HomeMy WebLinkAboutBridge 59 in Moore County November 4, 2013 Mr. Kevin Thomas Lynn Thomas Grading 230 Rocky River Church Road Polkton, North Carolina 28135 Reference: Wetland Determination and Endangered Species Survey Proposed Borrow Site Glendon-Carthage Road Moore County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-23529 Dear Mr. Thomas: ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) is pleased to submit this report of the jurisdictional waters/wetland determination/endangered species survey for the site located west of Glendon-Carthage Road in Moore County, North Carolina. This report summarizes our findings for the site. Background ECS was contracted to determine if waters of the U.S. (including wetlands) or endangered species are present on the site located west of Glendon-Carthage Road in Moore County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The site contains wooded land that appears to have been recently timbered. Access roads are located near the eastern and southern site boundaries and cross the central portion of the site. Vegetation including pine, sweet gum and other mixed grasses/weeds are located within the proposed pit boundaries. The proposed borrow pit is approximately 11.04 acres in size, based on global positioning system (GPS) measurements. Adjacent properties consist of Glendon-Carthage Road and wooded land. Wetlands are defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances, do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.” In order for an area to be classified as wetland, hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology indicators must be present. Literature Review We reviewed the USGS Topographic Map and the Soil Survey of Moore County for the site. The USGS Topographic Map (Figure 1) does not identify surface waters or wetlands on the site. The map depicts Lick Creek approximately 940 feet north of the site and an unnamed tributary to McClendons Creek approximately 940 feet south of the site. The Soil Survey of Moore County (Figure 2) shows soils on the site have been mapped as Creedmoor fine sandy loam (CrB) and Mayodan fine sandy loam (MdB). The Creedmoor series Proposed Borrow Site Glendon-Carthage Road Moore County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-23529 November 4, 2013 consists of moderately well to somewhat poorly drained, very slowly permeable soils that occur on piedmont uplands. The Mayodan series consists of well drained, moderately permeable soils that occur on piedmont uplands. The identified soil mapping units are not identified on the Hydric Soils List for Moore County. Site Reconnaissance ECS personnel conducted the site visit on November 1, 2013. The site contains wooded land that appears to have been recently timbered. Access roads are located near the eastern and southern site boundaries and cross the central portion of the site. Vegetation including pine, sweet gum and other mixed grasses/weeds are located within the proposed pit boundaries. The proposed borrow pit is approximately 11.04 acres in size, based on GPS measurements. Figure 3 shows the borrow pit corners, including their coordinates, as located with a Trimble GPS unit. During our reconnaissance, we observed the site for evidence of stream channels, wetlands and ponds. There are no streams, ponds or wetlands located in the proposed pit. The soils are bright and well drained. There is no evidence of groundwater discharge in the proposed borrow site. A Wetland Determination Data Form containing field observations at the lowest lying area of the proposed borrow pit, that supports our opinion, is included as an Attachment. We also observed adjoining properties during our reconnaissance. Adjoining properties consist of Glendon-Carthage Road and wooded land. Vegetation in the wooded land located on adjoining properties appeared to be planted pines for timber production. We did not observe streams or wetlands within 400 feet of the borrow site. Catch basins and erosion control fencing will be used to prevent impacts to off-site streams, wetlands and ponds. A reclamation plan is currently being designed for the site. Based on our observations, the proposed project will not impact off-site streams, ponds or wetlands. Endangered Species Survey We reviewed the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program list for federally listed threatened and endangered species that have been identified on the Putnam, North Carolina Quadrangle (the quadrangle that contains the site). No federally listed threatened and endangered species have been identified on the site quadrangle. Based on our observations and to the best of our knowledge, the proposed project will not impact federally protected species or areas that may be considered potential habitat for federally protected species. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) ECS submitted a request to SHPO on November 1, 2013 to determine if they are aware of historic resources that could be affected by the project. The SHPO response will be mailed to Mr. Kevin Thomas of Lynn Thomas Grading. 2 Proposed Borrow Site Glendon-Carthage Road Moore County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-23529 November 4, 2013 Watershed Classification/Buffer Requirements Lick Creek is located approximately 940 feet north of the site and an unnamed tributary to McClendons Creek is located approximately 940 feet south of the site. According to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, the site is located in an area of the Cape Fear River watershed that has been designated as Class C waters. Water Table The project will consist of borrowing material from a ridge and leveling it consistent with existing topography of the immediate surrounding conditions. There will be no dewatering, mining or excavating below the seasonal high water table or nearby streams or wetlands. Therefore, the existing water table will not be impacted by the proposed project. Recommendations The site is being evaluated for use as a borrow pit. Based on the findings of this study, it is our opinion that the project will not impact streams, wetlands or federally listed endangered or threatened species/associated habitat. Best management practices, including the construction of catch basins and the use of erosion control fencing, will be used to prevent sediment from running off the site and impacting off-site streams and wetlands. Closing We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services to you. Please contact us at (336) 856- 7150 if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Bradley S. Luckey Michael T. Brame, PWS Environmental Project Manager Environmental Principal Attachments: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Soil Map Figure 3 - GPS Map Wetland Determination Data Form 3 SITE SOURCE: FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PROPOSED 11.04 ACRE BORROW PIT PUTNAM, NC QUADRANGLE GLENDON-CARTHAGE ROAD DATED 1974 MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINAS SCALE 1”=2,000’ ECS PROJECT NO. 09-23529 LEGEND Approximate Site Boundary SOURCE: FIGURE 2 SOIL MAP USDA SOIL SURVEY OF PROPOSED 11.04 ACRE BORROW PIT MOORE COUNTY GLENDON-CARTHAGE ROAD FROM NCSS WEBSITE MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CAROLINAS SCALE: 1”= 750’ ECS PROJECT NO. 09-23529 LEGEND Corner #EastingNorthing 626103.41880274. 1 Proposed Borrow Pit 77081 GPS Point 2626255.11880300. 20207 1 Corner Number 3626365.01880263. 35708 626513.41880186. 4 79857 625938.21880867. 5 67696 6626739.11880928. 20334 626661.71881147. 7 22032 US State Plane 1983 North Carolina 3200 NAD 6 1983 (Conus), shown in US Survey Feet 7 4 3 2 1 5 FIGURE 3 GPS MAP SOURCE: PROPOSED 11.04 ACRE BORROW PIT GOOGLE EARTH GLENDON-CARTHAGE ROAD AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, DATED 2011 AND MOORE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GPS OF WASTE PIT CORNERS CAROLINAS ECS PROJECT NO. 09-23529 SCALE: 1”= 210’ 12/11/08 Reclamation Plan for Contracted Projects Borrow Pit Date: Pdupcfs41-3124 Contract Number: TIP No: D313:54 Project #/ WBS Element: County: 28CQ/9/S/68Nppsf Contractor: Responsible Person: MzooUipnbtHsbejoh-Jod/ LfwjoUipnbt Contractor Address: 341SpdlzSjwfsDivsdiSpbeQpmlupo-OD39246 Property Owner: Phone Number: :21.54:.9239 KpseboUjncfsmboet-Jod/ Property Owner Address: QPCpy:9NpvouHjmfbe-OD38417 Borrow Pit 3211Hmfoepo.DbsuibhfSpbe Property Address: Hmfoepo-OD38362.8892 22/15 Total acreage of proposed pit: Expected depth of excavation: 21( Present use of land: Ujncfs Proposed use after reclamation: Ujncfs Proposed sequence of excavation (include amount of clearing & proposed slope rates): Dmfbs'HsvcTjuf/JotubmmfsptjpoDpouspmEfwjdft/Tusjq0tupdlqjmfupqtpjm/FydbwbufCpsspx/Bmmtmpqftxjmmcf3;2psGmbuufs/ Sf.tqsfbeUpqtpjm/Qfsnbofoutffebmmejtuvscfebsfbt/Bmmtjmju0tljnnfscbtjotxjmmcfnbjoubjofeboedmfbofepvuxifo203gvmm/ Did the Environmental Evaluation indicate the presence of any wetlands or endangered species?(if yes, briefly list findings and indicate physical means by which buffer zone will be delineated): Op/ Is any portion of the pit or access & haul roads within a watershed with riparian buffer zone requirements? (if yes, indicate physical means by which buffer will be delineated and how diffuse flow into the buffer zone will be maintained): Op/ Reclamation Procedures for Borrow/Waste/Staging Areas for Contracted Projects 12/11/08 11 12/11/08 Is the site adjacent to High Quality Waters as defined by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources? (if yes, note how the devices have been designed to meet DENR requirements): Op Are there any conditions identified on the State Historic Preservation Office Review Form for borrow activities? Explain: Op/ Describe the intended plan for the reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands, and indicate the general methods to be used in reclaiming this land, including any stockpile areas, haul roads and ditches. Describe the sequence for reclaiming the pit. Attach a map which illustrates this plan, showing the location and design of all temporary and permanent erosion control devices. All features shall comply with the appropriate specifications, standards and reflect Best Management Practices (BMP). The plan shall indicate setbacks to adjacent properties, buffer zones and if de-watering is required and the pit is located within the 15 county region of the CCPCUA, the GPS coordinate location of any well located within 1500 ft. of the pit. Upqtpjmxjmmcftusjqqfeboesf.tqsfbe/Ibvmspbexjmmvujmj{fufnqpsbszdpotusvdujpofousbodf/ Cpsspxqjuxjmmvujmj{fgpvsufnqpsbszspdltfejnfouebnUzqf.C(t-Ufnq/TjmuEjudiftboeejwfstjpotupdpouspmfsptjpo/ Ejtuvscfebsfbtxjmmcfqfsnbofoutffefeboetubhfttffefebtoffefe/ Tupdlqjmfenbufsjbmxjmmcftffefe/ TjmuGfodfxjmmcfvtfeupqspufdutupdlqjmfboebtoffefeuispvhiqju/ Will excavation extend below the water table? (If yes, see a, b, & c, below): Op a) Specify how de-watering will be accomplished. Include proposed method of reducing effluent turbidity so that it meets the requirements of the Division of Water Quality. Show any pit dewatering basins, construction details, and calculations on the plan: O0B b) If the pit is within the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area, list the person responsible for completing The Division of Water Resources CCPCUA spread sheet and method of submission to the Resident Engineer: O0B Reclamation Procedures for Borrow/Waste/Staging Areas for Contracted Projects 12/11/08 12 12/11/08 c) If water is to remain in the pit after completion, state the estimated depth of the water. (At least a depth = 4 ft.). Indicate the water table depth prior to beginning excavation and the method used to obtain this information: O0B Describe the proposed schedule of permanent seeding and mulching. Detail the frequency of permanent seeding and mulching. Note that a permanent stand of vegetation is required prior to a final inspection: Podfcpsspxpqfsbujpotbsfdpnqmfufboeupqtpjmjtsf.tqsfbe-uifejtuvscfebsfbxjmmcfqfsnbofoutffefeboenvmdife/ Sfqbjstffe'nvmdixjmmcfvujmj{febtsfrvjsfeupfotvsfqfsnbofoutuboepgwfhfubujpo/ Reclamation Procedures for Borrow/Waste/Staging Areas for Contracted Projects 12/11/08 13 12/11/08 Property Owner’s Statement for Borrow Site : I hereby certify that I am in agreement with this development, use, and reclamation plan, and any exceptions noted when approved by the Engineer, and that I understand that I will be responsible for the site upon completion of its use in the construction of the project noted in the map legend. I understand that this plan, when approved, will serve as a guide in controlling erosion and sediment in accordance with the Mining Act and the Sediment and Pollution Control Act and as enforced by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). I understand that any work exceeding the minimum necessary for compliance with DENR requirements, should be negotiated between the Contractor and the Property Owner. My signature below authorizes The Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) or its agents, to enter upon my property for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the project for which this site plan is executed. If necessary, the DOT will be allowed to have the Contractor repair any areas that are not in compliance with DENR requirements. After a one year inspection is held, I will be solely responsible for assuring that the site is in compliance with DENR regulations. I have the right to change the condition of the site after the final inspection and prior to the one year follow-up inspection. However, if I make such changes, I acknowledge that DOT is released from all obligations and conditions of this agreement and I will become solely responsible for the condition of the site beginning on the date that I change the final inspection condition. Signatures: Contractor’s Representative: (authorized to sign supplemental agreements/date) Owners of Record: Witness Owner (signature/date) ( signature/date) (signature/date) (signature/date) (signature/date) (signature/date) Resident Engineer: (signature /date) Exceptions: Concurrence with exceptions: Property Owner: Contractor: (signature/date) (signature/date) Attachments: Site map with details Environmental Evaluation Cc: Reclamation Procedures for Borrow/Waste/Staging Areas for Contracted Projects 12/11/08 14 SITE PlansPrearedB: py CalculatedBy: MooreCountyBridgeReplacements Date: DrawnB: y LOCATIONMAP Date: Robbins,NorthCarolina CheckedB : y Date: MooreCounty KevinThomas RevisionNo.: HaulRoadouttoGlendon CarthageRoad Utilize ConstructionEntrance(s)asNecessary Ensurepropersightdistanceatendof HaulRoad PlansPrearedB: py CalculatedBy: MooreCountyBridgeReplacements Date: DrawnB: y Erosion&SedimentControlPlan Date: Robbins,NorthCarolina CheckedB: y Date: MooreCounty KevinThomas RevisionNo.: PlansPrearedB: py CalculatedBy: NCDOTBridge#59 Date: DrawnB: y ApplicableStandardDrawings Date: Robbins,NorthCarolina CheckedB: y Date: MooreCounty KevinThomas RevisionNo.: PlansPrearedB: py CalculatedBy: NCDOTBridge#59 Date: DrawnB: y ApplicableStandardDrawings Date: Robbins,NorthCarolina CheckedB: y Date: MooreCounty KevinThomas RevisionNo.: APPENDIX SupportingDataandCalculationsFor: LeeConstruction MooreCountyBridgeReplacements TownofRobbins MooreCounty,NC October30,2013 BASIN1 PROJECT:NCDOTBridge#59 DESCRIPTION:Bridge#59 SUBJECT/TASK:CalculateStormwaterRunoff&SizeTreatmentSystemforBorrowPit CALCULATEDBY: DATE:10/30/2013 Objective: CalculateStormwaterRunoffatproposedborrow/wastepitthenselectandsizetheappropriate erosioncontrolBMP's. 30.385 CalculateTimeofConcentration(t)t =\[L/H\]/128(Malcom) cc L=525Ft.Hydrauliclengthofwatershed H=17Ft.Elevationchangealonglength t=Minimumt=5minutes 3.6Minutes cc t(min)=UseMinimumt: 5.0Minutes cc CalculatePeakFlowRate(Q)Q=CiA ImerviousArea p *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.9 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Impervious A=0AC = Q 0CFS Imp PerviousArea *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.5 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Pervious A=2.29AC Q= 8.9768CFS Per Q= 8.9768CFS 10Total DrainageArea=2.29ACSelectTemp.RockSedimentDamTYBBasin *(NCDOTBMPSelection&DesignCriteriaChart) BASIN1Pg.2 CalculateBasinDesignMinimums StorageVolume=3600CF/AC*NCDOTGuidelines Min.Capacity=8244CF 435Q SurfaceArea=SF*NCDOTGuidelines 10 Min.SurfaceArea=3904.908SF SizeSelectedBMPBasin TopDimensions*BottomDimensions Length:90FtLength:78 Width:45FtWidth:33 Depth:3Ft(AtWeir)*Min2:1(L:W)Ratio SideSlopes:2:1(H:V) BasinSizeis: SURFACEAREA=4050SFGood BasinVolumeis: 9864Good RETENTIONVOLUME= SizeoutletWeir WidthofWeir:8Ft*NCDOTDesignManual COMPLETEDSTORMWATERBASINDESIGN BasinSize:90Ftx45Ftx3Ft BasinDrainageArea:2.29AC WidthofWeir:8FT BASIN2 PROJECT:NCDOTBridge#59 DESCRIPTION:Bridge#59 SUBJECT/TASK:CalculateStormwaterRunoff&SizeTreatmentSystemforBorrowPit CALCULATEDBY: DATE:10/30/2013 Objective: CalculateStormwaterRunoffatproposedborrow/wastepitthenselectandsizetheappropriate erosioncontrolBMP's. 30.385 CalculateTimeofConcentration(t)t =\[L/H\]/128(Malcom) cc L=500Ft.Hydrauliclengthofwatershed H=19Ft.Elevationchangealonglength t=Minimumt=5minutes 3.3Minutes cc t(min)=UseMinimumt: 5.0Minutes cc CalculatePeakFlowRate(Q)Q=CiA ImerviousArea p *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.9 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Impervious A=0AC = Q 0CFS Imp PerviousArea *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.5 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Pervious A=2.36AC Q= 9.2512CFS Per Q= 9.2512CFS 10Total DrainageArea=2.36ACSelectTemp.RockSedimentDamTYBBasin *(NCDOTBMPSelection&DesignCriteriaChart) BASIN2Pg.2 CalculateBasinDesignMinimums StorageVolume=3600CF/AC*NCDOTGuidelines Min.Capacity=8496CF 435Q SurfaceArea=SF*NCDOTGuidelines 10 Min.SurfaceArea=4024.272SF SizeSelectedBMPBasin TopDimensions*BottomDimensions Length:90FtLength:78 Width:45FtWidth:33 Depth:3Ft(AtWeir)*Min2:1(L:W)Ratio SideSlopes:2:1(H:V) BasinSizeis: SURFACEAREA=4050SFGood BasinVolumeis: 9864Good RETENTIONVOLUME= SizeoutletWeir WidthofWeir:8Ft*NCDOTDesignManual COMPLETEDSTORMWATERBASINDESIGN BasinSize:90Ftx45Ftx3Ft BasinDrainageArea:2.36AC WidthofWeir:8FT BASIN3 PROJECT:NCDOTBridge#59 DESCRIPTION:Bridge#59 SUBJECT/TASK:CalculateStormwaterRunoff&SizeTreatmentSystemforBorrowPit CALCULATEDBY: DATE:10/30/2013 Objective: CalculateStormwaterRunoffatproposedborrow/wastepitthenselectandsizetheappropriate erosioncontrolBMP's. 30.385 CalculateTimeofConcentration(t)t =\[L/H\]/128(Malcom) cc L=672Ft.Hydrauliclengthofwatershed H=20Ft.Elevationchangealonglength t=Minimumt=5minutes 4.5Minutes cc t(min)=UseMinimumt: 5.0Minutes cc CalculatePeakFlowRate(Q)Q=CiA ImerviousArea p *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.9 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Impervious A=0AC = Q 0CFS Imp PerviousArea *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.5 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Pervious A=2.31AC Q= 9.0552CFS Per Q= 9.0552CFS 10Total DrainageArea=2.31ACSelectTemp.RockSedimentDamTYBBasin *(NCDOTBMPSelection&DesignCriteriaChart) BASIN3Pg.2 CalculateBasinDesignMinimums StorageVolume=3600CF/AC*NCDOTGuidelines Min.Capacity=8316CF 435Q SurfaceArea=SF*NCDOTGuidelines 10 Min.SurfaceArea=3939.012SF SizeSelectedBMPBasin TopDimensions*BottomDimensions Length:90FtLength:78 Width:45FtWidth:33 Depth:3Ft(AtWeir)*Min2:1(L:W)Ratio SideSlopes:2:1(H:V) BasinSizeis: SURFACEAREA=4050SFGood BasinVolumeis: 9864Good RETENTIONVOLUME= SizeoutletWeir WidthofWeir:8Ft*NCDOTDesignManual COMPLETEDSTORMWATERBASINDESIGN BasinSize:90Ftx45Ftx3Ft BasinDrainageArea:2.31AC WidthofWeir:8FT BASIN4 PROJECT:NCDOTBridge#59 DESCRIPTION:Bridge#59 SUBJECT/TASK:CalculateStormwaterRunoff&SizeTreatmentSystemforBorrowPit CALCULATEDBY: DATE:10/30/2013 Objective: CalculateStormwaterRunoffatproposedborrow/wastepitthenselectandsizetheappropriate erosioncontrolBMP's. 30.385 CalculateTimeofConcentration(t)t =\[L/H\]/128(Malcom) cc L=847Ft.Hydrauliclengthofwatershed H=28Ft.Elevationchangealonglength t=Minimumt=5minutes 5.2Minutes cc t(min)=UseMinimumt: 5.0Minutes cc CalculatePeakFlowRate(Q)Q=CiA ImerviousArea p *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.9 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Impervious A=0AC = Q 0CFS Imp PerviousArea *RationalCoefficientTable1.6NCDOTDesignManual C=0.5 *RainfallIntensityAppendixANCDOTDesignManual i=7.84in/hr Fayetteville,NC10yr,5MinuteStorm DrainageArea,Pervious A=4.09AC Q= 16.0328CFS Per Q= 16.0328CFS 10Total DrainageArea=4.09ACSelectTemp.RockSedimentDamTYBBasin *(NCDOTBMPSelection&DesignCriteriaChart) BASIN4Pg.2 CalculateBasinDesignMinimums StorageVolume=3600CF/AC*NCDOTGuidelines Min.Capacity=14724CF 435Q SurfaceArea=SF*NCDOTGuidelines 10 Min.SurfaceArea=6974.268SF SizeSelectedBMPBasin TopDimensions*BottomDimensions Length:120FtLength:108 Width:60FtWidth:48 Depth:3Ft(AtWeir)*Min2:1(L:W)Ratio SideSlopes:2:1(H:V) BasinSizeis: SURFACEAREA=7200SFGood BasinVolumeis: 18504Good RETENTIONVOLUME= SizeoutletWeir WidthofWeir:12Ft*NCDOTDesignManual COMPLETEDSTORMWATERBASINDESIGN BasinSize:120Ftx60Ftx3Ft BasinDrainageArea:4.09AC WidthofWeir:12FT TUBCJMJ\[BUJPO!SFRVJSFNFOUT;! 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