HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211505 Ver 1_Appendix A - LNQ Permit_20211122APPE?� LNQ MINE PI Energy. Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY July CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7015 0640 0007 9831 3668 Mr. Jason Conner B V Hedrick Gravel and Sand Company P4 Box 425 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 RE: Permit No. 55-01 Lake Norman Quarry Lincoln County Catawba River Basin Dear Mr, Conner: Your recent request to have the above i approved. The modification is to increase the indicated on the Site Map last revised April 20 construction of 2.5 acre berm addition within tt Certified Mail Mr. Conner Page Two Please review the modified permit and c Specialist, at (919) 707-9220 should you have D M/jw Enclosures cc: Mr. Zahid Khan Ms. Shannon Deaton - WRC, wlpermit Mr. William Derringer -Mine and Quarry DEPARTMENT OF ENV DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINE 11114 for the operation In accordance with the provisions of Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15j laws, rules and regulations Permission is h B V Hedrick Grave Lake Non l incoln County - In accordance with the application for this mini Department of Environmental Quality hereinaft conformity with the approved Reclamation Plai permit, provisions must be made for the protec reclamation of the land and water affected by t expressly conditioned upon compliance with al Plan. However, completed performance of the obligation, secured by the bond or other securi the revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee operator succeeds to the interest of the permit of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the I duties imposed upon him by the conditions of I to the permitted operation, and transfer the pei both operators have complied with the requirer operator agrees to assume the duties of the pE affected land and posts a suitable bond or oth( In the event that the Department determines tr complying with the Reclamation Plan or other 1 to achieve the purposes and requirements of tl operator written notice of its intent to modify, rE modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated i hearing at a designated time and place on anv October 10, 2003__ This permit has been modil 138.0 acres as indicated on the Modification M August 25, 2003. This modification includes tl- asphalt plant, the addition of a 7.0 acre stockp areas and the construction and maintenance c measures with these additions. February 18, 2005: This permit has been mod site to 443.72 acres and the affected area at tt Modification Map last revised January 6, 2005. acre future stockpile area and the construction and erosion control measures with this additiot August 4, 2005: This permit has been modifie acres and the affected acreage at this site to 1 expansion of the permit boundary by 12.8 acre include 11.5 acres of stockpile area and an adl May 15, 2008: This permit has been modified acres and the affected acreage at this site to 1 February 2007 and received by the Mining Pro includes the addition of17.2 acres to the south, the southern permit boundary that contains 4 addition of a visual screening and sound berm nit area and installation and maintenance of all This permit is valid for the life of the site or life Law 2017-209 and has no expiration date. Ho still apply for new, transferred and modified mii Conditions This Permit shall be subject to the provisions c to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: 1. Wastewater and Quarry Dewatering A. Any wastewater processing or mi permitting requirements and rule; Management Commission. B. Any storm water runoff from the t with any applicable permit requir( Environmental Protection Agency Management Commission. It sh,( the Stormwater Program to secui approval documents. C. All buffer zones shown on the Sit maintained to protect adjoining p of the installation of required sed berms, shall remain undisturbed. 4. Erosion and Sediment Control A. Adequate mechanical barriers ini dikes, check dams, sediment ret< provided in the initial stages of ai sediment from discharging onto or natural watercourse in proximi B. All mining activities, including the sediment and erosion control me adjacent to the asphalt plant and stockpile areas, shall be conduct received by the Mining Program supplemental information dated C. All mining activities associated w installation and maintenance of d measures, shall be conducted as January 6, 2005 and supplement can .lanuary 10 2nn5 G. An erosion and sediment control approval prior to any land disturb erosion control plan or mine map mining permit and any approved limited to, expansion outside of tl expansion of overburden or wast 5. Groundwater Protection Groundwater monitoring wells shall be by the Department. 6. Graded slopes and Fills A. The angle for graded slopes and can be retained by vegetative co, structure, or device. In any even the erosion of which may cause c planted or otherwise provided will to restrain such erosion. B. Overburden cut slopes along the May 1, 2=1995 shall be graded tc and shall be stabilized within 60 c ten (10) foot wide horizontal safe A. Ground Vibration with Monitoring In all blasting operations, the ma of ground motion shall not excee any regularly occupied building c house, church, school, or public, IU.Q c ... O 2.0 � 1.5 R .O �.9 0.7 �o 0.8 0.3 O Q.4 � 0.3 V = 160(D5)- W = Maximum charge weight c or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast sit leased by the mine operat Ds = Scaled distance factor. V = Peak Particle Velocity (inc The peak particle velocity of any second, for the purposes of this C. Air Blast with Monitoring: Air blast overpressure resulting fi decibels linear (dBQ as measure occupied building not owned or k area such as a dwelling house, c institutional building, unless an a' seismograph microphone as spe Lower Frequency Limit of Measurinq System in Hz 0.1 Hz or lower -flat response W = Maximum charge weight c or more (pounds). D = Distance from the blast sit leased by the mine operat P = Unconfined air overpressL A = Air blast or air overpressu� The air blast/overpressure shall i Section. E. Record Keepi q: The operator shall maintain reco� number of holes; pattern of holes type and total pounds of explosN of stemming and burden for eacr closest offsite regularly occupied the blast. Records shall be main shall be provided to the Departm F. Excessive Ground Vibration/Air E If ground vibration or Air blast lim report the event with causes and explosives at the blast site that p 2. A report detailing the inve within 10 days of the incid the cause(s) of the incider that will be taken to preve� the approval of the Depart site. I . Studies: The operator shall provide to the seismic studies conducted at the level allowed by these blasting cc reasonable effort to incorporate t production blasting program. J . Notice: The operator shall, when reques' notice to the Division of Energy, prior to any blast during a period 9. High Wall Barrier A physical barrier consisting of large bo maintained at all times along the perimE 12. Refuse Disposal A. No on -site disposal of refuse or c mining permit area shall be alto" area unless authorization to con( both the Division of Waste Mana Land Resources, Department of shall be consistent with the apprc B. Mining refuse as defined by G.S. generated on -site and directly as disposed of in a designated refu: disposed of in a disposal facility Management. No petroleum pro or any other material that may bE within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit, t Resources considers the followir those specifically listed under G., 1. on -site generated land cle 2. conveyor belts I wire cables 1. Appropriate quality control concrete arrives onsite to is clean, inert material. 2. Used, clean concrete shal existing approved affectec and sedimentation control 3. No used, clean concrete n 4. Any foreign material that r separated from the concrc 13. Annual Reclamation Report and Annuc An Annual Reciamatioi Report and Anr submitted to the Department by July 1 c approved for release by the Departmen, 14. Bonin The security, which was posted pursuar $1,000,000.00 blanket bond, is sufficier approved application. This security mu: total affected land shall not exceed the 15. Archaeoioaical Resources APPROVED RECLAMATION_ PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamati on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit separable obligation of the permittee, which cc The approved plan provides. Minimum Standards as Provided by G.S. 74-S 1. The final slopes in all excavations in soi materials shall be at such an angle as tc consistent with the future use of the lane 2. Provisions for safety to persons and to excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in accepted conservation practices and wt of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowec or are likely to become noxious, odious 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to A. All areas of unconsolidated matE graded to a 2 horizontal to 1 vert insure slope stability. B. Any settling ponds and sediment stabilized or cleaned out and ma c. The processing, stockpile, and o- excavation shall be leveled and D. compacted surfaces shall be dis revegetation. E. No contaminants shall be perma� disposal of waste shall be in accc through E. F. The affected land shall be grades water. 3. Revegetation Plan: After site preparation, all disturbed land Permanent Seedinq Specifications Whenever possible, disturbed areas sh+ grasses such as switch grass, Indian gr In addition, the permittee shall consult � Wildlife Resources Commission to enhC 4. Reclamation Plan: Reclamation shall be conducted sine ulte any event, reclamation shall be initiated termination of mining of any mine segm revegetation, shall be completed within mining. This permit, issued June 19, 1984, rene 2003, October 10, 2003, and Februai 2005, modified May 15, 2015, renewed April 11, 2016 and December 1, 2017 pursuant to G.S. 74-52. By