatial metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map preparation. Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate lisit., are based on the most up-to-date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate lisita may have occurred tine. this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or website to vorify current conditions of jurisdictional boundares and base map features. This map may contain roads that were at considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date Etresm channel configurations than those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The Roodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data)may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Please refer to the separately primed Yap Index for an overview map of the county showing the layout of map panels, c0mmunhy map repository addresses, and a Listing of Communities table containing National Rood Insurance Program dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please calif•BTE-FEES MAP(1-677-336-2627) or visit the FEMA website at www.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel. end digital versions of this FIRM maybe available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Yapping Progr.. webs'te at wvvw.ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FENA Map service Canter at 1-800358-9616 for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its we site m www.msefemagov. REPOSITORYMAP MIn Refer. IB of Mao Repositories n nMeta Index or visit wmv.ndloodmeps.wm. EFFECRVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL MAY 2, 2006 EFFECTME ouooIS10F REM5101a51 TO THIS PANEL For common map mv1alon h1stosy prior to statewide mapping rekr m the Community Map Hi4O0 tale oca erd In the Flood In u,antt Study rep0n for this juVrdicin. To determine If flood Insurance Is available In this community, Man your Insurance agent, the North Carolina Dh.en of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program atria following phone numbers or w bsites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program (919)715-8000 www.nrxnmecontrol.org/nfip 1-800-630fi620 ww.v.fema.yoMfip Cross section litre EFFECTIVE DATE MAY 2, 2006 LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1% annual dunce hood 000.year flood/, also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to Flooding by the 1% annoatcesrce flood. Areas 00 Special Rood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water -surface elevation of the 1% annual canoe Road. ZIXE A No Base Flood Elevation determined. ZONE AS Base Flood Elevatisms determined. ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually are. of pondingl; Base Flood Elevations determined, ZONE AO Flood dephs of 1 to 3 lost (usually sheflow on sloping terrain/1 averge depths determined. For areof alluvial fan flooding velocities lso determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual donee flood by a flood control wren) Mat was subsequently decertified. Zone AR Indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to proNde protection from the 1% annual dunce or greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % an seal chance flood by a Federal flood praenion system under construction, no Base Hood Elevations determined. Lora Ve Coastal flood zone with wbciry hazard (w ve action), Base Flood Elevations determined. NEE FIOOOWAY AREAS IN ZONE. Ai. The floeAvay is the channel of a stream plus a adjacent fl0odplaain areas that mut be kep[free of encroachme. se that the 1% annual dunce flood n be orded without suWanMI increases in flood height. 771 ZONE Z ZONE D \\V OTHER FLOOD AREAS Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of future cnrditionsl%annual dance flood; areas of 1% annual dance flood wib avenge depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1% annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance and future cond0lom1% annual dunce floodplaln. Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS IOPAs) CeRS Noss and CPAs are normally locoed MOM or adjacent to Special Rood Hazard Aran. 1% annual dance fl0odplain boundary 0.2% annual dance fluodplain boundary and future conditions 1% annual chance Boodplein boundary Floodway boundary - Zone 0 Boundary CBRS aod OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depth. or flood vetch.. 513•-•--•- Base Flood Elevation line and value elevation in feet* (EL 9871 Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet• 'Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1986 Q I 0- O Tanse0Ilae 91.OP 30•, 32.26 30• 1477 800 FEET BM5510 BM5510 e M1.5 coordinatesGeographic M referenced to e Nonh American Datum of 1963 (NAV 831 5000-meter Universal Transverse Merobr grid ticks, zone 17 2503-foot grid values: North Cardin Sae Plane coordinate system 1FIPSZONE 3200, State Rare NAD feet) North Combo Geodetic Surrey bench mark Nee explanation In the Datum Information uabn °Obis FIRM panel,. Na8nal Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in the Datum Information on of this FIRM panel. Riser Mile GRID NORTH MAP SCALE 1• w 500' (1 : 6,000) soo moo - r � FEET METERS soo ISO 1 SO FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 1704 (SEE LOCATOR DOWSE OR MAP NOD( FOP FIRM PANEL LAYOUT, COMAINS: COMMUNITY mislan, EV OF CID No. PANEL SUFFIX u..m v. 1000000 wdiralwu to eaugci MAP NUMBER 37201704001 State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM LEGEND DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datumwas the North American Datum of 1983, GRSBO ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. Those differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet. where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAND 88). These flood elevations must be compared to swcture and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the nation of this statewide formal FIRM. The offsets far each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description. and/or locetion information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713.5242, or visit its website at www.n2s.noaeg0v, North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vemcel Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street Raleigh. NC 27601 19191733-3830 www.ncesstate.nc.us County Wake Vertical Datum Offset Ira Cra pe NANO 86 kr NOVO 29 3 (-0.881 Allstreams listed in the Plead Hazard Data Table below were studied by °tailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either coastal anaN s or limited detailed analysis. Mora information on the flooding sour as studied by these analyses iscontained in the Flood Insurance Study report FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Ham scheme Smarr nooyearl traoar NAV° son Namur memos From Eootron noon), Tour mammy wk. CRABTREE CREEK (BASIN 18. STREAM 9) 202 27.200 NA 480 333 93.300 NA 203.3 1.503 PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH (BASIN 19. STREAM 27) 032 052 3,200 5,200 NA NA 54 211) 0 70 2 110 000 FEET 00 750 EEI BONDED FZ2528 Nee rn N- 0 742 3.3mv— NO m0 FEET ZONE AE ZONE X ZONE X' ' ZONE AE ZONE X ZONE AE ZONE X -,ZONE n0 000 FEET "ZONE X E15 2 112 WO FEET ,ZONE x jR.9001(ST COLONIA F22525 s \,N)INS PANEL 1715 ZONE X City 11f Raleigh 370243 JOINS PANEL 1713 omu. 30' T9 9.36 ZONE AE re ®e ZONE AE ZONE X 17,7 •ea ZONE AE ,1 ZONE X" 2 120 GOO FEET 750 097 FEET 747 603 FEET Mona am. harm Eff aroma 19 ZC2 CRABTREE CREEK BASIN 1E, STREAM 9/ idD Om FEET 2 120 . FEET SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual dunce flood 000.year flood), also known as the base flood, is the Rood that has a 1% chance of being equaled or exr.ded in any given year. The Special Flood Haman Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1% annual chance flood. Meal 00 Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water -surface elevation of the 1% annual chance Road. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevation do)o,r fined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determiner. ZONE AN Flood depths of I to 3 feet (usually aeaz of pondingl; Base Flood Elevation determined. ZONE AO Flood dephs of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); averge depths determined. For areof alluvial fan flooding velocities lso determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual dance flood by a flood control sysem drat was subsequently decertified. Zone AR Indicates that the former Rood control system Is being restored to proade protection from the 1% annual dunce or greater good. ZONE AN Area to be protected from 1% annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction, no Base Hood Elevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with wbciry hazard Iwaw action), Base Flood Elevations determined. FIOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplein areas that muss be keptfine 08 encrwdr ant so that the 1% an I dunce flood n be mined without T 6 nt)0I inbea'as 1n Bond heighb. I,',',-1 OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2%annual chance flood; areas offuture conditions l%annual dance flood; areas of 1%annual dunce flood with avenge depths of less than 1 foot with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1% annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE Z Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance and future cond0lom1% annual dunce ROOdplaln. ZONE O Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but pasibk. \\V COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (ORAS) CBRS noes and CPAs are normally boned MOM or adjacent to Special Rood Hazard Areas. 1% annual dunce fl0odplain boundary 0.2% annual dunce fluodplain boundary and future conditions 1% annual chance Boodplain boundary Floodway boundary Zone D Boundary CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. 513o- --.— Base Rood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* Hood Elevation value where uniform within zone;elevation in feet* 'Referenced to the North American Veroal Datum of 1988 (EL 01371 Q I o- 0 MP Oh 304. 32.22' 30• 4278owu 1477 Bm FEET BM5510 >t BM5510 •M1.5 Cross section line Tmnse0Ilne m o! 1983 I rdinales relelencei to the North American WNNAU 8T 1003meter Universal Transverse Merom, hold tick, zone 17 2303-faw grid values: North Carolina Sue Plane c0ondwte system IFIPSZONE 3200, Sate Plane NAD feet) North Camliru CeodMc Suney bench mark nee explan2Mm In the Datum Information se0lon of this FIRM panel). Na0na1 Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). Riser Mile MAP SCALE GRID NORTH 1• w 500' (1 : 6,000) sco FEET MO METERS ISO SOO NOTES TO USERS This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map IFIRM)was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Stets of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplein management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the 51ate's com- mitment to map floodplein areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical State agreement with FEMA m produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ncFloodmaps.com This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identify all areas subject t0 flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and/or floodnays have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles. Floodway Data. Limited Detailed Food Hazard Data. and/or Summary of S011water Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (EIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -toot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the Fl5 report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management Boundaries of regulatory floadways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and Interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based on hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding so es studied by detailed methods as wallas non -encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The EIS report also provides inotrucdns for determining a floodwey using non -encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction. Base sap information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from various organizations, including the participating localcommuniVAiesl. state and federal agencies. and/or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Wake County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 1999. Information and geospatial data supplied by the lecalcommuniMies) that met FEMA base map specifications were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. Sea g0ospatial metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map preparation. Base map f0atures shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the most up-to-date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or websito to vorify current conditions of jurisdlc0onel boundares and base map features. This map may contain roads that were at considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date Etresm channel configurations than those shown an the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The Boodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodwey Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. Please refer to the separately primed Bap Index for an overview map of the county showing the layout of map panels, c0mmunhy map repository addresses, and a Listing of Communities table containing National Rood Insurance Program dates for each community as well as a listing of the panels an which each community is located. If you have questions about this nap, or questions concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in general. please call1•177.FEBA NAP 6-677-336-2627) or visit the FEMA website at www.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report. Letter of Map Revision ILOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel. end digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Yapping Program webs'ne at www,ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FENA Nap Bsrvlce Canter at 1-800058-9616 for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 14300-358-9620 and its we site et www.mac.terrla.gov. REPOSITORY Refer. Wino of Mao Repositories nEMap Index or vish wmv.nefloadmaps.com. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL MAY 2.2008 EFFECTME DATE(510F REMSIOta51 TO THIS PANEL For common map revision history odor to stamwi80 mapping. refer m the Community Map History tale ore eel In the Flood Inwrance Study report (or this jurisd)0in. To determine If Rood insurance Is available In this community, m.ct your Insurance agent, the North Carolina Ohieln of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program attire following phone numbers or w bsites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program (919)T5-8000 www.nccnmecontr0.arg/nfip 1-800-630-0620 ww.v.fema.yvhfip NFI(P 0 CC laer Dral 1a ] Om tram, PANEL 1714J FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 1714 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT/ COWAN&: COMMUNITY RALEIGH. CITY CO en CID No. PANR SUFFIX m. N80 00.580 t fiNv., s=wu a woe e 6c u..m v. 0mv,.n,0 50 alro'u 8,t3e wq¢1 EFFECTIVE DATE MAY 2, 2006 MAP NUMBER 37201714001 State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency) APPENDIX C – HISTORICAL INFORMATION and CRITICAL HABITATS Town of Cary, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, Intermap, NGA, USGS NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Office of Archives and History Department of Cultural Resources NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Raleigh,Wake County,WA2675,Listed 8/24/2006 Nomination by M.Ruth Little Photographs by M. Ruth Little,May 2006 Overall view –weigh station on left Rear view from railroad right-of-way NPS Form 10-900 OMB No.1024-0018 (Rev.10-90) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This form is for use in nominating or requesting determinations for individual properties and districts.See instructions in How to Complete the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (National Register Bulletin 16A).Complete each item by marking "x"in the appropriate box or by entering the information requested.If any item does not apply to the property being documented,enter "N/A"for "not applicable."For functions,architectural classification,materials,and areas of significance,enter only categories and subcategories from the instructions.Place additional entries and narrative items on continuation sheets (NPS Form 10-900a).Use a typewriter,word processor,or computer,to complete all items. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.Name of property________________________________________________________________________________ historic name ____Raleigh Bonded Warehouse _________________________________ other names/site number ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Location_______________________________________________________________________________________ street & number _1505 Capital Boulevard__ ________________________________ not for publication N/A_ city or town ___Raleigh_______________________________________________________ vicinity N/A_ state _North Carolina____________ code _NC_ county Wake___ code _183 zip code _27603________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.State/Federal Agency Certification_________________________________________________________________ As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this _X__ nomination ____ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property __X__ meets ____ does not meet the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant ___ nationally ___ statewide _X_ locally. ( ___ See continuation sheet for additional comments.) ________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of certifying official Date _North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources __________________________________________________ State or Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the property ____ meets ____ does not meet the National Register criteria. ( ___ See continuation sheet for additional comments.) ________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of commenting or other official Date ________________________________________________________________________ State or Federal agency and bureau _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.National Park Service Certification_________________________________________________________________ I,hereby certify that this property is:Signature of the Keeper Date of Action ____entered in the National Register ___________________________________________________________________________ ___See continuation sheet. ____ determined eligible for the ___________________________________________________________________________ National Register ___See continuation sheet. ____determined not eligible for the ___________________________________________________________________________ National Register ____removed from the National Register ___________________________________________________________________________ ____other (explain):____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Raleigh Bonded Warehouse_____Wake County, N.C.____________________ Name of Property County and State _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Classification___________________________________________________________________________________ Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property (Check as many boxes as apply)(Check only one box)(Do not include previously listed resources in the count) _X_private _X_building(s)Contributing Noncontributing ___public-local ___district ____4_________2_______buildings ___public-State ___site ____0_________0_______sites ___public-Federal ___structure ____0_________0_______structures ___object ____1_________0_______objects ____5________2______Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously (Enter "N/A"if property is not part of a multiple property listing.)listed in the National Register ___________________________________________-0-______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.Function or Use________________________________________________________________________________ Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Cat: __Commerce/Trade ___________ Sub: __warehouse_________________ __Commerce/Trade___________ ___office______________________ __Commerce/Trade___________ ___specialty store_______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Cat: __Commerce/Trade ___________ Sub: __warehouse_________________ __Vacant/Not in Use______ _________________________ _______Commerce/Trade_____ ______specialty store____________ ____________________________ ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Description_____________________________________________________________________________________ Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) ___No Style______________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Materials (Enter categories from instructions) foundation _concrete_________________________ roof _____Other: tar and gravel________________ walls _____concrete_________________________ _____brick____________________________ other ____plywood__________________________ ____metal____________________________ Narrative Description (Describe the historic and current condition of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) Raleigh Bonded Warehouse_____Wake County, N.C.____________________ Name of Property County and State _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Statement of Significance_________________________________________________________________________ Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark "x"in one or more boxes for the criteria qualifying the property for National Register listing) __X_A Property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history. ____B Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. __X_C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type,period,or method of construction or represents the work of a master,or possesses high artistic values,or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components lack individual distinction. ____D Property has yielded,or is likely to yield information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations (Mark "X"in all the boxes that apply.) ____A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. ____B removed from its original location. ____C a birthplace or a grave. ____D a cemetery. ____E a reconstructed building,object,or structure. ____F a commemorative property. ____G less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past 50 years. Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions) ___Commerce _____________________________ ___Architecture/Engineering___________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Period of Significance __ca. 1923-1956_________ __________________________ __________________________ Significant Dates _ca. 1923___________________ _ca. 1949___________________ __________________________ Significant Person (Complete if Criterion B is marked above) __N/A_________________________ Cultural Affiliation __N/A___________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Architect/Builder __Unknown______________ ________ _________________________ _____________________ ____ Narrative Statement of Significance (Explain the significance of the property on one or more continuation sheets.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Major Bibliographical References__________________________________________________________________ Bibliography (Cite the books,articles,and other sources used in preparing this form on one or more continuation sheets.) Previous documentation on file (NPS) ___preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67)has been requested. ___previously listed in the National Register ___previously determined eligible by the National Register ___designated a National Historic Landmark ___recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey #__________ ___recorded by Historic American Engineering Record #__________ Primary Location of Additional Data _X_State Historic Preservation Office ___Other State agency ___Federal agency ___Local government ___University ___Other Name of repository: ___________________________________ Raleigh Bonded Warehouse_____Wake County, N.C.____________________ Name of Property County and State _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.Geographical Data______________________________________________________________________________ Acreage of Property __15.67 acres_______________ UTM References (Place additional UTM references on a continuation sheet) Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 1 17_ _713940 3964605 3 17 714500 3964690 2 17 714410_3963840 4 17 714000 3964475 ___See continuation sheet. Verbal Boundar y Description (Describe the boundaries of the property on a continuation sheet.) Boundary Justification (Explain why the boundaries were selected on a continuation sheet.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Form Prepared By______________________________________________________________________________ name/title___M. Ruth Little________________________________________________________________________ organization__Longleaf Historic Resources_________________ date__August 2005____________________ street & number__2709 Bedford Ave._________________ telephone__919-836-1885_________________ city or town___Raleigh__________________________ state_NC__ zip code _27607__________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Additional Documentation_______________________________________________________________________ Submit the following items with the completed form: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series)indicating the property's location. A sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FPO for any additional items) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Property Owner __________________________________________________________________________________ (Complete this item at the request of the SHPO or FPO.) name ____________________________________________________________ street &number___________________________________telephone_________________ city or town____________________________________state_____zip code __________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paperwork Reduction Act Statement:This information is being collected for applications to the National Register of Historic Places to nominate properties for listing or determine eligibility for listing,to list properties,and to amend existing listings.Response to this request is required to obtain a benefit in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act,as amended (16 U.S.C.470 et seq.). Estimated Burden Statement:Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 18.1 hours per response including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this form to the Chief, Administrative Services Division, National Park Service, P.0. Box 37127, Washington, DC 20013-7127; and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reductions Project (1024-0018), Washington, DC 20503. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 Page 1 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Section 7:Description The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse complex occupies a narrow,rectangular 15.67-acre parcel at 1505 Capital Boulevard,bounded on the south by Capital Boulevard and on the north by the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks.The parcel is oriented northwest to southeast,but north and south compass points will be used for the sake of simplicity.The parcel slopes south to Pigeon House branch,a creek that flows along a rocky bed.(The branch parallels Capital Boulevard,flowing along its south side until a culvert channels it under the road to flow along the north side at the east end of the parcel.)A dirt driveway and parking area extends between Capital Boulevard and the warehouses.The complex is located in the Georgetown section of Raleigh,approximately one mile from downtown Raleigh.To the north,on a plateau above the railroad tracks,is the residential neighborhood of Georgetown.Across the boulevard to the south are more Norfolk Southern Railway tracks and the Mordecai neighborhood.The warehouse complex is the oldest of a row of light industrial buildings that front Capital Boulevard and back up to the tracks of the Seaboard Air Line and Norfolk Southern railroads. The complex contains six buildings:(1)the original ca.1923 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse;(2)ca.1923 Office, expanded ca.1949;(3)Packing Building,ca.1949;(4)Weigh Station,ca.1949;(5)Warehouse 14-19,ca.1949; and (6)Warehouse 20-21,ca.1953.The ca.1923 warehouse is parallel to and approximately 400 feet south of the edge of the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks.This warehouse,which faces south to Capital Boulevard, contains twelve compartments,each 66 feet wide and 140 deep.These are stacked in two stories,with the odd- numbered units accessed from the south side and the upper,even-numbered units accessed from the north side, where the grade is higher,so that the building essentially is banked.At the west end is compartment 13,a 1930s addition.The office is located in front of the warehouse.The packing building and weigh station building are located east of the warehouse.These four buildings retain integrity from the period of historical significance, which extends to 1955.Two additional warehouse buildings are aligned on axis with the original warehouse on its west side.Warehouse 14-19 is spaced about 50 feet to the west.Warehouse 20-21 is located west of it.The spaces between the warehouses were designed to be infilled with additional warehouse compartments,but they remain open.These later warehouses are noncontributing because they were extensively altered after 1955 to serve a variety of wholesale businesses. A concrete loading dock extends the length of the three warehouses along the south front.In the 100-foot opening between the second and third warehouse, a concrete ramp leads up to the parking area between the buildings.The loading dock has a metal canopy sheltering most of the façade of the 1923 warehouse. The rest of the dock is uncovered with the exception of an identical canopy sheltering Compartment No. 18. A railroad spur that extended from east to west along the front of the warehouses as far as Unit No. 17 has been removed. A concrete loading dock extends along the rear of the 1923 warehouse, covered by a canopy identical to the front one. A series of fire hydrants spaced along the warehouse row, located at the front and rear of the 1923 warehouse and along the front of the later two warehouses,provides water to the sprinkler systems inside the warehouses. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 Page 2 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina C 1.Raleigh Bonded Warehouse.Ca.1923. The two-story rectangular warehouse,measuring 400 feet in length and 140 feet in depth,is constructed of reinforced concrete walls with a heavy timber interior framework supporting a low gabled roof.The impressions of the horizontal boards that formed the wall molds are visible on the concrete walls,imprinting the texture of wood boards into the otherwise smooth surfaces.The lower story,accessible from the south front,is divided into six compartments,numbered 1,3,5,7,9,and 11.Each compartment is 66 feet wide and 140 feet deep.The upper story,accessible from the rear (north)loading dock,contains six compartments,numbered 2,4,6,8,10, and 12,of exactly the same size.The warehouse is painted white. The entrance façade of each compartment contains two wide metal sliding doors,one centered in each half.The corrugated metal doors are stamped “Almetl Fire Door,Merchant &Evans Co.,Philadelphia,Pa.”Above the doors are four metal and wire glass windows,each with ten panes of glass.The center six panes of glass open like an awning window for ventilation.On the taller south façade,an identical row of windows above,which illuminated the upstairs compartments,have been infilled with masonry.The compartments in the upper level have the identical configuration as those of the lower level.The rear wall of the lower level compartments,set beneath the rear loading dock,contains identical doors and windows.The rear wall gives the illusion of being banked,but is actually fully exposed below the rear loading dock.Concrete piers,abutting a retaining wall, support the outer edge of the dock.Beneath the dock is a passage entered from the west end of the dock, allowing access to the doors in the lower level.Between each compartment is a concrete wall that extends into a parapet wall above the roofline.In the center of the east end wall is a thick projecting buttress.On the exterior,a pair of recessed gutter downspouts separates each compartment.The metal canopy sheltering the front and rear elevations was added,apparently in the early 1950s.The front canopy is attached to the warehouse in the middle of the upper level windows,which probably prompted their infilling with masonry at the time it was added. The interior of each compartment contains a heavy timber framing system of wooden support posts,wooden ceiling joists,and wood plank flooring.The joists rest on concrete pilasters that project out from the side concrete walls.Sixteen wooden posts,set on four-foot centers,span the depth of each compartment.The posts are square,with chamfered corners and iron caps.The square wood ceiling joists have chamfered corners as well.The lower level compartments have concrete floors.The upper level compartments have original thick pine flooring.Some of the interior compartment walls are painted white,while others are exposed concrete. Each pair of compartments on the lower level has a riser room constructed of brick set against the concrete separation wall.Accessed from the front by a metal door on strap hinges,the riser room contains pumping equipment to operate the sprinkler system.The sprinkler pipes extend through each of the sixteen bays of each compartment. A concrete loading dock, ramped on the east side,encircles the front, rear and east side of the warehouse. On the front and rear, it is sheltered by a metal canopy of open metal trusses supported by round metal posts set on rounded concrete bases. A corrugated metal roof covers the canopy. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 Page 3 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Compartment 13,shown on the 1949 Sanborn map,is believed to have been added in the 1930s,but may date to the 1940s.Its construction has a temporary,lightweight character unlike the original reinforced concrete warehouse.The wood frame one-story compartment has a flat roof that is lower than the original warehouse roof.The walls are covered with 5-V barn tin.In the rear elevation are four multi-pane wooden windows. Square wooden posts with wood impost blocks and diagonal braces support the wooden ceiling joists. C 2.Office.Ca.1923,1940s. The one-story,rectangular masonry building,five bays wide and two bays deep,faces east.It was constructed in two phases.The west half,of brick construction covered with concrete stucco,is apparently contemporary with the 1923 warehouse.In the 1940s the addition of the east half doubled the size of the office.This section is constructed of concrete block,with a brick veneer.The main entrance is a batten door with sidelights,accessed by a flight of several steps,in the east elevation.Flanking the door are pairs of metal casement windows.On the south elevation is a large fixed-glass picture window.Architectural evidence indicates that the exterior of the original office was almost completely remodeled when the east addition was made.The rear west elevation contains a door (also accessed by a flight of steps),two twelve-pane metal casement windows to the south side, and a stone chimney to the north.All but one of the windows have a metal shed awning;metal gabled awnings shelter the doors.The building rests on a full basement that is partially raised on the west side,allowing two basement entrances.A documentary photograph,ca.1949,as well as the 1949 Sanborn map update,shows the building in its current appearance. The interior floor plan reflects the construction of the building in two stages.The west half of the office,which is the original ca.1923 building,contains a large open north side room with a stone fireplace,vertical beadboard wainscot,and a molded chair rail.Behind a beadboard partition,a wooden stair descends to the basement.On the main floor,the south end of this section has two offices,with a concrete vault with a decorative iron door opening into the middle office.The east half of the office,which is the 1940s addition,contains an entrance foyer flanked by offices with wooden partitions with glazing in the upper half.The large private office in the south corner has its own bathroom.Behind this office is a second wooden stair to the basement.The basement, identified by signs as the “driver’s lounge,”is divided into a dining room,a vending machine room,and a number of bathrooms and shower rooms. C 3. Packing Building. Ca. 1949.The rectangular, concrete block packing building, nine bays wide, is covered by a flat roof. Its principal, west elevation faces the original warehouse. Each bay contains a corrugated metal door that is similar to those on the warehouse. Flanking each door is a six-pane metal awning window. A concrete loading dock extends the length of the west elevation, facing the warehouse. The sides of the building have no openings. At the rear is a shed-roofed frame addition, covered with metal siding. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 Page 4 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina This was the crating building.The space is divided into three compartments by interior concrete block walls. Here employees packed furniture into wooden crates that were then moved to long-term storage in the warehouse.The building is in place on the 1949 Sanborn map update of Raleigh. C 4.Weigh Station.Early 1950s.Small (approximately 8 x 10 foot)rectangular concrete block,flat-roofed building of similar construction and character to the Packing Building.The walls have tile coping.The front (west)elevation contains a door with a metal awning.The north elevation contains two six-pane metal casement windows with brick sills.The corners have a decorative quoin treatment created by recessing alternating blocks at an angle to the wall surface.The building does not appear on the 1949 Sanborn map update of Raleigh. According to owner Alton B.Smith Jr.it was constructed prior to 1954,when the complex in its present condition was completed.It is in fair condition with some wall settling. Photographs of this building taken during the 1990 historic site survey by Helen Ross show that large “Truck Weighing”signs were painted on two sides of the tiny building.The signs have been painted over in white.An employee manned the building to weigh the trucks bringing goods to the warehouses for storage. 4a.Weight Platform.Early 1950s.(object)To the north is a buried weight platform on which the trucks would park to be weighed.The platform is of concrete,with a metal border. NC-alt.5.Warehouse 14-19.Ca.1949. Set approximately fifty feet beyond the west wall of the addition to the original warehouse is a second warehouse,of exactly the same 140 foot depth as the original.It contains six compartments of varying width totaling 660 feet.The four center compartments have brick firewalls that wrap approximately eight feet around the front corners and extend up as brick parapet walls above the flat roof.Terra cotta coping tiles cover the parapets.The east compartment,No.14,and the west compartment,No.19,do not have outer brick fire walls. According to owner Alton Smith Jr.,these compartments were constructed gradually during the 1940s.They were apparently complete by 1949.1 The front and rear walls are of concrete block,with brick firewalls between compartments.Each end wall is of frame construction,covered with metal siding,presumably to allow for the possibility of future expansion at each end. The front elevation and interior space of each compartment has been individualized over the years to suit the needs of each business that has occupied them.Each compartment generally follows a similar interior division between a small front office and warehouse space to the rear,but two compartments (14 and 16)have been subdivided into numerous smaller sections for individual businesses.In compartments 18 and 19,the east front corner is partitioned as an office and a showroom. 1 The pasted update of the Sanborn map of that year shows units 14 -16 in place, and the section of the warehouse beyond No. 16 extends off the map book page and was folded over, however it has been torn off. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 Page 5 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Although built within the period of significance,the warehouse is noncontributing due to extensive alterations after 1955.A few sections of the front elevation retain exposed concrete block,but most sections have been covered with plywood siding.A continuous prominent boxed plywood cornice surmounts units 14-17.All units have replacement plate glass doors and display windows.The reconfiguration of the facades of the compartments occurred in the 1960s and 1970s as the spaces were rented to business tenants.The warehouse sections of each unit have freight doors with replacement metal or plastic garage doors on rolling ceiling tracks. The rear elevation of Warehouse 14-19 is basically unaltered,with wide brick firewalls,concrete block walls, and some sections covered with metal siding.Twelve-pane metal windows with central awning sections that open for ventilation illuminate the upper wall area.In the center of the lower wall area of each compartment is a door. NC-alt. 6. Warehouse 20-21. Early 1950s The third and last warehouse constructed in the row contains two compartments, numbers 20 and 21. The same 140-foot depth as the other warehouses, the building is 190 feet wide. Compartment 20 is divided into 20a and 20b. Compartment 21 is undivided. This warehouse is of identical construction to Warehouse 14-19, and was apparently constructed gradually like the second warehouse. An identical brick firewall with angled corners and terra cotta coping is set between the two compartments. The front and rear walls are of concrete block. The unaltered rear elevation contains corrugated metal doors in the lower wall and eight-pane metal windows with central awning sections that open for ventilation. Like the second warehouse, the front of this warehouse has been modernized by the addition of a frame boxed cornice and the addition of various metal and plate glass windows and doors. Compartment 20 has a timber frame, while No. 21 has a steel frame. Although built within the period of significance, the warehouse is noncontributing due to extensive alteration of the façade and interior spaces after 1955. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 6 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Section 8:Statement of Significance The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse,a complex of three warehouses,an office,a packing building and a weigh station and scale,developed from ca.1923 to the early 1950s at 1505 Capital Boulevard,a light industrial area along the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks about one mile north of downtown Raleigh.The first warehouse, built about 1923 by N.E.Edgerton as a cotton warehouse,is a massive,140 x 400 foot two-story reinforced concrete building with six storage compartments facing to the south and six in an upper story facing to the north.Its utilitarian architecture admits no decorative features,but the sturdy concrete walls,textured by the imprint of the planked forms,and the heavy timber interior support posts and ceiling joists have inspired generations of customers to entrust their goods to the warehouse.A prominent system of sprinkler pipes and the original metal doors attest to the building’s fireproof nature.The original stuccoed office building,doubled in size in the 1940s,stands in front of the warehouse.The concrete block packing building,ca.1949,and tiny weigh station with adjacent scale,early 1950s,are next to the warehouse.Soon after construction Edgerton expanded into the moving and storage business of general household and business goods.In the late 1940s and early 1950s he added two additional concrete block warehouses. The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse complex meets National Register Criteria A for commerce and C for architecture and engineering.The two-story building,over 112,000 square foot in size,with reinforced concrete walls and heavy timber framing,is one of the earliest,largest,and best-preserved commercial warehouses in Raleigh.In its use of reinforced concrete construction,the warehouse exemplifies the innovations in structural engineering in factory and warehouse design that transformed industrial construction during the early twentieth century.The warehouse,with annexes constructed in the 1940s and early 1950s,served as one of the primary repositories of durable goods in Raleigh throughout the remainder of the twentieth century.Because its commercial significance is not exceptional within the past fifty years,the period of significance for the complex ends in 1956. Historical Background and Commerce Context In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,Raleigh (at the eastern edge of the piedmont,the heart of North Carolina’s textile manufacturing)was not a major textile mill center like cities to the west such as Greensboro,Winston-Salem,and Charlotte,despite the capital city’s location.There were about a half-dozen textile mills in Raleigh,including the Raleigh Cotton Mill,614 Capital Boulevard,owned by R.S.Pullen,and Pilot Mill,both located north of the city along the railroad tracks.Since Raleigh was situated between the textile manufacturing area and eastern counties where much of the cotton was grown,it attempted to develop itself as a cotton market.The city cotton buying platform,where farmers sold their baled cotton to industrial buyers,stood in the 1920s on East Cabarrus Street.Cotton was shipped to Raleigh from the cotton belt in eastern North Carolina,stored in the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse,then transferred to various textile mills in the region. In 1920, the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce proposed the construction of a large cotton storage warehouse to NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 7 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina offer a market for the cotton of Eastern Carolina farmers and the textile mills of the North Carolina piedmont section.2 That same year N.E.Edgerton of Raleigh purchased an approximately forty-acre tract along the tracks of the Norfolk Southern Railway and the Seaboard Air Line Railway a short distance from the Raleigh Cotton Mill and Pilot Mill (Wake DB 358,30).The long rectangular tract was described as being the same tract conveyed to State Packing Company in 1917 (Wake DB 316,page 591).On a map of “Georgetown”(Wake County Book of Maps 1911,page 126),Edgerton’s new acreage was tracts No.9 and No.12.Georgetown,a residential subdivision located off Whitaker Mill Road,consists of the streets of Georgetown,Pershing,Carson, and others. Edgerton built exactly what the Chamber of Commerce envisioned—a big cotton warehouse (Figure 1).The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse opened for business in 1923.Norman Edward Edgerton (1898-1995),known as “N. E.”Edgerton,was the son of Noah Edgerton.N.E.grew up in Selma,N.C.,where his father owned a cotton mill.He remained president of the business until his death at the age of ninety-six in 1995.Records of the construction and early operation of the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse have not been located.A fire at the office in the 1960s apparently destroyed most of the business records.3 N.E.Edgerton,a 1921 graduate of Duke University,was a prominent member of Raleigh’s business,civic,and social scene.His mother was a niece of R.S.Pullen,one of Raleigh’s most prominent late nineteenth-century industrialists and philanthropists.Edgerton served as president of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce,Kiwanis Club,Shrine Club,and the YMCA.He and his mother donated the site for the New Life Camp of the YMCA and YWCA,in northern Wake County.He was a life-long member of the Carolina Country Club and of the Edenton Street United Methodist Church.In 1935 he and his wife Mishew constructed a mansion on Oberlin Road in Raleigh,designed by Virginia architect Lawrence Bottomly.Tatton Hall,as the Georgian-style residence was known,was the scene of many elegant gatherings.4 Historically, a bonded warehouse was a building in which goods liable for duty taxes were stored until the duty had been paid. Such warehouses were established by the government or by private enterprise, often at ports adjacent to customs houses. The warehouse owner gave security by bond to the tax officials, and thus was said to be “bonded.”5 Commercial warehouses functioned for temporary storage of goods along rail lines, highways, and ports and waterways, usually at transfer points where goods were being transferred from one mode of transport to another. In North Carolina, the two cities of Charlotte and Greensboro were important distribution centers in the early twentieth century and contained large numbers of warehouses. Raleigh, further east, handled fewer goods. In 1920 there were three commercial warehouses in Raleigh.6 2 “Chamber Wants To Promote Big Cotton Warehouse,”The Raleigh Times,Oct.28,1920. 3 Alton B.Smith Jr.interview with the author,June 21,2005. 4 “Raleigh ‘gentleman’dies at 96,”The News &Observer,Raleigh,March 8,1995. 5 “Bonded Warehouse.”LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia.2003. 6 “Raleigh Has Licensed 907 Enterprises,”The Raleigh Times,Oct. 28, 1920. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 8 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina In Charlotte,North Carolina,a major distribution center since the early twentieth century,there were eight storage warehouses and eleven transfer and moving companies by the late 1920s.Some storage companies offered only warehousing,while some transfer companies offered only shipping services.A few offered both services,such as the Union Storage and Warehouse Company,which offered storage and moving services for residential customers,merchandise storage for businesses,and general warehousing for manufacturers in the building they constructed in 1927 at 1000 West Morehead Street.It was one of the earliest warehouses built along Charlotte’s emerging industrial corridors.The building is constructed entirely of reinforced concrete,with concrete flooring and piers and brick curtain walls.From the beginning the company was an agent for the Aero-Mayflower Transit Company.Portions of the building were also leased out to manufacturers’agents for products such as chemicals, electrical appliances,and dry goods.7 In Raleigh,in the early 1920s,Edgerton’s selection of reinforced concrete for the walls of his 112,000-square- foot warehouse reflected his desire for a sturdy,fireproof,and economical building.The main railroad lines are to the rear,with a spur line that extended along the front (east)side of the warehouse until recent years.The primary commodity stored for many years was cotton.In 1928 Edgerton incorporated the Edgerton Cotton Company to buy cotton directly.Jesse Davis,who later served as general manager of the bonded warehouse, was secretary,and experienced cotton man F.T.Johnson was the buyer.8 It is not known how long this company lasted.The cotton market suffered in the late 1920s as the boll weevil and then the Depression weakened the textile industry.Raleigh Bonded Warehouse may have been a diversified storage facility from its construction. A pictorial advertisement for the business in the 1926 city directory illustrates a truck,its side labeled “Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Inc.,Moving,Storage,Crating”9 (Fig.2).Edgerton’s fleet of trucks moved and stored household and business goods and other commodities.Present owner Alton Smith Jr.notes that the company always handled commodities storage,such as furniture and appliances.One important source of business was the temporary storage of goods in private estates,prior to disposition to the heirs.The first-story compartments were used for cotton,and furniture and other goods in the upper story.As late as 1982,however,a small amount of cotton was still stored in the warehouse complex,but moving and storage of durable goods constituted the primary activity of the company from the 1930s to the 1990s. By 1940 the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse had become the exclusive local agent of Aero Mayflower Transit Company for long-distance moving. This relationship lasted until about 1960. In the 1960s Raleigh Bonded Warehouse was the agent of Allied Van Lines, and later of Bekins Van Lines.10 One important segment of Raleigh Bonded Warehouse’s business was moving and storage for military families at North Carolina military bases such as Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune. Families were often shipped overseas for extended military duty, and their household goods were crated and stored at the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse for the duration of their 7 Mattson and Alexander,(Former)Union Storage and Warehouse Company Building National Register Nomination,2001. 8 “New Cotton Firm Chartered Here,”The News &Observer,Raleigh,Oct.7,1928. 9 Raleigh City Directory,1926.Advertisement on front inside cover. 10 Alton B. Smith, Jr., interview with the author, June 21, 2005; Raleigh city directories. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 9 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina absence.Perhaps the most unusual items ever stored in the warehouse were pieces of the Berlin Wall after it came down in 1990.11 The Sanborn Map of 1949,documentary photos that predate 1953,and city directories provide a general chronology of the expansion of the complex into the six buildings that stand today.An additional source for building dates is the recollection of present owner Alton Smith Jr.,who says that the complex reached its present size by 1954.The 1949 update of the Raleigh Sanborn map shows the complex in its present form,except for the Weigh Station and the two warehouse annexes that had not yet been built.A portion of Units 14-19 are included, but the rest of the complex,depicted on a fold-over,has been torn out.An aerial photograph and an overall view of the complex from the ground,taken by Raleigh photographer Albert Barden,who died in 1953,show all six buildings (Fig.1 and 3).Thus the complex existed as it stands today by 1953. A sampling of the directory listings for the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse from 1930 to the present gives general dates for the construction of the two additional warehouses.City directory listings document the expansion of the complex to three warehouses between 1948 and 1953.12 Until 1948 the listings in the street section of the directories indicate that only the original warehouse and the office existed.In 1949 the number of businesses at the site expand to include five additional businesses:Pure Oil Company,Central Sash &Door Company,Inc., Pearce Sales Company (manufacturers agents);Highway and Industrial Equipment Company;and Thomas A. Lynn Company,Inc.(refactories).These five businesses correspond roughly to the five units in Building No.5, indicating construction of this building about 1949.However,the outer units,no.14 and no.19,may have been added somewhat later.In 1950 Pearce Sales Company and Highway &Industrial Equipment Company were no longer listed.The Central Sash &Door Company remained in the complex until 1957,Thomas A.Lynn Company remained until 1961. By 1953 two new businesses, Minneapolis-Moline Company (agricultural implements) and Dillard Paper Company, were listed. Dillard Paper remained a tenant until 1961; Minneapolis-Moline Company until 1957. In 1955 the U. S. Plywood Corporation (wholesale) appeared as a tenant.Beginning in 1959 the directory distinguished between 1505 and 1537 Downtown Boulevard. At 1505 (presumably Building No. 1) were the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse, Dillard Paper Company, and Aero-Mayflower Transit Company. At 1537 (presumably Buildings No. 5 and 6) were the Thomas A. Lynn Company, Raleigh Roofing Company, Household Distributors (wholesale floor coverings), Glenwood Hardware & Supply Company, Southern Roofing & Metals Company Inc., and the U. S. Plywood Corporation. Currently the entire complex is listed as 1505 Capital 11 Alton Smith Jr.interview. 12 In order to track the company in the directories, it is necessary to understand the changes in name of the adjacent road. Originally known as Louisburg Road, it became Wake Forest Road by 1941. In 1959 the name of the road changed to Downtown Boulevard, and two numbers are listed at the site—1505 and 1537.In the 1990s it was renamed Capital Boulevard, but retained the 1505 number. Until the mid-1960s, the occupants are listed from east to west. By the mid-1960s the listings switch to a west-to-east order, with the businesses in Building 6 listed first, then Building 5, then Building 1, the original warehouse. The ascending order from west to east is logical because street addresses increase from the center of town going toward the outskirts. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 10 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Boulevard. During the 1960s Raleigh Bonded Warehouse switched to Allied Van Lines as their trucking fleet.The businesses occupying the two newer warehouses continued to be wholesale building supply and light industrial companies. In the late 1960s the tenants in Buildings 5 and 6 changed from light industrial and wholesale building supply companies to retail stores selling building products,furniture,and plants.In 1969 Plastics and Fiber Glass Products Company moved into Building No.5.They occupy Unit no.19 at present,presumably the same unit that they have occupied since 1969.Also in 1969,the Giant Decorator Store,which sold carpet,wallpaper,electrical fixtures and other interior building products,moved into Building No.6 and remained there until at least 1980. Businesses such as Metrolease Furniture Sales Outlet,Flower Mart Inc.,Hampton Kitchens of Raleigh Inc.,and Shepherd Electric Supply Company occupied the complex in 1980. Raleigh Bonded president Alton Smith Jr.describes the heyday of the company from the 1940s to 1979 as the “Golden Days.”During these years the site bustled with teams of traveling truckers who moved back and forth across the country transporting domestic households as well as business goods.There were numerous husband and wife teams.The complex functioned as an early version of the truck stops now located on the nation’s interstate highways.The basement of the office was outfitted as a truckers’lounge,including a dining room with televisions,a snack bar,showers and bathrooms.Every few years during the 1940s and early 1950s another compartment was constructed.Building 5,containing compartments 14 to 19,was constructed gradually in the late 1940s;Building 6,containing compartments 20-21,was built in the early 1950s.No further construction took place after 1953.13 The erection of the metal canopy over the loading docks along the front and rear of the 1923 warehouse,as well as in front of Unit no.18 in Building 5,probably was in response to the need to protect furniture and other perishable goods from the rain.The dock covers appear in the earliest known photographs of the complex,from the late 1940s or early 1950s. Systemic and regulatory changes in the shipping industry in the 1960s and 1970s altered the economic climate for moving and storage companies such as the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse. Storage of bulk commodities in bonded warehouses became obsolete by the mid-1960s due to the introduction of Malcolm McLean’s integrated transportation system, known as containerization. Cargo is loaded into a large metal container that is sealed, then loaded onto a truck or train for distribution to the shipping terminal. The cargo is handled only at the source and at the destination, with no need for temporary storage in between.14 In 1979 government deregulation of the trucking industry resulted in a major change in the culture of the moving and storage industry. Companies consolidated, small trucking teams were forced out, costs increased, and the business became super- competitive.15 13Aerial Photo of the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse complex,Barden Collection,N.C.State Archives.Albert Barden died in 1953,thus the undated photograph predates his death;Alton B.Smith,Jr.,interview with the author,June 21,2005. 14 Port of Los Angeles Virtual History Tour: Warehouse No. 1, page 2. [www.laporthistory.org] 15 Alton Smith Jr. interview. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 11 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina N.E.Edgerton presided over the changes to his industry throughout his lifetime,remaining the president and treasurer of the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse until 1995,the year of his death.His wife Mishew was secretary of the company until she died in 1985.Their grandson Alton B.Smith Jr.began working with his grandparents at the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse about 1982.By 1990 he had become the secretary of the company.Following Mr. Edgerton’s death,he became the president,and has managed the business since that time.16 In 1990 the complex was still fully occupied by wholesale and retail businesses,including a tile distributorship, Hampton Kitchens sales office,Shepherd Electric Supply Company,Parrish Tire Company,Mel Davis & Associates,Inc.(office supplies),and Storr Office Environment Inc.warehouse of office equipment.By 2005 only a few tenants remained in the buildings.Raleigh Bonded Warehouse continues to utilize Building No.1 and operates a Data Storage Company in Unit 15.However the company has shifted into logistics and data management,and has moved its main operations to a new facility in the nearby town of Morrisville.The only other active business is Plastics &Fiberglass,which still occupies Unit 19.The complex has recently been sold to a company that plans to re-utilize the complex as a mixed use development Architecture/Engineering Context for Commercial Warehouses: The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse in Raleigh is eligible under Criterion C for architecture and engineering.The two-story reinforced concrete building with a heavy timber frame reflects a transitional period in industrial construction in early-twentieth century Raleigh from load-bearing brick to reinforced concrete.The oldest known warehouse in Raleigh is the Southern Railway Freight Depot at 327 W.Davie Street,built about 1912. [Depot Historic District,National Register,2002].The one-story freight depot is constructed of a heavy timber frame and load-bearing brick walls.It contains a front office area with segmental-arched windows with granite trim,brick pilasters,and arched entrance with fanlight and sidelights.The rear of the building is a warehouse area containing fifteen bays,each with arched double wooden doors.A shallow gable roof covers the entire building.A row of small wood casement windows on all four elevations illuminates the upper area of the building.A shed roof on wooden brackets shelters a platform along the west elevation,with a loading platform with flat-roofed canopy along the south side.A rail spur extends along the east elevation.It was built and occupied by Southern Railway and is now owned by Norfolk Southern Railway.A 1920s documentary photo shows carts with bales of cotton being unloaded into the warehouse for shipment on the railroad.In plan the warehouse section of the freight depot is quite similar to the ca.1923 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse,but its construction continues nineteenth-century industrial tradition.The fanlighted entrance and arched windows with granite trim of the front office area makes a dignified architectural statement for the Southern Railway. Another early-twentieth century Raleigh warehouse is the Cotton Oil &Fertilizer Company Warehouse at 310- 314 S.Harrington Street [Depot Historic District].Built about 1914,the one-story gabled building has the same 16 Alton Smith Jr. interview. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 8 Page 12 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina load-bearing brick walls and heavy timber frame as the Southern Railway Freight Depot.Unlike the depot,this warehouse has been heavily altered by the infilling of its original arched windows and the addition of later windows and garage doors. The ca.1923 Raleigh Cotton Warehouse is the third oldest warehouse known in Raleigh and the earliest known example of reinforced concrete construction in the city.Reinforced concrete construction began to be used in construction in the early twentieth century,generally in industrial applications such as highway bridges.The first unadorned concrete and steel building that was acknowledged to be good architecture was the A.E.G.Turbine Factory in Berlin,by architect Peter Behrens,in 1909-1910.17 Reinforced concrete architecture became important in the development of modern American architecture in the 1920s. The 1927 Union Storage and Warehouse Company in Charlotte [NR 2001]is the same type of moving and storage company as the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse company,however their two buildings have very different architecture and engineering.The Union building has a framework of reinforced concrete flooring and piers that exemplifies the most up-to-date innovations in concrete engineering.The upper floor is supported by a series of mushroom columns,with flared capitals that press against the concrete slab floor.The mushroom column eliminated the need for ceiling joists.The concrete floor was held in place by its steel reinforcing.C.A.P. Turner,a Minneapolis engineer,developed this innovative framing technique in 1907 and 1908.It transformed industrial construction in the early twentieth century,and was disseminated nationwide by the 1920s.18 The Union building had not only more sophisticated engineering,but aspired to be architecture as well.The brick veneer that covers the exterior of the Union warehouse,as well as its decorative concrete entrance with classical pediment, make an architectural statement on behalf of the corporate owners. In comparison to the Union warehouse in Charlotte, the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse, built some five years earlier, represents a transitional stage of warehouse construction from the old heavy timber construction into reinforced concrete construction. The unknown contractor who built the Raleigh warehouse may not have been familiar with the mushroom columns, concrete girders, and concrete slab flooring system. Charlotte was a larger, more industrial city than Raleigh, and probably had architects and engineers who specialized in industrial construction. The Raleigh Bonded Warehouse, as the oldest known reinforced concrete building in Raleigh, yet with a timber frame, exemplifies the transitional period in industrial engineering in Raleigh. 17 Hitchcock,Architecture:Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,459. 18 Mattson and Alexander, Union Storage Building National Register nomination, 8.6. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 9 Page 13 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Section 9:Bibliography Bishir,Catherine and Southern,Michael.A Guide to The Historic Architecture of Piedmont North Carolina. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,2003. “Bonded Warehouse.”LoveToKnow 1911 Online Encyclopedia.2003. Barden,Albert.Documentary aerial and ground photos of Raleigh Bonded Warehouse,pre-1953.Collection of the N.C.State Archives,Raleigh. “Chamber Wants To Promote Big Cotton Warehouse,”The Raleigh Times,Oct.28,1920. Hitchcock,Henry Russell.Architecture:Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.Baltimore,Md.:Penguin Books, Inc.,1971. Mattson,Richard and Alexander,Frances.Union Storage Building National Register Nomination.N.C. Historic Preservation Office,2001. “New Cotton Firm Chartered Here.”The News &Observer,Raleigh.Oct.7,1928. Raleigh City Directories,1926-1990.N.C.State Library,Raleigh. “Raleigh ‘gentleman’dies at 96,”The News &Observer,Raleigh.March 8,1995. Ross,Helen.Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Survey File.Raleigh Comprehensive Architectural Survey,1990.N. C.Historic Preservation Office. Sanborn map,Raleigh.1914,updated to 1949.Original copy in the N.C.State Archives,Raleigh. Smith,Alton B.Jr.Interview with the author.June 21,2005. Port of Los Angeles Virtual History Tour. www.laporthistory.org. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 10 Page 14 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Section 10:Boundaries Boundary Description: The 15.67 acre parcel containing the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse complex is shown on the attached GIS map: Parcel No.1704976210. Boundary Justification: The nominated parcel is the entire tract currently associated with the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse.Although Buildings No. 5 and 6 are warehouses that are noncontributing due to alterations, they are included in the boundary because they have been important historic components of the Raleigh Bonded Warehouse complex. They were constructed ca. 1949 and in the early 1950s to expand the complex’s storage and wholesale distributorship functions. Further, they are linked to the original 1923 building by a continuous loading dock and have the potential to become contributing through reversal of the unsympathetic changes. NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No.1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section Photos Page 15 Raleigh Bonded Warehouse Wake County,North Carolina Photographs: The following information pertains to all photographs: Photographer:M.Ruth Little Date:June 2005 Location of Negatives:State Historic Preservation Office,Raleigh,North Carolina. A.Overview of complex from southeast. B.Building No.1,ca.1923,view from southeast. C.View of loading dock of Building No.1,from east. D.Rear view of Building No.1 from east. E.Rear view of Building No.1 from west. F.View of Buildings Nos.5 and 6 from southeast. G.Packing Building from west. H.Interior of Unit 4 in Building No.1. 7/16/2021 My Map ArcGIS - My Map USFWS_Critical_Habitat - Critical Habitat - Linear Features - Final USFWS_Critical_Habitat - Critical Habitat - Polygon Features - Final I cr-icc I ugh USFWS_Critical_Habitat - Critical Habitat - Linear Features- Proposed USFWS_Critical_Habitat - Critical Habitat - Polygon Features - Proposed C ecar St Mordecai Park erry sr Poplar Spring Park tiS La fay eT to Rd Harriira Sr Frank Sr 600ft Esri, NASA, NGA, USGS, FEMA I Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of Raleigh, Town of Cary, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, BuildingFootprintUSA, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, INCREMENT P, METI/NASA, USGS, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA I The data found in this file were developed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service field offices. For more information please refer to the species level metadata found with the individual shapefiles. The ECOS Joint Development Team is responsible for creating and serving this conglomerate file. No data alterations are made by ECOS. https://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/print.html 1/1 APPENDIX D – BUFFER IMPACT EXHIBIT Temporary Zone 2 Impacts = 10,321 SF Temporary Zone 1 Impacts = 9,165 SF Temporary Stream Impacts = 9,220 SF Zone 2 Permanent Impacts = 128 SF Temporary Zone 2 Impacts = 1,996 SF Temporary Zone 1 Impacts = 1,448 SF 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 9+5010+0011+0012+0013+00 286.39 LF OF 18"DR 18 C900 PVC @ 3.05%Pr 18" RCP STORM SEWER FFFFF CLASS 1 RIP RAP 18" DEEP WITH FILTER FABRIC BASE FLOOD ELEV = 253.7 INV OUT: 244.00 (18" NE) INV IN: 246.49 (18" W) INV OUT: 233.19 (36" NW) INV IN: 233.29 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.25 (18" SW)SSMH 32STA F10+00.00RIM = 246.69SSMH 32ASTA F12+86.39RIM = 250.936' DIA OVER EX MAINEPOXY COATEDF&C S-26EXISTING GRADE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY D DLTLTLTLT LTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTRIP-RAPZON E 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2SSS S S S INLET INLET U OLD WILLIAMSON ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD (N O R T H B O U N D ) CA P I T A L B L V D EXI T R A M P TO W A D E A V E CAPITAL B L V D ( S O U T H B O U N D ) CAPITAL B L V D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) PIGEON H O U S E B R A N C HWADE AVENUEUS-1/SR-40 1 US-1/SR-40 1 31 32 32A F10+00 F11+ 0 0 F12+ 0 0 F12+ 8 6 35 33 36 34 270 S10 + 0 0 S11 + 0 0 S11+09 TOP OF BANK ZONE 1 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 RIPARIAN BUFFER30'20'TOP OF BANK 18" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 SSMH-1943 RIM ELEV 250.65 INV OUT (E) 246.10 INV IN (NW) 246.20 TO BE ABANDONED 18" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SSMH-1904 RIM ELEV 250.55 INV OUT (E) 245.55 INV IN (W) 245.60 TO BE ABANDONED RIM ELEV 251.97 INV OUT (NE) 241.99 INV IN (S) 242.08 INV IN (SE) INACCESIBLE INV IN (SW) INACCESIBLE INV'S TOO FAR RECESSED SSMH-1902 RIM ELEV 251.75 INV OUT (N) 242.50 INV IN (W) 245.40 INV IN (E) 244.2 INV IN (S) 242.55 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 12" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 STOT TOP ELEV=251.80 INV IN (S)=247.5 (+/-) PIPE NOT VISIBLE CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.25 CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.50 CREEK ℄ UNDER PIPE ELEV=235.80 SSMH-1901 RIM ELEV 251.65 INV OUT (NE) 241.65 INV IN (S) 241.85 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SSMH-31 RIM ELEV 253.06 INV OUT (S) 242.30 INV IN (W) 242.28 SSMH-1921 RIM ELEV 251.45 INV OUT (W) 246.45 INV IN (E) 247.45 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STOT TOP ELEV 252.05 PIPES NOT VISIBLE 240 238 238 239 241 242 243 245 244 246 247 248 250 249 251 252 IP IP252 251 250 252 252 252 245 238 238 239 252 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 255 256 257 SSMH-1910 RIM ELEV 252.00 INV OUT (W) 249.20 INV IN (E) 249.35 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SEE NOTE 7 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 18" SANITARY SEWER GREENWAY BOUNDARY SEE GREENWAY GENERAL NOTES SSMH-1941 RIM ELEV 250.10 INV OUT (SE) 246.30 INV IN (W) 246.25 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.10 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION STCI RIM ELEV 251.63 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION CLASS 1 RIP RAP 18" DEEP WITH FILTER FABRIC 8" SANITARY SEWER 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 TO BE ABANDONED TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 230 235 240 245 250 230 235 240 245 250 9+7510+0011+0011+25 INV OUT: 239.00 (8" NE) INV OUT: 232.51 (36" NE) INV IN: 232.71 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.00 (8" SW)SSMH 270STA S11+09.05RIM = 249.99SSMH 31STA S10+00.00RIM = 251.00109.05 LF OF 8" DR18 RJ C900 PVC @ 3.67% SSSS 6" LATERAL EXISTING GRADE 6" LATERAL 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 MATCH LINE SEE C2.07This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH EBS SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 SIDE SEWER "F" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. 5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE CHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOW TOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE. 6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 7.DEMOLISH AERIAL SEWER CROSSING FROM EDGE OF EMBANKMENT TO EDGE OF EMBANKMENT GREENWAY GENERAL NOTES: 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE PROJECT ADVANCED WARNING SIGNS. THESE SIGNS SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR 45 DAYS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BEGINS. THE SIGNS SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF CLOSING THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. PLAN AND PROFILE C2.08 SIDE SEWER "S" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' BRUNSON SCOTT ENTERPRISES, LLC DB 16789 PG 2238 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704653450 MILLSTREAM PROPERTIES, LLC DB 14906 PG 2390 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704652245 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ Temporary Zone 2 Impacts = 5,531 SF Temporary Zone 1 Impacts = 10,178 SF Temporary Stream Impacts = 5,945 SF Zone 2 Permanent Impacts = 158 SF Zone 1 Permanent Impacts = 100 SF EOPEOPEOPEOPW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)WWSSSWHBC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBOUND)GB-06 GB-07 MW-1 TMW-06 21 19 20 40 I13+32I10+00 I11+00I12+00 I13+0039+0040+0041+008" PVC SANITARY SEWER 6" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 8" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 6" SANITARY SEWER AERIAL CROSSING TO BE DEMOLISHED SEE NOTE 3 CREEK CROSSING 4 AERIAL CREEK CROSSING 'A' 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH-9006 RIM EL 235.30 GROUND EL 235.30 INV OUT (E) 222.45 INV IN (W) 222.50 INV IN (NE) 223.30 INV IN (S) 222.60 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTES 4 & 5 SSMH-787 RIM EL 236.75 GROUND EL 236.75 INV OUT (N) 225.60 INV IN (W) 225.85 INV IN (E) 226.65 TO BE REPLACED 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 1989 PG 1452 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER, TO BE ABANDONDED 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 1989 PG 1452 GI-1780 RIM EL 234.75 INV OUT (S) 232.15 18" RCP STORM SEWER INV 229.65 GI-1646 RIM EL 235.85 INV OUT (W) 230.25 INV IN (E) 230.30 15" RCP STORM SEWER GI-1647 RIM EL 237.15 INV OUT (W) 232.20 STCI-11111 RIM EL 235.80 INV IN (E) 231.55 INV OUT (N) 231.50 CREEK ℄ EL 218.00 5 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC SANITARY SEWER IPJACKED AND BORED 48" STEEL CASING PIPE WITH 12-INCH SANITARY SEWER237236 236200' 46'47' ℄ 23 ℄ 23' SSMH-9007 RIM EL 236.20 GROUND EL 236.10 INV OUT (E) 223.75 INV IN (W) 2x24" 223.95 (BOTH) IN IN (W) 228.95 TO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 4 & 5 12'X40' LAUNCHING PIT 8" SANITARY SEWER 30' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 15' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 15' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 231229228227226225230224223222221220220225230235200' NC DOT ROW 40' LAUNCHING PIT 46'47' ℄ CAPITAL BLVD ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1(TYP)ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1(TYP)EOP℄ PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH BOTTOM OF CONCRETE PIER AT MINIMUM ELEVATION 220.00 AERIAL CROSSING 'A' 89.27 LF OF 20" STEEL CASING @ 0.75% 0.375" WALL THICKNESS EXTEND 20" CASING 10 FT INTO 48" CASING. PROVIDE STEEL BRACING PER DETAIL TO SECURE THE 20" INTO THE 48" CASING. BRICK/GROUT OPENING. 43'50' WELDED STEEL END CAP APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EL 235.76 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONDED 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 9+5010+0011+0012+0013+0013+40 260.51 LF OF 12" RJ DR 18 C900 PVC @ 0.75% ℄ CAPITAL BLVD 169 LF OF 48" STEEL CASING @ 0.75% 0.75" MIN WALL THICKNESS EOPEOPEOPINV OUT: 225.31 (12" NW) INV IN: 225.64 (8" NE)SSMH 40STA 12+60.51RIM = 237.72NCDOT R/W SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CLASS 2 RIP RAP 24" DEEP, VARIABLE WITH WITH FILTER FABRIC SSMH 20STA 41+06.35RIM = 235.9971.02 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC @ 0.50%SSMH 787STA 13+31.53RIM = 237.01INV OUT: 226.00 (8" SW) INV IN: 226.10 (8" NE) INV OUT: 220.38 (36" NE) INV IN: 220.48 (36" SW) INV IN: 223.36 (12" SE) IIIIII EXISTING GRADE 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 9+7510+0010+75 64.34 LF OF 8" C900 PVC @ 1.00% INV OUT: 215.39 (36" NE) INV IN: 215.49 (36" SW) INV IN: 219.36 (8" N)SSMH 17STA D10+00.00RIM = 231.50INV OUT: 220.00 (8" S) INV IN: 225.00 (6" SW) INV IN: 224.60 (8" NW)SSMH 1794STA D10+64.34RIM = 233.035' DIA INSIDE DROPF&C S-26DD D INSIDE DROP SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT NCDOT R/W 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 9+7510+0011+00 71.34 LF OF 12" C900 PVC @ 4.98% INV OUT: 208.29 (42" NE) INV IN: 208.39 (42" SW) INV IN: 211.00 (12" NW)SSMH 11STA C10+00.00RIM = 226.00SSMH 9000STA 10+71.34RIM = 227.54INV OUT: 214.55 (12" SE) INV IN: 218.40 (4" W) INV IN: 214.60 (12" SW) C CC Profile View of Harris Wholesale 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 9+7510+0010+75 31.24 LF OF 10" DR 18 C900 @ 1.50% 33.47 LF OF 10" SDR35 PVC @ 1.50% INV IN: 228.35 (10" NW) INV OUT: 228.25 (10" S)SSMH 18BSTA E10+64.71RIM = 234.134' DIAF&C S-26INV OUT: 220.00 (10" SE) INV IN: 227.75 (10" N)SSMH 18STA E10+00.00RIM = 233.87EEE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT NCDOT R/W 6" LATERAL INV OUT: 217.77 (36" NE) INV IN: 217.87 (36" SW) INV IN: 219.53 (10" NW)SSMH 18ASTA E10+31.24RIM = 234.004' DIAF&C S-265 LF OF 10" SDR35 PVC INSIDE DROP 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 9+7510+0010+75 INV OUT: 228.71 (36" E) INV IN: 228.81 (36" W) INV IN: 250.14 (8" N)SSMH 27ASTA J10+38.68RIM = 257.0838.68 LF OF 8" SDR 35 PVC @ 1.50% 13.27 LF OF 8" SDR 35 PVC @ 1.50%SSMH 27BSTA J10+51.96RIM = 256.59SSMH 27STA 56+31.92RIM = 255.57INSIDE DROP JJJ INV OUT: 251.12 (8" W) INV IN: 251.32 (8" N) INV OUT: 250.72 (8" S) INV IN: 250.92 (8" E) 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 3.DEMOLISH AERIAL SEWER CROSSING FROM EDGE OF EMBANKMENT TO EDGE OF EMBANKMENT.. 4.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 5.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISH GRADE AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINNSHURGARD MORNINGSTAR SELF STORAGE D DEPT-PT-NC 08672 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE CA 91221-5025 SIDE SEWER "I" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' PLAN SCALE 1"=30' SIDE SEWER "D" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' SIDE SEWER "C" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' SIDE SEWER "E" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' D D This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH EBS SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 D CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ PLAN AND PROFILE C2.10 SIDE SEWER "J" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' Temporary Zone 2 Impacts = 1,807 SF Temporary Zone 1 Impacts = 1,604 SF Temporary Stream Impacts = 5,180 SF Zone 2 Permanent Impacts = 200 SF B7+68 B0+00B1+ 0 0 B2+ 0 0 B3+ 0 0 B4+ 0 0 B5+00 B6+00 B7+00 HOUSEBRANCHUNNAMED TR IBU TARY C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D TO W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P (NORTHBOUND ) S SSS S GDINLETSSPIGEON HOUSE BRANCHN C G S " B O N D E D " B A S E P O I N T O F S I T E L O C A L I Z A T I O N P U B L I S H E D G R I D :US - 1 / SR - 4 0 1 DDC A P I T A L B LVD FRON TAGE ROAD 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINED 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINEDSERVICE LATERAL 5 LF 24" DIP SANITARY SEWER 8" VCP SANITARY SEWER 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 5 LF 8" SDR35 PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH-1801 RIM EL 234.00 GROUND EL 230.80 INV OUT (NE) 224.00 INV IN (S) 226.30 SSMH-1798 RIM EL 230.90 GROUND EL 230.80 INV OUT (NE) 222.20 INV IN (S) 222.40 SSMH-1019 RIM EL 229.20 GROUND EL 229.20 INV OUT (NE) 219.45 INV IN (S) 219.50 TO BE REHABILITATED SSMH-9011 RIM EL 229.55 GROUND EL 229.60 INV OUT (NE) 217.55 INV IN (W) 217.60 INV IN (SW) 218.65 TO BE REHABILITATED SSMH-9003 RIM EL 226.70 GROUND EL 226.40 INV OUT (E) 215.95 INV IN (NE) 216.15 (PLUGGED) INV IN (SW) 216.05 TO BE REPLACED 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SSMH-9004 RIM EL 226.75 GROUND EL 226.45 ℄ 217.25 (FILLED W/ DIRT) TO BE ABANDONED SEE SHEET C-004 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 2005 PG 1571 GI-1638 RIM EL 226.70 INV IN (N) 219.95 OTI-1636 RIM EL 225.15 INV OUT (S) 220.65 INV IN (N) 220.80 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.05 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.25 18" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.40 STMH-1198 RIM EL 228.75 INV OUT 224.90 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SCALED FROM BM 2005 PG 1571 A N T . L T L T L T W / L T W / L T L T L T L T L T L T L T S C R U B E ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZON E 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 224" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED CREEK ℄ EL 212.75 6" LATERAL, SEE NOTE 2 AERIAL CREEK CROSSING 'B' PROPOSED CITY OF RALEIGH EGRESS/INGRESS EASEMENT OVER TOP OF EXISTING ACCESS EASEMENT 2342332322312302292292302292282272262252242232222212202192182172162 1 5216217218219220221222223224225226 228230230 2 2 9 2 2 9 2272282 2 9 2 2 9 2 3 0 231231 230 229 228227226 2 2 5 2 2 4 24" SANITARY SEWER Profile View of Phase 3 - MH-13 TO SSMH-1780 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 -0+500+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+008+50 VENT PIPE EL 228.35 APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EL 225.50 499' NC DOT ROAD ROW 26' ℄ WAKE FOREST RD EXIT RAMP EOP EOP ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1 (TYP)ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1 (TYP)℄ PIGEON HOUSE CLASS 2 RIP RAP PER, 24" DEEP, VARIABLE WIDTH WITH FILTER FABRIC BOTTOM OF CONCRETE PIER AT MINIMUM ELEVATION 216.00 ELEC SER 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.02 ELEC SER AERIAL CROSSING 'B' 148.66 LF OF RESTRAINED JOINT 8" DR18 C900 PVC @ 1.01% INSIDE 16" STEEL CASING, 0.375 WALL THICKNESS WITH ONLY ONE PIER ON UPSTREAM SIDE OPEN-CUT INSTALLATION OF CASING BETWEEN MANHOLES 48 LF 24" DR18 C900 PVC @0.99% 5 LF 24" C900 DR18 PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH 9003STA B0+15.00RIM = 228.005' DIA F&C S-26INV OUT: 220.96 (8" N) INV IN: 221.06 (8" S)SSMH 13CSTA B28+36.58RIM = 232.004' DIAF&C S-27INV OUT: 215.85 (24" N) INV IN: 216.05 (24" SW)SSMH 1798STA 6+88.00RIM = 231.03SSMH 1801STA B7+67.51RIM = 233.01SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CAPITAL BLVD SERVICE ROAD CAPITAL BLVD SOUTHBOUND LANE CAPITAL BLVD NORTHBOUND LANESSMH MH-1019STA B4+20.68RIM = 229.50TO BE REHABILATEDF&C S-26BBBBBBBBB BB 8" SANITARY SEWER 8" SANITARY SEWER INV OUT: 219.45 (8" NE) INV IN: 219.55 (8" S) 8" SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINED 24" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED 24" SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINEDSSMH 9011STA B2+34.35RIM = 229.59TO BE REHABILITATEDF&C S-266" LATERAL SSMH 13STA B0+00.00RIM = 224.64INV OUT: 210.66 (42" E) INV IN: 211.16 (36" W) INV IN: 213.00 (24" S) INV OUT: 217.55 (24" NE) INV IN: 218.65 (8" SW) INV IN: 217.60 (24" SW) INV OUT: 222.25 (8" N) INV IN: 222.40 (8" S) INV OUT: 224.00 (8" N) INV IN: 226.30 (8" SE) 3'5' 5 LF OF SDR35 PVC EXISTING GRADE 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015N PLAN SCALE 1"=30' PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH EBS SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ PLAN AND PROFILE C2.11 SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY & THE CITY OF RALEIGH TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND, MAINTAIN A SEWER PIPE DB 1777 PF 541 SPRINT CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS DB 6930 PG 398 BM 2005 PG 1571 PIN: 1704962475 Temporary Zone 2 Impacts = 6,233 SF Temporary Zone 1 Impacts = 4,100 SF Temporary Stream Impacts = 3,957 SF Zone 2 Permanent Impacts = 100 SF APPENDIX E – 100% DESIGN DRAWINGS VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 100' I-440 I-440I-440 NEW BERN AVE HILL S B O R O U G H S T WADE AVE CAPITAL BLVDUS 1US 40 1GLENWOOD AVE RALEIGH This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ TITLE SHEET T1.1 T1.1 COVER SHEET T1.2 KEY PLAN, NOTES, LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS C1.00 KEY PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.02 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.03 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.04 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.06 EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.07 EXISTING CONDITIONS C2.00 KEY PLAN - PROPOSED CONDITIONS C2.01 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.02 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.03 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.04 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.05 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.06 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.07 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.08 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.09 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.10 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.11 PLAN AND PROFILE C2.12 PLAN AND PROFILE C3.01 BYPASS PUMPING PLAN C3.02 BYPASS PUMPING PLAN C4.01 DETAILS C4.02 DETAILS C4.03 DETAILS C4.04 DETAILS C4.05 DETAILS C4.06 DETAILS C5.01 STAGING AREA C5.02 E&SC DETAILS C5.03 E&SC DETAILS C5.04 E&SC DETAILS TMP-1 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-2 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-2A TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-2B TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-3 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-3A TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-3B TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-3C TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-4 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-5 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-6 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-7 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-8 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-9 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-10 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-11 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-12 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-13 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-14 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-15 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-16 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-17 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-18 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-19 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-20 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-21 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-22 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-23 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-24 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-25 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-26 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-27 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-28 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-29 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-30 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-31 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-32 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-33 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-34 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-35 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-36 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN TMP-37 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 2021 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT QUANTITIES PHASE NUMBERS 1 NUMBER OF LOTS 0 LOT NUMBERS BY PHASE 0 NUMBER OF UNITS 0 LIVABLE BUILDINGS 0 OPEN SPACE NO NUMBER OF OPEN SPACE LOTS 0 PUBLIC WATER (LF)0 PUBLIC SEWER (LF)7,894 PUBLIC STREET (LF) - FULL 0 PUBLIC STREET (LF) - PARTIAL 0 PUBLIC SIDEWALK (FL)0 STREET SIGNS (LF)0 WATER SERVICE STUBS 0 SEWER SERVICE STUBS 0 THE CITY OF RALEIGH ONE EXCHANGE PLAZA, SUITE 620 219 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MALL RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27601 (919) 996-4540 RIGHT-OF-WAY-OBSTRUCTION NOTES: ·Street, Lane, and Sidewalk closures or detours: Prior to any work that impacts the right-of-way or closing of any street, lane, or sidewalk, the contractor must apply for a permit with Right-of-Way Services. ·A permit request with a traffic control and/or pedestrian plan shall be submitted to rightofwayservices@raleighnc.gov at www.raleighnc.gov keyword "Right-of-Way Services." ·Prior to the start of work, the Client shall schedule a Pre-Construction meeting with the Engineering Inspections Coordinator to review the specific components of the approved plan, and ensure all permits are issued. ·The City of Raleigh requires an approved Right-of-Way Obstruction Permit for work on any public street or sidewalk and NCDOT road within Raleigh's Jurisdiction. ·All Traffic Control Signage and practices shall adhere to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control, and the latest edition of the NCDOT "Standard Specification for Roadway Structures", NCDOT "Roadway Standard Drawing Manual", and the NCDOT supplement to the MUTCD. ·All public sidewalks must be accessible to pedestrians who are visually impaired and/or people with mobility concerns. Existing and alternative pedestrian routes during construction shall be required to be compliant with the Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG), the ADA Standards for Accessible Design and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). ·All permits must be available and visible on site during the operation. ATTENTION CONTRACTORS The Construction Contractor responsible for the extension of water, sewer and/or reuse, as approved in these plans, is responsible for contacting the ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT at (919) 996-2409, and the PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT at (919) 996-4540 at least twenty four hours prior to beginning any of their construction. FAILURE to notify both City Departments in advance of beginning Construction, will result in the issuance of monetary fines, and require reinstallation of any water or sewer facilities not inspected as a result of this notification failure. FAILURE to call for Inspection, Install a Downstream Plug, have Permitted Plans on Job site, or any other Violation of City of Raleigh Standards will result in a Fine and Possible Exclusion from future work in the City of Raleigh. SHEET INDEX FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ NOTES, LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS T1.2 GENERAL NOTES: 1.ALL MATERIALS USED AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS EMPLOYED FOR UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCDOT REQUIREMENTS, IF APPLICABLE. 2.DIG A TEST PIT AT ALL EXISTING UTILITY CROSSINGS PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY SANITARY SEWER PIPE TO VERIFY EXISTING HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ELEVATIONS TO ASSURE NO CONFLICT WITH NEW SEWER. ADVISE ENGINEER IN WRITING OF ANY CONFLICTS THAT REQUIRE CHANGES TO THE DESIGN. ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PROFILE FOR EXISTING UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 3.LOCATIONS OF EXISTING SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTIONS TO THE MAIN ARE APPROXIMATE. WHERE THE LOCATIONS SHOWN IN PLAN VIEW ARE SHOWN CONNECTING TO THE EXISTING SEWER, THE LOCATION AT THE SEWER MAIN IS BASED UPON CCTV INSPECTION AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ±5 FT FROM THE LOCATION SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD-LOCATING CLEANOUTS ON SERVICE LATERALS BEING REPLACED. WHERE SERVICE LATERALS ARE SHOWN CONNECTING TO MANHOLES, CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD CORE-DRILL TO ASSURE LATERALS ARE AT CORRECT VERTICAL ELEVATION AND HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. APPROXIMATE DIAMETER IS SHOWN ON DRAWING. LATERAL DIAMETER SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. 4.ALL LATERALS SHALL BE REPLACED TO EDGE OF EASEMENT OR ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL LATERALS SHALL BE REPLACED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NC PLUMBING CODE. CLEANOUTS ARE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY BUT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT 100 FOOT INTERVALS AND AT THE EDGE OF EASEMENT OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PER THE DETAIL DRAWINGS. 5.CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST PIT TO CONFIRM LATERAL LOCATION AND DEPTHS AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION TO EXISTING LATERAL BEFORE INSTALLING MAINLINE TO CONFIRM THAT THE MAINLINE IS SUFFICIENTLY DEEP ENOUGH AND THAT EASEMENT LOCATIONS DO NOT REQUIRE ADJUSTMENT WITH PROPERTY OWNERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ELEVATION OF LATERAL AT THE PROPOSED POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING LATERAL. THE ENGINEER WILL THEN CONFIRM THAT NO ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS ARE NECESSARY AND THAT THE DEPTH OF THE MAINLINE DOES NOT REQUIRE ADJUSTMENT BEFORE INSTALLATION. 6.INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THESE DRAWINGS IS BASED ON THE SURVEYS PERFORMED BY TAYLOR WISEMAN AND TAYLOR UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS. 7.CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE STARTING WORK. 8.LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE BOUNDED BY PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS. 9.FLOOD ZONE "AE" REPRESENTS THE 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN WITH BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED. FLOOD ZONE "X" REPRESENTS AREAS OF 0.2 PERCENT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD, 100-YEAR FLOOD AREAS WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE, AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM THE 100-YEAR FLOOD. 10.VERIFY BENCHMARKS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 11.REFERENCE CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FOR COUPLING TYPE TO BE USED WHEN CONNECTING NEW PIPE TO EXISTING PIPE. 12.ALL TREES IN THE PERMANENT EASEMENT SHALL BE REMOVED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 13.TREES IN THE TEMPORARY EASEMENT CAN BE REMOVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S DISCRETION, UNLESS SHOWN TO BE PROTECTED BY TREE PROTECTION FENCE. 14.HAVE A COMPLETE SET OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS ALL SHOP DRAWINGS AND EASEMENT RECORDS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. 15.MAINTAIN SEWER SERVICE FOR ALL ACTIVE LATERALS. 16.LATERALS OUTSIDE OF THE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ON PRIVATE PROPERTY REQUIRE A PLUMBING PERMIT. WHILE MANY LATERALS OUTSIDE OF THE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ON EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT EASEMENT, IT SHALL BE UNDERSTOOD THAT LATERALS THAT EXTEND MORE THAN 25 FEET FROM THE MAINLINE SEWER REQUIRE A PLUMBING PERMIT. 17.WHEN INSTALLATION IS WITHIN NCDOT RIGHTS-OF-WAY, NCDOT STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE TO BE USED, UNLESS THE CITY OF RALEIGH’S IS MORE STRINGENT. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT NCDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES, AND STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCDOT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMMODATING UTILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHTS OF WAY IS REQUIRED. 18.SEVERAL PROPERTIES HAVE MULTIPLE LATERALS BASED UPON CITY INSPECTION. HOWEVER, ALL MAY NOT BE IN SERVICE. BEFORE INSTALLING NEW SERVICES, VERIFY WHICH ARE IN SERVICE AND ABANDON THOSE THAT ARE NOT. PERFORM DYE TESTING IN THE PRESENCE OF OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 19.ABANDON TEMPORARY MONITORING WELLS UPON COMPLETION OF PIPE INSTALLATION. 20.DUKE ENERGY FACILITIES MAY BE AFFECTED BY WORK. COORDINATE WITH DUKE ENERGY AS NECESSARY. COORDINATE AND PAY FOR RELOCATING OR PROVIDING TEMPORARY SUPPORTS, GUY WIRES, ETC. TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION. 21.PROVIDE TEMPORARY WATER AND SEWER SERVICES AS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE WORK. 22.RELOCATE DRY UTILITIES AS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE WORK. 23.ALL SOIL STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST 50 FEET FROM SURFACE WATERS. 24.RELOCATE UNDERGROUND WIRES AND CABLES IN CONFLICT WITH THE WORK AS NECESSARY. 25.FRPMP = FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER MORTAR PIPE WHICH INCLUDES CENTRIFUGALLY CAST FIBERGLASS REINFORCED POLYMER MORTAR PIPE AND FILAMENT-WOUND FIBERGLASS REINFORCED POLYMER MORTAR PIPE. 26.SEWER SLOPES ARE CALCULATED FROM CENTER OF MANHOLE TO CENTER OF MANHOLE. 27.WHERE LATERALS DISCHARGE INTO MANHOLES AND IF THE DISTANCE FROM LATERAL INVERT TO MANHOLE OUT ELEVATION IS GREATER THAN 6 FEET, PROVIDE A PVC INSIDE DROP ASSEMBLY. RALEIGH NOTES: 1.PROVIDE AT LEAST 2 WEEKS WRITTEN NOTICE TO RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY WORK ON EACH PROPERTY. 2.CONDUCT THE WORK IN A SAFE MANNER AND WITH MINIMUM AMOUNT OF INCONVENIENCE TO TRAFFIC. 3.CONTACT THE INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AT 919-516-2495 TO OBTAIN A STREET CUT PERMIT. 4.REPAIR ALL DRIVEWAYS, DRIVEWAY PIPES, CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALKS AND STREETS TO EXISTING CONDITION OR BETTER. WATER VALVE WATER METER TELEPHONE PEDESTAL GUY WIRE / ANCHOR UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE FIRE HYDRANT HVAC UNIT GAS TEST STATION GAS METER WATER MANHOLE UTILITY POLE WITH DROP UTILITY POLE WITH LIGHT ELECTRIC METER WELL (POTABLE) CABLE TV PEDESTAL UTILITY POLE LIGHT & DROP G W W SPRINKLER HEAD ABBREVIATIONS DIP FT VCP TYP N NC DOT E SSMH DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOOT, FEET VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE TYPICAL NORTH OR NORTHING NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EAST OR EASTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE S SOUTH W WEST CL CENTER LINE BM BENCH MARK EL ELEVATION IPF IRON PIN FOUND TC TERRA COTTA PIPE SS SANITARY SEWER PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE CIPP CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE HOR HORIZONTAL VER VERTICAL LF LINEAR FEET, LINEAR FOOT DB DEED BOOK ROW RIGHT-OF-WAY EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT BOM BOOK OF MAPS CATV INV INVERT NO NUMBER PG PAGE PIN PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DIA DIAMETER SCE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SF SILT FENCE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE FLOOD ZONE AE FLOOD ZONE X SEWER MANHOLE SEWER CLEANOUT DECIDUOUS TREE CURB INLET PROPERTY CORNER FOUND DATUM CONTROL POINT VERTICAL BENCHMARK GRATED INLET SOIL BORING EVERGREEN TREE SIGN SPOT ELEVATION BOLLARD FLARED-END SECTION MAILBOX OPEN THROAT CURB INLETINLET S VENTV DESTINATION UNKNOWN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED TREE PROTECTION PROPERTY LINE (RIGHT OF WAY) PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENT TOP OF BANK EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT STREAM LINE BOTTOM OF BANK SHRUB LINE TREE LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE WIRE FENCE WOOD FENCE WALL OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRE STORM DRAINAGE PIPE UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS WATER LINE CONTOUR MINOR CONTOUR MAJOR LEGEND 100-YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION ZONE 1 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 RIPARIAN BUFFER TEMPORARY SEWER EASEMENT 230 233 CABLE TV POSITIVE SHORING REQUIRED BY NCDOT SURVEY TEST HOLE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE B-#SOIL BORING LOCATION IP PROPOSED STANDARD INLET PROTECTION SCE SILT FENCE LOD SF POWER UTILITY POLE PE PERMANENT EASEMENT TE TEMPORARY EASEMENT TMW-#TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL PROPOSED CLEANOUT SILT FENCE OUTLET PUMP AROUND JUTE MATTING PA PA-D SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED GUARDRAIL SD TP WR WASH RACK FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTH B O U N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND) WAKE F OREST RD SR-2000 OLD C A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D (SOUTH B O U N D )OLD W A K E F O R E S T R O A D (ABANDONED )A T L A N T I C A V E N U EPIGEON H O U S E B R A N C H PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PIGEON H O U S E PIGE O N HOU S E BRAN C H PIGEONHOUSE BRANCH PIG E O N HO U S E BR A N C H PIGEONHOUSEBRANCHPIGEONHOUSE BRANCH CEMETARYBRANCHUNNAMED TRIBUTARY UNNAMEDTRIBUTARYC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOU T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NOR T H B O U N D ) WAK E FOR E S T R D SR-2 000 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D) T O C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D R A M P (SOUTHBOUND) W W S S W W W W G WW S S S S WW WW S W S S S S S S S S S S S S S G W S G S S S S S S S S S S S S T T W W WHH S S S S S WHB WHB W W W S W S W S S S S S T WHH G T T S S S W S S S T S S W S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S U S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PIG E O N H O U S E B R A N C H W A K E FOREST RD PIGEON H O U S E B R A N C H PIGEON HO U S E B R A N C H C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBO U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORT H B O U N D ) PI G E O N H O U S E BR A N C H OLD LOUISBURG ROAD C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C O U R T L A N D D R I V E S Y C A M O R E S TF A I R V I E W R O A DW A K E F O R E S T R O A D W A K E F O R E S T R O A D M U L B E R R Y S T R E E T B I C K E T T B O U L E V A R D D O U G H T O N S T R E E T OLD WILLIAMSON ROADS CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D) CAPITAL BL V D EXIT RAMP TO WADE A V E CAPITAL BLV D (S O UT H B O U ND)CAPITAL BLVD ( N O RT H B O UN D)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)WADE A V E ( E X I T R A M P ) N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D CSX T R A N S P O R T A TI O N N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O R K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D C S X T R A N S P O R T A T I O N CSX TRANSPORTATIO N NORFO L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D C S X T R A N S P O R T A T I O N A T L A N T I C A V E N U ECAPITA L B O U L E V A R D (SOUT H B O U N D ) BRANCH C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTH B O U N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND) NCGS "BONDED" BASE POINT OF SITE LOCALIZATION PUBLISHED GRID: N = 747,053.54' E = 2,109,875.85' Z = 230.68' CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D)PIGEON H OUSE B R A NC H WADE AVENU E N W E S T S T R E E T ON RAMP LOUISBURG ROAD CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)FAIRVIEWROADUS-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1 / S R - 4 0 1 US-1 / S R - 4 0 1 US-1/ S R-401 US-1/ S R-401 US-1/SR - 4 0 1 S C A P I T A L BLVD FRONTAGE ROAD US-1/SR-401 D D UNKNOWN PIPE END This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFF0 SCALE 1"=200' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 400'300200100 N CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ KEY PLAN - EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.00 KEY PLAN SCALE: 1" = 200' C1.06 C1.07CAPITAL BOULEVARD ATLANTIC AVENUEWAKE FOREST RD.C1.05 C1.04 C1.03 C1.02 C1.0 1 OLD W ILL IAMSON ROADWAD E A V E FAIRVIEW ROADFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 WAKE FOREST RD SR-2000 OLD C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTH B O U N D ) PIGEO N H O U S EPIGEON PIGEONHOUSE BRANCH CEMETARYBRANCHW W W S W S W S S S D S S T WHH G T T S S S S D W S S S S S S OLD LOUISBURG ROAD U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) CAPIT A L B O U L E V A R D (SOU T H B O U N D ) BRANCH LOUISBURG ROAD GB-15 GB-16 GB-17 GW-3A MW-4 MW-5 TMW-05 US-1/S R - 4 0 1 LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT W / LTW / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB 611 209. 3 7 SCRUB ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 Z O N E 1 ZO N E 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZO N E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 Z O N E 2 ZO N E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZO N E 2 ZONE 2 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN N This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.01 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 OLD W A K E F O R E S T R O A D (ABANDONED )A T L A N T I C A V E N U EPI G E O N HO U S E B R A N C HUNNAMEDTRIBUTARY WAK E FOR E S T R D SR- 2 0 0 0 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D) S S S S S D T T W W S S S T S S INL E T INLETS INLETPIGEON H O U S E B R A N C H W A K E N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D CSX T R A N S P O R T A TI O N GW-1A GW-2A MW-2 MW-3A TMW-04 LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT W / LT ANT.W / LT W / LT SCRUB SCRUB ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1224 225 226 227 228 228 227 226 225 218 219 220 221 222 217 223 222 221 220 228229 227 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP. N This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFMATCH LINE SEE C1.03CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.02 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 PIGEON HOUSEBRANCHC A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D(SOUTHBOUND)C A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D(NORTHBOUND)C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D TO W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P (NORTHBOUND) T O C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D R A M P (SOUTHBOUND)SSSSGDWSGSSSSSSSINLETPIGEON HOUSE BRANCHW A K E FOREST RDPIGEON HOUSE BRANCHNCGS "BONDED"BASE POINT OFSITE LOCALIZATIONPUBLISHED GRID:N = 747,053.54'E = 2,109,875.85'Z = 230.68'GB-11GB-12GB-13MW-2TMW-03US-1/SR-401US-1/SR-401DDDC A P I T A L BLVD FRONTAGE ROADLTLTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTSCRUBSCRUBEZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZON E 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 20SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP.MATCH LINE SEE C1.02 NThis Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF MATCH LINE SEE C1.04 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________EXISTING CONDITIONSC1.03FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND) PIGEO N HOUS E BRANC H C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D ) S WW INLETS W S S S S S S WHB S D PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PI G E O N H O U S E B R A N C H CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND) TBM TOP OF HYDRANT ELEVATION = 235.52' CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND) GB-08 GB-09 TMW-02 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 1 ZO N E 1 Z O N E 1 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZO N E 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1N 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP.MATCH LINE SEE C1.03MATCH LINE SEE C1.05This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.04 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBO U N D ) PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH S W W W G WW S S S S WW S WHH S WHB INLET S C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBO U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHB O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHB O U N D )INLETINLETD D GB-05 GB-06 GB-07 MW-1 TMW-01 TMW-06 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 N MATCH LINE SEE C1.04MATCH LINE SEE C1.06This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFF100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP. CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.05 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) W W S W S S S S S TO BE ABANDONED D D S S C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBO U N D ) PI G E O N H O U S E S CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D) D GB-01 GB-02 GB-03 GB-04FAIRVIEWROAD S TO BE ABANDONED D W / LTW / LTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTW / LTW / LT LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LTLT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015MATCH L INE SEE C1 .07MATCH LINE SEE C1.05N This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFF100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP. CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ EXISTING CONDITIONS C1.06 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 C A P I T A LSSSSSSSSSSSINLETINLETINLETSSSUPIGEON HOUSEBRANCHOL D W I L L I AM SO N RO A D SCAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)CAPITAL BLVDEXIT RAMPTO WADE AVECAPITAL BLVD (SOUTHBOUND)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)PIGEON HOUSE BRANCHWADE AVENUEUS-1/SR-401US-1/SR-401DDLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTW / LTLTLTRIP-RAPW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 Z O N E 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 20SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015MATC H L I N E S E E C 1 . 0 6 NThis Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN, TYP.CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________EXISTING CONDITIONSC1.07FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTH B O U N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND) WAKE F OREST RD SR-2000 OLD C A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D (SOUTH B O U N D )OLD W A K E F O R E S T R O A D (ABANDONED )A T L A N T I C A V E N U EPIGEON H O U S E B R A N C H PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PIGEON H O U S E PIGE O N HOU S E BRAN C H PIGEONHOUSE BRANCH PIG E O N HO U S E BR A N C H PIGEONHOUSEBRANCHPIGEONHOUSE BRANCH CEMETARYBRANCHUNNAMED TRIBUTARY UNNAMEDTRIBUTARYC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOU T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NOR T H B O U N D ) WAK E FOR E S T R D SR-2 000 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D) T O C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D R A M P (SOUTHBOUND) W W S S W W W W G WW S S S S WW WW S W S S S S S S S S S S S S S G W S G S S S S S S S S S S S S T T W W WHH S S S S S WHB WHB W W W S W S W S S S S S T WHH G T T S S S W S S S T S S W S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S U S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PIG E O N H O U S E B R A N C H W A K E FOREST RD PIGEON H O U S E B R A N C H PIGEON HO U S E B R A N C H C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBO U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORT H B O U N D ) PI G E O N H O U S E BR A N C H OLD LOUISBURG ROAD C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) C O U R T L A N D D R I V E S Y C A M O R E S TF A I R V I E W R O A DW A K E F O R E S T R O A D W A K E F O R E S T R O A D M U L B E R R Y S T R E E T B I C K E T T B O U L E V A R D D O U G H T O N S T R E E T OLD WILLIAMSON ROADS CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D) CAPITAL BL V D EXIT RAMP TO WADE A V E CAPITAL BLV D (S O UT H B O U ND)CAPITAL BLVD ( N O RT H B O UN D)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)WADE A V E ( E X I T R A M P ) N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D CSX T R A N S P O R T A TI O N N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O R K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D N O R F O L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D C S X T R A N S P O R T A T I O N CSX TRANSPORTATIO N NORFO L K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D C S X T R A N S P O R T A T I O N A T L A N T I C A V E N U ECAPITA L B O U L E V A R D (SOUT H B O U N D ) BRANCH C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTH B O U N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND) NCGS "BONDED" BASE POINT OF SITE LOCALIZATION PUBLISHED GRID: N = 747,053.54' E = 2,109,875.85' Z = 230.68' CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D)PIGEON H OUSE B R A NC H WADE AVENU E N W E S T S T R E E T ON RAMP LOUISBURG ROAD CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)FAIRVIEWROADUS-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1 / S R - 4 0 1 US-1 / S R - 4 0 1 US-1/ S R-401 US-1/ S R-401 US-1/SR - 4 0 1 S C A P I T A L BLVD FRONTAGE ROAD US-1/SR-401 D D UNKNOWN PIPE END This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFF0 SCALE 1"=200' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 400'300200100 N CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ KEY PLAN - PROPOSED CONDITIONS C2.00 KEY PLAN SCALE: 1" = 200' C2.01 C2.02 C2.03 C2.04C2.05 C2.09 C2.11 C2.10 C2.06 C2 . 0 7 C2.08 C2.12 CAPITAL BOULEVARD (US-1)ATLANTIC AVENUEWAKE FOREST RD.OLD W ILL IAMSON ROADWAD E A V E FAIRVIEW ROADPROPOSED SANITARY SEWER (TYP) FOR REGULATOR APPOVALFOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTSCRUBSCRUBSCRUBZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2Z O N E 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1Z O N E 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 11191090009C9B9A10+0011+00 12+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+00100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN24" C905 PVC SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDIPWRCESGSSSSSDSS15" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED6" LATERAL,SEE NOTE 415" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSSMH-1318RIM EL 221.90GROUND EL 221.80INV OUT (E) 208.35INV IN (W) 208.45TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 324" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSSMH-1319RIM EL 221.80GROUND EL 221.80INV OUT (E) 209.00INV IN (W) 209.15TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 324" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 6SSMH-1624RIM EL 223.95GROUND EL 219.65INV OUT (NE) 212.35INV IN (NW) 213.00TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3SSMH-1306RIM EL 225.50GROUND EL 224.55INV OUT (E) 209.55INV IN (W) 209.65TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 324" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 624" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 6SSMH-1298RIM EL 227.10GROUND EL 223.70INV OUT (E) 209.95INV IN (W) 210.05TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3SSMH-1299RIM EL 223.00GROUND EL 221.75INV OUT (E) 210.00INV IN (W) 210.15TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3SSMH-1802RIM EL 220.20GROUND EL 220.70INV OUT (SE) 210.80INV IN (SW) 210.80TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 312" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED8" DIP SANITARY SEWER24" RCPEL 211.6524" RCPEL 218.9536" RCPEL 211.7536" RCPSTORM SEWERSERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONEDTOP OF SSPIPE EL 211.57GI-1811NO GRATERIM EL 218.20INV OUT (S) 213.60CREEK ℄EL 209.20CREEK ℄ EL 207.7542" SANITARY SEWERBLOCK DROP INLETCONC LID REMOVEDTOP OF INLET 224.00INV IN 18" RCP 218.6018" RCP STORM SEWERCREEK ℄ EL 217.05EXISTING GUARDRAILNCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY24" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE DEMOLISHED, SEENOTE 742" SANI T A R Y S E W E R42" SANITARY SEWER42" SANITARY SEWERMH-8RIM: 221.08, BOTTOM CL: 202.49,*INVERTS ARE VERY RECESSED,24" PVC & 8" DIP INVERTS NOT VISIBLEFIREHOSE HOUSEBRICK WALLFIREHOSE HOUSE22422522622722822822722622522722621821922022122221750' CITY OF RALEIGHSANITARY SEWEREASEMENTTEMPORARY 20'CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTTEMPORARY VARIABLE WIDTH CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTVARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTSEE PROFILEON SHEET C2.105' 12" DR18 C900 PVC6" LATERAL12" SANITARY SEWER CLASS 2 RIPRAP 24"DEEP, 10' WIDE WITHFILTER FABRICTO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTES 2 AND 3VARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTVARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTSSMH-9000RIM EL 227.60GROUND EL 227.40INV OUT (SE) 214.55INV IN (WNW) 12" 214.60INV IN (NW) 4" 218.40TO BE REPLACEDVARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENT30' CITY OF RALEIGHSANITARY SEWEREASEMENT42" SANITARY SEWER42" SANITARY SEWERFUTURE BUILDINGHISTORIC SCALE HOUSENOT TO BE DISTURBEDAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MW-2TO BE ABANDONED2232222212202282 2 9227226 EX. WATER SERVICE TOBE REROUTED100-YEAR FLOODPLAINNCDOT DRAINAGE EASEMENTDB 5015 PG 780BM 2012 PG 116830' DUKE ENERGY EASEMENTDB 3419 PG 975BM 2012 PG 1168SSMH-1320RIM EL 219.55GROUND EL 219.55INV OUT (SE) 207.70INV IN (W) 207.80TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3CONCRETE SLABMH-9RIM: 220.63, BOTTOM CL: 202.93*IN IN IS CAPPED*2002052102152202252302002052102152202252309+7510+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0019+75302.63 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% 12" VCP SANITARY SEWERINV 213.79TO BE ABANDONED 4" LATERALTO BE ABANDONED TEL SER 36" RCP STORM SEWERINV 212.16110.41 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%INV OUT: 208.29 (42" NE)INV IN: 208.39 (42" SW)INV IN: 211.00 (12" NW)SSMH 11STA 19+51.23RIM = 226.008' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-27INV OUT: 206.68 (42" NW)INV IN: 206.78 (42" SW)SSMH 10 STA 16+48.60 RIM = 227.68 8' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-27 INV OUT: 202.93 (42" E)INV IN: 203.04 (42" W)9 (8' DIA) STA 10+00 RIM 220.99 APPROX. 100-YR FLOODPLAINELEV = 225.0SSMH 9C STA 15+38.19 RIM = 229.29 8' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-27 SSMH 9B STA 11+46.22 RIM = 222.01 8' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-27 SSMH 9A STA 10+51.09 RIM = 222.46 8' DIA. EPOXY COATED F&C S-27INV OUT: 206.03 (42" NE)INV IN: 206.13 (42" SE)391.97 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%95.13 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%51.09 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.68%INV OUT: 203.97 (42" SE)INV IN: 204.07 (42" SW)INV OUT: 203.39 (42" E)INV IN: 203.49 (42" NW)SSMH 10 STA 16+48.60 RIM = 227.68 TV SERVELEC SERVWATER SERV (TO BE REROUTED)UNKNOWN UTILUNKNOWN UTILWATER SERV (TO BE REROUTED)TELE SERVELEC SERVTV SERVUNK UTIL6" LATERALWITH INSIDE DROPEXISTING GRADE0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.5PLAN AND PROFILEC2.010SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015MATCH LINE SEE C2.02 PLANSCALE 1"=30'NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGHSTANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES.3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OFMANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR ASDICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEWMANHOLE. LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE INTO MANHOLE.5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE CHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOWTOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE.6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILLCONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIAEXISTING LATERALS.7.DEMOLISH EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ACROSS THE STREAM FROM MANHOLE TOMANHOLE.8.NOT USED.9.NOT USED.10.ALL SOIL STOCKPILES SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST 50 FEET FROM SURFACE WATERS.11.CONTRACTOR SHALL SET SSMH 10 INV OUT ELEVATION AT 203.39 AND ADJUST SLOPEBETWEEN SSMH 9 AND 10 ACCORDINGLY AS NECESSARY TO CONNECT TO EX SSMH 9.MINIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 0.5%PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'MATCH LINE SEE C2.02 NRALEIGH BONDED EMPIRE LLC133 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MALL FL 6RALEIGH NC 27601-1356This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________30'20'CREEK CROSSING 1CREEKCROSSING 2WAKE FOREST ROAD TO CAP ITAL BLVD RAMPVARIABLE W IDTH PUBL IC R /WWAKE FOREST ROAD TO CAPITAL BLVD RAMPVARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/WFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 IPLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTEZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1C A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D(SOUTHBOUND)SSSSGDWSSSINLETW A K E FOREST CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)GB-09GB-12GB-13US-1/SR-401US-1/SR-401DDDC A P I T A L BLVD FRONTAGE ROAD1615149003121321+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0028+0029+0050' CITY OF RALEIGHSANITARY SEWER EASEMENTTEMPORARY 20'CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER3 6 " S A N I T A R Y S E W E R 36" SANITARY SEWER42" SANITARY SEWER24" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 48" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 424" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 46" SERVICE LATERAL,SEE NOTE 5 & 624" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE CIPP LINED24" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED INSEE NOTE 4SERVICE LATERAL5 LF MIN. OF 24" DR18 C900PVC SANITARY SEWERSEE PROFILE AON SHEET C2.1224" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 4SSMH-9010RIM EL 230.00GROUND EL 230.00INV OUT (E) 218.90INV IN (W) 219.05INV IN (NE) 221.00TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3SSMH-9011RIM EL 229.55GROUND EL 229.60INV OUT (NE) 217.55INV IN (W) 217.60INV IN (SW) 218.65TO BE REHABILITATEDSSMH-9003RIM EL 226.70GROUND EL 226.40INV OUT (E) 215.95INV IN (NE) 216.15 (PLUGGED)INV IN (SW) 216.05TO BE REPLACEDSSMH-9004RIM EL 226.75GROUND EL 226.45℄ EL 217.25 (FILLED W/ DIRT)TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 324" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 4SSMH-1292RIM EL 221.00GROUND EL 220.70INV OUT (E) 210.45INV IN (W) 210.50TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3SSMH-1291RIM EL 219.15GROUND EL 219.15INV OUT (E) 210.20INV IN (W) 210.25TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3GI-1638RIM EL 226.70INV IN (N) 219.9530" RCP STORM SEWEROTI-1636RIM EL 225.15INV OUT (S) 220.65INV IN (N) 220.8030" RCP STORM SEWERINV 221.0530" RCP STORM SEWERINV 221.2518" RCP STORM SEWERINV 221.40STMH-1198RIM EL 228.75INV OUT 224.90STMH-6311RIM EL 228.85INV IN & OUT 223.9518" RCP STORM SEWERINV 223.0018" RCP STORM SEWERSSMH-1639RIM EL 226.85GROUND EL 226.85INV OUT (S) 222.75INV IN (NW) 222.90INV IN (NE) 223.05TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3TOP HEADWALL EL 225.70INV CULVERT EL 212.143/4" IPFN 747,133.47E 2,110,077.843/4" IPFN 747,143.87E 2,110,075.23VARIABLE WIDTHSANITARY SEWER EASEMENTBM 1993 PG 16124" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6WATER HOT BOX230229228231229228229231227TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTLIGHT POST TO BE RELOCATEDOUTSIDE OF EASEMENT22622522722522622722 8 227230226220221222223228225224225POSITIVE SHORING WIDTHBEGIN NCDOT MANDATEDPOSITIVE SHORING INSERVICE ROAD20521021522022523023520521021522022523023519+7520+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0027+0028+0029+0029+75467.19 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%129.32 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%259.97 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%129.85 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%57.32 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% WATER SERV 8" DIP SAN SEWERINV 222.18TO BE ABANDONED ELEC SERV TEL SERV FIB OPTIC18" RCP STORM SEWERINV 222.15UTILITY EASEMENTNCDOT R/WINV OUT: 212.20 (36" NE)INV IN: 212.30 (36" SW)INV OUT: 212.95 (36" NE)INV IN: 213.05 (36" SW)SSMH 16STA 27+02.22RIM = 228.457' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-26 SSMH 15 STA 25+72.91 RIM = 227.44 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 SSMH 14 STA 25+15.58 RIM = 227.13 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 211.81 (36" E)INV IN: 211.91 (36" SW)SSMH 12 STA 21+25.76 RIM = 226.37 8' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 174.54 LF OF 42" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%INV OUT: 209.26 (42" NE)INV IN: 209.36 (42" W)INV OUT: 210.66 (42" E)INV IN: 211.16 (36" W)INV IN: 213.00 (24" S)SSMH 13 STA 23+85.73 RIM = 225.64 8' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 BEGIN NCDOT MANDATEDPOSITIVE SHORING INSERVICE ROAD12" WATER MAINGAS SERVELEC SERV30" RCP STORM SEWERINV 221.2524" PVC STORM SEWER(2) 6" LATERALWITH INSIDE DROPEXISTING GRADE0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.5NPLAN AND PROFILEC2.020SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015100-YEAR FLOODPLAINNOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGHSTANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES.3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOMOF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE ORAS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.4.SEWER PIPES TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILLCONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILLDOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS.5.DETERMINE IF EXISTING LATERAL IS ACTIVE AND RECONNECT IF NECESSARY.6.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEWMANHOLE. LATERAL TO BE FIELD CORE DRILL INTO MH.MATCH LINE SEE C2.03 MATCH LINE SEE C2.01PLANSCALE 1"=30'MATCH LINE SEE C2.01 MATCH LINE SEE C2.03 PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'RALEIGH BONDED EMPIRE LLC133 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MALL FL 6RALEIGH NC 27601-1356RALEIGH BONDED EMPIRE LLC133 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MALL FL 6RALEIGH NC 27601-1356This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 W / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 21817D10+00 D10+64 179418A18B30+0031+0032+0033+0034+0035+0036+0037+0038+0039+008" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 524" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 510" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 510" SANITARY SEWER10" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSERVICELATERAL8" PVC SANITARYSEWER8" PVC SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 58" C900 SANITARY SEWERSEE PROFILE D ON SHEET C2.108" PVC SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 524" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 5SERVICELATERALSINLET PROTECTION (TYP)SSMH-9005RIM EL 231.90GROUND EL 231.90INV OUT (E) 220.40INV IN (W) 220.50INV IN (N) 220.80TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2 & 3SSMH-9012RIM EL 234.30GROUND EL 234.30INV OUT (S) 224.10INV IN (N) 224.15INV IN (N) 228.95INV IN (E) 225.40±TO BE REMOVEDSSMH-9013RIM EL 233.15GROUND EL 233.15INV OUT (W) 228.35INV IN (N) 228.80TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2 & 3SSMH-9015RIM EL 231.40GROUND EL 231.40INV OUT (S) 222.90INV IN (W) 223.30INV IN (NE) 223.50TO BE ABANDONED8" PVC SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 5SSMH-9014RIM EL 232.05GROUND EL 231.75INV OUT (E) 224.35INV IN (W) 224.45TO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 2 & 3GI-1790RIM EL 229.80INV OUT (N) 227.3054" RCP STORM SEWER18" RCP STORM SEWERGI-1782RIM EL 231.60INV OUT (S) 222.90INV IN (N) 223.60GI-1783RIM EL 230.90INV OUT (S) 224.6042" RCP STORM SEWERGI-870RIM EL 232.45INV OUT (SW) 228.9515" RCP STORM SEWERGI-859RIM EL 232.75INV OUT (SW) 230.45INV IN (W) 230.60INV IN (NE) 230.4515" RCP STORM SEWERGI-860RIM EL 233.95INV OUT (E) 231.35SSMH-1794RIM EL 232.85MH IS FLUSHINV OUT (S) 224.55INV IN (N) 224.60TO BE REPLACED54" RCPINV EL 221.3520' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENTBM 1981 PG 3994C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)SSWWWWINLETSWSSSWHBSCAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)TBMTOP OF HYDRANTELEVATION = 235.52'CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)GB-08TMW-02TMW-06US-1/SR-401US-1/SR-401IPIPIPIPIP36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWERSSMH-9006RIM EL 235.30GROUND EL 235.30INV OUT (E) 222.45INV IN (W) 222.50INV IN (NE) 223.30TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2 & 3235234233238237236232233234VARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTVARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONEASEMENT6" SERVICELATERAL, SEENOTES 6, 7, 8 & 96" SERVICELATERAL, SEENOTES 6, 7, 8 & 9EDGE OF TRAVEL LANE10" SANITARY SEWER, SEEPROFILE ON SHEET C2.10INLET PROTECTION23536" SANITARY SEWERPOSITIVE SHORING WIDTH8" SANITARY SEWER21021522022523023524024521021522022523023524024529+5030+0031+0032+0033+0034+0035+0036+0037+0038+0039+0039+25 UNKNOWN SERV 4" WATER SERV GAS SERV TEL SERV 42" RCP STORM SEWERINV 224.39 WATER SERV 15" RCP STROM SEWERINV 230.15 ELEC SERV WATER SERV WATER SERV GAS SERV TEL SERV WATER SERV UNKNOWN SERV SAN SEWER(TO BE ABANDONED)INV 224.04455.63 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%54" RCP STORM SEWER15" RCP STORM SEWERUNKNOWN SERVSSMH 18 STA 36+25.04 RIM = 233.87 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 217.77 (36" NE)INV IN: 217.87 (36" SW)INV IN: 219.53 (10" NW)SSMH 17 STA 31+69.41 RIM = 231.50 7' DIA EPOXY COATED INSIDE DROP F&C S-26INV OUT: 215.39 (36" NE)INV IN: 215.49 (36" SW)INV IN: 219.36 (8" N)467.19 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%449.39 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPM @ 0.50%EXISTING GRADEINSIDE DROP0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.50SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES.3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.4.NOT USED.5.SEWER PIPES TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETEPROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS.6.DETERMINE IF EXISTING LATERAL IS ACTIVE AND RECONNECT IF NECESSARY.7.NEW LATERALS BELOW/NEAR EXISTING WATER SERVICES SHALL BE RELOCATED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 5 FOOT HORIZONTALSEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND SEWER LINES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICAL.8.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE.9.CORE DRILL OPENINGS IN MANHOLE FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW PIPE.NMATCH LINE SEE C2.04 MATCH LINE SEE C2.02 MATCH LINE SEE C2.02 MATCH LINE SEE C2.04 PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'PLANSCALE 1"=30'HARRIS WHOLESALE INC420 CIVIC BLVDRALEIGH NC 27610-2967HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL CORPACCOUNTING DEPT-1N225 BRAE BLVDPARK RIDGE NJ 07656-1870This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________PLAN AND PROFILEC2.03RALEIGH BONDED EMPIRE LLC133 FAYETTEVILLE STREET MALL FL 6RALEIGH NC 27601-1356FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 R30'INLETINLETDDW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)SWWWWGWWWHHSWHBC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBOUND)C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBOUND)INLETINLETDDGB-05GB-06MW-1TMW-01US-1/SR-401US-1/SR-401IPIPIPIPIP232221192039+0040+0041+0042+0043+0044+0045+0046+0047+0048+00EOP℄1:1 SLOPE LINE(TYP)23'EOP46'EOPEOP47'25'℄12'11.5'50'PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINA'SMILBURNIE-MORDECAI115K TRANSMISSION LINEEASEMENT56'12'15'9'ABOVE GROUND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITYTO REMAIN A MIN OF 30' FROM ELECTRICALTRANSMISSION MAIN POLE NO 8912'X20' RECEIVING PIT12'x40' LAUNCHING PIT12'x40" LAUNCHING PIT6" SERVICELATERAL,SEE NOTE 6SERVICE LATERALSERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONED6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 5 & 648" STEEL CASING WITH12" SANITARY SEWERJACK AND BORE SEESHEET C2.116" LATERALS,SEE NOTES 5 & 612" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 7INLET PROTECTION (TYP)6 FT DIA CONCRETE FOOTING, 1 FT SOIL COVER ABOVE FOOTING &17 FT TO BOTTOM OF FOOTING, 100 FT TALL TOWERSSMH-9007RIM EL 236.20GROUND EL 236.10INV OUT (E) 223.75INV IN (W) 223.95INV IN (W) 228.95TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 3(2) 24" VCP SIDE BY SIDENORTH PIPE INACTIVEALSO 4" DIP IN SAMEDIRECTION ABANDONED24" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 4SSMH-9008RIM EL 238.65GROUND EL 238.65INV OUT (E) 226.40INV IN (W) 226.45INV IN (NE) 227.75INV IN (SW) 227.20TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 2 & 324" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 48" DIP SEALED INSIDE 12" VCPGI-1777RIM EL 237.05INV OUT 233.9518" RCP STORM SEWERINV 231.5548" RCP STORM SEWERINV 223.1018" RCP STORM SEWERINV 229.65GI-1780RIM EL 234.75INV OUT (S) 232.15STCI-11111RIM EL 235.80INV IN (E) 231.55INV OUT (N) 231.50STCI-11109RIM EL 236.20INV IN (E) 230.45INV OUT (N) 230.15STMH-11108RIM EL 236.75INV OUT (W) 231.60TBMTOP OF HYDRANTEL 240.90CMFR/W MONUMENTN 746,313.30E 2,108,094.86NOTE: IT APPEARSTHAT A PIPE CUTOR UNDERGROUNDJUNCTION BOX MAYEXIST HERE TO TIEINTO THE 48" RCP15" RCP STORM SEWERSTCI-11125 (DISTURBED)RIM EL 238.55INV OUT (N) 236.20NOTE: CONCRETE POUREDINSIDE STRUCTURENOTE: IT APPEARS THAT APIPE CUT OR UNDERGROUNDJUNCTION BOX MAY EXISTHERE TO TIE INTO THE 48" RCP36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWERSTMH-11101RIM EL 236.75INV OUT (W) 232.0524" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 4VARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARYCONSTRUCTIONEASEMENT24023923824123723623823924024124236" SANITARY SEWER60" STEEL CASING WITH36" SANITARY SEWERJACK AND BOREINLET PROTECTION(TYP)INLET PROTECTIONEDGE OF TRAVEL LANEPOSITIVE SHORING WIDTHPOSITIVE SHORING WIDTH21021522022523023524024525021021522022523023524024525039+2540+0041+0042+0043+0044+0045+0046+0047+0048+00122.61 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% ELEC SERV WATER SERVTO BE RELOCATED 48" RCP STORM SEWERINV 226.97 GAS SERV ELEC SERV GAS SERV WATER SERV SEWER LATTO BE ABADNONED GAS SERV WATER SERV SEWER LATTO BE ABANDONED TEL SERV249.57 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%57.78 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%208 LF OF 60" STEEL CASINGMIN 0.844" WALL THICKNESSJACK AND BORE360.27 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%31.93 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%SSMH 22 STA 44+13.70 RIM = 238.93 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 222.83 (36" NE)INV IN: 222.93 (36" SW)SSMH 23STA 45+36.31RIM = 240.007' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-26 INV OUT: 222.12 (36" NE)INV IN: 222.22 (36" SW)SSMH 21 STA 41+64.13 RIM = 236.00 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 SSMH 19 STA 40+74.43 RIM = 235.99 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 220.77 (36" NE)INV IN: 220.87 (36" SW)INV OUT: 220.12 (36" NE)INV IN: 220.22 (36" SW)INV OUT: 220.38 (36" NE)INV IN: 220.48 (36" SW)INV IN: 223.36 (12" SE)SSMH 20 STA 41+06.35 RIM = 235.99 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 449.39 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%WATER SERVWATER SERV6" LATERALWITH INSIDEDROP6" LATERALWITH INSIDEDROP6" LATERALWITH INSIDEDROPEXISTING GRADE0SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'4530150SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.5MATCH LINE SEE C2.03 MATCH LINE SEE C2.03 MATCH LINE SEE C2.05MATCH LINE SEE C2.05 PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'THOMAS A WILLIAMS TRUST1022 WASHINGTON STRALEIGH NC 27605-1258BIGGERSTAFF & CRAWLEY CAPITAL LLC123 CRAWFORD RDHILLSBOROUGH NC 27278-9415PLANSCALE 1"=30'N1:1 SLOPELINE (TYP)40'LAUNCHING PIT56' PROGRESS ENERGYCAROLINA'SMILBURNIE-MORDECAI115K TRANSMISSION LINEEASEMENT20'RECEIVINGPITHARRIS WHOLESALE INC420 CIVIC BLVDRALEIGH NC 27610-2967This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________PLAN AND PROFILEC2.04NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGHSTANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES.3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OFMANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR ASDICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.4.SEWER PIPES TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILLCONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ENSURE FILL DOES NOTENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS.5.NEW LATERALS BELOW/NEAR EXISTING WATER SERVICES SHALL BE RELOCATED TOMAINTAIN A 5 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER AND SEWER LINES TO THEMAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICAL.6.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE.FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 W / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTZO N E 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZON E 2 ZONE 2ZO N E 1 ZONE 12625243748+0049+0050+0051+0052+0053+0054+00B O U L E V A R D (N O R T H B O U N D)WWSWSDSC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBOUND)DGB-01GB-03GB-04GB-05SD60" STEEL CASING WITH8" SANITARY SEWERJACK AND BORESEE SHEET C2.1224" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2WATER SERVICEINLET PROTECTION (TYP)8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 28" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEENOTE 2SSMH-9009RIM EL 240.35GROUND EL 240.35INV OUT (E) 228.10INV IN (W) 228.15INV IN (NW) 229.45TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 6 & 724" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 28" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2SSMH-630RIM EL 241.67GROUND EL 241.70INV OUT (S) 232.35INV IN (W) 235.70TO BE ABANDONED8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSSMH-6318RIM EL 247.25INV OUT (NE) 240.10INV IN (SW) 240.20INV IN (NW) 241.90TO BE ABANDONED24" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEENOTE 2SSMH-1174ARIM EL 241.95INV OUT (E) 229.90INV IN (W) 230.00INV IN (S) 234.05TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTES 6 & 7SERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONEDSTDI-1774RIM EL 239.00INV OUT (S) 232.45INV IN (N) 232.9530" RCP STORM SEWER30" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-1773RIM EL 241.75INV OUT (S) 235.00INV IN (N) 235.0030" RCP STORM SEWERSTDI-11116RIM EL 241.85INV IN (E) 328.20INV IN (W) 238.15INV OUT (S) 238.25IPIP12" RCP STORM SEWERINV 239.8518" RCP STORM SEWERINV 239.8515" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-6314RIM EL 248.10INV OUT (SW) 243.20INV IN (N) 243.4015" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-6315RIM EL 247.20INV OUT (SW) 242.70INV IN (NE) 243.1015" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-1776RIM EL 243.90INV IN (NW) 236.80INV OUT (SE) 236.6042" RCP STORM SEWER15" RCP STORM SEWERSTGI-6317RIM EL 255.00INV OUT (SE) 242.3042" RCP STORM SEWERASSUMED LOCATION OFBURIED JUNCTION BOXABANDONED ACCORDINGTO FIELD INVESTIGATIONSERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONED8" DIP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED6" LATERAL,SEE NOTE 336" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWERABANDONED ACCORDINGTO FIELD INVESTIGATIONTOP OF HYDRANTELEVATION = 248.79STGI-6312RIM EL 247.50INV OUT (SW) 244.50248247246244 243242252251250249241VARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARYCONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTPOSITIVE SHORING WIDTHEDGE OF TRAVEL LANE6" LATERAL,SEE NOTE 3246245244POSITIVE SHORING WIDTHEND OF NCDOTMANDATED POSITIVESHORING22022523023524024525025522022523023524024525025547+7548+0049+0050+0051+0052+0053+0054+0054+25356.23 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% WATER SER GAS SER154.09 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%30" RCP STORM SEWERINV 236.79INV OUT: 225.60 (36" NE)INV IN: 225.70 (36" SW)INV IN: 230.00 (8" SE)SSMH 25 STA 50+50.67 RIM = 243.38 6' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 INSIDE DROPINV OUT: 227.48 (36" NE)INV IN: 227.58 (36" W)SSMH 26STA 54+06.91RIM = 249.266' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-26 SSMH 24 STA 48+96.58 RIM = 242.00 EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 224.73 (36" NE)INV IN: 224.83 (36" SW)WATER SERVUNK SERV15" RCP STORM SEWERINV 243.40WATER SERVEND OF NCDOT MANDATEDPOSITIVE SHORING INSERVICE ROADTEL SER360.27 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%EXISTING GRADE6" LATERALWITH INSIDEDROP0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.50SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015MATCH LINE SEE C2.04 NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OFRALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.SEWER PIPES TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITHFLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE PROVIDE MEASURESTO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS.3.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TONEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTOMANHOLE.4.NOT USED5.NOT USED.6.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES.7.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THEBOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TOFINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.MATCH LINE SEE C2.04PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'SOUTHERLAND EMPIRE CENTRE LLCWILL WEATHERSPOON203 E WHITAKE MILL RD STE 109RALEIGH NC 27603SOUTHERLAND EMPIRE CENTRE LLCWILL WEATHERSPOON203 E WHITAKE MILL RD STE 109RALEIGH NC 27603PLANSCALE 1"=30'NThis Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF MATCH LINE SEE C2.06MATCH LINE SEE C2.06 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________MATCH LINE SEE C2.12PLAN AND PROFILEC2.05FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 EXISTING GRADE22523023524024525025526026527027522523023524024525025526026527027553+7554+0055+0056+0057+0058+0059+0060+0061+0062+0062+50243.53 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% GAS SER 12" WATER LINE WATER SER WATER SER GAS SER120.87 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%227.70 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%67.25 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%225.01 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50%203 LF OF 60" STEEL CASINGMIN 0.844" WALL THICKNESSJACK AND BOREWATER SERV15" STORM DRAINROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1ROAD E D G E SLOPE 1 : 1 CLROAD36'SANITARYSEWEREASEMENTNCDOT R/WNCDOT R/W42" RCP STORM SEWEREOP EOPAPPROX. 100-YR FLOODPLAINELEV = 253.7INV OUT: 229.15 (36" E)INV IN: 229.35 (36" S)SSMH 29 STA 59+42.71 RIM = 252.03 6' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26INV OUT: 230.57 (36" N)INV IN: 230.67 (36" SW)SSMH 28 STA 56+99.18 RIM = 257.71 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26 INV OUT: 227.48 (36" NE)INV IN: 227.58 (36" W)SSMH 26 STA 54+06.91 RIM = 249.26 7' DIA EPOXY CAOTED F&C S-26 SSMH 30STA 60+63.59RIM = 251.996' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-26INV OUT: 231.27 (36" NE)INV IN: 231.37 (36" SW)INV OUT: 228.71 (36" E)INV IN: 228.81 (36" W)INV IN: 250.14 (8" N)SSMH 27 STA 56+31.92 RIM = 256.57 7' DIA EPOXY COATED F&C S-26WATER SERVWATER SERV6" LATERALWITH INSIDE DROPLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2IPSSSSSINLETCAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)GB-01F A I R V I E W R O A D TO BE ABANDONED293028262727A27B54+0055+0056+0057+0058+0059+0060+0061+0062+0018" RCP STORM SEWERSERVICE LATERALSTCIGRATE EL 251.70INV OUT (S) 247.80INV IN (N) 248.00SSMH-1907RIM EL 252.85INV OUT (E) 243.85INV IN (SW) 244.15TO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 2 & 3SSMH-1906RIM EL 252.55INV OUT (NE) 242.60INV IN (W) 243.55TO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 2 & 3STCBRIM EL 251.15INV INACCESSIBLE18" RCP STORM SEWERINV 249.20CREEK ℄EL 237.70TOP HEADWALLEL 251.20INV CULVERTEL 235.30SSMH-1909RIM ELEV 250.35INV OUT (E) 245.65INV IN (SW) 245.85TO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 2 & 38" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 6SSMH-1908RIM ELEV 252.55INV OUT (NE) 245.35INV IN (W) 245.55TO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 2 & 3STOTRIM EL 252.50INV IN (E) 246.0 (+/-)PIPES NOT VISIBLETOP HEADWALLEL 251.35INV CULVERTEL 236.4018" RCP STORM SEWER8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEENOTE 612" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 618" RCP STORM SEWER8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 6STCBTOP EL 251.90INV OUT INACCESSIBLESERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONED,SEE NOTE 642" RCP STORM SEWER4" SERVICE LATERALTO BE ABANDONEDSSMH-1315RIM EL 261.43INV OUT (S) 256.48INV IN (N) 256.53STGI-6317RIM EL 255.00INV OUT (SE) 242.306" LATERALCMFR/W MONUMENTN 745,809.32E 2,107,021.0336" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER25525425325625525425725 5 2 5 6 270271269268251VARIABLE WIDTHTEMPORARYCONSTRUCTIONEASEMENT8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEENOTE 612'X40' LAUNCHING PIT60" STEEL CASING WITH36" SANITARY SEWERJACK AND BORE8" SANITARY SEWER,SEE PROFILE ON SHEETC2.106" LATERAL, SEE NOTE 46" LATERAL, SEE NOTE 412'X20' RECEIVING PIT249250CAP2 7 0 2 6 9 2 5 7 267256254253 251252253252257258259260STCIGRATE EL 256.94INV OUT (S) 253.9918" R C P0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.50SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015PLANSCALE 1"=30'PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'MATCH LINE SEE C2.05CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF MATCH LINE SEE C2.07NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCEWITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, ANDSPECIFICATIONS.2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPESAT MANHOLES.3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOWGRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVESOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE ORAS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS.4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FORCONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BEFIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE.5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLECHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOW TOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE.6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELYFILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULARCONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILLDOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS.NROSCOE L STRICKLANDJAMES D RAMM1117 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603ROSCOE L STRICKLANDJAMES D RAMM1117 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 2760340'LAUNCHING PIT20'RECEIVINGPITPLAN AND PROFILEC2.06SOUTHERLAND EMPIRE CENTRE LLCWILL WEATHERSPOON203 E WHITAKE MILL RD STE 109RALEIGH NC 27603MATCH LINE SEE C2.07FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 EXISTING GRADE 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 62+5063+0064+0065+0065+50 95.15 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% 88.72 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP @ 0.50% 12" WATER LINE GAS SERV ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1EOPROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1EOPCL WADE AVENUE EXIT (NCDOT) 34' APPROX. 100-YR FLOODPLAIN ELEV = 253.7 INV OUT: 232.51 (36" NE) INV IN: 232.71 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.00 (8" SW)SSMH 31STA 62+91.29RIM = 251.007' DIA EPOXY COATEDF&C S-26INV OUT: 233.19 (36" NW) INV IN: 233.29 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.21 (18" SW)INV OUT: 233.74 (36" NW) INV IN: 236.20 (12" NE) INV IN: 240.15 (36" SE)SSMH 33STA 64+75.16RIM = 252.008' DIA FLATTOP 60"X60" DOUBLE LEAFLOCKABLE HATCH EPOXY CAOTEDVORTEX DROP INSERTFOR 36" SEWERSEE NOTE 7SSMH 32STA 63+86.44RIM = 248.697' DIA FLATTOP EPOXY COATEDF&C S-27INV OUT: 242.00 (36" NW) INV OUT: 242.28 (36" E) INV IN: 242.30 (36" SW)SSMH EX-MH-31STA 65+03.42RIM = 252.0073.74 LF OF 60" STEEL CASING MIN 0.844" WALL THICKNESS JACK AND BORE 8" SAN SEWER 18" MIN. COVER CENTERLINE OF CREEK ELEV = 237.50 28.26 LF OF 36" SN 72 FRPMP OF EPOXY LINED CLASS 350 DIP @ 6.53%DDLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTRIP-RAPW / LTZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2SSSSSSINLETUO L D W I L L I A M S O N R O A D CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)CAPITAL BLVDEXIT RAMPTO WADE AVEPIGEON HOUSE BRANCH30'20' SSMH-1909 RIM EVEL 250.35 GROUND ELEV 250.35 INV OUT (E) 245.65 INV IN (SW) 245.85 TO BE REMOVED RIM ELEV 251.97 INV OUT (NE) 241.99 INV IN (S) 242.08 INV IN (SE) INACCESIBLE INV IN (SW) INACCESIBLE INV'S TOO FAR RECESSED 12" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 STOT TOP ELEV 251.80 INV IN (S) 247.5 (+/-) PIPE NOT VISIBLE SSMH-1901 RIM ELEV 251.65 INV OUT (NE) 241.65 INV IN (S) 241.85 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SSMH-31 RIM ELEV 253.06 INV OUT (S) 242.30 INV IN (W) 242.28 SSMH-1921 RIM ELEV 251.45 INV OUT (W) 246.45 INV IN (E) 247.45 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.10 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION 240238238239241242243245244246247248250249251252IPIP252251250252252252245238238239252251252253254255256257255256257SSMH-1910 RIM ELEV 252.00 INV OUT (W) 249.20 INV IN (E) 249.35 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.63 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY CITY OF RALEIGH ACCESS EASEMENT 31 32 35 33 36 G13+41 G10+00 G11+00 G12+00G13+0034 268 269 270 65+03 62+0063+0 0 64+00 65+0 0 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY TOP OF BANK ZONE 1 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 RIPARIAN BUFFER TOP OF BANK CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.25 CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.50 48" STEEL CASING WITH 12" SANITARY SEWER JACK AND BORE 60" STEEL CASING WITH 36" SANITARY SEWER JACK AND BORE 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 18" SANITARY SEWER SEE SHEET C2.08 FOR PLAN & PROFILE CLASS 2 RIP RAP 24" DEEP, VARIABLE WIDTH WITH FILTER FABRIC 12'x40' LAUNCHING PIT 12'x20' RECEIVING PIT 12'x20' RECEIVING PIT 12'x40' LAUNCHING PIT 8" SANITARY SEWER SEE SHEET C2.08 FOR PLAN & PROFILE 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 12" SANITARY SEWER SEE SHEET C2.09 FOR PLAN & PROFILE PAD PA 3" MILL & OVERLAY 3" MILL & OVERLAY ABANDONED UNKNOWN MH RIM ELEV 251.00 MH FILLED WITH SOIL STMH RIM ELEV 250.71 INV IN (W) 247.47 INV IN (SW) 247.09 INV IN (SE) 248.49 INV OUT (N) 246.85 STCI RIM ELEV 251.86 INV OUT 249.71 STMH RIM ELEV 250.66 INV IN (SE) 248.56 INV IN (SW) 247.66 INV OUT (N) 247.66 STCI RIM ELEV 251.88 INV OUT 249.26 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 9+5010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0014+70 ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1CL CAPITAL BLVD (NCDOT) 131' NCDOT R/W SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT GGGROAD EDGESLOPE 1:133' CL OLD WILLIAMSON RD EOPEOPEOPEOPASSUMED CITY ROAD R/W SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT GGGG 105.10 LF OF 12" DR18 RJ C900 PVC @ 2.74% 24" SAN SEWER TO BE ABANDONED 12" WATER LINE15" RCP STORM 12" WATER LINE 6" WATER LINE 12" WATER LINE CCTV TELE FIBER OPTIC ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1APPROX. 100-YR FLOODPLAIN ELEV = 253.7 INV OUT: 233.74 (36" NW) INV IN: 236.20 (12" NE) INV IN: 240.15 (36" SE)SSMH 33STA G10+00.00RIM = 252.008' DIA FLATTOP 60"X60" DOUBLE LEAFLOCKABLE HATCH EPOXY COATEDVORTEX DROP INSERTFOR 36" SEWERSSMH 36STA G13+41.30RIM = 253.824' DIA OVER EX MAINF&C S-26INV OUT: 238.50 (12" SW) INV IN: 239.95 (12" SE)SSMH 34STA G10+57.46RIM = 252.725' DIAF&C S-26INV OUT: 249.80 (12" NE) INV IN: 249.90 (12" SE) 93.39 LF OF 16" STEEL CASING MIN 0.375 WALL THICKNESS JACK AND BORE 178.74 LF OF 12" DR 18 RJ C900 @ 2.50% 166.03 LF OF 48" STEEL CASING MIN 0.75 WALL THICKNESS JACK AND BORE 57.46 LF OF 12" DR18 RJ C900 @ 4.00%SSMH 35STA 12+36.20RIM = 258.005' DIAF&c S-26INV OUT: 244.42 (12" NW) INV IN: 246.92 (12" SW) 12' X 20' RECEIVING PIT 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 MATCH LINE SEE C2.08 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFNOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. 5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE CHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOW TOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE. 6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 7.SSMH 33 INCLUDES ALTERNATES. ALTERNATIVE 1 INCLUDES THE USE OF EPOXY LINES DIP FROM EX MANHOLE 31 TO SSMH 33 WITH DIP OUTSIDE DROP. THE LOWER INVERT OF DROP SHALL BE 233.94. ALTERNATIVE 2 INCLUDES FRPM PIPE FROM EX MANHOLE 31 TO SSMH 33 WITH AN INTERNAL VORTEX DROP INSIDE MANHOLE SSMH33. CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' 12' X 40' LAUNCHING PIT MATCH LINE SEE C2.06 "SIDE SEWER G" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'NPLAN AND PROFILE C2.07 ANTI-SEEP COLLAR POLYMER CONCRETE MANHOLE 12' X 20' RECEIVING PIT 12' X 40' LAUNCHING PIT BRUNSON SCOTT ENTERPRISES, LLC DB 16789 PG 2238 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704653450 MILLSTREAM PROPERTIES, LLC DB 14906 PG 2390 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704652245 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 9+5010+0011+0012+0013+00 286.39 LF OF 18"DR 18 C900 PVC @ 3.07%Profile View of Farview Rd Extension 18" RCP STORM SEWER FFFFF CLASS 1 RIP RAP 18" DEEP WITH FILTER FABRIC BASE FLOOD ELEV = 253.7 INV OUT: 244.00 (18" NE) INV IN: 246.49 (18" W) INV OUT: 233.19 (36" NW) INV IN: 233.29 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.21 (18" SW)SSMH 32STA F10+00.00RIM = 248.69SSMH 32ASTA F12+86.39RIM = 250.936' DIA OVER EX MAINEPOXY COATEDF&C S-26EXISTING GRADE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY D DLTLTLTLT LTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTRIP-RAPZON E 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2SSS S S S INLET INLET U OLD WILLIAMSON ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD (N O R T H B O U N D ) CA P I T A L B L V D EXI T R A M P TO W A D E A V E CAPITAL B L V D ( S O U T H B O U N D ) CAPITAL B L V D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) PIGEON H O U S E B R A N C HWADE AVENUEUS-1/SR-40 1 US-1/SR-40 1 31 32 32A F10+00 F11+ 0 0 F12+ 0 0 F12+ 8 6 35 33 36 34 270 S10 + 0 0 S11 + 0 0 S11+09 TOP OF BANK ZONE 1 RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE 2 RIPARIAN BUFFER30'20'TOP OF BANK 18" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 SSMH-1943 RIM ELEV 250.65 INV OUT (E) 246.10 INV IN (NW) 246.20 TO BE ABANDONED 18" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SSMH-1904 RIM ELEV 250.55 INV OUT (E) 245.55 INV IN (W) 245.60 TO BE ABANDONED RIM ELEV 251.97 INV OUT (NE) 241.99 INV IN (S) 242.08 INV IN (SE) INACCESIBLE INV IN (SW) INACCESIBLE INV'S TOO FAR RECESSED SSMH-1902 RIM ELEV 251.75 INV OUT (N) 242.50 INV IN (W) 245.40 INV IN (E) 244.2 INV IN (S) 242.55 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 12" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 STOT TOP ELEV=251.80 INV IN (S)=247.5 (+/-) PIPE NOT VISIBLE CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.25 CREEK ℄ ELEV = 237.50 CREEK ℄ UNDER PIPE ELEV=235.80 SSMH-1901 RIM ELEV 251.65 INV OUT (NE) 241.65 INV IN (S) 241.85 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SSMH-31 RIM ELEV 253.06 INV OUT (S) 242.30 INV IN (W) 242.28 SSMH-1921 RIM ELEV 251.45 INV OUT (W) 246.45 INV IN (E) 247.45 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STOT TOP ELEV 252.05 PIPES NOT VISIBLE 240 238 238 239 241 242 243 245 244 246 247 248 250 249 251 252 IP IP252 251 250 252 252 252 245 238 238 239 252 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 255 256 257 SSMH-1910 RIM ELEV 252.00 INV OUT (W) 249.20 INV IN (E) 249.35 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 SEE NOTE 7 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 18" SANITARY SEWER GREENWAY BOUNDARY SEE GREENWAY GENERAL NOTES SSMH-1941 RIM ELEV 250.10 INV OUT (SE) 246.30 INV IN (W) 246.25 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.10 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION STCI RIM ELEV 251.63 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION CLASS 1 RIP RAP 18" DEEP WITH FILTER FABRIC 8" SANITARY SEWER 6" LATERAL SEE NOTE 4 TO BE ABANDONED TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 PA 3" MILL & OVERLAY 3" MILL & OVERLAY 3" MILL & OVERLAY PAD STCI TOP ELEV 252.19 INV IN 245.49 INV OUT 245.19 STCI TOP ELEV 249.53 INV OUT 245.58 INV 249.5918" RCP230 235 240 245 250 230 235 240 245 250 9+7510+0011+0011+25 INV OUT: 239.00 (8" NE) INV OUT: 232.51 (36" NE) INV IN: 232.71 (36" SE) INV IN: 235.00 (8" SW)SSMH 270STA S11+09.05RIM = 249.99SSMH 31STA S10+00.00RIM = 251.00109.05 LF OF 8" DR18 RJ C900 PVC @ 3.67% SSSS 6" LATERAL EXISTING GRADE 6" LATERAL 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 MATCH LINE SEE C2.07This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFSIDE SEWER "F" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. 5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE CHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOW TOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE. 6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 7.DEMOLISH AERIAL SEWER CROSSING FROM EDGE OF EMBANKMENT TO EDGE OF EMBANKMENT GREENWAY GENERAL NOTES: 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE PROJECT ADVANCED WARNING SIGNS. THESE SIGNS SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR 45 DAYS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY BEGINS. THE SIGNS SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS OF CLOSING THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE. PLAN AND PROFILE C2.08 SIDE SEWER "S" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' BRUNSON SCOTT ENTERPRISES, LLC DB 16789 PG 2238 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704653450 MILLSTREAM PROPERTIES, LLC DB 14906 PG 2390 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704652245 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 DDLTU/CLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTRIP-RAPRIP-RAPW / LTZONE 2 ZO N E 2 ZONE 2SSSSSINLETSUO L D W I L L I A M S O N R O A D CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)US-1/SR-401RIM ELEV 251.97 INV OUT (NE) 241.99 INV IN (S) 242.08 INV IN (SE) INACCESIBLE INV IN (SW) INACCESIBLE INV'S TOO FAR RECESSED 12" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 SSMH-1921 RIM ELEV 251.45 INV OUT (W) 246.45 INV IN (E) 247.45 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.10 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION STOT TOP ELEV 252.05 PIPES NOT VISIBLE IPIP252251255256257255256257SSMH-1910 RIM ELEV 252.00 INV OUT (W) 249.20 INV IN (E) 249.35 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 & 3 STCI RIM ELEV 251.63 INACCESSIBLE DUE TO CONSTRUCTION TEMPORARY CITY OF RALEIGH ACCESS EASEMENT 12'x40' LAUNCHING PIT258259260261265270 25825926026126226326426510" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 6 10' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT VARIABLE WIDTH CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 35 36 268 269 W1 0 + 0 0 W1 1 + 0 0 W12+00 W12+09 3" MILL & OVERLAY ABANDONED UNKNOWN MH RIM ELEV 251.00 MH FILLED WITH SOIL STMH RIM ELEV 250.71 INV IN (W) 247.47 INV IN (SW) 247.09 INV IN (SE) 248.49 INV OUT (N) 246.85 STCI RIM ELEV 251.86 INV OUT 249.71 STMH RIM ELEV 250.66 INV IN (SE) 248.56 INV IN (SW) 247.66 INV OUT (N) 247.66 STCI RIM ELEV 251.88 INV OUT 249.26 EXISTING GRADE 245 250 255 260 265 270 245 250 255 260 265 270 9+7510+0011+0012+0012+25 INV OUT: 263.00 (12" NW) INV IN: 263.10 (12" E)SSMH 269STA W12+09.07RIM = 270.93INV OUT: 254.50 (12" NW) INV IN: 255.48 (12" SE)SSMH 268STA W11+36.32RIM = 259.98SSMH 36STA W10+00.00RIM = 253.82INV OUT: 249.80 (12" NE) INV IN: 249.90 (12" SE) WWWWW 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFNOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 3.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 4.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. NEW LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. 5.USING NON-SHRINK GROUT, RECONSTRUCT MANHOLE CHANNEL TO DIRECT FLOW TOWARDS NEW SEWER PIPE. 6.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 7.SSMH 33 INCLUDES ALTERNATES. ALTERNATIVE 1 INCLUDES THE USE OF EPOXY LINES DIP FROM EX MANHOLE 31 TO SSMH 33 WITH DIP OUTSIDE DROP. THE LOWER INVERT OF DROP SHALL BE 233.94. ALTERNATIVE 2 INCLUDES FRPM PIPE FROM EX MANHOLE 31 TO SSMH 33 WITH AN INTERNAL VORTEX DROP INSIDE MANHOLE SSMH33.NPLAN AND PROFILE C2.09 MILLSTREAM PROPERTIES, LLC DB 14906 PG 2390 BM 1958 PG 10 PIN: 1704652245 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ "SIDE SEWER W" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' WILL 110 LLC DB 16832 PG 851 PIN: 1704659054 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 EOPEOPEOPEOPW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOUND)WWSSSWHBC A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBOUND)GB-06 GB-07 MW-1 TMW-06 21 19 20 40 I13+32I10+00 I11+00I12+00 I13+0039+0040+0041+008" PVC SANITARY SEWER 6" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 8" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTE 2 6" SANITARY SEWER AERIAL CROSSING TO BE DEMOLISHED SEE NOTE 3 CREEK CROSSING 4 AERIAL CREEK CROSSING 'A' 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH-9006 RIM EL 235.30 GROUND EL 235.30 INV OUT (E) 222.45 INV IN (W) 222.50 INV IN (NE) 223.30 INV IN (S) 222.60 TO BE ABANDONED SEE NOTES 4 & 5 SSMH-787 RIM EL 236.75 GROUND EL 236.75 INV OUT (N) 225.60 INV IN (W) 225.85 INV IN (E) 226.65 TO BE REPLACED 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 1989 PG 1452 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER, TO BE ABANDONDED 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 1989 PG 1452 GI-1780 RIM EL 234.75 INV OUT (S) 232.15 18" RCP STORM SEWER INV 229.65 GI-1646 RIM EL 235.85 INV OUT (W) 230.25 INV IN (E) 230.30 15" RCP STORM SEWER GI-1647 RIM EL 237.15 INV OUT (W) 232.20 STCI-11111 RIM EL 235.80 INV IN (E) 231.55 INV OUT (N) 231.50 CREEK ℄ EL 218.00 5 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC SANITARY SEWER IPJACKED AND BORED 48" STEEL CASING PIPE WITH 12-INCH SANITARY SEWER237236 236200' 46'47' ℄ 23 ℄ 23' SSMH-9007 RIM EL 236.20 GROUND EL 236.10 INV OUT (E) 223.75 INV IN (W) 2x24" 223.95 (BOTH) IN IN (W) 228.95 TO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 4 & 5 12'X40' LAUNCHING PIT 8" SANITARY SEWER 30' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT 15' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 15' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 231229228227226225230224223222221220220225230235200' NC DOT ROW 40' LAUNCHING PIT 46'47' ℄ CAPITAL BLVD ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1(TYP)ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1(TYP)EOP℄ PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH BOTTOM OF CONCRETE PIER AT MINIMUM ELEVATION 220.00 AERIAL CROSSING 'A' 89.27 LF OF 20" STEEL CASING @ 0.75% 0.375" WALL THICKNESS EXTEND 20" CASING 10 FT INTO 48" CASING. PROVIDE STEEL BRACING PER DETAIL TO SECURE THE 20" INTO THE 48" CASING. BRICK/GROUT OPENING. 43'50' WELDED STEEL END CAP APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EL 235.76 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONDED 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 9+5010+0011+0012+0013+0013+40 260.51 LF OF 12" RJ DR 18 C900 PVC @ 0.75% ℄ CAPITAL BLVD 169 LF OF 48" STEEL CASING @ 0.75% 0.75" MIN WALL THICKNESS EOPEOPEOPINV OUT: 225.31 (12" NW) INV IN: 225.64 (8" NE)SSMH 40STA 12+60.51RIM = 237.72NCDOT R/W SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CLASS 2 RIP RAP 24" DEEP, VARIABLE WITH WITH FILTER FABRIC SSMH 20STA 41+06.35RIM = 235.9971.02 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC @ 0.50%SSMH 787STA 13+31.53RIM = 237.01INV OUT: 226.00 (8" SW) INV IN: 226.10 (8" NE) INV OUT: 220.38 (36" NE) INV IN: 220.48 (36" SW) INV IN: 223.36 (12" SE) IIIIII EXISTING GRADE 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 9+7510+0010+75 64.34 LF OF 8" C900 PVC @ 1.00% INV OUT: 215.39 (36" NE) INV IN: 215.49 (36" SW) INV IN: 219.36 (8" N)SSMH 17STA D10+00.00RIM = 231.50INV OUT: 220.00 (8" S) INV IN: 225.00 (6" SW) INV IN: 224.60 (8" NW)SSMH 1794STA D10+64.34RIM = 233.035' DIA INSIDE DROPF&C S-26DD D INSIDE DROP SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT NCDOT R/W 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 9+7510+0011+00 71.34 LF OF 12" C900 PVC @ 4.98% INV OUT: 208.29 (42" NE) INV IN: 208.39 (42" SW) INV IN: 211.00 (12" NW)SSMH 11STA C10+00.00RIM = 226.00SSMH 9000STA 10+71.34RIM = 227.54INV OUT: 214.55 (12" SE) INV IN: 218.40 (4" W) INV IN: 214.60 (12" SW) C CC Profile View of Harris Wholesale 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 9+7510+0010+75 31.24 LF OF 10" DR 18 C900 @ 1.50% 33.47 LF OF 10" SDR35 PVC @ 1.50% INV IN: 228.35 (10" NW) INV OUT: 228.25 (10" S)SSMH 18BSTA E10+64.71RIM = 234.134' DIAF&C S-26INV OUT: 220.00 (10" SE) INV IN: 227.75 (10" N)SSMH 18STA E10+00.00RIM = 233.87EEE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT NCDOT R/W 6" LATERAL INV OUT: 217.77 (36" NE) INV IN: 217.87 (36" SW) INV IN: 219.53 (10" NW)SSMH 18ASTA E10+31.24RIM = 234.004' DIAF&C S-265 LF OF 10" SDR35 PVC INSIDE DROP 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 9+7510+0010+75 INV OUT: 228.71 (36" E) INV IN: 228.81 (36" W) INV IN: 250.14 (8" N)SSMH 27ASTA J10+38.68RIM = 257.0838.68 LF OF 8" SDR 35 PVC @ 1.50% 13.27 LF OF 8" SDR 35 PVC @ 1.50%SSMH 27BSTA J10+51.96RIM = 256.59SSMH 27STA 56+31.92RIM = 256.57INSIDE DROP JJJ INV OUT: 251.12 (8" W) INV IN: 251.32 (8" N) INV OUT: 250.72 (8" S) INV IN: 250.92 (8" E) 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.SEWER PIPE TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE. COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE OR CELLULAR CONCRETE AND PROVIDE MEASURES TO ASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIA EXISTING LATERALS. 3.DEMOLISH AERIAL SEWER CROSSING FROM EDGE OF EMBANKMENT TO EDGE OF EMBANKMENT.. 4.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALL PIPES AT MANHOLES. 5.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLE WITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TO FINISH GRADE AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS. 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINNSHURGARD MORNINGSTAR SELF STORAGE D DEPT-PT-NC 08672 PO BOX 25025 GLENDALE CA 91221-5025 SIDE SEWER "I" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' PLAN SCALE 1"=30' SIDE SEWER "D" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' SIDE SEWER "C" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' SIDE SEWER "E" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' D D This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFD CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ PLAN AND PROFILE C2.10 SIDE SEWER "J" PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 B7+68 B0+00B1+ 0 0 B2+ 0 0 B3+ 0 0 B4+ 0 0 B5+00 B6+00 B7+00 HOUSEBRANCHUNNAMED TR IBU TARY C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D TO W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P (NORTHBOUND ) S SSS S GDINLETSSPIGEON HOUSE BRANCHN C G S " B O N D E D " B A S E P O I N T O F S I T E L O C A L I Z A T I O N P U B L I S H E D G R I D :US - 1 / SR - 4 0 1 DDC A P I T A L B LVD FRON TAGE ROAD 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER 8" DIP SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINED 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINEDSERVICE LATERAL 5 LF 24" DR18 PVC SANITARY SEWER 8" VCP SANITARY SEWER 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN 5 LF 8" SDR35 PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH-1801 RIM EL 234.00 GROUND EL 230.80 INV OUT (NE) 224.00 INV IN (S) 226.30 SSMH-1798 RIM EL 230.90 GROUND EL 230.80 INV OUT (NE) 222.20 INV IN (S) 222.40 SSMH-1019 RIM EL 229.20 GROUND EL 229.20 INV OUT (NE) 219.45 INV IN (S) 219.50 TO BE REHABILITATED SSMH-9011 RIM EL 229.55 GROUND EL 229.60 INV OUT (NE) 217.55 INV IN (W) 217.60 INV IN (SW) 218.65 TO BE REHABILITATED SSMH-9003 RIM EL 226.70 GROUND EL 226.40 INV OUT (E) 215.95 INV IN (NE) 216.15 (PLUGGED) INV IN (SW) 216.05 TO BE REPLACED 24" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED SSMH-9004 RIM EL 226.75 GROUND EL 226.45 ℄ 217.25 (FILLED W/ DIRT) TO BE ABANDONED SEE SHEET C-004 20' CITY OF RALEIGH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BM 2005 PG 1571 GI-1638 RIM EL 226.70 INV IN (N) 219.95 OTI-1636 RIM EL 225.15 INV OUT (S) 220.65 INV IN (N) 220.80 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.05 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.25 18" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.40 STMH-1198 RIM EL 228.75 INV OUT 224.90 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SCALED FROM BM 2005 PG 1571 A N T . L T L T L T W / L T W / L T L T L T L T L T L T L T S C R U B E ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZON E 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 224" VCP SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED CREEK ℄ EL 212.75 6" LATERAL, SEE NOTE 2 AERIAL CREEK CROSSING 'B' PROPOSED CITY OF RALEIGH EGRESS/INGRESS EASEMENT OVER TOP OF EXISTING ACCESS EASEMENT 2342332322312302292292302292282272262252242232222212202192182172162 1 5216217218219220221222223224225226 228230230 2 2 9 2 2 9 2272282 2 9 2 2 9 2 3 0 231231 230 229 228227226 2 2 5 2 2 4 24" SANITARY SEWER Profile View of Phase 3 - MH-13 TO SSMH-1780 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 -0+500+001+002+003+004+005+006+007+008+008+50 VENT PIPE EL 228.35 APPROXIMATE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN EL 225.50 499' NC DOT ROAD ROW 26' ℄ WAKE FOREST RD EXIT RAMP EOP EOP ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1 (TYP)ROAD EDGESLOPE 1:1 (TYP)℄ PIGEON HOUSE CLASS 2 RIP RAP PER, 24" DEEP, VARIABLE WIDTH WITH FILTER FABRIC BOTTOM OF CONCRETE PIER AT MINIMUM ELEVATION 216.00 ELEC SER 30" RCP STORM SEWER INV 221.02 ELEC SER AERIAL CROSSING 'B' 148.66 LF OF RESTRAINED JOINT 8" DR18 C900 PVC @ 1.01% INSIDE 16" STEEL CASING, 0.375 WALL THICKNESS WITH ONLY ONE PIER ON UPSTREAM SIDE OPEN-CUT INSTALLATION OF CASING BETWEEN MANHOLES 48 LF 24" DR18 C900 PVC @0.99% 5 LF 24" C900 DR18 PVC SANITARY SEWER SSMH 9003STA B0+15.00RIM = 228.005' DIA F&C S-26INV OUT: 220.96 (8" N) INV IN: 221.06 (8" S)SSMH 13CSTA B28+36.58RIM = 232.004' DIAF&C S-27INV OUT: 215.85 (24" N) INV IN: 216.05 (24" SW)SSMH 1798STA 6+88.00RIM = 231.03SSMH 1801STA B7+67.51RIM = 233.01SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CAPITAL BLVD SERVICE ROAD CAPITAL BLVD SOUTHBOUND LANE CAPITAL BLVD NORTHBOUND LANESSMH MH-1019STA B4+20.68RIM = 229.50TO BE REHABILATEDF&C S-26BBBBBBBBB BB 8" SANITARY SEWER 8" SANITARY SEWER INV OUT: 219.45 (8" NE) INV IN: 219.55 (8" S) 8" SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINED 24" SANITARY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED 24" SANITARY SEWER TO BE CIPP LINEDSSMH 9011STA B2+34.35RIM = 229.59TO BE REHABILITATEDF&C S-266" LATERAL SSMH 13STA B0+00.00RIM = 225.64INV OUT: 210.66 (42" E) INV IN: 211.16 (36" W) INV IN: 213.00 (24" S) INV OUT: 217.55 (24" NE) INV IN: 218.65 (8" SW) INV IN: 217.60 (24" SW) INV OUT: 222.25 (8" N) INV IN: 222.40 (8" S) INV OUT: 224.00 (8" N) INV IN: 226.30 (8" SE) 3'5' 5 LF OF SDR35 PVC EXISTING GRADE 0 SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 2.5 10'5 7.5 0 SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 60'453015N PLAN SCALE 1"=30' PROFILE SCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5' NOTES: 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2.RECONSTRUCT LATERAL ALIGNMENT AS NECESSARY FOR CONNECTION TO NEW MANHOLE. LATERALS TO BE FIELD CORE DRILLED INTO MANHOLE. This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ PLAN AND PROFILE C2.11 SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY & THE CITY OF RALEIGH TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND, MAINTAIN A SEWER PIPE DB 1777 PF 541 SPRINT CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS DB 6930 PG 398 BM 2005 PG 1571 PIN: 1704962475 FOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 W / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTW / LTW / LTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTW / LTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZON E 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 Z O N E 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZON E 1ZONE 12625373839H10+00H11+00H12+00H13+00H14+00H15+00H16+00H16+92J10+00 50+0051+0052+0053+0054+0055+0056+0057+0058+0059+00 C A P I T A LB O U L E V A R D (N O R T H B O U N D)WWSSSDDSSSPIGEON HOUSEBRANCHSCAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND)DGB-01GB-02GB-03SDIPIP12'x20' RECEIVING PIT12'x40' LAUNCHING PIT48" STEEL CASINGWITH 8" SANITARYSEWER JACK ANDBORESERVICE LATERALSSERVICE LATERAL24" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 2FUTURE SANITARY SEWER8" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 224" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEE NOTE 2SSMH-1174ARIM EL 241.95INV OUT (E) 229.90INV IN (W) 230.00INV IN (S) 234.05TO BE ABANDONEDSEE NOTE 3 & 4STDI-1774RIM EL 239.00INV OUT (S) 232.45INV IN (N) 232.9530" RCP STORM SEWER30" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-1773RIM EL 241.75INV OUT (S) 235.00INV IN (N) 235.00STDI-11116RIM EL 241.85INV IN (E) 328.20INV IN (W) 238.15INV OUT (S) 238.2518" RCP STORM SEWERINV 239.85STMH-6314RIM EL 248.10INV OUT (SW) 243.20INV IN (N) 243.4015" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-6315RIM EL 247.20INV OUT (SW) 242.70INV IN (NE) 243.1015" RCP STORM SEWERSTMH-1776RIM EL 243.90INV IN (NW) 236.80INV OUT (SE) 236.6042" RCP STORM SEWER15" RCP STORM SEWERASSUMED LOCATION OFBURIED JUNCTION BOXCMFR/W MONUMENTN 745,809.32E 2,107,021.03EOP℄EOP23' 46'36" SANITARY SEWER36" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER24" VCP SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONED, SEENOTE 24" LATERAL4" LATERAL4" LATERAL4" LATERAL199' LF R/W224' LF R/W30' CITY OF RALEIGHSANITARY SEWER EASEMENTBM 1960 PG 28110' TEMPORARYCONSTRUCTIONEASEMENTVARAIBLE WIDTHCITY OF RALEIGHSANITARY SEWEREASEMENT2 4 6 2 4 7 2 4 8 245 244 243 2422422412402 4 1 242241242243243249 2502512523" MILL AND OVERLAY3" MILL AND OVERLAY3" MILL AND OVERLAY2252302352402452502552252302352402452502559+5010+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0017+50WATER SER221.46 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC @ 1.00%308.40 LF OF 8" SDR35 PVC @ 1.58%GAS SER24" SANITARY SEWERTO BE ABANDONEDGAS SERELEC162.52 LF OF 8" RJ DR18 C900 PVC @ 1.00%RECEIVING PIT4" LATERALLAUNCHING PIT133.06' OF 60" STEELCASING, 0.844"WALL THICKNESS,BORE AND JACKINV OUT: 231.63 (8" NW)INV IN: 232.00 (8" SW)INV IN: 235.00 (4"N)INV OUT: 239.27 (8" NE)INV OUT: 234.21 (8" NE)INV IN: 234.41 (8" SW)SSMH 39STA H16+92.38RIM = 250.384' DIA.F&C S-26 SSMH 38 STA H13+83.98 RIM = 243.45 4' DIA. F&C S-26 SSMH 37 STA H11+62.52 RIM = 241.00 4' DIA. F&C S-26 INV OUT: 225.60 (36" NE)INV IN: 225.70 (36" SW)INV IN: 230.00 (8" SE)SSMH 25 STA H10+00.00 RIM = 243.38 INSIDE DROPCAPITAL BLVDSOUTHBOUND LANECAPITAL BLVDNORTHBOUND LANENCDOT R/WSANITARY SEWEREASEMENTEOP EOP EOP EOP4" LATERALHHHHHHHHHHEXISTING GRADE0SCALE 1"=5' AT ORIGINAL SIZE2.510'57.50SCALE 1"=30' AT ORIGINAL SIZE60'453015NOTES:1.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICTACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS,DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS.2.SEWER PIPES TO BE ABANDONED IN-PLACE.COMPLETELY FILL WITH FLOWABLE FILL CONCRETEOR CELLULAR CONCRETE PROVIDE MEASURES TOASSURE FILL DOES NOT ENTER BUILDINGS VIAEXISTING LATERALS.3.USING BRICKS AND NON-SHRINK GROUT, PLUG ALLPIPES AT MANHOLES.4.REMOVE THE TOPS OF THE MANHOLES TO 4 FEETBELOW GRADE. FILL THE BOTTOM OF MANHOLEWITH NATIVE SOIL AND 6 INCHES OF TOP SOIL TOFINISHED GRADE OR AS DICTATED BY PIPE BACKFILLREQUIREMENTS.MATCH LINE SEE C2.04PROFILESCALE: HOR 1"=30' | VER 1"=5'JOSE S CHUA JRTESSIE L CHUA1200 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603PLANSCALE 1"=30'NThis Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________MOGHADASS INC1210 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603NATHANIEL HEYWARD ROBB JRALEXANDRA ROBB1300 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603NATHANIEL HEYWARD ROBB JR ETAL POLHILLALEXANDRA ROBB1302 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603NATHANIEL HEYWARD ROBB JR ETAL POLHILLALEXANDRA WENTWORTH ROBB1310 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603NATHANIEL HEYWARD ROBB JR ETAL POLHILLALEXANDRA WENTWORTH ROBB1312 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603NATHANIEL HEYWARD ROBB JR ETAL POLHILLALEXANDRA WENTWORTH ROBB1318 CAPITAL BLVDRALEIGH, NC 27603PLAN AND PROFILEC2.12FOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBOU N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND) PIGEO N HOUS E BRANC H UNNAMED TR I B U T A R Y C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D T O W A K E F O R E S T R O A D R A M P ( N O R T H B O U N D ) W W W G WW S S S S WW WW INLETS W S S S S S S S S S WHB WHB S INLETINLET S S S S S S S S D S PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PI G E O N H O U S E B R A N C H N O R F O R K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D C S X T R A N S P O R T A T I O N CSX TRANSPORTATION C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBO U N D ) CAPITAL BOULEVARD (SOUTHBOUND) TBM TOP OF HYDRANT ELEVATION = 235.52' CAPITAL BOULEVARD (NORTHBOUND)INLETINLETDD GB-06 GB-07 GB-08 GB-09 GB-10 GB-11 GB-12 GB-13 MW-1 TMW-01 TMW-02 TMW-06 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 D US-1/SR-401 LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT RIP-RAP LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT W / LT LT W / LT LT W / LT W / LT ANT. LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT ANT. W / LT LT LT LT SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB SCRUB E ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 Z O N E 1 ZON E 1 ZON E 1 ZONE 1ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 Z O N E 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 SETUP NO. 1 SETUP NO. 2 SETUP NO. 5 BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS SETUP NO. 7 SETUP NO. 6 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFF0 120' SCALE 1"=60' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 906030 N CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ BYPASS PUMPING PLAN C3.01 NOTES: 1.BYPASS PIPING TO BE PLACED WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE WHEN NOT ON PAVEMENT. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE PUMPS ACCORDING TO THE PROVIDED FLOW INFORMATION AND NOTE 8, WHICH EVER IS GREATER. 3.BACK UP PUMP SYSTEM MUST BE PROVIDED TO ACHIEVE 100% REDUNDANCY, AND MUST BE CONNECTED READY TO PUMP AT ALL TIMES. BACKUP PUMP SHOULD BE OPERATED VIA FLOAT. 4.NO FLOW THROUGH SEWER PLUGS ARE ALLOWED. USE A MECHANICAL SEWER PLUG (SEE CORPUD HANDBOOK) ON DOWNSTREAM INVERT OF SUCTION MANHOLE. 5.RESTRAIN PIPING DURING BYPASS OPERATIONS. 6.NOT ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINES ARE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO BYPASS SEWER LATERALS AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN SEWER SERVICE AND PREVENT SENITARY SEWER OVERFLOWS DURING CONSTRUCTION. 7.A BYPASS PLAN SEALED BY A NC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER MUST BE SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC UTILITIES PRIOR TO PUMPING OPERATIONS TO COORDINATE WITH ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING STAFF. PUMPS SHOULD BE SIZED TO HANDLE THE PEAK DAILY FLOW (2.5 TIMES THE AVERAGE DAILY FLOW WITH A MINIMUM OF 50 GPM) FOR THE LINE OR AREA OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE PUMPS FROM A PUMP SUPPLIER ACCORDING TO THE PROVIDED FLOW INFORMATION. PUMPING OPERATIONS MUST BE MONITORED 24 HOURS A DAY FOR EACH DAY OF THE PUMPING OPERATION BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL IN ORDER TO RESPOND TO PROBLEMS OR FAILURES. 100% REDUNDANCY IS REQUIRED FOR PUMPING OPERATIONS. IN ADDITION, BACK UP PUMPS ARE TO BE CONNECTED TO THE BYPASS FORCE MAIN TO FACILITATE IMMEDIATE USE UPON FAILURE OF THE PRIMARY PUMPS. GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D ) PIGEON HOUSE B R A N C H PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH W W S S W S S S S S TO BE ABANDONED WHH D D S S S S S S S S S S S S S S INLET INLETINLET S S S U C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (SOUTHBO U N D ) C A P I T A L B O U L E V A R D (NORTHBO U N D ) PI G E O N H O U S E B R A N C H OLD WILLIAMSON ROADS CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( N O R T H B O U N D) TO WADE AVE NORFOL K S O U T H E R N R A I L R O A D CAPI T A L B O U L E V A R D ( S O U T H B O U N D) PIG E O N H O U S E B R A N C H D GB-01 GB-02 GB-03 GB-04 GB-05FAIRVIEWROAD US-1/SR-401 US-1/SR-401 US-1/ S R-401 US-1/ S R-401 S TO BE ABANDONED D D D LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTW / LTLTLTW / LTW / LTLTRIP-RAPW / LTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTW / LTW / LT LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LTLT LT LT W / LT LT W / LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT W / LT LT LT UNKNOWN PIPE ENDSCRUB SCRUB SCRUBSCRUB SCRUB 60 2 242 . 0 3 612 283 . 0 4 ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZONE 2ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1 ZONE 2ZON E 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1ZONE 1 ZONE 1ZONE 2 29 30 31 28 26 25 24 23 32 37 38 39 35 33 36 34 27 27A27B 268 269 270 SETUP NO. 3 SETUP NO. 4 BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS BURY BYPASS PUMP PIPE BELOW ENTRANCE TO MAINTAIN ACCESS SETUP NO. 8 CLEAR TREES AS NECESSARY FOR BYPASS PUMPING. REPLANT SIMILAR TYPE TREES, MIN 5' HEIGHT. 0 120' SCALE 1"=60' AT ORIGINAL SIZE 906030 N This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFCONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it be construed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________ PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________ STORMWATER___________________________________________________ PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________ FIRE____________________________________________________________ URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________ SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________ BYPASS PUMPING PLAN C3.02 GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________DETAILSC4.01This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF 48" CASING18" CASINGTYPICAL CASING PLUG(EXCLUDING VENT PIPE)PER DETAIL S-18X'GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 12" TYPICALCONCRETE DRIVEWAYS OR PARKING LOTS6-INCHES 3,000 PSI CONCRETE, MIX NO. 2WWF 6X6-W2.9xW2.9ASPHALT DRIVEWAY OR PARKING LOT2-INCHES TYPE SF-9.5A6-INCHES ABC(COMPACTED DEPTH)GRAVEL DRIVEWAY ORPARKING LOT6-INCHES ABC(COMPACTED DEPTH)FINAL BACKFILLSEE PIPE EMBEDMENTDETAILMETALLIC MARKINGTAPEFINAL BACKFILLTRENCH MATERIAL OR SELECTBACKFILL MATERIAL PLACED IN12" LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO90% OF STANDARD PROCTOR.FINAL BACKFILLSEE PIPE EMBEDMENTDETAIL BELOWBEDDINGDEPTH ASREQUIRED(MIN. 6 INCHES)HAUNCHINGINITIAL BACKFILLNO. 67AGGREGATE24" (MIN)SEE FINAL BACKFILLDETAIL ABOVEPIPE SPRINGLINE6"(MIN)6" (MIN) BEDDINGHAUNCHINGINITIAL BACKFILLNO. 67 AGGREGATE24" (MIN)SEE FINAL BACKFILLDETAIL ABOVEPIPE SPRINGLINEUNDISTURBED EARTH12"(MAX)UNDISTURBED EARTH6"(MIN)12"(MAX)TRENCH NOTES:1.TRENCHES REQUIRING SHORING AND BRACING, DIMENSIONS SHALL BE TAKEN FROM THE INSIDE FACE OF THE SHORING AND BRACING.2.THE PAVEMENT CUT SHALL BE DEFINED BY A STRAIGHT EDGE AND CUT WITH AN APPROVED SAWCUT MACHINE.3.NO ROCKS OR BOULDERS 2" OR LARGER TO BE USED IN INITIAL BACKFILL, HAUNCHING OR BEDDING UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED.4.NO BOULDERS 8" IN DIAMETER OR GREATER ALLOWED IN FINAL BACKFILL.5.ALL BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL BE SUITABLE NATIVE MATERIAL UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED.6.INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE TAMPED IN 6" LIFTS.7.FINAL BACKFILL SHALL BE CLASS I, II, OR III FOR CCFRPM PIPE TAMPED IN 6" LIFTS REGARDLESS OF LOCATION (EXCLUDING NCDOT RIGHS-OF-WAY).8.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF RALEIGH STANDARDS, DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS.9.THE ENTIRE THICKNESS AND VERTICAL EDGE OF CUT SHALL BE TACKED.10.THE ASPHALT PAVEMENT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPACTED THOROUGHLY WITH A SMOOTH DRUM ROLLER TO ACHIEVE A SMOOTH LEVEL PATCH.11.NO HAND PATCHING ALLOWED.6"(MIN)12"(MAX)6"(MIN)12"(MAX)NO. 67 IN NC DOTCLASS I, II, OR IIIIN OTHER AREASPOSITIVE SHORING ASREQUIRED BY NCDOT INCAPITAL BOULEVARDSERVICE ROAD PERDETAIL 2 ABOVE24" ±12" (MIN)FINAL BACKFILLNO. 67 MATERIAL PLACED IN 6"LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO AMINIMUM 95% OF STANDARDPROCTOR.METALLIC MARKINGTAPESEE PIPE EMBEDMENTDETAILFINAL BACKFILL12" (MIN)FINAL BACKFILLCOMPACTED FILL MATERIALPLACED IN 6" LIFTS ANDCOMPACTED TO A MINIMUM 95%OF STANDARD PROCTOR.GEOTEXTILE FABRICThis Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF DETAILSC4.0224" ±FINAL BACKFILLNO. 67 MATERIAL PLACED IN 6"LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO AMINIMUM 95% OF STANDARDPROCTOR.METALLIC MARKINGTAPESEE PIPE EMBEDMENTDETAILFINAL BACKFILLUS-1 SERVICE ROAD FROMFAIRVIEW ROAD TO WADE AVENUECONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________MILLED AREA3-INCH TYPE SF-9.5A12-INCHES ABC (COMPACTED DEPTH)100% T-80 STANDARD PROCTOR12" (MIN.)12" (MIN.)24"±METALLIC MARKING TAPEFINAL BACKFILLCOMPACTED FILL MATERIAL PLACEDIN 6" LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO AMINIMUM 95% OF STANDARD PROCTORFINAL BACKFILLSEE PIPE EMBEDMENT DETAIL12"KEY-IN12"KEY-INEXISTING PAVEMENTEXISTING PAVEMENTEXISTING ABCEXISTING ABC8 - INCHES ABC (COMPACTED DEPTH)100% PER STANDARD PROCTOR3" TYPE SF-9.5AFROM CURB TO CURB12" CONCRETECURB (TYP)3" TYPE SF-9.5AFROM CURB TO CURB12" ABC (COMPACTED DEPTH)100% PER STANDARD PROCTORPOSITIVE SHORING ASREQUIRED BY NCDOT INCAPITAL BOULEVARDSERVICE ROAD8"8" COMPACTED DEPTHTO A MINIMUM OF 100%STANDARD PROCTOR12" (MIN)12" (MIN)US-1 SERVICE ROAD FROMWAKE FOREST ROAD TO FAIRVIEW ROADDRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTSUNIMPROVED AREASFINISHED GRADE6-INCHES TOPSOIL, SEED, MULCHOLD WILLIAMSON ROAD2-INCH TYPE S9.5B OR TYPE S9.5CPER NCDOT 16.1 PERMIT LOCATIONS10-INCH B25.0B OR B25.0C PERNCDOT 16.1 PERMIT LOCATIONS8-INCHES ABC (COMPACTED DEPTH)100% STANDARD PROCTOR12" (MIN.)12" (MIN.)24"±METALLIC MARKING TAPEFINAL BACKFILLFLOWABLE FILL CONCRETE ORABC MATERIAL PLACED IN 6"LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO AMINIMUM 95% OF STANDARDPROCTORFINAL BACKFILLSEE PIPE EMBEDMENT DETAILNCDOT ROAD US-1 NORTH/SOUTH TRAVEL LANES123456POSITIVE SHORING ASREQUIRED BY NCDOT INCAPITAL BOULEVARDSERVICE ROAD PERDETAIL 2 ABOVEPVC PIPE EMBEDMENT7FRPM PIPE EMBEDMENT8NOT TO SCALETRENCH DETAILSNOT TO SCALEROAD RESTORATION DETAILSEMERGENCY TRANSVERSE CONSTRUCTION JOINTT/2 T/2 T JOINT SEALERSEE DETAIL ‘C’TIE BAR @ 12" CENTERS30"1515"DETAIL ‘C’JOINT SEALER"""–"1 " MIN.BACKER ROD" DIA.SLABTHICKNESSTIE BARLENGTH "L"""30"30"TIE BARDIA. "D"8" OR LESS9" OR ABOVETABLE II - LONGITUDINAL TIE BARSLONGITUDINAL OR TRANSVERSE SECTION ‘A-A’CEMENT CONCRETEPROPOSED PORTLANDWASHERRETAININGTIE BARDOWEL ORPROPOSED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETETOEXISTING PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETEBASE COURSEPAVEMENTCEMENT CONCRETEEXISTING PORTLANDEXISTING BASE COURSELL/2T/2 T SECTION 1081 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE 3 OR 3A ADHESIVES. SEE STANDARD DRAWING 700.01 FOR BAR SIZES AND OTHER JOINT RELATED INFORMATION. PROVIDE ADHEVSIVE BONDING MATERIAL SPECIFICED BY TO HOLD THE ADHESIVE MATERIAL IN PLACE. THE RETAINING WASHERS SHALL BE: I.D.=BAR O.D., O.D.=HOLE I.D. + " MIN., THICKNESS= " MIN. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER OF THE ADHESIVE. USE RETAINING WASHERS (NYLON, PLACTIC OR COMPOSTIE) ON ALL BARS ENGINEER. MEASURE THE HOLES, TO ACCEPT THESE BARS, THE O.D. OF THE BAR PLUS " IN DIAMETER AND THE LENGTH OF THE BAR PLUS 1" THE TRANSVERSE JOINTS AT 12" ON CENTER. THE PLACEMENT AND/OR SPACING OF TIE OR DOWEL BARS MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE PLANS OR THE-PLACE TIE BARS (DEFORMED STEEL BARS) ALONG THE LONGITUDINAL JOINTS AT 30" ON CENTER. PLACE DOWEL BARS (SMOOTH STEEL BARS) ALONG-JOIN PAVEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.GENERAL NOTES:PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE TO PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETEPAVEMENT CONNECTION DETAILGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AN/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. this limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is is not a permit, nor shall it be constructed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTILITIES STORMWATER PLANNING/ZONING FIRE URBAN FORESTRY ABANDON MANHOLE - IN PAVEMENT NOT TO SCALEVARIABLE4'-6' DIA.VARIABLEGROUT 1-FT ABOVE TOP OF HIGHEST INVERT PIPE REMOVE CONE OR DEMOLISH MANHOLE AT LEAST TWO FEET BELOW GRADE REMOVE FRAME AND COVER EXISTING PAVEMENTEXISTING PAVEMENT VARIABLE4'-6' DIA.VARIABLEEXISTING SHELF PLUG LATERALS WITH GROUT SEE TRENCH RESTORATION DETAILS FILL MANHOLE WITH ABC DEMOLISH AND GROUT (STEP 1) FILL MANHOLE WITH ABC AND RESTORE PAVEMENT (STEP 2) ABANDONED SEWER PIPE EXISTING PAVEMENT EXISTING ABC EXISTING ABC EXISTING PAVEMENT ABANDONED SEWER PIPE CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES TYPICAL PIPE SECTION & ELEVATION REVISIONS DATE REVISIONS DATEDWG. NO. S-13 MIN STANDARD MANHOLE PIPE JOINT, TYP NON-SHRINK GROUT PLUG, SEE DWG S-17 PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE LOCATED AT EACH JOINT, SEE DWG S-39 STEEL CASING PIPE DIP CARRIER PIPE MANHOLE STANDARD STEEL CASING PIPE EXISTING GRADE PIPE SUPPORT, SEE DWG S-14 RJ DIP CARRIER PIPE AERIAL PIPE CROSSING SECTION ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE 2'-0"2'-0" ANCHOR BOLTS & STRAPS 3/4" STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS & STRAPS 3/4" STAINLESS STEEL D.H.L.6/16/08 CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CASING PIPE DETAILS REVISIONS DATE REVISIONS DATEDWG. NO. S-18 TURN DOWN ELBOW WITH INSECT SCREEN 2" Ø GALV STEEL VENT, TWO PER CASING, ONE AT EACH END OF PROVIDE 2" Ø GALV STEEL DRAIN IN BULKHEAD AT LOW END OF CASING PIPE AND 1/3 CU YD OF CRUSHED STONE AT DRAIN, WRAP STONE 12"BULKHEAD AT EACH END OF CASING PIPE STEEL CASING PIPE DIP CARRIER PIPE TYPICAL CASING PIPE PLUG NON-SHRINK GROUT WITH FILTER FABRIC FINISHED GRADE CARRIER PIPE PLATE, TYP 5/8" Ø A325 BOLT 3/16 4 1" R ON ALL CORNERS CASING PIPE PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE AERIAL PIPE CROSSING CASING PIPE ALL AROUND ASSIST GROUT PLACEMENT, STYROFOAM PLUG TO PROVIDE PLASTIC SHEET BOND-BREAKER BETWEEN CARRIER PIPE AND GROUT, ALL AROUND 3/8"x4" STEEL 3/8" STEEL PLATE, TYP NOTE: NON-SHRINK GROUT SHALL BE "EUCO-N-S" BY THE EUCLID CHEMICAL COMPANY; "MASTERFLOW 713" BY MASTER BUILDERS, OR EQUAL.2"8" NOTE: A.B.B.4-16-04 USE A MINIMUM OF 2 SPIDERS PER JOINT PLACED ONE FOURTH OF THE PIPE JOINT LENGTH IN FROM BOTH THE BELL AND SPIGOT. D.H.L.6-18-08 CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. * ALL BASES ARE MINIMUM 9" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE EXTENDED BASE OR CAST-IN-PLACE CL. "A" CONCRETE TOTAL CU. YDS. 1,778 T2 BAR BILL OF MATERIAL FOR 4' MANHOLE SIZE #5 7'-6" LENGTH NO. 24 165 WT. LBS. BILL OF MATERIAL FOR 4' MANHOLE BAR SIZE LENGTH NO.WT. LBS. T2 #5 5'-6"18 103 CL. "A" CONCRETE TOTAL CU. YDS. 1,000 CL. "A" CONCRETE TOTAL CU. YDS. 1,361 T1 #5 SIZEBAR BILL OF MATERIAL FOR 4' MANHOLE LENGTH 6'-6"20 NO.WT. LBS. 136 6' PRECAST MANHOLE REINFORCED CONC. FOOTING FOR 8'-0"S-21 3-1-87T2 BARS AT 8" CTST1 OR T2 BAR 8'-0" T2 BARS AT 8" CTS 5' PRECAST MANHOLE REINFORCED CONC. FOOTING FOR 4" PRECAST MANHOLE REINFORCED CONC. FOOTING FOR 7'-0"6'-0"T1 BARS AT 8" CTS7'-0" T1 BARS AT 8" CTS 6'-0"T2 BARS AT 8" CTST2 BARS AT 8" CTS RRH 3-30-00 STRAIGHT BAR 2-9-05ABB CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. SEWER MANHOLE STANDARD PRECAST SANITARY RUBBER BOOTVARIABLE S-20 SECTION A-A 9" 6" 4" 4'-6' DIA. AS REQUIRED 2'-6" MIN.Y.C.A.12-31-92 2'-O" 24" MAX RRH 3-30-00 A A ABB 2-21-05 D.H.L.6-16-08 "O" RING SEAL OR RAM-NECK SEE C.O.R. STANDARD S-25 FOR MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER NEW MANHOLES USE A BUTYL SEALANT BETWEEN FRAME AND MANHOLE TOP SECTION WHEN SECURING FRAME TO MANHOLE TO PROVIDE A WATER TIGHT SEAL. ECCENTRIC M.H. CONE MAY BE USED ON 8" , 10" AND 12" SEWER MAINS. MANHOLE CONE AND BARREL SECTIONS SHALL BE AS PER ASTM. STANDARDS LATERAL INVERT SHALL NOT BE LOWER THAN MAIN SPRING- LINE. MANHOLE SHALL BE 2' ABOVE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN OR SEALED AND VENT TO BE 2' ABOVE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN. WHEN MANHOLE TOPS ARE IN EXCESS OF 3' ABOVE GRADE. OUTSIDE STEPS MUST BE PROVIDED. SEE STANDARD S-28 FOR STEP DETAIL. IN NON TRAFFIC AREAS, TOP OF FRAME AND COVER SHALL BE INSTALLED A MIN. OF 1' ABOVE FINISHED GROUND SURFACE. MIN. 9" COMPACTED #67 STONE BASE TO BE INSTALLED UNDER NEW MANHOLE. SEE SEWER DESIGN SECTION SHELF SLOPE 60° CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. AND MANHOLE MARKER GRAVITY SEWER MAIN TRACER WIRE S-20A WKD 09-14 STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CRIMP (SIMILAR METAL), TYP EXISTING GRADE VARIES, SEE NOTE 1LOOP 3 FT (MIN) OF WIRE INTO TEST STATION TEST STATION OR TEST PORT- STANDARD H2O TRAFFIC LOAD RATED VALVE BOX WITH LID LABELED "TS" AND PAINTED GREEN, PLACED ABOVE DOWNSTREAM SEWER WRAP TRACER WIRE AROUND CIRCUMFERENCE OF MANHOLE AND SPLICE TO TRACER WIRE FOR DOWNSTREAM SEWER MAIN SEWER LATERAL FLOW SEWER MAIN SEWER SADDLE TAP SEE NOTE 2 NO. 12 GAUGE SOLID BARE COPPER TRACER WIRE, TYP 2'-6" 4'-6" PLASTIC GREEN MANHOLE MARKER-LABELED SEWER MANHOLE, SEE NOTE 3 NOTES: 1.THE TRACER WIRE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. FOR GRAVITY MAIN AND OR LATERAL INSTALLATIONS LESS THAN 8 FT, THE TRACING WIRE SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PIPE. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE LAID FLAT AND SECURELY AFFIXED TO THE PIPE AT 10 FOOT INTERVALS. FOR GRAVITY MAIN AND OR LATERAL INSTALLATION DEEPER THAN 8 FT, THE TRACING WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A DEPTH OF 7-8 FT. THE WIRE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE DURING THE EXECUTION OF THE WORK. NO BREAKS OF CUTS IN THE TRACER WIRE SHALL BE PERMITTED. 2.WHERE LATERAL TAPS ARE MADE BY SERVICE SADDLES, THE TRACER WIRE SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TO BE PLACED BETWEEN THE SADDLE AND MAIN. 3.MANHOLE MARKERS SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO MANHOLES AT THE DISCRETION OF OWNER OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 12" HOLE FILLED WITH CONCRETE CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES PILE CAP DETAIL REVISIONS DATE REVISIONS DATEDWG. NO. S-15 DIAMETER (IN.)"A" (FT.) WIDTH SPACING "B" (FT.) 6'-0"3'-0" 3'-6"6'-6" 7'-3"4'-3" 8'-0"5'-0" CASING PIPE TOTAL PILE < 36 38-42 45-51 54-60 #3 STIRRUP #3 STIRRUP BELOW PIPE (BEYOND) HP12x53 TYP**2-1/4"x3" STRAPS WITH 1/4"x6" NEOPRENE PAD ADHERED TO ** 3/4" ANCHOR BOLTS SNUG FIT #3 STIRRUPS @6", TYP 4-#4, TYP 4-#4 4-#7 #3 CIRCULAR HOOPS, TYP SADDLE HP 12x53 STEEL PILE 3 12 3 12 STEEL PILE WIDTH OF PILE CAP ASTM A307 MINPILE SUPPORTED FOUNDATION DESIGN SHOWN ON THIS DETAIL IS BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: MINIMUM CAPACITY OF HP12x53 PILE = 30 TONS CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 4000 PSI GRADE 60 REINFORCING STEEL MAXIMUM STREAM VELOCITY = 10 FT/SEC IF FIELD CONDITIONS REQUIRE ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE PARAMETERS, FOUNDATION DESIGN SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. LENGTH OF PILES SHALL BE AS REQUIRED TO DEVELOP 30 TON CAPACITY BY EITHER END BEARING, FRICTION OR A COMBINATION OF END BEARING AND FRICTION. AS A MINIMUM, PILES SHALL BE DRIVEN AT LEAST 15 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 1. 2. NOTES: 120° AERIAL PIPE CROSSING OR A36 12"TYPFOR PILE SPLICE, SEE DWG S-19 1/4"x2 1/2" NEOPRENE PAD ADHERED TO STRAP 18"18"18"B A 18"9"3'-0"**3.ANCHOR BOLTS AND STRAPS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. D.H.L.6/16/08 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFDETAILS C4.03 EXISTING ABC EXISTING ABC GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AN/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. this limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is is not a permit, nor shall it be constructed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTILITIES STORMWATER PLANNING/ZONING FIRE URBAN FORESTRY CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. FACE OF COVER GASKET IN VERTICAL S-26 3-1-87 PLAN RECESSED FLUSH 1" LETTERING MINIMUM A/G WEIGHT FRAME COVER TOTAL 182 160 342 A TOP OF COVER STAINLESS STEEL ROD SECTION ATYPICAL LIFTING DEVICE 5/8" o 3-1-87 RRH 3-30-00 ANCHORED IN RING MUST BE ACCORDANCE WITH S-25 ABB 8-29-05 (2) LIFTING BARS M A D E IN USA4- 1" DIA HOLES @ 120°DO N O T E N T E R C ONFINED S P A C EPERMIT R E Q U IR EDD A NGE R SEW E RSAN I T A RYD.H.L.6/18/08 1" 7 1/2" 1" 28 1/4" 26 1/4" 22" 34" 26" 3"28" MANHOLE FRAME AND WATERTIGHT COVER CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO.MANHOLE.# 67 STONE BASE.PROVIDE A MINIMUM 9" COMPACTED4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLS-20, FOR PRECAST MANHOLES.3. SEE STANDARD DETAIL12-31-91S-22 Y.C.A.CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW LATERAL NECESSITATESWHEN A 6" OR LARGER 2. THIS DETAIL TO BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION.1. FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINEDNOTES:SAW TO CUT SPRINGLINESECTION ALONG CENTERLINE OF EXISTING MAINEXISTING SEWER MAINGROUT6"6"6"GROUT4"EXTEND OVER INVERT5. FOR USE ON DIP, CONCRETE, AND PVC ONLY.9"SECTION AT RIGHT ANGLE TO EXISTING MAINRRH 3-30-00 (NOT ALLOWED ON VCP)A.B.B.1-19-056. SEE DETAIL S-21 FOR REINFORCING OF POUREDIN-PLACE BASED.H.L.6/16/084'-0" FOR 8" TO 12" MAINS5'-0" FOR 15" TO 30" MAINS6'-0" FOR 36" TO 54" MAINSEXISTINGSEWERMAINSTANDARD MANHOLE INSTALLATION OVER EXISTING SEWER MAIN CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. S-24 VENT DETAIL HYFE 3'-0" HYFE 3'-0" MIN. 12" PRE-CAST TOP SLAB 9" STONE * SEE VENT DETAIL D.W.C.6-7-99 FLANGE GASKET STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS NOTES: RRH 3-30-00 4" "HOT DIPPED" GALV. PIPE A.B.B.4-15-04 WALL COLLAR D.H.L.6/16/08 CAM-LOK WATER TIGHT MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER CENTERED IN TOP SEAL AROUND VENT PIPE THROUGH MANHOLE VENT OPENING TO BE TWO FOOT ABOVE HUNDRED YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION VENT OPENING TO BE SCREENED FACTORY CAST IN PLACE GALVANIZED PIPE FLANGE 12" ABOVE MH TOP PROPOSED GRADE MANHOLE TO HAVE CAST IN RISER OPPOSITE STEPS TO ACCOMODATE 4" "HOT DIPPED" GALVANIZED PIPE. STANDARD SEAL TIGHT MANHOLE WITH VENTED STACK SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM MANHOLE ALL SIDES. * OTHER ACCEPTABLE COVERS 1. VENT MUST BE FACTORY WELDED FABRICATED AND "HOT DIPPED" GALVANIZED. 2.HYFE- Hundred Year Flood elevation 5/8"X3" LAGSHIELD IN HOLE DRILLED INTO CONE OR RING WITH ANCHOR SUNK TO DESIGN DEPTH, AND 5/8"X3" HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED LAG BOLT AND WASHER. R DAME N UI ES EW S A RTAIANSY 23 1/2"21" 1" 2 3/4" CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF RALEIGH 3-1-87 FLAT TOP MANHOLE COVER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF RALEIGH 3-1-87S-25a 3-1-87 RRH 3-30-005/8 DIA.COVERMACHINED SURFACE(2) LIFTINGBARBARSRUBBER GASKET45 DUROMETERSECTION 'B-B'(2)- S.S. PENTAGON HEADBOLT CAMLOCKING DEVICEBB(1) 1" VENTHOLERING3- 1" DIAHOLES @ 120°1 3/826 1/16427 7/1626 1/82426 1/83134 Note: solid cover required when water tight manhole specified. 1 14" A S M S DAE NI SU A EWE R AINT Y R NOTE: CONCRETE COLLAR SHALL EXTEND 2" BELOW TOP OF PRECAST CONE 2" 2" 1.PROVIDE MANHOLE ADAPTER ON EX. PVC PIPE. MANHOLE ADAPTER SHALL BE PCX MA BY PIPECONX, CMA BY FERNCO, CMA BY EJ PRESCOTT, OR EQUAL. SEE NOTE 1 This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFDETAILS C4.04 NOTES 1.MANHOLES SHALL NOT HAVE MANHOLE STEPS GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES INSIDE DROP MANHOLE DWG. NO. S-53 REVISIONS DATE REVISIONS DATE MAB 11-6-13 CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO.MIN. GRADE 1%BARREL OF PIPE BEDDING(CLASS II, III, OR IV)1 PIECE OF PIPEWHEN SEWER CLEAN OUT IS INPAVEMENT OR IMPERVIOUS SURFACE,IT MUST BE INSTALLED INSIDE A VALVEBOX (OR MINI-MANHOLE) WITH COVERLABELED "SEWER".MACHINE. FOR PVC INSTALLATIONS, SADDLE AND BENDMUST BE BEDDED IN #67 STONE. BEDDING AND HAUNCHINGEXISTINGTYPICAL SANITARY SEWER 6-92 LATERAL CONNECTION Y.C.A.MAINOF PIPE BARREL MUST COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OFDETAILS, SEE STANDARDDETAIL S-31 & S-32.FOR SADDLE INSTALLATIONSADDLE OR IN-LINE WYE8",10" OR 12" TAPPING1/16" OR 1/8" BENDALL TAPS WILL BE MADE USING MECHANICAL TAPPINGBE COMPACTED IN 6" LIFTS WITH MECHANICAL TAMP.THE FULL LENGTH OF THE SERVICE DITCH SHALLPAVEMENTS-30 NOTE: PAVEMENT OPTIONMUST BE 2" BELOW GRADECURB(ONE PIECE)AND 1/8 BENDCOMBINATION WYEWITH PERMANENT1.O' EXTENSION4" D.I. ORPLUG CAPCAST IRON OR BRONZECLEAN OUT PLUGGRADEFINISHEDLINEPROPERTYPVC PIPERRH 3-30-00 A.B.B.4-8-044' DIAMETER CONCRETECOLLAR 6" THICK*SERVICE LATERAL MATERIAL AS REQUIREDDETAILS S-4 OR S-5 ACCORDING TO PIPE MATERIAL.D.H.L.6-18-08 45° SEWERSADDLEINSTALLATIONS BYUTILITY CONTRACTORSBEYOND THE PROPERTYOR EASEMENT LINEREQUIRE A "PLUMBINGUTILITY" PERMIT ANDARE INSPECTED BY THEPLUMBING INSPECTOR.DO NOT BACKFILL PRIORTO INSPECTION.CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO.EXISTINGTYPICAL SANITARY SEWER 9-14 LATERAL TRACER WIRE WKD MAINPAVEMENTS-30ANOTES:CURBCAST IRON OR BRONZECLEAN OUT PLUGGRADEFINISHEDLINEPROPERTY12"EXTEND TRACERWIRE TO JUSTBELOW CLEAN OUTPLUGLOOP TRACER WIRETWICE AROUNDCLEANOUT ASSEMBLYTRACER WIRE-NO. 12GAUGE SOLIDCOPPER BARE WIREMAIN TRACER WIREFOR NEW MAINNEW SERVICE ON EXISTING MAIN-PROVIDE MAGNESIUM ANODE (1 LB MIN) REQUIREDWHERE NO TRACER WIRE IS INSTALLED ON SEWERMAIN1.THE TRACER WIRE SHALL BE CONTINUOUS TO THE GREATEST EXTENT POSSIBLE.WHERE JOINTS ARE NECESSITATED IN THE WIRE, THE JOINTS SHALL BE SECURELYBONDED TOGETHER WITH AN APRROVED INDUSTRIAL CRIMP CONNECTOR TOPROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONTINUITY. CRIMPS SHALL BE SIMILAR METAL.2.THE CLEANOUT AT THE RIGHT OF WAY AND OR EASEMENT SHALL SERVE AS THETEST PORT WITH THE TRACING WIRE BROUGHT UP OUTSIDE THE CLEANOUTASSEMBLY AND WRAPPED AROUND THE STACK TWICE AT A DEPTH OFAPPROXIMATELY 12" BELOW GRADE.3.SPLICED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE ALLOWED BETWEEN THE MAIN LINE TRACERWIRE AND THE LATERAL TRACER WIRE.4.FOR NEW SEWER TAPS ON EXISTING MAINS VOID OF ANY TRACER WIRE, PROVIDEAN ANODE FOR THE TRACING WIRE TERMINATION AT THE POINT OF THE NEW TAPON THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN.CLEANOUTASSEMBLYSEWERLATERALCITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. S-34 4" CLEANOUT PLUG D.W.C. 3-1-87 3-27-98 4.00" INVERTED NUT RAISED NUT RRH 3-30-00 STANDARD 4" BRONZE CLEANOUT PLUG CLEANOUT FERRULE WITH PLUG STYLES ACCEPTED: CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. CARRIER PIPE 3/8" STEEL PLATE, TYP 3/8"x4" STEEL PLATE, TYP 5/8" A325 BOLT CASING PIPE 1" RAD ON ALL CORNERS 3/16 4 S-39 PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDE RRH 3-31-00 A.B.B.4-16-04 1) USE A MINIMUM OF TWO SPIDERS PER PIPE JOINT ONE FOURTH OF THE PIPE JOINT LENGTH IN FROM BOTH THE BELL AND SPIGOT ENDS. NOTE:PROPOSED PIPELINE OVER EXISTING PIPE12"2500 PSI CONCRETETRANSIT MIXEDMINPROPOSEDPIPELINEC6" MIN24" MAXPIPEEXISTNOTE: NO ENCASEMENT REQUIRED FOR SPACE GREATER THAN 24" FOR SEWER LINESPIPELINEPROPOSEDPROPOSED PIPELINE UNDER EXISTING PIPE6"6"PIPEO.D.EXISTPIPE24" MAX6" MINJOINT FILLER MATERIAL1" THICK COMPRESSIBLELLCCLLCCITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. S-49 2-20-08DHL CONCRETE CRADLE PROTECTION FOR SEWER LINE CROSSINGSFULL TRENCH WIDTH1.WHEN DIP WYES ARE USED, THE LATERAL SHALL BE DIP FROM WYE THRU CLEANOUT. USE PVC UPSTREAM OF CLEANOUT TO BUILDING. 2.WHEN CONNECTING TO 8" OR 10" PVC OR DIP, USE PVC AND DIP WYES, RESPECTIVELY. CITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO. S-31 SADDLE INSTALLATION LIMITS 45° PVC SADDLE PIPE CROWN 3-1-87 FLOWFLOW RRH 3-30-00SADDLELPIPE SPRINGLINEC45° PIPE CROWN 45° LC CL LATERAL SADDLE INSTALLATION DETAIL FOR PVC PIPE STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS PVC TO D.I. PIPE ADAPTER - USE 'FERNCO COUPLING 445-401' OR APPROVED EQUAL TO SEAL. BACKFILL UNDER PVC SADDLE, ADAPTOR, AND CAST IRON BEND WITH#67 STONE AS SHOWN ON S-4.SADDLELCCITY OF RALEIGH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES DATE REVISIONS DATEREVISIONSDWG. NO.45° CAST IRONTYPE C304 STAINLESSGENECO E40 OR EQUALNOTE: SADDLE TO BE3-1-87 FLOWNUTS AND WASHERSSADDLEBEYOND O.D. OFPROJECTING 1/2"TAPERED SPIGOTMAINS-32AA PIPE CROWNSTRAPSTAINLESS STEEL24 GA. TYP. C304LSTEEL T-BOLTSTYPE C304 STAINLESSSPRINGLINEPIPESPOT WELDED2.5"FLOWFACTO RY APPLIE D EPOXY SCH. 40 PVC PIPESADDLE45°PIPE CROWN45°FLOW 3-1-87 RRH 3-30-00 LATERAL SADDLE INSTALLATION DETAIL FOR VCP AND DUCTILE IRON PIPEASTM C-361-77RUBBERTUBULAR GASKETSUPPLIEDCEMENTED TOSADDLEGASKETED PVCADAPTERASTH A-4BCLASS CASTIRONASPHALTUMPAINTCOATEDALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AN/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. this limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is is not a permit, nor shall it be constructed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTILITIES STORMWATER PLANNING/ZONING FIRE URBAN FORESTRY This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFDETAILS C4.05 GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 REPLACE FRAME AND COVER (IN ACCORDANCE WITH HRSD DETAILS) REHABILITATE MANHOLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION EXISTING GRADE PREFORMED JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN FRAME LEVELING RINGS AND CORBEL GRADE ADJUSTMENT RINGS 12" MAX ADJUSTMENT HEIGHT WHERE MANHOLES ARE PARTIALLY DEMOLISHED FOR ACCESS REPLACE GRADE ADJUSTMENT RINGS AND TOP CONCRETE CORBEL SECTION DOWN TO FIRST FULL DIAMETER SECTION AT MINIMUM 2" FLEXIBLE EURETHANE COATING, EC-1 RESURFACING COMPOUND AND EA-4 COATING SYSTEM DEMOLISH ALL EXISTING STEPS TO 1" BEHIND SURFACE AND DO NOT REPLACEVARIES NOT TO SCALE MANHOLE REHABILITATION DETAIL 2" BELOW LOWEST GRADE ADJUSTMENT RING FILL INTERIOR JOINTS WITH RESURFACER FOR MANHOLES WITH EXISTING FRAME AND COVERS GREATER THAN 24", REMOVE PORTION OF CHIMNEY AND INSTALL REDUCING RING REPAIR CRACKS IN ACCORDANCE TO CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDATION MISSING BRICKS AND MORTAR TO BE FILLED WITH CEMENTITIOUS BASE COAT EXISTING DIRT MANHOLE INTERIOR PROVIDE MINIMUM EA-4 COATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATION 09900. MINIMUM 125 MILS DFT PROVIDE MINIMUM 0.50" CEMENTITIOUS BASE COAT. FINAL THICKNESS SHALL BE SUFFICIENT TO SMOOTH OUT SURFACE IRREGULARITIES AND RESTORE STRUCTURE TO ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS. EXISTING BRICK AND MORTAR MANHOLE WALLS NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL BRICK WALL REHAB SECTION ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AN/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. this limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is is not a permit, nor shall it be constructed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PLANNING/ZONING FIRE URBAN FORESTRY This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFDETAILS C4.06 18" 12" 6" UTILITY LINE (DIAMETER VARIES) A TRENCH WIDTH UTILITY LINEUTILITY LINEANTI-SEEP COLLAR A TRENCHDEPTHTRENCH WIDTH ANTI-SEEP COLLAR. CLASS B CONCRETE GRADE REBAR TO PREVENT PIPE FLOTATION ANTI-SEEP COLLAR PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF RALEIGH AN/OR NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVAL CITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTION Plans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance with applicable codes. this limited review, and authorization for construction is not to be considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements for development and construction. The property owner, design consultants, and contractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State and Federal laws. This specific authorization below is is not a permit, nor shall it be constructed to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Construction must be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations. TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES PUBLIC UTILITIES STORMWATER PLANNING/ZONING FIRE URBAN FORESTRY This Drawing shall not be used for Construction unless Signed and Sealed For Construction GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date Approved By Checked By Project No: 50097464 2610 Wycliff Rd. Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.881.9939 Fax: 919.881.9923 NCBELS #F-0929 Dewberry Engineers Inc. Drawn By Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 ARH ARH JW SRH AS SHOWN 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 09/21 ANO L I RACHRTON EVETG O A E LISS NFORP INN REEE 7 A 20 2 6 3 ES L N R.H I REDL HOSFFDETAILS C4.07 TWO CUT-OUTS ON OPPOSITE SIDES PVC COUPLING PVC VORTEX DROP ASSEMBLY 8" DIAMETER MANHOLE 60"X60" ALUMINUM DOUBLE LEAF LOCKABLE HATCH 2" WIDE 1/8" THICK STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS AND EXPANSION ANCHORS BOLTS INTO MANHOLE (TYP) 30" SEWER CONCRETE FILL SLOPED TO EFFLUENT PIPE 36" SEWER NOT TO SCALE SECTION ALTERNATIVE 2 - INTERNAL VORTEX DROP 44.50" 24" 24" 73" 44.50" 54" 30" SEWER 36" SEWER 12" SEWER RIBS 8' DIAMETER MANHOLE 2" WIDE 1/8" THICK STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS AND EXPANSION ANCHORS BOLTS INTO MANHOLE (TYP) 54" 15.95" PVC VORTEX DROP ASSEMBLY R54. 0 0 42" PLAN D.I.P. MANHOLE MH RING & COVER "Y" D.I.P. 1'-0" MANHOLE INVERT CONCRETE STONE UNDISTURBED GROUND 10" MIN. D.I. PIPE SECTION MAY NOT ENTER THROUGH MANHOLE JOINTS OR CONE SECTION SET SHORT PIECE OF PIPE AT LESS THAN 10% SLOPE 8" 36" OUTLET PIPEVARIABLE NOT TO SCALE ALTERNATIVE 1 - DIP OUTSIDE DROP SECTION PLAN 1'-0" 3000 P.S.I. CONCRETE ENCASEMENT FLATTOP PRECAST MANHOLE USE RESTRAINED JOIN (TYPICAL) D.I.P. "Y" WITH 45° ELBOW FRPMP TO DIP COUPLING 36" OUTLET PIPE D.I.P. 12" MIN. 12" MIN. 12" MIN. UNDISTURBED GROUND CONCRETE TO TERMINATE AT SPRINGLINE OF PIPE GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LTW / LTLTLTLTLTW / LTW / LT610237.34611209.37DTTDTGTTTDINLET INLETINLETINLET DWR WRCECE 99B9ASCALE 1"=100' AT ORIGINAL SIZE0200'15010050This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________STAGING AREAC5.01GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALOFF-SITE STAGING AREA1827 CAPITAL BLVDTILLERY PLCAPITAL BLVDWAKE FOREST ROADOLD LOUISBURG ROADATLANTIC AVEWAKE FOREST ROAD FENTON STCAPITAL BLVDDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF E&SC DETAILSC5.02(MAXIMUM)SLOPES2:1 SIDEW(MAXIMUM)2:1 SIDESLOPES18" OVERLAPIN A 6" TRENCH.ANCHOR NETTINGIN CHANNELS OR SLOPES, ROLL OUT STRIPS OF NETTING PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF FLOW AND OVER THE PROTECTIVE MULCH.JOIN STRIPS BY ANCHORINGAND OVERLAPPING.MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT MULCHES PERIODICALLY, AND AFTER RAINSTORMS CHECK FORRILL EROSION. WHERE EROSION IS OBSERVED, APPLY ADDITIONAL MULCH. IF WASHOUTOCCURS, REPAIR SLOPE GRADE, RESEED, AND REINSTALL MULCH AND JUTE MATTING.CONTINUE INSPECTIONS UNTIL VEGETATION IS FIRMLY ESTABLISHED.NOT TO SCALEFLOWINTAKE HOSEINTAKE HOSEPLAN VIEWDISCHARGE HOSESSTREAM DIVERSIONPUMPSCOMPLETED IN ONE DAYTHAT WHICH CAN BELENGTH NOT TO EXCEEDWORK AREACLEAN WATER DIKEDEWATERING PUMPSECTION A-A(2 FOOT MIN.)BASE FLOW + 1 FOOT(12" to 18" DEEP 2' DIA.)SUMP-HOLE OR POOLTO CHECK DAMOR SANDBAGSDISSIPATOR MADE OF RIP RAPONTO A STABLE VELOCITYPUMPS SHOULD DISCHARGEIMPERVIOUS SHEETINGAPPROVDED DEWATERINGDEVICE. PROVIDE POSITIVECROSS SECTION OF SANDBAG DIKE OR CHECK DAMAS APPROPRIATEWORK AREADRAINAGE TO STREAMSEDIMENT DIKEOR SANDBAGSNOTE: MAINTAIN DEWATERING DEVICES WEEKLY AND REMOVE SEDIMENT OFF-SITE TO AN APPROPRIATE SOLID WASTE FACILITY.NOT TO SCALEOVERFLOW WEIR ATCENTER OF OPENINGCURB FILTERNOTES:1.COMPRESS CURB FILTER AGAINST CURB.2.INSTALL CURB FILTER IN FRONT OF CURB INLET OPENING. EACH END SHOULD OVERLAP INLET BY 12".3.MADE OF SYNTHETIC MEDIA AND WEIGHT OF UNIT TO HOLD IT TO CURB SURFACEMAINTENANCE:1. CURB FILTER TO BE CHANGES AFTER EACH RAINFALL WITH IN 24 TO 48 HOURS. REMOVE SEDIMENT OR DEBRIS AND CLEAN FILTER.2. INSPECT CURB FILTERS WEEKLY AND REMOVE SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS.MIN OF 12"OVERLAPNOT TO SCALECURB CATCH BASINRIPARIAN SEEDING SCHEDULE IN PIEDMONT AREASSEED SHALL BE APPLIED WITH NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TO GIVE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF THESEMATERIALS. THE KINDS OF MATERIALS TO BE APPLIED PER ACRE:1.CULTIPACK ALL DISTURBED AREAS, BROADCAST RECOMMENDED SEED THEN CULTIPACK (AGAIN) OVER THE SEED BEFORE COVERINGWITH WHEAT STRAW. REPEAT THE PROCESS IN THE EVENT OF FLOODING THAT REMOVES SEED AND STRAW FROM THE PREPAREDAREA.2.PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY PLANTING THE SELECTED SEED MIX DESCRIBED IN 'PERMANENT SEED MIX' PROVIDEDHEREIN. IF ANY SPECIES ON THE PERMANENT SEEDING MIXTURE IS NOT AVAILABLE, CONTACT THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FORSUBSTITUTE SPECIES.3.THE SEEDING SHALL BE COVERED WITH COIR MATTING BELOW BANKFULL AND STRAW MULCH, OR APPROPRIATE REPLACEMENT,ABOVE BANKFULL TO THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. MULCH IS TO BE SPREAD BY HAND, BLOWER OR OTHER SUITABLE EQUIPMENT ANDANCHORED INTO THE TOPSOIL WITH POLY DURING OR DISING.4.GRAIN STRAW SHALL BE APPLIED OVER SEEDED AREAS AS A MULCH WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE INITIAL SEEDING OPERATION. NO BAREGROUND SHALL BE VISIBLE WHEN RIDING BY A MULCHED AREA IF PROPER APPLICATION IS ACHIEVED. THICK CLUMPS OF STRAW ARENOT PERMISSIBLE AS A UNIFORM COVERAGE IS EXPECTED.5.MULCHED AREA SHALL BE TACKED WITH LIQUID ASPHALT AT A RATE OF 0.10 GALLON PER SQUARE YARD (10 GAL/1000 SQ. FT.).HYDRAULIC TACKING MATERIAL SHALL BE USED IN HIGH QUALITY WATER ZONES AND CRITICAL HABITAT AREAS.6.DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE USED IN AREAS WHERE STEEP GRADES COULD CAUSE DITCH EROSION. USE OF EXCELSIOR MATTING ORFIBERGLASS/SYNTHETIC ROVING IS ACCEPTABLE. DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE MULCHING OPERATION.7.VEGETATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED AREA WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OFGRADING ACTIVITIES OR WHERE CONSTRUCTION WILL TEMPORARILY CEASE FOR MORE 21 CALENDAR DAYS.8.AFTER NCDEQ APPROVAL OF ESTABLISHED VEGETATIVE COVER, REMOVE ALL FENCING AND STAKES COMPLETELY WITHOUTMACHINES.TYPEPLANTING RATELATE MARCH TO LATE MAY20 LBS./ACRESTRAW MULCH4000 LBS./ACREPERMANENT SEEDING WETLANDSSEE PERMANENT SEEDMIX BELOWSCIENTIFIC NAMECHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATACHAMAECRISTA FASCICULATAUROCHLOA RAMOSACOMMON NAME PARTRIDGE PEA PARTRIDGE PEA BROWNTOP MILLETRYE/GRAIN/WINTER WHEAT MIXOR BARLEYDATESLATE MARCHTO LATE MAYLATE MAY TOLATE MARCHMAY TOAUGUSTAUGUST TOMARCHRATE15 LBS/AC20 LBS/AC20 LBS/AC75 LBS/ACPERMANENT SEED MIXSEEDING SCHEDULE IN PIEDMONT AREASTYPEPLANTING RATELIME, SEED AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED WITH NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TO GIVE UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF THESEMATERIALS. THE KINDS OF MATERIALS TO BE APPLIED PER ACRE:JAN. 1 - MAY 1RYE (GRAIN)RYE (GRAIN)120 LBS./ACRE120 LBS./ACRE2.SEEDED AREA SHALL BE CULTIPACKED TO FIRM SEEDBED AND COVER SEED.3.GRAIN STRAW SHALL BE APPLIED OVER SEEDED AREAS AS A MULCH WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE INITIAL SEEDING OPERATION. NO BARE GROUND SHALL BE VISIBLEWHEN RIDING BY A MULCHED AREA IF PROPER APPLICATION IS ACHIEVED. THICK CLUMPS OF STRAW ARE NOT PERMISSIBLE AS A UNIFORM COVERAGE ISEXPECTED.4.MULCHED AREA SHALL BE TACKED WITH LIQUID ASPHALT AT A RATE OF 0.10 GALLON PER SQUARE YARD (10 GAL/1000 SQ. FT.). HYDRAULIC TACKING MATERIALSHALL BE USED IN HIGH QUALITY WATER ZONES AND CRITICAL HABITAT AREAS.5.DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE USED IN AREAS WHERE STEEP GRADES COULD CAUSE DITCH EROSION. USE OF EXCELSIOR MATTING OR FIBERGLASS/SYNTHETICROVING IS ACCEPTABLE. DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE MULCHING OPERATION.6.PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING AFTER CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATION IF THE AREA IS TO REMAIN DISTURBED FOR MORE THAN 7 CALENDAR DAYS.PROVIDE PERMANENT SEEDING WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OF ESTABLISHING FINAL GRADES.GERMAN MILLET **40 LBS./ACRE750 LBS./ACREMAY 1 - AUG. 15750 LBS./ACRE1000 LBS./ACREAUG. 15 - DEC. 30FERTILIZER10-10-10 BLEND2000 LBS./ACRE2000 LBS./ACRE2000 LBS./ACRE4000 LBS./ACRE4000 LBS./ACRE4000 LBS./ACRETEMPORARY SEEDINGAUG. 20 - OCT. 25250 LBS./ACRE1000 LBS./ACRE4000 LBS./ACRE4000 LBS./ACREPERMANENT SEEDINGFEB. 1 - MAR. 31BLEND OF 50% KY-31TALL FESCUE AND 50%MIXTURE OF TWO ORMORE TURF-TYPE TALLFESCUE**A SMALL-STEMMED SUDANGRASS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED AT A RATE OF 50 LBS/ACRE.***QUANTITY OF FERTILIZER AND LIME SHALL BE CONFIRMED BY SOILS TEST.1.CHISEL COMPACTED AREAS AND SPREAD TOPSOIL MINIMUM 4 INCHES DEEP OVER ADVERSE SOIL CONDITIONS.2.RIP THE ENTIRE AREA TO A DEPTH OF 6 INCHES.3.REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCK, ROOTS, AND OTHER DEBRIS LEAVING SURFACE REASONABLY SMOOTH AND UNIFORM.4.APPLY AGRICULTURE LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH SOIL. (SEE BELOW*)5.CONTINUE TILLAGE UNTIL A WELL-PULVERIZED, FIRM, REASONABLY UNIFORM SEEDBED IS PREPARED 4 TO 6 INCHES DEEP.6.SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER SEED LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING.7.MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. ANCHOR MULCH AGAINST WIND.8.INSPECT ALL SEEDED AREAS AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS OR RESEEDINGS DURING PLANTING SEASON IF POSSIBLE. IF STANDSHOULD BE OVER 60% DAMAGED, RE-ESTABLISH FOLLOWING ORIGINAL LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEEDING RATES.9.CONSULT CONSERVATION INSPECTOR ON MAINTENANCE TREATMENT AND FERTILIZER AFTER PERMANENT COVER IS ESTABLISHED.* APPLY: AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE - 2 TONS/ACRE (3 TONS/ACRE IN CLAY SOILS)FERTILIZER - 1,000 LBS./ACRE OF 10-10-10 SUPERPHOSPHATE - 500 LBS./ACRE AT 20% ANALYSISMULCH - 2 TONS/ACRE OF SMALL GRAIN STRAW ANCHOR - ASPHALT EMULSION AT 0.1 GAL/SY (10 GAL/SQ. FT.)SEEDBED PREPARATIONSEX. GROUNDNCDOT CLASS 1RIP-RAP, 27" THICKFILTER FABRIC OR FILTER LAYER(6" #57 WASHED STONE)WATER EDGERIP-RAP PROTECTION:1.ENSURE THAT THE SUBGRADE FOR THE FILTER AND RIPRAP FOLLOWS THE REQUIRED LINES AND GRADES SHOWN IN THE PLAN. COMPACT ANYFILL REQUIRED IN THE SUBGRADE TO THE DENSITY OF THE SURROUNDING UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. LOW AREAS IN THE SUBGRADE ONUNDISTURBED SOIL SHALL BE FILLED BY INCREASING THE RIPRAP THICKNESS.2.THE RIPRAP AND GRAVEL FILTER SHALL CONFORM TO THE SPECIFIED GRADING LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLANS.3.FILTER CLOTH, WHEN USED, MUST MEET DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND BE PROPERLY PROTECTED FROM PUNCHING OR TEARING DURINGINSTALLATION. REPAIR ANY DAMAGE BY REMOVING THE RIPRAP AND PLACING ANOTHER PIECE OF FILTER CLOTH OVER THE DAMAGED AREA. ALLCONNECTION JOINTS SHOULD OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT. IF THE DAMAGE IS EXTENSIVE, REPLACE THE ENTIRE FILTER CLOTH.4.RIPRAP MAY BE PLACED BY EQUIPMENT, BUT TAKE CARE TO AVOID DAMAGING THE FILTER.5.THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE RIPRAP SHOULD BE AS SPECIFIED.6.RIPRAP MAY BE FIELD STONE OR ROUGH QUARRY STONE. IT SHOULD BE HARD, ANGULAR, HIGHLY WEATHER-RESISTANT AND WELL GRADED.7.CONSTRUCT THE APRON ON GRADE WITH NO OVERFALL AT THE END. MAKE THE TOP OF THE RIPRAP AT THE DOWNSTREAM END LEVEL WITH THERECEIVING AREA OF SLIGHTLY BELOW IT.8.ENSURE THAT THE APRON IS PROPERLY ALIGNED WITH THE RECEIVING WATER AND PREFERABLY STRAIGHT THROUGHOUT ITS LENGTH. IF ACURVE IS NEEDED TO FIT SITE CONDITIONS, PLACE IT IN THE UPPER SECTION OF THE APRON.9.IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION, STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITH VEGETATIONMAINTENANCE:INSPECT RIPRAP OUTLET STRUCTURES ONCE PER WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT (1/2 INCH OR GREATER) TO SEE IF ANY EROSIONAROUND OR BELOW THE RIPRAP HAS TAKEN PLACE OR IF STONES HAVE BEEN DISLODGED. IMMEDIATELY MAKE ALL NEEDED REPAIRS TO PREVENTFURTHER DAMAGE.TYPICAL RIP-RAP DETAILTEMPORARY PUMP AROUNDTYPICAL ROLLED EROSION CONTROLPRODUCT (JUTE) SLOPE INSTALLATIONCURB INLET PROTECTIONGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMEN 0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF E&SC DETAILSC5.03NOTE:WASHING - IF CONDITIONS AT THE SITE ARE SUCH THAT MOST OF THE MUD AND SEDIMENT WILL NOT BEREMOVED BY VEHICLES TRAVELING OVER THE GRAVEL, THE TIRES SHOULD BE WASHED. WASHINGSHOULD BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO A SEDIMENTTRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE DISPOSAL AREA. A WASH RACK MAY ALSO BE USED TO MAKE WASHINGMORE CONVENIENT AND EFFECTIVE.MAINTENANCE:1.INSPECT TEMPORARY ENTRANCE/EXIT PAD ONCE PER WEEK AND AFTER EVERY RAINFALL.2.REPLACE GRAVEL PAD WHEN AGGREGATE IS CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT AND/OR WHEN SEDIMENT ISBEING TRACKED ON ROADWAY.3.IIMMEDIATELY REMOVE ALL OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS SPILLED, WASHED, OR TRACKED ONTOPUBLIC ROADWAYS.TEMPORARY TYPICALCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAILPUBLIC ROADABC6" MINDEPTH25'2-3" COARSE WASHEDAGGREGATE2 4 '25'R=35'R=35'CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION:1. CLEAR THE ENTRANCE AND EXIT AREA OF ALL VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLEMATERIAL PROPERLY AND GRADE IT.2. PLACE THE GRAVEL TO THE SPECIFIC GRADE AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SMOOTHIT.3. PROVIDE DRAINAGE TO CARRY WATER TO A SEDIMENT TRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE OUTLET. FLOWDITCHLINEWOODEN STAKE8" FABRIC STAPLE18"18"6" COVERDATE: 8/1/18SW-20.23REVISIONSNOT TO SCALESECURE PERMANUFACTURER'SRECOMMENDATIONEXISTINGROADWAYTEMP. INLETPROTECTIONEXISTINGABCPROPOSED OPENTHROAT CATCH BASINEXISTINGROADWAYEXIST / PROPCURBPLAN W / INLETINLET PROTECTION - COR BOXCROSS SECTIONWOODEN STAKE WITH WATTLEANCHORED TO THE TOPDITCHLINEFILTER FABRICOR DITCH LINERFILTER FABRICOR DITCH LINERPROFILE VIEWWATTLE / INLETPROTECTION DETAILEXIST / PROP OPENTHROAT CATCHBASIN COVERCITY OF RALEIGHSTANDARD DETAIL18" MIN DIAMETER WATTLE18" MIN DIAMETER WATTLEFASTENED TO WOODEN STAKEBY NAIL OR STAPLE1. WATTLES SHALL BE FILLED WITH STRAW OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL.2. SPACING FOR WATTLES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SITE ENGINEER.3. WATTLES MAY BE USED FOR PROTECTION OF CATCH BASINS AND DROP INLETS WITH APPROVAL BY THE STORMWATER PROGRAM MANAGER OR DESIGNEE.4. FOR USE OF WATTLE IN A DITCH, GRADE OF DITCH MUST BE <2.5%.NOTES:GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 CONCURRENT REVIEW APPROVALCITY OF RALEIGH - PLANS AUTHORIZED FOR CONSTRUCTIONPlans for the proposed use have been reviewed for general compliance withapplicable codes. This limited review, and authorization for construction is not tobe considered to represent total compliance with all legal requirements fordevelopment and construction. The property owner, design consultants, andcontractors are each responsible for compliance with all applicable City, State andFederal laws. This specific authorization below is not a permit, nor shall it beconstrued to permit any violation of City, State or Federal Law. All Constructionmust be in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal Rules and Regulations.TRANSPORTATION FIELD SERVICES________________________________PUBLIC UTILITIES________________________________________________STORMWATER___________________________________________________PLANNING/ZONING_______________________________________________FIRE____________________________________________________________URBAN FORESTRY_______________________________________________SITE ACCESSIBILITY______________________________________________This Drawing shall not be usedfor Construction unless Signedand Sealed For ConstructionGHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 CheckDraftingDateRevisionNoRev:Drawing No:Original SizeTitleProjectClientCheckDesignerDrawnScaleDesignNote: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawingArch D(Project Director)ApprovedDateApprovedByCheckedByProject No: 500974642610 Wycliff Rd.Suite 410Raleigh, NC 27607Phone: 919.881.9939Fax: 919.881.9923NCBELS #F-0929Dewberry Engineers Inc.DrawnByPublicSewer Collection / Extension SystemCity of RaleighPublic Utilities Department Permit #Authorization to ConstructDateCITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINAUPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT0ARHARHJWSRHAS SHOWN090% SUBMITTALARHSRHSRH03/20100% SUBMITTALARHJWSRH09/21ANOLIRACHRTO N EVETGOAELISSNFOR P INNREEE7A20263ESLNR.HIREDL HO SFF GRADING, DRAINAGE &EROSION CONTROL DETAILSC5.04NCG01 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLINGEFFECTIVE: 04/01/19GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITHTHE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMITImplementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the constructionactivity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handlingsections of the NCG01 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). Thepermittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by thedelegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheetmay not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction.GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATIONStabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of thetechniques in the table below:POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS1.Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed duringconstruction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants.2.Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures.3.Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of ApprovedPAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.4.Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before dischargingoffsite.5.Store flocculants in leak-proof containers that are kept under storm-resistant coveror surrounded by secondary containment structures.HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE1.Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site.2.Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment.3.Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground.EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE1.Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids.2.Provide drip pans under any stored equipment.3.Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from theproject.4.Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose ashazardous waste (recycle when possible).5.Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problemhas been corrected.6.Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum productsto a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials.LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE1.Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers.2.Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trashreceptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes.3.Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.4.Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runofffrom upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland.5.Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events orprovide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers.6.Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds.7.Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately ifcontainers overflow.8.Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility.9.On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers.PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE1.Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands.2.Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surfacewaters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available.3.Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area.4.Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site.5.Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes fromconstruction sites.PORTABLE TOILETS1.Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains,streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 footoffset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or placeon a gravel pad and surround with sand bags.2.Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in highfoot traffic areas.3.Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material.Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replacewith properly operating unit.HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES1.Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with labelrestrictions.2.Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with thelabel, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case ofaccidental poisoning.3.Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding ispossible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground wateror surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately.4.Do not stockpile these materials onsite.CONCRETE WASHOUTS1.Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site.2.Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with localand state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility.3.Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and inaddition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and withinlot perimeter silt fence.4.Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If analternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority forreview and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the twotypes of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail.5.Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalksections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into ordischarged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste mustbe pumped out and removed from project.6.Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless itcan be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum,install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receivespills or overflow.7.Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stoneentrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by theapproving authority.8.Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the projectlimits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location.9.Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limitoverflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structuralcomponents when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietaryproducts, follow manufacturer's instructions.10.At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose ofin an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbancecaused by removal of washout.EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT1.Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controlsand surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonablyavailable.2.Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset offive feet from the toe of stockpile.3.Provide stable stone access point when feasible.4.Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordancewith the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is definedas vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain acceleratederosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs.SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATIONRequired Ground Stabilization TimeframesNote: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporaryground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon aspracticable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbingactivity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render thesurface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved.Site Area DescriptionTimeframe variations-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones-10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unlessthere is zero slopeStabilize within thismany calendardays after ceasingland disturbance77714NoneNone(a)Perimeter dikes,swales, ditches, andperimeter slopes(b)High Quality Water(HQW) Zones(c)Slopes steeper than3:1If slopes are 10' or less in length and arenot steeper than 2:1, 14 days areallowed(d)Slopes 3:1 to 4:1(e)Areas with slopesflatter than 4:114-7 days for slopes greater than 50' inlength and with slopes steeper than 4:1-7 days for perimeter dikes, swales,ditches, perimeter slopes and HQWZones-10 days for Falls Lake WatershedEFFECTIVE: 04/01/19PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION A: SELF-INSPECTIONSelf-inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the tablebelow. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspectionpersonnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day onwhich it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to orgreater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self-inspection shall beperformed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspectionswere delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record.NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement.PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION B: RECORDKEEPING1.E&SC Plan DocumentationThe approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. Theapproved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit.The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be kept on site and available forinspection at all times during normal business hours.2. Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site In addition to the E&SC plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site-specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical:(a)This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage, after it is received.(b)Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shallrecord the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by theDivision or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use ofelectronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed ifshown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records.PART IIISELF-INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGSECTION C: REPORTING1.Occurrences that Must be ReportedPermittees shall report the following occurrences:(a)Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland.(b)Oil spills if:·They are 25 gallons or more,·They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours,·They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or·They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA(Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85.(d)Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses.(e)Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or theenvironment.2.Reporting Timeframes and Other RequirementsAfter a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contactthe appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with theother requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also bereported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at (800)858-0368.3. Documentation to be Retained for Three Years All data used to complete the e-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41]PART II, SECTION G, ITEM (4)DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUTSediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn downfor maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare (for example, times with extended cold weather).Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met:(a)The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non-surface withdrawalshall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items,(b)The non-surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit,(c)Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls includeproperly sited, designed and maintained dewatering tanks, weir tanks, and filtration systems,(d)Vegetated, upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above,(e)Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams, sediment traps, and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices, and(f)Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States.1.NO LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL TAKE PLACE OUTSIDE OF PROJECT LIMITS.2.NO DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION, OR LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES SHALL BEGIN UNTIL ALL APPLICABLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (E&SC) MEASURES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. IF CLEARING IS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF AGIVEN MEASURE, ALL OTHER MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED FIRST. THE NECESSARY LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF THE GIVEN MEASURE MAY THEN PROCEED.3.SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED UNDER THE SITE NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (NCG010000) TO STORMWATER INSPECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT.4.PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, CALL THE STORMWATER INSPECTIONS REGIONAL COORDINATOR AT 919-279-1308 TO SCHEDULE AN ON-SITE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND CONTACT DEQ DEMLR AT 919-791-4200 AT LEAST 48HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING AS PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION.5.UTILITIES SHOWN IN APPROXIMATE MANNER ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO DEMOLITION, CONSTRUCTION OR LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES BEGIN.6.CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ORANGE WARNING FENCING OR FLAGGING TO DELINEATE BUFFER AND WETLAND BOUNDARIES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS. MAINTAIN FENCING/FLAGGING THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION.7.INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, SILT FENCE, SILT FENCE OUTLETS, INLET PROTECTION, AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY E&SC MEASURES PER PLAN DETAILS AND NCDEQ REQUIREMENTS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TOKEEP ALL DIRT OFF PAVED ROADS.8.A LAYER OF SAND, SCREENINGS, OR FINES SHALL BE PLACED ON IMPERVIOUS SURFACES BEFORE THE DEPOSITION OF ANY EXCAVATED MATERIALS9.CONTRACTOR TO USE WATTLES OR SILT FENCE TO DIRECT UPLAND RUN-OFF TO SILT FENCE OUTLETS AND AWAY FROM OPEN EXCAVATIONS, WETLANDS AND STREAMS.10.CALL THE RAPID RESPONSE NUMBER 919-857-4412 TO SCHEDULE A STORMWATER SITE INSPECTION.11.UPON APPROVAL OF THE STORMWATER SITE INSPECTION, COMMENCE PERMITTED LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY - CLEARING AND GRUBBING.12.AN APPROVED COPY OF THE E&SC PLAN, PLACARD, AND APPROVAL LETTER SHALL BE ON-SITE13.STAKE THE PROPOSED ALIGNMENT.14.CONTRACTOR MAY STAGE MATERIALS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. E&SC MEASURES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT ANY AREAS USED FOR CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT STAGING, MATERIALS LAYDOWN, SPOIL ORWASTE AREAS.15.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT CROSS STREAMS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. ALL WORK IN STREAMS SHALL OCCUR DURING STREAM BY-PASS PUMPING OPERATIONS.16.PROVIDE IMPERVIOUS DIKE OR COFFER DAM AT LOCATIONS REQUIRED FOR SANITARY SEWER PIPE CONSTRUCTION. USE SPECIAL STILLING BASIN FOR DEWATERING. MAINTAIN DEWATERING DEVICES PER DETAIL. DEWATER UTILITYTRENCHES WITH SPECIAL STILLING BASINS AS WELL (NCDOT STD. 1630.06).17.INSTALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE AND MANHOLES, AND ABANDON SANITARY SEWER AND MANHOLES. REPAIR PAVEMENT.18.EROSION CONTROL SCHEME IS BASED ON LIMITED TIME OF EXPOSURE. PROVIDE GROUNDCOVER AT END OF EACH WORKING DAY TO DISTURBED AREAS.19.PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING TO ALL DENUDED AREAS AFTER CLEARING OPERATIONS AS SOON AS FEASIBLE, BUT NO LONGER THAN WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS. PROVIDE PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS.20.ALL E&SC DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL UPGRADE DRAINAGE AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT VEGETATION. TEMPORARY E&SC MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE CONSTRUCTIONIS COMPLETE AND THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED.21.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT PROJECT INSPECTIONS OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND STORMWATER OUTFALLS WEEKLY AND AFTER EVERY RAIN EVENT 1/2" OR GREATER. ALL CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED ASSPECIFIED BY THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. A RAIN GAUGE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE PROJECT SITE TO FACILITATE RAINFALL MONITORING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THESE RECORDS AT THE ON-SITE OFFICE FOR AUDIT BYCONTRACTING OFFICER. INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED UNTIL PROJECT STABILIZATION IS EVIDENT BY 95% VEGETATIVE GROWTH FOR AREAS PROVIDED SEEDING, AT SUCH TIME THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSIONCONTROL DEVICES. ADDITIONALLY, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING 'SELF-INSPECTIONS' INDICATING DATE DEVICES ARE INSTALLED AND STABILIZATION MEASURES ARE INITIATED. THE 'SELF-INSPECTION' REPORTSSHALL BE MAINTAINED AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF RALEIGH ONCE STABILIZATION OF PROJECT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED AND TEMPORARY MEASURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED. A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS OF SELF-INSPECTION REPORTSARE TO BE KEPT ON SITE UNTIL THE PROJECT HAS BEEN CLOSED BY THE NCDEQ RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE.22.SITE STABILIZATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF GRADING PERMIT AND ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. GRASS UTILIZED AS PERMANENT GROUND COVER MUST BE AT A MOWABLE HEIGHT THAT GENERALLYPROVIDES AT LEAST 80% COVERAGE THROUGHOUT THE SITE, WITH NO LARGE BARE PATCHES OR EVIDENCE OF EROSION.23.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTROL OF SEDIMENT ON-SITE. IF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES PROVE INSUFFICIENT, THE CONTRACTOR MUST TAKE THOSE ADDITIONAL STEPSNECESSARY TO STOP SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE.24.ANY BORROW MATERIAL BROUGHT ONTO THIS SITE SHALL BE FROM A LEGALLY OPERATED MINE OR OTHER APPROVED SOURCE. A SINGLE USE BORROW SITE OR AN AREA TO WASTE MATERIAL IS ONLY PERMISSIBLE IF IT IS OPERATEDUNDER THE TOTAL CONTROL OF THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PERSON OR FIRM WHO IS DEVELOPING THIS SITE AND HAS BEEN SEPARATELY PERMITTED AND INCORPORATED AS PART OF THIS PLAN MEETING ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OFNC GENERAL STATUTE 74-49(7)f.25.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMITS AND PLANS. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE STATE AND/OR THE CITY OF RALEIGH PRIOR TO EXECUTION. A COPY OF ALL PERMITS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THECONTRACTOR ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES.26.PURSUANT TO NC GENERAL STATUTE 113A-54.1(E), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT SELF-INSPECTIONS OF EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AT COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE AND DOCUMENT SUCH INSPECTIONS ASOUTLINED IN 5A NCAC 04B.0131. FOR INSPECTION AND MONITORING RECORDS FOR ACTIVITIES UNDER STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT NCG010000 AND SELF INSPECTION RECORDS FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES PER G.S. 113A.54.1FORMS SEE: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/erosion-sediment-control/forms27.CALL THE RAPID RESPONSE NUMBER 919-857-4412 TO SCHEDULE A STORMWATER FINAL INSPECTION.28.CALL DEQ LAND QUALITY AT 919-791-4200 TO SCHEDULE A CLOSEOUT INSPECTION29.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE AN E&SC PLAN APPROVED ON OR AFTER APRIL 1, 2019 ARE REQUIRED TO FILL OUT AND SUBMIT AN ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF INTENT (E-NOI) FORM. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ARE REQUIRED TOFOLLOW THE NEW NCG01 PERMIT REGARDLESS OF WHEN THEY WERE APPROVED.30.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (E&SC) PERMIT AND A CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE (COC) MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES OCCUR. THE COC CAN BE OBTAINED BY FILLING OUT THE ELECTRONIC NOTICE OFINTENT (E-NOI) FROM AT dep.nc.gov/NCG01. THE E-NOI FORM MAY ONLY BE FILLED OUT ONCE THE PLANS HAVE BEEN APPROVED, A COPY OF THE E&SC PERMIT, THE COC, AND A HARD COPY OF THE PLAN MUST BE KEPT ON SITE,PREFERABLY IN A PERMITS BOX, AND ACCESSIBLE DURING INSPECTION.31.WHEN THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE, THE PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT DEMLR TO CLOSE OUT THE E&SC PLAN. AFTER DEMLR INFORMS THE PERMITTEE OF THE PROJECT CLOSE OUT, VIA INSPECTION REPORT, THE PERMITTEE SHALL VISITdeq.nc.gov/NCG01 SO SUBMIT AND ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF TERMINATION (E-NOT). A $100 ANNUAL GENERAL PERMIT FEE WILL BE CHARGED UNTIL THE E-NOT HAS BEEN FILLED OUT.NCG01 SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTINGEROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SEQUENCE NOTES:GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVALDocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD89/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-1NONE CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 FLAGGER TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES CONE DRUM STATIONARY SIGN PORTABLE SIGN CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN STATIONARY OR PORTABLE SIGN SKINNY DRUM BARRICADE (TYPE III) TEMPORARY SIGNING SIGNALS PAVEMENT MARKERS CRYSTAL/CRYSTAL CRYSTAL/RED YELLOW/YELLOWPAVEMENT MARKINGS E M P T LAW ENFORCEMENT TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION PAVEMENT MARKING SYMBOLS EXISTING LINES PAVEMENT MARKING SYMBOLS EXISTING PROPOSED TEMPORARY NORTH ARROW GENERAL EXIST. PVMT. PROPOSED PVMT. DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC FLOW TUBULAR MARKER REMOVAL WORK AREA FLASHING ARROW BOARD TRUCK MOUNTED ATTENUATOR (TMA) TEMP. SHORING (LOCATION PURPOSES ONLY) E M P T PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER (P.C.B.) TEMPORARY PAVEMENT TEMPORARY LINES TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET NO.TITLE DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW FLASHER DRUM WITH SEQUENTIAL FLASHING WARNING LIGHTS LEGENDINDEX OF SHEETS CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN PEDESTRIAN CHANNELIZING DEVICE TMP-36 THRU TMP-37 TEMPORARY SIGN DESIGNS TMP-35 APPLICABLE NCDOT STANDARD DRAWINGS AND DETOUR ROUTES TMP-23 THRU TMP-34 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SPECIAL DETAILS TMP-4 THRU TMP-22 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILS TMP-3 THRU TMP-3C TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PHASING TMP-2 THRU TMP-2A GENERAL NOTES TMP-1 LEGEND AND INDEX OF SHEETS GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-2NONE CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 (CONTINUED ON TMP-2A) PROJECT EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE PLAN OR DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE FOLLOWING GENERAL NOTES APPLY AT ALL TIMES FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SUPPLEMENTING, COVERING, OR REMOVAL OF DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. IN DUPLICATE OR UNDESIRED OVERLAPPING OF DEVICES. MODIFICATION MAY INCLUDE: MOVING, DETAILS, AND ROADWAY DETAILS ARE NOT ATTAINABLE TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS OR RESULT CHANGES MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS IN THE DETAIL DRAWINGS, STANDARD GENERAL NOTES TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN OF THE IBMA BLUEGRASS. HOURS BEFORE THE START AND FOUR (4) HOURS AFTER THE END 12. FOR THE IBMA BLUEGRASS OCCURRING IN RALEIGH BETWEEN FOUR (4) FOLLOWING MONDAY AFTER THE WEEK OF BIKE FEST. THURSDAY OF THE WEEK OF THE BIKE FEST AND 7:00 AM THE 11. FOR THE BIKE FEST, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 PM THE FOLLOWING MONDAY AFTER THE WEEK OF THE ARTSPLOSURE. THURSDAY OF THE WEEK OF THE ARTSPLOSURE AND 7:00 AM THE 10. FOR THE ARTSPLOSURE, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 PM THE THE END OF THE CITY OF OAKS MARATHON. FOUR (4) HOURS BEFORE THE START AND FOUR (4) HOURS AFTER 9. FOR THE CITY OF OAKS MARATHON OCCURRING IN RALEIGH BETWEEN FOLLOWING TUESDAY AFTER THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS. BEFORE THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS DAY AND 11:00 PM THE 8. FOR CHRISTMAS, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM THE FRIDAY TUESDAY TO 11:00 PM MONDAY. 7. FOR THANKSGIVING DAY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM 11:00 PM TUESDAY. 6. FOR LABOR DAY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM FRIDAY AND INDEPENDENCE DAY. BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY AND 11:00 PM THE TUESDAY AFTER MONDAY, THEN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM THE THURSDAY IF INDEPENDENCE DAY IS ON A FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OR INDEPENDENCE DAY. DAY BEFORE INDEPENDENCE DAY AND 11:00 PM THE DAY AFTER 5. FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM THE 11:00 PM TUESDAY. 4. FOR MEMORIAL DAY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM FRIDAY TO 11:00 PM MONDAY. 3. FOR EASTER, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM THURSDAY AND THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, OR MONDAY THEN UNTIL 11:00 PM 31ST TO 11:00 PM JANUARY 2ND. IF NEW YEARS DAY IS ON A 2. FOR NEW YEAR'S, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 AM DECEMBER TRAFFIC VOLUMES, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 1. FOR ANY UNEXPECTED OCCURANCE THAT CREATE UNUSUALLY HIGH HOLIDAY 3. WADE AVE./FLYOVER TO INCLUDE ALL RAMPS AND LOOPS. 2. WAKE FOREST ROAD TO INCLUDE ALL RAMPS AND LOOPS 1. CAPITAL BLVD. ROAD NAME B) DO NOT CLOSE OR NARROW TRAVEL LANES DURING HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL EVENTS AS FOLLOWS: 9:00 PM SUNDAY 7:00 AM SATURDAY THROUGH AND FRIDAY 6:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT ALL RAMPS AND LOOPS MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 6. WADE AVE./FLYOVER TO INCLUDE 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM 9:00 PM SUNDAY 4:00 AM SATURDAY THROUGH AND MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 PM TO 6:00 PM RAMPS AND LOOPS AND 5. WAKE FOREST ROAD TO INCLUDE 7:00 AM TO 9:00 AM SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 8:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT AND 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM FRIDAY MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 4. SB CAPITAL BLVD. (TWO LANES) 6:00 AM TO 9:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8:00 AM TO 8:00 PM AND 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM FRIDAY MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 3. SB CAPITAL BLVD. (ONE LANE) 6:00 AM TO 9:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9:00 AM TO 8:00 PM AND 6:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT FRIDAY MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 2. NB CAPITAL BLVD. (TWO LANES) 6:00 AM TO 10:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12:00 NOON TO 6:00 PM AND MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 1. NB CAPITAL BLVD. (ONE LANE) 6:00 AM TO 7:00 PM ROAD NAME DAY AND TIME RESTRICTIONS A) DO NOT CLOSE OR NARROW TRAVEL LANES AS FOLLOWS: TIME RESTRICTIONS 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-2ANONE JAW JAW JTBJTB CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (CONTINUED FROM TMP-2) MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM, 1. ALL 6:00 AM TO 9:00 AM AND ROAD NAME DAY AND TIME RESTRICTIONS EGRESS FROM RAMPS (WILL OR WILL NOT) BE ALLOWED: E) DO NOT CONDUCT SINGLE VEHICLE HAULING AS FOLLOWS; INGRESS AND SUNDAY. SATURDAY THROUGH 9:00 PM FRIDAY AND 7:00 AM OPERATIONS RAMPS AND LOOPS 6:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT TRAFFIC TO INCLUDE ALL MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, MINUTES, 4. WADE AVE./FLYOVER 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM 15 SUNDAY. SATURDAY THROUGH 9:00 PM FRIDAY AND 8:00 AM OPERATIONS AND LOOPS 7:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT TRAFFIC INCLUDE ALL RAMPS MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, MINUTES, 3. WAKE FOREST RD. TO 7:00 AM TO 9:00 PM 15 MIDNIGHT SATURDAY & SUNDAY. AND 8:00 AM TO 12:00 OPERATIONS 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM FRIDAY TRAFFIC MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, MINUTES, 2. SB CAPITAL BLVD. 6:00 AM TO 9:00 PM 15 8:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY. FRIDAY AND 9:00 AM TO OPERATIONS 6:00 AM TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT TRAFFIC MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY, MINUTES, 1. NB CAPITAL BLVD. 6:00 AM TO 10:00 PM 15 ROAD NAME RESTRICTIONS OPERATION DAY AND TIME DURATION AND D) DO NOT STOP TRAFFIC AS FOLLOWS: THROUGH SUNDAY 3. W. PEACE ST. 5:00 AM TO 12:00 PM MIDNIGHT, MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 2. SB CAPITAL BLVD. 5:00 AM TO 12:00 PM MIDNIGHT, MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 1. NB CAPITAL BLVD. 5:00 AM TO 12:00 PM MIDNIGHT, MONDAY ROAD NAME DAY AND TIME RESTRICTIONS C) DO NOT CLOSE ROADS AS FOLLOWS: THE CHRISTMAS PARADE. HOURS BEFORE THE START AND SIX (6) HOURS AFTER THE END OF 13. FOR THE CHRISTMAS PARADE OCCURRING IN RALEIGH BETWEEN SIX (6) CONTROL PLANS. PROVIDE SIGNING REQUIRED FOR THE OFF-SITE DETOUR ROUTE AS SHOWN IN THE TRAFFIC STANDARD DRAWINGS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS. N) PROVIDE SIGNING AND DEVICES REQUIRED TO CLOSE THE ROAD ACCORDING TO ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION. TRAVEL LANE AND NO MORE THAN THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF M) INSTALL ADVANCE WORK ZONE WARNING SIGNS WHEN WORK IS WITHIN 40 FT FROM THE EDGE OF SIGNING ALTERATION. L) NOTIFY THE ENGINEER THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO ANY TRAFFIC PATTERN TRAFFIC PATTERN ALTERATIONS ENGINEER, WITH NO EXPENSE TO THE DEPARTMENT. BACKFILL WITH SUITABLE COMPACTED MATERIAL, AS APPROVED BY THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS LESS THAN 45 MPH. BACKFILL DROP-OFFS THAT EXCEED 3 INCHES ON ROADWAYS WITH POSTED SPEED LIMITS OF 45 MPH OR GREATER. BACKFILL DROP-OFFS THAT EXCEED 2 INCHES ON ROADWAYS WITH THAT HAS A DROP-OFF AS FOLLOWS: EXISTING PAVEMENT IN AREAS ADJACENT TO AN OPENED TRAVEL LANE K) BACKFILL AT A 6:1 SLOPE UP TO THE EDGE AND ELEVATION OF PAVEMENT EDGE DROP OFF REQUIREMENTS LOOP WITHIN THE SAME LOCATION UNLESS PROTECTED WITH GUARDRAIL OR BARRIER. J) DO NOT WORK SIMULTANEOUSLY WITHIN 15 FT ON BOTH SIDES OF AN OPEN TRAVELWAY RAMP OR SO THAT ALL PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT REMAINS WITHIN THE CLOSED TRAVEL LANE. PLANS, ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. CONDUCT THE WORK UNDIVIDED OR DIVIDED FACILITY, CLOSE THE LANE ACCORDING TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL I) WHEN PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT ARE WORKING WITHIN A LANE OF TRAVEL OF AN BY BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL. LANE USING ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NO. 1102.02 UNLESS THE WORK AREA IS PROTECTED FACILITY AND WITHIN 10 FT OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THE NEAREST OPEN TRAVEL WHEN PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT ARE WORKING ON THE SHOULDER ADJACENT TO A DIVIDED PROTECTED BY BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL. TRAVEL LANE USING ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NO. 1101.02 UNLESS THE WORK AREA IS UNDIVIDED FACILITY AND WITHIN 5 FT OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THE NEAREST OPEN H) WHEN PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT ARE WORKING ON THE SHOULDER ADJACENT TO AN INSTALLED. THE WORK AREA IS PROTECTED BY BARRIER OR GUARDRAIL OR A LANE IS CLOSURE IS CLOSE THE NEAREST OPEN SHOULDER USING ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING NO. 1101.04 UNLESS G) WHEN PERSONNEL AND/OR EQUIPMENT ARE WORKING WITHIN 15 FT OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, ENGINEER. THE LANE CLOSURE OR WHEN A LANE CLOSURE IS NO LONGER NEEDED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE F) REMOVE LANE CLOSURE DEVICES FROM THE LANE WHEN WORK IS NOT BEING PERFORMED BEHIND LANE AND SHOULDER CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED ON TMP-2B) GENERAL NOTES 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct DateD17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 TMP-2BNONE JAW JAW JTBJTB CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (CONTINUED FROM TMP-2A) LENGTH TO CLOSE THE ROADWAY. U) PLACE TYPE III BARRICADES WITH "ROAD CLOSED" SIGN R11-2 ATTACHED OF SUFFICIENT 1180 (SKINNY DRUMS) FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND STRUCTURES SECTIONS 1130 (DRUMS), 1135 (CONES) AND RADII, AND 3 FT OFF THE EDGE OF AN OPEN TRAVELWAY. REFER TO STANDARD GREATER IN FEET THAN TWICE THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT (MPH) EXCEPT, 10 FT ON-CENTER IN T) WHEN LANE CLOSURES ARE NOT IN EFFECT SPACE CHANNELIZING DEVICES IN WORK AREAS NO TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 60 MPH OR HIGHER 30 FT 55 25 FT 45-50 20 FT 40 OR LESS 15 FT POSTED SPEED LIMIT MINIMUM OFFSET SHOWN IN THE PLANS: MOVABLE/PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER IS OFFSET FROM ONCOMING TRAFFIC AS FOLLOWS OR AS TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES BY A TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION UNLESS THE APPROACH END OF PROTECT THE APPROACH END OF MOVABLE/PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER FROM ONCOMING A TRUCK MOUNTED IMPACT ATTENUATOR (MAXIMUM 72 HOURS) OR A TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION. TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES DURING THE INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF THE BARRIER BY EITHER S) PROTECT THE APPROACH END OF MOVABLE/PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER FROM ONCOMING PLACED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY BARRIER IS REMOVED. CLOSE OR KEEP THE SECTION OF THE ROADWAY CLOSED UNTIL THE TEMPORARY BARRIER CAN BE INSTALL AND SPACE DRUMS NO GREATER THAN TWICE THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT (MPH) TO DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF TRAFFIC. OF TRAFFIC. REMOVE TEMPORARY BARRIER AGAINST THE TRAFFIC FLOW, BEGINNING WITH THE INSTALL TEMPORARY BARRIER WITH THE TRAFFIC FLOW, BEGINNING WITH THE UPSTREAM SIDE THE ENGINEER. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS, TEMPORARY BARRIER IS PROTECTING A HAZARD, OR AS DIRECTED BY TEMPORARY BARRIER AT NO COST TO THE DEPARTMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN THE BEHIND THE TEMPORARY BARRIER FOR A PERIOD LONGER THAN TWO (2) MONTHS, REMOVE/RESET ONCE TEMPORARY BARRIER IS INSTALLED AT ANY LOCATION AND NO WORK IS PERFORMED DO NOT PLACE BARRIER DIRECTLY ON ANY SURFACE OTHER THAN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE. PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. PROPOSED WORK IN THAT LOCATION UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN THE TRAFFIC CONTROL IS INSTALLED AT ANY LOCATION, PROCEED IN A CONTINUOUS MANNER TO COMPLETE THE OF TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK IN ANY LOCATION. ONCE TEMPORARY BARRIER R) INSTALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC BARRIER ACCORDING TO THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS A MAXIMUM TRAFFIC BARRIER ADVANCE OF THE UNEVEN AREA, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Q) INSTALL BLACK ON ORANGE "DIP" SIGNS (W8-2) AND/OR "BUMP" SIGNS (W8-1) 200 FT IN P) ENSURE ALL NECESSARY SIGNING IS IN PLACE PRIOR TO ALTERING ANY TRAFFIC PATTERN. IN OPERATION. COVER OR REMOVE ALL SIGNS REQUIRED FOR THE OFF-SITE DETOUR WHEN THE DETOUR IS NOT IS NOT IN OPERATION. O) COVER OR REMOVE ALL SIGNS AND DEVICES REQUIRED TO CLOSE THE ROAD WHEN ROAD CLOSURE KEEP PROPOSED/TEMPORARY WIDENING CLOSED TO TRAFFIC. CC) PLACE TYPE III BARRICADES & DRUMS AT ALL -Y- LINES AND DRUMS AT ALL DRIVEWAYS TO BB) PLACE TRAFFIC BACK INTO EXISTING PATTERN AT THE END OF EACH WORK PERIOD. E: OPEN TRAVEL LANE TO EXISTING TRAFFIC PATTERN BY THE END OF THE WORK PERIOD. PLANS). REQUIRED, UP TO THE EDGE AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING PAVEMENT (SEE CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NO 1102.02, SHEETS 1, 2, 3, 8 & 10 OF 15. BACKFILL & PAVE, IF D: WHEN PROPERLY CURED, CLOSE THE APPROPRIATE TRAVEL LANE USING ROADWAY STANDARD C: OPEN TRAVEL LANE TO EXISTING TRAFFIC PATTERN BY THE END OF EACH WORK PERIOD. CURING. THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND COVER WITH STEEL PLATES TO PROTECT STRUCTURE DURING B: CONTRUCT PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR INSTALL PRE-CAST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE AS SHOWN IN NO. 1101.02 SHEETS 1, 2, 3, 8 & 10 OF 15. A: CLOSE THE APPROPRIATE TRAVEL LANE TO TRAFFIC USING ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWING MANNER TO PERFORM THE WORK IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE, IN STEPS 'A' THRU 'E'. CONCURRENTLY, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. WORK IN A CONTINUOUS PLATES, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. MAY WORK EACH LOCATION INDEPENDENTLY OR AA) WHEN CONSTRUCTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURES ADJACENT TO TRAFFIC, INSTALL TEMPORARY STEEL OPERATIONS (UTILITIES, DRAINAGE, ETC.). LOCATIONS WHERE THE OPEN PEDESTRIAN TRAVELWAY HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ASPHALT, OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER) AT ALL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY SIDEWALKS (CONCRETE, Z) CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SIDEWALK ACCESS AT ALL TIMES AS STATED IN THE PHASING. INTERSECTIONS, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Y) LAW ENFORCEMENT MAY BE USED TO MAINTAIN TRAFFIC THROUGH THE WORK AREA AND/OR MISCELLANEOUS BEFORE INSTALLATION. DELINEATE ANY EXISTING AND/OR PROPOSED MONOLITHIC ISLANDS AFTER REMOVAL AND/OR COLOR PAVEMENT MARKING PRIOR TO REMOVAL AND/OR INSTALLATION. PLACE DRUMS TO X) TRACE THE EXISTING AND/OR PROPOSED MONOLITHIC ISLAND LOCATIONS WITH THE PROPER EACH DAY'S OPERATION. W) REMOVE/REPLACE ANY CONFLICTING/DAMAGED PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS BY THE END OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND MARKERS CLOSED TO TRAFFIC. PERPENDICULAR TO THE EDGE OF TRAVELWAY ON 200 FT CENTERS WHEN UNOPENED LANES ARE V) PLACE ADDITIONAL SETS OF THREE CHANNELIZING DEVICES (DRUMS, CONES OR SKINNY DRUMS) GENERAL NOTES 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-3 PHASING NONE CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'C' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-7. STEP 3. SEE TMP-7. - OPEN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED IN THE HERC RENTALS DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-7. OF THE STEP 4 BARRIER, USE TYPE III BARRICADE TO CLOSE THE FRONTAGE ROAD AT THAT TWO-WAY TRAFFIC MAY BE MAINTAINED. SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THE PLACEMENT IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE SEGMENT 'C' WORK AREA. MAINTAIN A 20' CLEARANCE SO PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-7 - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN STEP 3. BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-7. - REMOVE THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED IN STEP 2. PLACE TREE PROTECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE ROAD. - CONTINUE TO CLOSE -DRIVE 2-. CONTINUE TO CLOSE THE DRIVEWAY CONNECTION STEP 4: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: AND THE DRIVEWAY CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE ROAD. CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'B' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE. CONTINUE TO CLOSE -DRIVE 2- - OPEN -DRIVE 1- TO TRAFFIC. - MAINTAIN TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED IN STEP 2. 20' CLEARANCE SO THAT TWO-WAY TRAFFIC MAY BE MAINTAINED. TMP-6 IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE SEGMENT 'B' WORK AREA. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM RELOCATE A PORTION OF THAT BARRIER TO CHANNELIZE TRAFFIC AS SHOWN ON SHEET - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN STEP 2. THE SOUTH. WILL CONTINUE TO ACCESS THE FRONTAGE ROAD USING THE DRIVEWAY CONNECTION TO ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-6. PLACE SIGNS AND DEVICES AS SHOWN. TRAFFIC - CLOSE THE DRIVEWAY CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: STEP 3: WHILE CONTINUING TO CLOSE -DRIVE 2- AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-6, PERFORM THE OF SEGMENT 'A'. SHEETS. CONTINUE TO CLOSE -DRIVE 1- AND -DRIVE 2- FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'A' OF THE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON THOSE AND -DRIVE 2- USING SIGNING AND DEVICES SHOWN ON SHEETS TMP-4 AND TMP-5. ONCE THE BARRIER AND TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE ARE IN PLACE, CLOSE -DRIVE 1- AS SHOWN ON SHEETS TMP-4 AND TMP-5. PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER AND TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE STEP 2: WHILE MAINTAINING EXISTING INGRESS AND EGRESS VIA -DRIVE 1- AND -DRIVE 2-, INSTALL AND COVER DETOUR SIGNS AS SHOWN ON TMP DETOUR SHEETS. - EASTBOUND WADE AVENUE PRIOR TO THE INTERCHANGE WITH CAPITAL BOULEVARD - EASTBOUND FAIRVIEW ROAD PRIOR TO THE INTERSECTION WITH BICKETT BOULEVARD - NORTHBOUND CAPITAL BOULEVARD PRIOR TO OLD WILLIAMSON ROAD - SOUTHBOUND CAPITAL BOULEVARD PRIOR TO THE SOUTHBOUND WAKE FOREST RAMP - SOUTHBOUND WAKE FOREST ROAD PRIOR TO GEORGETOWN RD. ON SHEET TMP-24. SIGNS ON THE FOLLOWING: STEP 1: USING RSD NO. 1101.01, SHEET 3 OF 3, INSTALL WORK ZONE ADVANCE WARNING PHASE I (CONTINUED ON SHEET TMP-3A) CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'F' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-11. DURING PHASE I, STEP 6. - OPEN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE FRONTAGE ROAD AND CAPITAL BOULEVARD CLOSED SEGMENT 'F'. SPACES ADJACENT TO THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS A WORK AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 'A' AND PAINT WORKS AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-11. BLOCK OFF THE LINE OF PARKING - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER ALONG THE FRONT OF BUILDING OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN STEP 6. - ONCE THIS STEP'S TRAFFIC PATTERN IS IN PLACE, REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 6. - CLOSE THE SECTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON TMP-11. REOPEN THE SECTION - REMOVE THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED IN STEP 6. SEE SHEET TMP-11. PLACED IN STEP 6: STEP 7: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER WHILE RETAINING THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'E' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-10. THE PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED IN PHASE I, STEP 5. - CLOSE THE PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-10. REOPEN AS SHOWN ON TMP-10. - CLOSE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE ROAD ORDER TO PROTECT THE SEGMENT 'E' WORK AREA FROM PARKING LOT TRAFFIC. BARRIER IN THE PARKING LOT OF BUILDING 'A' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-10 IN THE HERC RENTALS PARKING LOT. PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN STEP 5 IN - INSTALL TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-10. STEP 6: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'D' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-8. PROVIDES A WORK AREA FOR THE EQUIPMENT USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENT 'D'. - CLOSE THE RIGHT THROUGH LANE AND SHOULDER AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-9. THIS LOT AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-8 IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE ADJACENT WORK AREA. - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN THE HERC RENTALS PARKING OPEN -DRIVE 2- TO TRAFFIC. - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN STEP 4 AND ASSOCIATED DEVICES AND SIGNING. - CLOSE THE SECTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-8. SEE TMP-8 FOR PLACED IN STEP 4: STEP 5: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER WHILE RETAINING THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O PHASING TMP-3ANONE JAW JAW JTBJTB CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN PHASE I - CONT. (CONTINUED FROM SHEET TMP-3) CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'I' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-14. ACCESS MORGAN LANDSCAPE SUPPLY. NOTE: SEE NOTE 12 ON SHEET TMP-14 FOR WORK IN FRONT OF THE ROAD USED TO THE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 9. - CLOSE THE FRONTAGE ROAD SEGMENT SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-14. OPEN THE SEGMENT OF SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-14. - CLOSE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS - INSTALL TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-14. STEP 9. - REMOVE THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED OR RETAINED DURING PHASE I, 'F' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-14. SEE NOTE 10 ON THAT SHEET. - INSTALL PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN FRONT OF BUILDING WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN FRONT OF BUILDING 'E' ON SHEET TMP-14: STEP 10: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER WHILE RETAINING THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'H' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-13. THE SEGMENT OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 8. - CLOSE THE SEGMENT OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-13. OPEN ADJACENT TO THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS A WORK AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENT 'H'. BUILDING 'E' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-13. BLOCK OFF THE LINE OF PARKING SPACES STEP. PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER ALONG THE FRONT OF - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN THE PREVIOUS BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-13. DURING PHASE I, STEP 8. INSTALL AN ADDITIONAL RUN OF TREE PROTECTION 'D' PARKING LOT FROM SHEET TMP-12, REMOVE THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED - WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING STEP 9: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'G' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-12. FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED IN PHASE I, STEP 7. - CLOSE THE SECTION OF FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON TMP-12. OPEN THE SECTION OF - PLACE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-12. 'A'. REFER TO SHEET TMP-12. 'B', REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN FRONT OF BUILDING - WHILE RETAINING THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN PARKING LOT STEP 8: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: (CONTINUED ON SHEET TMP-3B) BUILDING VIA THE DETOUR ROUTE SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-16. UTILIZED BY LITTLE GUYS MOVERS. LITTLE GUYS MOVERS TO ACCESS THEIR PROPOSED SEWER LINE IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE CLOSURE TIME OF DRIVEWAY TMP-16. AS NOTED ON SHEET TMP-16, CONSTRUCT THAT 100' SEGMENT OF CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'K' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET PHASE I, STEP 11. - OPEN THE PORTIONS OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AND FRONTAGE 2 CLOSED IN ON SHEET TMP-16. - CLOSE THE SEGMENTS OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AND FRONTAGE 2 AS SHOWN THE WORK AREA FROM PARKING LOT TRAFFIC. LOT OF BUILDING 'G' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-16 IN ORDER TO PROTECT - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN THE PARKING ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-16. - CLOSE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND THE FRONTAGE DURING PHASE I, STEP 11. SEE SHEET TMP-16. REMOVE THE REMAINDER OF THE BARRIER IN PLACE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED DURING THE PREVIOUS STEP. STEP 12: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WHILE RETAINING A PORTION OF THE PORTABLE TMP-15. CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'J' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET - CLOSE FRONTAGE 2 AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-15. BOULEVARD CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 10. - OPEN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE FRONTAGE ROAD AND CAPITAL 10. - OPEN THE PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED IN PHASE I, STEP TMP-15. - CLOSE THE SEGMENT OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-15. PLACE ADDITIONAL PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER BARRIER IN FRONT OF BUILDING 'F' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-15. - MODIFY PLACEMENT OF THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED STEP 11: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-3B PHASING NONE JAW JAW JTBJTB UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN PHASE I - CONT. (CONTINUED FROM SHEET TMP-3A) CONSTRUCT THE REMAINDER OF SEGMENT 'L' NOT CONSTRUCTED DURING SUB-STEP A. CLOSE FRONTAGE 3 TO TRAFFIC AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17 AND SHEET TMP-26. DURING SUB-STEP A TO THE ONE TO BE DISPLAYED DURING FRONTAGE 3 CLOSURE. TMP-26 AND CHANGE THE MESSAGE OF THE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN PLACED UNCOVER THE FAIRVIEW ROAD DETOUR SIGNING ON SHEETS TMP-17 AND - COVER EXISTING FAIRVIEW ROAD SIGNS 6 & 7 AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17. SHEET TMP-17. - INSTALL TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE ALONG FRONTAGE 3 AS SHOWN ON DURATION OF PHASE I, STEP 13. SIGN ALONG FRONTAGE 2 AND REOPEN ALL OF FRONTAGE 2 FOR THE REMAINING TYPE III BARRICADES AND DEVICES. COVER THE W20-3 PHASE I, STEP 13, SUB-STEP A FROM PARKING LOT 'H'. REMOVE ANY THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN - SIMULTANEOUS WITH THE OPENING OF THE ABOVE FRONTAGE ROAD, REMOVE AND REOPEN ALL OF FRONTAGE ROAD TO TRAFFIC. REMOVE ANY REMAINING TYPE III BARRICADES, SIGNING AND DEVICES PHASE I, STEP 13, SUB-STEP A FROM THE PARKING LOT OF BUILDING 'G'. - REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN SUB-STEP B: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: CLOSURE OF FRONTAGE 3. ACTIVATE AND DISPLAY PRESCRIBED MESSAGE ONE WEEK PRIOR TO - PLACE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN '8' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17. - FRONTAGE 2 PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17. THE CONNECTING SEWER LINE. MANHOLES JUST TO THE NORTH OF THE WESTERN JACK AND BORE PIT AND OF FAIRVIEW ROAD. THIS CONSTRUCTION ALSO INCLUDES THE PROPOSED - FRONTAGE ROAD SEWER LINE BETWEEN THE JACK AND BORE PITS ON BOTH SIDES PORTIONS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED SIMULTANEOUSLY: CONSTRUCT PORTIONS OF THE SEGMENT 'L' SEWER LINE AS FOLLOWS. BOTH CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 12. - OPEN THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CAPITAL BOULEVARD AND FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 12. SHEET TMP-17. OPEN THE SECTIONS OF FRONTAGE ROAD AND FRONTAGE 2 - CLOSE THE SECTIONS OF FRONTAGE ROAD AND FRONTAGE 2 AS SHOWN ON AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17. - INSTALL PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN PARKING LOT 'H' OF BUILDING 'G' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-17. - RESET AND EXTEND THE PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER IN THE PARKING LOT SUB-STEP A: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: STEP 13: SUB-STEP A IS TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE SUB-STEP B: (CONTINUED ON SHEET TMP-3C) CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'O' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-20. MAINTAIN THE SECTIONS OF TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-20. STEP. REMOVE THE TYPE III BARRICADES PLACED ACROSS THE SIDEWALK DURING THE PREVIOUS TO TRAFFIC. REMOVE ANY REMAINING TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE FROM FRONTAGE 3. STEP 16: REMOVE PHASE I, STEP 15 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FROM FRONTAGE 3 AND OPEN CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'N' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE. NEW TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-19. - WHILE MAINTAINING THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE ALREADY IN PLACE, INSTALL ON SHEET TMP-19 TO PROTECT THE JACK AND BORE PIT FROM TRAFFIC. - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN PARKING LOT 'J' AS SHOWN STEP A. UNCOVER EXISTING FAIRVIEW ROAD SIGNS 4 & 5 ON SHEET TMP-19. B. REMOVE THE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN PLACED DURING PHASE I, STEP 14, SUB- THE FAIRVIEW ROAD DETOUR SIGNING PLACED DURING PHASE I, STEP 14, SUB-STEP - OPEN THE PORTIONS OF FRONTAGE 3 CLOSED DURING PHASE I, STEP 14. REMOVE SHEET TMP-19. TO CLOSE THE SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO THIS STEP'S WORK AREA AS SHOWN ON - CLOSE FRONTAGE 3 AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-19. USE TYPE III BARRICADES PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: SHEET TMP-18. OPEN FRONTAGE 2 TO TRAFFIC. WORK AREA. REMOVE THE W20-3 SIGN PLACED ALONG FRONTAGE 2. SEE SIGN 4 ON FROM THE SECTION OF SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF THE PHASE I, STEP 14 FRONTAGE 2 LOTS 'H' AND 'I' DURING PHASE I, STEP 14. REMOVE THE TYPE III BARRICADES STEP 15: REMOVE THE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER PLACED IN PARKING CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'M' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE. THE SECTION OF FRONTAGE 3 CLOSED DURING THE PREVIOUS STEP. BARRICADE TO THE SOUTH ALONG FRONTAGE 3 AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-18. OPEN CLOSE FRONTAGE 3 AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-18. EXTEND THE TREE PROTECTION - SIMULTANEOUS WITH THE ABOVE PHASE I, STEP 14 WORK ALONG FRONTAGE 2, BARRICADES AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-18. - CLOSE THE SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF THE FRONTAGE 2 WORK AREA USING TYPE III AND 'I' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-18. - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN PARKING LOTS 'H' SUB-STEP B. SEE SIGN 4 ON TMP-18. - UNCOVER THE FRONTAGE 2 W20-3 SIGN COVERED DURING PHASE I, STEP 14, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: PHASE I, STEP 13, SUB-STEP B. THE PREVIOUS STEP. MAINTAIN THE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE PLACED DURING ALL DETOUR SIGNING, SIGN COVERINGS AND CMS MESSAGE REMAINS THE SAME FROM STEP 14: FAIRVIEW ROAD DETOUR REMAINS IN PLACE FROM PHASE I, STEP 13, SUB-STEP B. 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-3C PHASING NONE JAW JAW JTBJTB UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 0 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (CONTINUED FROM SHEET TMP-3B) SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 2 ON TMP SHEET 5. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-5 BEEN COMPLETED AS PER THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. SEE ALSO THE REFERENCED TMP SHEETS: STEP 1: ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLES AND SEWER LINES ONCE THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE SYSTEM HAS PHASE II AND THE ROAD IN FRONT OF PUBLIC STORAGE TO TRAFFIC. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF SEGMENT 'Q' CONSTRUCTION, OPEN BOTH THE FRONTAGE ROAD CONSTRUCT SEGMENT 'Q' OF THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-22. TMP-22. THE FRONT PORTION OF THAT LOT AND IMPLEMENT THE DETOUR AS SHOWN ON SHEET THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY PLACED AROUND THE PUBLIC STORAGE PARKING LOT. CLOSE - SIMULTANEOUS WITH THE ABOVE FRONTAGE ROAD CLOSURE, UNCOVER THE DETOUR SIGNS - CLOSE THE PORTION OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-22. TMP-22. COVER THOSE SIGNS ONCE INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE. - INSTALL DETOUR SIGNS AROUND THE PUBLIC STORAGE PARKING LOT AS SHOWN ON SHEET ROAD AS A WORK AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENT 'Q'. ON SHEET TMP-22. BLOCK OFF THE LINE OF PARKING SPACES ADJACENT TO THE FRONTAGE - PLACE PORTABLE CONCRETE OR WATER-FILLED BARRIER IN PARKING LOT 'B' AS SHOWN - PLACE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE IN FRONT OF BUILDING 'A' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-22. STEP 18: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: THAT RUNS SOUTHWARD ALONG OLD WILLIAMSON ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21. - CONSTRUCT ANY REMAINING PORTIONS OF SEGMENT 'P' PROPOSED SEWER LINE SIDES OF OLD WILLIAMSON ROAD AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21. - CONSTRUCT PROPOSED SEWER LINE BETWEEN THE JACK AND BORE PITS ON BOTH - CONTINUE TO CLOSE PARKING LOT 'K' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21. SUB-STEP B: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: TO THE JACK AND BORE PITS. THOSE SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21 AS NEEDED TO BLOCK PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ENGINEER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL DEVICES BEYOND ON BOTH SIDES OF CAPITAL BOULEVARD. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE - CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED SEWER LINE BETWEEN THE JACK AND BORE PITS - CLOSE PARKING LOT 'K' AS SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21. SUB-STEP A: PERFORM THE FOLLOWING IN ORDER: SUB-STEP A IS TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE SUB-STEP B: STEP 17: MAINTAIN THE SECTIONS OF TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-21. PHASE I - CONT. STEP 1. STEP 3: REMOVE THE WORK ZONE ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS INSTALLED DURING PHASE I, BARRICADE. STEP 2: REMOVE ANY REMAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, SIGNING OR TREE PROTECTION TMP-28 AND TMP-29 FOR LANE CLOSURE DETAILS. IMPLEMENT LANE CLOSURES AS DESCRIBED IN NOTE 10 ON SHEET TMP-17. SEE SHEETS - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES IS IN A TRAVEL LANE, SHEET TMP-17 SHEETS TMP-27 THROUGH TMP-30 FOR LANE CLOSURE DETAILS AND DETOUR ROUTES. IMPLEMENT LANE CLOSURES AS DESCRIBED IN NOTES 4, 5 AND 6 ON SHEET TMP-13. SEE WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES IS IN A TRAVEL LANE, SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 3 ON TMP SHEET 13. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-13 SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 3 ON TMP SHEET 11. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-11 SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 3 ON TMP-10. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-10 SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 3 ON TMP SHEET 8. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-8 SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 2 ON TMP SHEET 7. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-7 SHEET 3 OF 14. SEE ALSO NOTE 2 ON TMP SHEET 6. FIVE FEET OF AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, - WHEN THE WORK ASSOCIATED WITH ABANDONING EXISTING MANHOLES ENCROACHES WITHIN SHEET TMP-6 TMP-23 AND TMP-24. ROAD ON-RAMP ONTO CAPITAL BOULEVARD, CLOSE THE ON-RAMP AS SHOWN ON SHEETS TMP-5, - WHEN ABANDONING THE EXISTING MANHOLES ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHBOUND WAKE FOREST PHASE II, SHEET TMP-5 CONT. 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B OTRV#12ELEV=217.83TRV#13ELEV=217.85S S S S S S S S S S S S NMATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-5)ATLANTIC AVENUEWAKE F ORES T ROADAUTO PREOWNED OLYMPIA TRANSMISSIONS LAST BUILT TO VETERANS CENTER WAKE COUNTY SERVICES CONSTRUCTION BOLTON MERCHANDISE PORT RAILROAD CLUB VALLEY MODEL NEUSE RIVER ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-4 10' 24'' X 24'' R3-1 24'' X 24'' R3-2 SEGMENT A -DRIVE 1- TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN MANHOLE (TYP.) PROPOSED 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S NCAPI TAL BOULEVARDPIGEON HOUSE BRANCH ROAD RAMP WAKE FOREST NORTHBOUND ROAD RAMPWAKE FORESTSOUTHBOUND AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD SOURCE FURNITURE DESIGN HOMEBRIDGE ANTIQUES REVIVAL NIGHTCLUB CAPITOL VIP HATS CUSTOM PATCH WAREHOUSE MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-4)1 ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE CONSTRUCTED TO BE SEWER LINE MANHOLE (TYP.) PROPOSED UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN 2 2 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-5 BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE SEGMENT A -DRIVE 1- -DRIVE 2-FOR CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. USE EXISTING DIRT ROAD ABANDON AND FILL MANHOLES. AND AN ICT. TO BE DONE UNDER TIME RESTRICTIONS BEHIND GUARDRAIL. WORK IS WORK ZONE IS INACCESSIBLE FROM FOR CONCRETE TRUCKS SINCE DETAIL. USE RAMP AS WORK AREA DETOUR ROUTE AND RAMP CLOSURE SHEETS TMP-23 AND TMP-24 FOR MANHOLES WITH CONCRETE. SEE WHEN FILLING THESE EXISTING ONTO SOUTHBOUND CAPITAL BLVD CLOSE WAKE FOREST ROAD RAMP 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ATHLETIC CLUB OLYMPUS DETOUR ROUTE. SEE SHEET TMP-25 FOR RESTRICTIONS AND AN ICT. WEEKEND AS PER TIME ACTIVITIES OVER A SINGLE OPEN-CUT CONSTRUCTION WAKE FOREST ROAD AND PERFORM CLOSE RAMP ONTO NORTHBOUND 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 NCAPITAL BOULEVARD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD RALEIGH KAREN SAKS VEHICLE WRAPS SIGNS AND COLORGRAPHIC HATS CUSTOM PATCH NIGHTCLUB CAPITOL VIP SOURCE FURNITURE DESIGN HOMEBRIDGE ANTIQUES REVIVAL ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 1 1 1 45'10' UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN IN HALF SECTIONS PROPOSED SEWER LINE ACCESS BY CONSTRUCTING MAINTAIN PARKING LOT 45' 2 2 2 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-6 20' MI N. BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE 24'' X 24'' R3-1 48'' X 48'' ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NEXT RIGHT 42'' X 12'' SP-4R SEGMENT B -DRIVE 2-FRONTAGE ROAD 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ATHLETIC CLUB OLYMPUS and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 NCAPITAL BOULEVARD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD RALEIGH KAREN SAKS VEHICLE WRAPS SIGNS AND COLORGRAPHIC HATS CUSTOM PATCH NIGHTCLUB CAPITOL VIP SOURCE FURNITURE DESIGN HOMEBRIDGE ANTIQUES REVIVAL ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 1 1 BARRICADE TO TREE LINE TIE TREE PROTECTION POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE IN HALF SECTIONS PROPOSED SEWER LINE ACCESS BY CONSTRUCTING MAINTAIN PARKING LOT 2 2 2 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-7 20' MIN. WATER-FILLED BARRIER PORTABLE CONCRETE OR BARRICADE PROTECTION TREE SEGMENT C -DRIVE 2- FRONTAGE ROAD 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ATHLETIC CLUB OLYMPUS and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SN CAPITAL BOULEVARD PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PUBLIC STORAGE PUBLIC STORAGE CROSSFIT SOCAP GOLF CONTINENTAL A. HOKE LTD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD HATS CUSTOM PATCH NIGHTCLUB CAPITOL VIP 1 1 2 ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 DUE TO FENCE PEDESTRIANS FROM PARKING LOT THIS AREA NOT ACCESSIBLE TO TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE BARRICADE TO TREE LINE TIE TREE PROTECTION ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE (TYP.) MANHOLE MANHOLE PROPOSED SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY 3 3 3 3 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-8 BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE THIS SHEET SEE INSET INSET ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC SEGMENT D -DRIVE 2- FRONTAGE ROAD BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SEWER LINE LINE. CANNOT BE PERFORMED CURRENTLY WITH THE FRONTAGE ROAD SEWER CLOSURE, SUCH AS THAT DETAILED BY NOTE 3 THIS SHEET, DO NOT CLOSE ANY OTHER LANES. WORK THAT REQUIRES A LANE CLOSED LANE / SHOULDER. WHEN THE RIGHT LANE IS CLOSED, SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. PARK CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES IN THE SHEET TMP-9 WHEN CONSTRUCTING FRONTAGE ROAD SEWER LINE CLOSE THE RIGHT THROUGH LANE AND SHOULDER AS SHOWN ON SECTIONS OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THAT CLOSED PORTIONS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ON THIS SHEET SO 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S SNCAPITAL BOULEVARD RENTALS HERC JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-9 -DRIVE 2-FRONTAGE ROAD MATCHLINE (SEE THIS SHEET)MATCHLINE (SEE THIS SHEET)45' (Typ.) ( Typ.) 10' TMP-23 & TMP-24 UNDER TIME RESTRICTIONS AND AN ICT. BOULEVARD FROM WAKE FOREST ROAD AND DETOUR TRAFFIC AS SHOWN ON SHEETS SIGHT DISTANCE CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, CLOSE THE ON-RAMP ONTO SB CAPITAL SIGHT DISTANCE OF VEHICLES ENTERING CAPITAL BOULEVARD FROM DRIVE 2. IF SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. DO NOT PLACE TMIA IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO OBSCURE WHEN IN POSITION NUMBER 2, PLACE TMIA WITHIN THE SHOULDER AREA AS MOVE TMIA TO POSITION NUMBER 2. DISTANCE FROM THE ACTIVE WORK AREA CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, TMIA 100' ROLL-AHEAD DISTANCE. WHEN THE 100' ROLL-AHEAD 115' +/- TMIA POSITION #2 446' +/- CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE PATTERN TRAFFIC NEW TO STOP PREPARED BE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE PATTERN TRAFFIC NEW DD/MM ON STARTING MESSAGE 1 MESSAGE 2 ON SHEET TMP-8 TO BEGINNING WORK SHOWN DISPLAY ONE WEEK PRIOR SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-8 DISPLAY DURING WORK R1-2 YIELD 36'' x 36'' x 36" CMS 1 CMS 2 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE SHOWN ON SHEET TMP-8 DISPLAY DURING WORK AHEAD MERGE TRAFFIC CAUTION WITH DRIVE W3-2A 48'' X 48'' SEGMENT D TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SN CAPITAL BOULEVARD MINISTRIES & FREEDOM FAITH VICTORY BREWING DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND PAINT WORKS OF WAKE COUNTY URBAN MINISTRIES PUBLIC STORAGE PUBLIC STORAGE CROSSFIT SOCAP GOLF CONTINENTAL A. HOKE LTD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 1 1 2 1 1 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION VEGETATION AND HEAVY BRUSH PEDESTRIANS DUE TO FENCE THIS AREA NOT ACCESSIBLE TO DUE TO FENCE PEDESTRIANS FROM PARKING LOT THIS AREA NOT ACCESSIBLE TO ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND 10' 3 3 33 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-10 BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE 48'' X 48'' ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NEXT LEFT 42'' X 12'' SP-4L 24'' X 24'' R3-2 CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTION UNDER SEWER LINE BRANCH PIGEON HOUSE THIS SHEET SEE INSET 'A' THIS SHEET SEE INSET 'B' ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC INSET 'A'INSET 'B' ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC CAPITAL BOULEVARD CAPITAL BOULEVARD 24'' X 24'' R3-1 45'10' 48'' X 48'' ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NEXT RIGHT 42'' X 12'' SP-4R 4 4 SEGMENT E FRONTAGE ROAD BUILDING 'A' 5 5 HERCRENTALS.COM/US/LOCATIONS/NC/RALEIGH-RENTAL-EQUIPMENT-9325.HTML REOPENED. CONFIRM HOURS OF WEEKEND CLOSURE VIA THE HERC WEBSITE AT AREAS OF SEGMENT 'E' STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION WHEN THE HERC DRIVE IS OF THE ENGINEER, USE TYPE III BARRICADES TO RESTRICT ACCESS TO OTHER WORK PERIOD AS PER TIME RESTRICTIONS AND ITC. UNDER THE DIRECTION SHOWN THIS SHEET. REOPEN THE DRIVEWAY AT THE END OF THE WEEKEND HERC IS NOT OPEN FOR BUSINESS. CLOSE ACCESS TO THE DRIVEWAY AS PERFORM WORK IN FRONT OF THIS DRIVEWAY OVER A WEEKEND PERIOD WHEN 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, MANHOLE, AS DESCRIBED IN WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 4PM-6PM 4PM-6PM 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SN CAPITAL BOULEVARD PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH MINISTRIES & FREEDOM FAITH VICTORY BREWING DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND OF WAKE COUNTY URBAN MINISTRIES PUBLIC STORAGE PUBLIC STORAGE CROSSFIT SOCAP GOLF CONTINENTAL A. HOKE LTD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD 1 ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 VEGETATIONVEGETATION POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE 3 3 33 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-11 THIS SHEET SEE INSET ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC CAPITAL BOULEVARD INSET 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 4 4 SEGMENT F BUILDING 'A' FRONTAGE ROAD 2 2 WORKS PAINT 1 1 2 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SHOWN. THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PARKING SPACES AS USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE CONCRETE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S NCAPITAL BOULEVARD PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH PAINT WORKS OF WAKE COUNTY URBAN MINISTRIES PUBLIC STORAGE PUBLIC STORAGE CROSSFIT SOCAP GOLF CONTINENTAL A. HOKE LTD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 11 2 2 NOT NEEDED IN THIS AREA) VEGETATION (TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE VEGETATION PIT JACK & BORE PIT JACK & BORE MANHOLE PROPOSEDMANHOLE PROPOSED UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE (TYP.) MANHOLE ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT BARRICADE PROTECTION TREE ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY 3 3 33 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-12 INSET THIS SHEET SEE INSET 4 ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC 44 SEGMENT G BUILDING 'A' LOT 'B' PARKING FRONTAGE ROAD (BUILDING 'C') BREWING DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND (BUILDING 'D') MINISTRIES & FREEDOM FAITH VICTORY CONSTRUCTED SEWER LINE TO BE 4 POSSIBLE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF ROADWAY CAN BE AFFECTED SECTIONS OF PARKING LOTS AND THAT CLOSED PORTIONS ON THIS SHEET SO TO AREA(S) SHOWN LIMIT CONSTRUCTION 4 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD AN OPEN TRAVEL LANE, CLOSE ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, MANHOLE, AS DESCRIBED IN WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SHOWN. THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PARKING SPACES AS USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE CONCRETE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S SNFAIRVIEW ROADTHEMEWORKS MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS CAPITOL AUTO CALIBER COLLISION AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITYRALEIGH AUTO SALES NC ALLIED AUTO BOULEVARD CAPITAL ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 1 1 22 ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT MINISTRIES & FREEDOM FAITH VICTORY MANHOLE PROPOSED UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND 3 3 3 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-13 INSET ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC SHEET THIS SEE INSET 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NORFOLK SOUTHERN ACCESS RDSEGMENT H BUILDING 'E' FRONTAGE ROAD POSSIBLE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF ROADWAY CAN BE AFFECTED SECTIONS OF PARKING LOTS AND THAT CLOSED PORTIONS ON THIS SHEET SO TO AREA(S) SHOWN LIMIT CONSTRUCTION 7 7 1101.02, SHEET 3 OF 14. LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE USING NCDOT RSD ENCROACHES WITHIN 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, WHEN ABANDONING AN EXISTING MANHOLE, AS 3 4 4 5 NOTE 4 THIS SHEET. CLOSURES FOR THE WORK DESCRIBED BY PERFORM THIS WORK USING THE SAME LANE DESCRIBED IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES. ABANDON THESE EXISTING MANHOLES AS 5 6 SHEET TMP-27. ROAD AND DETOUR TRAFFIC AS SHOWN ON THE NORTHBOUND FLYOVER TO FAIRVIEW THE LOCATION OF THIS MANHOLE, CLOSE IN CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES. DUE TO ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLE AS DESCRIBED 6 USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SHOWN. THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PARKING SPACES AS USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE CONCRETE TRAFFIC PRIOR TO MORNING PEAK HOURS. THROUGH TMP-30. REOPEN ALL LANES TO DETOUR ROUTE SHOWN ON SHEETS TMP-28 OVERNIGHT HOURS USING THE DETAILS AND IN THE CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES, DURING ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLE, AS DESCRIBED BARRICADE (RETAINED) TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE (NEW) TREE PROTECTION TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S SNTHEMEWORKS MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS CAPITOL AUTO CALIBER COLLISION AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITYRALEIGH AUTO SALES NC ALLIED AUTO BOULEVARD CAPITAL ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION 3 3 3 ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT 10' MANHOLE PROPOSED UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE (TYP.) MANHOLE CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-14 NORFOLK SOUTHERN ACCESS RD SINGLE OVERNIGHT PERIODCONSTRUCT DURING AACCESS ROAD AND THE NORFOLK SOUTHERNCLOSE ACCESS TO NEXT LEFT 42'' X 12'' SP-4L 48'' X 48'' ROAD CLOSED W20-3 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 4 4 5 5 24'' X 24'' R3-2 6 66 24'' X 24'' R3-17 7 45' 10' INSET 48'' X 48'' ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NEXT RIGHT 42'' X 12'' SP-4R 8 8 ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC9 9 SEGMENT I BUILDING 'E'BUILDING 'F' FRONTAGE ROAD BARRIERS SUPPLY LANDSCAPE MORGAN 12 OF OTHER ENTRANCES. THAT ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN DURING CLOSURE OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. ENSURE MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ACCESS DURING DURATION ACCESS SUPPLY LANDSCAPE MORGAN12 MORGAN LANDSCAPING SUPPLY'S WEBSITE AT MULCHNC.COM LANDSCAPE SUPPLY IS REOPENED. CONFIRM HOURS OF WEEKEND CLOSURE VIA TO OTHER AREAS OF SEGMENT 'J' STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION WHEN MORGAN DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER, USE TYPE III BARRICADES TO RESTRICT ACCESS WEEKEND WORK PERIOD AS PER TIME RESTRICTIONS AND ITC. UNDER THE ACCESS AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. REOPEN ACCESS AT THE END OF THE SATURDAY AFTER THE NOON CLOSING TIME THROUGH 5 A.M. ON MONDAY. CLOSE PERFORM WORK IN FRONT OF THE MORGAN LANSCAPE SUPPLY ACCESS BEGINNING 10 10 10ROADFAIRVIEWSECONDARY ENTRANCE LITTLE GUYS MOVERS' 11 SEE TMP-13 11 11 11 11 11 11 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. WILL BE USED FOR THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA PARKING SPACES AS SHOWN. BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PORTABLE CONCRETE USE WATER-FILLED OR TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S SNFAIRVIEW ROADTHEMEWORKS MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS CAPITOL AUTO CALIBER COLLISION AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITYRALEIGH AUTO SALES NC ALLIED AUTO BOULEVARD CAPITAL 2 ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 2 1 1 1 ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT PIT JACK & BORE PIT JACK & BORE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-15NORFOLK SOUTHERN ACCESS RDBARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ROAD PRIOR TO BOTH SIDES OF SERVICE PARKING SIGNS ALONG INSTALL EMERGENCY NO CITY OF RALEIGH TO 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 3 3 3 3 SEGMENT J BUILDING 'F' FRONTAGE ROAD FRONTAGE 2 4 SEE TMP-13 4 44 4 4 4 5 5 USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SHOWN. THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PARKING SPACES AS USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE CONCRETE 5 POSTS MODIFIED NEW TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 NFAIRVIEW ROADTHEMEWORKS MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS CAPITOL AUTO CALIBER COLLISION AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITYRALEIGH AUTO SALES NC ALLIED AUTO BOULEVARD CAPITAL ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 2 2 2 1 1 TYPE III BARRICADE 3 3 BY LITTLE GUYS MOVERS CLOSURE TIME OF DRIVEWAY UTILIZED SEWER LINE IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE CONSTRUCT 100' SEGMENT OF PROPOSED MOVERS FROM CAPITAL BOULEVARD EGRESS TO LITTLE GUYS OPERATIONS RESTRICTS INGRESS / AS NEEDED WHEN CONSTRUCTION UTILIZE BACK ENTRANCE ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT (TYP.) 10' UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE 2 (TYP.) MANHOLE POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN CONSTRUCTED MANHOLE TO BE SEWER LINE AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-16 1 NORFOLK SOUTHERN ACCESS RD45' 10' 24'' X 24'' R3-1 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 4 4 4 5 5 5 SEGMENT K BUILDING 'F' FRONTAGE ROAD FRONTAGE 2 BUILDING 'G' POSTS 6 SEE TMP-13 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 USED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. SHOWN. THE BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF PARKING SPACES AS USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE CONCRETE 7 8 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE MOVERS GUYS LITTLE EXIT FAIRVIEW USE 8 DISPLAY DURING CLOSURE CMS RD FAIRVIEW YIELD M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-1 21'' X 15'' STOP M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-1 21'' X 15'' DETOUR ROUTE LITTLE GUYS MOVERS RETAIN (NEW) BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN DETOUR ROUTE and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S S100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NCAPITAL BOULEVARD SYSTEMS COFFEE CAPITOL METAL TREATING, INC EAST CAROLINA FA IRVIEW R O A D CAPITOL AUTO MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS RALEIGH AUTO CASTLE VIDEO AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITY SALES NC ALLIED AUTO ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 3 1 1 12 3 32 2 BARRIER WATER-FILLED THEMEWORKS BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT MOVERS FROM CAPITAL BOULEVARD EGRESS TO LITTLE GUYS OPERATIONS CONSTRICTS INGRESS / AS NEEDED WHEN CONSTRUCTION UTILIZE BACK ENTRANCE POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY MANHOLE PROPOSED PIT JACK & BORE PIT JACK & BORE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-17 BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE 1 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 4 410' 5 5 ROADWILLIAMSONOLD RD FAIRVIEW 6 COVER 6 COVER FAIRVIEW RD 7 7 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE 8 EXIT TO FAIRVIEW DD/MM CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE EXIT TO FAIRVIEW CLOSED FOLLOW DETOUR ROUTE BEFORE CLOSURE DISPLAY 1 WEEK TO CLOSE STARTING ON DURING CLOSURE DISPLAY 8 SEGMENT L SEE SHEET TMP-26 FOR DETOUR ROUTE F R O NT A GE R O A D FRONTAGE 2 BUILDING 'G' FRONTAGE 3 LOT 'H' PARKING 1 9 SEE TMP-13 9 9 9 9 9 PLANS CONSTRUCTION MANHOLES PER ABANDON EXISTING 10 ALL LANES TO TRAFFIC PRIOR TO MORNING PEAK HOURS. DETOUR ROUTE SHOWN ON SHEETS TMP-28 THROUGH TMP-30. REOPEN PLAN NOTES, DURING OVERNIGHT HOURS USING THE DETAILS AND ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLE, AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION 10 10 2"MAX 5' MIN 4'± *MUST BE ADA-COMPLIANT* PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE R9-9 24'' X 12''CLOSED SIDEWALK 24'' X 24'' R3-1 12 1210' M6-2 21'' X 15'' 11 11 11 40 CARS ONLY AVE WADE TO EXIT M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (TYP.) MANHOLE PROPOSEDTO WADE AVE. 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O CREEK CENTER LINE S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S N24"TP CAPITAL BOULEVARD SYSTEMS COFFEE CAPITOL METAL TREATING, INC EAST CAROLINA FA IRVIEW R O A D THEMEWORKS CAPITOL AUTO MOVERS RALEIGH LITTLE GUYS RALEIGH AUTO CASTLE VIDEO AUTO BROKERS CAPITAL CITY SALES NC ALLIED AUTO ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND (TYP.) MANHOLE REOPENED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS OF ROADWAY CAN BE SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONS OF PARKING LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ON THIS MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED 1 0' (TY P .)JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-18 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 8 NEXT RIGHT 42'' X 12'' SP-4R ROAD WILLIAMSONOLD BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE 4 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 4 RD FAIRVIEW 6 COVER COVER FAIRVIEW RD 7 6 8 99 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE EXIT TO FAIRVIEW CLOSED FOLLOW DETOUR ROUTE DURING CLOSURE DISPLAY 7 SEGMENT MSEE SHEET TMP-26 FOR DETOUR ROUTE FRONTAGE 3 F RONTAGE 2 FR O NT A GE R O A DLOT 'H' PARKING LOT 'I' PARKING 2"MAX 5' MIN 4'± *MUST BE ADA-COMPLIANT* PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE R9-9 24'' X 12''CLOSED SIDEWALK 13 12 5 12 40 CARS ONLY AVE WADE TO EXIT M6-2 21'' X 15'' 12 M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 24'' X 24'' R3-1 13 10 11 11 10 M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 5 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLANTO WADE AVE. 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S N24"TP N. WEST STREET CAPITAL BOULEVARDWADE AVENUESYSTEMS COFFEE CAPITOL CORE FITNESS OSCEOLA MUSIC METAL TREATING, INC EAST CAROLINA ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 2 2 3 3 3 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY PIT JACK & BORE PIT JACK & BORE ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND CONSTRUCTED MANHOLES TO BE SEWER LINES AND SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED (TYP.) MANHOLE REOPENED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS OF ROADWAY CAN BE SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONS OF PARKING LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ON THIS JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-19 BARRIER OR WATER-FILLED PORTABLE CONCRETE 5 4 ROADWILLIAMSONOLD RD FAIRVIEW 4 FAIRVIEW RD 5 UNCOVER UNCOVER SEGMENT N FRONTAGE 3 LOT 'J' PARKING 6 6 6 6 MORNING PEAK HOURS. ALL LANES TO TRAFFIC PRIOR TO TMP-31 THROUGH TMP-34. REOPEN DETOUR ROUTE SHOWN ON SHEETS HOURS USING THE DETAILS AND PLAN NOTES, DURING OVERNIGHT DESCRIBED IN THE CONSTRUCTION ABANDON EXISTING MANHOLE, AS 6 PLANS THE CONSTRUCTION MANHOLE AS PER ABANDON EXISTING BOULEVARD ONTO WADE AVENUE TRAFFIC EXITING FROM CAPITAL PARKED VEHICLES FROM WOULD BE NEEDED TO PROTECT NEEDED FOR TMIA. THE TMIA AND ANY ROLL-AHEAD DISTANCE TO PRESENCE OF FIRE HYDRANT PARKING IS NOT FEASIBLE DUE TO NEW LOCATION. ON-STREET PARKING LOT 'J' VEHICLES WILL NEED TO RELOCATE 2"MAX 5' MIN 4'± *MUST BE ADA-COMPLIANT* PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE R9-9 24'' X 12''CLOSED SIDEWALK TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SN24"TP N. WEST STREET CAPITAL BOULEVARDWADE AVENUESYSTEMS COFFEE CAPITOL CORE FITNESS OSCEOLA MUSIC METAL TREATING, INC EAST CAROLINA BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE MANHOLE PROPOSED SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY MANHOLE PROPOSED TO BE CONSTRUCTED SEWER LINES AND MANHOLES SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY (TYP.) MANHOLE THAT ARE AWAY FROM TRAFFIC AND SECTIONS OF SEWER LINE CONSTRUCT PROPOSED MANHOLES JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-20 SEGMENT O TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLANROADOLD WI LLI AMSON100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 24"TP S S S NN. WEST STREET CAPITAL BOULEVARDWADE AVENUESYSTEMS COFFEE CAPITOL CORE FITNESS OSCEOLA MUSIC METAL TREATING, INC EAST CAROLINA TMP-21 TYPE III BARRICADE 1 1 2 2 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION INSET '1' NTS BARRIER WATER-FILLED PIT JACK & BORE PIT JACK & BORE 12 2 MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED MANHOLE PROPOSED SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SEWER LINE (TYP.) MANHOLE REOPENED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS OF ROADWAY CAN BE SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONS OF PARKING LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN ON THIS 1"=50' JAW JAW JTBJTB 1101.02, SHEET 10 OF 14 CAPITAL BOULEVARD USING RSD CLOSE RIGHT LANE OF INBOUND SEGMENT P LOT 'K' PARKING 2"MAX 5' MIN 4'± *MUST BE ADA-COMPLIANT* PEDESTRIAN BARRICADE R9-9 24'' X 12''CLOSED SIDEWALK TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN SEE INSET '1' THIS SHEET PIT JACK & BORE BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION ROADOL D WIL L IA MS ONREOPEN BOTH LANES TO TRAFFIC DURING PERIODS OF INACTIVITY. PROTECT WORK WITH WATER-FILLED BARRIER DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION. 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O W / LT S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SN CAPITAL BOULEVARD PIGEON HOUSE BRANCH MINISTRIES & FREEDOM FAITH VICTORY BREWING DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND PAINT WORKS OF WAKE COUNTY URBAN MINISTRIES PUBLIC STORAGE PUBLIC STORAGE CROSSFIT SOCAP GOLF CONTINENTAL A. HOKE LTD HERC RENTALS RENTALS HERC AND CUSTOMS EASTERN ROD ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 2 2 11 BARRICADE TREE PROTECTION VEGETATION VEGETATION (TYP.) MANHOLE MANHOLE PROPOSED PIT JACK & BORE UNDER CONSTRUCTION SEWER LINE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT ENTRANCES. DURING CLOSURE OF OTHER ONE DRIVEWAY REMAINS OPEN OPERATIONS. ENSURE THAT OF ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION ACCESS DURING DURATION MAINTAIN PARKING LOT POSSIBLE OF ROADWAY CAN BE REOPENED AS SOON AS OF PARKING LOTS AND AFFECTED SECTIONS SHEET SO THAT CLOSED PORTIONSON THIS LIMIT CONSTRUCTION TO AREA(S) SHOWN 4 44 4 JAW JAW JTBJTB 1"=50'TMP-22 ROAD CLOSED R11-4 60'' X 30'' TO THRU TRAFFIC INSET 5 5 5 THIS SHEET SEE INSET SHEET 3 OF 14. USING NCDOT RSD 1101.02, LANE, CLOSE THAT LANE 5 FT. OF AN OPEN TRAVEL ENCROACHES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION PLANS, IN NOTES 2 AND 3 OF THE WHEN WORK, AS DESCRIBED M4-10R 48" x 18" R11-2 48'' x 30'' ROAD CLOSED DETOUR TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 3 3 2 PARKING5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 7 SEGMENT Q FRONTAGE ROAD LOT 'B' PARKING BUILDING 'A' SEGMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. ACTIVITIES DURING THIS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION BLOCKED-OFF AREA WILL BE PARKING SPACES AS SHOWN. THE CONCRETE BARRIER TO BLOCK OFF USE WATER-FILLED OR PORTABLE SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTED PREVIOUSLY M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) DETOUR ROUTE TMP-23 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE E. WHI T A K E R MI L L R D.MILL RD.E. WHITAKERMcNEIL STREETWAKE FOREST RD. WAKE FOREST RD. MILLS STREET MI LLS STREETATLANTI C AVE. OL D L O UISB UR G R D.CAPITAL BLVD.CAPI TAL BLVD. G E O R G E T O WN R D.CAPI T AL BL VD.ON-RAMP ONT OWAKE F ORE S T RD. C APIT AL BL V D. CABINET AREA NEXT TO SIGNAL PLACE IN SMALL GRASSY CAPITAL BLVD. ON-RAMP ONTO SOUTHBOUND DETOUR FOR WAKE FOREST ROAD SIGN EXISTING TRUCK ROUTE 200' +/- IN ADVANCE OF UTILITY STRIP PLACE IN GRASS M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M5-1 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-1 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOURM4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-1 21'' X 15'' SIGNING AND DEVICES SEE TMP-24 FOR ADDITIONAL CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M6-2 21'' X 15'' TO CLOSE SB RAMP CAPITAL DISPLAY DURING CLOSURE 6AM MON TO 9PM FRI PRIOR TO CLOSURE MONDAY THRU FRIDAY DISPLAY CLOSED SB RAMP CAPITAL DETOUR FOLLOW 1 1 CAPITAL BLVD TO M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-1 21'' X 15'' 2 2 TO DOWNTOWN CAPITAL BLVD CAPITAL BLVD 3 3 BLOUNT ST. M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' 4 4 55 M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) TMP-24 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE WAKE FOREST RD.GE ORGE T OWN RD.SPACE120' BUFFER 245' TAPER (TYP.)35' (TYP.)10' ENGINEER TO FIT EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS AND SIGNING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SIGNING. SEE SHEET TMP-26. PLACE DEVICES FOR ADDITIONAL LANE CLOSURE DEVICES AND SEE NCDOT RSD 1101.02, SHEET 3 0F 14,SB CA PITA L BLV D. O N -RA M P O N TO W ORK AREATRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN CAPITAL BLVD TO SOUTHBOUND WAKE FOREST RD EXIT-RAMP DETAIL FOR CLOSURE OF M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' CAPITAL BLVD DOWNTOWN BLOUNT ST 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B ON NDETOUR ROUTE TMP-25 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) E. WHI T A K E R MI L L R D. WAKE FOREST RD.CAPI TAL BLVD.ON-RAMP ONTOWAKE F ORES T RD. C APIT AL BL V D. CAPITAL BLVD.CAPI TAL BLVD. OL D L O UISB UR G R D.ATLANTI C AVE.MILL RD.E. WHITAKERATLANTIC AVENUE ONTO WAKE FOREST ROAD / CAPITAL BLVD. OFF-RAMP WAKE FOREST RD. BLOUNT ST FOR BLOUNT STREET BLOCKING SIGNING GUARDRAIL WITHOUT PRIOR TO EXISTING PLACE DETOUR SIGNING M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' DETOUR END 24'' X 18'' M4-8 A RALEIGH AUTO CASTLE VIDEOSALES NC ALLIED AUTO CAPITAL BLVD. CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE DISPLAY DURING CLOSUREMESSAGE SIGN OF CHANGEABLE FOR PLACE MENT THIS SHEET SEE INSET INSET FOR CMS MESSAGES SEE THIS SHEET LOT CONCRETE PARKING STRIP PRIOR TO GRASS UTILITY PLACE IN LAST M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M5-1 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' 6AM MON TO 9PM FRI CLOSED RD EXIT WAKE FRST DETOUR FOLLOW TO CLOSE RD EXIT WAKE FRST FRIDAY PRIOR TO CLOSURE DISPLAY MONDAY THRU TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NFAIRVIEW ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD GLENWOOD AVENUE E. WHITAKER MILL RD.GLENN AVENUECHEROKEE DRIVE BICKETT BLVD.BI CKE T T BL VD. ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 11 2 2 RD FAIRVIEW COVER 5 5 7 48'' X 48'' AHEAD ROAD CLOSED W20-3 NEXT RIGHT 42'' X 12'' SP-4R 6 2 SCALES ST.WADE AVE.3 3 2W. AYCOCK ST. HARVEY ST.2 4 DETOUR END M4-8 A 24'' X 18'' 4 DETOUR ROUTE TMP-26 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE DETOUR TO FAIRVIEW ROAD M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' 6 3 3 24'' X 24'' R3-1 7 TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ADDITIONAL SIGNING AND DEVICES SEE TMP-17 & TMP-18 FOR 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NFAIRVIEW ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD GLENWOOD AVENUE E. WHITAKER MILL RD.GLENN AVENUECHEROKEE DRIVE BICKETT BLVD.BI CKE T T BL VD. ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) 1 1 2 2 SCALES ST.WADE AVE.3 3 2W. AYCOCK ST. HARVEY ST.2 4 DETOUR END M4-8 A 24'' X 18'' 4 DETOUR ROUTE TMP-27 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE DETOUR TO FAIRVIEW ROAD M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' (SEE THI S SHEET)MATCHLI NE(SEE THIS SHEET)MATCHLINECAPITAL BOULEVARD EXIT FROM NORTHBOUND CLOSE THE FAIRVIEW ROAD 3PEACE STREETSELF STORAGE CUBE SMART 614 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE CLOSE EXIT TO FAIRVIEW DD/MM ON STARTING PRIOR TO CLOSURE DISPLAY ONE WEEK CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE CLOSED EXIT FAIRVIEW WADE AVE TO DETOUR DISPLAY DURING CLOSURE(SEE MESSAGES THIS SHEET) CMS TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 5 M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M5-2 R 5 SEE SHEET TMP-13 10' 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NS S S S S S S S S TYPE III BARRICADE(S) JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-28ROADWILLIAMSONOLDNONE CAPITAL BOULEVARDWADE AVENUEMATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-29)495' 45' 543' +/- 45' 495 ' W4-2L 48'' X 48'' ROAD ACCESS WILLIAMSON MAINTAIN OLD 10' 45 '120'225'LANE CLOSURE. PLACED PRIOR WADE AVENUE DEVICES AND SIGNING TO BE SHEET 3 OF 14, FOR ADDITIONAL REFER TO NCDOT RSD 1101.02, CLOSURES. CAPITAL BOULEVARD LANE PLACED PRIOR TO THE NORTHBOUND DEVICES AND SIGNING TO BE SHEET 8 OF 14, FOR ADDITIONAL REFER TO NCDOT RSD 1101.02, ROUTE. CAPITAL BOULEVARD DETOUR SEE TMP-30 FOR NORTHBOUND 35'TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN M4-10R 48" x 18" R11-2 48'' x 30'' ROAD CLOSED DETOUR 100% SUBMITTAL100% SUBMITTALFOR REGULATORY APPOVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NS S S S FA IRVIEW R O A D CAPITOL AUTOMATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-28)JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-29NONE 4 9 5'222' +/ - 2 0 0'45' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B ON FAIRVIEW ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD CHEROKEE DRIVE BICKETT BLVD.BI CKE T T BL VD.WADE AVE.DETOUR ROUTE TMP-30 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15''PEACE STREETDETOUR TO NORTHBOUND CAPITAL BOULEVARD M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L MI N.12' THIS SHEET SEE MESSAGES CMS CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE NORTH BLVD CAPITAL CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE NORTH BLVD CAPITAL PEACE ST TO DETOUR DD/MM STARTING DETOUR PRIOR TO CLOSURE DISPLAY ONE WEEK CLOSURE DISPLAY DURING TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NS S S S S S S S S ROAD CLOSED R11-2 48'' x 30'' TYPE III BARRICADE(S) JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-31ROADWILLIAMSONOLDNONE CAPITAL BOULEVARDWADE AVENUEMATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-32)200' 45' 1 1 1 CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN NO. 1 MESSAGE NO. 2 MESSAGE CLOSURE DISPLAY DURING THIS SHEET SEE MESSAGES CMS CLOSED EXIT WADE AVE ROUTE DETOUR FOLLOW WADE AVENUE DETOUR SEE TMP-34 FOR TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O NS S S S FAIRVIEW ROADCAPITOL AUTO MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-31)JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-32NONE 495'MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-33)STOP 36"x36" R1-1 (TYP) 10 '195' 45' 990' 45'45' W4-2R 48'' X 48'' CAPITAL BOULEVARD TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B ON W / LT JAW JAW JTBJTB TMP-33NONEMATCHLINE (SEE SHEET TMP-32)990' 45' 495' CAPITAL BOULEVARD CLOSURES. CAPITAL BOULEVARD LANE PLACED PRIOR TO THE SOUTHBOUND DEVICES AND SIGNING TO BE SHEET 8 OF 14, FOR ADDITIONAL REFER TO NCDOT RSD 1101.02, TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B ON FAIRVIEW ROADCAPITAL BOULEVARD CHEROKEE DRIVE BICKETT BLVD.BI CKE T T BL VD.WADE AVE.DETOUR ROUTE TMP-34 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONEPEACE STREETM4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR 21'' X 15'' M6-1 L DETOUR TO WADE AVENUE M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-3 21'' X 15'' M4-8 24'' X 12'' DETOUR M6-2 21'' X 15'' TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-35 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-36 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 3.85"40.3"3.85" 4'-0" 5.13" 5" 3.75" 5" 5.13"2'-0"Panel Style: construction_guide.ssi M.U.T.C.D.: 2009 Edition BORDER R=1.5" TH=0.63" IN=0.47" 5.15"19.7"5.15" 2'-6" 3.75" 5" 3.75" 5" 3.75" 5" 3.76"2'-6"Panel Style: construction_guide.ssi M.U.T.C.D.: 2009 Edition BORDER R=1.5" TH=0.63" IN=0.47" HTSYMBOLXWIDY HEIGHT: SIGN NUMBER: TYPE: QUANTITY: SIGN WIDTH: TOTAL AREA: BORDER TYPE: NO. Z BARS: RECESS: WIDTH: RADII: COPY COLOR: BACKG COLOR:CHECKED BY:DESIGN BY: PROJECT ID:DIV: LENGTH: NORTH CAROLINA D.O.T. SIGN DETAIL LETTER POSITIONS D 1 2'-6" 2'-6" 6.3 Sq.Ft. 0.47" 0.63" 1.5" Black Letter spacings are to start of next letter Text Length Series/Size Spacing Factor is 1 unless specified otherwise Wake Forest Road SigningFILENAME: Jul 07, 2021 MAT'L: USE NOTES: A. BESHEARS 7.9 W 4.1 A 3.9 K 3.6 E 2.6 7.9 14.2 C 2000 5.1 F 3.2 O 4 R 3.7 E 3.2 S 3.3 T 2.6 5.1 19.7 C 2000 8.1 R 3.5 O 3.5 A 3.9 D 2.8 8.1 13.8 C 2000 RECESSED 5 5.9"24.2"5.9" 3'-0" 5.13" 5" 3.75" 5" 5.13"2'-0"Panel Style: construction_guide.ssi M.U.T.C.D.: 2009 Edition BORDER R=1.5" TH=0.63" IN=0.47" 3.85"40.3"3.85" 4'-0" 5.13" 5" 3.75" 5" 5.13"2'-0"Panel Style: construction_guide.ssi M.U.T.C.D.: 2009 Edition BORDER R=1.5" TH=0.63" IN=0.47" HTSYMBOLXWIDY HEIGHT: SIGN NUMBER: TYPE: QUANTITY: SIGN WIDTH: TOTAL AREA: BORDER TYPE: NO. Z BARS: RECESS: WIDTH: RADII: COPY COLOR: BACKG COLOR:CHECKED BY:DESIGN BY: PROJECT ID:DIV: LENGTH: NORTH CAROLINA D.O.T. SIGN DETAIL LETTER POSITIONS D 1 3'-0" 2'-0" 6.0 Sq.Ft. 0.47" 0.63" 1.5" Black Letter spacings are to start of next letter Text Length Series/Size Spacing Factor is 1 unless specified otherwise Wake Forest Road SigningFILENAME: Jul 21, 2021 MAT'L:0.080" (2.0 mm) ALUMINUM USE NOTES: 5.9 F 2.8 A 3.9 I 1.8 R 3.2 V 3.8 I 1.8 E 3 W 3.8 5.9 24.2 C 2000 11.1 R 3.6 O 3.6 A 3.9 D 2.8 11.1 13.8 C 2000 HTSYMBOLXWIDY HEIGHT: SIGN NUMBER: TYPE: QUANTITY: SIGN WIDTH: TOTAL AREA: BORDER TYPE: NO. Z BARS: RECESS: WIDTH: RADII: COPY COLOR: BACKG COLOR:CHECKED BY:DESIGN BY: PROJECT ID:DIV: LENGTH: NORTH CAROLINA D.O.T. SIGN DETAIL LETTER POSITIONS D 1 4'-0" 2'-0" 8.0 Sq.Ft. 0.47" 0.63" 1.5" Black Letter spacings are to start of next letter Text Length Series/Size Spacing Factor is 1 unless specified otherwise Wake Forest Road SigningFILENAME: Jul 21, 2021 MAT'L:0.080" (2.0 mm) ALUMINUM USE NOTES: 3.9 C 3.4 A 3.9 P 3.8 I 1.4 T 3.1 O 3.9 L 2.6 5 B 3.6 L 2.8 V 3.8 D 2.8 3.9 40.3 C 2000 15.5 S 3.6 O 4 U 3.5 T 3.3 H 2.8 15.5 17.1 C 2000 HTSYMBOLXWIDY HEIGHT: SIGN NUMBER: TYPE: QUANTITY: SIGN WIDTH: TOTAL AREA: BORDER TYPE: NO. Z BARS: RECESS: WIDTH: RADII: COPY COLOR: BACKG COLOR:CHECKED BY:DESIGN BY: PROJECT ID:DIV: LENGTH: NORTH CAROLINA D.O.T. SIGN DETAIL LETTER POSITIONS D 1 4'-0" 2'-0" 8.0 Sq.Ft. 0.47" 0.63" 1.5" Black Letter spacings are to start of next letter Text Length Series/Size Spacing Factor is 1 unless specified otherwise Wake Forest Road SigningFILENAME: Jul 21, 2021 MAT'L:0.080" (2.0 mm) ALUMINUM USE NOTES: 3.9 C 3.4 A 3.9 P 3.8 I 1.4 T 3.1 O 3.9 L 2.6 5 B 3.6 L 2.8 V 3.8 D 2.8 3.9 40.3 C 2000 15.5 N 3.8 O 4 R 3.3 T 3.3 H 2.8 15.5 17.1 C 2000 0.080" (2.0 mm) ALUMINUM 2. 1.Background shall be Grade B reflective sheeting. non-reflective sheeting. Legend and border shall be direct applied black 2. 1.Background shall be Grade B reflective sheeting. non-reflective sheeting. Legend and border shall be direct applied black 2. 1.Background shall be Grade B reflective sheeting. non-reflective sheeting. Legend and border shall be direct applied black2. 1.Background shall be Grade B reflective sheeting. non-reflective sheeting. Legend and border shall be direct applied black RECESSED RECESSED RECESSED A. BESHEARS 5 A. BESHEARS 5 A. BESHEARS 5 Fluorescent Orange Fluorescent Orange Fluorescent Orange Fluorescent OrangeT. BROOKS 50097464 50097464 T. BROOKS 50097464 T. BROOKS 50097464 T. BROOKS Capitol S. Wake Forest Capitol N. Fairview FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 and Sealed For Construction for Construction unless Signed This Drawing shall not be used GHD STANDARD A1 SHEET CAD File No.: GHD_G_0045 Updated: 08-07-03 Version: 1.1 Check Drafting DateRevisionNo Rev:Drawing No: Original Size Title Project Client Check DesignerDrawn Scale Design Note: * indicates signatures on original issue of drawing or last revision of drawing Arch D (Project Director) Approved Date By Approved By Checked Project No: 50097464 NCBELS #F-0929 Fax: 919.881.9923 919.881.9939 Phone: Raleigh, NC 27607 Suite 410 2610 Wycliff Rd. Dewberry Engineers Inc. By Drawn standards and specifications of the City's Public Utilities Handbook. Construction methods used for this project shall conform to the City's public sewer system as shown on this plan. The material and The City of Raleigh consents to the connection and extension of the Public Sewer Collection / Extension System City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Permit # Authorization to Construct Date CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UPPER PIGEON HOUSE INTERCEPTOR REPLACEMENT 0 0 90% SUBMITTAL ARH SRH SRH 03/20 100% SUBMITTAL ARH JW SRH 07/21 ANOLIRACHRTO NEVET G OAE LISSNFORP INN REE E 7 A 20 263 ES L N R.HI REDLH OSFFD17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B O TMP-37 JAW JTB JTB JAW NONE TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN 4.8"14.4"4.8" 2'-0" 5.13" 5" 3.75" 5" 5.13"2'-0"Panel Style: construction_guide.ssi M.U.T.C.D.: 2009 Edition BORDER R=1.5" TH=0.63" IN=0.47" HTSYMBOLXWIDY HEIGHT: SIGN NUMBER: TYPE: QUANTITY: SIGN WIDTH: TOTAL AREA: BORDER TYPE: NO. Z BARS: RECESS: WIDTH: RADII: CHECKED BY:DESIGN BY: PROJECT ID:DIV: LENGTH: NORTH CAROLINA D.O.T. SIGN DETAIL LETTER POSITIONS D 1 2'-0" 2'-0" 4.0 Sq.Ft. 0.47" 0.63" 1.5" Black Letter spacings are to start of next letter Text Length Series/Size Spacing Factor is 1 unless specified otherwise Wake Forest Road SigningFILENAME: Jul 21, 2021 MAT'L: USE NOTES: 4.8 W 4.1 A 3.9 D 3.8 E 2.6 4.8 14.4 C 2000 7.1 A 3.5 V 3.8 E 2.6 7.1 9.9 C 2000 0.080" (2.0 mm) ALUMINUM RECESSED 2. 1.Background shall be Grade B reflective sheeting. non-reflective sheeting. Legend and border shall be direct applied black COPY COLOR: BACKG COLOR:A. BESHEARS 5 Wade Fluorescent Orange 50097464 T. BROOKS D17586 SEAL J.T O DRO KSA NCRTOH LORA NIRAPL SEOF NIS OG NIENE RE B OFOR REGULATORY APPROVAL DocuSign Envelope ID: 99AC9693-3E13-4809-84B0-25EECD486FD8 9/13/2021 APPENDIX F – F&R WETLANDS REPORT FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. Engineering Stability Since 1881 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 T 919.828.3441 | F 919.828.5751 NC Engineering License # F-0266 Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond, Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 www.fandr.com VIRGINIA • NORTH CAROLINA • SOUTH CAROLINA • MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority-Owned Business August 8, 2019 Mr. Steven Hilderhoff, P.E. Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Stream and Wetland Delineation Upper Pigeon House Branch Interceptor Capital Boulevard Raleigh, Wake County, NC 27603 F&R Project No. 66X-0133-0002 Property Description: Size (acres): ~ 0.38 acre Nearest Town: Raleigh, NC ______ Nearest Waterway: Upper Pigeon House Branch River Basin: Neuse River USGS HUC: 030202010804 Coordinates: Lat 35.7997 / Long -78.6345 Location: Along the north and south sides of US 1/401 (Capital Boulevard) from Wade Avenue to Wake Forest Road. ______________ Mr. Hilderhoff: Froehling & Robertson, Inc., (F&R) presents herein the results of the stream and wetland delineation conducted at the above-referenced location along US 1/401 (Capital Boulevard) from Wade Avenue to Wake Forest Road in Raleigh, Wake County, NC (see Attachments for Site Vicinity Map). The review area contains an estimated 6,200 linear feet (LF) of a named stream, Pigeon House Branch. The Right-of-Way (ROW) consists of road fill adjacent to Pigeon House Branch, commercial and industrial land, and improvements related to those businesses. The purpose of the project is to replace existing sewer piping. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following executive summary of our findings is not intended to replace more detailed information contained in other sections of this report. Based on F&R’s information review and field observations, one potentially jurisdictional feature (Pigeon House Branch) was identified within the review area. The stream feature is a named stream identified, which generally runs parallel to US 1/401 with approximately 6,200 LF of this stream located within the review area. Three box culvert crossings associated with Pigeon House Branch are also located within the review area. SCOPE OF SERVICES This report describes the activities and findings associated with the completion of a stream and wetland assessment for the above-referenced review area. F&R reviewed applicable information sources to identify areas on the project site that could be considered “Waters of the US” (i.e., wetland, stream, and open water features) and subject to jurisdiction by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Dewberry UPHB Interceptor – Stream and Wetland Delineation F&R Project No. 66X-0133-0002 2 August 8, 2019 United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). On-site identification of wetlands and other waters was performed in general accordance with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual and subsequent USACE clarification memorandums. On-site identification of streams was performed in general accordance with the North Carolina Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins. SITE CONDITIONS INFORMATION REVIEW F&R reviewed all or some of the following resources prior to visiting the review area: United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000-scale topographic map, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), North Carolina Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins, and available aerial photography. Based on F&R’s initial information review, one named stream and three mapped streams were likely to be observed within the review area, including Pigeon House Branch. The three unnamed streams are mapped on the 1:24,000 NRCS Soil Survey (Figure 6) and called out as SS1, SS2, and SS3. Additionally, the USDA Soil Survey map indicates five soil series, one of which is classified as hydric, are located within the project review area. Hydric soils include Chewacla (Map Symbol ChA), mapped within the US 401 ROW. Hydric soil is defined as “soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part.” The presence of hydric soil is one criterion used to delineate and identify wetland areas. Please see Attachments for copies of relevant portions of the soil maps at 1:24,000 scale. ON-SITE OBSERVATIONS The review area currently consists of urban land along both sides of US 1/401. One likely jurisdictional stream (Pigeon House Branch) was identified and delineated within the review area as part of this assessment. Please note that mapped streams are labeled on the attached 1:24,000 scale published Soil Survey Map (Figure 6). Three stream features (SS1, SS2, and SS3) mapped on the soil survey were not identified or observed in the field. It appears the streams were either graded and filled (SS1 and SS3) or are located outside our review area (SS2). Based on F&R’s on-site observations, the below-listed feature is likely to be considered jurisdictional “Waters of the US” by the USACE and/or NCDEQ; however, on-site determinations by the USACE and NCDEQ would be required in order to confirm or deny jurisdiction by these two regulatory agencies. The approximate locations of the mapped surface feature is shown on the Wetlands identification Map in the Attachments and described as follows: 1. Pigeon House Branch – a deeply incised perennial stream located mostly along the south side of Capital Boulevard and containing steep, established banks, often stabilized with rip rap. This feature is located along the north side of Capital Boulevard at the northern and southern extents of the review area. Dewberry UPHB Interceptor – Stream and Wetland Delineation F&R Project No. 66X-0133-0002 3 August 8, 2019 CONCLUSION Based on F&R’s information review and on-site observations, one likely jurisdictional stream feature was identified and delineated within the review area during our assessment. No wetlands were observed within the review area. The stream features are shown on the attached Wetland Identification Map. It is F&R’s opinion that portions of Pigeon House Branch that are contained within the review area are likely to be considered jurisdictional by the USACE and/or NCDEQ as outlined above. Based on this assumption, the features would be subject to USACE or NCDEQ regulations in accordance with the Clean Water Act (CWA); however, on-site determinations by the USACE and/or NCDEQ would be required in order to confirm or deny jurisdiction by these two regulatory agencies. Please note that the attached Wetland Identification Map prepared by F&R is meant for use as a reference document only. This map is not designed to satisfy any requirement for a survey plat by a licensed surveyor nor is it intended to be used for construction purposes or relied upon for the jurisdictional limits of the mapped surface features. GENERAL GUIDANCE F&R recommends that plans for development of the subject prope rty consider the USACE and NCDEQ procedures for assessing impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and/or streams (i.e., avoid, minimize, and mitigate) to optimize permitting strategies. If proposed development on the project site does not result in impacts to wetland areas, the area s immediately adjacent to wetland boundaries, or the identified Waters of the US, a USACE permit will not be necessary. Typical activities requiring USACE permitting include, but are not limited to, depositing of fill or dredged material in wetlands; site development fill; construction of revetments, groins, breakwaters, levees, dams, dikes, and weirs; and placement of riprap and road fill. If impacts to these areas are anticipated, F&R recommends that site plans be developed that optimize permitting strategies to comply with the USACE, NCDWR, and local municipality procedures for assessing impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and/or “Waters of the US” (i.e., avoid, minimize, and mitigate). If future impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and/or streams are anticipated, the appropriate permit applications for regulatory review must be completed prior to any initiation of activities that may require permitting. F&R can provide alternative design measures and make the written request based upon extensive experience and professional relationships with the USACE and NCDWR throughout North Carolina in the event that impacts are unavoidable and written authorization needs to be requested. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dewberry (Client) and others so designated by the Client for this specific project. These services have been provided in accordance with generally accepted environmental practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Our observations were based upon conditions readily visible at the site at the time of our visit. If additional information becomes available which may affect our conclusions and recommendations, we request the opportunity to review the information, and reserve the right to modify our report, as warranted. Dewberry UPHB Interceptor – Stream and Wetland Delineation F&R Project No. 66X-0133-0002 4 August 8, 2019 CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to serve as your Environmental Consultant. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, comments or additional needs. Respectfully Submitted, FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. For: Alexander D. Aycrigg, MS, PWS Elias N. Ruhl Wetland Scientist Senior Environmental Scientist Attachments: Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: National Wetland Inventory Map Figure 3: USGS Topographical Map Figure 4: Wetland Identification Map Figure 5: NRCS Soil Survey Map (Digital) Figure 6: NRCS Soil Survey Map (Published) Site Photographs NCDWR Stream Determination Forms Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, EarthstarGeographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community -8770383.540768 -8770383.540768 -8768554.737111 -8768554.737111 -8766725.933453 -8766725.933453 -8764897.129796 -8764897.129796 -8763068.326138 -8763068.326138 -8761239.522480 -8761239.522480 -8759410.718823 -8759410.718823 -8757581.915165 -8757581.915165 -8755753.111508 -8755753.111508 -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8752095.504192 -8752095.504192 -8750266.700535 -8750266.700535 -8748437.896877 -8748437.896877 -8746609.093220 -8746609.093220 -8744780.289562 -8744780.289562 -8742951.485904 -8742951.485904 -8741122.682247 -8741122.682247 -8739293.878589 -8739293.878589 -8737465.074932 -8737465.074932 4262382.5247654263601.7272034264820.9296424266040.1320804267259.3345184268478.5369574269697.7393954270916.9418344272136.1442724273355.3467104274574.5491494275793.7515874277012.9540264278232.1564644279451.3589024280670.5613414281889.7637794283108.966218NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: Site Location Map Scale:1:84,000 1 inch = 7,000 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC USGSJune 2019 0 7,000 14,000 21,000 28,0003,500 Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 1 Upper Pigeon House Branch Project Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8753009.906021 -8753009.9060214273355.3467104273355.346710NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: National Wetlands Inventory Map Scale:1:4,800 1 inch = 400 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC Data CitationJune 2019 0 400 800 1,200 1,600200Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 2 Legend Upper Pigeon House Branch TOB Review Area Approximate Proposed Sewer Line Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed -8754838.709679 -8754838.709679 -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8753009.906021 -8753009.906021 -8752095.504192 -8752095.5041924273355.3467104273355.346710NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: USGS Topographical Map Scale:1:7,200 1 inch = 600 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC USGSJune 2019 0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400300Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 3 Legend Upper Pigeon House Branch TOB Review Area Approximate Proposed Sewer Line Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8753009.906021 -8753009.9060214273355.3467104273355.346710NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: Wetlands Identification Map Scale:1:4,800 1 inch = 400 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC USGSJune 2019 0 400 800 1,200 1,600200Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 4 Legend Upper Pigeon House Branch TOB Review Area Approximate Proposed Sewer Line Made Land Appling Chewacla Cecil Cecil Appling Cecil Made Land Appling Cecil Appling Appling Cecil Cecil Cecil Cecil Appling Mantachie Cecil Cecil Appling Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8753009.906021 -8753009.9060214273355.3467104273355.346710NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: NRCS Soil Survey Map (Digital) Scale:1:4,800 1 inch = 400 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC USGSJune 2019 0 400 800 1,200 1,600200Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 5 Legend Upper Pigeon House Branch TOB Review Area Approximate Proposed Sewer Line Soil Series Appling Cecil Chewacla Made Land Mantachie Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID,IGN, and the GIS User Community -8753924.307850 -8753924.307850 -8753009.906021 -8753009.9060214273355.3467104273355.346710NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3900 (Feet)Client:Project:Location F&R Project No.:Data:Date: NRCS Soil Survey Map (Published) Scale:1:6,000 1 inch = 500 feet FIGURENo.: Dewberry Wake County, NC USGSJune 2019 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000250Feet Upper Pigeon House Branch 66X-0133-0002 FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. 310 Hubert StreetRaleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 I USAT 919.828.3441 I F 919.828.5751 Ü Disclaimer: F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy orcompleteness of geographic features shown on this map. Spatial accuracy ofmeasurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R.Engineering Stability Since 1881 6 Legend Approximate Proposed Sewer Line Upper Pigeon House Branch TOB Review Area NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: tj /7-111 Project/Site: t�ewlnerf 01 i 0Ter (fl v„-lzrcel6r_Latitude: 35,2,, li Evaluator: A, 0 J3 '/ County: (��t e_ Longitude: _7 t G of c( S Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent if a 19 or perennial if a 30* 4 ?p0' Stream Determination (circle one) Ephemeral Intermittent Perennial Other e.g. Quad Name: p , id A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = i1:7 ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong _ 1a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 t 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 10 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool sequence 0 1 Q 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 0 3 5. Active/relict floodplain N 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 i 3 8. Headcuts 0 6 3 9. Grade control 0 g, g1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes artiflclal ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = to. S 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2V3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 0 1 © 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 ll0.5 �1;� 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 es C. Biology (Subtotal = 19, 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 92 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 m 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 c 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 Q 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 ® 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 Q% 1.5 OBL = 1.5 citC 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; *perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: o Sketch: . ;C a Upper Pigeon House Branch Interceptor Photo Log Photo 1: View of Pigeon House Branch facing northwest close to off-ramp to Wake Forest Road. Photo 2: View of Pigeon House Branch facing southwest close to off-ramp to Wake Forest Road. Photo 3: View of Pigeon House Branch from central part of project just north of the existing sewer crossing. Photo 4: View of Pigeon House Branch facing southwest in central part of project. Note existing aerial sewer crossing.